VBS 2015 Catalog Bible Blast to the Past

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Bible Blast to the Past Program



30 Kids Serving Kids™ Mission Kits

➤ Follow-up or alternative to a VBS program ➤ Missions experience during school breaks ➤ Midweek or Sunday school program ➤ Family ministry event

Serving Kids™ Director’s Guide

tep of your missions experience has been planned for you! Includes Plans for six lessons based on Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go Opening, Bible memory, review, application, and prayer activities An interactive Bible story and discussion for each lesson Bonus service and giving projects, schedule options, and more!

Kids Serving Kids™ DVD

Complete customizable material for six sessions, including everything in the Director’s Guide plus • Inspiring videos and pictures telling real-life stories • Upbeat worship videos from Yancy • Craft ideas and templates, snack ideas, take-home pages, scripts, visuals, and more!

of the Ones He Won’t Let Go book

ollection of five real-life stories helps kids develop compassion for kids g up in difficult circumstances and shows how God holds on tightly to one of His children. Be sure to purchase additional copies for use with roup!

Find out what YOU can do!

A Super Simple Mission Kit TM

Standard Publishing is proud to partner with Beth Guckenberger and Back2Back Ministries. Since 1997 Back2Back Ministries has been offering “Care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphans and their care providers around the world. To find out how you and your church, family, or other group can be involved in meeting each child’s physical, educational, emotional, social, and spiritual needs, here are some ideas:

Fully Resourced ... as a Greatulum for

• Have Beth Guckenberger come speak or do a Skype session with your group.

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Bible Blast

• Go to www.back2back.org and download a gift catalog, find out about child sponsorship, or donate today. • Plan a mission trip to a Back2Back Ministries site. • Organize an ongoing fundraising or service drive as part of your use of the Kids Serving Kids™ curriculum.

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You CAN make a difference in a child’s life!

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Use the five colorful posters and fifty serving hands to create a thought-provoking and interactive display.

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Missions Posters & Serving Hands

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➤ Curriculum for your church missions conference

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RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Social Issues

Author and Co-Executive Director Beth Guckenberger

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33 Adult Resources

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34 Jungle Safari Program



God’s love is INCREDIBLE!

God hears Israel and sends an unlikely hero. EXODUS 3


Kids will


what God’s love is,


God’s everlasting love, and

God’s love is FAITHFUL!

God rescues Rahab, a true friend to His servants. JOSHUA 2


God’s love is INVINCIBLE!

God strengthens David, a shepherd boy. 1 SAMUEL 17


God by loving others.


God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL!

God’s Son forgives a woman with a sinful past. JOHN 3:16; LUKE 7


God’s love is REAL!

God answers the church and frees Peter. ACTS 12



Each day kids travel back in time to explore Blast to the Past Bash Turn back the clock and turn up the volume—it’s time to praise the God who loves us from everlasting to everlasting!


Blast to the Past Bash is the time to worship, laugh, and learn—with upbeat music, engaging skits, fun large-group challenges, and meaningful missions videos! And after kids journey back from the past at the end of the day, they’ll be reminded of what God’s love is and how He loves them—no matter what!

Timeless Truth Tent Step inside and experience truths from God’s Word throughout HIStory!


From the moment they arrive, kids will be engaged and involved as they see God’s love at work in the lives of His people throughout time. Hands-on Bible activities and small-group discussions help kids discover that God’s love for them is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And most importantly, kids will realize that each of them plays an important role in God’s plan. They’ll be challenged to let God’s love change their lives so they can change the world!

Mission Quest Cave Stop in to explore and go out and serve! At the Mission Quest Cave, kids find out that living is an every-day adventure—with challenges to serve in their own communities and around the world! Every kid will have the opportunity to participate in practical service and missions projects designed for all ages. Whole churches will be jumping in to do service with a lasting purpose!



God’s everlasting love at these VBS sites: Backtrack Bazaar Munch and move inside a busy city market. Even the most serious time travelers need a place to unwind! Food and fun are designed to pair up just right with the theme of the day and keep kids focused on God’s INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL love! Choose from indoor and outdoor games, and even science-based fun! Whether they are getting soaked, running relays, or testing their Bible memory skills, kids will discover God’s everlasting love while building teamwork, confidence, and excitement!

Discovery Ruins



Experience ancient arts and facts through science and crafts! Science, art, and history combine for an experiment with fun at Discovery Ruins! Watch kids’ imaginations grow as they travel back in time and discover even more about God’s everlasting love! Affordable and flexible craft options will allow kids of all ages to expand their minds without expanding your budget!


Playtime Pasture Big fun awaits all the little lambs of Playtime Pasture! Preschoolers will discover that God loves them forever and always through Bible story activities, songs, and games made just for them. Simple crafts and service projects will help them KNOW what God’s love is, EXPLORE God’s everlasting love, and learn to SERVE Him by loving others.




Original Reproducible k Turn back the cloc me! lu o v e h t p u n r u t a nd It’s time to praise the God who loves us from everlasting to everlasting! Kids will love to sing, shout, praise, and pray during Opening & Closing with all-new songs and music videos by award-winning Christian artist Yancy! With eight memorable songs written and produced specifically for Bible Blast to the Past, Yancy returns to help kids uncover timeless truths about God’s love. Because the music is reproducible, children and volunteers can take home their VBS experience and share it with their families! Kids will love the songs, motions, and cool videos at Blast to the Past Bash. You’re sure to create a time-travel adventure they will enjoy during VBS and remember all year long!

Watch and listen to clips now! www.vacationbibleschool.com L-O-V-E (theme song) Do/Be/Give Love Everlasting Love Won’t Stop Oh How I Love Jesus Trust & Believe On & On (especially for preschoolers) Oh I Know (especially for preschoolers)


Learn more about Yancy at www.yancynotnancy.com

Worship Music Don’t just take our word for it! Read some of our customers' feedback from 2014: “Everyone had a blast. Music stuck in the kids’ and adults’ heads; they were singing it even when they were not in VBS.”

“Seeing the children singing, worshipping, and learning about the nature of God. The workers enjoyed it just as much. Yancy’s music is the best!”

“Seeing how the kids connected with the music. Those songs and their message will be with them for a long time.”



Missions Stories from

“We are a small church but had 45 kids in VBS. Thank you for the work you do. Our children loved the stories and were so touched.”

“Thank you for the beautiful and honest videos through VBS. I believe many seeds were planted in hearts of children this summer.”


