St. Andrew's Magazine, Fall 1993

Page 1

Calendar of SAS Events 1993-1994 September 7 25

Classes Begin Homecoming

October 23-24 24

Parents' Weekend Head-of-the-Charles Event

November 18 23

Metro Stops New York, Washington, DC Fall Term Ends

December 12 17

Service of Lessons and Carols Christmas Vacation Begins

January 6

Winter Term Begins

12 18-19

February SAS Wrestling Tournament Winter Musical


April Metro Stops

14-15 26

May Alumni Career Night & VI Form Dinner Arts Weekend Stotesbury Regatta Commencement

June 3 10

10-12 30

Spring Term Ends 3rd Annual SAS Scholarship Golf Tournament REUNION WEEKEND Close of the 1993-94 Annual Fund All gifts & pledges due!




CONTENTS Calendar of Events


Inside Front Cover

From the Headmaster


Chapel Talks: The Faculty Reflect on the H u m a n Condition


The A n n u a l Report


Reunion 1993

THE ST. ANDREW'S BULLETIN IS A MAGAZINE P U B L I S H E D BY THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR ITS A L U M N I , PARENTS AND FRIENDS. Front Cover: The boys' soccer team pauses to chart strategy. Photo by Gabriel A. Cooney. FALL 1993, VOL. 15, NO. 3 ISSUED T H R E E TIMES A YEAR ST. ANDREW'S BULLETIN PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR Donna K i n n e y Speers FALL EDITOR/DESIGNER Chesa Profaci '80 ASSISTANTS TO EDITOR Donna Bell Lynn Dugan Fran Holveck ludy Liefeld TYPOGRAPHY/PRINTING Migu Press, Inc. PHOTOGRAPHS Michal Dickinson Chesa Profaci '80 Quik Pics, Inc. The SAS Archives ST. ANDREW'S A L U M N I OFFICE 350 Noxontown Road Middletown • Delaware 19709-1605

ALUMNI OFFICE FAX 302-378-0429


TRUSTEES A. Felix duPont, Jr. Chairman H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 President Katharine duP. Gahagan Secretary Henry H. Sillitnan, Jr. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Robert B. B l u m , Sr. Assistant Secretary/ Assistant Treasurer George J. Baxter '54 Alumni Term Trustee Randolph W. Brinton '64 W i l l i a m H. Brownlee '44 Anne M. Gammons '85 Alumni Term Trustee Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz '81 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Alumni Term Trustee Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Nancy R.M. Hance Parents' Representative Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Michael A. H i l l '71 Bonnie D. H i l l m a n '84 W a l t e r ) . Laird, Jr. Trustee Emeritus Joseph S. McDaniel, I I I Parents' Representative Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Jonathan B. O'Brien Headmaster W i l l i a m B. Paul, Jr. '64 Alumni Corporation President William M. Pope, Jr. '61 Caroline duP. Prickett Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus J. Kent Sweezey '70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike




ince 1930, the year St. Andrew's opened, the School has attracted many great teachers. Bill Cameron walked into the lives of our students in 1930, and he was followed by such great personalities and teachers as Sherwood, Baum, Schmolze, Voorhees, Fleming, Hillier, Broadbent, Hughes, Amos, Washburn, Simon and Nan Mein, Colburn, Walker, van Buchem, Cheban, Stegeman, Higgins, Odden, Tad and Elizabeth Roach, Speers and Lyons. These are the kind of people all schools hope to employ. They are men and women of character whose interest in the growth of young people is paramount. In June, 1993, one such person retired from St. Andrew's. For over a decade, Hoover Sutton has been one of our most loved teachers. Although Hoover joined our faculty as an English teacher and has coached our boys' varsity tennis team and our girls' varsity lacrosse team, most of our students know him best as our college counselor and director of our superb winter musicals. His patience, enthusiasm, sense of humor and love of kids never disappeared in spite of the tensions which inevitably occur in both of these enterprises. At graduation, I said that we can replace Hoover as college counselor and that we can find another excellent theater director, but that we could never replace the personality which is Hoover Sutton and which has meant so much to all of us—teachers and students—for so many years. A divorced man whose grown children live in New England, Hoover seemed to adopt all our students and become an instant uncle to many of our young faculty. His office became the place to go when in need of a smile or cheerful word. He was always there. In by 7:00 a.m., he would usually be at his desk until the snack bar opened at 9:30 p.m. when he would always seem to find his way to a milkshake, a buffalo wing and laughter with a group of students. How does a school thank a teacher for the countless times he dropped everything to drive a student (or three or five) to the market or drugstore or pizza place? Those trips were not part of his contract, nor were the dozens of times he took the lonesome or troubled student off campus for dinner. No recent graduate will forget the slide show Hoover presented to the School each year the night before graduation. Those moments have become among the most treasured moments for all of us as the year just completed flashes before us and in the process a slide of every graduate and departing teacher. School days often contain heartache and disappointment. Hoover's slide show was always a vindication of the struggle and a validation of the experience which is boarding school. Schools are great if their teachers are great. It is as simple as that. For the past 13 years, Hoover Sutton is one reason why St. Andrew's has been a great school. We thank him with all our hearts and wish him well in retirement near his children and grandchildren in New England. He will always be in our Hall of Fame.




The Faculty Reflect on the Human Condition In the School's cornerstone is the following mission statement, composed by our Founder, Mr. Alexis Felix duPont:


he teaching and conduct of this school is based on the Christian religion. The trustees and teachers believe that man's knowledge of right and wrong has been revealed by Almighty God, demonstrated by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, and that man is guided by the Holy Spirit to live according to God's revelation.

At many of the Wednesday evening chapel services, the headmaster and faculty speak, sharing their thoughts, reflections and personal experiences on a variety of subjects and values. Here, we have excerpted some of these talks from the '92-'93 academic year to share with you yet another aspect of the St. Andrew's educational system.

IB Will Speers on Humility have seen our School witness humility in something that has become clear only at the end. Earlier this month I sat in on Mrs. Caldwell's energetic IV Form English class, which was nearing the end of Pride and Prejudice. In the midst of a heated debate about Elizabeth Bennet, a student was challenged on one of his statements. After further debates and intensified questioning from his classmates, he leaned back from the table, threw up his hands and exclaimed, "OK, I was wrong, really wrong, way wrong!" After the class's laughter died down, it struck me as to how powerful a statement that was, even in humor. I also recognized that I had heard such confessions before. I and other members of the Discipline and Honor Committees have heard many people say, "I was wrong." Such a claim has not been easy to say— sometimes it came with tears, sometimes with a trembling voice; granted they were not jesting moments, but in the end they were equally unifying. These moments of humility were beginnings. I've noticed lately how rare it is in our world to hear someone say, "I was wrong." It is as if adults can't find that strength—instead, we adults use words like "not satisfied," "an indiscretion," "the appearance of a wrongdoing." We have a president of this country who can't see any wrongs he's done during the past 12 years in office;


1943-44 Choir—but who are the on-lookers?

Easter Processional 1977.



we have his major Democratic rival who, when he played golf at an all-white country club, apologized to anyone who was offended by his action. The safety of that statement is that he doesn't admit that he was wrong; all he says is that he is sorry to anyone who was hurt by what he did. My fear for you students is that you may live in a world where your adult examples deny the reality of human behavior and existence, that we all continue to make mistakes, and that you are made to feel only you and your age group make them. How false that is; how sad that is. Ironically, those students who have been able to say to me, to the Honor and Discipline Committees, to anyone in this community, "I was wrong," are in many ways stronger than those of us who haven't said it recently enough. These individuals are building the foundations for change, for revision of character. They are exercising the muscles that will help them survive in the non-black-andwhite, in the grey world in which we live. One student this year told me, after he returned from his suspension, that he knew he "couldn't make it here alone"; another said he was "tired of maturing the hard way." Both of them, in their humility, recognized the pain, the discomfort of opening oneself up for change and growth. Both of them are stronger because of that difficult yet empowering recognition. . . .

1980 Recessional. 4

Chapel Refurbishment Under Consideration The St. Andrew's Chapel has been referred to as the heart of the School, and spiritually and spatially it is. Our regular worship services give focus and meaning to the St. Andrew's community and weave together the many unique strands within it. Sometimes moments in Chapel are simply a welcome shelter from the whirlwind of daily life. A place of peace and tranquility with beautiful music and song, the Chapel soothes and restores. At other times, Chapel enables us to look inward, to focus our attention on what we have done and left undone. Always, Chapel affords us the chance to think of loved ones and those in sickness, sorrow or need. Most importantly, it forces us to return to the bedrock of life by bringing to our attention the great, eternal questions and mysteries of life and, for the consideration of all, the teachings of the Christian faith. Generations of students have used our Chapel since it was completed in the early 1930's. The wear and tear of use has taken its toll. This space, which means so much to so many alumni, needs attention, and a subcommittee of trustees and faculty has been formed to study what needs to be done. No major structural or stylistic changes are contemplated, but a significant refurbishing will take place. Initial plans call for replacing the floor, reseal. ing the walls, refinishing the | pews and enhancing the i lighting. A The estimated cost of M^ this project is $100,000. JHHL It is our hope that there are alumni who will be willing to contribute to this undertaking. If you are one of them, please contact Chesa Profaci, St. Andrew's Director of Development.

mi Jon O'Brien on Stress guess the first thing I should admit is that boarding schools are probably more stressful than most homes. We are all called on to share our lives with many people At home we can more often retreat into the silence of ourselves Indeed, the desire to do well creates stress. Most often those students under the most stress are those who get the highest grades. . .who work the hardest.. .who are the most intense athletes. These are the ones who work the hardest and care the most about doing well and winning. And then there are the 10 to 20 percent of our students who try to do it all. These are the ones who play a varsity sport, edit the Cardinal, sing in our Concert Choir, play in both bands and want to go to Harvard. They also want time with their friends and time for reflection. Only if they practice yoga between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. will these folks find relief from stress. So let me say at the outset that I believe stress is a necessary part of the educational process. I would be worried if our community were stress free. Stress is a clear indication that people care, that people are working hard, that people are motivated to achieve. We are blessed with students who, by and large, demand much of themselves. And the same can be said for our faculty. People who don't care about their jobs are seldom stressed... I can't envision a faculty who cares more about its students than this one; so it doesn't surprise me one bit that they work themselves until they are ready to drop. And given the choice between a school which is filled with motivated, achievement-oriented, caring people and one filled with restless, bored, work-dodging individuals, I have no problem choosing the former in spite of the fact that stress will be an inevitable component of the mix. But, has the level or degree of stress increased at St. Andrew's during the past number of years? And if so, are there ways to reduce the level of stress without undermining the achievement-oriented




ill Chuck Mandes on Tolerance ot long ago I became involved in a dispute with a VI Former who was being loud, rude and disruptive in the library. By the time he stormed out of the library, he had eight marks for his obnoxious behavior, and each of us felt resentment and anger toward the other. On the following day, he came to ask me for help. He had no topic for a history term paper. We spent most of a period together, discussing his areas of interest, narrowing the focus, centering in on a point of view from which to analyze his subject, and then finding the books he needed. After thanking me for helping him, he left. A V Former who had witnessed both encounters told me she was furious, both for me and with me. How could I, she demanded, be so pleasant and helpful to someone who had been so unpleasant and offensive to me? "Because he needed help," I told her, "and because I had forgiven him and because I didn't judge him." . . . Such belief in superiority, such moral self-righteousness, opens the door to bigotry. It leads directly to hatred of anyone who isn't like you or as good as you. It gives rise to the intolerance from which grow many of our most harmful evils.


Pre-Garth Processional.

ethos of the School? I think the answer to both questions is "yes." Yes, stress has increased. Yes, there are things we can do which may reduce the level of stress. . .. First, St. Andrew's has become one of the most difficult schools to enter in the boarding school world. We are popular today. Why? We are perceived as: (1) having a rigorous academic program which leads to placement in highly competitive colleges; (2) being a school which has an outstanding faculty, which cares deeply about its students and provides them with a nurturing environment in which they receive much personal assistance and do not fall into the cracks; and (3) a relatively small school with a big school's academic and cocurricular programs. Therefore, it is not surprising that stress is a part of our lives. Within you— our motivated, achievement-oriented student body—lie the seeds of stress. Second, our faculty has also changed. The extra time our faculty spends being parents and friends has added appreciably to their workloads and stress levels. When one cares deeply about people, one's workload is infinite. There is always someone who needs our attention. While it is difficult to reduce self-imposed stress, I have to do a better job persuading teachers that it's OK to say "no" to a

student who wants a ride to town when it is not a convenient time for the teacher, that it's OK to put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign on one's front door, and that it is important to leave campus some weekends and spend time with friends. . . . To summarize, I think there are steps we can take to reduce stress in our community, and we will take them. But I want to end where I began. For those of you who want to do it all—to be an athlete, a member of our Concert Choir and Concert Band, a writer for the Cardinal, a fundraiser for the Rain Forest, a class officer and one who will be accepted by Amherst—I respectfully submit that stress is going to be part of your St. Andrew's lives. And for all the rest of you, I have this advice: Every human needs time to laugh and play. Every human needs time to be alone or talk quietly with a friend. Find time for these moments. Place them at the top of your list of priorities. Don't allow physics or soccer or the Concert Choir to deny you these moments. Most of you have been very busy this fall. You have also been very productive. You have grown a lot. You may be weary, but it is the good tired which comes from a job well done, not the empty dullness which comes from boredom. I, for one, am proud of you.

Ironically, those students who have been able to say.. ."I was wrong" are in many ways stronger than those of us who haven't said it recently enough. These individuals are building the foundations for change, for revision of character. They are exercising the muscles that will help them survive.. .in the grey world in which we live."



It will make you forget that you, too, are under the judgment of God. An experience I had when I was young taught me a lesson about tolerance I have not forgotten. I hope telling it now may have some meaning for the perplexed V Former—and for you, too. When I was drafted into the Army, I was sent for basic training to Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The first day in the Army is an experience you never forget. Laughing with your fellow inductees, you get off the bus to be met by a sergeant, already rigid with anger, who tells you that the time for smiling is over. He is right. You give up your suitcase and your money; then you give up your clothes. You are showered; you are deloused; you are inspected by a doctor.... You march off to the tents in which your platoon will spend two nights before moving into barracks. Each tent has a small coal stove sitting in its center; five cots surround it like spokes in a wheel. You and the four strangers who have been ahead of and behind you through the day are lying in a circle around a dying fire on a bleak winter night, each one alone and lonely and afraid. For we were strangers. We were together because we shared last names beginning with M. As we got off the buses that day we were lined up in alphabetical order. When the sergeant came to me, he asked me what kind of name Mandes was. I answered Italian. He said that was the most stupid Eye-taliano name he had ever heard, so he would call me Manders. (And for eight weeks he did.) The sergeant's remarks got a smirking giggle from the boy on my left, a kid name Mannering from Alabama. At 18 he was already stricken with the cancer of bigotry. On his left was a black boy named Marshall from Philadelphia. The boy from Alabama soon let the black boy and me see the depth of his intolerance. He complained bitterly and often about being "stuck between a wop and a nigger." All through that long, wearying, frightening day he said and did everything he could think of to demonstrate his contempt and

hatred for us. When he discovered we would share the same tent, he shouted at the sergeant that maybe he could make him walk between a wop and a nigger but he could never make him sleep with them. The sergeant, of course, could—and did. Five strangers lying in a circle around a dying fire—young and alone and lonely and afraid. Sleep was coming, but slowly. After a while, in the dark, there came the sound of weeping. Each of us could have cried but had tried not to. Mannering, the boy from Alabama, had given in; the rest of us listened in silence as he wept, softly at first, then growing louder until he was sobbing uncontrollably. Suddenly I felt a hand moving over the blanket that covered me. Instinctively, I shrank away. Fingers reached under the blanket and grasped my fingers. A voice whispered, "Hold my hand." When I had grasped the hand firmly, the voice said, "Now take his." So I reached out and took the hand of the boy from Alabama. He clutched mine and squeezed it with all his strength, at the same time reaching out eagerly to take the hand extended toward him from the cot on his left.

