• Based on the Best-selling Annual Bible Commentary • KJV & NIV ® Translations Available • Follows the ISSL/Uniform Series
Available from your Christian retailer.
Dig Deeper into the Word Standard Lesson Quarterly® provides quality, biblically sound lessons based on the ISSL/Uniform Series. Each quarter contains 13 weeks of lessons and includes • The most in-depth verse-by-verse Bible exposition available • Culturally relevant discussion questions • Ready-to-use resources to enhance study
KJV Sample Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12 NIV ® Sample Lesson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-25
Trusted, Accurate, and Easy! • Provides a comprehensive overview of the Bible in six years • Everything you need to prepare quality lessons • Adaptable to different class sizes, large or small • Encourages students to apply what they are learning • Biblically sound content for over 60 years
Standard Lesson™ Study Bible............................. 16-17
The NIV® and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission.
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Each Lesson Includes
Best-selling Commentary
• Scripture Page—the week’s Bible text right at hand with callout of the key verse • Lesson Outline—clear and concise description of the lesson
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• Introduction—perspective on the lesson ahead • Verse-by-verse Exposition—a study of the week’s text • Discussion Questions—with talking points for the class
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• Visual Aid References—see the visual aid available in the Adult Resources pack • How to Say It—pronunciation guide for those hard-to-say words • Verbal Illustrations—help bring the lesson to life • Conclusion—summary of the lesson, suggested prayer, and the lesson’s central theme • Involvement Learning Activities— ideas to engage students • Reproducible Student Activity Page—enhances the lesson with alternative and optional activities; found in the Deluxe Editions or free online at
Convenient Resources • Standard Lesson Study Bible—a Bible containing a wealth of resources for teachers and serious students alike (available in NIV® and KJV) • Devotions®—reflective of the theme and meaning of each Sunday’s lesson, these help prepare the heart and mind for the lesson ahead • Adult Resources—provides 12 full-color posters to illustrate the lesson each week and a Presentation Tools CD with digital images, PowerPoint®, and reproducible student activity pages • In the World—an online feature new every week with a current event that relates to Sunday’s lesson • Seek®—an eight-page weekly magazine with the KJV lesson text, inspirational articles, a daily Bible reading list, and questions for personal reflection or group discussion • The Lookout®—a 16-page weekly magazine that helps readers look at their lives from a biblical worldview
ISSL/Uniform Series Scope and Sequence The International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL)/Uniform Series is a six-year plan for reading and studying the entire Bible. Designed to take students into every part of Scripture, the Uniform Series pulls at least one lesson from nearly every book of the Bible over the six-year cycle, following eight specific themes. This more holistic study of the Bible helps students know the content of the Bible, understand the message of the Bible, and know the God of the Bible.
(Sep., Oct., Nov.)
Fall Quarter
Winter Quarter
Spring Quarter
Summer Quarter
The Inescapable God (Exodus, Psalms)
Assuring Hope (Isaiah, Matthew, Mark)
We Worship God (Matthew, Mark, Philippians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Jude, Revelation)
God Instructs His People (Joshua, Judges, Ruth)
Tradition & Wisdom (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Matthew)
God Establishes a Faithful People (Genesis, Exodus, Luke, Galatians)
God’s Creative Word (John)
God Calls for Justice (Pentateuch, History, Psalms, Prophets)
A Living Faith (Psalms, Acts, 1 Corinthians, Hebrews)
Jesus Is Lord (John, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians)
Undying Hope (Daniel, Luke, Acts, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Peter)
God’s People Worship (Isaiah, Ezra, Nehemiah)
First Things (Genesis, Exodus, Psalms)
Jesus & the Just Reign of God (Luke, James)
Jesus’ Fulfillment of Scripture (Pentateuch, 2 Samuel, Psalms, Prophets, Gospels, Acts, Revelation)
The People of God Set Priorities (Haggai, Zechariah, 1 & 2 Corinthians)
Sustaining Hope (Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Habakkuk)
Acts of Worship (Psalms, Daniel, Matthew, Luke, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, James)
The Spirit Comes (Mark, John, Acts, 1 Corinthians, 1, 2 & 3 John)
God’s Prophets Demand Justice (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos, Micah, Zechariah, Malachi)
The Christian Community Comes Alive (Acts)
Sacred Gifts & Holy Gatherings (Pentateuch, Song of Solomon, Hosea, Micah, Gospels)
The Gift of Faith (Mark, Luke)
Toward a New Creation (Zephaniah, Romans)
(Dec., Jan., Feb.)
(Mar., Apr., May)
(June, July, Aug.)
8 Themes “God”
KJV Sample Lesson September, Lesson 1
The Key Verse is highlighted at the beginning of every lesson on the Scripture page.
