Hi there, my name is
Stanislav Kashin and this is my architecture
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Stanislav Kashin
23 04 1987
042 082 2311
University of Land Use Planning Moscow Specialist of Architecture, 2004-2010
Politecnico di Milano Milan Master of Architecture, 2012-2014
Wardenclyffe, Obninsk Architect, 2011-2012
DK-Style Architecture, Moscow Junior Architect, 2009-2011
Citiscape consulting, New York Junior architect, internship summers 2007, 2008
University of Queensland Brisbane exchange program, 2013
Skills AutoCAD / ArchiCAD / 3Ds Max + Vray / SketchUp / Adobe Creative Suite Drawing / Modelling / Hand drafting English / IELTS 7.0 Italian / beginner Russian / native
Fort Lytton Block Visitor center for the Fort Lytton National Park, Brisbane, Australia
Viewing room Subproject of the Fort Lytton Brisbane, Australia
Sculpture Culture Sculpture park for the city of San Marino San Marino Republic
Breaking the hardcut Project for the railway surroundings Milan, Italy
Prison Towards the City Project for the railway surroundings Competition
Urban Greenhouse Restaurant extension, terrace Competition, first price
Typhoon 2 Development of the scientific institure Obninsk, Russia
Trinity church Contemporary orthodox russian church Russia
USA practice Summer 2007, 2008 working in New York
Drawings and sketches
New Lytton Block object location year university tutors
Program diagrams
visitor center Brisbane, QLD, Australia 2013 University of queensland Antony Moulis, Mark Hiley
Brisbane urban fabric
Urban fabric applied to the site
Historical dwellings location (1930)
Program diagrams EDUCATION CENTER
accomodation Accomodation
Entrance and bookshop
restaurant area Accomodation
Entrance and bookshop
public restrooms
Entrance and bookshop
Exhebition and conference
entrance and orientation space
bookshop and tourist store
Entrance and bookshop
Exhebition and conference
exhibition area
theatrette and conference rooms
first floor plan
Strategy I was trying to make connections with the city and applied the CBD urban grid to the project site. Historical location of the dwellings is also taken into account. Intersection of the modern and past urban fabric. Form of the project as well as the glazing highligh the horizon. Strong connection with nature and the Fort Lytton area. south elevation
north elevation
Orientation, education and interpretation zones are connected through an open space where all public activities are located. The project roof is gently wrapping the existing building. Close relationship between new and old.
Viewing room Subproject of the fort lytton
site section
Walls of the view room is placed in the way to provide a visual connection from the Fort Lytton park entrance. This gap with connected low wall create a link between important existing buildings of the fort.
Main rhytm of cannon fortification was taken as a basis. Lowest wall of the viewing room is the same hight and continues this sequence. The main target of the view is a building after the moat and a flagpole.
View room is designed with simple lines that don’t destroy the horizon and inserted to the landscape. Calm forms bring attention to views. Low and long forms match the Fort Lytton wideness. Concrete finishing is related to the existing bunker materials but made in a modern way with vertical stripes.
Sculpture Culture sculpture park FOR CITY OF SAN MARINO
Sculpture place
study models
Layering pathways and pedestrian circulations
section property area
site context
3 basement 1 Carpark. Water storage zone
basement 2 Carpark basement 3 Carpark
basement 4 Carpark
object location year university tutors
sculpture park San Marino, Republic of San Marino 2012 Politecnico di Milano, Italy Poli Matteo, Gianmaria Sforza
Pavement contemporary functional historic references
The pavement strategy across the Cava Precinct is based on the use of three main materials: intersecting concrete panels, stone and brushed concrete.
this project is made in collaboration with Damien Tammer (Australia)
Furniture contemporary unique evocative
The street furniture with the Cava Precinct will be designed to unique to the area. Working with concrete, steel, glass and timber the furnishings will have a contemporary edge
Planting contemporary unique evocative
The planting strategy builds on the existing ‘treescape’ of the Cava precinct, continuing the use of local speices and feature trees throughout the development to highlight key location.
panoramic platform
model of the project
panoramic platform
detailed section
sculpture zones
trees and planting Design drivers invite activate greenify
Invite The proposal aims to encourage locals and the general public to explore a new typology of urban transformation in San Marino. Complimentary to the existing streets, retail areas, public squares and food outlets, the proposed Cava Precinct provides a distination to attract and foster social, economic and cultural exchange. Activate The area in focus offers an existing oportunity as a development that can reinvigorate the area. Responding to the brief, this proposal aims to create a vibrand and dinamic hub within the San Marino district, servicing the diverse needs of locals, the working comunity, tourists and the general public. Greenify The project aims to return much of the pricinct to its natural landscape with a program of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ urban renewal, a generative planting program and considered long term strategy of enhancing the area through bio-diversity.
