St. Andrew's Magazine, Fall 1995

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A. Felix duPont, Jr. Chairman

St. Andrew's Magazine is published three times a year by the Development Office for the Alumni, Parents and Friends of St. Andrew's School. Copyright 1995.

H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 President

Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer

Katharine duP. Gahagan Secretary

Robert B. Blum, Sr. Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer

Randolph W. Brinton '64

Everett R. McNair '73


Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61


William H. Brownlee '44 Trustee Emeritus

William T. Murray, III '50

John St.C. Craighill '62 Alumni Term Trustee

Jonathan B. O'Brien Headmaster

Charles P. Durkin Parents' Representative

Steven B. Pfeiffer Parents' Representative

Anne M. Gammons '85 Alumni Term Trustee

William M. Pope, Jr. '61

Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz '81 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative G. William Helm, Jr. '59 Alumni Term TrusteeHenry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Michael A. Hill'71 Philip CKeevil Walter J. Laird, Jr. Trustee Emeritus



Caroline duP. Prickett

Chesa Profaci '80

Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus


John D. Showell IV '68 Alumni Corporation President J. Kent Sweezey '70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike

ALUMNI CORPORATION R. Stewart Barroll '72

Robert J. Shank '57

Elizabeth Bleke Clark '81

Charles H. Shorley '71

Robert D. Colburn '80

John D. Showell, IV '68

Paul W. Eichler '82

Hugo Heriz-Smith '85

Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. '67

Walter W. Speakman '38

Eve G. Kadick '75

Charlton M. Theus, Jr. '45

J. Michael Kadick '75

David D. Thombs, M.D. '55

Jacqueline Paradee Mette '83

Arraminta A. Ware '82

Heather A. Morrow '85

Davis A. Washburn '44

Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83

L. Herndon Werth '52

W. Barrett Register '51

Michael J. Whalen '84

Steven A. Salter'77

JoAnn Fairchild



Brad Bates Mel Bride Lindsay Brown Bob Colburn Michael Denning Ann Matthers '86 Rich Matusow Nan Mein Chesa Profaci '80 Bobby Rue Lise Schickel Tom Sturtevant Address correspondence to St. Andrew's Magazine St. Andrew's School 350 Noxontown Road Middletown, DE 19709-1605 Fax: (302) 378-0429 Tel: (302) 378-9511. Third-class postage paid at Middletown, Delaware. Postmaster: Please send address changes to St. Andrew's School 350 Noxontown Road Middletown, DE 19709-1605.

St. Andrew's FALL 1995


Features 7 ArtS Weekend — The entire School comes together one weekend each May for recitals, concerts, exhibits and theater. MARC CHEBAN traces the popular Weekend's evolution, and JoANN FAIRCHILD chats to a few alumni/ae in the arts.

11 Commencement — We celebrate our newest alumni/ae and excerpt a few compelling speeches.

14 Reunion — Reunion is about people—people who have made the discovery that going home to St. Andrew's is not only possible, it is one of the greatest summertime pleasures. Photographer GIBSON ANTHONY shows that St. Andrew's hasn't lost its unique look and charm.

19 Vacationing in Vietnam — JEFF LILLEY '82 travels far from his St. Andrew's roots and offers a haunting and hopeful perspective on Vietnam in 1995.

Departments On the cover: At his 20th

2 Noteworthy

Reunion—Bob Amos 75, his wife Anne 78 and their children, Nathan (4) and Sarah (2), gather for a family portrait. Photograph by Gibson Anthony.




Annual Report

21 Alumni News, Notes & Memories 36 Faculty News



Sixteen alumni/ae returned to SAS for the Headmaster's Council last Spring. Their


greatest concerns seemed to be the bigger picture within the microcosm—from stress to technology to community service. After the weekend, Pieter Kooistra '85 wrote to Jon O'Brien: "What a wonderful opportunity to return to St. Andrew's! I cannot begin to convey how impressed I was. Saturday afternoon, I had the privilege of meeting Chester Baum, and I could not help feeling as I spoke with him that the School today has done Mr. Baum and his colleagues the

Guests Lecture on Education, Ethics, Politics


AMOS HALL RENOVATION According to the site manager, as of July the project was halfway to completion. The steel is in place, plumbing and electric are underway, the brick facade is half finished, and the interior block walls are being built. We hope to hold classes in this beautiful new space by the middle of the fall term.

CHAPEL U PDATE The cork floor of the Chapel is being replaced and ought to be finished shortly after the start of School in September. Other renovations are also underway.

2 St. Andrew's Magazine

FALL 1995

ith the dynamic presence of Maya Angelou, educational consultant PAULA WEHMILLER delivered a powerful speech one evening last Spring. 'There's a voice within me talkin'/' she began, recounting the storytelling that had been passed down through her family and the identity she found for herself through these anecdotes. As a child of African American heritage, she talked about her struggle with prejudice. She described the pain she felt when her guidance counselor told her she was not "college material/' and she spoke of the educational betrayal her culture faced: "Our history was not taught/' she said, "yet our story and strife gave birth to The Civil War." Fortunately for Wehmiller, her grandmother believed "there was no such thing as a child who could not learn." So they shared a house full of stories, sung to music, and "year by year, season by season, we told our stories and brought them into the present tense." It is in the midst of discovering one another's stories that we find our common strength, explained Wehmiller. "Your imagination and your stories, your art and your music, your energy, your shyness, laughter, your willingness, your trust in love—these are your gifts," sang Wehmiller. We are also profoundly changed by one another's gifts, she told the students. "Because you pass through here, the story of St. Andrew's is a new story, a richer story than it's ever been." Wehmiller is a proud graduate of Swarthmore College.


eteran Wall Street Journal correspondent WINSTON WOOD also visited campus last April. Addressing today's political climate—the effect of the press and of Congress—he queried the audience: "Will President Clinton fall into obscurity as Grover Cleveland did or will he rise above Congress like Harry Truman?" After much debate, curious SAS students asked several questions in return: How will the Contract With America affect the environment? Will the Oklahoma City bombing affect Clinton's reelection campaign? What issues will split the Republican Party? PHOTOGRAPHS BY ERIC CROSSAN

honor of living up to the commitment that they poured into it in earlier years. "It was a treat during Friday evening's session to see some old friends, share memories and revisit being a student. Saturday was just as exciting. It was encouraging to hear Bob Stegeman talk about the growing emphasis St. Andrew's places on Sizeresque student exhibitions and on teaching how to think and how to put knowledge to good use. I was also intrigued by Will Speers' and DyAnn Miller's presentation on the School's efforts to equip students and faculty with a broader vocabulary of words, ideas and experiences with which to approach, listen to, and support one another and build for one another an even stronger community. "And I was inspired throughout the day, in visits with friends such as Marc Cheban and Louise Hewlett (and encounters with students, who were all so approachable and generously forthcoming), to hear them report that the School's efforts are working. "I appreciate your frankness about luring us alumni back to campus to recharge our commitment to the School. I am happy to offer my help. St. Andrew's is a treasure. It is important to keep it strong and healthy—not just for those who grow through living and working there right now, but for those of us who need to keep our faith in what schools and communities can be."

Grace An '90, Emily Balentine '90, Laurie Burnett '87, Rick Chubb 79, Ian Edmundson '88, Jason Gardner '87, Heather Hillman '88, Phil Najera '86, Harry Orth '78, Brian Shockley '83, Judi Skelton Spann '80, Adam Waldron '80, Meg Waldron '81, Gail Wright '84 and Pilar Wyman '82 also attended the HM Council.

ALL S T A R E N T H U S I A S T S In an effort to improve fairness, generosity and courtesy in high school baseball in Delaware, the Interstate Baseball Umpires Association instituted a new award this year. The IBUA decided to present a trophy (which the winning school retains for one year) and a plaque (to keep permanently) to the team which demonstrates the best sportsmanship during the season. All umpires voted in May, and on June 10 the IBUA presented this award to Bob Colburn and St. Andrew's School prior to the annual Blue-Gold All-Star Game. WAR AND REMEMBRANCE From sinking ships to ships filled with rum, Findley Burns '35, Frank Hawkins '35, Win Schwab '36, Buzz Speakman '38, Horace Harrison '39 and Morgan MacDonald '43 shared their World War II experiences with more than 40 alums and their spouses during an evening of "living history" in the Library over Reunion weekend. Buzz Speakman '38 gathered the writings of many of our alumni veterans and in June the School published WWII Stories: Experiences and Recollections. This limited edition contains 15 true stories and is available by sending a check for $10 to St. Andrew's, c/o the Alumni Office. SAS



At the Diocesan Convention in May, history teacher Nan Mein was elected to the

The Eagle Has Landed


wo bald eagles have been born in Delaware, and biology teacher Peter McLean was among the first to spot the eagles' nest not far from his Middletown home. The good news—a welcome sight for conservationists—was reported by WPVI - Channel 6 Action News, Philadelphia, on an evening segment in late May. Correspondent Lauren Wilson remarked: "Soaring high in the sky is a rare sight for the state of Delaware or anywhere else for that matter—a bald eagle, not one but two, a male and a female. And, here is an even rarer sight. Their young are perched in the giant nest/' Wilson interviewed McLean and Wildlife Enforcement agent Paul Burns, who climbed 30 feet up an old, dead tree where the family of eagles lived. Burns said: "It is rare for eagles to nest in dead trees, but this leafless home made for a perfect photo opportunity even though the adult birds were not happy about their visitor/7 For the protection of the eagles, McLean and Burns would not say exactly where the nest is located, but it is believed to be one of only eight in the entire state of Delaware. Loss of habitat has reduced the number of eagles. McLean commented/They are remarkable birds—huge and beautiful—and we feel lucky to be around them/' Burns was able to put identification bands on the birds, estimated to be about

standing committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware, where she joins Kip McDaniel (mother of Carey '90 and Stites '94), the Rev. William Lane (father of Elliott '95), and the Rev. Thomas Jensen (father of Emily '96). Henry Herndon '48 was elected a Trustee of the Diocese, and Carl N. Kunz III '85 was elected to the Committee on Constitution and Canons. Mrs. Juanita Wilson, mother of Joshua '95,

six weeks old at the time. The ID bands will allow researchers to track the baby eagles. Photos of these majestic birds also appeared in the Wilmington News Journal that same week.


Tennis Courts Dedicated

was elected to the Diocesan Council, where she will serve with SAS faculty members Walter Liefeld '54 and David DeSalvo. The Rev. Louise Hewlett, Associate Chaplain of St. Andrew's, was reappointed a member of the Commission on Ministry. Retired Chaplain The Rev. Canon Simon Mein, Nan's husband, is the Bishop's Examining Chaplain.


Jon O'Brien, trustee Allen Morgan '61, and Hick Rowland '58, President of the Board of Trustees.

Blackburn Hughes, Jr. was a teacher, coach, mentor and gentleman and that's what it says on the plaque dedicating the courts to this 18-year veteran tennis coach whose overall record, 109-58, included several state championships. The St. Andrew's tennis courts were resurfaced and dedicated thanks to the generous initiative of trustee Allen Morgan '61, who with Blackie's coaching was #1 in the state his Vlth Form year. In celebration of the occasion, Morgan served to first seed Ashton Curtis '95 who quickly returned the ball. But Morgan nailed it back, then shook his opponent's hand and smiled just as Black—or any Southern gentleman—would have done. St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 3

Lise Schickel's Marine Biology class: Jennifer Joseph '95, Dan Wolf '96, Emily Jensen '96, Kelly Schimmel '95 and Kristin Douglas '96 aboard the ferry to Oxford, MD, in May. "Students observed how biologists set up experiments to assess marine ecology," says Schickel. To supplement their own projects, "they also learned about the effects of certain bacteria on striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay, about fish kills, pond pH as a function of nitrogenfixing bacteria, blue crabs and pond

STUDENTS PLAY BALL AT VETERANS STADIUM Andrew Sykes '95 was selected by the Delaware Baseball Coaches Association to represent the Delaware South team in the 10th Annual Carpenter Cup Tournament. Sixteen teams from Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania play in this single elimination tournament at Veterans Stadium, home of the Philadelphia Phillies. Bill Brakeley '86, played on the first Delaware team which won the Tournament in its first year! Although losing in the first round, Sykes was one for two, stole a base, and scored a run in the 17-5 loss to Chester County. Matt Eakin '96 is the first player to represent St. Andrew's in the prestigious Carpenter Cup Skills Day workout, held annually at Veterans Stadium. Seventytwo players, representing each of the teams in the Carpenter Cup Tournament, displayed their throwing, running, fielding and hitting skills in a rigorous workout before more than 200 college coaches from all over the country and scouts from all 28 professional franchises. The Carpenter Cup Board of Directors, of which athletic director Bob Colburn is a member, follows up on these college contacts and helps over 50 high school players a year gain admission into college.

4 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

"America's Toughest Poet"


n his gravelly South Bronx accent, Robert Pack leaned into the microphone and presented 13 poems during a one-hour reading in May. The next morning, this acclaimed poet and professor of English at Middlebury College conducted a three-hour workshop with a senior poetry writing class. 'This has to be one of the nicest places I've ever visited," Pack said. "Every kid who passed me in the hall looked me in the eye and had something nice to say." Our students were equally impressed with Pack, who was meticulously prepared to discuss their poems; he had written exhaustive comments on each of them the night before. Pack even offered Stephanie Bruder '95 a tightened version of her poem; she listened carefully, but then articulated the place where Pack's revision belied her intention. He nodded with a new understanding of the poet's purpose. Pack insisted that students move beyond the merely personal in their poems. Poems, he said, can reflect deeply personal feelings or thoughts, but they must not be so self-absorbed that they dismiss their audience. Pack then espoused an old-fashioned notion: Students should memorize poetry, for all poetry is born from a tradition and it is each student's responsibility to know that tradition. By that time in the session, Pack had already quoted from memory Wordsworth, Milton, Frost and Shakespeare. Point taken. Robert Pack's visit was paid for by the Amanda Leyon Fund, which brings a professional writer to St. Andrew's once each year. The Fund was established last fall by Peter and Carol Leyon and friends of the family in honor of Amanda (Class of '95), who died in a car accident in July 1994. — B. RUE

Nick Paul '95 with poet Robert Pack. After claiming for himself, with an almoststraight face, the title of "America's Toughest Poet," Robert Pack began to read from South Bronx, 1939: No matter which back route I took on my way home from P.S. 48, the third house on Manida Street, a band of Catholic boys was waiting there to beat me up... First one would swing at me, and then a bigger one; they couldn't make me cry, and some unspoken rule we shared demanded they would have to stop if I could hold out long enough. The speaker of the poem fights back against the bullies and succeeds, temporarily, in backing them off: ... they backed away, and walking home, I stopped to buy a candy bar. It was the most delicious taste I'd tasted in my life: "Nobody, HA, will dare to fight me now." The next day they were there again. He is beaten up again, but at the end of the poem, the speaker seems to relish his ephemeral victory: [It has been] fifty years since being beaten in the Bronx, and now I see my baffled face in everyone's—and everyone is circling me and eating candy bars. And now the sign that said Manida Street I rename Mars, the blood red star, and I can hear the howling rings of Jupiter, and I am laughing HA, and HA again, and HA, and HA, and HA!


Cardinals Secure State & Conference Awards


Ace players Ashton Curtis '95 and Eric Calder '96.

he GIRLS TENNIS team celebrated a banner season. Winning the Conference title for the tenth straight year was not satisfying enough for this year's squad. Led by captains Bevin Sell '95 and Nicki Hill '95, the team was determined to better last year's second place finish in the State Tournament. Entering the Delaware High School Girls Tennis Tournament with a twelve and one record, St. Andrew's needed a perfect effort to overtake Ursuline Academy for the team title. No chance, right? But SAS won both its doubles matches and Ursuline dropped all three of its championship matches as the Cardinals stunned the Raiders 1817 to walk away with the state title. "Everything just fell into place for us/' coach Rick Matusow said. "We came into this thinking that if we played our best and got a few breaks, we might have a shot. Fortunately for us, everything went exactly the way it had to go." In the must-win situation for the team, Bevin Sell and Kate Sidebottom '96 improved their perfect season record by defeating the top doubles team from Ursuline in straight sets. This victory gave Sell and Sidebottom the championship title at number one doubles and put St. Andrew's within one point of Ursuline in the overall standings. The fate of the season rested on the result at number two doubles. In a thrilling three set match against top seeded Newark High School, Megan Doherty '96 and Nicki Hill rose to the occasion and triumphed under pressure. Playing relentless tennis, Doherty and Hill secured the State Championship trophy for St. Andrew's. This provided a fitting end to a spectacular season. While next year's team will miss Sell's and Hill's leadership and humor, top three singles players Allison Thomas '96, Pringle Claypoole '98 and Kathryn Bohanan '97 (in that order) will join Doherty, Sidebottom and alternate Liz Lafitte '97 for another exciting season.

The BOYS TENNIS team also secured first place in the Independence Conference (its 10th Conference Championship or tie for Championship in the last 12 years) and finished the season with an overall record of 12-4! First singles, Ashton Curtis '95; 2nd singles, Eric Calder '96; 3rd singles, Emmett Lynskey '98; 1st doubles, Tim Laramy '96 & Court Heinle '96; 2nd doubles, Rox Veghte '97 and Anush Parikh '95. At the season's start, the BASEBALL team was picked by The News Journalto finish fourth in the Independent Conference, and nobody but the players and coaches thought it capable of finishing higher. The Cardinals began the season with wins over Westtown, Wilmington Christian and Friends. But Tower Hill lived up to its pre-season ratings by handing St. Andrew's its first Conference loss, a 16-4 drubbing. So the team came from behind in the last inning, defeating Friends for a second time and downing Tatnall and Sanford yet again. This set up a showdown with first-place Tower Hill who lost to Sanford. Over Arts Weekend, the 6-1 Hillers visited the 5-1 Cardinals. Fred Pinch '95 pitched an outstanding game. The defense played flawlessly and paced by the key hitting of Andrew Sykes '95, Matt Eakin '96, Reg Hargrove '96, Phil Pinch '97 & Richie Everts '96, the Cardinals earned at least a tie for the championship with a remarkable 5-2 victory. "SAS was not able to win against Tatnall, but we were pleased to end the season with a 6-2 league record and co-championship with a very good Tower Hill team," summed up coach Colburn.

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 5

GIRLS LACROSSE BOYS LACROSSE Boys lacrosse had a tough season despite some excellent individual performances from several key players. Although their record was only 5-10, they were ranked #9 in the state at the end of the season. Playing the toughest schedule in the state, they lost a total of seven close games to the top four ranked teams in Delaware. On Maryland's Eastern Shore, the team played well against the undefeated Kent County High School and the superb Easton High. Team captains, Paul Bramble '95 and Dan Sheats '95, were voted to the AllConference and All-State Teams for the second consecutive year and played in the Senior All-Star game after the State Tournament. Sheats was the recipient of the Coaches' Award for his sportsmanship, leadership and athleticism. Bramble earned the team's Most Valuable Player Award for his exemplary defensive play and his intensity on the field. Other strong players were: Charlie Gaeta '95, a fouryear contributor who scored the memorable, last-second, game-tying goal against Sanford; Andy Slater '96, a junior midfielder who won every face off in the last two games and who lead the team in scoring and in goals; Andrew Reynolds '95, a four-year player who scored the tying goal with only nine seconds left against #3 ranked Caesar Rodney. "Although we have several young players with strong potential, we are going to miss the seven starting seniors next year," coach Tom Sturtevant said. "But with a commitment to training and the development of stick skills," he added, "our younger players should carry on the St. Andrew's lacrosse tradition with success."

SPRING 1995 AWARDS Independent Conference GIRLS TENNIS - 10th straight year BOYS TENNIS - 10th time in last 12 yrs BASEBALL - co-champions with Tower Hill Delaware State Champions: GIRLS' TENNIS

6 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Crew News


he 1995 GIRLS CREW traveled from the sheltered confines of Noxontown Pond to the breathtaking Hudson River in Poughkeepsie, to the polluted Posaic River in Kearny, NJ, and to the hallowed Schuylkill River in Philadelphia in search of speed and worthy competition. The season goal was composure and the varsity eight, led by senior co-captain Kirstin Hill (winner of the Brownlee Crew Prize, a.k.a. the "oar"), set the tone with come-from-behind victories in regular season races against West Springfield, Holy Spirit, Kearny, Atlantic City, Washington and Lee, and Walt Whitman. Their strategy was to conserve energy for the first 500 meters, take a powerful move at the halfway mark (750 meters) using a strong leg drive, and use their momentum to blow through crews as they passed Alumni Point. The highlight of the year for the varsity, rowing in a beautiful Dirigo shell donated by the Class of 1963, proved to be their record-breaking performance against Walt Whitman on May 4th. The Class of '63, stroked by senior Craig Weaver, posted a time of 4:58, breaking the previous record, 5:02, set in 1984. Led by Kelly Schimmel (winner of the coaches' award) and rowing in the Betsy Beard, the varsity four combined power and finesse to earn a top ten performance out of 36 varsity crews at the prestigious Stotesbury Regatta in Philadelphia. The junior eight (an event with an age limit of 17 V^)/ stroked by junior Susannah Higgins (winner of the most-improved rower award), turned heads at the major regattas by beating crews that they had lost to by boat lengths just weeks earlier. The girls freshmen eight sent ripples of excitement through the program when it finished 5th at the Scholastic Championship Regatta in New Jersey. Brad Bates, Lise Schickel and Molly Higgins ('93 Stotesbury Champion Coxswain) said the girls are already referring to next year's season as Mission '96!


ecause all 18 athletes had comparable skills, it was difficult to select a first boat in BOYS CREW, but a group eventually emerged: IV Formers Ben Kennedy, Payne Miller and Tom Stephens; V Formers Andrew Chang, Will Porter and Dan Wolf; and VI Formers Wilson Everhart, Conor Hanover and Elliot Lane. This proud, "scrappy" crew—smaller than most of our competition—managed to set the course record at SAS, 4:16.9 for the 1500 meters. Season highpoint: Winning the Mid-Hudson Regatta. Wilson Everhart won the Warwick Crew Prize and took home the SAS oar for his excellent leadership and contribution to the program. The second eight, undefeated in the regular season, won a bronze medal at the Stotesbury Regatta, and the junior and freshman eight both made it to the semifinals at Stotesbury.

This year the team expanded its schedule, traveling to Annapolis, Philadelphia and Easton to play some fierce competition. "The girls performed very well against these new foes and no doubt this higher level of play will make SAS a stronger and more widely known lacrosse program," coach Mel (Brown) Bride said. The team played a tough game (12-11) against Shipley. Liz Dwyer '95 and Mary Nicklin '96 scored 8 of our 11 goals; Liz tied the game at 11 with 2:19 remaining and then scored again with 40 seconds left, but her goal was called back due to an illegal stick. Then Shipley edged in a final goal with just 12 seconds to play. Tiffany Thompson '96 made 15 saves for SAS. Another highlight was an 8-6 win over Wilmington Friends School—the first time in nine years that the Cardinals have beaten the Quakers. Dwyer again led in scoring with four goals and one assist. The Cardinals ended the regular season with a close, emotional game against #1 Tower Hill. All the seniors played with guts and pride, proving to themselves and to Tower Hill that they are not far behind the most competitive team in Delaware. Victoria Pfeiffer '95 made two goals and two assists, and Liz Dwyer and Ulla Rickert '95 each nailed a goal. Cocaptain Kate Fisher '95 and Cristina Stenbeck '95 added pressure to the offense. On the defense, co-captain Cindy Coggeshall '95 picked up four ground balls and made one interception, and Jocelyn Torio '95 and Talley Wettlaufer '95 each picked up a ground ball and made an interception. Thompson made 15 great saves in the goal while center Nicklin had three goals for five shots, proving to be a strong threat. Five Cardinals gained All-Conference recognition: Dwyer and Nicklin on the First Team; Pfeiffer, Torio and Coggeshall on the Second. Most Improved Player: first-year JV goalie Brooke Digges '97. Co-MVP's: Pfeiffer, Torio. Co-Coaches' Awards went to Dwyer and Coggeshall for their years of intense play, effective leadership and deep commitment to the girls athletic program.


he reasons for 'pursuing artistic expression range from simple curiosity to complex dedication. Drawing might provide a release from the structures of boarding school life while photography might inform the individual about the fragility of our existence. A member of the concert choir might learn the importance of discipline, while a member of the jazz band might revel in the throws of improvisation. An actor after weeks of rehearsal and endless memorization, may find the lines flowing naturally, while a painter may execute a composition with only four strokes of the brush. Throwing a pot on the wheel may fill the ceramicist with a visceral charge while singing a solo may lift the heart beyond our earthly chains. Art is more complex than any one response might provide. — PETER BROOKE

Concert choir: Jon Moore '96, Megan Wright '97, Simon Saddleton '97 (back row), Desi Bliss '95, Erin Burnam '95 & Jon Dunn '95 (front). PHOTO BY GIBSON ANTHONY

11 of us in the Arts Department agree that what we do is not really about singing, or playing, or painting, or acting, or developing or any other outward activity of the Department. What we do is about communicating: One Mind to another and one Heart to another. The skill, proficiency, and discipline required in all of our areas of endeavor are necessary to bring each of us and each of our students to one point: That sublime moment when we launch our hearts into flight and take our guests along for that glorious ride. Although each of us within the Department has our own deadlines and "command performances'7 during the course of a year, we all have one in common: Arts Day! Ever since 1971 we have put our collective best feet forward one

Artists on previous page— clockwise from top: Arts' Dept. Chair Peter Brooke with best pal, potter Lee Leal; Mackenzie Pitcairn '95; Wanda Kraikit '95; Andrew Pipes '95; Shelley Haley '95; Jessica Reid '96, Reg Hargrove '96 & Kate Sidebottom '96. PHOTO BY ERIC CROSSAN

8 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

beautiful day each Spring to showcase the creative energies and talents of our students. The Arts Day of today (actually spread out over two days now) is a

Mary Nicklin '96 & Shawn Kim '96 on clarinets.

smoothly organized and


slickly run festival designed to present to members of the community and our many guests the finest examples of talent in all media. Be not beguiled, however, it was not always this way. The first Arts Day back in May of 1971 was a oneday extravaganza starting off with a Chapel service and then featuring performances, readings, films, slides, a one-act play, and short dance performances on the lawn—many of which occurred simultaneously all over the campus. Larry Walker was here on that day and knows what a hectic day that was. When I arrived at School in 1974, exhibits were shown in the Garth, Auditorium, and Science Building all during the day. Imagine being underground for all that time!


The concert band performs for a standingroom-only crowd. That's J.R. Parsons '96 on (and relected in) the tuba, PHOTO BY GIBSON ANTHONY More of the concert choir: Page Rockwell, '97, Dave Baroody '95, Katy Wafle '97 and J.R. Parsons '96. PHOTO BY GIBSON ANTHONY

Just a few years later we progressed in daring and expertise: We mounted Guys & Dolls in the Spring of 1978 (the only musical we have done three times). However, after that weekend it seemed that we had moved beyond a manageable scope of Arts Day. Something had to give. Many students were involved in a number of performances and the musical and were just plain overworked. (Not to mention that guests don't enjoy anything if they are herded around like cattle among numerous activities packed into a busy day.) So, the following year we moved the musical to the Winter Term. There were concerns that all the actors and actresses would get the flu or other dreaded winter maladies, but we forged ahead. (We still do the Musical in February and haven't—as far as I know— lost anyone to the flu!) We were still concerned, though, that so much was being done underground. So in 1980 we moved the Choral Concerts over to the Auxiliary Gym (now the weight room). People could move around and enjoy the beauty of campus. Little by little we moved the Student Recital and Concert Band performances over to that area also (the Jazz Band moved up into the Garth). Once the Cameron Room was created it provided an excellent locale for many of the concerts, and still does. As the Concert Choir (begun in 1975-76) gained confidence and reputation it started performing its own concert on Arts Day. This made things a little more hectic, so we decided in

1985 to begin the festival on Saturday with the Student Recital. That first year it was held before the Saturday evening drama performance; after that it took its now-permanent place on Saturday afternoon at 5:00. This—a momentous move—eased the Sunday schedule considerably. The final step in the Department's constant drive to arrive at the very best format for this festival came in 1991. The Choir, whose rehearsal time had dwindled over the years, no longer had the time to put together a full concert of its own. We decided to shift the Choir's emphasis to the Chapel service on Sunday morning. And we felt that too many families were going away for dinner on the Saturday evening, so beefed up the dinner that night (not literally since the main course is usually chicken) by creating a sumptuous buffet on the front lawn and moving the Jazz Band performance to that time. Voila! An underthe-sky jazz club! (This change in particular has proven tremendously successful). That left Chapel, the Concert Band Concert and the Concert Choir Concert for the Sunday morning. Oddly enough, lunch still

Above: Jazz band saxophonists (L to R) James Pipes '95, Geoff Carson '97, Jonathan Newcomb '95 & Josh Wilson '95 PHOTO BY LEE LEAL and Music Director Larry Walker. PHOTO BY ERIC CROSSAN

Right: Jonathan Dunn '95 on violin, accompanied by Marc Cheban, Conductor of the School's concert choir, on piano. PHOTO BY LEE LEAL

occurs around 1:00, but now the festival ends there. Guests who have a long drive home can get an early start after a good meal. Throughout all this evolution one aspect of the Spring Arts Festival remains: Artists, singers, instrumentalists, actors, actresses, potters, photographers, and writers polish up their creative shoes and put their best feet forward. Usually over 60% of the student body is involved in some creative endeavor over this weekend. What a celebration this is!

