St. Andrew's Magazine, Fall 1994

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FALL 1994






Commencement 1994

Commencement Address by Deval L. Patrick Parting Words by Members of the Class of 1994 Commencement Awards and Prizes

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On Looking Back at the School Today by Steve Naif eh '70 From the Archives


Trustee Appointments


Reunion 1994 The Annual Report

12 Insert

Donor Profiles


In Memory


Class Notes


THE ST. ANDREW'S BULLETIN IS A MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OFFICE OF ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR ITS ALUMNI, PARENTS AND FRIENDS. Front Cover: Deval L. Patrick, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice was the 1994 Commencement speaker. Photograph by )ohn Schoonover '63. Back Cover: Commencement 1994. Class President Katie Padden '94 addresses the audience. Photograph by lohn Schoonover '63. FALL 1994, VOL. 16, NO. 3 ISSUED THREE TIMES A YEAR ST. ANDREW'S BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGNER Donna Kinney Speers NEWS OF THE ALUMNI & CLASS NOTES Fran Holveck ASSISTANT TO EDITOR Fran Holveck DESIGN ASSISTANCE Chesa Profaci '80 TYPOGRAPHY/PRINTING Migu Press, Inc. PHOTOGRAPHS Eric Crossan Michal Dickinson }im Persinger, Foto Stop Chesa Profaci '80 John Schoonover '63 ST. ANDREW'S ALUMNI OFFICE 350 Noxontown Road Middletown • Delaware 19709-1605

ALUMNI OFFICE FAX 302-378-0429

TRUSTEES A. Felix duPont, Jr. Chairman H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 President Katharine duP. Gahagan Secretary Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Robert B. Blum, Sr. Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer George J. Baxter '54 Alumni Term Trustee Randolph W. Brinton '64 William H. Brownlee '44 Trustee Emeritus Charles P. Durkin Parents' Representative Anne M. Gammons '85 Alumni Term Trustee Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz'81 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative G.William Helm, Jr. '59 Alumni Term Trustee Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Michael A. Hill 71 Philip C. Keevil Walter J. Laird, Jr. Trustee Emeritus Everett R. McNair '73 Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 William T. Murray, III '50 Jonathan B. O'Brien Headmaster Douglas L. Paul Parents' Representative William B. Paul, Jr. '64 Alumni Corporation President William M. Pope, Jr. '61 Caroline duP. Prickett Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus J. KentSweezey'70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis Bisnop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike



By Deval L. Patrick n May 26,1994, Deval L. Patrick, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice, delivered the following commencement address to the St. Andrew's graduating class:


When I began to gather my thoughts for this address, I found myself trying to imagine what you graduates must be feeling today. Then, my mind drifted back to my own graduation day at Milton Academy some 20 years ago. And I suddenly realized that I can recall neither who spoke nor what he spoke about. Like many of you now, I was preoccupied with such matters as how to keep my parents from bickering, my grandmother in the shade and my sister from upstaging me on "my big day." Occasionally, the mind wandered back to the podium's talking head—but only for an instant. Then it was off again to other miscellany, ultimately landing firmly in thoughts about all the impressions and misimpressions of my time on that campus— trying to make some sense of it. I had a lot to sort through. I arrived at Milton Academy on a warm September evening in 1970, the night before classes began. I had lived until then in a small apartment in an inner-city neighborhood, a ghetto frankly, on the south side of Chicago, a life of want, of deeply segregated and ill-equipped schools, of gang violence and limited hope—and I had never seen Milton or any place like it before. When I drove up the main street to the campus, I remember thinking, of the common green (an expanse very like this one), that I had never seen so much privately-owned lawn before. We had a dress code then: boys wore jackets and ties to classes. Now, a jacket on the south side of Chicago is a "windbreaker." So when the clothing list arrived at home, explaining the dress code, my family splurged on a new windbreaker. That first day of classes, when all the other boys were donning their blue blazers and tweed coats, there was I in my windbreaker. I had a lot to learn indeed. But I figured it out—in time. I learned about the jackets, the rep ties, indeed the whole line of Brooks Brothers merchandise. I learned that peculiar truth about private schools: how the graduates never die, they just turn into buildings. I learned about money, what it could do, how it endowed some people with an extraordinary and often undeserved self-importance. And I learned that none of that mattered.

Deval L. Patrick

I learned a few other things that did matter. I learned about the long legacy of achievement that school (like this one) represents and expects of its graduates. I learned how to make friends across differences, some meaningful but most far less so. And most significant of all, I learned to appreciate a good education as more than accumulated information and prestige, but instead, to borrow from Robert Frost, as "learning to listen to anything, without losing your temper or your self-confidence." I did not come to some of these notions until well after I sat where you graduates are sitting now, long after I had forgotten what my own commencement speaker had said, or what my parents were arguing about or my sister preening over, and long after the uneasiness of those early days in 1970 when I was still trying to find my way around Milton Academy in every sense of the term. I didn't discover what really matters until I got a little perspective. And it's the importance of perspective that I want mainly to talk about today. Perspective is not just distance on your subject, but a different angle, a different lighting, a different way of viewing it. And the more you can vary your perspective—through life experiences and time—the deeper your understanding. Jeremy Knowles made this point beautifully in a speech not long ago to the incoming class at Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges. Referring to a certain "Henry Moore sculpture on that terrace near Lamont Library," Dean Knowles said that "standing in


front of it on the path, or gazing at it from the library, it looks pretty lumpy. A bunch of massive golden shapes, quite attractive, but meaningless, and mostly good for photographing small children in. But go out of the gate onto Quincy Street, and turn left, and look back through the 34th gap in the second set of railings. Suddenly you will see a splendid and voluptuous work. What is the moral?" he asked. His answer: If you don't understand something, the reason may likely be that you're simply standing in the wrong place. "So if you don't understand a theorem in physics or a passage from Ulysses, or a Schoenberg trio . . . or your roommate's politics, remember Henry Moore," said Dean Knowles, "and try a new perspective." I'm sure you understand the point. If you think about it, you will realize that your own perspectives have changed in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways just since you've been here at St. Andrew's. Boarders might recall how much smaller the rooms in your house seemed after you first came home for a school holiday. You can all think of ways in which your impressions of your classmates or your teachers have mellowed since you arrived on this campus, how unreliable your first impressions turned out to be. Consider how, in these last few weeks of school, you may have found a certain unexpected respect or even fondness for the guy or gal you thought was such a jerk before—or how you finally understood that culture explains why sometimes people of comparable intellect and sensibilities can draw different conclusions from identical information. All of these are ways in which your sense of perspective has been ripening. It happens imperceptibly much of the time. Then, again, sometimes you wee forced to try a new perspective. Consider, especially, those humbling—perhaps even humiliating—moments when you discovered, once you set aside your bruised ego, that a real difference in point of view was challenging, interesting, and not at all threatening. In my freshman English class at Milton, if we didn't know the answer to a question during class discussions, the teacher required us to say aloud, "I am ignorant, Sir." That was humbling. When I would tell my grandmother that I didn't know something, she would say that what I didn't know "could fill a whole new world." One could feel pained by these things. Or one could begin to sense that these were ways to learn to open up to the opportunities for new perspectives. My clearest lesson in perspective came at

Milton Academy on April 15, 1974. I was in my senior year and college decisions had begun to come in. Now, while everyone there (just like here) is of course expected to go to college, you must understand that no one in my family had ever been. I had applied to five colleges, but there was only one I really wanted. When the letter came on April 15 that I was admitted to that one, I called home and that same grandmother I just mentioned picked up the phone. I told her my news, that I was going to Harvard. She told me how proud she was of me, so pleased, so excited. Then she paused and said, "Where is that anyway?" That's a different perspective. And I never forgot. Not at Harvard. Not at Harvard Law School later. Not through any of the extraordinary experiences or associations I have had since that day. That lesson taught that the beginning of discovering what matters is learning what doesn't. The prestige didn't matter. The opportunity, the reason to hope mattered. That's perspective. Some of you are probably trying to find a proper place in your lives for St. Andrew's right now. Some may simply want to put it and nearly everyone in it behind you as fast as possible, but most will be grappling for years to sort through this place and your adolescence in it. Perspective will help. Sooner or later you will figure out that the reason your parents were bickering or otherwise acting weird when you graduated from St. Andrew's was because they knew that your relationship with them was forever changed that day. Sooner or later you will figure out that the reason your sister or brother kept trying to upstage you was because she or he couldn't come right out and say how proud she or he was of you that day. Sooner or later you will figure out that the reason graduation day felt so incomplete was that you never told your friends that you loved them, or that you waited until the last possible moment to do so. Sooner or later you will figure out that the reason you can't remember a thing I said today or even who I was was because your mind was on your future, and in many ways had already passed from this place. And sooner or later you will figure out that what really lasts about your experience here, what matters most of all, is not the information you absorbed from this incredible faculty, but rather that you learned from them and from each other about how to listen to anything, without losing your temper or your self-confidence. The world you will soon inhabit is a complex one. It is filled with great beauty, extravagant


"Then, again, sometimes you are forced to try a new perspective."


"The world you will soon inhabit is a complex one. It is filled with great beauty, extravagant wealth and remarkable people. But it is in the same instant filled with hate, indescribable violence, abject deprivation and injustice... I encourage you to inhabit allot it."


wealth and remarkable people. But it is in the same instant filled with hate, with indescribable violence, abject deprivation and injustice. Still, it is yours to inhabit. I encourage you to inhabit all of it. Most of you will have choices that only a very small proportion of people in the world will ever know: choices to live and work and play in rarefied surroundings, far removed not from your own problems, perhaps, but from the hardships and experiences of so many others. Guilt is not the answer to such privilege. Yet you must take care not to isolate yourselves, to avert your eyes completely, from the ugliness you need not experience. You could, if you wanted, let your whole life be about posh clubs or posh schools like this in posh communities like this—and know nothing about the lives of less fortunate people, or just different people, other than what you think you know from the media. But your perspective will suffer. Your judgment will always be that much more imperfect. And the great responsibilities which so often accompany that rarefied life will be borne by weaker shoulders. In nothing else, as I see it, is the lack of perspective more glaring or the need for it more critical in this country than on the issue of race. For centuries, American ideals of equality, opportunity and fair play have been confounded by the politics and practices of division and exclusion. Slowly, painstakingly, over many decades, men and women of goodwill, of perspective—having faced up to the gulf between our reality and our ideals and come down in favor of our ideals—have pressed for, cajoled and demanded progress in closing that gap. But, as a nation, we are still not free. For it is undoubtedly true that legions of African Americans feel less of a sense of opportunity, less assured of our equality and less confident of fair treatment today than we have in many, many years. Now, society's collective thinking on the meaning of opportunity seems to begin and end with the topic of affirmative action. Now, we seem to view the demands of the drug prohibition as more important than basic concepts of fair play and due process. The notion of equality is never even mentioned in public discourse, as if avoiding the subject avoids the problem. Some openly question whether the Civil Rights Movement went too far and others, including many African Americans, are wondering whether integration was ever a valid goal. Think broadly about it. Forsyth County,'

Georgia. Willie Horton. The Charles Stuart Case. Rodney King. South Central L.A. and urban centers everywhere. Randolph County, Alabama— where the principal threatened to cancel the high school prom if blacks and whites dated one another. The images of decline and retreat abound. But you need hardly limit yourselves to well-publicized examples. You have but to ask any AfricanAmerican man or woman, from the most accomplished to the least, to hear tale after heartbreaking tale of racially-motivated unfairness, hostility or even violence. We lack a national consensus on civil rights today. More ominously, in my view, we have for years lacked the national interest to build one. How did we come to this? How did we come from the position of moral leadership on human rights to a nation trapped in a pattern of neglect and retrenchment? In my view we came to where we are by a failure of will, a lack of leadership and fear. And fear, most of all, is the enemy of perspective. When we learned that the effects of over three centuries of degradation and deprivation would not be cured in a decade (whether by new legislation or by favorable court rulings), our will began to fail. And when we started to link poverty and low achievement with the unrelated concept of fault, we seemed to lose interest altogether. Our leadership—in Washington and elsewhere—simply turned to other subjects, as if the issue of civil rights is appropriate only for African-American audiences, when no one else is likely to be aroused. And of course, the persistent image of the black man as society's principal menace—despite all the contrary statistics and the abundance of positive role models—has caused the nation to recoil in fear, leaving us unable to imagine, let alone embrace each other as fellow citizens. Indeed, we seem to have abandoned any sense of the possibility of national community. And let me assure you, those anxieties are shared by Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and a host of others who by virtue of what they are are too often on the receiving end of unfairness. Why, you may ask, have I digressed onto the subject of civil rights? Well, for one thing, it's my job these days. But more than that, I am trying to illustrate that it is more than your own personal satisfaction, more than the fulfillment of your own ambitions and aspirations, that can suffer from a lack of perspective. Whole societies suffer. I believe Dr. King was right when he said that "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends


toward justice." But I believe that it is men and women of perspective—of judgment and balance and fairness—who cause that arc to bend forward rather than backward. People of perspective see the link between their own humanity and that of even the least of us in the world community. People of perspective see that their fate is inextricably linked with mine and mine with the next person and on through the whole human family. People of perspective understand that the real measure of courage is stepping across the boundary and embracing your enemy. And people of perspective realize that what really lasts, what really matters, is that you give somebody a reason to hope. For it's hope that binds us all together. People of perspective, in other words, can help us hew, as Dr. King would say, "from this mountain of despair, a stone of hope," not only for one's own individual happiness, but to build a more harmonious American society. Of course, one of the great ironies of life is that the few of you who will remember what I say here today won't really know what I'm talking about until well after you have lived much more of your lives. It takes a while for young people to realize that their ideals need not be casualties of their confrontation with reality. It takes a while for young people to learn not to be defined by what you have or what you can get, but by what you know to be true. It takes a while for young people to realize that in a very basic sense you know right now everything you need to know if you want what is just. President Truman once worried aloud about what he called "the mass psychology that we should be guided not by what we honestly believe

is wise and right, but by some supposed reflecting of what other people think of us." He, like I, favored Mark Twain's simpler admonition: "Always do right. It will please some people and astonish the rest." It takes a while for young people to figure that out. At Milton, the school motto has for a long time been "Dare to be True." We tend to emphasize the word "true," meaning respectful of what is abstractly correct and intellectually honest with ourselves and with each other. It seems to me we don't emphasize enough the part of the motto which is "to dare'' to take a chance. In that sense, many of you will simply happen upon your perspective. Fewer of you will go in search of it. I urge you to seek wisdom, to pursue justice, to build community. An intellectually passive life is a waste of your experience here. Take charge of your own unfolding. And at every opportunity, affirm, affirm, affirm. * *# *# Some say that schools like this are so rich because the freshmen bring so much to the campus, and the seniors take so little away. If you take nothing else from this place, take this—a confidence that every person here—every adult and, perhaps unwittingly, every student—has been committed to the deepening of your perspective, that your life might be fuller and richer and more productive for your sake, and for others'. Now, it's up to you. Don't be afraid: If you love justice, you already know all you need to know. So, go ahead and try, experiment, affirm, dare, live—and learn to listen to anything, without losing your temper or your self-confidence. Rachel Burnette '94

Erin Burnett '94

Commencement 1994



Reflections on SAS from the Class of 1994 uring four years at St. Andrew's, my ability or confidence has grown simply by experiencing many different challenges at SAS and encountering both success and failure at various levels. By experiencing things for the first, second or fifteenth time, one tries different approaches and more importantly one learns how to cope with failure or relish in success. Academically, while encountering personal success along the way, one should try to keep everything in perspective and remain humble. While encountering the less glorious side of academics, the knowledge that those around you and ahead of you have had to experience the same trauma and have survived the ordeal helps one to not only keep one's grades in perspective but to persevere during difficult times. With that in mind, I beg you not to spend four years of your life at an amazing school being worried about not being able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead of you. g- j^io2es


had always been insecure about my friends at St. Andrew's. My best group of friends had all been here freshman year, and I had never really felt completely accepted by all of them. Last year, I roomed with Mr. X; so he and I became very good friends. About midway through winter term, I was having one of my intermittent depressions. When I saw a posed picture of all my friends without me, I felt completely left out. So for a week, I hung out only with Mr. X and his roommate, Mr. Y. In that week, I learned more about myself than ever before. I learned that a lot of the reason I had never been completely accepted by the group of friends was because I am simply a different person who enjoys different things. After that week, I no longer felt like I had to hang out with them. This understanding of myself gave me more self-security. Furthermore, I have learned that I am truly a loner who enjoys spending time by myself. I don't know whether this aspect of me is something I have learned or something that has always been inside me, just not surfaced until now. What I do know now, though, is who my true, closest friends are, and, in turn, who I am. —Andrew Mahlstedt


riendship isn't very different here than anywhere else, except that it's much harder to be yourself. People know who you are and judge you by your actions. Burned bridges and acts of kindness each have indelible marks. You must decide what kind of person you want to be, then start acting like that person very quickly. —Jon Williams



hen I look back at the experiences that I have had at St. Andrew's, I realize that an important lesson I have learned was about being a friend. I have had the opportunity to know the faculty very well—both inside and outside of the classroom. To be able to call an adult (other than my mother) a friend, is very special to me. Also, I have learned to open up to my peers. When I first came here, I was untrusting and very suspicious of others. To a certain extent, I guess I am still untrusting, but that is something that was ingrained in me coming from the city. St. Andrew's has taught me to be a better judge of character, so I have learned what qualities in a person make one my friend. In being able to know the qualities that are important in a friend, I have learned what qualities I would like to have in myself. My friends have made me the person I am today, and the person I strive to be in the future. —Dionne Thomas







feel that I have gotten more out of my friendships here than anything else. This is especially evident when I think about how little time we have left together. With only 13 days left, I'm sure a lot of people can relate to the feeling that these are the last 13 days we'll spend with people who in the last two, three or four years have become our best friends. The friendships that I have made here are so tight that I can't imagine never seeing these people daily ever again. My friends have taught me what it means to be a good friend; it deals with trust, and tolerance, and love, and also the ability to have a good time whenever you're together. Even though I have these fears of leaving, through discussions of life after St. Andrew's, I have realized that once I am away from here I will



need the strength of my friends more than ever. With this thought, I find myself looking forward to the future rather than fearing it. _Megan Forney

line of shimmering dark blue cuts the horizon as I look out of the tiny plane window. Having little to do beside consume the complimentary peanuts, I let a few random thoughts dwell in my mind. For the first time in a long time I think about myself. I have made many flights back and forth from St. Andrew's, each time slightly different and subtly more mature. Now, all the changes and differences add up, leaving me with questions. How has boarding school affected me? What will I be leaving behind when I graduate from St. Andrew's? And, what will I take with me? Earlier this year I attended a meeting about the success, problems and future of co-education at St. Andrew's. The discussion leader asked me, "Katie, as a female leader in the school, what has St. Andrew's done for you?" The poignant question caught me off guard; I had too many answers and no way to clearly articulate them. So I did what I always do when I cannot speak: I ask for a few minutes and hope that the words will come. When they did, I surprised myself with my answer: "Everything. I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today without my experience at St. Andrew's. I would not be the president of my class, I would not play three sports, and I would not push myself to these limits because I would not know them. What I know now has been synthesized through my education, both personal and academic, here at St. Andrew's." Was this right? Had this little school in the middle of a cornfield influ-


Katie Padden '94 delivers her address


enced my life that drastically? Yes, it had. St. Andrew's did not necessarily make me, but rather it showed me what I could be and push me to reach my potential. I arrived four years ago with the base of my personality and St. Andrew's gave me the opportunities to grow from that base. Some of the lessons I learned were hard; it took lost elections, failed tests, varsity cuts, and arguments with roommates to figure out the answers to unasked questions. But with each challenge came support from friends and faculty making the falls a little softer, the victories a little sweeter, and the spirit a little more enduring. The effect St. Andrew's has had on me is strength. In all areas—friendship, academics, athletics and leadership—St. Andrew's has strengthened me. —Katie Padden

