128 Hook Spinner Planogram 05/10
Side One
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
God Made
God Made
God Made
God Made & Smile Maker
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
#43100 (7-07529-43100-0)
#01191 (7-07529-01191-2)
#01224 (7-07529-01224-7)
#021531110 (7-07529-15311-7)
Garden Birds & Butterflies
God Made Sheep
God Made Everything
Happy Apples
#43101 (7-07529-43101-7)
#43108 (7-07529-43108-6)
#01216 (7-07529-01216-2)
God’s Beautiful Birds
Farmyard Friends
Spring Kids
#43102 (7-07529-43102-4)
#43109 (7-07529-43109-3)
#01217 (7-07529-01217-9)
God’s Beautiful Butterflies
Woodland Wonders
Summer Kids
#43103 (7-07529-43103-1)
#01220 (7-07529-01220-9)
#01221 (7-07529-01221-6)
Butterfly Miniature
Ark Animals
Fall Kids
#43104 (7-07529-43104-8)
#43111 (7-07529-43111-6)
#01223 (7-07529-01223-0)
#43145 (7-07529-43145-1)
Fragrant Roses
Jungle Animals
Winter Kids
Smile Face Awards
#43105 (7-07529-43105-5)
#43112 (7-07529-43112-3)
#43119 (7-07529-43119-2)
#43143 (7-07529-43143-7)
Happy Flowers Stick-n-Sniff
Ark Animal Micro-Mini
Jesus Loves Us
Teddy Bear Miniature
#43106 (7-07529-43106-2)
#43113 (7-07529-43113-0)
#43235 (7-07529-43235-9)
#43146 (7-07529-43146-8)
Animals & Flowers
God’s Underwater Creation
Jesus Loves the Children
Excellent Word
#43233 (7-07529-43233-5)
#43234 (7-07529-43234-2)
#01201 (7-07529-01201-8)
#43122 (7-07529-43122-2)
God Made Pets
God Made Bugs
God Made Flowers
Modern Hearts
#01225 (7-07529-01225-4) God Made Ocean Creatures
#01199 (7-07529-01199-8) God Made Fruit
#43144 (7-07529-43144-4) Angel Miniature
Side Two
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
Smile Maker
Smile Maker
Smile Maker
Smile Maker
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
#021531210 (7-07529-15312-4)
#021531410 (7-07529-15314-8)
#021531610 (7-07529-15316-2)
#43242 (7-07529-43242-7)
Encouraging Words
Love You Bunches
Go with God
#021531310 (7-07529-15313-1)
#021531510 (7-07529-15315-5)
#021531810 (7-07529-15318-6)
#43243 (7-07529-43243-4)
Make a Joyful Noise
Go Serve
Fun Flowers
Shine for Jesus
#43121 (7-07529-43121-5)
#43130 (7-07529-43130-7)
#43137 (7-07529-43137-6)
#43147 (7-07529-43147-5)
Red Hearts Stick-n-Sniff
Smile, God Loves You
Gold Foil Stars
Fun Bible Mottos
#43124 (7-07529-43124-6)
#43131 (7-07529-43131-4)
#43138 (7-07529-43138-3)
#43148 (7-07529-43148-2)
Red Foil Hearts
Smile, God Loves You a Bunch
Assorted Foil Stars
Inspirational Motto
#43125 (7-07529-43125-3)
#43132 (7-07529-43132-1)
#43139 (7-07529-43139-0)
#43149 (7-07529-43149-9)
Miniature Red Heart
Sunbeam Smiles
Fluorescent Stars
Everyday Encouragement
#43126 (7-07529-43126-0)
#43134 (7-07529-43134-5)
#43140 (7-07529-43140-6)
#43151 (7-07529-43151-2)
You Are Loved
Jolly Jelly Beans Stick-n-Sniff
Star Smile Faces
#43128 (7-07529-43128-4)
#43135 (7-07529-43135-2)
#43141 (7-07529-43141-3)
#43152 (7-07529-43152-9)
Heart Smiles Micro-Mini
Happy Feet
Happy Stars
Bears & Hearts
#43129 (7-07529-43129-1)
#43136 (7-07529-43136-9)
#43156 (7-07529-43156-7)
#43153 (7-07529-43153-6)
Mini Happy Face
Happy Heart Miniature
