Provincial Grand Master this
Devonshire Freemasons’ Reference Year Book
for the year 2023
Is most respectfully and fraternally dedicated
This booklet has been put together for the purposes of an
Provincial Grand Master this
Devonshire Freemasons’ Reference Year Book
for the year 2023
Is most respectfully and fraternally dedicated
This booklet has been put together for the purposes of an
and is owned by The Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire
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Craft Cover Page
Inside Cover - Introduction Page
Index - Craft Annual Reference Year Book
UGLE Information
Pro Grand Master’s Address April
Pro Grand Master’s Address June
Photograph of Provincial Grand Master
History of Executive Appointments 1775 - 2023
Photographs of Provincial Executive
Brethren in Devonshire holding Grand Rank 2023
History of Provincial Wardens 1950 - 2023
Photographs of Wardens
Minutes - Provincial Grand Lodge April 2023
Provincial Grand Rank Appointments / Promotions April 2023
Provincial Grand Master’s Address April 2023
Provincial By-Laws
Model By-Laws & Notes - Updated 2023
Provincial Grand Master’s Address (Devonshire Mason) May 2023
Provincial Grand Secretary’s Annual Report February 2023
Provincial Grand Almoner’s Annual Report March 2023
Provincial Grand Charity Steward’s Annual Report February 2023
Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund Report January 2023
Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Membership Report January 2023
Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Mentor’s Report January 2023
MCF - Masonic Charitable Foundation Information
Teddies for Loving Care
Province of Devonshire Benevolent Fund
Devon Masonic Widows Association
The Association of Friends of Cadogan Court
Devonshire Fraternity of London Grand Rank
Devon Masonic Shooting Association
Devon Masonic Bowling Association
Devon Masonic Fishing Association
Devon Masonic Golf Association
Devon Masonic Chisel Club
Towns in Devonshire holding Masonic Meetings all orders Masonic Temples - Alphabetical
Craft Masonic Lodges - Alphabetical
Craft Masonic Lodges - by Lodge Number
Monthly Planner Link - Plan your Lodge Visits - All Orders
A Miscellany of Masonic Mirth - Advert - Proceeds to TLC ADVERT
PGM’s Ball’s Ball ADVERT
Toast List (April 2023)
Back Page - Editorial Information and Contacts
Grand Master: M.W.Bro. His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC.
Pro Grand Master: R.W.Bro. Jonathan Spence
Deputy Grand Master: R.W.Bro. Sir David Hugh Wootton
Assistant Grand Masters: R.W.Bro. David J. Medlock, DL RW.Bro. A. Steven Varley
Grand Secretary: V.W.Bro. A.R.T. Marsh
Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, LONDON WC2B 5AZ
for more info...
https://twitter.com/UGLE_GrandLodge - @UGLE_GrandLodge
Grand Lodge meets at Freemasons’ Hall on the Second Wednesday in March, June, September and December. The Annual Investiture takes place on the last Wednesday in April.
Grand Lodge Library and Museum including the permanent exhibition on the history of English Freemasonry are open to the public on Mondays to Saturdays from9.30amto 5pm. not on Sundays or PublicHolidays (including Saturdays preceding Public Holidays).
The building is open to the public from Monday to Saturday – welcoming everyone from members of the public and guests attending special events, through to members visiting for meetings. A new digital tour of the building leads visitors around the building, taking in the new café and award-winning gift shop.
Please note: Visitors may be required to showphotographicIDbefore the tour commences. Pre-booking is required for all group tours, and for any tours on Saturdays from £12.50 per person ( Max 15 individuals on a tour) .
Further information isavailable on the Libraryand Museum website www.ugle.org.uk
The UnitedGrand Lodgeof Englandcurrently hasaround 150,000 membersmeetingin over 6,000Lodges, whichare grouped asfollows:
Lodges meeting in London (an area generally within a 10-mile radius of Freemasons’ Hall), are administered by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London, which is headed by the Metropolitan Grand Master.
Lodges meeting outside London, and within England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, are grouped into 48 Provinces, whose boundaries often correspond to those of the Old Counties, with each headed by a Provincial Grand Master.
Lodges that meet outside England, Wales, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands are grouped into 33 Districts, with each headed by a District Grand Master, five Groups (ie: currently too small to make up a District), with each headed by a Grand Inspector, and 12 Lodges abroad which are directly administered by Freemasons’ Hall.
The United Grand Lodge of England publishes a Masonic Year Book annually which lists all committees and boards, details for all of its administrative groupings, and all Grand Officers and senior Provincial and District Officers. It also publishes triennially the Directory of Lodges and Chapters, which lists all lodges and their meeting dates and places. Both publications can be purchased from Freemasons’ Hall.
The Book of Constitutions (rule book) has been in the public domain since the first edition was published in 1723 and can also be purchased from Freemasons’ Hall.
Brethren, I want to start by saying what a very great pleasure it is to preside over this well attended meeting in these magnificent surroundings and to see the Grand Temple so full.
As always, I particularly offer my congratulations to all those whom I have appointed to and promoted in Grand Rank today I have no doubt that such elevations are well deserved but, as I have remarked on previous occasions, they should be seen I think, not solely as a reward for past contributions to Freemasonry but also an expectation of future service.
At the Quarterly Communication in December the Strategy for Freemasonry, 2022 and beyond was launched by the Pro Grand Master I am encouraged by the positive way in which this new strategy has been received, but none of us should forget that there is much to do We all, I know, want to ensure that the Craft, which we all so wholeheartedly support, will continue to thrive and flourish into the future.
To do this all Brethren, whatever their rank, have their part to play in implementing the strategy The strategy has at its heart the imperative goal of ensuring all our members are engaged and enjoy their Freemasonry, that they can contribute to the well-being of their Metropolitan Area, Provinces, Districts, Lodges and Chapters, and that they may feel sufficiently confident to speak proudly of their membership to their family, friends and any they may meet socially who are not Freemasons – should the circumstances be appropriate.
While all Brethren have a role to play, there is a particular responsibility for Grand Officers, whether newly invested today or of longer standing, to support actively the implementation of the strategy in their Lodges and Chapters I am confident that I can rely on all Grand Officers to rise to the challenge we have set and to embrace what needs to be done with enthusiasm There is also a further important responsibility for Grand Officers which is to support and work with their Metropolitan, Provincial and District Grand Masters as London, Provinces and Districts implement the strategy
Teamwork is essential for our future to be certain Brethren, we all want to see the Craft continue to thrive and there can be no better demonstration of that than a growing membership which is positively engaged and clearly enjoying what they do as Freemasons With your enthusiasm and application, I am sure we can succeed. Brethren, this investiture meeting always seems to proceed smoothly, and this is largely due to the enormous amount of work put in by the Grand Secretary and his staff, most of it behind the scenes, as well as by the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his team All of them deserve both our thanks and our warm congratulations.
Thank you Brethren
Brethren, it is very good to see so many of you here today, notwithstanding the other attractions available on a very fine summer’s day!
I always think of this Quarterly Communication as something of a transitional moment in the rhythm of the Masonic year. This is the first Communication after the Annual Investiture and is the first occasion when the new Grand Officers of the Year, under the careful tutelage and watchful eye of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and his team of Deputies, discharge their duties in Grand Lodge. I think we can all agree Brethren, it has been a very encouraging start and bodes well for the rest of their term of duty.
This Communication, however, also sees most of us think of the end of the current Masonic year where many Lodges and Chapters have a break over the hot months of the summer, although I am aware there are a number of Provinces where this does not occur and Lodges and Chapters are as busy as ever. It is, therefore, I think a moment for reflection for all of us.
It is nine months since I was installed as Pro Grand Master and six months since we launched the Strategy for Freemasonry, 2022 and beyond and it has been a busy time for everyone in Grand Lodge and in all the Provinces and Districts. I am very grateful Brethren for all the support I have received from you and my fellow rulers in my new role.
I am grateful to Provincial Rulers and their teams for the tremendous amount of work that has been, and is being, put into articulating the Membership Challenge for each Province and engaging with their Lodges and Chapters to make it real for our members. We have seen some excellent addresses recently at Provincial meetings where this has been the core message with a high level of encouragement for members to take the lead in their own Lodges and Chapters.
These Addresses are being shared amongst Provincial Rulers, both as examples of very good practice others can use, and to demonstrate this is a team effort at all levels.
In order to deliver the Strategy and tackle the Membership Challenge, every single Member has a part to play, and it is the responsibility of Provinces, Districts and Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter to give our Members the tools to succeed.
You will now be very familiar with the Royal Arch being an integral part of the Strategy’s approach and I hope many of you will have seen the “Discover More” booklet. There is more to come from the Committee of General Purposes with the planned launch of Archway in the autumn. In the interim, I would like to say something about the Royal Arch Representatives in Craft Lodges.
I think it should be clear that to ensure the success of the Strategy an effective Royal Arch Representative in almost every Lodge is now even more important. This is a role which is critical to the Strategy for helping to increase Royal Arch membership. Since this post was first introduced different Provinces and Districts have developed their own ways of handling these appointments and I firmly believe that it is not for us “in the centre” to interfere too much where a successful scheme has already evolved or can be worked out locally. However, given the importance of this role in representing the Order within a Lodge, I do believe that any Companion nominated to be a Royal Arch Representative should ultimately meet the approval and receive the support of his Provincial or District Grand Master (and of course his relevant Grand Superintendent) in order for him to be able to enjoy the appropriate status of the role and to carry the responsibilities that go with it.
I am assured that further guidance to support Royal Arch Representatives in their tasks, along with examples of good practice, will be available on Archway when it is released later this year.
Brethren, you will know that the September Quarterly Communication will be held in Monmouthshire, exactly one hundred years since this first happened when the Communication in September 1923 was held in Liverpool. I will say more about this in September, but I hope it is clear the Rulers and Grand Lodge really do believe in seeing if we can get things to work that are a little different to the established norms, building on an excellent base, with small incremental steps. I very much hope it will be a success, but as The Grand Master himself said, “We will not know unless we try”.
Brethren, I am enthusiastic about our prospects, I am encouraged by the way you are responding to the challenge, and I have no doubt we can succeed if we all work together to ensure we continue to thrive.
Thank you very much Brethren and I wish you all a pleasant and relaxing summer.
Jonathan Spence1775 Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde, Bt, MP