Dave Luyimbazi '94 andAbi White '93

Kip Digges '94 and Deepak Voora '94

COMMENCEMENT PRIZES Sixty-first Graduation Exercises Award of Prizes The Fine Arts Award - Mary Alysia Oakley The Henry Prize for the Greatest Service in Athletics - Mary Alysia Oakley, Kathryn Elyzabeth Pettus and Andrew Holden Techet The King Prize for the Leading Scholar During the Sixth Form Year - Emily Curtis Snyder The Founder's Medal - Emily Curtis Snyder The William H. Cameron Award for Outstanding Service - Samantha Kathryn Doherty The St. Andrew's Cross - Patricia Nunnelley Evans

Prizes Presented at Awards Night The Ceramics Prize - Desiree Ena Bliss and Jocelyn Balcita Torio The Band Prize - Jennifer Ruth Cheek and Jonathan Kitchen Frank The Choir Prize - Robert John Butler The Art Prize - Heidi Nicol Williams and John Lawrence Morgan, HI The Drama Prize—Acting - Ale the a Yelin Pap son and Cosmo Michael Fattizzo The Drama Prize—Technical - David Ward Myers and Donald Matthew Surles The Baum English Prize - Erin Isabelle Burnett The Mathematics Prize - Jonggol Jarupatrakorn and Emily Curtis Snyder The W. Lewis Fleming French Prize - E. Bruce McEvoy, IV The Spanish Prize - Erin Isabelle Burnett The Sherman Webb History Prize - Erin Isabelle Burnett and Jonathan P.M. Williams The G. Coerte Voorhees Classics Prize - Mary Winston Nicklin The Scott Science Prize - Jennifer Ruth Cheek and Kenneth Hooper Ditzel The Amos Prize - Dominic Alexander Seiterle and Emily Curtis Snyder The Pell Prize - Jennifer Ruth Cheek andDionne Antoinette Thomas The Cresson Prizes for the Greatest Improvement in Athletics - Rachel Leigh Burnette and Dominic Alexander Seiterle The Francis L. Spalding Award - Katherine Keeley Harrington The Williams College Book Award - Vila Margaret Rickert The Malcolm Ford Award - Katherine Keeley Harrington and Joseph Eric Calder The Photography Prize - Kathryn Elyzabeth Pettus 8

SIMM A CUM LAUDE Emily Curtis Snyder

MAGNA CUM LAUDE Erin Isabelle Burnett Rachel Leigh Burnette Jennifer Ruth Cheek Ian W.N. Clark Kenneth Hooper Ditzel Patricia Nunnelley Evans John Lawrence Morgan, III Kathleen Denise Padden Alethea Yelin Papson Virginia Camp Purrington Shanna Lea Samarasinghe Elizabeth Tracy Schneider Jonathan Pierce Hopkins Williams

CUM LAUDE Samantha Kathryn Doherty Heather Lyn Evans Cosmo Michael Fattizzo Stonier Michael Grunow Anne Winfield Hance Caroline Irene Hoogenboom Cary Rebecca Keifer Anne Louise Keller Andrew Williams Mahlstedt James Ralph Neal, III James Preston Nelson Mary Alysia Oakley Susan Newman Prior Elizabeth Wynne Reynolds Dominic Alexander Seiterle Jane Thorndike Shepherd Deepak Voora



By Steve Naifeh '70 On Looking Back at the School Today few months ago, Headmaster Jonathan O'Brien sent me a letter asking if I would come back to St. Andrew's to talk with some of the students about publishing and modern art. Gratified as I was by the invitation, I wasn't sure just how overwhelmed with curiosity the typical St. Andrew's student would be about Jackson Pollock's drip technique or the vagaries of the writer-editor relationship. Instead, or in addition, I suggested that I come talk about life and career after high school. Somewhere after sports, music and sex (not necessarily in that order)— isn't that what most high school students really care about? In particular, I suggested to Mr. O'Brien that I give my talk jointly with a fellow alumnus, John Grumpier, who began his second-form year at St. Andrew's the year after I graduated. Between us, we covered nine consecutive years at the School, and, more importantly, the entire spectrum of student life. I was (as my classmates will recollect) the grind of the class (or wonk, nerd, dweeb, etc., whatever the mot dujour), whereas John was not only a very able student but also a very able jock (head boy, and, among other positions, captain of the football team). John and I met at Harvard where I was attending the law school and he, the college. Despite our very different experiences at St. Andrew's, we soon found that we had very similar attitudes toward the School. The St. Andrew's I remember from the late 1960's certainly had its good points. There was, of course, the splendid physical setting—the magnificent Gothic buildings with their commanding view of Noxontown Pond. There were, too, a few faculty members who taught extremely well and who took their teaching very seriously, although two of the best, Chester Baum and Ferdinand Hillyard, retired the year of my graduation. The classes were also so small that even the mediocre teachers managed to provide a better preparation than that received by most of my classmates at college. Unfortunately, though, there was much about the School in those pre-O'Brien days that I do not recall with pleasure. For one, the place was not particularly tolerant. Students from a disadvantaged, minority or non-Christian background, or who, like myself, were hopelessly unathletic, were always made to feel "marginalized": as if our presence there some sort of colossal (and occasionally cruel) mistake. It was, of course, a different era with different assumptions. The operative one at St. Andrew's was that the world revolved around middle or upper class WASP jocks. I remember reading at


the time a short piece by Michael Arlen about life as an Armenian-American at St. Paul's School and thinking Arlen's withering account could easily have been set at St. Andrew's, or, I suppose, just about any other American prep school at the time. Moreover, despite the likes of Hillyard and Baum and William Amos and Bill Cameron, the faculty was clearly in need of a spring cleaning. Even to an unsophisticated teenager, it was clear that too many of the teachers were saddled with too many psychological problems of their own to squire their charges through the minefield of adolescence. There was also, to some extent, an unhealthy relationship between students and faculty, a feeling that an unbreachable DMZ separated them from us. Too many teachers appeared to think that the requirements of leadership were discharged simply by making sure that the length of a boy's hair was never more than x inches and that the distance between a boy and a girl during a School dance was never less than x inches. Those teachers who made the most effort to spend "quality time" with students often overshot the mark, losing emotional distance and, with it, perspective in their keenness to be "one of the boys." The line between indifference and fraternization is a fine and slippery one. I conjure these old ghosts from the past for one reason only—and a good one, I hope. It is to report that the St. Andrew's John Grumpier and I saw this spring is a world apart from the St. Andrew's of 25 years ago. The buildings still work their Gothic magic and the field of daffodils still leads luxuriously down to Noxontown Pond. But the similarities end there. It is, simply, a more tolerant place. The night John and I attended the evening meal, a student got up after dinner and read a Hindu poem. Students are still required, as they were in my days, to attend chapel. But I can't imagine a student in my day getting up in an official setting outside a classroom and celebrating any religion other than mainline Protestantism. The non-jock crowd still exists, and given the traumas of teenage life, I'm sure they still suffer their share of insecurities. But they seem a far less marginalized and far happier group than in my day. Again, my experience was lamentably brief, but I couldn't escape the feeling that these kids were just about as comfortable as nonconforming kids can be at such an inherently problematic age. Part of the difference, of course, is women. All of those brightly colored dresses have completely transformed the sea of blue blazers. But the transformation is far more than merely visual. One new faculty member told me that the women have done much to cultivate the new feeling of tolerance that


has embraced the School: the new feeling that students who fall outside the current definition of "normal" should be understood and appreciated rather than shunned. The faculty itself is also an important part of the difference. It is a much younger faculty than in my day, about 33 on the average, I am told. It is also— if a day's experience is any indication—a more consistently committed and emotionally healthy faculty. This reveals itself in any number of ways, but one of the more telling to both John and me was the radical change in the nicknames that the students have for their teachers. In our day, most of the nicknames were nasty verging on scurrilous. Today, most of the nicknames are playful verging on affectionate. And behind the faculty, of course, is the person most responsible for their selection, Headmaster O'Brien. O'Brien is a man of good simple values—tolerance prime among them—who exudes an air of quiet discipline and benevolent good cheer. Seated at the head of a table in the dining room, he reminded me of a good father, making sure that his kids don't get out of hand, but also taking care that each and every kid feels like an equal, individually important member of the family. The headmaster's wife, Joan, is an energetic, compassionate, intellectually curious woman with terrific antennae for human strengths and weaknesses, and has obviously done much to support her husband as he has worked to reshape the School.

From the Archives.,

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The 1934 SAS football team. Front row, I to r: Hanby, Hazel, Evans, Swenson, Richardson, Hawkins, Silliman, ?, Thackery, ?, Hughes and Brown?. Back row, I to r: Cain, Townsend, Orr, Trippe, Felver, Scott, Steele, Roberts, Kirkland, ?, and Fox.



Looking over that sea of faces in front of the N.C. Wyeth mural, and thinking back to the very different faces that populated the dining room during my day, it was as if a busload of psychiatrists had come and given the St. Andrew's family an intense course of therapy. I don't think my reaction is idiosyncratic. John Grumpier, whose experience of St. Andrew's could not have been more different from my own, had almost an identical reaction to the sea of change in the School. Surely, it must also mean something that students who have graduated from the School since Mr. O'Brien's arrival remain much more actively involved in alumni activities than students from previous eras. Based on my recent trip "home" to St. Andrew's, I can only encourage my classmates and others from those previous eras to revisit the School. Experience the changes for yourselves. They will gladden you. The four years between 14 and 18 play a critical role in the kinds of adults we become. At the very least, a visit might do for you what it did for me: put some closure on your own experience there. It might encourage you to get more involved in the School today, whether by contributing time or money, advising your children or others' children to apply, or simply reconnecting with old friends. And for those, like myself, with less than perfect memories of the place, a visit might just make you feel better about your own years there, so many years ago.


William H. Brownlee '44

G. William Helm, Jr. '59

Charles P. Durkin, Jr.

Everett R. McNair '73

William T. Murray, III '50

Douglas L. Paul

After 20 years as a non-classified trustee and serving S AS as a class agent and Alumni Corporation Board member as well as a member of the Trustee Education Committee and as a former chairman of the Trustee Development Committee, Bill has been appointed Trustee Emeritus. Bill's four children, Ian '73, Gordon '75, Steven '77 and Janet '79 are also all SAS graduates.

Bill Helm, Class of 1959, has been elected Alumni Term Trustee. Following a career in business, Bill is now Director, Executive Education Relations at the Harvard Business School. Bill received his AB from Princeton and his MBA from Harvard. Bill and his wife, Tina, live in Weston, Mass.

Pat is a Parents' Representative to the Board of Trustees. His son, Charlie, is a IV Form student at SAS and will graduate in 1997. Pat and his wife, Mary, live in New York, where Pat is an investment banker with Dillon Read & Co.

Everett is in product management with Siecor Corp., an optical cable manufacturer in Hickory, N.C., where he lives with his wife, Patricia. Everett is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a BA in aeronautical engineering and holds an MBA from Duke University's Executive MBA program.

Bill is recently retired from the First National Bank of Maryland in Baltimore, where he was executive vice president for many years. He is an active alumnus, having served as treasurer of the Alumni Corporation Board as well as participating in events both at SAS and in Baltimore. Bill's daughter, Linda '92, is an SAS graduate.

Doug is also one of the Parents' Representatives to the Board. His son, Nick, is a member of the VI Form at St. Andrew's this year. Doug and his wife, Elizabeth, live in New York, where Doug is the managing director of First Boston.




Alumni Corporation President, Billy Paul '64 (center) presents the Fishers of Men prize plate for greatest annual fund reunion class participation to Peter McGowin '69 and Frantz Herr '69, and Frank Townsend '34 and Jerry Niles '34. The Class of 1934 had 100% participation in the 1993-94 Annual Fund. The Class of 1969 had 66% at the time of reunion.

The Class of 1969 also won the Alumni Giving Bowl for the largest reunion class gift to the 1993-94 annual fund, collectively raising $16,633. Here, Peter McGowin '69, who not only challenged his class but spearheaded the effort, recounts how the class pulled together down to the wire to rise to the challenge, giving one of the four highest reunion dollar gifts to St. Andrew's in its reunion history. Also shown, Jack Schreppler '74.

Class Agent Frank Townsend '34 toasts the Class of 1934, the School's first graduating class and first 60th reunion class.

49ers Judge McWhorter and Mike McSherry were part of a winning golf foursome. (Not pictured are teammates Headmaster Jon O'Brien and Dean of the Faculty Bob Stegeman.)

Members of the Class of 1944 pose with their 50th Reunion Medals at Saturday night's dinner. LtoR: Tom Tucker, Bill Davis, Bill Brownlee, Henry Baker and Bill Rogers.*





FORMER FACULTY Bill Amos Ches & Phoebe Baum Mac & Betty Maclnnes Jim Reynolds Kitty Schmolze

This reunion was focused on understanding the School and its attempts to fit the needs of the '90s for a much more structured experience. Also, there was emphasis on paying off the investment made in us long ago so that the broader objectives of the School could be maintained. —Harry Parker '64




Like the mix of activities as they are now. One "tie" dinner is enoughl —Tony Clark '54

Class of 1949

The barge trip seemed to be a big hit. More boats, more cycles next timel —Church Hutton '54


ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS 1993-94 ANNUAL FUND Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL

$ $ $

427,556 51.988 479,544

$ $ $

409,484 164.799 574,283


For Current Use Restricted for Endowment TOTAL


$ 1,053,827

SUMMARY OF GIFTS - ANNUAL FUND 1993-94 Alumni Present Parent Families Parents of Alumni Trustees Grandparents, Faculty & Friends TOTAL (Minus Duplicate Listings)

* ** ***

No. of Donors 954 208 210 29

Gift Amount $ 224,214 * 119,319 ** 57,758 65,698


12,555 ***



$261,982 when including Alumni Trustees. $136,866 when including Alumni and Trustee parents. Total includes gifts from faculty, grandparents, foundations and memorial donations.

PERCENTAGE OF DONORS BY CONSTITUENCY Trustees Present Parent Families Alumni Parents of Alumni

97% 75% 40% 19%

SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET Year ended June 30,1994

REVENUE Fund Year 1993-94 Tuition Unrestricted Annual Giving Endowment Used Other (e.g. summer camps, fees, etc.) TOTAL

Percentage of Budget

$ 4,671,900 427,556

66.8% 6.2%

1,513,657 380,562

21.6% 5.4%




EXPENDITURES Fund Year 1993-94 Instruction $ Financial Aid Administrative & General Operation of Physical Plant Employee Benefits & Insurance Auxilliary Services (e.g. food service, laundry, etc.) Other (e.g. transportation, equipment acquisitions, etc.) TOTAL


Percentage of Budget

1,520,995 1,291,150 1,182,454

21.7% 18.5% 16.9%











WORDS of THANKS and APPRECIATION The St. Andrew's family is small. Counting every alumnus and alumnae and including all past and present parents, we number only a few thousand. Because we are so few, the decision made by each of us who supported the School this past year had an immediate and direct impact on our ability to fulfill our mission of providing our nation's future leaders with the strongest possible education and training. Every gift at every level was meaningful. On behalf of our current and future students, I thank you. —Jon O'Brien Headmaster In addition to helping provide scholarship support, excellent faculty, superb academic and cocurricular programs, alumni annual giving proved how strongly we as alumni value our St. Andrew's experience—and that we are willing to give something back to ensure that current St. Andreans may derive the same experience. For your continued generous support of SAS, thank you. —J. Kent Sweezey 70 Alumni Annual Fund Chair The Parents of current SAS students have set another record of giving to the Annual Fund. With gifts from 82% of the families totaling $136366, we have attained a greater level of support than ever. What a wonderful statement this makes about our School today! We must thank the Parent Volunteers for their time and effort in helping us achieve this new mark. I am grateful to them and especially to each parent who contributed this year. Together we have made a difference for St. Andrew's. —Nancy Hance (Mrs. Charles E.) Parents' Fund Chair This year SAS Parents of Alumni showed a renewed interest in St. Andrew's by increasing their contribution to the Annual Fund by over 30% of their last year's total. This is extraordinary. As the School's second largest constituency, these former parents have shown their ability to greatly impact the results of the Annual Fund. They are to be commended for recognizing their important role in our community as well as for embracing the sense of the continuity of generations that comprise the St. Andrew's experience. A hundred THANK YOUs!!! —Michael K. Gewirz '81 Parents of Alumni Chair A very special thank you to our St. Andrew's family for your dedication and commitment to the School. The level of annual giving has grown significantly and it's your participation that is the key. We appreciate your stewardship and continued support of our SAS activities and events throughout the year. —ChesaandTami Development Office



Board of Trustees A. Felix duPont, Jr. Chairman H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 President Katharine duP. Gahagan Secretary Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Robert B. Blum, Sr. Assistant Secretary/ Assistant Treasurer George J. Baxter '54 Alumni Term Trustee Randolph W. Brinton '64 William H. Brownlee '44 Trustee Emeritus Anne M. Gammons '85 Alumni Term Trustee Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz '81 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Alumni Term Trustee Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Nancy R.M. Hance Parents' Representative Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Michael A. Hill'71 Philip C. Keevil Walter J. Laird, Jr. Trustee Emeritus Joseph S. McDaniel, III Parents' Representative Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Jonathan B. O'Brien Headmaster William B. Paul, Jr.'64 Alumni Corporation President William M. Pope, Jr.'61 Caroline duP. Prickett Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus J. Kent Sweezey 70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike

Class A g e n t s Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34 Franklin Hawkins '35 Chester E. Baum, Jr. '36 John C Parry'37 Walter W.Speakman'38 Frank E. Williams, Jr.'39 William C Sibert '40 Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. '41 Morgan B. MacDonald '43 Thomas M. Tucker '44 Gaston V.Jones,Jr.'45 Luther R. Campbell, Jr.'46 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 William W. McDowell, Jr. '47 RichardS. Smith, Jr.'48

Stephen E. Price '49 Constantine Tonian '49 Stuart J. Bracken'50 W. Barrett Register '51 Theodore L.Hill, Jr. '52 L. Herndon Werth '52 Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 George J. Baxter '54 Robert H. Robinson'55 Kenneth E. Court '56 Robert J. Shank '57 WilliamS. WoodII'57 J. J. B. Wigglesworth '58 Warner W. Price'59 Carl B. Bear '60 Charles E. Hance '61 John M. Pinney '61 John S. CraighiU '62 William PfeiferIII'63 Curtis M. Coward '64 Barry M.Sabloff 64 O.LeeTawesIII'65 John G. Reeve '66 JohnJ.TolsonIV'67 W. Robert Prier, Jr.'68 W. Frantz Herr '69 Charles E. M. Kolb '69 Peter H. McGowin '69 Thomas C. Stephens 70 Gilbert E. Metcalf 71 Charles H. Shorley 71 William C Bean 72 David B. Harms'72 Samuel R. Marshall 73 Henry Hauptfuhrer IV 74 Louise H. Dewar 75 Ralph D.Neel 75 Ralph R. Hickman 76 Valerie Snow Klinger 76 Steven H. Brownlee '77 Steven A. Salter '77 Ashton W. Richards 78 Thomas E. Schreppler 78 Janet Brownlee Luke 79 William D. Luke III 79 Robert D. Colburn '80 Robin Gage Lilly '80 EricA.EUisen'81 Paul W. Eichler '82 Arraminta A. Ware '82 Nancy Beth Garrett '83 Anne W. Peterson'83 Jill K. Rogers'83 Michael J.Whalen'84 Anne M. Gammons '85 Graham A. Houghton '85 Heather A. Morrow '85 Craig S.Kiker'86 Heather N. Patzman '86 Matthew W.Traina'86 M. Lucile Zimmer '86 H. Chase Hill '87 Trevor F. Ortman '87 KibbeyS. Perry'87 JillWillock'87 Elizabeth C. Baxter '88 Jennifer G. Hurtt '88 Richard B. Vaughan '88 Paul A. Leighton '89 P. Marlies Patzman '89 N. Barrett Simpson '89

