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2 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Contents Subscription form............................................... 4 Acting/Drama/Education ................................... 9 Arts Management ............................................. 26 Circus ................................................................... 30 Costumes/Props/Sets Design and Making ... 32 Dance ................................................................... 39 Directing ............................................................. 48 Make-Up .............................................................. 50 Music ................................................................... 52 Musical Theatre ................................................. 67 Sound & Light .................................................... 81 Stage Management .......................................... 89 Voice .................................................................... 94 Writing For Theatre .......................................... 96 Cover image: NIDA 2014 production of Kandahar Gate. Photo: Lisa Maree Williams. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 3
industry magazine’ le b ta n se re p ly h ig dh - Simon Gallaher ‘a truly credible an
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IN THIS MONTH’S ISSUE: Not Easy Being Green For Wicked Star Jemma Rix When Audiences Become Actors Extreme Theatre Design Performing Arts Course Guide
4 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
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How Actors Make Ends Meet Nicholas Christo (centre) as Eddie in The Rocky Horror Show. Photo: Jeff Busby.
Gillian Cosgriff.
The Factory.
Online extras! Watch Gillian Cosgriff’s show on life after graduation. Scan the QR code or visit http://youtu.be/AXH2yP0249I
So you want to be an actor? How hard is it to get a job even if you complete training at an elite institution? What will you get paid even if you are successful? What do actors do between gigs? David Spicer has some of the answers and discovers that many performers are finding that writing their own material is the key to a successful career. Recently I was excited to meet someone who I went to High School with and learnt that he went to NIDA to study acting. He had a role in a small professional production at the time. I asked him what he did between jobs? The answer was that he ran his own lawn mowing business. It gave him a reliable income and allowed him to drop everything to attend an audition or rehearsal. Actors are famous for being waiters. But there are many other ‘in between ‘ jobs they take on. They
include retail, casual secretarial, photography, tele-marketing and of course teaching. In many cases actors earn more from their day jobs than as artists. The Australia Council looked into it way back in 2001 in a report called Don't give up your day job. It found that actors earned around $22,000 a year from creative income and about the same from other work. Dancers fared worse with $16,700 a year of creative income. Overall artists earned an average of $37,200, compared with other workforce professionals who earned $54,400. But what is the situation today? Forbes Magazine told us that Hugh Jackman raked in twenty million dollars last year. We can dream on about that. Let’s be more realistic. What would an actor be paid for being a lead in a production for the Sydney Theatre Company? A reliable source told Stage Whispers that a typical
6 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
wage is around $1500 a week - above the award minimum of $1123. Now many just out of High School students with stars in their eyes would consider that a fabulous income. But consider that a major production might only run for a month. Rehearsal rates can be lower. Smaller companies pay less still. Co-ops can end up paying nothing. Also consider that someone starring in a main stage production is performing at the most elite live performance level available. This values them, if they received the same pay every week, with a wage of $75,000 a year. What would the equivalent elite Rugby League or Aussie Rules players receive a year? In New South Wales a teacher starts on a wage of $59,000 a year. Performers in musical theatre get longer runs of employment and sometimes chorus members can be well paid too. A typical supporting
principal wage in commercial music theatre is around $1750 to $2000 a week. Australia’s biggest stars ask for anything between $10,000 and (maybe if you are Anthony Warlow) up to $50,000 a week, but most principals are at the $2000 - $3000 level. Musicals, though, offer patchy job security. Shows close early or worse. The industry was shocked when a national arena tour of Jesus Christ Superstar in the United States was called off during the rehearsals. Many performers had packed up their homes to join the tour. The challenge also is that even receiving a performing arts degree at the tertiary institutions, which are hardest to get into, is no guarantee of receiving any work at all. Nicholas Christo graduated from the Musical Theatre course at WAAPA in 2005. “Lots of very talented people have not worked (on stage) since they left University. Not even from WAAPA and NIDA. But they have got the lovely HECS debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. It is not a guarantee of anything,” he said. “Some people jumped straight into teaching. One in my year opened a singing school.” Nicholas has just completed the eight month touring season with The Rocky Horror Show, which was one of his longest stretches of work. He has a degree in marketing also but chooses to work in retail between jobs so he stays fresh. “I can’t have a demanding job to deal with all stresses and deadlines. I think my brain would be too frazzled. You can’t do that and have to say I have an audition, I have to go.” But you also can’t just wait for the next audition. Many performers are discovering that writing their own material is the key to a successful career. One celebrated example is Richard O’Brien, the writer of The Rocky Horror Show. He penned the musical in downtime from his career as an actor in London. Nicholas Christo has the writing bug. His most recent cabaret is a one-
man soiree called Jim Morrison: Kaleidoscope. And he’s penned a new school and community theatre musical Popstars the 90’s Musical, written with Neil Gooding of Back to the 80’s fame. Another recent graduate is also making a career out of cabaret by ironically writing about her struggle to make ends meet. Gillian Cosgriff graduated from WAAPA in 2010. “I spent a year doing all the big auditions. They liked me a lot, but I didn’t get in,” she tells her audiences. Her career though has blossomed, though, by performing her own material. She writes the script and songs, performs and plays the piano. The first cabaret called Waitressing and other things I do well won awards and toured Australia. It included the job song listing all the work she has to do to get by. “When I go into that restaurant, I am an actor playing a waitress, and I am very good.” Writing and performing in her own shows has made her successful. She’s penned a second piece, This is why we can’t have nice things, has released two albums and now is getting recognition in other productions - making TV appearances on Offspring and House Husbands. Ana Polataivao a graduate of Toi Whakaari, the New Zealand Drama School, had a similar experience. “In 2002 there were lots of zombie -like actors, musicians, engineers but there was nothing like for us in the
early days. “We were trained in institutions and we had to wait for months and months to get a call for a role anywhere. But we were not trained to wait but trained to make things.” So together with friends she formed a theatre company called the KKK (Killa Kokonut Krew). The Krew made their own unique brand of South Pacific theatre a success. The culmination was the creation of a full musical, The Factory, based on migrant experience of Ana Polataivao’s parents. The musical, dubbed New Zealand’s Les Mis, started in Auckland, and this year also toured Australia and ran for a month at the Edinburgh Festival. Not all performers though are a budding Stephen Sondheim or William Shakespeare. Nicholas Christo says aspiring actors have to be realistic. “We all know the drill. Riches don’t necessarily follow. People were shocked that (long running TV actress) Rowena Wallace was living on the pension when she retired. So what, a lot of people live on the pension. “You have to understand this, be financially responsible and make contingencies. “People should only consider a career as a performer if they are passionate about it.”
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CADA Students Joe McNally and Michael Cooper perform in Snapshots from Home by Margery Forde, directed by Stephen Barker and Glenn Braithwaite.
Artistic Education Of Excellence
ACA’s new venue in Leichhardt, NSW. Photo: Leyla Stevens.
For 34 years now I have been both fascinated and intrigued by what inhibits and what releases an indivudual's deepest creative drive and achievement. What are the key contributors and/or conspirators which allow someone to step into their inner resources and untaped potential? A few come to mind: An environment that calls you to account… This means a vibrant, challenging yet resolute dynamic surrounds you which helps move you from what you think is possible to what is indeed possible. The very nature of the creative enquiry around you is robust and powerful, so both you and others leave the comfort zone and enter the stretch zone - here self-perceived boundaries fall away as new possibilities of engagement are embraced. Real, authentic exploration is activated and each person’s natural ability and instinct simply kicks in.
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An enquiry worth pursuing… There is no cure for curiosity and once a creative mind and appetite is alerted to something more, something bigger, something new, the rest takes care of itself. But the outcome must be something enticing and enriching. The pursuit of why we do what we do as humans, what drives us and how we react under certain stimuli, has always fascinated actors and audience alike. Indeed, it is the only real reason theatre/film and TV exist - to hold a mirror up to nature - our human nature and for us to contemplate who we really are and what we’re really capable of - good and bad, enlightened and toxic. My life’s pursuit has been exploring these ideas with actors around the world. Obligation-free… Now this is a fascinating dynamic. To be truly free, creatively and imaginatively, you must be free from obligation; free from looking ‘good’, free from avoiding to look ‘bad’, free from pleasing, being worthy, being ‘right’ or trying to be ‘enough’. Yes we all have pressures and we have goals and desired outcomes from what we wish to achieve in the pursuit of art. But nothing must come in the way of our authentic interface with the material at hand. We are committed yes, but not tied to nor manipulated by external or internal obligation. Any educational environment of note understands this intrinsically. Australian actors have been making an enormous contribution on the world's stages and screens for 3 decades or more: none more so than the last 10 years. Take your artistic education seriously. Make sure you know the culture of the school you are applying for. Know what they stand for. Know what they hold true and value most. This is an extraordinary industry and you may well find your way to making an extraordinary contribution to it. Dean Carey, Creative and Founding Director, ACA
Actors Centre Australia (02) 9310 4077 info@acasydney.com.au www.acasydney.com.au Advanced Diploma of Performing Arts, (Acting) - 2.5 years ASQA Australian Skills Quality Authority registered. VET FEE HELP approved. Course Content: Acting, Character, Voice, Movement, Mask, Emotional Instrument, Language Power, Performance History, Improvisation, Life Mastery, Animal, Shakespeare, Mask, Camera, Script Analysis, Singing, Screen Acting, Screen-testing, Audition Technique, Performance Lab, Accents, Singing & Showreel. Productions: Australian Scenework, Devised Theatre Project, Voice & Physical Theatre Performance, Russian Theatre Project, Shakespeare Theatre Project, VERBATIM theatre performance, American Theatre, & Industry Showcase. First year is foundational, Second year develops performance skills & Third year focus is industry readiness. Positions for first year intake offered through auditions only. Auditions in Sydney/Melbourne in November/December. ACA accepts 24 students annually. Actors College of Theatre and Television (02) 9213 4500 info@actt.edu.au www.actt.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting - 4 semesters (two academic years) ACTT’s Advanced Diploma is designed to ensure students enter the industry with the highest level of preparation possible. The course includes extensive training in acting and the core principles of movement, voice, singing and dancing. Practice during the course is extended to theatre, stage and screen - including television and film, ensuring actors graduate with the versatility required for a successful and diverse career. Developed and refined over 20 years, this course incorporates the Eric Morris complete system of acting training. During the course, students will gain an understanding of the current industry and its history to support and give context to their practical instruction. Gaining a solid acting technique is only part of the journey to success. At ACTT, students are taught the importance of articulating and developing their own creative goals whilst continuing to work on solid stage and screen performances. From theatre classics to contemporary film scene work, students will be encouraged to explore conceptual techniques and acting traditions, and to integrate these for personal interpretation and practice. During the final year of this course a complete package of assets (including a showreel, headshots and showcase performance media) ensures students graduate with a well- developed portfolio to show prospective employers. Prerequisites • Written application • Audition • No minimum ATAR/UAI required • Minimum age of 18 at time of course commencement Certificate IV in Theatre and Screen Performance - 2 semesters (one academic year) This unique course provides the perfect foundation every performer needs to embark on a career in acting for stage, film or television. It integrates acting, voice and movement skills with performance training and delivery. This makes it the perfect preparatory course for ongoing vocational actor-training, entry into the performing arts industry or to complement skills in other professions. During the course, tutors draw upon a diverse range of exercises by many of the great acting teachers including Stanislavski, Meisner, Adler, Strasberg, Chekhov and the Eric Morris complete acting system. Students will also develop spatial and sensory awareness, and learn how to break down blocks and inhibitions. The Certificate IV in Theatre and Screen Performance not only develops the artist’s theoretical knowledge of the current industry and its history, but allows scope for practical development and execution. Students are given a very diverse range of opportunities in which to practice their skills during the course. From collaborating with other actors on campus to working with filmmakers from the co-located International Film School Sydney (IFFS), students complete this course with core acting skills and a clear vision of the contexts in which these skills may be applied. Towards the completion of the course, students are given the opportunity to apply the broad range of skills learnt to the delivery of a final performance, whilst also undertaking some of the operational ‘behind-the- scene’ roles required of the production Prerequisites • Written application • Audition • No minimum ATAR/UAI required • Minimum age of 18 at time of course commencement www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 11
The Actor’s Pulse (02) 9690 2216 admin@theactorspulse.com www.theactorspulse.com.au The Actor’s Pulse is Australia’s only Meisner Technique specialist acting school, offering full time and part time courses in Acting Technique, Screen Acting, Voice, Movement and a New York Style Teen class. Dubbed in the USA as “the technique that works”, Meisner is a genuine and organic step by step approach to acting. The Actor’s Pulse is focused on developing artists who are seeking professional careers in Film, Theatre and Television, enabling them to maintain their skills and be competitive within a continuously changing industry. Great facilities, world class teachers, flexible courses for focused and dedicated individuals. Three Year Full Time Acting Course www.theactorspulse.com.au/full-time-acting-course.html Australian Institute of Music (02) 9219 5444 www.aim.edu.au/courses/acting-theatre Bachelor of Performance - 2 years (6 trimesters) The Dramatic Arts department (formerly the Australian Academy of Dramatic Art - AADA), provides students with the unique opportunity to train professionally as actors, theatre-makers & producers. Students learn the craft of acting & gain fundamental theatre-making skills in the areas of directing, design & technical production required for a professional career in the performing arts. www.aim.edu.au/courses/acting-theatre/bachelor-of-performance Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art 1300 908 905 admin@cada.net.au www.cada.net.au The Actor’s Craft Program - Certificate III in Performance (Acting) (One Semester) If you want to test whether you’ve got what it takes to pursue acting as a professional performer, this is the way to begin. The Certificate III in Performance program is an intensive drama school experience over one semester, introducing you to essential concepts and techniques. You’ll cover acting for stage and screen, voice and movement studies, auditioning, history of theatre and film, and much more. All trainers are professional actors, directors, producers and writers. On the successful completion of this course you’ll know whether you want to take it further - and if so, you have opportunity to move on to the Advanced Diploma of Performance within our Working Actor program. Entry to the Certificate III is via drama workshop (group) audition. As an entry-level course, no preparation is needed for this audition. www.cada.net.au/the-actors-craft.html The Working Actor Program - Advanced Diploma of Performance (Two years) VET Fee-Help Available - study now, pay later The ultimate aim of the actor-in-training is to become a working actor. CADA’s Advanced Diploma of Performance program is designed to make you just that: a versatile performer who can work across different media. Along with more in-depth training in technique and more stage and screen productions than the Certificate III, the Advanced Diploma includes companion skills for the actor - things like voiceover artistry, TV hosting, stage combat and more. The actor’s life is project-based, moving from one screen or theatre project to the next. We train you to know how to best manage this kind of lifestyle, as well as how to create your own work for performance, and how to think of yourself as ‘a business’ working in an industry. Our students and graduates have been cast in short and feature films, commercials, corporate video, and stage shows in Canberra and interstate. Entry to this course is by completion of the Certificate III at CADA or an equivalent training program. www.cada.net.au/the-working-actor.html
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NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) - 3 years The Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) equips students with the specific knowledge and skill to pursue careers as actors across the breadth of today's arts and entertainment industries - in main stage and smaller independent theatre companies, film and television and commercial arenas. An emphasis on collaborative and self-directed devised work throughout the course prepares students to engage with a wide range of communities, and to initiate and create performance and related employment opportunities. Through practice-based learning, students develop technical skills in acting, voice, movement and music, as well as a thorough grounding in acting for camera, microphone technique and screen-related skills. Students participate in classroom exercises, in-depth scene work, rehearsals and full scale productions as they explore their individual talents and find their personal artistic voice. www.nida.edu.au/acting Sydney Theatre School 1300 551 432 Fax: (02) 9319 6400 info@sydneytheatreschool.com www.sydneytheatreschool.com Advanced Diploma of Arts (Acting) - 3 years Subject Areas: Acting Body and Voice Productions Contextual Studies Prerequisites: Audition and Interview. VET Fee Help available. University of New England (02) 6773 3755 akiernan@une.edu.au www.une.edu.au/about-une/academic-schools/school-of-arts/study-areas/theatre-studies Bachelor of Theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts (Major in theatre studies) Master of Applied Theatre Studies Master of Arts with Honours Doctor of Philosophy University of Newcastle Faculty of Educations and Arts, School of Creative Arts (02) 4921 8902 creativearts@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/bachelor-of-arts/what-you-will-study/majors/creative-and-performing-arts Bachelor of Arts (Creative & Performing Arts) Doctor of Philosophy Drama and Performance If you are a creative type looking to sharpen your skills and explore new and intriguing areas of self-expression, this confidence-boosting and character-building major is for you. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 13
You can choose from a diverse range of visual art, drama and performance-making courses offered at the Callaghan and Central Coast campuses. Explore what it means to think creatively and how it can help you navigate an increasingly complex world. Visual artist, musician, writer and Creative Arts Lecturer Sean Lowry says this major attracts a wide range of academic abilities and that the most exciting element of the courses is unlocking every student's potential. Graduating with this major, you will be valued in the workplace for your: artistic and creative ability communication skills critical thinking project management skills technical knowledge understanding of group dynamics. Job opportunities exist in government and private sectors, as well as in other creative industries such as advertising, journalism, public relations and marketing." www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/bachelor/majors/arts/creative-and-performing-arts.htm Screenwise Film & TV School for Actors (02) 9281 4484 Fax: (02) 9281 4482 info@screenwise.com.au www.screenwise.com.au Diploma of Screen Acting - 2 Years Full Time A government accredited full time two year comprehensive creative and technical screen acting program First year is a demanding and inspiring process of discovery - opening the channels of communication, broadening range, developing the voice and spatial awareness, trusting instincts, understanding and embracing the reasons why screen acting is a vital and important component to the acting profession. All class work is explored and performed on camera The second year refines screen acting techniques and exploring post-production and technical demands of a screen actor. Students will learn stagecraft and the business aspects of working in the film & TV industry. Students have the option to select an extended comedy technique or presenting elective. In the final months students prepare for a major Industry Showcase. Prerequisites: Entry via audition and interview Applicants must be 18 years of age by course commencement University of Wollongong School of the Arts, English and Media (02) 4221 3456 1300 367 869 lha-enquiries@uow.edu.au or uniadvice@uow.edu.au http://lha.uow.edu.au/taem Bachelor of Creative Arts (Theatre) (UAC 754609) - 3 years full-time A Bachelor of Creative Arts (Theatre) equips you with skills in a broad range of performance-related areas. It combines performance skills, stagecraft, stage management, technical production, dramaturgy, history and theory. You will gain an understanding of rehearsal and workshop methodologies, as well as learning techniques for compelling stagecraft in both performance and technical production. Dramaturgy and theatre history subjects provide the foundations for understanding the breadth of theatre practice and its history, allowing you to position your work within a wider historical and cultural context. This flexible program also allows you to easily combine your love of theatre with other minor areas of study including art history, creative writing, design theory, media arts, graphic design or technical theatre. Prerequisites: None. Recommended studies including English and Drama. Bachelor of Performance (UAC 754800) - 3 years full-time The Bachelor of Performance is a specialist course that will develop you as a self-reliant, highly skilled performing artist through a strong, practice-based program. You will undertake traditional interpretive actor training, developing skills in acting, voice, singing and movement, focusing on devised works for theatre and modes of contemporary performance. You will also acquire skills in theatre-
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making with an emphasis on collaboration and ensemble practice. Students will study the history and theory of theatre and undertake studies in professional practice. A minor study comprising 24 credit points can be undertaken in Technical Theatre. Prerequisites: None. Recommended studies including English and Drama. PHD Doctor of Creative Arts The Doctor of Creative Arts (DCA) is for students with a high level of professional experience who wish to extend their practice within a scholarly context. As a Creative Arts candidate you will have opportunities to work and study with artists and media practitioners in a vibrant research culture with significant opportunity for interdisciplinary and cross-art form collaboration. www.uow.edu.au/handbook/yr2014/ug/H14000056.html Wesley Institute (02) 9819 8888 info@wi.edu.au www.wi.edu.au/courses/creative-arts-courses/drama-courses Bachelor of Dramatic Art - 3 years full time / Up to 6 years part time Diploma of Dramatic Art - 2 years full time / Up to 4 years part time The Bachelor of Dramatic Art offers three specialist strands, Performance, Production and Theatre Practice, allowing you to take classes unique to your chosen career path. Regular productions supply excellent opportunities for practical training and our outstanding faculty, headed by Dr Herman Pretorius, offer specialist support and a wealth of knowledge and experience. You’ll grow in the confidence and expertise necessary to generate your own works and to participate successfully in a theatre company. This degree also offers the opportunity to supplement your passion with the skills, experiences and expertise necessary for a career in theatre, film and television. Students exiting the Bachelor of Dramatic Art after the first two years of the degree will be awarded the Diploma of Dramatic Art. Oz to LA Within the Bachelor of Dramatic Art, study alongside the best in the business through the Oz to LA Industry Placement. Successful students will participate in up to 3 months intensive training in screen acting in Hollywood. You will have the opportunity to pursue your passion for film, while networking with Christian artists in Hollywood and participating in industry talks covering topics including, ‘Ethics and The Industry’ and ‘The art of feeding the dream, while living the reality: A Faith/Art/Life interaction.’ Program highlights also feature a VIP tour of the Warner Brothers Studios and excursions to Bel Air Presbyterian Church, The Dream Center, Oasis Church and Paramount Studios (among others). FEEHELP is available for most costs. The Actors Workshop Australia (07) 3891 1411 admin@theactorsworkshop.com.au www.theactorsworkshop.com.au Certificate IV in Film and Television Introduction to Acting Technique, Improvisation, Voice Training, Screen Acting for Camera, Monologues, Short Films, Role Plays, Work Experience. Prerequisites: Preferred Grade 12 completion. Diploma of Film and Television Acting - 2 years Advanced Acting Technique, Character, Movement, Improvisation, Voice Studies, Screen Acting for Camera, Stage Combat, Host Presenting, Auditioning, Monologues, Critical Film Analysis, Short Films, Role Plays, Work Experience. Prerequisites: Preferred Grade 12 completion Advanced Diploma of Film, Television and Theatre Acting 2 years training. Advanced Acting Technique, Character, Movement, Improvisation, Voice Studies, Screen Acting for Camera, Stage Combat, Host Presenting, Auditioning, Monologues, Critical Film Analysis, Short Films, Role Plays, Work Experience, 2 year Theatre Program. Prerequisites: Preferred Grade 12 www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 15
