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Causes of Loss:
Internal theft is loss caused by associates. This form of theft represents the largest percentage of a store’s loss. Some examples of internal theft include: fraudulent refunds, pass-offs of merchandise and theft of cash from the register or deposits.
External theft is loss caused by someone other than our own associates; such as guests, vendors, and/or maintenance personnel. This loss can occur through various methods, including shoplifting, credit card fraud and passing counterfeit bills, just to name a few.
Paperwork errors occur due to carelessness, making assumptions and/or neglecting to follow company procedures, thus causing a loss. These mistakes can occur while shipping and receiving merchandise, processing markdowns, and performing price adjustments and inventory counts.
Our Company believes the majority of associates are dedicated, honest and hard working. Unfortunately, each year a small percentage of associates decide to steal. Dishonest behavior negatively impacts individual growth opportunities, benefits and morale. The personal consequence for those who engage in theft are equally severe and include: termination, restitution, civil demand, prosecution and a criminal record.