W. Callender Hurtt III '90 Carey McDaniel'90 Sarah E. Savage '90 Kelly M.Hoopes'91 David L. Rich'91 Rowland Stebbins IV'91 Carey Albertine '92 Stephanie A. Gibson '92 Emily S. O'Brien'92 Frank Crawley '93 Gregory Gourdet '93

Parent Volunteers VI Form Frances & Douglas Doherty Kip & Joe McDaniel Charlotte & Ward Purrington Emilee & Jon Reynolds Joan & Steven Techet Tracy & Barry Schneider VForm Linda & William Curtis Martha & Clement Dwyer Lynn & Wilson Everhart Rebecca & Anthony Gaeta Elizabeth & Douglas Paul Julie & James Sykes Nancy & William Weaver IV Form Antoinette & George Hamner Maureen & John Harrington Daisy & Phillip Keevil Anna Marie & Gordon McAlpin Margaret & Donald Moore Linda & Steven Parker HI Form Claire & Warren Cox Mary & Charles Durkin Jean & Bernard Dormer Irene & John Keeley Sarah Rockwell Melissa & Robert Veghte

Alumni Annual Fund Chair J. Kent Sweezey 70 Parents' Fund Chair Nancy R. M. Hance Parents of Alumni Chair Michael K. Gewirz '81

ANNUAL FUND LEADERSHIP GIVING The donors listed on the following pages have demonstrated their generous support for the 1993-94 Annual Fund for St. Andrew's at the following giving levels:

James M. Bullock '62 Luther R. Campbell, Jr. '46 Arthur A. Carota, Jr. '69 Russell W. Chesney '59 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. Fakhri Dalloul Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley William C Hewlett '45 John D. Creadick '52 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV David N. Low, Jr. 76 David H. Davis 70 The Parker Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C DeLee Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Den worth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. '41 William B. Paul, Jr. '64 Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Mrs. Ida Phillips & Mrs. Nancy Mr. & Mrs. Cement S. Dwyer Meadows Eric A. Ellisen '81 William M. Pope, Jr. '61 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jan Stenbeck Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Foster Charles B. Straut '43 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta O. Lee Tawes III '65 Mr. Raymond P. Genereaux Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Michael K. Gewirz '81 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Headmaster's Circle Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 ($2500 to $4999) Charles E. '61 & Nancy R. M. Hance David B. Harms '72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Blum, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington James R. Boyd '64 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Randolph W. Brinton '64 Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 JohnS. Cook '45 Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenboom Curtis M. Coward '64 Thomas H. Hooper III 71 William A. Crump, Jr. '44 Mr. & Mrs. J. Maurits Hudig Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. I. Harding Hughes, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Joseph Robert B. Evans '49 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keeley III Paul W. Fitzpatrick '43 Jennifer M. Kern '83 Mrs. Katharne duP. Gahagan Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb Horace W. Harrison '39 Charles E. M. Kolb '69 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 William Frantz, Jr. '69 & Patricia Herr Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Laird, Jr. Gaston V. Jones, Jr. '45 Arthur Laws '45 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kratovil Julien H. LeCompte '52 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III David Lindsay '51 Beauveau B. Nalle '45 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Samuel R. Marshall 73 Timothy W. '66 & Lynn Peters Peter A. Maxson '69 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C McAlpin Barry M.Sabloff'64 William W. McDowell, Jr. '47 Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Peter H. McGowin '69 Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Prentice J. McNeely '65 Thomas C. 70 & Diana Stephens James M. McSherry '49 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Vincent Arthur M. Miller 70 Frank E. Williams, Jr. '39 Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Mr. Colin M.Wright William T. Murray III '50 Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Griffin Society Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell ($1000 to $2499) Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Perry Walter D. Phillips '59 Andrew J. Adams, Jr. '59 Mrs. Caroline duPont Prickett T. Roberts Appel II '52 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Purrington Richard M. Appleby, Jr. '47 Mr. & Mrs. Philip S.Reese William B. Barnett '54 Mrs. Sarah Rockwell George J. Baxter '54 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Rorer Carl B. Bear '60 David E. Scherer '51 Stephen L. Billhardt '83 Richard R. Schulze '53 Robert T. Boyd III '44 Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Short Ms. Jean B. Blythe John D. Showell IV '68 Richard E. Broome '48 Amb. & Mrs. Thomas L. Siebert William H. Brownlee '44

Founders' List ($5,000 & above)

Charles A. Silliman '36 Albert Simons III '69 Dwight D. Sipprelle 76 Frederick B. Starr '51 Edward M. Strong '66 Henry P. Sullivan '43 J. Kent Sweezey 70 Edward F. Swenson, Jr. 36 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sykes, Jr. Charlton M. Theus, Jr. '45 Philip E. Tonks '63 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte David H.Walker'65 Newell R. Washburn '57 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III Michael J.Whalen'84 Mrs. Penelope P. Wike Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilcox Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. '41 Randolph L. Williams '61 Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John H. Willock

The Saints Club ($500 to $999) Robert S. Appleby'50 Kate Rentschler Ausbrook '80 B. Norris Battin '54 Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Biraben Dennis C Blair'64 Mr. & Mrs. George F. Bruder John A. Buda '82 Mr. Peter P. Budetti Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Peter D. Caloger, Jr.'69 Rushton T. Capers '63 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chapin NoelCDalton'43 Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Dormer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C Everhart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman J. McHenry Gillet '46 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Norris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 Franklin Hawkins '35 Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. Mrs. Sherry L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy Letitia P. Hickman Green '80 Michael A. Hill 71 Theodore L. Hill, Jr/52 Edwin A. Hoey '48 Kent S. Hughes '63 John D. Hukill '50 David S. Humphries '48 Timothy M.Iliff'69 Douglas T. James '69 J. Michael & Eve Kadick 75 F. Ross King, Jr. '58 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lauten III Drs. Robert Y. S. Lee & Edwina M. Shelford Ian H. Lothian '61 William D.Luke, Jr. '53

Timothy C. Mann '47 Timothy Scott Margulies '69 Drs. Martin & Sandra McCann Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy III Bradford A. Mills '72 David D. Mills 72 Harry L. Murray III '60 Peter B. Nalle'41 Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mr. &: Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke James B. Rake '68 John L.Ray'42 Christopher P. Reeve '68 Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Randolph P. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Risher William D. Rogers '44 R. B. Lee Rust '69 Thomas R. Saunders '42 Elmer B. Scott, Jr. '35 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell David M. Shields'59 Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Sidebottom Robert Lanier Sides '69 Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Silliman, Jr. RichardS. Smith, Jr.'48 Howard M. Ill '61 & Mimi Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Walter W. Speakman'38 William C Strong 70 Dr. & Mrs. John C Tayloe, Jr. Mrs. Pamela Thomas Thomas M. Tucker '44 Mr. & Mrs. Angus H. Twombly Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin N. Wafle G. Carter Werth '52 Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Willey, Jr.

N o x o n t o w n Fellows ($250 to $499) Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Alexander III Mr. & Mrs. John R. Allen, Jr. E. Jouett Armstrong'44 James A. Bacon '45 Richard P. Baer III '62 Henry S. Baker, Jr. '44 Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Barbee Alfred D. Barbour '75 LoringW. Batten III'36 Edwin John Bernet, Jr. 72 Mr. & Mrs. Peyton G. Bowman Russell E. Boyle '74 Clay Bridgewater '53 Coleman P. Brown, II '59 William R.Brownfield 70 Steven H. Brownlee '77 David C Bryart '51 James B. Bullitt III '52 William B. Churchman III '41 Christopher G. Cleghorn 70 Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Coggeshall John M. Cogswell '57 Robert D. Colburn '80 William H. Corddry '38 William R. Cory '38 Lawrance M. Court '62 Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Cox Richard D. Crawford '63

Leadership Giving JohnW.CullenIV'81 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Davies Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty Mr. Thomas H. Draper Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn G. Mitchell Edmondson 73 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Ellisen William B. Evans '36 JohnD.Fairchild'50 Mr. Cosmo A. Fattizzo Dr. & Mrs. J. Roy Fernando Jerry A. Fogle '67 Robert F. Fogelman II '91 Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Grant Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Green Montgomery C. Green '69 JohnS.Halsted'51 Andrew C. Hamlin 71 Mr. & Mrs. Coleman J. Hanover Bonnie D. Hillman '84 David D. Hindle '58 Volker Hoffman '66 William C Holder '68 John M.Hopkins'48 R. Stockton B. Hopkins '41 James M. Hudson, Jr. '77 Carolyn Matthews Humphreys 77 Clarence H. Keller '50 Mr. &: Mrs. Dong Soo Kim The Hon. Kathleen Day Koch Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Richard T. Lambert, Jr. '69 Stephen R. Lamotte '69 Rev. & Mrs. William B. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lewis, Jr. Walter L. Liefeld '54 Phillips Lounsbery '43 Tamara Z. Maull '77 Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory Dr. & Mrs. Victor E. Mazzocco A.DodgeMcFall,Jr.'76 Everett R. McNair 73 Charles RRMifflin '36 Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. '53 Christopher L. Milner '68 William CMott, Jr. 78 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray Stephen V. Noble'69 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Oakley David A. Olson 70 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Olson Thomas B. CKRourke '56 Harry M. Parker'64 Anthony R. Parrish, Jr. '66 Richard G. Patch '45 Thomas J. Patton '51 Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 William Pfeifer III '63 Powell Pierpoint '40 Henry S.Pool'60 Robert M. Pyle '63 Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada Roger D. Redden '50 John G. '66 & Frances Reeve Andrew W. Reynolds '68 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Reynolds Henry M. Richards 73 Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. '51 Thomas P. Robinson, Jr. '83 MarkW.Rocha'71 Mr. W. Bruce Sanders John J. Schreppler, II74 Robert J. Shank'57 George W. Shuster '63 EdwinL.Sibert,Jr.'38

William C. Sibert '40 George B. Smith '66 Jonathan C Smith '65 Rt. Rev. C. Cabell Tennis Richard H. Thompson '50 Constantine N. Tonian '49 Drs. Reynoldo M. & BellaTorio Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34 Donald M. Tucker'41 Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. & Mrs. Evert van Buchem W. Moorhead Vermilye II '58 Herbert D. Vogel, Jr. '48 Mrs. Jean B. Wagoner L. Herndon Werth '52 Davis A. Washburn '44 John E. Wason '39 Charles A. Waters '77 Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitmer Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Dr. & Mrs. Kin K. Wun Victor H. Zelov '42

Cardinal Club ($100 to $249) James F. Adams '48 Mr. & Mrs. L. John Achenbach II Alan C Aikens '84 JohnM.Alden'43 Daniel G. Anderson, Jr. '46 Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine Anonymous Bulent I. Atalay '58 Eugene C. Bailey '58 Stephen M. Baldwin 74 Charles M. Barclay '54 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker Mrs. Barbara E. Barnes William H. Barney III 70 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody R. Stewart Barroll '72 Amy L. Barto '86 Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bass Mr. Bradford D. Bates William D. Bathurst '50 Walter Scott Beard '69 John R. Beardall III 74 Barry A. Benepe '46 Daniel P. Bennett '81 Robert W. Berray, Jr. 71 Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Blackburn Timothy J. Bloomfield '57 Jay H. Blum '84 J. Caleb Boggs, Jr. '52 Stephen L. Bohlayer '92 Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers Sargent Bradlee, Jr. '48 David T. P. Bradley '35 George A. Brakeley IH'57 Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Neil W. Brayton Edward B. Brinton, Jr. '61 Dr. Galan F. Brooks Peter M. Brown '40 Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown Gordon E. Brownlee 75 Suzanne Seger Bruggman 79 John C. Buck '68 George B. Buckner II '39 Eric N. Burkett '63 John P. Burkett,Jr.'58 Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Burnam

Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette Findley Burns, Jr. '35 Dr. & Mrs. P. Brandt Butler Coleman E. Bye, Jr. '49 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. David P. Campbell '54 Harry B. Cannon, Jr. '52 Hugh N. Cannon '53 Scarlett Halsted Carey 78 Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carrow Wynne S.Carvill '67 Keith S. Cavanaugh '82 Stephen J. Chamberlin '47 Mr. & Mrs. Ming-Tai Chang Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Chavala Anthony W.Clark'54 Morton H. Clark '50 Mr. & Mrs. Oswald L. Clarke James W. Clements '82 KeelyM. Clifford 79 John T. Cochran '82 John E. Cole '67 Frederick W. Coleman '65 Richard J. Corbin '51 W.William A. Cox '56 John S. Craighill '62 Robert R. Craighill '59 G. Jeremy Cummin '54 John F. Davenport '58 Murdoch Davis '50 William F.Davis, Jr. '44 Alfred K. Day III '64 Mrs. Helen Barbot de Brux Katherine Kunz Delaplane '81 PeterM.Delo,Jr.'61 Kathleen K. DeMarco '84 Rev. & Mrs. John D. Dennis Joan J. Dickerson 76 Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Dixon II Thomas Donaldson, Jr. '40 C. Michael Donnelly, Jr. '68 Hall Downes '51 W. Marks Dryden '66 Mrs. Richard C. duPont Kingsley Durant, Jr. 76 Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eden PaulW.Eichler'82 Robin J. Eisenbrey '77 C. Douglas Evans 76 Douglas J. Evans '54 John M. Evans '66 Mr. & Mrs. McNair Evans Robert J. Falciani 79 William C. Ferguson III '54 John B. Fiedler '51 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fletcher George W. Forbes III '63 Robert M. Foster '54 Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Friel George M. Furnival '43 E. Jesse Gaither, Jr. '63 Anne M. Gammons '85 Mrs. Ann Candace Garner Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz Steven B. Gewirz '85 Mr. & Mrs/Morton Gibbons-Neff III James A. R. Gibson '42 J.LylesGlennIV74 Mr. & Mrs. Terrell L. Glenn, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody, Jr. H. Winston Goodbody '85 Harold B. Gordy, Jr. '63

Mrs. Rachel E. Grier Clayton H. Griffin '43 Mr. & Mrs. Johan J. Groot Frederick S. Groves '82 Mr. & Mrs. William H. Guernsey John H. Gullett '62 Mr. & Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion David R. Guthrie '51 The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley J. Ogden Hamilton '63 John Hanahan, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Handy, Jr. Joseph L., Jr. '67 & Nancy Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove Robert V. Harned '52 Hunter B. Harris, Jr. '59 J. Dick Harris'65 Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. '58 GarrettJ.Hart'78 Donald M. Harting 74 David M. Hatton 74 Henry Hauptfuhrer IV 74 James V. Hazlett III 70 Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. '59 R. Anderson Haynes '65 Donald D. Haynsworth '46 William S. Hearn '45 Charles H. Heckscher, Jr. '63 Thomas H. Heist III '55 G. William Helm, Jr.'59 J. Potter Herndon '65 F. Joseph Hickman 74 Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hill F. Lawton Hindle '49 Joseph H. Hinnant '58 Hume A. Horan '51 Mrs. John Homer, Jr. Eric C. Howard 74 Dr. Arline Howdon Allan F.CHubbard'61 Thomas Greene Hughes '50 Charles V.Hulick, Jr.'58 Jennifer G. Hurtt '88 Mr. & Mrs. William C Hurtt, Jr. C. Powell Hutton '55 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes William S. Ingram III '78 F.Tyler Johnson 76 William H. Johnson '52 The Very Rev. & Mrs. Alan W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Eckart E. Kade Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley C Russell Keep, Jr.'47 Peter Kelley '52 Katherine S. Keltner '93 Gay E Kenney 78 J. Shackelford Kenney '54 John C. Kinahan, Jr. '43 Gregory M. King '89 Michael P. Kirchberger '63 Charles C. Knight '58 F. Matthew Kramer 74 John F. Kramer, Jr. '57 Mrs. Jane L. Kratovil William P. CKu 74 Michael K. Kuehlwein 76 Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Howe Lagarde, Jr. '55 Peter D. Laird '61 Christopher L. Lambert 70 Mrs. Teresa M. Leigh ton Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheimer C. Rickert Lewis '40 George B. Lewis '41

Leadership Giving Dr.&Mrs.GeLi Edward K. Libby '45 Peter C Liefeld '83 Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. G. Arno Loessner David L. Loomis '63 Chandler Luke '81 William D., Jr. 79 & Janet Brownlee Luke 79 David L. Lyon '69 Daniel W. MacDonald '47 Morgan B. MacDonald '43 George G. Macintire '55 Susan S. Martin-Andrien 79 Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Mahlstedt JohnM.Maull 72 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. McBride C. Brent McCaghren '63 Mrs. Betty M. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. McCarty David T.McCune'53 William M. McClements '81 C. Fenner McConnell '52 Matthew J.McDermott, Jr. '51 Ms. Sheila McBroy Andrew C. McFall, Jr. '42 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Purnal L. McWhorter III '49 M. Barnard Megargee '49 D. Charles Merri wether '48 Gilbert E. Metcalf 71 Edgar R. Miller, Jr.'47 Mr.&Mrs.W.JayMincks George B. Mitchell '55 Dr. & Mrs. Atin K. Mitra Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mones Daniel D. Moore '64 Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel H. Morison III Heather A. Morrow '85 COL & Mrs. H. L. Murray, Jr.,USA (Ret.) R. Wesley Mutchler, Jr. '58 Jesse Nalle'39 Ralph D. Neel 75 Jerome D.Niles, Jr.'34 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Northrup William M. Nuckols '57 Mr. & Mrs. Pierluigi Nuti-de Biasi Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. O'Brien Andrew E. Oliphant '83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. O'Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. John Orban Robert H. Orr '34 Thomas W. Osborn, Jr. '51 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer Robert S. Palmer '77 JohnW.Paradee'81 Henry G. Parker IH'44 H. Lawrence Parker '44 Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Parker James O. Patterson III '84 F.Taylor Peck III'68 Douglas M.Pell '58 Elizabeth D. Peloso 75 James M. Perry '46 Frank B. Pilling '40 Mr. & Mrs. C. Cotewsorth Pinckney Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr. '72 Lawrence Turner Pistell '69 Jackson H. Pope '64 Benjamin N. Powell '59 Peter A. Presby 73 Stephen E. Price '49 Rev. & Mrs. J. Gregory Prior

Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Thomas F. Quirk '53 Mr. & Mrs. Qaudio J. Ramos Brian P. Randall, Jr.'69 Alexis Foster Reed '77 W. Barrett Register '51 Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger Mr. & Mrs. William D. Reinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rich Ashton W. Richards 78 Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Roach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts, Jr. Hey ward G. Robinson 76 Mr. John Rockwell Jill K. Rogers '83 Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers, Jr. Daniel W. Rogerson '77 Susan Guernsey Rohrer '81 Cynthia Dowling Roselle '90 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane Gerald G. Rue 73 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Rumsey Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Saddleton Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba Karl G. Saliba '81 Steven A. Salter '77 Robert F. Schelling '45 John R. Schoonover '63 Thomas E. Schreppler 78 John C. Schwab '82 John M. Seabrook, Jr. 76 Joseph L. Seiler III 70 Mr. & Mrs. Josef E. Seiterle G. Leonard Shea '51 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats William M.ShettleII'58 Cathy B. Shields 78 Charles H. Shorley 71 Alan C Sibert 70 William L. Sibert II '42 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Silliman Constantine Simonides, (DEC) '52 Mr. & Mrs. George L. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Slater C Hamilton Sloan '87 Mr. Christopher H. Smith Henry B. Smith '67 Mrs. Victoria S. Smith William B. Smith '69 Richard A. Snyder 75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles Mr. &c Mrs. Derek W. L. Spry Richard W. Spry'85 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Standoff Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Stinson Alexander N. Stoddart '45 Frank R. Stoner III '46 J. David Strong 75 Mr. James F. Stutts Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Surles Prentice Talmage, Jr. '44 John J. Tolson IV '67 John M. Topham, Jr. '38* Cynthia J.Tostevin'83 Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Traina Daniel Trimper IV '51 Augustus S. Trippe II '37 Mr. & Mrs. James K. Trumbauer Eric B. Twombly '84 Martha Richards Valciukas '80 Arthur Vandenberg '68

Kenneth W. VanDyke '46 Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr. '48 Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga J.KirkT.Varnedoe'63 Richard B. Vaughan '88 George G. Vest IV'48 Richard E. Vogel '58 G. Stephen Voorhees II '53 Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Waldron Jason J.Walker'84 Arraminta A. Ware '82 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ware, Sr. Monica Winsor Washburn '86 E. Sherman Webb, Jr. '54 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weber Robertson H. Wendt, Jr. 74 John S. Whelen '36 Mrs. Jane F. White Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Whitmoyer Robert Whyte '41 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Richard C. Wieboldt 71 J. J. B. Wigglesworth '58 Jeffrey B. Wilgis '77

Mr. Peter Williams jmWillock'87 Susan Willock '89 Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Wilson Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Richard M. Wilson 72 Dr. & Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth Mr.&Mrs.ErickH.Wolf George B. Wood, Jr.'42 Harold K. Wood, Jr. '56 Lawrence E. Wood'54 Peter S. Wood'69 William S. Wood II '57 J.Donald Woodruff, Jr.'58 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C Worth Arthur St. C Wright'53 Gail E. Wright '84 Noel B. Wright, Jr.'51 William L. Wrightson III '84 C. Perry Yeatman '82 Mr. B. G. Yessus & Ms. D. Ghebreab Robert E. Young '52 Zachary A. Zehner '91

TOP TEN CLASSES Dollar Totals Class


Class Agents Curtis M. Coward Barry M.Sabloff Gaston V. Jones, Jr. W. Frantz Herr Charles E.M. Kolb Peter H. McGowin Charles E. Hance John M. Pinney Morgan B. MacDonald RichardS. Smith, Jr. Thomas M. Tucker J.J.B. Wigglesworth Thomas C Stephens Ralph R. Hickman Valerie Snow Klinger

1945 1969

1961 1943 1948 1944 1958 1970 1976

Amount $18,670 17,550 16,633

15,075 10,507 10,432 9,574 8,590 8,271 7,545

Partic ipation Percentage Totals Pre-1960 1934 1937 1940 1945 1936 Post-1960 1969

1963 1961 1977 1970

Francis J. Townsend, Jr. George Brown William C Sibert Gaston V. Jones, Jr. Chester E. Baum, Jr.