From Canberra To Hollywood Screenwise CEO and Principal Denise Roberts remembers the young Stef well. “She had the unique ability to back up her acting skills with confidence and passion while under pressure,” she says. “There’s a lot of pressure when you’re young and you have to perform in front of the big guns.” After her time with Screenwise, ever-focussed Stef attended professional workshops with AIPA, the Australian Institute for Performing Arts. In 2009 this led to her winning the prestigious Blair Milan Memorial Scholarship, which assists actors to live and train for a year in America. Now firmly based in Los Angeles, Stef did the rounds of auditions and try-outs. Small roles lead to a brief appearance in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013). In the next two Hunger Games movies she’ll be playing one of the leads. On receiving the big news, Stef contacted Screenwise with a note of encouragement to help inspire fellow students at the school: “I hope this just inspires everyone at Screenwise not to give up on their dreams!!! Tell them to hang in there!!... Life changed forever. Thanks for your support and hope to Aussie actor Stef Dawson hits The Big revenge drama - both shot in and see you sometime! xxx“ Time after much dedicated training in around New York. Frank Hatherley Sydney The unknown Aussie newcomer will definitely have arrived. “I’ve been training for this since I While her red hair, blue eyes and was 13,” Canberra-born actress Stef elfin features ensured that Stef would Dawson recently told the Sydney be remembered by casting directors, Morning Herald. “It’s been a hard her ‘overnight success’ had been carefully planned and driven by slog.” It’s stardom she’s talking about, full dedicated training and hard work. -blooded Hollywood-style movie Always mad-keen on acting, the stardom. For Stef had landed a key Canberra Girls Grammar School role in the new two-movie adaptation student was driven by her mother to weekly acting classes at NIDA in of The Hunger Games: Mockinjay. Huge news, indeed: the first film in the Sydney. After attaining a Performing Arts ‘young adult’ franchise took $765 million at the international box office. degree at the University of Part 1 is released this December Wollongong, in 2005 she enrolled on and Part 2 in December 2015. And the one-year Showreel Course at Screenwise Film and TV School, a between these releases she’ll be seen boutique Sydney acting school offering playing the lead in two further specialist, career-focussed courses in independent movies - Creedmoria, a performing for screens big and little. comedy, and The Paper Store, a Stef Dawson
16 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Why A Drama School’s Staff Matters recognisable, but may still have longstanding careers and expertise to share. For instance, on staff at Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art is Clare Moss, who has worked with just about every major theatre company in Australia - from the Melbourne Theatre Company to the Queensland Theatre Company to the Black Swan Theatre Company in WA - as well as having completed stints on Neighbours and other popular series in the past. But do you consider her a ‘household name’? Perhaps not. But she’s a professional actor who also loves to teach. Clare Moss Conversely, don’t be star struck When considering which drama school don’t pick a drama school on the basis of some youthful celebrity who is is right for you, it’s important to barely out of drama school themselves. consider the staff. After all, they’ll be teaching you how to do what they do; They may have scored a role on a hit TV show, but do they have the you want to know that your teachers are not only respected as performers, wisdom of years to teach? Teachers, being actors themselves, but that they have a deep may also take leave from their commitment to passing on their skills teaching posts from time to time to and knowledge to the next work on projects. It can also be a good generation. thing; it means your teachers are still out there practising their craft. For Most schools will showcase their many tutors, teaching is a very staff on their website, so check out their credentials - where they trained, satisfying way to supplement their income as performers. But watch out what they’ve been in, how long for those teachers who are jaded or they’ve been teaching. Sometimes have been there too long. While it’s you’ll see familiar faces from TV or tough in the industry, you still need to film, but don’t underestimate staff learn your craft in an environment who may be primarily stage actors. that’s safe, supportive, and creative. They may not be instantly
Look for staff who care for students while also maintaining an objective eye. Often you can meet them and chat at school open days and performances. In addition to its permanent staff like Clare, Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art invites a range of guest speakers each year. These may be from local industry, touring shows, and others who are passing through town. Among the regulars is actor William Zappa, who is the school’s patron and helps facilitate industry connections. A good drama school will be wellconnected into the communities, both in-person and online, that are going to maximise your employment opportunities in the future. So yes - teachers are important in actor training institutions. Ultimately, you have your career to thank them for. For more information about Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art go to www.cada.net.au
Snapshots From Home
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Griffith University 1800 154 055 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Theatre - 3 years full-time Designed for those who are committed and passionate about theatre, drama and performance work, this practical and creative course involves group collaborative workshops and small research groups. Industry professionals will teach you skills in devising theatre, acting and performance skills development, directing, staging major productions, understanding contemporary and historical theatre contexts, and developing applied theatre projects in community contexts. You'll also undertake a major work placement in the theatre industry or a related area, such as media. Exchange opportunities to prestigious universities in the UK, Canada and Taiwan are also available. Prerequisite: English (4SA) www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?programCode=1069 Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education - 2 years full-time As a teacher, social worker or dramatic artist, these programs give you the knowledge and understanding of the pedagogy and practice of drama education and leadership skills. Prerequisites: Hold a bachelors degree from a recognised tertiary institution; and possess demonstrated ability to benefit from a postgraduate level program; and have satisfied the Admissions Committee in a qualifying test and/or interview; and provide, if requested, written support from the employer. www148.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses/Program/OverviewAndFees?programCode=5462 Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education with Honours - 3 years part-time As a teacher, social worker or dramatic artist, these programs give you the knowledge and understanding of the pedagogy and practice of drama education and leadership skills. Prerequisites: Hold a bachelors degree from a recognised tertiary institution; and possess demonstrated ability to benefit from a postgraduate level program; and have satisfied the Admissions Committee in a qualifying test and/or interview; and provide, if requested, written support from the employer. www148.griffith.edu.au/programs-courses/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=5403 Bachelor of Education - Secondary (Drama) - 3.5 years full-time You’ll learn how to teach Drama and one other subject at secondary level. For your second subject, you can choose Computer Education, English, Geography, Health and Physical Education, History, Mathematics, Music, Science (Biology), Visual Arts or Learning Enhancement. You’ll undertake practicums in secondary schools to develop your teaching skills. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=1397 Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty (07) 3138 8114 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) - 3 years full-time The QUT acting course is the only undergraduate degree in acting in Queensland and is designed for those who want to become professional actors. This conservatoire-style acting course will educate, train and nurture your creative potential from a novice to a professional. It offers a rich program of study that fosters the development of bold, truthful, and passionate actors. You will develop your skill, craft, artistry and your humanity. Our staff are committed to offering you a learning environment that challenges and inspires you to be an innovative and imaginative actor. QUT actors work with professional film production companies and perform on stage in professional venues in a season of public productions. Your screen work will include both studio and on-location shoots. You will graduate as an employable stage and screen actor with an understanding of the profession, ready to identify your niche within it and join our many successful graduates within the industry. www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-acting Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) - 3 years full-time The QUT drama course is for students interested in exploring practical careers in directing, designing, teaching, devising, creative producing and administration, or performing in a range of experimental theatre forms. It offers flexibility and breadth, combining creative experiences in performance making with highly relevant theoretical studies that will connect you with contemporary performance both nationally and globally. You will find yourself collaborating with talented industry professionals and students and the creative relationships you develop will establish the professional networks you will be drawing on throughout your career. A range of elective units are on offer to build skills in complementary areas— choosing from other disciplines in the Creative Industries Faculty which may include film, TV and new media, creative 18 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
writing, visual arts, or music, to name a few. Our most recent graduates are at the heart of the exciting growth in the independent theatre sector in Australia. Graduates work as event coordinators, festival organisers and administrators. Some establish companies with other graduates to create work for the independent theatre sector. Others have established successful careers as playwrights, artistic directors, directors and designers or performers working across a variety of genres including physical theatre or music. www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-drama University of Queensland (07) 3365 1111 www.uq.edu.au Drama Single Major Seeing and critiquing professional performance, reading plays from around the world and throughout the past 2000 years, honing your performance skills: These are all part of the Drama major. You will learn how to interpret theatre through time and space, but you will also be challenged to think about what constitutes performance, not only on the stage, but on the page and in everyday life. You will develop an understanding of the theatrical and literary aspects of drama, from ancient Greek classics to Medieval theatre to the most recent Australian and European plays. You do not have to audition but there are practical performance options at advanced level. www.uq.edu.au/study/plan.html?acad_plan=DRAMAX2320 University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Arts (07) 4631 5315 1800 269 500 study@usq.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts The Program offers: an exciting range of learning options and career pathways provides extensive opportunities for creative practice and performance a comprehensive selection of courses in dramatic theory in all courses the integration of theory and practice is paramount a solid foundation in arts business practice that is linked to industry and professional expectation mentored through a process of developing a project aligned to their career aspirations in the final year. In the first two years of a degree, students are supervised through a range of practical projects incorporating: children's and young peoples' theatre community theatre video production an introduction to the basic working language of the modern actor. www.usq.edu.au/handbook/2014/creative-arts-media/BCRA.html Also Honours Flinders Drama Centre Flinders University (08) 8201 2578 drama@flinders.edu.au http://flinders.edu.au/drama Acting (BCA) - 4 years The Flinders Drama Centre acting course is unique in Australia because it integrates the skillbased teaching of a drama school with the conceptual and analytical skills of a university. At Flinders there is no artificial separation between the body and mind, emotion and intellect. Our degree programs prepare our graduates to be creative, articulate and adaptable artists in whatever area they work. Unlike many other acting courses in Australia, the Drama Centre places equal emphasis on screen and theatre acting. And for more than twenty-five years, former Flinders Drama students have made impressive contributions to Australian film, theatre and television. Among our graduates are winners of Australian Film Institute Best Actor and Actress awards, the New York Best Newcomer Award, Green Room Awards, South Australian Critics’ Circle Awards, and the Jill Blewitt Playwright prize. We even have an Academy Award nominee. Flinders graduates can be found throughout the performing and media arts in Australia, working successfully as writers, performers, directors, administrators and www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 19
commentators. http://flinders.edu.au/ehl/drama/undergraduate-courses/acting/acting_home.cfm Drama Honours (BA) The Honours year in the BA is an opportunity to pursue an advanced program of study in Drama and to develop research skills by writing a thesis. The Honours program is available to all students with a major in Drama at Distinction level or better in their third year. An Honours degree is the usual requirement for admission to postgraduate study. It also offers valuable specialisation for students intending to teach Drama http://flinders.edu.au/ehl/drama/undergraduate-courses/drama-honours-ba.cfm Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) - 3 years The aim of the course is to prepare students for a professional life by: equipping students with basic professional skills in the areas of major employment in the entertainment industry: realistic acting techniques, acting for screen, directing for theatre and screen, and music theatre; introducing students to areas of development and increasing importance in the Australian industry: post-modern performance techniques, intercultural performance, and the interface between live performance and multimedia; encouraging all students to work as conceptual artists through courses specialising in techniques of group devising, auto-performance and scriptwriting; developing in students, through a comprehensive history and theory stream, an awareness of the relevance of these discourses to professional practice. www.flinders.edu.au/courses/rules/undergrad/bca/bca-drama.cfm##courseaims University of South Australia 1300 UNINOW study@unisa.edu.au Bachelor of Media Arts (Drama Major) https://my.unisa.edu.au/public/pcms/program.aspx?pageid=446&sid=1621&y=2013 University of Tasmania 03 6226 2999 info@utas.edu.au www.utas.edu.au Bachelor of Contemporary Arts - 3 years The Theatre Program offers a dynamic, ‘hands-on’, production-based set of courses in which you are given the opportunity to not only study the many aspects of contemporary theatre and performance, but also put what you learn to the test in major annual productions. In your 1st year of the Bachelor of Contemporary Arts (Theatre), you can expect to gain a broad understanding of theatre practice—both onstage and backstage. In 2nd & 3rd years, you will be given the opportunity to take specialist units in acting, voice, movement, directing, devised performance, stage management and technical theatre. Deakin University 1300 DEGREE (1300 334 733) enquire@deakin.edu.au www.deakin.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) - 3 years Deakin’s Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) offers you systematic exposure to collaborative possibilities between various art forms, the experience of bringing art forms together in major projects and training in creative arts enterprise and management. You will also receive grounding in the academic knowledge necessary to understand the arts and to create new forms of art. The program draws upon the expertise of its staff - who are active practitioners in their fields, and industry - through visiting, special guest and casual academic staff. The drama program will develop your skills in contemporary drama practices and perspectives. It is a dynamic combination of acting theory and practice, performance styles and processes, theatre history, text studies, community theatre and technical studies. Final year students are able to participate in performing arts (drama) internships. Deakin drama graduates have a well-deserved reputation for high levels of skill, flexibility and initiative. The course equips you with the skills to establish independent drama production companies and projects. www.deakin.edu.au/future-students/courses/course.php?course=A357&stutype=local 20 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
La Trobe University 1300 135 045 www.latrobe.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts - 3 years This course provides a diverse range of subjects to help students shape and develop creative abilities - allowing them to explore creative practices while also preparing for professional roles in creative writing, performance and media arts. The curriculum combines practical work, critical thinking, research, and theoretical studies. It allows students to focus on specific areas of writing, performance, and media arts, and to combine subjects from these areas. Graduates have gone on to roles in a wide range of exciting careers in the arts, from screen-writing to acting, filmmaking and theatre production. www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/theatre-and-drama Monash University Monash University Academy of Performing Arts (03) 9902 6000 www.monash.edu.au Bachelor of Performing Arts - 3 years What do Academy Award-winning film producer Eva Orner, comedian Charlie Pickering, and playwright David Williamson have in common? They're all performing arts heavyweights who got their start with Monash. Walk in their footsteps with the most comprehensive theatre and performance program offered by any university in Australia. At Monash, we believe in learning by doing. As part of your degree you'll take part in cooperative productions which stretch your creative limits by combining two or more performing art forms - like musical theatre, dance-drama productions or sound sculpture exhibitions. Benefit from fantastic facilities - our Performing Arts Centre contains a recital hall, drama theatre, music technology studios, an Early Music Room, an Asian Orchestras Room and a suite of practice studios. And be inspired by staff members like Dr Jane Montgomery Griffiths, who has been invited to participate in PlayWriting Australia's 2012 National Script Workshop - a prestigious invitation giving her the chance to disseminate her research at a national level with industry professionals. To polish your skills you can take part in the Monash Uni Student Theatre, and various productions with the Monash University Academy of Performing Arts. http://artsonline.monash.edu.au/theatre-performance Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Performing Arts - 4 years Can't get enough of the arts? Then this is the double degree for you. Mix music and theatre, and benefit from some of the best facilities in the world. Our School of Music - Conservatorium is consistently ranked among the best music schools in Australia. We attract individuals like Paul Grabowsky, the esteemed Australian pianist, jazz musician, conductor and composer, who has taken up a Vice-Chancellor's Professorial Fellowship in the School of Music from 2012. You will receive one-on-one instrumental teaching to develop your solo and ensemble performance skills. You'll have a number of opportunities to study overseas. For example, jazz and popular studies students travel to Italy and New York in alternate years to study and perform with world-renowned musicians such as James Morrison, Claire Bowditch, Don Burrows, Vince Jones, George Garzoni and Aaron Goldberg. Our performing arts degree is the largest comprehensive theatre and performance program offered by an Australian university. Be inspired by staff members like Dr Jane Montgomery Griffiths, who has been invited to participate in PlayWriting Australia's 2012 National Script Workshop - a prestigious invitation giving her the chance to disseminate her research at a national level with industry professionals. With both of these degrees, you will benefit from fantastic facilities - our Performing Arts Centre contains a recital hall, drama theatre, music technology studios, an Early Music Room, an Asian Orchestras Room and a suite of practice studios (with quality pianos). www.monash.edu.au/study/coursefinder/course/3054 Diploma of Arts Certificate in Theatre
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16th Street Actors Studio (03) 9533 0216 admin@16thstreet.com.au www.16thstreet.com.au Youth Program - 8 week terms 16th Street is excited to announce its first Youth Program, running on Sunday’s from11am to 2pm, 8 weeks per term for 14 to 16 year olds. The Youth Program will empower you to find your voice and share your stories through exploring some of the challenges teenagers are currently faced with. We encourage you to trust your unique opinions and ideas and to celebrate your differences. Prerequisites: Entry by audition. Part Time Program - 18 months In this program at 16th Street you will develop your skill, craft, artistry and humanity. Your growth as a person is inseparable from your growth as an actor. 16th Street fosters a spirit of generosity, a dedicated work ethic and a respect for the craft of acting. We believe that actors must have the skill and ability to work in all mediums of our industry. Prerequisites: Entry by audition Federation University 1800 FED UNI (1800 333 864) info@federation.edu.au http://federation.edu.au Bachelor of Arts (Acting) The FedUni Camp Street Campus offers a three-year full-time Bachelor of Arts in Acting. A three-year full-time Bachelor of Arts in Music Theatre is also offered. The Acting degree offers focused theatre study, allowing the student to develop skills and gain the techniques needed to become a professional actor. Classes are taught by respected artists and teachers, ensuring that the perspective gained by emerging performers is relevant, rigorous and contemporary. The student is encouraged to explore existing repertoire and new work. The course is underpinned by a philosophy of blending practice with theory, incorporating workshops, rehearsal and research. Subjects include: Voice, Dance, Acting (for theatre and film), Performance Studio and Critical Studies. Studio and public performances occur at each level of the program. Successful completion of this program will enable graduates to emerge as a performer with the knowledge and skills to: Demonstrate specific acting skills on stage or screen Demonstrate flexibility and range in vocal skills Demonstrate flexibility and range in movement skills Understand the performing arts heritage Synthesise performance skills, creative processes, production and management skills Display a sensitivity to the needs and reactions of other theatre workers and collaborators Research and contribute to the creation of characters and the collaborative process of performance-making http://federation.edu.au/faculties-and-schools/faculty-of-education-and-arts/school-of-arts-humanities-and-socialsciences/performing-arts/bachelor-of-arts-acting The National Theatre Drama School (03) 9534 0223 Fax: (03) 9593 6366 drama@nationaltheatre.org.au http://drama.nationaltheatre.org.au Advanced Diploma of Acting - 3 years Full-Time The first year of the course focuses primarily on the physical and vocal development of the actor. Voice classes, Movement techniques, The Actor’s Body all form the basis of the initial studies. The concentrated study of text work begins in the Second Semester of this year. In this second year the skills and techniques of devising original work are added to the on-going text-based practice along with the basic skills and techniques of screen acting. Rehearsal techniques for live performance are the focus of the first play project which takes place in the final term. In the third year the focus is on preparation for entering the Industry. Advanced screen acting and audition techniques, refinement of live performance skills and the development of performance-creation and presentation techniques are 22 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
directed towards career development following graduation. Preparatory Course - 6 months Part-Time A new part-time short-course provides opportunities to experience the range of disciplines and skills needed for a professional career on stage or screen, before committing to higher-level study. Working with respected Industry professionals, students undertake classes in Movement, Voice, Improvisation, Text Study, and Stage and Screen Acting. Class sizes are capped so that students receive the maximum attention and encouragement and are given the best chance to fully explore their training potential. Subject areas include: Improvisation, Stage acting, Text analysis, Movement for actors, Voice and singing, Industry knowledge, Screen acting basics There are two annual intakes (February and June) and places are allocated by audition in December and May each year. Victorian College of the Arts The University of Melbourne 13 MELB http://vca.unimelb.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre Practice) - 3 years Theatre Practice is an intensive actor training program where you will develop into an autonomous artist, able to interpret established texts as well as generate and perform new material. The program provides a studio-based learning environment where you are encouraged to develop holistically as an actor. Our philosophy and practice is centred on the development of independent artists who possess a passion for theatre and a desire to contribute meaningfully to the evolution of the art form. We employ an expansive, progressive use of the term ‘actor’ that builds upon the idea of a performer who interprets existing text. Our definition also recognises the actor as an artist with agency to generate new performances. The structure of the course allows intensive skills training and practice to take place alongside rehearsal processes and a wide variety of performance situations. Collaborative practice is regarded as an important element of contemporary theatre and is therefore integral to our training. In the first year you integrate imagination, voice and body skills and apply these in a range of performance contexts. The second year continues to develop your kinaesthetic and perceptual awareness in performance and you learn to work within a production process from conception through to rehearsal and performance. In the final year of the program you have developed your methodology as a working actor and employ it in multiple productions - including the Festival of New Work. Our graduates work at all levels of the theatre, film and television industries, and are renowned for their capacity to work creatively and collaboratively, in both traditional and ground-breaking performance contexts. Students establish careers in professional theatre, community arts and education, film, television, radio, new media and education. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-fine-arts-theatre-practice/overview Master of Theatre Practise Winter and summer schools BA Communications (Media/Theatre) Act 1 School for Young Actors 0413 877 342 info@act1school.com www.act1school.com Acting Classes for Kids and Teens - 8 week terms Act 1 is the new generation of drama education for kids and teens. With locations in Richmond and Point Cook, we offer accessible, structured, acting classes for kids and teens. Our curriculum is based on years of training, hard work and experience of professional actors. At Act 1, we teach the relevant skills needed during rehearsal, on set and in the theatre. We provide a supportive and happy learning environment, where the self-expression of all students is valued and respected, allowing them to build self-esteem and self-confidence. By working with other students as a creative team, problem solving, communication and collaboration skills improve. And best of all, students learn through the exhilarating experience of creative expression.