Choir circa 1946-47.

As we lay there, linked to each other by a chain of hands, Mannering gradually stopped crying. In the silence that followed someone said the words, "Our Father, who art in heaven." Four other voices joined in. The prayer ended and there was silence again. Then the boy from Alabama, still holding tightly my hand in his right and a black hand in his left, raised his head and said to both of us in a clear, strong voice: "I'm sorry."

Think about the sincerity that surrounds you every day. ... And after you think about it, do something that I should have done many years before now. Bow your head and thank God for having the opportunity to be a part of this great institution and alt that it will mean to you in the future.


From the Archives: Please help us identify the people and specific dates of the SAS Chapel programs which illustrate this article.

Alto section of the 1978-79 Choir.


- "

Choir pre-1941.

How could I, she demanded, be so pleasant and helpful to someone who had been so unpleasant and offensive to me? Because he needed help.


HI Tad Roach on Politics f Bill Clinton does win in November, my sense of elation will be tempered by several sharp reservations about the man and more particularly his campaign style. Clinton and his consultants have sought a broad middle ground and have clearly sacrificed long-time Democratic commitments to the poor and to minority and to disenfranchised concerns. Democrats want and expect votes from blacks, women and the poor; but they have learned not to make the concerns of groups they consider marginal or threatening the centerpiece of their campaign. I see Clinton's campaign driven by political strategy, political opportunism and compromise, rather than on principles Americans can identify with and embrace positively.... Although most political commentators have hailed this year as the Year of the Woman, Clinton has played his cards carefully. Hillary Clinton, as you all no doubt know, has been the subject of harsh, outrageous attacks by members of the Republican Party, most notably Pat Buchanan and Rich Bond, chair of the Republican National Committee. Bond described Mrs. Clinton this way: "A lawsuit mongering feminist who likened marriage to slavery and encouraged children to sue their parents." In reality, Mrs. Clinton had worked to find a way for children to get an education or medical care if a parent denied it or to give children a voice in choosing a foster parent. Hardly the stuff of revolution. But besides the distortion of the other side, many Americans seemed threatened by a woman who would bring a new life experience, a new set of values and questions to the White House different from that which other first ladies have ever done. In his current article in the New York Review of Books, Garry Wills explains why Americans distrust a strong woman standing next to her presidential husband: The possibility that a woman may




give advice triggers very old fears of disruption in the sexual chain of command. Eve had been the devil's instrument in Eden; and literature is full of over-bearing women seeking more power. The right wing journal, The Spectator, presents Mrs. Clinton as Lady Macbeth. Richard Nixon said of her: "If the wife comes through as being too strong and too intelligent, it makes the husband look like a wimp." Last summer, I attended the last political rally of the second Clinton-Gore bus tour. After a five-hour wait, the two couples arrived, accompanied by the tune of "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees. And as the moment arrived for Clinton and Gore to speak, I was standing on a garbage can some 700 yards away from the candidates and their wives. I could see Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton standing loyally by their men applauding in an oddly mechanical yet earnest fashion while nodding their heads fervently. They looked like dolls placed carefully on the center of the podium. Each woman spoke to the crowd for 45 seconds each. Senator Gore had the duty that night of defending Hillary Clinton against charges leveled against her two nights earlier at the Republican Convention. Joan Didion captures the transformation of these two women in much more vivid terms than I: There was the less than convincing transformation of two mature and reportedly capable women, Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Gore, into doublethe-fun blondes who jumped up and down, clapped on cue and traveled as Mrs. Reagan had, with a hairdresser on the manifest for comb-outs. These images of Hillary Clinton frozen in time evoked this response from Anna Quindlen, award-winning editorial writer for the New York Times: The irony is that if Mrs. Clinton were up on that podium as a candidate, she would be golden, with her Yale law degree, her board positions, her smarts and her looks. But Hillary Clinton must hawk those cookies and show off her daughter 8

to prove her bona fides. Bill Clinton married someone smart and opinionated who could challenge him and apparently frequently does. That's not an easy thing for a man, but apparently it's even tougher for this nation. Talk to people who don't like her and they often say they have never heard her speak or seen her interviewed. It is the idea of her they dislike. What Bill Clinton and his pollsters did with that dislike, that sexism if you will, was to accept it, by silencing the woman and allowing the men to come to her rescue. I'm sure Hillary Clinton could handle a confrontation with Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Bond, or for that matter with Mr. Quayle. But because first women in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt many years ago must "do as little talking as humanly possible, never be disturbed by anything, always do what you're told to do as quickly as possible, remember to lean back in a parade so that people can see your husband, get out of the way as

quickly as you're not needed," Hillary Clinton has been reduced to a stick figure in the eyes of the people. Such a fate may be exactly what those focus groups see as effective, strategic campaigning, but what is the message it sends to men and women in this country? And what is the message that Bill Clinton sends when he allows his wife or even urges his wife to pretend to be a woman she cannot and does not want to be? When will we find a leader who rejects focus group polls and speaks from the heart? Hillary Clinton—woman of the 1990's. What is her legacy? What is her gift to all of us in this room? I wish Governor Clinton would define the cooperation of men and women as an opportunity of a lifetime, rather than as a political liability. I do not think it will be an adequate response to resuscitate Hillary Clinton once the voting is over. She, and every woman in this chapel, deserves a voice that is heard, respected and judged on its merits. No election is worth anything else.

Recessional pre-sidewalks.

ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS 1992-93 ANNUAL FUND Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL

$ $ $

381,066 22.751 403,817

CAPITAL For Current Use (Includes Pool) Restricted for Endowment TOTAL

$ $ $

223,271 173.141 396,412




SUMMARY OF GIFTS - ANNUAL FUND 1992-93 Alumni Present Parent Families Parents of Alumni Trustees Grandparents, Faculty & Friends TOTAL (Minus Duplicate Listings)

No. of Donors 947 207 211 29

Gift Amount $ 203,057 * 107,903 '** 37,443 44,138

78 1,472

11.276 "*** .$• 403,817

* $232,705 when including Alumni trustees. ** $119,685 when including Alumni and Trustee parents. * * * Total includes gifts from faculty, grandparents, foundations and memorial donations.


Alumni Parents of Alumni

100% 78% 42% 18%

F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T OF S C H O O L O P E R A T I N G B U D GET Year ended June 30,1993

REVENUE Fund Year 1992-93

Tuition Unrestricted Annual Giving Endowment Used Other (e.g. summer camps, fees, etc.) TOTAL


Percentage of Budget

$4,475,600 381,065

68.5% 5.8%

1,342,294 332,997

20.6% 5.1%



EXPENDITURES Fund Year 1992-93 Instruction $ 1,416,382 Administrative & 1,070,996 General Operation of Physical 946,251 Plant Financial Aid 1,137,450 798,133 Auxilliary Services (e.g. food service, laundry, etc.) 876,041 Employee Benefits & msurance Other (e.g. transportation, equipment acquisitions, etc.) 286,703 TOTAL



Percentage of Budget 21.7% 16.4% 14.5% 17.4% 12.2% 13.4%

4.4% 100.0%


Again this year, we have had an extraordinary year at St. Andrew's in terms of financial support. But beyond surpassing fundraising goals, this generous stewardship gave 266 St. Andreans the opportunity and challenge to explore and determine their own personal goals, guidelines and dreams. For this, and on behalf of all of them, thank you. —Jon O'Brien Headmaster Last fall, the St. Andrew's alumni were asked to renew their commitment to academic excellence and opportunity; to the Hidden Scholarship we all received as students/The response was a resounding and responsible increase in both gifts and participation. For the second year, alumni gifts totaled more than $200,000—that's 50% of the total annual fund. Twenty percent of the 963 alumni who made gifts this year increased their gift from last year. This confirms that we, the alumni body of St. Andrew's School, believe in our School and the continuation of its founding mission. Thank you for renewing your commitment to SAS —Kent Sweezey 70 Alumni AF Chair A NEW RECORD SET—The St. Andrew's parents have shown their strong commitment to this School and its outstanding faculty once again this year. With 266 students in 1992-93, we had 82.6% of their families participate in the Parents' Fund—that is remarkable in itself—and we received gifts of $119,000+, a record high! My thanks to each parent who so generously contributed; and, in particular, to each volunteer who helped us reach these goals. How fortunate we all are to be able to give our children the St. Andrew's experience. —Nancy Hance (Mrs; Charles E.) Parents' Fund Chair Thank you for your support of what we believe to be clearly a superior preparatory school. This kind of well-rounded, open-ended education does not "come cheap," We all know how very important it is for us to continue to support an institution which has served us well. We want it to be there, with all its strengths, for future generations. —Betty and Henry Pupke Alumni Parents' Fund Chairs

ST. A N D R E W ' S S C H O O L


Board of T r u s t e e s A. Felix duPont, Jr. Chairman Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 President Katharine duP. Gahagan Secretary Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Asst. Secy./Treasurer BulentI.Atalay*58 George J. Baxter '54 Alumni Term Trustee Robert B. Blum, Sr. Randolph W. Brinton'64 William H. Brownlee '44 Edmond Y. Chang '83 Alumni Term Trustee Caroline J. duPont . Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz '81 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Alumni Term Trustee Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Nancy R. M. Hance . Parents' Representative Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative Bonnie D. Hilhrtan '84. Walter J. Laird, Jr. Trustee Emeritus Joseph S. McDaniel III Parents' Representative Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Jonathan B. O'Brien Headmaster William B. Paul, Jr.'64 Alumni Corporation President H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus ;• J. Kent Sweezey 70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte III '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike

Class Agents Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34. Franklin Hawkins '35 Chester Hi Baum, Jr.'36 John C. Parry'37 Walter W. Speakman '38 Frank E. William^ Jr.'39 William C Sibert'40 Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. '41 Morgan B.MacDonald'43 Thomas M. Tucker '44 . Gaston V.Jones, Jr.'45 Luther R. Campbell, Jr. '46 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 William W. McDowell, Jr. '47 RichardS, Smith, Jr.'48 Stephen E. Price'49 Constantine Tonian '49 Stuart j. Bracken'50 David Lindsay '51 J.CalebBoggs,Jr.'52 Theodore L. Hill, Jr.'52 L. Herndon Werth'52

Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 George J. Baxter '54 Walter L.Liefeld'54 Robert H. Robinson'55 Kenneth E. Court '56 Robert J. Shank'57 WilliamS. Wood II'57 J.J.B.Wigglesworth'58 Warner W. Price'59 * Carl B. Bear '60 Charles E. Hance'61 John M. Piiiney'61 Lawrance M. Court '62 John S. Craighill '62 William Pfeifer HI'63 Barry M.Sabloff 64 O.LeeTawesIir65 Walter L. Harrison II'66 JohnJ.TolsonIV'67 W. Robert Prier, Jr.'68 Charles E.M.Kolb'69 ' Thomas C Stephens 70 Gilbert EMetcalf 71 Charles H. Shorley '71 William C. Bean 72 David B. Harms'72 Samuel R. Marshall 73 Henry Hauptruhrer IV 74 Louise H. Dewar 75 .Ralph D.Neel 75 Ralph R. Hickman 76 Valerie Snow KUnger 76 PaulB.Rada76 Linn S. fompkins III 76 Steven H. Brpwnlee '77 Steven A. Salter 77 Catherine M. Wendt 77 Ash ton W.Richards'78 Thomas E. Schreppler 78 Janet Brownlee Luke 79 William D.Luke III 79 . Robert D. Colburn '80 Robin Gage Lilly '80 EricA.£Uisen'81 . Paul:W.Eichler'82 Arraminta A. Ware '82 Nancy Beth Garrett '83 Anne W. Peterson '83 Jill K. Rogers '83 Elizabeth O. Andersort '84 Stephanie E. Jones'84 Michael LWhalen'84 Anne M. Gammons '85 . Graham A. Houghton '85 Heather A. Morrow '85 Craig S.Kiker'86 Heather N. Patzman '86 Matthew W. Traina '86 M. Lucile Zimmer '86 H. Chase Hill'87 Heather MaUory'87 Trevor F. Ortman ;87 KibbeyS. Perry'87 Jill Willock Studdiford'87 Elizabeth C. Baxter '88 Jennifer Hurtt'88 Richard B, Vau^ian '88 PaulA.Leighton'89 P. Marlies Patzman '89 N. Barrett Simpson '89 W. CaUender Hiirtt III '90

Brian Leipheimer'90 Carey McDaniel'90 Gregory Rhodes '90 Nikole Smith '90 Melissa M. Batie '91 Kelly M.Hoopes'91 David L. Rich'91 Rowland Stebbins IV '91 Carey Albertine'92 Stephanie A. Gibson '92 Emily S, O'Brien'92

Parent Volunteers VI Form Linda & Paul Brenner Nancy & Joseph Hargrove Marcia & David Hindle Daisy & Phillip Keevil Paula & Thomas Keltner Lynn & Tim'66 Peters Olivia Phillips VForm Kip & Joe McDaniel Charlotte & Ward Purrington Tracy & Barry Schneider Mimi & Howard '61 Snyder Joan & Steven Techet . IV Form Linda & William Curtis Martha & Demerit Dwyer Lynn & Wilson Everhart Rebecca &L. Anthony.Gaeta Emilee & Jon Reynolds Julie & James Sykes



III Form Frances & Douglas Doherty Antoinette j& George Harnner Maureen & John Harrington Anna Marie & Gordon McAlpin Sherry & Nathaniel Morison Martha Jo & Eugene Ruane

Alumni Annual Fund Chair J. Kent Sweezey 70

Parents' Fund Chair Nancy R. M. Hance

Parents of Alumni Chairs. Betty & Henry Pupke

A N N U A L FUND LEADERSHIP GIVING The donors listed on the following pages have demonstrated their generous support for the 1992-93 Annual Fund for St. Andrew's at the following giving levels:

Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dunlap Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Ms. Caroline J. duPont Mr. & Mrs. Fakhri Dalloul Mr. & Mrs. Clement S. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil Mr. &: Mrs. O. Wayne Eakin Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul Ederic Foundation, Inc. H. Hickman Rowland; Jr. '58 Robert B. Evans '49 Charles B. Straut '43 Mr, & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. . Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Foley Headmaster's Circle George W.Forbes III'63 ($2500 to $4999) Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Harold B. Gordy, Jr. '63 George J. Baxter'54 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Stephen L.Billhardt'83 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Blum, Sr. Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Brenner Charles E. '61 & Nancy R. M. Hance Randolph W, Brinton '64 David B. Harms 72 JohnS. Cook '45 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington William A. Cramp, Jr. '44 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Henry R. HiUenmeyer'61 Paul Winston Fitzpatrick '43 Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenbobm Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan Thomas H. Hooper III 71 Horace W. Harrison '39 Mr. & Mrs; J. Maurits Hudig Henry N. Herndort, Jr. '48 I. Harding Hughes, Jr. '41 William C Hewlett'45 Jennifer M. Kern'83, Mr. & Mrs. William P. Johnston The Hon. & Mrs. S. H. Klarsfeld Gaston V. Jones, Jr. '45 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Keltner Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai David N. Low, Jr. 76 Peter D. Laird '61 James M. McSherry '49 Mr. ^Mrs. Walter J. Laird, Jr. Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Julien H. LeCompte'52 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Parker Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes Parker Foundation Timothy C Mann'47 William B. Paul, Jr. '64 Samuel R. Marshall 73 Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Timothy W.'66 & Lynn Peters Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas $. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs, David F. Miller Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 Mr. & Mrs. Jan Stenbeck Walter D. Phillips'59 Thomas C 70 & Diana Stephens Mr, & Mrs. Raymond Pipes J.Kent Sweezey 70 William M. Pope, Jr.'61 O. Lee Tawes III'65 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Frank E. Williams, Jr.'39 Barry M.Sabloff '64 ; David E. Scherer'51 Griffin Society Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider ($1000 to $2499) / . John R. Schoonover '63 Drs. Michael & Sigrid Schrey Andrew J. Adams, Jr.'59 Richard R. Schulze '53 T. RobertsAppelH'52 John D. Showell IV'68 Richard M. Appleby, Jr. '47 . George W. Shuster'63 Kate Rentschler Ausbrook '80 Charles A. Silliman 36 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Barnes RichardS. Smith, Jr:'48 William B. Barnett '54 Mrs. Victoria S. Smith Carl B. Bear'60 Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Mrs. Jean B. Blythe Frederick B. Starr '51 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bramble Mrs/ Robert H. Stegeman Richard E. Broome '48 Henry P. Sullivan'43 William H. Brownlee'44 Edward F. Swenson, Jr. '36 James.M. Bullock'62 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sykes, Jr. Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Dr & Mrs. John C. Tayloe, Jr. Luther R. Campbell, Jr. '46 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. Rushton T. Capers'63 David H. Walker'65 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Carrell Newell R. Washburn '57 Russell W.Chesney'59 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver IH Curtis M. Coward'64. Mrs. Penelope P. Wike W. William A. Cox'56 Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. '41 Mrs. Lawrence Dana Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. WilHams David H. Davis 70 . Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Den worth, Jr Dr. & Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth

Founders' List ($5,000 & above)

The S a i n t s Club ($500 to $999)

Roberts, Appleby'50 Michael K. Bateman'57 William C Bean 72 Sargent Bradlee, Jr. '48 Peter M. Brown'40 Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown Mr. &: Mrs. George F. Bruder John A. Buda'82 EricN.Burkett'63 Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Coffin Lloyd & Ruth Coffin Charitable Fdn. Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley Mrs. Pamela Copeland John D. Creadick '52 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV NoelCDalton'43 Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. DeLee William B. Evans'36 ' Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Everhart, Jr. John D. Fairchild'50 Mr: & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta Mr. & Mrs. John H. Garrett III Mr. Raymond P. Genereaux J.McHenryGiUet'46 John D. Gray'48 Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs:Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Franklin Hawkins '35 Mrs. Sherry Henderson William Frantz Herr, Jr. '69 Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. Hiestand Michael A. Hill 71 Theodore L. Hill, Jr. '52 Mr. Tatnall L. Hillman. David D. '58 & Marcia Hindle Kent S. Hughes'63 David S. Humphries'48 Mr. & Mrs. Russell C Joseph Douglas H. Kiesewetter, Jr. 71 John C Kinahah, Jr. '43 Charles E.M.Kolb'69 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy Mr. &Mrs. William T? Lauten III Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lewis, Jr. David Lindsay'51 Ian H. Lothian'61 William D.Luke, Jr.'53 Mr. &: Mrs. Gordon C. McAlpin Mr. R. Elliott McBride William M. McClements '81 William W. McDowell, Jr. '47 Everett R. McNair'73 M*. Jon W. Miller Bradford A. Mills 72 Mr. & Mrs. Devereaux P. Moring Wniiam T.Murray III'50 Peter B.Nalle'41 ' Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Mr. Henry A. Perry William Pfeiferlir63 Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Powell Pierpoint'40 John M. Pinney '61 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Purrington John L. Ray'42 • Christopher P. Reeve '68 .

Ashton W. Richards 78 Thomas R. Saunders '42 Elmer B. Scott, Jr.'35 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook Seabrook Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Robert J. Shank'57 David M. Shields'59 Mr. Henry H. SilUman, jr. Howard M. Ill '61 & Mimi Snyder Walter W. Speakman'38 Dr. OttoStamm Jonathan F. Starr 77 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H, Stegeman, Jr. Edward M. Strong'66 WilUam C Strong 70 Mr. Hoover Sutton Charltbn M. Theus, Jr. '45 John M. Topham, Jr. '38 William G. Tucker III'68 Mr. & Mrs. Angus H. Twombly Herbert D.Vogel, Jr.'48 John E. Wason'39 G. Carter Werth'52 Mrs. Mary Leigh Whitmer Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. John H. WOlock Amb. & Mrs. Curtin Winsor, Jr.

Noxontown Fellows ($250 to $499)

Mr! Gerald N. Alexander Anonymous E. Jouett Armstrong '44 Bulent I. Atalay,'58 James A. Bacon '45 Richard P. Baer IH'62 Eugene C. Bailey '58 Alfred D. Barbour 75 Charles M. Barclay'54 Loring W. Batten -HI 36' Edwin John Bernet, Jr..72 Mr-& Mrs, Pierre Biraben Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers Edward B., Jr. '61 & Karen Brinton Steven H. Brownlee '77 Richard Buckaloo ffl'63 James B. Bullitt III '52 John P. Burkett, Jr.'58 Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette David P. Campbell '54 Arthur A. Carota, Jr. '69 John H. O. Qarke '40 Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Coggeshall JohnM.CogsweU'57 Robert D. Colburn'80 Frederick W: Coleman '65 William H. Corddry 38 William R. Cory '38 Alan Crichton '63 Mr. & Mr?. George E. Davies Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo Peter M. Delo, Jr. '61 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty Mr. Thomas H. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Ehinn G. Mitchell Edmondson'73 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Ellisen EricA.Ellisen'81

Leadership Giving Jerry A. Fogle '67 Robert H. Gardner, Jr. '45 Gregory L. Gibson '48 Drs. Jame& & Judith Gieske Terrell L.Glenn, Jr. 76 Robert H. Greenlee 75 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove . Joseph L., Jr. '67 & Nancy Hargrove Walter L. Harrison H'66 Steven C Hartsell '71 Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle Mr. William D. Heriderson Edwin A. Hoey'48 • William C Holder '68 R. Stockton B. Hopkins '41 James M. Hudson, Jr. '77 John D. HiMl'50 Mr. William H.Jenkins i Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley Clarence H. Keller '50 Patterson Keller '49 Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Robert Y. S. Lee Walker A. Long'67 Phillips Lounsbery '43 Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory Tamara Z. Maull '77 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McCall Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDaniel III • Mr. Richard A. McDonald Mr. &-Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy HI Rev. Canon & Mrs. P. Simon Mein . D. Charles Merri wether '48 Arthur M. Miller 70 Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. '53 Christopher L. Milner '68 Charles D. Murphy III '62 Harry L. Murray III '60 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William E. Oakley David A. Olson 70 Anthony R, Parrish, Jr. '66 Richard G. Patch'45 Thomas J. Patton '51 Mr. & Mrs. A, C G. Pettus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mrs. Olivia A. Phillips Mr. Stephen B. Phillips Henry S. Pool'60 Louisa S. Potter'85 Franchesa M. Profaci'80 Robert M.Pyle'63 Vernon E. Ragland '39 Mrs. Victoria Rainert James B. Rake'68 John C. Ranck '57 Roger D. Redden'50 Andrew W. Reynolds '68 Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Reynolds, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Henry M.Richards 73 Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. '51 Dr. Edwina M. Shelford Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Short William C Sibert'40 Albert Simons III'69 David S. Skinner '67 Jonathan C Smith '65 Robert W. Soderberg, Jr. '63 Mr. James F. Stutts R. Marshall Thompson '68 Richard H. Thompson'50 Constantine N. Tonian '49 Dr. & Mrs. Reynoldo M. Torio Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34 Donald M. Tucker'41

Thomas M. Tucker '44 Mr. & Mrs. Evert van Buchem Ken W. VanDyke '46 W. Moorhead Vermilye II'58 G. Stephen Voorhees '53 L. Herndon Werth'52 Mr. C Penn Wettlaufer Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock Randolph L Williams'61 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Dr.&Mrs.KinK.Wun W. Hollingsworth Whyte III '35

Cardinal Club

($100 to $249)

Mrs. Charles H. Abbott James F. Adams '48 JohnM.Alden'43 Daniel G. Anderson, Jr.'46 Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine Anonymous Anonymous Conrad C. M. Arensberg '61 The Armknect Family Henry S. Baker, Jr. '44 Stephen M Baldwin 74 Ms. Claire B. Bannerman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker William H. Barney III 70 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody R. Stewart BarroU 72 William D. Bathurst '50 John R. BeardallIII 74 James K. Beebe, '68 Barry A. Benepe '46 Robert W. Berray, Jr. '71 Michael D. Berrigan'79 Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III Dennis C Blair'64 Timothy J. Bloomfield'57 Jay H.Blum'84 Robert T.BoydIH'44 Mrs. Virginia Boynton Mr. & Mrs. William K. Boynton Stuart J. Bracken'50 David T. P. Bradley'35 Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. day Bridgewater '53 Coleman P. Brown II '59 Mr. & Mrs. F. Abbott Brown, Jr. Gordon E. Brownlee 75 David C Bryan '51 John C. Buck '68 George B. Buckner II'39 Findley Burns, Jr. '35 Coleman E. Bye, Jr. '49 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Peter D. Galoger, Jr.'69 Hugh N. Cannon'53 Cato D. Carpenter 71 Mrs. W.S. Carpenter III Stephen J. Chamberlin, Jr.'47 Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Oiavala Mr. & Mrs; Charles E. Cheek . WiUiam 9. Churchman IH'41 Morton H. Qark'50, Mr. & Mrs. Oswald L. Qarke R. Berle Qay'56 KeelyM. Clifford 79 D; Wesley Corson, jr. '67 Kenneth E. Court'56 Lawrance M. Court '62 Koren Cowgill '87 John S. Craighill '62 Robert R. CraighiU'59

Mr. & Mrs. Coleman J. Hanover Ms. JoAnn Crarimer Mr. & Mrs. Francis W, Crawley Hunter B. Harris, Jr. '59 J. Dick Harris '65 JohnW.CullenIV'81 Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. '58 G. Jeremy Cummin '54 GarrettJ.Hart78 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Daugherty W.Howard Hart'53 Murdoch Davis'50 William F.Davis, Jr.'44 David M.Hatton 74 Henry Hauptfuhrer IV 74 Alfred K. Day IIF64 Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. '59 Daniel M. del Sobral'84 Mr. Daniel M. del Sobral R. Anderson Haynes '65 Donald D. Haynswbrth '46 Katherine K. Delaplane '81 William S. Hearn'45 Rev. & Mrs. John D. Dennis Charles H. Heckscher, Jr.'63 Thomas A. Deveny IH'48 G.WiUiamHelmJr.^ Mrs. Rachel G. Diver JohnM.HemphiUII'43 Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Dixon II Dr. & Mrs. William M. Henderson Ms. Marian G. Dixon . J. Potter Herndon '65 Mr. & Mrs. H. Hoffman Dolan, Jr. Thomas Donaldson, Jr. '40 Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins C. Michael Donnelly, Jr. '68 Mr. & Mrs. Antony J, Hill Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Dorn Jesse R. Dowd, Jr.'60 H. Chase HiU'87 Bonnie D. Hillman '84 HaH Downes '51 F. Lawton Hindle'49 Mrs. Richard C duPont Kingsley Durant, Jr, 76 Joseph H. Hinnant '58 Ms. Marie Leftwich Hnarakis Mr. & Mrs. John W.Eden John M.Hopkins'48 Mr. George P. Edmonds Hume A. Horan '51 PauiW.Eichler^ Matthew J.Ellis, Jr.'52 Mrs. John Horner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. Howe C Douglas Evans 76 Mr. Bruce K. Howson Douglas J; Evans '54 AUanF.CHubbard'61 John M. Evans '66 Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huening Robert J. Falciani 79 Mr. Cosmo A..Fattizzo Charles V.Hulick, Jr.'58 Jennifer Hurtt'88 F. Weston Fenhagen '41 QeUand P. Hutton '65 Dr. & Mrs. J. Roy Fernando Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fisher PaulCHuttonIir54 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Kamal M. Ibrahim Robert F. Fogelman II '91 Ann M. Imes '92 O. Wells Foster'50 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 WilliamS. IngramIH'78 Peter G. Jacoby 77 Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Frank Anthony J. Jeffcott '57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Freeman David S. Jenkins'52 BerylA.Friel'83 F. Tyler Johnson 76 Mr. Richard Frohmader William H. Johnson '52 Sherry Gamble'87 John B.Jones'59 AnneM. Gammons '85 Mr. & Mrs. Eckart E. Kade Dr. & Mrs. Hilliard E. Gardner Drs. John & Anne Keifer Peter R. Genereaux Peter KeUey'52 Michael K, Gewirz'81 Maurice Kemp '50 David P. Giammattei '53 Charles W.Kenney'52 Mr. & Mrs. Morton Gibbons-Neff III J. Shackelford Kenney'54 James A. R. Gibson'42 Brian C G. Kinahan 71 J.LylesGlennIV74 Pieter B. Kooistra '85 H. Winston Goodbody '85 F. Matthew Kramer 74 Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody, Jr. WilUamP:CKu'74 Mr. & Mrs. Gesner J. Gourdet Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chase C Gove, Jr. Howe* Lagarde, Jr.'55 Richard J. Green, Jr. '80 J. Packard Laird'37 John S. Gregg'65 Christopher L. Lambert 70 John G. Gregory '56 Rev. & Mrs: William B. Lane Clayton H. Griffin '43 Hansen Lau 78 Susan H. Guernsey '81 Margaret M. Lawton 79 John H. Gullett '62 Michael B. Leary'62 Mr. ^t Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion J. Reynolds LeBus, Jr.'56 Jennifer D. Gustavson '85 Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheimer Armistead L. Guthery '51 Richard C Leonard'50 Upton K. Guthery '48 J Adam Lewis David Guthrie.'51 C Rickert Lewis'40 Peter G. Gwinn'68 George B. Lewis '41 The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley Dr.&Mrs.GeLi John S. Halsted'51 Edward K. Ubby '45 J. Ogden Hamilton '63 Peter C Lief eld'83 William P. Hammond IV '64 Walter L. Liefeld '54 Mr. & Mrs; Alexander H. Handy, Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Russell F. Lindsay Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Hanna, Jr. Mr, & Mrs. Lewis M. Little