1819 Hugh, 2nd Earl Fortescue, KG, (Viscount Ebrington)
1866 The Reverend John Huyshe
1879 Hugh, Viscount Ebrington, (later 4th Earl Fortescue, KCB)
1896 Hugh Stafford, Lord Northcote, GCMG, GCIE, CB
1903 Major George Christopher Davie
1928 Henry, Lord Roborough, DL
1938 Rt. Reverend William Frederick Surtees, Bishop of Crediton..
1955 Sir Arthur Conrad Reed
1961 Cyril Henry Crews
1970 William Alexander Kneel
1984 Archibald John Huxtable
1992 Kenneth John Alford
1994 Edward Joseph Holman
1999 Robin Osborn Osborn
2007 Michael Thomas Penny
2013 Ian Kingsbury JP
2023 Nicholas Ball (April)
1775 John Codrington
1793 Thomas Okes
1799 The Rev. Henry Shortridge Cruwys
1802 John Burridge Cholick
1820 George Warwick Bampfylde
1830 The Rev. William Carwithen
1850 The Rev. John Huyshe
1865 William Denis Moore
1867 The Rev. Lorenso Pastor Metham
1879 Walter Goddard Rogers
1895 George Christopher Davie
1904 Francis Beer Westlake
1908 John Stocker
1940 Lovell R. Dunstan
1944 Maj. Gen. Frederick Wilmot Barron
1961 William Alexander Kneel
1970 Cecil Reed Browne
1973 Robert William Lavers
1983 James Joseph Latham Gore
1987 Frank Banfill Prout
1990 Kenneth John Alford
1992 Edward Joseph Holman
1994 Robin Osborn Osborn
1999 John Frank Annear
2001 Michael Tomas Penny
2007 Peter Richard Galt
2010 Colin Charles Turner
2012 Ian Kingsbury JP
2013 Nicholas Andrew Ball
2023 Peter John Mark Keaty
1920 James William Sleigh Godding
1931 Henry Harcourt Gilbert New
1948 Sir Arthur Conrad reed
1961 Dr. Frederick William Arbuthnot Watt
1971 Robert William Lavers
1973 Dr. Richard Howarth
1975 James Joseph Latham Gore
1983 Frank Banfill Prout
1987 Kenneth John Alford
1990 Edward Joseph Holman
1994 John Frank Annear
1955 Cyril Henry Crews
1992 Robin Osborn Osborn
1999 Matthew Peter Haigh
2000 Gerald Percival Rooke
2001 Peter Richard Galt
2007 Colin Charles Turner
2010 Maurice William Eglinton
2011 Derek George Webber
2012 Nicholas Andrew Ball
2013 Peter John Mark Keaty
2023 Charles Reginald Yelland
1981 Archibald John Huxtable
1983 Michael Charles Tempest Reilly
1994 Gerald Percival Rooke
1992 Matthew Peter Haigh
1984 Kenneth John Alford
1986 Edward Joseph Holman
1987 Raymond Douglas Mawson Penny
1990 Robin Osborn Osborn
1999 Michael Thomas Penny
2000 Peter Richard Galt
2001 Jeffery Lawrence Attwood
2002 Colin Sydney Davies
2004 Colin Charles Turner
2007 Maurice William Eglinton
2010 Nicholas Andrew Ball
2011 Ian Kingsbury JP
2012 Colin Charles Gale
2013 Richard Arthur Peter Speed
2014 George Ernest Rogers
2015 Christopher Yard
2019 Charles Reginald Yelland (September)
2021 Craig Cox (December)
2023 Reuben Ayres
2005 Rev. Philip Louis Baycock
2007 Derek George Webber
2010 Ian Kingsbury JP
2011 Peter John Mark Keaty
2011 Colin Charles Gale
2012 Richard Arthur Peter Speed
2013 George Ernest Rodgers
2014 Christopher Yard
2015 Charles Reginald Yelland
2019 Craig Cox (September)
2022 Andrew Vodden MBE (February)
2023 Timothy Golder
1777 John Drake (Union)
1793 Beavis Wood (All Souls)
1820 James Terrell (St. George’s)
1823 John Chubb (St. George’s)
1825 James Terrell (St. George’s)
1828 John Daw (St. George’s)
1830 William Dennis Moore (St. George’s)
1862 Thomas Hunt Edmonds
1863 William Dennis Moore (St. George’s)
1864 Walter Goddard Rogers (St. George’s)
1865 William Dennis Moore (St. George’s)
1866 Walter Goddard Rogers (St. George’s)
1868 Isaac Latimer (Sincerity)
1869 Walter Goddard Rogers (St. George’s)
1873 Charles Leigh (Metham)
1874 William Goddard Rogers (St. George’s)
1879 John Brewer (Loyal)
1887 George Christopher Davie (Loyal)
1895 John Brewer (Loyal)
1896 John Stocker (St. John the Baptist)
1908 Henry Stocker (St. John the Baptist)
1929 Charles Back (St. John the Baptist)
1962 Doric Harold Hawkeswood (Lopes)
1969 Montague Frederick Whidden Phillips, SB St J, (St. Peter in Exeter)
1983 Edward Joseph Holman (Pleiades)
1986 Thomas James Martin (Harmony)
1989 Edward John Fay (All Souls)
1996 Peter Richard Galt (Old Helean)
2000 Colin Charles Turner (Perserverance)
2004 David John Purnell (Sir Joshua Reynolds)
2009 David John Lyne (St. Andrews)
2013 Christopher Yard (Brent Lodge)
2015 Dr. Richard Ebrey (Lodge of St. Peter)
2021 Tony Jordan (Brent Lodge 1284)
1950 C. H. Crews
1951 A. S. Banbury
1952 P. A. Clapham
1953 G. E. Pitts
1954 A. D. Phillips
1955 Dr. C. Wroth
1956 Dr. F. W. A. Watt
1957 C. R. Browne
1958 Dr. M. Lees
1959 R. Howarth
1960 G. G. Leatherby
1961 J. W. Glanfield
1962 Dr. C. R. Croft
1963 R. H. T. Burgess
1964 H. J. Stevens
1965 P. P. MacDiarmid
1966 R. E. Jackson
1967 R. A. Skentelbery
1968 G. E. H. Creber
1969 A. J. Huxtable
1970 M. C. T. Reilly
1971 Lt. Col. W. J. Elliot, MBE
1972 D. J. Wandless
1973 C. O. Holland
1974 G. Robins
1975 G. Shattock
1976 S. A. West
1977 R. Sims
1978 F. J. W. Hodgson
1979 J. Alford
1980 R. D. M. Penny
1981 H. N. Statton
1982 R. B. Gunn
1983 Dr. J. H. Wickstead
1984 W. J. H. Brooks
1985 J. G. Higgs
1986 E. K. Tucker
1987 T. Petherick
1988 S. J. Fovargue
1989 J. F. Annear
1990 D. Egerton-Jones
1991 C. Barrett
1992 G. P. Rooke
1993 D. J. Endacott
1994 D. Mullins
1995 M. T. Penny
1996 P. J. Huxtable
1997 C. C. Turner
1998 R. C. Keane
1999 L. C. Evis
2000 W. E. Thomas
2001 P. J. Balsom
2002 G. Elkins 2003 G.B. Smith
2004 E. J. Buse
2005 M. J. Twitchin 2006 N. A. Ball
2007 I. Kingsbury JP
2008 D. C. Purdie
2009 A. R. Cockman
2010 P. Durrant, MBE
2011 A. R. Gill
2012 R. Selby
2013 R. S. Woods 2014 C. Oliver 2015 K.W. Bower
1950 J. G. R. Orchard
1951 W. G. Northcott
1952 H. Grant
1953 T. Holloway
1954 F. P. Cottey
1955 Eng. Rear Adml. A. K. Dibley
1956 R. Cummings
1957 P. D. Pascho
1958 A. J. Dunsford
1959 Dr. W. R. Gavin
1960 J. M. Luxmoore
1961 Lt. Col. F. J. Dean
1962 H. J. Pratt
1963 Dr. F. N. Adams
1964 E. M. Bishop
1965 F. B. Prout
1966 G. W. Williams
1967 E. Diggle
1968 J. W. Smyth
1969 W. H. Roberts
1970 W. J. Mills
1971 A. C. Metherell
1972 Maj. T. R. Corkery
1973 J. L. Cresswell
1974 L. F. Pinney
1975 H. D. Coysh-Busby
1976 B. G. Ridalls
1977 L. J. Hill
1978 D. J. Lees
1979 E. J. Holman
1980 D. H. L. Searle
1981 R. T. Discombe
1982 F. C. Ballantine, DFC
1983 F. D. Matthews
1984 A. I. Pearse
1985 R. E. Olding, OBE
1986 R. S. C. Burch
1987 P. H. Burrows
1988 D. W. P. Grose
1989 P. Gregory
1990 P. R. Galt
1991 A. G. R. Holliss
1992 W. S. Daw
1993 R. Richards
1994 W. R. Borne
1995 Dr. J. D. Shapland
1996 J. A. White
1997 A. C. Ireland, ERD
1998 C. E. R. Dowell
1999 J. L. Attwood
2000 D. G. Webber
2001 C. Richards
2002 R. K. Maddock
2003 C. J. Spilsbury
2004 M. St. J. French
2005 F. Handscombe
2006 J. R. Leballeur
2007 C. A. James
2008 J. D. Sevieri
Held at the RICC, Torquay
Monday 17th April 2023
Present :
VWBro Nicholas A Ball PGSwdB, Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge
WBro Peter JM Keaty PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
WBro Charles Yelland PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
WBro Craig Cox PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
WBro Andrew Vodden MBE, PAGDC, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
1. The meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer at 11.00 by WBro PJM Keaty.
2. RWBro AS Varley, the Assistant Grand Master, was admitted and welcomed by WBro Keaty who proffered his gavel, which was accepted by RWBro Varley and who then took the Chair.
3. A deputation was formed and VWBro NA Ball was escorted into the meeting and duly obligated, before being invested and installed as Provincial Grand Master for Devonshire by the Assistant Grand Master.
4. RWBro Ball then obligated, appointed and invested:
(i) WBro PJM Keaty PSGD as Deputy Provincial Grand Master
(ii) WBro CR Yelland PSGD as Assistant Provincial Grand Master
(iii) WBro AWA Vodden MBE PAGDC as Assistant Provincial Grand Master
(iv) WBro NT Golder PAGDC as Assistant Provincial Grand Master
5. RWBro Ball requested that WBro Craig Cox be presented to him and thanked him for his dedication and hard work as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master before investing him with a Past rank jewel and collarette. RWBro Ball then addressed the brethren (Appendix 1).
Provincial Grand Lodge was called off at 1225 and resumed at 1530.
6. RWBro Ball welcomed the many guests :
Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire
Asst ProvGM
RWBro Tim Henderson-Ross
WBro Mark Smith
W.Bro. Geoffrey Warburton
Provincial Grand Lodge of Gloucestershire
Dept ProvGM
RWBro Tim Henderson-Ross
WBro Mark Smith
W.Bro. Geoffrey Warburton
Provincial Grand Lodge of Monmouthshire
Dept ProvGM
RWBro Richard Davies
VWBro Christopher Evans
W.Bro. Keith Evans
Provincial Grand Lodge of Bristol
Dept ProvGM
RWBro Jonathan Davis
VWBro Richard Lewis
W.Bro. Tony Driffield
Provincial Grand Lodge of Dorset
Dept ProvGM
RWBro Graham Glazier
VWBro Steve James
Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire
RWBro Michael Holland
Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and Isle of White
Asst ProvGM
RWBro Jonathan Whitaker
WBro Barrie Hewitt
W.Bro. David Ryan
Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales
Asst ProvGM
RWBro D. Gerald Rowbottom
WBro Dr Akram Baig
W.Bro. Timothy Clarke
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall
Dept ProvGM
RWBro David Maskell
WBro David Leaity
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall con’t
Asst ProvGM
Asst ProvGM
Asst ProvGM
WBro Graham Bennett
WBro Michael Pritchard
WBro Leslie Sleep
WBro Trevor Daws
WBro Peter Everest
WBro Simon Copas
WBro Robin Webb
Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset
Asst ProvGM
RWBro Raymond Guthrie
WBro Richard Winter
W.Bro. Keith Surry
Provincial Grand Lodge of Wiltshire
RWBro Jonathan Reed
WBro Robert Evans
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire
Past ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
Past Asst ProvGM
RWBro Michael Penny
WBro Peter Haigh
WBro Gerry Rooke
WBro Derek Webber
WBro Jeff Attwood
WBro Colin Gale
WBro Richard Speed
WBro Craig Cox
Provincial Grand Chapter of Devonshire
Grand Supt
Dept Grand supt
Prov 2GP
Prov 3GP
VWBro Christopher Roach
WBro Gerald Watson
W.Bro. Paul Hughes
W.Bro. Stephen Joint
Provincial Grand Chapter of Devonshire con’t
Past grand Superintendent
Past grand Superintendent
WBro Christopher Taylor
WBro Christopher Pengelly
W.Bro. Simon Rowe
Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark master Masons
Dept ProvGM
Asst ProvGM
Past ProvGM
Knights Templar
Provincial Prior
WBro David Purdie
WBro John Clendinning
WBro Brett Varker
WBro Peter Hawken
WBro F. Richard Thomas
Ancient & Accepted Rite of Sovereign Princes Rose Croix
Inspector General
RWBro Michael Penny
Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine
Intendant General
WBro Nicholas St John Middleton White
Order of the Allied Degrees, District of Devon and Cornwall
District grand prefect
WBro Barry Slade
Order of the Scarlet Cord, Province of Devonshire
Prov Grand Summus
WBro Barry Chalkley
Order of the Secret Monitor, Province of Devonshire
Prov G Sup Ruler
WBro John Whitfield
Masonic Order of Athelstan, Province of Wessex
WBro Keith Waters
Devon Fraternity of the London Grand Rank Association
WBro Tony Clapham
Prefecture of Avalon, Grand Priory of Knights of The Holy City
Grand Historian
WBro Keith Jackson
Also present were a large number of Grand Officers, Past Provincial Grand Officers, Masters, Past Masters, Wardens of Lodges and Master Masons whose names were all duly recorded. The Right Worshipful Brethren were saluted and RWBro Tim Henderson-Ross, Provincial Grand Master for Gloucestershire, responded accordingly
7. In Memoriam: The Provincial Grand Master referred to the loss of 122 Brethren in the Province during the past year, amongst whom were:
• WBro A R Gregory PSGD, Jordan Lodge No.1402
• WBro J H Wickstead PJGD, North Devon Masters’ Lodge No.9316
• WBro J Denton PJGD, St John’s Lodge No.70
• WBro K Keast PAGDC, Hauley Lodge No.797
• WBro C A James PAGDC, Erme Lodge No.1091
• WBro D W Southgate PAGDC, St Andrew Lodge No.4097
• WBro F G Elkins PAGDC, Excester Lodge No.6228
• WBro J B Sermon PAGDC, Meridian Lodge No.9653
• WBro M Saffin PAGDC, St Thomas Lodge No.4198
• WBro WSF Lapthorne PAGDC, Philammon Lodge No.3226
The Brethren stood to Order as a mark of their respect for Departed Merit, for these and the other Brethren of the Province, while the Provincial Grand Chaplain offered a Requiem Prayer.
8. minutes of the annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge held at Exeter on 11 April 2022, as circulated, were proposed by WBro A Taylor (1284) and seconded by WBro D Palmer (9892). Approved and confirmed.
9. To confirm the Annual Reports, as printed and circulated in The Devonshire Mason, of the: a. Provincial Grand Secretary. Proposed by WBro D Wortham (112) seconded by WBro J Webber (9613). Approved and confirmed for :
a. Provincial Grand Secretary
b. Provincial Grand Treasurer
c. Provincial Grand Charity Steward
d. Hon. Secretary, Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Benevolent Fund
e. Provincial Grand Almoner
10. Election of Provincial Grand Treasurer: WBro Paul O’Connell, Provincial Grand Treasurer, of Miles Coverdale Lodge No.5069, was re-elected for the ensuing year
11. Provincial Grand Lodge Account examiners: WBro G Sclater (5526) proposed and WBro A Garrity (6677) seconded that WBro C Elliot PPrAGDC of St George’s Lodge No.112 and WBro M Leonard PPrJGD of St Margaret’s Lodge No.6128 be elected to examine the Provincial Grand Lodge Accounts for the ensuing year. Approved and confirmed.
12. Finance Committee of Provincial Grand Lodge: WBro C Barrs (4097) proposed and WBro D Palmer (4352) seconded that the following Brethren be elected to serve on the Finance Committee of Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year: WBro A Rodgers PAGDC, WBro N Golder Asst ProvGM, WBro P O’Connell ProvGTreas and WBro A Eldred PProvSGW. Approved and confirmed.
13. MCF Representatives: WBro D Tucker (6128) proposed and WBro D Greenaway (106) seconded that he MCF Representatives for Devonshire be WBro AWA Vodden MBE and WBro Dr RCS Ayres, both Asst Provincial Grand Masters. Approved and confirmed.
14. The RW Provincial Grand Master appointed as Provincial Senior Grand Warden WBro Martyn Aldridge of Pelican Lodge No.7878 and WBro David Wilson of Jordan Lodge No.1402 as Provincial Junior Grand Warden.
15. The RW Provincial Grand Master re-appointed and thanked those brethren who were continuing in office. He then appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year (below) and conferred promotion to, and in, Past Rank on other Brethren (Appendix 2).
16. The Provincial Grand Master addressed the meeting (Appendix 3).
17. Other business: the Provincial Grand Secretary announced that the next meeting would be held on Monday 15 April 2024.
Provincial Grand Lodge was closed at 1710 in due form and during the Closing Hymn, a collection was taken for the Benevolent Fund. The first verse of the National Anthem was subsequently sung. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, and other distinguished guests retired in due form.
Anthony Jordan PAGDCProvincial Grand Secretary
19th April 2023
Appendix 1. Provincial Grand Master’s address after investiture:
Our next item is an address from the Provincial Grand Master and you will no doubt be pleased to hear that it will be brief.
At this stage I would like to thank the Assistant Grand Master, RWBro Steven Varley: thank you Sir, for making today special for this Province and indeed for me. I also thank your team for their organisation and the Ceremonial, the precision and quality of which sets a great example and provides inspiration to us all.
Brethren, before "calling off" for lunch I would like to give you something to ponder upon before this afternoon’s proceedings: we face numerous challenges which I will discuss later today, but one of the greatest of these however, is our declining numbers. Our membership numbers are close to the lowest we have recorded. So, I leave you all individually with some questions:
• When was the last time that you invited someone to join our Order?
