Standard-Examiner 2023 Holiday Gift Guide

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Holiday Gift Guide

Clever holiday shopping Inspiring ideas strategies to save money for last-minute The holiday season is here again, which means that the time for shopping lists and gift-buying has returned as well. Shoppers long have relied on Black Friday deals to save some money and streamline shopping excursions. But now Thanksgiving Day sales and additional retail holidays like Plaid Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday have made it easier than ever to score holiday deals. The following tips can make holiday shopping more fruitful. KNOW YOUR PRICES Shoppers who would do well on TV’s “The Price is Right” can save money. It’s important to have a general idea of what items cost, especially those that will be on holiday lists. Shoppers can set up price alert notifications on the gifts they plan to buy to compare prices in advance of holiday sales. This way they will have a better idea if the Black Friday/Cyber Monday “deal” is just a markdown on an exaggerated price or if it’s a legitimate bargain. CONSIDER PRICEMATCHING Before shoppers run all over to a dozen stores in the name of saving a few bucks, learn about stores’ price-matching policies. For example, Best Buy may be willing to give the same price on a printer if you can prove that Staples is offering it for $30 cheaper. Keep in mind that many stores are even willing to match Amazon’s prices.

holiday shoppers

UTILIZE A SHOPPING APP OR COUPON AGGREGATOR Online shopping is here to stay, and one way retailers provide deals is with coupon codes. Shopping applications can help shoppers save money and time. Some, like Rakuten, offer cash-back and instant discount opportunities, particularly during the holiday season. Others, like Honey, for example, are apps as well as browser extensions that will automatically search for and apply coupon codes on retailers’ sites to ensure a shopper is getting the lowest price. SHOP AHEAD AND PICK UP Be aware of retailers who offer a lower online price for merchandise than what the same item sells for in store. For example, a six-pack of socks may be $9.99 when purchased online, or $13.99 in store. If the store offers free

The search for the perfect gift tends to be easier when shoppers are aware of the latest trends and perhaps no current gifting trend is more popular than giving experiences. According to a 2022 survey from the travel booking platform GetYourGuide 77 percent of individuals surveyed indicated they would rather receive experiences than physical gifts come the holiday season. Travel experiences are the most sought after experimental gifts as 63 percent of individuals

pickup for online orders shipped to the store, then consumers can use this option to get the discount but avoid shipping fees. Plus, pickup kiosks generally are less crowded than waiting for the checkout registers. BUY NOW, RESIZE LATER Shoppers who can’t find their needed size or color in clothing or merchandise can buy any size or color on sale day at the discounted price, then exchange a few days later for the item they need. THINK BEYOND THE USUAL RETAILERS Lowe’s, Home Depot and even pharmacies have lesser-known, but advantageous deals as well. Don’t overlook these retailers for holiday decor or stocking stuffers. Holiday sales shopping is more budget-friendly with some simple saving strategies.

surveyed indicated surprise travel is the experience they would most enjoy receiving. However, a trip to parts unknown is not the only experience shopper can give, nor is it the only one friends and family would love to receive. The GetYourGuide survey found that tickets to a concert or show (50 percent), outdoor activities, such as skiing, boating or hiking (43 percent), and a food tour or cooking class (36 percent) also made for desirable experimental gifts.

It’s unlikely that anyone aspires to be a last-minute holiday shopper. Putting off holiday shopping until the last minute can make for a stressful home stretch to the season, and there’s no guarantee store shelves won’t already be picked clean or that gifts purchased online will arrive on time. Despite how unappealing last-minute shopping can be, it’s still a fact of life for millions of holiday shoppers. As the clock winds down this holiday season, shoppers can look to these ideas for inspiration. Gift cards may never earn a distinction as the most sentimental item to give a loved one during the holiday season, but they are surprisingly sought-after. In fact, a survey from the National Retail Federation found that 54 percent of participants identified gift cards as the most-wanted gift of the 2022 holiday season. Chain retailers, small businesses and restaurants are among the many establishments that sell gift cards, so shoppers are bound to find a card to please anyone on their shopping list. • FOOD/BEVERAGE: The holiday season is a popular time to indulge in some great food and wash it down with a favorite wine or another adult beverage. That makes food and beverages a great holiday gift. Shoppers can take a loved one out to a favorite restaurant, prepare a homemade treat or purchase a favorite dish from a local specialty grocery store or eatery. Pair the food with an appropriate beverage and this accessible last-minute gift idea is sure to be a hit. • TICKETS: Tickets to a movie, sporting event, live theater performance, or concert are another gift idea that likely won’t be gobbled up by early bird shoppers. People of all ages enjoy experiences, and a 2022 survey from the travel booking platform GetYourGuide found that 50 percent of survey respondents indicated they would enjoy tickets to a concert or show. • BOOKS: Books make an ideal holiday gift for everyone from young kids to grandparents. Traditional print books are small enough that they can likely arrive on time even if they’re purchased just a few days before Christmas. E-book sellers enable gift givers to pick the perfect time to notify loved ones they have received an electronic book. Audiobooks, which can be downloaded to a smartphone or given as a CD, make an ideal gift for loved ones who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Last-minute holiday shopping can be stressful. However, various sought-after items can be secured at the last minute, ensuring gift givers’ loved ones have a happy holiday season.