Le ad e r s h i p G i v i n g John C. Parrish '64 Mr. Peter R. Lockhart James O. Patterson IH'84 Mr. & Mrs. G. Arno Loessner Mr. Eidwin J. Pearson David L. Loomis '63 Douglas M. Pell'58 Douglas G. Lovell, Jr. '45 Elizabeth D. Peloso 75 Martha R. S. Lube 78 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Luke III . Stephen F.Penh'53 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Perry Peter R. Lyman '44 James M. Perry '46 Daniel W. MacDonald III'47 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Perry Morgan B. MacDonald '43 Anne W. Percy Peterson'83 George G. Madntire '55 M. Alex Philippi, Jr.'54 Heather Mallory'87 Mr. &Mre. David M.Phillips Mrs. Mary Louise Marker Mrs. Kathleen S. Phillips Gregory S. Marsh 75 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Pignatello Mrs. Cynthia P. Martin Frank B. Pilling'40 W.Keith Martin '67 Mr. & Mrs. C Coteivsorth Bnckney Susan S. Martin-Andrien 79 Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr. 72 Carolyn M. Matthews'77 RADM Frank LPinney, Jr., USN-R Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull Ms. I. Sophie D.May Jackson H. Pope'64 Benjamin N. Powell'59 Mr. Keith M.McBride Peter A. Presby'73 C Brent McCaghren '63 W.Robert Prier, Jr.'68 Mr. & Mrs. P. Patrick McClary Christian B. Profaci '82 C. Fenner McConnell '52 . Mr. & Mrs. Andres P. Puky Henry L. McCorkle'41 David T. McCune '53 JehuD. Quillin HI'56 Matthew J.Mcpermott, Jr.'51 Thonfas F. Qukk, Jr. '53 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada Ms. Sheila McElroy J. Hutchison Ranck '67'. Andrew C. McFall, Jr. '42 Patricia K. McGee 76 Ms. Elizabeth C. Ratledge Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Ms. Sarah Ann Reath Mr. & Mrs. David McNaughton Alexis Foster Reed '77 Purnal L. McWhorter III'49 John & Mary Ann Reese John G. Reeve'66 Tracy K. Memmi '80 Gilbert EMetcalf 71 W. Barrett Register'51 Mr. & Mrs. J. William Metzger Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger Charles F.R.Mifflin'36 Mr. & Mrs. William D. Reinhardt Walker L. Mifflin'36 Mathias K. Renner'82 Edgar R. Miller, Jr.'47 KayRhee'89 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rich Mr. & Mrs. W. Jay Mincks George B. Mitchell'55 Mrs. Helen S. Richards Dr. Atin K. Mitra Mr. & Mrs. Lake O. Rickolt Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mones Daniel D. Moore'64 Heyward G. Robinson 76 MarkW.RochaTl Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Moran Jill K. Rogers '83 Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs.' John D. Rogers, Jr. T. A. E.Moseley IU'64 William CMott, Jr. 78 WiUiam D. Rogers'44 COL & Mrs. Harry L Murray, Jr., USA-R Daniel W. Rogerson '77 Dr. & Mrs. Prudencio G. Rosas Mrs. Marsha R. Musser Dr. & Mrs. David P. Roselle Mr. William M. Musser III A. Daniel Myer 78 Mr, & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane Christopher A. Sailer '64 Jesse NaUe '39Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Nash Dr. & Mrs. Anis Kf Saliba Mr. & Mrs. James R. Neal, Jr. KarlG.Saliba'81 Steven A. Salter'77 Jerome D.Niles, Jr. '34 •Stephen V. Noble'69 Sarah E. Savage'90 Mrs. Genevieve T. Nomer Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer, Jr. William M. Nuckols '57 Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Pierluigi Nuti-de Biasi Robert F. ScheUing IIJ'45 Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. O'Brien Thomas E. Schreppler 78 John C Schwab'82 Thomas B. O'Rourke '56 Joseph L.SeilerIir70 Barry J.Ohlson'85 Mr. & Mrs. Josef E. Seiterle Mr. Edward COldfield HI Dr. & Mrs. Scott C Shaffer Andrew E. OUphant'83 G. Leonard Shea'51 Mr. &c Mrs. Gordon A. Olson Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Robert H. Orr '34 Edgar M. Orth '80 David R.Sheehan'85 Thomas W. Osborn, Jr. '51 Mr. &Mrs. Walton S. Shepherd III Charles Owensby '87 William M.Shettle II'58 Cathy B. Shields 78 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer Robert S. Palmer 77 Richard M. Shoemaker '63 Jacqueline P. Paradee '83 Charles H. Shorley 71 JohnW.Paradee'81 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shuman Harry M. Parker'64 EdwinL.Sibert,Jr.'38 Sheldon K. Parker 71 William L.SibertII'42 Anthony R. Parrish '41 Constantine Simonides '52

Mr. & Mrs. George L Simpson Mr. & Mrs. David S. Skaff C Hamilton Sloan'87 Mr. ^c Mrs. C Hamilton Sloan George B. Smith '66 H. ScottSneadJr.'42 Richard A. Snyder 75 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles Judi Skelton Spann '80 Erling D. Speer'58 Mr. & Mrs. Derejc W. L. Spry Mr. & Mrs. Peter Standoff E. Richmond Steele, Jr. '35 Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C Stinson Mrs. Ann B. Stivers Mr. David Stockwell Alexander N.Stoddart'45 Thomas M. Stokes, Jr. '50 Frank R. Stoner III'46 JiU Willpck Studdiford '87 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Surles Prentice Talmage, Jr. '44 RL Rev. C Cabell Tennis Mrs. Elena H. Terry JohnJ.TolsonIV'67 Cynthia J. Tostevin '83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Traina Daniel Trimper IV'51 Augustus S. Trippe II '37 Mrs. Edward R. Trippe Edward R. Trippe IH'68 Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. van Nierop

Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr.'48 Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga J.KirkT.Varnedoe'63 George G. Vest IV'48 Werner R.Voigt, Jr. '55 Mr. & Mrs. Marc-Aurel yon Dewitz Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Von Urff Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Vranian Arraminta A. Ware '82 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ware, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam L. Weber James M. Wendt 78 Robertson H. Wendt, Jr. 74 Mr.AlanT.WenzeU William T. White IH'78 Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Whitmbyer Robert Whyte'41 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Richard CWieboldt 71 J. J. B. Wigglesworth '58 Herbert E. WilgisIII79 Susan Willock '89 Henry V. P. WilsonIH'50 Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Richard M.Wilson 72 David B. Winter'67 John P. Witwer'58 George B. Wood, Jr.'42 Jason L Woody'91 Mr. ^c Mrs. Thomas C Worth Arthur St. C Wright'53 Noel B. Wright, Jr.'51 Robert E. Young'52 Zachary A. Zehner'91 Victor H. Zeldv'42

TOP TEN ,CLASSES Dollar Totals


Class Agent


1943 1945 -1948 1961

Morgan B. MacDonald Gaston V. Jones, Jr. RichardS. Smith, Jr. Charles E. Hance John M. Pinney Barry M. Sabloff William Pfeifer III J.J.B. Wigglesworth Thomas C Stephens Frank E. Williams, Jr. Stephen E. Price Constantine N. Tonian

$16,105 12,065 11,030 10,733

1964 1963 1958 1970 1939 1949


9375 8,742 «,000 7,595 6,875 6,488

Participation Percentage Totals Pre-1960 1934 1936 1935 1940 1951 Post-1960 1961

1968 1963 1971 1978

Francis J. Townsend, Jr. Chester E. Baum, Jr. Franklin Hawkins William C. Sibert David Lindsay Charles E. Hance John M. Pinney W.Robert Prier, Jr. William Pfeifer III Gilbert E. Metcalf Charles H. Shorley Ashton W. Richards Thomas E. Schreppler


91% 89% 86% 78% 61% 59% 58% 47% 47%




The following pages list by constituent group the individuals and organizations who participated in the 1992-93 Annual Fund for SL Andrew's.

Trustees "Bulent I. Atalay, Ph.D '58 "George J. Baxter '54 "Robert B. Blum, Sr. "Randolph W. Brinton '64 "WUliam H. Brpvvnlee '44 ' *EdmondYi-Teh Chang'83 "A. Felix duPont, Jr. "Caroline J.duPont "Katharine duP. Gahagan "Raymond P. Genereaux 'Michael K.Gewirz'81 "Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 "Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 "Nancy R.M. Hance *Maureen K. Harrington "Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Bonnie D. Hillman'84 ^Walter J. Laird/Jr. 'Joseph S.McDaniel III "Allen B.Morgan, Jr. '61 "Jonathan B. O'Brien* 'William B.Paul, Jr.'64 "H. Hkkman Rowland, Jr. '58 "Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 "Henry H.Sffliman, Jr. **J. Kent Sweezey 70 "C. CabeU Tennis "W. Hollingsworth Whyte III 35 ."Penelope P. Wike

Alumni 1934 $525/100% 'Jerome D. Niles, Jr. "Robert H.Orr "Francis J. Townsend, Jr. 1935 $2,125/89% David T. P. Bradley "Findley Burns, Jr. "Charles S.Felver J. Pierce Fenhagen' . ' "Franklin Hawkins "Elmer B. Scott, Jr. *E. Richmond Steele, Jr. t "W. Hqllingsworth Whyte, Jr. 1936 $5,724/91% "Alan T. Baldwin Loring W. Batten III 'Chester E. Baum, Jr. "William B, Evans "Charles F.R. Mifflin Walker L Mifflin, Jr. "Winthrop deV. Schwab "Charles A, Silliman "Edward F. Swenson, Jr. JohnS. Whelen 1937 $430/83% 'Frank J.BaU J. Packard Laird "John C Parry Augustus S. Trippe II "W. Laird Warwick

1938 $1/775/58% "William H. Corddry "William R. Cory 'Edward O. Moore Frederic J. Schaettler "Edwin LSibert, Jr. "WaltCTW.Speakman *JoKn M. Topham, Jr. , 1S39 $6^75/65% *Thomas V. Ashton George B. Buckner II William P. O. Clarke, Jr. *Geprge A. Dunning "Horace W. Harrison *Lawrence Johnson, Jr. *FrederickCMoor "Jesse Nalle **Vernpn E. Ragland *JohnE.Wason "Frank E.Williams, Jr. 1940 $2,135/36% *John H. Boyden, Jr. "Peter M. Brown John H. O. Clarke *Thomas Donaldson, Jr. "James H. E..Johnston "C Rickert Lewis *J.RossMacdonald "PoweU Pierpoint "Frank B. Pilling "Thomas A. Rave, Jr. "William CSibert *PaulD. White 1941 . $5X)14/72% *JohnCBaU,Jr.. "George A. Broadbent *WiUiam B. Churchman HI RidgwayJ.aarkll "Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. "F. Weston Fenhagen *John Hanahan, Jr. *R. Stockton B. Hopkins "I. Harding Hughes, Jr. George B. Lewis Henry L, McCorkle "Peter B.NaUe . "Anthony R. Parrish "James Tliomas "Donald M. Tucker "WiUiam L. Van Leer, jr.. "Robert Whyte "Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. 1942 $2,200/53% "Benjamin M. Fowler III James A. R. Gibson > AndrewCMcFall,Jr. ."Walter E. Mylecraine "John L. Ray *Thomas R. Saunders William L. Sibert II H. Scott Snead, Jr. George B. Wood, Jr. *Victor H. Zelov

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past five years •" Has made a gift to the Annual Fund in each of the past ten years ^Deceased

1943 $16,105/61% 'John M. Alden *Noel C. Dalton *Paul Winston Fitzpatrick "Qayton H. Griffin John M. HemphiU II "John C Kinahan, Jr. "Phillips Lounsbery . "Morgan B. M'acDonald *Marion C Rinehart **Charles B. Straut "Henry P. Sullivan 1944 $5473/70% "E. Jouett Armstrong * "HenryS. Baker, Jr. Donald B. Barrows, Jr. "Robert T. Boyd HI "WiUiam H. Brpwnlee *John K. Cowperthwaite "William A. Crump, Jr. "WiUiam F.Davis, Jr. "Peter R. Lyman **H. Lawrence Parker "Henry G.Parker III "WiUiam D. Rogers *Prentice Talmage, Jr. "Thomas M. fucker 1945 $1^065/75% "James A. Bacon "Alexander R. Beard "JohnS. Cook **Richard P. Davis **Dwight M. Dunlevie Robert H. Gardner, Jr. *William D. Hays "William S. Hearn "William C Hewlett *Thomas M. Jervey "GastonV.JpnesJr. *EdwardK.Libby *DouglasG.Lovell,Jr. *Levin M. Lynch Daniel R. Patch Richard G. Patch John H. Rood "Robert F. ScheUing m Alexander N. Stoddart"Charlton M. Theus, Jr. *DavidK.Witheford 1946 $2,610/76% Daniel G. Anderson, jr. "David O. Bellis *Barry A. Behepe "Luther R. Campbell, Jr. "J.McHenry GiUet "Donald D. Haynsworth *James M. Perry Clarkson N. Potter *Mark Reeve *James M. Richardson F. Tucker Smith "Frank R. Stoner III *Ken W. VanDyke

1947 $4,200/61% "Richard M. Appleby, Jr. Brian B. Barlow *Landon C Burns, Jr. *Stephen J. Chamberlin, Jr. Charles O. Culver, Jr. **Francis Giammattei, Jr. John R. Hodgdon *C. RusseU Keep, Jr. "Daniel W. MacDonald III Timothy C Mann Peter K. McCagg *William W. McDowell, Jr. "Edgar R.MiUer, Jr. Woodlief Thomas, jr. 1948 $11,030/67% **James F. Adams . *Sargent Bradlee, Jr. 'Richard E. Broome Robert S.CorneU Thomas A. Deveny III Carlos Echeverria Gregory L; Gibson John D. Gray "Upton K. Guthery t "Henry N.Herndon, Jr. Edwin A. Hoey *John M. Hopkins "David S. Humphries "D. O\arles Mem wether *PaulJ. Register, Jr. "RichardS. Smith, Jr. *Robbert H. van Mesdag "Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr, "George G. Vest IV Herbert D.Vogel, Jr. 1949 V . $6,488/43% "Coleman E. Bye, Jr. Gerry W. Cox, Jr. *Robert B. Evans Stephen S. Evans *Edward H. Fielding F. Lawton Hindle Patterson Keller Wesley H. Martin "James M.McSherry . PumalLMcWhorterlll "Gonstantine N. Tonian "James B. Totten 1950 $3,675/63% "Roberts. Appleby "William D. Bathurst *StuartJ. Bracken Arthur M. Cholmeley-Jones *Morton H. Qark Henry L. Constable, Jr. *Murdoch Davis "Harkness G. DeVoe "John D. Fairchild "O. Wells Foster "JohnD.HukiU "Qarence H. Keller Maurice Kemp Richard C Leonard "William T. Murray III

A n n u a1 F u n d D o n o r s "Roger D. Redden *Thomas M. Stokes, Jr. Richard H. Thompson Henry V.R Wilson HI 1951 $6,485/78% *David O. Barroll "David C. Bryan "A. Edwin Clattenburg III Richard J. Corbin . HallDownes "Samuel L. Fleming "Alan C. Good *Armistead L, Guthery *David Guthrie *JohnS.Halsted *Roland F. Hartman, Jr. . *Hume A. Horan "David Lindsay 'Matthew J.MeDerinott, Jr. William F. Murphy III Irtomas W. Osborn, Jr. *Thomas J. Patton W. Barrett Register "Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. "David E. Scherer "G.Leonard Shea "Frederick B. Starr *Daniel Trimper IV *William H. Whitehead "Noel B.Wright, Jr. 1952 $5,398/67% Anonymous *T. Roberts Appel II "J. Caleb Boggs, Jr. "Douglas S. Brbdie "James B. Bullitt III *Harry B. Cannon, Jr. . "John D. Creadick Matthew J.Ellis, Jr. Walter B.Fielding "Theodore L. Hill, Jr. *David S.Jenkins 'William H. Johnson *PeterKeHey Charles W. Kenney "JuUen H. LeCompte James W. Marvin, Jr.; C. Fenner McConnell *C. Henry Roth II Chaloner B. Schley Ctonstantine Simonides . Norman M. Smith "Galen H. Townley *G. Carter Werth ."LHerndonWerth "Robert E. Young 1953 $4,172/71% "Clay Bridgewater Hugh N. Cannon "David P. Giammattei "W. Howard Hart "Frederick E. Klutey, Jr. "William D.Luke, Jr. *Robert H. McBurney David T. McCune **Lawrence D. MilUgan, Jr. **Robert T. Oliphant, Jr **Harrison H.Owen Stephen F. Penn **Charles T. Pickett **ThomasF. Quirk, Jr. **Richard R. Schulze *G. Stephen Voorhees Arthur St. C Wright

1954 $6,030/59%. "Brace Bahr **Charles M. Barclay WiUiam B. Barnett **David P. Campbell Anthony W. Qark **A. Qements Crowe • **G. Jeremy Cummin Douglas J. Evans Robert M. Foster **Anthony W. Hathaway >JamesH.Healy,Jr. **PaulCHuttonIII J. Shackelford Kenney **Walter L. Lief eld **Ian C. Machines M. Alex Philippi, Jr. James R. Speer Lawrence E. Wood 1955 $695/34% **C Stephen Baldwin **C PpweU Hutton **Howe Lagarde, Jr. 'Geojge G. Macintire *GeorgeB.MitcheU *Robert H. Robinson **Frederick N. Teuscher Werner R. Voigt, Jr. **JohnI.WatsQn,Jr. C E. John Way, Jr. 1956 $1,905/44% *GeoffreyC. Abbott Alexander M. Baumgartner *R.BerleClay **Kenneth E. Court W. William A. Cox John G. Gregory Leland T. James Roy I. Kimmel, Jr. *J. Reynolds LeBus, Jr. **Thomas B. CXRourke **C Richard Qrth Jehu D. Quillin III . W. B. Peter Rodgers "Harold K. Wood, Jr. 1957 $3,185/54% Michael K Bateman "Timothy J.Bloomfield **GeorgeA.BrakeleyIII **WiUiam H. Qayton *John M. Cogswell Anthony J.Jeffcott **John F. Kramer, Jr. Charles S. Marshall William M. Nuckols Michael L. QuiUin *John C Ranck *Thomas N. Rightmyer"Robert J. Shank "Newell R. Washburn David W. Zuckerman 1958 $8,000/56% "Bulentl.Atalay Eugene C. Bailey "John P. Burkett, Jr. *eiiottG.FishburneIII "Joseph H. Gibson "Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. "David D.Hindle "Joseph H. Hinnant *CharlesV.Hulick,Jr. Oiarles C Knight ^Douglas M. Pell "H Hickman Rowland, Jr.