• When was the last time you sat down with a newer member in our Order (of less than 6 years standing) and afforded him some time and showed an interest in him?
Brethren, the future of our Order is in our hands, that includes me!
Enjoy your lunch and I look forward to being with you this afternoon.
Appendix 2. Appointments 7 Promotions ( Pages 29—31 )
Appendix 3. PGM Speech ( Pages 33 & 34 )
WBro Craig Cox as Assistant PGM
April 2023
Brethren, after such a long day I can understand that you’re really looking forward to a thirty-minute address! (Laughter from audience.)
Firstly, I congratulate those receiving Honours today: enjoy your new office, you have deserved it and I look forward to your company on the circuit. To the outgoing Provincial team who gave such excellent support: you were led by two enthusiastic and supportive Wardens who set a great example and I thank you. I must express my appreciation for those stepping down after some years in office and in particular:
WBro Reuben Ayres as Provincial Grand Charity Steward
WBro Bob Munro as Provincial Grand Almoner
I also congratulate those being appointed to Grand Rank on 26th April. As First Appointments:
WBro Terry Sloan of St John the Baptist Lodge No.39
WBro Christopher Oliver of The Lodge of St Peter No.5806
WBro Michael Higgins of Newton Lodge No.6129
WBro Andrew Dewis of Courtland Lodge No.6706
WBro John Pritchard of Pelican Lodge No.7878 and Promotions for:
WBro Michael Walker of Lodge of Perseverance No.164
WBro Peter Bartlett of Lodge of Union No.444
WBro Christopher Summers of Devon Farmers’ Lodge No.9250.
My Vision Brethren is to create a legacy so that others may derive the same enjoyment from our wonderful order as we have, to build a better Masonic future. What I can say is that every decision I make will be in the best interests of Freemasonry in Devonshire, that I promise you. I would like to reflect for a moment on our challenges, Brethren: declining numbers, struggling lodges, and our buildings.
Firstly, Declining numbers: our numbers have been decreasing for many years, COVID has only made this situation worse. On average a net loss of 100+/year over the past seven years. We are not suffering as badly as many but that does not make it alright. Of course we want quality, that is a pre-requisite! It is not a lowering of Masonic standards and it is not abandoning the traditions of the founders of our Lodges.
I left you with some questions prior to lunch: (i) when was the last time that you invited someone to join our Order? And when was the last time you sat down with a newer member in our Order (of less than 6 years standing) and afforded him some time and showed an interest in him? Affording time to a newer member is crucial, show an interest in his family, his occupation. Make him feel valued. Equally suggest to him that he could put forward friends and family as members. From 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2022 (7 years) there have been 916 Initiates – 28% of those are no longer with us. The majority of those were through resignation 186 (20%) so it’s
crucial that we look after our newer members. Let our younger and junior Masons get involved at the earliest opportunity and gain the experience that you here today already have.
Secondly, our struggling lodges. Brethren, how is this affecting our Lodges? The success and the survival of each lodge is in the control of its brethren. Each Lodge member must ask himself if his Lodge is well placed to prosper and survive. Twenty-seven lodges have lost over 30% of their members in the past seven years. Only twenty-six lodges have remained at the same number or grown in that period. Let me be clear that I do not want to close Lodges. Equally, I am not against new Lodges being formed. A wise Past Provincial Grand Master from another Province once told me, when referring to some Lodges, that ‘you cannot prevent death by inhibiting birth.
It is a fact however, that some of our Lodges are struggling with low member numbers and poor attendance. There is no easy solution, we need to talk with these Lodges, listen and try and address the situation and work with them.
Thirdly, our buildings. Some of our buildings are first class, others are not. This is in terms of the physical state of the building and also in financial terms as their incomes are too low. We need to think about where we want to go especially in the larger cities and towns. There is no doubt however, that now is the time to invest in our buildings.
Brethren, we can and will rise to these challenges: I have no doubts. There is much by which we might take encouragement. We are seeing very positive signs in terms of Initiates. Greater engagement in the local community will support this. We are also seeing a real turnaround in some Lodges who were struggling. We have many talented and hard-working Brethren who really care including of course our Membership team.
Following the great success of the social events in support of the 2023 Festival, we plan to continue with these and hold numerous Provincial social functions on an annual basis. The first of these will be on 23rd June at the Langstone Cliff Hotel.
Brethren, we shouldn’t fear the future but we should be prepared to face it. We can make a difference! Now that our Festival is over, we should focus our charitable giving to the Provincial Benevolent Fund and the PGM's Fund, and as I have already said, in our buildings. In terms of today’s event, I would like to thank the Provincial Secretary and his Assistant for their organisation. My thanks also go to the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and his team of Deputies.
Finally, Brethren, do not forget our Past Provincial Grand Master, Rt WBro Ian Kingsbury. My personal request to you, Brethren, is that we look after him. He is a special man, my loyalty and affection for him remain unwavering. Please invite him out, he may need our support during the year.
I thank you all for making today such a great success. I wish you all a safe journey home and look forward to your company throughout the year and may the GAOTU bless you all.
RW.Bro. Nicholas Ball Provincial Grand MasterThe Provincial Grand Lodge shall consist of the Brethren listed in Rule 65 of the Book of Constitutions.
The Provincial Grand Lodge shall meet annually in April on a day fixed by the Provincial Grand Master, at which meeting the election of the Provincial Grand Treasurer and appointment of Provincial Grand Officers shall take place.
At a meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, Master Masons, not being members of Provincial Grand Lodge, providing they are subscribing members of a Lodge may, by permission of the Provincial Grand Master or his Deputy, be allowed to attend but they shall not take part in the proceedings.
The summons convening Provincial Grand Lodge shall be sent to the Secretary of every Lodge in the Province in sufficient time for a copy to be transmitted to every member of Provincial Grand Lodge, to arrive at least ten days prior to the meeting.
Every Lodge in the Province shall be represented at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge and every present Provincial Grand Officer shall attend unless an acceptable explanation be submitted.
Any member of Provincial Grand Lodge intending to submit a motion, or any other matter, for consideration at the Annual Meeting shall, on or before the first day of March preceding it, send to the Provincial Grand Secretary a notice in writing stating the nature of the intended motion or business, and such notice shall be inserted in the agenda for Provincial Grand Lodge, and no motion or other business shall be brought into discussion in Provincial Grand Lodge unless by special leave of the Provincial Grand Master, or his Deputy for the time being, presiding at such Provincial Grand Lodge.
The accounts of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be made up to 31st December of each year and be audited by the Audit Committee prior to the Annual Meeting. A copy of the Annual Accounts shall be available to each member of the Provincial Grand Lodge prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Audit Committee shall consist of two members of Provincial Grand Lodge to be elected at the Annual Meeting.
The Master of every Lodge in the Province shall be responsible for compliance with Rule 146(ii) of the Book of Constitutions and for the transmission to the Provincial Grand Secretary of:
(a) A list of all persons who are, or may have been, members of the Lodge during the year ending 31st December, either by confirmation of computer lists provided or by completion of a form of Return to be supplied. The Return shall be made and the dues paid by 31st December in each year.
(b) A copy of the Grand Lodge Registration Form P within 30 days of a candidate's initiation or admission as a joining member of his Lodge.
Fees (General).
(a) The following fees shall be payable to Provincial Grand Lodge General Fund: For a Dispensation by the Provincial Grand Master - £40-00
(b) Annual Dues in respect of each subscribing member who has been on the Register of the Lodge, during any part of the year to which the Annual Return relates, or such lesser amount as Provincial Grand Lodge, at the Annual Meeting, shall from time to time decide Annual fee is now £12-00 until 1st December 2024
The following Registration Fees shall be payable to the Provincial Grand Lodge General Fund:
(a) For a new Lodge - £100-00
(b) For a member for Initiation - £7-50
(c) For a member joining from another Constitution - £7-50
(d) On first appointment to Provincial Rank - £50-00
All Masonic communication to the Provincial Grand Master shall be made through the Provincial Grand Secretary.
The Secretary of each Lodge shall forward one copy of every notice convening a meeting of the Lodge, of Lodge Accounts and of every communication on Lodge business issued to members of the Lodge, to the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Nominations in writing for the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer, duly signed by the proposer and seconder, who must be members of Provincial Grand Lodge, shall be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary to arrive on or before 1st March, each year.
There shall be a Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Charity Fund “operating according to the rules of the Charity Commission”.
One copy of these By-Laws shall be given to each Lodge in the Province, within one month of the date of approval of the MW The Grand Master; further copies may be supplied at a cost of £2.00 each.
Except as otherwise required by Rule 83, Book of Constitutions, these By-Laws may be added to, or amended, by Provincial Grand Lodge only after written notice of motion, detailing the proposed additions or amendments, given to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before 1st March in any year, and printed in full in the agenda for the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at which it is to be considered. No addition or amendment shall become effective until it has been adopted by Provincial Grand Lodge and approved by the RW Provincial Grand Master and the MW Grand Master.
By-Laws approved in Provincial Grand Lodge, 13th April 2015, incorporating all previously approved amendments.
Signed: Ian Kingsbury JP Provincial Grand MasterThe Lodge shall meet at the and shall hold regular meetings on the at such hour as the Master shall direct.
The Master and the Treasurer shall be elected by ballot at at the regular meeting in The Master Elect shall be installed at the regular meeting in
Subject to the provisions of Rule 113, Book of Constitution, the Tyle shall be elected by show of hands at the regular meeting in
The Lodge Committee shall consist of the Master, Wardens, Past Masters of (and in) the Lodge, Treasurer, Secretary and other members to be elected annually by the Lodge at a regular meeting in
This Committee shall consider and report to the Lodge on all proposals for membership and on any matters specifically referred to it by the Lodge at the regular meeting in This committee shall consider and report to the lodge on all proposals for membership and on any matters specially refered to it by the lodge Members shall form a quorum.
The Audit Committee shall consist of members of the Lodge who shall be elected annually by the Lodge at the regular meeting in
The accounts shall be made up to in each year and shall be presented to the Lodge, duly audited at the regular meeting in A copy of the accounts and the Audit Committee's Certificate that all the balances have been checked and that the accounts have been audited shall be sent to all the members with the summons convening the meeting.
The Initiation fee shall be £………………………………………….…..
The Joining fee shall be £………………………………………….…...
The Re-Joining fee shall be £……………………………………….….
Such fees to be exclusive of subscription.
(In addition to these fees the candidate shall pay to the Lodge such registration fees as are payable to Grand Lodge and if applicable *Metropolitan/ *Provincial / *District Grand Lodge together with any tax thereon and the candidate shall before becoming a member be informed of the total amount due.)
*Delete as appropriate.
The annual subscription (except for non-dining or country membership as provided for in By-Law No.7) due and payable in advance on the 1st ……………………………………………...
Shall be such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular meeting.
[The Secretary’s services shall be deemed equivalent to payment of subscription.]
[The visitor’s fee at dinners shall be such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time determine by resolution after notice on the summons.]
[The Master shall have the privilege of inviting ___ guest(s) to each dinner free of the visitor’s fee.]
[Any member whose subscription is unpaid for ___ months shall be liable to be excluded from the Lodge, after due notice, in accordance with Rule 181, Book of Constitutions.]
Any member who, for reasons acceptable to the Lodge, is not in a position to enjoy the privileges of the Lodge regularly may on written application to the Secretary and by resolution of the Lodge be considered a non-dining or country member and shall pay a subscription annually in advance on 1st ___________________ of such less amount than that provided for in By-Law No. 6 as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular meeting.
When attending the Lodge and dining such member shall pay the current visitor’s fee.
The admission of candidates for initiation and joining shall be regulated by the provisions of Rule 157-166, Book of Constitution. On the ballot for a candidate for initiation or joining black……….. ball(s) shall exclude.
Any member desirous of terminating his membership of the Lodge shall tender his resignation in writing to the Secretary, or orally in open Lodge, in accordance with Rule 183, Book of Constitution and he shall be entitled to the Certificate mentioned in Rule 175, Book of Constitution, stating the circumstance in which he left the Lodge. Should he at any future time wish to rejoin he shall be subject to the rules relating to joining members.
Payment on any sum exceeding £…………………or if other than ordinary purposes may be made only by resolution of the Lodge, of which notice has been given on the summons, except in a case of emergency when such payment may be authorised by the Master and reported to the Lodge at the next regular meeting.
See Note 15
11. Amendments of By-Laws
Except as required by Rule 141, Book of Constitution, amendment of these By-Laws or of any of them may be made only in the following manner:-
A) Notice of motion in writing stating the precise amendments shall be proposed in open Lodge at a regular meeting.
B) The motion shall be set out on the summons for the next regular meeting or for an Emergency meeting summoned for the purpose and shall at such meeting be put to Lodge.
C) A resolution for amendment, of which notice shall have been given as aforesaid, shall be carried if the majority of the members voting shall vote in favour of it shall not be effective until approved by the Provincial Grand Master/ Grand Master.
Should there be any objection to the introduction of a Candidate for Initiation or Brother for Joining. It is recommended that such objection be mentioned privately to the Master or Secretary who may communicate with the Proposer and give him the opportunity of withdrawing his Candidate.
N.B. - The numbers of the Rules in the Book of Constitutions above are those in the 2016 edition.
A set of By-Laws following the wording overleaf (varied in accordance with the notes below, if applicable) will conform to the Model for the purposes of Rule 135, Book of Constitutions, so that the Metropolitan, Provincial or District Grand Master or Grand Inspector will be authorised to approve such By-Laws on behalf of the Grand Master. In all other cases the By-Laws must be submitted for the approval of the Grand Master. No By-Law can override an express provision of the Book of Constitutions.
A Lodge may have only a single meeting place specified in its Warrant and its By-Laws.
The Election meeting must be the regular meeting immediately preceding the Installation Meeting.
A Lodge may, by annual resolution, resolve that a subscribing member shall by Tyler without emolument, but this must not be embodied as a requirement in its By-Laws.
Forming a Committee is a domestic matter and, while the principle officers are obviously necessary (and other Officers than those named below are permissible), the words ‘Past Masters of’ or ‘Past Masters of and in’ the Lodge may be omitted or their number restricted, e.g. two ‘of’ and one ‘in’. Other members should only be included if the Lodge considers them essential. The most effective Committee is often small. The same applies to the quorum and it is advantageous if it is an odd number.