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Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023 S

Great gifts for the family foodie Food features prominently throughout the holiday season. Family meals around the holiday dinner table are a cherished tradition in millions of households, and food also plays a central role during seasonal gatherings with friends and colleagues. Food also can feature prominently throughout Chanukah and on Christmas Day, particularly if a loved one qualifies as a full-fledged foodie. Many families feature at least one foodie. Foodies always know the best place in town to grab a bite or when a trendy new restaurant will open its doors. But such individuals also enjoy making meals at home, and the following gift ideas can make this holiday season more flavorful for the family foodie. • TABLETOP FIREPIT: Shoppers who want to impress their food-loving loved one with something truly unique can give a tabletop firepit. Safe for indoor use, tabletop firepits enable s’mores-loving foodies to indulge in a traditionally summertime favorite all-year-round. Tabletop firepits are small enough to be stored on a kitchen countertop or in a cabinet. When in use, the s’mores-friendly accessory is smokeless, removing perhaps the lone disadvantage to making this beloved treat. • CLUB SUBSCRIPTION: Monthly subscriptions are a gift that can keep on giv-

ing all the way until next holiday season. Sweets lovers will undoubtedly appreciate receiving a box of fresh chocolates each month, while those with more unique tastes may anxiously await the day their monthly shipment of pickles arrives at their doorstep. The options are endless, ensuring there’s a monthly subscription out there to tickle every foodie’s fancy. • SAUCE SAMPLER: Amateur sauciers may find inspiration in a sauce sampler set. Sampler set options abound, so shoppers can find something for foodies who love a spicy sauce, something more sweet or even in between. Of course, sampler sets also provide a range of sauces, making them ideal for foodies who want something spicy tonight before pivoting to a sweeter dish tomorrow. Flavored olive oil sampler sets also can be a great gift for cooks who love to experiment with new flavors. • CHARCUTERIE BOARD AND KNIFE SET: Foodies who love to host their fellow food fanatics will no doubt fall in love with a new charcuterie board and knife set. A 2023 report from Kroger revealed that the supermarket chain expected charcuterie boards to remain popular over the course of the year. That popularity makes sense, as anything from meat to cheese to fruit to crackers has a home on a charcuterie board, making

the item especially appealing to foodies who routinely share their homes and love of food with friends and family.

• ESPRESSO MAKER: Of course, foodies aren’t just about food. Beverages also figure prominently in many foodies’ lives. A high-end

espresso maker can ground fresh beans and brew multiple cups in no time at all, making it an ideal addition to any foodie’s culinary

arsenal. Food is a vital component of the holiday season and can even be incorporated into holiday shopping.

4 unique gifts for busy professionals The holiday season is synonymous with giving. Families engage in gift-giving come the holiday season to show their loved ones how much they appreciate them. Such sentiments

are thoughtful and can have a big impact when shoppers find the perfect gift. The perfect gift can be elusive. No one wants to give a gift that won’t end up being used, and some people on shoppers’ lists may prove more difficult to shop for than others. That might be the case with busy professionals who are seemingly always working. This holiday season, shoppers can consider these four unique gift ideas for loved ones climbing their way up the corporate ladder. 1. LUGGAGE Business travel took a hit during the pandemic, and a spring 2023 report from the research firm Morning Consult predicted that it may never return to what was considered normal prior to the pandemic. However, the report indicated that the average business traveler is now younger and earning less than the aver-