William M. Shettle II "Erling D. Speer Donald L. Steiner James P. Thomas *W. Moorhead Vermilye II Richard E. Vogel Stephen S. Washburne *J. J. B. Wigglesworth . *John P. Witwer "J. Donald Woodruff, Jr. 1959 $4,550/35% "Andrew J. Adams, Jr. "Colernan P. Brown II **Russell W. Chesney "Robert R. CraighiU "Hunter B. Harris, Jr. Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. "G.William Helm, Jr. John B.Jones Walter D.Phillips *6enjamin N. Powell "Robert E.Seddon, Jr. David M. Shields 1960 $2^20/29% . "Carl B. Bear **Asbury Coward W **Laurent C. Deschamps Jesse R. Dowd, Jr. **Edward H. Hammond, Jr. "D: Randolph Johnson "Harry L Murray III Henry S. Pool *Edwin N. Probert II Pieter B. Voorhees 1961 .$10,733/61% 'Conrad C. M. Arensberg ^Edward B. Brinton, Jr. John C. Chambers '"John C. Davie "Peter M.Delo, Jr. * "Charles E. Hance "Henry R. Hillenmeyer "Richard A. Houghton III Allan F. C Hubbard "Peter D. Laird Ian H. Lothian Kenneth D. McCullough George R. Mobley "Allen B. Morgan, Jr. "Malcolm Muir, Jr. John M. Pinney *WilliamM,Pope,Jr. M. Kenneth Richards, Jr. "Howard M.Snyder III *Randolph L. Williams 1962 $2,162/39% "Richard P. Baer Thomas F. Bayard James C. Beverley "James M: BuUock "Lawrance M. Coin* Marshall W. Craig "John S. CraighiU *John H. GuUett Paul A. Kuehner Michael B. Leary Rodger CMelling •. "Charles D. Murphy III Alvan R. Pierson III 1963 $8,742/58% Richard'Buckaloo III Eric N. Burkett *RushtonT. Capers

*James H. Cooper Aian Crichton "George W.Forbes III "Harold B.Gordy,Jt. JohnM.Gustin **J. Ogden Hamilton "Charles H. Heckscher, Jr. Charles Richardson Hillier "Kent S, Hughes James E. Kerr "David L. Loomis . **C. Brent McCaghren "William Pfeifer III Robert M.Pyle *JOhn R. Schoonover Richard M. Shoemaker George W. Shuster *Robert W. Soderberg, Jr. Philip E. Tonks "J.KirkT.Varnedoe 1964 $9,375/38% Rufus K. G. Barrett Dennis C. Blair "Randolph W;Brinton *Curtis M. Coward Alfred K. Day III '.'' "William P. Hammond IV *Daniel D. Moore T. A. E. Moseley III **Stephen H. Munroe 'Harry M, Parker John C. Parrish *William B.Paul, Jr. Jackson H. Pope "Barry M. Sabloff Christopher A. Sailer 1965 $4,575/29% ^Frederick W. Coleman John S. Gregg "J. Dick Harris *R. Anderson Haynes **J. Potter Herndon Oelland P. Hutton **Jpnathan C. Smith "O.LeeTawesIII. "David H. Walker 1966 $4,957/41% Theodore Burton IV *W. Justin Comstock *John M. Evans "Walter L. Harrison II *Anthony R. Pamsh, Jr. **Timothy W. Peters **John G. Reeve James K. Rogers "Winthrop Schwab, Jr. George B. Smith "Edward M. Strong Kenneth H. Wilson 1967 $1,770/31% D.Wesley Corson, Jr. . *Jerry A. Fogle **Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. *Walker A. Long *W. Keith Martin *J. Hutchison Ranck , James E. Rayner *DavidS. Skinner "Franklin Y. Smith *John J. Tolson IV David B. Winter

Annual Fund Donors 1968 $5,300/59% 'James K. Beebe 'John C Back C. Michael Donnelly, Jr. Paul C. Fiehler Peter G. Gwinn William C Holder 'Christopher L. Milner F.Taylor Peck III *W. Robert Prier, Jr. James B. Rake 'Christopher P. Reeve *Andrew W. Reynolds William Z. Rogers John D. ShoweU IV Carl P. Slocomb R. Marshall Thompson Edward R. Trippe III William G. Tucker III 'Arthur Vandenberg 1969 $2,854/37% 'PeterD. Caloger,Jr. *ArthurA.Carota,Jr. "Thomas C. Goleman "William Frantz Herr, Jr. *WimamW.Kling,Jr. Charles EM.Kolb Richard T. Lambert, Jr. 'Peter A. Maxson 'Peter H. McGowin Stephen V. Noble 'Brian P. Randall, Jr. 'Nicholas R. Scheller "Albert Simons III "E. Kenly White 'Peter S. Wood 1970 $7,595/38% "William H. Barney III "W. Allen Chesney David H. Davis James V. Hazlett III "James I. Hudson III 'Christopher L. Lambert "Arthur M. Miller David A. Olson Philip B. Persinger "Toby R. Roberts "Joseph L. Seiler III . Thomas C. Stephens "WiUiam C Strong "J. Kent Sweezey 1971 $3,625/47% Robert W. Berray, Jr. Cato D. Caipenter 'Richard G.Colbert, Jr. Steven C Hartsell 'Michael A. Hill "Thomas H. Hooper III Douglas H. Kiesewetter, Jr. 'Brian C. G. Kinahan 'James S. McBride "Frank H. Merrill "Gilbert E. Metcalf Sheldon K. Parker "MarkW.Rocha : J. Robert Seyffert rCharles R Shorley 'Richard C. Wieboldt John W.Wright 1972 $3,320/35% Russell S. Baker III "R. Stewart Barroll William C. Bean 'Edwin John Berriet, Jr. James A. Govatos

"David B. Harms "Robert C Ughtburn "Bradford A. Mills 'David D. Mills "Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr, Richard M.Wilson 1973 $2,345/24% German E. Amaya "G. Mitchell Edmondson *Samuel R. MarshaU "Everett R. McNair Victor A.GMickunas **Peter A. Presby Henry M. Richards **GeraldG.Rue 1974 $1,240/33% *Stephen M. Baldwin *John R. BeardaU III *RusseU E. Boyle "J.Lyles Glenn IV Donald M. Harting David M.Hatton *Henry Hauptfuhrer IV **F. Joseph Hickman *F. Matthew Kramer **William P. C Ku **Edgar R. MiUer III *Charles B. Olson '' **Robert P. Rementer tdwin L. Sibert III Richard J. Vach **Gregory E. van der Vink *Robertson H. Wendt, Jr. 1975 $1,705/39% Lars P. Allfather Robert C.Amos "Alfred D. Barbour Susanne Brogan **Gordon E. Brownlee **Louise H. Dewar Thomas D. Gleason Robert H. Greenlee Rafael J. Guastavino, Jr. **Robert J. Harrington, Jr. **Terry L. Hartsell C Dallett Hemphill Christopher M. Kennedy **Thomas O. Lawton III Gregory S. Marsh Marcia M. Moore *Ralph D. Neel ^Elizabeth D. Peloso Jonathan F. Rodgers DeweesF. ShoweU III Richard A. Snyder *J. David Strong Notrnan C, Ware 1976 $4,260/29% AUston Allison-Kitchens *Kingsley Durant, Jr. *C. Douglas Evans Terrell L Glenn, Jr. Jane Allmon Heath "Ralph R. Hickman *F. Tyler Johnson G. Marshall Kent, Jr. **Michael K. Kuehlwein David N. Low, Jr. "Patricia K. McGee Bede V, Ramcharan *Heyward G. Robinson >RusseU D. Salter John M. Seabrook, Jr. *BryanA.Skib

1977 $2,460/41% *Steven H. Brownlee Brian M. Crow *Robin J. Eisenbrey **MarkS. Govatos John W. Guastavino *James M. Hudson, Jr. Peter G. Jacoby **Carolyn M. Matthews Tamara Z. Maull Paul E.Michael Janice E. Nevin **RobertS, Palmer **Alexis Foster Reed A. Alexander Rhodes **Daniel W. Rogerson Laura Goodrich Rosenberg Steven A. Salter Jonathan F. Starr **CatherineM. Wendt Charles G. Wingate 1978 $2,526/47% **Axel G. Amaya Anne Rhodes Amos Anonymous Sarah C. Hukill Berninger *Scarlett Halsted Carey *Garrett J. Hart **William S; Ingram III *R. Paul Kress, Jr. HansenLau David R. Lawson ^Martha R. S. Lube Wendy S.Moore William C.Mott, Jr. Alison A. Muller A. Daniel Myer *EUen O. Nelson Kevin P. Nerlinger Scott R. Peters "Ashton W.Richards Thomas E. Schreppler Thomas B. Sewell *Cathy B. Shields Aubrey C. Smoot III John A. Springer *Brenneman L. Thompson Gregory S. Tonian James M. Wendt William T. White III **Louisa Hemphill Zendt 1979 $1,480/39% *Virginia B. Ashpole Michael D. Berrigan Randolph B. Bloxom Richard A. Chubb **KeelyM.CUfford *Robert J. Falciani Robert K. K.Jones, Jr. *Kevin T. Kuehlwein *Margaret M. Lawton *Michael B. Lilley Qay ton R Locke Janet Brownlee Luke "William D. Luke III **Susan S. Martin-Andrien ^Catherine A. May *Matthew J. Ruggiero Suzanne H. Seger E. Ronald Tostevin III *Carrie B. Waters **HerbertE.WilgisIII

1980 $2,850/28% *Kate Rentschler Ausbrook Blair Bowers **Tracy R. Chardon *Robert D. Colburn Richard J. Green, Jr. Timothy H. Hanna Robin Gage Lilly Tracy K. Memmi Daniel A. Nolle Edgar M.Orth *Franchesa M. Profaq Martha T. Richards *MaryA.SeUa *Judi Skeltoh Sparin Margaret A. Van Note 1981 $1,955/26% *W. Kenneth Baker **JohnW.CuUenlV *AmyD. Currie 'Gillian T. Davies • *Katheririe K. Delaplane **EricA.Ellisen *Michael.K- Gewirz **Susan H. Guernsey Steven C Hart **Stephanie M. Kandarian Karin R. Lindfors Church M. Matthews HI *William M. McQemerits Thomas H. Murray III John W. Paradee *Bret Peters *Donald S. Ratledge, Jr. KariaSaliba 'Frederick A. Townsend III Scott B. Zweifach. 1982 $1,760/33% *Thomas L. Bauhan 'Richard J. Beach 'JohnA.Buda Margaret Fitts Collar Craig W.CuUen Hunter B. Davis Mary O'Shaughnessy Doherty "PaulW.Bchler Andrew C. Florance Kevin J^Grandfield Ned S. Groves 'Jeffrey B. LiUey Edith M. MacArthur 'Hally Mason Stief Lydia Jarrett Montgomery Eric J. Olson Christian B. Profaci Mathias K. Renner 'John C Schwab "Arraminta A. Ware Janet M. Washburn 'Rebecca Bailey Wright L. Pilar Wyman 1983 $5,825/38% »Stephen L. Billhardt "Bentley H. Burnham .•">,... 'Edmond Yi-Teh Chang "Jeffrey R. Daut * BerylA.Friel Nancy Beth Garrett 'Brent W. Geissinger 'Matthew H. Herndon Margaret R. Horan 'Jennifer M. Kern {Catherine Magill Krapes Peter C. Lief eld Catherine P. Lumsden JeanMaher .

A n n u a l F u n d D on or s *Andrew E. Oliphant Jacqueline P. Paradee Caroline R. Paxton **Anne W. Percy Peterson "Karl H, Pupke **JillK. Rogers **Marnie M, Stetson *Gynthia J. Tostevin Plummy K. Tucker Catherine A. Ulander Timothy G. Wainwright *Edward S. Wilgis Yong-Son Woo 1984 $975/33% Elizabeth O. Anderson Michael K. Atalay Elizabeth B. Baird 'JayHBlum Norman E. Collins III Daniel M. del Sobral Pierson Friend Bonnie D. Hillman *Anne K. Morton Maylene K. Hugh *Stephanie E. Jones Deborah U. Kingsley Elizabeth T. Lindley David H. McNaughton, Jr. James O. Patterson III Markus Pottgiesser Norberto L. Rosas *Nada S. Saliba 'Charles J. Schumacher Eric B. Twombly Jason J. Walker *Mary B.Wallace Michael J.Whalen 1985 $1,795/41% Gerald M. Alexander Ann Sawyer Chilton* Gary D. Clarke Michael H. Collins *Michael R. Denworth Wendy R. Downing Jennifer L. Frost *Anne M. Gammons Steven B. Gewirz H. Winston Goodbody Jennifer D. Gustavson 'HugoM.Heriz-Smith Graham A. Hough ton • Keith E: Keelins *Pieter B. Kooistra Carl N.Kunz III Hugh J. Lesster *£lizabeth E. Mariegold Eliot C Mason *Ian B. Montgomery 'Heather A. Morrow 'Barry J.Ohlson Louisa S. Potter 'Robert Q. Scacheri David R. Sheehan Carl B. Smith, Jr. 'Erica A. Stetson Stacey Williams Barbara B. Zeigler 1986. $580/31% Anonymous 'Amy L. Bartb Suzanne L. DeMallie I. Benjamin Dunn Peter A. Fallaw Stefan Granito Edward H. Hammond III Craig S.Kiker

'Laura L> Loessner Ann P. Matthers Michael S. Meers Anne H. Montesano Philip L. Najera Marie J. Nash Christopher T. Odden Daniel C Schwab Alexander Standoff Christopher W. Tetzeli James P. Thomas, Jr. Rachel D. Viddy Harry A. Wallace IV. Charles E. Wheelock Wimam B. Whitmoyer M. Lucile Zirnmer 1987 $1,165/32% Laurie A. Burnett 'Wells Constantine 'Koren CowgUl Gregory Doyle Mary Dunton Christopher R. Remer Donald H. Retcher Tracey L. Fudge Sherry Gamble Stephen Gratwick Piers Heriz-Smith H. Chase Hill Peter Laird *Matthais Lilienthal 'Heather Mallory 'Lawrence H. Martin III Alex Northrup Robert E. O'Connor III Charles Owensby John Page C Hamilton Sloan 'Jill Willock Studdiford *Sandra Tarburton Harry R. Tear III 1988 $790/31% Anne Margaret Baxley *Elizabeth C Baxter Herman Braxton III Arthur C Butcher *Leif P. Christoffersen *Alice P. Coneybeer Matthew T. Crowley Corina del Sobral Heather L. Hillman Daniel Hurdis "Jennifer Hurtt Jennifer Jones *A. Whitney Lockhart C^vid M. McCrystal DebbyOhlson Martha B. Palmer Charles Panaccione Frederick Patzman WiUiamL.Sibley *Susan E, Stoops Elaine C Thomas Jeffrey S. Trabaudo *Richard B. Vaughan F. Oliver Wilcox 1989 $635/28% Megin Adams James Borghardt James J. Bruin Kwok-Tai Chiu Mimi E. Court Robb W.Ellis Elizabeth P. Hammond Jennifer S. Hanna James M. Lai