Partnering with Beth Guckenberger and Back2Back Ministries, Bible Blast to the Past gives kids and adults the chance to experience the touching true story on video of Ronaldo, a young man in Haiti with big dreams. These compelling, kid-friendly missions videos, shown during your opening session, help kids see how sharing God’s love can help everyone reach for better tomorrows. “Our hope with this curriculum is to resource churches to help open kids’ eyes to the needs in their communities and around the world. I believe we have the opportunity to invest in this next generation—to show them how God sees the lost and the fatherless, and to help them understand how He wants to use them.” ­– Beth Guckenberger

“We believe that by inspiring kids through true stories, they will begin to understand they can make a personal contribution to caring for orphans around the world.”

Back2Back Ministries “At Back2Back Ministries, we work with orphan care providers to help bring ‘care for today and hope for tomorrow’ to children all over the world.” “Sometimes there are big projects, but a lot of times we show God’s love through simple service like braiding hair or playing games. It’s important to us that, no matter how big or small they are, or how much money they have, or where they live—no matter what—that kids understand God’s always loved them and has a plan for them. And He wants them to love others too.” “You can make a real difference in the lives of the kids in your neighborhood and across the world just by showing kids God’s love at VBS. It’s so important and so easy—just raise your hand and say ‘Pick me!’” Beth Guckenberger is co-executive director of Back2Back Ministries, a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to providing “care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphaned and impoverished children around the world. Their holistic plan is designed to meet each child’s needs so that they might overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of generational poverty.

Find out how to get involved at www.back2back.org!

Beth is full of stories— powerful stories of God’s work in people’s lives that will inspire your kids (and grown-ups too!) to get involved in missions. Learn more about her Storyweaver books on page 32.



Service with a Make a difference in your community—and around the world! With service challenges, projects, and tools woven THROUGHOUT THIS PROGRAM, soon your whole church will be excited about service! As kids are learning what God’s love is and how God loves them no matter what, they are challenged to do, be, and give love to one another. Kids begin to understand the needs in their communities and around the world and how serving others is a significant part of both showing and receiving God’s love. We provide all kinds of opportunities for them to work with each other and their leaders as they experience a need and explore how knowing that God’s love is INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL can help them help others.


Lasting Purpose! After learning about the needs of others, kids are supplied with tools and ideas and encouraged to go out and actually do service with a lasting purpose. Service projects are specifically designed not only to complement and emphasize the points kids are learning throughout each session, but also to help kids see how they can make a real difference in their world.

Service is a unique part of our VBS. As kids complete service and missions challenges, they can put their Serving Hands on the Bible Timeline Wall Mural to show they’re part of a long line of servants, living out God’s everlasting love!



Everything you need Packed with everything you need to plan and lead your VBS or family ministry event, the kit includes the Director’s Guide for all ages; Planning Disc Set; Music Disc Set; all Leader’s Guides, Leader’s Cards, and Student Books; Age-Level Resources Disc Set; Decorating Resource Pack; four Poster Packs; and lots of intriguing samples! You can include every child with our special needs friendly VBS! All of our director and leader resources have been reviewed by special needs experts who provided adaptations that are built right into the program. Every leader can easily make this VBS special needs friendly— just look for the icon.

ot he r s ’ o t e lu a v r u o e C o m pa r n save! a c u o y h c u m w a nd s ee h o

ISBN 978-0-7847-7638-4 $179.99 Item # 020900015

Director’s Guide

This easy-to-use Director’s Guide has 176 perforated and three-hole-punched pages to guide you through every step of planning for Bible Blast to the Past! 48 pages are specifically for Preschool and nearly 20 pages are focused on setting up a VBS to include children with special needs. A PDF of the complete Director’s Guide plus digital forms, charts, and editable docs are found on the Planning & Missions DVD-ROM in the Planning Disc Set. A PDF of the Preschool Director’s Guide for your youngest learners, plus digital forms, charts, and editable docs are found on the Preschool CD in the Age-Level Resources Disc Set.

Opening & Closing Leader’s Guide Included with your Director’s Guide, use these handy leaflets to lead large-group opening and closing time at Blast to the Past Bash! Each leaflet helps you inspire kids to sing, shout, praise, and pray as they explore and celebrate God’s everlasting love!


to lead in one kit! Planning Disc Set

This three-disc set is packed with valuable resources to help you plan, lead, and decorate for your Bible Blast to the Past adventure! The Planning & Missions DVD-ROM features the Director’s Guide, overviews, recruiting segments, missions stories, and bonus videos. The Opening & Closing CD includes skits, sound effects, split-track audio files, lyrics, song motions, sheet music, PowerPoint® song lyrics, and a closing program. The Decorating & Publicity CD provides sound effects and high-quality images and graphics to help decorate and share the excitement of VBS.

Age-Level Resources Disc Set

This three-disc set provides complete resources to help you teach kids at any age level to KNOW what God’s love is, EXPLORE God’s everlasting love, and SERVE God by loving others! Special needs friendly resources and information are provided for each age level! The Preschool CD contains PDFs of the Preschool Director’s Guide, Bible Stories Leader’s Guide, and Activities & More Leader’s Cards, along with Bible story sound effects, extra coloring pages, forms, checklists, and more. The Elementary & PreTeen CD also includes PDFs of all the Leader’s Guides and Cards along with Bible monologues, Bible story sound effects, patterns, family newsletters, and additional resources. The Teen CD contains a PDF of the Bible Study Leader’s Guide for Teens plus videos, PowerPoint® presentations, and additional teaching materials.

Music Disc Set

Make your Bible Blast to the Past explode with praise! One disc contains the music and motions videos and the other has the stereo and accompaniment tracks for all eight new worship songs, featuring Yancy and friends.



Everything you need Bible Stories Leader’s Guides Preschool This 40-page guide provides interactive Bible stories and activities—just the right resources to help preschoolers, ages three-kindergarten, have fun playing and learning at Playtime Pasture. Bonus files for this site are provided on the Preschool CD in the Age-Level Resources Disc Set. Elementary & PreTeen This 40-page guide includes everything a site leader needs to create a memorable Bible story experience. Kids will dig into Bible stories to discover that God’s love is INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL. Hands-on activities and meaningful small-group discussions will help kids explore God’s love throughout HIStory. Teen Help teens take the challenge to know what God’s love is and serve Him by loving others with this insightful, motivating 32-page Leader’s Guide that includes activities and service projects. Additional digital files needed for teens are provided on the Teen CD in the Age-Level Resources Disc Set.

New site!