W. Frantz Herr Charles E.M. Kolb Peter H. McGowin William Pfeifer, IIL Charles E. Hance John M. Pinney Steven H. Brownlee Steven A. Salter Thomas C Stephens

100% 100%

92% 86% 82% 66% 53% 52% 49% 46%




The following pages list by constituent group the individuals and organizations who participated in the 1993-94 Annual Fund for St. Andrew's.

Trustees "GeorgeJ.Baxter '54 "Mr. Robert B. Blum, Sr. "Randolph W. Brinton '64 "William H. Brownlee '44 "Mr.A.FelixduPont,Jr. "Mrs. Caroline duPont Prickett "Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan *Anne M. Gammons '85 "Mr. Raymond P. Genereaux 'Michael K. Gewirz '81 "Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 "Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 "Mrs. Nancy R. M. Hance 'Mrs. Maureen K. Harrington "Henry N. Herndon, Jr., '48 'Michael A. Hill, M.D.,'71 "Mr. Philip CKeevil "Mr. Walter]. Laird, Jr. 'Mr. Joseph S. McDaniel III "Allen B.Morgan, Jr.,'61 "Mr. Jonathan B. O'Brien "William B.Paul Jr.,'64 'William M. Pope, Jr., '61 "H. Hickman Rowland, Jr., '58 "Winthrop deV. Schwab, '36 "Mr. Henry H. Silliman, Jr. "J. Kent Sweezey, '70 "Rt. Rev. C. Cabell Tennis "Mrs. Penelope P. Wike

Alumni 1934 $500/100% 'Jerome D. Miles, Jr. "Robert H. Onr "Francis J. Townsend, Jr.

1935 $1,300/75% David T. P. Bradley "Findley Burns, Jr. "Charles S. Felver *J. Pierce Fenhagen "Franklin Hawkins "Elmer B.Scott, Jr. 1936 $6405/82% "Alan T. Baldwin Loring W. Batten III 'Chester E. Baum, Jr. "William B. Evans "Charles F. R. Mifflin "Winthrop deV. Schwab "Charles A. Silliman "Edward F. Swenson, Jr. John S. Whelen

1937 $385/100% 'Frank J.Bali George E. Brown, Jr. J.Packard Laird

"John C. Parry Augustus S. Trippe II "W. Laird Warwick 1938 $1,585/67% "William H. Corddry "William R. Cory William G. Hopkins 'Edward O. Moore Frederic J. Schaettler "Edwin L. Sibert, Jr. "Walter W. Speakman *John M. Topham, Jr. 1939 $5,683/47% George B. Buckner II *George A. Dunning "Horace W. Harrison *Lawrence Johnson, Jr. 'Frederick C. Moor "Jesse Nalle 'John E. Wason "Frank E.Williams, Jr. 1940 $1,105/92% 'John H. Boy den, Jr. "Peter M. Brown *Thomas Donaldson, Jr. Benjamin F. Houston "James H. E. Johnston "C. Rickert Lewis *J. Ross Macdonald "Powell Pierpoint "Frank B. Pilling "Thomas A. Rave, Jr. "William C. Sibert 'Paul D. White 1941 $5,038/64% 'John C. Ball, Jr. "George A. Broadbent 'William B. Churchman III "Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. "F. Weston Fenhagen 'John Hanahan, Jr. *R. Stockton B. Hopkins "I. Harding Hughes, Jr. George B. Lewis "Peter B. Nalle "Anthony R. Parrish, (DEC) "James Thomas "Donald M. Tucker "William L. Van Leer, Jr. "Robert Whyte "Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. 1942 $2,375/53% George D. Fowle, Jr. "Benjamin M. Fowler III James A. R. Gibson 'Andrew CMcFall, Jr.

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past five years " Has made a gift to the Annual Fund in each of the past ten years % Deceased

"Walter E. Mylecraine "John L. Ray 'Thomas R. Saunders William L. Sibert II 'George B. Wood, Jr. 'Victor H. Zelov 1943


"John M. Alden 'Noel C. Dalton 'Paul W. Fitzpatrick George M. Furnival "Clayton H. Griffin John M. Hemphill II "John C Kinahan, Jr. "Phillips Lounsbery "Morgan B. MacDonald 'Marion C. Rinehart "Charles B. Straut "Henry P. Sullivan 1944 $7,574/70% "E. Jouett Armstrong "Henry S. Baker, Jr. Donald B. Barrows "Robert T. Boyd III "William H. Brownlee 'John K. Cowperthwaite "William A. Crump, Jr. "William F.Davis, Jr. "H. Lawrence Parker "Henry G.Parker III "William D. Rogers 'Prentice Talmage, Jr. "Thomas M. Tucker Davis A. Washburn 1945 $17,550/86% "James A. Bacon "Alexander R. Beard "JohnS. Cook "Richard P. Davis "Dwight M. Dunlevie 'William D. Hays "William S. Hearn "William C Hewlett 'Thomas M. Jervey "Gaston V. Jones, Jr. Arthur Laws 'Edward K. Libby 'Douglas G. Lovell, Jr. 'Levin M. Lynch Beauveau B. Nalle 'Daniel R. Patch Richard G. Patch 'John H. Rood James R. Rooney II . "Robert F.Schelling Alexander N. Stoddart "Charlton M. Theus, Jr. Charles H. Welling, Jr. "David K. Witheford

1946 $2,600/76% Daniel G. Anderson, Jr. "David O. Bellis 'Barry A. Benepe H. Ronald Berlack "Luther R. Campbell, Jr. "J. McHenry Gillet "Donald D. Haynsworth 'James M. Perry "Mark Reeve 'James M. Richardson F. Tucker Smith "Frank R. Stoner III Kenneth W.VanDyke 1947 $4,475/65% "Richard M. Appleby, Jr. Brian B. Barlow 'Landon C. Burns, Jr. *Stephen J. Chamberlin Charles O. Culver, Jr. "Francis Giammattei, Jr. 'John R. Hodgdon "C. Russell Keep, Jr. "Daniel W. MacDonald 'Timothy C. Mann Peter K. McCagg 'William W. McDowell, Jr. "Edgar R. Miller, Jr. Franklin B. Olmsted Woodlief Thomas, Jr. 1948 $10,432/55% "James F. Adams *Sargent Bradlee, Jr. 'Richard E. Broome W. Spencer Connerat, Jr. "Henry N. Herndon, Jr. Edwin A. Hoey 'John M. Hopkins "David S. Humphries "D. Charles Merri wether James C Metts, Jr. 'Paul J. Register, Jr. "RichardS. Smith, Jr. "Robbert H. van Mesdag "Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr. "George G. Vest IV Herbert D. Vogel, Jr. 1949 $5,838/41% "Coleman E. Bye, Jr. Gerry W. Cox, Jr. 'Robert B. Evans 'Edward H. Fielding F. Lawton Hindle Wesley H. Martin "James M. McSherry Purnal L. McWhorter III M. Barnard Megargee Stephen E. Price "Constantine N. Tonian "James B. Totten

Annual Fund Donors 1950 $4,827/50% "Robert S. Appleby "William D. Bathurst 'Morton H. dark Henry L. Constable, Jr. Richard D. Constable "Murdoch Davis "HarknessG.DeVoe "John D. Fairchild "O. Wells Foster Thomas Greene Hughes "John D. Hukill "Clarence H. Keller "William T. Murray III "Roger D. Redden Richard H. Thompson 1951 $7,071/73% "David C Bryan "A. Edwin Clattenburg III Richard J. Corbin Hall Downes John B. Fiedler *Samuel L. Fleming "Alan C. Good *David R. Guthrie 'JohnS.Halsted 'Roland F. Hartman, Jr. *Hume A. Horan "David Lindsay 'Matthew J. McDermott, Jr. William F. Murphy III Thomas W. Osborn, Jr. 'Thomas J. Patton W. Barrett Register "Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. "David E. Scherer "G. Leonard Shea "Frederick B. Starr 'Daniel Trimper IV 'William H. Whitehead "Noel B.Wright, Jr. 1952 $6,236/70% Anonymous "T. Roberts Appel II "J. Caleb Boggs, Jr. "Douglas S. Brodie "James B. Bullitt III 'Harry B. Cannon, Jr. "John D. Creadick 'Matthew J.Ellis, Jr. Walter B. Fielding Robert V. Harned "Theodore L. Hill, Jr. 'William H. Johnson 'Peter Kelley Charles W. Kenney "Julien H. LeCompte James W. Marvin, Jr. *C Fenner McConnell *C Henry Roth II Chaloner B. Schley Constantine Simonides, (DEO Norman M. Smith "Galen H. Townley 'George Carter Werth "L Herndon Werth Richard W.Williams, Jr. "Robert E. Young $3,840/67% 1953 "Clay Bridgewater

Hugh N. Cannon 'David P. Giammattei "W. Howard Hart "Frederick E. Klutey, Jr. "William D. Luke, Jr. "Robert H. McBurney David T. McCune "Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. "Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. "Harrison H. Owen "Charles T. Pickett "Thomas F. Quirk "Richard R. Schulze *G. Stephen Voorhees II Arthur St. C Wright 1954 $6,975/75% Anonymous "Charles M. Barclay William B. Barnett B. Norris Battin "George J.Baxter William H. Brumbach "David P. Campbell John P. Campbell Anthony W. dark "A. Clements Crowe "G. Jeremy Cummin Douglas J. Evans William C. Ferguson III Robert M. Foster Norris S. Haselton, Jr. "Anthony W. Hathaway "James H.Healy, Jr. "Paul C Hutton III J. Shackelford Kenney "Walter L. Liefeld "Ian C. Maclnnes Richard S. Pettus E. Sherman Webb, Jr. Lawrence E. Wood 1955 $775/38% "C Stephen Baldwin Peter S. Dunning Thomas H. Heist III "C. Powell Hutton "Howe Lagarde, Jr. 'George G. Macintire 'George B. Mitchell 'Robert H. Robinson "Frederick N. Teuscher "John I. Watson, Jr. CE. John Way, Jr. 1956 $885/34% 'Geoffrey C. Abbott Alexander M. Baumgartner *R.BerleClay "Kenneth E. Court *W. William A. Cox Baldwin Fong, Jr. Roy I. Kimmel, Jr. *J. Reynolds LeBus, Jr. "Thomas B. O'Rourke "C Richard Orth "Harold K. Wood, Jr. 1957 $2,275/39% "Timothy J. Bloomfield "George A. Brakeley III "William H. Clayton

'John M. Cogswell "John F.Kramer, Jr. William M. Nuckols 'Michael L. Quillin "Robert J. Shank "Newell R. Washburn William S. Wood II David W. Zuckerman 1958 $8,590/70% "Bulent I. Atalay Eugene C. Bailey "John P. Burkett, Jr. John F. Davenport "Elliott G. Fishburne III Stephen A. Garrison "Joseph H. Gibson Charles E. Hamilton III John L. Hammer III "Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. "David D. Hindle "Joseph H. Hinnant 'Charles V.Hulick, Jr. Stephen C. Kennedy F. Ross King, Jr. Charles C. Knight R. Wesley Mutchler, Jr. "Douglas M. Pell "H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. William M. Shettle II James P. Thomas *W. Moorhead Vermilye II Richard E. Vogel *J. J. B. Wigglesworth 'John P. Witwer "J. Donald Woodruff, Jr. 1959 $4,400/32% 'Andrew J. Adams, Jr. "Coleman P. Brown II "Russell W.Chesney "Robert R. Craighill "Hunter B. Harris, Jr. Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. "G.William Helm, Jr. Walter D. Phillips 'Benjamin N. Powell "Robert E.Seddon, Jr. David M. Shields 1960 $3,185/26% "Carl B. Bear "Asbury Coward "Laurent C. Deschamps Brian D. Fisher "Edward H. Hammond, Jr. "D. Randolph Johnson "Harry L. Murray III Henry S. Pool 'Edwin N.ProbertH 1961 $15,075/52% "Edward B. Brinton, Jr. James C. Burrows "John C. Davie "Peter M.Delo, Jr. "Charles E. Hance "Henry R. Hillenmeyer "Richard A. Houghton III Allan F. C. Hubbard "Peter D. Laird Ian H. Lothian

Kenneth D. McCullough George R. Mobley "Allen B. Morgan, Jr. "Malcolm Muir, Jr. 'William M. Pope, Jr. "Howard M.Snyder III 'Randolph L. Williams 1962 $2,000/24% "Richard P. Baer III Thomas F. Bayard IV "James M. Bullock "Lawrance M. Court Marshall W.Craig "JohnS.Craighill 'John H. Gullett Rodger G Melling 1963 $4,635/53% Eric N. Burkett 'Rushton T. Capers 'James H. Cooper Richard D. Crawford Alan Crichton "George W.Forbes III E. Jesse Gaither, Jr. "Harold B.Gordy, Jr. "J. Ogden Hamilton "Charles H. Heckscher, Jr. "Kent S. Hughes Michael P. Kirchberger "David L. Loomis "C Brent McCaghren "William Pfeifer III Robert M. Pyle 'John R. Schoonover George W. Shuster 'Robert W. Soderberg, Jr. Philip E. Tonks "J.KirkT.Varnedoe 1964 $18,670/33% Dennis C Blair James R. Boyd "Randolph W. Brinton 'Curtis M. Coward Alfred K. Day III "William P. Hammond IV 'Daniel D. Moore "Stephen H. Munroe 'Harry M. Parker John C. Parrish "William B.Paul, Jr. Jackson H. Pope "Barry M.Sabloff 1965 $7,750/26% "Frederick W. Coleman "J. Dick Harris *R. Anderson Haynes "J. Potter Herndon Prentice J.McNeely "Jonathan C Smith "O.LeeTawesIII "David H. Walker 1966 $5,025/34% W. Marks Dryden John M. Evans Volker Hoffman 'Anthony R. Parrish, Jr.

Annual Fund Donors "Timothy W. Peters **John G. Reeve James K. Rogers "Winthrop Schwab, Jr. George B. Smith "Edward M. Strong 1967 $1,070/26% Wynne S.Carvill John E. Cole "JerryA.Fogle "Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. GiU V. Hicks 'W.Keith Martin "Franklin Y. Smith Henry B. Smith 'JohnJ.TolsonlV 1968 $3,656/44% 'James K. Beebe 'John C. Buck C. Michael Donnelly, Jr. William C Holder "Christopher L. Milner *F. Taylor Peck III *W. Robert Prier, Jr. James B. Rake 'Christopher P. Reeve *Andrew W. Reynolds William Z. Rogers 'John D. Showell IV Edward R. Trippe III *Arthur Vandenberg 1969 $16,633/66% Walter Scott Beard 'Peter D.Caloger, Jr. *Arthur A. Carota, Jr. "Thomas C. Coleman Montgomery C. Green "William Frantz Herr, Jr. Timothy M.Iliff Douglas T. James 'William W.Kling, Jr. Charles E. M. Kolb Richard T.Lambert, Jr. Stephen R. Lamotte David L. Lyon Timothy Scott Margulies *Peter A. Maxson 'Peter H. McGowin David Olav Moltke-Hansen Stephen V. Noble Lawrence Turner Pistell 'Brian P. Randall, Jr. R. B. Lee Rust 'Nicholas R. ScheUer Robert Lanier Sides "Albert Simons III William B. Smith "EKenly White 'Peter S. Wood 1970 $8,271/46% "William H. Barney III William R. Brownfield "W. Allen Chesney Christopher G. Cleghorn Richard D. Coleman David H. Davis James V. Hazlett III "James I. Hudson III

Christopher L. Lambert "Arthur M. Miller David A. Olson "Toby R. Roberts "Joseph L. Seiler III Alan C Sibert 'Thomas C. Stephens "William C Strong "J. Kent Sweezey 1971 $2,751/44% Robert W.Berray, Jr. 'Richard G. Colbert, Jr. Andrew C Hamlin 'Michael A. Hill "Thomas H. Hooper III "Brian C. G. Kinahan 'James S. McBride "Frank H. Merrill "Gilbert E.Metcalf Geoffrey L. Milner Joseph K. Pistell "MarkW.Rocha J. Robert Seyffert "Charles H. Shorley 'Richard C. Wieboldt John W. Wright 1972 $3,280/37% Russell S. Baker III "R. Stewart Barroll 'William C. Bean Edwin John Bernet, Jr. James A. Govatos "David B. Harms "Robert C Lightburn John M. Maull "Bradford A. Mills 'David D. Mills "Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr. Richard M.Wilson 1973 $2,100/18% "G. Mitchell. Edmondson "Samuel R. Marshall "Everett R. McNair "Peter A. Presby Henry M. Richards "Gerald G. Rue 1974 $1,970/37% 'Stephen M. Baldwin Marshall M. Barroll 'John R. Beardall III 'Russell E. Boyle John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. "J.Lyles Glenn IV Donald M. Harting David M. Hatton 'Henry Hauptfuhrer IV "F. Joseph Hickman Eric C. Howard *F. Matthew Kramer "William P. C Ku "Edgar R. Miller III "Charles B. Olson "Robert P. Rementer John J. Schreppler II Edwin L. Sibert III "Gregory E. van der Vink 'Robertson H. Wendt, Jr.