age business traveler before the pandemic. That makes luggage an ideal gift for the up-and-coming professional who may be traveling more and could benefit from some stylish, sturdy and durable luggage. 2. FOUNTAIN PEN Few small items exude a greater sense of sophistication and success than a high-end, engraved fountain pen. Established professionals will appreciate the sleek and impressive appearance of a hand-crafted, customized fountain pen, which can be used to pen memos or sign important documents in style. 3. TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED SMART MUG Caffeine is the secret behind many a professional’s success. A temperature-controlled smart mug can ensure your favorite corporate executive’s coffee maintains its ideal temperature no matter how

hectic the day becomes. 4. YOGA SESSIONS Stress is part of the job for many successful professionals. In fact, the American Institute of Stress reports that 94 percent of workers report having chronic stress at work. The competitive nature of the corporate world may not afford many opportunities to decompress during the workday, but the National Institutes of Health reports that yoga can play an effective role in reducing stress and anxiety. Some yoga sessions, which can be purchased from a local yoga studio or even through an app users can access on their smart TVs, can be just what successful executives need to unwind in a healthy way after a long day at the office. Successful professionals have a lot on their plate. A gift that can make their workdays better is sure to be a hit this holiday season.

Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023

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Gift ideas for college students Holiday gifts College is the natural next step for many graduating high school students. According to Best Colleges, in 2022 there were 17.9 million students enrolled in degree-granting colleges and universities in the United States. Many other students began their college careers in the fall 2023 semester, joining the ranks of people working toward their degrees. Holiday gifts that aim to meet the needs and interests of recipients can ensure presents will be enjoyed and utilized. Modern college students likely can use a few things to simplify life on campus. LAPTOP OR TABLET Gone are the days when students primarily utilize pen and paper for school assignments. Students are often introduced to tablets and other digital devices to complete assignments and take notes as early as elementary school. This reliance on paperless communication continues at the high school and university level. Most, if not all, assignments are posted online and then completed and submitted through various portals or cloud services. Therefore, college students will require a laptop or high functioning tablet with the right processing speed and memory capacity to handle the demand. STUDENT CARD FUNDS

for the family artist

Colleges utilize different programs for paying for meal plans and incidentals purchased on campus. This likely involves funds linked to a proprietary card that functions similarly to a debit or credit card. Savvy gift givers can deposit funds into students’ accounts so that they’ll have a little extra spending money to put toward books or that mocha latte at the campus coffee shop. PARKING PASS Although freshmen may be restricted from bringing cars to campus unless they are commuter students, sophomores and upperclassmen may be able to park in campus lots. Parking typically is an extra cost for students, meaning friends or relatives can gift

the cost of annual parking passes to the college students in their lives. DORM GEAR College students who opt to live in campus housing often want to make their dorm rooms a home away from home. They will need to outfit these tight quarters with items that won’t take up too much space. Small pod-type coffee pots, compact microwaves, mini fridges, under-bed storage shelving, area rugs, cozy comforters, and bathroom essentials can make college kids’ dorm rooms feel more like home. EVENT TICKETS Not every moment should be spent in classrooms or residence halls. College students may want to venture away from campus,

and what better way to enjoy the sights and offerings of what nearby venues have to offer than by attending various events? Gift-givers can offer tickets to art shows, music festivals, comedy club nights, amusement parks, or other events in college towns. TRAVEL ASSISTANCE Attending college far from home means that students will take planes, trains or automobiles to return home for holidays and other special events. Gifting college students airline or train fare, or providing gift cards for gas station fill-ups, means students will be able to afford trips home when needed. College students can benefit from gifts geared to the college lifestyle.

Treat a nature lover to a special gift The natural world is a wonder to behold, with awe-inspiring vistas and wildlife. Spending time in nature has been studied and reported on by a number of medical professionals. The general takeaway is that enjoying time in the great outdoors has been linked to everything from improved mood to reduced risk of disease. Just a little bit of time in fresh air and sunlight can improve well-being by a significant margin, which is perhaps why nature has inspired so many devotees. If there is a nature lover in your family, use that interest as inspiration when holiday shopping this year. Here are some nature-related gift ideas. • BINOCULARS: Bird watchers or other animal observers understand that wild animals can become skittish around people. It’s