D. Hobson Lane Alexander M. McGandless Thomas Pinckney KayRhee N. Barrett Simpson WiUiam B. Spire Nancy Tom Victor P. van Buchem Thomas C. Whitmoyer 5usan Willock

**Dr. & Mrs. Walter R, FaUaw, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rodger W. Fling Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Foehl Mr. & Mrs: Charles T. Foley "Mr, & Mrs. Gesner J. Gourdet Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington *Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins *Mr. & Mrs. David D. Hindle *Mr. & Mrs. Hume A. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Philip C Keevil Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Keltner The Hon. & Mrs. S. H. Klarsfeld Mrs. Cecily E. Kohler , Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lewis, Jr. Mr. Gerald M. Lewis *Ms. Bonlyn A. McBride *Mr.R. Elliott McBride Mr, & Mrs. Frederick J. McCall *The V. Rev. & Mrs. R. L. McCandless Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Mrs. Marsha R. Musser Mr. William M. Musser HI Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Perry *Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Peters Mrs. Kathleen S. Phillips Mrs. Olivia A. Phillips Mr. Stephen B. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Bgnatello Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Reynolds *Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rich Mr. & Mrs. J. WilUsM. Rivinus , Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane *Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. David S. Skaff Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Taft Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. van Nierop Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Vranian COL & Mrs. L. K. White, Jr., USA Dr. & Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth *Mr. Harold K. Wood, Jr. *Dr.&Mrs.KinK.Wun

1990 $335/15% Gretchen Bensinger Andrew Dennis Michael Harrell W.CaUender Hurtt III A. Carter Meyer Stefan Moday Cynthia Dowling Roselle Sarah E. Savage Elizabeth M.Wallace Austin Wheelock 1991 $795/26% Jonathan Alexander Kathryn S. Anschutz Andrew L. Butters Christopher P. Chesney Kathryn P. Crowley Katherine M. Fischer Robert F. Fogelman II Elizabeth R. Hance Thaddeus R. McBride Jesse S. Mechling Samuel W. Stegeman Alexandra L. von Raab Sarah S. Voorhees William H. Weber Philippe M. Wheelock Edwin D. WiUiamson, Jr. Jason L. Woody Zachary A. Zehiner 1992 $408/25% . Carey Albertine Anne Archie James F. B. Armstrong Glen A. Brenner Quincy A. Brown Christina Court JohnV.Gieske Jonathan W. Goldstein Frank Green Sarah P. Hammond Pamela). Heath Ann M. Imes Elizabeth C. Moore Linda H. Murray Emily S. O'Brien Cyrus H. Philpott George L. Simpson IV


Parents . VI FORM Ms. Lorna Abraham Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine Anonymous Ms. Claire B. Bannerman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Barnes Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers *Mr. & Mrs. William K. Boynton *Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Richard N, Carrell Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Crawiey Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dunlap

V FORM Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Biraben Dr. & Mrs. K. King Burnett Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette Dr. & Mrs. P. Brandt Butler Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cheek Ms. Jo Ann Cranmer Mr. & Mrs.. William G. Curtis IV Mr. & Mrs. Fakhri Dalloul Mr. & Mrs. Martin Daugherty Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C DeLee Ms. Jo Anne F. DiGennaro Mr. Edward S. Digges, Jr. Mrs. Rachel G. Diver Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty Mr. Thomas H. Draper Mrs. Betty Evans Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Evans Mr. Cosmo A. Fattizzo Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N; Forney Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Frank Mrs. Vera S. Grunow "Mr, & Mrs. Charles E. Hance Ms. Christine T. Hauptman Mr. & Mrs;J. Stoddard Hayes, Jr. Dr. &Mrs. WiUiam M. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy. Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenbooin Mrs. Dolores E. Hooper Mr, & Mrs. J. Maurits Hudig Drs. John & Anne Keifer Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Keller Dr.&Mrs.GeU

Annual Fund Donors Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Mahlstedt Mrs. Jennifer McCann *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III *Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III Mr. Jon W. Miller "Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. James R. Neal, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John M. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Pierluigi Nuti-de Biasi Mr. &Mrs..WilliamE Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore]. Padden Mr. Nicholas A. Papson . Mr. & Mrs. A; C G. Pettus, Sr. Rev. & Mrs. J. Gregory Prior Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Punirigton Mrs. Victoria Rainert Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts* Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Drs. Michael & Sigrid Schrey Mr. & Mrs. Josef E. Seiterle Mr. & Mrs. Walton S. Shepherd III Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shuman *Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyderlll *Mr. & Mrs. Peter Standoff Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Mr. William G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. Peter Williams ' Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. Williams IV FORM Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody *Rev.& Mrs. Craig Biddle III Mr. & Mrs. David C Bramble Mr. & Mrs. George F. Bruder Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Chavala Dr. & Mrs, Charles P. Coggeshall Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr, & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Clement S. EHvyer Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C Everhart, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C Fisher Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley Mr. & Mrs. Coleman J. Hanover Dr, & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Dr. Merry Jayne Ha worth Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J.Heinle • Mrs. Sherry Henderson Mr. William D.Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Antony J.HiU Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Kamal M. Ibrahim , Mr. & Mrs. William P, Johnston Mr. & Mrs.ttussell C. Joseph Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Rev. & Mrs. William B. Lane Mr. & Mrs. William. T. Lauten III Mr. Richard A. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy III Mr. & Mrs. J. William Metzger Rev. & Mrs. Thomason L. Newcomb Mr. &Mrs, John Orban Dr. & Mrs. Mario E. Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul Mr. Henry A. Perry Mr, & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mr. & Mrs. Steven B.. Pfeiffer Mr. Benjamin F. Pilson Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pipes Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger

"Richard V. Gallagher *Dr. & Mrs. Bulent I. Atalay *Dr. & Mrs. Hilliard E. Gardner *The Rev. Lea Elizabeth Austen Mr. & Mrs. John H. Garrett III **Mrs. John E. Austin "Mr. & Mrs. Morton Gibbons-Neff III *Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baer III *Drs. James & Judith Gieske *Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Baker Rev. & Mrs. David T. Gleason *Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Barclay Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody, Jr. *Mr, & Mrs. George P. Barker "Mr. Harold B. Gordy, Jr/ *Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Barnes **Mr, & Mrs. Chase C. Gove, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam B. Barnett *Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Mr. Donald B. Barrows, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Guastavino Mrs. Pauline M. Batchelder *Mr. & Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion *Mr. & Mrs. Chester E. Baum Mr; '& Mrs. Thomas H. HaU III *Dr. & Mrs. William W. Baxley, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. John S. Halsted *Mrs. Douglas E. Baxter *Mr. Edward H. Hammond, Jr. . *Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bernet **Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance *Rev. &Mrs. Craig Biddle III Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Hanna, Jr. *Mr. Ulrich W.T. Birkholz t *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. . **Mr. & Mrs. George A. Brakeley.III *Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington *Mr. day Bridgewater III F O R M Mr. & Mrs. J. Stoddard Hayes, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Brinton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker *COL & Mrs. Albert S. Britt, Jr., USA-R Mrs. Sherry Henderson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Mr. William D. Henderson *Mr. & Mrs. F. Abbott Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Clement III "Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Herndon, Jr. Mr, & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty /Mr. & Mrs. Herman C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown Mr. & Mrs. O. Wayne. Eakin *Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Mrs. Maureen R. Budetti Dr. & Mrs. J. Roy Fernando **Mr. Tatnall L. Hillman Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Freeman •Dr. Bentley Burnham Ms; Marie Lef twich Hnarakis Mrs. Carol L. CalhounMr. /& Mrs. Nathan C Garner *Mr. Thomas O. Calhoun *Mr. & Mrs. Hume A. Horan Ms. Aveian Granderson *Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Houghton III Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. *Dr. & Mrs. Russell W. Chesney Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Handy, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Leif E. Christoffersen Mr. Bruce K. Howson **Mr. & Mrs. Oswald L. Clarke *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes **Mr. & Mrs. James B. Clements *Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Jacoby *Mr. John M. Cogswell Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle *Mr. D. Randolph Johnson *Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins . **Mr. &: Mrs. Robert M. Colburn *Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley Mrs. John Horner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eckar t E, Kade Mr. &c Mrs. John A. Huening Ms. (Constance Conover The Rev.& Mrs. Thomas B. Jensen **Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Constantine Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R, Kahn Mrs. Ann Gare Keck Mr. & Mrs; Philip C. Keevil Ms. Daisy Coss Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Keltner *Miss Mary F. Costello **Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy *Mr. Kenneth E. Court Dr. Charles W. Kenney Dr. Robert Y.S. Lee Mrs. Diana S. Kiker *Mr. & Mrs. Lawrance M. Court Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C McAlpin *Rev. & Mrs. Daniel F. Crowley **Mr. & Mrs. John C Kinahan Mrs. Rosalyn McCarthy **Mr. & Mrs. A, Barratt Cullen, Jr. Mrs. E. ^Catherine Klein Mr. & Mrs. William E. McCune Mr.&Mrs.FakhriDaUoul *Mr. & Mrs. William W. Kling, Sr. Ms. Sheila McElroy **Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Daut *Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. George E. Davies *Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kotz Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mones ' *Mr. & Mrs. Murdoch Davis "Mr. & Mrs, Robert E. Kuehlwein Mr. & Mrs, Nathaniel H. Morison III **Mrs.AlfredK.Day,Jr. "Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo *Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Parker Mr. Daniel M. del Sobral "Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Laird Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Porter *Rev. &: Mrs. John D. Dennis *Dr. & Mrs. Dewey H. Lane Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Raffetto •. **Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Den worth, Jr. MAJ Mel Larsen, USAF(Ret) *Mr. & Mrs. John G. Reeve Ms. JoAnne F. DiGenharo *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheirner Mr. &Mrs. WiUiam D. Reinhardt *Mr. Charles H. Dietrich *Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Liefeld Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. Edward S. Digges, Jr. Amb. & Mrs. James R. Lilley Mr. &Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane **Dr. & Mrs, Henry B. Dixon II Mr, & Mrs. RusseU F. Lindsay Mr. W. Bruce Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Lewis M. Little Mr. H. Hoffman Dolan, Jr. Dr. Edwina M. Shelford *Mr.& Mrs. Carl S. Dorn Mr. Peter R. Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Short Mrs. Richard C.duPont *Mr. ^c Mrs. G. Arno Loessner Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. ISmith *Dr. Eldridge B. Duffee, Jr. t "Mr. & Mrs. William D. Luke, Jr. *Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyderlll **Mr. & Mrs. Ray.B. Duggins *Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Mrs. Phyllis GMagill Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C, Stinson Mr. & Mrs. James M. Earle "Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory *Mr.O.LeeTawesIII *Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eden *Mrs. Mary Louise Marker : Mr. & Mrs.'Angus H. Twombly *Mrs. Cynthia P. Martin •Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Egan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis HI Mrs. Thomas J. Eichler Dr. & Mrs. William O. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey E. Wood *Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull **Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R: Elliseri "Ms. Bonlyn A. McBride *Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard *Mr. Keith M. McBride P a r e n t s o f A l u m n i Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Fahlen, Jr. **Mr. R. EUiott McBride **Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. Fallaw, Jr. . Mr. Peter K. McCagg **Mr. & Mrs. AUan D. Aikens *Mr. & Mrs. George Farnell Mrs. Betty M. McCarthy *Mr. Gerald N. Alexander *Mr. & Mrs. John CFarr Mr. & Mrs. P. Patrick McClary *Rev. & Mrs. James T. Alves Mrs. Sheila Faulkner Mrs. Norah McCormack *Dr. & Mrs. Tai Sung An *Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III Mrs. Solveig Andresen **Mr. & Mrs. John S. Retcher *Mr. & Mrs. William W. McDoweU, Jr. *Rev. & Mrs. Mark S. Anschutz **Mri & Mrs. O. WeUs Foster Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Mr. &Mrs. Thomas E. Archie Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Friend Mr. & Mrs. David McNaiighton

Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Ms. Marenda Perry Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. Terry SeU Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Mr, & Mrs. Phillip W. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. Stenbeck Dr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Strange Mr. James F. Stutts Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Surles Mr. & Mrs. James. W. Sykes Dr. & Mrs. John C Tayloe, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Reynoldo M. Torio Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver Mrs. Catherine T. Wettlaufer . Mr. C. Perin Wettlaufer

Annual Fund Donors *Rev. Canon & Mrs. P. Simon Mein Reverend erend & Mrs. G. Cla^ Clayton Mailing **Mr. r. & Mrs. Edgar R. Miller, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. W. Jay Mincks *Dr. Atin K. Mitra **Ms. Diana W. Montgomery Dr. Richard M. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Devereaux P. Moring **Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan *COL & Mrs. Harry L. Murray, Jr., USA (Ret.) *Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray *Mr. William T. Murray III **Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Nash *Ms. Daune T. Neidig *Mrs. Genevieve T. Nomer **Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Northrup "Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. O'Brien Dr. & Mrs, Robert E. O'Connor, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. O'Shaughnessy **Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Qliphant *Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Padden **COL & Mrs. A. R. Parrish, USAF (Ret.) **Mr. & Mrs. John C. Parry *Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell *Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Peters *Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Peters Mr. & Mrs. David M. Phillips *Mr. & Mrs. C. Cotesworth Pinckney Mr. Alan B. Pinkerton **RADM Frank L.Pinney, Jr., USN(Ret.) Ms. Wendy L. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Andres P. Puky **Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke Mr. & Mrs. Michael L; Quillin Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada *Mrs. Karen R. Ramey *Mrs. Donald Ratledge Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Reynolds, Jr. "Rev. & Mis. F. Lee Richards • Mr. & Mrs. Lake O. Rickolt *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Hawley Rogers *Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers, Jr. *Mrs. Howard W. Rogerson Dr. & Mrs. Prudencio G. Rosas Dr. & Mrs. David P, Roselle **Mr.& Mrs. John W. Rue Mrs. Nuhad D. Ruggiero Mrs. Alice M. Ryan **Dr.& Mrs. Jack Sabloff **Dr. & Mrs, Anis K. Saliba Mr. & Mrs. John T. Savage Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Scacheri *Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scherer *Mr. John A. Schneider *Rev. & Mrs. Clifford Schutjer **Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop deV. Schwab "Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Schwab, Jr. "Mr-. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell ' Mr. & Mrs. David L. Seymour *Dr. Scott C. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Shockley *CAPT & Mrs. R. A. Shriver, USN (Ret) **Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Sibert, Jr. **Rev. & Mrs. William C. Sibert **Mr. & Mrs. Albert Simons III *Mr. & Mrs. George L. Simpson. *Mr.& Mrs. C Hamilton Sloan Mrs: VictoriaS. Smith **Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles

**Mr. & Mrs. Derek W. L. Spry *Mr. & Mrs. Peter Standoff **Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Starr Mrs. Allison M. Stebbins *Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson *Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mrs. Ann B. Stivers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Banks R TaUey Mrs. Elena ti. Terry Mr. & Mrs. James P. Thomas **Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Tompkins, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Constantine N. Tonian Mr.&Mrs.PhiUpE.Tonks **Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Townsend, Jr. *Mr,&Mrs. Richard P. Traina *Mrs. Edward R. Trippe Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Twombly, Jr.: **Mr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Evert van Buchem Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. VanderMyde Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. van Nierop *Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye II Mrs. Sandra Viddy Mr. & Mrs. Marc-Aurel von Dewitz *Mrs. Mary L. von Raab Mr. Pieter B. Voorhees **Rev. & Mrs. Robt. M. Wainwright Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Waldron Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ware, Sr. *Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam L. Weber **Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. WenzeU *Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock *Mrs. Emily VV. Whipple Mr. & Mrs. C W. Whitmoyer *Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs; Benjamin D. Wilcox **Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Wilgis; Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Williams, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. John H. Willock **Mr.&Mrs.RoffeWike Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Amb. & Mrs. Curtin Winsor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Worth Mr. & Mrs. Allan K. Wright *!>.&Mrs.KinK.Wun Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Zimmer

