Primary Parent Handbook 2021-22

Page 28

Student Council The Student Council has representatives from Year 2 through to Year 6. These children help to make decisions on behalf of the children in the Primary school. Their decisions are fed to the Primary Leadership Team for discussion. Student Council members are encouraged to organize formal class meetings with their class and contribute to Assemblies. This structure teaches children about the decision-making process and gives the children in classes a voice.

Student-led Conferences During the year, parents are invited to attend Student-led Conferences to find out more about their child’s progress. This meeting gives parents an opportunity to: 

listen to children explain what they have been learning in class

ask children questions about their work

jointly evaluate work and set targets

speak with the Class Teacher and Specialist Teachers to discuss children’s progress

Parents are informed about this day in writing and are allocated a time to visit classrooms with their children.

Student Visitors A request can be made to classroom teachers for a family’s guest or relative to visit our school and in particular the classroom for a day. Please make the request to the Head of Primary. The guest or relative should be

approximately the same age as the child they are visiting. The Classroom Teacher has the right to decline if the visit is likely to adversely interrupt their teaching for that day.

Teacher Assistants Class Teachers from Nursery through to Year 2 have full time teacher assistants. There is one teacher assistant for Years 3 and 4 and one for Years 5 and 6. Teacher assistants have an extensive job description that includes preparing for lessons, teaching small groups and supervision. Children are expected to show respect for them at all times. Teacher assistants are available to help you with translation if necessary.

St. Andrews International School– Primary School Parent Handbook


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