Comprehensive and Convenient Leader’s Cards Crafts & Science Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen These 20 double-sided cards are filled with ideas for kids to explore God’s love through ancient artifacts and learn age-old scientific principles that still hold true today. Choose from the do-it-yourself craft or the pre-packaged options available from S&S Worldwide. Learn more by visiting www.vacationbibleschool.com. Service & Missions Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen As they learn what it means to count on God’s love, kids have the opportunity to put that faith into action by participating in practical missions projects to help out kids across international borders or friends just down the block. With daily and weeklong service ideas designed for all ages and accompanying discussion material in these 20 double-sided, easy-to-use cards, you’re sure to find something that meets your needs—and someone else’s! Snacks & Games Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen These 20 double-sided, easy-to-use, colorful cards are filled with ideas for snacks and games that will remind kids about God’s love. Choose from indoor and outdoor games, and even special science-based fun! Whether they are getting soaked, running relays, or testing their Bible memory might, kids will learn to count on God’s love while building teamwork, confidence, and excitement! Two snack and three game options per session plus additional “anytime” ideas are provided. Activities & More Leader’s Cards—Preschool These 40 double-sided, easy-to-use, colorful cards are filled with ideas and resources for all preschool activities—games, snacks, service projects, crafts and science, and Cooper puppet scripts.


to lead in one kit! Instantly create a time-travel adventure with these decorating resources!

For more about decorating, see pages 20-23.

Decorating Resource Pack

11 sheets, 38" x 54" The 16-page guide with super simple ideas and inexpensive options will help you use the 11 large, full-color sheets to instantly create a back-to-Bible-times experience!

Bible Story Poster Pack

5 full-color posters, 19" x 27" Bring Bible stories alive for today’s kids with these five colorful posters! Display them at Timeless Truth Tent and Blast to the Past Bash to remind kids that God’s love is everlasting!

Service & Missions Poster Pack

5 full-color posters, 19" x 27" Decorate your missions wall or Service & Missions site and get kids excited about Service with a Lasting Purpose with these five engaging posters.

Daily Theme Poster Pack

5 full-color posters, 19" x 27" Five colorful posters remind kids that God loves them no matter what. Display them at any site where you want kids to focus on God’s INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL love!

Site Names Poster Pack

6 full-color posters, 19" x 27" Designate and decorate specific areas of Bible Blast to the Past with these six vibrant posters!

Samples of Student Books and other great resources will help you create an experience your kids will love! See pages 16-27 for details. • Student Books (Preschool, Elementary, PreTeen, Teen) • PastPort • 3-in-1 Lanyard • Name Tag Card • Blast to the Past Bible Pals™ by Floppets™ • Publicity Poster • Invitation Postcards • Bookmark • Activity Pad • Recognition Certificate


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Everything a Director’s Guide

The Director’s Guide has 176 perforated and three-hole-punched pages to guide you through every step of planning for Bible Blast to the Past! 48 of the pages are specifically for Preschool. Also includes a 24-page Opening & Closing Leader’s Guide! 1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7640-7 $34.99 • 020900315


Site Leader Needs! Music Disc Set

You can include every child with our special needs friendly VBS!

Make your Blast to the Past Bash explode with praise! One disc contains the music and motions videos and the other has the stereo and accompaniment tracks for all eight new worship songs, featuring Yancy and friends.

All of our leader resources have been reviewed by special needs experts who provided adaptations that are built right into the program. Every leader can easily make this VBS Special Needs Friendly— just look for the icon. Find out more at: www.vacationbibleschool.com

1 included in kit • ISBN 978-0-7847-7644-5 $39.99 • 020901815

Bible Stories Leader’s Guide— Preschool

Bible Stories Leader’s Guide— Elementary & PreTeen

This 40-page guide provides interactive Bible stories and activities— just the right resources to help preschoolers, ages three-kindergarten, have fun playing and learning at Playtime Pasture. 1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7645-2 $6.99 • 020902715

Activities & More Leader’s Cards— Preschool

These 40 double-sided, easy-to-use, colorful cards are filled with ideas and resources for all preschool activities— games, snacks, service projects, crafts and science, and Cooper puppet scripts. 1 included in kit • ISBN 978-0-7847-7646-9 $8.99 • 020902815

This 40-page guide includes everything a site leader needs to create a memorable Bible story experience. Hands-on activities and meaningful small-group discussions will help kids explore God’s love throughout HIStory.

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7647-6 $6.99 • 020903015

Crafts & Science Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

These 20 double-sided cards are filled with ideas for kids to explore God’s love through ancient artifacts and learn age-old scientific principles that still hold true today. 1 included in kit • ISBN 978-0-7847-7648-3 $6.99 • 020903115 Choose from these do-it-yourself crafts or the pre-packaged options available from S&S Worldwide. Learn more by visiting www.vacationbibleschool.com.



Everything a Service & Missions Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

With daily and weeklong service ideas designed for all ages and accompanying discussion material in these 20 double-sided, easy-touse cards, you’re sure to find something that meets your needs—and someone else’s! 1 included in kit • ISBN 978-0-7847-7649-0 $6.99 • 020903215

Snacks & Games Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

These 40 double-sided, easy-to-use cards are filled with ideas for snacks and games that will remind kids about God’s love while also building teamwork, confidence, and excitement! Two snack and three game options per session plus additional “anytime” ideas. 1 included in kit • ISBN 978-0-7847-7650-6 $8.99 • 020903315

Bible Study Leader’s Guide with Service Projects—Teen

Help teens take the challenge to know what God’s love is and serve Him by loving others with this insightful, motivating 32-page leader’s guide that includes activities and service projects.


1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7651-3 $6.99 • 020903615

site leader needs! Buy one for each of your kids! Great as a take-home! Preschool Student Book

Teen Student Book

This fun-filled, full-color 16-page book will guide preschoolers as they explore God’s love, learn Bible verses, and play games. Includes stickers, Bible story review, and activities to help preschoolers know that God’s love goes on and on!

Challenge teens each day to see opportunities to know and serve God with a 24-page full-color student book designed just for them! Includes journal pages and service challenges too.

8 3/8" x 10 5/8"

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7652-0 $2.99 • 020903815

Elementary Student Book 8 ½" x 5 5/16"

These 24 full-color pages help kids explore Bible stories and service through clever activities and conversation starters. Includes service challenges and journal pages kids can take home!

8 ½" x 5 5/16"

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7655-1 $2.99 • 020904115

Reproducible Music & Video Disc

These audio and video files (MP3s and MP4s) are ready to upload into your presentation software or send to your leaders. Play the songs during church services and use the videos for recruitment to get the whole church excited about Bible Blast to the Past! ISBN 978-0-7847-7680-3 $39.99 • 020905615

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7653-7 $2.99 • 020903915

PreTeen Student Book 8 ½" x 5 5/16"

These 24 full-color pages help preteens explore God’s love and what it means to them through fun activities, discussion questions, and personal reflection. Includes service challenges and journal pages kids can take home! 1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7654-4 $2.99 • 020904015



Decorating Warp Wrap your space into a time-travel adventure! Find out all about PastPorts on page 27!

