Match Made: Daria Santlofer

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15 Match Made

T h e r e ’s n o w r o n g w a y t o w e a r o u r s o c k s , but we’ve got a few ideas on how to do it r i g h t . T h a t ’s w h y w e c r e a t e d M a t c h M a d e , a visual primer on all of the supremely cool ways to pair our sock styles with any shoe. Each season we team up with a renowned stylist to create a guideline for all of the unexpected







- I S T


Meet the Stylist :

DORIA SANTLOFER Fo r someo ne whose ow n wa rd robe is ref lec tive of simple r tastes (think monochromatic rows of denim, navy, white and black ), Doria Santlofer is a ma s te r of mixi ng. T he evid e nce spla shes wildly ac ross the pages of Teen Vog ue, L ucky, Seventeen a n d Dossier Jou r n al: a bold a n d impas sioned ply on pat ter n , hue and propor tion , out f its that speak statements so lo u d yo u almos t have to cove r yo u r ea rs. T he New Yo rk Cit y- ba sed s t ylis t is k n ow n fo r shaki ng up the s tat u s q uo i n ba sic blue jea n s, b ut Santlofer is a walking dichotomy in more ways than one. “O ne week I’ll be really i nto ‘ 70s pu n k m u sic a n d d oc ume nta r ies, a n d the nex t week I ju st wa nt to listen to hip- hop a nd watch thrillers,” she says. “I love the way m a sc uli n e, tom bo y s t yle ca n feel f resh a n d femi ni n e whe n s t yled the right way.” O n a nd on , the sur prises keep coming. B ut where there’s co nf u sio n , the re’s co n sis te n c y: Sa ntlofe r k n ows what wo rk s, ca ref ully adding tiny “ twists of originality” to ever y out f it without going over the line. Like, socks, for example. “I tr uly believe socks work with anything.”

d o r ia sa ntlofe r. com

THE LOOK: PATTERN MISBEHAVIOR Even the most show stopping of socks should occasionally let the rest of your look have center stage. “If you don’t want to push a look too far to one extreme or the other, use a sock to add a little extra something to your outfit,” explains Santlofer. For a clean and classic ensemble, the sheer accents on a pair of anklets adds just enough attitude to steer you clear of Basicville.

THE LOOK: HIGH SOCIETY We’re firm advocates of an over the knee sock and Santlofer is totally in our camp. Add a short boot to your look to show off your favorite over the knee style, It gives the whole look so much more interest and depth.

THE LOOK: SUGAR AND SPICE My whole ethos with styling is about the Feminine Tomboy Mix,” says Santlofer. “Mix your patterns, but keep your color palette the same—always look for a common color that ties it all together.” If your ginghams and stripes have a similar hue, use a tie-dye sock in the same color scheme to cement the mix.

THE LOOK: HIGH-LO A play on proportions leaves a little room for imagination—or a really good pair of socks. Santlofer purposefully left a gap between brightly colored wardrobe staples in order to let the gold geometric print of a mod pair of socks show through. “The pants are a little short, the shoes are a little low—put something fun in-between and you’re go to good,” she muses.

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