4 minute read
The Student Council has representatives from Year 2 through to Year 6. These children help to make decisions on behalf of the children in the Primary school. Their decisions are fed to the Primary Leadership Team for discussion. Student Council members are encouraged to organize formal class meetings with their class and contribute to Assemblies. This structure teaches children about the decision-making process and gives the children in classes a voice.
Student-led Conferences
During the year, parents are invited to attend Student-led Conferences to find out more about their child’s progress. This meeting gives parents an opportunity to:
listen to children explain what they have been learning in class
ask children questions about their work
jointly evaluate work and set targets
speak with the Class Teacher and Specialist Teachers to discuss children’s progress
Parents are informed about this day in writing and are allocated a time to visit classrooms with their children.
Student Visitors
A request can be made to classroom teachers for a family’s guest or relative to visit our school and in particular the classroom for a day. Please make the request to the Head of Primary. The guest or relative should be approximately the same age as the child they are visiting. The Classroom Teacher has the right to decline if the visit is likely to adversely interrupt their teaching for that day.
Teacher Assistants
Class Teachers from Nursery through to Year 2 have full time teacher assistants. There is one teacher assistant for Years 3 and 4 and one for Years 5 and 6. Teacher assistants have an extensive job description that includes preparing for lessons, teaching small groups and supervision. Children are expected to show respect for them at all times. Teacher assistants are available to help you with translation if necessary.
International Schools are places where transition is a way of life. Children move from one country to another or one part of a country to another. Primary school too is a time of transition - from home to school and from a Primary emphasis to a Secondary one. We are very aware of this transition and the impact it has on the lives of the children who are in our care. Transition activities are not one-off stand-alone sessions. They are continual and happen throughout the school year and take on many forms.
As we support children in their transitions we recognize that each child has specific needs that can be tailored for. Parents are encouraged to discuss transitions with their children and classroom teachers to enable this to happen.
As a school community we formally support transition through:
• A common curriculum framework and language for learning
• Information sessions between teachers in relation to their ‘new’ class
• A formal transition programme between Year 6 and Year 7
• A buddy programme for new children joining the school during the year.
• A Thai focus within the curriculum to encourage a connection to our host country
The school provides transportation if this is required. We manage the bus service and maintain a high quality of provision. The cost of the transportation depends upon the area covered by each bus.
The current list of transportation charges is available from the school office. These and any other enquiries regarding buses should be directed to gvtransport@standrews-schools.com. All students beginning with Nursery are permitted to travel on the school buses.
We aim to provide a door to door school bus service that is safe, reliable and efficient.
Each bus has a Driver and a Bus Monitor. The bus should not leave without both members of the team. Bus monitors are in mobile phone contact with the school at all times. Children are expected to show respect to both members of the bus team.
All buses are air-conditioned, have seat belts and DVD players. We are happy for children to take it in turns to bring their own DVDs for viewing. Only U certificate movies are permitted. Ie appropriate for children.
Children are expected to wear a seat belt whenever they are on a bus. Bus Monitors are required to make sure they are fastened safely when leaving home/leaving on a school trip/ leaving school. Children are not permitted to unbuckle during the journey. Parents may wish to provide car seats for children in Nursery and Kindergarten.
Leaving Home
You will be given a pick-up schedule. Please make sure your child is ready and waiting for the bus. If you are late then everyone on that route is late. Bus monitors will log the time your child gets on the bus.
Buses arrive at the front of the school and over near the hard court. They will start arriving from 8.00 am. All Early Years and Year 1 children are walked by the Bus Monitor to their classrooms. Children in Years 2 to 6 walk to their rooms independently.
Departure from School
Teachers or teacher assistants of Nursery, Kindergarten, Reception and Year 1 and 2 children accompany their bus children to the bus, making sure they are secured onto the correct bus. Once a child is on a bus, they are not permitted to leave it.
School uniforms are available in the uniform shop at the front of school. Please ask at reception.
Blue and white striped shirt Blue shorts White Socks Black Shoes
Blue and white striped shirt Blue Culottes
Blue and White striped dress White Socks Black Shoes
Physical Education Uniform for both Boys and Girls
Blue Shorts Blue Shirts White sport socks Trainers