Talon magazine, October 2013, Volume 6, Issue 1

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Staley High School | Kansas City, Mo. Volume VI Issue I |October 2013

Inside This Issue:

Lifestyles - “What’s My Grade” App P. 4 Feature - Haunting Skies P. 8

Sports - Athletes Give Back P. 10 Visuals - Student Artwork P. 12

Table of Contents









Visuals (12) STUDENT WORKS (14) FASHION Cover Photo by alumni Megan Hynek 2 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I

LETTER FROM THE EDITORS The opportunity for us to create an entirely new student publication as the editor-in-chief and managing editor was exciting to the both of us. When we found out that our school was switching from a newspaper to a magazine, we were intimidated by the idea of running a staff and having to start completely from scratch. After spending a week this summer at a journalism camp and attending a journalism workshop, each of us came home with many new ideas that we couldn’t wait to incorporate in “Talon.” As the editors of the magazine, we had many discussions over design, content and how the classroom was going to work this year. Through working on this first issue, we have bonded with the each other and the staff members and created something of which we are truly proud. The “Talon” staff has poured countless hours and tears into this issue, and we really hope that our readers find it as informative and full of life as we intended for it to be. Editor-in-Chief, Quiana Reliford Managing Editor, Abbi Atwell

Staff Page/Opinion Falcon Hour Fails to Serve By Mistie Morgan For the 2013-2014 school year, the administration proposed a new bell schedule to central office and was approved. That decision affected both students and teachers as a whole. This year, Falcon Hour has been shortened to 47 minutes, plus a four-minute passing period before and after. While approving this new schedule, the administrators failed to realize how unrealistic it is. Yes, we will have longer classes thus giving students more instruction time, but those 17 minutes taken from Falcon Hour mean a great deal to everyone. It reduces our time for eating, clubs and working on projects or tests that need to be done for a class. Last year was when Falcon Hour was first established, and it was proven to be a very effective and efficient system. With the new changes to Falcon Hour, students are no longer given the amount of time that is essential to complete tasks when they’re not in class. I understand we should appreciate that we have it in the first place, but I believe people forget the reason for Falcon Hour. It was originally given to the students as a time for everyone to eat, visit teachers, have time for clubs, rehearsals for performances and to just relax. These concepts matter to both students and teachers. When grade-level meetings take place during Falcon Hour, the students of that graduating class only have about 15 minutes to stand in line, get their lunch and eat before going to the meeting. Food is not permitted in the PAC and many classes, so these students are not able to eat without being kept in the hallways outside of classrooms after third period begins. I was in a club last year, and we had plenty of time to accomplish what needed to be done, and we would still have 30 minutes left. Even if you needed to visit a teacher to raise your grade, you had enough time to get lunch and complete homework. But now that we have less time to do these things, it’s a real struggle. Teachers have to watch students during half of the hour, so that leaves even less time for students to work with the teachers and for teachers to supervise clubs. Earlier this month, juniors Grace Carlson and Lucas Lostroh constructed a petition to extend the time of Falcon Hour. Junior Brandon Losh said that assistant principle Fred Bouchard agreed the petition was to be significant and said that if enough signatures were gathered, changes will be made. When gathering signatures, Losh informed the students that if the petition were approved, these changes wouldn’t occur until second semester or next school year. But I believe the changes should be made by next semester because our seniors deserve this improvement. I am very proud of my peers who took the initiative, which we’ve been taught since kindergarten, because they believed they could make a change. Falcon Hour is a crucial part of our learning, and I feel it should be treated that way. “Talon” is published quarterly during the school year. “Talon” will accept letters to the editor in CR202 or at aburgett@nkcschools.org. Before the letter is published, we will need to verify the writer’s identity with a photo identification. Letters may not exceed a length of 350 words. We will not publish letters that are libelous, obscene or that may cause a verifiable disruption of the education process of Staley High School. Letters must be signed. Anonymous letters will be discarded. Advertisers may contact the business manager at aburgett@nkcschools.org, (816) 413-4100 X7077 or at 2800 NE Shoal Creek Parkway, Kansas City, MO, 64156-1313.

