HRA Chapter Cover
Index - HRA Chapter
Terms and conditions of use
Photographs of Executive
HRA Chapter The 4 Steps in Freemasonry
History of Executive Chapter Appointments 1783 - 2019
Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter of England
Companions Holding Supreme Grand Chapter Rank
HRA Rules and Regulations
By-Laws of the Chapter
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra’s Report
Annual Convocation Minutes of Provincial Grand Chapter 2023
Most Excellent Grand Superintendents Annual Address
Active Provincial Chapter Appointments - 2023
First & Past Provincial Chapter Appointments - 2023
Roll of Chapters - By Number
Roll of Chapters - Alphabetical
Toast List - Chapter (Up to End of December 2023)
Most Excellent Grand Superintendents Christmas Message
Website Details
Back Page - Editorial Information and Contacts
This booklet has been put together for the purposes of an
(as a pdf file)
and is owned by The Provincial Grand Chapter of Devonshire
Without the permission of:
E.Comp. Chris Taylor
Provincial Grand Scribe E
email: pgse@devonshirehra.org.uk
1783 Thomas Dunckerley
Bevis Wood
28-04-1845 Rev. William Carwithen
30-08-1859 Rev. John Huyshe
18-01-1881 Hugh, 4th Earl Fortescue
10-12-1897 Henry Stafford, 1st Lord Northcote
George Christopher Davie
Henry Lopes, 1st Lord Roborough
1-06-1938 Rt. Rev. W.F. Surtees, Bishop of Crediton
Robert Killingly Gibbons
William Alexander Kneel
13-11-1968 Rev. Henry Wackett
Anthony Coates Turton
13-07-1976 James Joseph Latham Gore
22-07-1987 Ronald Thomas Discombe
22-02-1995 Roy Harold Webber
Christopher John Pengelly
Simon William Rowe
Christopher Aubrey Roach
Died 1814
Died 1850
Died 1880
Retired 1896
Retired 1903
Died 1928
Died 1938
Died 1956
Died 1960
Retired 1968
Died 1975
Died 1976
Died 1987
Retired 1995
Retired 2002
Retired 2010
Retired 2020
3-11-1990 Leonard James Lucas Matthews
6-11 1993 Edward Joseph Holman
22-02-1995 Robin Osborn Osborn
6-11-1999 Arthur Roy Goddard
7-03-2005 Brian Henry Meldon
Terry Henry George Downe
Christopher Aubrey Roach
John David Sevieri
Christopher Aubrey Roach
Gerald Watson
Paul Hughes
Died 2007
Retired 1995
Retired 1999
Died 2005
Retired 2001
Retired 2012
Retired 2018
Retired 2019
Promoted 2021
Retired 2023
1987 - 1991 L.J.L. Matthews 2005 - 2006 D.C. Lovell
1991 - 1993 E.J. Holman
1993 - 1995 R.H. Webber
1995 - 1999 A.R. Goddard
1999 - 2000 A.G.R. Hollis
2000 - 2002 C.J. Pengelly
2002 - 2005 B.H. Meldon
2006 - 2011 T.H.G. Downe
2011 - 2012 C.A. Roach
2012 - 2017 G.W. Watson
2017 - 2018 J.D. Sevieri
2018 - 2023 P.I. Hughes
2023 - S.P. Joint
1987 - 1993 R.H. Webber
1993 - 1997
2010 - 2011 C.A. Roach
2011 - 2014 J.J. Bailey Cdr. F.G. Davey, RN.
1997 - 1999 A.G.R. Hollis 2014 - 2016 A. Morrell
1999 - 2002 R. Hooper 2016 - 2017 J.D. Sevieri
2002 - 2005 D.C. Lovell 2017 - 2018 K.G.S. Hurley
2005 - 2006 I.A. Moore 2018 - 2023 S.P. Joint
2006 - 2010 S.W. Rowe 2023 - M.J Richardson
1984 - 1991 E.J. Holman 2006 - 2010 J.J. Bailey
1991 - 1995 A.G.R. Hollis 2010 - 2012 B.D. Kelly, JP.
1995 - 2000 C.J. Pengelly 2012 - 2015 A.D. Newberry
2000 - 2002 B.H. Meldon 2015 - 2021 A.J. Parker
2002 - 2006 T.H.G. Downe 2021 - C. Taylor
Please Note: Current Office holders in bold print
* ME First Grand Principal H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, K.G, GCMG, GCVO, ADC
* Pro First Grand Principal Jonathan Spence DL
Second Grand Principal Russell John Race, DL
Third Grand Principal Gareth Jones, OBE
President Committee General Purposes Prof S.J. Tucker, PAGSoj
* Grand Registrar * The Rt. Hon. Sir John Chadwick, ED.