As soon as we return from Spring Break, Arts Weekend is the primary focus of all our efforts. And as we move closer to the date, much fine tuning takes place before any note is played or any photo mounted. This is in itself another creative process involving students and faculty. For all the performers a crucial ingredient emerges: How to make sure that everyone "peaks" at the performance. Hours and hours of repetition and practice need to be orga-

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 9

nized carefully so that the magic moment when everything gels actually arrives at the performance, not before or after. Here is where the skill and experience of department members cannot be replaced. The psychology of performance is a mystical one which combines thorough preparation and immersion with the adrenaline surge provided by nerves. Too little of the first will be exacerbated by the second; too much of the first might not trigger enough of the second. We come now to the real secret of Arts7 Weekend—the audience. Without them there is no festival. How much inspiration might there be to write words which no one will read, to put oil to canvas when no one will look, to capture on film when no one will ponder. The moment of performance is not dynamic but static without hearts to absorb the sounds or the drama. So join us for the next Arts Weekend on May 11-12,1996.

Ann Matthers'86, Theater Program Director.

10 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Melissa Cull '96, Ed Jones '95, Mandy Fischer '95 & Mark Bourne '98 star in Agatha Christie's Appointment With Death. PHOTO BY ERIC CROSSAN

ARTFUL ALUMNI On a side trip to NEW YORK CITY over the 4th of July weekend, JoAnn Fairchild met briefly with a few alums working in the arts... THE CORNER OF 48TH & BROADWAY. I enter a gourmet coffee shop, snaking around the comings and goings of the waiters, to meet independent film producer/production manager John Rath '83. I'm living a dream," he says with a grin, "I always wanted to work in film—and shooting in the City—anything can happen." His recent endeavor, The Incredible True Story of Two Women in Love, is a sparkling, coming-of-age comedy that's playing at Carnegie Hall. (I saw it. Thumbs up!) The movie generated good reviews at the Sundance Film Festival, and the New York Post raved. Later this month [July] he'll start working as production manager (making sure the film's budget stays on track) on The Substance of Fire, starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Timothy Hutton. Rath says he would love to work on a film with Plummy Tucker '83. (She's an assistant film editor for John Sayles.) And he intends to produce a script, My Perfect Journey, written by his brother Mike. PIER 72 DINER ON WEST END AVE. Actor/singer Skip Hinnant '58 peers kindly at me from above his menu. All kinds of plates, pots and pans clang in the kitchen. Breakfast arrives, we attack our food, and in spite of the chaos in the kitchen, the food is great. Without a hint of hesitation, Hinnant looks me full in the face and describes the five stages of an actor's life: 'Who is Skip Hinnant? Get me Skip Hinnant. Get me a young Skip Hinnant. Get me a Skip Hinnant type. Who is Skip Hinnant?" I laugh, he flashes a bright smile, and I feel like I've known Hinnant all my life. The former star of TV's Electric Company


(Fargo North—the message detective, among other Vaudeville characters) doesn't see much of co-stars Morgan Freeman or Rita Moreno these days, but he's still laughing, singing in musicals here and there, playing an occasional character role in soaps, and doing voice-overs in cartoons and commercials. Hinnant has served as an officer on the board of the Screen Actors Guild for 15 years. "I love the acting business because of the people—they're the most sensitive, creative, intelligent people in the world," he says. Somehow our conversation strays offsubject. We bounce from best-restaurant picks to his children to his old buddy at Yale, Sam Waterston, before Hinnant dashes off for a 10 a.m. casting call. THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART. Talking to Kirk Varnedoe '63, the MOM As director of painting and sculpture. A huge Lichtenstein—a sultry woman in a cobalt blue bathing suitoccupies one wall of his office. Vamedoe "borrowed" it for the summer. "It's exhilarating—a privilege—to sit in this office and work with the MOMA's collection," he says in a cultured, slightly husky voice. "I never tire of looking at certain pieces, such as Cezanne's Bather, Van Gogh's Starry Night or one of his self-portraits." What's Varnedoe up to? This summer he's writing 1) an article on the history of the collecting policies of the Museum, from its founding through the mid-'50s, 2) an essay on Picasso's self-portraits, 3) an essay on the Jasper Johns exhibit which will open at the MOM A in October 1996. We didn't have much of an art department when Varnedoe was at School, but he admits with a chuckle that four years of Latin with Voorhees provided a good base for research in art history. •

THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE: 10-time Tony Award winner Ed Strong '66 is producing a broadway revival of The King and I. Bonnie Hillman '84 is auditioning for numerous commercials & films in Australia. REUNION WEEKEND 1995. Paul Keeley '85 jets between Los Angeles and Miami, starring in Cabaret as Cliff. Commercial successes include: appearing in TV ads for American Express, Miller Light Beer and Oldsmobile. ON THE PHONE WITH SOUNDTRACK DESIGNER Mike

Whalen '84. The whole of his voice vibrates with life-force, and I have trouble keeping pace: I'm working on a series for the Discovery channel called Understanding the Universe, I'm doing another series for A&E called Guardians of the Sea (about the coastguard); just wrote a new theme for Nature on PBS; just finished a 2-hour special about leopards for National Geographic (due this fall on Turner Network) called Beauty and the Beast. In September I'll write the soundtrack for a new 8-hour series on PBS called M—The Invisible Universe (M stands for the microscopic universe all around us)." Whalen's list goes on (and on!) and the prolific composer concludes: "Music and score add layers to a film, the story is being told not just with acting and the script." Whalen scores commercials, too, and he recently finished projects for Panasonic ('96 Olympics), Calvin Klein (Eternity), Chevy Trucks, Jello, one for UN1CEF that features actress Meg Ryan, and he did a National Radio campaign for Saks 5th Avenue with singer/actress Stockard Channing. P.S. Stay tuned to future issues of the SAS Magazinelo find out what Whalen and other "alumni/ae in the arts" will be up to next. Hint: That means if you are working in the arts, we want the scuttlebut!

COMMENCEMENT Seventy-one seniors graduated at St. Andrew's sixty-second Commencement exercises held on June 1,1995. In spite of the sweltering heat and humidity, senior co-prefects Heather Kordish and Brian Palacios joined guest speaker Madeleine L'Engle to deliver heartfelt, compelling speeches. The night before graduation, the School recognized those individuals who distinguished themselves in academics, athletics, the arts, and in areas of citizenship, leadership and community service. St. Andrew's School is justifiably proud of all its students.


ADELEINE L'ENGLE—lay theologian, educator, author of A Wrinkle in Time and The Moon by Night—advised the Class of 1995: " . . . We have to allow ourselves and each other to be human. To make mistakes. To fail. It fascinates and frees me that the human being is the only creature allowed to fail. In the animal world, failure is death. If an ant makes a mistake, the ant is a goner. But we humans can learn from our mistakes. I don't know about you, but I learn from what I do wrong, not what from what I do right... "Perhaps the most important thing my generation learned, and which we can pass on to you, is a willingness to change, to let old ideas go, and move on into new ones. There has been more change in this century than in all the rest of history put together . . . You can direct some of the changes that lie ahead in creative ways . . . Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't be afraid to laugh at them. Not only are we the only creature allowed to make mistakes, we are also the only creature with the ability to laugh at ourselves and with each other . . . "

Victoria Pfeiffer,

Ryan Doherty & Victoria Achenbach celebrate graduation.


EATHER KORDISH remarked: ". . . It is a healthy aspiration to long to fit in and quite natural to cling to a collective identity . . . but there comes a time when one must seek out his or her individuality . . . It happens differently for everybody—some begin to feel awkward amidst their companions and break away Some find a new group of friends who are all going through the same experience at the same time . . . Who am I? What is important to me? What do I believe in? Thoughts that were rarely or never contemplated before become the central focus of your life. The beginning of my junior year I began to work in the greenhouse for hours at a time. I took at least one, if not two, naps daily. I became anti-social. If someone asked me, I could not have told them what was wrong. The mind is an amazing thing; it was seeking a cure, an answer, while I was still contemplating the question.

Heather Kordish and Brian Palacios

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 11

1995 A W A R D S The Fine Arts Award Jonathan Amos Dunn Edward Augustus Jones The Henry Prize Elizabeth Harriss Dwyer Wilson Christian Everhart III Daniel William Sheats The King Prize Kirstin Nilsson Hill The Founders Medal Kirstin Nilsson Hill The William H. Cameron Award Bevin Lashley Sell The St. Andrew's Cross Jennifer Carroll Joseph The Ceramics Prize Desiree Ena Bliss Katherine Boone Sidebottom The Band Prize Jonathan League Newcomb The Choir Prize David John Baroody Bevin Lashley Sell


The Harrison Prize for Mathematics Kirstin Nilsson Hill The Fleming Prize for French E. Bruce McEvoy, IV Ulla Margaret Rickert The Hargrove Prize for Spanish Bevin Lashley Sell The Webb Prize for History Frederick John Heinle III Kirstin Nilsson Hill E. Bruce McEvoy IV The Voorhees Prize for Classical Languages Mary Winston Nicklin The Scott Prize for Science Sai Hemanth Chavala The Amos Prize for Life Sciences Heather Ann Kordish The Pell Prize for Religious Studies Amanda Morgan Fischer E. Bruce McEvoy IV The Leyon Prize for Creative Writing Amanda Morgan Fischer

The Art Prize Christopher Anton Reiger

The Williams College Book Award Allison Page Thomas

The Drama Prize - Acting Erin Elizabeth Burnam Edward Augustus Jones

The Malcolm Ford Award Alexandra Louise Cox

The Drama Prize - Technical Virginia Camp Hamner Donald Matthew Surles The Photography Prize Virginia Camp Hamner Douglas Safford Parker Allison Page Thomas The Baum Prize for English Stephanie Susan Bruder Heather Ann Kordish

The J. Thompson Brown Award Luther J. McElroy, II Doris Diana Short The Francis L. Spalding Award Elizabeth Harrison Laffitte Caleb Prescott The Cresson Prize Charles Anthony Gaeta Christopher John Orban Kelly Dawn Schimmel Talley Dickinson Wettlaufer

"Four of my class members and I formed a women's group with the help of a truly amazing teacher, Mrs. Mein. We would meet every Monday night and discuss how society tries to mold both males and females . . . We learned about confidence and self-esteem that radiates from the inside out—attributes that need not be fueled by popular approval. These meetings proved a valuable step in the search for who I was. I formed attachments to other faculty as well... Mr. DeSalvo, Ms. Hewlett, Mrs. Caldwell, Ms. Matouk .. . They, and other teachers like them, taught me to respect myself and others, to always aspire for more, and to take my victories and failures to a higher level... "


n his address to students, BRIAN PALACIOS recalled: "This past Arts Weekend, I was sitting in the Main Common Room contemplating how near this day was and what I would do with my life after it. The father of one of my classmates greeted me and sat down. We sat in silence a few moments and then, as if he was reading my mind, Mr. Surles began . . . to impart his words of wisdom. He told me I must be dedicated to what I do in life. He told me to 12 Si. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

do my best everyday, or else I will not be satisfied with myself. I could sense from his somewhat regretful tone that he had let a day or two go by where he may not have done his best... He began reciting three simple rules he had adopted from Lou Holtz, the head football coach of Notre Dame, which he said he lived by: 1) Do what's right; 2) Do the best you can, 3) Treat others as you'd like to be treated. "As the conversation ended he told me, The world needs people who can make things happen/ These words left a profound impression upon me, especially in the impressionable state I was in. I suddenly felt myself ready to submerse myself in life, ready to be dedicated to making my own impression upon the world . . .


t Chapel that morning, CAMILLA DENNING—faculty advisor to the VI Form—considered the finish line: "Many of us set goals that take much time and effort to realize. For a number of years, I thought that I would like to run a marathon before my 25th birthday. Somewhere in my 28th year I accepted that this wasn't going to happen. A year and a half later the notion crept into my head again, and I found myself thinking,well, maybe before I turn 30 I'll give it a shot. I was quickly running out of time. Then, on April 30,1 crossed the finish line of the Big Sur Marathon. I was incredulous, triumphant, proud and terribly sore . . . "Welcome to the finish line . . . today is only the culmination of having made the choice to try, and doing what was necessary to make it happen. It is each one of you, individually, who read the books, calculated the answers, rehearsed and composed. No one but you sang the notes, pulled the oar, cleared the paths, cracked the bat, or cared for your friends . . . Important people in your life were there to help sustain the commitment; but your achievement is personal, your accomplishments unique, and the responsibility for success or failure is yours . .. Invest in your next goal, be it four hours away or four years, empowered by the knowledge that you can go the distance


RAD BATES, faculty co-advisor to the VI Form, shared his own observations at Chapel: " . . . the Class of 1995 is wonderfully inconsistent. These individuals have never done anything at this School just because it has been done before and it worked. Everything has been done with a sense of purpose, a sense of examination and always with a touch of creativity. Jen Joseph didn't just put community service down on her college applications—she spent hours volunteering her time . .. Wilson Everhart and Dan Sheats are not natural athletes—they practice hard and are not afraid to learn. Craig Weaver consistently pushes herself to become a better rower . . . Wanda Kraikit and Stef Bruder refuse to conform to conventional art techniques, and their work reveals their creative excitement. Ed Jones plays his characters unpredictably on stage, bringing energy and innovation to every performance. Erin Burnam's beautiful voice sounds new and fresh every time we hear i t . . . These individuals and the rest of the class are never foolishly consistent. I and others believe that this is a great class . . . Twenty years from now we will still hear Kirstin and Alice

laughing, Noelle and Missy singing . . . the spirit of Amanda will be stronger than ever .. . Twenty years from now, they will be anything but foolishly consistent.. . "


s he was reading the underform prizes at Awards Night, Assistant Headmaster for Student Life WILL SPEERS recalled: "... What has characterized these seniors is their willingness to experience everything fully, whether it was all the mud they trudged through at Echo Hill, or those wild IV Form "growing pains/7 or their traditionending Hallow-Weekend bash, or titanic contests with Tower Hill and Tatnall, or their English exhibitions and mock courts, or their care for others in community service and the dormitories. They met these challenges with vigor, sometimes with too much energy, but always with honesty, conviction, zest... and when the difficult times came too often this past year, they helped us to mourn, battle loss, confront pain, and somehow stumble onward. This class has not been afraid to get angry or mad, to leap in ecstacy, to consecrate friendships across many ages. Like Milkman at the end of Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, they know 'what Shalimar knew: If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it/ Such is their legacy to us all/7


n his Awards Night speech, Arts Department Chair PETER BROOKE remarked: " . . . Over Arts Weekend, I was struck by the artistic diversity of the current senior class. Many will be surprised to note that 67 percent of this class chose to be actively involved in the arts . . . Laurens van der Post observed among the Bushmen of the Kalahari that music and art are matters of survival—of life and death to us all. The arts are both guardians and makers of this chain; they make young and immediate what is first and oldest in our spirits. Or as Diane Ackerman writes: 'Because life is stressful, we look for artists to feel for us, to suffer and rejoice, to describe the heights of their passionate response to life, so that we can enjoy them from a safe distance and get to know better what the full range of human experience really is. We ask artists to fill our lives with a cavalcade of insights, the way life was for us when we were children and everything was new/ "The beauty of working with high school students is that they are experiencing many things for the first time. Their artistic responses, though at times clumsy, are invariably fresh and when motivated can often find insights that are miraculous. Thank you, seniors, for giving us your miraculous insights/'

C L A S S o f 1995 C O L L E G E Victoria Achenbach, Rockland, DE Caroline Barbee, Raleigh, NC David Baroody, Augusta, GA Desiree Bliss, San Diego, CA Paul Bramble, Chestertoivn, MD Gabriel Brooks, Frederick, MD Stephanie Bruder, Chevy Chase, MD Erin Burnam, Elkton, MD Frank Castaneda, New York, NY Sai Chavala, Maryville, MO Cynthia Coggeshall, Bethesda, MD Jack Comstock, Glen Spey, NY Ashton Curtis, Palm Beach, FL Jason Diefenthaler, Naple, FL Ryan Doherty, Colorado Springs, CO Jonathan Dunn, Wilmington, DE Elizabeth Dwyer, Calif on, NJ Wilson Everhart, III, Camp Hill, PA Amanda Fischer, Milford, DE Katherine Fisher, Chestertown, MD Charles Gaeta, New Bern, NC Shelley Haley, Falmouth, VA Conor Hanover, Monmouth Beach, NJ Jeffrey Harris, Millwood, VA Frederick Heinle, Lancaster, PA Mark Henderson, Rumson, NJ Kirstin Hill, Shrewsbury, MA Nicki Hill, Nashville, TN Camellia Ibrahim, Fallston, MD Edward Jones, San Francisco, CA Jennifer Joseph, Houston, TX Heather Kordish, Greenville, NC Wanda Kraikit, Florence, SC William Lane, Wilmington, DE Anne Lauten, Saudi Arabia Bruce McEvoy, IV, Greenville, DE

Bucknell University Wake Forest University Middlebury College Wellesley College Gettysburg College Carnegie-Mellon Conservatory Univ. of California, Berkeley University of Maryland Connecticut College Univ. of Missouri, Kansas City Colgate University Colby College Wesleyan University Florida State University University of Richmond Colby College Tufts University Colby College Oberlin College Univ. of Southern California Gettysburg College Tulane University Clark University Rhodes College Colgate University Denison College Harvard University Georgetown University McGill University University of Rochester Princeton University Lehigh University Stanford University Georgetown University Univ. of Colorado, Boulder Princeton University


Andrea Mulholland, Middletown, DE Jonathan Newcomb, Fairfield, CT Christopher Orban, Easton, MD Brian Palacios, Woodstown, NJ Alice Palmer, Greensboro, NC Anush Parikh, Dover, DE Nicholas Paul, New York, NY Oliver Petzold, Easton, MD Victoria Pfeiffer, Alexandria, VA Jennifer Pilson, Washington, DC Frederick Pinch, Union, NJ Andrew Pipes, Piscataway, NJ James Pipes, Piscataway, NJ Mackenzie Pitcairn, Iowa City, I A Joshua Pray, Charleston, WV Christopher Reiger, Locustville, VA Andrew Reynolds, Wilmington, DE Noelle Richards, New York, NY Ulla Rickert, New York, NY Kelly Schimmel, Middletown, DE Bevin Sell, Salisbury, MD Daniel Sheats, Middletown, DE Lanore Smith, Brooklyn, NY Mina Soroosh, La Jolla, CA Cristina Stenbeck, Glen Head, NY Suzanne Strange, Chestertown, MD Christoph Stutts, Washington, DC Matthew Surles, Smyrna, DE Andrew Sykes, New York, NY Erin Tarasi, Pittsburgh, PA Joshua Tayloe, New Bern, NC Jocelyn Torio, Greensburg, PA Jane Weaver, Nashville, TN Talley Wettlaufer, Buffalo, NY Joshua Wilson, Smyrna, DE

University of Delaware University of Richmond Amherst College Tufts University Bates College New York University Davidson College Connecticut College Wesleyan University University of Virginia College of Wooster Middlebury College New York University Carnegie-Mellon University Fork Union Military Academy College of William and Mary Bates College University of Rochester Princeton University University of Delaware Amherst College Gettysburg College Smith College Scripps College Lund University Skidmore College Bates College University of Delaware University of Richmond University of Puget Sound Rhodes College Hamilton College Princeton University Cornell University University of Richmond

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995


eunion 1995


o one knows St. Andrew's better than its alumni/ae, and few schools in the country share such a lovely waterfront as ours. Alums from California to Canada journeyed by air, along highways, byways and backroads to return to their glorious alma mater in June. In 19 black and white photographs, GIBSON ANTHONY highlights the weekend and captures the people who brought it to life. "One of the nicest things is to be able to come back any year, Reunion or not, and be welcomed as we were." — Morgan MacDonald '43

14 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Out of respect for two classmates no longer with them — Ernie Greppin and Kurt VonUrff-the Class of 1985 rowed with two empty seats.

Over 270 alums, friends and family joined us for dinner on Saturday night, and more than 250 towels were soaked by weekend's end.

Remember sipping lemonade on the front lawn, and the cool breeze blowing off "My wife and I had a good time. The Sunday Memorial Service was special—a very good sermon by Louise Hewlett." — Brian Fisher '60 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 15

^member red-checkered table cloths, citronella candles, pitchers of cold beer and breaking open hot steamed crabs ... Alums consumed 14 bushels of Maryland hard crabs at the Friday night feast.

"The 50th Reunion Bios book is something to be treasured . . . The band was exceptional on Friday night... almost as good as lunch on Sataurday—a full meal of delicious chicken, ribs and good brownies with icing . . . It was good to listen to Buzz Speakman, Frank Hawkins, Horace Harrison and the others tell their war stories on Saturday night." — Peggy & Bill Hearn '45 Powell Hutton '55 exclaimed: "Magnificent formatsimple, engaging, family-oriented, fun." "Informal—nice comfort level for talking to people you haven't seen in a while." — Adam Waldron '80 Liza Wallace '90 said: "What a pleasure the entire weekend has been."

16 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Largest class gift: $20,805 from the Class of 1945. Largest class in attendance: 24 registered alums from the Class of 1985.

... downs and karaoke, and dancing the night away while the fireflies flickered outside the boathouse.

The toe-tappin' Morgan Valley Road Band played on Friday night, featuring our own Terry Wild '65 on hot cornet and vocals. His band is a blend of ragtime, swing, folk, gospel and jazz all wrapped in downhome dixieland charm.

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 17

then there was golf.

48 alums, parents, friends & faculty teed off at Wild Quail to make the 4th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament a huge success. The Tournament raised over $6,000 for the Scholarship Fund!

CLOCKWISE: Longest drive (from home) Mark & Leticia Hickman Green '80; youngest golfers Mdy Worth'92, John Court'92 &Ty Jones '92; best dressed Sherry Teuscher & Judy Way; best individual low gross Henry Hillenmeyer '61 & son Taylor; best champ team Fred Starr '57, Mike Huber, Horace Harrison '39 & Jon Starr 77; best scramble team Ernie Cruikshank GOLF PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHESA PROFACI '80

18 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

'62, Larry Court '62 & John Craighill '62 (Rick Williams '62 not pictured).


Annual Report of Gifts



1994-1995 Report of Gifts he ABual Fund has become an immensely important component of St. Andrew's School's anniM income. This year's total gifts to the Fund were nearly half a million dollars and underwrote almost 7% of the operating budget. Without these gifts our tuition would have been higher and our financial aid less. We would be a very different school than the one we are. Thank you for realizing the importance of the St. Andrew's mission and for your financial support. I assure you that your gift was well spent and an important investment in the future.

^ — Jon O'Brien, Headmaster , _—^

When I came on board the Alumni Corporation Board in 1969, annual giving was around $4,000—total. This almost covered the cost of the Alumni Memorial Scholar exchange student each year. This fiscal year, the total Annual Fund fell just $6,000 short of half a million dollars. Alumni/ae gave 44% of that total amount and 44% of the alumni/ae body gave—with 262 gifts from alums who did not make a gift last year. That's the really bright spot! We must now work to get over the half a million mark and to 50% participation. It can be done and it is toward these goals that we who love St. Andrew's must continue to strive. Thanks to all who made this year's Annual Fund such a success. — Buzz Speakman '38, Annual Fund Captain

Previous page: Heather Morrow '85, Anne Gammons '85andGatiie Jones '45 — "Fishers of Men" for highest Annual Fund participation: Class of '85 - 42%; Class of '45 85%. The Class of '45 also won the Giving Bowl for most money raised by a Reunion Class: $20,805.

We have made a sincere attempt to record accurately in this report all gifts to the School during the 199495 fiscal year. If you find an error, please notify us so that we may correct our records.

Parents of current St. Andrew's students have done it again. We set new records for both participation and total donations! The level of families giving to the Parents' Fund jumped from 82% last year to an impressive 92.5% this year. Donations totaled over $140,000. Final gifts from VI Form parents totaled an incredible 96% level of participation. My thanks to all the Parent Volunteers for their time and effort in helping us achieve these significant levels of support. And a very special thank you to each and every parent who made a contribution this year. Your strong commitment to St. Andrew's is most appreciated. — Maureen K. Harrington, Parents' Fund Chair

As parents of SAS graduates, we are all proud of our children and the fine adults they have become or are becoming. St. Andrew's played a part in that development. This year an increasing number of parents of alumni/ae recognized this important reason to continue to support the School. Thank you for helping other deserving children have the same wonderful St. Andrew's experience that our children had. — Ed Hammond, Jr. '60, Parents of Alumni/ae Chair

As a relatively young and modest school, St. Andrew's counts on each member of its extended family—alumni/ae, present and past parents, trustees and friends—to help the School continue to provide excellent education to excellent students. Thank you to all who participated this year by making a gift to SAS. Your involvement is very important, and we are grateful to you. — Chesa Profaci '80, Director of Development & Alumni/ae Affairs

*• —

2 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995

Without the;se gifts our tuition v/ould have been highier and our financ:Lai aid less. jJon O'Brien ANNUAL FUND Unrestricted Restricted

$ 429,158 $ 65.247


$ 494,405

CAPITAL For current use Restricted for endowment

$ 2,049,358 $ 102,565


$ 2,151,923


$ 2,646,328

PERCENTAGE of DONORS by CONSTITUENCY Trustees Present parent families Alumni Parents of alumni

97% 82% 44% 20%

SCHOOL OPERATING BUDGET Year ended June 30, 1995 (Unaudited) REVENUE Fund Year 1994-95

Percentage of Budget

Tuition Unrestricted Annual Giving Endowment used Other (e.g. summer camps, fees, etc.)

$ 4,802,400 429,158

63.9% 5.7%

1,932,582 351,080

25.7% 4.7%


$ 7,515,220


Fund Year 1994-95

Percentage of Budget

Instruction Financial Aid Administrative & General Operation of Physical Plant Employee Benefits & Insurance Auxilliary Services (e.g. food service, laundry, etc.) Other (e.g. transportation, equipment acquisitions, etc.)

$ 1,550,464 1,342,300 1,190,638 1,404,874 828,941

20.6% 17.9% 15.8% 18.7% 11.0%






$ 7,515,220



ANNUAL FUND -SUMMARYo/ GIFTS Alumni Present parent famili(>s Parents of alumni Trustees Grandparents, facultyi & friends TOTAL (minus duplica te listings)

No. of Donors 1,018 226 221 31 219 1,715

Gift Amount $215,955 * 107,389 ** 66,421 85,548 19,092 *** $ 494,405

* $257,249 when including A lumni Trustees. ** $140,357 when including .Alumni and Trustee parents, *** Total includes gifts from f iculty, grandparents, foundations and memorial donations.