Rainbow Miniatures
God’s Care
Side Three
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
God’s Word & Smile Maker
God’s Word & Bible Time
Bible Time
Bible Time & Day by Day
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
#01228 (7-07529-01228-5)
#43244 (7-07529-43244-1)
#01210 (7-07529-01210-0)
#01212 (7-07529-01212-4)
John 3:16
San Juan 3:16
Noah Obeyed God
Faces of Jesus
#01460 (7-07529-01460-9)
#43245 (7-07529-43245-8)
#01211 (7-075229-01211-7)
#01213 (7-07529-01213-1)
Psalm 9:1
Proverbs 3:5
Jesus and the Children
Jesus Died & Lives
#01453 (7-07529-01453-1)
#43236 (7-07529-43236-6)
#43161 (7-07529-43161-1)
#01214 (7-07529-01214-8)
Super Service
The Fruit of the Spirit
Ark & Animals
#01229 (7-07529-01229-2)
#43158 (7-07529-43158-1)
#43228 (7-07529-43228-1)
#43167 (7-07529-43167-3)
Psalm 139:14
Lord’s Prayer
Jesus Is Alive
The Christ
#43157 (7-07529-43157-4)
#43159 (7-07529-43159-8)
#43163 (7-07529-43163-5)
#43168 (7-07529-43168-0)
Golden Rule
Ten Commandments
Life of Christ
Jesus, Our Savior
#01209 (7-07529-01209-4)
#43165 (7-07529-43165-9)
#01219 (7-07529-01219-3)
#43179 (7-07529-43179-6)
John 15:12
Jesus Miniature
Bible People
Blessing Scrolls
#43154 (7-07529-43154-3)
#01218 (7-07529-01218-6)
#43169 (7-07529-43169-7)
#43180 (7-07529-43180-2)
God Loves Kids
Bible Children
Jesus & Children
Psalms Signs
#01204 (7-07529-01204-9)
#43170 (7-07529-43170-3)
#01215 (7-07529-01215-5)
#43181 (7-07529-43181-9)
Happy Birthday!
Classic Jesus Pictures
OT Heroes
Berries & Blessings
Side Four
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Day by Day
Day by Day
Faith Shapes & Day by Day
Faith Shapes
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
#43182 (7-07529-43182-6)
#024324809 (7-07529-43248-9)
#021531710 (7-07529-15317-9)
#43171 (7-07529-43171-0)
Blossoms & Blessings
Happy Easter!
Fish Symbols
Christian Symbol
#43183 (7-07529-43183-3)
#024324909 (7-07529-43249-6)
#43240 (7-07529-43240-3)
#43172 (7-07529-43172-7)
Scroll Motto
It’s Spring!
Faith Symbols
Miniature Ichthus
Psalm Quilt
#43241 (7-07529-43241-0)
#43173 (7-07529-43173-4)
Mini Bibles
Christian Symbol Smiles
#43185 (7-07529-43185-7)
#43191 (7-07529-43191-8)
#01423 (7-07529-01423-5)
#43174 (7-07529-43174-1)
White Bibles
Cross Miniatures
#43186 (7-07529-43186-4)
#43192 (7-07529-43192-5)
#01299 (7-07529-01299-5)
#43175 (7-07529-43175-8)
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Patio Pots
Holy Bible
Religious Miniatures
#43187 (7-07529-43187-1)
#43193 (7-07529-43193-2)
#01452 (7-07529-01452-4)
Blessing Boxes
God’s Garden
#43188 (7-07529-43188-8)
#43218 (7-07529-43218-2)
Heartfelt Thoughts
Dogwood Motifs
#43189 (7-07529-43189-5)
#43231 (7-07529-43231-1)
#43199 (7-07529-43199-4)
God Loves You
Spring Blessings
American Flag
#43184 (7-07529-43184-0) I Prayed for You
Row 4
Row 5
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8
#43190 (7-07529-43190-1)
#43217 (7-07529-43217-5) Cross, Lamb and Tomb
#43176 (7-07529-43176-5) Children’s Bible MicroMini
#43177 (7-07529-43177-2) EMB Gold Praying Hands
#43178 (7-07529-43178-9) EMB Foil Cross Miniature