Achor - the Valley of Troubles which God can turn into a place of joy (Hosea 2:15) Tel 07533615088
What is Counselling Counselling provides a space for you to explore your difficulties and problems with someone who will listen, understand and accept you as you are. It is often hard to talk to family or friends about our concerns; counselling can create a space in which you feel safe to talk about difficulties from the past, painful experiences in the present or worries about the future. Sharing your thoughts and feelings in this way can bring new understanding, both of problems, and of yourself.
To talk to confidence:
When going through times of trouble
Tel 07533615088
Edward Noble dip CPAB
and ask for Edward a qualified counsellor who has worked for over 29 years with anger, stress, and depression as well as the abused and the abusers of Domestic Violence.
Achor ENOS Is a generic service offered to anyone in need, without condition or discrimination of race, faith, class, culture, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or financial means
What is Counselling for Almost any life dilemma/concern such as bereavement or loss, anger depression or anxiety. Or any other personal crisis, worry or stress. However, if you have a serious mental/physical health problem - you need to consult your GP.
Helpful if you are: Feeling lonely, anxious or depressed Having problems with relationships Feeling isolated and hopeless In need of understanding and support Going through a personal crisis or major changes Unhappy with your work Experiencing difficulty controlling your emotions
Achor ENOS is an independent counselling service in Horrabridge, offering specialised Anger counselling and Domestic Abuse therapy for individuals and groups in Yelverton, Horrabridge and the South Devon area.
ACHOR ENOS 21, Copperfields Horrabridge Yelverton PL20 7UB Tel 01822 852687
ENOS Stressed Out Frustrated Angry Loss Grief Bereavement Relationship Issues help N A C ng i l l e s n u Co
Achor - the Valley of Troubles which God can turn into a place of joy (Hosea 2:15) Heading to go here...
Counselling and Life Coaching for Men Tel 07533615088 Domestic Abuse
At one time or another most of us go through ACHOR: the “Valley of Troubles“ and it can be hard to imagine it turning into “a Door of Hope“ but allowing God‘s power to work through counselling and friends. The Valley of Troubles may come in the form of: Abuse [physical, emotional, sexual , spiritual or psychological] Addictions [Obsessions or Compulsions] Bereavement [loss, grief, separation] Depression Emptiness and loneliness Loss of self worth or value Low esteem Relationship Breakdown Stress Trauma or Violence Work Issues In fact any of the emotions we experience as we journey through life which can become so powerful and overwhelming we feel we can no longer cope. At these times many people find integrated counselling can help.
Christian Counselling & Prayer Christian counselling and prayer allows Godís power to work through CBT, and Person centred counselling to provide an integrated counselling for times when life‘s difficulties become too much to handle alone.
Men can find it particularly hard to acknowledge their feelings and emotions especially in times of stress, loss or bereavement and bury them deep within themselves. Talking, privately, to another man who is trained to listen can relieve the pressure before it explodes into a moment of anger, rage or even violence.
Bereavement is something we will all face at some time or other in our lives and often the most psychologically distressing experience we will ever face Grief for that person is what we feel when that person dies. Everyone experiences grief differently and there is no “normal“ or “right way“ to grieve. How we react will be influenced by many different things but talking has been shown as the most helpful way through it.
The misuse of power and control over another is often referred to as „Domestic Violence“ and can take many forms: physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, financial. Anyone can experience domestic abuse, it is a criminal offence and it has devastating effects regardless of age, sex, culture, gender, disability or health. Research shows: 1 in 4 women will suffer at some point in their lifetime 1 in 6 men are affected People suffer up to 35 times before seeking help Nationally 2 women are killed each week due to domestic violence If you are involved in Domestic Abuse of any kind (as perpetrator or victim) counselling can and does help.
Anger & Depression
All loss is a form of bereavement the more significant, the more the pain and grief associated with the loss but whatever the cause we all go through the same process.
Often two sides of the same coin:
Shock - Denial - Guilt - Anger - Depression Most people will work through the process, some will feel the pain more than others whilst others will get stuck in the anger or unable to move out of the depression that loss so often brings. This is where counselling can help.
Our circumstances may produce an angry, explosive response or drain us of all energy as we avoid or hide the situation from ourselves or others. All of which can lead to feelings of not being able to cope anymore. Whatever the reason and however it is expressed, anger and depression can be worked through when it is shared with a trained and experienced counsellor.