St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995 3

Annual Fund Leadership Giving The donors listed below have demonstrated their generous support for the 1994-95 St. Andrew's School Annual Fund at the following giving levels:

FOUNDERS' LIST $5,000 & Above

GRIFFIN SOCIETY $1,000 to $2,499

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clement S. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. William C. Hewlett '45 Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 The Parker Foundation— Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul William M. Pope, Jr. '61 Mrs. Augustine Janeway Rhodes H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 Mr. & Mrs. C. Hamilton Sloan Charles B. Straut '43 Mr. & Mrs. John H. Willock

Andrew J. Adams, Jr. '59 T. Roberts AppelII'52 Richard M. Appleby, Jr. '47 Kate Rentschler Ausbrook '80 George J. Baxter '54 Carl B. Bear '60 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bramble George E. Brown, Jr. '37 * William H. Brownlee '44 James M. Bullock '62 Luther R. Campbell, Jr. '46 Cato D. Carpenter '71 Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chapin Russell W. Chesney '59 Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Close Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock John D. Creadick '52 Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Mrs. Lawrence Dana David H. Davis '70 Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. DeLee Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. '41 Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Robert B. Evans '49 Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Frantz Mr. Raymond P. Genereaux Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Mr. & Mrs. James L. Granum Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Charles E. '61 & Nancy R. M. Hance David B. Harms '72 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington G. William Helm, Jr. '59 Letitia P. Hickman Green '80 Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenboom I. Harding Hughes, Jr. '41 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keeley III Jennifer M. Kern '83 Douglas H. Kiesewetter, Jr. '71 Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Laird, Jr. Arthur Laws '45 David Lindsay '51 Samuel R. Marshall '73 John M. Maull '72 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. McAlpin

HEADMASTER'S CIRCLE $2,500 to $4,999 Stephen L. Billhardt '83 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Blum, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Benton P. Bohannon Randolph W Brinton '64 John S. Cook '45 William A. Crump, Jr. '44 John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. '74 Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Paul W. Fitzpatrick '43 Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan Horace W. Harrison '39 R. Anderson Haynes '65 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Gaston V. Jones, Jr. '45 Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Kratovil William T. Murray III '50 Beauveau B. Nalle '45 * William B.Paul, Jr.'64 Timothy W. Peters '66 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mrs. Caroline duP. Prickett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Riley David E. Scherer '51 Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Thomas C. '70 & Diana Stephens O. Lee Tawes III '65 Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Thomas Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Vincent Frank E. Williams, Jr. '39 Mr. Colin M. Wright

William W. McDowell, Jr. '47 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III Arthur M. Miller '70 Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Charles D. Murphy, Jr. '38 Peter B. Nalle '41 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Paden, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell Philip B. Persinger '70 Walter D. Phillips '59 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pipes Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Reese Mr. Peter R. Rentschler Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Reynolds Ms. Sarah Rockwell James R. Rooney II '45 Barry M. Sabloff '64 Thomas R. Saunders '42 Richard R. Schulze '53 Mr. & Mrs, Harry S. Short JohnD.ShowellIV'68 Amb. & Mrs. Thomas L. Siebert Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Dwight D. Sipprelle '76 Frederick B. Starr '51 Ms. Jane L. Stegeman Edward M. Strong '66 J. Kent Sweezey '70 Edward F. Swenson, Jr. '36 Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sykes, Jr. Charlton M. Theus, Jr. '45 David H. Walker '65 Newell R. Washburn '57 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III Mr. & Mrs. Grant D. Whipple Mrs. Penelope P. Wike Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III THE SAINTS CLUB $500 to $999 Mr. & Mrs. L. John Achenbach II Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Alexander III Mr. & Mrs. John R. Allen, Jr. Mrs. Sally Allen Robert S. Appleby '50 Alfred D. Barbour '75 William C. Bean '72 Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III John M. Bloxom IV '75 Mrs. Jean B. Blythe f Deceased

4 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995

James R. Boyd '64 Richard E. Broome '48 Gay Kenney Browne '78 Mr. & Mrs. George E Bruder John A. Buda '82 Rushton T Capers '63 Dr. & Mrs. Larry V. Carson Keely M. Clifford '79 Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Coggeshall Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Cohan Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Cordeiro Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Cox Noel C. Dalton '43 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Doherty Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Dormer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. O. Wayne Eakin EricA.Ellisen'81 William B. Evans '36 Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Everhart, Jr. Robert J. Falciani '79 William H. Farrow III '65 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta J. McHenry Gillet '46 John D. Gray '48 Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Norris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 Franklin Hawkins '35 Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. Mrs. Sherry L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Antony J. Hill Michael A. Hffl'71 Theodore L. Hill, Jr. '52 Edwin A. Hoey '48 Thomas H. Hooper III '71 William H. B. Howard '52 John D. Hukill '50 Eppa '66 & Mary Hunton Mr. & Mrs. James T. Jenkins Thomas M. Jervey '45 J. Michael '75 & Eve G. Kadick '75 Patterson Keller '49 F. Ross King, Jr. '58 Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kidd The Hon. Kathleen Day Koch Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lauten III Phillips Lounsbery '43 * William D. Luke, Jr. '53 Mr. & Mrs. G. Emmett Lynskey Timothy C. Mann '47

Drs. Martin & Sandra McCann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy A. Dodge McFall, Jr. '76 James M. McSherry '49 Charles F. Miller III '58 Bradford A. Mills'72 Harry L. Murray III '60 Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Henry S. Pool '60 Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke John L. Ray '42 Roger D. Redden '50 Christopher P. Reeve '68 Mr. & Mrs. Randolph P. Reynolds, Jr. Henry M. Richards '73 Mr. & Mrs. James A. Risher William D. Rogers '44 Robert F. Schelling '45 Mr. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Robert J. Shank '57 David M. Shields '59 Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Sidebottom Charles A. Silliman '36 Mr. & Mrs. D. Van Smith George P. Smith '66 Richard S. Smith, Jr. '48 Howard M. Ill '61 & Mimi Snyder Walter W. Speakman '38 Erling D. Speer '58 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. Henry P. Sullivan '43 Dr. & Mrs. John C. Tayloe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thompson Thomas M. Tucker '44 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin N. Wafle G. Carter Werth '52 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilcox Jonathan S. Wilford, Jr. '41 Amb. & Mrs. Curtin Winsor, Jr. Victor H. Zelov '42 NOXONTOWN FELLOWS $250 to $499 James F. Adams '48 E. Jouett Armstrong '44 James A. Bacon '45 Richard P. Baer III '62 & Priscilla E. Small Henry S. Baker, Jr. '44 Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Barbee Charles M. Barclay '54 Mrs. Barbara E. Barnes William B. Barnett '54 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody Amy L. Barto '86 Loring W. Batten III '36 Edwin John Bernet, Jr. '72 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Peyton G. Bowman III

Coleman P. Brown II '59 Peter M. Brown '40 William R. Brownfield '70 David C. Bryan '51 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carrow Jeffrey M. Chase '78 William B. Churchman III '41 James W. Clements '82 Brad Cobb '81 Robert D. Colburn '80 William H. Corddry '38 William R. Cory '38 Lawrance M. Court '62 Robert R. Craighill '59 Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Crawley John W. Cullen IV '81 Mr. & Mrs. George E. Da vies Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo Peter M. Delo, Jr. '61 Stephen B. Duke '56 Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Peter S. Dunning '55 G. Mitchell Edmondson '73 Matthew J.Ellis, Jr.'52 LTC & Mrs. A. R. Ellisen, USAF(R) C. Douglas Evans '76 Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Evans John D. Fairchild '50 Brian D. Fisher '60 Robert F. Fogelman II '91 Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Grant William H. Grubb '59 John S. Halsted '51 Mr. & Mrs. D. Ross Hamilton Andrew C. Hamlin '71 Joseph L., Jr. '67 & Nancy Hargrove Hugo M. Heriz-Smith '85 William Frantz, Jr. '69 & Patricia Herr David D. Hindle '58 Volker Hoffman '66 William C. Holder '68 John M. Hopkins '48 R. Stockton B. Hopkins '41 Hume A. Horan '51 James M. Hudson, Jr. '77 Carolyn Matthews Humphreys '77 David S. Humphries '48 Clarence H. Keller '50 Mr. & Mrs. Dong Soo Kim John C. Kinahan, Jr. '43 Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Laffitte Peter D. Laird '61 Julien H. LeCompte '52 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Lehman Ian H. Lothian '61 * Douglas G. Lovell, Jr. '45 Peter R. Lyman '44 Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory Tamara Z. Maull '77 Drs. Victor & Gail Mazzocco Everett R. McNair '73

Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. '53 David D. Mills '72 Christopher L. Milner '68 John C. Mincks '74 George B. Mitchell '55 Frederick C. Moor '39 Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray Jesse Nalle '39 Mr. & Mrs. William E. Oakley Robert H. Orr '34 C.HarryOrth,Jr.'78 Dr. Mario E. Palacios Robert S. Palmer '77 Mrs. Anne R. Parrish Thomas J. Patton '51 Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 Jeff A. Petty'74 William Pfeifer III '63 Powell Pierpoint '40 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Phillips Benjamin N. Powell '59 Franchesa M. Profaci '80 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Purrington Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada Andrew W. Reynolds '68 Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. '51 Jonathan F. Rodgers '75 Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Saddleton Stephen K. Sawyier '68 John J. Schreppler II '74 William M. Shettle II '58 Edwin L. Sibert, Jr. '38 William C. Sibert '40 Henry B. '67 & Judiann Smith Jonathan C. Smith '65 Jonathan F. Starr '77 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Stephens William C. Strong '70 Mr. James F. Stutts Mr. Hoover Sutton R. Marshall Thompson '68 Richard H. Thompson '50 Constantine N. Tonian '49 Dr. & Mrs. Reynaldo M. Torio Francis J. Townsend, Jr. '34 Donald M. Tucker '41 Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Richard J. Vach '74 Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr. '48 W. Moorhead Vermilye II '58 G. Stephen Voorhees II '53 John E. Wason '39 Jane C. Weaver '95 L. Herndon Werth '52 Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitmer James J. B. Wigglesworth '58 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Willey, Jr. Jill Willock '87 Susan Willock '89 William S. Wood II '57 Dr. & Mrs. Kin K. Wun

CARDINAL CLUB $100 to $249 Dr. & Mrs. Elias Adamopoulos John M. Alden '43 Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine Conrad C. M. Arensberg '61 Thomas V. Ashton '39 Bulent I. Atalay'58 Eugene C. Bailey '58 Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Baker, Jr. C. Stephen Baldwin '55 Stephen M. Baldwin '74 Frank J. Ball'37 Mrs. M. G. Barger Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker William H. Barney III '70 R. Stewart Barroll '72 Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bass Yong-Son Woo Basta '83 William D. Bathurst '50 B. Norris Battin '54 John R. Beardall III '74 Barry A. Benepe '46 Daniel P. Bennett '81 Sarah C. Hukill Berninger '78 Robert W. Berray, Jr. '71 * Michael D. Berrigan '79 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Blake Timothy J. Bloomfield '57 Jay H. Blum '84 Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne Robert T. Boyd III '44 John H. Boyden, Jr. '40 Stuart J. Bracken '50 Sargent Bradlee, Jr. '48 George A. Brakeley III '57 Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. Clay Bridgewater '53 Henry A. Briele, Jr. '62 Sidney B. Brinckerhoff '52 Dr. Galan F. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. F. Abbott Brown, Jr. J. Dixon Brown '71 Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown Gordon E. Brownlee '75 Suzanne Seger Bruggman '79 John C. Buck '68 George B. Buckner, II '39 James B. Bullitt III '52 Eric N. Burkett '63 John P. Burkett, Jr. '58 Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Burnam Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette Bentley H. Burnham '83 Findley Burns, Jr. '35 Theodore Burton III '42 Theodore Burton IV '66 Coleman E. Bye, Jr. '49 Gardner A. Cadwalader '66 Peter D. Caloger, Jr. '69 David P. Campbell '54 Harry B. Cannon, Jr. '52

f Deceased

Si. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995 5

Hugh N. Cannon '53 Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Carrell Wynne S. Carvill '67 Frederic F. Case '57 Stephen J. Chamberlin '47 Mr. & Mrs. Ming-Tai Chang Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Chavala Mrs. Janet H. Cherrix Ann Sawyer Chilton '85 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cho Morton H. Clark '50 R. Berle Clay '56 Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Claypoole III William H. Clayton '57 John M. Cogswell '57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Colburn Dr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Coleman Frederick W. Coleman '65 W. Justin Comstock '66 Barton C. Conchar '64 Richard J. Corbin '51 Mr. G. T. Coulson Capt. John S., USN '62 & Kathleen Craighill Francis W. Crawley, Jr. '93 Jeffrey R. Daut '83 Murdoch Davis '50 William F. Davis, Jr. '44 Alfred K. Day III '64 Katherine Kunz Delaplane '81 Rev. & Mrs. John D. Dennis Laurent C. Deschamps '60 Joan J. Dickerson '76 Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Diefenthaler Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Dixon II Pauline T. Dolan '85 Thomas Donaldson, Jr. '40 Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Dorn Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W Egan, Jr. Paul W. Eichler '82 Robb W. Ellis '89 Stephen S. Evans '49 Mrs. Sheila Faulkner Charles S. Felver '35 F. Weston Fenhagen '41 Troy B. Fergen '66 Mr. & Mrs. Excell O. Ferrell John B. Fiedler '51 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fisher William H. Fitler, Jr. '72 Jerry A. Fogle '67 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Forney Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Freeman George M. Furnival '43 Anne M. Gammons '85 Dr. & Mrs. Hilliard E. Gardner Ms. Ann Candace Garner James K. Gerrish '75 Steven B. Gewirz '85 Mr. & Mrs. Morton Gibbons-Neff III James A. R. Gibson '42 J. Lyles Glenn IV '74

Terrell L. Glenn, Jr. '76 Harold B. Gordy, Jr. '63 Richard J. Green, Jr. '80 Mrs. Rachel E. Grier Clayton H. Griffin '43 John H. Gullett '62 Mr. & Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion Armistead L. Guthery '51 David R. Guthrie '51 The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley J. Ogden Hamilton '63 John Hanahan, Jr. '41 David A. Hanby '79 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Handy, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Hanna, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove Robert V. Harned '52 Douglas N. Harrington '75 David T. Harris '38 Hunter B. Harris, Jr. '59 J. Dick Harris'65 Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. '58 John Harrison III '47 Garrett J. Hart '78 W. Howard Hart '53 Mr. Wolfgang Hartenstein David M. Hatton '74 Mr. Henry Hauptfuhrer III Henry Hauptfuhrer IV '74 Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. '59 Donald D. Haynsworth '46 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Hazelton William S. Hearn '45 Charles H. Heckscher, Jr. '63 Thomas H. Heist III '55 Mr. Luis Hernandez & Ms. Maritza Villegas J. Potter Herndon '65 John A. Herrmann, Jr. '77 Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy F. Joseph Hickman '74 Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins Dr. & Mrs. Gavin Hildick-Smith John Andrew Hill '89 Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hill Dawn A. Hillman '86 F. Lawton Hindle '49 Joseph H. Hinnant '58 Mrs. J. Horner, Jr. Eric C. Howard '74 Dr. Arline Howdon Allan F. C. Hubbard '61 Kent S. Hughes '63 Charles V. Hulick, Jr. '58 Jennifer G. Hurtt '88 Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hurtt, Jr. C. Powell Hutton '55 Clelland P. Hutton '65 Paul C. Hutton III '54 Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes William S. Ingram III '78 Mr. & Mrs. John G. Jackson Peter G. Jacoby '77

Anthony J. Jeffcott '57 Mary V. Laughlin Jensen '82 F. Tyler Johnson '76 William H. Johnson '52 Mr. & Mrs. Cheng Kang Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley Peter Kelley '52 Katherine S. Keltner '93 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy J. Shackelford Kenney '54 Mr. & Mrs. H. Nelson Keyser III Gregory M. King '89 Michael P. Kirchberger '63 Charles C. Knight '58 Richard H. Knotts '60 Pieter B. Kooistra '85 Drs. Claude & Elizabeth Koprowski F. Matthew Kramer '74 John F. Kramer, Jr. '57 Mrs. Jane L. Kratovil William P. C. Ku '74 Michael K. Kuehlwein '76 Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. Howe Lagarde, Jr. '55 J. Packard Laird '37 Rev. & Mrs. William B. Lane Margaret M. Lawton '79 Mrs. Teresa M. Leighton Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheimer George B. Lewis '41 Edward K. Libby '45 Peter C. Liefeld '83 Walter L. Liefeld '54 Jeffrey B. Lilley '82 Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. G. Arno Loessner Walker A. Long'67 Mr. Pinckney V. Love Chandler Luke '81 Daniel R. Luke '52 William D., Ill '79 & Janet B. Luke '79 Daniel W. MacDonald '47 Morgan B. MacDonald '43 William D. MacDonald '45 * Hugh H. MacPherson '57 George G. Macintire '55 Dr. Theodore R. Malloch Joseph E. Mamo, Jr. '47 Charles S. Marshall '57 Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. McBride C. Brent McCaghren '63 Theodore C. McCarthy '88 Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. McCarty William M. McClements '81 C. Fenner McConnell '52 Henry L. McCorkle '41 David T. McCune '53 Matthew J. McDermott, Jr. '51 Mrs. Sheila McElroy Andrew C. McFall, Jr. '42 Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Mr. & Mrs. David McNaughton Purnal L. McWhorter III '49 f Deceased

6 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995

Rodger C. Melling '62 Tracy K. Memmi '80 D. Charles Merriwether '48 Charles F. R. Mifflin '36 Edgar R. Miller, Jr.'47 Dr. & Mrs. Atin K. Mitra Ian B/85 & Lydia Jarrett Montgomery'82 William C Mott, Jr. '78 Mr. Phillip M. Mowbray Charles D. Murphy III '62 Col. & Mrs. Harry L. Murray, Jr.,USA(R) Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Nash Jerome D. Niles, Jr. '34 Allan T. Norris '39 Robert M. Nuckols '55 William M. Nuckols '57 Stephen E. Ockenden '64 Christian '81 & Elizabeth Yatco Olsen '81 David A. Olson '70 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Olson Thomas B. O'Rourke '56 Thomas W. Osborn, Jr. '51 Harrison H. Owen '53 Mrs. Sandra J. Owens Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer John W. Paradee '81 Henry G. Parker III '44 David A. Pavlik '77 Douglas M. Pell '58 Stephen F. Penn '53 Thomas D. Perrie '58 James M. Perry '46 Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Peters M. Alex Philippi, Jr. '54 Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. C. Cotes worth Pinckney Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr. '72 RADM Frank L. Pinney, Jr.,USN(R) Jackson H. Pope '64 Peter A. Presby '73 Stephen E. Price '49 Christian B. Profaci '82 Karl H. Pupke '83 Jehu D. Quillin III '56 Mr. & Mrs. Claudio J. Ramos Brian P. Randall, Jr.-'69 Donald S. Ratledge, Jr. '81 Mr. & Mrs. Pearce M. Rayner Alexis Foster Reed '77 John G. Reeve '66 W. Barrett Register '51 Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger Ashton W. Richards '78 John L. M. Roberts '62 Mary A. Roberts '84 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts, Jr. Heyward G. Robinson '76 Mr. John Rockwell Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers, Jr. Daniel W. Rogerson '77 Susan Guernsey Rohrer '81 Kari L. Rolph '92 Dr. & Mrs. Prudencio G. Rosas Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane

Gerald G. Rue '73 Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Rumsey Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba Steven A. Salter '77 Mr. W. Bruce Sanders Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider John R. Schoonover '63 Elmer B. Scott, Jr. '35 John M. Seabrook, Jr. '76 Joseph L. Seller III '70 G. Leonard Shea '51 Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Cathy B. Shields '78 Charles H. Shorley '71 Alan C. Sibert '70 William L. Sibert II '42 William L. Sibley '88 Mr. & Mrs. George L. Simpson Scott M. Sipprelle '81 Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Slater Carl B. Smith, Jr. '85 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Smith Mr. Mark C. Smith Mrs. Victoria S. Smith Richard A. Snyder '75 Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh Richard E. Spies '64 William B. Spire '89 Vincent W. Spoltore '80 Mr. & Mrs. Derek W. L. Spry Richard W. Spry '85 Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Stinson Frank R. Stoner III '46 John T. Stoner '49 Susan E. Stoops '88 J. David Strong '75 Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Surles Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Talley Prentice Talmage, Jr. '44 Mr. Rocco F. Tarasi Col. & Mrs. Harry Tear, Jr., USA(R) The Rt. Rev. C. Cabell Tennis Mr. & Mrs. Wyllys Terry David D. Thombs '55 Dr. & Mrs. J. Anderson Thomson John J. Tolson IV '67 John M. Topham, Jr. '38 Ms. Julieta Torres Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Traina

Daniel Trimper IV '51 Augustus S. Trippe II '37 Mr. & Mrs. James K. Trumbauer Eric B. Twombly '84 Martha Richards Valciukas '80 Arthur Vandenberg '68 Kenneth W. VanDyke '46 Gregory E. van der Vink '74 Holland van Valkenburgh '59 Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga J. Kirk T. Varnedoe '63 Richard B. Vaughan '88 George B. Vest, Jr. '49 George G. Vest IV '48 * Werner R. Voigt, Jr. '55 Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Waldron Adam A. '80 & Margaret W. Waldron '81 J. Christopher Walsh '75 Mrs. Anna R. Ware Arraminta A. Ware '82 Norman C. Ware '75 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weber Mrs. Jane Wells Robertson H. Wendt, Jr. '74 Laura E. Westcott '78 Mr. C. Penn Wettlaufer John S. Whelen '36

Robert B. Whelihan '54 Mrs. Jane F. White Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Whitmoyer Robert Whyte '41 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Williams Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Wilson Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Rex P. Winters '55 David K. Witheford '45 John P. Witwer '58 George B. Wood, Jr. '42 Lawrence E. Wood '54 J. Donald Woodruff, Jr. '58 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Worth Arthur St. C. Wright '53 J. M. P. Wright, Jr. '52 Noel B. Wright, Jr. '51 Mr. Benyam G. Yessus & Ms. Dehab Ghebreab Robert E. Young '52 Zachary A. Zehner '91 Louisa Hemphill Zendt '78 Kristen L. Zilling '89 Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Zimmer William S. Zuill '48

Annual Fund Donors The following pages list by constituent group the individuals and organizations that participated in the 1994-95 St. Andrew's School Annual Fund. TRUSTEES **George J. Baxter '54 ""Mr. Robert B. Blum, Sr. ""Randolph W Brinton '64 ""William H. Brownlee '44 ""Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. **Mrs. Caroline duPont Prickett Mr. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. ""Mrs. Katharine duP. Gahagan ""Anne M. Gammons '85 **Mr. Raymond P. Genereaux *Michael K. Gewirz '81 **Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 *Mrs. Maureen K. Harrington **G. William Helm, Jr. '59 **Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 'Michael A. Hill'71 **Mr. Philip C. Keevil ""Mr. Walter J. Laird, Jr. ""Everett R. McNair '73 **Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 ""William T. Murray III '50 **Mr. Jonathan B. O'Brien Mr. Douglas L. Paul **William B. Paul, Jr. '64 *William M. Pope, Jr. '61

""H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 ""Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 ""Mr. Henry H. Silliman, Jr. **J. Kent Sweezey '70 **Rt. Rev. C. Cabell Tennis **Mrs. Penelope P. Wike

""Charles F. R. Mifflin Walker L. Mifflin, Jr. **Winthrop deV Schwab **Charles A. Silliman ""Edward F. Swenson, Jr. John S. Whelen


Class of 1937 Annual Fund: $2,550 100% *Frank J.Bali George E. Brown, Jr. * J. Packard Laird **John C. Parry Augustus S. Trippe II **W. Laird Warwick C. Edward Wolfe, Jr.

Class of 1939 Annual Fund: $6,525 67% Capital: $7,500 Thomas V. Ashton George B. Buckner II **George A. Dunning **Horace W. Harrison **Lawrence Johnson, Jr. * ""Frederick C. Moor ""Jesse Nalle Allan T. Norris "John E. Wason ""Frank E. Williams, Jr.

Class of 1938 Annual Fund: $2,690 83% **William H. Corddry **William R. Cory David T. Harris William G. Hopkins **Edward O. Moore Charles D. Murphy, Jr. "Frederic J. Schaettler **EdwinL. Sibert, Jr.

Class of 1940 Annual Fund: $1,275 73% ""John H. Boyden, Jr. ""Peter M. Brown ""Thomas Donaldson, Jr. Benjamin F. Houston ""James H. E. Johnston **C. Rickert Lewis "J. Ross Macdonald ""Powell Pierpoint

Class of 1934 Annual Fund: $650 100% "Jerome D. Niles, Jr. **Robert H. Orr **Francis J. Townsend, Jr. Class of 1935 Annual Fund: $1,075 63% **Findley Burns, Jr. **Charles S. Felver *J. Pierce Fenhagen **Franklin Hawkins **Elmer B. Scott, Jr. Class of 1936 Annual Fund: $7,097 73% Loring W. Batten III **William B. Evans

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years.

""Walter W. Speakman "John M. Topham, Jr.

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years. St. Andrew's Magazine



**Thomas A. Rave, Jr. "•'William C. Sibert *Paul D. White

"William A. Crump, Jr. **William F. Davis, Jr. Peter R. Lyman "H. Lawrence Parker **Henry G. Parker III **William D. Rogers **Prentice Talmage, Jr. **Thomas M. Tucker

Class of 1941 Annual Fund: $5,033 75% Capital: $1,000 *John C.Bali, Jr. **George A. Broadbent *William B. Churchman III Ridgway J. Clark **Arthur B. Dodge, Jr. **F. Weston Fenhagen *John Hanahan, Jr. *R. Stockton B. Hopkins **I. Harding Hughes, Jr. George B. Lewis Henry L. McCorkle **Peter B. Nalle Davis P. Platt **James Thomas **Donald M. Tucker "•"•William L. Van Leer, Jr. **RobertWhyte "•'Jonathan S.Wilford, Jr.

Class of 1945 Annual Fund: $20,805 85% Capital: $35,350 **James A. Bacon "Alexander R. Beard **John S. Cook **Richard P. Davis **Dwight M. Dunlevie 'William D. Hays "William S. Hearn **William C. Hewlett Thomas M. Jervey "Gaston V. Jones, Jr. Arthur Laws *Edward K. Libby *Douglas G. Lovell, Jr. "Levin M. Lynch William D. MacDonald * Beauveau B. Nalle * *Daniel R. Patch * James R. Rooney II **Robert F. Schelling **Charlton M. Theus, Jr. Charles H. Welling, Jr. **David K. Witheford

Class of 1942 Annual Fund: $3,175 58% Theodore Burton III George D. Fowle, Jr. **Benjamin M. Fowler III *James A. R. Gibson * Andrew C. McFall, Jr. **Walter E. Mylecraine **John L. Ray Thomas R. Saunders William L. Sibert II *George B. Wood, Jr. 'Victor H. Zelov Class of 1943 Annual Fund: $10,585 73% Capital: $500 "John M. Alden *Noel C. Dalton **Paul W. Fitzpatrick George M. Furnival **Clayton H. Griffin John M. Hemphill II **John C. Kinahan, Jr. **Phillips Lounsbery * **Morgan B. MacDonald **Charles B. Straut "Henry P. Sullivan Class of 1944 Annual Fund: $6,285 74% Capital: $2,633 **E. Jouett Armstrong **Henry S. Baker, Jr. Donald B. Barrows "Robert T. Boyd III "William H. Brownlee *John K. Cowperthwaite

Class of 1946 Annual Fund: $2,545 65% **David O. Bellis **Barry A. Benepe H. Ronald Berlack **Luther R. Campbell, Jr. "J. McHenry Gillet "Donald D. Haynsworth *James M. Perry "Mark Reeve **James M. Richardson "Frank R. Stoner III Kenneth W. VanDyke Class of 1947 Annual Fund: $4,700 74% Capital: $2,000 **Richard M. Appleby, Jr. Brian B. Barlow 'Landon C. Burns, Jr. John N. Carpender 'Stephen J. Chamberlin Charles O. Culver, Jr. **Francis Giammattei, Jr. John Harrison III *John R. Hodgdon **C Russell Keep, Jr. "Daniel W. MacDonald Joseph E. Mamo, Jr.

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years. 3 St. Andrew's Magazine


Class of 1951 Annual Fund: $7,447 70% "David C. Bryan **A. Edwin Clattenburg III Richard J. Corbin John B. Fiedler "•"•Samuel L. Fleming **Alan C. Good Armistead L. Guthery *David R. Guthrie 'John S. Halsted 'Roland F. Hartman, Jr. *Hume A. Horan **David Lindsay "•Matthew J. McDermott, Jr. Thomas W. Osborn, Jr. *Thomas J. Patton *W. Barrett Register "Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. **David E. Scherer "G. Leonard Shea "Frederick B. Starr **Daniel Trimper IV "William H. Whitehead **Noel B. Wright, Jr.

Timothy C. Mann Peter K. McCagg 'William W. McDowell, Jr. """Edgar R. Miller, Jr. *Woodlief Thomas, Jr. Class of 1948 Annual Fund: $9,455 57% **James F. Adams Craig Alderman, Jr. ""Sargent Bradlee, Jr. "Richard E. Broome John D. Gray **Henry N. Herndon, Jr. Edwin A. Hoey **John M. Hopkins **David S. Humphries "D. Charles Merriwether 'Paul J. Register, Jr. "Richard S. Smith, Jr. **Robbert H. van Mesdag "Gilbert H. Van Note, Jr. "George G. Vest IV * William S. Zuill Class of 1949 Annual Fund: $3,250 57% "Coleman E. Bye, Jr. Gerry W. Cox, Jr. *Robert B. Evans Stephen S. Evans ""Edward H. Fielding William B. Groves, Jr. F. Lawton Hindle Patterson Keller Wesley H. Martin **James M. McSherry Purnal L. McWhorter III M. Barnard Megargee Stephen E. Price John T. Stoner **Constantine N. Tonian **James B. Totten George B. Vest, Jr. Class of 1950 Annual Fund: $5,595 52% Capital: $2,000 "Robert S. Appleby **William D. Bathurst Stuart J. Bracken "Morton H. Clark Henry L. Constable, Jr. **Murdoch Davis **Harkness G. DeVoe **John D. Fairchild **O. Wells Foster **John D. Hukill "Clarence H. Keller **William T. Murray III Arthur L. Partridge "Roger D. Redden Richard H. Thompson

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

TOP TEN CLASSES Class 1945 1961 1943 1948 1958 1970 1964 1965 1951 1936

AF Captains Gaston V. Jones Howard M. Snyder, III Morgan B. MacDonald Richard S. Smith, Jr. JJ. B. Wigglesworth Thomas C. Stephens J. Kent Sweezey Randolph W. Brinton William B. Paul John F. Morton O. Lee Tawes W. Barrett Register Buzz Speakman '38

Amount $20,805 19,151 10,507 9,455 9,450 8,290 8,162 7,450 7,447 7,096


1934 1937 1945 1938 1952

Francis J. Townsend, Jr. Buzz Speakman '38 Gaston V. Jones Walter W. Speakman Theodore L Hill

100% 100% 85% 83% 77%


1977 1979 1971 1966 1961

Steven H. Brownlee Steven A. Salter Steven A. Salter '77 Gilbert E. Metcalf Charles H. Shorley John G. Reeve Howard M. Snyder III

$ Deceased

53% 50% 47% 46% 44%

Class of 1952 Annual Fund: $5,888 77% Anonymous **T. Roberts Appel II **J. Caleb Boggs, Jr. Sidney B. Brinckerhoff **Douglas S. Brodie **James B. Bullitt III *Harry B. Cannon, Jr. **John D. Creadick 'Matthew J. Ellis, Jr. Walter B. Fielding Robert V. Harned **TheodoreL.Hill,Jr. 'William H. B. Howard David S. Jenkins *William H. Johnson *Peter Kelley 'Charles W. Kenney **Julien H. LeCompte Daniel R. Luke James W. Marvin, Jr. *C. Fenner McConnell *C Henry Roth II Chaloner B. Schley "Galen H. Townley **George Carter Werth "L. Herndon Werth **Robert E. Young Class of 1953 Annual Fund: $4,297 63% Capital: $100 "Clay Bridgewater Hugh N. Cannon **W. Howard Hart **Frederick E. Klutey, Jr. **William D. Luke, Jr. David T. McCune **Lawrence D. Milligan, Jr. **Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. "Harrison H. Owen Stephen F. Penn **Charles T. Pickett **Thomas F. Quirk **Richard R. Schulze 'G. Stephen Voorhees II Arthur St. C. Wright Class of 1954 Annual Fund: $4,130 69% Capital: $2,000 J. R. Maxwell Alston, Jr. Bruce Bahr "Charles M. Barclay *William B. Barnett B. Norris Battin **George J. Baxter William H. Brumbach "David P. Campbell John P. Campbell Anthony W. Clark "A. Clements Crowe "G. Jeremy Cummin

Robert M. Foster Norris S. Haselton, Jr. **Anthony W. Hathaway **James H. Healy, Jr. "Paul C. Hutton III J. Shackelford Kenney "Walter L. Liefeld **Ian C. Maclnnes M. Alex Philippi, Jr. Robert B. Whelihan Lawrence E. Wood

"Robert J. Shank **Newell R. Washburn William S. Wood II

Class of 1955 Annual Fund: $1,850 59% **C. Stephen Baldwin Lawrence F. Bateman, Jr. W. Fell Davis Peter S. Dunning John C. Ferguson Thomas H. Heist III **C Powell Hutton **Howe Lagarde, Jr. *George G. Macintire *George B. Mitchell Robert M. Nuckols *Robert H. Robinson David D. Thombs Werner R. Voigt, Jr. "John I. Watson, Jr. C E.John Way, Jr. Rex P. Winters Class of 1956 Annual Fund: $980 33% Capital: $100 'Geoffrey C. Abbott Alexander M. Baumgartner 'R. Berle Clay **Kenneth E. Court *W. William A. Cox Stephen B. Duke Robert G. Harnwell *J. Reynolds LeBus, Jr. "Thomas B. O'Rourke "C. Richard Orth Jehu D. Quillin III "Harold K. Wood, Jr. Class of 1957 Annual Fund: $3,185 61% **Timothy J. Bloomfield **George A. Brakeley III William O. Britt Frederic F. Case "William H. Clayton *John M. Cogswell "Joseph W. Harned Anthony J. Jeffcott *John F. Kramer, Jr. Hugh H. MacPherson Charles S. Marshall William M. Nuckols *Michael L. Quillin Thomas N. Rightmyer

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years.