Giant Time Travel Clock

Create the focal point of your PastPort photo booth using these four large sheets. Just mount them on foam core or hang them on a wall窶馬o cutting out pieces and parts! Includes 4 full-color 38" x 54" sheets to create two clocks. ISBN 978-0-7847-7661-2 $24.99 窶「 020904915


& Publicity

Bible Timeline Wall Mural

Includes 3 full-color 36" x 72" sheets Mount on foam core or a wall to quickly create a 9' x 6' scene. ISBN 978-0-7847-7662-9 $29.99 • 020905015

Serving Hands Package of 50

As kids complete service and missions challenges, they can put their Serving Hands on the Bible Timeline Wall Mural to show they’re part of a long line of servants, living out God’s everlasting love! ISBN 978-0-7847-7663-6 $8.99 • 020905115

Make Your Mark Wall Banner Full-color, 65" x 44"

Engage kids of all ages right from the start by letting them write their name, draw a picture, or put their own stamp on this poster. Your whole church will enjoy seeing how kids are learning about God’s everlasting love! ISBN 978-0-7847-7681-0 $9.99 • 020905215



Decorating YOUR INFO HERE!

Outdoor Banner

3' x 5' full-color banner with grommets Let your community know about VBS or decorate inside your building! ISBN 978-0-7847-7664-3 $29.99 • 020905415

Publicity Posters

5 full-color posters, 11" x 15" Spread the word to get kids excited about discovering God’s everlasting love! ISBN 978-0-7847-7665-0 $9.99 • 020905515

Decorating Resource Pack

Bible Story Poster Pack

The 16-page guide with super simple ideas and inexpensive options will help you use the 11 large, full-color sheets to instantly create a back-toBible-times experience!

Bring Bible stories alive for today’s kids with these five colorful posters! Display them at Timeless Truth Tent and Blast to the Past Bash to remind kids that God’s love is everlasting!

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7656-8 $34.99 • 020904215

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7657-5 $9.99 • 020904315

11 large sheets, 11" x 15"

Check out our Pinterest boards & Facebook page for more ideas!

Invitation Postcards

52 full-color postcards, 13 sheets Help kids get excited about joining their friends at Bible Blast to the Past! ISBN 978-0-7847-7667-4 $9.99 • 020905815


5 full-color posters, 19" x 27"

& Publicity

Service & Missions Poster Pack

Daily Theme Poster Pack

Site Names Poster Pack

Decorate your missions wall or Service & Missions site and get kids excited about Service with a Lasting Purpose with these five engaging posters.

Five colorful posters remind kids that God loves them no matter what. Display them at any site where you want kids to focus on God’s INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL love!

Designate and decorate specific areas of Bible Blast to the Past with these six vibrant posters!

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7658-2 $9.99 • 020904415

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7659-9 $9.99 • 020904515

5 full-color posters, 19" x 27"

5 full-color posters, 19" x 27"

6 full-color posters, 19" x 27"

1 included in kit ISBN 978-0-7847-7660-5 $9.99 • 020904615


Fun Extras Pass-Along Music CDs Pack of 10 CDs in paper sleeves All eight songs at an affordable price—a perfect gift for every child and leader! Stereo version only.

Water Bottle 9" x 2 ¾"

Keep your time travelers filled and refreshed while you remind them to put love into action! ISBN 978-0-7847-7672-8 $3.99 • 020906615

ISBN 978-0-7847-7666-7 $19.99 • 020905715


Pack of 12 full-color 8" x 10" sheets These certificates celebrate kids’ participation at Bible Blast to the Past!


Pack of 25; fullcolor on two sides; 2" x 6 ½"

These inexpensive reminders make great gifts and prizes that will help kids know that God’s love front back is INCREDIBLE, FAITHFUL, INVINCIBLE, UNCONDITIONAL, and REAL!

56064-Bookmarks_ptMgf.indd 1

Recognition Certificates

7/3/14 11:12 AM

ISBN 978-0-7847-7677-3 $6.99 • 020907615

12 ¾" x 16 ¾"

8" x 5 ¼"


Preschoolers will look forward to their daily visits with Cooper.

ISBN 978-0-7847-7687-2 $3.99 • 020906915

Activity Pad

ISBN 978-0-7847-7671-1 $1.49 • 020906515

17" tall

Convenient and lightweight! Perfect for kids and adults as they put love into action!

ISBN 978-0-7847-7670-4 $5.99 • 020906415

80 pages filled with activities to remind kids they can count on God’s love!

Cooper Puppet

Drawstring Backpack

Crew Leader’s Bag 15 ½" x 19 ½"

With shoulder-length handles, this bag is perfect for crew leaders to carry their daily materials! ISBN 978-0-7847-7678-0 $3.99 • 020907715

UPC 7-0752909936-1 $19.99 • 09936

for Kids & Volunteers! T-Shirts for your volunteers!

50% preshrunk cotton, 50% polyester Adult Small UPC 7-07529-90202-9 $14.99 020908415


Adult Large UPC 7-07529-90197-8 $14.99 020908615

Iron-On Transfers

Adult XL UPC 7-07529-90198-5 $14.99 020908715

Pack of 10 full-color 8" x 9" sheets Use these iron ons to create Bible Blast to the Past T-shirts for your kids! Try using a different color T-shirt for each age group or crew. ISBN 978-0-7847-7676-6 $15.99 • 020907515

Adult Medium UPC 7-07529-90196-1 $14.99 020908515


Adult XXL UPC 7-07529-90199-2 $16.99 020908815



Fun Extras for Blast to the Past Bible Pals™ by Floppets™ Pack of 5

These Bible Pals™ are fun reminders of each lesson and include the daily theme and Scripture reference. They attach easily to 3-in-1 Lanyards, flip flops, fingers and wrists, pencils, backpacks, shoelaces, and most any other safe thing! ISBN 978-0-7847-7675-9 $6.49 • 020907415


Everything Kids & Volunteers! a 3-in-1 Lanyards

Bible Times Animal Stickers

Pack of 10 lanyards and 10 full-color name cards This lanyard serves as a name tag holder and a pouch for service challenge and journal pages. Kids can attach their Blast to the Past Bible Pals™ each day too! VBS team members will love the convenient pouch for keeping pens, reminders, and schedules close at hand!

Pack of 6 full-color 4" x 5" sheets

Great for decorations, craft and service project enhancements, and rewards! ISBN 978-0-7847-7673-5 $2.49 • 020906715

Daily Theme Stickers

ISBN 978-0-7847-7668-1 $15.99 • 020905915

Pack of 6 full-color 4" x 5" sheets

Name Tag Cards

Pack of 10 double-sided cards Use with the 3-in-1 Lanyards and attach Daily Theme Stickers on the back to reward kids for each service challenge they complete.

Use as stamps for each kid’s PastPort, a reward for service challenges, or attendance on the Name Tag Card!