best to view them from afar, and a good set of binoculars makes it easier to do so. • MOUNTED CAMERA: When the GoPro camera came on the scene many years ago, it revolutionized the way amateur filmmakers could document their adventures. The GoPro and its model evolutions continue to enable people to capture photos and videos both on land and underwater. With a head-mounting strap and some additional accessories, adventurers will be unencumbered by the camera. Similar mounting devices may be available for Android- and Apple-based phones and cameras as well. • WATERPROOF HIKING BOOTS/SHOES: Taking the road less traveled often means going on foot. Trailblazing is made easier with durable, waterproof

footwear that can go from the trail to the mountainside more readily. • MOTION-CAPTURE TRAIL CAMERA: Another way to watch wildlife is to do so from a motion-capture trail camera that can be set up by a nesting area or along a path frequented by local wildlife. • FIRST AID KIT: It’s always important to keep safety in mind when enjoying nature. A well-stocked

The feeling of giving a gift and watching the recipient smile broadly after peeling away the wrapping is part of what the makes holiday season such a special time of year. Matching presents to people is not always easy, but when shoppers pull it off, the smile on a loved one’s face is quite the reward. Creative individuals and resident artists are continually honing their crafts. This holiday season could be the perfect opportunity to tune into these artistic pursuits and give something that lets artists take their creativity to the next level. The following are some gift ideas for artistic individuals on holiday shopping lists. SUPPLIES GIFT BASKET Each artistic pursuit requires its own array of materials and tools to perfect the craft. For example, painters will rely on canvases, oils and paintbrushes to create masterpieces, while those who engage in ceramics may need bisques, clays and firing tools. A mix of supplies can fuel upcoming projects. MUSEUM OR EXHIBITION VISIT Artists may be inspired by others who engage in the arts. Purchase tickets to a museum that has always been a favorite for the gift recipient. Entry to a local art installation or exhibition also figures to be a hit. LESSONS Classes with an artistic master can help artists hone their craft. offers annual subscriptions or monthly sessions during which people can learn from the world’s best instructors in their respective fields. Local artists also may be willing to serve as mentors or instructors, and sessions with these people also can make perfect holiday gifts. SHOPPING EXPERIENCE Many artists also are entrepreneurs who sell their wares to others. You can help promote that passion by funding an online shopping website or paying for table or booth fees at area craft festivals and other vendor events around town. DISPLAY THEIR ART If an artist you know has a particularly beloved collection or piece of art, arrange for a professional framing or purchase a high-end display case. This way the artwork will remain pristine for others to enjoy in the years ahead. GIFT CARDS Though gift cards may seem impersonal, they can be the means by which an artist is able to purchase supplies or travel to art shows to sell their offerings. Don’t discount the utility of gift cards come the holiday season. Artists can benefit from a number of different gifts that help to propel their creative pursuits.

first aid kit is a great way to give the gift of good health and safety. • CAMPING GEAR: When sleeping out under the stars or at a campsite, a tent, ground cover, sleeping bag, backpack, camp stove, and other gear can make the experience all the better. Nature lovers can enjoy their passions even more thoroughly with gifts that cater to their love of the great outdoors.

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Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023 S

Holiday shopping for those who seemingly have everything Made-for-TV movies often depict holiday shopping in the best possible light. The story’s protagonist wanders into the town center and easily finds everything on his or her list at a series of perfectly decorated local boutiques that have nary a shopper in sight. Hot chocolate or mulled cider and repartee also tends to be par for the television movie course. People in the real world understand that holiday shopping doesn’t always work so smoothly. Certainly shopping local is a great way to avoid the crowds and introduce shoppers to more unique gift options, but it’s impossible to remove every obstacle in holiday shopping — particularly getting stumped over shopping for that particularly difficult person on your list. The holly jolly nature of the season can be eclipsed when a person doesn’t know where to begin when shopping for those people who seem to have it all. The following ideas can help shoppers who are stuck on what to buy for that loved one who already

has it all. • CONSIDER EXPERIENCES. A recent Harris Group study found 72 percent of millennials prefer to spend money on experiences rather than things. If the person on your shopping list has just about every material possession one can imagine, giving unique experiences might be the way to go. The National Retail Federation confirms the shift in attitude, noting consumers across all age groups now spend more on experiences than they did in years past. • CONSOLIDATE MEMORIES. Technology continues to evolve, which means that the way music, videos and photos are captured and stored is always changing. Unless a person has older gear, it’s no longer possible to watch a VHS tape featuring a family member’s graduation ceremony or reprint photographs that are on film negatives. However, shoppers can work with a company that will transfer media onto a new format, such as a thumb drive or in a cloud-based account.