* Grand Scribe Ezra * A.R.T. Marsh
Grand Scribe Nehemiah D.R. Mauleverer, PGSwdB
Grand Director of Ceremonies C.B. Hopkinson-Woolley
Grand Sword Bearer Dr G.R.E. Shilson, PDepGDC
* Grand Treasurer * D.M. Bell
Deputy Grand Registrar J.A.F. Thorn, QC
Deputy Grand Scribe E G.F. Redman, PGSN
Deputy Grand Directors of Ceremonies Dr S.K. Archer A.P. Grier
T.P. Hawley
Deputy Grand Sword Bearer A.C. Howlett-Bolton, OBE, PGSoj
Grand Sojourner M.P. Penny, PGStB
First Assistant Grand Sojourner Lt Cdr P.R. Engeham, RN
Second Assistant Grand Sojourner N.C. Connolly
Assistant Grand Scribe E S.E.R. Christie, PAGSoj D.C.T. Roberts-Jones, PGOrg
Grand Standard Bearers Dr. J.W.P. Campbell
T. Ford
J.D. Judd
N.K. Rose
M.C. Smith
Grand Organist Dr A.C. Storey
Assistant Grand Directors of Ceremonies D.M. Heath
Oliver James Linch
J.M. Street
M.P. Trevett
Grand Janitor G. Daly, MVO
* These Offices, according to the Regulations of the Order, devolve upon the Companions (if qualified) holding the corresponding position in Grand Lodge.
In accordance with the Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter (Reg.30) the Provincial Brand Chapter shall consist of the Grand Superintendent, Deputy Grand Superintendent (if there be one), together with the other Provincial Officers, Principals and Past First Principals of Chapters within the Province and such Past First Principals of any Chapter, under the English Constitution, as may be subscribing members of any Chapter in the Province.
The Provincial Grand Chapter shall be held once a year on the first Saturday in November, or such other day and at such time and place as the Grand Superintendent may decide. At least six weeks notice of such meeting must be given.
At the Annual Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting the Treasurer shall be elected and will be invested with those Companions appointed to Provincial Rank and those Companions appointed to Past Rank as specified in the Supreme Grand Chapter Regulations (31a). In addition, the Grand Superintendent may confer promotion on certain Provincial Officers (Reg. 33). “A Registration Fee of £20 shall be paid by Companions on First Appointment to Active or Past Provincial Rank. No Fee is payable on Promotion”. The Grand Superintendent may conduct such other competent business as he may direct or allow.
The Grand Superintendent may convene a Provincial Grand Chapter of Emergency as and when he deems it necessary. The reason for convening such a meeting must be clearly stated in the Summons and no other business other than that specified may be conducted. At least three weeks notice of such meeting must be given.
All monies belonging to the Provincial Grand Chapter shall be paid into and held in an account at a Bank approved by the Grand Superintendent, in the names of the Grand Superintendent, Deputy Grand Superintendent (if there be one) and the Provincial Grand Treasurer, all cheques thereon shall be signed by the Grand Superintendent or the Deputy Grand Superintendent (if there be one) or the Treasurer and countersigned by the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra. The Provincial Grand Treasurer’s accounts shall be examined and certified at each Annual Provincial Grand Chapter Meeting and an abstract thereof shall be printed and sent to the First Grand Principal of every Chapter in the Province.
All furniture and property of the Provincial Grand Chapter shall be placed in the care of the Grand Superintendent.
The Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra shall keep a register in which shall be entered the names of the Present and Past Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter present at each Provincial Grand Chapter, and the numbers of those Chapters whose Principals attend the meeting. He shall keep Minutes of all transactions conducted at the meeting transcribed in a book kept specifically for that purpose in order that it may be laid before Provincial Grand Chapter as often as required.
The Principals of every Chapter shall cause a copy of the Summons for each meeting of the Chapter, whether regular or emergency, to be sent direct to the private address of the Grand Superintendent, the Deputy Grand Superintendent, the Second and Third Provincial Grand Principals and the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra. Every Chapter shall annually, immediately after the Installation of the Principals, make a return, signed by the First Principal and the Scribe Ezra, of the names and addresses of the Three Principals.
The Principals and the Scribe Ezra of every Chapter in the Province shall before the 25th day of March in each year, make a regular return and forward the same to the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, with a list of the Principals, Past First Principals and the dates of their Installation. The return shall also contain the names of all the companions belonging to the Chapter, with the date of Exaltation or Joining of every Companion since the last return, and at the same time transmit the fees due to the Provincial Grand Chapter, viz.
On the Exaltation of a Companion………………………………………………... £0.50
For each Subscribing Member of a Chapter “such a sum as shall be Proposed and agreed at a Meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter such sum not to exceed an increase of more than £2.00
Subscription for each Subscribing Member from the 1st July 2023…………… £7.00
For registering a New Chapter…………………………………………………….. £3.00
For each Dispensation issued by The Grand Superintendent…………………. £5.00
These By-Laws may be altered, or any new law added thereto, on due notice of motion being given thereof and the same being duly agreed at the Annual Provincial Grand Chapter, or at a Provincial Grand Chapter of Emergency, duly convened and then approved by the Grand Superintendent and the First Grand Principal.
1. Places and Dates of Convocations:-
The Chapter shall meet at (state place with full address and Post Code) and shall hold a regular convocation on the (state days, and months) at such an hour as the Principals shall direct.
Election and Installation Convocations:-
The Three Principals, two Scribes, Treasurer, Principal Sojourner and two Assistant Sojourners shall be elected by ballot at the regular convocation in (state month). The other Officers permitted by Royal Arch Regulation 48 may also be elected. The Installation of the Principals elect and the investiture of Officers will take place at the regular Convocation in (state month).