ISBN 978-0-7847-7674-2 $2.49 • 020906815

ISBN 978-0-7847-7669-8 $1.49 • 020906015


Pack of 10; fullcolor, 16 pages, 3 ½" x 5" Kids will track their Bible-times journeys with these colorful, interactive PastPorts! As kids step back into each Bible story, they can record where they went, who they saw, and what they learned. There’s even space for their names and photos. Can be used with Daily Theme Stickers too! ISBN 978-0-7847-7682-7 $6.99 • 020906315



Free Web Resources to Help


lescho www.vacationbib

Planning Calendar

Ideas & Helps Planning Calendar

Whether you’re a first-time director or an experienced one, planning for a week of VBS can be a daunting task. Let this planning calendar lead you with five easy steps! Just key in your VBS start date and watch the calendar generate a schedule beginning 180 days prior to the start of your event. Then, easily add or delete items to fit your needs. A downloadable PDF of the Director’s Timeline can help you determine your start date.

FREE Downloads

From Bible Blast to the Past art and templates to themed reproducibles and bonus activities, you’ll find lots of extras here to add even more value to your VBS program! Also explore Recruit & Train where you’ll find promotional videos to share at your church to generate excitement!

Pre-packaged Crafts

Take creativity to new levels with easy-to-use, pre-packaged, themed crafts from S&S Worldwide, available for preschool, elementary, and preteen!


Recruit & Train

Plan, Promote & Decorate! My VBS Promote, recruit, plan, coordinate, and engage parents, with My VBS! Register for your FREE account starting in December 2014. Using My VBS, you can easily: • Launch your own VBS website—no web skills required • Register kids • Recruit and sign up volunteers • Post forms and documents for parents and volunteers


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Connect on Facebook Learn, smile, and gain inspiration as you join our conversation with other churches going on a time-travel adventure! Use our forum to get involved, help others, and ask questions. Enjoy seeing the pictures, stories, and videos from other VBS programs. It's a great place to get even more ideas that fit the Bible Blast to the Past theme.

• Use themed templates for your communications • Give everyone a sneak peak of your VBS • Post pictures to your own photo gallery • And much more!

PubVBS rd a d n ta S / m o c t. s www.pintere Fun Ideas on Pinterest Discover all kinds of ideas to inspire your décor. You’ll also find a variety of fun ideas in the areas of special needs, service and missions, music, and “for your volunteers”!



Teach Kids About Missions

Fully Resourced Missions Curriculum A Super Simple Mission Kit TM

dard Publishing is proud to ner with Beth Guckenberger Back2Back Ministries. Since Back2Back Ministries has n offering “Care for today, e for tomorrow” to orphans their care providers around world. To find out how you your church, family, or r group can be involved in ting each child’s physical, cational, emotional, social, spiritual needs, here are e ideas:

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to www.back2back.org d download a gift catalog, d out about child sponsorship, donate today.

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ganize an ongoing fundsing or service drive as part your use of the Kids Serving ds™ curriculum.

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You CAN make a difference in a child’s life!

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1 TRUST? 1 ill i what it nd th. Who WderstaW fai ho Will i TRUST? un Kids ns to have 5 -2 understand what it mea 8:22Kids LUKE means to have faith. LUKE 8:22-25

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ISBN 978-0-7847-7635-3 $49.99 Item # 025611814

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Filled with fun, interactive learning experiences and kid-inspired service projects, this Super Simple Mission Kit will open kids’ eyes (and grown-ups’ too!) to the needs in their community and around the world—then challenge them to do something about it!

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Great as a . . . ➤ Curriculum for your church missions conference ➤F ollow-up or alternative to a VBS program ➤M issions experience during school breaks ➤M idweek or Sunday school program ➤F amily ministry event


Director ecutive Co-Ex r r and enberge Autho Beth Guck

Beth Guckenberger, Co-Executive Director of Back2Back Ministries Beth is full of stories. Some of them she has written down in books such as Reckless Faith (2008), Relentless Hope (2011), and in the Storyweaver series: Tales of the Not Forgotten (2012), Tales of the Defended Ones (2013), Tales of the Ones Led Out (2014), and Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go (2014). She also watches stories unfold every day in her house full of children and in her work with her husband, Todd, as they serve as co-executive directors of Back2Back Ministries (www.back2back.org).


Music Videos by YANCY

Through Real Kids’ Stories Kids Serving Kids™ Director’s Guide Every step of your missions experience has been planned for you! Includes • Plans for six lessons based on Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go • Opening, Bible memory, review, application, and prayer activities • An interactive Bible story and discussion for each lesson • Bonus service and giving projects, schedule options, and more!

Kids Serving Kids™ DVD Complete customizable material for six sessions, including everything in the Director’s Guide plus • Inspiring videos and pictures telling real-life stories • Upbeat worship videos from Yancy • Craft ideas and templates, snack ideas, take-home pages, scripts, visuals, and more!

Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go book This collection of five real-life stories helps kids develop compassion for kids growing up in difficult circumstances and shows how God holds on tightly to every one of His children. Be sure to purchase additional copies for use with your group!

Find out answers to these questions!

1 Who will I TRUST? Kids understand what it means to have faith. LUKE 8:22-25

2 How do I PRAY? Kids learn about persistent prayer. LUKE 18:1-8

3 What can I GIVE? Kids are challenged to give more than they think they have. EXODUS 1; 2:1-10


Where can I GO?

Missions Posters & Serving Hands

Kids discover what happens when wounds heal. GENESIS 37, 45

Use the five colorful posters and 50 Serving Hands to create a thought-provoking and interactive display.

5 Who will I SERVE?

Kids are encouraged to live out the dreams God gives. NEHEMIAH 2, 4

6 How can I LOVE?


Kids find out love brings new life even in dark places. LUKE 10:25-37




These powerful stories of God’s work in the lives of poor and abandoned kids will inspire kids and adults to get involved in missions. These books will spark an interest in your students to consider God as their Storyweaver and to wonder about a world bigger than the one they know.

ISBN 978-0-7847-3528-2 $8.99 Item # 025485212

ISBN 978-0-7847-3697-5 $8.99 Item # 025495113

ISBN 978-0-7847-7522-6 $8.99 Item # 025611414

Kids Serving Kids Mission Kit: Featuring Tales of the Not Forgotten

Keep kids engaged with service and missions after VBS with the Kids Serving Kids Mission Kit, filled with compelling stories, biblical teaching, kid-friendly service projects, and family outreach ideas. Based on real stories told by Beth Guckenberger, the kit includes: • A Kids Serving Kids™ Director’s Guide and DVD featuring video stories and worship videos by Yancy. • A Tales of the Not Forgotten book and Leader’s Guide CD •M issions Posters and Serving Hands for group activities

ISBN 978-0-7847-7479-3 $49.99 • Item # 025610913


Weaving Your Story? Include Adults in your VBS— It’s Not Just for Kids!