Class of 1958 Annual Fund: $9,450 63% Capital: $10,000 "Bulent I. Atalay Eugene C. Bailey **John P. Burkett, Jr. John F. Davenport **Elliott G. Fishburne III **Joseph H. Gibson John L. Hammer III **Lawrence R. Harris, Jr. **David D. Hindle **Joseph H. Hinnant *CharlesV.Hulick,Jr. F. Ross King, Jr. Charles C. Knight Charles F. Miller III "Douglas M. Pell Thomas D. Perrie **H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. William M. Shettle II Erling D. Speer James P. Thomas **W. Moorhead Vermilye II *James J.B. Wigglesworth *John P. Witwer "J. Donald Woodruff, Jr. Class of 1959 Annual Fund: $6,675 44% Capital: $7,640 **Andrew J. Adams, Jr. **Coleman P. Brown II **Russell W. Chesney **Robert R. Craighill Stuart B. Culleney William H. Grubb **Hunter B. Harris, Jr. Arthur E. Haycock, Jr. **G. William Helm, Jr. Walter D. Phillips *Benjamin N. Powell **Robert E. Seddon, Jr. David M. Shields Holland van Valkenburgh Class of 1960 Annual Fund: $5,000 43% Capital: $800 A. Gordon Appell **Carl B. Bear John R. Beverly II **Asbury Coward IV **Laurent C. Deschamps Jesse R. Dowd, Jr. Robert J. Faux Brian D. Fisher "Edward H. Hammond, Jr. **D. Randolph Johnson Richard H. Knotts

**Hany L. Murray III Henry S. Pool Henry T. Wright III J. King L. Young Class of 1961 Annual Fund: $19,151 44% Capital: $119,600 Conrad C. M. Arensberg "John C. Davie "Peter M. Delo, Jr. **Charles E. Hance **Henry R. Hillenmeyer **Richard A. Houghton III *Allan F. C. Hubbard "Peter D. Laird Ian H. Lothian * Kenneth D. McCullough *George R. Mobley "Allen B.Morgan, Jr. **Malcolm Muir, Jr. *William M. Pope, Jr. **Howard M. Snyder III Class of 1962 Annual Fund: $2,737 42% "Richard P. Baer III Thomas F. Bayard IV James C. Beverley Henry A. Briele, Jr. **James M. Bullock **Lawrance M. Court Marshall W. Craig **John S. Craighill Ernest Cruikshank III *John H. Gullett Rodger C. Melling W. James Morgan, Jr. Charles D. Murphy III John L. M. Roberts Class of 1963 Annual Fund: $2,175 44% Eric N. Burkett 'Rushton T. Capers *James H. Cooper *Alan Crichton **Harold B. Gordy, Jr. John M. Gustin **J. Ogden Hamilton **Charles H. Heckscher, Jr. **Kent S. Hughes Michael P. Kirchberger **David L. Loomis "C. Brent McCaghren **William Pfeifer III 'Robert M. Pyle **John R. Schoonover 'Robert W. Soderberg, Jr. **J.KirkT.Varnedoe

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

t Deceased St. Andrew's Magazine


Class of 1964 Annual Fund: $8463 33% Capital: $250 James R. Boyd **Randolph W. Brinton Barton C. Conchar Alfred K. Day III R. Samuel Dillon III **William P. Hammond IV **Stephen H. Munroe Stephen E. Ockenden John C. Parrish **William B. Paul, Jr. Jackson H. Pope **Barry M. Sabloff Richard E. Spies

Class of 1968 Annual Fund: $3,315 41% Capital: $1,000 *John C. Buck William C. Holder **Christopher L. Milner *F. Taylor Peck III *W. Robert Prier, Jr. ^Christopher P. Reeve * Andrew W. Reynolds William Z. Rogers Stephen K. Sawyier *John D. Showell IV R. Marshall Thompson Edward R. Trippe III *Arthur Vandenberg

Class of 1965 Annual Fund: $7,450 29% **Frederick W. Coleman William H. Farrow III **J. Dick Harris *R. Anderson Haynes **J. Potter Herndon Clelland P. Hutton **Jonathan C. Smith **O. Lee Tawes III **David H. Walker

Class of 1969 Annual Fund: $1,048 26% *Peter D. Caloger, Jr. **Thomas C. Coleman **William Frantz Herr, Jr. *William W. Kling, Jr. **Peter A. Maxson Malcolm E. McGee *Peter H. McGowin David Olav Moltke-Hansen *Brian P. Randall, Jr. **Nicholas R. Scheller *Peter S. Wood

Class of 1966 Annual Fund: $5,255 47% Capital: $7,163 Theodore Burton IV Gardner A. Cadwalader W. Justin Comstock Troy B. Fergen Walter L. Harrison II Volker Hoffman Eppa Hunton * Anthony R. Parrish, Jr. "Timothy W. Peters **John G. Reeve **Winthrop Schwab, Jr. George B. Smith **Edward M. Strong Edward Thornton Class of 1967 Annual Fund: $1,395 33% Wynne S. Carvill **Jerry A. Fogle **Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. Craig Eder Laird Walker A. Long *W. Keith Martin William N.McAdoo, Jr. Edward B. Sloan **Franklin Y. Smith Henry B. Smith *JohnJ.TolsonIV

**Frank H. Merrill ^Gilbert E. Metcalf **Charles H. Shorley *Richard C. Wieboldt John W. Wright

Class of 1970 Annual Fund: $8,290 38% Capital: $100 ^William H. Barney III William R. Brownfield Richard D. Coleman *David H. Davis **James I. Hudson III **Arthur M. Miller *David A. Olson Philip B. Persinger *Toby R. Roberts **Joseph L. Seiler III Alan C. Sibert Thomas C. Stephens **William C. Strong **J. Kent Sweezey Class of 1971 Annual Fund: $4,035 47% Capital: $3,000 John H. Barber, Jr. ^Robert W. Berray, Jr. * J. Dixon Brown Cato D. Carpenter *Richard G. Colbert, Jr. Andrew C. Hamlin Steven C. Hartsell *Michael A. Hill *Thomas H. Hooper III Douglas H. Kiesewetter, Jr. **Brian C. G. Kinahan **James S. McBride

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years. 10 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995

Class of 1972 Annual Fund: $4,675 41% Russell S. Baker III **R. Stewart Barroll 'William C. Bean Edwin John Bernet, Jr. William H. Fitler, Jr. **David B. Harms **Robert C. Lightburn John M. Maull **Bradford A. Mills *David D. Mills **Alan B. Pinkerton, Jr. Richard M. Wilson Class of 1973 Annual Fund: $2,710 27% William D. Cantler II **G. Mitchell Edmondson Fermin O. Elliott Alfons Gunnemann **Samuel R. Marshall **Everett R. McNair **Peter A. Presby Henry M. Richards **Gerald G. Rue Class of 1974 Annual Fund: $5,693 44% 'Stephen M. Baldwin *John R. Beardall III *Russell E. Boyle John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. **J. Lyles Glenn IV Donald M. Harting *David M. Hatton *Henry Hauptfuhrer IV **F. Joseph Hickman Eric C. Howard *F. Matthew Kramer ^William P. C. Ku Carl Melamet III **Edgar R. Miller III John C. Mincks **Charles B. Olson Jeff A. Petty **Robert P. Rementer John J. Schreppler II Richard J. Vach """"Gregory E. van der Vink ^Robertson H. Wendt, Jr. Class of 1975 Annual Fund: $3,025 40% Lars P. Allfather Robert C. Amos ^Alfred D. Barbour John M. Bloxom IV

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

Dwayne S. Breger Susanne Brogan **Gordon E. Brownlee James K. Gerrish *Rafael J. Guastavino, Jr. Douglas N. Harrington **Robert J. Harrington, Jr. C. Dallett Hemphill Christopher J. Hunt Eve G. Kadick J. Michael Kadick Christopher M. Kennedy *Thomas O. Lawton III *Ralph D. Neel Jonathan F. Rodgers Richard A. Snyder *J. David Strong J. Christopher Walsh Norman C. Ware Class of 1976 Annual Fund: $2,930 32% H. Bruce Abbott Joan J. Dickerson **C. Douglas Evans Terrell L. Glenn, Jr. **Ralph R. Hickman *F. Tyler Johnson Allston Allison Kitchens Valerie Snow Klinger **Michael K. Kuehlwein A. Dodge McFall, Jr. **Patricia K. McGee **Heyward G. Robinson John M. Seabrook, Jr. Dwight D. Sipprelle **BryanA.Skib Michael M. Stephanides Linn S. Tompkins III Class of 1977 Annual Fund: $2,861 53% *Steven H. Brownlee *Brian M. Crow Deborah S. Davis John J. Dewar Brian E. Dunigan **Mark S. Govatos John W. Guastavino John A. Herrmann, Jr. **James M. Hudson, Jr. **Carolyn Matthews Humphreys Peter G. Jacoby Tamara Z. Maull **Robert S. Palmer David A. Pavlik **Alexis Foster Reed Kitty Chandler Reed A. Alexander Rhodes **Daniel W. Rogerson *Laura Goodrich Rosenberg *Steven A. Salter Jonathan F. Starr Charles G. Walton f Deceased

''Catherine M. Wendt 'Charles G. Wingate William N. Wolle Class of 1978 Annual Fund: $2,773 41% Capital: $50 "Axel G. Amaya Sarah C. Hukill Berninger Gay Kenney Browne Jeffrey M. Chase Patrick M. Dewar Roberta Fry Dewar Daniel A. Ferrulli Paul A. Hannah 'Garrett J. Hart "William S. Ingram III **R. Paul Kress, Jr. W. Townsend Manfull William C. Mott, Jr. Alison Amos Muller "Ellen O. Nelson Kevin P. Nerlinger C. Harry Orth, Jr. Scott R. Peters "Ashton W. Richards Thomas E. Schreppler Thomas B. Sewell 'Cathy B. Shields "Brenneman L. Thompson Laura E. Westcott "Louisa Hemphill Zendt Class of 1979 Annual Fund: $2,320 50% "Virginia B. Ashpole Michael D. Berrigan 'Randolph B. Bloxom Suzanne Seger Bruggman 'Richard A. Chubb "Keely M. Clifford "Robert J. Falciani James P. Grandfield David A. Hanby Robert Kirk Jones, Jr. "Kevin T. Kuehlwein "Margaret M. Lawton "Michael B. Lilley Clayton H. Locke "Janet Brownlee Luke "William D. Luke III "Anne Starr Mahood 'Catherine A. May 'Matthew J. Ruggiero Neil D. Saunders, Jr. Bradford L. Siegfried "Carrie B. Waters "Herbert E. Wilgis III Gary B. Zanes Class of 1980 Annual Fund: $3,765 35% Capital: $2,200 'Kate Rentschler Ausbrook

"Tracy E. Chardon 'Robert D. Colburn Letitia P. Hickman Green Richard J. Green, Jr. 'Timothy H. Hanna Susan L. Liefeld Robin Gage Lilly "Tracy K. Memmi Eleanor Hemphill Murphy Daniel A. Nolte Louise B. Nomer "Franchesa M. Profaci 'Mary A. Sella "Judi Skelton Spann Vincent W Spoltore Martha Richards Valciukas Margaret A. Van Note Adam A. Waldron Class of 1981 Annual Fund: $2,741 41% 'W. Kenneth Baker Daniel P. Bennett Elizabeth Bleke Clark Brad Cobb "John W. Cullen IV "Amy D. Currie "Gillian T. Davies 'Katherine Kunz Delaplane "Eric A. Ellisen Andrew S. Gaylord 'Michael K. Gewirz Steven C. Hart Dana Smith Henning Dare Johnson "Stephanie Markus Kandarian Karin R. Lindfors Chandler Luke Church M. Matthews III "William M. McClements Christian & Elizabeth Yatco Olsen 'John W. Paradee 'Bret Peters David H. Potier 'Donald S. Ratledge, Jr. "Susan Guernsey Rohrer Scott M. Sipprelle "Frederick A. Townsend III Margaret Wenzell Waldron Scott D. Zimmerman Scott B. Zweifach Class of 1982 Annual Fund: $2,415 42% Capital: $10 Janet Washburn Acker Geoffrey M. Batchelder 'Richard J. Beach 'John A. Buda Keith S. Cavanaugh James W. Clements Craig W. Cullen, Jr. Mark M. Dimmick Mary O'Shaughnessy Doherty

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years.

"Paul W. Eichler 'Kevin J. Grandfield Frederick S. Groves Julia L. Hotchkiss Theodore E. Johnson Shannon H. Kuehlwein Mary V. Laughlin Jensen 'Jeffrey B. Lilley 'Edith M. MacArthur "Lydia Jarrett Montgomery Eric J. Olson 'Christian B. Profaci David Van Smith, Jr. J. Bailey Smith "Hally Mason Stief "Arraminta A. Ware Janice P. Winters "Rebecca Bailey Wright L. Pilar Wyman Class of 1983 Annual Fund: $6,250 32% Capital: $25 Yong-Son Woo Basta "Stephen L. Billhardt "Bentley H. Burnham 'Edmond Yi-Teh Chang John H. Cogswell "Jeffrey R. Daut J. Hunter Fite 'Brent W. Geissinger 'Matthew H. Herndon Andrea L. Kelly "Jennifer M. Kern Katherine Magill Krapes Peter C. Liefeld 'Jean W. Maher Christopher H. Martin "Anne W. Percy-Peterson "Karl H. Pupke "Marnie M. Stetson "Cynthia J. Tostevin Denise Collins Waite 'Edward S. Wilgis Ann O'Shaughnessy Yardley Class of 1984 Annual Fund: $895 27% Capital: $40 "Stephanie Jones Ahl Alan C. Aikens Elizabeth O. Anderson Elizabeth B. Baird 'Jay H. Blum Mara E. Burnett 'Daniel M. del Sobral 'Pierson Friend "Nada Saliba Hart 'Mary Wallace Jenkins Elizabeth T. Lindley "Anne Horton Pius Markus Pottgiesser Mary A. Roberts Charles J. Schumacher

Gregory B. Stevens 'Eric B. Twombly Gail E. Wright Class of 1985 Annual Fund: $1,770 42% Gerald M. Alexander 'Ann Sawyer Chilton Gary D. Clarke 'Michael H. Collins Viviana Rodriguez Davila 'Michael R. Denworth Pauline T. Dolan Jennifer L. Frost "Anne M. Gammons Steven B. Gewirz H. Winston Goodbody Jennifer D. Gustavson Kathryn T. Hart 'Hugo M. Heriz-Smith G. Paul Keeley Lauren McKee Kenny "Pieter B. Kooistra Carl N. Kunz III Eliot C. Mason Aimee Herring Mitchell "Ian B. Montgomery 'Heather A. Morrow Barry J. Ohlson 'Louisa S. Potter 'Robert Q. Scacheri Kris ten L. Schutjer Carl B. Smith, Jr. Richard W. Spry 'Erica A. Stetson Chad A. Taylor Class of 1986 Annual Fund: $985 26% Capital: $200 Edward H. Amaya "Amy L. Barto Robert C. Beams Suzanne L. DeMallie Debbie Page Dunford Margo C. Ellis John T. Gordy Stefan Granito 'Edward H. Hammond III Dawn A. Hillman 'Laura L. Loessner Michael S. Meers Marie J. Nash Christopher T. Odden Randolph J. Reynolds Christopher W. Tetzeli Rachel D. Viddy Harry A. Wallace IV Monica Winsor Washburn Class of 1987 Annual Fund: $640 Capital: $45 'Laurie A. Burnett

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.


f Deceased St. Andrew's Magazine


Emily Eden Elizabeth Erhardt Sherry Gamble ""Matthias Lilienthal Heather Mallory 'Lawrence H. Martin III Alex Northrup Vicki Klumb O'Neill Karen Pupke Paul Rogers *Sandra Tarburton Harry R. Tear III *Jill Willock Class of 1988 Annual Fund: $1,090 36% Capital: $150 Jonathan Banks George V. Barker *Anne Margaret Baxley 'Elizabeth C. Baxter * Arthur C. Butcher Simon Cherniavsky *Leif P. Christoffersen *Alice P. Coneybeer Matthew T. Crowley Laurie Farr Morton Gibbons-Neff Ishnelia Gubb Heather L. Hillman 'Jennifer G. Hurtt David Johnson *A. Whitney Lockhart Theodore C. McCarthy Kellie S. Mitra Debby Ohlson Martha B. Palmer Frederick Patzman Christopher B. Pupke 'William L. Sibley 'Susan E. Stoops Elaine C. Thomas Jeffrey S. Trabaudo 'Richard B. Vaughan Class of 1989 Annual Fund: $1,385 36% Grace An James P.M. Borghardt Kwok-Tai Chiu 'Robb W. Ellis Kelly L. Garrett 'Elizabeth P. Hammond 'Jennifer S. Hanna John Andrew Hill Gregory M. King *D. Hobson Lane 'Alexander M. McCandless Patrick W. Montgomery Sara E. O'Connor Mark L. Padden P. Marlies Patzman 'Thomas Pinckney Catherine W. Soles

'William B. Spire Victor P. van Buchem 'Thomas C. Whitmoyer 'Susan Willock Amy E. Wilson Kristen L. Zilling Christopher C. Zimmer Class of 1990 Annual Fund: $705 29% Capital: $50 Emily Balentine Gretchen Bensinger Nicholas Blum Jennifer L. Boynton Christopher Brown Caroline Davies 'Andrew Dennis Joaquin Gubb W. Callender Hurtt III Ridie R. Lazar Rolando Marquez Patrick Scott McClary Carey S. McDaniel Koppenhauer A. Carter Meyer Elizabeth Pierce 'Cynthia Dowling Roselle Sarah E. Savage Catherine E. C. van Ogtrop Elizabeth M. Wallace Amanda Woods Class of 1991 Annual Fund: $970 33% Jonathan Alexander Rubendran Amarasingham Kathryn S. Anschutz A. Webster Armentrout Melissa M. Batie Andrew L. Butters Christopher P. Chesney Robert F. Fogelman II Laura C. Gunion Elizabeth R. Hance Frances H. Hartley Laura W. Howe Thaddeus R. McBride Tina Pastrana Samuel W. Stegeman Alexandra L. von Raab Meredith A. Warner William H. Weber Edwin D. Williamson, Jr. Jason L. Woody Edith S. Wun Zachary A. Zehner Class of 1992 Annual Fund: $357 Anne Bond Archie Quincy A. Brown Brian L. Court Christina Court Ian M. Forbes-Jones

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years. 12 St. Andrew's Magazine

Frank S. Green Sarah P. Hammond Pamela J. Heath Jennifer E. Hughes Tyson C. Kade Kari L. Rolph George L. Simpson IV Sara B. Wilson



Class of 1993 Annual Fund: $830 42% Jennifer L. Bourne Alyssa M. Bowers Laura W. Boynton William M. Braxton Keri Brenner Amnuaysak Chianpairot Peter H. Cook Francis W. Crawley, Jr. Halimah D. DeLaine James Edwards Weston F. Fling Tucker H. Foehl Manuel J. Fullana Marion E. Grinwis Jill L. Hindle Adrian A. Keevil Katherine S. Keltner Douglas Kiker Warner M. Lewis Abigail B. McBride Frederick J.McCall Leigh G. McCandless Matthew D. Meredith Margret W. Musser Lisa A. Olsen Megan L. Peters Michael E. Pignatello Elizabeth S. Reynolds Lisa D. Rich Elizabeth M. Rivinus Rachel A. Ruane Tarmla Small Jentry E. Vranian Class of 1994 Annual Fund: $255 25% Erin I. Burnett Edward S. Digges Kenneth H. Ditzel Heather L. Evans Stonier M. Grunow Anne W. Hance Caroline I. Hoogenboom Anne L. Keller Jiawei Li Andrew W. Mahlstedt James P. Nelson Mary A. Oakley Kathryn E. Pettus Elizabeth W Reynolds Elizabeth T. Schneider Emily C. Snyder Dionne A. Thomas

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

VI FORM PARENTS Mr. & Mrs. L. John Achenbach II Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Barbee Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Baroody 'Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III Mrs. Diane Bliss Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bramble Mrs. Catherine T. Bronson Dr. Galan F. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. George F. Binder Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Burnam Mrs. Blanca Castaneda Dr. & Mrs. Sudarsan Chavala Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Coggeshall Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Comstock Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Diefenthaler Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Clement S. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Everhart, Jr. 'Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fisher Dr. & Mrs. George J. Francis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gaeta Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gill-Martin The Hon. & Mrs. James W. Haley Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Harris, Sr. Dr. Merry Jayne Ha worth Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. Mrs. Sherry L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Antony J. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Kamal M. Ibrahim The Very Rev. & Mrs. Alan W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Joseph Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Kelso Dr. & Mrs. Sompong Kraikit Rev. & Mrs. William B. Lane Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lauten III Mrs. Christina M. Lund Mrs. Wanda Maier Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Mulholland Rev. & Mrs. Thomason L. Newcomb Mr. & Mrs. John Orban Dr. Mario E. Palacios Mr. & Mrs. Brian Palmer Dr. &Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Paul Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Petzold Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Mr. Benjamin F. Pilson Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Pipes Mr. & Mrs. David P. Pray Mr. & Mrs. George W. Reiger Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds Amb. & Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W Smith Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh j: Deceased

Dr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Strange Mr. James F. Stutts Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Surles Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sykes, Jr. Mr. Rocco F. Tarasi Dr. & Mrs. John C. Tayloe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Reynaldo M. Torio Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III Mr. C. Penn Wettlaufer Dr. & Mrs. Edward S. Wilson V FORM PARENTS Mr. & Mrs. John R. Allen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bostic, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peyton G. Bowman III Mr. Peter A. Bozick Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ming-Tai Chang Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Clement III Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Cochran Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Crawley *Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Doherty Mr. & Mrs. O. Wayne Eakin Mr. & Mrs. Joshua L. Fradel Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Freeman Ms. Ann Candace Garner Mr. & Mrs. William F. Geier Mr. & Mrs. George F. Hamner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Handy, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington Mr. Wolfgang Hartenstein Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Heinle, Jr. *Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins Mrs. J. Horner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eppa Hunton The Rev. & Mrs. Thomas B. Jensen *Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil Mr. & Mrs. Dong Soo Kim Doctors Claude & Elizabeth Koprowski Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Kratovil Mrs. Jane L. Kratovil Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Laramy Mr. Pinckney V. Love Drs. Victor & Gail Mazzocco Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. McAlpin Drs. Martin & Sandra McCann Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. McCarty Mrs. Sheila McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Julian F Middleton Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Mrs. Pamela Mones Dr. Richard A. Mones Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Parker Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Parsons, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Porter Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Raffetto *Mr. John G. Reeve

Amb. &Mrs. Jonathan B. Rickert Mr. & Mrs. James A. Risher Ms. Pamela Robin *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane Mr. W. Bruce Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Short Mr. & Mrs. W. Jeffrey Sidebottom Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Slater Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Smith **Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyder III *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Spencer C. Stinson Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thompson Mrs. Jane Wells Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey E. Wood Mr. Colin M. Wright IV FORM PARENTS Dr. & Mrs. Elias Adamopoulos Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Alexander III Mrs. Barbara E. Barnes *Mr. Gregory D. Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bass Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Benton P. Bohannon Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Carrow Dr. & Mrs. Larry V. Carson Mr. & Mrs. Roy Chapin Dr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Cox **CAPT & Mrs. John S. Craighill, USN Mr. Edward S. Digges Jr. Ms. Wendy W. Digges Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Dormer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. Mrs. Kathy C. Edwards *Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Mr. & Mrs. Excell O. Ferrell Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Foster Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Grant Mr. & Mrs. D. Ross Hamilton Mr. L. Hernandez & Ms. M. Villegas **Mr. & Mrs. W. Frantz Herr, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Hutton III Mr. & Mrs. John G. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keeley III Ms. Janet E. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy Mrs. Ramsay C. Kieffer The Hon. Kathleen Day Koch Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Laffitte Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Lehman Mr. & Mrs. E. Bruce McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Menei Mr. & Mrs. David Northmore Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Parikh Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Pfeiffer Rev. & Mrs. R. Sidney Pinch Mr. & Mrs. Claudio J. Ramos

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years.

Mr. & Mrs. Pearch M. Rayner Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Riley Mr. & Mrs. William B. Robinson, Jr. Mr. John Rockwell Ms. Sarah Rockwell Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Saddleton Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Sayre Amb. & Mrs. Thomas L. Siebert Mr. Mark C. Smith Ms. Noel N. Smith "Mr. &Mrs. Thomas C. Stephens Dr. & Mrs. J. Anderson Thomson Dr. & Mrs. Reynaldo M. Torio Mr. & Mrs. James K. Trumbauer Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Veghte Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin N. Wafle Mrs. Lydia E. Waters Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Willey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenrowe Williams *Mr. & Mrs. Peter Williams Mr. Colin M. Wright *Dr. & Mrs. Kin K. Wun Mr. B. G. Yessus & Ms. D. Ghebreab

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Reynolds Mrs. Sarah C. Rohrbach *Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Jens U. Tholand Mr. & Mrs. Edward Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Ms. Sue A. Wright Note: Italicized names represent those parents having more than one child at SAS. P A R E N T S of A L U M N I

III FORM PARENTS ^Richard P. Baer III & Priscilla E. Small Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Battle Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Bourne Mrs. Judy Brathwaite Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Burnam Dr. Douglas G. Burnette Mrs. Elizabeth D. Burnette Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Calder, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cho Mrs. Deborah A. Chopek Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Claypoole III Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Close Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Cohan Mr. & Mrs. W. Michael Cordeiro Dr. JoAnn C. DeWire Mr. & Mrs. Murlidhar Dharmadhikari Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Wilson C. Everhart, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Forney Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Frantz Mr. & Mrs. James L. Granum Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. James T. Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Cheng Kang Mr. & Mrs. H. Nelson Keyser III Mr. & Mrs. George Klussmann Mr. & Mrs. G. Emmett Lynskey Dr. Theodore R. Malloch Ms. Alexandra Matthai Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Middleton Mr. & Mrs. David F. Miller Mrs. Donna M. Mowbray Mr. Phillip M. Mowbray Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Paden, Jr.

