10 minute read
Daily Routine
School commences at 8.30 am for all Primary School students. Playground supervision begins at 8.00 am and children should not arrive before this time. When the bell rings to signal the start of the school day, children in Years One to Four assemble in their designated class lines underneath the shaded area in the Teaching Block One Playground. Children in Year Five and Six make their way independently to class when instructed by the duty teachers. Children in the Early Years are welcomed into their classrooms by class teachers from 8.20am onwards.
Children in the Nursery Class and Kindergarten finish their school day at 12.20 pm. If Kindergarten children are attending school for the full day, they finish at 3.20 pm with the rest of the school.
The School Day is divided into eight lessons that are forty minutes in length (seven on a Friday). Break time is scheduled between 10.40 am and 11.00 am and lunch time is scheduled between 12.20 pm and 1.20 pm. Children in the Early Years who are on a half day eat their lunches in class before they go home. The school day ends at 3.20 pm Monday to Thursday and at 2.40 pm on Fridays.
The daily Primary Timetable is as follows:
Registration/Class Time Period 1 Period 2
Period 3 Break Time Period 4
Time Span Duration in Minutes
8.30 – 8.40 am 10 8.40 – 9.20 am 40 9.20 – 10.00 am 40
10.00 – 10.40 am 40
10.40 – 11.00 am 20
11.00 – 11.40 am 40
Period 5 11.40 am – 12.20 pm 40 Lunch Break (EY half day children go home) 12.20 – 1.20 pm 60 Period 6 1.20 – 2.00 pm 40 Period 7 Period 8 (Monday to Thursday only) School finishes at 3. 00 pm on Friday 2.00 – 2.40 pm 40
2.40 – 3.20 pm 40
School Year/ Calendar
The school year generally starts at the end of August and ends at the end of June or beginning of July. The year is divided into three terms. The calendar is distributed by the beginning of term three every school year. This will be sent via email and is posted on the school website. New parents will receive their copy upon enrolment. https://www.standrewsgreenvalley.com/school-life/school-dates-term-dates/
The Primary Classes are grouped in three areas. The Early Years Classrooms occupy their own green space to the left of the campus as you arrive at school. Children in Years 1 to 4 are located in Teaching Block 1 (TB1). Secondary Classrooms and Years 5 and 6 Classrooms are located in Teaching Block 2 (TB2). The Reception area and School Office can be found directly on your right as you arrive at the main entrance. The Head of Primary’s Office can be found immediately upon entering Teaching Block 1.
Absence from School
Parents are asked to telephone or post a note of explanation on the class SEESAW app to the Classroom Teacher if a child is absent through sickness or any other reason. If your children arrive at school after 8.30 am please ask them to report to the school receptionist at the front office to sign in so that the register can be altered.
Occasionally, a child may need to leave school before the end of the school day. Primary children can leave when prior communication has been received from a parent. Prior to departure the parent and child are asked to see the school receptionist and sign-out. This is incase of an emergency evacuation. Primary children are not permitted to leave the campus without a parent or nominated adult during the school day.
We encourage everyone to feel a part of the school community but also to value the communities within the school. Our Assemblies provide a chance to celebrate achievement, share work, perform and pass on important information. Assemblies are also used to reflect and discuss things such as behaviour expectations, community service or important global events. Assemblies are held each Friday afternoon at 1.20 in the Black Box theatre and are mainly student-led. Each Assembly is run by a Year level or Department.
We promote assessment for learning. We believe that children should be encouraged to know what they are learning, how they are learning it and why they are learning it. Assessment is built into the learning and not just included at the end. Teachers use a range of different strategies to assess knowledge, understanding and skills. Examples of assessment might include: Teacher/child interviews at the beginning and end of a unit Spelling lists and Diagnostic Reading Assessments Checklists that are completed by the teacher/children Teacher/child generated rubrics Self-assessment Peer-assessment Student Portfolios with annotated selections Writing Profiles Observational notes
In addition to these methods of assessment, we have a subject specific tracking sheets that monitor progress in English, Maths, ICT and Science skills. We also take part in the GL Online range of standarised assessments in Literacy, and Math. Year 6 will also complete the online Science assessment. In addition to GL, we use introducing CAT 4 cognitive ability tests and PASS assessments ( pastoral assessments) in order to gain evidence and understanding on a wider level. All of these assessments give us a better picture of your child and their progress to date as well as allowing us to set realistic goals for future progress.
GL Progress in English and Mathematics
Progress Tests are administered to children in Years 1-6. The tests are used to provide baseline assessment of children’s ability in English and Mathematics (and Science in year 6) compared to UK norms. They are marked online and enable teachers to monitor and identify specific strengths and areas for improvement. They also provide data that enables the school to track and monitor children’s progress as they move through the school.
These assessment strategies and tools help us build a whole picture of what your child is able to do. Teachers are able to provide accurate reports to parents by combining a wide range of on -going in-class assessment with data provided by international or UK norm referenced standardised tests.