This can be a heartfelt gift for someone who wants to reminisce. • FOOD OR BEVERAGE SUBSCRIPTION. Everyone needs to eat (and drink), so there is always a need for tasty offerings. Introduce loved ones to new foods with various subscriptions. If a person

is missing flavors from a home country, have delicacies shipped so the recipient can enjoy a taste of their childhood. • MAKE A FAMILY COOKBOOK. Enlist the help of other family members and compile beloved family recipes. Utilize a cookbook publishing ser-

vice to compile all of these recipes together. Then gift recipients can revisit their favorites time and again. • TRACE FAMILY LINEAGE. If the gift recipient is a history buff or is interested in his or her family tree, then a membership to an ancestry service could be an ideal gift. Individ-

uals can spend hours uncovering distant relations and studying their family history in the process. Holiday shopping can be challenging when looking for gifts for people who seemingly have it all. A few outside-the-box ideas can make it easier to overcome that challenge.

Great gifts for physical fitness buffs Holiday shopping is a fun way to show loved ones just how much they’re appreciated. Though it’s not always so easy finding the right gift, identifying a passion of each person on your holiday shopping list can make finding the perfect present that much easier. No two families are exactly the same, but that doesn’t mean they don’t share similar characteristics and personalities. For example, many families have at least one person who qualifies as a physical fitness buff. A passion for fitness can serve as a great starting point when shopping for a loved one who can’t wait to exercise each day. This holiday season, shoppers can stoke that passion for exercise with some gifts designed to help people reach their fitness goals. • INSULATED WATER BOTTLE: On the surface, a new water bottle might not

seem like the most impressive gift. However, fitness buffs know just how much water bottles have changed in recent years and how invaluable it can be to have a good one at the ready. A high-quality insulated water bottle can keep water cold for hours, ensuring endurance athletes accustomed to long runs or cycling sessions won’t need to hydrate with warm drinks no matter how long it’s been since they started their workouts. • FITNESS TRACKERS: Fitness trackers run the gamut from low-cost options with useful yet limited capabilities to more expensive items that can seemingly give athletes all the information they need about variables such as their heart rate and performance metrics. If the fitness buff on your list has his or her heart set on an expensive device, speak to

other family members about pooling your resources. • FITNESS APP SUBSCRIPTION/GIFT CARD: The popularity of various exercise apps spiked dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic because they made it easy to get professional fitness instruction at home. A subscription to a service like ClassPass ( provides access to classes at thousands of top-rated gyms, fitness studios, salons, and spas across the globe. This can help fitness buffs find new exercises if their existing routines have grown stale or simply stay in shape even if they don’t always have time to get to the gym. • HOME EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: Though the darkest days of the pandemic might be in the rearview mirror, the world has grown accustomed to periodic spikes that could compro-

mise workout routines. That needn’t be the base for fitness buffs who keep some simple exercise equipment at home. A set of dumbbells, a new weight bench

or even a new yoga mat can ensure fitness buffs won’t miss a workout even if they can’t get out of the house. Exercise is an essential part of fitness buffs’ daily

routines. Holiday shoppers can keep that in mind as they look for gifts to make this season even more special for their fitness-focused family members.

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Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023

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Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023 S

Great gifts for schoolaged children Successful shopping for adults on a holiday list often involves identifying a loved one’s favorite hobby and then finding something that makes that hobby even more enjoyable. For example, a new e-reader can be just what the family bookworm needs to make reading even more immersive. School-aged children may not be so simple to shop for, as their interests are always evolving and they tend to outgrow toys as quickly as their growing bodies outgrow their clothes. No two kids are the same, but these gift ideas can appeal to schoolaged youngsters at a time in their lives when their curiosity is always piqued. • STEM GIFTS: Parents know that the term “STEM” is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These academic disciplines have gained heightened importance over the last couple of decades, and many toy manufacturers now make products that reinforce STEM lessons kids learn in the classroom in a fun way. STEM-based toys are available for kids of all ages, including children who are still in diapers. • NATURE-BASED GIFTS: Many parents do everything they can to reduce the amount of time their kids spend looking at screens, which is a tall order in the digital era. But various manufacturers pro-