[Please Note: A Chapter may, by annual Resolution under Royal Arch Regulation 48 give authority to the Principals elect to appoint the rest of the Officers, with the exception of the Treasurer and (subject to para. 5 of Regulation 48) the Janitor. Such authority cannot be given by By-Law]
Election of Janitor:-
Subject to the provision of Royal Arch Regulation 48, the Janitor shall be elected by a show of hands at the regular Convocation in (state month).
The Chapter Committee:-
The Chapter Committee shall consist of the Principals, Past Principals, of and in the Chapter, two Scribes, Treasurer, Principal Sojourner and ??? Companions to be appointed by the Chapter at the regular Convocation in (state month) of each year. This Committee shall consider and report to the Chapter on proposals for membership and on any other matters specially referred to it by the Chapter. ??? (state a number) shall form a quorum.
Audit Committee and Annual Accounts:-
The Audit Committee shall consist of two members of the Chapter who shall be elected annually at the regular Convocation in (state month). The accounts shall be made up to the ???? (state full date) in each year and shall be presented to the Chapter, duly audited, at the regular Convocation in ?? (state month). A copy of the accounts and the Audit Committee’s Certificate that all balances have been checked and the acco unts have been audited shall be sent to all members with the summons convening the Convocation.
Fees and Annual Subscriptions:-
The Exaltation Fee shall be £xxx , the Joining Fee £xx and the Re-Joining Fee £xx, such fees to be exclusive of Subscription. In addition to these fees the candidate shall pay to the Chapter such registration fees as are payable to Grand Chapter and, if applicable, Provincial Grand Chapter, together with any tax thereon, and the candidate shall before becoming a member be fully informed of the total amount due.
The Annual Subscription (except for Country Membership as provided by By-Law No.7) due and payable in advance on ?? (state date) exclusive of dining fees, shall be of such amount as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution, after notice on the summons at the previous regular Convocation. The Scribe Ezra’s services shall be deemed equivalent to payment of subscription. The fees for members and vis itor for dining shall be a cost.
Any member whose subscription is unpaid for ?? months (state number) shall be liable to be excluded from the Chapter, after due notice, in accordance with Rule 181 Book of Constitutions.
Country Membership:-
Any member who, for reasons acceptable to the Chapter, is not in a position to enjoy the privileges of the Chapter, may on written application to the Scribe Ezra and by resolution of the Chapter, be considered a Country Member and shall pay a Subscription Annually in advance on ?? (state full date) of such less amount than that provided for in By-Law No.6 as the Chapter shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular Convocation. When attending the Chapter and dining such a member shall pay the current dining fee.
Admission of a Candidate:-
The admission of Candidates for Exaltation and Joining shall be regulated by the provisions of Rules 65 to 69. On the ballot for a Candidate of Exaltation, Joining or Re-Joining, ?? (state number) black balls shall exclude.
Termination of Membership:-
Any member desirous of terminating his membership of the Chapter shall tender his resignation in writing to the Scribe Ezra or orally in open Chapter in accordance with Rule 183 Book of Constitutions, and he shall be entitled to a certificate mentioned in Rule 70 Royal Arch Regulations, stating the circumstances in which he left the Chapter. Should he at any future time wish to re-join he shall be subject to the rules relating to Joining Members.
Payment from Chapter Funds:-
Payment of any sum exceeding £ ??? (state amount) if for other than ordinary purposes, may be made only by resolution of the Chapter, of which notice has been given on the summons, except in the case of emergency, when such payment may be authorized by the First Principal and reported to the Chapter at the next regular Convocation.
Amendments to By-Laws:-
Except as otherwise required by Rule 141, Book of Constitutions, amendment of these By-Laws or any of them, may be made in the following manner:
a) Notice of Motion in writing stating the precise amendment or amendments proposed shall be given in open Chapter at a regular Convocation.
b) The Motion shall be set out on the summons for the next regular Convocation or for an Emergency Convocation summoned for the purpose, and shall at such Convocation be put to the Chapter.
c) A resolution for amendment, of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, shall be carried if a majority of the members voting shall vote in favour of it, but shall not be effective until approved by the Grand Superintendent, and if not substantially in accordance with the model By-Laws issued from time to time on behalf of the First Grand Principal, by the First Grand Principal.
By-Laws approved by:
The ME Grand Superintendent
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra :
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companions, and Companions, I have much pleasure in submitting, for your consideration and approval, my Annual Report on the activities of the Holy Royal Arch in the Province of Devonshire.
Although it has been some 2 years since we left the Pandemic and lockdown behind, it has still been a slow return to active Masonry.
With a new Pro First Grand Principal E. Comp Jonathan Spence, his message and the main focus for this year has been membership and the unity of the Craft and the Royal Arch.
The message and communications from UGLE and SGC are loud and clear on the undisputable link between the Craft and the Royal Arch, and it behoves us all to ensure the Craft is strong in its membership as that will help lead to a stronger Royal Arch During the past year the Provincial Executive have been very active in passing on this message that the Craft and the Royal Arch are an integral part of each other and encouraging Companions to look to their Lodges as much as their Chapters.