1975 $2,040/29% Lars P. AUfather "Alfred D. Barbour Susanne Brogan "Gordon E. Brownlee Dianne L. Carter "Louise H. Dewar James K. Gerrish Rafael J. Guastavino, Jr. "Robert J. Harrington, Jr. "Terry L. Hartsell J. Michael & Eve Kadick "Thomas O. Lawton III William J.McMahon 'Ralph D. Neel "Elizabeth D. Peloso Richard A. Snyder *J. David Strong 1976 $7,545/40% H. Bruce Abbott Joan J. Dickerson 'Kingsley Durant, Jr. "C. Douglas Evans Jane Allmon Heath "Ralph R. Hickman *F. Tyler Johnson Allston Allison Kitchens Valerie Snow Klinger "Michael K. Kuehlwein David N. Low, Jr. A.DodgeMcFall,Jr. "Patricia K. McGee Susan M. Moon Paul B. Rada Bede V. Ramcharan 'Hey ward G. Robinson 'Russell D. Salter John M. Seabrook, Jr. D wight D. Sipprelle 'Bryan A. Skib 1977 $3,110/49% 'Steven H. Brownlee 'Brian M. Crow Deborah S. Davis Brian E. Dunigan 'Robin J. Eisenbrey "MarkS. Govatos John W. Guastavino "James M. Hudson, Jr. "Carolyn Matthews Humphreys Tamara Z. Maull Paul E. Michael Janice E. Nevin Deborah J. Ohlmacher "Robert S. Palmer "Alexis Foster Reed "Daniel W. Rogerson 'Laura Goodrich Rosenberg Steven A. Salter Charles G. Walton Charles A. Waters "Catherine M. Wendt Jeffrey B. Wilgis 'Charles G. Wingate William N. Wolle 1978 $1,201/23% "Axel G. Amaya 'Scarlett Halsted Carey 'GarrettJ. Hart "William S. Ingram III

Gay E. Kenney "R. Paul Kress, Jr. William CMott, Jr. *eien O. Nelson Scott R. Peters "Ashton W. Richards Thomas E. Schreppler 'Cathy B. Shields "Brenneman L. Thompson "Louisa HemphiU Zendt 1979 $1,268/43% Riley W.Abbott "Virginia B. Ashpole Randolph B. Bloxom Suzanne Seger Bruggman Richard A. Chubb "KeelyM. Clifford 'Robert J. Fakiani James P. Grandfield Robert K. K. Jones, Jr. 'Kevin T. Kuehlwein 'Margaret M. Lawton 'Michael B. Lilley Clayton H. Locke "Janet Brownlee Luke "William D.Luke III "Susan S. Martin-Andrien 'Catherine A. May Kim Wilkerson Ramsay 'Matthew J. Ruggiero Elizabeth Beard Stillings "Carrie B. Waters "Herbert E. Wilgis III 1980 $2,145/32% 'Kate Rentschler Ausbrook "Tracy E. Chardon 'Robert D. Colburn Letitia P. Hickman Green 'Timothy H. Hanna Susan L. Liefeld Robin Gage Lilly 'Tracy K. Memmi Eleanor Hemphill Murphy Claire Nevin-Field Louise B. Nomer "Franchesa M. Profaci *MaryA.Sella "Judi Skelton Spann William A. Thomas Martha Richards Valciukas Margaret A. Van Note Adam A. Waldron 1981 $3,758/34% *W. Kenneth Baker Daniel P. Bennett "JohnW.CullenlV "Amy D. Currie 'Gillian T. Davies 'Katherine Kunz Delaplane "EricA.Ellisen Christopher Hint 'Michael K. Gewirz Steven C Hart Dana Smith Henning "Stephanie Markus Kandarian Karin R. Lindfors Chandler Luke Charles EMarvil III "William M. McClements 'John W. Paradee

Annual Fund Donors *Bret Peters David H. Potier 'Donald S. Ratledge, Jr. "Susan Guernsey Rohrer Karl G. Saliba M. Katherine L. Thompson Kelly 'Frederick A. Townsend III Margaret Wenzell Waldron Scott D. Zimmerman 1982


Janet Washburn Acker Geoffrey M. Batchelder 'Thomas L. Bauhan 'Richard J. Beach 'John A. Buda Keith S. Cavanaugh James W. Qements John T. Cochran "Paul W. Eichler 'Kevin J.Grandfield Frederick S. Groves Julia L. Hotchkiss Anna W. Ill Shannon H. Kuehlwein 'Jeffrey B. Lilley 'Edith M. MacArthur 'Hally Mason Stief John McCaffery Lydia Jarrett Montgomery Eric J. Olson Christian B. Prof aci 'John C. Schwab David Van Smith, Jr. **Arraminta A. Ware Janice P. Winters 'Rebecca Bailey Wright L. Pilar Wyman C. Perry Yeatman 1983 $4,165/42% Yong-Son Woo Basta 'Stephen L. Billhardt "Bentley H. Burnham 'Edmond Yi-Teh Chang "Jeffrey R. Daut J. Hunter Fite Nancy Beth Garrett 'Brent W. Geissinger 'Matthew H. Herndon Margaret R. Horan Andrea L. Kelly 'Jennifer M. Kern Katherine Magill Krapes Andrew D. Liefeld Peter C. Liefeld Catherine P. Lumsden 'JeanW.Maher Darius S. Mansoory 'Andrew E. Oliphant Caroline R. Paxton "Anne W. Percy-Peterson "Karl H. Pupke Thomas P. Robinson, Jr. "Jill K. Rogers "Mamie M. Stetson "Cynthia J. Tostevin Denise Collins Waite 'Edward S.Wilgis

1984 $2,991/31% Alan C. Aikens 'Jay H. Blum Kathleen K. DeMarco

'Pierson Friend Eric R. Gamble Bonnie D. Hillman "Stephanie Jones Ahl Elizabeth T. Lindley James O. Patterson III "Anne Horton Pius Markus Pottgiesser 'Nada S. Saliba Hart Gregory B. Stevens Eric B. Twombly Jason J. Walker 'Mary B. Wallace Michael J.Whalen Gail E. Wright William L. Wrightson III Daniel M. del Sobral 1985 $1,185/31% Gerald M. Alexander 'Ann Sawyer Chilton 'Michael H. Collins 'Michael R. Den worth Polly T. Dolan Jennifer L. Frost 'Anne M. Gammons Steven B. Gewirz H. Winston Goodbody Jennifer D. Gustavson 'Hugo M. Heriz-Smith Graham A. Houghton 'Pieter B. Kooistra Carl N.Kunz III 'Elizabeth E. Manegold Margaret B. Miller 'Ian B. Montgomery 'Heather A. Morrow Louisa S. Potter 'Robert Q. Scacheri Kristen L. Schutjer Richard W. Spry 'Erica A. Stetson 1986


*Amy L. Barto William P. Brakeley Gregory H. Dorn Stefan Granito Edward H. Hammond III Dawn A. Hillman Brian C. Kotz Stephen C. Locke 'Laura L. Loessner Ann P. Matthers Michael S. Meers Anne H. Montesano Marie J. Nash Heather N. Patzman Daryl EG. Phillips James P. Thomas, Jr. Matthew W. Traina William M. Vincent Monica Winsor Washburn 1987 $470/15% 'Laurie A. Burnett Sherry Gamble H, Gregory Gulick III H. Chase Hill 'Matthias Lilienthal 'Lawrence H. Martin III Vicki Klumb O'Neill Karen Pupke C. Hamilton Sloan

'Sandra Tarburton 'JiUWillock 1988 $860/30% 'Anne Margaret Baxley 'Elizabeth C. Baxter Alexandra Beith 'Arthur C. Butcher 'Leif P. Christoffersen 'Alice P. Coneybeer Matthew T. Crowley Corina del Sobral Laurie Farr Heather L. Hillman 'Jennifer G. Hurtt *A. Whitney Lockhart David M.McCrystal KellieS.Mitra Frederick Patzman Susan E. Richmond 'William L. Sibley 'Susan E. Stoops C. Elizabeth Succop Elaine C. Thomas Jeffrey S. Trabaudo Alexander C. Varga 'Richard B. Vaughan 1989 $752/35% Megin Adams Jennifer Beams James P.M. Borghardt Gordon Wade Cooper 'Robb W. Ellis Kelly L. Garrett 'Elizabeth P. Hammond 'Jennifer S. Hanna Gregory M. King 'James M. Lai *D. Hobson Lane Alexander M. McCandless Lee C. McGill Trevor L. Middleton Teresa G. Morgan Sara E. O'Connor Mark L. Padden P. Marlies Patzman 'Thomas Pinckney 'William B. Spire 'Thomas C. Whitmoyer 'Susan Willock Christopher C. Zimmer Sophia von Rundstedt 1990


Emily Balentine Gretchen Bensinger Caroline Davies Andrew Dennis Elizabeth Dun ton Joaquin Gubb W. CaUender Hurtt III Mildred Joyner Cynthia Dowling Roselle Sarah E. Savage Elizabeth M.Wallace 1991 $815/26% Jonathan Alexander Anonymous Andrew L. Butters Christopher P. Chesney Katherine M. Fischer

Robert F. Fogelman II Elizabeth R. Hance Scott D. Henderson Laura W. Howe Thaddeus R. McBride David L. Rich Samuel W. Stegeman William H. Weber Philippe M.Wheelock Edwin D. Williamson, Jr. Edith S.Wun Zachary A. Zehner Alexandra L. von Raab 1992 $360/17% Anne Bond Archie Stephen L. Bohlayer Quincy A. Brown Joshua R. Charlton John E. Court Frank S. Green Sarah P. Hammond Pamela J. Heath Ann M. Imes Linda H. Murray George L. Simpson IV Sara B. Wilson 1993 $665/45% Laura R. Barnes Jennifer L. Bourne Alyssa M. Bowers Laura W. Boynton William M. Braxton Richard P. Carrell Amnuaysak Chianpairot Peter H. Cook Francis W. Crawley, Jr. Halimah D. DeLaine James Edwards Weston F. Fling Tucker H. Foehl Manuel J. Fullana Robert Hargrove Anne K. Harrington Adrian A. Keevil Katherine S. Keltner Ryan M. Lewis Abigail B. McBride Frederick J.McCall Leigh G. McCandless Margret W. Musser Megan L. Peters Michael E. Pignatello lisa D. Rich Elizabeth M. Rivinus Rachel A. Ruane KristopherW.Taft Jentry E. Vranian Abigail A. White

Parents VI FORM Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Biraben "Mr. & Mrs. K. King Burnett Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette Dr. & Mrs. P. Brandt Butler Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cheek Ms. JoAnn Cranmer Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Mr. & Mrs. Fakhri Dalloul

Annual Fund Donors Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. DeLee Mr. Edward S. Digges, Jr. Mrs. Wendy W. Digges Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty Mr. Thomas H. Draper Mrs. Betty Evans Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Evans Mr. & Mrs. McNair Evans Mr. Cosmo A. Fattizzo Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Forney Mr. & N^s. Joseph D. Frank Mrs. Rachel E. Grier Mrs. Vera S. Grunow "Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenboom Mrs. Dolores E. Hooper Drs. Jolin & Anne Keifer Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Keller Dr.&Mrs.GeLi Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Mahlstedt Mrs. Jennifer McCann *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III *Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III "Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan Dr. & Mrs. John M. Nelson Mrs. Lenis M. Northmore Mr. & Mrs. Pierluigi Nuti-de Biasi Mr. & Mrs. William E. Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Padden Mr. Nicholas A. Papson Rev. & Mrs. J. Gregory Prior Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Purrington Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Josef E. Seiterle "Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyder III *Mr. & Mrs. Peter Standoff Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Mrs. Pamela Thomas Mr. William G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. Peter Williams Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. Williams

VFORM Mr. & Mrs. L. John Achenbach II Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Barbee Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody *Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III Dr. Galan F. Brooks Mr. &c Mrs. George F. Bruder Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Burnam Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Chavala Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Coggeshall Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Clement S. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Everhart, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C Fisher Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley Mr. & Mrs. Coleman J. Hanover Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Dr. Merry Jayne Ha worth Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. Mrs. Sherry L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. S. Leon Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Kamal M. Ibrahim The Very Rev. & Mrs. Alan W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Joseph Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Rev. & Mrs. William B. Lane Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lauten III Mrs. Christina M. Lund Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy III Mr. & Mrs. J. William Metzger, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Mulholland Rev. & Mrs. Thomason L. Newcomb Mr. & Mrs. John Orban Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Mr. Benjamin F. Pilson Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Mr. & Mrs. Jan Stenbeck Dr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Strange Mr. James F. Stutts Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Surles Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sykes, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John C. Tayloe, Jr. Drs. Reynoldo M. & Bella Torio Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. William E. McCune Ms. Sheila McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Julien Middleton Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mones Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel H. Morison III Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Parker Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Parsons, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Porter Rev. & Mrs. Edward C Raffetto "Mr. & Mrs. John G. Reeve Mr. Ralston A. Reid Mr. & Mrs. William D. Reinhardt Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. James A. Risher Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Rorer *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane Mr. W. Bruce Sanders Dr. Edwina M. Shelford Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Short Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Sidebottom Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Slater Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Smith "Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyder III *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Stinson "Mr.O.LeeTawesIII Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Angus H. Twombly Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey E. Wood Mr. Colin M. Wright

III FORM IV FORM Mr. & Mrs. John R. Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Peyton G. Bowman Mrs. Mary Bozick Mr. Peter A. Bozickjr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ming-Tai Chang Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Clement III Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Doherty Dr. & Mrs. J. Roy Fernando Mr. & Mrs. Joshua L. Fradel Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Freeman Mrs. Ann Candace Garner Mr. & Mrs. Nathan C Garner Mr. & Mrs. William F. Geier Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Green Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Handy, Jr. "Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. *Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins Mrs. John Homer, Jr. The Rev.& Mrs. Thomas B. Jensen *Mr. & Mrs. Philip C Keevil Mr. & Mrs. Dong Soo Kim Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kratovil Mrs. Jane L. Kratovil Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy Dr. Robert Y. S. Lee Dr. & Mrs. Victor E. Mazzocco Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C McAlpin Drs. Martin & Sandra McCann Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. McCarty

Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Alexander III Mrs. Barbara E. Barnes *Mr. Gregory D. Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bass Dr. & Mrs. Neil W. Bray ton Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker BuUard Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carrow Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Cox Mr. Edward S. Digges Jr. Mrs. Wendy W. Digges Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Dormer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. Mrs. Kathy C. Edwards *Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Foster Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Grant "Mr. & Mrs. W. Frantz Herr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keeley III Ms. Janet E. Kennedy Mrs. Ramsey C. Kieffer The Hon. Kathleen Day Koch Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy III Mrs. Lenis M. Northmore Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. Claudio J. Ramos Mr. & Mrs. Pearce M. Rayner Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Reese Mr. John Rockwell Mrs. Sarah Rockwell Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Saddleton Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Sayre Amb. & Mrs. Thomas L. Siebert *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. James K. Trumbauer

Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin N. Wafle Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Willey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenrowe Williams Mr. Peter Williams Dr.&Mrs.KinK.Wun Mr. B. G. Yessus & Ms. D. Ghebreab

Parents of Alumni Dr. & Mrs. Bal K. Agarwal **Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Aikens *Mr. Gerald N. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Allmon *Rev. & Mrs. James T. Alves Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine *Rev. & Mrs. Mark S. Anschutz *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Archie *The Rev. Lea Elizabeth Austen Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Baer COL & Mrs. Broadus Bailey, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Baker Drs. Madhav & Saroja Barhan *Mr. & Mrs. George P. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Baskett *Dr. & Mrs. William W. Baxley, Jr. **Mrs. Douglas E. Baxter *Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Bernet Mr. & Mrs. Carvel Blair Dr. & Mrs. William R. Bloxom *Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers *Mr. & Mrs. William K. Boynton *Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. F. Abbott Brown, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown Mr. Peter P. Budetti Dr. & Mrs. Bentley Burnham Mr. & Mrs. David J. Butters Mr. & Mrs. Jose Calhoun *Mr. Thomas O. Calhoun (DEC) Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Carrell *Mr. & Mrs. Leif E. Christoffersen Mrs. Galen Clagett **Mr. & Mrs. Oswald L. Clarke **Mr. & Mrs. James B. Clements Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley Ms. Constance Conover **Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Constantine *Miss Mary F. Costello Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Crawley *Rev. & Mrs. Daniel F. Crowley "Mr. & Mrs. A. Barratt Cullen, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Daut Mr. & Mrs. George E. Davies "Mrs. Natalie H. Day Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo *Rev. & Mrs. John D. Dennis **Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Den worth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice S. Dimmick "Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Dixon II **Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Duggins Mrs. Richard C duPont *»Mr.& Mrs. John W.Eden Mr. Ernest E. Edmundson III *Mrs. Thomas J. Eichler *Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Ellis **Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Ellisen Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Fahlen, Jr. "Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. Fallaw, Jr. "Mr. & Mrs. George Farnell "Mr. & Mrs. John C Fan

Annual Fund Donors **Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Rodger W. Fling Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Foehl Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Friel Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Friend III Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Fudge "Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Gallagher "Dr. & Mrs. Milliard E. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz "Mr. & Mrs. Morton Gibbons-Neff III Rev. & Mrs. David T. Gleason Mr. & Mrs. Terrell L. Glenn, Sr. *Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Grandfield *Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis Mr. & Mrs. Johan J. Groot **Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Guastavino Mr. & Mrs. William H. Guernsey *Mr. & Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove Dr. & Mrs. John S. Herring *Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hill Mrs. Susanne Howson Mr. & Mrs. J. Maurits Hudig Mr. & Mrs. William C Hurtt, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes Mr. Andrew Jones *Mr. & Mrs. Eckart E. Kade Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kahn **Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley Mr. Burt H. Keenan Mrs. E. Katherine Klein *Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wing, Sr. *Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb "Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kotz "Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kuehlwein "Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. *Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai MAJ & Mrs. Mel Larsen, USAF (Ret.) Mrs. Teresa M. Leighton *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheimer Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lewis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lilley Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Lindsay Mrs. Linda S. Lockwood **Mr. & Mrs. G. Arno Loessner *Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes "Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory *Mrs. Cynthia P. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull *Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. McBride *Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McCall Mrs. Betty M. McCarthy Mrs. Nor ah McCormack Mr. William J. McCormack Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith "Mr. & Mrs. W. Jay Mincks Mrs. Judith E.H.Mitchell "Dr. & Mrs. Atin K. Mitra "Ms. Diana W. Montgomery *COL & Mrs. H. L. Murray, JrvUSA-R *Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray Mrs. Marsha R. Musser *Ms. Daune T. Neidig Mrs. Pamela P. Nimick "Mrs. Genevieve T. Nomer "Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Northrup Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. O'Brien "Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. O'Shaughnessy *Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Olson *Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell

"Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Peters *Mr. & Mrs. C. Cotesworth Pinckney *Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Pinkerton "RADM Frank L. Pinney, Jr.,USN(R) Mr. & Mrs. I. J. Profaci "Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada "Mrs. Karen R. Ramey *Mrs. Anne J. Ratledge Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Reynolds, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rich "Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Richmond Mr. & Mrs. J. Willis M. Rivinus *Mr. & Mrs. Hawley Rogers "Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers, Jr. *Mrs. Howard W. Rogerson "Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rue Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Rumsey Mrs. Alice M. Ryan "Dr.&Mrs.JackSabloff "Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba *Mr. John A. Schneider "Mr. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook *Dr. & Mrs. Scott C Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Shockley "CAPT & Mrs. R. A. Shriver, USN (Ret.) *Mr. & Mrs. George L. Simpson *Mr.& Mrs. David S.Skaff Mrs. Victoria S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snyder "Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles "Mr. & Mrs. Derek W. L. Spry "Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson *Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mrs. Marion C. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Banks H. Talley COL & Mrs. Harry Tearjr., USA(Ret) "Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Thornton "Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Traina Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Twombly, Jr. "Mr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Evert van Buchem Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. van Nierop *Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Vincent Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Vranian Mrs. Jean B. Wagoner "Rev. & Mrs. Robt. M. Wainwright Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Waldron Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ware, Sr. *Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weber *Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock *Mr. & Mrs. Grant D. Whipple Mrs. Jane F. White Mr. & Mrs. CW. Whitmoyer *Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilcox Mrs. Virginia S. Wilcox "Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Wilgis, Jr. "Mr. & Mrs. John H. Willock Dr. & Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth Mr.&Mrs.ErickRWolf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Worth Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Zimmer

Faculty Bradford D. Bates Ann S. Chilton '85 Robert M. Colburn Lee H. & John A. Higgins

Walter L. Liefeld '54 Tamara Z. Maull '77 Joan D. & Jonathan B. O'Brien Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Elizabeth M. & Daniel T. Roach, Jr. Evert van Buchem