talonStaff Editor-in-Chief Quiana Reliford

Managing Editor Abbi Atwell

Multimedia Editor Isabella Davis

Layout Editor Destiny Wilborn

Photo Editor Keirceten Nelson

Business Manager Mason Schmidt


Dallas Beaulieu Kaleigh Bentz Traeshéll Bowden Cire Bradley Hannah Crites Logan Dawson Will Epperson Catherine Garman Chase Green Doug Grinzinger Noah Harrison Paige Hawkins Bryttany Holovach Marissa Hubbard Sierra McCullom

Adrianna McLean Mistie Morgan Anthony Pace Jacob Phillips Tiffani Rosenberg Christopher Russell Carollena Silivio Conner Sweeney Hafsa Sheikh Hussein Jake Testerman Alexis Tillman Javon Weaver Paulina White Iman Williams Rachael Williams


Cherié Burgett

Opinions expressed in “Talon” do not reflect the “Talon” staff’s endorsement of the products or services. Subscriptions are available, $20 for a mailed copy, $10 for an emailed pdf version, or $25 for both. “Talon” is a member of NSPA, MIPA and Quill and Scroll. “Talon” is affiliated with JEA and JEMKC.

Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 3


4 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I


IT ‘APP’SOLUTELY WORKS STUDENT CREATES ACADEMIC APPLICATION FOR STUDENTS New advancements in technology are giving students a new, easy-access platform to display not only work in the arts, but their own modifications to technology. More than ever, students are taking technology-specific classes, such as Computer Programming, Computer Applications, and Graphic Design. One student has moved from, “I’ve got an app for that” to “I’ve made an app for that.” Junior Jonah Witcig is one of the students who have launched multiple school and non-school related apps. “I got the idea from hearing students asking teachers at the end of last year

what test will do to my grade,” said Witcig, describing his inspiration for his “What’s My Grade” app. Often students are left wondering what certain assignments, quizzes or tests will do for their grade. Teachers can’t always be relied on to tell each student how something will affect their grade, so Witcig decided to make an app that did exactly that. Witcig’s interest in making apps for smartphones began in 7th grade, spending late nights searching for more information on the Internet. He later took Programming I and II, taught by business teacher Lesley Martin.

“I encourage them to do work on their own,” said Martin. “I got him started with the idea and helped here and there. He took off on his own.” Already having made four apps for the Android and iPhone, Witcig said that he plans to continue with the appmaking business and has some ideas for apps that would help both teachers and students. He premiered with his first app, Team Builder for Android, on April 27. “There is a high demand for students in this field,” said Martin. “Everything we do is now on technology.”

Story by Marissa Hubbard Graphics by Catherine Garman

Jonah’s Other Apps 1 Rep Max 1 Rep Max tells a student if they lift a certain amount of weight how much they lift at one time without causing any damage to their body. This app is also available for the Mac.

Easy Unit Conver ter Students can use this to convert units such as mass or distance. Math or science homework is something this app will have no difficulty helping with.

Team Builder Students can use this app to randomly generate teams for backyard sports like Frisbee, cricket or croquet. This was Jonah’s first app. Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 5


French Teacher Leaving a Legacy Story by Marissa Hubbard


After 48 years of teaching and a legacy that will not soon be forgotten, French teacher Vicki Barmann is retiring as of Sept. 30. Known as the teacher who’d never back down, she has left a lasting impact on the more than 6,000 students she taught during her career. “She set really high standards for us because she believed that we were all capable of reaching them and that we had the ability to succeed,” said former student class of 2013 alumni Julie Hewitt, whom is now a French major after enjoying Barmann’s classes. “She always wanted all of her students to be successful and wouldn't give up until everyone understood the criteria.” Barmann’s dedication to her students didn’t end in the classroom. When unable to make it to classes, a conference microphone was brought out and she taught her

lessons from wherever she could use a phone. “It was more effective than having a sub just sit there. With French you can’t have someone just hand out a worksheet and expect you to teach yourself; you have to

that she has kept through the years. “I feel very privileged and blessed to know her,” said Brown, having known Barmann more than 40 years. “The same passion and fire and enthusiasm that we saw in Mrs. Barmann up