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WAAPA Edith Cowan University 134 ECU (134 328) Outside Australia: +61 8 6304 0000 enquiries@ecu.edu.au Acting Studying Acting at WAAPA is an inspiring and all consuming experience. For over 25 years the Acting course has been developed and refined to provide graduates with the skills and experience required to engage in professional theatre practice. The Acting program trains students as a theatre ensemble. The ensemble develops performance skills in acting, voice and movement by exploring a wide range of works and performance styles, as well as through improvisation and devising original works. While theatre is the core focus of the course, students are also trained in acting for television, film and radio. This practical training is grounded by the study of text analysis, theatre history, contemporary theatre practice and professional preparation. Students integrate their class studies and performance training throughout the course in classroom presentations, workshops, short films and public performances. Students work closely with WAAPA’s world-class teaching staff and specialist tutors who share the knowledge and skills they have gained through professional acting and directing careers. Working with guest artists and leading industry practitioners facilitates the transition from student to professional life. Full-scale acting productions provide the opportunity for students to collaborate with their WAAPA peers from other disciplines, such as Production and Design, and subsequently learn more about the complete theatrical production process. WAAPA boasts five performance venues including a proscenium arch theatre, a court style theatre, a black box theatre and an outdoor amphitheatre all equipped with state-of-the-art production facilities. For graduating students the course culminates in Showcase performances in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney. This provides the opportunity for the students to be introduced to agents, directors, producers and industry professionals. WAAPA students have an enviable record for securing agency representation following Showcase. The Acting course has an international reputation for excellence built on the success of graduates such as Hugh Jackman, Frances O’Connor, Marcus Graham, Rachael Maza, Dominic Purcell, William McInnes and Ditch Davey. These and many other WAAPA alumni have established careers in theatre, film, television and radio both in Australia and internationally. www.waapa.ecu.edu.au/courses-and-admissions/our-courses/disciplines/acting Certificate IV In Aboriginal Theatre This accredited course is a one year vocational program integrating the fundamentals of song, dance and acting from an Aboriginal perspective. A course assisting students wishing to enter the entertainment industry from an Aboriginal perspective, who may be hampered by a lack of tuition at an appropriate level in one or more of the areas of song, dance and acting. The course assists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to gain admission into mainstream theatre training programs in Australia and to enhance the student’s ability to audition for and perform roles in theatre, musical theatre, television and film. On completion of the course, students will have integrated dance, singing and acting into a performance skill. They will have acquired a basic knowledge of Indigenous culture in the context of performance, visual art and writing and they will be more aware of the communication skills necessary to gain employment and function as a professional artist. Admission Requirements: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Application System. Admission is based on an audition and interview (no acting or performing experience is required). Bachelor of Arts (Acting) Studying acting at WAAPA is an inspiring and all-consuming experience. The Acting course provides graduates with the skills and experience required to engage in professional theatre practice and contemporary screen work. The program trains students as a theatre ensemble. The ensemble develops performance skills in acting, voice and movement by exploring a wide range of works and performance styles, as well as through improvisation and devising original works. While theatre is the core focus of the course, students are also trained in acting for television, film and radio. Working with guest artists and leading industry practitioners facilitates the transition from student to professional life. Full-scale acting productions provide the opportunity for students to collaborate with their WAAPA peers from other disciplines, such as Production and Design, and learn more about the complete theatrical production process. Our Acting course has an international reputation for excellence, built on the success of graduates such as Hugh Jackman, Jai Courtney, Frances O’Connor, Marcus Graham, Rachael Maza, Dominic Purcell, and William McInnes. These and many other WAAPA alumni have established careers in theatre, film, television and radio both in Australia and internationally. Admission Requirements: 24 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on audition and interview and will be held in November-December annually. Students will be assessed on their ability to meet the technical requirements of the course and their suitability for the industry. The audition will include a thorough assessment of acting skills. Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Bachelor of Performing Arts (Acting) - 3 years full-time The first year is about discovery and exploration. We help you develop your craft through regular tuition in voice, movement, acting and performance for camera through the concept of Turanga (difference). The second year concentrates on strengthening technique and performance through Raranga (collaboration). Special block based courses may include bouffon, screen, object animation, mask and devising. During the third year, (Waewae - moving forward), all students present a major research project and perform in the professionally directed and crewed graduation film and a graduation production. In addition, each participates in professional industry secondments, supervised independent study and collaborative projects across the year. Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a good level of physical fitness is essential. Entry is by audition and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/acting
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Arts Management
Australian Institute of Music
Australian Institute of Music (02) 9219 5444 enquiries@aim.edu.au www.aim.edu.au Bachelor of Entertainment Management - 2 years This course combines excellent business management education with a creative focus. Course content meets the demands of today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving entertainment industry, examining both the artistic and the commercial sides of the business, as well as exploring the dynamic between the two. The degree has a strong focus on the commercial music industry, but also considers the not-for-profit sector. www.aim.edu.au/courses/entertainment-management/bachelor-of-entertainment#sthash.7sckbH41.dpuf Bachelor of Music This degree combines music business AND musical instrument studies. The Entertainment Management teaching staff of AIM are active and successful music industry and entertainment management specialists, with extensive national and international experience. They are highly respected individuals who are passionate about developing talented industry professionals. www.aim.edu.au/courses/entertainment-management#sthash.UJjLc0F3.dpuf University of Technology Sydney School of Business Certificate in Executive Management (Short Course) www.business.uts.edu.au/acem/pdfs/ecem_sydney_brochure_for_web_march12.pdf 26 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast (07) 5581 8300 http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au Diploma of Music Business Give students a thorough grounding in the business side of the music industry. Whether you would like to manage a band or music company this course will assist you in living your dream! This accredited program is designed to give music professionals the working knowledge to take their place in the music business industry.is delivered by experienced and qualified teachers who are actively involved in the music industry. http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au/course/creative-arts/11528/diploma-music-business Queensland University of Technology (07) 3138 2000 askqut@qut.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Industries - 3 years full-time This unique course provides diverse knowledge, creativity and practical skills across a range of industries and practice to prepare you for a career as a creative professional. Core units provide well-developed communication, project management and digital media skills, an up-to-date insight into the creative economy, and an appreciation of creative collaboration. Your Work Integrated Learning (WIL) units in your final year will prepare you for your creative career as an entrepreneur, consultant, project manager or creative professional, or give you the hunger for higher degree research. In addition to your creative industries major (13 to choose from) you select a second major to develop a significant depth of knowledge and skill in two discipline areas, including options in business or design. Alternatively, you might prefer to develop a breadth of knowledge across three discipline areas by adding two minors to your chosen creative industries major. Your combination of study options makes your course unique. www.qut.edu.au/study/courses/bachelor-of-creative-industries Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Creative Industries - 4 years full-time This double degree provides additional Business studies to your Bachelor of Creative Industries, giving you even more flexibility in your career options. Graduates have gone on to work in a diverse range of interesting careers, taking on positions such as:  entertainment industries producer  events manager  entertainment marketing professional www.qut.edu.au/study/courses/bachelor-of-businessbachelor-of-creative-industries Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Creative Industries - 4 years University of South Australia Business School (08) 8302 0935 kellie.willason@unisa.edu.au Graduate Diploma and Masters in Cultural Management. In the Graduate Diploma, students will cover arts law, marketing, finance, strategic management, people management, grant writing, managing boards, leadership in the arts, introduction to cultural policy, business planning and other contemporary management issues. The Master program builds on the Graduate Diploma and can be completed by undertaking additional course work. UniSA graduates work in many and varied positions both in Australia and internationally. Management positions in museums, galleries, symphony orchestras, ballet companies, opera companies, theatre companies and arts centres and festivals are just some of the exciting opportunities open to graduates. http://programs.unisa.edu.au/public/pcms/program.aspx?pageid=98&sid=608 (08) 8218 8444 daniel@musicsa.com.au Certificate III In Music Business http://musicsa.com.au/articles/coursesart/2012/bandmanagement.aspx
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Victoria University (03) 9919 6100 Bachelor of Business (Music) This course will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the business of music. You will learn to plan and promote music events, arrange and negotiate deals, and gain a full understanding of the nature of music copyrights. With strong connections with current industry participants, the Bachelor of Business Music Industry specialisation is widely recognised for producing graduates with business acumen and entrepreneurial flair. The Bachelor of Business gives you options to tailor your learning to your specific needs. All students study a common first year which is complemented in second and third years by specialisations in either two business disciplines, or a single specialisation and an area of study. www.vu.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-business-music-industry-bbus-bspmui Australian Institute of Music enquiries@aim.edu.au www.aim.edu.au Bachelor of Entertainment Management - 2 years This course combines excellent business management education with a creative focus. Course content meets the demands of today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving entertainment industry, examining both the artistic and the commercial sides of the business, as well as exploring the dynamic between the two. The degree has a strong focus on the commercial music industry, but also considers the not-for-profit sector. www.aim.edu.au/courses/entertainment-management/bachelor-of-entertainment#sthash.7sckbH41.dpuf WAAPA Edith Cowan University 134 ECU (134 328) Outside Australia: (61 8) 6304 0000 enquiries@ecu.edu.au Bachelor of Arts Management WAAPA offers the only full-time undergraduate Arts Management course in Australasia. The course has an international reputation for excellence built on the success of its graduates who have found work as arts managers in events, production, venues, finance, sponsorship, marketing, publicity, promotion and human resources, both in Australia and internationally. Provides a foundation in business theory and practice for the arts industry. The program is specifically industry focused and designed to give students the knowledge and skills to work in a diverse range of art forms and organisations including theatre companies, venues, dance companies, exhibitions, galleries, concerts and festivals. An emphasis on academic study and experiential practice gives students the opportunity to apply theory to practical situations and workplace scenarios by developing their understanding of art forms and processes within various arts organisations. By studying at WAAPA, students have opportunities for practical experience and during the later stages of the degree, practical experience is gained in the wider arts industry. It is expected that graduates from the course will possess a high level of management expertise, together with leadership abilities, human resources skills and a broad knowledge of the arts industry which will enable them to function as Arts Managers in an intelligent, effective and sensitive manner. Admission Requirements Applications are submitted to both TISC and WAAPA (via the Online Application System). Admission is based on an interview. Individual interviews are conducted to provide information about the applicant’s experiences, motivation and goals. It is important that prospective students already have an interest and background in the arts as well as a commitment to extending their knowledge in management and the arts In general. Careers: General Manager, Arts Marketing Manager, Audience Development Manager, Sponsorship Manager, Business Development Manager, Communications Manager, Program Manager, Venue Manager, Producer, Events Coordinator
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Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Bachelor of Performing Arts (Management) - 3 years full-time The first year of the course focuses on key areas in theatre production. Students gain basic skills in a broad range of production areas including lighting design and operation, costume, sound mechanics and design, set building and design, production and stage management, stage mechanics and AV. In the second year there is a focus on developing a deeper understanding of process through a series of elective units. Students apply their skills to production activity; reinforced with block courses and industry secondments. The third year is dedicated to developing business and leadership skills in a range of management, leadership and administration areas. This includes events, stage, production and financial management and performance research and development. Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a good level of physical fitness is essential. Entry is by application form and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/performing-arts-management
Arts Management Course Leads To Exciting Careers
WAAPA offers the only full-time undergraduate Arts Management course in Australasia. The course has an international reputation for excellence built on the success of its graduates who have found work as arts managers in Australia and internationally. 2008 Arts Management graduate Simon O’Leary, or Skinny as he is known in Perth’s rock ‘n’ roll scene, has been working consistently since finishing his studies.
O’Leary believes that the scope of WAAPA’s Arts Management course gave him the perfect skills set for a career in the arts/ culture industry. “The best thing about the Arts Management course is that you learn a little bit about everything,” he says. “My education has given me practical skills I use everyday in my work, both now at the City of Swan and in my previous role at Country Arts WA.” “The ability to negotiate contracts and sponsorships, an understanding of intellectual property and copyright, budgeting and human resource management, which has come in particularly handy in my coordination of the team of dedicated volunteers at Hyper.” In his limited spare time O’Leary sings and plays guitar in Perth based post-punk band, Sail On! Sail On! The band has developed a fan base both at home and nationally off the back of several self-funded releases and successive tours. Again O’Leary’s Arts Management training has come to the fore in negotiating contracts, coordinating national tours and dealing with the day-to-day management of the band. It has also given him many useful contacts in the Australian music industry that has fed into his work at HyperFest.
After completing a secondment at Bell Shakespeare Company in his final year at WAAPA, O’Leary was snapped up by Country Arts WA where he worked as a Touring Officer until 2010 a job that took him all over the state. Now O’Leary is the Youth Cultural Projects Officer for the City of Swan in Perth’s north-eastern metropolitan region and the Swan Valley. Within this For more information on WAAPA’s Arts role O’Leary oversees Hyper, a youth Management course go to arts series best known through its www.waapa.ecu.edu.au nationally awarded annual music festival, HyperFest. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 29
Ariel’s Dream (2009). NICA
NICA (03) 9214 6975 www.nica.com.au Bachelor of Circus Arts (BA-CIRCA1) - 3 years full time This course is accredited by Swinburne University of Technology. CRICOS provider code: 00111D The areas of study at NICA include: Circus basics such as tumbling, handstands, flexibility, juggling, balance and partner work. Circus group acts such as Adagio, Group Aerial, Group Juggling, Hoop-Diving. Preliminary circus specialties such as Static and Swinging Trapeze, Tissu, Rope, Handstands, Tightwire, Contortion, Chinese Pole, German Wheel, Rolla Bolla, Juggling, Meteors and Hula-Hoops. Fitness, strength and conditioning for circus performers. Performance skills: acting, improvisation, clown and voice. Movement skills: ballet, contemporary dance, hip-hop, jazz, tap and contact dance. Heritage and traditions of circus and application to circus practice. Rigging, equipment and safety in the circus environment. Work health and safety hazards and risks. Business skills and planning. Technical aspects of production. Basic anatomy, physiology, nutrition and sports psychology. Prerequisites: Audition, interview, physiotherapy assessment and Year 12 or equivalent www.nica.com.au/bachelor-of-circus-arts-pm-13.html Certificate IV in Circus Arts (22074VIC) - 1 year Accredited by Swinburne University of Technology The Certificate IV in Circus Arts is a one year full-time preparatory vocational qualification for those seeking employment as a performer in the circus arts industry. It is also suitable for those teaching in social or community circus, who wish to acquire more specific circus skills training. The course aims to prepare participants for a variety of roles within the 30 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
contemporary circus arts and community circus sector. Subjects: circus basics such as tumbling, handstands, flexibility, juggling, balance and partner work. circus group acts such as adagio, group aerial, group juggling, hoop-diving. preliminary circus specialties may include but are not limited to; static and swinging trapeze, tissu, rope, handstands, tightwire, contortion, Chinese pole, German wheel, rolla bolla, juggling, meteors, hoola-hoops. fitness, strength and conditioning for circus performers. performance and movement skills. heritage and traditions of circus and application to circus practice. safety in the circus environment. basic anatomy, physiology, nutrition and sports psychology. Students are assessed throughout the year and during their performances in NICA productions. NB: This course is only open to domestic students. www.nica.com.au/certificate-iv-in-circus-arts-pm-15.html Certificate III in Circus Arts (22073VIC) - 1 year The Certificate III in Circus Arts offers young people the opportunity to gain a nationally-recognised qualification in Circus Arts after one year. The course provides basic training in contemporary circus arts for students who wish to pursue a career as a circus performer. Subjects circus skills such as tumbling, handstands, flexibility, juggling, aerial and adagio. fitness, strength and conditioning for circus performers. performance and movement skills for circus performers. safety in the circus environment. basic anatomy, physiology, nutrition and sports psychology. Students are assessed throughout the year and during their performances in NICA productions. NB: This course is only open to domestic students. www.nica.com.au/certificate-iii-in-circus-arts-pm-14.html WA Circus School (08) 9335 5370 info@circuswa.com www.circuswa.com Acrobatics, Aerials, and Manipulation Duration: Classes and courses vary in length from 1-2 hours. Workshops vary in length from 14 hours. Subject Areas: The WA Circus School Inc. (WACS) is a not for profit organisation, based in Old Customs House, 8 Phillimore Street, Fremantle. We aim to promote circus skills in the community both as a means to improve health and also as form of artistic expression. We run classes, courses, and workshops for all ages and all abilities from 3+ years to professional performers. The basis of all our classes is about the spirit of community, skill exploration, development, and having fun! At WACS, we believe in allowing students to flourish at their own pace in a safe, non competitive, and nurturing environment. Students have the opportunity to learn a variety of circus skills and may have the showcase opportunities throughout the year. Prerequisites: Most of our classes, courses, and workshops have little to no prerequisites other than the desire to have fun and try something new, however some classes and courses do have strict prerequisites which are noted in the class descriptions on our website.
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Costumes/Props/Sets Design and Making NIDA costume student. Photo: Lisa Maree Williams
NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Costume) - 3 years NIDA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Costume) is an immersive practice-based course offering education and training in costume construction, management and related period and social research. Students are introduced to the techniques required to produce creative works integral to becoming a costume professional, including costume construction, tailoring, pattern making, period cutting, draping, costume management, millinery and leatherwork. As they progress to making fully tailored and more advanced garments for full-scale productions, students expand the depth of their collaboration with the designer and performer, applying their skills in increasingly complex situations including practical workshops, exhibitions, installations and research projects. New and non-traditional materials and techniques are explored, and students gain experience of how to manage budgets and how to supervise a costume department. The course prepares students for careers as a costume maker, costume supervisor, assistant costume supervisor, costume cutter, theatrical tailor, buyer, finisher or milliner in the arts and entertainment industries. www.nida.edu.au/costume Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design for Performance) - 3 years Students of the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design for Performance) learn in a collaborative environment, developing knowledge and skills to equip them to respond to increasingly complex design briefs across the duration of the course. Students acquire knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply these, through practical workshops, conceptual and realised projects, major production designs, exhibitions and installations. Recognising that a professional designer requires knowledge and ability across a wide variety of skills, students undertake specialist education and training in set design, costume design, the design of properties and lighting design, as well as accumulating technical skills in model-making, rendering, virtual visualisation techniques, manual drafting, computer aided drafting (CAD) and life drawing. They also investigate the social, historical and cultural contexts informing contemporary art, architecture and design, the history of costume and clothing, and colour theory.
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The course equips students with the specific knowledge and skills to pursue careers as designers and assistant designers of scenery, costumes, properties and lighting in the arts and entertainment industries, including theatre, opera, dance, film and television, and events. www.nida.edu.au/design Bachelor of Fine Arts (Properties and Objects) - 3 years NIDA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Properties and Objects) introduces students to prop-making and object-making techniques through education and training in life drawing, metalwork, woodwork, sculpture, mould making, pattern making, scenic art, technical drawing, puppetry, prosthetics, electronics, joinery, set dressing, film studies and model making. Students are also introduced to communication, presentation, research and self-evaluation techniques as well as financial management skills, sustainable practice and the fundamentals of work health and safety (WHS). As they progress through the course, students explore areas such as costume jewellery, architectural models, computer-aided design, graphics software and 3D modelling for digital manufacturing. This course equips students with the specific knowledge and skills to pursue careers as makers of properties, models and bespoke objects, and managers of these fields in the arts and entertainment industries, such as theatre, opera, dance, film, television, exhibitions and special events. www.nida.edu.au/properties Bachelor of Fine Arts (Staging) - 3 years NIDA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Staging) is the only degree of its kind offered in Australia, and one of only a few available worldwide. Through this course, students study current staging practice, stage engineering, stage rigging, risk and project management, as well as develop a broader theoretical and contextual knowledge of theatre, arts and culture. The strength of this course is the breadth of its content, equipping students with an understanding of all aspects of staging in terms of creating a production, in addition to specialised skills in areas such as engineering, automation and rigging. Students acquire knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply these, through practical workshops, conceptual and realised projects, major productions, exhibitions and installations. The course equips students to pursue careers as technical designers, technical managers, assistant technical managers, construction managers, technical project managers, set builders, staging technicians and mechanists in the arts and entertainment industries, including for theatre, opera, dance, film and television, special events and product launches. www.nida.edu.au/staging Victorian College of the Arts The University of Melbourne 13 MELB Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) Students major in one of three areas: Performance Technology; Stage Management; or Design Realisation, whilst still being exposed to all aspects of performance production - set, costume, lighting, multimedia and sound technology and design, workshop and costume construction, and stage and production management. Intensive delivery of skills and practice takes place through studio based training and direct application of these skills to rehearsals and productions. The course provides students with the opportunity to participate in productions staged within the VCA - in the School of Performing Arts (collaborations with Dance and Theatre) and Music Theatre projects; and beyond the VCA through projects and secondments with professional companies. Graduates of this course have a tradition of high employment success. Graduates demonstrate capacities for artistic imagination, creativity, transformation and interpretation. They work at various levels, both as an individual and as a team member, in a wide variety of visual/performing arts environments including: work on large-scale events; major festivals; theatre, dance and music theatre productions. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/bfaproduction Masters of Fine Arts Production http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/mfaproduction
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NIDA 2015 Applications Now Open
NIDA’s 2014 production of Kandahar Gate. Photo: Lisa Maree Williams.
Think you have what it takes to be Australia’s next big success story of stage and screen? Australia’s National Institute of Dramatic Art is now accepting applications for their prestigious fulltime tertiary courses, offering the opportunity to train with the best in theatre, television and film. Entry to NIDA’s courses is highly competitive. Competition is strongest for NIDA’s internationally renowned Acting degree, but the centre is also Australia’s training ground for the artists who will be the creative force behind the scenes. Director/CEO of NIDA Lynne Williams says there are a range of study options on offer in 2015, including new undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees in acting, design for performance, costume, properties and objects, technical theatre and stage management, and staging. “In 2015, in response to huge demand, NIDA is also introducing a full-time Vocational Education and Training (VET) Diploma in Musical Theatre.” An important part of preparing
students for their career is NIDA’s production seasons, when students from different disciplines work together to create full-scale theatre performances. These incredible collaborative efforts are a valuable opportunity for the students to work through the challenges of staging a professional theatre production. Many of those challenges are tackled by the Properties and Staging students. Joint Head of Properties Marcelo Zavala-Baeza says the props creator’s role in bringing these productions to life is quite varied, from sourcing existing objects to creating props from scratch. “This may include repairing and altering objects to fulfil the designer or director’s requirements, but on most occasions they have to build the properties from scratch. Commonly we source many properties from antique shops and dealers, as well as second hand shops. Another important place to find props is the internet, in particular eBay and Gumtree.” For NIDA’s recent production of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, directed by David Berthold,
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third-year Properties student Hannah Crosby found it was actually easier to make the props herself. “There was a lot of custom furniture that had to be very structural because the actors would be climbing on it and interacting with it,” Hannah says. “The design needed folding chairs in the classic American Cape Cod style, as well as reclining chairs like something you would see next to the pool of an Italian villa. I don’t have a big background in woodwork so I had to quickly learn a lot about furnituremaking! “The design started out requiring the chairs to fold, but the week before opening-night I was told they were accidentally collapsing as the actors moved them around the set. I had to devise a clip system so the chairs could be fixed in place for the actors to interact with them, but could still be folded up to allow the tech team backstage to pack them away. When it comes to creating the environment for the actors and props to inhabit, set creators face similar challenges in balancing the designer’s vision with real-world constraints.
“As sets exist in an imagined world and often contain elements with heightened attributes either spatially or sculpturally, designers are prone to forget world-based physics. So the staging practitioner’s main challenge is realising designs and stage movements while obeying the structural and mechanical laws,” says Head of Staging, Nicholas Day. Nicholas adds that sets creation can go beyond just providing the physical environment in which the story telling takes place. “The aesthetics of the set can add dramaturgically to the play, suggesting unity, discord/tension or balance, etc.” For NIDA’s recent premiere of the new work by Stephen Sewell, Kandahar Gate, the set was an incredibly important part of helping tell the story but also a mammoth challenge. In their first year of studying at NIDA, the Staging students with Nicholas’ guidance had to create a gigantic Afghanistan sand dune inside the NIDA Parade Theatre. At over five metres high, 16 metres wide and eight metres deep, it was a daunting project.
NIDA’s 2014 production of Much Ado About Nothing. Photo: Lisa Maree Williams.
Although the dune was a series of organic curves as seen from the audience, it was constructed from flat plywood. The dune also hid another secret - the wind-swept corrugations across the surface were actually rows of pool noodles covered in muslin and painted to look like sand. One of NIDA’s newer courses, the three-year BFA Staging is the only degree of its kind offered in Australia,
and one of only a few available in the world. Over the next two years, NIDA’s Staging students will be tackling many more challenges as they learn the hidden tricks to creating environments for the performing arts industry. To find out more about NIDA’s full-time courses, visit www.nida.edu.au/courses
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Alex G & Duke's costume from As You Like It.
New Design Course Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School’s three year Bachelor of Design (Stage & Screen) programme is the newest course in the suite of training opportunities on offer at New Zealand’s oldest dedicated tertiary training provider for the performing arts. The course is attracting students from a wide variety of specialist areas and backgrounds. One of these is third year designer Alexandra Guillot. Born in Hong Kong, she moved to New Zealand to attend secondary school. After finishing school she moved to Sydney to study
special effects makeup and prosthetics with the Makeup Effects Group. She then returned to Hong Kong to work on events with companies including Smirnoff and HK Magazine, before deciding to apply for the Bachelor of Design (Stage & Screen) course. “I’m a film-maker alongside my studies at Toi Whakaari, working as an art director/production designer/ costume designer. I’ve also recently been working in the realm of costume for Opera.” The Design programme at Toi Whakaari focuses on key core skills in
Online extras! Check out Toi Whakaari’s most recent costume showcase. Simply use your phone or tablet to scan the QR code or visit http://youtu.be/YUJtVLwbxTk
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the first year and then allows students a great degree of flexibility in years two and three to explore the areas of design that interest them and to develop specialist skills in their chosen area of practice. Design students also pitch for the design roles on the school’s major productions throughout the year. “Through my three years of study, I’ve had multiple opportunities to explore different aspects of design, including set design, light, projection, model making, site-specific devised work… just to name a few. Being able to experience all these different aspects of design has helped me find my own specific focus - costume design. “This year I worked as the costume designer for Toi Whakaari’s production of As You Like It. One of the greatest aspects of being a student at Toi Whakaari is the opportunity to interact and work with all the different departments involved in a major production. As a costume designer my work with a variety of other students costumiers, actors, directors, technicians and managers - was a wonderful learning opportunity. “I am graduating this year in November and hope to continue working in costume for both stage and screen.” Applications for entry into the Design programme at Toi Whakaari for 2015 close on Friday the 10th of October. For more information about all our courses check out their website www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz
WAAPA Edith Cowan University PH: 134 ECU (134 328) enquiries@ecu.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Live Production and Management Services Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services WAAPA’s Production and Design programs prepare students in a range of interpretive and technical theatre disciplines through teaching methods designed to recognise and refine the skills and potential of each individual. Unparalleled in any other Australasian arts training institution, WAAPA provides Production and Design students with the greatest diversity of ‘on the job’ theatrical experiences. Our students have access to simulated industry training in the design, construction and management of the Academy’s annual repertoire of 30 plus productions, utilising our seven diverse performance venues, as well as numerous external performance spaces. WAAPA’s professionally staffed and equipped workshop and wardrobe facilities, along with state-of-the-art lighting and sound studios, give students immediate ‘hands-on’ access to all production development, construction and staging processes associated with the most up-to-date industry expectation and practice. Incorporating a provocative mix of national and international professional directors, teachers and supervisors, WAAPA’s year-long season of drama, music theatre, dance, opera, films and jazz, classical and contemporary music concerts gives our Production and Design graduates the winning edge in preparation for a seamless transition into a wide range of careers within the creative and technical industries both here and abroad. Prerequisites: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on portfolio and interview. Advanced Diploma of Live Production For Theatre and Events (Design) - 3 years This course provides training in the principles, techniques and processes required in designing for live theatrical performance. Design studio classes in each year level expose students to increasingly challenging design projects, thereby providing the opportunity to refine processes in visualization, script analysis, research, idea generation, concept development and design presentation. Final year productions give students the opportunity to present their designs for scenery, props and costumes to the public through the Academy’s annual performance program. www.waapa.ecu.edu.au/courses-and-admissions/our-courses/disciplines/design Props & Scenery - 3 years The Props and Scenery course is available to those students who demonstrate potential for, and wish to acquire expertise in, the technical and production aspects of the entertainment industry. The program is structured to provide skills and experience consistent with the growing needs of this industry. The Props and Scenery course includes aspects of scenery and properties construction, scenic painting, metal fabrication, upholstery and technical and general drawing. Students gain experience in handling scenery, scenery flying and the general backstage skills of the mechanist as they are closely involved in the practical work of live production including film and television on a regular basis. www.waapa.ecu.edu.au/courses-and-admissions/our-courses/disciplines/props-and-scenery Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Bachelor of Design (Stage and Screen) - 3 years full-time The first year of the course introduces the practice of design for performance, encouraging research, critical skills and independent learning. Design skills are developed through a series of studio projects alongside classes and workshops. The second year extends the skills necessary for more complex design projects. Students embark on collaborative work, co-designing and working across disciplines. Through Toi Whakaari’s close connections with industry practitioners, students make good contacts beyond the classroom, advancing their knowledge and skills through production, projects, supervised research and industry secondments. The third year is an outward looking year and preparation for a sustainable career. Students consolidate their independent design practice, testing their abilities as leaders and collaborators. Students initiate their own independent research project and complete a major realised design for either a theatre production or a film. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 37
Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a basic level of physical fitness is essential. Entry is by portfolio and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/design-for-stage-screen/ Diploma in Costume Construction (For Film, Theatre and Allied Industries) (Costumes) - 2 years full-time During the first year, students take workshops in sewing, pattern making, draping, costume props and accessories, maskmaking and millinery. They take classes in history of costume, fabric dyeing and printing. The students use industrial sewing equipment and work to the standards of a professional company as costumiers on Toi Whakaari productions; including fitting, dressing and maintaining costumes. During their second year, students learn to interpret costume drawings, realise design concepts and work alongside student designers to supervise and produce costumes for Toi Whakaari productions and related performance projects. They advance their work in pattern cutting, costume construction and other specialist skills and prepare a major work and portfolio to exhibit at the annual Costume Showcase. Costume students attend a range of classes that extend their knowledge and understanding of the production process, including production management, business and financial management, and occupational health and safety. Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a basic level of sewing proficiency is essential. Entry is by portfolio and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/costume-construction NIDA’s 2014 production of Much Ado About Nothing. Photo: Lisa Maree Williams.