Don’t just look at the lessons in this booklet–experience them The introduction gives perspective on the lesson ahead.
The clear, easy-tofollow Lesson Outline starts each lesson.
Discussion Questions and Talking Points are included in line with the text–no flipping to another resource.
How to Say It pronunciation guides help with difficult names and words.
Includes references to the visual aids for each lesson that are found in the Adult Resources pack.
Verbal Illustrations help bring each lesson to life and make it relatable.
The conclusion gives a summary of the lesson, suggested prayer, and the lesson’s central theme.
Involvement Learning offers class activity ideas to engage students in the lesson.
KJV Teacher & Student Books Fall 2015
Best-selling Commentary on the Uniform Series
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Be ready to lead your class and explore the Scripture text in a way that meets the needs of all kinds of learning styles. The KJV teacher book gives you: • Printed Bible text for each lesson • Reliable verse-by-verse commentary • Discussion questions with talking points • Verbal illustrations to bring the commentary to life • Lesson plans with learning activities • Daily Bible reading plan to prepare your heart and mind for the upcoming lesson • URL to free reproducible student activity page for each lesson
$7.99 Large Print $8.99
Your class can participate in a deep study of God’s Word with the KJV student book, which features: • Printed Bible text for each lesson • Condensed commentary on the text–consistent with the teacher book • Learning activities that coincide with the lessonplans in the Standard Lesson Commentary • Daily Bible reading plan to prepare the adult’s heart and mind for the upcoming lesson • Special feature articles that provide background information or inspiration to supplement the quarter’s theme $4.25 Large Print $5.25
KJV Adult Teacher’s Convenience Kit $30.99
Make class preparation easy by getting everything you need to teach each quarter’s lessons in one kit. The all-in-one Adult Teacher’s Convenience Kit includes:
• One KJV Bible Teacher book (large print) • One KJV Bible Student book • Adult Resources for visual lesson aids • Devotions® • Seek® take-home magazine
Reinforce each week’s lesson with this eight-page magazine. Each issue of Seek ® features the printed lesson text (KJV), inspirational articles, daily Bible reading list, and questions for personal reflection or small group discussion. • A subscription to Seek provides five complete sets of 13 issues for each lesson in the quarter.
KJV Standard Lesson ® Commentary Deluxe Edition Get more of what you love to help teach 52 weeks of thorough Bible study in one convenient edition. The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary Deluxe Edition includes: • The large print Standard Lesson Commentary (the perfect resource for leading all four quarters of your ISSL/ Uniform Series Study) • Perforated reproducible student activity pages for each lesson • eCommentary DVD with $450 worth of resources
020090215 • $24.99 978-0-7847-7473-0
A different kind of study Bible
Hardcover 025621015 • $49.99 978-0-7847-7686-5
Duotone 025620915 • $59.99 978-0-7847-7685-8
Featuring commentary from the best-selling Standard Lesson Commentary®, this Bible is packed with a wealth of resources for preparing for a Sunday school class, a small group, or to share insights with a friend. Request your free sample.
Hardcover 025610814 • $49.99 978-0-7847-7478-6
Duotone 025610714 • $59.99 978-0-7847-7477-9
NIV Sample Lesson September, Lesson 1 速
The Key Verse is highlighted at the beginning of every lesson on the Scripture page.
Don’t just look at the lessons in this booklet–experience them The introduction gives perspective on the lesson ahead.
The clear, easy-tofollow Lesson Outline starts each lesson.
Discussion Questions and Talking Points are included in line with the text–no flipping to another resource.
How to Say It pronunciation guides help with difficult names and words.
Includes references to the visual aids for each lesson that are found in the Adult Resources pack.
Verbal Illustrations help bring each lesson to life and make it relatable.
The conclusion gives a summary of the lesson, suggested prayer, and the lesson’s central theme.
Involvement Learning offers class activity ideas to engage students in the lesson.