“She always wanted all of her students to be successful and wouldn’t give up until everyone understood the criteria.” -Julie Hewitt have someone be there to teach you,” said junior French student Ashley Dondlinger. “Although it wasn’t as effective as having her in the classroom with us, it was the best option we had in the situation we were handed.” Students weren’t the only ones inspired by Barmann’s endless passion to help students succeed. Former students, now co-workers, like Library Media Specialist Sara Brown who had her class in 1971-1972, are left in awe at her enthusiasm

until the time that she left the classroom here at Staley was the same I saw in my senior year.” Over the years, Barmann has taken students to France, letting them experience for themselves what she had been teaching them. Senior Maddie Funk was one of the students who got to spend time with her outside of the class. “We’ve grown so close to her over the years, and she’s such a great teacher. Sometimes even if she’s scary, she still loves you and wants you to do your best,”

said Funk recalling some of what she called Barmann’s crazy teaching antics. Administrators, like assistant principal Fred Bouchard, have also had a lasting impression left by Barmann, even when she didn’t agree with things he did. “She would corner me and start lecturing me,” said Bouchard, remembering times when Barmann voiced her disagreements. “We always had a pretty good understanding. She could be very candid, and at the end I would laugh. Then she would be OK.” Barmann left a legacy that lives on in the students she has taught and the people she has worked with. There was a fitting quote on the French club T-shirts last year: “Le français restera toujours dans nos coeurs” a French phrase meaning, “French will always remain in our hearts.”

What She’s Taught Through 1960s

6 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I

Vicki Barmann begins her teaching career


Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated



1980s U.S. pulls out of Vietnam War


Personal computers introduced by IBM



Barmann’s Impact

Vicki Barmann and her daughters Amy and Missy spent lunch together. Missy said she was inspired by her mother’s passion and love for her job to later become a teacher herself. “Her dedication to her students has taught me what it takes to be a truly good educator and that one person can make a difference in someone's life,” said Missy.

Language teachers Amie Littrell, Anna Maki-Birchler, Jennifer Newman and Christopher Carey gather around an overdressed Vicki Barmann for a group photo at a staff development meeting. The departments were asked to dress to resemble their curriculum. “It was fun getting to know the other departments and become a more cohesive staff,” said Newman.


2000s Oklahoma City bombing


9/11 attacks Barack Obama on United elected as the first States black president




Vicki Barmann’s retirement from Staley High School


Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 7


8 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I




he crowd roared for

in Metal Wars,” said Pierce. “We felt

band has the ability to go far. They

Haunting Skies, a band

like it was a well- deserved victory.”

just have to keep doing what they

formed by senior Thorin

are doing, and they will get there

Getting to perform at

Pierce, as they played at Cricket

Cricket Wireless is an experience

some day, he said.

Wireless Amphitheater, which was

they will remember forever.

formerly known, as Sandstone.

They practiced up to three times

great opportunities to meet a lot

They played there on Aug. 10.

a week leading up to their big

of great people in our city,” said


Pierce. “A lot of people don’t think

lead guitarist Thorin Pierce, having

our city has a great scene, but it

created the band in 2011. “It was a

them perform the most important

really does. And there’s a lot of

great time playing Sandstone, the

show in their career. Pierce said

great people around here that I’m

most people we’ve played for.”

they were playing for up to 18,000

glad I get to share my life with.”

people, most of whom had never

“It was exhilarating,” said

Haunting Skies gained a

Haunting Skies fans saw

lot of fans by playing one show

heard their music before.

there. This showed the band that

“It has given me a lot of

“It was one of

they are doing something right

the coolest

because people

experiences of my life seeing all my good friends up on stage rocking want to

listen to them.

“Although we have had

Sandstone,” said senior Michael Manley, a fan of Haunting Skies.

Through playing in Metal

to go through different members,

Wars and other competitions

our overall sound has stayed the

around Kansas City, they had the

same,” said Pierce.

chance to meet several hometown


Haunting Skies earned the

chance to play there when they

won the Metal Wars competition.

idolized us, and we idolized them,”

This is a local competition in which

said Pierce. “It felt good to meet

bands compete and the winner

these great musicians.”

gets to play at a very large venue;

this year it happened to be Cricket

band getting a record deal,

Wireless Amphitheater.