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National College of Dance
Wesley Institute (02) 9819 8888 info@wi.edu.au www.wi.edu.au/courses/performing-arts-courses/dance-course Bachelor of Dance - 3 years full time Up to 6 years part time Associate Degree of Dance 2 years full time Up to 4 years part time. Wesley Institute’s Bachelor of Dance is the only performance-based dance degree in NSW. Offering professional training in dance technique, choreography, production and performance in all major genres, as well as body mechanics, body science and complimentary movement studies, the degree prepares students for careers in Theatre and Teaching. Headed by teacher, director and choreographer Adele Hyland, and taught on campus in Drummoyne by renowned industry professionals, the course represents an intensive and highly relevant combination of practical and theoretical training. Students exiting the Bachelor of Dance after the first two years of the degree will be awarded the Associate Degree of Dance. Diploma of Dance Brent Street 1300 013 708 info@brentstreet.com.au www.brentstreet.com.au/professionals#mt Diploma Of Dance (Elite Performance) - 1 year full-time Subject Areas: This audition only one year, full-time course offers passionate, young contemporary dancers aspiring to one day dance in a professional company or commercial dancers with aspirations in an area of specialisation a boost to their career. While the Certificate IV in Dance is not a pre-requisite for the Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance), students wishing to audition for the Diploma are expected to already be achieving at Certificate IV level. Diploma students will usually be in their second year of a training pathway. This program provides a greater depth of study in core specialisations and students will be partnered with a mentor to develop these throughout this intense year of training. www.brentstreet.com.au/dod2014
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Certificate IV In Dance - 1 year full-time Subject Areas: The Certificate IV in Dance is a one year, full-time nationally recognised training course offered in triple threat and contemporary streams. Brent Street has offered a Certificate IV course for over 21 years. Graduates gain work all over Australia, Asia and Europe. They have also starred on Broadway and enjoyed long seasons performing in shows on London's West End as well as appearing in TV, film and on stage. Students studying the Certificate IV undertake training across a broad range of performing arts to develop the required skills in dance technique, staging and production of live theatre and commercial performance style and the best preparation for a career in this competitive industry. Prerequisites Acceptance into this course is by audition only. This course is open to students over the age of 17 who have completed Year 11 secondary education and have an interest and aptitude in the performing arts. www.brentstreet.com.au/certiv2014 Certificate IV In Dance Teaching And Management - 20 weeks (6 months) x 4 days per week (New for 2015!) Subject Areas: Learn how to teach DANCE! Get valuable ‘on the job training’ at Brent Street through a series of practice teaching sessions in our Petites and Young Performers Program where you will be guided in classroom and student management techniques as well as how to plan and implement great lessons that your students will love. For nearly 30 years Brent Street has been the place to learn how to become the best dancers, performers and choreographers. Now you have the chance to be trained in best dance teaching practice by our industry experts. www.brentstreet.com.au/certivdtandm2014 National College of Dance (Newcastle) (02) 4952 9294 Marie Walton Mahon Dance Academy - mwmdance@optusnet.com.au nc.dance@optusnet.com.au http://mwmdance.com Certificate IV in Dance (CUA40111) Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) (CUA50111) Urban Dance Centre (02) 9571 7099 info@urbandance.com.au www.urbandance.com.au Certificate IV in Performing Arts (69818) Duration: 1 year full time and follows the school calendar terms. The intensive training follows the normal school week from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. Some weekends are required throughout the year to prepare for performances, workshops or other events. http://youtu.be/fngFRUpIfJ4 Subject Areas: Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Lyrical, JFH, Tap, Acrobatics, Break dance, Kicks Turns Jumps, Pilates, Performance, Acting, Singing, Nutrition, Presentation, Mock Auditions CV/Resume/Audition Preparation, Head Shots and In-house Agency Auditions. UDC training focuses on individual performance and technique, audition preparation and professional live and film performances. Most importantly students have access to cutting edge Australian Industry professionals to international guests and the best Australian Dance Agents. http://urbandance.com.au/udc/courses/certificate-iv Village Performing Arts Centre 1300 788 440 info@villagepa.com www.villagepa.com Certificate IV in Performing Arts (Dance) (CUA40111) - 1 year The Village Full Time Program is a one-year intensive performing arts training course unique to the Village, covering all genres of Performing Arts. 40 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Course includes classes in, but not limited to: Jazz, Singing (Vocal Repertoire), Tap, Classical Ballet, Acting (TV/Film/Stage), Hip Hop/JFH, Musical Theatre, Lyrical, Contemporary, Acrobatics, Latin/Ballroom, Aerial (Silks, Trapeze). VPAC are currently Offering the Certificate IV in Performing Arts (Dance). Qualifications are delivered in partnership with the Australian Teachers of Dancing. (RTO# 31624) All classes are taught by the country’s best choreographers, directors, performers and teachers as well as specialty classes such as modelling, health and nutrition, audition technique and industry lectures. Village Performing Arts Centre boasts Australia’s Leading entertainment industry professionals as its teachers. Queensland University of Technology (07) 3138 2000 askqut@qut.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) - 3 years full-time The dance program at QUT leads the way in developing the creative passions of future dance professionals who aspire to careers outside of dance performance in fields such as dance teaching, choreography, research and academia, community arts practice, and arts management. Students are taught by an internationally recognised faculty of permanent staff and visiting specialists, and you will benefit from partnerships with organisations such as Expressions Dance Company, the Queensland Ballet and the Royal Academy of Dance (UK). Our graduates move into careers as dance teachers in schools (with a graduate-entry teacher education course), private studios, universities, and professional dance company education programs, as well as choreographers, dance researchers and academics, dance journalists, festival and community project directors and producers, independent dance practitioners, arts administrators, and dance health professionals (with further specialised training). www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-dance Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance Performance) - 3 years full-time The dance performance program at QUT boasts an enviable reputation. It combines a rigorous fulltime dance training course with academic studies at degree level, and is designed for young aspiring dancers who enjoy being challenged, are passionate about a career as a dancer, and willing to commit their energies to full-time training at university level. This course offers intensive daily training in the core techniques of ballet and contemporary dance supported by weekly duo, pas de deux, pointe, male coaching classes, Pilates, yoga and alternative dance and body conditioning styles—making you internationally competitive. Technology is integrated with choreographic workshops including a broad spectrum of screen studies. You will benefit from partnerships with organisations such as Expressions Dance Company, the Queensland Ballet and the Royal Academy of Dance (UK). Many graduates achieve outstanding recognition as performers and choreographers throughout their careers throughout Australia and internationally in major professional dance companies, dance education organisations, musicals, commercial environments and as independent artists. Pathways exist to postgraduate study and this course can be followed with a graduate-entry teacher education program to allow you to become a qualified teacher. www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-dance Deakin University 1300 334 733 enquire@deakin.edu.au www.deakin.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) - 3 years The Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) enables you to develop practical skills in contemporary technique and choreography, with theoretical studies in dance history, analysis and aesthetics. A production and research project in the final year will help you develop specific skills and place the work in a public context. www.deakin.edu.au/future-students/courses/course.php?course=A356 Box Hill Institute of TAFE 1300 BOX HILL (1300 269 445) info@boxhill.edu.au Diploma of Dance (Teaching and Management) www.bhtafe.edu.au/courses/local/Pages/DAN50.aspx www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 41
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Victorian College of the Arts The University of Melbourne 13 MELB http://vca.unimelb.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) - 3 years full-time The Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) builds on our international reputation for performance-focused dance training. It attracts highly motivated, disciplined and creative dancers who are interested in shaping the future of Australian dance. VCA Dance offers a vibrant and simulating atmosphere in which dancers are trained for the technical demands and creative challenges of careers in dance. The course develops technically strong, kinaesthically aware dance artists through specialist training in contemporary dance, classical ballet, dance science and somatic practices, choreography and performance. New works by professional Australian and international choreographers provide invaluable performance experience and interaction with the dance profession. Graduates of the program work as dancers and choreographers in Australian and international contexts. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-fine-arts-dance/overview Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) (Honours) - 1 year full-time The program provides an opportunity for graduates from the Victorian College of the Arts’ Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) and dance graduates of other institutions to deepen their knowledge and dance experience by undertaking a specialised advanced program in a fourth year of study. The course extends students’ technical facility, artistic sensibility and creative capacities to deepen their knowledge of dance through artistic mentorship and academic supervision. There are opportunities to perform and create new work, independently or in collaboration with others. The degree will introduce students to practice-based research and to a range of research methodologies. Students will undertake a major creative project and related research paper. The program prepares you for work as a professional practising dance artist or for dance research with a direct pathway to a Masters Research degree. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-fine-arts-dance-honours/overview Diploma in Performance Creation Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation (Choreography) The Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation brings together choreographers, directors, designers, and animateurs in a program which enables distinct discipline specialisations as well as collaborative and interdisciplinary projects through common subject areas. The course is focused on nurturing and developing arts practitioners who will contribute through leadership, research and performance development to Australian culture in the arts. This is an intensive practicebased graduate coursework degree, taking one year of full-time study with streams available in Animateuring, Choreography, Directing, Design (Set and Costume), Lighting Design, and Sound Design. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/pgdippc Master of Choreography The Master of Choreography gives students the chance to engage deeply in dance-making process, practice and research to refine and strengthen their choreographic voice and individual artistic vision. The course provides a framework to acquire skills in choreography, to develop an understanding of theoretical frameworks, to evaluate and critique dance performance, and to foster the capacity to evaluate, discriminate and make informed choices as part of choreographic process and practice. The Master of Choreography is a graduate coursework degree taken over one year of full-time study. Admission is based on completion of four years of undergraduate study in dance or a relevant field. The four subject areas are Process and Practice, Performance and Research Approaches and individual practice-based subjects, Project A and Project B. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/mchor The Australian Ballet School (03) 9669 2807 ask@australianballetschool.com.au Level 4 Level 4 is currently the first year of full-time training. It is offered alongside academic year 8 or 9 at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School (VCASS). Students in Level 4 are expected to achieve well in their academic studies as well as consolidate and expand their technical and artistic dance skills. Level 5 & 6: Diploma of Dance The levels 5 & 6 comprise the Diploma of Dance. This is an accredited qualification studied in conjunction with year 10 www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 43
Spectrum: All The Colours Of Dance Trish Squire-Rogers shares the origins and my life?” For many professional dancers ethos of Melbourne’s Spectrum Dance that means a dancing school of some with Stage Whispers’ Coral Drouyn. kind, a chance to pass on your skills to others. For Trish, those skills were After 15 years of travelling the world, considerable. Trained by the great Tony dancer Trish Squire-Rogers was faced Bartuccio, she built a career choreographing major events and with the inevitable dilemma of every professional dancer. “Do I keep the false television shows, so it was hard to let go. eyelashes and tights going until they fall “I was back in Melbourne between apart, along with my body, or do I look tours and I was teaching some casual hip for the new beginning, the next phase of hop classes,” she tells me. Hip hop is a
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far cry from all of her dance training and technique, but Trish was interested in urban dancing and could see it was the future. “This was more than ten years ago,” she explains, “and I turned up to teach this casual class. I was dressed accordingly over my leotard…tracky daks, hoodie, woollen hat pulled right down over my forehead. I burst into this dance studio, like some ‘Boyz from the Hood’ ready to rumble…..and there were all these tiny tots in tutus having a ballet class. Some screamed, some hid behind the teacher…I terrified them. Their teacher said, “I think you want the dance studio next door.” Trish can laugh at it now, but it was an embarrassing moment. It might have stayed just that except….jump forward two years … Trish was choreographing the dancers at Crown Casino for a special event when she met the blonde dance teacher whose class she had invaded. The two were able to laugh about what had happened and quickly discovered they had a lot in common. Katie Rappel had also danced overseas and in major Australian productions including “Dream Girls” and World Expo ‘88. Both had a connection
to Tony Bartuccio, and both were interested in covering the full spectrum of dance, but at a professional level. Katie and her husband had started “Crazy Feet” Dance Academy and had a purpose built dance studio building. Trish had registered the business name “Spectrum Dance”. It was inevitable that Trish would call Katie and ask, “Do you want to have coffee? I’ve got something to talk to you about.” That coffee turned into a business meeting and that, in turn, led to Spectrum Dance being formulated. “It was uncanny,” Trish recalls. “We were on exactly the same wavelength. In just 45 minutes we had mapped out a mission statement, a curriculum and a business plan. I know some people spend years fathoming those things out, but everything clicked for us. One thing we agreed on - this wasn’t for ‘hobby’ dancers - though we totally appreciate their needs. “We wanted an academy that turned out professional dancers who could do any style. I was doing so much choreography for events and often I had to find different dancers because they were locked into certain styles. Katie and Tyrone Anthony (now on the Asian/Australian tour of Disney Live)
I agreed we would find the best teachers available, including ourselves, and cover every conceivable style of dance. That meant a calculated risk, because we needed dancers who were open to learning all kinds of styles that weren’t initially on their radar….and it also meant that it wasn’t a case of who could pay for a course. If we wanted to make good dancers into GREAT dancers, we needed to take those with the greatest potential, and that meant a stringent audition process.” They needn’t have worried about the risk. Now in its eighth year, Spectrum Dance has perfected its curriculum and its commitment to triple threat performers, not just all-round dancers….there are drama classes, a music theatre course and even a talent agency which 80% of graduates go on to join. Not only do dancers learn their craft, but there’s someone there to help them get work. Trish runs the agency and one of the most sought after gigs is with the Melbourne Storm cheerleaders, whom Trish choreographs. They also have dancers working on three major cruise lines, in shows across the country and
overseas, and for major corporate events. They have, as planned, garnered some of the best teachers and choreographers they could find, including the highly sought after Stephen Wheat who has appeared in such shows as Legally Blonde, Shout and Dusty; Yvette Lee - renowned choreographer in all facets of the entertainment industry including So You Think You Can Dance, Moonshadow and Rock of Ages; and Kim Adam, co-founder of Collaboration the Project and one of Melbourne’s best dancers and choreographers. All of the teachers have had impressive professional careers and it makes sense that if you want to be the best, you learn from the best. Spectrum Dance is now taking applications for 2015. It’s a gruelling course but such a satisfying one, and it pays dividends. As Trish says, “Some things are just meant to be. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn’t gatecrashed that tiny tots ballet class.” Check out the Spectrum website at www.spectrumdance.biz
Stephanie Casula, who has recently joined Caribbean Cruises as a principal dancer.
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and year 11 academic studies including allied subjects such as Music, Performance Psychology, Nutrition and Cultural Studies. Level 7: Advanced Diploma of Dance Students in Level 7 enrol in the Advanced Diploma of Dance, a qualification combining comprehensive dance training with a strong onsite academic programme. The course focus is on technical training and artistic development, preparing students for the dance profession. Students also complete their secondary schooling, gaining the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Level 8: Graduate Diploma in Classical Ballet Level 8 students enrol in the accredited Graduate Diploma of Classical Ballet. This qualification prepares students for the dance profession at a virtuoso level by refining their dance technique and developing their professional skills through career development activities and performances, including a secondment with The Australian Ballet’s Dancers Company. www.australianballetschool.com.au/index.html Dance World (03) 9696 2943 info@danceworldstudios.com Dance World Studios, a division of APO Arts Academy, provides industry focused training in the areas of Musical Theatre and Dance. Courses have a strong focus on practical components and are performance based; supported by allied studies and theoretical units. On completion of their training, our students will have the option of entering the professional industry or pursuing further training at higher levels. In either case, we provide the training, facilities, staff and resources to assist students in realising their own potential. Advanced Diploma Of Dance (Elite Performance) - 2 years full-time Diploma Of Dance (Elite Performance) - 2 years full-time Diploma Of Dance (Classical Ballet) (Elite Performance) - 2 years full-time Certificate IV In Dance - 1 year full-time Certificate III In Dance - 1 year part-time Certificate II In Dance - 1 year part-time www.danceworldstudios.com/FullTimeDanceCourses.html Dance Factory (03) 9429 9492 dancefac@netspace.net.au www.dancefactory.com.au All courses are accredited with ASQA and CRICOS for international students, and as such open a range of State and Federal support to students, as well as a recognised higher education pathway. Dance Factory graduates are performing across Australia, Asia, the West End, New York, cruise ships, Universal Studios and Disneyland, not to mention teaching, choreographing and producing across Australia and internationally. Certificate II in Dance (CUA20113) - 6 months full time or 1 year part time Certificate III in Dance (CUA30113) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching (CUA30313) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Certificate IV in Dance (CUA40113) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Certificate IV in Dance Teaching & Management (CUA40313) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Diploma of Musical Theatre (CUA50213) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Diploma of Dance Teaching & Management (CUA50313) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) (CUA50113) 46 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Spectrum Dance 0433 733 187 (03) 9830 6588 ftc@spectrumdance.com.au www.spectrumdance.com.au Spectrum Dance offers a comprehensive Full Time Performing Arts Program that specialises in the performance and career development of artists. Spectrum Dance provides students the opportunity to excel through specialised teaching techniques whilst focusing on individual development. Our course will develop and advance dance techniques in all genres, build performance skills and provide opportunities to engage in the entertainment industry. Throughout the program, students will become proficient in the arts of singing, dancing and acting. In addition to the Full Time Performing Arts Program students have the option of three nationally recognised accredited certificates to choose from. These courses are offered in partnership with the Australian Teachers of Dancing (RTO#31624). If a student chooses to select an accreditation option they may be eligible for government funding. Nationally recognised accreditation Certificate IV in Dance (CUA40113) Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) (CUA50111) WAAPA Edith Cowan University 134 ECU (134 328) (08) 6304 0000 enquiries@ecu.edu.au Bachelor of Arts (Dance) Advanced Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) WAAPA’s Dance department prepares classical and contemporary artists of international standing through teaching methods designed to develop and refine the skills of each individual. Our courses offer a breadth that is unique to WAAPA and dance lecturers are continually assessing how best to prepare students for a seamless transition into a wide range of careers within the profession. All dance programs are intensive and performance based, with students averaging 35-40 contact hours per week, with special coaching programs designed for both men and women. Within each course, students have a degree of flexibility to choose and combine the mix that is best suited to their individual talents and aspirations. In addition to the highest calibre of daily tuition from WAAPA’s professionally credentialed and acclaimed teaching staff, students also regularly participate in national and international tours and collaborations and work frequently with visiting choreographers and guest teachers. Such touring opportunities and industry exposure refines individual skills and in turn showcases each student’s respective talents to dance professionals. Admission Requirements: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on audition and interview. Bachelor of Arts (Dance) Honours - 1 year full time Enables outstanding students to learn and apply practical, theoretical and research skills in either or both creative (choreographic or other media) and scholarly areas of dance. Certificate II in Dance - 2 years part time An accredited course that provides the career-minded dance student with specialised training in ballet and contemporary dance, to complement intensive studies undertaken in private studios. www.waapa.ecu.edu.au/courses-and-admissions/our-courses/disciplines/dance
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NIDA’s A Midsummer Nights Dream (2009). Photo: Olivia Marin-McGuire
Directing NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Graduate diploma of Dramatic Art Directing stream (No accreditation confirmed for 2014) NIDA recognises that each student will be an individual artist. The course is designed to develop individual skills and knowledge, as well as a sense of leadership and accurate
communication. The course includes formal class work, seminars and tutorials in directing, acting, music, research, repertoire, design, technical theatre, stage management, arts administration and performance history, working as Assistant Director on NIDA productions and the preparation, rehearsal and presentation of short play productions. Particular emphasis is placed on the director's methods of communication with actors, designers and playwrights and on the development of repertoire. Master of Fine Arts (Directing) - 15 months (12 months on campus, 3 month personal research project) NIDA’s Master of Fine Arts (Directing) assists highly talented early career practitioners to master the directing process through education and training in the components of production, the interpretation of text, and the communication techniques required to engage with the contemporary audience. The course places strong emphasis on the collaborative role of the director in the theatrical process and challenges students to create and express their own vision in the context of international performance practice. This course provides students with the opportunity to analyse the theoretical underpinnings of the director’s craft and combine knowledge, skills and techniques across many platforms of theatre productions, including film. The directing technique that underpins the course builds on Stanislavski’s Active Analysis and contemporary theories of visuality. Other approaches are studied during the year as students formulate their own personal directing methodology. Particular emphasis is placed on the director’s methods of communication with actors, designers, stage managers, playwrights and other creative team members. Students will produce a short play (or film) in a public season, as well as undertaking a research project reflecting an aspect of their practice. www.nida.edu.au/directing Flinders Drama Centre Flinders University (08) 8201 2578 drama@flinders.edu.au http://flinders.edu.au/drama Bachelor of Creative Arts (Drama) - 3 years The aim of the course is to prepare students for a professional life by equipping students with basic professional skills in the areas of major employment in the entertainment industry:
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realistic acting techniques, acting for screen, directing for theatre and screen, and music theatre; introducing students to areas of development and increasing importance in the Australian industry: post-modern performance techniques, intercultural performance, and the interface between live performance and multimedia; encouraging all students to work as conceptual artists through courses specialising in techniques of group devising, auto-performance and scriptwriting; developing in students, through a comprehensive history and theory stream, an awareness of the relevance of these discourses to professional practice www.flinders.edu.au/courses/rules/undergrad/bca/bca-drama.cfm##courseaims Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Master Of Directing For Performance The Master of Directing for Performance is designed to develop your in-depth knowledge and skills of directing, and provide a framework to identify and reflect on your own practice as a director, performance-maker, collaborator and researcher. The program opens up a broad range of individual career pathways into contemporary performance practice through directing and performance making, practice-led research, and applied performance in intercultural and community engagement contexts. The VCA offers a unique environment for you to develop an individual approach to directing live performances and creative leadership in an environment of interdisciplinary and intercultural learning. You will experience a wide range of collaborative opportunities and leadership roles with designers, actors, production teams, writers, dramaturgs and choreographers at the VCA, as well as a range of creative encounters with local, national and international artists, organisations and communities. The program is delivered through lab-based workshops, seminars, lectures, self-directed exercises, tutorials, practical master classes, and national and international internships. It balances theory and practice across four semesters, to allow for progression from the intensively-taught, skills-based first year, to a more autonomous, project-orientated second year which culminates in an independent, practice-led research performance project or written dissertation. The program actively encourages intercultural and international training and research experiences through fieldwork in the second year of the course. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/master-of-directing-for-performance/overview Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Master of Theatre Arts (Directing) - 2 years full-time The Master of Theatre Arts in Directing (MTA) is a two year (or three or four year part-time) post-graduate programme taught jointly by Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School and the Theatre Programme at Victoria University of Wellington. The MTA aims to equip the student with a solid grounding in the practical and theoretical aspects of directing whilst at the same time developing the essential skills of leadership and collaboration. Students will develop and articulate their own unique artistic style and vision in ways that will enable them to work in a variety of contexts and environments. Directing students benefit from working alongside students of performance design, acting, entertainment technology, performing arts management and costume construction as well as academics. Prerequisites: Enrolment is by interview through Victoria University of Wellington. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/directing/how-to-apply
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Make Up
Photo: Maureen Du Preez
50 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Sydney College Of Makeup Art 0415 154 246 info@sydneycollegeofmakeupart.com.au http://makeupcourse.com.au Diploma of Make Up The course covers a broad subject range and is ideally suited for persons seeking employment or wanting to work freelance as makeup artists for Fashion, Photographic studios or in
Television and Film. http://makeupcourse.com.au/diploma-of-makeup-fashion-entertainment-full-time
Certificate IV in Make Up Fashion The course covers a broad subject range and is ideally suited for persons seeking employment or wanting to work freelance as makeup artists for Fashion, Photographic studios or in Television and Film. http://makeupcourse.com.au/certificate-iv-in-makeup-fashion-entertainment-full-time 3Arts Make Up www.makeupeffectscollege.com/courses01.html Victoria University (03) 9919 4000 www.vu.edu.au Diploma of Specialist Make-Up Services Diploma of Specialist Make-Up Services is a must for those serious about pursuing a career in make-up. Learn how to style wigs and hairpieces apply specialised make-up for bridal, photographic, theatre, period, special effects, television, film and fashion. You will be qualified to work as a make-up/hair stylist/designer, special make-up effects artist/designer, freelance TV, theatre and film make-up artist. www.vu.edu.au/courses/diploma-of-specialist-make-up-services-cuf50407