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

Dr. & Mrs. Elias Adamopoulos **Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Aikens *Mr. Gerald N. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Allmon **Rev. & Mrs. James T. Alves *Ms. Renee Andrews-DeLaine *Rev. & Mrs. Mark S. Anschutz *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Archie **Dr. & Mrs. Bulent I. Atalay COL & Mrs. Broadus Bailey, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Barclay ""Mr. & Mrs. George P. Barker Mrs. Barbara E. Barnes *Mr. Gregory D. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. William B. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Barrows Mrs. Pauline M. Batchelder *Dr. & Mrs. William W. Baxley, Jr. **Mrs. Douglas E. Baxter Mrs. Judith S. Beams *Mrs. Edwin J. Bernet *Rev. & Mrs. Craig Biddle III Mr. & Mrs. Carvel Blair **Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Blum, Sr. *Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Bourne *Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Bowers *Mr. William K. Boynton Mr. & Mrs. George A. Brakeley III **Mr. & Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. **Mr. Clay Bridgewater *Mr. & Mrs. F. Abbott Brown, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. W. Thacher Brown **Mr. & Mrs. William H. Brownlee *Mr. & Mrs. K. King Burnett Mr. Theodore Burton III Mr. & Mrs. F. McBee Butcher *Mr. & Mrs. Jose Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Campbell *Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Carrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Cheek Mrs. Janet H. Cherrix **Dr. & Mrs. Russell W. Chesney **Mr. & Mrs. Leif E. Christoffersen Mrs. Galen Clagett **Mr. & Mrs. James B. Clements *Mr. John M. Cogswell Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Colburn *Mr. & Mrs. Henry Q. Conley f Deceased

St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995 13

Ms. Constance Conover Ms. Daisy Coss **Miss Mary R Costello **Mr. Kenneth E. Court **Mr. & Mrs. Lawrance M. Court Ms. Jo Ann Cranmer Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Crawley *Rev. & Mrs. Daniel F. Crowley **Mr. & Mrs. A. Barratt Cullen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Curtis IV Mr. & Mrs. George E. Davies **Mr. & Mrs. Murdoch Davis **Mrs. Natalie H. Day Mr. & Mrs. George J. de Garmo Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. DeLee *Rev. & Mrs. John D. Dennis **Mr. & Mrs. Raymond K. Denworth, Jr. Dr. JoAnn C. DeWire Mr. Edward S. Digges, Jr. Ms. Wendy W. Digges **Dr. & Mrs. Henry B. Dixon II Mr. & Mrs. R. Douglas Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Dorn Mr. & Mrs. Ian H. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. James M. Earle **Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eden Mr. & Mrs. Wesley W. Egan, Jr. *Mrs. Thomas J. Eichler *Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot **LTC & Mrs. A. R. Ellisen, USAF(R) *Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Erard Mrs. Betty Evans Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Fahlen, Jr. **Dr. & Mrs. Walter R. Fallaw, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. George Farnell **Mr. & Mrs. John C. Farr Mrs. Sheila Faulkner *Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fischer, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Foehl Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fogelman *Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Foley *Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Forney **Mr. & Mrs. O. Wells Foster Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Fudge **Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Gallagher **Dr. & Mrs. Billiard E. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz **Mr. & Mrs. Morton Gibbons-Neff III *Rev. & Mrs. David T. Gleason *Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Goodbody Jr. **HaroldB.GordyJr. *Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Mrs. Rachel E. Grier *Mr. & Mrs. David K. Grinwis Mrs. Vera S. Grunow **Mr. & Mrs. Rafael J. Guastavino *Mr. & Mrs. W. Franklin Gunion *Mr. & Mrs. John S. Halsted **Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Hammond, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance Dr. & Mrs. H. Michael Hanna, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Harned

*Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington Mr. Henry Hauptfuhrer III Mrs. Sherry L. Henderson **Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Herndon, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Emery Hertelendy *Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hickok *Dr. & Mrs. John A. Higgins Dr. & Mrs. Gavin Hildick-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Hill **Mr. & Mrs. David D. Hindle Mr. & Mrs. Martin B. Hoogenboom *Mrs. Dolores E. Hooper *Mr. & Mrs. Hume A. Horan **Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Houghton III Ms. Nancy T. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hurtt, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. David G. Imes **Mr. D. Randolph Johnson *Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kahn **Mr. & Mrs. George P. Keeley Mr. Burt H. Keenan *Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil *Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kenney Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kidd **Mrs. Diana S. Kiker Mr. & Mrs. John C. Kinahan Mrs. E. Katherine Klein *Mr. & Mrs. William W. Kling, Sr. **Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Klumb **Mr. & Mrs. James H. Kotz Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Kress **Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kuehlwein **Rev. & Mrs. Carl N. Kunz, Jr. **Dr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Lai **Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Laird Dr. & Mrs. Dewey H. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Tung K. Lau Mrs. Teresa M. Leighton *Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Leipheimer **Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Liefeld Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lilley Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Lindsay **Mr. & Mrs. G. Arno Loessner **Mr. & Mrs. William D. Luke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Mahlstedt **Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. Mallory Dr. & Mrs. William O. Martin III Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Maull *Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. McCagg *Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McCall Mrs. Norah McCormack Mr. William J. McCormack *Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. McDaniel III *Mr. & Mrs. William W. McDowell, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Harold F. McGee *Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath Mr. & Mrs. David McNaughton Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. McWethy *Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Meredith *Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer III Dr. & Mrs. Edgar R. Miller, Jr. **Dr. & Mrs. Atin K. Mitra

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years. 14 St. Andrew's Magazine


**Ms. Diana W. Montgomery Dr. Richard M. Montgomery Rev. & Mrs. Donald E. Moore *Dr. & Mrs. John L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Murphy, Jr. **Col. & Mrs. H. L. Murray, Jr., USA(R) *Mr. & Mrs. John S. Murray **Mr. William Murray & Ms. Virginia Clagett Mrs. Marsha R. Musser Mr. & Mrs. Brent D. Nash *Ms. Daune T. Neidig Mrs. Pamela P. Nimick **Mrs. Gene vie ve T. Nomer Mr. & Mrs. David Northmore **Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Northrup **Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien **Mr. & Mrs. R. E. O'Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. William E. Oakley **Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Olson Mrs. Sandra J. Owens Mrs. Anne R. Parrish **Mr. & Mrs. John C. Parry *Mr. & Mrs. Stuyvesant B. Pell **Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Peters **Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Peters Mr. & Mrs. A. C. G. Pettus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David M. Phillips *Mr. & Mrs. C. Cotes worth Pinckney *Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Pinkerton **RADM Frank L. Pinney, Jr., USN(R) Mr. & Mrs. I. J. Profaci **Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Pupke *Mr. & Mrs. J. Ward Purrington *Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Quillin *Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Rada *Mrs. Karen R. Ramey Mrs. Catherine Raphael *Mrs. Anne J. Ratledge Mr. Peter R. Rentschler Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Reynolds *Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas S. Reynolds *Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Reynolds, Jr. Mrs. Augustine Janeway Rhodes *Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rich **Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Richmond Mr. & Mrs. William L. Roberts, Jr. Ms. Pamela Robin **Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Robinson, Sr. *Mr. & Mrs. Hawley Rogers **Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rogers, Jr. **Mrs. Howard W. Rogerson Dr. & Mrs. James R. Rooney II Dr. & Mrs. Prudencio G. Rosas *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Ruane **Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rue Mr. & Mrs. Dexter C. Rumsey Mrs. Alice M. Ryan **Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba Mr. & Mrs. John T. Savage Mr. & Mrs. H. Murray Sawyer, Jr.

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

**Mr. & Mrs. David E. Scherer *Mr. John A. Schneider *Mr. & Mrs. W. Barry Schneider Rev. & Mrs. Clifford Schutjer **Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop deV. Schwab **Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Schwab, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. John M. Seabrook Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell *Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer Mrs. Brenda Shivery Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Shockley **CAPT & Mrs. R. A. Shriver, USN(R) **Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Sibert, Jr. **Rev. & Mrs. William C. Sibert *Mr. & Mrs. George L. Simpson *Mr. & Mrs. David S. Skaff Mr. & Mrs. C. Hamilton Sloan Mr. & Mrs. D. Van Smith Dr. & Mrs. Howard Smith Mrs. Victoria S. Smith **Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Snyder III Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snyder **Mr. & Mrs. James R. Soles Dr. & Mrs. Farhang Soroosh **Mr. & Mrs. Derek W. L. Spry **Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Starr Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Stegeman, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson *Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Banks H. Talley Col. & Mrs. Harry Tear, Jr., USA(R) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Techet Mr. & Mrs. Wyllys Terry Mr. & Mrs. James P. Thomas **Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Thornton Mrs. George F. Thrower Mrs. Linn S. Tompkins **Mr. & Mrs. Constantine N. Tonian **Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Traina *Mr. & Mrs. G. Nevill Turner Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Twombly, Jr. **Mr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Unruh *Mr. & Mrs. Jan H. van Nierop *Mr. & Mrs. George A. Varga *Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. W. Moorhead Vermilye II Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Vincent **Rev. & Mrs. Robt. M. Wainwright Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Waldron *Mrs. Anna R. Ware *Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Welling, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wheelock *Mr. & Mrs. Grant D. Whipple Mrs. Jane F. White Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Whitmoyer *Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Wieboldt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin D. Wilcox **Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Wilgis, Jr. *Mr. & Mrs. Peter Williams **Mr. & Mrs. John H. Willock Mrs. Margaret S. Wilson Amb. & Mrs. Curtin Winsor, Jr. **Harold K. Wood Jr. $ Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. William S. Wood II *Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Worth Mr. & Mrs. Allan K. Wright *Dr. & Mrs. Kin K. Wun *Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Zimmer FRIENDS Mrs. Sally Allen Mrs. M. G. Barger Mr. G. T. Coulson Lemuel Scarbrough Foundation Mr. John W. Moses Mr. Douglas C. Price Mr. Hoover Sutton Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Talley Mrs. H. E. Tinney Ms. Julieta Torres MATCHING GIFTS American Express Amerian Standard Inc. American Home Products Corporation Baer's Cottages Bank of Boston Corporation Brakeley, John Price Jones Inc. Alex. Brown & Sons, Inc. Burroughs Wellcome Co. Campbell Soup Company The Chase Manhattan Corporation Chemical Bank Chubb & Son Inc. CIGNA Citicorp J Citibank Consolidated Natural Gas Company Digital Equipment Corporation William H. Donner Foundation, Inc. The Duke Power Company The Equitable Foundation Fidelity Foundation First Boston Corporation The First Union Corporation of NC General Signal Corporation GTE Foundation Hoechst Celanese Corporation Houghton Mifflin Company The International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) Foundation Inc. Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. Mellon Bank Merrill Lynch J. P. Morgan & Co., Incorporated Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Norfolk Southern Foundation The North American Coal Corporation Philip Morris Companies Inc. Phillips Petroleum Foundation, Inc. T. Rowe Price Assoc. Foundation Inc Raytheon Company Reynolds Metals Company Rockwell International Corp. Trust Schoonover Studio, Ltd.

Signet Banking Corporation SPS Technologies Strawbridge & Clothier Textron Inc. Trust Company Bank UST Westvaco WMX Technologies, Inc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. RESTRICTED ANNUAL FUND GIFTS James F. Adams '48 John M. Alden '43 Dr. & Mrs. Edward L. Alexander III Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Barbee Mrs. M. G. Barger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Blake James P. M. Borghardt '89 William H. Brownlee '44 Dr. & Mrs. Jesse C. DeLee Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Foster Joseph L., Jr. '67 & Nancy Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. John P. Keely III Jennifer M. Kern '83 The Hon. Kathleen Day Koch Walker A. Long'67 Phillips Lounsbery '43 * Edgar R. Miller, Jr/47 William D. MacDonald '45 * Beauveau B. Nalle '45 * Mary A. Oakley '94 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Paul Philip B. Persinger '70 William M. Pope, Jr. '61 Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Reese Mrs. Augustine Janeway Rhodes Rev. & Mrs. F. Lee Richards Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Riley Mr. John Rockwell Ms. Sarah Rockwell James R. Rooney II '45 Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Sell Cathy B. Shields '78 Mr. & Mrs. C. Hamilton Sloan Dr. & Mrs. J. Anderson Thomson Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Vincent, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Grant D. Whipple MALCOLM FORD FUND Craig Alderman, Jr. '48 Elizabeth O. Anderson '84 David O. Bellis '46 Gardner A. Cadwalader '66 Keely M. Clifford '79 W.William A. Cox'56 A. Clements Crowe '54 Caroline Davies '90 Edward S. Digges '94 R. Samuel Dillon III '64

* Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 5 years.

Elliott G. Fishburne III '58 Ian M. Forbes-Jones '92 William H. Grubb '59 Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 Adrian A. Keevil '93 Joseph E. Mamo, Jr. '47 Tamara Z. Maull '77 William N. McAdoo, Jr. '67 James M. McSherry '49 Beauveau B. Nalle '45 * Harrison H. Owen '53 Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 Robert M. Pyle '63 Roger D. Redden '50 W. Barrett Register '51 Andrew W. Reynolds '68 Alan C. Sibert '70 Judi Skelton Spann '80 O. Lee Tawes III '65 Jeffrey S. Trabaudo '88 L. Herndon Werth '52 Arthur St. C. Wright '53 Louisa Hemphill Zendt '78

Mrs. Philip Hinkle, Jr. Mr. Rowland Hopple Mr. & Mrs. Perrin March III Mr. William F. Oechler Mr. James F. O'Neil John C. Parry '37 Mr. & Mrs. Loui Prince Walter W. Speakman '38 Ms. Chastine S. Stoehr Edward F. Swenson, Jr. '36 Mr. & Mrs. Luther Tucker Ms. Patricia V. Tytus Ms. Katherine O. Whitbeck C. Edward Wolfe, Jr. '37

G I F T S in K I N D

In Memory of Amanda C. Ley on '95: Mr & Mrs. John Abel IV Dottie Arbogast Anne Bond Archie Carroll & Linda Ayres Laura Barnes Fred & Joanne Barrett Howard & Sandra Belfer The Boehle Family: Russell, Ellen, Brian & Kimberly Bruce Boehle—Clinton Woodcraft Co. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton A. Boehle Royce & Craig Boehle Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Breading David & Donna Brightbill Michael & Nancy Browne Evelyn Price Brush Rachel Burnette Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cahall Deborah B. Cain Robert & Lynn Calehuff Calvert Elem. School Faculty & Staff Calvert Elementary School PTA Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Camp Nancy S. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Carney Frank & Lillian Cebula Cecil County Board of Realtors, Inc. Cecil County Elem. Principals Assn. & Gilpin Manor Elem. School Cecil County Public Schools Administrators Supervisors Assn. Cecil Manor Elementary School Cecil County Public Schools Central Office Employees Centreville Middle School Faculty & Friends Dennis & Julia Collins Robert & Susan Comfort Elizabeth D. Cook

In Memory of George M. Gillet III '43: J. McHenry Gillet '46 In Memory of Ernest H. Greppin III '85: Mrs. Lawrence Dana Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Ms. Sally Page Herrick Dr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Krug III

Mrs. Marion O'Dell Carr Mrs. Nancy Chapin Horace W. Harrison '39 Norris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 Gaston V. Jones, Jr. '45 Mrs. Cindy Orban Robert J. Shank '57 Mrs. Victoria Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Willis III Mr. Colin Wright HONORARIUM GIFTS In Honor of St. Andrew's Students Present and Past: Mrs. M. G. Barger Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Talley Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Vaughan, Jr. MEMORIAL GIFTS In Memory of World War II Deceased Classmates: John M. Hemphill II '43 In Memory of George E. Brown, Jr. '37: Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Lippincott Bailey Mr. & Mrs. John A. Barbara, Jr. Mrs. Lela Brown Alvin & Ann Bunis Findley Burns, Jr. '35 Ms. M. Harriett Brown Dalton Ms. Marjorie Gibson Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Frederick B. Diesbach Ms. Harriette R. Downey Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Drackett Mr. Oliver M. Gale Mr. & Mrs. Otto L. Hilmer

** Has made an Annual Fund gift in each of the past 10 years.

f Deceased St. Andrew's Magazine


Christina M. Court Alexandra Cox James & Julia Crothers Charles & Mary Dallas Kathleen Dallas Margaret M. Dallas Mima S. Dallas Scott Dallas Jim & Betty Jean Dalton Halimah DeLaine Kenneth & Elizabeth Dollenger The Downer Family: Tom, Darla, Carey & Rob Thomas & Rebecca Duffy Robert & Heather Dann John & Ann Dwyer Margaret Edwards Pamela Edwards Elk Neck Elementary School Tommi Fabri Jeffery & Marianne Falini Eric & Michele Fehr Andrea Finucane Christopher Finucane S. Jane Finucane Mandy Fischer & Family Kenneth & Geraldine Fisher Lawrence & Betty Fitzsimmons Fleetwood, Athey, Macbeth & McCown Joshua & Rosalyn Fradel Unique Fraser & The Middleton Family Jenn A. Fredland William & Julia Geier Robert & Kathleen Gerard Sally A. Green Stephen & Wanda Greene Anne W. Hance The Hance Family: Sandy, Nancy, Beccy & Whit Michael & Sigrid Hanlon Luis Hernandez & Maritza Villegas Peter & Janelle Heuberger Herman & Christy Hill Sue Hollenbeck Norman & Catherine Holmes Arthur & Kathy Horn Paula A. Hutchison Richard & Sharon Jarenski Emily Jensen Dale & Beth Jones James & Virginia Jones Charles & Rosalie Kasinec John & Jacqueline Kelly Kenmore Elem. School Faculty & Staff Kent County Board of Realtors, Inc. Kent School, Inc. Kent School Parents, Teachers & Friends Assn. William & Carolyn Kirk The Kitty Knight House — Ley on & Metzger Associates, Inc. Virgil & Susan Klepper Jerry & Barbara Kunkle Langner Realty, Inc.

Suzanne C. LeBaron Richard & Nancy Lonie Bill & Becky Leonard Gary G. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ley on Jim & Bev Lovecchio The Lum Family: Thomas, Woodee, Tommy & Morgan David & Adele Lundquist Elizabeth Maresca Tamara Maull Abigail B. McBride Peter & Carolyn McCallum Elizabeth McCann Brianne McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. P. Patrick McClary & Family Mary Grushecky McCleary Ed & Rose McConnell Lori A. McCoy Joseph & Swannie McDivit George & Karen McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. McLewin The Miller Family: Earle, Julia & Jon Philip & Deborah Morgan John & Bonnie Morgan Charles & Kathryn Naegeli Kelly Nelson Mary Lou Nelson North East Elem. School Faculty & Staff Daniel & Mary Nuzzi Mary Alysia Oakley Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien Thelma O'Grady The Pabon Family: Tom,Christine & Tim Erwin & Deborah Parkell George & Elsa Parker James H. Peace Margaret A. Pepper The Timothy W. Peters Family Janet L. Pfaff Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Porcella Mrs. Caroline duPont Prickett Susan N. Prior Ginna Purrington Philip & Daphne Reese Theodore & Susan Rew Rising Sun Elem. School 5th Grade Teachers: Cindy Fitzpatrick, Kathy Morton, Tony Petinga & Joan Wright Hadley Robin Page Rockwell Rachel A. Ruane Robert Rue Janeen Brown Ruff George & Mary Rumsey Barb Sanders Charlotte H. Sanders Jay & Martha Sawyer James & Wanda Sawyer Henry A. Shaffer, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Shaffer Ronald & Margaret Sharp Mr. & Mrs. David Sheats Shorewood Civic Association

16 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995

Daniel & Eileen Siegel Jimmie & Wanda Slagle Frank & Betty Slaughter Robert & Peggy Stahlberger Kenny & Sue Stein & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mauritz Stetson The Strange Family: Ted, Brenda, Suzanne & Thomas Matthew Surles & Family James & Carmelita Terrell William & Eloise Thomas The Thompson Family: Bob, Pat, Jana & Rob Vivian McM. Timmons The Trumbauer Family Allan & Gerda Tucker Cathrine A. Vaughan Charles & Wanda Ward Diane E. Wasko Jane Weaver The Whitcraft Family: Fred, Susan & Christine Richard & Wanda Wilkinson Wye Research & Education Center Roger & Chris Yockel Ruth Young Gregory & Irene Zych In Memory of Louis C. Mandes, Jr. — For the Library: Jay & Ann Berkman Robert & Louise Donovan

Mrs. T. Aileen Elgie Dorothy M. Fisher Tim Golding Mildred E. Hillard Mr. & Mrs. Horace L. Hotchkiss Skip & Mary Loessner Mary Mandes Memorial Scholarship Fund Middletown Plaza Neighbors: Jerry, Trent, Randy, Nancy & Howard Bill & Caroline Prickett Alice M. Ryan Gladys C. Shivery Mr. Norman M. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. David E. Sheats Wilson & Jane Wilcox Edwin & Harriett Wright In Memory of William D. MacDonald '45: Mrs. Susannah Smith MacDonald L A T E G I F T S — Received too late to be counted in fiscal giving year: Dennis C. Blair '64 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Doyle Richard M. Hall '57 Mr. & Mrs. Coleman J. Hanover Margaret B. Judge '78 Roy Kimmel '56 Carl B. King '60 William B. Long '60 Matthew W. Traina '86

Capital Gifts 1994-1995 U N R E S T R I C T E D - Phase I

U N R E S T R I C T E D - Phase II

Geoffrey C. Abbott '56 Mr. Gerald N. Alexander Anonymous Richard M. Appleby, Jr. '47 Robert S. Appleby '50 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Archie Michael K. Atalay '84 Carl B. Bear '60 David P. Campbell '54 Cato D. Carpenter '71 Russell W. Chesney '59 Charles E. '61 & Nancy Hance William C. Hewlett '45 Eppa Hunton '66 Peter D. Laird '61 Jeffrey B. Lilley '82 Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 Thomas F. Quirk '53 Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Still, Sr. James M. Wendt '78 McClelland Wilcox '90 Frank E. Williams, Jr. 39

Crestlea Foundation Elkins 1983 Charitable Trust The Laffey-McHugh Foundation Welfare Foundation, Inc. RESTRICTED For Amos Hall Expansion: Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61 Longwood Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III For the Chapel: Chichester duPont Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Hallie W. Hargrove Mr. Alexander Ogilby Sandra Tarburton '87 For the Library Expansion & Automation: Crystal Trust Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Durkin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Ronald Maroney

Davis Washburn Faculty Enhancement Fund Ms. Marie Leftwich Hnarakis Davis A. Washburn '44

Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Sandra Tarburton '87 For the Pool: Noel C. Dalton '43 Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dunlap Mr. A. Felix duPont, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Keevil H. Lawrence Parker '44 Franchesa M. Profaci '80 John D. Showell IV '68 Donald M. Tucker '41

W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Fund for Faculty Enhancement $208,721 W. Allen Chesney '70 The Jesse R. Wike Charitable Trust

For the Theatre: Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hance in the name of Mr. Andrew Tow For the Tennis Court Restoration: Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61

General Scholarship Endowment $188,254 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R. Barto Amy L. Barto '86 William H. Brownlee '44 Heather L. Hillman '88 Leeanna Varga '87 The Mailman Foundation, Inc. Walter Hutchison Lee, M.D. Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. David J. Butters

For Washburn Cove: Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61

Bishop McKinstry Scholarship Fund Mr. Arthur St. C. McKinstry Mr. James T. McKinstry

RESTRICTED for E N D O W M E N T S The Endowment enables St. Andrew's School to provide excellent education to excellent students. Recognizing the importance of the School's founding mission, the following alumni/ae, parents and friends made gifts to endowed funds this fiscal year; many in addition to their Annual Fund support. Listed with the fund's name is the current market value (historic value + new gifts + investment income) of that individual fund. General Faculty Enhancement Endowment $29,670 Matthew H. Herndon '83 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan B. O'Brien History Masters' Faculty Enhancement Fund





Thelma Rowland Scholarship Fund $86,993 H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58 Captain & Mrs. Harry H. Rowland James M. Webb, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Henson SAS Class of 1996 Ernest H. Greppin III '85 Memorial Fund Mrs. Lawrence Dana Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Greppin Ms. Sally Page Herrick Dr. & Mrs. Ernest F. Krug III




(formerly George Broadbent Faculty Enhancement Fund)

George E. Brown, Jr. '37 Dixie T. Mills Frank B. Pilling '40

William B.Paul, Jr.'64 Bishop Philip Cook Faculty Enhancement Fund John S. Cook '45


Blackburn Hughes, Jr. Faculty Enhancement Fund Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Small


Melvin H. Peters Faculty Enhancement Fund Timothy W. Peters '66 Howard Schmolze Fund for Faculty Enhancement Eric M. Godshalk '59 G.William Helm, Jr.'59 Mrs. H. E. C. Schmolze




Benefactors Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, PA. St. Andrew's School Board of Trustees The Class of 1951 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kidd Allen Morgan '61 Billy Paul '64 Shallcross Chevrolet—Tom Shallcross Signs for Tomorrow—Buck '61 & Karen Brinton

THE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY We extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all those who support St. Andrew's with bequests, trusts, life insurance policies, and other charitable deferred gifts. Anonymous Anonymous Class of 1949 Member R. Stewart Barroll '72 Edwin John Bernet, Jr. '72 Robert B. Blum, Sr. Duncan G. Bolton George A. Brakeley III '57 Randolph W. Brinton '64 Luther R. Campbell, Jr. '46 John M. Cogswell '57 Robert D. Colburn '80 John William H. Colrddry '38 Kenneth E. Court '54 W.William A. Cox'56 Richard D. Crawford '63 C. Alec Dana '80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Eliot Robert J. Faux '60 Brian D. Fisher '60 Benjamin M. Fowler III '42 George E. Fry '46 by Mildred Start Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 J. McHenry Gillet '46 Eric R. Groot '70 Andrew C. Hamlin '71 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 David T. Harris '38

Faculty Sponsors Randy Brinton '64 Bill Brownlee '44 Mr. Charles P. Durkin Mrs. Penelope P. Wike Hole Sponsors Ambassador Travel Ashley Liquors Ayres, Jenkins, Gordy & Almand, P.A.— Chip Gordy '63 BJ'S on the Water—Chip Gordy '84 & John Gordy '86 Castle in the Sand Motel— The Showell Family The Class of 1962—"The Phantom Lives" The Class of 1964—In Memory of Eric Middleton '64 The Courts—Classes '56, '62, '89 &> '92 (x3) Delaware Olds Volvo Saab—The Lukes: Bill '53, Bill III 79 & Chandler '91 French Quarter Motel—Mike Quillin,Jr. '82 & Jeff Quillin Norris Haselton '54 Henry R. Hillenmeyer '61

Horace W. Harrison '39 Norris S. Haselton, Jr. '54 Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48. --^ Charles F. H. JohiSonTlI '60 Charles W. Kenney '52 Julien H. LeCompte '52 Joseph F. Littell '42 Bradford A. Mills '72 Christopher L. Milner '68 Daune T. Neidig Stephen V. Noble '69 Kathleen Patzman f Timothy W. Peters '66 ^ Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 Powell Pierpoint '40 W. Robert Prier, Jr. '68 Robert M. Pyle '63 John L. Ray '42 Christopher P. Reeve '68 Mrs. Emilee M. Reynolds Toby R. Roberts '70 Thomas R. Saunders '42 David E. Scherer '51 Robert J. Shank '57 Robbert H. van Mesdag '48 James B. G. vonBrunn '70 Charles L. Wayne '60 L. Herndon Werth '52


Jefferson Manufacturing Co., Inc.— George J. Jefferson Kent County Equipment, Inc.— Bob Shank '57 P.H.B. Inc. Ruth, Green & Associates—Leticia Hickman Green '80 Satellite Motel—/. D. Quillin '56 Janet & George Schreppler Sundancer Surf Shop—Dale Showell '68 Surf and Sands Motel—Mike Quillin '57 Talbot Bank— W. Moorhead Vermilye '58 Trimper's Play land Inc./Marty's Playland—Doug Trimper 70 Williams, Hammond, Moore, Schockley & Harrison, P.A.—Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 <& Brian D. Shockley '83 Cart Sponsors A & H Pizza Di Biaso's Middletown Florist Middletown Veterinary Hospital Pennwood Acres, Inc. Julia and Carson Smith "Waldy Lives" Arraminta Ware '82

St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995 17

1994-95 Development Leaders B O A R D o fT R U S T E E S A. Felix duPont, Jr., Chairman H. Hickman Rowland, Jr. '58, President Katharine duP. Gahagan, Secretary Henry H. Silliman, Jr. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Robert B. Blum, Sr., Assistant Secretary/ Assistant Treasurer George J. Baxter, Jr. '54, Alumni Term Trustee Randolph W. Brinton '64 William H. Brownlee '44 Trustee Emeritus Charles P. Durkin, Parents' Representative Anne M. Gammons '85 Alumni Term Trustee Raymond P. Genereaux Michael K. Gewirz '81 Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 Maureen K. Harrington Parents' Representative G.William Helm, Jr.'59 Alumni Term Trustee Henry N. Herndon, Jr. '48 Michael A. Hill'71 Philip C.Keevil Walter J. Laird, Jr., Trustee Emeritus Everett R. McNair '73 Allen B. Morgan, Jr. '61 William T. Murray, III '50 Jonathan B. O'Brien, Headmaster Douglas L. Paul, Parents' Representative William B. Paul '64 Alumni Corporation President William M. Pope, Jr. '61

Caroline duP. Prickett Winthrop deV. Schwab '36 Trustee Emeritus J. Kent Sweezey '70 The Right Rev. Cabell Tennis, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware W. Hollingsworth Whyte, Jr. '35 Trustee Emeritus Penelope P. Wike ANNUAL FUND CAPTAINS Walter W. Speakman '38 William C. Sibert '40 Jonathan S. Wilford '41 Morgan B. MacDonald '43 William H. Brownlee '44 Gaston V. Jones, Jr. '45 Luther R. Campbell '46 Francis Giammattei, Jr. '47 Richard S. Smith, Jr. '48 Wesley H. Martin '49 Stuart J. Bracken '50 W. Barrett Register '51 Theodore L. Hill '52 Robert T. Oliphant, Jr. '53 George J. Baxter '54 C. Stephen Baldwin '55 Robert J. Shank '56 J. J. B. Wigglesworth '58 Andrew J. Adams '59 Carl B. Bear '60 Howard M. Snyder '61 John S. Craighill '62 Rushton T. Capers '63 O. Lee Tawes '65

John G. Reeve '66 Joseph L. Hargrove '67 William C. Holder '68 William Franz Herr '69 J. Kent Sweezey '70 Gilbert E. Metcalf '71 Charles H Shorley '71 William C. Bean '72 David B. Harms '72 John R. Eisenbrey, Jr. '74 John J. Schreppler '74 J. Michael '75 & Eve Kadick '75 Ralph R. Hickman '76 Steven A. Salter '77 Robert D. Colburn '80 Robin Gage Lilly '80 EricA.Ellisen'81 Paul W. Eichler '82 Arraminta A. Ware '82 Anne W. Percy-Peterson '83 Michael J.Whalen'84 Anne M. Gammons '85 Heather A. Morrow '85 Kibbey S. Perry '87 Jennifer G. Hurtt '88 N. Barrett Simpson '89 Sarah E. Savage '90 Francis W. Crawley '93 Anne L. Keller '94 Mary A. Oakley '94

Elizabeth & Douglas Paul Julie & James Sykes Nancy & William Weaver VForm Fran & Doug Doherty Daisy & Philip Keevil Jane Kratovil Anna Marie & Gordon McAlpin Linda & Steven Parker Nancy & Jeffrey Sidebottom Susan & Harry Short IV Form Jean & Gordon Coleman Claire & Warren Cox Mary & Pat Durkin Jean & Bernard Dormer Irene & Jack Keeley Elizabeth & Henry Laffitte Sarah Rockwell Melissa & Robert Veghte III Form Stephanie & Joseph Calder Virginia & Richard Close Ellie & James Granum Frances & James Jenkins Frances & Benjamin Paden Tracy & Barry Schneider Colin Wright

PARENT VOLUNTEERS VI Form Linda & William Curtis Martha & Clement Dwyer Lynn & Wilson Everhart

Help Wanted

P A R E N T S of A L U M N I C H A I R Edward H. Hammond, Jr. '60 PARENTS'FUND CHAIR Maureen K. Harrington




Yes! I want to get involved. What I'd like to do for SAS:

The St. Andrew's Alumni/ae Corporation Board is searching for dedicated alums to help boost alumni/ae communication and involvement. The following groups are now being created to enable alums to become more involved in specific areas which enhance the School, the students' experience, and alumni/ae communications. Other ideas and areas of interest are also welcome!