Faculty Anne Sawyer Chilton '85 Robert M. Colburn Lee H. & John A. Higgins Walter L. Liefeld'54 • Tamara Z. Maull 77 R. Elliott McBride Nancy A. & P. Simon Mein Joan D. & John B. O'Brien Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. Hoover C. Sutton Marijke & Evert van Buchem

F r i e n d s of SAS Mrs, Oiarles H. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Arensberg Ms. Jean B. Blythe Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Bush Mrs. W. S. Carpenter III Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Coffin

Lloyd & Ruth Coffin Charitable Foundation Ms. Pamela Copeland Mr. & Mrs. William Davenport Mr. George P. Edmonds Mr. David Genereaux . Mr. Peter R. Genereaux Mr. Stephen H. Genereaux Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kotz, Jr. Mr. Adam Lewis Ms. Clarissa Marckwald Ms. I. Sophie D. May Mr. & Mrs. John Millikin . Mrs. Penelope O'SuUivart Ms. Ehzabeth C Ratledge . Mr. & Mrs. John Reese Ms. Helen S. Richards Mr. Eric F, Sterbenk Mr. David Stockwell Mrs. Julia G. Sturm Mr. Harry S. Trentman Ms. Janet Patterson Uhle Mrs. Mary Leigh Whitmer Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation

Time Warner Inc. . T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. Trust Company Bank United Engineers & Constructors Westvaco Foundation John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Restricted Annual. Fund Gifts

Anonymous Richard E. Broome '48 Peter M. Brown'40 William H. Brownlee '44 David H. Davis'70 Francis Giammattei, Jr.'47 Kevin J. Grandfield '82 The Hon. & Mrs; S. H. Klarsfeld Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McCall Mr. & Mrs. J. William Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Peters Frank B. Pilling'40 Louisa S. Potter'85 Ms. Elizabeth C. Ratiedge Ashton W.Richards 78 Matching Gifts Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Allied-Signal Foundation Inc. John D. Showell IV'68 American Express Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh American Home Products Corporation Mr. Eric F. Sterbenk ; American Standard Foundation Mr. Hoover Sutton Baer's Cottages Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Bank of Boston Corporation Margaret A. Van Note'80 BayBanks, Inc. Pieter B. Voorhees '60 Becton Dickinson and Company The-Black & Decker Corporation . Janet M.Washburn'82 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Mf. &: Mrs.. Robert R. Wertz Mrs, Mary Leigh Whitmer Brown-Formann Corporation Dr. &: Mrs. Roger N. Williams Burroughs Wellcome Co. The Chase Manhattan Corporation Chemical Bank Gifts in Kind Chubb & Son Inc. CIGNA Foundation Chester E. Baum, Jr.'36 Citibank Consolidated Natural Gas Company George J. Baxter '54 William H. Bro wnlee '44 , Foundation Michal H. Dickinson Construction The Cranston Foundation Ms. Caroline J. duPont Digital Equipment Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. Hugo M. Heriz-Smith '85 Eaton Corporation Phillips Lounsberry '43 The Equitable Foundation William T. Murray III'50 Fidelity Foundation Mr. I. J. Profaci The First Boston Foundation Trust Katherine Schmolze • The First Union Foundation Robert J. Shank'57 GTE Foundation Michael J.Whalen'84 The IFF Foundation Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Massachusetts Financial Services Company The Merck Company Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of .New York Nations Bank Corporation The North American Coal Corporation Philip Morris Companies Inc. Phillips Petroleum Foundation The Prudential Foundation Raytheon Company Reynolds Metals Company Foundation Rohm and Haas Company Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. SPS Technologies Sterling Winthrop Inc. • v Sttawbridge & Qothier

C A P I T A L GIFTS F o r C u r r e n t Use Geoffrey C Abbott '56 Gerald M. Alexander -.'85 Mr. Gerald N. Alexander Jonathan Alexander'91 Anonymous ..'.. Richard M Appleby, Jr '47 Robert S. Appleby '50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Archie Bulent I. Atalay '58 Michael 1C Atalay '84 Brian B. Barlow'47 Carl B. Bear '60 Mr. & Mrs. William K. Boynton David P. Campbell '54 Cato D. Carpenter 71 Russell W. Chesney '59 Mr, & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. George J. de'Garmb Ederic Foundation F. Weston Fenhagen '41 Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz Charles E. '61 & Nancy R. M. Hance Thomas H. Hooper III '71 . William C. Howlett '45 Mr. & Mrs. Stanard T. Klinefelter Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Peter D. Laird'61 Margaret M. La wton '79 Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lewis, Jr. Jeffrey B. Lilley'82 Phillips Lounsbery'43 Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Charles D. Murphy III '62 Rev. & Mrs. Thomason L. Newcomb Barry J.Ohlsoh'85 Anne W. Percy Peterson '83 Mr. Henry A. Perry Powell Pierpoint'40 John M. Pinney '61 Thomas F. Quirk, Jr. '53 Dr. & Mrs. Anis.K. Saliba Howard M. Snyder'61 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Frank E. Williams, Jr. '39

Restricted for the Pool George J. Baxter '54 James R. Boyd'64 Edward B. Brinton, Jr. '61 , Randolph W. Brinton '64 G. Lindsay Brown & Louise Howlett Noel C Dalton'43 ' Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dunlap Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan Mr. Raymond P. Genereaiix Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 John D. Hukill'50 Mr. Anthony C. M. Kiser The Hon. & Mrs. S. H. Klarsfeld Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel HI H. Lawrence Parker '44 William B.Paul, Jr.'64 Franchesa M. Profaci '80

Melvin H. Peters Faculty Enhancement Fund Timothy w! Peters '66

John D. ShowellTV '68 Mr. Henry H, Silliman, Jr. J. Kent Sweezey 70 Donald M. Tucker <41

Chichester duJPont Foundation, Inc. Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 Mr. G. Arno Loessner William B.Paul,Jr.'64 John M. Pinney '61 Charles H. Shorley'71 During the 1992-1993 fiscal year, a total of $173,141 in new gifts was added to the St. Andrew's endowment. Many of these gifts were to funds created during the Toward the 21st Century Campaign, while others were added to the general endowment or to historic funds. This special stewardship recognizes the importance of the endowment to St. Andrew's founding mission of opportunity for faith, learning and . excellence to all qualified students. Along with the specific names of the funds are the funds' market values, including all gifts and investment income as of June 30,1993, as well as the names of those alumni, parents and friends who contributed to that fund during this fiscal year.

Restricted for Endowment General Faculty Enhancement Endowment $23,739 Mr. P. Brandt Butler Matthew H. Herndon '83 The Hon. & Mrs, S. H. Klarsfeld Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Anne W. Percy Peterson '8-* $8,185

Blackburn Hughes, Jr. Faculty Enhancement Fund $31,011 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Chamblin Edward H. Hammond; Jr. '60 Julien H. LeCompte '52 John L. M. Roberts'62 Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Small L Herndon Werth'52 Albert Nalle Faculty Enhancement Fund Beauveau B. Nalle '45


Walden Pell H Professional Advancement Fund $296,684 Estate of Donald H. Vetterlein '44


In Honor of: Raymond P. Genereaux's 90th Birthday Celebration Mrs. Charles H. Abbott Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Bush Mrs. W. S. Carpenter III Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. Prof. Ms. Pamela Copeland Advancement Fund $40,638 Mr. & Mrs. William Davenport Andrew L. Butters '91 Mr. & Mrs4 A. Felix duPont, Jr. Mr.&Mrs.PaulD.HiU Mr. George P. Edmonds Mr & Mrs. William Gahagan C. G. Voorhees Meiriorial Mr. David Genereaux Fund $19,935 Mr. Peter R. Genereaux . John D. Hukill'50 Mr. Stephen H. Genereaux Mr: Walter J. Laird, Jr. Davis Washburn Faculty Ms. Qarissa Marckwald Enhancement Fund $17,059 Ms. I. Sophie D. May Mr. & Mrs. Davis A. Washburn Mr. & Mrs. John Millikin Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Fund for Faculty Mr. & Mrs. John Reese Enhancement $114,054 Ms. Helen S. Richards W. Allen Chesney 70 Mr. David Stock well The Jesse R. Wike Charitable Trust Mr. Harry S. Trentman Ms. Janet Patterson Uhle General Scholarship Endowment $140,295 Rev. Canon P. Simon Mein Amy L Barto'86 Susan H. Guernsey '81 William H. Brownlee '44 Heather L. Hillman'88 The Mailman Foundation, Inc. MEMORIAL GIFTS Leeanna Varga '87 In Memory of Amelia & Henry Herndon Class of '43 Deceased Alumni Scholarship Fund $20,565 JohnM.HemphillH'43 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 In Memory of Walter Hutchison Lee, M.D. Edward B. Duffee, Jr. Scholarship Fund $24,084 Dorothy R. Adams Mr. & Mrs. David J. Butters Natalie R Bishop CDR & Mrs. Thomas H. Bruno, USN : Bishop McKinstry Dr. Anne Scott Daughtrey Scholarship Fund $12,303 John & Evelyn East Mrs. Barbara M. La wton COL & Mrs. Aubrey Gaskins, USAF-R Mr.&Mrs.JohnCMaull Henry & Lillian Hammond John M. Maull 72 Hoon & Barroll,-Atty. at Law Mrs. Margaret M. Maull EdwardCOldfieldni MaryJ.Perrin Simon Mein Ethics Lecture $7,112 John &t Susan Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz Ralph W.& Alice P. Pierce Michael K. Gewirz Margaret G. Reinhard Mr: & Mrs. Robert E. Sinnott Murray Scholarship Fund $20,674 Mr. & Mrs. John Stout William T. Murray IH'50 In Memory of Thelma Rowland Colt duPont Scholarship Fund $50,026 Bruce Bahr '54 . H. Hickman Rowland, Jr.'58 Mrs. Thelma Rowland In Memory of Thomas J. Eichler James M. Webb, Jr. Memorial Mrs. Thomas J, Eichler Scholarship Fund $11,619 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hensen In Memory of. Robert J. Shank'57 George M. Gitlet II '43 J. McHenry Gillet'46 Howard Schmotze Fund for Faculty Enhancement $4,643 EricM.Godshalk'59 G. William Helm'59 Mr. & Mrs. George B. Schreppler, Jr.

Restricted Capital Gifts

George Broadbent Faculty Enhancement Fund Barry M. Sabloff'64


P la n n e d, M e m o r i a I & H o n o r a r i u m G if is In Memory of Ernest H. Greppin III '85 Anonymous The Armknects Family Ensign James Borghardt, USN '89 Mrs. Lawrence Dana Michael R. Denworth '85 Mr;& Mrs. Ernest H. Greppin Heter B. Kooistra'85 ^ Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Krug In Memory of Michael C.Mitchell'39 Anne R. Dechert Marian G. Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Harry K. Hiestand Mr. Edwin J. Pearson Sarah Ann Reath Peter M. Standish Mr. & Mrs. William O. Standish In Memory of Eleanor Seyff ert Mrs. Julia G. Sturm In Memory of Edward R. Trippe '34 Mrs. Edward R. Trippe In Memory of Kurt Von Urff'85 Christina Bell Carl & Carolyn Butterworth William & Sue Canavan Robert D. Colburn'80 Allaire duPont Caroline J.duPont Virginia duPont Marion & Swerre Eliassen SteveGolden Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Greppin Harrington Moose Lodge No. 534 Robert V. Henning Joe & Ellen Jenkins. Robert & Constance Mara Mid-Del Employment Service, Inc. KarlaM.Moffet Diana W. Montgomery Dr. Richard M. Montgomery Marcus & Claire Moran Heather A. Morrow '85 Louisa S. Potter'85 Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Scacheri Ann & Mike Shahan United Methodist Church George P. Von Urff Family Gregory & Jacqueline Von Urff Terri Waller

THE ST-ANDREW'S SOCIETY This year, the Board of Trustees voted to create the St. Andrew's Society to recognize the forethought and generosity of those who have provided for the future of St. Andrew's School with bequests, trusts, life insurance, or other innovative charitable planned gifts. Planned giving is the key to providing for the School's future and financial well-being; to ensuring that the School will have the financial resources to provide excellent educational opportunities for future generations of deserving St. Andrew's Students. We extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those supporting St. Andrew's in this insightful manner. Anonymous A Trustee and Friend R. Stewart Barroll 72 Edwin John Bernet 72 Robert B. Blum, Sr. George A. Brakeley HI '57 . Randolph W. Bf in ton '64 Luther A. Campbell, Jr. '46 JohnM.CogsweU'57 Robert D. Colburn '80 ' William H. Coddry'38 Kenneth E. Cpurt'56 W. William A. Cox'56 Richard D. Crawford '63 C Alec Dana '80 Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot Robert J. Faux'60 Brian D. Fisher'60 Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 J.McHenryGillet'46 Eric R. Gropt 70 Andrew C Hamlin 71 Edward H. Hammond, Jr.'60 David T.Harris'38 Horace W, Harrison '38 Norris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 James V. HazlettIH'60

Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Charles F, H. Johnson III '60 Charles W. Kenney '52 Julien H. LeCompte '52 Joseph F. UtteU'42 Bradford A. Mills 72 Christopher L. Milner '68 , Mrs. Duane.T. Neidig Stephen V. Noble'69 Kathleen Patzman timothy W.Peters'66 Aime W. Percy Peterson '83 Powell Pierpoint'40 Frank B. Pilling'40 W. Robert Prier, Jr.'68 Robert M.Pyle'63 John L. Ray'42 Christopher P. Reeve <68 Mrs. Emilee M. Reynolds Toby R. Roberts 70 Thomas R. Saunders '42 David E. Schefer'51 Robert J. Shank'57 Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 James B. G. vonBrunn 70 W.Lakd Warwick'37 Charles L. Wayne'60 L. Herndon Werth'52

Development Office 1992-1993 • Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Director of Development Tamara Z. Maull'77 Director of the Annual Fund Sharon Dillman Research Coordinator Ebnna Bell Lynn Dugan Judy Liefeld Ramona Mackiewicz Development Office Assistants


ill Alice Ryan on Egocentricism came across a quotation from Stephen Budiansky's book, The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication. He says: The challenge for society carried ever further from personal acquaintance with nature is to retain a grasp on its place in nature. Yet the tendency of both those who would conquer nature and those who would save it is to draw a line and declare human society ever apart from nature. And further on: The truth, as ecological research struggles so often in vain to tell us, does not admit of any simple lines between that which is man's and that which is wild. The interests of people and other animals do collide; that which is wild and free is not always heroic and beautiful. Man has always been a part of nature, a fact we can ignore now only at the peril of man, animals and the world. In reading this, I remembered an experience I had at the end of my sabbatical year in June, 1988, when I was part of a


Outdoor Celebration 1984.

trip organized by the Princeton Alumni Office and led by two anthropologists. Our main activity was visiting caves located on the northeastern coast of Spain and in southwestern France—caves which contained prehistoric drawings, paintings and carvings. Now, if you have explored caves, you know that they are usually damp and dripping places, slippery underfoot, always dark; most of the cave paintings we were to see were at least one kilometer in from the cave opening. So, there we were, about fifteen adults, most of whom were older than I, trudging, slipping, splashing along in our sturdy walking shoes, raincoats, battered hats (we bumped our heads on the cave ceilings quite often), carrying flashlights, cameras, umbrellas, sometimes climbing up and down vertical iron ladders, helping each other up and down steps, picking each other up when we fell. But always rewarded at the end of our walk by incredible, strikingly beautiful and unique paintings of animals on the walls and ceilings of the caves. After about a dozen of these experiences, I began to wonder, "Why am I here? Why am I doing this?" But I persevered, and went along on every expedition except one. Before that outing, we were warned that the ceiling of the cave was very low


in places, and we would have to progress on hands and knees in spots—so I opted to take an afternoon nap instead. Before the trip began, we had received a six-inch-high pile of Xeroxed scholarly articles, required reading about prehistoric societies, and at intervals during the tour, our two professors would lecture on what we had just seen, or were about to see. So, by the end of the trip, we were all pretty knowledgeable on the subject of prehistoric cave paintings; in fact, some of us began correcting or challenging the local guides and the information they were giving us about what they were showing. On the last evening of the tour, when we had visited our last cave, we gathered after dinner in the hotel in Bordeaux, before leaving for home the next day. We were asked to reflect on several questions: Why were the paintings located so far inside the caves? Why had they been done? Why were the varied animals shown in such careful detail, in so many ways—running, browsing, jumping, fighting—in several different colors, while humans were depicted so simply, usually as stick figures, and drawn so infrequently? It was the answer I found to this last question that revealed to me the sense of the whole experience, and it relates to the quotation from Stephen Budiansky which I read to you a little while ago. I believe that the people who, 30,000 years ago, drew those animals in such numbers and with such fidelity and animation, believed that the earth belonged to animals and humans, and that humans were a relatively insignificant part of the whole system. This concept is certainly not one which has governed the thinking of people in Western Europe or in America in the past century or two, but I believe that there is a growing realization in our group consciousness that the earth does not belong only to humans. This re-emergence of what humanity's place is in God's creation is another example of how we experience cycles in living, and it is one which gladdens my heart.