While your kids are having a VBS adventure, your adults can dive into God’s Word using these Bible study resources that will change the way they live and serve.


Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go By Beth Guckenberger


Decembe This fourth book in the Storyweaver series by r Beth Guckenberger is a collection of five 2014! compelling real-life stories, written for kids and loved by kids of all ages! Readers will watch as God the Rescuer lifts their feet up out of destruction and sets them on paths of healing, redemption, and grace. Group discussion questions and more available in the FREE downloadable Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go Adult Discussion Guide. Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go ISBN 978-0-7847-7634-6 • $8.99 • Item # 025611614 Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go Adult Discussion Guide ISBN 978-0-7847-7633-9 • Item # 025611514

I AM Revealed By Mike Baker

Dig into God’s Word as you seek to know Him day by day. God knows you and calls you by name. And yes, it’s possible for you to know God—on a firstname basis. Includes group discussion questions.

Accompanies your Jungle Safari k it

ISBN 978-0-7847-3572-5 $9.99 Item # 025488213



Vacation Bible School

Music by


Service & Missions featuring

Teach kids that God is Creator, Provider, ing! Protector, Savior, and K

Kids will be learning about the nature of God through Bible stories that start in Genesis and lead us to Revelation. In each session, kids will KNOW what’s so great about God, EXPLORE the nature of God, and SERVE God in practical ways.

Bible memory: Psalm 86:9-12 In the opening session at Toucan Jam each day, kids will work together to learn Psalm 86:9-12, a great Scripture about who God is and what He means to us. In addition, kids will hear a verse from Psalms each day that tells about the daily theme: God is CREATOR, PROVIDER, PROTECTOR, SAVIOR, and KING.



Site Overview

Opening & Closing

Service & Missions

Crafts & Music

Sing, shout, praise, and pray as kids discover the greatest treasure of all.

Serve With A Mighty Purpose through activities and projects that help kids put their faith into action and impact the lives of others.

Jump to the jungle beat and make musical crafts while learning lyrics and matching motions.

Bible Story

Snacks & Games


Zip right to the point with handson activities and small-group discussions to help kids work through how and why they can always count on God.

Fuel up, jump up, and get moving with games that focus on what’s so great about God.

Preschoolers will explore the nature of God through Bible stories, songs, games, crafts, and service projects designed just for them.


Music by award-winning Christian artist Yancy

Sing, shout, and praise with exclusive, all-reproducible worship music by Yancy! Connect with kids through music as they discover the greatest treasure of all. Yancy returns with eight new, fun jungle beats that focus on the nature of God!

Special needs adaptations

It doesn’t take a miracle to teach kids who learn differently—just a teacher or leader who is willing to take a chance and shape a heart. Jungle Safari gives you confidence to welcome children who have special needs into your church. Your team will be equipped with teaching tips, lesson and activity options, informational forms, and more.

Service & missions focus

Partnering with Beth Guckenberger and Back2Back Ministries, you’ll hear the incredible true video story of Ben and Joseph, orphans from Ethiopia. Show kids how they can count on God no matter what—that He always has great things planned for them! Jungle Safari also features a new site, Slug-A-Bug S.W.A.M.P. where kids will learn to Serve With A Mighty Purpose! Through activities focused on outreach and missions, kids will put their faith into action and impact the lives of others.



Your Super Simple Everything You Ne ed

to Lead in O

ne Kit! Packed with everythi ng you need to plan and lead your VBS, th is kit offers top-rate d features you’ll only fin d from Standard Publ ishing. $129.99 ISBN 978-0-7847-7480-9 • 020900014

Director’s Guide

This easy-to-use binder, with 176 pages and tabbed dividers, will guide you through every step of Jungle Safari! Nearly 20 pages are focused on children with special needs. 48-pages of this guide will take you through every step of Jungle Safari for preschoolers. Use the handy Opening & Closing Leader’s Guide to lead each large-group opening and closing at Jungle Safari! Each leaflet helps you engage kids to sing, shout, praise, and pray as they discover the greatest treasure of all.

Planning & Music Disc Set

The Planning & Music Disc Set provides tons of resources to help you and your team plan, publicize, lead, and decorate! Disc set includes: Disc 1: Planning & Missions DVD digital Director’s Guide, video overviews, recruiting segments, missions stories, sample schedules, registration and publicity, and much more Disc 2: Music Video DVD with eight exclusive music videos from Yancy, plus song motions Disc 3: Music CD with eight exclusive songs from Yancy in stereo, with accompaniment tracks Disc 4: Decorating & Publicity CD has high-quality images and graphics to help decorate and share the excitement of VBS Disc 5: Opening & Closing CD-ROM has split-track versions of the songs, plus printable lyrics, motions, sheet music, character skits, a closing program, and more Disc 6: Exportable Media DVD-ROM with all the MP3s and MP4s you need


Jungle Safari Kit Age-Level Resources Disc Set Completely reproducible and includes editable files you can customize!

Disc 1: Preschool CD contains PDFs of the Preschool Director’s Guide, Leader’s Guide, Leader’s Cards, and more Disc 2: Elementary & PreTeen CD contains PDFs of all Leader’s Guides and Cards and other optional resources

E-mail leader’s guides to your ! volunteers

Disc 3: Teen CD includes a PDF of the Leader’s Guide plus videos, and additional teaching materials

Bible Stories Leader’s Guides Preschool This 40-page guide provides interactive Bible stories and activities—just the right resources to help preschoolers, ages 3–kindergarten, have fun playing and learning at Lily Pad Playland. Elementary & PreTeen This 40-page guide includes everything a site leader needs to create a memorable Bible story experience. Hands-on activities and meaningful small-group discussions will help kids work through how and why they can always count on God. Teen Help teens take the challenge to know God and serve Him with this insightful, motivating 32-page leader’s guide that includes activities and service projects.

Turn the page to see what else is included in your Jungle Safari Kit!


39 5

Even More in Your Super What else is in your kit?

Convenient Site Leader’s Cards Crafts & Music Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen Through the challenge of creating instruments, learning lyrics, and matching motions, kids will stretch their talents and strengthen their passion to praise God—the greatest treasure of all! Snacks & Games Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen Easy-to-use, colorful cards are filled with ideas for snacks and games kids will love. Whether they are getting soaked, running relays, or testing their Bible memory might, kids will learn to count on God while building teamwork, confidence, and excitement! Two snack and three game options per session. Service & Missions Leader’s Cards—Elementary & PreTeen Kids have the opportunity to put faith into action by participating in practical mission projects to help out kids across borders or friends just down the block. With daily and weeklong service ideas designed for all ages, and accompanying discussion material in these easy-to-use cards. Activities & More Leader’s Cards—Preschool Easy-to-use cards are filled with ideas and resources for all preschool activities— games, snacks, service projects, crafts, and Cooper puppet scripts.