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Australian National University http://music.anu.edu.au Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Science (Psychology) Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Asian Studies Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Asian Studies (Specialist) Bachelor of Visual Arts/Bachelor of Music The School of Music is a unique place to study. Graduate fields of study include, but are not limited to: Australian indigenous music, including cultural performance Composition, including Australian composition Ethnomusicology, including applied and cultural performance Folk music Jazz composition, Improvisation and performance Music business, policy and administration Music curation, including musical instrument, audio-visual, and digital curation Music pedagogies and cognition Music technologies and media musicology Music theory, analysis, and semiotics Popular music Professional performance, including historically-informed classical performance Wesley Institute (02) 9819 8888 info@wi.edu.au www.wi.edu.au/courses/performing-arts-courses/music-course Master of Music - 2 years full time / Up to 6 years part time Bachelor of Music - 3 years full time / Up to 9 years part time Associate Degree of Music - 2 years full time / Up to 6 years part time The Bachelor of Music provides students with the technical, artistic and analytical training required to become professional musicians. The course features private tuition for voice and instrument studies and extensive performance and studio experiences. Offering multiple performance genres, regular performance opportunities and a strong project emphasis, the Bachelor of Music is an industry-standard degree for aspiring musicians. Students exiting the Bachelor of Music after the first two years of the degree will be awarded the Associate Degree of Music. Australian Institute of Music (02) 9219 5444 enquiries@aim.edu.au www.aim.edu.au Bachelor of Music - 2 years An AIM Bachelor of Music (BMus) qualification is an accredited and specialised music degree designed to give you professional education and training for a lifelong career in music and the entertainment industry. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 53
Whereas you would normally study a single degree at a University in Australia over 3 years, the AIM Bachelor of Music degree can be completed in 6 semesters over 2 years of study, by completing 20 credit points per semester (120 in total). Diploma of Music | Contemporary Performance This course is a comprehensive program of technical skills, musical knowledge and performance experiences. As a Contemporary Performance major you will have training in music industry knowledge and skills that will prepare you for your career. You will work with specialist staff and have access to a range of quality facilities for live performance, studio recording and music production. www.aim.edu.au/courses/contemporary-performance/undergraduate/diploma-of-music.asp Academy of Music and Performing Arts (AMPA) (02) 9555 1666 www.ampa.edu.au Bachelor of Music Associate Degree of Music www.ampa.edu.au/index.php/undergraduate-music Northern Rivers Conservatorium of Arts (02) 6621 2266 admin@nrcac.edu.au www.nrcac.edu.au Cert III in Music Diploma in Music Southern Cross University 1800 626 481 Bachelor of Contemporary Music Core studies: During first year, students learn about contemporary music theory and styles, the practice of music, music technology and the internet, songwriting and musicianship. They then select two majors to specialise in their areas of interest. Majors: Performance enables specialisation in the student’s chosen instrument (guitar, bass, keyboards, voice or drums). Practical tuition is provided through individual lessons and group workshops. These classes are supported by ensemble classes which provide industry-relevant training, (for example playing in bands). Industry and Audio Production prepares students for working professionally in the music industry and enables students to train for a portfolio career that encompasses composition and music production as well as practical music. Other areas of specialised study include conducting business in the music industry, marketing musical products and managing a career as an independent musician. Music Education provides training for students who are pursuing a career in music teaching. Areas of study include western art music, ensemble direction and arranging, music theory, musicianship and practical music. These units provide vocational skills specifically required for secondary music teaching and also essential for teaching music in other contexts. Please note: Entry to the performance major is by audition during the first year of study, with students commencing the major in the second year. www.scu.edu.au/coursesin2014/?action=matrix&command=matrix_temp_load&spk_no=10144 Sydney Conservatorium of Music University of Sydney (02) 8627 8200 student.centre@sydney.edu.au http://sydney.edu.au/current_students/student_administration/contacts/student_centre.shtml Bachelor of Music (Performance) Performance students take a vocal or instrumental Principal Study through eight semesters. Specialists in jazz take Jazz Performance as their Principal Study. Principal Study is taken together with Chamber Music and Orchestral Studies (for those playing an orchestral instrument) or Jazz Ensemble (for Jazz students), and other performance-related studies. In 54 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
addition, students take core studies in aural perception, harmony and analysis (jazz music skills for Jazz students), as well as studies in analysis, history and culture, and pedagogy. Principal study is available in the following areas: Brass: French horn, trombone, trumpet, tuba Early Music: baroque flute, harpsichord, lute, recorder, viola da gamba, baroque trumpet Jazz: bass, brass, drums, guitar, piano, vibraphone, woodwind Organ Percussion Piano and Accompaniment Strings: cello, double bass, guitar, harp, viola, violin Voice (classical) Woodwind: bassoon, clarinet, flute, oboe, saxophone. http://sydney.edu.au/handbooks/conservatorium/undergraduate/b_music_performance.shtml Bachelor of Music (Composition) Bachelor of Music (Music Education) Bachelor of Music (Musicology) Bachelor of Music (Performance) Bachelor of Music Studies Bachelor of Music Studies (Honours) Combined with Bachelor of Arts Combined with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Diploma of Music Advanced Diploma of Opera TAFE Illawarra 1300 766 123 Diploma in Music Learn how to compose and orchestrate original music, lead music rehearsals and performances, coordinate technical production, test and repair sound equipment, make technical presentations, analyse music videos, or manage the production of sound designs and sound recordings. Gain employment in the music industry as a song writer, soloist and/ or member of a group, or behind the scenes in technical production, music promotion or teaching. Courses are available in: Music; and Sound Production. University of Newcastle Faculty of Education and Arts School of Creative Arts (02) 4921 8902 creativearts@newcastle.edu.au www.newcastle.edu.au/school/creative-arts/areas/music Why study music at UoN? If you’ve been performing or creating music, then studying music at university level is an excellent way to continue your studies and prepare you for a career as a professional musician or in a music-related field. The Bachelor of Music prepares students for a musical career at a professional standard. The degree is conducted over three years of full-time study or part-time equivalent, all of which is undertaken at The Conservatorium, located in the Civic Centre precinct of Newcastle. The degree aims to musically develop skills by providing every opportunity to develop individual creativity while receiving high quality training in music. www.newcastle.edu.au/school/creative-arts www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 55
Learn The Language Of Jazz Music is a language. It’s a form of communication that speaks to people universally. Just like any language, music has structure and expresses ideas and emotions. This is especially the case for jazz music. Each musical note is like a syllable, with a combination of notes creating a melody that can represent one’s opinions, ideas and emotions much like a combination of words and sentences can. To speak a language, you firstly need to understand the alphabet and simple words and sentence structures to be able to communicate. In music, this can be translated into understanding the 12 musical notes in western harmony. The next step is understanding the scales and arpeggios that transform notes into a logical order, much like syllables into words. This is how you start to speak the language of music. From there, like in learning a language, you begin to explore certain combinations of sounds that increase in complexity to express your ideas. The greatest thing about jazz music is that it is an improvised music set over a specific structure, just like having a conversation with someone. However, jazz is a language that can transcend language barriers. You could be in a
language of jazz to give you the tools to express your ideas, opinions and emotions musically, no matter how simple or how complex. One of the graduates of JMI, Mel Lathouras, who is a vocalist working professionally in the music scene in Brisbane said: “When you want to learn a language fluently, you go and live in the country where it is spoken. It’s the same deal with jazz. I decided to study in an institution where its people are passionate about speaking the language. From my personal experience, JMI is the best jazz ‘language immersion’ program in Queensland. I feel very privileged to have learnt from the best in the industry and I feel well equipped for my career as a jazz singer.” JMI offers a 3-year Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance that has jam session with people from all over been recognised and commended by the world who cannot speak a word of some of the biggest international your language and still make music names in jazz including Wynton together and have a fluent conversation Marsalis, Aaron Goldberg, John Riley with each other. Having this skill can and James Morrison. equip a musician to express themselves For more information regarding courses in any genre of music and the musical on offer at JMI visit opportunities are boundless. www.jazz.qld.edu.au At Jazz Music Institute (JMI), the focus is on learning the tradition and
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www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/bachelor/music.html www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/bachelor/music-arts.html www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/bachelor/music-honours.html www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/graduate-certificate/music-technology.html www.newcastle.edu.au/degrees/master/music-technology.html University of New South Wales www.arts.unsw.edu.au/future-students/undergraduate/degrees/bachelor-of-music The Bachelor of Music (UNSW BMus) - 4 years You will complete: Core courses in music performance, musicianship and musicology Your choice of specialist music stream (see options below) Extensive training in ensemble skills and professional practices Free elective courses that give you the flexibility to combine your music studies with complementary areas Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Arts (BMus/BA) Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Education (BMus/BEd) Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Science (BMus/BSci) Bachelor of Arts (Music Studies) (BA) Bachelor of Arts (Music Studies Extension) (BA) Bachelor of Arts (Music Studies Extension) / Bachelor of Education (BA/BEd) University of Western Sydney (02) 9852 5222 http://future.uws.edu.au/future_students_home/ug/creative_and_communication_arts/bachelor_of_music Bachelor of Music The UWS Bachelor of Music takes an eclectic, modern and inclusive approach to music repertoire, performance and sound design. It gives you an opportunity to develop your professional and creative potential in making and appreciating a range of different types of music. You will focus on repertoire and media of the 20th and 21st centuries and also study music from earlier historical periods. You will have opportunities to use our recording studios, multimedia and MIDI labs, and digital audio/video suites. You can also gain practical experience in performance as a soloist and in groups, concert administration and production, recording, composition, audio production, library research and retrieval, film music and collaboration. University of Wollongong School of the Arts, English and Media LHA Central (02) 4221 3456 1300 367 869 lha-enquiries@uow.edu.au or uniadvice@uow.edu.au http://lha.uow.edu.au/taem Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music) (UAC 754603) - 3 years full-time The Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music) provides a broad range of skills which will allow you to respond innovatively and flexibly to the rapidly changing world of contemporary music. Music combines teaching in composition and performance with developments in electronic media, building students’ skills and expertise across three inter-related areas: music studio, audio production and critical studies in music. You will not only develop creative, conceptual and practical skills, but specialised technical skills and a clear grasp of how your own practice relates to the wider music community. Many careers are increasingly reliant on digital literacy and proficiency, which in combination with the creative, conceptual and academic skills acquired within the BCA Music, will lend you a competitive edge in the creative industries. Prerequisites: None. Recommended studies including English and Drama.
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ANU (02) 6125 5111 domestic.enquiry@anu.edu.au www.anu.edu.au Bachelor of Music The Bachelor of Music is based around three Majors: Music Performance, Creative Musicianship (including Composition and Improvisation) and Musicology (including Ethnomusicology). You are also able to take a Minor in Music Technology. Upon successful completion of the degree, you will have developed the appropriate disciplinary knowledge and acquired the skills to: create, perform, analyse, and critique music of a variety of styles and genres at a level commensurate with the commonly accepted standards of the music profession; critically apply theoretical frameworks and research techniques to technical, critical, physiological, and aesthetic issues related to music; identify—including through the interrogation of databases—relevant sources of information about music from across a variety of media (print and digital, written and audio-visual) and judge the importance and reliability of those sources; evaluate musical ideas and develop creative solutions to musical problems, including through the independent pursuit of knowledge and by making connections between different disciplinary approaches and methods; communicate and debate musical ideas both orally and in writing, and work with others, using a variety of media; and understand the ethical implications of the research, creation, performance and reception of music. Degree combinations including the Bachelor of Music are available in two groups: Arts, business, social sciences & science group Law group Prerequisites: Applicants must meet the minimum ATAR of 80 (75 with bonus points) and meet audition requirements. Applicants will be expected to have pre-existing musical knowledge such as a competency level equivalent to NSW Music 2 or Music Extension, or AMEB Grade 5 theory, or equivalent qualifications or experience. In addition, Career prospects: The ANU Bachelor of Music degree not only enables you to develop your love for music, it also provides a foundation for a career In practical music making; music education; music advocacy; academic research; entrepreneurship; and media and technology. http://music.anu.edu.au/future-students/undergraduate/bachelor-music Bachelor of Music (Honours) The Bachelor of Music (Honours) is characterised by the concept of music—be it performance, composition, or musicology - as a research-led process that explores questions relevant to our understanding of what it means to be human and of who we are. The core of this program is the sub-thesis, which is focused on the production of a substantial piece of research realised through either performance, composition, or a 20,000-25,000 word written document. A performance or composition will be explained verbally through a 5000-word exegesis that explores the creative act as a research process and explains the contribution to knowledge that the creative act makes. Prerequisites: Entry requires the completion of a Bachelor of Music degree with an average mark of at least a distinction; written permission of the honours convenor; and written agreement of a staff member to supervise the sub-thesis. http://music.anu.edu.au/future-students/undergraduate/bachelor-music-honours Charles Darwin University (08) 8946 7766 or 1800 061 963 student.admin@cdu.edu.au www.cdu.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (Music) - 3 years The course offers two principal pathways of study: a classical music specialisation or a contemporary music specialisation. A third pathway is also offered as a combination of the two. This flexible course allows students to choose suites of study that best accommodate their individual career pathway. A close partnership with the Darwin Symphony Orchestra, the Darwin Festival, the Garma Festival and the Centre for Youth and Community provides a challenging and exciting environment in which to learn music and gain experience in community-based musical events. http://stapps.cdu.edu.au/pls/apex/f? 58 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
p=100:31:6504209502244651::NO::P31_SEARCH_COURSE,P31_SEARCH_YEAR,P31_SEARCH_VERSION,P31_TAB_LABEL :BCAIMU,2013,3, Bachelor of Music (BMUSIC) - 3 years Students should have some formal training in music and be experienced on their instrument if selecting the performance specialization. This information can be gauged at the interview and audition and advice will be given as to the most appropriate sequence of study within the degree http://stapps.cdu.edu.au/pls/apex/f? p=100:31:6504209502244651::NO::P31_SEARCH_COURSE,P31_SEARCH_YEAR,P31_SEARCH_VERSION,P31_TAB_LABEL :BMUSIC,2013,1, Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (07) 4940 7800 t.mcrae@cqu.edu.au www.cqu.edu.au/cqcm Bachelor of Music - 3 years full time or 6 years part time The Bachelor of Music at CQUniversity is designed to provide specialist training in Jazz and Popular Music or Music Studies. Students may study at CQUniversity’s Mackay Ooralea Campus or via distance, and will benefit from hands-on experience combined with academic study in the interpretation and understanding of music. Completing a Bachelor of Music will enable you to pursue a variety of roles in the music industry such as Professional Musician, Recording or Sound Engineer, Recording Artist, Composer or Private Music Educator. Prerequisites: Audition and interview. Diploma of Music - 1 year full time or 2 years part time The Diploma of Music is available through CQUniversity’s Regional Conservatorium partnerships in Albury and Wagga Wagga. You will be supported throughout your study and undertake one-on-one instrumental tuition with highly qualified regional conservatorium staff in Classical Jazz or Popular Music. Completing a Diploma of Music will enable you to pursue various roles such as Professional Musician or Studio Teacher, or you could choose to articulate into CQUniversity’s Bachelor of Music (Music Studies). Prerequisites: Audition and interview. James Cook University (07) 4781 4111 www.jcu.edu.au Bachelor of New Media Arts (Music and Sound Media) - 3 years Digital sound and music skills are valuable for performers, sound technicians, producers and for those pursuing a career in new media, including electronic games and mobile technologies. Music and Sound Media brings together composition, performance and the use of technology to give you the skills needed for careers in the music industry. You are able to choose from a variety of instruments and have access to a stateof-the-art recording studio. You will also have the opportunity to experiment with digital or computer music technologies, enabling you to create or perform music in your own right or as part of a broader series of collaborative tasks. www-public.jcu.edu.au/courses/course_info/index.htm?userText=15910-BNM-MSM TAFE Queensland Gold Coast (07) 5581 8300 gold.coast@tafe.qld.edu.au http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au Diploma of Music The Diploma of Music focuses on live performance and production. The program entails music theory, developing yourself as an artist, rehearsals, using technology to develop and enhance your live performances, studio session recording, composition/ensemble performance, and production skills in a practical medium. http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au/course/creative-arts/11530/diploma-music#.VAUs-_mSzVs Diploma of Music Business Designed to provide a thorough grounding in the business side of the music industry, this course includes budget management, promotion, recording contracts, copyright and distribution. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 59
Queensland University of Technology (07) 3138 8114 ci@qut.edu.au Bachelor of Music - 3 years full-time QUT's music course prepares aspiring musicians to adapt to the rapidly changing music industry. Music students are encouraged to create works across musical boundaries and strike out in bold new directions. If production is your passion, you will focus on creating new music using songwriting, studio recording, sequencing, digital processing and writing for voices with acoustic and electro-acoustic instruments. If you are interested in performance you can focus on developing your unique performance style, such as creating new work, using digital technology, new interpretations of repertoire, and gain experience performing in a recording studio environment. The emphasis is on creativity and new music, and you will be encouraged to explore new connections and different styles and genres of music. Our industrystandard music recording studios will enable you to hone your skills in a professional setting. You will be inspired to collaborate with like-minded people on various projects while finding new ways to create music. You will be given opportunities to launch your career through public performances in Brisbane’s live music venues. Music students have presented live performances in venues such as The Zoo, The HiFi, the Brisbane Powerhouse, Valley Studios and QPAC, as well as at the Brisbane Festival Spiegeltent. www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-music-and-sound Graduate Certificates and Masters A range of postgraduate study options is available, either to provide further depth to your study and practice in the performing arts, or for those without prior creative industries qualifications. www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-music-and-sound Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium of Music Phone & Fax: (07) 3735 6111 www.griffith.edu.au/music Bachelor of Popular Music - 3 years full-time Unique to Griffith, this program emphasises the musical innovation and creativity necessary to be successful in a wide range of vocations in the popular music industry. You’ll study contemporary popular music practices and emerging technologies and develop skills in sound engineering and production. Through a mix of theoretical and practical training, you will learn how to develop creativity in music technology, production, performance, song writing and the business of music. You will also have 24/7 access to extensive recording studio facilities so you can record, review and improve your songs and improvisations. You can elect to undertake a music industry internship courses in the final stages of this degree. Prerequisites: English 4SA and Audition www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=1196 Graduate Diploma of Music Studies - 1 year full-time / 2 years part-time This program offers the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of possible course combinations to tailor studies to individual needs. They provide superior-level skills across the spectrum of possible musical professions and are structured with this goal in mind. Queensland Conservatorium customises music studies to individual specialisations. All students have the opportunity to present their work to the public, whether in recitals, print or electronic media. Prerequisites: To be eligible for admission to this program, applicants will require the following: hold a three year tertiary level qualification in music from a recognised institution or have standing, professional experience or qualifications deemed by the Queensland Conservatorium to be equivalent and successfully undertake an audition and receive a panel recommendation for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Music Studies or the Graduate Diploma in Music Studies. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=4117 Graduate Certificate in Music Studies - 0.5 years full-time, 1 year part-time This program offers the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of possible course combinations to tailor studies to individual needs. It provides superior-level skills across the spectrum of possible musical professions and is structured with this goal in mind. Queensland Conservatorium customises music studies to individual specialisations. All students have the opportunity to present their work to the public, whether in recitals, print or electronic media. Prerequisites: Applicants will require the following: hold a three year tertiary level qualification in music from a recognised institution or have standing, professional experience or qualifications deemed by the Queensland Conservatorium to be equivalent and 60 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
successfully undertake an audition and receive a panel recommendation for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Music Studies. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=3091 Master of Music Studies - 1.5 years full-time, Advanced: 1 year full-time This program offers the flexibility to choose from a wide variety of possible course combinations to tailor studies to individual needs. They provide superior-level skills across the spectrum of possible musical professions and are structured with this goal in mind. Queensland Conservatorium customises music studies to individual specialisations. All students have the opportunity to present their work to the public, whether in recitals, print or electronic media. Prerequisites: Requirements must be met according to the stream applying for www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=5298 Bachelor of Music - 3 years full-time or 4 years full-time Anyone seeking the highest quality professional music training available for the classical and jazz instrumentalist, vocalist or composer performer can’t go past this degree. You’ll choose from an range of ensemble and elective course options and be able to develop pathways of study that coincide with your interests. You’ll acquire the adaptability, selfmotivation, technological literacy and breadth of vision necessary to succeed in the music industry. Your will be exposed to diverse musical styles and idioms, including classical, jazz and world music, and to the broadly accepted musical skills of aural awareness training, music theory and ensemble work. Prerequisites: English 4SA and Audition www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=1268 Bachelor of Music with Honours - 1 year full-time This is a one year Honours program for those who have completed a three year Bachelor of Music program or equivalent from another institution OR who have graduated with the three year Bachelor of Music from the Queensland Conservatorium and now wish to return to complete the Honours year. This program will provide the opportunity for students to develop their specialist interests in Music Studies, Performance, Advanced Performance, Performance and Pedagogy, or Composition, through a program of research and research training. Prerequisites: Hold a three or four year degree in music from a recognised university which is equivalent to the Bachelor of Music at Griffith University; have achieved a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 5.6 or equivalent; have a good general academic record including consistently high results in courses involving a written research component; provide examples of written research work demonstrating suitable research preparation equivalent to Distinction level work at third year level at Queensland Conservatorium; provide a Dissertation Research Proposal of satisfactory standard in the format prescribed by the Conservatorium (contact the Convenor for details); for Performance strands - demonstrate in an audition a performance standard equivalent to at least a Distinction in third year Performance Study at the Conservatorium; for Composition strand - demonstrate through a folio of compositions a standard equivalent to at least a Distinction in third year Composition Study at the Conservatorium; for the Music Studies strand - the requirement for audition or composition folio may be waived and in lieu, a folio of written research work should be submitted equivalent in standard to at least Distinction level work in third year Music Literature courses at the Conservatorium; participate in an interview if required. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=2051 Bachelor of Popular Music with Honours - 1 year full-time This program will prepare talented undergraduate students studying popular music for entry into Masters or Doctoral studies by developing popular music research skills and broadening the scope of both research method and creative practice. The program comprises of coursework and a dissertation. The dissertation component can be either a scholarly dissertation or a minor dissertation combined with creative product. Prerequisites: Student will be expected to have completed all three years of the degree requirements of the Bachelor of Popular Music at the following levels of achievement: a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 5.6, and at least a Distinction in Year 3 Popular Music Production courses and Music Literature and Culture courses. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=2062 Certificate in Music Studies - 0.5 years full-time This is the path for you if your earlier studies in music have not been sufficient for entry into the Bachelor of Popular Music. The music industry offers a diverse range of opportunities. This certificate program will help you to develop your www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 61
knowledge by addressing key technology topics including sound recording, sound engineering, MIDI and theory-based topics. Prerequisites: English 4SA plus audition and folio of recorded work www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=9019 Master of Music - 2 years full-time / 4 years part-time This program develops the highest possible skills in musical practice and research by providing advanced musical training, promoting reflective professional activity, and providing opportunities for innovative research and creative accomplishment. You'll also undertake practice-led research projects including - but not limited to - performance, composition, music technology, and music education. Prerequisites: A Bachelor of Music with at least second-class honours (Division B) or an equivalent qualification from a recognised institution. Other requirements may have to be met depending on the stream applying for. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=5299 Doctor of Musical Arts - 3 years full-time (4 years maximum) / 6 years part-time (8 years maximum) This program provides musicians with extensive experience with the opportunity to upgrade their skills and qualifications through research based on their practice in Composition, Performance, Teaching and Learning, or Technology. Prerequisites: Must hold a recognised degree, which meets required standards, or possess a recognised record of research or a qualification that meets required standards. Plus have at least five years professional experience, provide a presentation of a current portfolio, attend an interview, present a research proposal www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=6017 University of Queensland (07) 3365 1111 www.uq.edu.au Music Single Major You will approach the study of Western art music in a challenging and engaging way, incorporating critical perspectives and historical knowledge along with written and aural skills. Students contemplating the extended major will have a choice of two streams, a musicological stream which further develops the aspects described above, and a professional stream which combines elements of the above with a specially developed suit of courses designed for students interested to pursue the professional fields of Music Education or Music Therapy through the relevant dual-degree or postgraduate programs. www.uq.edu.au/study/plan.html?acad_plan=MUSICX2320 Diploma of Music Performance The Diploma of Music Performance is offered concurrently with any undergraduate program offered by this University. www.uq.edu.au/study/program.html?acad_prog=1605 Jazz Music Institute (07) 3216 1110 Fax: (07) 3216 1150 play@jazz.qld.edu.au www.jazz.qld.edu.au Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance - 3 years full-time Jazz Music Institute (JMI) is the only private higher education provider in Australia that offers a degree strictly dedicated to jazz performance. The 3-year Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance is a unique, focussed and performance-based degree. Delivered by some of Australia's finest jazz musicians and educators, JMI teaches all elements of jazz in an holistic way. There is a high emphasis on improvisation and developing strong aural and analysis ability in students. Students spend the majority of contact hours in performance-based classes, giving them the opportunity to learn and refine playing skills more than any other institution or university. Entry is by audition only, applying directly through JMI. NB: This course is FEE-HELP approved and is only open for domestic students. Diploma of Music (Jazz Performance) - 1-year full-time If your earlier studies in music are not sufficient for entry into an undergraduate degree program, this course will help you bridge the knowledge gap. It is an intensive one-year performance program that focuses on the development of the 62 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