longitudinal section
verge tree existing tree grasses
tall columnar tree type2
tall columnar tree type1
large tree
shade tree
paths and surfaces
turf pedestrian concrete surface timber
vehicular concrete
pedestrian stone surface
pedestrian surface 2
synthetic surface
non slip-tiled surface (water play park)
public spaces
public space public space - fringe intermediate spaces
pedestrian vehicular emergency and service vehicle access
rainwater catchment
rainwater catchment collector drainage pattern water pipelines to storage
cava Umbria model
24 Sketches studing of San Marino
Group model of the San Marino UNESCO area
The whole model is 4.8 m long and 3.0 m wide Every block is 60 x 60 cm
Breaking the hardcut Urban planning project of the area close to the railway
proposed tunnel object location year university tutors
railway surrounding territory Quarto Oggiarro, Milan, Italy 2013 Politecnico di Milano, Italy Cardia Clara, Padoa Schioppa Caterina, Pellegrini Paola
Strategy Strategy 3 /3franco / franco verga verga park park
scale scale 1:10000 1:10000 Strategy 3 / franco verga park strategy diagrams scale 1:10000
scale scale 1:5000 1:5000 scale 1:5000
0 0
059 059name name ofot 059 scale scale 1:1000 1:10 name of t
10 10 20 20
0 050 10 30 30 40 40 50 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50
40 0
50 10
scale 1:1000
objectives: objectives: safety, vitality, vitality, activity, activity, integration integration Objectives:safety, Safety, vitality, activity, integration objectives: safety, vitality, activity, integration
provide provide better better pedestrian pedestrian accessibility accessibility to to thethe park park provide better pedestrian accessibility to the parkbetter provide provide better transport transport accessibility accessibility to to thethe park park from from neighborhood neighborhood districts districts provide better transport accessibility to the park from neighborhood districts nearby nearby areas, areas, pedestrian pedestrian accessibility accessibility need need to developed to developed nearby areas, pedestrian accessibility need to developed
improve improve vitality vitality creating creating newnew functions functions andand activities activities improve vitality creating new functions and activities improve improve phisical phisical integration integration of the of the parkcreatparkcreatinging buffer buffer zones zones between between it and it and thethe citycity improve phisical integration of the parkcreating buffer zones between it and the city attract attract people people to new to new activities activities attract people to new activities improve improve thethe relationship relationship of aof street a street with with surrounded surrounded area, area, to add to add vitality vitality improve the relationship of a street with surrounded area, to add vitality
strategies: strategies: improve social, social, phisical phisical and and functional functional Strategies:improve Improve social, phisical and functional inteintegration integration of the the park park strategies: improve social, phisical and functional gration ofofthe park attract attract more more people, that that will will create create more more eyes eyes onon integration ofpeople, the park Attract more people that will create more the the streets streets in in the the areas areas attract more people, that will create more eyes on eyes on the street in the area the streets in the areas create create activities activities in in the the park park it will it will attract attract people people from other other districts districts and and will will create activities in thefrom park Create activities in the park allow allow people people to to stay stay longer longer in in the the park park and will it will attract people from other districts It will attract people from other districts and allow people to stay longer in the park toto change the the existing existing relationship relationship ofof the the hardcut hardcut willchange allow them to stay longer in the park and and the the park park to change the existing relationship of the hardcut and the park
To change the existing relationship of the
politecnico politecnico di milano di milano | a.y. | a.y. 2012-2013 2012-2013 | town | town planning planning design design studio studio | cardia | cardia pellegrini + pellegrini + padoa + padoa schioppa schioppa | team | team 1 1 hardcut and the+ park politecnico di milano | a.y. 2012-2013 | town planning design studio | cardia + pellegrini + padoa schioppa | team 1
section B-B’
politeCniCo di milano | a.y. 2012-2013 | town planning design studio | Card
B’ C’
section C-C’
Prison towards the city
competition project of locating prison into existing oil platform object location year university tutors
prison oil platform in the sea or the ocean 2013 Politecnico di Milano, Italy none
this project is made in collaboration with Tatiana Nemova and Yagiz Atli
project functional diagrams
stairs open area for staff faith facility control tower cells supervisor room laundry
supervisor rooms waiting for trials workshops dining area library
storage agricultiral area detention rooms visitor room staff accomodation administration
waiting for trials officers prisoners
concept diagram IN
strategy diagram regular irregular
Prison and society Generally speaking, prison changes the life of a pe rson greatly. When a person gets to a prison he is isolated from the world, he suffers on the lack of communication, loses his working expe rience, becomes useless. The aim was to create a prison as not just the place for punishment, but a city in a prison borders, give the prisoners
zoning scheme
Sence of Urban Fabric We have already mentioned that the main missing element of the prison is a city, with all the diversity of its functions. Thus, we integrated two types of urban fabric in our platform. R egular and irregular texture responding to different functions. In our scheme Our prison provides the opportunity for the new comers first to get acquain ted with the prison system. For this purpose we created educational cells in higher building. While staying in this part, prisoners can observe the prison settlement. If prisoner’s behavior is good e nough for the next step, the y have an opportunity to move to this settlement.
prison structure
opportunity to work, to communicate. Taking all this facts into conside ration, we decided to try to help the prisoners by creating a city inside of a prison. Here we find it useful that people learn something new, develop their knowledge, have possibility to do sports.