Samples Included—Order What’s Right For Your VBS See pages 43-47 for details • Student Books (Preschool, Elementary, PreTeen, Teen) • Jungle Bible Pals™ by Floppets™ • Sample Chapters from Adult VBS Options • Jungle Creatures Stickers • Invitation Postcards • 3-in-1 Lanyard • Nature of God Stickers • Jungle Serving Hands • Bookmark • Jungle Name Tag Cards • Staff Appreciation Card • Iron-On Transfers • Recognition Certificate • Publicity Poster • Activity Pad KING


Simple Jungle Safari Kit Decorating Pack & Guide 11 large sheets (38" x 54") and a 16-page guide provide decorating ideas for every site

Site Names Poster P ack (6-19" x 27")

Bible Story Poster Pack (5-19" x 27")

Daily Theme Poster Pack (5-19" x 27")

Missions Poster pack (5-19" x 27")

Need Extras? See page 43. ORDER TODAY!


Need Extra

ese resources is One of each of th per Simple Kit. included in the Su ur Need more for yo s? students or leader

This 40-page guide provides interactive Bible stories and activities.

Bible Stories Leader’s Guide— Elementary & PreTeen

Age-Level Resources Disc Set

ISBN 978-0-7847-7524-0 $59.99 • 020900414

Music Video DVD Includes all eight new music videos from Yancy. ISBN 978-0-7847-7538-7 $29.99 • 020904614

ISBN 978-0-7847-7490-8 $6.99 • 020900814

Service & Missions Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

ISBN 978-0-7847-7488-5 $6.99 • 020900614

ISBN 978-0-7847-7485-4 $29.99 • 020900114

This set of three CDs is reproducible and includes editable files you can customize! See page 39 for more details.

40 easy-to-use, colorful cards are filled with ideas and resources for all preschool activities.

Bible Stories Leader’s Guide— Preschool

Director’s Guide

This easy-touse binder, with 176 pages and tabbed dividers, will guide you through every step of Jungle Safari!

Activities & More Leader’s Cards— Preschool

This 40-page guide includes everything a site leader needs to create a memorable Bible story experience.

Daily and weeklong service ideas designed for all ages, in these 20 easy-to-use cards. ISBN 978-0-7847-7493-9 $6.99 • 020901814

Snacks & Games Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

ISBN 978-0-7847-7486-1 $6.99 • 020900314

Bible Studies Leader’s Guide with Activities & Service Projects—Teen

Help teens take the challenge to know God and serve Him with this 32-page guide. ISBN 978-0-7847-7491-5 $6.99 • 020901114

40 colorful cards are filled with ideas for snacks and games. Two snack and three game options per session.

ISBN 978-0-7847-7492-2 $6.99 • 020901314

Crafts & Music Leader’s Cards— Elementary & PreTeen

Do-it-yourself musical craft options on these 20 full-color cards. ISBN 978-0-7847-7505-9 $6.99 • 020903814


Resources? How Many Students Do You Have?

Stude page nt s great are send to h with ome kids!

Preschool Student Book Decorating Pack & Guide

11 large sheets (38"x 54") and a 16-page guide (See page 45) ISBN 978-0-7847-7487-8 $34.99 • 020900514

Daily Theme Poster Pack

5 posters, 19" x 27" ISBN 978-0-7847-7497-7 $14.99 • 020902414

This fun-filled 16-page book will guide preschoolers as they explore the nature of God, learn Bible verses, and play games. 8 3/8" x 10 5/8" ISBN 978-0-7847-7501-1 $2.99 • 020903014

Elementary Student Book

These 24 pages help elementary kids explore Bible stories and service through fun activities and conversation starters. 8 ½" x 5 5/16" ISBN 978-0-7847-7502-8 $2.99 • 020903214

PreTeen Student Book Bible Story Poster Pack

Site Names Poster Pack

ISBN 978-0-7847-7494-6 $14.99 • 020901914

ISBN 978-0-7847-7498-4 $14.99 • 020902514

5 posters, 19" x 27"

6 posters, 19" x 27"

Missions Poster Pack

5 posters, 19" x 27" ISBN 978-0-7847-7518-9 $14.99 • 020907514

These 24 pages help preteens explore Bible stories and service through fun activities and conversation starters. 8 ½" x 5 5/16" ISBN 978-0-7847-7503-5 $2.99 • 020903414

Teen Student Book

Challenge teens each day to see opportunities to know and serve God with a 24-page, full-color student book designed just for them! 8 ½" x 5 5/16" ISBN 978-0-7847-7504-2 $2.99 • 020903514



Decorations & Promotions to Make Publicity Posters 5 full-color posters, 11" x 15"

One sample is included in the Super Simple Kit. Spread the word to get kids excited about finding the greatest treasure! ISBN 978-0-7847-7496-0 $10.99 • 020902214

Tips Each day, kids will add treasure stones to the pillars, showing that God is CREATOR, PROVIDER, PROTECTOR, SAVIOR, and KING. And, there’s lots of space on the banner and the publicity poster to customize with your own information!

Giant Ancient Pillars 4 full-color sheets, 38" x 54" each


Create the focal point at your church using these four large sheets that create two large pillars. Just mount them on foam core–no cutting out pieces and parts! ISBN 978-0-7847-7515-8 $16.99 • 020908414

Outdoor Banner

3' x 5' full-color banner with grommets Use this large weatherproof banner to let your community know about your VBS. Features blank space so you can include the information you want. ISBN 978-0-7847-7495-3 $27.99 • 020902014

ones Download FREE Treasure St . at vacationbibleschool.com


Your Jungle Safari Come Alive Jungle Vines Wall Mural 3 full-color sheets, 36" x 72" each

Create your own jungle adventure with these three large sheets. When mounted on foam core or wall, it becomes a 6' x 9' scene. ISBN 978-0-7847-7516-5 $29.99 • 020908514

Jungle Serving Hands Package of 50

Use these with the Jungle Vines Wall Mural to create a missions wall and track giving and service projects. ISBN 978-0-7847-7529-5 $4.99 • 020909114

Decorating Pack & Guide

This item is included in the Super Simple Kit. Transform an ordinary room into a jungle adventure! Includes seven sheets (38" x 54") packed with full-color art, four more sheets (38" x 54") that go together to make two ancient pillars over 9' tall, and a 16-page decorating guide. ISBN 978-0-7847-7487-8 $34.99 • 020900514



Complete your Jungle Safari Experience!