Call me! Tell me more about the following project groups:

FUNDRAISING: Help coordinate projects and special events, e.g. The Scholarship Golf Tournament. Group leaders: Kate Ausbrook '80, Barry Register '51 & Dale Showell '68.


COMMUNICATIONS: Explore ways to enhance communication between the School and its alumni/ae whether by e-mail, personal visit, conference call, publications, etc. Group leaders: Michael & Lisa


Kadick 75.


SPECIAL EVENTS: Boost participation in events both at SAS and beyond and discover new ways for


alums to participate in the School today. Examples: Homecoming, Career Night, Vlth form Dinner,


Head of the Charles Tailgate, Metro Stops. Group Leaders: Jackie Paradee Mette '83 & Stewart Barroll 72. RESOURCE NETWORKING: Create a resource pool of professional contacts for students and alumni/ ae. Seek out and set up opportunities and provide information to interested parties.

18 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995



Return to: TrapnellAlumni House, St. Andrew's School, 350 Noxontown Road, Middletown, DE19709. Fax:302-378-0429.


Why I Made a Planned Gift to St. Andrew's


nyone who has had their estate analyzed and finds that it exceeds the marital deduction(s) will quickly understand the value of charitable trusts. For those St. Andreans approaching retirement, I would encourage them to have their estates appraised. In most cases, the value will be higher than they would ever estimate. My next consideration was if a charitable trust, then to whom? The first logical choices are usually church and schools. Wow! St. Andrew's satisfies both by the fact that it is truly a "church school/7 From here on, the choice really becomes a personal one. My personal reasons for creating a charitable trust for St. Andrew's School were: • It was a large part of my early life—five years. • I was very fortunate to have enjoyed the beneficence of the duPonts. It is now time to repay that charity.

• St. Andrew's left me with rock solid values: 1) work ethic: the job system, study halls, teachers 2) loyalty to a cause: Cameron, Baum, Pell 3) importance of dealing with people, based on the tight community. • Giving money to SAS gives me a feeling that I know what it will go for, as opposed to so many other charities that are bigger and much less personal. Having been to both my 40th and 45th reunions, I can see the vitality of this School through its people. Keeping it strong financially will continue to attract good people. • Finally, my decision really came down to emotion. Sitting in the Chapel on Sunday of reunion weekends, I was overcome with God's blessing and truly understood what a wonderful experience he gave me by allowing me five years at St. Andrew's. — A member of the Class of 1949

St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995 19

>tee News

Elections, Appointments and Farewells

I GEORGE J. BAXTER '54 finishes his term as an Alumni Trustee this fall. "It was a great privilege for me," Baxter says. "I am most impressed by the wonderful dedication of all the Trustees and their devotion to St. Andrew's." Baxter will continue to lend his expertise to the Board as ex-officio of the Finance Committee. This fall, BILLY PAUL '64 steps down as president of the Alumni/ae Corporation. Under his leadership the ACB expanded from 13 to 25 members to reflect the growing alumni/ae body. In addition to welcoming new alums at several Vlth Form dinners, participating in Career Nights and events ranging from the golf tournament to the Guys & Dolls Evening in New York, Paul was a member of his class's 25th Reunion committee which raised a record $30,000. For 11 years on the ACB, seven as an officer and four as a trustee, Billy Paul has served thoughtfully, attentively, and with the pulse of the alumni/ae foremost. He has given St. Andrew's his work, wisdom, wealth—and most importantly, his heart.

OHN CRAIGHILL '62 has been elected Alumni Term Trustee. Craighill is an active-duty Captain in the U.S. Navy, currently assigned as executive assistant to the Navy's [rector, Space and Electronic Warfare at the Pentagon. During his career, he commanded the USS South Carolina, a nuclear-powered cruiser, and the frigate USS Aylwin, in addition to serving on eight other warships. Ashore, he has served on the faculty, staff and admissions board of the U.S. Naval Academy and as executive officer of the Nuclear Power Training Unit. Prior to his appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, Craighill earned a B.S. degree from George Washington University and a M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. He is also a graduate of the Navy's Nuclear Propulsion Program. "I believe the greatest gift we can pass on to our children is a proper and disciplined education/7 Craighill says. He and his wife Kathleen reside in Alexandria, VA. Their son John, Jr., is a member of the SAS class of '97.


ALE SHOWELL '68 has been appointed president of the Alumni/ae Corporation. Having served on the ACB for seven years—four as vice president—Showell has been actively involved in alumni/ae activities from Sandy Ogilby's retirement recognition to creating and chairing the SAS Scholarship Golf Tournament. Looking forward, he says: "I am thankful and honored to have the opportunity to serve the alumni/ae body. There is something about St. Andrew's that binds together and draws alums of all ages to do their part to insure the School's well-being. It is with this love for and commitment to the School that I intend to continue to build on the fine work of my predecessor, Billy Paul. "There is no finer school than St. Andrew's, and we all should be very proud of how our School remains a leader in the field of secondary education. To all alums who support SAS with finances, time and talent, I say thank you, please continue. St. Andrew's is blessed by your support. To those who, for whatever reason, have opted not to participate, please come back and visit. Don't deny yourself the many great emotions and memories that flood our minds as we drive through the front gates of St. Andrew's. I hope to see each of you in person in the years to come. May God continue to bless St. Andrew's School." Showell owns and operates Sundancer, a surf shop (since 1971) in Ocean City. He lives in Berlin, MD, with his wife Pam and their two daughters, Carli and Elizabeth. The family is active in their church and have also been involved at the Diocese level.


ather of Rachel '97 and Victoria '95, STEVEN B. PFEIFFER is the new parent representative to the Board of Trustees. A partner with the law firm Fulbright & Jaworski in Washington, DC, Pfeiffer leads the International Department of his firm and was located in its London office from 1979 to 1986, the last three years as partner in charge of the office. He holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University, a B.A. and M.A. from Oxford University, an M.A from the University of London and a J.D. degree from Yale University. Pfeiffer served as a trustee of Wesleyan University from 1976 to 1992, the last five years as Chairman of the Board. He and his wife Kristin and their three younger children live in Alexandria, VA.

20 St. Andrew's Magazine ANNUAL REPORT 1995


VacationingO Vietnam JEFF LILLEY '82 contacted us in May, just having returned from his trip. He thought alumni/ae might be interested in this take on Vietnam in 1995. We agreed.


overed in dirt and breathing heavily, we emerged from a tour of Vietcong tunnels to the welcome sight of day light. As we caught our breath, our Vietnamese military guide, sporting green fatigues and a red star on his cap, explained how the Vietcong lived underground for months to escape bombing during the Vietnam War. Now, more than two decades later under the new face of Vietnamese communism, the tunnel hatch doors have been thrown wide open to welcome foreigners like us. And, it appears, customer service is making its first strides as well: to make the subterranean journey possible for oversized westerners, the tunnels have been doubled in size and strung with lights. The Cu Chi tunnels 60 km west of Saigon were the first stop on a 12-day biking trip this spring through a Vietnam that is putting its war-torn past behind and hopes for a brighter future ahead. Following the lead of its Asian neighbors, Vietnam is pushing ahead with its form of "perestroika," called "doi moi," but keeping a tight leash on political liberalization. In an acknowledgment of the changes taking place in Vietnam, the United States lifted its two-decades-old trade embargo in 1994. Later this year, Vietnam will take its place beside the likes of Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand as a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Already, French and American tourists are flocking back to see Vietnam. The Cu Chi tunnels, made famous during the Vietnam

War for shielding the Vietcong while they attacked nearby U.S. Army bases, are a leading tourist attraction. Biking into the Central Highlands and up the coast of southern Vietnam afforded a chance to see the alluring and disturbing sides of a country rushing to open up to the world but still mired in poverty. On bustling city streets, around the corner from exotic Vietnamese women and stalls of tropical fruit, we ran into badly disfigured people—bereft of medical care and reduced to begging. In the countryside, the simple life of rural Vietnamese blended into a backdrop of mountains rising from the sea, verdant rice fields and deserted beaches. Scores of Catholic churches, a reminder of the French missionaries who came to Vietnam in the first half of the twentieth century, dot the southern Vietnamese landscape. But wherever we went, the legacy of the Vietnam War caught hold of us, like an undercurrent from the nearby South China Sea, and dragged us back into history. Our five-man group comprising a chef, a construction engineer, an entrepreneur, an investment officer and a journalist arrived in Vietnam as the country was preparing for the twentieth anniversary celebration of the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. The tour of the Cu Chi tunnels drove home the awesome task American soldiers faced fighting an enemy hardened by years of war and with a distinct home-field advantage. After a crawl through the tunnels, our guide led us through an obstacle course, strung with invisible trip-wires that during war-

The rice fields, jungle & ocean from the Haivan Pass.

time would have set off mines. Needless to say, after 100 yards we had tripped a halfdozen wires and were reluctant to take another step. A propaganda film at Cu Chi showed clips of Vietcong setting mines and then rushing back to continue work in the rice fields. "A rifle in one hand, a plow in the other, that's what we used to say about the Vietcong," said our 34-year-old military guide, whose father had operated out of the Cu Chi tunnels. I was reminded of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's characterization of the North Vietnamese in his latest book Diplomacy. "They had fought and suffered all their lives to establish a united, commuinist Vietnam and to expel foreign influence. Revolutionary war was their sole profession. If America had searched the world over, it could not have found a more intractable enemy." Fellow biker Paul spoke for all five of us when he said, "At the Cu Chi tunnels, I discovered two decades of American history and learned to appreciate a generation of poorly regarded Americans." These days, though, there are surprisingly few signs of the war in Vietnam. Abandoned bunkers line main roads in the southern part of the country. And the Museum of War Crimes ("American" was recently dropped from the name) in the former U.S. Information Agency building in Saigon is a grim display of the human toll America's guns, bombs and chemical weapons took on Vietnam. All tolled, an estimated three million Vietnamese died in the war, many of whom were victims of St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 19

and business. On the other hand, Russia, Vietnam's revolutionary ally, is brushed off. Russians, we were told, don't speak English, have no money and smell bad.


the brutality the Vietnamese inflicted upon themselves. In Saigon's streets, begging invalids are an unpleasant reminder that people's lives were irrevocably changed as a result of the war. A triple amputee accosted me in downtown Saigon, repeating "Danang, 1974, bomb, bomb" like a bad mantra. I gave him some money and hurried away. But, on the whole, Vietnam seems to have put the conflict in the past. The people don't ask for apologies, preferring to live in the present. Young Vietnamese would rather sell you something or practice their rudimentary English. It's fascinating, inexplicable and fortunate. If the Vietnam War seared the soul of America, changing the way we evaluate our country, think about war and formulate policy, then for the Vietnamese themselves it seems to be just another dot on the dateline of conflict which has marked the country's history for the past century. Americans fall into line behind the French, Japanese and Chinese. In 1995, the Cold War is over, and Americans are now welcomed for their tourism 20 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

tropical south and more temperate north. During a 20 km climb up a winding road, we looked back on vistas of lush rice fields lined by dense jungle on one side and the blue expanse of the South China Sea on the other. Stopping for a break at the top of the Haivan Pass, a bevy of hawkers selling candy and drinks surrounded us. Out of a cacophony of voices clamoring for our business came a stream of clear, unaccented English. "So, are you guys Americans?" asked a middle-aged vendor. Tommy Phan told us he learned his English working as a bartender on a U.S. Air Force base outside Danang from 1968 to 1972. When the Americans evacuated Danang in 1975, Tommy was left behind to fend for himself. Because of his association with the Americans, Tommy was forced to work as a manual laborer for many years, hauling bundles of wood from the forest. His father had been a member of the South Vietnamese Army and was a target for the victorious communists. But Tommy was determined to protect his father even if it cost him his life. "I had an M-16 ready if they came to get my father and made a passage to the back of the house from where I could shoot," he said.

iking is a splendid way to catch the Vietnamese at work and at play. Biking renders continuity to a series of destinations and requires constant engagement with the surrounding terrain. The midday sun is unmitigated by air conditioning, the topography is defined with each pedal, and villages come alive by rubbing shoulders with the locals during pit stops for sugar cane juice and watermelon. As we biked, there was constant banter with well-wishers practicing their English. "Hello," "Let's go," "Are you from America?" and even one "I love you." Children were especially curious, inspecting our mountain bikes, patting our body hair and squeezing our muscles like Charmin. Since biking is the way Vietnamese themselves get around, we fell right in with the flow of traffic on the country's roads. We passed bikes loaded down with logs, blocks of ice and chickens going to market and swooned at the sight of Vietnamese women in conical straw hats and traditional white ao-dai dress, one pedaling wenty years ago, the and the other on the back communists never of the bike perched as mo"In Saigon's came to get Tommy Phan's tionless as a sculpture. streets, begging father. Now, in a more open Rigorous 80-100 km invalids are Vietnam, Tommy earns his rides were capped off by living pedaling refreshan unpleasant stops at picturesque ments to tourists. He likes beaches at the end of the reminder that the work because he can day. Phanrang, a sleepy vilpeople's lives use his English, which he lage 250 km northeast of hopes to put to use some Saigon, was our reward afwere irrevocably day working for a foreign ter a breathtaking descent changed as a recompany, preferably around hairpin turns that sult of the war/' American. But, so far, brought us down 1,000 Danang authorities are still meters from the central Tommy Phan talking to an keeping Tommy on a tight highlands to the coast. That American biker; at a roadside leash and refuse to let him evening we were treated to stand; Lilley's group of five take up offers of work. But lobster-sized shrimp. AcAmericans at a restaurant in Tommy feels that will commodations in seaside Hue—that's Jeff in back left change eventually. It's just bungalows were just $8 per a matter of time. Tommy person. Phan's optimism reflects a The most scenic ride was hope for the future for a people who bear from China Beach, which took its name the scars of the past with remarkably little from the famous vacation spot for Amerirancor. can GI's during the war, to Hue, Vietnam's ancient capital city. After pedaling through Danang at morning rush hour, we climbed Jeff Lilley '82 is a freelance journalist currently based in the Haivan Pass which divides Vietnam into Singapore where he is studying Chinese.


Alumni News, Notes and Memories

Publisher's Apology


METRO STOPS Alums soaked up SAS news at Tropica in the MetLife/Pan Am Building in New York City in April: Elizabeth Baxter '88 Catherine Chesney '88 Liz Dunton '90 Mary Dunton '87 Eric Eilisen '81 Jen Hurtt '88 Keary Jenkins '89 Carter Meyer '90 Chesa Profaci '80 Barry Register '51 Richard Snyder'87 Herndon Werth '52 Scott Barry Zweifach '81 At Chatters in Bethesda in May: Steven 77 & Denise Brownlee Dick Crawford'63 Rick Hall '89 Chesa Profaci '80 Matthew Ruggerio 79 Lanie Thomas'88 Carter Werth'52 Austin Wheelock '90

he Development Office apologizes for any names omitted from the list of veterans published recently in World War II Stones: Recollections and Experiences. The names of St. Andrew's School alumni were taken from the appendix of Walden Pell's History of St. Andrew's School, from which these names were also omitted. LORING BATTEN '36 brought this oversight to our attention, writing that he "enlisted in the USNR in December 1941. Served on USS Long Island (CVE-1) in the Pacific. Later on USS Gearing (DD-710) in the Atlantic. All in all I spent more than three years at sea. Discharged August 1945. In 19511 was recalled to active duty and served in USS Hopewell (DD-681) briefly with Task Force 77 off Korea/' HENRY PARKER '44 wrote to us from Madison, NJ, saying that his name was omitted, despite the fact that he "entered the V-12 Naval Officers Training program the day after his graduation and became a Junior Commissioned Officer (Ensign), and then was promoted to LTJG and served with modest distinction, but without seeing any action, in the Atlantic Theater during WWII/7 I. HARDING HUGES, JR. '41 graduated from Naval R.O.T.C. at the University of North Carolina in February 1944 and then he served as a destroyer escort in the Atlantic and Pacific. He remained in the Navy Reserve, retiring as a lieutentant commander. Family lore has it that the Japanese decided to surrender when they learned that HENRY BAKER '44 had arrived at Pearl Harbor in August, 1945! Baker enlisted in the Navy in the summer of 1944, served in the Phillipines running a small landing craft and was honorably discharged as a coxswain in 1946. And BOB SCHELLING '45 was also omitted from the archival list. He left SAS in 1945 to enlist in the USN. He served on USS Tarawa CV40 and mustered out in August, 1946. "I didn't win the war, but I was there," he said. ROBERT "ANGUS" BROWNE '39, TED BURTON '42, JOHN COOK '45, DICK DAVIS '45, BILL HAYS '45, BILL HEARN '45, AL McFALL '45, and J. Ross MACDONALD '40 were also omitted from Waldy's list. To any others whose name was not listed, we sincerely apologize. Please let the Alumni/Development office know so that we can set the record straight. Plans are underway to publish a supplement to World War II Stories: Recollections and Experiences by St. Andrew's School alumni.

In front of the Richard C. (Kip) duPont, Jr. '55 Boathouse at Reunion: Rob Robinson (left) and Steve Baldwin presented Caroline duPont Prickett with a SAS diploma, making her an honorary member of the Class of 1955.

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Moving? Send us your new address and we'll go with you. Mail to: Lynn Dugan St. Andrew's School 350 Noxontown Road Middletown, DE ^^ 19709-1605


*^ Name

New Address

Class vear



St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 21



Submission of Class Notes Class notes may be submitted at any time. However, if you would like to have your notes appear in a specific issue, please make sure your class correspondent receives your news by the deadline listed below.

Winter Spring Fail

Your Deadline November 15 March 15 July 15

If you are unable to reach your class correspondent, contact Fran Holveck, editorial assistant, St. Andrew's School Magazine, 350 Noxontown Rd., Middletown, DE 19709-1605. Tel: (302) 3789511. Fax: (302) 378-0429.

1935 Frank Hawkins 7 Chadwick Terrace Easton,MD 21601

Findley Burns, Stan Felver, Pierce Fenhagen and Frank Hawkins had a grand time at their 60th Reunion in June. Holly Whyte had looked forward to attending, but he was in the hospital for hip replacement surgery.

1936 60th REUNION Ches Baum 524 Marlin Drive Punta Gorda, FL 33950

Ches Baum compiled the following notes: Alan Baldwin, who has been undergoing treatment for cancer for over five years, reports that during the last week in June '95, he had his gall bladder removed and was thus prevented from receiving a planned course of radiation therapy. He faces his physical vicissitudes with characteristic courage and says that he enjoys hearing from classmates. He also enjoyed very much the School's World War II Stories.

22 St. Andrew's Magazine

FALL 1995

Loring Batten finds that retirement from editorial chores has made him a ready target for good causes that need his editing and writing skills. Currently, he is working on a publication celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of his parish church. He remarked that records of parish personnel in the old days are often non-existent probably because the elaborate bookkeeping now required for every employee simply did not exist. He suspects that in the 19th Century the rectors were paid in cash and never identified by name in the financial records. Thus, his chief source of information is old newspapers, which carried incredible coverage of churches, sometimes printing entire sermons that would have taken half an hour to deliver. George Cumpston writes that he and Eileen traveled 6,919 miles from Florida to Tucson, AZ, in the spring of '95. He reports: "In the past two years, Eileen and I have renewed acquaintances with old South American friends who have retired to Southern Pines. On our first visit there, our friends were reciting a list of all the repatriated people when they said one was even an ambassador from South America. I right away said, That wouldn't be Findley Burns '35, would it?' It, of course, was, so I immediately phoned Findley. We had lunch together and since then each time we have gone to visit [our friends], the Burnses have been invited to cocktails." Turns out that Findley is president of the North Carolina chapter of the Sons of the Revolution. George, who has been a member of the Pennsylvania chapter since 1939, has transferred his memberhip to North Carolina; and George's son, Bill, who recently moved to Raleigh, has applied for membership in the North Carolina chapter. George also recalls his association in Lima, Peru, with Bill Sibert '40. Bill and his wife, Jessie, bought George's oxygen tank and mask for travel in the high Andes. Now they see the Siberts from time to time in Swansboro and Wilmington, NC. George submitted his World War II recollection too late for the World War II Stories, but it was a delightful account of his being torpedoed just off Rio de Janeiro in the early days of the war. No human casualties. Five months quartered in a

beachfront hotel. Allowed to wear civilian clothes off duty. Fighting, as George put it, "The Battle of Copacabana Beach." He lived what many of us had daydreamed during interminable watches at sea. Bill Evans visited his daughter, Virginia, and her family at their vacation spot in Ocean Pines, MD, over the weekend of the 4th of July. She recalled that she had been housed at Phebe and Ches Baum's when she was the guest of Jack Chambers '61 at a school dance. Now she is a grandmother, and Bill is pleased with his first great-grandchild. Bill said that he wished he had known that John Maclnnes was to attend the 1994 reunion. He would like to have recalled for Mac an incident that occurred during the 1935 football season: Bill sometimes played fast and loose with regulations, even those of such a stern regulator as John Maclnnes was as football coach. Thus Bill had skipped practice to walk in town one Wednesday afternoon [probably to enjoy a "runny fried egg sandwich," which he was famous at the Cathline Inn for ordering with fussy specificity as to the degree of runniness]. The next afternoon the second team was scheduled to play a game with the varsity team of Delaware City High School. Bill slid unobtrusively into his place at first team practice, and Mac said, "Evans, what are you doing with those boys?" Evans replied (probably in the somewhat truculent Eastern Shore

whine that he employed when answering masters' stupid questions): "This is where I'm supposed to be. I'm on the first team." "No," Mac said, "you're on the second team." So Bill joined Bobeye Smith '38 and Harry Keen '38 and another player whom neither of us could remember in the second team backfield. On the first play Bill took a pitchout and ran 40 yards for a touchdown, cleverly faking out the safety man at the five-yard line. After Bill scored another touchdown, Mac pulled him out of the game and said, "Now you're on the first team." Bill says we can count on him to be at the 60th Reunion in 1996. Charley Mifflin reports, "I'm getting along pretty good, but I've slowed up with gardening." His wife, Katherine, has retired from The National Cancer Institute but manages to keep busy. The Mifflin cottage in Rehoboth has been for sale for two years, and Charley is becoming a bit impatient with the slow real estate market. Walker Mifflin says that his three-hole golf course has finally been abandoned to the beetles. The flags are still up, but he doesn't anticipate playing on the course again. Walker still lives in the scenic Little Creek area, which remains relatively unspoiled, but the Delaware marshscape which gives the place its beauty also produces mosquitoes and greenhead flies that

Mike Wicklein, Horace Harrison '39 and Dale Showell '68 relax after playing in the Scholarship Golf Tournament.


make human habitation just about impossible in the summertime. Walker echoed Charley's desire to sell their Rehoboth cottage, so if any St. Andreans are interested, let the Mifflins know. Win Schwab, a trustee emeritus of the School, is the representative of the trustees in the publication of Bill Amos's continuation of Waldy Pell's history, which left off at 1958. He hopes to see the book in the hands of the printers soon. On their annual trip south, Win and Pat stop off to see '36 classmates. The minireunion this affords the residents of 524 Marlin Drive, Punta Gorda, is a source of great pleasure for us. Chuck Silliman sounds as sprightly as ever over the phone. He says that his routine does not vary much but adds that's not such a bad report at our age. He received a copy of World War II Stories and wrote the Alumni/Development and Publications Offices a letter congratulating them on an excellent job. Ed Swenson had to report the grim news that his beloved wife, Marie, has reached the stage in Alzheimer's disease at which she requires 24-hour care. He has met this painful crisis in his life by continuing "to be forward and positive" in what he does. His chief activities are his small investment business, his work with Planned Parenthood, with which he has been involved for the past six years, and active membership in the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Foundation. The latter group, realizing that Alzheimer's is currently a progressive, incurable disease, is directing most of its effort toward seeing what practical help can be given to people of modest means who must be out of the house as breadwinners and are thus unable to take care of the Alzheimer's victim in their family. Typically, Ed takes the time to inquire about the welfare of classmates and their wives. He is well aware that Class Notes about guys who are within the 76-78 age range are likely to contain grim items. Mary and Sid Whelen visited with us on the southwest coast of Florida for several days while on a trip from California to see Sid's sister and a cousin on the east coast. It is good to be able to report that their health appears to be blooming, al-

though both would be quick to point out that they are not immune to all of the afflictions that flesh is heir to. The weather was uncharacteristically rainy (just as it had been a year ago when the Whelens came down to see me in Anaheim, CA). Thus, Sid and I never went into the Gulf of Mexico to try to recapture the thrill of "riding the waves" in Ocean City in the late 1930s. Just as well: the Gulf provides surf only in storms, so Sid would have had to be politely contemptuous of our littoral pleasures. We went on a Florida workingranch safari, and saw several cougars (not Florida panthers) caged in the palmettos. Mary enthralled our busload of tourists by telling them of her encounter with a real mountain lion (uncaged) on their place back in Atascadero.

1937 John Parry 1039 Loyalist Lane Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 Gus Trippe went to Australia on June 23 for two or three months to upgrade his two condos and to catch up with his four children and seven grandchildren. Working out every other day is a very important part of his life. As he tells everyone who asks, "I'm only trying to delay the aging process. Don't we all?" This makes it possible for him to play golf almost every day on the little ninehole course at Panorama Village. John Parry wrote to Buzz Speakman '38 to say he was sorry he missed the second World War II Redux symposium. All is well at his end. He had lunch with Cap Ball, who is fine and now has 13 grandchildren, thanks to his four sons.

1938 Buzz Speakman Box 148, Smyrna, DE 19977 Buzz Speakman's granddaughter, Mary Vaughn, visited SAS in June. She will be a member of the III Form in the fall.

1939 2943

Frank Williams 19 Williams Street Rockville,MD 20850

Morgan MacDonald 931 Brittany Hills Drive Dayton, OH 45459

1940 Bill Sibert 2028 Albert Circle Wilmington, NC 28403-4273 Barry Register '51 informed us that his neighbor (same apartment house), Paul White, was struck by a truck while crossing a street in New York one evening in March. He was taken by ambulance to New York Hospital, where he stayed while convalescing from multiple injuries. He was then transferred to Mt. Sinai Hospital to enter a rehab program. Since Barry had hoped to see some of Paul's classmates at Reunion but was unable to locate them, he is sure Paul would welcome any greetings from his old friends. His address is 65 East 96th Street, 1C, New York, NY 10128-0774; phone number is 212-876-9208.

1941 55th REUNION Jon Wilford Slippers Cove, P.O. Box 953 Easton, MD 21601 Looking forward to seeing everyone at our 55th Reunion next June! It was good to hear from Davis Platt, who still enjoys living in New York City. "My life is rather quiet these days. I am teaching English as a Second Language to two charming Taiwanese, whom I met through the International Center in New York. I also lead discussion groups several times a month at SAGE (Senior Action in a Gay Environment), a very reputable organization in NYC. "Last summer [1994] I spent a month in Canada; and in January, I enjoyed two weeks in Florida. My health is holding up, though I had a cataract operation in December."

Bill Brownlee 3606 Shepherd Street Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Bill Brownlee reports that he and Sheila became grandparents again on May 1,1995, when daughter Janet '79 and her husband, Bill Luke '79, presented them with Alexander McKay Luke.

1945 Gattie Jones 193 Lynn Avenue Shreveport,LA 71105 From January 29 to May 21,1995, the Meadows Museum at Centenary College in Shreveport, LA, held its "SPACE: The Art of Robert McCall" exhibit. Gattie Jones was among the first male docents to work at the museum. Since he is retired and had been in engineering and operations at Arkla Gas, it was a subject Gattie could get interested in. The Museum needed help, so he volunteered. Gattie explains, "I also had taught Junior Achievement, and I knew this project would involve youngsters." "SPACE: The Art of Robert McCall" has acted as the centerpiece for PROJECT SPACE, a program initiated at Centenary to educate the public about space and make it more aware. McCall has been a NASA artist for 35 years and is renowned for his soaring mural at the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum in Washington, DC. He also has worked within the film industry providing art for such motion pictures as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek and The Black Hole. Looking for a good time? Call Peggie and Bill Hearn. They are advertising as "Party Animals" on an I.D. card with a picture of a lepreSt. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 23


chaun and a lucky pot of gold. All 45ers said they had a glorious time at Reunion last June.