IHI Peter McLean on Caring know J.P. [J.P. Lopez '92] joins me in some of these thoughts. As you all know we have been through something a bit out of the ordinary. We had it much easier than most; our faith in God, the love of our immediate families and of you all, our bigger family, carried us through our ordeals. We are on the road to recovery thanks, in large part, to your good thoughts and prayers. You have our heartfelt thanks, and I offer you this story: "A Day in the Life of an Oncology Patient." .. .To the east, the dawn light peers through the thin clouds. Steam from the Salem nuclear power plant billows out creating its own formations. National Public Radio carries us down the road. We cross the mighty Susquehanna, the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay, and enjoy sweeping views off to the east again. Upstream, wintering bald eagles concentrate at Conowingo Dam where they capitalize on fish gathered there. Traffic backs up at the White Marsh Mall. We all need to ride bicycles or take the train, the most efficient means of transportation, I muse; this cascade of more cars, more roads, and more of everything must stop. Maybe we need to boycott all malls, the one here at White Marsh being no exception. We approach Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the finest hospitals in the world, begun by one person's generosity back in the 1700's. It may sound trite, but the truth is that one person made and continues to make an incredible difference. We pull up to the curb. "I'll go on in, honey, thanks." I file in the side door for oncology with other patients and health workers. "Good morning. McLean for machine 20. Yes, that's right, Lisa's machine." J.B., a big man with a kind touch and who happens to be rooting for the Redskins, takes my vital signs: B.P. 125/76, pulse 54, temperature 37 degrees Celsius—all about average for me. J.B. epitomizes the staff here. They are, with-



Continue to care. Continue to be kind and considerate. Carry this capacity with you wherever you go. You will remain the richest people in the world if you do. out exception, concerned professionals, and Carol Ann and I have been impressed by the quality of care offered here. I look for a seat in the waiting room. I greet my fellow patients with a nod, a smile, and an occasional "good morning." Most suffer from fatigue—fatigue from the radiation, the anxiety, the travel, and the nausea. . .especially the nausea. Some wear wigs to keep their hairless heads warm and their appearances in check. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Bonds," Lisa says. "Mr. McLean, we are ready for you." I pass the controls of a two-milliondollar machine—the kind GE advertises on television, the ad featuring a man with an optic nerve tumor who soon regains his sight after treatment. I lie down and place my head on a rest specially contoured for my large dome. "Columator to 225 degrees," Lisa commands. The arm of what looks like a giant Waring blender rotates past my face. "You on?" Lisa asks, as the other technician lines up the beam to the purple marks on my forehead and scalp. "This is the first part of your treatment, Mr. McLean," Lisa advises as the foot-thick doors automatically close behind her. A whirling sound emanates from the columator, then a buzzing, not unlike that which you hear when you leave the keys in the car. The light flashes "BEAM ON." The first second or two pass. The smell of something like ozone is overwhelming. I try to fight it. It's nauseating. Saliva accumulates in the back of my throat. I need to cough, but I don't risk any movement. I must concentrate. Abnormal glial cells be gone, cauldrons

of cleansing bubbles do your stuff, beam those bad cells out of there, I think. I say a short prayer. I concentrate on one of Lisa's posters which depicts the sun shining on a deserted beach; I imagine the rays zapping my tumor. The radiation is composed of highenergy electrons from the element Tungsten. The energy is not much different from that in a regular X-ray, just more of it—more powerful, more concentrated. A beam of energy is focused on the optic chiasm, that jumble of nerves near the center of our heads where our two optic nerves meet. The neurons or nerve cells that make up our optic nerves (and most of our brain, for that matter) are nourished by glial cells. For some inexplicable reason, mine decided to slowly grow out of control. Such uncontrolled growth can become a glioma, a benign tumor. Located on the tip of your finger, it could easily be lopped off; in the brain, beyond the scalpel's reach, it can grow until normal function is lost and crippling and even death result. Radiation and chemotherapy are the tools to attack these lesions; radiation achieves the best results. I get zapped two more times. As with the first, I feel nothing; you cannot feel radiation. The beam stays on for a total of 30 seconds; altogether, treatment takes maybe 15 minutes. I do not glow as a result. Nausea (similar to that when you have the flu and don't have an appetite), hair loss, and fatigue are the principal side effects. Five years down the road, I risk some hormone dysfunction—a small price to pay. On the trip home, I contemplate how lucky I am. My insurance company and I have spent or will spend close to $20,000 enabling me to take advantage of the latest technology and health care to allow me to see and lead a normal life. I am grateful. I am grateful that I will continue to see this wondrous natural world of ours, Carol Ann's smiling face, and perhaps that of a young McLean in the not too distant future. I am especially grateful to you all, to all my friends. Although I am a bit of a loner, I am not so indepen-


Recessional through the Dining Room—pre-alcove.

dent as to not need friends. None of us is. No man is an island. I never felt alone. There were telephone calls from Matthew Roach whose innocent and concerned query of "How you feeling?" would be quickly followed by others addressing the latest natural history events. There were faculty members who covered and continue to cover my duty and help out wherever. There were cookies and muffins and pasta and brownies and pralines and tulips and fruit bread. There were offers to drive, to take care of Mac, and to do just about anything; fortunately, we were able to take advantage of some of those generous offers. There were get well cards which were terrific. There was even a creatively-presented Brooke original that my advisees chipped in and gave us. We were and are deeply touched. But it was the simple greeting of "Hello, how are you doing?" and the simple gesture implying that you cared that meant so much. I felt your thoughts and prayers, and they, in large part, made me well. Caring is perhaps our greatest gift to each other, and it is one so readily appar-

ent here at St. Andrew's. I traditionally hold awareness and appreciation of the outdoors as the greatest gift; but, I think this other is even greater. My biggest hope is that we never lose sight of caring about each other. Continue to care. Continue to be kind and considerate. Carry this capacity with you wherever you go. You will remain the richest people in the world if you do.

HI Tami Maull on Appreciation s you can see, in planning this talk this evening, my mind went back 16 or 17 years to the days when I sat where you are now. What am I saying? Most Wednesday evenings these days / am sitting where you are now. What a difference time can make. As an alumna I almost envy what the 268 of you have in St. Andrew's today. You have in this School an opportunity to learn and experience, academically and socially, things that most people will never have.



You have teachers that are committed to the profession and spend lots of time planning and preparing your subject matter—DEDICATION. You have advisors, coaches and corridor families that keep their doors open to you when you feel the need or just have the desire to share—CONCERN AND CARING. You have beautiful grounds, clean dorms, healthcare, great meals, and helpful staff and administration—PRIDE. And most importantly, you have each other. Young men and young women, blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, suburbanites, urbanites, lovers of hard rock, rap, rhythm and blues, country, athletes, musicians, actors, dancers, artists, Republicans, Democrats, Perotites!— DIVERSITY. You may not see it my way now, but this is probably going to be one of the best experiences in your life, because St. Andrew's is special. Yes, it's very different now than it was when I was here, and it is BETTER!!! Sure, there are rules and regulations. Sure, there are check-ins and curfews. Sure, there is still homework. Some things will never change! But, think about what I'm telling you about the way it was... then think about it the way it is. Think about the time and effort that has been put into making SAS a great School. Think about the sincerity that surrounds you every day in the faculty, staff, administration and your friends. And after you think about it, do something that I should have done many years before now. Bow your head and thank God for having the opportunity to be a part of this great institution and all that it will mean to you in the future. As an alumna returning to SAS , it is clear that the School has done some wonderful things to make sure you as a student have the best experience possible. Make the most of it now. .




ill Simon Mein on Sickness hroughout the year, the church calendar asks us to remember people who have in their time served God and their fellow humans. One such early figure is Luke who was particularly interested in the traditions about people being healed. Evidence suggests that he was a doctor before he met Paul, joined him on his missionary journeys and became a gospel writer. Clearly one of the things that has always been seen as "bad" is sickness. In primitive thought, it is often attributed to evil powers that get into people, and that was the normal view of the world in which Jesus lived; it was a view shared by Jews who believed in the One God, and Father, and by the majority of the Roman empire who believed in a vast and bewildering array of gods. It was often, too, connected with the idea that it was in some way a punishment from the gods for sins, and it needs to be noted that that is by no means a belief of long ago. In my pastoral work, I have frequently heard remarks, when someone has been struck by early death or serious sickness, such as "He seemed to be such a good man," or "What did she do that was so wrong?" This particular view is explicitly rejected by the writers of the New Testament. For them, sickness is certainly an evil, but, unlike some sections of the Old Testament, the New Testament writers insist it is not sent directly by God. Its origin was for the ancients (as some sickness still is in spite of all modern knowledge) a mystery. Sometimes it was attributed to dark powers, sometimes, they said, we bring it on ourselves by recklessness (substance abuse would still stand in that category), and sometimes it is explained by some theory of the disruption of God's good purposes in the natural order by human folly (pollution of the environment would still stand in that category). In this decade, the world has been hit by a new sickness, AIDS, which is potentially as bad as the great plagues of the



Outdoor Processional 1980.

Middle Ages. And once again, the old pagan ideas have surfaced; some see the epidemic as a punishment for sin. It cannot be said too often and too emphatically that that is not a Christian view. Such a view makes a mockery of the New Testament picture of a loving God. Such a view makes God into a moral monster; and if it were a true view, I would say, "I want nothing to do with such a God." But it is not true. Nevertheless, an epidemic like the AIDS affliction poses some searching questions about how we think of the relationship between God and the world we believe he has created and in some sense directs. .. .Theologians have to take seriously the totality of knowledge and try to make sense of God in our contemporary context, just as the gospel writers tried to make sense of God in the much more limited world view they held. What we hold on to is a view of God as caring and working in and through people. David Jenkins, the Bishop of Durham writes, "There is no necessary logical contradiction between taking modern world views with absolute seriousness1 and holding that

the world, and men and women in the world, in the mystery of creativity and freedom are open to the mystery of God working in and through them." (God, Miracle & the Church of England, p.25) We need to take absolutely seriously all that we now know and are continually learning about the physical universe, and any theologian worth his or her salt is going to work at suggesting a credible view of a God who operates in and through and, perhaps, beyond that universe.

Blessing of the Arts Building.


I would like to quote David Jenkins once more. He says, "Unless we can be clear that between the scientific and historical causalities of the universe and of the world on the one hand and the actions and transactions of God with persons on the other, there is a space, then the problem of evil is overwhelming. I personally would sympathize with those who find evil overwhelming in any case; but as a Christian who believes that there is a real and basic sense in which God interacts with the world as he is in Jesus, I do not believe this. Nonetheless, I am increasingly clear that God is not an arbitrary meddler, not an occasional fixer." (op.cit. p.63) We might apply these musings about God and the universe to something quite specific, something some of us do more or less regularly; I speak of prayer. One way to consider God's answer to prayer, say for someone to be healed, is to think in terms, not of asking him to re-arrange the molecules that follow physical laws (or whatever has replaced them!), so that my sickness may go away, but rather asking for strength to do all that I can to live a full life in spite of all this, and to be helped to the fullest by God-given human skills and compassion. And a great part of this would be the way God inspires researchers to understand the complexities of biochemical situations and cell structures, doctors to apply the findings, nurses to offer care and nurture, relatives and friends to love, cherish and encourage. I am sure that this is how we need to approach prayer for those suffering from AIDS. It must include the hope, the wish that we may use all the resources that we can for research. It must ask for God to work in and through people who will dedicate themselves to long and tiring hours in the laboratory, who will fight the hysteria that often seems to arise in connection with this subject, who will love and care and compassionately tend those dying from the disease. Above all, it must include that firm and unshakable belief that when this virus hits a particular person, they are not being singled out by God for punishment.


Celebrant the Rev. James Reynolds, Chaplain, the Rev. Walden Pell, II, Headmaster and acolytes. Early 1950s.

Faculty and their children round out a 1970s Christmas Choir.

The Gifts.


John '86, Chip '63 and Chip '84 Gordy, Mike Quillin '57 and John Schooonver '63.

The Class of 1943, looking sharp, front row, L to R: Barney Straut, Jay Kinahan, Noel Dalton. Second row: Phil Lounsbery, Clayton Griffin, Peter Michael, Scott Snead, Morgan MacDonald, Bob Boyer and Henry Sullivan.

The Class of 1973 together again.

Nancy Beth '83 and Elizabeth '10 Garrett.

The Class of 58 challenges those classmates who didn't come: How many of us can you recognize? 14



The Class of 1938: Fred & Lydia Schaettler and Virginia & Buzz Speakman

The Class of 1968 catches up at the crab feast on Friday night.

Class Agent Morgan MacDonald '43 sipping champagne from the Giving Bowl after his class presented their reunion gift of $16,105 to the School!

Winning golf teammates: Peter Bellis, Bobby Kidd '93 and Dave Bellis '46 receive their prizes from Director of Development Chesa Profaci '80 and Tournament Chair Dale Showell '68.

Aubrey ' 78 & Colton Smoot go riding!


Glad I camel llayton Griffin '43

The fine foursome from '48: TedHoey, Sarge Bradlee, Henry Herndon and Sky Smith.

Heather Murray, Bill White ' 78, Cathy Shields ' 78 and Joe Moss.

Seeing the school and younger alumni made me realize SAS is better than everl —Chris Reeve '68 A pleasure to visit the school and renew old friendships. —Erling Speer '58 My whole family had so much fun that we may come hack on other years too (not fust my 5-year ones)\ —Alison Mutter'78 16

The Class of 1988 on the lawn.

Kent '63, Charlie and Elaine Hughes enjoying the fun!

Pausing for a pose on the links: Chuck Shorley '71, Stu Bracken '50, Stocky Hopkins '41, Jane Rhodes, Charlie Kenney '52 and Horace Harrison '39.

The Class of 1953: (front row) David Giammattei, Fred Klutey, Tom Oliphant; (second row) Charles Prickett, Dick Schulze and Tom Quirk.

1994 Reunion June 10 - 12 4's & 9's

The Class of 1983 with some new faces: Nick & Ben Yardley, Andy Kelly, Amy Burnham, John Paradee '81, Skip Middleton, Mamie Stetson, Sarah Stivers, Lori Yanez & children, Fred Townsend '81. Front: Jenny Kern and Anne Yardley.

More players and more dollars added to the Golf Scholarship Fund this year. Forty-eight players raised $3,000!

Winning Individual Jon Starr ' 77 and winning class team 1981: Fred Townsend, Scott Sipprelle, Eric Ellisen and John Paradee.











Reunion '93 brought together a '63 Powerhouse 8: Back row (l-r): Phil Tonks-7, Rick Hillier-6, George Shuster-5, Henry Hillenmeyer '61-stroke. Front row (l-r): Jerry Soderberg-1, Fran Corr (guest)-2, John Schoonover-3, and George Forbes-4.

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