making an album and touring the

world. He said he thinks that his

“It felt really good to play

Story by Isabella Davis Photo by Keirceten Nelson

“A lot of the musicians

Pierce said he sees his

Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 9


Volleyball Digs For a Cure

Sports Brief by Bryttany Holovach

The girls volleyball teams from the high schools in the North Kansas City School District played their annual “Dig For a Cure” matches raise funds annually for breast cancer research on Oct. 8. Senior Darby Jones played in honor of her aunt, Tracy Jones, who was recently diagnosed with stage-two breast cancer. She made the decision to get a mastectomy, then the cancer spread to her lymph

nodes, which has led to chemotherapy treatments. Darby Jones said Tracy Jones is still standing strong and was amazed that Staley recognized her during Dig for a Cure. “She supported me, and she felt honor by our recognition,” said Darby Jones. All the money raised will go to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

Photo by Christina Chau

Swim Dives Into Service Sports Brief by Abbi Atwell

The boys swim team volunteered by packaging food at Harvesters during September, which is Stomp Out Hunger Month. “It’s always great to help people out and make a difference in the community,” said senior Lucas Wyland, a member of the boys swim team. “Just anything we can do is awesome.” While keeping in mind that helping those in need is important, the boys were still able to have fun,

and remain humble about their volunteer work. “It was just kind of a fun thing that we did,” said sophomore Alex Gach. The swim team said they were able to become closer through the experience of packaging 14,000 pounds of frozen food together. “It was a great team bonding thing,” said Wyland. “Outside of swim practice, there aren’t really a whole lot of opportunities for us to do stuff. And being able to do community service was even better.” Photo courtesy of Bob Barth

Softball Takes District Title Sports Brief by Mistie Morgan

The varsity softball team won against Park Hill South with a score of 6-1 in the District 16 Championship game on Oct. 11. This was the second district championship for the softball program. Upon winning, some of the team attended the senior night football game against Kearney where the cheerleaders performed a congratulatory cheer for them in the student section.

Photo courtesy of Andrea Holmes 10 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I

Row 1: Jordan Jenkins, Kendra Holt, Allie Pattillo, Ashley Calderella, Jenna Holt, Kinsey Kiser, Payton Herman, Carly Russel, Taylor Hartman, Libby Schrick, Abby Klein Row 2: Brittani Baker, Kaitlyn Nutt, Brooke Hukill, Sara Harvey, Anna McFadden, Shelby Frans, Jen Harvey

State Champs Give Back

Row 1: Seniors: Lacey Hawkins, Paige Reed, Alexa Wren, Kaitlyn Keough, Nicole Rivera, Dani Moss, Hunter Brown, Shelbie Burbage Row 2: Yasmeen Nguyen, Victoria Hill, Emahni Carr, Tai-Rece Basey, Kyleigh Grieshaber, Mollie McIntosh Row 3: Maddie Lanaman, Ariel Konyalioglu, Savanna Melton, Jaelyne Rivers, Carollena Silvio, Kamirah Brown, Sierra McGlasson, Selena Galloway, Senyel Marin

Sports Sports Brief by Mistie Morgan

Even though cheerleaders perform to raise spirit at school events, they also raise money for charities. Several times throughout the year, the cheerleaders and their coaches conduct service projects. Already this school year, they have participated in several events, including the Hospital Hill run in June and the Royals Variety Children’s Charities 5K in September where they raised more than $2,000. “We feel it’s important to give back to the community,” said head coach Jennifer Newman. Not only do they succeed in fundraising, they also succeed in competition. The varsity squad is Missouri State Champions. The State Championship took place in Columbia, Mo., where they won first place. The Competition occurred on Sept. 14 and 15. The cheerleaders will be collecting items outside of SunFresh grocery store on North Oak on Nov. 16 for Chain of Hope, which is a local organization that helps animals in need. Champions. The State Championship took place in Columbia, Mo., where they won first place. The Competition occurred on Sept. 14 and 15. The cheerleaders will be collecting items outside of SunFresh grocery store on North Oak on Nov. 16 for Chain of Hope, which is a local organization that helps animals in need.