It is strongly recommended that the Audit Committee be small, say two or three members.
The audited accounts must be presented no later than the third meeting after the date to which the accounts are made up.
A fee, unlike a subscription, is a single ‘one-off’ payment and, again unlike a subscription, must be of an amount specified in the By-Laws. Though a relatively nominal amount for a joining or re-joining fee may be appropriate, a nil amount will not be approved.
It is strongly recommended that the words contained within the square brackets, though optional, be incorporated into the By-Laws, as that will obviate the need for regular increases in fees. See Rule 163 (j), Book of Constitutions. If used, the words must be included in their entirety.
The subscription due date must be the first day of a calendar month. If the subscription is exclusive of dining fees the reference to non-dining should be deleted from By-Laws 6 and 7. The paragraph should then read:-
‘The annual subscription due payable in advance on 1st and exclusive of dining fees, shall be of such amount as the Lodge shall from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular meeting. The fees for members and visitors at dinners shall be such amounts as the Lodge shall from time to time decide from time to time decide by resolution after notice on the summons at the previous regular meeting.’ As an alternative to the last sentence above, and if appropriate, the wording may be amended to:‘The fees for members and visitors for dining shall be ‘at cost’. The members can be informed of the dining fee by a separate not included with the summons for each meeting.
While Rule 104(c), Book of Constitutions, allows for the Secretary’s services to be equivalent to payment of subscription, this is an option for the Lodge to adopt, as is the provision for the Master’s privilege to invite guests at the Lodge’s expense.
The minimum time period for excluding a member from the Lodge for non-payment of subscription that will receive approval is three months. See Rules 145 and 181, Book of Constitutions. There will be no advantage to the Lodge if the period stated is one calendar year or more.
If By-Law 6 is amended as shown in Note 9 above the last sentence of By-Law 7 should refer to the ‘current dining fee’.
Not more than three. See Rule 165, Book of Constitutions.
It is suggested that the amount be high enough to be realistic, but not so high as to allow undue latitude. A recommended figure would be in the range of £100 to £250.
The words in square brackets must be omitted in the case (but only in the case) of an unattached Lodge.
The Committee of General Purposes President
R.W.Bro. Ian Kingsbury JP, Provincial Grand Master
Past Presidents
R.W.Bro M.T. Penny Past Provincial Grand Master Chairman
V.W.Bro. N.A. Ball PGSwdB, Deputy Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. P.J.M. Keaty, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. C.C. Gale, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. C Yard, PSGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. C. Yelland PJGD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master
Hon. Secretary
W.Bro. B.R. Adams, PAGStdB
The Committee consists of the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master, any Past Provincial Grand Master of the Province. the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, the Provincial Grand Treasurer, the Provincial Grand Secretary, the Provincial Grand Almoner. the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, the Provincial Financial Committee, the Provincial Auditors, the Secretary of the Committee, the Chairman, Treasurers and the Secretary of the Provincial Benevolent Fund, and/or of anybody or Committee which may take over any of the functions of the above Fund; and one Representative from each Lodge in the Province.
The Provincial Grand Master shall be the President of the Committee for the period of his Office.
There shall be one ordinary meeting every year in the Spring.
Extraordinary Meetings may be called by the Chairman at his discretion, or on a requisition by six members of the Committee.
The election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the Secretary to take place at the Annual Meeting. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Secretary at any time more than four weeks before the Annual Meeting, a successor to fill such vacancy may be elected at that meeting. In the event of the death or incapacity of the Secretary, the Chairman may appoint another person to act as Secretary until the next meeting.
The functions of the Committee are to receive and consider at each meeting Reports from:
(a) The Financial Committee
(b) The Provincial Grand Secretary
(c) The Provincial Grand Almoner
(d) The Provincial Grand Charity Steward
(e) Any sub-committee of this Committee or any Fund set up by this Committee
At the Annual Meeting the Committee shall recommend to the Provincial Grand Lodge the names of five Brethren to serve on the Finance Committee and five Brethren to serve on the Benevolent Fund Committee.
The Committee shalt consider any proposal, recommendation or other pertinent matter relating to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire which shall have been notified to the Secretary at least one week before the date of the Meeting. The Committee may take such action as they may deem appropriate, such matter being decided by a show of hands by a simple majority.
The Chairman, at his discretion, may allow any other matter to be considered.
Rule 104 (a), Book of Constitutions, reads as follows:
‘The regular Officers of a Lodge shall be the Master and his two Wardens, a Treasurer, a Secretary, two Deacons, an Inner Guard and a Tyler. The Master shall appoint as additional officers an Almoner and a Charity Steward, and may also appoint as additional officers a Chaplain, a Director of Ceremonies, a Mentor, an Assistant Director of Ceremonies, an Organist, an Assistant Secretary and a Steward or Stewards, but no others. No Brother can hold more than one regular office in the Lodge at one and the same time, but the Master may appoint a Brother who is holding a regular office to one additional office also. [NB Mentor now included]
Rule 104 (d) reads:
The Officers of a Lodge shall take precedence for investure and otherwise in the following order: Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Chaplain (if any), Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies (if any), Almoner, Charity Steward, Mentor, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Assistant Director of Ceremonies (if any), Organist (if any), Assistant Secretary (if any), Inner Guard, Steward (if any), and Tyler.
In cases where Officers other than the regular Officers are appointed, the order of appointment shall be as follows:
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Director of Ceremonies
Charity Steward
Membership Officer*
Senior Deacon
Junior Deacon
Assistant Director of Ceremonies
Assistant Secretary
Inner Guard
No Brother has any right to claim advancement. The appointment of all Officers except the Master, the Treasurer and (if elected) the Tyler is in the sole discretion and power of the Master.
The Immediate Past Master, as such, is not an officer of the Lodge. He holds his position and responsibilities by virtue of his Mastership, and retains that position until a succeeding Master becomes Immediate Past Master.
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies and the following notes are intended to explain Freemasonry as it is practiced under the United Grand Lodge of England, which administers Lodges of Freemasons in England and Wales and in many places overseas.
Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught is precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides.
The essential qualification for admission into and continuing membership is a belief in a Supreme Being. Memberships is open to any race or religion who can fulfil this essential qualification and are of good repute.
Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion. Its essential qualification opens it to men of many religions and it expects them to continue to follow their own faith. It does not allow religion to be discussed at its meetings.
For many years Freemasons have followed three great principles:
Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with kindness and under standing to his fellow creatures.
Freemasons are taught to practice charity, and to care, not only for their own, but also for the community as a whole, both by charitable giving and by voluntary efforts and works as individuals.
Freemasons strive for the truth, requiring high moral standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives.
Freemasons believe that these principles represent a way of achieving higher standards in life.
Freemasonry demands from its members a respect for the law of the country in which a man works and lives. Its principles do not in any way conflict with its members duties as citizens, but should strengthen them in fulfiling their Public and Private responsibilities. The use by a Freemason of his membership to promote his own or anyone else’s business, professional or personal interests is condemned and is contrary to the conditions on which he seeks admission to Freemasonry. His duty as a citizen must always prevail over any obligation to other Freemasons, and any attempt to shield a Freemason who had acted dishonourably or unlawfully is contrary to this prime duty.
The Secrets of Freemasonry are concerned with its traditional modes of recognition. It is not a Secret Society since all its members are free to acknowledge their membership and will do so in response to inquiries for respectable reasons. Its constitutions and rules are available to the public. there is no secret about any of its aims ad principles. Like many other societies, it regards some of its internal affairs as private matters for its members.
Freemasonry is Non-political and the discussion of Politics at Masonic meetings is forbidden.
Freemasonry is practiced under many independent Grand Lodges with standards similar to those set by the United Grand Lodge of England.
There are some Grand Lodges and other apparently Masonic bodies which do not meet these standards, e.g., which do not require a belief in a Supreme Being or which allow or encourage their members as such to participate in political matters. These Grand Lodges and bodies are not recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England as being masonically regular and masonic contact with them is forbidden.
Conclusion. A Freemason is encouraged to do his duty to his God (by whatever name he is known) through his faith and religious practice and then, without detriment to his family and those dependent on him, to his neighbour through charity and service.
None of these ideas is exclusively Masonic, but all should be universally acceptable. Freemasons are expected to follow them.
Reprinted from the Board of General Purposes Leaflet “What is Freemasonry” published by the United Grand Lodge of England, October, 1984.
In February, 1960, a paper was given to the London rank Association by W.Bro. H. J. Crawford. In it it is suggested that before his interview a Candidate should be given, by his proposer, some idea as to what is involved. The following notes are a precise of this and other papers which should be of help.
Masonry is not a secret society but a society with some secrets, it is a brotherhood of men branded together not only to preserve the secrets, customs and ceremonials handed down over the ages but also for the purpose of mutual intellectual, social and moral improvement. The ideals are the cultivation of brotherly love, relief and truth, not only amongst themselves but to the World at large.
To be a Freemason it is essential that the Candidate believes in a Supreme Being.
In Freemasonry there are no distinctions of religion, but members should cultivate their own religion and loyalties to their own country. Members should not discuss religious or political questions in Lodge or in their capacity as a Freemason.
Freemasonry is not to be used for commercial, pecuniary or social gain.
Freemasonry has certain Charities, but is not a charitable institution or benefit society and whilst it should not be taken as a form of insurance for dependants and no one has a claim on the charities, they are there to assist those who having been in good circumstance, have, through no fault of their own, been overtaken by misfortune or adversity.
After his duty to God, a man’s first duty to his wife, his family and connections. Therefore no one should join the Order who cannot well afford to pay the initiation fees and subscriptions to his Lodge as well as reasonable contributions to the Masonic Charities and without detriment to his dependants.
Arising from these points it is therefore essential that a candidate should be well assured in his own mind:
(a) That he believes in God.
(b) That he sincerely desires the intellectual and moral improvement of himself and his fellow creatures.
(c) That he is willing to devote part of him time, his means and his efforts in the promotion of brotherly love, relief and truth.
(d) That he seeks no commercial or pecuniary advantage.
(e) That he can afford the necessary expenditure and time without injury to himself or his family.
Arising from this there are certain duties that the proposer and seconder should undertake.
They should explain that Masonic Ceremonies formerly involved an oath known as the ‘obligation’ which was taken on the Bible or the Volume of the Sacred Law according to his Faith and which contained reference to certain penalties. It should also be pointed out that these penalties, which came down to us from the past, were meaningful only in so far that from them certain parts of the subsequent ceremony derived their symbolism which, in turn, was meant to impress on the Candidate the binding nature of the obligation.
Separate Ballots must be taken for Master and Treasurer. Previous to these Ballots there must be no formal nomination or seconding of any particular Brother.
A collective Ballot for Candidates is regular, provided that, if there be one black ball, each Candidate should be balloted for individually.
Ballots for Joining Members should not be taken with Ballots on Candidates for Initiation: And a Ballot must not be taken for a Candidate on the night of his proposed Initiation.
A Ballot cannot be taken at a Lodge of Emergency, except under the special circumstances laid down in Rule 160. Rule 164 gives details of the particulars required to be specified in the summons for the meeting at which a Ballot is to be taken.
Book of Constitutions and By-Laws
Secretaries should make themselves perfectly familiar with the Book of Constitutions, especially with reference to Private Lodges, pages 57 to 112 inclusive.
The Secretary should always have at hand copies of the Book of Constitutions, and the By-Laws. A copy of each must be given to a Candidate immediately after his initiation. A Copy of the By-Laws must be given to a Joining member immediately on his becoming a Member (Rule 138).
Candidates for Initiation
The full name and date of birth of an initiate, the profession or occupation and address, together with the name and address of business, with the names of the proposer and seconder, must appear on the summons and in the Minutes.
To advise any approved Candidate of the date and hour when his attendance will be required for Initiation.
No candidate can be proposed or balloted for at a Lodge of Emergency, except as provided for in Rule 160. A Joining Member cannot under any circumstances be proposed or balloted for except at a regular meeting (Rule 163).
in the case of a Candidate for Initiation into a Lodge in a locality where he does not reside or where he has no place of employment, enquiry as to his suitability must be made at the Lodge(s) in the locality of his residence or principal place of employment. Such a Candidate must state in writing his reasons for wishing to join the Lodge and his reasons for not wishing to join a Lodge where he resides or has his principal place of employment (Rule 158). Failure to make such enquiry may cause Grand Lodge to declare a Ballot on such a Candidate null and void.
Clearance Certificate
Every Brother is entitled to a certificate stating (a) that he is indebted to the Lodge, and (b) that if he has resigned or been excluded, the reason for the cessation of his membership, and also that any indebtedness to the Lodge has been discharged (Rule 175).
Committee of Lodge
No Committee of the Lodge can be invested with any general executive power (Rule 154).
Communications to Provincial Grand Lodge
All communications on Provincial Grand Lodge business must be made through the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Applications for Dispensations must state the precise reason for the application and should be forwarded to the Provincial Grand Secretary, with a fee of £30.00, giving ample time for the due consideration of the application by the Provincial Grand Master.
Special attention is drawn to the amended Rule 140. Before a Lodge of Emergency can be summoned, a Dispensation must be obtained from the Provincial Grand Master through the Provincial Grand Secretary. The summons of a Lodge of Emergency must state that the meeting is being held under a Dispensation. The only business which can be taken at such a meeting is as stated on the Summons.
Exclusion of a Brother
Should a member be two years in arrears, he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Lodge (Rule 148), and can only again become a member by regular proposition and Ballot (Rule 163).
The Lodge shall require payment of the arrears as a condition precedent to election. Rule 148 shall not prevent a Lodge proceeding against any of its members under Rule 181 for non-payment of contributions according to the By-Laws for a shorter period than two years.
When a Brother ceases to be a member under Rule 148 the facts shall be forthwith notified to the Grand Secretary and the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Grand Lodge Certificate
To see that a Brother’s Grand Lodge Certificate be handed to and signed by him in open Lodge, and a record thereof made in the Minutes.
No Secretary or Treasurer of a Masonic Lodge can describe himself as ‘Honorary’; such office is not recognised. Honorary membership is provided for in Rule 167.
This privilege is withdrawn. As a courtesy only the Second and Third Degrees may be conferred (G.L. Proceedings, March 1974).
Joining Members
The particulars to be given on the summons are set out in Rule 164.
Members joining from another Constitution must take the obligation set out in Rule 163.