2946 50th REUNION Ken VanDyke 347 Declaration Lane Christianburg, VA 24073 Milestone 50th Reunion—let's all plan to be there!

2947 Frank Giammattei P.O. Box 4133 Wilmington, DE 19807

1948 Sky Smith Rigidized Metals Corp. 658 Ohio Street, Buffalo, NY 14203

1949 Wes Martin St. Mary's Episcopal Church 310 95th Street Stone Harbor, NJ 08247 Louis de Branges is the Edward C. Elliott Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University and is renowned in the mathematics world for his proof, in 1984, of the Bieberbach Conjecture (unsolved since 1916). Helen and Tony Tonian stopped by SAS on their way to Florida, bringing their granddaughter, Christina (daughter of son Greg '78) with them for an early admission visit. Tony is Country Director of Moscow until June 1996. He and Helen are thoroughly enjoying Moscow and all it has to offer. Later the same day, Connie and Pat Keller also stopped by SAS while visiting the East Coast. Their grandnephew Christoph Stutts '95 had just graduated. 24 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Fifty years later, John Cook '45 and Charlie Welling '45 commemorate their championship team with a handsome banner the crew gave to the School.

1950 Stu Bracken 1401 Rose Valley Way Ambler, PA 19002 Pat and Art Partridge have taken up residence at their new retirement home in Cortez, CO. We all wish them well. Nancy and Dick Leonard had hoped to join everyone for his 45th Reunion. However, while they were in California on their "long-planned post-retirement jaunt around the U.S.A.," Dick suffered a stroke. Nancy writes, "Our kids and their great husband/wives came to the rescue. Son-in-law Mike, and Scott, our son, flew out, put us on a plane, then drove our car and trailer home. "Dick can walk (slowly) and talk, but as he puts it: 'My thinker's not working up to par/ Also, he has lost all vision in the left hemisphere of his eyes. His sense of humor and his courage and determination are intact. We handle one day at a time and thank God for what we have. Dick is working with an occupational, a physical and a speech therapist, as well as with his private duty R.N.— me. All prayers will be cheerfully accepted."

Maury Kemp regrets that more members of the class didn't come to the 45th in June. It was a good time and would have been even better had more 50ers been there. Let's work toward the 50th in 2000!

1951 45th REUNION Barry Register 65 East 96th Street, Apt. 6B New York, NY 10128 Nancy and Hume Horan departed Cote d'lvoire on July 6 on transfer back to Washington. They spent most of July in Germany with son Alex (USMC Captain) and his wife, Gail. Son Ted '93 joined them for six weeks with plans for bicycle trips, especially the Moselle-Rhine Valley routes. Ted worked in the Consulate (his third summer there). He's a junior at Bates College in Maine. Daughter Margy '83 has joined the Foreign Service and was in basic training this summer. Hume has been assigned as Diplomat-in-Residence at Howard University. He and Nancy ended their Cote d'lvoire tour with some local and regional travel. They went to Liberia, Mali (Dogon country) and

again toured the north of Cote d'lvoire. Hume notes: "Liberia? Very violent. Mali? Very poor. The famous mosques at Djenne and Mopti are now closed to non-Muslims. A backward step! We realize again how fortunate we have been to serve the last three years in one of Africa's more stable, untraumatized countries. But we look forward to coming home and being closer to family and friends!" Barry Register and Herndon Werth '52 were a big help during Reunion in June. Attendees can thank these two gentlemen for the chocolates on their pillows. Get ready, Class of '51, for your 45th!

1952 Herndon Werth 434 East 58th Street, 6A New York, NY 10022-2307 Barry Register '51 saw Torn Sabin in New York in June and had a pleasant luncheon with him and his wife, June. Tom is still busily engaged in the cardboard carton business looking tanned and fit. Barry hadn't seen him for 20 years; Tom and Pete Pell '51 are in occasional contact. In June, Dan Luke wrote from


Gainesboro, GA, that he had a successful pulmonary angioplasty in 1994 and was 15 months smokeless! Herndon Werth won two roundtrip tickets and was leaving for London with a friend in July.

1953 Tom Oliphant RR 4,254 Lynx Drive Sedona, AZ 86336

1954 George Baxter 103 Warwick Road Yardley,PA 19067

1955 Robert Robinson 104 West Market Street Georgetown, DE 19947 Chesapeake College awarded an honorary degree to former House Speaker Roy Clayton Mitchell for his support of community colleges. The degree, which recognized him for "distinguished service to the community and its constituents," was presented at the school's 27th commencement on May 23, 1995. Roy now serves on the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

Wells Foster '50, Bonnie and Jack Fairchild '50, and Maury Kemp '50 enjoying the Reunion picnic lunch.

1956 40th REUNION Ken Court 1320 Harbor Road Annapolis, MD 21403

40th Reunion in June—be there! While working at the University of Kentucky, Berle Clay recently finished an interesting archaeological study of a Civil War battlefield and is currently writing up a study of pre-Civil War farm buildings in Kentucky. Son Severn graduated from Oberlin in May and son Torsten is a grad student in physics at the University of Illinois. Daughter Maia and wife Brenda went to Australia during the summer of 1994 to do anthropological research. Ken Court writes: "We are recovering from the Imagine project. The boat sailed to Miami in 15 knots of air at 18 knots speed. She's fast. It doesn't always pay to work for free for folks who don't have money. They often don't appreciate your efforts and blame you when things go wrong. In Imagine's case, the cash shortfall was $750,000. They burned out. Quit. Blamed us. Anybody want a good boat?" Sidney Dickson is blazing the Appalachian Trail. The goal of his American Earth and Trail Project is to open up the old trails to more than present pedestrian-only use. From the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, he envisions a multi-use trail as a collateral passageway generally following the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. The 2,100-mile route was established in 1937. Sidney expects to have the route "roughed out" by the end of September. "Then I'll ride it, do some maga-

zine articles, starting at the north end and ending in the southern portion in October." Most of the route is along rights of way, but some may be in disuse, derelict, he calls them. "I will hook them together, organizing what is already there," he succinctly described the pursuit, adding, "We recycle old roads." (Reprinted from July 1995 Attraction.) If anyone is interested in this aspect of America's Great Outdoors, please call Sidney at (410-822-8044).

1957 George Brakeley 98 Winfield Lane New Canaan, CT 06840

1961 35th REUNION Howard Snyder 330 Laurel Lane Haverford, PA 19041

In the March/April 1995 issue of Agenda: Magazine, Allen Morgan, the founder of Memphis' premier securities firm, is profiled in an article about his "rise to the top." Allen is chairman of Morgan Keegan and Company. After 25 highly successful years and an industrywide reputation for being one of the most innovative financiers in the country, his company's objective is to become the most influential homegrown securities firm in the South.

1958 1962 Jerry Wigglesworth 115 North Delaware Avenue Manhattan, KS 66502

Kris Atchley retired from the U.S. Foreign Service in September 1993, after a four-year assignment as the United States Permanent Representative to the U.N. Environment Programme, and decided to stay on in Kenya to work on environment and wildlife conservation issues. Kris writes, "In case anyone should come to Kenya or want to get in touch, my address is: c/o U.S. Embassy, P.O. Box 30137, Nairobi, KENYA. My Fax is c/o U.S. Embassy, [254-2] 340-838; Telephone [254-2] 521-684."

1959 Andy Adams 2201 S. Arlington Ridge Road Arlington, VA 22202-2122

I960 Carl Bear P.O. Box 682 Bozeman, MT 59771-0682

Richard Baer P.O. Box 426,1706 Bay Drive Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

1963 John Schoonover Schoonover Studios, LTD. 1616 N.Rodney Street Wilmington, DE 19806

George Forbes, executive vice president and head of corporate banking at PNC Bank, was recently elected president of the Delaware Bankers Association. Rick Hillier, John Schoonover and George Shuster teamed up at the 5th annual Diamond State Masters Regatta on Noxontown Pond in July. And congratulations to John Schoonover and Frances L. Corr. They will be married in the St. Andrew's Chapel in October 1995! Lightnin' Al Crichton continues his artistic endeavors in between saxaphone gigs in Liberty, ME. Writes a critic of a recent exhibition: "Crichton's work looks inward into the psyche...for him it is the image that counts, not how he got there..." At the annual gala at the Sheraton Fontainebleau in Ocean City in May, Chip Gordy received the Cancer Si. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 25



Cup of Hope for more than 20 years of service to the Worcester County Unit of the American Cancer Society.

2964 Curt Coward 2087 Hunters Crest Way Vienna, VA 22181-2841 John M. Deutch, sworn in as director of the CIA in May, has selected Rear Admiral Dennis Blair, director of the Navy's assessment division, as a senior-level link to the military and the National Security Council.

1969 Charlie Kolb 1227 Michigan Court Alexandria, VA 22314

1973 1970

Tom Stevens c/o Alumni Office St. Andrew's School 350 Noxontown Road Middletown, DE 19709-1605 Remember that tune at karaoke?

1965 1971

John Morton 119 Huse Drive Annapolis, MD 21403

John Morton had a great time and reports "it was wonderful to see so many people at the 30th Reunion."


25th REUNION Chuck Shorley 10126 Silver Point Lane Ocean City, MD 21842 Chip Holman is president and CEO of Baring Securities, a New York subsidiary of Baring Brothers & Co. Milestone 25th Reunion—get ready!

30th REUNION John Reeve P.O. Box 481 Harvard, MA 01451-0481


Newsflash—30th Reunion in June!

Bill Bean 2242 Via Tiempo Cardiff By The Sea, CA 92007-1216

1967 Joe Hargrove 9739 Norris Ferry Road Shreveport, LA 71106

1968 Bill Holder 45 Goodnow Road Princeton, MA 01541 Art Vandenberg is director of planning & programs for the Office of Information Technology, Georgia Tech. 26 Si. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

Technology (1992), Strategic Planning That Makes Things Happen (1993), and Living on Purpose, with Richard Edler (1994). Bill lives in Cardiff, CA, with his wife Vicki and their three children: Rebecca, Suzanna and Billy.

The long-awaited collection many executives and others have been waiting for, That Dog Don't Hunt, is Bill Bean's latest book. Bill is one of the emergent leaders in human and company performance enhancement; he develops practical tools to live a balanced and fulfilled life, and to achieve corporate maximization of results through a complete planning and implementation process. His career includes ten years at IBM, and CEO of Productivity and Profit Improvement Associates, a national consulting and training company. He is chairman of Strategia, a pioneer of organizational and individual performance optimization. He is the author of Strategic Planning

Sam Marshall 122 Kennedy Lane BrynMawr, PA 19010

1974 Henry Hauptfuhrer 313 Gaskill Street Philadelphia, PA 19147

1975 Lisa and Michael Kadick 2 Juniper Road Darien, CT 06820 Tom Savage, curator of the Historic Charleston Foundation, appeared in "What's New in Old Charleston," Town & Country magazine, April 1995 issue. Charleston has been America's leader in historic preservation since it adopted its first historic-zoning ordinance in 1931, and one eloquent voice for continuing that tradition belongs to Tom. The Foundation raises money to buy historic properties for resale and operates the 1808 Nathaniel Russell mansion as a museum. Tom is also quoted in the April 1995 issue of House Beautiful in another article about Charleston entitled "A Burnished Survivor." Best wishes to Cindy and Jon Rodgers on the birth of their daughter, Rachel, on March 14,1995 (Class of 2013). Rachel made her first SAS appearance at Reunion '95. Jon is writing TV commercials for Pepsi. He won Addy and Clio awards this year as well as awards at the Canne Film Festival. He writes: "I can't believe they pay me for this." In April, Jamie Gerrish brought us up to date since graduation. He attended Marietta College, graduating with a B.A. in management/psy-

chology. He started dating his wifeto-be (Cathy Worthington) during their senior year. Jamie went to work for United States Steel in 1981 in Cincinnati. He married Cathy (the boss's daughter) in 1983 and was promptly transferred to Pittsburgh. They loved Pittsburgh and stayed for nine years. Jamie then worked for Calgon Corporation in 1991 and moved to Kingsport, TN. He found out that Bill McMahon worked for Calgon as well. After 19 years, he and Bill met in 1994 in a national sales meeting in Phoenix, AZ. They had been roommates back in 1974. Jamie visited with Gordon Brownlee in Colorado in 1994, gets phone calls from Ralph Neel every three months, called Tripper Showell after 18 years, and attended Bob Greenlee's wedding. He adds: "I still feel my closest friends and the best friends I will ever meet were those I established at St. Andrew's." It was a pleasant surprise for Lisa and Mike Kadick to receive a letter from (Chris) Julian Hunt, who's living in Spain. Julian reports: "The last St. Andrew's alumnus I came across was Tom Slaughter, and I never saw such a double take. Picture this: Rainy London 1985. I see him first, talking with another couple, waiting at some station in the Underground. I walk up, real close, without saying anything, just a big grin on my face. He shifts away giving me one of those glances, a split-second hesitation, and then his mouth drops open. The metro thunders into the station, we're shouting and exchanging stories as fast as we can talk, and then, in a couple of stops I get off. I've been in Europe more or less ever since, and in Barcelona since 1988. "There was a tremendous amount of work for architects here until September 1992. It will one day be written down as one of the great periods of architectural expression like Weimar, Germany in the 1920s, or Chicago in the 1880s, but that's all over now. I've been devoting more and more time to writing, especially art and architectural criticism (and a play: Iconopolis), but with 25% unemployment here, even after winning a whole series of prizes, our office has no more clients. So we're packing it in and shipping back to a rather unfamiliar America. "When I say 'we,' I am referring to my beautiful Argentine wife, Lucrecia, and our little two-year-old son, Yago (as in lago from Othello but


the Galician version). "Please extend my warmest regards to my ex-companeros; because, at best, it looks unlikely that we'll be back before August. "P.S. It was strange to see Dead Poets Society dubbed in Spanish." Bob Amos and his bluegrass band, Front Range, will be performing as follows: September 2 & 3, Delaware Valley Bluegrass Festival, NJ; September 9 & 10, Tres Rios Bluegrass Festival, Glen Rose, TX; October 27, 28 & 29, Harvest Festival, Anaheim, CA; October 28, Neighborhood Church, Pasadena, CA.

1976 20th REUNION Ralph Hickman 4896 Sentinel Drive Brecksville, OH 44141 Our 20th Reunion is in June—wow!

1977 Steve Salter 3525 Bowland Road Richmond, VA 23234 Dr. Janice Nevin updates us on her current position. She is a physician, clincial assistant professor of family medicine and residency director at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia (where she received her M.D. in 1987). In addition, she has an M.P.H. from the University of Pittsburgh (1992). Her husband, Charles Pohl, is a pediatrician also working at Jefferson. Their second daughter, Annie Rose, arrived on May 30, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and joins sister Emma (2). From Braintree, MA, Alex Reed writes: "Hello to everyone. Still living south of Boston. Enjoying the kids. The twins are now 8, and I have two daughters, ages 4 and 2. Quit my nursing job but will be looking for part-time work after the summer." Gil Allen, a partner in the Salisbury, MD, law firm of Adkins, Potts & Smethurst, has recently formed his own firm, Adkins & Allen, L.L.P. His practice includes general civil litigation and estate planning. In addition, Gil serves on

the board of his other alma mater, The Salisbury School, where his two children, Gil III and Kate, attend second grade and kindergarten.

2978 Ashton Richards Episcopal High School 1200 North Quaker Lane Alexandria, VA 22302 Congratulations to Cindy and Tom Schreppler, who announced with joy the birth of their son, James Everett, on May 25,1995. More congrats go out to Gary Hart on the birth of his third child (second son), Lucas Gehler Hart, born on April 19,1995. Molly Judge and husband Jimmy celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary. They live in Chestertown, MD, and have "three beautiful girls": Meggy (7), Haydon (4) and Paige (3). Molly teaches reading at Kent School and finished her master's in reading through Loyola College in Baltimore. She and two friends started a new business in Chestertown called Educational Support Services, where Molly does educational assessments and tutoring.

1979 Keely Clifford 1397 Stonecreek Road, Annapolis, MD 21403-1523 Congratulations to Janet and Bill Luke, the proud parents of Alexander McKay Luke, born on May 1, 1995, and weighing in at 6 pounds 8 ounces.

Members of the Class of 1980: Rob Colburn, Bill Doherty, Anthony DeMarco, Ed Tarburta and Judi Skelton Spann. Bachelor) for an "awesome" ski trip. She is happy to report that her family is great. John Lilley and his wife moved to Singapore. Cousin Jeff Lilley '82 is living with them. Small world! John is an economist with an American financial news services company and had been living in Japan for six years. Max Rentschler Ausbrook was born on April 21,1994 (Jon O'Brien's birthday!) to Keith and Kate Ausbrook. Claire Nevin-Field graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in December 1994 with a M.S. in nursing and was honored with the Dean's Award. After graduation, she completed The American College of Nurse Midwives' Certification Exam and received a license to practice in Pennsylvania. Claire joined Chester County OB/GYN Associates in West Chester and is in partnership with one other midwife and six OB/GYN physicians. She states, "It is a very busy practice, but I enjoy it." Claire and Andrew have two girls, Ellie (3) and Rachel (6). Louise Nomer took a trip to Wyoming, went to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar and Yellowstone. Rob Colburn was elected to the Alumni/ae Corporation Board in June.

1980 1981

Rob Colburn 18 Judson Street, #12B Edison, NJ 08837

Did we have kids at Reunion or what?! Great to see everyone. Hope to see more in 2000. Enjoying a year off from teaching, Tracy Chardon went to Oregon (Mt.

15th REUNION Eric Ellisen 111 Downs Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 15th Reunion in June—get psyched! Chris Flint received the Helen

Hayes Award for outstanding supporting actor for his role in the musical production of "Into the Woods" at the Signature Theatre of Arlington. Congratulations to Jim and Amy Dilsheimer Currie, who are the proud parents of twins, Catherine Grace and James Lees, III, born on May 28, 1995. "We love being parents although it's a little exhausting," writes Amy. A note from Eric Ellisen reads: "Jane and I are expecting a child this fall. I talked with Buck Ratledge and Lizzie Bleke Clark recently and both are excited about our 15th reunion next spring. Dare Johnson is a partner at a boutique advertising firm in Washington, DC."

1982 Paul Eichler 866 Monroe Terrace Dover, DE 19901 Arraminta Ware 210 N. Church Street Sudlersville, MD 21668 Jeff Lilley was back in Russia for two months (May and June, 1995) to do some writing projects. He has now returned to Singapore, where he lives with his cousin John Lilley '80 and his wife, to continue studying Chinese. Although it is a long process, Jeff enjoys it. Paul Eichler was a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors for the Delaware State Employees Federal Credit Union in May and won the election. He was also appointed to the Investment Committee with overseeing responsibilities. St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 27


LEFT:- Kathy Stephen Billhardt '83 and Joan Mary Dabrowski were married on October 29, 2994. Sitting: Joan and Stephen. Going up the stairs: Mark Peterson (Anne Percy's '83 husband), Bob Owens '83, Bentley Burnham '83, Luke Mette, Jackie Paradee Mette '83 and Anne Percy Peterson '83.

DeMarco '84 and Stephanie Jones Ahl '84 visited Lou O'Brien '84 (center) at Noble & Greenough in Massachusetts in the fall of 1994. RIGHT: Julie Herbert Wahman '88 and husband Christopher with son Alexander Charles at his baptism this year.

by the sea and would love to have a letter or a visit from any wandering St. Andreans. Lots of love!" Bonnie's address is: 9 St. Thomas Street, Bronte, NSW, 2024, Australia.

1985 Heather Morrow 135 Underwood Avenue Greensburg, PA 15601 Mark Dimmick graduated from Loyola University with an M.B.A. in December 1994. In June, Kevin Grandfield returned to Chicago after a two-month tour of Europe. He writes, "... getting my mid-life crisis over with early. I saw Perry Yeatman in Moscow; she took me to see a performance by a Bolshoi ballerina. And I saw Bruce Colburn and his wife Agnes in Paris. They were kind enough to feed me nearly every night. Along the way, I experienced many life-changing and some life-threatening situations. 'Two weeks after I got home, I graduated with my M.F.A. in creative writing from Columbia College in Chicago. Ben Vereen gave the commencement address."

1983 Boo Percy-Peterson 17 Notch Road West Simsbury, CT 06092 Congrats to Marnie Stetson and husband David Futterman who had 28 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

a son, Stetson Cole Futterman, on May 19,1995. The happy family lives in New York City, where Marnie attends NYU Law School. Margy Horan joined the Foreign Service and was in basic training during the summer.

1984 Mike Whalen 9 Pinecliff Road Chappaqua, NY 10514 A note from Bonnie Hillman in May reads: "Everything is great down under! I just signed with an agent, so I'm auditioning for numerous commercials and films the U.S. is doing over here in this beautiful country. I also just bought a house

Anne Gammons '85 visited Stacey Williams DuPre '85 and her family in Charleston,SC. LtoR: (back) Anne, Stacey, Ken Wells; (front) Wallace DuPre, Devin, Jaylin and Cristin.

While on vacation in April with her boyfriend, Ken, in Charleston, SC, Anne Gammons met up with Stacey Williams DuPre and her family: husband Wallace and children

Cristin (9), Devin (3) and Jaylin (9 months). Stacey's parents own a house down there. Gary Clarke writes: "All who have access to the Internet, check out my homepage on the world-wide web: users/gclarke/home.html; or e-mail to: Located in Philadelphia, Mike Denworth works in the accounting department of SMS, and "all's well." He's sorry he couldn't make it to the 10th Reunion. Hugo Heriz-Smith was elected to the SAS Alumni/ae Corporation Board in June. When Paul Eichler '82 was at the Dover YMCA in August, he noticed a plaque with Kurt Von Urff 's name


Shriver '83 is working hard in the music world in Jessup, MD. Ed Hammond relocated to Chapel Hill, NC, after completing his Masters of Regional Planning and Latin American Studies at the University of Texas in Austin this year. Tim Abbott taught at Andover School during the summer. He is now halfway through his Masters of International Development at Clarke University in Worcester, MA.

1988 Liz Baxter 525 Queen Street Philadelphia, PA 19147-3032 Jen Hurtt 1222 Washington Street, Apt. 2N Hoboken,NJ 07030


on it. Kurt was a member of the Dolphins Swim Team and a memorial award is given each year in his name.

1986 10th REUNION Heather Patzman Will N. Manton Lane San Antonio, TX 78213 The excitement is building for the 10th Reunion in June! Virginia and Rob Beams, who were married in March 1994, are living in Sunrise, FL. Rob has been working for a Florida Citrus Grove in sales for the last three years, and Steve Locke joined the sales group for the Grove about two years ago. Theo Hartman lives in Pittsburgh and is working at a local architecture and engineering firm. Over the past several years, he has become "passionately involved in climbing (specifically high-altitude and winter mountaineering) and music— again." On November 1, he leaves for Santiago, Chile, to attempt the first solo ski-traverse of the approximately 200-mile-long Southern Patagonian Ice-cap. The whole trip will take around three months, although he will only be on the ice itself for 30-40 days. Theo will be traveling alone, on skis with a supply sled in tow. As the area is unmapped, he will be navigating using handheld GPS (Geographic Positioning System) and satellite imagery With

the notable exception of generous equipment sponsorship from a number of outdoor companies, he is doing all the fundraising. "It's a tremendous challenge, hard work, and lots of fun," says Theo. When he returns from Chile in February, Theo expects to relocate to the San Francisco Bay area. He finished recording basic tracks to several of his own songs in July in Lancaster, PA, with Dave Wike and Charlie Crystle. These solo works should be available in their finished form on CD by the end of next summer. Dave lives and works as a screen actor in Santa Monica, CA. Charlie is president of his own computer business in Lancaster, where he also lives. Theo has also been in touch with the following St. Andreans: Steve

Julie Herbert Wahmann writes: "I have had quite a year. I got married, bought a house, finished my B.A. and had a baby." Julie, her husband Kibbey Perry and their son, Alexander Charles, CC-1 Versailles Apts. live in an old house in the historic 4616 Roswell Road district of Augusta, GA. Atlanta, GA 30342 David Johnson has been living in northern New Jersey for a year. In Jill Willock April, he and Kathryn Messina were 2 Anchorage Place planning a September 1995 wedding South Portland, ME 04106 and to live in the New York City area for the next few years. In addition to Heather Mallory is in Paris working working as a civil engineer, David for the International Herald Tribune volunteers his time with Jersey and is doing very well for herself Cares, a volunteer organization that despite the hectic schedule of inter- helps pair young professionals who national journalism. are interested in giving their time Best wishes go out to John and energy with charities in the New Guthery and his bride, Christine York City, northern New Jersey area. Fortune. They were married in David writes: "So, any of you St. Morristown, NJ, on June 18, 1994. Andreans in the greater New York Rick Lizondo, John's SAS room- area who are looking for a way to mate, flew in from Paris for the oc- work with charities ranging from casion and served as an usher. John Habitat for Humanity to spending and Chrissie are living and working time with young children awaiting in Boston. Chrissie is an attorney, adoption, give me a call (201-263and John is a product evaluator for 9645)." Liberty Financial and expects to Karsten Robbins graduated in complete his M.B.A. from Babson in 1992 with a degree in fine arts (phoa year. tography) from Sewanee, TN, and went out to Montana, where he worked as a tour guide in Glacier National Park. In October 1992, he moved to Paris with the hopes of becoming a famous photojournalist, and worked briefly in an international boarding school in Normandy for six months (Ecole des Roches) in order to make ends meet. For the past 1-1/2 years, he worked as a photographer/computer graphic artist for a small

After the wedding party: John Guthery '87; his bride, Chrissie; Rick Lizondo '87 and John's father, Ted Guthery '51.

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 29


Kip Digges '94 and Andrew Mahlstedt '94 sport the shaved haircuts that senior members of the Middlebury tennis team traditionally give freshman players before their spring trip to Hilton Head, SC.

French software company called Abvent. As of May 1995, he started working in Geneva for the International Organization for Migration as their "in-house designer/SD computer animation/graphic artist/interactive CD ROM/photographer guy—which means that I finally have some semblance of a real life, doing what I love, and they want to pay me! Otherwise, I'm happy, healthy and enjoying the Parisian culinary (and liquid) delights with friends!" Karsten sends an open invitation to come to Switzerland and writes: "If someone wants to teach English in Normandy in a French boarding school (not for the faint-hearted types), please contact me; and I can probably set you up (offer good until October). You can easily contact me through the Internet— ROBBINS@GENEVA.IOM.CH or in Geneva at work at (41)(22) 717 9471." John Chamberlin was in France last year and worked in the same boarding school as an English teacher and basketball coach. He spent time in Paris during the weekends and worked on his needlepoint projects, knitting and toothpick collection. He is currently in New York trying to get into the film industry and sees the large SAS alumni crew there. Brandon Mathews has been in Germany working for GM/Opel for the past year. He likes Germany but isn't planning to stay forever. There are rumors that he may leave for Brazil (with GM), but there's nothing concrete yet. He has spent several fun weekends in Paris with Chauncy Gardner, Alix Beith and Karsten. Alix Beith finished her year of study in London. She's confident that she'll get a job that will take her 30 Si. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

to exciting places like Africa to work for organizations such as "Medecins sans Frontiers." This summer she traveled to Vienna and Majorca. Simon Cherniavsky is running the Moscow Catering Company by himself. He loves the challenge of being in charge of a small company (20-30 employees) in crazy Moscow, but the brutal winters are making him think of leaving. At one point, the temperature in his apartment plunged to -10°, and he had to "convince" the local plumbers (with the help of three liters of vodka and questionable "magazines") to turn his heat back on. He also drove a 1949 red Russian antique car from Moscow to Paris last summer. His plans were to leave Moscow in May and be in and out of France for a couple of months before spending the summer in a "dacha" not far from Moscow with friends in July.

2989 Barrett Simpson 1401 West Haven Boulevard Rocky Mount, NC 27803 After working on Senator Joseph Biden's staff, Pat Montgomery left the Judiciary Committee in March 1995, to work for Aquirre International on a project for US-AID. This project sent him to the former Soviet Union for two months. James Borghardt sends greetings from the South and writes: "I am currently in South Texas flying twinengine airplanes. In August [1995], I start flying jets in Pensacola for 1012 months. From there I am headed to Norfolk, VA, to fly off the A/C

carrier. I am also getting married in May of 1996. Anyone in or around Maryland in May is invited to come by May 11 and join the festivities at my house on the Eastern Shore." Toby Whitmoyer was in Paris briefly before zipping off to South America (Chile or Peru) to work for an up-and-coming wine producer. Chauncy Gardner, continuing in the boarding school legacy, finished up her year in Normandy teaching English at Ecole des Roches. She got into NYU's French Ph.D. program for the fall semester but is considering Wisconsin. Her plans were to spend the summer in France and see Karsten Robbins in Geneva.