Two Years, Two Titles Sports Brief by Abbi Atwell

Photo by Allie Freese

The boys and girls cross country teams earned the conference championship for the second year in a row. The girls individual champion was Kiden Pitia, while the junior varsity champions were Madeline Altenhofen and Jack Schaben. Varsity boys team members were Landon Allen (pictured), Cameron Schaefer, Christopher Wood, Luke Lockhart, Jackson Frazier, John Goldsberry, Aaron Lehman, Jackson Reid and Samuel Pretz. Girls were Kiden Pitia, Hannah Hall, Mikayla Spears, Jenna Baker, Cara Hawks and Merriam Haydaripoor. Both the boys and girls conferences took place on Oct. 10.

Golfer Heads To State

Photo by Chase Green

Sports Brief by Marissa Hubbard Girls golf has a player heading to state. Junior Keirceten Nelson (pictured) placed in the top 12 individuals in the Winterstone tournament Oct. 14 qualifying her for the state golf tournament. Coach Monte Harmon said that in that tournament, the team played the 50 best golfers in Kansas City. Nelson is the first girl in Staley golf history to have a secured spot in the state tournament, which will be held at New Bloomfield Country Club Oct. 21-22.

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Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 11

Student Work “I remember in Art I thinking I’d never be as good as this one artist that I love,” said junior Mariah Brock, an AP Art student. “As I got into AP, I could see we all were surprised at the work we were doing.” Brock has wanted to be a famous artist for as long as she can remember, but she said that she realized she will have to go to school and that becoming an art teacher first might help her on her way. Brock discussed some of the challenges she’s faced so far in her art experiences. “The hardest thing was making the portrait blend into a surreal background. That was hard for me because I had to use a medium that I’ve never really been good at,” said Brock. “We worked on that for months, and it really helped improve my perseverance.” Brock said she’s been able to grow and learn more each year that she’s

“I liked that we had a choice on what to do. I would have changed my project by using ink and watercolor instead of colored pencil for the bottom half.”

“It has no name; it’s a work in progress. It’s taking forever, because there is so many minuscule details. The blending, the shading, making sure the skeleton pops out but also doesn’t blend in with the background, the transfers for the face overlaying it all takes a lot of work. I love the gruesome quality but also the story behind it. I love using watercolors of course.”

Mariah Brock 12 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I

been in art and that all of her teachers have inspired her. “They’ve all really said, ‘Try your best and do what feels right to you. Don’t just do it because we’re telling you to do it. Do what you feel would make it better, and then take advice for things,’” said Brock. This aspiring artist has gained inspiration from many different sources. One of them is her favorite musical artist, Amy Lee, a member of the band Evanescence. “All of her music really inspires me in each and every art piece I do. I’ve just always liked the way she sees the world and how she can influence her emotions in her songs,” said Brock. “I try to make sure that my emotions and my personality show through the way she does.” Story by Abbi Atwell Photo by Keirceten Nelson

“I liked that we got to put together a set for photography, and it had had to be based on our personality. If I could change it I would have controlled the lighting better.”

Student Work

Abbigael Rolfe

Bailey Becvar

“I liked that because I was taking pictures of random things and everyone liked it. If I could change it, I would take the picture at different angles.”


“I liked having our eyes open to symmetry for the project. If I could change anything, it would be to try to do other things than the photo transfer.”

Hannah Otis

“It was new to me because I don’t know a lot about photography. It was the first lesson, and it was really cool.”

In the Beginning

By Victoria Rogers Photo by Keirceten Nelson

“Students read creation stories from around the world. Then they compiled a list of common elements they found in most of the stories, such as use of water or dirt, gods "wiping out" a civilization and starting over, or men being created first. Finally, they had to write a creation story of their own that featured some of these elements. The story had to include an explanation for how gods, humans, and the human world came to be.” - Mythology teacher, Karen Eickhoff. The following story is by senior Victoria Rogers.

In the beginning there was a song and a word. Emila the harpist heard the song, and from its notes she crafted all the world and the bodies of the beings on it. Of the soaring high notes she shaped the birds, and of the plunging low sounds she shaped the creatures of the sea and the largest beasts. Of the pleasant middle notes she formed woman and man, shaping them with the song in their veins and the rhythm pumping their lifeblood. Lara the scholar read the word, and of it she crafted the intelligences of women and men, and the instincts of the beasts of the earth. She put words in their minds and taught them language, showed them writing and the letters to replicate it. And so woman and man were born