Friends Mrs. Mary D. Armknecht Mr. Albert W. Blackburn Ms. Jean B. Blythe Prof. Richard P. Coleman Mrs. Helen Barbot de Brux Mrs. Edith B. Forrester Dr. Arline Howdon Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Krug Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation Mrs. Ida S. Phillips Mr. Christopher H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Wells III Mrs. Mary Leigh Whitmer

Restricted Annual Fund G i f t s Anonymous Anonymous Amy L. Barto '86 George J.Baxter'54 Mr. Albert W. Blackburn

Stephen L. Bohlayer '92 Richard E. Broome '48 William R Brownlee '44 Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Brian D. Fisher '60 Christopher Flint '81 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance

Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Jennifer M. Kern '83 Arthur Laws '45 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lukes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III James M. McSherry '49 Edgar R. Miller, Jr.'47 Beauveau B. Nalle '45 Frank B. Pilling '40 Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Matching Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell J. Kent Sweezey 70 Abbott Laboratories Fund Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet American Home Products Corporation Mrs. Pamela Thomas Bank of Boston Corporation Mr. Francis T. Vincent, Jr. BayBank Systems, Inc. Davis A. Washburn '44 The Black & Decker Corporation E. Sherman Webb, Jr.'54 Brakeley, John Price Jones Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. Williams Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Gail E. Wright'84 Campbell Soup Company The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. Chemical Bank Gifts in Kind Chubb & Son Inc. CIGNA Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III Citicorp • Citibank William T. Murray III '50 Consolidated Natural Gas Company Foundation CoreStates The Cranston Foundation William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. Eaton Corporation The Equitable Foundation Fidelity Foundation The First Boston Corporation First Union National Bank of North Carolina General Signal Corporation George & Lynch, Inc. International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Massachusetts Financial Services Company Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Philip Morris Companies Inc T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. The Prudential Foundation Reynolds Metals Company Foundation SPS Technologies Sterling Winthrop Inc. Strawbridge & Clothier Textron Trust Company of Georgia Foundation UST John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

CAPITAL GIFTS H O N O R A R I U M S & M E M O R I A L GIFTS UNRESTRICTED For C u r r e n t Use Geoffrey C Abbott '56 Gerald M. Alexander '85 Mr. Gerald N. Alexander Jonathan Alexander '91 Anonymous Richard M. Appleby, Jr. '47 Robert S. Appleby '50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Archie Michael K. Atalay '84 Richard E. Broome '48 David P. Campbell '54 Russell W.,Chesney'59 John Hanahan, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance William C Hewlett '45 Mr. & Mrs. Stanard T. Klinefelter Peter D. Laird '61 Jeffrey B.Lilley'82 Phillips Lounsbery '43 James M. McSherry '49 Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 Powell Pierpoint '40 Thomas F. Quirk '53 Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba Howard M. Snyder III '61 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. James M. Wendt 78 McClelland Wilcox '90 Frank E. Williams, Jr. '39

RESTRICTED C A P I T A L GIFTS For C u r r e n t Use Chichester duPont Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Paul

For the Pool Amy L. Barto '86 James R. Boyd '64 Edward B. Brinton, Jr. '61 Noel C. Dalton '43 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dunlap Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel, III Rev. Canon & Mrs. P. Simon Mein H. Lawrence Parker '44 William B.Paul, Jr.'64 Franchesa M. Profaci '80 J. Kent Sweezey 70 Donald M. Tucker '41

For W a s h b u r n Cove Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 William B.Paul, Jr.'64 Charles H. Shorley 71

During the 1993-94 fiscal year, a total of $164,800 in new gifts was added to the St. Andrew's endowment. Many of these gifts were pledged to funds created during the capital campaign, while other gifts were added to the general endowment or historic funds. This special stewardship recognizes the importance of the endowment to SAS's founding mission of opportunity and excellence for all qualified students. Below are the names and current market values (this year's gifts + investment income + historic value) of endowment funds for which new gifts were received this year as well as the names of those alumni, parents and friends who contributed to the fund.

RESTRICTED For Endowment General Faculty Enhancement Endowment $24,595 Dr. & Mrs. P. Brandt Butler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien George Broadbent Faculty Enhancement Fund $10,214 William B.Paul,Jr.'64 Corridor Masters Fund $17,251 Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Williamson Walden Pell II Professional Advancement Fund $328,345 Robert B. Evans '49 Melvin H. Peters Faculty Enhancement Fund Timothy W. Peters '66


Howard Schmolze Fund for Faculty Enhancement $11,388 EricM.Godshalk'59 G.William Helm, Jr.'59 Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. Prof. Advancement Fund $39,564 Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hill C. G. Voorhees Memorial Fund John D. HukiU '50


Davis Washburn Faculty Enhancement Fund Davis A. Washburn '44


General Scholarship Endowment $141,416 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. Barto Amy L. Barto '86 William H. Brownlee '44 Heather L. Hillman '88 Leeanna Varga '87 R. James A. Berrigan Memorial Scholarship Fund $21,264 John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. 74 William Cameron Memorial Scholarship Fund $96,999 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 E. Greppin Memorial Scholarship Fund $23,027 Mary D. Armknecht Mrs. Edith B. Forrester Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Greppin Dr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Krug III William B.Paul, Jr. '64 William Randolph Hearst Scholarship Fund $133,049 The Hearst Foundation, Inc. Amelia & Henry Herndon Scholarship Fund $30,364 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Walter Hutchison Lee, M.D. Scholarship Fund $24,408 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Butters Bishop McKinstry Scholarship Fund $16,839 Mrs. Margaret M. Maull Mr. & Mrs. James T. McKinstry Murray Scholarship Fund $31,489 William T. Murray, III '50 Thelma Rowland Scholarship Fund $62,763 H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 Captain & Mrs. Harry H. Rowland James M. Webb, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund $19,243 Robert J. Shank '57 Mary & Kiran Taunk Kent County Equipment, Inc. Henry J. & Cheryl L. Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Henson

H O N O R A R I U M GIFTS In Honor of: Mr. William S. Speers Amy L. Barto '86

W. Hollingsworth Wliyte, Jr. '35 Fund Peter D. Laird '61 Mr & for Faculty Enhancement $150,587 - Mrs. Harry E. Wells III W. Allen Chesney '70 The Jesse R. Wike Charitable Trust

M E M O R I A L GIFTS In Memory of Class of '43 Deceased Classmates JohnM.Hemphillir43 In Memory of Richard C.Cady, Jr. '52 L.HerndonWerth'52 In Memory of Richard C. duPont, Jr. '55 E. Sherman Webb, Jr.'54 In Memory of James P. Elder'69 Arthur A. Carota, Jr. '69 William Frantz Herr, Jr. '69 Timothy M.Uiff'69 Douglas T. James '69 Richard T. Lambert, Jr. '69 Peter A. Maxson '69 Peter H. McGowin '69 Robert Lanier Sides '69 Albert Simons III '69 Peter S. Wood '69 In Memory of George M.Gillet III'43 J. McHenry Gillet '46 In Memory of Ernest H. Greppin III '85 Mary D. Armknecht Mrs. Edith B. Forrester Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Greppin Dr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Krug III William B. Paul, Jr.'64 In Memory of Stephen O. Lyon '72 David D. Mills'72 In Memory of Constantine Simonides '52 L. Herndon Werth '52 In Memory of George S.Welch'37 Mr. Albert W.Blackburn

Gifts received too late to be counted in fiscal giving year: Conrad C M. Arensberg '61 William C Bean 72 CraigW.Cullen,Jr.'82 Stephen B. Duke '56 John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. 74 Armistead L. Guthery '51 Mrs. Diana S. Kiker Walker A. Long'67 Walker LMifflin, Jr.'36 Meredith A. Warner'91

GOLF T O U R N A M E N T BENEFACTORS Buck '61 & Karen Brinton Signs for Tomorrow Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kidd The Class of 1951 Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, PA. BJ's on the Water Tom Shallcross Shallcross Chevrolet

HOLE SPONSORS Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, P.A. BJ's on the Water Castle in the Sand Hotel The Class of 1962 The Class of 1964—In Memory of Eric Middleton'64 The Class of 1985—-In Honor of Scoob The Court's 1st Generation—Class of '56&'62 The Court's 2nd Generation—Class of'89&'92(x3) Michal H. Dickinson Construction Jones Motor Co., Inc. Pen wood Acres Satellite Motel Sundancer Industries Surf and Sands Motel TalbotBank Trimper's Playland, Inc. - Marty's Playland Universal Furniture Industries

THE ST-ANDREW'S SOCIETY Planned giving is the key to providing for the School's future and financial well-being; to ensuring that the School will have the financial resources to provide excellent educational opportunities for future generations of deserving SL Andrew's students. We extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those supporting St. Andrew's in this insightful manner with bequests, trusts, life insurance, or other innovative charitable planned gifts. Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous A Trustee and Friend R. Stewart Barroll '72 Edwin John Bernet '72 Robert B. Blum, Sr. Duncan G. Bolton George A. Brakeley III '57 George E. Brown, Jr. '37 Luther A. Campbell, Jr. '46 John M. Cogswell '57 Robert D. Colburn '80 William H. Coddry '38 Kenneth E. Court '56 W.William A. Cox'56 Richard D. Crawford '63 C Alec Dana '80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot Robert J. Faux'60 Brian D. Fisher '60 Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 J.McHenryGillet'46 Eric R. Groot '70 Andrew C. Hamlin 71 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 David T.Harris'38 Horace W. Harrison '38

Morris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 James V. Hazlett III'60 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Charles F. H. Johnson III '60 Charles W. Kenney '52 Julien H. LeCompte '52 Joseph F. Littell '42 Bradford A. Mills 72 Christopher L. Milner '68 Mrs. Duane T. Neidig Stephen V. Noble'69 Kathleen Patzman Timothy W.Peters'66 Anne W. Percy Peterson '83 Powell Pierpoint '40 Frank B. Pilling'40 W. Robert Prier, Jr. '68 Robert M.Pyle'63 John L. Ray '42 Christopher P. Reeve '68 Mrs. Emilee M. Reynolds Toby R. Roberts 70 Thomas R. Saunders '42 David E. Scherer '51 Robert J. Shank'57 Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 James B. G. vonBrunn 70 Charles L. Wayne '60 L. Herndon Werth'52

PATRONS David O. Bellis '46 J.W. dements'82 Lois L. Heights—In Honor of the Class of'95 Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 Stanard T. KUnefelter John W. Paradee '81—Prickett, Jones, Elliott, Kristol & Schnee Mr. & Mrs. Carson B. Smith Rev. Elliott Sorge Dr. & Mrs. Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34 Happy Harry's Discount Drugs, Middletown

Development Office 1993-1994 • Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Director of Development Tamara Z. Maull 77 Director of the Annual Fund Sharon Dillman Research Coordinator Donna Bell Lynn Dugan Ramona Mackiewicz Development Office Assistants

Dig Up Your Old Life Insurance Policy Do you have a life insurance policy that is no longer suited to your family's needs? Maybe you have it tucked away in a drawer and have forgotten that it is an asset you can use to work for you, your family, and St. Andrew's School. Life insurance policies can be donated to SAS or converted into several charitable gift options that help the School and give you tax benefits—and perhaps even extra income. For more information, please contact: Chesa Profaci '80 Director of Development at St. Andrew's School 302-378-9511



Really enjoyed the two-day affair. —]ohn Beardall '74

I enjoyed seeing the "younger crowd" at this reunion. —Al Day '64




A true challenge to schedule for 22 year olds and 73 yearoldsl It was done well. —Keely Clifford '79

Enjoyed the casual atmosphere. —Carrie Waters'79




The Class of 1989 —athletes and performers!

Future alums on the sidelines of the family softball game. Alum rowers show their spirit—despite a mid-course downpour.

Horace Harrison '39 and Virginia Ashpole '79 chat at the cocktail party.

The Class of 1979 and the Next Generation. 17

T H I R D A N N U A L GOLF T O U R N E Y or the third year in a row, the St. Andrew's Scholarship Golf Tournament was a spirited success. Beautiful weather at the Golf Digest's #1 Delaware-rated Wild Quail course coupled with SAS sportsmanship made for a challenging and fun day.


All tolled, with the generous support of hole sponsors, tournament underwriters, individual patrons and players, $1,500 was added to the Scholarship Fund. Thanks to all who participated, both on and off the greens.

Hard-working volunteer and ACS member, Heather Morrow '85, Hole-In-One witness.

Three-year player veterans, l-r: Jon Starr '77, Dale Showell '68, Bobby Kidd '93, Stu Bracken '50, Chuck Shorley '71, Mike Quillin '57, Larry Court '62, Rick Williams '62. Not pictured: Jon O'Brien, Elliott McBride, Horace Harrison '39, Barney Reynolds, John Paradee '81 and Henry Hillenmeyer '61.

St. Andrew's golfers gather for post-tournament celebration and fellowship at the lavish reception and awards ceremony graciously hosted by the Kidd family at their home adjacent to the course.

Winsome foursome: Bill Holder '68, Henry Hillenmeyer '61, Andy Loving and Tourney Chair Dale Showell '68 rest at the Hole-In-One Car, sponsored again this year by Shallcross Chevrolet ofMiddletown. This year there were a few close shots some, lose some.


DONOR PROFILES Beau Nalle '45 & Jenny Kern '83 This summer a wheelchair ramp was completed from the sidewalk from the driveway to the Main Common Room, providing permanent wheelchair access to Founders1 Hall. Beau Nalle '45 and ]enny Kern '83, two alumni who recognize this need, restricted their 1994 annual giving to this purpose. Much more work will have to be done to transform the physical SAS stone dinosaur into a modern, easily accessible facility, but the thinking and planning have begun.

New Founders' Hall accessibility ramp.

Why I Give to SAS: Beau Nalle: It all began in the 1960's when I was on assignment in Washington. Our two daughters were starting school and our younger daughter turned out to have serious educational difficulties; she is quite badly dyslexic. We, as parents, were not trained to cope; but it was a subject that got into my mind—the problem of educating the less-than-overachiever child. I think there is a place at SAS and at any school for a child with educational difficulties, a child who is, as it were, handicapped. I'd like to see these kids given a chance. I think the influence on the student body would also be substantial. They would have to learn to co-exist with students who are not like themselves and who have difficulty achieving, but are just people who have problems. The same can be said for the physically handicapped. In a world where me-ism is entirely too prevalent, I think this experience would be a very salubrious one and would let the youngsters know very early in life that they can contribute by working with others rather than working entirely for themselves. This is something that St. Andrew's already does, and this way, the mission perhaps can be expanded. That is why I asked Jon O'Brien to take my donation (which I am spreading over a four-year period) and continue the effort to make the School more accessible for the handicapped.

Jenny Kern: I love SAS, ramps or no ramps; but I think it is significant that the completion of this ramp comes upon the fourth anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) of 1990. Mostly, I am excited that the commitment to making St. Andrew's more accessible to the disabled has begun; the ramp is a physical acknowledgement of the need of people with disabilities. And I encourage classmates and other alumni to earmark contributions toward this effort—join the access squad! At St. Andrew's we all have learned ways to be more independent, through mastering skills and our intellect. For me, post-disability independence has been tied to physical access. Moving toward greater independence is the theme that carries me from my days as a student and my time as a teacher [Jenny taught English and coached crew at St. Andrew's, 1988-89] and alumna of SAS, and it is why I am contributing toward this effort.



Welling W. Adams '43

Richard C. Cady, Jr. '52

Amanda C. Leyon '95

elling Adams, 68, retired firm officer of Rigidized Metals Corp., died on June 25, 1994, in his Buffalo, N.Y., apartment. Born in Pittsburgh, he attended Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa. After serving in the Navy from 1943 to 1946, he moved to Buffalo to work for his uncle, Richard S. Smith, president of Rigidized Metals. He retired as vice president in charge of sales. An avid tennis, squash and paddle tennis player, Bro was a former president of the Buffalo Tennis and Squash Club and a past commodore of the Kennebunk River Club. He was also a board member of Meals on Wheels and a member of the Jesters Club, the Country Club of Buffalo, the Saturn Club and the Pack Club. In later life, Bro took up painting, and his work was exhibited at the MoreRubin Gallery and the Members Gallery of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. With deep sorrow, Sky Smith '48 comments: "Bro was not only my first cousin but also a very close pal—the godfather of my son, Rick, and co-worker at Rigidized Metals. He had a wonderful gift of joie de vivre which he freely shared with all family, friends and acquaintances—old and young alike. He will be missed a lot."

pon receiving word of Dick's death, after a brief illness, Herndon Werth '52 sent condolences on behalf of the Class, to Dick's widow, Nancy, in South Burlington, Vt, and to his mother, who now lives in Rehoboth Beach, Del. Herndon remembers: Dick left his special mark at SAS with his unfailing efforts to greet and welcome new kids. With a certain family atmosphere engendered by the very small size of SAS in the fifties, one assimilated into school life in a short time. Still....even if one had lived away from home before entering SAS and/or even if one entered at mid-class (IV Form) level, it was still intimidating to cope, simultaneously, with getting settled into a new physical environment, a new academic regimen and a new social structure. While most of us got caught up racing to meet bells, "yakking" with each other in the halls and on the cloister between classes and elsewhere on campus, Dick always took a minute to say "hi," if only with a turn of the head and a nod with his understated warm smile. Anyone appreciates a friendly "hi." But when Dick, as an Upper Former extended his greeting to tender aged kids entering the II and III Forms, it provided a strong "helping hand" to adapting to life away from home.

service for Amanda Catherine Leyon, 17, who died in a traffic accident on July 2, 1994, was held at the chapel of St. Andrew's School. Amanda, of Shorewood Estates near Galena, Md., had just finished her junior year and had been very active in school activities. She was a member of the soccer and lacrosse teams, Model U.N., was a staff member of the School's literary magazine, The Andrean, and was a communion assistant at the chapel. She was a volunteer assistant at Silver Lake Elementary School, Middletown, and enjoyed reading and writing. Amanda is survived by her parents, Peter B. and Carolyn Boehle Leyon, with whom she lived; a brother, Geoffrey Perryn Leyon '92 at home; and her maternal grandparents, Clayton and Beatrice Boehle of Port St. Lucie, Fla. A memorial fund has been established in Amanda's name, and contributions can be made in care St. Andrew's.






Eulogy for Amanda

Love, Friendship and Trust

Bobby Rue, Amanda's Faculty Advisor and English Teacher, delivered the following eulogy:

Leaving you isn't leaving our friendship Together or apart we have this special bond No hammer can break this bond, nor can anything physical, except for you and I You and I have the power, the power of words the power of gestures the power of letter Only you Only I to break this bond this bond built of love, friendship and trust.

Amanda, I want these to be the most beautiful words I will ever write, but I know in advance that they will fail —that they will never touch your life which was unspeakably beautiful. And yet I also know of your profound faith in words. I know that you spent some of the most blissful hours of your life leaning over your curled left hand stroking words onto a page—in poems, letters, essays and stories you gathered life tenderly and always at its height of meaning. I wish I could do that right now for your family, your friends, for you. There is so much of you to gather, my friend. In the last three days, I have bumped unexpectedly into dozens of reminders of you—a book that you read with passion, a poem in which you found yourself, this chapel in whose pews you spent such peaceful hours. These are signs not of how much I'm thinking of you, but of how much you thought—how much you loved. Amanda, I know how you loved your family and friends —how quietly, how unassumingly, how wholly. Mom and Dad and Geoff and Chris. Kate Fisher and Kelly and Erin and Talley, Shelley, David, Oli and Noelle, Erin and Bullets, Rob and Liz and Rachel and Suzanne, Hadley and Jocelyn, Mandy and Alice. I promise to remind them, to tell them all lest someone mistake your quietness for anything less than intense participation in our lives. You knew us all through your profound ability to watch and listen. We should all be as generous. Amanda, I promise to be forever filled with your life and not emptied by your departure. Because of you, I know that I will walk more gracefully, that I will teach more fervently, that I will listen with more of my soul. And when I have a daughter—before she is even old enough to know your name— she will be blessed by a serene internal rhythm which will be her deepest and most faithful companion. Amanda, one day she will ask what it is, and I will tell her that it is yours — something passed, wordlessly, from you to me to her.