At this Convocation you will see a change in the management team of the Royal Arch in Devonshire.
After many Loyal years of service, our Deputy Grand Superintendent E. Comp Gerald W, Watson will be stepping down from the Deputy’s job but will not be retiring as he has agreed to assist the Grand Superintendent with the Membership challenge and will be appointed the Provincial Membership Officer of the Royal Arch here in Devonshire.
The membership challenge is a new initiative from UGLE/SGC to grow our membership within the Craft and the Royal Arch and I am sure that we all will do our part to help in that goal.
The Province has been challenged to grow our membership by 82% over and above last year’s growth but this actually equates to 18 new Exaltee’s in the forthcoming year, a not unachievable target for the Province.
This year the Executive have regained their 100% attendance of every Chapters installation Convocation at which they have been well supported by the Grand and Active Officers of the Province who in some cases outnumbered the members of the Chapter. The support from the Grand and Active Officers has been unwavering and have greatly enhanced the meetings they have attended throughout the year.
In April of this year a number of Companions attended the Supreme Grand Chapter Annual Investiture to support Companions of our Province receiving preferment. Our congratulations go to E.Comp Mark Richardson, E.Comp, Steven Hamilton and E.Comp Tim Golder on receiving a First Appointment to Past Grand Standard Bearer and to E. Comp Martin Smith on also being promoted to Past Grand Standard Bearer. I thank all those who travelled to London to support them and our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent at the Investiture and the subsequent lunch. It was a day enjoyed by all.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent has also worked hard on behalf of the Companions of the Province in identifying and supporting those Charitable causes that he feels the companions would wish him to help. In these hard times for families, he has made several donations to the foodbank throughout the Province and supported those Chapters who have made donations to their respective local causes.
One such donation was in May of this year when over one hundred Companions from across the Province attended a Prostate Cancer awareness seminar organised by Devonshire Royal Arch and hosted by the Grand Superintendent.
After the presentation by Dr Leo Clarke about Prostate Cancer, Professor Sarah Bailey, head of research at University of Exeter Medical School, also gave a very informative presentation about her research into new and ongoing developments in Prostate Cancer diagnosis.
The evening was rounded off by a presentation to Professor Sarah Baily of a cheque for £10,000 by the Grand superintendent on behalf of the Companions of Devonshire towards her research. This donation was greatly supported by the Companions.
In October the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was invited along with the Provincial team to help Benevolent Chapter No 303 celebrate their 150th anniversary. This they did with great enjoyment had by all. The Chapter are to be congratulated on achieving this notable milestone in their history and the Province was privileged to be able to celebrate along with them.
It is with great sadness, I have to report that, in the year to date, we have lost some 34 of our Companions to the Grand Chapter above. They have all been valued members of their respective Chapters and of this Province. Our thoughts and prayers go to their bereaved relatives and to the companions of their Chapters.
I must also report that one of our Chapters has surrendered their Warrant with another is in the process of doing so. It is always sad to see Chapters disband as they feel they are no longer viable, and I would encourage Chapters who are contemplating their future to seek amalgamation with another in the same circumstances. This would at least preserve one warrant and enable the history of a Chapter to continue.
As usual there are many to thank for their support of the Province, not least the Grand and Active Provincial Officers of this year. They have turned out in large numbers in support of Chapters and given of their time without complaint. Their commitment has been outstanding and new friendships forged.
The ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ for their continued and unwavering support and the Provincial Grand Treasurer, E. Comp Peter Bartlett for keeping us financially viable.
To the many ‘unseen’ helpers at the Annual Convocation and other occasions. They are essential to the success of the events and without them things would not run as smoothly, they have my grateful thanks.
I must also give thanks to the Scribe Ezra of each of the Chapters in our Province; they continue to be of great support and help to me with the administration of the Province. Last and not least I thank my Assistant Grand Scribe Ezra, E. Comp Simon Glanfield for his assistance and support throughout the year. Without it, things would be far harder to accomplish.
And finally, to the Companions of this wonderful Province of Devonshire, I thank you for the warm welcome that I have received when visiting your Chapters and look forward to serving you for a further year.
Christ Taylor
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra 1st November 2023
Held at the Riviera International Conference Centre, Torquay
On Saturday 11th November 2023
Excellent Companion Christopher A. Roach, Most Excellent Grand Superintendent.
Excellent Companion Gerald W. Watson, PAGSoj., Deputy Grand Superintendent.
Excellent Companion Paul I. Hughes, PGStB., 2nd Provincial Grand Principal.
Excellent Companion Stephen P. Joint, PGStB., 3rd Provincial Grand Principal.