with words in their minds and music in their veins. Woman was first known as Liora, or light, and man was known as Ciar, or dark, and so there is balance in all things. Liora soon bore a son and daughter, Sean and Ada. They grew tall and strong, but when Sean began to covet his sister Ada, their father Ciar flew into a rage and spilled his son’s blood. The goddesses looked down from their celestial thrones and were enraged by the idea of family turning upon each other. Emila reasoned that if man were so cruel as to desire his own sister and murder his own son, they must be destroyed. Lara erred on the side of compassion, asking for lenience on those who had done no sin. They reached a compromise, and so Lara appeared by night to Liora

and Ada, and warned them to climb to high ground on the morrow, for the following evening Emila would play the flood song on her harp and would bring the seawaters high. The next morning Liora and Ada climbed to the top of the nearest mountain, and watched as Emila brought the floodwaters to cover the earth- and Ciar as well. But Liora was advanced in age, and knew that without a husband she could have no more children, and without more children she could not hope to gain a husband for her daughter. And so Liora cried to Emila and Lara, begging for a husband for her child before she died. And Lara once more took pity upon the humans she had given knowledge, and persuaded Emila to shape more music into bodies so she may give

them knowledge and the world might be full. And so many men and women of diverse shape and size were created, and this time Emila took precautions. So no man would again desire his own blood, she made for each person a perfect half, be it man or woman. Some were matched woman to woman others man to man, dependent on the notes that formed their bodies. As the humans and creatures grew and prospered, Emila and Lara watched over their creations, and so they continue until this very day.

Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 13



Personal Style Files

Emme Gilchrist, 11 “I usually shop at A’ltard State and Forever 21. I can classify my personal style as boho. I’m not into neon colors.”

Street Ezie Nguyen, 12 “I do a lot of my shopping at H&M. My personal style is classy but a little trashy. When I go shopping, I look for what’s in style at the moment.”



Meet Your

Photos by Keirceten Nelson

Cire Bradley

14 | Talon | Volume VI Issue I

I’m Cire Bradley, one of the fashion editors. I have a definite eye for fashion and color. I’ve taken styling classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. I also have plans to attend after high school. I worked KC Fashion Week for the first time this year, it was an amazing experience for me. I would love to work in New York Fashion Week within the next five years. If I had to describe my personal style to anyone, I would say

it’s pretty street fashion. But if I had to dress up, I can “Clean Up Nicely”. Lately I’ve set a personal trend for myself. I don’t really like color anymore. I now only wear black, gray and white but if I do wear color its olive green, red or navy blue, unless I’m dressing down. I like to think I’m a teen Lisa Ray with a twist. I also feel like this is my life and I was born to work in the fashion industry.


TRENDS Laid-Back Classy

Where We Shop Urban Outfitters Forever21 H&M

Brandy Melville PacSun American Apparel

Fall Lip Colors

Our Favorites

Ruby Woo

Edgy Mac lipstick Cyber


Fashion Editors Dallas Beaulieu

Photos by Will Epperson

I’m Dallas Beaulieu, a junior, with a crazy obsession with all things fashion. I already know a lot about the fashion industry, but my knowledge for it is still growing. I also recognize the fact that not everybody has the same style, which is great, and that’s why there is going to be a wide range of different styles in the magazine. I hope to one day be a stylist, and I have already looked into the different schools that offer what I want to do.

One school I would dream of attending is the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles, Calif. It was a great experience to have already toured the school. Personally, I feel more myself when I’m wearing an outfit that’s clean cut, chic, classy and a little preppy. Occasionally I don’t mind a more boho style in the summer. I’m really excited about this magazine, and I’m happy to be apart of it. It has already been a great learning experience.

Volume VI Issue I | Talon | 15

Performing in William Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” Oct. 12 are senior Ezie Nguyen, junior Quinn Blades, junior Kenna Stark, senior Cheyenne Lombard, senior Raegan Hildebrand and senior Morgan Rempfer. The actors were playing the cast of a play getting their roles from their director and learning what the performance is going to be about. “Working with the cast was really fun because there were people I’ve never worked with before because Theater III and IV weren’t combined last year,” said senior Cheyenne Lombard. “Now there are more people to play off of. We’ve never really done that because we’ve been working with the same kids for so long.” Brief by Mistie Morgan Photo by Chase Vallejo

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