musical skills and theoretical knowledge required for the Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance. This course Theory/ Harmony, Ensemble, Reading, Aural skills, Principal Study (one on one private lessons), Music Industry and Improvisation Entry is by audition only, applying directly through JMI. NB: This course is VET FEE-HELP approved and is only open for domestic students. Elder Conservatorium of Music, University of Adelaide (08) 8303 5995 music@adelaide.edu.au http://music.adelaide.edu.au Certificate III in Music Certificate IV in Music Diploma in Music Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music (Honours) Diploma in Instrumental Music The Bachelor of Music program is divided into the eight areas of specialisation: Classical Performance Composition Jazz Performance Musicology Music Education Performance and Pedagogy Popular Music and Creative Technologies Sonic Arts (formerly Music Technology) Conservatorium of Music University of Tasmania (03) 6226 7308 Heather.Monkhouse@utas.edu.au www.utas.edu.au/conservatorium-of-music Diploma in Music Performance Associate Degree in Music Studies Associate Degree in Music (Rock Studies) Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Musical Arts Bachelor of Music with Honours Postgraduate Courses Graduate Certificate in Music Studies (Specialisation) Graduate Diploma in Professional Music Practice Graduate Diploma in Music Studies (Specialisation) Master of Music Master of Music Studies www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 63
Monash University Academy of Performing Arts Monash University (03) 9902 6000 www.monash.edu.au Bachelor of Music - 3 years To be the best, surround yourself with high-achievers. Our School of Music - Conservatorium is consistently ranked among the best music schools in Australia. And we've handpicked your mentors from the best in the business. Tutors and lecturers have studied at leading overseas institutions like the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Manhattan School of Music in New York, and even our new Vice-Chancellor's Professorial Fellow in the School of Music is an industry heavyweight. You'll receive one-on-one instrumental teaching to develop your solo and ensemble performance skills. You'll have a number of opportunities to study overseas. You will also benefit from fantastic facilities. Our Performing Arts Centre contains a recital hall, drama theatre, music technology studios, an Early Music Room, an Asian Orchestras Room and a suite of practice studios (with quality pianos). www.monash.edu.au/study/coursefinder/course/0821/?courseview=domestic Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music - 4.5 years Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Contemporary Music Foundation Program (Music) - 1 year The Foundation Program is a one-year program that recognises and addresses the need to provide a course of study for those whose performance skills show potential but who have not attained the required standard in practical and/or theoretical studies for admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music) or Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre). Two streams are offered: Contemporary Music Performance: Improvisation and Music Theatre. Completion of this course does not guarantee a place in the: Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music), Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre), or Bachelor of Music courses at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. This course is only available to domestic students. The Foundation Program is not an undergraduate degree. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/musicfoundation Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Music) - 3 years full time Contemporary Music at the VCA reflects our ethos of practical, intensive and performance-focused training. Our learning environment encourages initiative, entrepreneurship and creative skills in a contemporary context. Our curriculum offers you the opportunity to participate in a range of concerts, events and interactive projects, reflecting our commitment to music-making in a broad range of musical styles and media. Our majors: Jazz And Improvisation Embraces improvisation in a diversity of musical genres including; jazz, world music, popular music, folk music, experimental music, electronica, crossover music, a cappella and multimedia. The program balances skills with creativity and encourages the development of the personal voice through contemporary performance practice and original compositions. Interactive Composition The Interactive Composition major focuses on commercially driven cross-art modes of composition. For areas as diverse as events, film, television, animation, theatre, music theatre, dance, pop music, advertising, video gaming, web, installation art and sound design. The program develops your craft in interactive music making and gives you the skills required to develop new artistic works individually and in groups within a range of cross-media environments. Graduates of the Contemporary Music program work as performers and composers in the Australian and international music industries. They also work in a number of associated professions including; music technicians, directors, producers and educators. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-fine-arts-contemporary-music/overview Bachelor of Music The Bachelor of Music is a three-year program that offers a rich range of choices, experiences, career outcomes and graduate pathways. The degree offers flexible study pathways that can be tailored to meet students’ interests, skills and needs in preparation for their future life in music. Distinctive features of the Bachelor of Music include: 64 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
An extensive practical program offering one-to-one instrumental / vocal tuition and regular master-classes with national and international visiting artists A wide range of ensemble experiences including Chamber Music, Orchestra and Choir, Big Band, Wind Symphony, non-western ensembles (e.g., Javanese Gamelan), World Music Choir, Early Voices and many others An active concert life, with regular lunchtime and evening concerts by students, professionals, and visiting artists. Majors available in: Music Performance, Composition, Musicology and Ethnomusicology. http://conservatorium.unimelb.edu.au/bmus Box Hill Institute of TAFE 1300 BOX HILL (1300 269 445) info@boxhill.edu.au Bachelor of Applied Music (Composition) Bachelor of Applied Music (Performance) Advanced Diploma of Music Diploma of Music Certificate IV in Music RMIT (03) 9925 2260 Bachelor of Arts (Music Industry) www.rmit.edu.au/programs/bp047 Victorian University (03) 9919 4000 Certificate II in Music Certificate IV in Music Advanced Diploma of Music Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) (03) 9645 7911 info@anam.com.au www.anam.com.au ANAM Professional Performance Program An intensive 12 month individually based performance program, structured to meet the optimum development requirements of each student. Students participate in solo, chamber and orchestral/ensemble training and performance along with career and professional development, ANAM’s Health and Wellbeing program plus community and outreach projects. Students work with a distinguished faculty of artists and national and international guest musicians. Entry is via direct application to ANAM. Whilst primarily open to applicants who have undertaken tertiary study, applicants who do not have a recognised tertiary award but who demonstrate an equivalent musical ability and maturity at the audition and interview may be considered for admission to this program. www.anam.com.au/programs/anam-professional-performance-program-883 ANAM Fellowship The ANAM Fellowship program is designed to provide musicians and/or ensembles of exceptional accomplishment with the opportunity to realise a specific goal in support of their musical development. As Fellows, recipients are provided with the freedom and appropriate support to progress their music careers. There is no academic pre-requisite, however applicants must be able to demonstrate appropriate skill and professional experience. www.anam.com.au/programs/2014-anam-fellowship www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 65
ANAM/Griffith University Master of Music (Research) www.anam.com.au/programs/2014-anam-griffith-university-master-of-music-research The University of Western Australia (08) 6488 2051 music@uwa.edu.au www.music.uwa.edu.au The study of music can now be undertaken as part of the new undergraduate degrees in: Bachelor of Arts [BA] Bachelor of Commerce [BCom] Bachelor of Design [BDes] Bachelor of Science [BSc] Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) [BPhil(Hons)] www.music.uwa.edu.au/courses/undergraduate WAAPA Edith Cowan University 134 ECU (134 328) (08) 6304 0000 enquiries@ecu.edu.au All WAAPA music students take a common core of historical and theoretical studies in addition to following a specialised performance-based curriculum in their selected area. An elective stream allows students to explore areas outside of their own specialisation. The full- time lecturers are internationally renowned in their respective fields and are augmented by a part-time staff that is fully engaged in the industry. Our programs are recognised both nationally and internationally and our graduates can be found not only producing ARIA winning albums, performing in major symphony orchestras, topping the charts, touring the world as solo artists or writing music for film and television but also in many of the new and exciting careers open to musicians today. With comprehensive programs in classical music, jazz, composition and music technology, musicology, theory and music education, WAAPA is a dynamic and stimulating environment in which to study music. We offer an exciting curriculum that simultaneously grounds musicians in the great traditions of the past while also equipping them to meet the challenges of the future. The strength of the department is in its interdisciplinary nature, which is made possible by a large and diverse staff of academics and performers spanning the whole gamut of the music world today Bachelor of Music and Diploma of Music qualifications are offered in the following areas: Classical Performance - Instrumental Classical Performance - Vocal Composition And Music Technology Contemporary Music Jazz Music Education
66 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
WAAPA’s Thoroughly Modern Millie (2013). Photo Jon Green
Musical Theatre
Australian Institute of Music (02) 9219 5444 enquiries@aim.edu.au www.aim.edu.au Bachelor of Music - Musical Theatre - 2 years (6 trimesters) Diploma of Music - Musical Theatre - 15 Months (4 trimesters) Masters of Music - Musical Theatre This course will help develop an understanding of the broader arena of music theatre. With a purpose built dance space, vocal rooms, cabaret space and rehearsal rooms, students are skilled in the four disciplines of singing, dancing, acting and creating - The Quadruple Threat! Music Theatre students develop the ear of a musician, the body awareness of a dancer, the imagination of an actor, the vision of a director and the fortitude of a producer. www.aim.edu.au/courses/music-theatre#sthash.qYFysdA2.dpuf Brent Street 1300 013 708 info@brentstreet.com.au www.brentstreet.com.au/professionals#mt Diploma of Musical Theatre - 1 year full-time Programmed in consultation with renowned performing artists including Caroline O'Connor, Brent Street's Diploma of Musical Theatre gives aspiring musical theatre professionals the best possible preparation for a career in this demanding industry. The Diploma is a full-time, one year professional development program focused on musical theatre technique and performance at an elite level. The course is designed for students either with a background in singing, dancing and acting or who excel in one or two performance areas and wish to refine their skill sets in the others and extend their musical theatre performance skills to a professional level. Prerequisites Acceptance into this course is by audition only. This course is open to students over the age of 17 who have completed Year 11 secondary education and have an interest and aptitude in the performing arts. www.brentstreet.com.au/dmt2014
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Stephen Lloyd Helper, a Yale educated American, first came to Australia in 1979. “Am I Australian or American?” he muses. “I think of myself as both.” He’s had notable Broadway credits - from assisting iconic chorographer Jerome Robbins, to co-writing Smokey Joe’s Café, a jukebox musical that ran for over four years and is still on the Top 30 of the longest runs in Broadway history. As director, producer and/or writer he continues to stage productions of plays and musicals in Australia and has watched with interest the growth in Music Theatre courses. “I’m starting to hear about a lot of little tiny schools that are With a little help from a writer with Broadway credits popping up here and there, uncredited, all trying to capitalise on the X Factor shows, There’s been a successful one-year Certificate IV course in The Voice, all of that stuff. Music Theatre at Sydney’s ACTT for some years. Under the “People get a dream in their head and can get sucked in guidance of Course Leader Stephen Lloyd Helper, it’s now by - some certainly don’t have the rigour or the teachers grown into a new two-year Advanced Diploma course. who know the industry.” There’ll be 12 students on the first Advanced Diploma “The difference is like night and day,” says Stephen intake. “Our tutors will give each a high degree of personal emphatically. “The new course is more in-depth, more attention and individual classes. We’re not trying to be a vigorous, broader in its scope and way deeper in its factory here. When it comes to really honing your craft, you content.” can have too many students in the one class.” Before we continue, let me explain the acronyms. The A YouTube promo for the earlier Certificate IV course ACTT (Actors College of Theatre and Television) and the IFSS features an all-female cohort singing (and dancing) their (International Film School Sydney) are twin media and hearts out. Is it difficult to attract guys? entertainment industry colleges under the umbrella of the “Absolutely not,” he says. “In our first intake we have private JMC Academy, founded in 1982 by John Martin more boys than girls, which is really unusual. It’s 70% boys. Cass. Got it. The new course prepares students for theatre and screen I don’t even know why that happened, to be honest, but there you go. acting. “It’s possible it’s because it’s now a two-year course. “For after they graduate, they’ll need to exist beyond Cert IV tends to attract students who are, you know, Music Theatre, to be able to act in plays and in film and television, to spend much of their time in front of a camera. finished high school, not exactly sure this is what they want to do, might give it a try for a year. We do a lot of dance and singing training, but even those “But when you’re signing up for a two-year course you techniques and skills are always allied to acting a role and know that it’s very serious and you really don’t want to developing a character. waste your time. Of course many girls feel exactly the same “You are prepared to audition for commercials, to way. I can’t really explain it.” audition for plays, to be very well-rounded. WAAPA (the Western Australian Academy of Performing “Only a handful of people ever make a whole living out Arts) is generally regarded as the place to go to study Music of just one element - I mean just Acting, just Film or just Theatre. Does he ever feel in their shadow? Musical Theatre. We took a long time to develop this It was a risky question. “Look,” he says, “it may sound course, in order to bring together all the different skills a crazy but there are people who actually don’t want to go to modern performer needs. WAAPA, usually because it’s so removed from their own “Because we’re under the same roof there’s a whole support infrastructure. other school with budding directors, screen writers, “Or maybe they realise they’ve got to be capable of film cinematographers. All those students are going to be and television and they need training in it.” collaborating with our ACTT actors, so that’s a fantastic Frank Hatherley opportunity, for now and also beyond graduation.” David Copperfield as performed by 2014 Graduating Class. Inset: Stephen Helper.
A Music Theatre Course Grows Up
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NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Diploma of Musical Theatre - 1 year NIDA’s Diploma of Musical Theatre is an intensive year of practical study, that elevates you to become a ‘triple threat’ singer, dancer, actor. NIDA is able to provide you with the rigour and skill required to get a foothold in musical theatre. The course is industry driven with content delivered by practicing professionals and guest tutors from the performing arts industry. You will be trained to respond creatively to scripts and songs, collaborate effectively with others and to make informed decisions about character interpretation. As a graduate of this course, your skills in acting will be as developed as your skills in singing and dancing. Training is practical, with an even distribution of classes in each of the disciplines of singing, dancing and acting. Assessments take place towards the end of each term. You train in ensemble and solo singing in a range of musical theatre repertoire, acting technique for both spoken and sung dialogue, and in ensemble and individual dance in a variety of styles. The course culminates in a showcase attended by music theatre practitioners, producers and agents. www.nida.edu.au/dmt Urban Dance www.urbandance.com.au Diploma of Musical Theatre TAFE Western Sydney 131 870 Diploma in Musical Theatre http://entertainment.wsi.tafensw.edu.au/courses/performing-arts http://entertainment.wsi.tafensw.edu.au/courses/live-sound-and-lighting Actors College of Theatre and Television (ACTT) (02) 9213 4500 http://actt.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre - 2 years Steeped within a very strong foundational acting and movement core, musical theatre students are taught to apply their skills across a range of scenarios. Our expert course tutors are able to develop the performer across a holistic spectrum of skills including voice, singing, acting, movement and dance. They also encourage and guide students towards building a strong network of contacts within the music theatre industry. An actor who can also excel in singing and dancing is traditionally known as a ‘triple threat’ as they are able to gain access to many more work opportunities than traditional actors, thanks to extended training in music performance skills. The Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre course is primarily performance based with emphasis on the development of acting, dancing, singing and musical training, and the integration and application of these techniques within a myriad of contexts. Throughout the course, students also learn the art of improvisation and are given scope to explore, analyse and critique a range of different text types and theatrical productions. Focus is also given to empowering the performers to apply their skills to a diverse range of musical opportunities including solo, ensemble and large-scale productions. At ACTT, students can rest assured that they will be taught by highly trained music theatre professionals including choreographers, vocal coaches and movement experts. Our tutors share with their students the competitive skills, industry insights and networks pertinent to their success Prerequisites: Written application Audition No minimum ATAR/UAI required Minimum age of 18 at time of course commencement
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42nd Street
From The Bush To The Inner City Ballarat’s university degree course in Music Theatre opens a branch in the centre of Sydney. It’s the reverse of normal practice: a regional degree course so successful that its style, content and enthusiastic course leader/deviser is coming to the Big Smoke. The Ballarat Arts Academy, part of Federation University in country Victoria, has been running a Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre) course with a fast-rising reputation. David Wynen, their energetic Dance and Movement lecturer, took over as Program Coordinator at a time when Higher Education changes were being widely discussed. TAFE (Technical and Further Education) colleges were looking to expand their horizons and enter into strategic partnerships with others, including universities. “Our FedU degree course has been very successful,” says David with enthusiasm, “and we’ve got a whole list of graduates out there working.
When Sydney TAFE said that because of the changing nature of their courses they had some available space, we started negotiating with them. “The space on offer was actually a brilliant location for a Music Theatre course - right across the road from the ABC Studios in Ultimo. “There were precedents to our Parade
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partnership, including an Information Technology degree that TAFE and FedU were delivering. And they’d recently launched their own Fashion degree. “But it’s our Music Theatre degree we’re going to deliver on their campus. You get the Federation University qualification on the Sydney TAFE campus.” Months of planning led to a ‘Gala Launch Night’ in August. “The launch was industry people and education people,” says David. “Four of our star graduates - now professional performers - came and performed. “And we got to announce that our patron and artistic mentor for the course will be Nancye Hayes. That’s a really big coup for us. “Last year Nancye saw our fullscale production of 42nd Street at Her Majesty’s Theatre in Ballarat. Nancye and I have known each other since we were in the original Australian production of that show in 1992. She was the star and I was a chorus boy,
Thoroughly Modern Millie
but we’ve stayed in touch.” David Wynen’s professional CV as performer, dancer, director and teacher is impressive and he continues to travel and work overseas, particularly in the States. Last year he taught at arguably America’s top Music Theatre college: Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He says while Melbourne has been the traditional hub of music theatre, opportunities for people who don’t wish to leave Sydney have been more limited. But will there be enough jobs for all these graduates? “Okay, we teach Music Theatre, but we’re also teaching life skills. We have ex-students who are Entertainment Managers at casinos, publicists, professional directors and choreographers. A lot of our graduates go into education. “The skills that you learn in the Music Theatre degree don’t necessarily lead you to The Lion King.”
Will he now be based in Sydney? “No, I will artistically direct between the two. I need to make sure that the students in Ballarat are getting the same education as the students in Sydney, that the overall vision, the branding is the same across the two campuses. “We’ve had so many top Sydney industry people enquire about
teaching on the course. Once we’ve got the enrolment sorted, I’m hoping to announce the raft of excellent professionals who’ll be teaching.” Official closing date for student applications is October 7, though Wynen says he could well be considering late applications through to the middle of November. Frank Hatherley
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Canberra Academy of Dramatic Art 1300 908 905 admin@cada.net.au www.cada.net.au Diploma of Musical Theatre - 1 year If you are an actor-singer, actor-dancer, or singer-dancer - or wanting to become one - the Diploma of Musical Theatre is for you. In this course you will be refining your acting, vocal and dance technique, performing in a number of live productions including concert nights, cabaret shows, musical theatre works and self-devised work. Using contemporary dance and movement forms as a platform into musical theatre performance, your aim is to work with our expert tutors to integrate your skillset and become a well-rounded, adaptable performer. Vocal studies examine both ensemble work and solo performance. Acting classes focus on building believable, memorable characters. Career preparation includes portfolio and audition technique, industry awareness, and essential business skills. Entry to this course is by group audition (singing/dance/acting). VET Fee-Help Available - study now, pay later www.cada.net.au/musical-theatre.html Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University Phone & Fax: (07) 3735 6111 www.griffith.edu.au/music Bachelor of Musical Theatre - 3 years full time Queensland Conservatorium is the only music school in Australia to offer a Bachelor of Musical Theatre. During the course of this program you will be exposed to diverse musical theatre styles and to the broadly accepted musical skills of aural awareness training, music theory and ensemble work appropriate to this genre. This program will develop your skills through intensive practical training in acting and improvisation, speech, voice, singing, dance and movement, focussing on producing the 'triple-threat' performer - one who is proficient in singing, acting and movement, enabling you to forge a successful career in the industry. Prerequisite: Audition www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=1404 Fame Theatre (07) 3252 4806 Fax: (07) 3256 1500 fametheatre@fametheatre.com www.fametheatre.com Musical Theatre (Registration pending) - 1-2 years part time This course is for people who want to audition for work or further study in the Music Theatre industry, involving a range of settings, including solo, group and full scale productions. With suitable direction, students will act, apply voice and movement in performance, sing and dance individually and in groups from extended to advanced level and develop an individual repertoire of audition and performance material. Students will research the music theatre industry and learn how to manage personal business arrangements, develop a personal vision and career plan. Prerequisites: Audition required Harvest Rain Theatre One year Music Theatre Internship www.harvestrain.com.au/#/internships/4568004180 Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre) - 3 years full-time BVCA Music Theatre is designed as an intensive skills-building program that produces industryready, professional performers with a strong sense of individual expression. The program offers extensive practical training in music theatre’s three principal disciplines singing, acting and dancing - both as individual crafts and in combination. Public performance is an integral part of the program beginning in second year, with fully staged performances in third year and culminating in an industry showcase 72 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
for agents, directors and producers. Music Theatre has a strong focus on, and connection to, Melbourne's thriving music theatre profession and students participate in daily studio-based training with working artists and industry master classes with international guest teachers. The program also encourages the development and performance of new music theatre works. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/bachelor-of-fine-arts-music-theatre/overview Foundation Program (Music Theatre) - 1 year The Foundation Program is a one-year program that offers a course of study for those music theatre students whose performance skills show potential but who have not attained the required standard in practical and/or theoretical studies for admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre). The program develops your skills in acting, singing, dance, spoken voice, movement and body conditioning/technique under the tutelage of professional teaching artists who are experts in their field. The program is an accredited one year enabling course that has Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs). However, the program is presently tuition fee exempt and there will be no tuition fees for the duration of study in this course. Unlike other courses, studying this program will not incur HECS and will not use up any of a student’s Student Learning Entitlement. Completion of this course does not guarantee a place in undergraduate programs offered by the VCA and MCM. The Foundation Program is not an undergraduate degree. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/foundation-program-music-theatre/overview Spectrum Dance 0433 733 187 (03) 9830 6588 ftc@spectrumdance.com.au www.spectrumdance.com.au Diploma in Musical Theatre (CUA50213) Nationally recognised accreditation Spectrum Dance offers a comprehensive Full Time Performing Arts Program that specialises in the performance and career development of artists. Spectrum Dance provides students the opportunity to excel through specialised teaching techniques whilst focusing on individual development. Our course will develop and advance dance techniques in all genres, build performance skills and provide opportunities to engage in the entertainment industry. Throughout the program, students will become proficient in the arts of singing, dancing and acting. In addition to the Full Time Performing Arts Program students have the option of three nationally recognised accredited certificates to choose from. These courses are offered in partnership with the Australian Teachers of Dancing (RTO#31624). If a student chooses to select an accreditation option they may be eligible for government funding. Federation University 1800 FED UNI (1800 333 864) info@federation.edu.au www.federation.edu.au Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre) - 3 years full time Federation University offers a three-year full-time Bachelor of Arts in Music Theatre at our Camp Street Campus (Ballarat) and from 2015, at Sydney TAFE. A three-year full-time Bachelor of Acting is also offered at the Ballarat campus only. The Music Theatre degree seeks to develop multi-skilled performers for professional music theatre. The aim of the course is to provide a context for the simultaneous development of skills in singing, acting and dancing. The student is encouraged to create new work and explore the history and theoretical basis of contemporary music theatre. Subjects include: Singing, Acting, Dancing, Music Theatre Studio, Music Theory and Critical Studies. Studio and public performances occur at each level of the program. Previous study in singing, dancing and / or music is an advantage. Successful completion of this program will enable you to emerge as a performer with a specialisation in Music Theatre, with the knowledge and skills to: Demonstrate specific acting skills on stage or screen Demonstrate flexibility and range in singing and vocal skills Demonstrate flexibility and range in dance and movement skills Understand the performing arts heritage Synthesise performance skills, creative processes, production and management skills Display a sensitivity to the needs and reactions of other theatre workers and collaborators www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 73
A Touch Of Chaos. All photos: Jeff Busby.