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duce toys designed to help kids be more physically active in the great outdoors. From age-appropriate binoculars that encourage kids to explore natural settings to birdhouses and fairy gardens kids can build and paint in their favorite colors, shoppers can choose from a host of nature-based gifts that encourage kids to get away from their screens and enjoy the great outdoors. • BOARD GAMES: Board games remain a wonderful way for kids to learn and have fun doing it. Board games are made for kids of all ages, and they’re not just fun, but also beneficial to early childhood development. For example, clinical psychologist Beatrice Tauber Prior, Psy.D. noted to the children’s book publisher and distributor Scholastic that board games requiring strategy help the frontal lobes of the brain develop. Those

lobes are responsible for planning, organizing and decision-making. Board games also provide opportunities for families to spend quality time together free from distractions. • COOKBOOKS: Cookbooks are another great gift for school-aged youngsters, who can learn a lot from pitching in at dinnertime. Children who cook with their parents can learn valuable lessons about nutrition and measuring ingredients can reinforce lessons learned in the classroom. Shoppers can choose from any number of cookbooks designed for kids, and even children as young as two can pitch in when baking cookies or preparing family meals. Shopping for school-aged children during the holiday season can be made easier with some suggestions that can reinforce classroom lessons while keeping the focus on fun.

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Gift idea to rev up those automobile lovers’ engines Since they first became widely available in the early 20th century, cars have inspired no small number of passionate devotees. Some people simply can’t resist the thrills of the open road, while others love driving because of the sense of independence it provides. Regardless of what inspires their passions, come the holiday season, auto enthusiasts undoubtedly would be excited to unwrap these auto-related gifts. • CAR WASH KIT: It’s one thing to drive, and another thing entirely to drive a car that looks like it’s fresh off the dealership lot. Car wash kits come in various sizes, so they’re ideal for holiday shoppers working with various budgets. Kits may include wet wax, wheel gel, glass cleaner, a short handle brush, and microfiber towels, among other supplies. Each accessory within the kit can make cars or trucks shine and look as good as new. • MECHANICS’ TOOL KIT: Many car lovers enjoy working on their vehicles almost as much as they love driving them. That makes a mechanic’s tool kit a must-have for auto enthusiasts. Like car wash kits, mechanics’ kits are ideal gifts because they can suit shoppers working with various budgets. Extensive kits include all the tools car lovers

need, from ratchets to extension bars to sockets and more, to spend a fun day working in the garage. • TIRE INFLATOR: All those miles on the open road is bound to catch up with tires over time, and a portable tire inflator can ensure tires are always properly inflated. Cordless varieties are popular, but so are options that can be plugged into vehicle lighters. Either way, this is a must-have item for anyone who puts a lot of miles on their vehicle. • AUTOCROSS LESSON: Of course, gifts for auto lovers needn’t be restricted to helping them take care of their own cars. Autocross lessons can teach drivers the finer points of timed competitions while enabling them to get behind the wheel of an exotic car they’ve dreamed of driving. Autocross schools typically have classes for drivers with experience as well as novices, making this a fun gift for anyone who wants to take the thrill of driving to the next level. There’s no shortage of gift ideas to please the auto enthusiast on your holiday shopping list this year. From the fun to the functional, there’s something for everyone who loves being behind the wheel.

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Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023

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What shoppers can do to avoid breaking the bank Millions of individuals enjoy holiday shopping for their loved ones each year. Come the holiday season, thoughts of what to get friends and family is foremost on the minds of those who embrace the spirit of giving that is synonymous with this special time of year. It’s easy to overspend come the holiday shopping season. That could be even easier in an era marked by high inflation, which has affected consumers since 2022. Lingering inflation could require shoppers to be especially vigilant with their shopping budgets this holiday season. Thankfully, a few simple strategies can help shoppers stay the financial course this holiday season. • TRACK SPENDING WITH A BANKING APP ON YOUR SMARTPHONE. Consumers can now track their spending in real time by downloading their bank