I'd like to read two of Amanda's poems. In each of these, I hope you will hear her voice and not mine. I know you will feel her goodness. The first is one she gave to Chris McClary, her dear friend from home, the night before she arrived at St. Andrew's School for her freshman year:

The second poem is one she wrote last winter for Rob Butler '94 who is singing here in the Concert Choir today:

St. Andrew's School Choir: Christmas Concert at Longwood Gardens I remember how one time you said you sometimes feel God's presence; and I knew at that moment that you felt Him as you stood to my left almost close enough to be singing in my ear. And I felt like a drop of inspiration, like something out of place yet beautiful anyway. I'm not calling myself beautiful, only the feeling — it was beautiful, you were beautiful. And as inspiration works, there were so many things I wanted to tell you, Rob. Such as how glorious the world can be, and how even then I could feel you like the way you sometimes feel God. Amanda, to the small extent that I will ever fathom these powers, you have touched me with the grace and strength of God. And for these gifts, I can merely love you for all of my days.


CLASS NOTES We welcome all news from alumni. Please send word of your latest employment, travels or personal celebrations to the Alumni Office or contact your class agent or correspondent.

35 60th Reunion

Class Agent: Frank Hawkins, 7 Chadwick Terrace, Easton, MD 21601 The welcome mat will be out for reunioners next fine wine, which improves with age, reunions get better each year! Mark your calendar—June 16-18.

37 Class Agent: George Brown, 9375 Shawnee Run Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243 In the spring, Packy Laird gave a one-day seminar to medical doctors in the Philippines on "Alternative Healing Therapies." He has taught classes in homeopathy for doctors there for the past several years. George Brown writes: "I spent the 4th of July in Henry, 111., a small town about 400 miles from here [Cincinnati] attending a memorial service for Captain John P. Cromwell, U.S.N., who went down in the Sculpin when I scuttled her, because he possessed so much valuable and secret information that would be extremely harmful to his shipmates at sea should he be forced to reveal it under Japanese torture and drugs. As a result, he received the Congressional Medal (posthumously). Five other Sculpin shipmates attended, and we had a great time telling sea stories and recalling facts and fiction of our Sculpin days, before and after the ceremonies. The locals were pleased and impressed that we had cared enough to come thousands of miles to honor their hero. We will all get together again in October in Norfolk at the National Sub Vets Convention."

38 Class Agent: Buzz Speakman, Box 148, Smyrna, DE 19977 Fred Schaettler writes: "With Lydia, my wife of 40 years, I live in Pound Ridge in Westchester County, New York. We are engaged in various Episcopal Church activities and travel quite a bit, including a trip to England in 1992 and to Scotland in 1993. Among our travels are visits to our daughter Lydia in Irvine, Calif. Her doctor husband heads an emergency room, and they have our two grandsons (2 and 4). Our son works in Washington, D.C., for Pentagon Intelligence. "Most of my career was with IBM, where, 22

after a start in sales and marketing, I worked as an administrative assistant for the chairman, T.J. Watson, Jr., and directed the Litigation Department under Nicholas Katzenbach, providing business support to the lawyers contesting antitrust suits. I retired from a directorship in Corporate Business Plans in 1981, about five years before the company troubles surfaced. "I play a good deal of golf, garden and do some research for a company history (not IBM) being written by a Princeton roommate, formerly a Fortune editor."

'40 55th Reunion

Class Agent: Bill Sibert, 2028 Albert Circle, Wilmington, NC 28403-4273 The long journeys on the Annapolis and New Castle ferries are things of the past. The Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bridges, Interstate, trains, and planes can get you to reunions quickly. So don't miss the there!

'45 50th Reunion

Class Agent: Gattie Jones, 193 Lynn Avenue, Shreveport,LA 71105 THIS IS THE BIG ONE, BOYS!! Tom Jervey, who has been studying Art History, Greek History and the Classics for some time at Ohio State, recently returned from an eight-week trip to Greece and some of the Greek Isles—part of the time was spent on a planned "Archaeological Dig" and part was spent "...seeing the 70 specific things I wanted to see—I saw not only them but at least 150 others that I had not planned on!!" The Dig was to help in the restoration of a mosaic floor in a Roman bath built around 150 AD—the largest mosaic the Romans built in Greece. The other "70" involved trips to a number of the Greek Isles and a 500-mile hitchhiking expedition. "...I wanted to see the Francthi Cave across the bay from Kilida where some of the earliest signs of homo sapiens have been found. I had my backpack and sleeping bag with me and spent nights in youth hostels and on beaches, in pistachio and in orange groves. It was well worth the extra effort—I visited Delphi on the South Slope of Mount Parnassus, Olympia (200 km south of Delphi), and I reached Epidaurus, Napflion, Argos and Mycenae. After studying many of

On May 30,1994, Rob van Mesdag '48, Art Dodge '41 and Chuck Merriwether '48 (seated) posed in front of Rob's house in England. the buildings in architectural school, it was a real high to actually see them." Tom says that he took over 500 pictures in Greece. He also plans to attend the 50th Reunion in June '95.

'48 Class Agent: Sky Smith, Rigidized Metals Corp., 658 Ohio Street, Buffalo, NY 14203 When Rob van Mesdag attended his 45th reunion in 1993, he learned that Chuck Merriwether was planning a trip to England the following spring and invited him to stay at his house just off the Thames at Putney Bridge. Chuck writes: "Rob is a five-minute walk from the boat houses and his rowing club, so his water and waterside activities continue unabated. He has a lovely three-story row house with a delightful garden in the back—he refers to it as his 'park.'" Rob, Chuck and Art Dodge '41 had a most enjoyable evening reminiscing about their days at SAS. Chuck continues: "Art was in Rob's brother's [Johannes B. '42] class. Rob's brother is one of our alumni whose photograph graces the walls of the war memorial at SAS. Art has been a friend of Rob's family in Holland for years. He was in Europe ostensibly on some business, but in reality he was there to attend the 50th anniversary of the surrender of Italy, where Art served during World War II. ...I was appointed to write a letter to the School to thank it for giving us the common thread to meet in London, and to

extend our warmest best wishes to our friends in the School community."


Class Agent: Tony Tonian, 3154 Lakeshore Drive, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Class Agent/Correspondent: Steve Price, P.O. Box 910, East Hampton, NY 11937-0995 Steve Price created three new television production courses for Long Island University, Southampton Campus, and was appointed to the rank of full professor starting in September. Steve comments: "Oughtabefun!"

'50 45th Reunion

Class Agent: Stu Bracken, 1401 Rose Valley Way, Ambler, PA 19002 See you at Reunion! If you think your lumbego won't let you dance, not to worry— watching the younger set "do their thing" is an evening of full entertainment in itself!


Class Agent: Barry Register, 65 East 96th Street, Apt. 6B, New York, NY 10128 Hume Horan has been in Cote d'lvoire (Abidjan) for two years. He reports that it is a pleasant, stable country. With great appreciation, Barry Register writes: "The final results of the 1993-94 Annual Fund have been released. The School and your class agent are most gratified that we had 73% participation as compared with an overall alumni of 40%. You are to be congratulated, and many, many thanks!"


Class Agent: Ted Hill, 217 Pheasant Run Drive, Paoli, PA 19301 Class Correspondent: Herndon Werth, 434 East 58th Street, 6A, New York, NY 100222307 Now in their 8th year, Sutton Area Community Inc.'s (SAC) historic walking tours have become a New York City institution. Herndon Werth, a director of SAC and an active preservationist, can often be seen pointing out architectural features of the town houses on Sutton Square, which, through SAC's efforts, are listed on the New York State Register of Historic Places. After reading Constantine Simonides's obituary in the New York Times, Herndon recalled some facts that were not included. A 1967 issue of the New Yorker Magazine stated that Constantine, via a government program or the MIT Sloan School of Management, was an advisor to one or several North African nations in establishing new governments and governmental agencies. He was quoted or referenced regarding "special features" of his work. Having special VIP/honored guest/quasi diplomatic status, he was an honored guest, if not

the Guest of Honor at governmental or tribal chiefs' dinners, celebrations, etc., and as such, he could not refuse anything on the menu that might not be "his cup of tea." So he "had to put on a good face" to let his hosts know how delighted or honored he was to be served one of their special delicacies—lamb's eyes! Notes from Herndon follow: As H.V. Kaltenborn used to say, "There's good news tonight!" Doug Brodie and Bill Wrightson have made it through some very "heavy duty" surgery. Both Doug and Bill have bowed out of the real estate business. Doug has started a new franchise business and Bill continues fascinating work in restoring duck decoys, which, if antique, have been purchased by his clients at prices equal to a Chippendale highboy. "Moving Department": I thought Dawna and Norm Smith had moved from Maine to Florida. But Bill Wrightson says that when they visited him in Easton, they've moved back to Maine. All very confusing as move is not job related, as Norm has to "commute" to Japan where he commands super tankers carrying liquid fuels in the South Pacific. Marion and Sid Congdon have moved from New Jersey (near Philly, where Sid built modular homes) to Towanda, Pa. (which I can't find on the map and haven't the foggiest as to what attracted them there). Is it one of those Native American casino nations? Leo Clay and Vic Harned sent greetings (via telephone) to classmates. Apologies to Leo, whom I roused from a deep sleep since I didn't focus that Bermuda is in an earlier time zone. Elisabeth and Cale Boggs and Lana and Ted Hill had a mini '52 reunion when they journeyed from Delaware and Pennsylvania to Vermont and met with Chal Schley, whom I gather lives in the Deep Forest. All sortsa woody creatures make themselves at home in his backyard. Outside his kitchen, wild turkeys waddle across his backyard. Chipmunks (or did he say ferrets or skunks) eat out of his hands. Time flies! It seems only yesterday that Mary and Jim Marvin brought their daughter, Sarah, then a grade school youngster, to SAS reunions. (On parting, Sarah gave a Triple A rating to the programs and activities for kids at reunions.) Last summer Sarah graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Gustavus Adolphus College near Minneapolis.


Class Agent: George Baxter, 103 Warwick Road,Yardley,PA 19067 George Baxter reports: "The Class of 1954's 40th Reunion was a very special event. Nineteen (61%) of the possible 31 classmates who could attend helped make this milestone a memorable moment. Attending were: Betsy and Max Alston, JoAnne and Bruce Bahr, Nancy and Charlie Barclay, Susan and Bill Barnett, Peace and George Baxter, Bill Brumbach, Sue and Tony Clark, Mary Dee and Clem Crowe, Randy and Doug Evans,

Bob Foster, Norris Haselton, Mary and Jim Healy, Church Hutton, Coreen and Shack Kenney, Judy and Walter Liefeld, Ian Maclnnes, Dick Pettus, Tony Philippi, Rennie and Larry Wood. SAS did a wonderful job welcoming us. Ches and Phoebe Baum flew up from Florida to be with us. lan's father, John Maclnnes, and his wife, Betty, came from San Diego. Mr. Mac is the only surviving member of the original SAS faculty. Bill Amos was also present. The weekend culminated with a memorial chapel service Sunday morning during which we remembered Peter Fish, Neil Murray, Rod Stuhlmuller and Mitchell Smith. For those of you not able to attend, plan on our 45th; it will come all too quickly!" Miami Nice! Anonymous sources report that Garnett and Ian Maclnnes were in Miami to see an ice show where their daughter, Sarah, a professional ice skater, was performing. Later they joined Chip Haselton and a certain Brazilian beauty (who is not a fashion model but an attorney) at a trendy disco in South Beach, where they samba'd the night away. Chip, on leaving the cruise business to move to Fort Lauderdale, was given, all in one day, three surprise birthday fetes on three ships, which were all in port on the same day. At the end of the day, Chip decided to join Overeaters Anonymous!

Kitty Schmolze, widow of Howard Schmolze, has moved from Middletown to 171 Westminster Drive, Apt. 2C, Westminster Village, Dover, DE 199018717. If you're in the Dover area, please stop by for a visit. Driving south on Route 13, Delaware State College is on the right. As college brick wall ends, there's a sign for Route 8—turn right onto Route 8; go about 1-1/2 miles past the railroad tracks. Westminster Village sign is on the left. Apartment buildings are clearly marked. Lois Voorhees, widow of Coerte Voorhees, is in residence at Meadowland, 3205 Skippack Pike, P.O. Box 670, Worcestor, PA 19495 (telephone: 215-584-3682). The location is Bucks County, north of Philadelphia and southwest of Trenton. Son, Steve '53, and his wife, Mary Ann, live in Wynnewood, west of Philadelphia, and say Lois particularly welcomes visits, notes and "telephone visits" since she doesn't get out much. Lois will be 84 on October 1, 1994, but might tell you otherwise as the mood suits (which has always been a lady's prerogative). And, as alums of the 30's, 40's and 50's knew, when Lois exerted her maternal influence and gave students lessons in etiquette, she spoke with authority. So....since (mercifully) some things don't change with time, expect that Lois might check to see how well you absorbed her lessons!


REUNION 1995 June 16 -18th O's & 5's


at SAS Saturday, October 1st


'55 40th Reunion

Class Agent: Robert Robinson, 104 West Market Street, Georgetown, DE 19947

Class Agent: John Reeve, P.O. Box 481, Harvard, MA 01451-0481

Hope to see you in June. If you can't make, please be sure to send us news of you and your family, what you're doing, where you are, etc.

John Reeve checks in with the following: "It is now time for the Class to start looking forward to our 30th Reunion in 1996. I didn't realize how old writing that would make me feel. Enough of that, onto current gossip. Chip Burton reports that he will give all members of the Class a ten percent discount off a car wash at one of his vast empire of auto-laundramats. All you have to do is to get your car to Winter Park, Fla. Justin Comstock has retired from active service with the Navy and is now a consultant on space systems and satellites and all that kind of stuff we history majors can't understand. Just wave to the sky and Justin will wave back. While we're on the subject, is Jim McClaugherty still in the Air Force? Is he a general yet? Anyone knowing his whereabouts, please advise the Alumni Office. Troy Fergen is also a consultant specializing in manufacturing software. He should get in touch with John Pope who actually manufactures something—furniture. John is concerned about base closings in his part of the world, Virginia Beach, hurting business. Well, there may be an upside. You could get a new federal prison, homeless housing and a casino to be run by the long lost/unheard of local Indian tribe like we did when the Army closed down their last base in New England in the town right next to us in rural Massachusetts. Sorry, not very PC. Keep those cards and letters pouring in."


Class Agents: Bob Shank, 3894 Red Lion Road, Bear, DE 19701; Bill Wood, 202 Royalview Drive, West Chester, PA 19382 Class Correspondent: George Brake ley, 98 Winfield Lane, New Canaan, CT 06840 George Brakeley asks the following question: How many grandchildren does the class have if you don't count Bob Shank? Well, unless the rest of us can account for at least 12 grandkids, Bob has us all beat. He and Dorothy acquired a new one recently, bringing their collection to an even dozen. "None in the making," he says, so maybe we can catch up. Bob attended the Reunion Weekend this year (our 37th) but didn't see Mike Quillin, even though Mike played in the golf tournament. Bob's serving on the Alumni Board these days, which he describes as interesting work. Last June, Joe Harned retired after 30 years with the Atlantic Council of the United States (ACUS) and its antecedents. For the last decade, Joe was ACUS's executive vice president. He and Antoinette moved to Destin, Fla., in July of this year, where they'll pursue their joint literary career. Their first book—Gambit, a novel about international intrigue and nuclear proliferation—lacks only a publisher. Anyone know an SAS alum who's in the publishing business? "The ratio of manuscripts to published books is something like 8,000:1," Joe notes, "and I don't know beans about that business. Help!"

'60 35th Reunion

Class Agent: Carl Bear, P.O. Box 682, Bozeman,MT 59771-0682 Hello, hello! Are you there? More importantly, are you going to be HERE on June 16-18, 1995, for your 35th Reunion. Don't miss it.

Kathy and Larry Court '62 joined Kathleen and John Craig hill '62 on the quarterdeck of the USS South Carolina.

'62 Class Agent: John Craighill, 1000 W. Princess Anne Road, Norfolk, VA 23507 Class Correspondent: DickBaer, P.O. Box 426,1706 Bayview Drive, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 On May 28, 1994, John Craighill completed his tour of duty as commanding officer, USS South Carolina (CGN 37), a 12,000-ton nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser, homeported in Norfolk. Tim Bayard and his wife, Mona, went to Norfolk from Wilmington to attend the ceremony and helped John celebrate his three years assigned to the "great ship." John's next assignment is Executive Assistant to the Navy's Director of Space and Electronic Warfare in the Pentagon. He and Kathleen moved this summer from Norfolk to the Washington, D.C. area. Kathy and Larry Court were able to join John and Kathleen while the USS South Carolina was anchored in Annapolis Roads as host and visit ship for U.S. Naval Academy Commissioning Week '94. A final note: John's son, John, Jr. is in the IV Form at St. Andrew's.

'65 30th Reunion

Class Agent: Lee Tawes, 288 West Street, Apt. 7E, New York, NY 10013 Class Correspondent: John Morton, 119 Huse Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403 Come one, come're sure to have a ball—see you at Reunion Weekend.

Thank Ton— I wish to thank all those who have kindly written to me on the occasion of my retirement. It was a very moving experience which I will treasure throughout the coming years, hoping to meet many of you again as time goes by. —Evert, van Buchem 24


Class Agent: Bob Prier, 13220 Fletchertown Road, Bowie, MD 20715 Class Agent/Correspondent: Bill Holder, 45 Goodnow Road, Princeton, MA 01541 All's well with Cathy and Art Vandenberg in Atlanta. They are pleased to announce the birth of Mark Stephen Vandenberg, born December 10, 1993, who joins his brothers Paul and Michael.

'70 25th Reunion

Class Agent: Tom Stephens, 501 Peacock Court, Naperville, IL 60565-4164 Free Press copy editor Allen Chesney was on the winning team with Jo Ann Dalton, his coach, in the Great Grown-Up Spelling Bee in May. The event is a fund-raiser for Chattanooga READ, the city's adult literacy organization. Allen credits his wife, Betsy,

with helping him study the words for the spelling bee. And what was the word that stumped everyone but Allen? Loggia.

'71 Class Agents: Gib Metcalf, 6 College Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 Class Agent/Correspondent: Chuck Shorley, 10126 Silver Point Lane, Ocean City, MD 21842 Mark Rocha was appointed Associate Dean of the School of Humanities at the California State University, Northridge. Next year he'll be lecturing on a Fulbright at Simon Bolivar University in Caracas, Venezuela.

'74 Class Agent: Henry Hauptfuhrer, 313 Gas kill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Ellen and Russ Boyle were very sorry to miss the 20th Reunion. They were at Russ's new firm's, Egon Zehuder International, biannual conference in Switzerland that weekend. Russ sends best wishes to all attendees from the Class of '74!

'75 20th Reunion

Class Agent: Ralph Neel, 11319 Lowell Avenue, Overland Park, KS 66210 Class Agent/Correspondent: Louise Dewar, 21 Vreeland Place, Oceanport,NJ 07757 Jamie Gerrish is enjoying his third year in Tennessee working with Calgon. He ran into his roommate, Bill McMahon, in Phoenix at a Calgon sales meeting (19 years later). Jamie and wife Cathy have two little girls, Alex (3) and Molly (1). In the November/December 1993 issue of Bluegrass Now, Bob Amos was featured on the cover and in an in-depth article as "one of the reasons Front Range is refreshingly original in a traditional world." Much of the material recorded by the band was written by Bob. The article states: "A Front Range performance includes unique blends of vocal work as well as hot instrumentals, all showing the influence of Amos's talents as musician, songwriter and arranger." Bob claims that he "received much of his vocal training in his high school chorus" and singing in his church choir. For interested Front Range fans, they will appear at the following locations: September 2 & 3 - Thomas Point Beach Bluegrass Festival, ME September 4 - Cajun - Bluegrass Music Festival, Escoheg, RI September 15 - Starvey Creek Fall Bluegrass Festival, Conway, MO September 16-18 - Walnut Valley Festival, Winfield, KS September 24 - IB MA Fanfest, Owensboro, KY November 19 - Geschke Fine Arts Center, Sioux Falls, SD


new technology and support of the same and manages about 20 people.