Urban Greenhouse competition project of the restaurant extension First price
this project is made in collaboration with Anton Kotlyarov original level of windows
sitting places
We decided to concentrate our attention on natural food production. But in our case natural vegetation is more decorative element, which appears like central idea of conception of urban greenhouse.
functional scheme passage
What could be more associated with food more, than the place where food produced? Only the place where you can eat the food. New conception of “buffet� restaurant is two in one.
sitting places original level of windows
additional option visitors could start to grow their own plants tomatos / grapes / ivy
suspended pot grid for plants
suspended pot
restaurant extention visualization
structural scheme
floor plan
old research building
Typhoon-2 development of the scientific research institute
object location year university tutors
scientific research institure of meteorology Obninsk, Russia 2010 State university of Land Use Planning Svetlana Ilvitskaya, Alexander Golovkin
new public building
symbol of Earth
Problems lack of modern comfortable areas old infrastructure increasing number of employees bad organization of territory carparking problems
Proposal construction of new modern research building construction of new public building organization of area to create public zones organization of the buildings into united complex construction of a huge underground parking use of energy efficient tecnologies
old research building
new research building
new tunnel
old administration building
entrance building
new underground parking
old transport scheme
new transport scheme
people flows car flows bus stop institute area existing buildings new buildings trees
functional scheme
functional scheme
third floor hotel
sixth floor practical research area
fifth floor practical research area
second floor hotel
technical floor fourth floor library and archive
third floor IT department
first floor lecture hall storehouses kitchen and restaurant
second floor theoretical research area
first floor theoretical research area
ground floor service area and security
ground floor exhibition hall foyer storehouses teaching center
SUSTAINABILITY The Institute studies different atmospheric layers and environmental monitoring. The ecological system of water supply and air conditioning was implemented to create an attractive image, to achieve the most comfortable conditions of the usage of the building, to economize and preserve the environment. Most part of water for the building comes from rain and g roundwater. After cleaning the water is used for toilets, to cool scientific equipment, to water plants inside the building and lawns and in a fire-extinguishing system. Clean water from the urban supply is only given to sinks. After using it is purified. Such a system is supposed to take only 20% of water from the public water system . The construction of the lower wing of the house is designed for easy natural ventilation. Cool air comes into the lower part of the building and goes out through the top passing through the whole building. There should also be winter gardens in the main building. They, together with sunlight, improve the microclimate of the house.
Untreated source water line (from storm water or ground water)
Domestic water line Treated “greywater” line Waste water Filter Lavatory Toilet Urinal
Tank with water
Pump station
Cooling machine for scientific equipment
air circulation
ground water
sun rays
storm water
sun rays
storm water
air circulation
Trinity church
floor plan
modern russian orthodox church
object location year university tutor
orthodox church Russia 2010 State University of Land Use Planning Alexander Golovkin
Competition project “The image of the modern Russian church.�Russian church architecture begins with the establishment of Christianity in Russia (988 a.d). During the following centuries the styles of Russian churches changed and always corresponded to their time. The shape of the church and the absence of windows symbolize fortitude and indestructibility. Thanks to the reflection of sunlight and sky, the titanium facing changes the look of the church during a day. The style of the church facing resembles the facing of the domes of Russian Orthodox Church. There are no windows in the walls and natural light only enters the church through the glass roof, which symbolizes the sky. Both the symbolism of a classical image of the Russian church and a modern approach to task solving are presented in this project.
middle part
rebuilding project
USA practice summer 2007, 2008
In the summer of 2007, 2008 I went to the USA on the program Work and Travel and worked at Citiscape Architectural C onsulting. During this period I carried out more than 20 projects. They were connected with the reconstruction of b uildings, alteration of walls, drawing of small architectural objects. Under the guidance of the architect I did measurements, made drawings in AutoCAD, models is 3D Studio Max, coordinated with the senior architect and clients. It was my first deep encounter with the construction and architecture in the United States. I worked in an international team.
my first project pictures at work 837 47th street, Brooklyn
New cellar plan standard approval phase sheet
New ground floor plan
New first floor plan
New front elevation
Existing front elevation
Drawings different drawings and sketches
Apoksiomen A3 paper, pen
wow, you’ve passed it till the end! I hope it was not so boring.