A Little Touch Of Chaos The Victorian College of the Arts is set to make the development of new work a permanent part of the study course for its Fine Arts Degrees, following the success of a season of A Little Touch of Chaos by James Millar and Peter Rutherford. David Spicer reports.
go is not so easy. Lecturers are obliged to choose works to stage to match the student numbers and talent in the course. The Victorian College of the Arts received a grant to develop a new Australian musical. From 100 submissions, six writing teams received $2000, three finalists an extra A performing arts course at first blush is fertile ground $6000 and the winner $30,000 plus a two week season. for developing a new work. All those resources, talent and Lecturer Martin Croft said the standard of submissions all that enthusiasm would make any writer of a new work was ‘mixed’, ranging from ideas on a page to musicals that had already been workshopped. Regardless of where they lick their lips in anticipation. But shoe-horning it into the demands of a course where all students need to be given a were up to, he said best model is not to rush the shows into performance. “I have seen so many shows workshopped for two weeks. The whole process is about putting on the show. Writers get nervous that such and such is coming. So we had two periods of workshop with no public showing. There was no expected outcome apart from developing the work. ” The three finalists included Bim Bom by Gary Young and Paul Keelan, previously the winner of the Pratt Prize, about a political clown during Russian revolution; Choices, a contemporary piece by Anthony Costanzo looking at parallel universes, and the winner, A Little Touch of Chaos by James Millar and Peter Rutherford, a musical centred around the loosely autobiographical story of a man leaving a religious cult and the baggage it leaves the next generation. The work had previously had an outing at WAAPA and also a reading in Sydney at New Musicals Australia, but this was a better resourced try out as it was staged for 12 performances in a 100 seat theatre. From the students’ perspective it was a valuable A Touch Of Chaos 74 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
learning experience. “Normally they learn a show that is already set. In this case they helped shape the role rather than replicating it. “Even in the dress rehearsal when an entire song was cut. They had to learn what that is like.” The funding was also used to bring on board a professional director, musical director and designers, stage and production managers. “People working in the industry were mentoring students on production and design. They saw the writer’s vision through the workshops and had to adapt quickly.” Martin Croft says the project was such a success that he wants the development of new work to become a permanent part of the curriculum. “A Little Touch of Chaos was incredibly well received (it sold out the 1200 seats). James and Peter were terrific in re-examining it. It is quite a different and more accessible show now.” Where to now for the musical? “This is the sort of piece the Sydney Theatre Company and Melbourne Theatre Company should be doing. It is in the realm of Next to Normal.” Can you whistle any tunes? “People commented that the music was so beautiful. I had it going around in my head for quite some time.” The yardstick of the success of the project from the new work perspective will be where the musical goes next. At this stage nothing is confirmed. Martin Croft says however it is frustrating that the major subsidised theatres are reluctant to take on new musicals. “Subsidised theatres love musicals when they want to make money. It would be nice if they supported the art form as well.”
A Touch Of Chaos
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NASDA Celebrates th 20 Anniversary Over the last twenty years, some of Australasia’s most talented performers have passed through the doors of CPIT’s National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Art (NASDA) in Christchurch, New Zealand. Akina Edmonds is one of those. Akina is an experienced singer, actress and vocal coach who has performed in some of the biggest shows in Australia, including her current role in The Lion King. The talented 26-year-old studied at NASDA from 2006 and has been working in Australia ever since graduating in 2008. “In my time here I have been a cast member and understudy in Buddy Holly, Avenue Q, Hairspray, An Officer and a Gentleman, Children of Eden and am currently in The Lion King, understudying Nala and Sarabi,” she says. NASDA, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, offers a Bachelor of Performing Arts degree which combines singing, acting and dancing in a Music Theatre specialisation. “My training at NASDA was intensive and has given me the tools I have needed
for the demanding life of a performer, as well as preparation for auditions, discipline and taking care of yourself during rehearsals,” Akina says. “I also learnt about pacing yourself in order to maintain performance stamina for 8 shows a week.” She says the hardest part about her job is keeping focused and self-motivated through gruelling auditions and rehearsals but that the hard work more than pays off. “You get to work with so many amazing people. The talent which is out there can be scary but it also pushes me to try harder and there is great inspiration in constantly being surrounded, and trained, by talented people. The highlight in this industry is getting the call to say you got the gig.” Like Akina, many NASDA graduates are now working in theatre all over the world. Head of NASDA Richard Marrett says several alumni have ended up in Australia performing in shows. “We are very proud of Akina, who has been cast in The Lion King, while Laura
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Bunting has been performing in Wicked and Charlie Panapa and Erin Simpson are well-known to New Zealand audiences as television presenters.” Other successful graduates include Kristian Lavercombe, who is well known as an actor and has been playing Riff Raff in the UK and Australian productions of Rocky Horror, songstress Kaylee Bell, who has graced stages around New Zealand, Australia (Toyota Starmaker 2013) and the USA, and Zachary Parore who has worked as a stunt performer and character actor and singer for Universal Studios Singapore. Marrett believes NASDA continues to be so successful because of the way the academy integrates the development of skills and theoretical knowledge with real world performance experience in its programmes. “The intensive, practical nature of the programme is a strength, as is the contribution and pastoral care of a team of multi-talented, experienced staff members.” Over the last twenty years, NASDA has continued to evolve to reflect the changing nature of the musical theatre arts industry. Marrett says “to be successful in the industry today performers need to be versatile and dynamic and over that time the programme has gained a reputation for providing high quality training.”
The Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (CQCM) is celebrating its 25th anniversary and is now proud to offer courses on its CQUniversity Mackay campus and also for students learning remotely. With a fully-functioning theatre and modern equipment, a roster of top performing artists as ‘industry mentors’, and on-campus accommodation, CQCM offers a great springboard for those keen to break into the music and theatre professions. Degrees in Music and Theatre offer intense training and development while fostering inspiration, creativity and passion. Degrees are also available via distance education, giving students the flexibility to study in their own home and at their own pace. It allows those who live in rural and remote areas, or internationally, to access university study without the need to relocate. Over the years CQCM graduates have been applauded for their ‘industry-readiness’. Graduates have forged careers in fields as diverse as opera, stage musicals, cabaret, television, films, studio recording and music teaching. Music Theatre graduate Liam Mcllwain is currently performing in Les Misérables in Melbourne. Liam is now Thoroughly Modern Millie
42nd Street
Remote Music And Theatre Courses an experienced professional with credits in major shows including Mary Poppins, My Fair Lady and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Peter Saide, also a Bachelor of Music Theatre graduate, was cast as the Prince in a south-east Asia touring production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella opposite Lea Salonga. This provided a springboard to starring in the Las Vegas production of Jersey Boys, playing the role of Bob Gaudio. Jordan Edmeades graduated from
the Conservatorium with a Bachelor of Music Theatre in 2008 and has since performed in over 15 countries. His performances have ranged from playing Basil Fawlty in the Fawlty Towers dinner show, to his own show called Champagne Cabaret at the 2013 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and a performance at the Sydney Opera House. In recent years CQCM’s theatre students have earned national recognition for helping teens survive Schoolies with their Choices touring production. They have also earned praise for helping kids stay healthy with their Mighty Foods productions, and by helping keep kids safe with their Safety Circus productions. Meanwhile, the music degree also features intensive individual training with professional musicians and the opportunity for performances in a range of settings and ensembles. A distance education option is available for both CQUniversity’s music and theatre degrees. Auditions for CQUniversity’s 2015 academic year are currently open. To book an audition, email musicandtheatre@cqu.edu.au or phone 07 4940 7800. Visit www.cqu.edu.au/study for further information. www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 77
Research and contribute to the creation of characters and the collaborative process of performance-making Write and compose for music theatre and the collaborative process of performance making http://programfinder.federation.edu.au/ProgramFinder/displayProgram.jsp?ID=179 Bachelor of Music (Performance) Bachelor of Dance (Performance) Master of Music (Performance) Centrestage Performing Arts School (03) 9380 8480 (ext 1) Fax: (03) 9380 8371 reception@centrestageschool.com.au www.showfit.com.au Showfit - 1 year full time A Centrestage initiative, Showfit is a 12 month fulltime Musical Theatre course for students with a strong skill base in performing arts and an openness to developing all three areas of acting, singing and dancing equally. The notion of becoming a triple threat is the driving thread throughout the year. Directors, Simon Gleeson and Leanne White and Musical Director Mathew Frank lead respected industry professionals from both Australia and overseas to provide the very best all round training. This one year course has been an overwhelming success in either spring boarding actors straight into Industry work or giving them the skills to successfully audition and gain places into 3 year degree Musical Theatre courses. Prerequisites: Finished Secondary training and successfully auditioned for the course. There is a four hour audition process of Singing, Dancing and Acting. Michelle Slater Performing Arts Studio Diploma of Musical Theatre - Full-time and part-time Dance Factory (03) 9429 9492 dancefac@netspace.net.au www.dancefactory.com.au Diploma of Musical Theatre (CUA50213) - 1 year full time or 2 years part time Courses are accredited with ASQA and CRICOS for international students, and as such open a range of state and federal supports to students, as well as a recognised higher education pathway. Dance Factory graduates are performing across Australia, Asia, the West End, New York, cruise ships, Universal Studios and Disneyland, not to mention teaching, choreographing and producing across Australia and internationally. WAAPA Edith Cowan University PH: 134 ECU (134 328) enquiries@ecu.edu.au Bachelor of Arts (Music Theatre) WAAPA’s acclaimed Music Theatre course provides graduates with the skills and experience required to engage in professional theatre practice. Music Theatre students work closely with WAAPA’s world class teaching staff and specialist tutors who share the knowledge and skills they have gained through professional performance careers. The Music Theatre program provides intensive technical training in singing, dancing and acting to develop the professionally acknowledged ‘triple threat ’performer. In addition to these core skills, students are instructed in film, television and radio techniques to train them for a wide range of roles in the performing arts. There is also a strong focus on preparing students for professional audition. Practical training is complemented by the study of dramatic literature, the history of music theatre and arts management. Students integrate their class studies with performance training throughout the course in classroom presentations, workshops, chamber music theatre and full-scale musical productions. Prerequisites: 78 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on a comprehensive audition and interview. Certificate IV In Musical Theatre This nationally recognised qualification is a one year vocational program at WAAPA assisting students in gaining more experience in the areas of song, dance and acting. It focuses on audition techniques and develops the student’s ability and knowledge in the area of music theatre. On completion, successful students can apply and audition for the Bachelor of Music Theatre. Prerequisites: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on a comprehensive audition and interview where the candidate can demonstrate competence in vocal, dance and/or acting skills at Certificate III level. NASDA - National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Art Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology +64 3 940 8464 www.nasda.co.nz Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music Theatre) - 3 years NASDA is dedicated to excellence in music theatre training and aims to produce fully integrated performers capable of employment throughout the performing arts industry. The successful performer anywhere in the industry today needs to be versatile and dynamic, with an ability to act, sing, and dance. The Bachelor of Performing Arts (Music Theatre) is a unique qualification which combines these disciplines, providing a comprehensively integrated course with a good balance between practical skills and academic rigour. The degree’s course of study incorporates individual singing lessons and classes in acting, tap, jazz and ballet, physical theatre, musicianship, chorus, performance masterclasses, theatre studies and research. Throughout the year students also perform in a busy programme of plays, musicals, musical theatre ensembles, concerts, road-shows to schools and a season of cabaret.
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The NASDA staff is a group of highly skilled and experienced professionals who work collaboratively to help each student maximise his or her potential. Because we are a part of CPIT our students are able to study at an institution that has built a tradition of excellence in tertiary education for over 100 years, and offers courses in a wide range of related areas. Graduates from NASDA can be found working successfully in all areas of the arts profession and entertainment industry including film, television, theatre and musical theatre, radio and in other performance events in New Zealand, Australia and Europe. A number of students have gone on to study at postgraduate level. NASDA is a place where talent, both obvious and hidden, is developed to the highest level. WAAPA’s 3rd Year Music Theatre Production of West Side Story (2014). Photo: Jon Green.
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Sound and Light
NIDA Lighting Production students. Photo: Olivia Martin-McGuire
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Actor’s College of Theatre and Television (02) 9213 4500 info@actt.edu.au Certificate III in Live Production Theatre & Events (Technical Operations) (CUE30203) Certificate IV in Live Production, Theatre & Events (Technical Operations) (CUE40303) www.actt.edu.au/live-production NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Bachelor of Dramatic Art (Production) - 3 years The course is structured into two areas: the formal teaching component delivering detailed theoretical and practical applications of technical production subjects combined with a practical component where students take active roles in the staging of NIDA events and productions. Industry placements or professional work placements are a feature of the final year of the course. They allow students the opportunity to experience first hand a professional working environment through an extended period of observation and professional practice. These provide the opportunity to establish industry contacts and can often lead to future employment prospects. www.nida.edu.au/default.aspx?FolderID=65 JMC Academy (02) 8241 8899 Diploma of Audio Engineering and Sound Production - 2 trimesters (30 weeks) full time Associate Degree of Audio Engineering and Sound Production - 4 trimesters (60 weeks) full time Bachelor of Creative Technology (Audio Engineering and Sound Production) - 6 trimesters (90 weeks) full time www.jmcacademy.edu.au/Course/Audio-Engineering-and-Sound-Production.cfm TAFE Western Sydney http://entertainment.wsi.tafensw.edu.au/courses/live-sound-and-lighting Live Production Certificates and Diplomas Australian Institute of Music (02) 9219 5444 www.aim.edu.au/courses/acting-theatre Bachelor of Music - Audio Engineering - 2 years (6 Trimesters) Diploma of Music - Audio Engineering - 15 Months (4 Trimesters) Masters of Music - Audio Engineering This audio course is for students who want to follow a career as a sound engineer, music producer, or audio specialist, with a focus on technical production skills. Students develop professional skills in critical listening, recording, mixing, studio and live sound. AIM's audio course is delivered by some of the finest Audio teachers in Australia. There is a high component of collaboration as audio students work with other AIM students including composers, musicians, performers and actors to complete major recording projects. www.aim.edu.au/courses/audio-engineering#sthash.713zsQbq.dpuf TAFE Queensland Gold Coast (07) 5581 8300 gold.coast@tafe.qld.edu.au http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au Certificate III in Live Production, Theatre and Events (Technical Operations) This program is designed to reflect the role of individuals who work in technical production 82 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
areas and perform a range of skilled tasks using discretion and judgement, and who have the ability to select, adapt and transfer skills to different work situations. Certificate III is generally accepted as the industry entry-level qualification. TAFE Queensland Gold Coast has designed this program to meet a broad range of work outcomes. It reflects the need for multi-skilling whilst focusing on specific entry-level work areas including industry practice, audio-visual, lighting, occupational health and safety, and staging elements. http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au/course/creative-arts/12110/certificate-iii-live-production-theatre-events-technical-operations Diploma of Sound Production This program is ideal for people who have existing talent as performers and/or song writers that wish to acquire the skills and knowledge to produce their own music to a professional standard, as well as people with a passion for sound and music that would like a career in the industry but are not necessarily performers themselves. Students develop their skills and experience through practical tasks and delivery, based on real workplace projects including recording sessions and live events. http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au/course/creative-arts/11517/diploma-sound-production Diploma of Screen and Media Obtain skills in pre-production, production, lighting, digital audio, video editing, 3D modelling, 3D animation, production project management and post-production stages of screen and media projects http://tafegoldcoast.edu.au/course/creative-arts/11407/diploma-screen-media Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium of Music (07) 3735 7111 (Brisbane) (07) 5552 8800 (Gold Coast) www.griffith.edu.au Bachelor of Music Technology - 3 years full-time Music technology is at the centre of much of today's modern music whether it is for the recording industry, concert events, or online. This program will teach you how to blend your musical talents with acquired technical skills and developed artistic ability so that you progress a thorough understanding the role technology plays in the creation of music through production, recording and performance to applying these skills and knowledge professionally. You will also gain invaluable practical experience in applying creative technology to real situations by working with an extensive range of studios, labs, events and ensembles at the Conservatorium. Prerequisites: English 4SA, Maths A, B or C 4SA plus folio of recorded work www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=1195 Bachelor of Music Technology with Honours - 1 year full-time This program will prepare talented undergraduate students studying music technology for entry into Masters or Doctoral studies by developing their research skills and broadening the scope of both research method and creative practice. The program comprises of coursework and a dissertation. Prerequisites: Completed all three years of the degree requirements of the 1195 Bachelor of Music Technology or hold an equivalent three or four year degree in music technology from a recognized university; achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 5.6 (on a scale of 7.0) or equivalent from a recognized university (consideration will be given to students who achieve a minimum GPA of 5.6 in the final year of their program); have at least a Distinction in each of the third year major study courses 3719QCM Sound Production Projects and 3729QCM Sound Production Projects or demonstrate a standard equivalent to a Distinction in final year Music Technology major area of study from a recognized university; have at least a Distinction in each of the third year technology literature courses 3711QCM Music Technology and 3721QCM Music Technology or have a good general academic record including a standard equivalent to a Distinction in courses involving a written research component or equivalent from a recognized university. www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=2049 Certificate in Music Technology - 1 year part-time The music industry offers a diverse range of opportunities. This program will help you to develop your knowledge by addressing key technology topics, including sound recording, sound engineering, MIDI and theory-based topics. Prerequisites: English 4SA, Maths A, B or C 4SA plus folio of recorded work www148.griffith.edu.au/degree-career-finder/Program/OverviewAndFees?ProgramCode=9298
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Sound Course For Employment Actors might struggle to get a job after they graduate, but for those who make sure that every member of the audience hears every word the opposite is the case.
“The skills I learnt at TAFE Queensland Gold Coast are extremely useful and I was able to immediately apply them across various applications within my new role,” said Harris. “The facilities at the Coomera location are state-of-the-art and I was TAFE Queensland Gold Coast is reporting that four out of every five of able to gain experience using industry its graduates from its Diploma of standard equipment such as recording Sound Production has a job within studios, which is fantastic as I am now three months. responsible for the operation of the recording studios at some of the One happy graduate is Adam Harris. He’s secured his ideal job with centres.” the City of Gold Coast as Head Audio, The Diploma of Sound Production Visual and Lighting Technician. students develop skills and experience Adam is in charge of the sound through various practical tasks, based on real workplace projects including and lighting for a variety of recording sessions and live events. performances including live band nights and theatre productions across TAFE Queensland Gold Coast the Gold Coast’s six community General Manager, Jenny Dodd, said centres. that it’s excellent to see when students successfully gain employment in their Mr Harris said his new role is field of study after recently graduating. something he has wanted to get into for a long time and his studies at TAFE “Our most recent graduate Queensland Gold Coast provided him destination survey indicated that 79 with the industry relevant skills to per cent of graduates were employed three months after completing their secure his ideal job.