Every Candidate for joining membership must produce his Grand Lodge Certificate and a clearance certificate from each Lodge of which he is or has been a subscribing member the clearance certificate, together with the Brother’s Grand Lodge Certificate, is to be handed to the Master before the Ballot is taken. As a Fellow craft and Entered Apprentice do not have a Grand Lodge Certificate they may only become joining members with special approval from the Grand Secretary. Please discuss this with the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Proposals and Ballots for joining members must be at Regular Meetings only.
Lodge Property
An inventory of the property of the Lodge should be taken annually and signed by the incoming Master.
The Secretary should be in very close contact with the Master of the Lodge.
On the day named in the By-Laws for the election of Master, the Secretary must be prepared with a list of subscribing members who have served the office of Master or Warden which must be read previous to the Election.
Every meeting prescribed by the By-Laws must be summoned and held on the proper day except as provided for in Rule 139.
To issue the summons to every member seven clear days before the appointed day of meeting and forward copies to the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and to the Provincial Grand Secretary.
In recording proceedings the Minutes should commence as follows: ‘The Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer’.
The Lodge being thus opened. the Minute of the last Regular and any intervening Emergency Meeting are read, confirmed and signed by the Master.
If the Lodge is further opened, the degrees are to be distinctly state, similar records made as to closing, and finally, it must be recorded that the Lodge was closed in due form.
The Minutes, as a record of the business of the Lodge, should be drawn up concisely; reference can be made to the various ceremonies, with the names of those Officers taking part therein, but nothing should appear in contravention of the Book of Constitutions.
The Lodge Minute Book must be properly bound. It is not in order to use a loose leaf Minute Book.
The Minutes of Regular Meetings cannot be read at a Lodge of Emergency and no business except that named in the summons can be transacted there at (Rule 140).
According to Rule 144, the names of all members and visiting Brethren present at a meeting shall be recorded in the Minute Book.
The Provincial Grand Secretary should be kept fully informed on the change of any Past Master or Brother.
All Offices in Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge are ‘Grand’. Works like ‘Deputy’ or ‘Assistant’ should precede ‘Grand’, e.g. PAGDC or PPrAGDC.
The Secretary should closely study the proceedings of Grand Lodge and, at the appropriate meetings, draw the attention of the Lodge to the proceedings of Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge will indicate those parts of the Proceedings recommended to be read in Lodge. It is suggested that an item ‘To report on proceedings of Grand Lodge’ should appear on the summons.
A member may resign his membership either by notice in writing to the Secretary or orally in Lodge (Rule 183).
To the Grand Secretary and Provincial Grand Secretary: a return of Master, Wardens and Past Masters to be forwarded immediately after the Installation Meeting. Without it the registers of Grand Lodge, which show the names of members who are entitled to attend Grand Lodge, cannot be made up, and Brethren may consequently be refused admission by the scrutineers. Moreover, those Brethren will be disqualified from voting in the Provincial Grand Lodge.
To the Grand Secretary: a list of all subscribing members with annual dues payable made up to the last day of March, June, September or December, in date order of their admission or readmission into the Lodge.
To the Provincial Grand Secretary: a similar list at the end of the year for which the Annual Subscription is payable. Every name that appeared upon the previous return must be accounted for when a member ceases to subscribe, the cause, whether it be by resignation, death or exclusion, must be stated in the next return.
Grand Lodge will email secretaries their Grand Lodge Annual return forms marked AR1 and Copies of the Book of Constitutions can be obtained from various online Masonic Regalia websites and from Grand Lodge via this weblink: shopatfmh.com
Royal Arch Chapter
As the Royal Arch Chapter is part of English Freemasonry, this Degree should be kept before the notice of all Brethren.
Amendments to Lodge By-Laws should be made in accordance with the recommendations of Grand Lodge's Model By-Laws, copies of which may be obtained from the Provincial Office.
The Master must offer his Gavel to the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Assistant Grand Master, Provincial Grand Master, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, and to no other person. Only the Master and his Wardens should use the Gavel, both in Lodge and at Dinner. The Master may, if necessary, sound the Gavel at Dinner for the D. of C. It follows that the Tyler may not use the Gavel during the Tyler’s Toast. When Officers of Grand Lodge enter or retire from the Lodge, the D.C. should call the Brethren “To Order” and refrain from the use of the word “upstanding”.
Do not refer to the Masters of Lodges as ‘Reigning Masters’.
1. The number of Appointments which can be made each year is governed by Rules 67 to 70 B.C.
2. Honours are not given automatically after a Brother has occupied the Chair; the conferment of Rank is the prerogative of and entirely a matter in the discretion of the R.W. Provincial Grand Master.
3. An appointment is made in respect of an individual’s merits, not in respect of the merits of his Lodge.
4. In assessing the merits of a Brother, particular regard is paid to the interest he has shown in his Lodge affairs, and his services to his Lodge since he has passed the Chair, as well as for regular and uninterrupted attendance.
5. The Honour conferred on a Brother is that of being appointed one of the Officers, whether acting or past, of the Provincial Grand Lodge, irrespective of the rank of the office.
6. Rank is not only a reward for past service, but is to be regarded as an opportunity and incentive for further service to Masonry.
The Board is informed from time to time of Members of Lodges who go abroad and become involved, generally through ignorance, with Masonic bodies not recognised as regular by the United Grand Lodge. The Board wishes to draw attention to this danger, and to point out that the best method of combating it is for Lodges to impress upon their Members that they should not make any Masonic contacts overseas with members of other Jurisdictions without having ascertained by application to the Grand Secretary at Freemasons’ Hall the existence of regular Masonry in the Country concerned, and the address to which Masonic enquiries in that Country should be directed. The Board recommends not only that this warning be given in Lodge verbally, particularly to each new Master Mason when his Certificate is presented, but that it should be printed at least once a year on Lodge Summonses.
The Registration Form P for every Initiate, Joiner and Re-joiner must be forwarded to the Provincial Office for registration purposes IMMEDIATELY after Initiation or election. The form for the new Initiates must have a cheque for the Grand Lodge Registration Fee made payable to the United Grand Lodge of England. After registration the Provincial Office will forward the form and any cheque to Grand Lodge.
The fees for Initiates are currently £82.80 inc VAT but will soon rise on January 1st 2024 to £91.20. No fee is payable to Provincial Grand Lodge at this stage for Joiners or Rejoiners. Joiners from foreign constitutions are treated the same as initiates as far as registration fees are concerned. Please check the Grand Lodge fee for them as it may be different.
Secretaries should ensure that the form has been completed correctly by the candidate and the proposer and seconder and signed by the Master before ballot is taken. The Certificate of the Secretary and the Amount Due sections must also be completed on the last page. Grand Lodge will return forms for completion where an insufficient description (e.g. Retired ,Director or Civil Servant) is stated for Profession/Occupation, or where a Joining Member fails to list ALL previous Craft Lodge memberships, no matter how brief or distant they may have been.
Please do not send these forms direct to Grand Lodge. They should be forwarded to the Provincial Office IMMEDIATELY after the ceremony of initiation or the ballot has been taken for admission of a joining or rejoining member.
Applications Form for a Grand Lodge Certificate LP & A5
This form should be completed after the candidate’s Raising and sent direct to Grand Lodge immediately after the ceremony. This form may now be sent to Grand Lodge by email. Request an electronic form from registration@ugle.org.uk
Annual Returns
This is sent to the Secretary by Grand Lodge just before the end of the Lodge financial year. The form should be checked very carefully to ensure that all members are shown. The entry of those members who have died, resigned or been excluded during the year should be annotated with the reason and date. Fees are payable for them as they were members at the beginning of the financial year. On occasions the last few candidates for initiation and joining may be missing from the end of the return. These should be written in at the end. This is because either Grand Lodge has prepared the return before the form reached them or it has not been sent. If the latter is the case then the form should be sent to the Provincial Office immediately. The appropriate dues for those who have been written in should be added to the total. The forms and a cheque for the Grand Lodge dues, made payable to the United Grand Lodge of England, should be sent to the Provincial Office.
The Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Return with a cheque made payable to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire. The fee payable currently is £12.00 per member from 1st December 2022 and is received annually. In addition a registration fee of £7.50 is payable at this time for every initiate and joiner and re-joiner during the year in addition to the £12.00. The method of arriving at the amount payable should be displayed as shown
25 Members @ £12.00 = £300.00
2 Initiates @ £7.50 = £15.00
- Joiners @ £7.50 =
2 Re Joiners @ £7.50 = £15.00 = £330.00 Total
A copy should be retained by the Lodge secretary. Please note that is the actual date for those who have died, resigned or have been excluded is required in full. Also note that Cessation is the term used by Grand Lodge when a member is two years in arrears, as per rule 148, but Excluded is Rule 181 before 2 years.
These are two completely different forms. One for Grand Lodge and another for Provincial Grand Lodge. The Grand Lodge return should be completed and both sent direct to the Provincial Office immediately after the Installation. This is essential as the Master and Wardens will be refused entry to a meeting of Grand Lodge if it has not been sent and auctioned. These details are checked at the entry doors of Grand Lodge prior to the meeting.
The pre-printed Provincial Form should be checked and completed and also sent immediately to the Provincial Office. On the first page please include the forenames of the Master and Wardens with telephone numbers where possible. The entries for the Secretary, GP Representative, Charity Steward and Almoner are shown at the bottom. Please write in the changes where appropriate if there is a change of officer or address. The names and addresses of Past Masters of and in the lodge are shown on the reverse. Please change where necessary. Please note that it is not necessary to include the Province in which a person received his Provincial Rank or the year in which he was Master of another lodge. This detail is already held and is not shown due to lack of space. Also please include the actual date for those omitted for the first time and the reason (death, resignation, exclusion or cessation). Cessation is the termed used by Grand Lodge when a member is 2 years in arrears as per Rule 148.
Updating your Lodge details in the Online Yearbook Lodge Pages.
Available on the website is the Annual Yearbook useful to all secretaries / Brethren for information purposes. However there is a separate publication OnLine with contact details and information in respect to each Lodge. These need to be kept up to date by you, the secretary straight after your Installation as well as during the year for changes within the lodge , including deaths within your lodge/Appointments and Promotions awarded etc. Access by all brethren to the Craft ‘Online Year book lodge pages‘ on the Provincial website is available by clicking the link below: https://devonshirefreemasons.org.uk/yearbook/craft-home-page/craft-lodge-details-information-by-number
Using a separate individual link (available only to secretaries) will enable you to ‘update the text’ in all the tabs. Your link should have been sent to you as secretary , however if misplaced plus any assistance required to update this is obtainable from the Editors WBro Jack Parnell PPrJGW / W.Bro John Smerdon PAGDC using the email: pgldevonshire.yearbook@gmail.com
Assessment Forms: These are sent out by the Provincial Office each June for those due for consideration for appointment or promotion to Provincial Office. Full instructions are included with them as well as a blank form. Do not use the previous year’s form as the form is always subject to review and change.
In order that the office records can be kept up to date would the Secretary please inform the Provincial Office of all changes of address, death, resignations or exclusions along with the relevant dates which the events occurred, FOR ALL MEMBERS at the earliest possible opportunity. This can be done by letter or email to any of the following addresses. The Province uses the addresses for a number of purposes including the dispatch of the Devon Mason and it is important that they are correct.
I would also point out that it is now permissible to ballot and initiate on the same night.
Welcome to another edition of the Devonshire Mason.
This is my first opportunity to communicate with you as the Provincial Grand Master Designate and I must start by thanking my immediate predecessor Rt W Bro Ian Kingsbury for his guidance, support, and friendship over many years. He is immensely popular and will be an extremely tough act to follow.
We face many challenges in these difficult economic times which are affecting all aspects of our life. Unsurprisingly these are also affecting our Masonry and Lodges. It is important therefore that we adapt and change to make us stronger as an Order so as we leave a legacy for the future.
I am thrilled to have been invited to be your next Provincial Grand Master and am excited and energized by the challenges that lie ahead. I hope to share some of my thoughts and ideas in my address at Provincial Grand Lodge. If there are difficult decisions and I’m sure there will be, I promise you that I will make them in the very best interests of our Order and this Province. My working years have been spent in teams and I know that whenever a team is successful it is only because the team works together. I would like every Brother in Devonshire to feel part of our future and play a role in its success. Please feel free to share your ideas and thoughts with me or my Executive.
I congratulate the Festival team on their efforts along with you all in reaching a magnificent total of which we as a Province can be proud. We also faced the challenge of Covid in our 5-year term. This demonstrates very well what can be achieved by working together.
My thanks to W Bro Craig Cox for his efforts in the production of this magazine and to those who forwarded their respective articles and reports. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting on 17th April and I congratulate those receiving Provincial Honours on the day.
We only exist because of the voluntary work and commitment of you, the Brethren and I thank you all for supporting our Order.
I want us to be proud of being a Freemason, proud of what we do, proud of this Province and proud of our wonderful Order!
Nick V.W.Bro Nicholas A Ball Deputy Provincial Grand Master in ChargeAs we entered into the New Year of 2022 it was good to notice that all our Lodges were resuming their normal Masonic Business after the interruptions caused by the Covid restrictions. 86 Lodges were due to meet in January 2022 and 85 lodge secretaries sent their summonses into the Provincial Office, so it was back to business. On 11th January we had the pleasure of the Investiture of the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Andrew Vodden MBE, PSGD, in Victory Lodge No 4189 at Davie Hall, which was a very memorable evening for those who attended.
In February 2022 the plans for the Annual PGL meeting at the RIC Centre at Torquay were thrown into disarray with the announcement that the premises were still going to be used for Covid vaccination centre and not available for our meeting. The only other venue in Devon that we could find that could hold up to 500 persons and provide dining at such short notice was the Sandy Park Conference Centre at Exeter. Hurried and amended plans were made and the PGL meeting went ahead as planned on 11th April, thanks to a lot of help from many members such as W Bro Charles Wray who organised the Dining, and W Bro Andy Dewis and his team of helpers who set up the venue and promptly dismantled it. There were three Lodges celebrating their delayed Centenary meetings throughout 2022 and there were 36 members who were presented with 50-year Certificates for their service to Freemasonry in the Province and another 13 members who were awarded their 60-year certificates.