Excellent Companion: - Chapter Rank
N.T. Golder ………………….……....………….. 303 Grand Scribe Nehemiah
C.A. Donaldson, PGStB.…………………….. 444 Grand Treasurer
C.A. Hodgson ..…………………………………. 1763 Grand Registrar
S.P. Shaw …………………..……………………… 710 Grand Director of Ceremonies
C.R. Sidwell ………………………………….…. 7949 Grand Sword Bearer
S. Hamilton …………………..…………………. 70 Deputy Grand D of C
D.M. Dawson ……………………………………. 328 Deputy Grand D of C
G. Parsons ……...…….…………….…………… 444 1st Assistant Grand Sojourner
G.T. Caldwell …... ……………………………… 2725 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner
Glanfield……...…………………..……….. 1255 Assistant Grand Scribe Ezra
J.E.R. Redman, PGStB……..………………… 1099 Grand Organist
C.J. Parnell………………………………………… 1486 Asst Director of Ceremonies
K. Osbourne……………………………………… 2595 Asst Director of Ceremonies
V.A.P. Carton…………………………………….. 372 Grand Steward
N.J. Holman………………………………………. 2649 Grand Steward
G.L. Adroit………………………………………… 1125 Grand Steward
M.J. Locke ……………………………………….. 112 Grand Janitor
There were also present, a Large number of Distinguished Guests who, together with the Grand Officers within the Province of Devonshire, were conducted to the dais with the customary ceremonial. Amongst whom were: -
From Supreme Grand Chapter
M.E. Past 3 rd Grand Principal
Past Grand Standard Bearer
From the Province of Cornwall
M.E. Grand Superintendent
Deputy Grand Superintendent
2 nd Provincial Grand Principal
3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial Assistant Grand Scribe Ezra
Provincial Deputy Grand D of C
Provincial Deputy Grand D of C
From the Province of Dorset
M.E. Grand Superintendent
Deputy Grand Superintendent
Past Deputy Grand Superintendent
E. Comp. David Medlock
E. Comp. David Davis
E. Comp. David Pascoe
E. Comp. John Arnold
E. Comp. David Leaity
E. Comp. Michael Barnes
E. Comp. Graham Mansell
E. Comp. Darren Stevens
E. Comp. Trevor Conroy
E. Comp. Jonathan Bray
E. Comp. Jeremy Benjamin
E. Comp. Graham Glazier
E. Comp. Julian Mitchell
E. Comp. Ron Kiver
From the Province of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire
Deputy Grand Superintendent
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
Provincial Grand Sojourner
Past Provincial Grand Superintendent
E. Comp. Bob Stacey
E. Comp. Godfrey Hannan
E. Comp. Richard Myatt
E. Comp. Ray Bennett
From the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
Provincial Grand Treasurer
From the Province of Somerset
M.E. Grand Superintendent
Deputy Grand Superintendent
2nd Provincial Grand Principal
3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
Past 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
Past 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
E. Comp. David Ryan
E. Comp. Anthony Denton
E. Comp. Ray Guthrie
E. Comp. Neil Hurcum
E. Comp. Martin Slocombe
E. Comp. David Maddern
E. Comp. David Parslow
E. Comp. Stephen Gale
E. Comp. Chris Summers
E. Comp. Charlie Barker
From the Province of Bristol
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
Provincial Assistant Grand Scribe Ezra
From the Province of Buckinghamshire
Grand Superintendent
Provincial Grand Scribe
From the Province of Wiltshire
M.E. Grand Superintendent
Deputy Grand Superintendent
3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
From the Province of Worcestershire
3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
From the Province of Monmouthshire
Deputy Grand Superintendent
3 rd Provincial Grand Principal
Past Deputy Grand Superintendent
Past 2 nd Provincial Grand Principal
From the Province of South Wales
Grand Superintendent
Deputy Grand Superintendent
3rd Provincial Grand Principal
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies
From the Province of Oxfordshire
2 nd Provincial Grand Principal
From the Province of Derbyshire
Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra
E. Comp. Philip Nichols
E. Comp. Mike Page
E. Comp. Graham Dearing
E. Comp. Mel Shah
E. Comp. John Reid
E. Comp. Simon Ellingham
E. Comp. Roger Pounder
E. Comp. Stephen Middleditch
E. Comp. Robert Jones
E. Comp. Phillip Sefton
E. Comp. Robert Arundel
E. Comp. Bob Fountain
E. Comp. Gerald Rowbottom
E. Comp. Michael Coombes
E. Comp. Lyndon Howells
E. Comp. Timothy Clark
E. Comp. David Greig
E. Comp. Roger Till
From Devonshire – The Holy Royal Arch
Past Grand Superintendent E. Comp. Christopher Pengelly
Past Grand Superintendent E. Comp. Simon Rowe
Past Deputy Grand Superintendent. E. Comp. Brian Meldon
Past Deputy Grand Superintendent. E. Comp. Terry Downe
Past Deputy Grand Superintendent E. Comp. John Sevieri
Past 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal E. Comp. Jeff Bailey
From the Province of Devonshire – The Craft
The Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. Nicholas A. Ball
Deputy Provincial Grand Master Designate E. Comp. Richard Ebrey
Assistant Provincial Grand Masters: E. Comp. Charlie Yelland
Andy Vodden MBE
Reuben Ayres
Timothy Golder
Past Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. Ian Kingsbury JP
Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. Peter Keaty
Provincial Secretary Comp. Tony Jordan
Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. Gerald Rooke
Mark Master Masons
Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. David Purdie
Deputy Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. John Clendinning
Assistant Provincial Grand Master E. Comp. Brett Varker
Provincial Grand Secretary E. Comp. Christopher Elliott
The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine - Devon & Cornwall
Intendant-General E. Comp. Nicholas St.John Middleton White
HRA KT Priests
Grand High Priest E. Comp. Dr Warner Barton
The Ancient & Accepted Rite Rose Croix
Inspector General E. Comp. Michael Penney
Allied Masonic Degrees
District Grand Prefect E. Comp. Barry Slade
And approximately 259 Grand officers, Provincial Grand Officers, Excellent Companions and Companions from Devonshire and other Provinces, the names have which been recorded in the attendance register.