84 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
course,” said Dodd. “Adam is already utilising his skills in a job that he was aiming for prior to commencing his studies. “Our aim at TAFE Queensland Gold Coast is to create a skilled and educated workforce to generate job security and to ensure the growth and development of the region.” Ms Dodd said TAFE Queensland Gold Coast takes pride in delivering industry relevant training and providing cutting-edge equipment which puts their students ahead of the rest in the job market upon graduation. TAFE Queensland Gold Coast’s current Diploma of Sound Production and Diploma of Music students will have the opportunity to undertake work experience in these community facilities with Mr Harris to obtain real world skills while studying. For more information please call (07) 55 818 300 or visit tafegoldcoast.edu.au
Australian Institute of Music production
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast graduate Adam Harris
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Certificate in Popular Music Technology - 1 Year Part-time This is the path for you if your earlier studies in music have not been sufficient for entry into the Bachelor of Popular Music. The music industry offers a diverse range of opportunities. This certificate program will help you to develop your knowledge by addressing key technology topics including sound recording, sound engineering, MIDI and theory-based topics. Prerequisites: English 4SA plus audition and folio of recorded work Queensland University of Technology (07) 3138 2000 askqut@qut.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Production) - 3 years full-time This course provides you with fundamental skills in stage management, lighting, sound, multimedia production, costume, props, stage mechanics, scenery construction and theatre design. You’ll also have the opportunity to specialise in a particular area of live production and access to industry- based learning and placements. Graduates work for companies and shows all over the world as stage managers, production managers, lighting, sound and scenic designers, technical programmers and operators, tour managers, technical directors and in the areas of props, costumes and stage mechanics, theatrical flying and automation. They work across all types of live production and performance including classical and contemporary music, theatre, dance, circus, ballet, festivals, opera, corporate theatre, sports production including opening and closing ceremonies, and large public performance events. www.qut.edu.au/study/international-courses/bachelor-of-fine-arts/bachelor-of-fine-arts-technical-production Federation University 1800 FED UNI (1800 333 864) info@federation.edu.au www.federation.edu.au Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services The Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services is for people committed to becoming versatile and skilled workers in the entertainment industry. The first year of the course provides students with the opportunity to operate and supervise the use of a wide range of sophisticated lighting, sound and vision equipment. The learning environment is intensely practical. Much of the learning and teaching takes place during a series of live performances where all operational and management positions are undertaken by students. http://programfinder.federation.edu.au/ProgramFinder/displayProgram.jsp?ID=186 Box Hill Institute of TAFE 1300 BOX HILL (1300 269 445) info@boxhill.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Sound Production You will develop a high level of skills and practise within the recording industry, including skills of the studio engineer and record producer. This course incorporates advanced studies in industry standards of software and hardware, including ProTools, as well as advanced microphone techniques and session management skills. www.bhtafe.edu.au/courses/local/Pages/MUSP6.aspx Certificate III in Sound Production Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation (Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design) The Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation brings together choreographers, directors, designers, and animateurs in a program which enables distinct discipline specialisations as well as collaborative and interdisciplinary projects through common subject areas. The course is focused on nurturing and developing arts practitioners who will contribute through leadership, research and performance development to Australian culture in the arts. This is an intensive practicebased graduate coursework degree, taking one year of full-time study with streams available in Animateuring, Choreography, Directing, Design (Set and Costume), Lighting Design, and Sound Design. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/pgdipp 86 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Victoria University (03) 9919 3204 music@vu.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Sound Production A variety of music technology and related fields will be open to you, including the studio, live sound, MIDI, digital audio editing, collaboration and management. www.vu.edu.au/courses/advanced-diploma-of-sound-production-cus60209 WAAPA Edith Cowan University PH: 134 ECU (134 328) enquiries@ecu.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Live Production and Management Services Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services WAAPA’s Production and Design programs prepare students in a range of interpretive and technical theatre disciplines through teaching methods designed to recognise and refine the skills and potential of each individual. Unparalleled in any other Australasian arts training institution, WAAPA provides Production and Design students with the greatest diversity of ‘on the job’ theatrical experiences. Our students have access to simulated industry training in the design, construction and management of the Academy’s annual repertoire of 30 plus productions, utilising our seven diverse performance venues, as well as numerous external performance spaces. WAAPA’s professionally staffed and equipped workshop and wardrobe facilities, along with state-of-the-art lighting and sound studios, give students immediate ‘hands-on’ access to all production development, construction and staging processes associated with the most up-to-date industry expectation and practice. Incorporating a provocative mix of national and international professional directors, teachers and supervisors, WAAPA’s year-long season of drama, music theatre, dance, opera, films and jazz, classical and contemporary music concerts gives our Production and Design graduates the winning edge in preparation for a seamless transition into a wide range of careers within the creative and technical industries both here and abroad. Admission Requirements: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on portfolio and interview. Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Diploma in Entertainment Technology - 2 years full-time The first year of the course focuses on the function and operation of key areas of theatre and event production. Students learn the basics of electrical theory, lighting design and operation, costume, sound mechanics and design, set building and design, production and stage management, stage mechanics and AV. In the second year the focus is on developing a deeper understanding and familiarity of process through a range of elective units. Students apply their skills and knowledge to production projects supported by specialised block courses and industry secondments. Each student is seconded to at least one professional theatre company, film crew or performing arts organisation. Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a good level of physical fitness is essential. Entry is by application form and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/entertainment-technology
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88 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Stage Management
Breaking Out (2012) - WAAPA. Photo: Sarah Duyvestyn
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Actor’s College of Theatre and TV (JMC Academy) (02) 9213 4500 info@actt.edu.au www.actt.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Stage Management (CUE60303) - 1 year Nationally Endorsed Training Approved for Austudy Approved for international student visas Recognised by the industry Excellent industry secondments Good employment prospects www.actt.edu.au/stage-management NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Theatre and Stage Management) - 3 years NIDA’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Theatre and Stage Management) focuses on the innovative and effective ways successful practitioners integrate technical fields and collaborate within live performance, film, television and event contexts. At its core, the course deals specifically with the realisation and management of the points of intersection that occur between technology and performance. This is a holistic technical production course that provides education and training to the technical theatre practitioners and stage managers of the future. A key feature is the broad range of knowledge and experience with which students engage during the course. This breadth of experience prepares students to succeed in leadership roles that require creative, technical and managerial expertise across multiple technical fields. Students are introduced to practices, procedures, history and technologies across the fields of stage management, lighting, audio, technical drawing, staging and multimedia. They learn methods for recording and integrating information in a variety of discipline-appropriate documentary forms, gain skills in, project management, people management and technical management, and learn how to apply all of their acquired skills and knowledge on largescale, cross-disciplinary collaborative projects. The course equips students with the specific knowledge and skills to pursue careers in a range of technical fields within the live performance and event industries. Graduates of the course are especially suited to careers in technical management, stage management, technical design, production management, lighting, audio and theatrical multimedia systems. www.nida.edu.au/technical-theatre University of Southern Queensland 1800 269 500 study@usq.edu.au Bachelor of Creative Arts (Stage Management Major) www.usq.edu.au/arts/studyareas/creativearts Queensland University of Technology (07) 3138 2000 askqut@qut.edu.au Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Production) - 3 years full-time This course provides you with fundamental skills in stage management, lighting, sound, multimedia production, costume, props, stage mechanics, scenery construction and theatre design. You’ll also have the opportunity to specialise in a particular area of live production and access to industry- based learning and placements. Graduates work for companies and shows all over the world as stage managers, production managers, lighting, sound and scenic designers, technical programmers and operators, tour managers, technical directors and in the areas of props, costumes and stage mechanics, theatrical flying and automation. They work across all types of live production and performance including classical and contemporary music, theatre, dance, circus, ballet, festivals, opera, corporate theatre, sports production including opening and closing ceremonies, and large public performance events. www.qut.edu.au/study/international-courses/bachelor-of-fine-arts/bachelor-of-fine-arts-technical-production 90 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Tasmanian Polytechnic (03) 6220 3133 enquiries@academy.tas.edu.au Diploma Of Live Production, Theatre And Events (Technical Production) The course aims to provide graduates with the broad-based knowledge and practical skills required to gain and sustain professional employment in the arts and entertainment industry; as a member of the technical crew on a show/event as an employee of a theatre based or independent production company as a member or leader in events at a variety of venues. Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) Students major in one of three areas: Performance Technology; Stage Management; or Design Realisation; whilst still being exposed to all aspects of performance production - set, costume, lighting, multimedia and sound technology and design, workshop and costume construction, and stage and production management. Intensive delivery of skills and practice takes place through studio based training and direct application of these skills to rehearsals and productions. The course provides students with the opportunity to participate in productions staged within the VCA - in the School of Performing Arts (collaborations with Dance and Theatre) and Music Theatre projects; and beyond the VCA through projects and secondments with professional companies. Graduates of this course have a tradition of high employment success. Graduates demonstrate capacities for artistic imagination, creativity, transformation and interpretation. They work at various levels, both as an individual and as a team member, in a wide variety of visual/performing arts environments including: work on large-scale events; major festivals; theatre, dance and music theatre productions. http://vca.unimelb.edu.au/bfaproduction SEDA 1300 11 7332 www.segagroup.com.au/arts SEDA Arts Development Program (Year 11 and 12 Students) SEDA Arts Development Program offers year 11 and 12 students an engaging curriculum within the Arts industry. Students create pathways for their future into employment or further study. Qualifications: Program One: Foundation VCAL VET Certificate Level Community Dance Theatre Events Program Two: Senior VCAL VET Certificate Level Community Theatre Events Program Three: VET Certificate and Diploma Level Community Diploma of Events SEDA partners with Arts industry experts to provide students with a rich and meaningful educational experience. SEDA www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 91
students have access to industry staff and practical real life experiences, enabling them to gain a holistic understanding and appreciation of the arts industry. These opportunities allow them to continually build key contacts and networks that assist them in their further education and or career path of their choosing. Industry Partners: Arena Theatre Company The Song Room Key Relationships: Platform Youth Theatre Clearlight La Mama WAAPA Edith Cowan University PH: 134 ECU (134 328) enquiries@ecu.edu.au Advanced Diploma of Live Production and Management Services Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services WAAPA’s Production and Design programs prepare students in a range of interpretive and technical theatre disciplines through teaching methods designed to recognise and refine the skills and potential of each individual. Unparalleled in any other Australasian arts training institution, WAAPA provides Production and Design students with the greatest diversity of ‘on the job’ theatrical experiences. Our students have access to simulated industry training in the design, construction and management of the Academy’s annual repertoire of 30 plus productions, utilising our seven diverse performance venues, as well as numerous external performance spaces. WAAPA’s professionally staffed and equipped workshop and wardrobe facilities, along with state-of-the-art lighting and sound studios, give students immediate ‘hands-on’ access to all production development, construction and staging processes associated with the most up-to-date industry expectation and practice. Incorporating a provocative mix of national and international professional directors, teachers and supervisors, WAAPA’s year-long season of drama, music theatre, dance, opera, films and jazz, classical and contemporary music concerts gives our Production and Design graduates the winning edge in preparation for a seamless transition into a wide range of careers within the creative and technical industries both here and abroad. Admission Requirements: Applications are submitted directly to WAAPA via the Online Admission System. Admission is based on portfolio and interview. Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School +64 4 381 9251 Fax: +64 4 389 4996 apply@toiwhakaari.ac.nz www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz Bachelor of Performing Arts (Management) 3 years full-time The first year of the course focuses on key areas in theatre production. Students gain basic skills in a broad range of production areas including lighting design and operation, costume, sound mechanics and design, set building and design, production and stage management, stage mechanics and AV. In the second year there is a focus on developing a deeper understanding of process through a series of elective units. Students apply their skills to production activity; reinforced with block courses and industry secondments. The third year is dedicated to developing business and leadership skills in a range of management, leadership and administration areas. This includes events, stage, production and financial management and performance research and development. Prerequisites: There are no educational prerequisites however a good level of physical fitness is essential. Entry is by application form and interview. www.toiwhakaari.ac.nz/study-at-toi-whakaari/performing-arts-management 92 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
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Emma Dean performing live at USQ Arts Centre, Toowoomba. Photo: Kate Davies
Sydney Conservatorium of Music University of Sydney (02) 9036 6530 Graduate Diploma (Opera) | Master of Music Studies (Opera) The study of opera within the Master of Music Studies and Graduate Diploma (Opera) is designed to meet the needs of graduate opera students who wish to extend their technical knowledge of the repertoire and performance practice. It is intended for graduates and professional singers who wish to enhance the skills required on the opera and music theatre stage. http://sydney.edu.au/handbooks/conservatorium/postgraduate/coursework/opera.shtml Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium of Music (07) 3735 7111 Graduate Diploma of Music - Opera Performance - South Bank (QCGU) (Vocal or Opera) www14.griffith.edu.au/cis/p_cat/require.asp?ProgCode=4112&Type=require
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Victorian College of the Arts The University of Melbourne 13 MELB http://vca.unimelb.edu.au Postgraduate Certificate In Voice Studies - 1 year part-time This course is designed to provide study and practice in voice for individuals who wish to follow a career in voice teaching. It is particularly likely to appeal to professionals who already have a knowledge and interest in the voice e.g. actors, directors, drama teachers and trained singers. The program develops your skills in the practice of using voice, language and text including diagnostic tools for enhancing voice practice and your own approach for working with the relationship between voice, speech and text. As the development of voice skills is a physical training, to gain full benefit from the course it is expected that you develop your own daily practice. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/postgraduate-certificate-in-voice-studies/overview ACTT 2nd year Advanced Diploma student production of Breezlock Park by Willy Russell. Directed by Glen Hamilton. Photo: James Cui
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Writing For Theatre
VCA’s The Fan (2008). Photo: Jeff Busby
NIDA (02) 9697 7600 info@nida.edu.au Master of Fine Arts (Writing for Performance) - 15 months (12 months on campus, 3 month personal research project) The guiding philosophy of the MFA (Writing for Performance) is that great writing comes from a passionate engagement with great ideas, and to that end, writers will be constantly exposed to some of the most challenging intellectual debates of the contemporary world. At the same time, they will have the opportunity to do work in fields as diverse as film and digital media, while writing their major work, excerpts of which will be presented at the end of the year, with the writers themselves directing actors in a rehearsed reading for a public audience. Graduates of the course may be employed as playwrights and as writers for other performance genres, including film, television, radio and digital media. www.nida.edu.au/writing Griffith University 1800 154 055 Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary and Applied Theatre - 3 years full-time In this practical and creative degree, you’ll explore traditional and non-traditional performance, directing, writing, technical theatre and stage management, applied theatre and drama facilitation. You’ll learn about performance theory and be encouraged to create your own work. You’ll learn through working with industry professionals on performance projects and immersing yourself in community cultural development projects. In your final year, you’ll have the opportunity to undertake an industry placement. You’ll also perform in venues such as Metro Arts, Judith Wright Centre of Performing Arts and the Brisbane Powerhouse, with exchange opportunities available at universities in the UK, Canada, Sweden and more. Prerequisites: English 4SA
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Victorian College of the Arts University of Melbourne 13 MELB Master of Writing for Performance - 1 year full-time The Master of Writing for Performance focuses on developing the skills and emerging aesthetic of the individual and collaborative writer for diverse forms of contemporary live performance. It is unique in Australian theatre culture, focusing on the diversity of voices and cultures present in contemporary writing in Australia and overseas. Through a combination of writing workshops, critical seminars and discussions you develop skills in writing for diverse contexts and live performance while gaining an understanding of the relationship between the playwright and the cultural contexts in which they write. The program focuses on the development of a full length play, as well as four other smaller performance writing projects including: writing from improvisation with acting and directing students; writing for digital mediums; adaptation of existing texts; and writing for live art projects. The projects are supported by an analysis of dramaturgical principles and play structures based in character, dramatic action, conflict, dialogue, action and causal logic, as well as more experimental, non-linear writing based on post-dramatic concepts. At the end of the year, each writer presents a rehearsed presentation of a full-length play to industry and public. The program welcomes applications from: writers, actors, directors, animateurs, theatre makers, designers and dramaturges, with moderate to extensive experience in performance writing. https://vca.unimelb.edu.au/study/degrees/master-of-writing-for-performance/overview A 2013 production devised by Actors Centre Australia students.
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Course Index Name of Institution 16th Street 16th Street
Course Youth Program Part Time Program
3 Arts Make Up Effect College
Page 22 22
Category Acting/Drama Acting/Drama
Make Up
Academy of Music and Performing Arts Academy of Music and Performing Arts
Bachelor of Music Associate Degree of Music
54 54
Music Music
Act 1
Acting Classes for Kids and Teens
Actors Centre Australia
Advanced Diploma Performing Arts
Actor's Workshop Actor's Workshop Actor's Workshop
Diploma of Film, Television and Acting Certificate IV in Film and Television Advanced Diploma Film, Television and Theatre
15 15 15
Acting Acting Acting
Actor's College of Theatre and TV Actor's College of Theatre and TV Actor's College of Theatre and TV Actor's College of Theatre and TV Actor's College of Theatre and TV Actor's College of Theatre and TV
Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting Certificate IV in Theatre and Screen Performance Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre Certificate III in Live Production Theatre and Events Certificate IV in Live Production Theatre and Events Advanced Diploma Stage Management
11 11 69 82 82 90
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Musical Theatre Sound and Light Sound and Light Stage Management
Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music Honours
58 58
Music Music
Australian Ballet School Australian Ballet School Australian ballet School Australian ballet School
Diploma of Dance Level 5 & 6 Graduate Diploma in Classic Ballet Advanced Diploma of Dance Level 7 Level 4
46 46 46 43
Dance Dance Dance Dance
Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music Australian Institute of Music
Bachelor of Entertainment Management Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Performance Diploma of Music - Contemporary Performance Bachelor of Music - Musical Theatre Diploma of Music - Musical Theatre Master of Music - Musical Theatre Bachelor of Music - Audio Engineering Diploma of Music - Audio Engineering Master of Music - Audio Engineering
26 26, 53 12 53 67 67 67 82 82 82
Arts Management Arts Management, Music Drama Music Musical Theatre Musical Theatre Musical Theatre Sound and Lighting Sound and Lighting Sound and Lighting
Australian Nation University
Bachelor of Music
Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM) Australian National Academy of Music (ANAM)
ANAM Professional Performance Program ANAM Fellowship ANAM/Griffith University Master of Music
65 65 65
Music Music Music
Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE Box Hill Institute of TAFE
Diploma of Dance Bachelor of Applies Music Performance Bachelor of Applies Music Composition Advanced Diploma - Music Diploma of Music Certificate IV in Music Advanced Diploma of Sound Production Certificate III in Sound Production
41 65 65 65 65 65 86 86
Dance Music Music Music Music Music Sound and Light Sound and Light
Brent Street Brent Street Brent Street Brent Street
Certificate of Dance (Elite Performance) Certificate IV in Dance Certificate IV in Dance (Teaching and Management) Diploma of Musical theatre
39 40 40 67
Dance Dance Dance Musical Theatre
Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts Canberra Academy of Dramatic Arts
Certificate 111 in Performance Advanced Diploma of Performance Diploma of Musical Theatre
12 12 72
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Musical Theatre
Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music
Bachelor of Music Diploma of Music
59 59
Music Music
Centre Stage Performing Arts School
Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music) Bachelor of Music
58 58
Music Music
Diploma in Musical Performance Associate Degree in Music Studies Associate Degree in Music (Rock Studies) Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Musical Art Bachelor of Music with Honours Graduate Certificate in Music Studies
63 63 63 63 63 63 63
Music Music Music Music Music Music Music
Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of
Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania
98 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of Conservatorium of Music - University of
Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania Tasmania
Graduate Diploma in Professional Music Practice Graduate Diploma in Music Studies Master of Music Master of Music Studies
63 63 63 63
Music Music Music Music
Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory Dance Factory
Diploma of Musical Theatre Diploma of Dance Teaching and Management Diploma of Dance Elite Performance Certificate II in Dance Certificate III in Dance Certificate IV in Dance Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management
46, 78 47 47 46 46 46 46 46
Dance, Musical Theatre Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
Dance World Dance World Dance World Dance World Dance World Dance World
Diploma of Dance Diploma of Dance Classical Ballet Advanced Diploma of Dance Certificate II in Dance Certificate III in Dance Certificate IV in Dance
46 46 46 46 46 46
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
Deakin University Deakin University
Bachelor of Creative Arts Bachelor of Creative Arts Dance
20 41
Acting/Drama Dance
Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide Elder Conservatorium of Music. Uni of Adelaide
Certificate III in Music Certificate VI in Music Diploma in Music Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music with Honours Diploma in Instrumental Music
63 63 63 63 63 63
Music Music Music Music Music Music
Fame Theatre
Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Federation University Federation University Federation University
Bachelor of Arts Acting Bachelor of Arts Music Theatre Diploma of Live Production and Technical Services
22 73 86
Acting/Drama Musical Theatre Sound and Light
Flinders Drama Centre - Flinders University Flinders Drama Centre - Flinders University Flinders Drama Centre - Flinders University
Bachelor of Creative Arts in Drama Bachelor of Creative Arts (Acting) Drama Honours
20, 48 19 20
Acting/Drama, Directing Acting/Drama Acting/Drama
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast TAFE Queensland Gold Coast TAFE Queensland Gold Coast TAFE Queensland Gold Coast TAFE Queensland Gold Coast
Diploma of Music Business Diploma of Music Certificate III in Live Productions Theatre and Events Diploma of Sound Production Diploma of Screen Media
27, 59 59 82 82 82
Arts Management - Music Music Sound and Light Sound and Light Sound and Light
Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University - Queensland Conservatorium
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Theatre Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education Bachelor of Education (Drama) Master of Applied Theatre and Drama Education with Honours Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Popular Music Certificate in Music Studies Graduate Diploma Music Studies Graduate Certificate in Music Studies Master in Music Studies Bachelor of Music with Honours Bachelor of Popular Music with Honours Masters in Music Doctor of Musical Arts Bachelor of Musical Theatre Bachelor of Music Technology Bachelor of Music Technology with Honours Certificate in Music Technology Certificate in Popular Music Technology Graduate Diploma of Music Opera Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary and Applied Theatre
18 18 18 18 61 60 61 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 72 83 83 83 86 94 96
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Musical Theatre Sound and Light Sound and Light Sound and Light Sound and Light Voice Writing
Harvest Rain
Musical Theatre Internship
Musical Theatre
James Cook University
Bachelor of New Media Arts Music and Sound
Jazz Musical Institute Jazz Musical Institute
Bachelor of Music in Jazz Performance Diploma of Music in Jazz Performance
62 62
Music Music
JMC Academy JMC Academy JMC Academy
Diploma of Audio Engineering and Sound Production Bachelor of Creative Technology Audio Engineering and Sound Production Associate Degree of Audio Engineering and Sound Production
82 82 82
Sound and Light Sound and Light Sound and Light
La Trobe University
Bachelor of Creative Arts
Michelle Slater
Diploma of Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Monash University Monash University Monash University
Certificate in Theatre Diploma of Arts Bachelor of Performing Arts
21 21 21
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama
www.stagewhispers.com.au Stage Whispers 99
Monash University Monash University Monash University
Bachelor of Music and Performing Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music
21 64 64
Acting/Drama Music Music
NASDA New Zealand
Bachelor of Performing Arts Music Theatre
Musical Theatre
National College of Dance National College of Dance
Certificate IV in Dance Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance
40 40
Dance Dance
Bachelor of Circus Arts Certificate III in Circus Arts Certificate IV in Circus Arts
30 31 30
Circus Circus Circus
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Costume) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Performance) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Properties and Objects) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Staging) Master of Fine Art (Directing) Graduate Diploma of Dramatic Art Directing Diploma of Music Theatre Bachelor of Fine Arts Production Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Theatre and Stage Management) Master of Fine Arts Writing for Performance
13 32 32 33 33 48 48 69 82 90 96
Acting Costume/prop Costume/prop Costume/prop Costume/prop Directing Directing Musical Theatre Sound and Light Stage Management Writing
Northern Rivers Conservatorium of Arts Northern Rivers Conservatorium of Arts
Certificate III in Music Diploma in Music
54 54
Music Music
Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) Business Bachelor of Creative industries Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance Performance) Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) Bachelor of Music Graduate Certificates and Masters Bachelor of Fine Arts (Technical Production)
18 27 41 41 18 60 60 86, 90
Acting Arts Management Dance Dance Drama Music Music Sound and Lighting, Stage Mgmt.
RMIT University. Faculty of Music
Bachelor of Arts Music
Diploma of Screen Acting
Arts Development Program
Stage Management
Southern Cross University
Bachelor of Contemporary Music
Spectrum Dance Spectrum Dance spectrum Dance
Certificate IV in Dance Diploma of Dance Elite Performance Bachelor of Arts Music Theatre
47 47 73
Dance Dance Musical Theatre
Sydney College of Make Up Art Sydney College of Make Up Art
Certificate IV in Make Up Fashion Diploma of Make Up
51 51
Make Up Make Up
Sydney Conservatorium of Music. University of Sydney Diploma of Music Performance Sydney Conservatorium of Music. University of Sydney Graduate Diploma Opera
54 94
Music Voice
Sydney Theatre School
Advanced Diploma Acting
TAFE NSW Illawarra
Diploma in Music
TAFE Western Sydney
Live Production Certificates and Diplomas
69, 82
Sound and Light
Tasmanian Polytechnic - 03 6220 3125
Advanced Diploma Stage Management
Stage Management
The Actors Pulse
Acting Course
The National Theatre Drama School
Advances Diploma of Acting
The University of WA - 08 6488 2692
Bachelor of Music
Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School Toi Whakaari NZ - New Zealand Drama School
Bachelor of Performing Arts Acting Bachelor of Performing Arts Management Diploma in Costume Construction Bachelor of Design Master of Theatre Arts (Directing) Diploma in Entertainment Technology
25 29, 92 38 37 49 87
Acting Arts Mgmt., Stage Mgmt. Costumes Costumes Directing Sound and Lighting
University of New England University of New England University of New England University of New England University of New England
Master of Applied Theatre Studies Master of Arts with Honours Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Theatre Studies Bachelor of Arts (Major in Theatre Studies)
13 13 13 13 13
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama
University of Newcastle University of Newcastle University of Newcastle University of Newcastle
Drama and Performance Bachelor of Arts Creative and Performing Arts Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Music
13 13 13 55
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Music
100 Stage Whispers Directory of Performing Arts Courses 2015
University of NSW
Bachelor of Music
University of Queensland University of Queensland University of Queensland
Drama Single Major Music Single Major Diploma of Music Performance
19 62 62
Acting/Drama Music Music
University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia Business School
Bachelor of Media Arts (Drama Major) Certificate III in Music Business Graduate Diploma and Masters in Cultural Management
20 27 27
Acting/Drama Arts Management Arts Management
University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland
Bachelor of Creative Arts Theatre Bachelor of Creative Arts Honours Bachelor of Fine Arts Technical Production
19 19 90
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Stage management
University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Contemporary Arts
University of Technology Sydney (School of Business) Certificate in Executive Management
Arts Management
University of Western Sydney
Bachelor of Music
University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong
Bachelor of Creative Arts Bachelor of Performance Doctor of Creative Arts Bachelor or Creative Arts Music
14 14 15 57
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Music
Urban Dance Centre
Diploma of Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb Victorian College of the Arts VCA - Uni Melb
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) (Honours) Master of theatre Practise Winter and summer schools Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre Practise) BA Communications (Media/Theatre) Bachelor of Business Music Industry Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) Bachelor of Production Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) Diploma in Performance Creation Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Creation (Choreography) Master of Choreography Master of Directing for Performance Diploma of Specialist Make Up Services Certificate II in Music Certificate IV in Music Advanced Diploma in Music Bachelor of Fine Arts Contemporary Music Contemporary Music Foundation Program Bachelor of Music Music Theatre Foundation Program Bachelor of Fine Arts (Musical theatre) Postgrad Diploma in Performance Creation (Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design) Advanced Diploma in Sound Production Post Graduate Certificate in Vocal Studies Master of writing for performance
43 23 23 23 23 28 33, 91 33 43 43 43 43 49 51 65 65 65 64 64 64 72 72 86 87 95 97
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Arts management Costume/Prop/Sets, Stage Mgmt. Costume/Prop/Sets, Stage Mgmt. Dance Dance Dance Dance Directing Make Up Music Music Music Music Music Music Musical Theatre Musical Theatre Sound and Lighting Sound and Lighting Voice Writing for Theatre
Village Performing Arts Centre
Certificate IV in Performing Arts Dance
WA Circus School
Acrobatics, Aerials and Manipulation
Bachelor of Arts (Acting) Acting Certificate IV in Aboriginal Theatre Bachelor of Arts Management Advanced Diploma Live Production (Design) Advanced Diploma Live Production (Costumes) Advanced Diploma Live Production (Props Scenery) Props and Scenery Bachelor of Arts Dance Advanced Diploma of Dance Elite Performance Diploma of Dance Elite Performance Bachelor of Arts Dance (Honours) Certificate II in Dance Bachelor in Music Diploma in Music Bachelor of Arts Music Theatre Certificate Iv in Musical Theatre Advanced Diploma Live Production (Lighting) Advanced Diploma Live Production (Sound) Advanced Diploma of Stage Management
24 24 24 28 37 37 37 37 47 47 47 47 47 66 66 78 78 87 87 92
Acting/Drama WA Acting/Drama WA Acting/Drama WA Arts Management WA Costume/Prop/Set Design and Making WA Costume/Prop/Set Design and Making WA Costume/Prop/Set Design and Making WA Costume/Prop/Set Design and Making WA Dance WA Dance WA Dance WA Dance WA Dance WA Music WA Music WA Musical Theatre WA Musical Theatre WA Sound and Light WA Sound and Light WA Stage Management WA
Wesley Institute Wesley Institute Wesley Institute Wesley Institute Wesley Institute Wesley Institute Wesley Institute
Bachelor of Dramatic Art (Performance) Diploma of Dramatic Arts Bachelor of Dance Diploma of Dance Bachelor of Music Master of Music Associate Degree of Music
15 15 39 39 53 53 53
Acting/Drama Acting/Drama Dance Dance Music Music Music
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