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Science in the Parks is coming to a park near you this summer!Science in the Parks is an interactive outreach program designed for children of all ages, especially preschool through middle school, as well as their families. The free program will visit three parks this summer in the Ogden area in conjunction with Ogden School District’s free summer lunch program.
Each day of the week, we present a di erent collection of interactive, playful, and fun science activities for See it, Hear It, Build It, Move It and Feel It days. All activities are free and open to anyone that wants to participate. More information can be found at scienceintheparks.org, or email amandagentry@weber.edu.
Locations will correspond with the Ogden School District lunch schedule and will be announced ASAP. Below is the summer schedule for each week:
¡Ciencia en los parques llegará a un parque cerca de usted este verano! Cada semana, este verano,
For children in kindergarten - 6th grade
June 5 through July 27
Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon
Location: 2913 Grant Ave., Ogden
At Give Me A Chance, our goal is to help children learn –even in the summer! Our Summer Camp promotes knowledge about science, music and gardening, all in a nurturing and safe environment. Breakfast is included! Registration is ongoing until the opening day of camp, June 5. For more information, contact Thomas Ru ng at (801) 621-4169.
Science in the Parks visitará cuatro parques diferentes y traerá actividades para los días Véalo, Escúchelo, Constrúyalo, Muévalo y Siéntalo. Todas las actividades son gratuitas y abiertas a todo aquel que quiera participar. Se puede encontrar más información en scienceintheparks.org, o enviar un correo electrónico a amandagentry@weber.edu. Las ubicaciones se corresponderán con el horario de almuerzo del Distrito Escolar de Ogden y se anunciarán lo antes posible. A continuación se muestra el horario de verano para cada semana:
June 12-16: Lorin Farr Park
June 20-23: Monroe Park
June 26-30: West Ogden Park
Science Hikes
Free Science Hikes will also be o ered for adults and children this summer. All the hikes will begin at the Discovery Loop Trail Head at 10 a.m. For more information, visit scienceintheparks.org, go to weber.edu/trails or send an email amandagentry@ weber.edu.
The schedule is as follows:
May 13: Health of the Great Salt Lake – Get a look at the factors that a ect the heath of the Great Salt Lake. These factors start in the mountains and in the foothills where you live. Come learn what all the hype is about and why it is such a popular topic in Utah.
June 17: Natural Hazards of the Wasatch Front –Earthquakes, landslides, volcanoes and more! Come learn about the natural hazards that can a ect you and your family along the Wasatch Front.
July 15: The Power of Water – Water is the most erosive force on the planet. It is also the resource that allows for life to ourish and provide for us. Come learn about how water has shaped our land, our lives and more.
August 19: Trees and Bees – There is more to meet the eye when it comes to the ora (plants) and fauna (animals and insects) along the Wasatch Front. From native to invasive species and large and small living things, this hike is designed to awe and inspire!
Project Success Coalition
Youth Summer Program
For 4th- through 9th-grade students
When: June 12 through August 4, 2023
Monday through Friday, noon to 4 p.m.
Location: Project Success Coalition, 2909 Washington Blvd., Ogden
Registration fee: $25 per student or $50 per family
RSVP: lanora.projectsuccess@gmail.com or 801-781-0647
Project Success Coalition is hosting a summer youth program. The program will provide academic enrichment in math and writing. We will be creating and recording a podcast, focusing on college and career readiness, eld trips to local businesses and entertainment. Family night activities will be held monthly. All are welcome
Ogden School District will be o ering programs that make summer learning fun while keeping students engaged through collaboration and discovery. Sponsored by R.A.M.P, Ogden School Foundation, and Ogden District. Please visit summer.ogdensd.org for more information. Visit