The Deputy Grand Superintendent E. Comp Gerald W. Watson PGSwdB, accompanied by the Past Grand Superintendents, E. Comps C. J. Pengelly and S.W. Rowe; the Past Deputy Grand superintendents, E. Comps B. H. Meldon, PGSwdB, T.G.H. Downe, PGSwdB and J. D. Sevieri, PGStB together with the Past 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp J.J. Bailey, PAGSoj, entered into the auditorium and took their seats.
The 1st Principals (or their representatives) from the Chapters of the Province processed into the auditorium and took their seats.
The Most Excellent Past 3rd Grand Principal E. Comp David Medlock accompanied by the invited Distinguished Guests from neighbouring Provinces processed into the auditorium and they too took their seats.
The Grand Superintendent accompanied by the Provincial Grand Principals, Grand Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter and the Provincial Grand Officers processed into the auditorium and took their seats.
The Grand Superintendent assisted by the Provincial Grand Principals opened Provincial Grand Chapter in due form.
At 11am the Companions were called to order and a two-minute silence was observed in memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country.
The Grand Superintendent stated that the Province had suffered the sad loss 35 Companions during the past year and then asked the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra to read out their names to the assembled Companions. The 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, E. Comp. S.P. Joint, PGStB, then led the assembled Companions in prayer to departed merit.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent warmly welcomed the Most Excellent Past 3rd Grand Principal E. Comp David Medlock from Supreme Grand Chapter and expressed the gratitude of the Devonshire Royal Arch Companions to him for his attendance at the Convocation.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent then went on and again warmly welcomed the Distinguished Guests of the Province, introducing them individually and concluded by inviting the assembled Devonshire Companions to give them all a very special Devonshire welcome.
The Roll of Provincial Grand Officers was called.
The Minutes of the last Convocation held on Saturday, 12 th November 2022, which had been circulated to all companions, were Accepted and Adopted on the proposition of E. Comp. A. M. Eldred, seconded by E. Comp N. J. Holman.
There were no matters arising from those Minutes.
The circulated Report of the Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra was Accepted and Adopted on the proposition of E. Comp. G. J. Parsons, seconded by E. Comp T. H. McGrath
The Provincial Accounts, having been circulated, were Accepted and Adopted on the proposition of E. Comp. A. M. Eldred, seconded by E. Comp R. J. Truesdale.
Excellent Companion P.M.A. Bartlett, PGStB, of the Chapter of Union No. 444, being the only nomination for Provincial Grand Treasurer, was declared Treasurer for the ensuing year. Excellent Companion M.G. Walker, PPGSN, of the Chapter of Perseverance No. 164 and E. Companion T.B. White of Brent Chapter No 1284 being the only nominations, were declared the Account Examiners for the ensuing year. The Grand Superintendent warmly thanked the examiners for their services during the past year.
The Grand Superintendent Appointed, Invested and Obligated E. Comp Stephen P. Joint, PGStB, as the 2 nd Provincial Grand Principal, in regular form. E. Companion Joint was Proclaimed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp Steven P Shaw.
The Grand Superintendent Appointed, Invested and Obligated E. Comp Mark J. Richardson, PGStB, as the 3 rd Provincial Grand Principal, in regular form. E. Comp Richardson was Proclaimed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp Steven P. Shaw.
The Grand Superintendent called for the patent to be read appointing E. Comp Paul I. Hughes PGStB, as Deputy Grand Superintendent.
The Grand Superintendent Appointed, Obligated and Invested E. Comp Paul I. Hughes as Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Companion Hughes PGStB, was Proclaimed by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, E. Comp Steven P Shaw.
The Grand Superintendent then thanked the Past Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp Gerald W. Watson PGSwdB, for all the support and hard work that he had done for the Province over a number of years. E. Comp Watson was then presented with a Past Grand Superintendents Collar and a gift.
The Grand Superintendent Appointed and/or Invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year and conferred Promotion and Past Rank on certain Companions.
The Grand Superintendent then presented Certificates of merit for Services to Royal Arch Masonry to the following Companions,
E. Comp Richard Buckler PGGSE
E. Comp A Blamey, ProvGChStwd
E. Comp P.H.O. Astal-Stain, PP2ndAsstSoj (To be presented at a later date)
He went on to thank them for their service and support of the Royal Arch and explained why they had merited this award.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent addressed the Convocation: - See page 22
To consider any other competent business: -
The Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra confirmed that he had no further competent business to be considered.
To collect Alms.
Provincial Grand Chapter was then closed in due form at 12.50 pm.
Whichever way you look and however you choose to view our lives today and indeed particularly over the last twelve months we have strikes , long waiting lists and a general air of discontent.