There has been an increase in the number of Dispensations granted by the Provincial Grand Master during the year, mostly for meetings to carry out additional ceremonies to accommodate the candidates waiting to join or progress through the Craft and some Lodges are showing a successful increase in their members. Sadly, there have also been a few Lodges that have closed and surrendered their Warrants owing to lack of numbers to fill the offices. Thankfully most of their members have joined other Lodges locally. Some of us
Some of us were able to attend the investiture of the new Pro Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and Assistant Grand Master at Great Queen Street in September. Light Blues were able to attend at the request of the Pro Grand Master and we were able to witness a unique ceremony held in the Grand Temple. Lodge secretaries, Scribe E’s, and I are still waiting for the roll out of the new Hermes computer system which is presently stalled by Grand Lodge whilst they sort out various bugs in the system. All Lodge Secretaries continue to have access to a training version with which
February 2023
they can familiarise themselves with the new system and become proficient in its use. The original rollout date was 1st October 2022, then delayed until 1st January 2023 but no further date has been emanated from Grand Lodge. We have to continue with the paper versions of our documentation for the time being.
In January 2023 Grand Lodge announced that they have selected VW Bro Nicholas A Ball PGSwdB to replace our current Provincial Grand Master who is retiring on 3rd March 2023. Plans are in place for the 2023 Provincial Grand Lodge meeting to be held on Monday 17th April at the RIC Centre at Torquay and Grand Lodge have recently agreed to conduct the Installation of VW Bro Nicholas A Ball as Provincial Grand Master on the morning of the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting which will now commence at 1100hrs.
I need to close my report by expressing my thanks to those who have provided their unending support and assistance to me over the year, as I still continue to climb the learning curve. I include the members of the Executive but most notably W Bro Richard Ebrey as my Assistant, as his knowledge of Masonic Etiquette far exceeds mine. The volunteers who regularly attend the Provincial Office to assist with the administrative work- W Bros Mike Springthorpe, Alan McArthur and Denis Palmer are an asset to the Province.
Last but not least, my thanks go to the Lodge secretaries who work so hard to keep lodges running from the administrative point of view. Thank you for the hours of work that you dedicate to the Craft in your secretarial capacity.
Provincial Grand Secretary
February 2023
W.Bro. Tony Jordan PAGDCDuring the last three years Covid 19 caused an increased requirement for financial support for Brethren and families. An additional strain has been placed on NHS staff, ambulance staff and local government support staff due to a shortfall of operational staff in these fields. Our own Advice and Support staff together with our Visiting Volunteers have maintained a high level of care where necessary.
Masonic Charitable Foundation.
Many key staff during the period although forced to work from home were able to maintain a high level of support. During the last year a training session for new almoners was carried out to a high degree of success by the MCF. A further course will be conducted during the coming year.
Devonshire Provincial Charities.
As in earlier years considerable support was given to Brethren and families by the Province of Devonshire Benevolent Fund, The Provincial Grand Master’s Fund, The Grand Superintendent HRA Fund, and the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons Degree who continue to offer support where possible.
The forced closure of many businesses both large and small in the West Country has increased the financial pressure on many of our members and the support from individual lodges has gone a long way to reduce the pressure felt by some of our brethren.
Cadogan Court RMBI Home.
At the time of writing there remain some vacancies within the Residential and Medical wings and staff are to be congratulated on the control of Covid during the last three years.
I remain indebted to the Provincial Grand Master and his Executive, Heads of other orders, Allison Chapple of the Advice and Support Team and Tony Jordan and Richard Ebrey of the Provincial Office. Considerable personal support has been given by Peter Durrant and Les Pym who will continue to carry on the good work within the Province on my retirement.
W.Bro. Bob Munro PAGDC
Provincial Grand Almoner
March 2023
February 2023
I am delighted to present my report as Provincial Grand Charity Steward for the Masonic Province of Devonshire.
The MCF continues its good work despite the difficulties imposed by the first three waves of Covid-19 and the associated lockdowns. The success of the vaccination programme has allowed us to return to our lodges and start to move towards normal Masonic activity. Despite the significant loss of income during the past two years, MCF support of both Masonic and non-Masonic continues undiminished with £19.6M given to 726 charities during 2021-2022 and help for 3,281 individuals and families nationwide. During the same period, 22 grants were awarded to local charities in Devon, amounting to £268,000 and 97 disadvantaged and vulnerable Devonshire Freemasons or their families were provided with grants totalling £277,781.
The MCF is one of the most efficient national charities with just seven pence of every pound being spent on the administration required to enable it to deliver its life-enhancing work. The individual Devon charity donations over the past year are as follows: Go Beyond (previously CHICKS) £46,500 over 2 years Exeter University (research into diabetes) £88,935 Jeremiah’s Journey £15,000 over 3 years Three matched funding grants were awarded to local Foodbanks; each receiving £3,333 from our Provincial Benevolent Fund and £3,333 from the MCF matched funding grant scheme making a total of £20,000.
The Devonshire 2023 Festival in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation has been a great success with a total of £2.2m: a superb achievement especially given the very significant headwinds encountered during 2020 and 2021. The final figures for our Festival show that five lodges have achieved Grand Patron Status donating more than £900 per member along with ten lodges at Patron Status (£600 per member) and seventeen at Vice Patron Status (£450 per member). Overall, 1374 brethren have achieved a personal honorific with 159 Grand Patrons, 88 Patrons, 255 Vice Patrons and 872 Stewards. Sincere thanks go to our Devonshire 2023 Festival Chairman, W Bro. Peter Keaty Asst. PGM for the inspiring leadership, encouragement, and good humour he has provided in supporting us all through recent years. Similarly, my sincere gratitude goes to the Festival Secretary W Bro. Walker Lapthorne for his hard work, innovative ideas, and hard graft. We also thank W Bro. Chris Yard PAPGM and W Bro Adrian Rogers for their hard work as chairman and secretary during the early years of the Festival. Under the skilled chairmanship of W Bro Craig Cox APGM along with W Bro Paul O’Connell (Treasurer), WBro Tim Golder (Secretary) and W Bro David Hodson-Whittle (Member) the End of Festival Event Team arranged a fabulous evening of celebration at Sandy Park on 3rd March 2023 with 500 attending and in he company of Vice Lord-Lieutenant Lady Arran and The Dean of Exeter Cathedral, Very Revd. Jonathan Greener. A four course, black tie dinner and superb entertainment from raconteur and grumpy old rock star Rick Wakeman, performing live. This was also an opportunity to bid a sincere and affectionate farewell to our retiring PGM Rt W Bro Ian Kingsbury. A very special evening indeed.
February2023 Cont.
The Festival committee would like to thank everybody involved in the Devonshire 2023 Festival; the Treasurer, Events Co-ordinator, Events Manager, Webmaster, Festival Ales Co-ordinator, Area Managers, Group Managers and to the 128 Lodge Charity Stewards for their commitment and dedication. We would particularly like to thank the ‘300 Club’ for their consistent and much appreciated hard work in supporting the Festival through the many successful events and fundraising initiates they have organised over the past five years. Finally, a sincere and heartfelt thanks to everybody who supported our Festival with their time, efforts, and generous donations.
Provincial Benevolent Fund
The Masonic Province of Devonshire Benevolent Fund under the experienced chairmanship of VW Bro Nicholas Ball DPGM, continues its excellent work in aid of local good causes both Masonic and Non-Masonic.
This year, the PBF has provided £100,000 in support of the Devonshire 2023 Festival (£300,000 in total), £51,500 in donations via the WAKE Fund and £13,750 supporting other good causes. Further details of the excellent work of the Provincial Benevolent Fund are provided in the PBF Secretary’s report.
It is both an honour and a privilege to be the Provincial Grand Charity Steward for our wonderful Province of Devonshire. If you have any queries regarding charitable matters, please do not hesitate to contact me at charitysteward@devonshirefreemasons.org.uk.
Please remember to follow the Provincial website and ‘like’, ‘share’ and ‘subscribe’ to the various social media feeds:
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire website: www.devonshirefreemasons.org.uk
facebook: www.facebook.com/Devonmasons
twitter: @DevonMasons - https://twitter.com/DevonMasons
twitter: @Festival2023 - https://twitter.com/Festival2023
Almoner’s Contact : charitysteward@devonshirefreemasons.org.uk.
Thank you to the Chairman of the Provincial Benevolent Fund (PBF) and now acting Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Nicholas Ball for his support and kindness, and to the Trustees of the PBF. As ever my special thanks are reserved for W. Bros Michael Walker and Frank Handscombe for their continued guidance and friendship throughout the year.
Finally, I would like to thank our retiring Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Ian Kingsbury for his kindness, wise counsel, personal support, and good humour during his ten years as our PGM. I wish him and his wife Toni all the very best for the future Stay safe, keep well and God bless.
Provincial Grand Charity Steward
The Trustees of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Benevolent Fund met twice during 2022; in March and October at their March meeting the Trustees re-appointed V.W. Bro. Nicholas Ball as Chairman, W. Bro. Frank Handscombe as Secretary and W. Bro Martin Elliott as Treasurer of the Charity. For your in formation, the Trustees of the Charity, as of 31st December 2022 are:
N. A. Ball
M. Elliott
F. Handscombe BEM
M.G. Walker
C.C. Gale
R.C. Munro
A.W.A. Vodden MBE
A. D. Wheaton
T. B. White
R. C. S. Ayres
Chairman Treasurer
Secretary AssistantSecretary
During 2022 the Trustees held two meetings with the Investment Manager Brewin Dolphin to ensure that the investments held were appropriate to meet the aims of the charity. At these half yearly meetings the Trustees reviewed the detailed investments, income targets and most importantly the risk profile of the Fund was reviewed and agreed with the Investment Manager. The Charity continues to be administered to ensure that income distributions and payments are in compliance with the underlying aims and strategy of the charity (and its integral funds). The Provincial Benevolent Fund (PBF), under its chairman VW Bro. Nicholas Ball, DPGM, continues to support local good causes and Devon Freemasons in distress. The William Alexander Kneel Endowment (WAKE) Fund was able to distribute £24,000 to 15 local good causes at the Spring 2022 meeting at the Masonic Hall in Exmouth and £27,500 to a further 18 organisations at the Autumn meeting at Mount Edgecumbe Masonic Hall in Plymouth. Since the first WAKE Fund disbursement in 2001, more than £925,000 has been donated to over 996 worthy causes. This year, the PBF has provided the following:
• £1,000 to a student to help fund a music and drama masters course.
• £1,000 supporting local initiatives in aid of Ukraine.
• £10,000 matched funding for annual MCF Festival Grants (foodbanks x5) Christmas 2021 with a further £10,000 promised for further MCF grants Christmas 2022.
• £1,000 donated for sponsored swim for the Chestnut Appeal.
• £750 supporting Devonshire Freemasons in distress.
• £100,000 donation to the Devonshire 2023 Festival bringing the total amount donated to the Festival of £300,000.
I thank W. Bro. Michael Walker, the Assistant Secretary and W. Bro. Reuben Ayres, Provincial Grand Charity Steward for their total friendship and help. Brethren however most of all I must thank you for your continued support without which the Benevolent Fund would find it very difficult to continue the assistance we give to those in need.
W.Bro. Frank Handscombe, BEM PAGDC
Hon. Secretary, Devonshire Benevolent Fund - January 2023
A success story.
The unsponsored candidate process operated by the Membership Team of the Province of Devonshire, requires the potential candidates to attend regular monthly candidate socials held in Torquay, Exeter, and Plymouth, with an aspiration of including a location in North Devon.
So far this year the process has seen the initiation of 23 Brothers, and we hope this final figure will be in the mid 30’s. We are frequently asked why we make the candidates take 12 months to get to know their potential Lodge and other candidates within the process.
The answer is simple. The process is designed to grow friendships within their potential Lodge and a wider friendship across Brethren that have joined following this process. This does increase their new, and at times much needed, friendship base, which in turn increases the likelihood of visiting their friends.
We all know lodges and Brethren benefit from visiting in so many ways. We also use the process to identify potential new members and possible succession planning for our Membership Team. Suitable candidates frequently join the Team and are quick to offer us their skills such as, Web design, IT support and very occasionally training delivery. But they all want to support candidates following them in our process.
What was not expected was the deep bonds of friendship the process has created, not only in the main area that they live but, due to the initial bond they make at our information morning, those that live in the other candidate social areas as well. We now see groups of candidates travel to meet each other at the other candidate socials across the Province.
This visiting has created immensely strong bonds within their Lodges, within their geographical area, and now across the Province. Bonds they will all benefit from.
But this success has grown even further. We are now seeing visiting at other Lodge meetings, in particular the initiations of the successive candidates in the process with whom they have become friends. We have seen this through the year, but in September we saw 3 new members of Brent Lodge No.1284, Topsham, visit The Davie Lodge No.3721 in Exeter, where a newly raised Brother from Brent Lodge, delivered the first-degree working tools for his now close friend being initiated into Davie Lodge.
In November, so far, we have seen 9 newly initiated and raised Brothers from The Davie Lodge, Brent Lodge and The Lodge of Benevolence No.303, Teignmouth, escorted by members of the Membership Team, visit St Johns Lodge No.328 in Torquay, to see the initiation of the lodge’s latest candidate from the membership team. Also in November, 10 of these brethren, again escorted by members of the Membership team, from Brent Lodge and St Johns Lodge returned to Davie Lodge for their second visit of the month to witness a double first of two of their new friends. Looking at the quality of these new brethren we only envisage these visits to grow in numbers and frequency. We in the Devonshire Membership Team are proud to be able to say, we are introducing candidates of high quality who are dedicated to the Province and the Craft.
W.Bro. Mark Lewis Provincial Grand Membership Officer, DevonshireThe Provincial Grand Lodge meeting of April 2022 saw the retirement of W Bro Chris Thomas. He served on the EdMenCom committee for a total of 13 years from its inception and seven years as the chairman and Provincial Grand Mentor. I would like to thank W Bro Thomas for all his efforts in the way he has helped develop mentoring in the Province. He saw the role of EdMenCom committee to support the Lodges in whatever way they could whilst allowing the individual Lodges to implement Mentoring as suited their ways of working. I strongly believe that is the correct approach, we are to support the Lodges and not to dictate how they work.
2022 has seen the Members’ Pathway revised by UGLE, with greater emphasis on the role of the Lodge Mentor who take the Lead role in the section entitled Engage. In simple terms this is supporting a member through his early masonic journey and then providing an environment for his continued learning and development. The Lodge Mentors also supporting the Membership team in the attraction of members and the Almoner in the retention of members.
Training in the Members’ Pathway has been organised on a Provincial wide basis by the Provincial Membership team and the EdMenCom have formed part of that Presentation team. Joint presentations to individual Lodges have also been delivered on the Members’ Pathway by the Membership and Mentoring teams.
