4 minute read
The Activities Programme
The Activities Programme
A variety of activities are offered by school staff and the community. They include a wide-range of sporting, cultural and social options for students at on Thursday afternoons, lunchtime, after school and at the weekend. Most teaching staff run activities and parents are encouraged to offer their skills to enrich the programme further. Activities change termly, please ask for details of our current activities programme. Harrison Straw is the teacher responsible for organizing the activities programme and he can be contacted at hstraw@standrews-schools.com .
Lunchtime and Interschool Sport Programmes
Sport plays an important part in our students’ lives. Many teams are organised for internal and external competition. These competitions happen at lunch time and after school. The PE Department will notify parents of up-coming competitions, so that they are fully informed.
Cultural Celebrations
St. Andrews has a diverse community and a wide range of languages and cultures are represented within our staff, students and parents. We value this mosaic of diversity. We believe that it is important to educate our community so that we all understand the uniqueness of our own culture and our relationships with the culture of others. Additionally we value the culture of Thailand as our host country. We do not however favour one culture over another in an effort to respect all and celebrate our cultural diversity.
SchoolZine is a one stop information and communication system for parents. By installing the SZapp app on their phone, parents are able to access a wide range of school services such as: The weekly Parents What’s On
In Secondary Emails for getting in touch with school leaders and teachers The School Calendar St Andrews Green Valley’s
Facebook and YouTube site The School website Information on using the school canteen Using the Feed tab, parents can keep up to date with correspondence sent out by the school. Instructions for how to download the SZapp will be shared at the beginning of the school year.

8.00 am Morning Meeting for staff, student busses begin to arrive
8.00 am Students go to lockers
8.20 am
Students to form rooms for registration and tutor activities 8.40 am Lessons Begin 10.40-11.00 am Morning Break 12.20 -1.20 pm Lunch 3.20 pm Home time for students
Thursday 8.00 am 8.15 am
8.20 am Morning Meeting for staff, student busses begin to arrive Students go to lockers
Students to form rooms 8.40 am Lessons Begin 10.40-11.00 am Morning Break 12.20 -1.00 pm Lunch 1pm – 1.40pm Period 6 1.40pm - 3.20pm Activities 3.20 pm Home time for students
8.00 am Student busses begin to arrive 8.15 am Students go to lockers 8.20 am Students to form rooms 8.40 am Lessons Begin 10.40-11.00 am Morning Break 12.20 -1.00 pm Lunch 3.00 pm Home time for students
School officially starts at 08.20 when it is tutor time. A teacher will be on duty from 08.00 and students are allowed into the school building at 8.00. If students arrive earlier, they should go to the hard court area. During morning break students should not be inside school, unless they are being supervised by a teacher. Food is available from Khun. Penny in the canteen. Break time is a time for you to be outside and playing with friends. The school canteen provides Asian and Western food every day. Students can mix and match between them. Form tutors will inform students of what time they should go to the canteen. When school finishes students should go to their locker and get all the things they need for their homework. If they have had PE that day, they need to remember to take their PE kit home to be washed! If they catch the school bus, they need to be as quick as they can so that they are not delaying everybody else.
Take 5 Coffee Shop
IB students may use the coffee shop during the school day. Year 7 – 11 students may use the coffee shop after school if they are not catching a school bus home or attending a training session.
Playgrounds and break duty
Staff members have a duty of care to all students at the school. They are rostered on duty during break time and are required to care for all students at this time.
Staff members on duty: Monitor behaviour Apply the school consequences for inappropriate behaviour Report accidents/injuries to the School Nurse Listen to students and are fair in dealing with them Intervene early in any observed misbehaviour Cordon off any unsafe area/equipment
School Uniform
Uniforms (other than competitive sports kits) are available in the uniform shop.
Year 7-11
BOYS White shirt with school logo Navy blue shorts or trousers (no denim).
Predominantly black shoes
GIRLS White shirt with school logo
Navy Blue Culottes, shorts or trousers
Predominantly black shoes
Year 12 & Clothing appropriate for business meetings in an office environment
PE Uniform for both Boys and Girls
Blue St Andrews shorts
White with blue St Andrews polo shirts
FOBISIA sports uniform (Black Kit)