Alumni Children in the 8th and 9th Grades are Invited to an Overnight and Campus Visit

Class Agent: Ashton Richards, Episcopal High School, 1200 North Quaker Lane, Alexandria, VA 22302 Class Agentl Correspondent: Tom Schreppler, P.O. Box 748, Chestertown, MD 21620


HOMECOMING WEEKEND Friday, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 Attend Friday evening dinner with students, spend an overnight in the dorms, go to Saturday morning classes and Homecoming games. Saturday morning, Director of Admission Peter Caldwell will meet with alumni families to explain the application process, testing and financial aid. Please contact the Admission Office between September 12 and 26 if you and your child would like to participate.

Richard Cookerly and son Julian (Flip was tending to real estate business), Rich and Amy Costello and children Peter and Julie, Jenny and Richard Corney and kids Will and Chelsea, and Chesa Profaci '80 and husband Michal Dickinson all gathered at Cindy and Tom Schreppler's home on the Chester River in Chestertown to welcome Ron Wesselink and his new bride Renee during their U.S. honeymoon in July.

'79 Class Agents: Janet and Bill Luke, 2418 Riddle Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19806

'76 Class Agent: Valerie Klinger, 1964 Drexel Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17602 Class Agent!Correspondent: Ralph Hickman, 4896 Sentinel Drive, Brecksville, OH 44141 Award-winning reporter Trisha McGee was promoted to top editor of the Kent County News, Chestertown, Md. She joined the paper in 1985 as a sports reporter and became associate editor in 1991, responsible for the dayto-day management of the news department. Her duties have expanded to include page design as well as occasional editorials. Trisha follows in the tradition of her great-grandfather, L. Bates Russell—founder of The Enterprise, a Chestertown weekly with a long history of its own—grandfather, Emerson R. Russell, who worked with his father on The Enterprise, and great-uncle, Harry S. Russell, longtime editor of the Kent News.

Betsy Beard Stillings and husband John are the proud parents of Logan, born May 1994, who joins brother Evan (2).

'80 15th Reunion

Class Agent: Robin Gage Lilly, P.O. Box 963, Eagle, CO 81631 Class Agentl Correspondent: Rob Colburn, 18 Judson Street, #12B, Edison, NJ 08837 Louise Nomer is still loving Texas and recently bought a house and built a barn "in the country." She enjoys coming home from her job north of Dallas as print production coordinator for the printing division of the company that originated "Barney" and sitting on her porch watching the sunset and her horses grazing in their field. She's hoping to attend the 15th Reunion in June. Ned Orth was a "Gashouse Gorilla" this

'77 Class Agent: Steve Brownlee, 5904 Wilson Lane,Bethesda,MD 20817-3854 Class AgentlCorrespondent: Steve Salter, 3525 Rowland Road, Richmond, VA 23234 Marlene and Paul Michael welcomed daughter, Olivia, into the world in November 1993. After ten years of marriage, Paul says, "Things are definitely different now." When he is not at home experiencing the joys of fatherhood, he travels extensively with his new position as Director of International Sales for RFL Electronics. Recent trips have taken him to Venezuela and Chile. Robin Eisenbrey is working hard at the hospital. She now has another dog—her second. Jeff Wilgis was promoted to manager of Technology Systems with Software 2000. In his new position, Jeff is responsible for all

Nancy Hale Lilly, daughter of Robin Gage Lilly '80, taken when she was 11 months old. 25

summer—that is, he was a member of the St. Francis Hospital men's softball team which was in first place in their first year in the Men's Industrial League in Wilmington with a mid-season record of 13-2. Way to go, Ned!


Class Agents: Nancy Beth Garrett, 104-B Escondido Village, Stanford, CA 943057460; Jill Rogers, 1436 29th Street, San Diego, CA 92102-1710 Class Agent!Correspondent: Boo PercyPeterson, 17 Notch Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092 After graduating from Georgetown's MSFS (Master's of Science in Foreign Service) 2year Master's with an MS, Margy Horan began work in June with Catholic Relief Services (CRS). CRS set up a public liaison office where she will be the "Congressional Fellow." Her work involves tracking legislation of interest to CRS and maintaining contact with Congressional committees and staff members and principals. Margy will continue to live on Capitol Hill, where she has a nice house (a block from Eastern Market and in walking distance from the Capitol). In a one-day trial in Salisbury, Md., Attorney Brian Shockley defended Robert Hearn, an industrial arts teacher accused of child abuse and sexual offenses involving a 12-year-old female student. The teacher was found not guilty.

'84 Class Agent: Mike Whalen, 9 Chappaqua, NY 10514 Louise Nomer '80 with Dude and her dog, enjoying country life.


Class Agent: Eric Ellisen, 111 Downs Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902 John Paradee is working hard in the Central Delaware area on his father's political campaign, as well as his law practice.


Congratulations to Eric Gamble and his bride, Dee Wood Griffin, who were married on April 23, 1994. After a "spectacular wedding" in Charlotte, the happy couple spent a well-deserved week in the Florida Keys and returned to their home in North Sandwich, N.H. Now they are warming to the idea of S.W. Texas as home, because both Dee and Eric accepted teaching positions at Texas Military Institute (TMI) in San Antonio. Beginning what he hopes will be a long career in education, Eric will be head of dormitories,

history teacher and coach. Dee will be teaching 2-3 sections of English and will coach as well. The school has 200 day students and about 50 boarders.

'85 10th Reunion

Class Agents: Anne Gammons, 1034 Bloomfield Street, #2, Hoboken, NJ 07030; Graham Houghton, 1707 Columbia Road, #403, Washington, DC 20009 Class AgentlCorrespondent: Heather Morrow, 135 Underwood Avenue, Greensburg,PA 15601 It will soon be sure you are on Noxontown Pond for Reunion Weekend.


Class Agents: Chase Hill, 408 S. Venice Boulevard, Apt. #3, Venice, CA 90291; Trevor Ortman, 418 Mount Alto Road, Rome, GA 30165-4314; Kibbey Perry, 6111 Boylston, #9, Atlanta, GA 30328 Class Agentl Correspondent: Jill Willock, 2 Anchorage Place, South Portland, ME 04106 Kibbey Perry, Jill Willock, Jud Wolfe and Rob O'Connor recently got together in Atlanta. Kibbey is a producer/TV personality for a cable station in Atlanta. Jill works for Coach Leather Co. in Freeport, Maine, and lives near Bill Trotter who recently moved to Portland, Maine. After working for ABC News in London, Bill is looking for a job in broadcasting. Jud graduated from Emory University and is getting his pilot's license. Rob is a computer executive in Atlanta, hoping to transfer to the Boston area. In Atlanta, Kibbey and Jill also ran into Adam Perry '89, who graduated from UGA and is working in construction management. Congratulations to Vicki Klumb who recently married Stewart O'Neill. Ariana Hannum is a paralegal in Mobile, Ala.

'82 Class Agent: Arraminta Ware, 210 N. Church Street, Sudlersville, MD 21668 Class Agent!Correspondent: Paul Eichler, 866 Monroe Terrace, Dover, DE 19901 John Cochran, his wife and three children are doing well in Chesapeake City, Md. John owns a landscaping company, Bunker Hill Landscaping, and is serving clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic area. Things are just fine with Craig "Woody" Cullen, who is in the Philadelphia area. Lynn and Paul Eichler are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their baby and finding there are many things to do before the big day. John Buda has accepted a promotion within his company (SPS Technologies) to Product Line Manager, which required him to move to Cleveland, Ohio. He has also been inducted into the collegiate business school honor society, Beta Gamma Sigma, as a result of his MBA work.


Eric Gamble '84 and Dee Wood Griffin were joined in holy matrimony on April 23,1994. At the celebration were, L to R: Jay Cogswell '83, Michael Malay '84, Eric Twombly '84, Dee and Eric, and Dave McNaughton '84.

Trevor Ortman finally graduated and is a river guide extraordinaire in North Carolina. Sherry Gamble dominates the insurance market, currently residing in New Mexico. Ross Ellis is in medical school at Columbia. Steve Gratwick and Fran Altvater have joined Len Wayne in San Diego. Manish Agarwal is in Swaziland for the summer on a State Department internship. He is back at Georgetown Law School for his second year. Rupert Bell is working in London for Arthur Andersen. Rumor has it that he's been working with Eric Clapton. Richard "Duke" Snyder is in New York working for Hard Rock Cafe. He and Gill Williams are supposedly roommates. Karen Pupke is in Philadelphia teaching kindergarten. Ken Friedli lives in Virginia and works for a government agency in Washington, D.C. Mark Pathy is working for McDonald's in Canada.

'88 Class Agents: Jen Hunt, 1222 Washington Street, Apt. 2N, Hoboken, NJ 07030; Richard Vaughn, 33 West 84th Street, Apt. 2, New York, NY 10024 Class Agent/Correspondent: Liz Baxter, 117 N. 15th Street, Apt. 702, Philadelphia, PA 19102 Whitney Lockhart writes: "I've been doing more of the same and lots of it—theatre, that is. I was stage manager for a production of Our Country's Good, which was reviewed in Theatre Week, a national theatre publication. I production managed a production of Sophie Treadwell's Machinal. And I doubled backstage and centerstage designing the set for and acting in a prize-winning original work, Between Twins. Those shows kept me busy for most of the winter and early spring. I also host a weekly alternative music show on 87.9 FM (WBAR), New York. I've taken the summer off from New York and am working for the Delaware Theatre Company in Wilmington doing fund-raising. I plan to get together with my SAS roommate, Beth Succop, on days off. She's in the area working for Long wood Gardens. Hopefully, we'll reunite with our third roommate from junior year, Lainie Thomas, when she returns from the Peace Corps this summer."

'90 5th Reunion Class Agent: Sarah Savage, 3 Malvern Avenue, Apt. #1, Richmond, VA 23221 After graduating on May 15, Sarah Savage got a job in accounting in Richmond, moved into a new apartment and started life in the "real world" all within a month. Sarah would enjoy having her classmates keep in touch; her new phone number is (804) 358-2218.


Class Agents: Laura Boynton, JHU Alum.Mem.Residences, Box 2135, Charles & 34th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218; Keri Brenner, Georgetown University, P.O. Box 6320, Washington, DC 20057-6320; Greg Gourdet, 222-05 131 Avenue, Laurelton, NY 11413; Kearney Harrington, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Box 1130, Hartford, CT 06106-3100 Class Correspondents: Frank Craw ley, P.O. Box 2163, Davidson, NC 28036; Abi White, do Stone, 118 Rainbow Avenue, Ft. Benning, GA 31905

Just as her father, Howard, did at his 1961 commencement, Emily Snyder '94 receives the Founder's Medal from A. Felix duPont, Jr., the founder s son.

Meg Musser and Brian Court '92 enjoyed celebrating their mutual birthday (March 30) together at the Green Leafe Tavern in Williamsburg. Ted Horan finished his freshman year at Bates. He liked Bates and played on the squash team. He joined his parents for the summer in Abidjan, West Africa.

Meg Musser '93 and Brian Court '92 got together at the Green Leafe Tavern in Williamsburg.

'89 Class Agents: Paul Leighton, 9069 Loreleigh Way, Fairfax, VA 22031; Barrett Simpson, 1401 West Haven Boulevard, Rocky Mount, NC 27803 Class Agent/Correspondent: Marlies Patzman, Emma Willard School, 285 Pawling Avenue, Troy, NY 12180 Now working in Charleston, S.C., Wade Cooper graduated from The College of Charleston. 27

1994 FALL SPORTS SCHEDULES Athletic Directors: Bob Colburn • Gail LeBlanc


Sat., Oct. 29

W. Christian

Head Coach: Lindsay Brown Asst. Coach: Terrence Gilheaney

Tue., Nov. 1

St. Mark's

Thu., Nov. 3


Sat., Sep. 17 Tue., Sep. 20 Sat., Sep. 24 Fri., Sep. 30 Tue., Oct. 4 Sat., Oct. 15 Sat., Oct. 22 Sat., Oct. 29 Tue., Nov. 1 Sat., Nov. 5 Sat., Nov. 12

Lake Forest In away 1 1 :00 Westtown away 4:00 Archmere W. Christian Middletown In away 3:00 Tower Hill home 4:00 Sanford away 1:00 Tower Hill away 1 1 :30 SAS Invitation home 2:30 Tatnall, WN,WC DISC (Sanford) away 3:30 N5C away TEA States away TEA

GIRLS' CROSS COUNTRY Head Coach: Camilla Denning Sat., Sep. 17 Tue., Sep. 20

Lake Forest In Westtown W.C., Archmere Fri., Sep. 30 Middletown In Tue., Oct. 4 Tower Hill Tue., Oct. 1 1 Ursuline Sat., Oct. 22 Tower Hill Sat., Oct. 29 Middletown Tue., Nov. 1 DISC (Sanford) Sat., Nov. 5 N5C Sat., Nov. 12 States

away 1 1 :00 away 4:00

Head Coach: Mel Brown Asst. Coach: Heather Piombo JV Coach: Gail LeBlanc Bo Manor (s) Middletown(s)

Fri., Sep. 16 Tue., Sep. 20

Caravel Sanford

Sat., Sep. 24


Tue., Sep. 27


Sat., Oct. 1

Tower Hill

Tue., Oct. 4


away 3:45 V home 11:30 V,JV away 3:45 V home 3:45 V,JV home 12:00 V away 3:45 \7 J\7 V,J V home 12:00 V V ,JTV V

away 3:45 V V ,JTV V

Tue., Oct. 11


Thu., Oct. 13 Sat., Oct. 15

Polytech Sanford

Tue., Oct. 18


Sat., Oct. 22

Tower Hill

away 3:45 V,JV away 4:15 V away 1:00 V,JV home 3:45 V,JV away 12:00

Tue., Oct. 25


home 3:45



3rd FIELD HOCKEY 3rd Coach: Shannon Hanover Tue., Sep. 20 Tue., Sep. 27 Sat., Oct. 1 Tue., Oct. 4 Tue., Oct. 1 1 Sat., Oct. 15 Tue., Oct. 18 Sat., Oct. 22 Fri., Oct. 28 Sat., Oct. 29 Fri., Nov. 4

Upland Tatnall Tower Hill Friends Westtown St. Mark's Tatnall Tower Hill Ursuline St. Mark's Upland

away 4:00 away 3:45 home 1 :00 away 3:45 away 3:45 away 1:00 home 3:45 away 12:00 home 3:30 home 12:00 home 4:00

VARSITY FOOTBALL away 3:00 home 4:00 home 3:45 away 1 1 :30 home 2:30 away 3:30 away TEA away TEA


Tue., Sep. 6 Sat., Sep. 10

home 1:00 V,JV home 3:30 V,JV home 3:30 V,JV

Head Coach: John Lyons Asst. Coach: Bob Colburn JV Coach: Dave DeSalvo Sat., Sep. 3 Sat., Sep. 17 Sat., Sep. 24 Sat., Oct. 1 Fri., Oct. 14 Sat., Oct. 22 Sat., Oct. 29 Fri., Nov. 4 Sat., Nov.12

Caravel (scr) Princeton Day George School Archmere ANC Tower Hill Friends W. Nottingham Tatnall

home 10:00 away 2:00 away 2:00 home 2:00 away 3:30 away 2:00 home 2:00 home 3:00 away 2:00

BOYS' V, JV SOCCER Head Coach: Will Speers Asst. Coach: John Austin JV Coach: Brad Bates Tue.,Sep. 6

C. Henlopen (s) away 4:00 y Sat., Sep. 17 Concord home 2:00 V,JV Tue., Sep. 20 Archmere home 3:45 V,JV Sat., Sep. 24 Sanford home 2:00 V only Tue., Sep. 27 Tatnall away 3:45 V,JV Sat., Oct. 1 Westtown home 2:00 V,JV Tue., Oct. 4 Friends home 3:45 V,JV Tue., Oct. 1 1 Tower Hill away 3:45 V,JV Sat., Oct. 15 Sanford away 2:00 V only Tue., Oct. 18 Caravel home 3:45 V only Sat. , Oct. 22 Tower Hill away 1 1 : 30 V,JV

Tue., Oct. 25


Thu., Oct. 27

W. Christian

Sat., Oct. 29

Hill School

Tue., Nov. 1


Fri., Nov. 4


home 3:45 V,JV home 4:00 V,JV home 2:00 V,JV away 3: 15 V V ,JTV V

away 3:30 VT •>TV •> y

GIRLS' SOCCER Head Coach: Darcy Caldwell Asst. Coach: Bobby Rue Fri., Sep. 16 Sat., Sep. 17 Fri., Sep. 23 Sat., Oct. 1 Tue., Oct. 4 Tue., Oct. 1 1 Fri., Oct. 14 Sat., Oct. 15 Tue., Oct. 18 Thu., Oct. 20 Sat., Oct. 22 Tue., Oct. 25 Thu., Oct. 27 Sat., Oct. 29

Havre de Grace Annapolis Chr Severn Wicomico J.M.Bennett Queen Anne Annapolis Chr Havre de Grace Unionville Kennett Sq. Westtown Kennett Sq. Riverdale Bap Westtown

away 4:00 away 2:00 home 4:15 home 12:00 away 4:15 home 4:00 home 4:00 home 1:30 away 4:00 home 4:00 away 1:30 away 3:45 home 4:00 home 12:30

3rd-4th BOYS' SOCCER Head Coach: Fred Carpenter Asst. Coach: Eric Kemer Tue., Sep. 27 Sat., Oct. 1 Tue., Oct. 4 Sat., Oct. 22 Sat., Oct. 29 Tue., Nov. 1

W. Nottingham Westtown Upland Westtown Hill School W. Nottingham

away 4:00 home 2:00 away 3:45 away 3:00 home 2:00 home 3:30

V, JV VOLLEYBALL Head Coach: Lundy Smith Asst. Coach: Kate Sharkey JV Coach: Larry Walker Mon., Sep. 12 Fri., Sep. 16 Sat., Sep. 17 Tue., Sep. 20 Thu., Sep. 22 Tue., Sep. 27 Fri., Sep. 30 Tue., Oct. 4 Tue., Oct. 1 1 Thu., Oct. 13 Sat., Oct. 15 Tue., Oct. 18 Fri. , Oct. 2 1 Tue., Oct. 25 Sat., Oct. 29

Middletown (s) Caravel Westtown Friends Bo Manor Tatnall W. Christian Friends Caravel Tower Hill Sanford Westtown Tatnall Tower Hill Sanford

away 4:00 home 3:45 away 1:00 away 3:45 home 4:00 home 3:45 home 3:45 home 3:45 away 3:45 home 4:00 away 1:30 home 3:45 away 3 :45 away 3:45 home 12:00


FALL TERM All Students Return September 4 Trustee Weekend September 30-October 1 Homecoming October 1 Long Weekend October 6-9 School Testing Day October 15 Parents' Weekend Theatre Production October 29-30 VI Form SATs November 5 Fall Metro Stops November 17 Fall Term Exams November 16-19 Fall Term Ends November 19

WINTER TERM Students Return November 27 VI & V Form College Boards December 3 Service of Lessons & Carols December 11 Christmas Vacation Begins December 17 Students Return January 8 Long Weekend February 2-5 Alumni Phonathons February 6 - 28 Trustee Weekend February 10-11 Theater Production February 17-18 Winter Term Ends March 4

SPRING TERM Students Return March 26 Long Weekend April 27-30 Advanced Placement Exams May 4-20 Trustee Weekend May 5-6 Arts Weekend May 13-14 Dance Weekend May 27-28 Commencement June 1 Final Exams June 5-9 4th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament June 16 Reunion Weekend June 16-18 Annual Fund Year Closes June 30







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