One of the very positive and powerful phrases we heard coming over strongly throughout the covid time was " we'll get through this together". Well, sadly that phrase, for many, appears to be a distant memory !!!
However when we talk about Freemasonry in general and my personal experience, most particularly in the Royal Arch currently, I am sure that this is NOT the case. So lets look at a some of the POSITIVES.
For example , we have been honoured here today with the presence of the Assistant Grand Master David Medlock giving support and demonstrating how London is keen to join us in our various Provinces.
Sir, thank you for joining us today and we very much appreciate Your support.
Then we had the last Grand Lodge quarterly meeting held recently at Newport making a more accessible venue for this area of the country to experience a Grand Lodge meeting without the need and expense of travelling into central London.
What a success story !! 1500 attended ! 1260 sat down for lunch ! It was indeed a very special landmark day and I would expect that our Rulers in London are very likely to repeat this somewhere else in the Country.
Such thinking to enhance masonic inclusion sets out very clearly that our Rulers are keen to show that Freemasonry is not just a London -centric thing, but an organisation that is open and keen to visit and embrace our membership by joining in with us in our various Provinces.
This is a clear message to us all, whatever your Rank and it further demonstrates just how much our membership is valued.
Companions we are ALL important to the future of Freemasonry and we ALL have an opportunity to demonstrate this by our actions.
Then I look to the Active officers some of whom have finished their year today. The support this Province has received from them this year yet again has been exemplary.
11th November 2023 con’t
They have supported in great numbers and visited Chapters all over our Province with tremendous enthusiasm. They have really taken on board the true meaning of Companionship and friendship which Freemasonry is all about, And very rightly , we should be so proud of.
I am particularly pleased and very grateful to them that when we are all out supporting at meetings they mix in and interact with the members whom we have come to support. Feedback tells me this is very well received and I am sure will be continued by our officers this year, It proves that small gestures of Companionship can be very successful but all importantly demonstrates further exclusivity within our order. Companions, I congratulate and sincerely thank you.
We now have a new Team and I am sure that those honoured today will take much pride in their appointment and will get just as much enjoyment, satisfaction, and pleasure from their promotions. I look forward to working together with you all.
Having taken the opportunity last year to reintroduce the Certificates of Service to Royal Arch Masonry In Devonshire and I have been delighted to do so again today.
Arthur Blamey Richard Buckler and Paul Astal Stain are very worthy of this acclaim as they selflessly do so much behind the scenes.
Arthur has worked his magic as Provincial Grand Charity Steward to say nothing of the great care and attention he puts in to help Cadogan Court, which believe you me has been substantial.
Richard Buckler quietly and selflessly keeps extremely busy in Budleigh Salterton doing whatever job is necessary both in the Royal Arch and the Craft. His fellow Companions and Brethren hold him in great esteem and we are all deeply appreciative of his efforts.
Paul Astall -Stain of Dartmoor Chapter has galvanised his unbounding enthusiasm, with the full support of his fellow members to achieve great success in attracting new members.
Congratulations Companions. Thank you for everything you have done and I am sure you will continue to do so.
Another very strong positive that must not be ignored is the Grand Superintendents Fund. The fund would not exist were it not for the kind generosity of our Devonshire Companions and if you read the published accounts you will note that a very sizeable proportion of this money stays in Devon.
This year we have Twice made substantial donations to Food Banks spread across the North East South and Western parts of the County. Companions we have supported Hospice Care In Plymouth and Torbay.
At the recent open day at Cadogan Court in Exeter we donated £2500.00 for the benefit of the residents. Plus many other individual grants.
All these were very important BUT the initiative we took to highlight the need to be aware of Prostate Cancer and the awareness evening held near Exeter turned out be far reaching. We were blessed with a number of Clinicians led by Dr Leo Clarke who invited Professor SARAH BAILEY Head of Research at Exeter University Medical School who gave us an insight into the work being carried out. We thought about 80 would come, but around 130 turned up, and not just Freemasons as some brought a friend, or family member. At the end we were able to donate £10.000 to Exeter University Prostate research department. Companions, were it not for your generosity this would not have been possible.
We have a new Pro Grand Master in Jonathon Spence who is and will be bringing many positive changes. He is showing great vision and leadership. For example Our modernised and updated Core Values Integrity, Respect, Friendship and Service. These words mean a great deal in our world today. They are words that decent people like to live by.
These are words that will not only drive our existing membership but will enable us to attract new ones.
We should be proud when the opportunity arises to speak openly to those we meet and explain why Freemasonry believes in and practices these core values and what they mean to us, as well as fitting into society generally.
We should be seen to practice these great principles, and demonstrate to the outside world that we are an organisation that we are proud to be a member of, and that most importantly that we are an organisation we want others to recognise as such, and even more importantly an organisation that they would aspire to AND wish to join.
I now turn to our Membership and vitally MEMBER
This is a matter of such great importance for the NOW and into the foreseeable FUTURE.
We are fortunate to have a goodly number of extremely successful Lodges and Chapters. And equally we have some who are going through difficult times and need Help. That is not to be ashamed of but embraced. We are after all Freemasons.