Fun Extras for Kids 3-in-1 Lanyards & Nametags

Activity Pad 80 pages; 8" x 5 3/8"

Pack of 10

This lanyard serves as a name tag holder and a pouch for student book pages and schedules.




ISBN 978-0-7847-7511-0 $14.99 • 020905714


Jungle Name Tag Cards Pack of 10 double-sided cards

Jungle Bible Pals™ by Floppets™

These Bible Pals are fun reminders of each lesson with the daily theme and Scripture reference, and they attach easily with a color tether strap to the 3-in-1 Lanyard—or to shoes, fingers, backpacks, and more!

Attach Nature of God Stickers on back to reward kids for each service challenge they complete. ISBN 978-0-7847-7528-8 $1.49 • 020905814

ISBN 978-0-7847-7540-0 Pack of 5 for $5.99 • 020909014


Pack of 25; full-color on two sides; 2" x 6 ½" ISBN 978-0-78477513-4 $5.99 • 020906314 front


Water Bottle 9" x 2 ¾"

Invitation Postcards

Four perforated postcards on an 8 ½" x 11" sheet for easy copying. Includes a template for filling out the back. Includes 52 postcards. ISBN 978-0-7847-7509-7 $9.99 • 020905014


BPA free. Holds 16 ounces. ISBN 978-0-78477514-1 $2.49 • 020907914

An inexpensive send-home gift for each child!

ISBN 978-0-78477508-0 $1.39 • 020904914

Jungle Creatures Stickers

Pack of 6 4" x 5" sheets Jungle Safari creatures plus jungly stickers! ISBN 978-0-7847-7507-3 $1.99 • 020904714

Nature of God Stickers Pack of 6 4" x 5" sheets

Ancient pillar with the Creator, Provider, Protector, Savior, and King symbols, plus extra jungly stickers! ISBN 978-0-7847-7526-4 $1.99 • 020904814

Pass-Along Music CD

Pack of 10 CDs in paper sleeves All eight exclusive songs by Yancy are a perfect gift for every child and leader! Stereo version only. ISBN 978-0-7847-7539-4 $19.99 • 020904414

& Volunteers Tales of the Defended Ones

By Beth Guckenberger 6" x 9", 208 pages If kids loved Ben and Joseph’s story, they’ll love to hear more! Four real-life stories reveal how God powerfully defends the defenseless as they face extreme struggles. A perfect gift for your volunteers!

Staff Appreciation Card

Pack of 10 with white envelopes; 4 ½” x 6 ¼” Thank all of your volunteers in VBS with this card of appreciation. ISBN 978-0-7847-7500-4 $8.99 • 020902914

ISBN 978-0-7847-3697-5 $8.99 • 025495113

Crew Leader’s Bag

Iron-On Transfers

16” x 20” cloth shoulder bag

Pack of 10 fullcolor 8" x 9" sheets Use these iron ons to create your Jungle Safari T-shirts for kids! Light-colored T-shirts are recommended. Try using a different color T-shirt for each age group. ISBN 978-0-7847-7512-7 $13.99 • 020906014

Dress in Style T-Shirts

50% preshrunk cotton, 50% polyester Adult Medium UPC 7-07529-90186-2 $14.99 • 020906714 Adult Large UPC 7-07529-90187-9 $14.99 • 020906814 Adult XL UPC 7-07529-90188-6 $14.99 • 020906914 Adult XXL UPC 7-07529-90189-3 $14.99 • 020907014

Recognition Certificates

Pack of 12 full-color 8" x 10" sheets Celebrate kids’ participation at Jungle Safari with a recognition certificate!

This sturdy, colorful bag with shoulder-length handles is perfect for crew leaders. Say proudly “I Change Lives.” ISBN 978-0-7847-7510-3 $2.99 • 020905514

Drawstring Backpack 13" x 6 ½"

This roomy and fun backpack is perfect for kids and adults! Know, Explore, Serve. UPC 7-07529-90191-6 $3.99 • 020907114

Cooper Puppet 17" tall

Preschoolers will look forward to their daily visits with Cooper. UPC 7-07529-09936-1 $19.99 • 09936

ISBN 978-0-7847-7499-1 $6.99 • 020902614



Multiple VBS Options Inside! Bible Blast to the Past Program

xperiences and r Simple Mission ps’ too!) to the d the world— g about it!

➤ Curriculum for your church missions conference ➤ Follow-up or alternative to a VBS program ➤ Missions experience during school breaks ➤ Midweek or Sunday school program ➤ Family ministry event

ector’s Guide

erience has been planned for you! Includes d on Tales of the Ones He Won’t Let Go review, application, and prayer activities and discussion for each lesson projects, schedule options, and more!


material for six sessions, including everyuide plus d pictures telling real-life stories deos from Yancy mplates, snack ideas, take-home pages, d more!

Won’t Let Go book

tories helps kids develop compassion for kids ances and shows how God holds on tightly to ure to purchase additional copies for use with

Find out what YOU can do!

A Super Simple Mission Kit TM

Standard Publishing is proud to partner with Beth Guckenberger and Back2Back Ministries. Since 1997 Back2Back Ministries has been offering “Care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphans and their care providers around the world. To find out how you and your church, family, or other group can be involved in meeting each child’s physical, educational, emotional, social, and spiritual needs, here are some ideas:



Fully Resourced ... as a Greatulum for

• Have Beth Guckenberger come speak or do a Skype session with your group.

e to servic

• Go to www.back2back.org and download a gift catalog, find out about child sponsorship, or donate today.

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• Plan a mission trip to a Back2Back Ministries site. • Organize an ongoing fundraising or service drive as part of your use of the Kids Serving Kids™ curriculum.

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You CAN make a difference in a child’s life!

sions Posters & Serving Hands

he five colorful posters and fifty serving hands ate a thought-provoking and ctive display.

RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Children JUVENILE FICTION / Religious / Christian / Social Issues

Author and Co-Executive Director Beth Guckenberger

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GE TO Learn

you, loved have another. As I one love 13:34 John

From Poster




of Back2Back


© Brian

© Jean






to the



4, Missions


the world.

and Delight in the Lord, the He wil give you heart. desires of your 4 From Psalm 37:


5, Missions




to the








all around to orphans for tomorrow and hope www.back2back.org. for today Ministries, give care Back2Back how to Contact


1, Missions





to the



1:01 PM






© Evan



of Back2Back










Image courtesy


© Kevin



to the





Sheet 2, Missions

3, Missions

of Back2Back

Poster Pack,

Bible Blast to

the Past

PM 7/1/14 1:00

Ministries. ©

Nathan Bucher.


ve Di xecuti r and Co-E erge Author Beth Guckenb




of Back2Back





Adult Resources

Jungle Safari Program


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