3 minute read
Makeup and Jewelry
Makeup and Jewellery
School is not the place for makeup or jewellery and we expect students to present themselves in a manner that is both smart and appropriate to a place of education. Students should not come to school wearing obvious makeup and if they do so, they will be asked to remove it immediately (makeup includes eye-shadow, lipstick, coloured nail varnish etc). Students are actively discouraged from wearing jewellery due to the fact that it can pose a danger to both the wearer and others. In addition jewellery is often of great sentimental or financial value and its loss or damage can be very upsetting. At the same time we accept that some students may wish to wear items that are of religious or sentimental importance. This is acceptable so long as it follows the following conditions. The rules are the same for girls as for boys. Acceptable Jewellery: One small simple ring (that is not sharp) may be worn on each hand One small stud/sleeper earring can be worn in each ear. (No hoops whatsoever) One simple bracelet (that is not sharp) can be worn on each wrist One simple chain may be worn around the neck An inexpensive wristwatch During classes the activities undertaken may require jewellery to be removed for health and safety reasons. In such circumstances students are responsible for their own property. If in the slightest doubt, students should not wear such items to school.
Chewing Gum
Students must not bring chewing gum to school. It is not allowed on the school premises or on the school bus.
Students should have a water bottle with them at all times. Students can fill up water bottles at break or lunch NOT between classes. If they forget their water bottle, then at break and lunch they can go to reception or the cafeteria to get water.
Absence from School or Late Arrival
Parents are asked to telephone, email or send a note of explanation to the Tutor if a child is absent through sickness or any other reason. Late arrival at school – students are to report to the school receptionist at the front office or Khun Rung in the Secondary Office to sign in. The above staff will adjust the official school record accordingly.
Early Departure
Occasionally, a child may need to leave school before the end of the school day. Students can leave when prior communication has been received from a parent (Letter, email or phone call). Prior to departure the parent and child are asked to contact the form tutor. If the form tutor cannot be found then Mr McGee or the Key Stage Coordinator should be contacted. This is in case of an emergency evacuation. Students are NOT permitted to leave the campus without a parent or nominated adult during the school day.
Extended Absence
Parents are kindly requested to advise Form Tutors if your child will be absent from school for an extended period of time. Whilst it is not easy to replicate the school-learning environment when you are away, teachers may be able to provide some guidance for the student’s continued learning whilst they are absent from school.
Field Trips
Real learning can take place when real connections are made and field trips are therefore an integral part of learning. St. Andrews uses recommended standard adult/child ratios when going on field trips. Teachers may organise parental help with field trips, depending on circumstances. Students may from time to time do local walks close to school – parent permission is not sought for these local walks.
School Photographs
Each year photographers come to school to take photos of all the students. These photos are then made available to parents who are interested. School photographs are normally taken in January.
Student Visitors
A request can be made for a family’s guest or relative to visit our school and in particular the classroom for one day. The following procedures should be followed: The family should make the request, through the Head of Secondary who has the right to decline if it will adversely affect teaching for that day; The guest or relative should be approximately the same age as the child they are visiting
Using the School Campus after School
Students are permitted to use school facilities outside the normal school day so long as a supervising adult is in charge and that adult has permission from the Head of Secondary. The school will not take any responsibility for injury via accident during such times.