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The Final Score

The Final Score

Wrapped Songs That Define High School

"Yes I'm Changing," by Tame Impala "Home," by Resonance


"Moments where you just have to take a step back, moments you think about while scrolling through your camera roll. You think about moments when you see something that reminds you of times where you were with the people you care about."

"It’s a great song. Bit of an odd choice. I totally understand that, but it puts me at peace and so does high school, and here we are now graduating. I don’t know when this comes out; you're reading it now though. It's a great song.”

Kyla Nguyen, 12

"Mr Brightside," by The Killers

‘Mr. Brightside’ is always a song that I request to play at any dance because of the way it makes me feel and how it reminds me of high school. Beginning of high school reminds me of the intro, kind of starts with a bang but it’s not the peak of the song. Senior year reminds me of the peak where you get that feeling of letting loose.

"American Pie," by Don


“It’s about growing up and maturing and then changing the turbulent world.”

Heath Martsching, 12

Libby Hihath, 12

"Scott Street," by Phoebe Bridgers

“The line ‘Don’t be a stranger’ means a lot to me. And I hope that 10 years down the road it makes me think back on the amazing memories I had in my four years here.”

"Young Dumb and Broke," by Khalid

"Yes, we have our lives to live and do so much with, and we don’t know everything, but everything we do is for a reason. We have so much to give the world, and we do it because it felt right at the moment. Also, I feel young, dumb and broke."

Sophia Miles, 12

"Vienna," by Billy Joel

"It’s about moving on, and there’s greater things in the world, but at the same time it’s not encouraging you to push yourself into it before your time.”

Zoe Williams, 12

Clocking out

Senior Talon Staff Members Say Their Goodbyes majorOverthelastfouryears,Ihavehadmany myself,lifechangesandlearnedsomuchabout butsomethingthatremainedconstantwasStaleyHighSchool.IknewthatwhenI enteredthedoorsIdidn’thavetoworryabout ableregularlifetoomuch.IamgratefulthatIwas amazingtospendfouryearsinthisbuildingwith people.Ihavemetsomeofthekindest, Ifunniestandmostintelligentpeoplehere.And knowledgeablehavebeentaughtbythemostcompassionate, andempatheticteachers.As TaylorSwiftsaid,“Ihadthetimeofmylife fightingdragonswithyou.”Thankyouforthis foradventure,Staley.Iamsadtoleave,butexcited

Over the last four years I have covered important topics, shared my opinions and highlighted events and other accomplishments within the student body. Being part of this staff since my sophomore year, the magazine has been a significant part of my high school career. While it may not have always been easy, I have truly enjoyed being a part of this publication. All the hard work has been worth it. From reviewing my favorite shows to sharing my opinion on the remake of “The Little Mermaid” and Disney princesses of color, I hope you have enjoyed all of my work as much as I have enjoyed creating it. This staff was and will always be a family. It is hard saying goodbye, but the time has come.

Signing out,

Fallyn Kowalski

Saying goodbye to Staley is a hard thing to do, but it has allowed me to reflect on all the wonderful experiences I’ve had here. I did not expect to be so involved with the journalism program when I walked into Journalism 1 as a freshman, yet as a senior I’ve spent most of my time in Ms. B's room with an awesome magazine staff working on Talon. I had a fantastic time creating graphics as well as bringing light to topics and stories that were important to the student body. So, thank you for reading our Talon.

“Anyway, don't be a stranger!” -Phoebe Bridgers

Signing off, Grace Winkler

There are a lot of ways to say goodbye. Adios, au revoir, aloha, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen. And still I don’t know that a goodbye in any language would be good enough. Because when you love something the way I love Talon, there won’t ever be enough of the right words to part with it. But thank you are two I do have. Thank you, Talon for allowing me to tell stories that meant something. For expanding my perspective and showing me how much people can surprise you. Thank you Ms. B for encouraging my relentlessly critical editor side. But more than anything, I appreciate the family I found. Whether it was fangirling over Alice Oseman books, work nights, birthdays, award ceremonies or watching Hans wipe out at Disney on Ice, I was so lucky to have those moments.

Elyse Bredfeldt

This is my last year of Talon. I enjoyed taking photos of some cool events and seeing my work published on pages, but the best part of it all was becoming amazing friends with the people not only from Talon but from Legacy and STTV as well – the teachers Ms. Burgett and Mrs. Sobbe too.These are some of the best people that I have ever met in my life. Goodbye, Talon. It was nice while it lasted Ally B out.

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