NIV Teacher & Student Books ®
Be ready to lead your class and explore the Scripture text in a way that meets the needs of all kinds of learning styles. The NIV ® teacher book gives you:
Fall 2015
• Printed Bible text for each lesson • Reliable verse-by-verse commentary • Discussion questions with talking points • Verbal illustrations to bring the commentary to life • Lesson plans with learning activities • Daily Bible reading plan to prepare your heart and mind for the upcoming lesson • URL to free reproducible student activity page for each lesson
Your class can participate in a deep study of God’s Word with the NIV ® student book, which features:
Easy-to-rEad typE
BestCom selling men ta
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The Christ Communit ian Comes Alivye
Int ern ati on m
al Sun da y Sch oo l Les son s l Bible Lesso
Unif orm Serie s Inte rnat iona
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Chri stian Teac hing Sep tem be r • Oc tob er • No vem be r
• Printed Bible text for each lesson • Condensed commentary on the text–consistent with the teacher book • Learning activities that coincide with the lesso plans in the Standard Lesson Commentary • Daily Bible reading plan to prepare the student’s heart and mind for the upcoming lesson • Special feature articles that provide background information or inspiration to supplement the quarter’s theme
$4.25 Large Print $5.25
NIV Adult Teacher’s Convenience Kit ®
Make class preparation easy by getting everything you need to teach each quarter’s lessons in one kit. The all-in-one Adult Teacher’s Convenience Kit includes: • One NIV® Bible Teacher book • One NIV® Bible Student book • Adult Resources for visual lesson aids • Devotions® • A sample of The Lookout® take home magazine
$5.99 each or $45.00 per subscription
Help your class look at their lives from a biblical worldview with The Lookout ®. This 16-page weekly magazine includes two practical pages devoted to each week’s lesson and provides questions for personal reflection or small group discussion. No matter their situation, students will find insight and encouragement for their spiritual walk.
NIV Standard Lesson ® Commentary Deluxe Edition ®
Get more of what you love to help teach 52 weeks of thorough Bible study in one convenient edition. The NIV ® Standard Lesson Commentary Deluxe Edition includes: • The large print Standard Lesson Commentary is the perfect resource for leading all four quarters of your ISSL/ Uniform Series Study • Perforated reproducible student activity pages for each lesson printed in the book • eCommentary DVD with $450 worth of resources
020080215 • $24.99 978-0-7847-7474-8
A Wealth of Online Resources! Our print resources are just the beginning. Find additional support online for teaching your weekly lesson. Become a member of and have access to additional lesson preparation and presentation helps. Two levels of membership are available.
With your FREE membership: • In the World—Help your students see the relevance of this week’s lesson from to life today. In the World connects each lesson with a related current news story. Use In the World to introduce or to wrap up your lesson. • Reproducible Student Activity Pages—Available in KJV and NIV ®, these pages engage your students in the Involvement Learning plan suggested on the final page of each lesson. One page is available for every lesson throughout the year! (These pages are also available in print with the Standard Lesson Commentary Deluxe Editions and digitally on the Adult Resources CD.) • Sample Downloads—Review some of what is available from Standard Lesson before you buy.
With your PAID membership: • All of the benefits available with your free membership. • Weekly teacher tips to help you present the current lesson with variety and creativity. • An archive of our helpful Classroom Tips articles. • A new devotion each day from 365 Devotions®.
Standard Lesson Monthly Get these great features emailed to you each month in our information-packed newsletter: • Our monthly Classroom Tips article to help you become a more effective teacher. • A new money-saving special offer each month
More Resources $16.49
Add visual appeal to your lessons! The Adult Resources pack provides 12 full-color posters, including a map and/or chart for the quarter, plus a variety of colorful images to engage the visual learners in every class. • The pack also provides a Presentation Tools CD that includes: - Digital images of all the printed posters - A PowerPoint® presentation for each lesson - A printable student activity page–available in KJV and NIV®—for each lesson • Encourage daily reflection on the theme and meaning of each Sunday’s lesson with practical devotional thoughts that will challenge the class to experience personal growth in Christ. - Correlated to each Sunday’s lesson and contains: º A Scripture reference for the day’s Bible reading º A Scripture verse for memorization º A song suggestion to assist in praise and worship º An inspiring, thought-provoking meditation º A prayer thought to focus the heart and mind on communication with God
Large Print $5.25
Pocket Edition $4.25
Teacher Tip
When preparing for lessons, using the daily readings in the Devotions® book throughout the week can help you better understand the full context of Sunday’s lesson. The readings highlight Scripture related to the lesson.
This 26-session Bible overview— designed to equip lay leaders to serve as elders, Sunday school teachers, small group facilitators, and in other positions of service in the church—can be completed as a group study or a self-study. This valuable resource includes: • Step-by-step lesson plans • Class activities and reproducible worksheets • Reproducible final exam • Reproducible course-completion certificate
Leader Guide 025473611 • $15.99 978-0-7847-3300-4
Bible Atlas Small group leaders, Bible teachers, and Bible students can use these reproducible maps, charts, chronologies, and time lines to enrich learning.
Student Guide 025473711 • $10.99 978-0-7847-3301-1
Bible Dictionary
03345 · $13.99 978-0-7847-1872-8
This Bible dictionary includes more than 2,000 entries with a popular “How to Say It” pronunciation guide, as well as definitions to enhance teaching and personal Bible study.
03359 · $13.99 978-0-7847-1873-5
Available from your Christian retailer.
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ISBN 978-0-7847-7746-6