The Edmencom team have also delivered several presentations and quizzes to individual Lodges on Famous Freemasons, Jacobs Ladder, and the Jewels of the Lodge. New presentations are also available on The Grand Lodge Certificate, The First-Degree Tracing Board, Explanation of the First Degree, and the Immovable Jewels. Any of these presentations can be booked by emailing:
2022 has seen the launch of a series of booklets covering the three degrees of Craft Masonry which introduce many aspects of the Brotherhood in a progressive and simply understood way. These booklets are being adopted by the Province and are currently being distributed. To supplement these booklets with respect to the symbolism of Freemasonry, the Province is advocating the use of Solomon
The online UGLE resource provides a wealth of information as well as the Welcome modules that provide a guided learning experience for each of the degrees. The symbolic lectures for the three degrees have been updated, a guidance note of the role of the Lodge Mentor and a general guidance note on Mentoring have been produced.
EdMenCom is committed to its role of supporting Lodges with guidance, mentoring materials, training, and presentations. It must be stressed that we are all Mentors, the Lodge Mentor cannot look after everybody in a Lodge, he is the coordinator. We should be looking forward to the day when every brother leaves a meeting saying, “I enjoyed that I am looking forward to the next meeting”.
The mentoring activities are undertaken by the EdMenCom team and I would like to thank them all, W Bro Chris Banbury and W Bro Chris Gould (Plymouth), W Bro Mike O'Meara (Mid Devon), W Bro Chris Hallet (East Devon), W Bro Adam Jefferies (North Devon), W Bro David Goode (Torbay) and Bro James Leader (Exeter) with oversight by W Bro Andy Vodden on not only on my behalf but also yours for they work they perform. A special mention must also be made for W Bro Roy Night who served many years as the Exeter area Mentor.
Please remember we are here to serve you.
W.Bro. Chris Bird Provincial Grand Mentor, DevonshireGrand President
HRH The Duke of Kent KG
Grand Master
President - James Long TD
Deputy President and Chairman - Sir Paul Williams, OBE, KStJ, DL.
Treasurer - Mike Heenan
John Boyington CBE
Sinead Brophy
Charles Cunnington
Simon Duckworth OBE, DL
Clive Emerson
Dr Simon Fellerman
Alan Graham, MBE
Antony Harvey
Christopher Head
Nigel Vaughan
Chief Executive
Les Hutchinson
Operations Director
John McCrohan
Head of Masonic Support
Gareth Everett
Head of Charity Grants
Rebecca Lloyd
Head of Fundraising
Paul Crockett
Group Finance Director
Charles Angus
Steven Robinson
Andrew Wauchope
Micheal Heenan
Howard Wilson
Head of Communications
Harry Smith
Group Human Resources Director
Louise Bateman
Managing Director
Mark Lloyd
Head of Property
Raluca Tsakiris
Company Secretary
Brenda Nurse
The MCF is your charity.
Your support
• Helps families make ends meet when times get tough
• Offers greater independence to people with disabilities
• Gives young people the opportunity to succeed in their education
• Provides high-quality care for older, disabled or seriously-ill people
• Funds life-saving and life-changing medical treatment
• Tackles social isolation and loneliness
• Advances ground-breaking medical research
Each year, four masonic provinces hold a festival event to celebrate the end of a fundraising appeal during which a range of activities take place that make a significant contribution to the MCF’s income.
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Cumberland & Westmorland Norfolk
1. Donate
Whether or not your province is currently in festival, there are many ways you can donate to support our work:
Make a single donation or set up a regular donation at: www.mcf.org.uk/donate
Make a single donation by debit or credit card: 020 3146 3346 Cont…..
Set up a regular Direct Debit: 020 3146 3345
Make a single donation by debit or credit card: 020 3146 3346
By textDonate £5 by texting MCF to 70500
By postMake cheques payable to ‘Masonic Charitable Foundation’ or to the ‘Relief Chest Scheme’ Leave a gift in your will
For more information or to request a legacy guide:
www.mcf.org.uk/legacy email: legacy@mcf.org.uk
Tel: 020 3146 3332
Any donations made to the MCF, whether directly or through festiavls, count towards permanent MCF honorifics. For more information, visit: www.mcf.org.uk/honorifics
Here are just a few ways to raise money and have fun at the same time:
• Take part in a sponsored challenge
• Organise a quiz night or a raffle
• Host a dinner party, BBQ or themed event
• Arrange a social event such as an evening of music or entertainment
Sponsored events are a very popular, fun and effective way of raising money. Most events involve setting a personal challenge and then asking friends and family members to make charitable donations to encourage fundraisers to achieve their goal. Events can take many forms and can include both physical challenges, such as fun runs or endurance bike rides, and daring challenges, such as skydives or abseils. The Relief Chest Scheme provides printed and digital sponsorship materials to make it easy for fundraisers to hit their targets.
Top tip: Take the hassle out of collecting sponsorship by setting up an online fundraising page on the MCF website. Remember to share a link to your fundraising page using email or social media and keep your friends up-to-date through regular posts, images or videos.
Keep up to date with all the latest MCF news by registering for updates and following us on social media. Share the MCF’s updates with your friends and family to help more people find out about the help we provide.
The provincial support team works directly with a network of volunteers from the masonic community who help Freemasons and their families to learn more about the MCF and apply for support. The team trains and manages volunteers, and produces resources that help them to carry out their important role.
The communications department helps to promote our work to Freemasons and their families, the charity sector and the wider public through a wide range of digital and print channels.
The HR department supports staff at both the MCF and the RMBI Care Co.
The Human Resources department is responsible for ensuring that we have the right people processes and procedures in place to have a fully engaged and motivated workforce. This starts with attracting the right people to the MCF with a recruitment process that identifies individuals who demonstrate the MCF values, engaging new starters with a buddy and comprehensive induction programme to help them understand how we do things at the MCF and providing ongoing support for all staff with training and development opportunities.
The administration team is responsible for the day-to-day running of the office and provides additional administrative support other MCF departments, such as masonic support and charity grants.
We also have a wide range of promotional materials and resources including Better Lives magazine, leaflets, posters and videos to help you raise awareness of our work. Access online via the website:
Do you enjoy public speaking? You could deliver a talk about our work at a meeting. A ready-made script is available to download from the MCF website.
The Relief Chest Scheme helps lodges, chapters, provinces and other recognised masonic organisations manage their charitable giving efficiently by enabling donors to save time, take control and give more.
Funds placed in Relief Chests are held securely by the MCF until they are given to a charity by the donors. The Relief Chest Scheme and its full range of services are provided completely free, no administration fee is charged and no commission is taken. For further information, or to open a Relief Chest for your lodge, chapter or appeal, please visit:
In addition to the MCF, there are numerous other charities organised and run by freemasons. There are far too many to list, but they include provincial benevolent funds, provincial education and relief funds, trusts set up and administered within individual provinces, funds associated with residential housing or supporting particular RMBI homes and sundry other organisations, big and small, all concerned with caring for others.
The teddies for loving care appeal started in Essex in 2001 and has now been adopted by most of the Provinces in the UK.
The objective of the initiative is to purchase and supply teddies for staff to give to children in hospital to Children in hospitals and other care establishments to help reduce stress and fear levels, but also to reward them for being brave. The bears act as a very effective diversionary tool to help calm children and indeed parents during what can be a very stressful period.
In Devonshire the initiative was originally started in Devon by W Bro John Adcock who sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above.
Since 2016 W Bro Keith Bower took over as coordinator for Devon and the appeal has grown from strength to strength.
Registered Charity status was granted to Devon Freemasons Teddies for Loving Care on 6th August 2020 and although supported by the Masonic Charity Foundation is a charity in its own right. We are able to claim Gift Aid on donation given by taxpayers which is helpful but the previous generous gift aid afforded by Amazon is no longer in being as the company have reviewed their charity giving status
Since the start of the scheme in Devon just under 76,000 teddies have been purchased and given to 13 outlets within the province so that not only hospitals receive the bears but also the two main adoption courts in Exeter and Plymouth where the bears are very much appreciated. Recently the NHS Walk in Centre in Sidwell Street Exeter and also a new service which has been established in Heavitree Hospital for the pre assessment of children about to undertake operations are also receiving bears.
If you would like to make a donation to this worthy cause please contact:
W. Bro. Keith BowerDevon Freemasons Teddies For Loving Care, Registered Charity No.1190764
Telephone: 01803 853299 Mob 07539 243280
Email: bowerkeith06@gmail.com
Registered Charity No. 269363
V.W.Bro. N.A. Ball PGSwdB, Deputy Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. F. Handscombe, BEM PAGDC
e-mail: frank@bampfylde.eclipse.co.uk
W.Bro. M. F. Elliott PPrSGD
Peplows Chartered Accountants
Moorgate House, King Street, Newton Abbott TQ12 2LG
Investment Managers
Brewin Dolphin Securities Ltd
Chairman N.A. Ball
Asst Secretary
F. Handscombe
M. Elliott
M.G. Walker
A.W.A. Vodden MBE
C.C. Gale
R.C. Munro
T.B. White
A.D. Wheaton
R.C.S. Ayres
The Masonic Widows Association in Devon was formed over twenty years ago to support ladies when their husband or partner passes. Each Association meets monthly with two larger annual events to which all individual branches are invited to attend. Both of these are kindly financed by the Benevolent Fund. Information packs are available from the Association Chairman, Chris Oliver.
07900 - 996 794
07900 -996 794
Meeting Held at Masonic Hall, 4 Trafalgar Lawns, Barnstaple. EX32 9BD
Meetings held at Topsham Masonic Hall, Victoria Road, Topsham. EX3 0EU on the First Thursday in each month.
Meeting at Masonic hall, 72 Castle Street, Tiverton EX16 6RE,
Meetings held at the Masonic Hall, Hollands Road, Teignmouth. TQ14 8SR on the Third Thursday in each Month.
Meetings held at Masonic Hall, 112 High Street, Sidmouth. EX10 8EF on the Second Thursday of each month, at (10.30 am. for 11.00 am.)
Meetings held at the Masonic Hall, 3 Courtland Road, Paignton. TQ3 2AB on the Third Wednesday in each month.
Meetings held at the Masonic Hall, Smallack Drive, Crownhill, Plymouth. PL6 5EL
Meetings held at the St Aubyn Masonic Hall, 33, Devonport Road, Stoke, Plymouth. PL3 4UD on the Fourth Wednesday in each month except February, July & August
Meetings held at Plympton St. Maurice Masonic Hall, 161 Ridgeway Road, Plympton, Plymouth. PL7 2HJ on the Second Thursday in each month, at (10.00 am.) except July and August.
R.W.Bros. D. Medlock, Somerset. I. Kingsbury JP, Devon. S.C. Pearn, Cornwall.
Chairman - W.Bro. A. Blamey
Maine Farm, Colleytown, Beer Alson, Yelverton, Devon. PL20 7EB
Mob: 07970 657128 - e-mail: collytownstud@hotmail.com
Vice Chairman
Hon. Treasurer - W.Bro. D.G. Wortham
20 Fore Street, Moretonhampstead. TQ13 8LL
Mob: 07967 485066 - e-mail: david.wortham112@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary - Bro. L. Clarke
11, Elm Grove Road, Topsham,Devon. EX3 0EQ
Mobile: 07879 672748 - e-mail: leoclarke1@me.com
Fair Secretary & Co-ordinator - Mrs Sandra Wilson
Mob: 07714 345608 - e-mail: sandrawnf@icloud.com
Home Manager - Mrs Clare Walker
Cadogan Court, Barley Lane, Exeter. EX4 1TA
Tel: (01392) 251436 - e-mail: cadogancourt@rmbi.org.uk
The objects of the Association are to relieve residents of Cadogan Court by providing or assisting in the provision of equipment and facilities not otherwise provided for.
The Powers of the Management Committee: In furtherance of the objects of the Association, but not further or otherwise, the Association shall have the following powers:
(i) To raise money and invite and receive contributions provided that no permanent trading activities are undertaken in raising funds for the Charity.
(ii) If requested by The Home Manager, to provide personal assistance at Cadogan Court.
(iii) To organise recreational outings to improve the conditions of life of the residents.
(iv) To do any other lawful thing necessary in furtherance of the above objects.
Membership of the Association is open to Masons and non Masons on payment of the subscriptions fixed at a General Meeting of the Association. Current rates of subscription are as follows:
Annual Member £5.00
Annual Member (Jointly with wife) £7.00
Life Member Jointly with Wife) £40.00
Life Member Jointly with Wife) £30.00
Any member is entitled to attend any General Meeting of the Association, and to vote on any proposal brought before such meeting Masonic Widows are entitled to continue membership, or to become members in their own right on payment of the appropriate subscription.
Registered Charity No. 1015316
Founded 1971
R.W.Bro. I. Kingsbury JP, Provincial Grand Master
R.W.Bro. M.T. Penny Past Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro. M.E. Jeffreys LGR
Vice Chairman
W.Bro. E.W. Richardson PAGDC
W.Bro. D. Dishart.
W.Bro. A.B. (Tony) Clapman PPrJGD Pentan Chapel, Christow, Exeter. EX6 2HD Tel: 01647 253066 email: tonyclapham@hotmail.co.uk
The main purpose of the Fraternity is to provide a meeting place for members of various London Ranks living in Devon.
The Fraternity meets at, The Mill on the Exe, Exeter at 11.15 hrs. on the second Mondays in March (Inauguration of Officers, and presentation of Annual Accounts), May and November (Election of Officers).
There is usually a talk on a matter of charity or general interest. The meeting is followed by a luncheon at 13.00 hrs. The ladies are welcome to attend all our meetings, and always join us for luncheon.
In addition, during the summer the Chairman usually arranges a gathering or outing at some interesting Devon location, to which members, their wives and their friends are invited.
Membership is open to all members of London Rank, London Grand Rank, Senior London Grand Rank, London Chapter Rank, London Grand Chapter Rank, Senior London Grand Chapter Rank and subscribers to the London Grand Rank Association Bulletin.
The Chairman holds office from 1st January to 31st December each year.
Further details and application forms may be obtained from the Secretary. The current annual subscription is £15 with a joining fee of £5.
Number of Members - 24
For the year commencing 2022
The aims of the association will be :-
To hold a number of clay pigeon shoots for it’s members and guests at established shooting grounds within the province, in a social and safe environment.
To encourage and introduce newcomers to the sport.
To take part in competitions between other masonic shooting societies.