Behaviour Management
Good behavior and discipline is essential for a productive learning environment and it is necessary that the children follow our school rules for their own safety. Few children ever give great cause for concern in this respect, although it would be an unusual child who did not earn a reprimand from time to time. Our policy is to treat children with respect in a civilised and friendly manner. However, misbehavior and discourtesy will be met with firmness and for any serious misbehavior parents will e informed and asked to attend a meeting to discuss reprimands and next steps. There are four ‘expectations’ that we follow in the Primary school.
They are:
• Be Safe
• Be Respectful
• Be Responsible
• Be Honest
All teachers use this language when talking with children when they have made a poor choice. These words are displayed in all classrooms and referred to regularly by both teachers and children.
Each term we distribute an international school, book club catalogue to help provide good quality books to families through a mail-order system. The magazines and order forms are distributed through the Classroom Teachers each term and collected by the library staff.
Khun Penny pennyb@standrews-schools.com operates the cafeteria. She provides morning snack and lunches to all children and adults who wish to purchase meals from her. Children may also choose to bring their own morning snack or packed lunch from home.
Morning snack is delivered to the classrooms in Nursery, Kindergarten, Reception, and Years 1 to 4. This snack consists of fruit, vegetables and biscuits. Children in Years 5 and 6 may purchase their morning tea from a the canteen.
Nursery children have lunch delivered to their classrooms. Children eat in the classroom and all dishes are returned to the cafeteria to be washed. Kindergarten transitions into eating at the canteen as they progress through the school year.
The children from Reception to year 6 walk to the cafeteria to eat lunch. The children line up and select their food, then sit quietly and eat. Teachers in Reception, Years 1 and 2 tend to eat with their classes. There is always a teacher on duty in the cafeteria to supervise the children whilst they eat.
Billing is between each family and Khun Penny. The school does not participate in this structure. Khun Penny is available in the school office each morning so that cafeteria bills can be paid. Parents are encouraged to pay these bills in person as sending money with children can sometimes be problematic.
The relevant costs are as follows:
Early Years (Nursery, KG and Reception) – 45 Baht per day
Primary (Years 1-6) – 50 Baht per day
Vegetarianism and allergies can be catered for. Please make sure that Khun Penny is aware of your preferences. Using the cafeteria is not compulsory. You may choose to send healthy, wellbalanced food to school with your child if you wish. Your child will still eat with their classmates.
From time to time individual classes hold ‘Class Parties’ to celebrate a special event, say farewell to a student or celebrate the end of term. Teachers will often ask for food or drinks to be sent along to be shared at this time – please send along healthy food and snacks. Parents are often invited to join in the celebrations.
Birthday celebrations should be limited to a cupcake and a drink, preferably at the end of the day (again, please communicate with your child’s teacher regarding this).
Class Placements
Teachers’ professional judgment is sought in placing children in classes for the new academic year. As many educational perspectives as possible are considered when placing children.
Elements that are taken into account include:
Academic ability
EAL needs
Friendship groups
SEN needs
Class lists are distributed to parents before children participate in a Transition Day near the end of Term Three.
Cleaning and Cleaning Staff
The Operations Manager is Khun Alastair and his office is above the admissions office. Any concerns and issues regarding cleanliness should be sent to him directly. Cleaners start work at 7.30 am and finish at 5.00 pm. Teachers are responsible for getting children to clean obvious debris from the floors and surfaces at the end of the school day. Children are expected to tidy up after themselves at all times. This includes washing paint brushes and cleaning up general spills.
Cleaners are available all day. They have breakfast at 9.30 am for 30 minutes and have lunch after classes resume at lunchtime. There is always a cleaner available although most cleaning happens after school once children have gone home.
Seesaw (our online learning platform) is a great tool for parents to find out about what their children are learning about. We also provide regular communication about children’s progress with termly reports, a yearly parent conference and a yearly student-led conference. We also provide various opportunities throughout the year to find out what children have been learning by inviting parents into school for various end of unit ‘learning journeys’ or presentations of work. If you would like further opportunities to discuss your child’s progress you are always welcome to make an appointment to speak with teachers. E-mail is the primary form of written communication with parents. Please make sure we have your most recent email address.
Communication Tools
The Seesaw family app links parent directly to their child’s school portfolio as well as their every day class work.
Weekly ‘What’s on’ Email
This is a regular newsletter that keeps you up to date with all the events and activities taking place in the Primary school. It is written by the Head of Primary and is emailed to all primary parents every Friday.
Facebook and social media
Our Facebook page is updated regularly to showcase the daily events of the school.
Parent Workshops
We offer workshops to enable Primary parents to have a better understanding of teaching and learning at St. Andrews.
Communication/Contact Books
All communications will be sent via Seesaw and Contact books may be used depending on the child’s age.
General Appointments
We encourage discussions about learning to occur with the teacher, child and parent together as this encourages responsibility and continued learning. However parents are welcome to arrange an appointment with their child’s teacher at any time should they wish to talk about their child’s learning alone. We ask that parents do not ask for a meeting without prior arrangement in order to allow teachers to focus on teaching and learning during the school day and to allow meeting preparation time.