Sadly however the Covid Pandemic caused society a set of problems that were never previously considered. It certainly took its Toll on our membership as well as the whole of society. However being realistic and unlike many…….We cannot blame Covid for everything !!!
There is much more to it than that !!!
We have steadily lost numbers over too many years. We have in many cases ignored moving on with the times in respect to how society has changed and the way people work for a living and possibly we have sometimes failed to get across to potential new members just what we are really all about.
Most Excellent Grand Superintendents Annual Address
11th November 2023 con’t
MEMBER ATTRACTION is key. We are all Craft and Royal Arch Masons here today. Many of you are of course rightly proud to be members of , and enjoy other orders, as indeed am I.
I believe we have also not given sufficient thought to the age of a potential member, probably because in the main most of us are mature individuals, maybe we don’t come into contact with enough younger people, another important area we should really be looking at very seriously.
You may ask me. Grand Superintendent . What age member should we be
ATTRACTING? The Answer has already been clearly stated by our first Grand Principal - 18 to 80.
We must all remember where our journey begins in Freemasonry and the order it follows. It therefore goes without saying that we must ALL take the responsibility of working together as one.
When we have new Members they need to be embraced encouraged and involved. Let’s give them some work and responsibility soon after their Exaltation… this may be something straightforward like a reading.
However as we all know, Readings need to be practiced and done well to be credible and understood! Obviously this does need to be discussed with them as some may not feel confident to do this, but opportunity and encouragement is key.
But we must do it. We ALL need to be pro-active. If your new members feel they are welcome, are happy, feel valued and are engaged, then they will encourage their friends and colleagues to join us and do likewise.
COMPANIONS we ALL have much to do. The Future is in ALL OF OUR HANDS.
To conclude Companions, I thank you all for attending and giving me your support ; and of course for the encouragement you showed to congratulate those who have received Honours today. It has been great to see you all.
I shall look forward to visiting and chatting to as many of you as is possible in the next twelve months.
Thank you, Companions
Chris RoachGrand Superintendent of the Province of Devonshire
11th November 2023
Note: ‘Unadopted Minutes’ - These minutes will not be approved until The PGC 2024 Meeting.
Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E.Comp Christopher Roach
2nd Provincial Grand Principal : E.Comp. Stephen P. Joint, PGStB
Excellent Companion:-
Excellent Companion:- Chapter Rank
Adrian Sexton * 847 Fortescue Chapter Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Carleton Mayer 2649 Sir Francis Drake Chapter
John Hipwell
Keith Ward 1402 Jordan Chapter Steward
John Ashton 2655 The Queen Victoria Chapter Steward
Nigel Fellows 1099 Elms Huyshe Chapter Steward
Glenford Bishop 2025 St George Chapter Steward
Michael Locke * 1402 Jordan Chapter Janitor
Director of Ceremonies
(Chapter Number)
For the dates of Chapter meetings and other details please see the Calendar and the following pages
Province of Devonshire
ROLL OF CHAPTERS (Alphabetical)
For the dates of Chapter meetings and other details please see the Calendar and the following pages
Toast List
HisRoyalHighnessTheDukeofKent, KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC.
TheMostExcellentProFirstGrandPrincipal JonathanSpence, DL
TheMostExcellentSecondGrandPrincipal RussellJohnRace, DL.
TheMostExcellentThirdProvincialGrandPrincipal GarethJones,OBE
To be given as ONE TOAST
ExcellentCompanionPaulI.Hughes, PGStB
ExcellentCompanionStephenP.Joint, PGStB
ExcellentCompanionMarkJ.Richardson, PGStB
To be given as ONE TOAST
The Honorifics and Ranks shouldbeomittedwhenProposingTheToast
Please advise your Principals, First Principal Elect and the person who produces your Menu Cards and Toast Lists of the above that the word ‘PRO’ is NOT an abbreviation of ‘Provincial’
Dear Companions,
I bring you Christmas greetings from myself, and my new Management Team, Paul, Steve, Mark, Chris, and our D.C Steve.
It has certainly been another very busy year during which I have enjoyed sharing Royal Arch Masonry with all of you and I hope that in 2024 we can encourage many more to come and join us in this special order.
I would like to thank you all for the support that you have given to myself and my Team over the past year and especially to our new Active Officers who were appointed in November and are already out and about enthusiastically attending many of our meetings helping to make the occasion more special for all.
Your charitable donations, particularly in a time when there is much austerity have been overwhelming and I hope that you will agree that they are being used effectively for many needy causes which have been gratefully received by the recipients.
May you know peace, joy and hope this Christmas time and I look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Provincial Grand Chapter of Devonshire
website: https;//devonshirehra.org.uk
W.Bro. Jack Parnell PPrJGW (Craft) The Lord Roborough Lodge No. 5789
E.Comp. Jack Parnell (Chapter) - Duncombe Chapter No. 1486
Email : pgldevonshire.yearbook@gmail.com
Jack Parnell - (01752) 246984
Paginated & Published online by:-
W.Bro. John Smerdon PAGDC (Craft) Old Plymothian and Mannameadian Lodge No. 6279
E.Comp. John Smerdon PPDepGSwdB - Duncombe Chapter No. 1486, Scribe E