To support Masonic and non-Masonic charities.
As the membership is drawn from across Devon, it is hoped that the association will further strengthen Masonic fraternity between brethren and lodges across the province.
We welcome friends, family and prospective candidates at our events.
Subscribing members of any Lodge within the province are eligible for membership.
Any Brother who may be interested in joining this association should contact: W.Bro. Anthony Eldred
Tel: 01752 721199 / 01822 859040 / 07768 848751
R.W.Bro. Ian Kingsbury JP, PGM President
V.W.Bro. Nicholas A. Ball Chairman
W.Bro. Merv Benney
Vice - Chairman
W.Bro. Rick Purnell
Hon. Secretary & Fixtures Secretary
W.Bro. Keith Young
41, Higher Mowles, Plymouth. PL3 6PY Tel: (01752) 709161
email: keithyoung192@gmail.com
Hon. Treasurer
Fran Ryan
126 Church Way, Weston Mill, Plymouth. PL5 1AG Tel: (01752) 201 990
email: franceshole19@virginmedia.com
Match Co-ordinators
Area 1 North Devon
To be nominated
Area 2 Honiton and Exeter To be nominated
Area 3 East Devon To be nominated
Area 4 South Devon Merv Benney 01803 326112
Area 5 Plymouth Keith Young 01752 709161
The objectives of this Association are:
1 To arrange friendly and Fraternal games to play on local Bowling Greens.
2 To arrange friendly matches of up to 24 a side against Brethren in other Provinces both home and away.
3 To make donation to both Masonic and Local Charities.
The annual subscription is £10 (£5 for masons wives and non masons) and is open to all masons in the Province.
Brethren in business or resident in Devonshire, who are not members of the Province will be very welcome. Membership application forms may be obtained from the Secretary, details above.
Branch Chairman
W.Bro. Keith Rigby
e-mail: rigbykeith@hotmail.com
Branch Secretary
Bro. Phill Niles
Mob: 07368 357459
email: mtsfcdevon@plympost.co.uk
The Masonic Fishing Charity aims to provide an interactive fishing (coarse & fly) and countryside experience for anyone over the age of eleven with special needs. This is far more than just a day’s fishing though: The branch helps people in Devon with physical impairments to participate in a sport that might otherwise be unavailable to them; it allows disadvantaged children to meet new challenges and gain a sense of achievement whilst increasing their self-esteem; it assists people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties to develop their confidence and social skills; and, it gives joy and a sense of fulfilment to children and adults with life limiting conditions. Guests are assisted by caster/helpers who will involve them as much as possible with the casting, retrieving, hooking, playing and landing of the fish; whilst, non-fishing helpers will assist with catering and administration. At the end of each event guests are presented with a certificate of achievement as well as prizes for biggest fish etc. The events are funded totally by donations from Freemasons and there is no charge to participants, their organisations or volunteers. If you are a fly fisherman or a course fisherman and would like to: help as a Caster/Helper (beginners are very welcome and coaching is provided free of charge); make a donation; or, assist the branch in an administrative role please contact the Branch Chairman and or Secretary.
Follow us on https://twitter.com/mtsfc_org;
Friend us on https://www.facebook.com/MTSFC
Learn about us at www.mtsfc.org.uk/
Hon. Member
R.W.Bro. Ian Kingsbury JP, Provincial Grand Master President
W.Bro. M.P. Haigh PSGD, Past Asst PGM
Hon. Secretary
W.Bro. Allan Seager No.1 Hickory Close, Honiton. EX14 2UN
Tel: (01404) 47013
email: seager684@btinternet.com
Hon. Treasurer
W.Bro. Clifford J. Nightingale
Tel: 01392 814939
email: nightingale_c@sky.com
The objectives of this Association are:
The main object of the Association is to raise money for charity through the medium of golf. However, our meetings are also social occasions where you meet and get to know Brethren from all over the Province.
You are invited to come and join us at our Spring Meeting on the Fourth Thursday in May and Autumn Meeting on the Fourth Thursday in August. Just drop a line, telephone or email to the Secretary at the above address.
What is The Chisel Club?
It is your social club and it needs you to help make it a success.
When and where does it meet?
We meet four times a year in Plymouth, Exeter, Torbay & East Devon (expanding soon to North Devon and Mid Devon) and the members decide where and what we do on those occasions.
Who can be a member?
Membership is FREE and is open to all candidates up to and including Master Masons. Your membership stays in place until you become Worshipful Master.
Why should I join?
It is an ideal place to introduce your friends to the fun side of Freemasonry as well as increasing your masonic friendship outside of your own lodge.
What are you waiting for?
To find out more about The Chisel Club why not visit our website or follow us on social media. All details can be found below.
All welcome, New Masons, Candidates, friends & family
We will hold various events based on your suggestions :
E.g. Go-Carting - Paintballing - Clay Pigeon Shooting - Ten Pin Bowling
Website: thechiselclub.org.uk
Email: info@thechiselclub.org.uk
Our Facebook page is a hidden group. To get added to the group simply send a friend request via Facebook to Glen Weaver or David Goode who will verify your eligibility and add you accordingly.
Arranged alphabetically showing meetings held
Asburton The Masonic Hall
Chuley Road, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7DH
AxminsterThe Masonic Hall
South Street, Axminster, Devon EX13 5AD
Barnstaple The Masonic Hall
4 Trafalgar Lawn, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 9BD
West Buckland School West Buckland, Barnstaple, EX32 0SX
Bideford The Masonic Hall
12 Bridgeland Street, Bideford, Devon EX39 2QE
Braunton The Masonic Hall
Ilfracombe Road, Braunton, Devon EX33 2ER
Brixham The Masonic Hall
Church Street, Brixham, Devon TQ5 8HG
Budleigh Salterton The Masonic Hall
1 West Hill, Budleigh Salterton, Devon EX9 6BW
Crediton The Masonic Hall
Union Road, Crediton, Devon EX17 3AW
Dartmouth Hauley Masonic Hall Lower Street, Dartmouth, Devon TQ6 9AJ
Dawlish The Masonic Hall
Barton Terrace, Dawlish, Devon EX7 9QH
Exeter Freemasons’ Hall
27a Grandy Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 3LS
Exeter School Manston Terrace, Heavitree, Exeter, EX2 4NS
Exmouth The Masonic Hall
3 St Andrews Road, Exmouth, Devon EX8 1AP
Holsworthy Freemasons’ Hall
Bodmin Street, Holsworthy, Devon EX22 6BH
Honiton The Masonic Hall Northcote Lane, Honiton, Devon
Ilfracombe The Masonic Temple Northfield Road, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 8AJ
Ivybridge The Masonic Hall Western Road, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 9AN
Kingsbridge The Masonic Temple Duncombe Street, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1LR
Lynton The Masonic Hall
The Croft, Lynton, Devon EX35 6HE
Moretonhampstead The Freemasons’ Hall
Station Road, Moretonhampstead, Devon TQ13 8NQ
Newton Abbot The Masonic Hall
Devon Square, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2HH
Okehampton Freemasons’ Hall
Station Road, Okehampton, Devon EX20 1DY
Paignton The Masonic Temple
3 Courtland Road, Paignton, Devon TQ3 2AB
Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Hall
237 Citadel Road, Plymouth, Devon PL1 2NG
The Queen Victoria 76 Victoria Road, Masonic Hall St Budeaux, Plymouth, Devon PL5 1DR
Manadon Masonic Hall
104 Tavistock Road, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon PL6 5EL
Davie Masonic Hall
Clifton Place, North Hill, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8HY
St Aubyn Masonic Hall
33 Devonport Road, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon PL3 4DJ
Freemasons’ Hall Ridgeway
Plympton, Plymouth, Devon PL7 2HJ
The Masonic Temple Oreston
Lower Saltram Road, Oreston, Plymouth, Devon PL9 7PN
Princetown The Masonic Hall
Barrack Road, Princetown, Devon
Salcombe The Masonic Hall
Cliff House, Cliff Road, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8JQ
Seaton The Masonic Hall
Queen Street, Seaton, Devon EX12 2RB
Sidmouth The Masonic Hall
112 High Street, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 8EF
South Brent The Masonic Hall
Totnes Road, South Brent, Devon TQ10 9BX
South Molton The Masonic Hall
1 New Road, South Molton, Devon EX36 4BH
Starcross The Masonic Rooms Corner, The Strand, New Road, Starcross, Devon EX6 8QG
Tavistock Freemasons’ Hall
Plym Street, Tavistock, Devon PL19 8AH
Teignmouth The Masonic Hall
Hollands Road, Teignmouth, Devon TQ14 8SR
Tiverton The Masonic Hall
27 Castle Street, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6RE
Topsham Freemasons’ Hall
Victoria Road, Topsham ,EX3 0EU
The Masonic Hall Park Hill
Park Hill Road, Torquay, Devon TQ1 2AR
The Masonic Temple Tor Hill
Tor Hill Road, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5RN
The Masonic Temple St Margaret’s
1 St. Margaret’s Road, St. Marychurch, Torquay TQ1 4NW
Torrington The Masonic Hall
4 Well Street, Torrington, Devon EX38 8EP
Totnes The Masonic Hall
South Street, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5DZ
Uffculme The Masonic Hall
Ashleigh Road, Uffculme, Devon EX15 3AY
(Editorial Note: The addresses of the Lodge Buildings are not intended for correspondence purposes, as many do not have letter boxes. The aim is to assist geographically on a first visit)
All Souls 6677 27 Castle Street, Tiverton EX16 6RE
Armada 4360 104 Tavistock Roadm Crownhill, Plymouth PL6 5EL
Bedford 282 Pym Street, Tavistock PL19 8AH
Benevolence 489 12 Bridgeland Street, Bideford EX39 2QE
Benevolence 666 Barrack Road, Princetown, Yelverton, Devon
Benevolent 303 Hollands Road, Teignmouth TQ14 8SR
Bishop Surtees 8497 Victoria Road, Topsham EX3 0EU
Blundell’s 5467 Freemasons’ Hall Great Queen St, London WC28 5AZ (1 meeting in Tiverton )
Bovey Tracey 8698 Chudley Road, Ashburton TQ13 7DH
Braunton 5624 Ilfracombe Road, Braunton EX33 2ER
Brent 1284 Victoria Road, Topsham EX3 0EU
Britannia 4099 76 Victoria Road, St. Budeaux, Plymouth PL5 1DR
Brunswick 159 St. Aubyn, 33 Devonport Road, Stoke, Plymouth PL3 4DJ
Conciliation 3483 Bodmin Street, Holsworthy EX22 6BH
Concord 1135 Northfield Road, Ilfracombe EX34 8AJ Concordia
Alphabetical List of Craft Lodges & Lodge Address 2022 - continued
(Editorial Note: The addresses of the
is to
geographically on a first visit)
(Editorial Note: The addresses of the Lodge Buildings are not intended for correspondence purposes, as many do not have letter boxes. The aim is to assist geographically on a first visit) St.
EX12 2RB
33 Devonport Road, Stoke, Plymouth PL3 4DJ
237 Citadel Road,Plymouth PL1 2NG
Jordan 1402 Tor Hill Road, Torquay TQ2 5RN
Barton Terrace, Dawlish EX7 9QH
Duncombe Street, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1LR
Prudence 1550 104 Tavistock Road Crownhill Plymouth PL6 5EL
Obedience 1753 Station Road Okehampton EX20 1DY
Ebrington 1847 Davie Hall, Clifton Place, North Hill, Plymouth PL4 8HY St. Maurice 1855 Ridgeway Road, Plympton, Plymouth. PL7 2HJ
LODGE NUMBER ORDER - Craft Lodges & Lodge Address - continued
(Editorial Note: The addresses of the Lodge Buildings are not intended for correspondence purposes, as many do not have letter boxes. The aim is to assist geographically on a first visit)
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire ALL
A Monthly Planner Showing Dates for all: Lodge / Chapter / Mark / RAM / Other Order Meeting Dates Special Meeting Dates - Devonshire Masonic Events
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire Web Site click on link above or logo picture or via the Home Page:
Buy your copy today!
Only £15.00
Available from:
Payment to: (click ‘LM’ link below)
Lewis Masonic
For futher details, Please email:
W.Bro. Gerald Sclater gj@dpmail.co.ukAll of the royalties from the sale of this book will be thankfully received and faithfully applied to the : "Devon Freemasons Teddies for Loving Care" charity.
Are you ready to smile?
Do you believe that Freemasonry should be fun?
Then this book is for you!
A bumper book of masonic humour with 314 glossy pages of jokes, stories and full colour cartoons that take a tongue in cheek view at Freemasons and Freemasonry.
A unique collection of humorous cartoons along with some wry and witty observations of Masonic life, both within the lodge and at home. A must for all Freemasons as well as their friends and families.
As you wend your way through the pages of the book you will sometimes wonder if what you see is a portrait of your own lodge!
If you want to know how many Freemasons it takes to change a light bulb, or who really runs the Lodge, then this book is for you. Perfect as a gift or to use as a raffle prize.
to headline for the Second Annual PGM Ball's Ball to be held at The Rougemont Hotel, Exeter . on Saturday June 29th 2024.
Please note, we expect this event to quickly become oversubscribed. To register your interest please contact: Paul Watson via email at 300clubshows@gmail.com
To include dining and other entertainment this promises to be a really special night in the Province of Devonshire Calendar.
TheMostWorshipful GrandMaster
The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master
Jonathan Spence
The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master
Sir David Hugh Wooton
The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Masters
David John Medlock DL
Arther Steven Varley
And the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past
The Provincial Grand Master
Right Worshipful Bro. Nicholas A. Ball
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Worshipful Bro. Peter J. M. Keaty, PSGD
The Assistant Provincial Grand Masters
Worshipful Bro. Charles Yelland, PSGD
Worshipful Bro. Andrew W. Vodden MBE, PSGD
Worshipful Bro. Reuben Ayres PAGDC
Worshipful Bro. Nicholas T. Golder PAGDC
And the rest of Provincial Grand Officers Present and Past
The Master of the Lodge etc., etc., etc.
* Honorific’s (in italics) should not be given
Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire
website: www.devonshirefreemasons.org.uk
W.Bro. Jack Parnell PPrJGW (Craft)
The Lord Roborough Lodge No. 5789
W.Bro. John Smerdon PAGDC (Craft)
Old Plymothian and Mannameadian Lodge No. 6279
Email : pgldevonshire.yearbook@gmail.com
(01752) 246984 ***