and/or credit card app on their smartphones. A quick login can help shoppers monitor account balances to determine how much they have spent. If the budget is about to be busted, pull back the reins and cut the shopping trip short. • ESTABLISH GIFT VALUE LIMITS. No one has been immune to the effects of inflation over the last year-plus. So family members likely won’t have a problem establishing spending limits this year. Work together with relatives to determine a reasonable limit to spend on each gift. For example, a $50 per gift limit can ensure everyone gets a quality gift without going into debt. • SHOP ON RETAIL HOLIDAYS. Black Friday was once the only game in town regarding retail holidays. But consumers can take advantage of additional discount-heavy shopping days

like Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday to find great deals on a wide range of items. Take retail holiday savings one step further by penciling in time to comparison shop on these popular days when retailers compete for customers. • LOOK FOR ALMOST-NEW GIFTS. Mobile providers may market the latest model smartphone as upping the ante with new bells and whistles, but chances are last year’s model is just as user-friendly at a fraction of the cost. The same can be said for other gadgets like wireless headphones and smart TVs. Last year’s models may be heavily discounted, particularly online, but just as impressive as their more expensive successors. • KEEP SHIPPING COSTS IN MIND. The sticker price of certain items, particularly large ones, is likely not the whole

story regarding how much the item will cost. Certain items, like trampolines for kids or a new armchair for Dad, will likely cost considerably more than the sticker price alone. Shipping on small items may be free at various online retailers, but that likely won’t be the case with larger items. The cost of shipping some heavy items might be as much

as one-third the cost of the item itself. Shoppers should keep that in mind and build potential shipping costs into their holiday budgets. It’s easy to overspend come the holiday season. However, various strategies make it easy to stay within budget when shopping for gifts for family and friends.

Tailor-made gifts for on-the-go senior citizens Seniors and older adults did not seem to get the memo regarding inflation. As the world continues to navigate a cost-of-living increase, internal data from Bank of America indicates that Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) and Traditionalists (individuals born between 1928 and 1945) are spending more while younger generations are cutting back. Between May 2021 and May 2022, spending by Traditionalists increased by more than 5 percent while Baby Boomer spending rose by 2.2 percent. That uptick occurred while younger generations’ spending fell by 1.5 percent. Seniors seem to be on the go, and that’s something holiday shoppers can keep in mind as they look for gifts for their aging

parents, grandparents and others. With that in mind, shoppers can consider these gifts that align well with the lifestyles of seniors who are out and about and making the most of their free time. • GOLF CLUBS OR ADDITIONAL GOLF GEAR: Data from the National Golf Foundation indicated that more than 34 million people in the United States played golf in 2019, and 15 percent of those players were 65 and over. A new set of custom-fit clubs can help seniors take their game to the next level. Such clubs can be expensive, so they make a great tandem gift from children and grandchildren who pool their resources. If new clubs are not necessary or too costly, a single club, such as a new driver or putter, makes for a

great gift as well. Gear like a new golf bag, new spikes and new course-friendly attire also makes a great gift for seniors who love the links. • TRAVEL GIFTS: The 2023 AARP Travel Trends survey found that 85 percent of older travelers rank travel in their top three priorities for discretionary spending. The appeal of travel has not worn off for modern seniors, and shoppers can keep that in mind this holiday season. New luggage, travel miles earned through a credit card, unique experiences at senior travelers’ next destination, air tags that can keep track of luggage, and a world travel adapter that can convert plugs in any country across the globe are just a few of the many travel gifts shoppers can give on-

the-go seniors this December. • EXERCISE GEAR: The National Council on Aging notes that adults who exercise after turning 65 continue to reap the same rewards that improve quality of life among younger men and women. In addition to boosting immunity, exercising after 65 continues to improve mood so long as seniors stay the course. Exercise gear, including attire and ap-

propriate footwear, can reduce injury risk and help seniors feel more comfortable while breaking a sweat. • SPA SESSION: All that activity is good for the body, but so is a little post-activity rest and relaxation. A day at the spa, where seniors can get a massage, take a mental break and address minor aches and pains can be just the thing seniors need to recover in time for their next excursion.

Santa 1/2/24 -12/24 /24

• Discounted Gift Certificates only available in $25.00 amounts. • Valid January 2nd through December 24th of 2024. • May not be combined or used with other offers or discounts.

MOUTH OF OGDEN CANYON • OPEN MON-THURS 10-8 FRI & SAT 10-9 SUN 11-7 • 801-621-1606

Page 8

Standard-Examiner Holiday Gift Guide 2023



$49 $69 $99




$75 FULL $85




$149 QUEEN $175 KING $189


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$79 $89



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