1990 Ridie Lazar Box 2006 Kent, CT 06750 Sarah Savage 3 Malvern Avenue, Apt. #1 Richmond, VA 23173 David McCaleb graduated on May 31.1995, from the United States Air Force Academy. He achieved the rank of Cadet Captain and, as such, is assistant squadron commander. He will be stationed at Andrews Air Force Base as a finance officer. David married Doris Lillian SullivanBateman on June 3 in Colorado Springs. Christina Robbins works in Jerusalem for the European Union delegates to Palestine. She says it's exciting work despite the obvious tensions that reign. She has been known to yell at soldiers toting submachine guns to get out of her way because she was in a hurry. In August she planned to leave Jerusalem to return to Brussels with a friend to look for work in which she could use her seven languages. She has traveled extensively throughout the Middle East and loves it. Brian Leipheimer will be returning to St. Stephen's in the fall to teach history and coach soccer, wrestling and softball. Leipy is engaged to Vienne Murray, a medical student at UVA. They will be married on July 27.1996. Leipy keeps in touch with Scott McClary, who is coaching basketball and doing public relations work for Muhlenberg College.

Linda Schneider is living in New Jersey and working in multi-media design. Joaquin Gubb will be joining his sister, Squig '88, at the University of Richmond Law School in the fall. Catherine van Ogtrop will graduate from the University of Delaware with a degree in literary studies in December. She is spending the summer in Baltimore working with atrisk youth. Catherine talks to Cyre Boggs who is working at a retirement home in Florida, where she works with the elderly. During the summer, they both got engaged and have plans to marry in 1996. Cyre and Blaise Mooney of Florida will walk down the aisle on May 4. Catherine and her finance, Douglas Hoffberger of Baltimore, have set their date for June 8. Emily Balentine is teaching history and English and coaching tennis at the Peddie School. Amy Goldsworthy and her finance, Grant Fawcett, are living with Amy's parents in New Jersey and saving money to buy a house. They are both managers at McDonald's stores and hope to have their own franchise soon. They will be married on September 2, 1995, and will spend Christmas at Hamburger University. Chris Brown is living in New York City and working in advertising on the Miller Genuine Draft account. He sees Steve Dean who is working as a paralegal. He also keeps in touch with Dave Erard who is attending the American University in Paris. Chris also heard from Stef Moday, who is working in publishing for the summer and will be returning to Hobart in the fall. He hopes to graduate in May 1996. Callen Hurtt is getting an engineering degree from the University of Alabama and working with natural gas. He spends his free time trying to start a crew program. Amanda Woods is working at Lincoln Center in the marketing department. Jen Vernon is "in transition." She was living in New York City with Amanda and working for Mirabella magazine until it folded. She is now back in Rehoboth working retail and looking for another job. Nick Blum is studying at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Carter Meyer is working at Bruschwig & Fils in New York City She designs and does color work


with fabrics. Carter talks to Mac Wilcox who is in Ecuador selling advertising space. Liz Dunton lives in New York City with her sister, Mary '87, and works at the Robert Miller gallery. Jen Boynton designs computer software for Fidelity in Boston. Taylor Cameron is a penny roller at a bank in North East, MD. Sunita Barhan is working at Coopers & Lybrand, getting her M.B.A., and plans to marry Konstantine Sierros in April 1996. Liza Wallace is getting her master's in counseling at the University of Virginia. C.C. Davies teaches math to seventh graders at Booker T. Washington Middle School in South Harlem. She hears from Christina Robbins, who is living in Israel but is planning to move to Belgium. Nikki Smith teaches history with the Prep-for-Prep program in New York City. Kamillah Males is an auditor at Ernest & Young in New York City. She talks to Kim Setze, who is living in Chicago. Kamillah said, "Kim works for some French company and she speaks French all day." Roland Marquez lives in New York City, around the corner from Chris Brown. Roland is doing "neurophysiology research" at NYU Medical Center. He spends his free time playing with his rats/subjects. Chris Klebl is studying business at the University of Colorado in Boulder. He'll graduate in December 1996.

Erin Marek would like to add her name to the list of alumni in education. In June 1994, she graduated with departmental honors from The Johns Hopkins University. That fall she began her first year of teaching at Brick Memorial High School in Brick, NJ. She teaches World History, American Politics and American Economics. Although she found public high school very different from her SAS experience, Erin really enjoys it and has learned a lot.

1992 5th REUNION Kelly Hoopes Ursinus College, Reimert 201 Collegeville, PA 19426 In May, Anna Vocino received her B.A. in history and French cultural studies from Emory University.

1992 Stephanie Gibson Box 27471, UNC Wilmington Station Wilmington, NC 28407 After graduating from SAS, Hugh Cameron joined the Australian Navy and attended the Australian Defense Force Academy (in Canberra), where he studied for his

bachelor of arts degree. After two years in cold Canberra, he returned to Melbourne this year to finish his B.A. and start ("and sometime in the near future hopefully complete") a law degree. In his June 19 letter, Hugh writes: "All is going well, and I'm looking forward to becoming a legal officer in the dizzy heights of the Australian navy!! Have been communicating regularly with Abi White '93 and Betsy Rivinus '93 by e-mail and both seem very well. If anyone else is on the internet, I'd love to hear from them. My e-mail address is HCAM1@MFS01.CC. MONASH.EDU.AU. Spent the last week catching up with Leigh McCandless '93 who has been studying in Tasmania and is now off to New Zealand for six months. I have moved and my new address is: 172 Williams Road, Toorak, Victoria, 3142, Australia."

1993 Keri Brenner Georgetown University Box 572024 Washington, DC 20057-2024 Frank Crawley P.O. Box 2163 Davidson College Davidson, NC 28036 Virag Jony has her own apartment in Germany. She started her second


semester on May 2 and is prepared for a hard one. Ted Horan spent six weeks with his parents, Nancy and Hume '51, this summer. While in Germany, he and his father took bicycle trips, including the Moselle-Rhine Valley routes. This was Ted's third summer working in the Consulate. He is a junior at Bates College in Maine.

1994 Anna Standoff Connecticut College Box 4622,270 Mohegan Avenue New London, CT 06320-4196 Dionne Thomas Amherst College Box 876 Amherst, MA 01002-5000 Caroline Hoogenboom finished her NOLS course (semester in Mexico) and says, "It was incredible—a great thing to do with a year off." As freshman members on the Middlebury tennis team, Andrew Mahlstedt and Kip Digges had their heads traditionally shaved by the seniors right before their spring trip to Hilton Head, SC. They received pretty creative haircuts. Andrew writes: "It was a painful loss, as both of us finally had hair that would be pushing the SAS dress code." Andrew and Kip played doubles this year and both love Middlebury.

Contact the St. Andrew's School Alumni/ae Development Office for details. Call 302-378-9511, or fax 302-378-0429, or e-mail: NOVEMBER 1

New York Phonathon at the Williams Club

MAY 11-12

Arts Weekend


Washington Phonathon at the National Cathedral

MAY 17-18

Stotesbury Regatta in Philadelphia

MAY 24-25

Scholastic Regatta at St Andrew's

NOVEMBER 15 Wilmington Phonathon at Morris, James, Hitchens & Williams

MAY 30


Metro Stops in Manhattan, Alexandria, Wilmington & Baltimore


Scholarship Golf Tournament


New Alumni/ae Directory

JUNE 14-16

Reunion Weekend


Metro Stops


St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 31



1937 George E. Brown, Jr. died on February 11,1995. Printed below is an excerpt of the eulogy given by his brother, Peter M. Brown '40, during the Memorial Service.


y brother George was already three years old when I was born in Shaker Heights, Ohio; he had looked into the crib, with some disdain, and pronounced to his sisters, Harriett and Bebe, "It's the baby." That telling perspective of our relationship probably remained in place, I think, for most of the 70 years we were together on this earth. Throughout his three quarters of a century, George assumed a primogeniture role of authority in teaching those around him the rules and ways of life—which gave him courage and strength in tight spots—and a record of achievement that could be envied by lesser men who drift along with the thought they are doing just fine. My first recollection of George (aside from his peeking into the crib) was the time he convinced my sisters—three years later—in a little house along the Main Line in Phila-

1943 After an 18-month battle with cancer, Phillips Lounsbery died on May 18, 1995, at Northern Westchester Hospital Center in Mount Kisco. He was a lifetime resident of Bedford, NY. At St. Andrew's, Phil was an outstanding student who served his class and school admirably. Because of his outstanding ability to set misguided students on the right course, he was sometimes referred to as "Father Phil." He acted as IV Form Vice President, V Form President, prefect, president of the vestry and acolyte. He played squash and received letters in varsity football and varsity crew in his V and VI Form years. He attended Barnard College in New York, receiving his B.A. in 1945. Phil was a veteran of the U.S. Army in which he served during World War II. He left the service as a staff sergeant with the 26th Yankee Infantry. He was the recipient of the Bronze Star, the Croix de Guerre and four Battle Stars from the European 32 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

delphia, that I would be better off sleeping the night in the top drawer of the bedroom dresser rather than in a cozy twin bed next to him. What he didn't figure out was while putting me in the drawer and trying to close it, the whole dresser fell on its face—and so did I. Mother was not amused at his arbitrary assignment of sleeping quarters for "the baby." By the time we got to Babylon on Great South Bay, George had determined, on his own, his true vocation—he would be a sailor; didn't matter really what kind of a boat as long as he was on the water. This love of the sea continued in the summers in Quogue with a snappy dingy he helped build, and in East Hampton, for many years, at the old Devon Yacht Club, with Jacque as gourmet chef. It would not be difficult to surmise that George in 1941 would volunteer early for sea duty with the Navy, becoming a "90-day Wonder" Ensign on the Prairie State, docked along the Hudson River. (George's illustrious naval career has been profiled in the School's World War II Stories as well as in previous Magazines, including the "In Memory" section of the Spring 1995 issue.)

Theater, Battle of the Bulge. He was employed at Marsh and McLennan, Inc. The only time he did not live in Bedford, he worked for the company's Canadian division and left there as president of Marsh and McLennan Ltd. and returned to the New York Office. He retired in 1989 as managing director of Marsh and McLennan, Inc. Phil served on the Board of Trustees of Northern Westchester Hospital Center for 19 years, five as chairman of the Board. He was serving as the chairman of the board's Executive and Development Committee when he died. He also served on the Operations and Financial Review Committee, the Benefits and Executive Compensation and Joint Conference, and had been chairman of the Nominating Committee. He attended church at St. Matthew's Church in Bedford, where funeral services were held on May 22. He was a vestryman of the Trinity Parish in Manhattan. He served as a two-time governor of the Bedford Golf and Tennis Club and president of the Avenue of the

Americas Association. In addition to his wife of 47 years, Barbara, Phil is survived by three children, Phillips, Jr. of Toronto, Barbara L. Johnson of Pound Ridge, Sarah L. Thomson of Groton, NY, and a sister, Lela Griffin, of Atlanta, GA.


he first time I saw Phil was in September of 1938 when we two subdued 13 year olds were settling into our cubicles in the second form dorm. I knew immediately that he was destined for great things after a cursory inspection of him and his surroundings. His nails were clean, his hair was cut, his shined shoes were neatly arranged, and his suits were unrumpled. In short, he was spiffy! He had obviously listened to the admonishments of his parents and had already assumed a style that never left him throughout his life. Added to his penchant for neatness were seriousness of purpose and a genial civility. As time passed, it was not surprising that he assumed responsible positions in the School such as prefect, vestry member and class officer. However, he was not devoid of humor and he took much delight in participating in the usual schoolboy pranks and singing "Tit Willow" at inappropriate times in class. Within a month of graduation on June 5,1943, most of our class went into military service and Phil joined the Army. After the war, we lost touch, he being in Canada and I in Europe. Years later, we met again when he returned to New York and continued to see each other periodically after that. I found that his handwriting remained illegible and that his warm personality and gentlemanly style were unaltered by his success in his business career. His Christian faith and his family were the mainstays of his life, sustaining him through his difficult last days. I am sure that all who knew him regret the passing of a fine man. — Jay Kinahan '43

1945 Beauveau B. Nalle, 67, a retired Foreign Service officer, died on April 18, 1995, at Suburban Hospital after a stroke. Beau, who lived in Chevy Chase, MD, was born in Philadelphia. He drove an ambulance in London dur-

Beau Nalle '45 ing World War II and served in the Army after the war. He graduated from the University of Virginia and received a master's degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies. As a young man, he taught at Roberts College in Istanbul. During his Foreign Service career, he served in Washington, Turkey, Uganda, Liberia and Belize and with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva. He retired in 1988 after 34 years of service. Beau was an ornithologist and bird-watcher, and he had traveled and written extensively in pursuit of his avocation. His wife, Sheila Nalle, died in 1992. He is survived by two daughters, Elizabeth Nalle of Annandale and Ann Nalle of Chevy Chase; two brothers, Jesse Nalle '39 of Southport, CT, and Peter Nalle '41 of Greenwich, and two grandsons.


hen I arrived at St. Andrew's as a "new boy" in 1943, Beau Nalle was a very impressive member of the Class. Bigger than most of the Form—deep bass voice— letterman in wrestling, football and crew—class officer of some sort, as I recall—well established in many activities—one didn't approach Beau Nalle unless there was a reason! I suppose I regarded him more as I did the Sixth Formers. We became well enough acquainted during the ensuing two years, but not really close friends, as his routine was well established, while I was a neophite settling in. It was 50 years later that I had the opportunity to spend a long weekend with Beau, including riding with


him round trip from Norfolk to Cape Hatteras, NC. Beau was a concerned, caring, sensitive individual who, although he obviously had his views and beliefs, never denied anyone else the opportunity to have theirs, and never "came to blows" if there were differences. He obviously relished his situation at the time of helping his daughter rear her young child. I know that Beau represented our country in an exemplary manner in the varied locations in which he served as Consul during his career in the State Department. Beau was a good man and will be sorely missed. — Gattie Jones '45

1961 Ian H. Lothian, 51, died on July 10, 1995, at his home in Blairstown, NJ, following a long illness. Born in Suffern, NY, he was the son of the late John and Ruth Esibill Lothian. He lived in Blairstown since 1959. After graduating from St. Andrew's, he attended Rutgers University from 1961 to 1963. He was a

1966 Delaware artist Thomas R. Wilson, IV, 49, died on May 25, 1995, at his home in Lewes, DE, of complications from AIDS. Besides St. Andrew's, Tom attended Moses Brown Quaker School in Providence and graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1969. He then moved to New York to begin his career as a painter. To support his artistic efforts, Tom became a successful model on the fringes of Andy Warhol's crowd. He was featured in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar and Time magazines. He lived in Greenwich Village for many years and later lived in Paris for four years. He exhibited work in France, Germany and Italy. In 1981, an astrologer advised Tom that if he did not use his artistic talents, he would lose them. He gave up modeling and moved to Lewes in 1982. While caring for his ailing mother, Tom came into his own with his painting. He created an oasis on the land behind his family's beach house; his wisteria-covered studio, ponds and exotic plants inspired his series of flower pastels. The Frame-

former member of Blairstown Rotary Club, former member of New Jersey Morgan Horse Association, member of Blairstown Ambulance Corps since 1963 (serving eighth term as president), a charter member of New Jersey Chapter Land Improvement Contractors of America, and life member of the National Rifle Association. He was also the owner of Blairstown Transportation and Equipment Company since 1983 and the Pocono Excavators, Inc. (Quarry), Cresco, PA, since 1986. Survivors include his wife, the former Susan Wolinsky; five daughters, Lea Blanco of Robbinsville, Lorrie Schoemer of Hardwick Township, Jenniffer Kerr of Blairstown, Melissa Martin of Naples, FL, and Jessica Reese of Marshalls Creek, PA; a brother, Michael of Houston; and six grandchildren. lan's wife writes: 'Tan truly loved St. Andrew's School; he never forgot the kindness and goodness he got from attending. We hope one of our grandchildren will carry on his wish and attend St. Andrew's some day. He will be greatly missed but not forgotten by the many lives he touched."

house Gallery in Lewes has framed 232 of these pastels. Initially known as a portrait artist, his subjects ranged from prominent business figures to drag queens on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk— always bathed in a near-surreal light and subtly poking fun at the subject. His fascination with light and landscape later dominated his work. Tom also taught art at his studio and at Nassau Commons, and he held the positions of board member and teacher of the Rehoboth Art League. With the greatest respect for Tom's creative genius and in honor of his passing, the Rehoboth Art League presented a collection of his "Recent Works" from June 2 to July 13,1995, at the Homestead Mansion. "In the death of Tom Wilson," stated the editor of the Delaware Coast Press, "AIDS has robbed the community of a unique vision. Not only will his artistic perspective be missed, but his warmth, his humor, his radiant friendliness as well." Tom is survived by his companion of 13 years, Leo Medisch; sister Catherine W. "Kaki" Smith; niece Catherine H. Smith, and nephew James P. Smith, III, of Florida.

1971 The St. Andrew's community lost an alumnus and good friend with the passing of Robert W. Berray, Jr., who died on January 11, 1995, succombing to AIDS after a long battle with the virus. Upon graduation from SAS, Rob entered Tufts University transferring to New York University after two years. After graduating from NYU with a degree in business administration, Rob worked for Manufacturer's Hanover Trust Co. in the Estates and Trusts Department. In 1980, Rob left the company to enter The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, where he took an M.B.A. in 1982. Rob then returned to investment banking specializing in mutual funds and working for top caliber firms including Bankers' Trust and Citibank, N.A. During the latter stage of his illness, Rob opted for a less stressful work environment working for Paul Stuart's Men's Store. Classmate Gib Metcalf recalls Rob as "an introspective and quiet youth upon his arrival in the III Form, contrasting to the self-assured and good humored young man who complimented our VI Form class." Gib recalls Rob's keen sense of humor and active comedic side which manifested itself in humorous impersonations of some of the SAS masters with exploitable speech or mannerisms.

Faculty Former headmaster Robert A. Moss, 79, died of complications from heart failure in Chester County Hospital, West Chester, PA, on July 24, 1995. He was a resident of Kennett Square, PA. Bob taught math and religion and headed the religion department at Groton School in Massachusetts before becoming head of St. Andrew's in 1958. After leaving SAS in 1976, he taught at Westtown Friends School and at Lincoln University. From 1984 to 1993, he taught at a primary school for girls in Nangina, Kenya, where he helped redesign course work and rebuild the school. Bob was the first president of the Delaware Association of Indepen-


Classmate John Barber recalls Rob's artistic contributions to SAS including the choir and his playing the dramatic role of the police captain in the "Incident at Vichy." Mark Abbott, one of Rob's roommates at SAS, has memories of Rob's stories of the strange goings on at Dr. Timothy Leary's farm, located near Rob's parents' home in Millbrook, NY. Rob was a consistent honors student who was easily liked and well behaved. He enjoyed racquet sports and participated in chapel and community service activities. His easygoing nature and humorous disposition shall be missed and our class and the School will be the lesser for his passing. Rob is survived by his life partner of 12 years, Doug Harders of New York City, his parents, Vera and Robert Berray, Sr. of Millbrook, NY, and a brother, David, living in Hong Kong. — Chuck Shorley '71

Robert Berray '71

dent Schools and was former director of the Council for Religion in Independent Schools. He was a volunteer at Southern Chester County Medical Center in Jennersville for many years, where he worked with the staff on administrative matters and in development of medical/ethical guidelines for the hospital. He was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church, Wilmington. He is survived by his wife, Maria G. Cattell; a son, Robert A., Jr. of Andover, MA; two daughters, Heidi Ungermann of West Barnstable, MA, and Marty Moss Coane of Newtown; three stepsons, David A. Cattell of Bolinas, C A, Kevin Cattell of Columbia and Charles Cattell of Lancaster; a brother, Hunter of Gladwyne; two sisters, Anna Spiller of Roxborough St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 33



and Sarah Lorimer of Chatham, MA; his former wife, Huldah B. Moss of Hamorton, and 10 grandchildren.


s one whose tenure more than spanned the time of Bob Moss's headmastership, I remember clearly the day he arrived from Groton, where he had been assistant to the headmaster, Jack Crocker. Bob and Huldah arrived with their three children, Heidi, Bob and Marty, and two enormous Newfoundland dogs. During an August cookout on our back patio, he spoke of his vision for St. Andrew's—and also of the charge the trustees had made of him. His dream, shared by older hands who loved the School, was to help it grow into even greater distinction. He wanted a broadened and strengthened curriculum, an increase in the arts, added facilities, a broader spectrum within the faculty, a larger student body. He spoke of his concern that St. Andrew's was not yet integrated and of his hope for eventual coeducation. But all these had to wait until a more pressing need was met. Walden Pell had given the School life and purpose; he had instilled a Christian commitment for the best in church-related education. The generous endowment provided by Felix du Pont, Sr., meant that all needs could be met, that there should be no worries over expense. When something was needed, it was made available. By the late 1950s, a predictable erosion of the great endowment appeared on the horizon, and an unprecedented fiscal conservatism was called for. Firm budgets had to be created and stuck to, expenditures justified, tuitions projected, and it was this new financial responsibility that was Bob Moss's first and most imperative charge. He knew it would not be an easy task and that it could not be accomplished overnight. At that early stage—even before he opened the School in his first September—he realized he could not be a "handson" headmaster until he had succeeded with the assigned task of complete fiscal reorganization. Bill Cameron, who knew the school better than anyone, oversaw the day-today operation of classes, discipline, student life, and extracurricular activities. During Bob Moss's first two years, there were those who sometimes wondered who was running 34 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

the School. Where was the new headmaster in the nitty-gritty everyday events of school life? The enormity of bringing financial responsibility to St. Andrew's School was unseen and unknown to those of us on campus, but it was fundamental to the School's success, perhaps even to its survival in the sense Felix du Pont had intended. When at last Bob and the trustees of the Episcopal Church School Foundation were satisfied a new path had been set, that Norman Thornton and his business office staff were released to a new freedom in management, the headmaster was increasingly able to turn his attention to the School's daily life. To this he brought fresh insight and new opportunities. Bob met regularly with the trustees, conveying faculty wishes and concerns to Wilmington and board matters to the faculty. Three du Ponts—Felix, Jr., Henry Belin and Emile F.—were his closest contacts and advisors. They counseled and supported the new headmaster in his "look toward the future," a future that began to be realized, step by step. The greatest moral imperative was to open the School to all races, creeds and nationalities. Integration did not come easily; but by skillful negotiation and persistence, Bob Moss's efforts succeeded, and St. Andrew's became a richer community. Coeducation brought, as he said in the parlance of the 1970s, "a softness to the air," meaning a civility, a completeness, a naturalness that a traditional all-male school could never know. The School grew in student enrollment and in faculty, and that meant more housing for both and new facilities for new programs. He brought to the School the first professional athletic director, Webb Reyner, and enthusiastically supported the young man's graduate school study that for the first time allowed the athletic program to be cohesive and meet defined objectives. Webb's plan for a major addition to the old gym was so vigorously promoted by the headmaster, it resulted in immediate approval by the board, and the new building was soon underway. Two years later, the science department's need for modern laboratory and classroom facilities was approved, and students moved from dark basement labs and tiny demonstration rooms to a build-

ing that almost thirty years later compares with any in the country. Had not Bob Moss initiated, encouraged, backed and argued for these two great buildings, development of athletics and science would have been delayed for many years. From the School's founding the curriculum had been in nearlockstep, and under Bob's prodding, an entirely new approach was developed, freeing academic departments to explore and offer courses and programs unthought of only a few years earlier. As an "activity," the arts had languished, never consisting of even a single course. But that changed when Bob and the new arts department chairman, Larry Walker, established a program on parity with all other academic departments. It was an enormous success from the start. During his 18-year tenure, Bob Moss brought academic distinction and intellectual excitement to the School, especially during the more cloistered days before coeducation. He was not one to permit parochialism to creep into the small, otherwise isolated school world. He pulled St. Andrew's into the 20th Century from its traditional old-school heritage in New England and, more distant, England itself. It was not an easy task, and it often was not a popular one. Old traditions lending character to the School remain to this day, but those that hampered its growth were gradually discontinued—and change is often painful for those grown used to a familiar scene. Bob Moss often spoke of St. Andrew's role of "becoming," not "has been," "is" or "will be." For him the School, schoolmastering and learning were continuing affairs. The dynamism apparent in St. Andrew's School today in large part owes its origin to his perceptive guidance during difficult days when the "becoming" was often a wrenching issue. Not many St. Andreans of the 1980s and 1990s knew Bob Moss. Those of us who served with him in earlier days remember him well, encouraged by his support as we too worked to serve the school we loved. If a monument to his headmastership is sought, it is in the lovely grounds and great landholding (expanded in his time), in the unparalleled facilities created during the renewed building spurt of the 1960s and early 1970s, in the vigorous academic and athletic programs, in a

school whose student and faculty society is natural and complete. Most of all, it is in the continuing ethos of Christian education to which he was so devoted. The fine accomplishments of his successor, Jon O'Brien, are built upon the solid ground established during Bob Moss's 18 years at the helm. Old and new, here and abroad, we pay tribute to Robert Adamson Moss for his vision, his great work, his dedication, and his deep unquestioned love for St. Andrew's School. — William H. Amos

Chuck Mandes Louis C. Mandes, Jr., 62, of Middletown, DE, and head librarian at St. Andrew's since 1987, died of injuries from an auto accident on May 15, 1995. He worked for the Appoquinimink Library, Middletown, from 1980 to 1987. He was the treasurer of his father's company, Louis C. Mandes Co., which built St. Andrew's in 1930 on Episcopalian principles and du Pont family endowments in the middle of a cornfield south of Middletown. Chuck was a 1950 graduate of Middletown High School and a 1955 cum laude graduate of the University of the South, Sewanee, TN. He served in Army intelligence from 1955 to 1957. He was a lay reader for 25 years and a former vestryman for St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Middletown. Since 1967, he composed crossword puzzles for The New York Times and later composed crossword puzzles for students at St. Andrew's. At Chuck's memorial service, Bobby Rue read the following piece by Jane Kenyon. It was a favorite of Chuck's.


LET EVENING COME Let the light of late afternoon shine through chinks in the barn, moving up the bales as the sun moves down. Let the cricket take up chafing as a woman takes up her needles and her yarn. Let evening come. Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned in long grass. Let the stars appear and the moon disclose her silver horn. Let the fox go back to its sandy den. Let the wind die down. Let the shed go black inside. Let evening come. To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop in the oats, to air in the lung let evening come. Let it come, as it will, and don't be afraid. God does not leave us comfortless, so let evening come.

Chuck is survived by two sisters, Mary Lou Roberts of Townsend and Rachel Mandes of Odessa; and a brother, Joe, of Townsend. The family suggests contributions be made in Chuck's memory to St. Anne's Episcopal Church or St. Andrew's School Library.


pon learning of the death of Mr. Mandes, more than one anonymous St. Andrean was overheard remarking, "I can't believe it. Now I'll never be afraid to go into the library again." To a good many St. Andreans this comment represents what Mr. Mandes was—the self-described "ogre" of the library. How many students, for example, can claim that they have had a hat snatched by Mr. Mandes. In many ways, the rules of the library seemed taxing, if not overbearing, and Mr. Mandes, their draconian enforcer. Yet, perhaps there was something more, a reason for so many rules and Mr. Mandes' desire that they be strictly adhered to. For a man who valued books and their ability to teach, to entertain, to enlighten, and to connect, the library is more than just a room of shelves, stacks and carousels, it is almost a sacred place. Mr. Mandes' respect and love for books became evident with every conversation I enjoyed with him. Mr. Mandes would speak with a sense of excitement, suspense, and even a

little awe as he would carefully describe intricacies of the plot and diction that weave gracefully through the works of E. M. Forester or Eudora Whelty. Mr. Mandes' appreciation for the power of words allowed him to pick up the details that my duller sense always passed over. I recall one time when we were discussing E. M. Forester's Howards End, the book I did for my English exhibition. Mr. Mandes told me that the Merchant Ivory film production omitted the last line of the novel. Almost anyone else would have failed to notice this detail, yet Mr. Mandes saw this as a clear definition of how the director wanted us to view Henry and Margaret's relationship. The point that I am trying to reach is that Mr. Mandes loved words and the plethora of ways that words could be combined, connected, manipulated and, in the case of his crossword puzzles, crisscrossed. But unlike many who have found a treasure, Mr. Mandes boiled with excitement every time he shared his treasure with me or any member of this community. Watching him discuss a novel was akin to seeing a parent read to his child, except you weren't quite sure who the child was. — Erik Heinle '95, remarks for Memorial Service, May 24,1995


n the last week, many of us have been exchanging memories about Mr. Mandes: the first time we met him, or what he said last week, or a funny incident in the library. I want to tell you a memory I have; it was the first time I took my son into the Middletown Public Library. Andrew had learned to read and had gone through every child's book in the house. We went into the Town Library, and I introduced Andrew to Mr. Mandes, explaining the purpose of our visit. He shook hands with Andrew, and asked, "What are you interested in?" Being a helpful mother, I started to reply, but Mr. Mandes motioned me silent. He had Andrew climb on a stool, so that they were looking eye to eye. "Now, you tell me. What do you like?" Andrew responded eagerly, "I like rockets and space travel. We have a family of cats, and I love animals." Chuck must have asked ten or fifteen questions, and Andrew chirped away. They went back into the stacks, and Chuck unerringly pulled out ten or fifteen books. "You will like these,"

he said, "and when you have read these, I have more." After that first visit, he always remembered Andrew's name and library card number, and was unfailingly glad to see him. I tell this story because it illustrates one of Mr. Mandes' great gifts: the ability to make each of us feel special. He took the time to care, to find out what you needed, no matter how young or how important you were. He knew a great deal, but was more interested in sharing than in parading his knowledge; he was a modest man. Consider the breadth of his enthusiasms: opera, the theater, music, modern literature, Shakespeare, Trollope, the Brontes, movies, art, sports, travel, cooking, crossword can add more. Nearly everyone in this Chapel has been the recipient of his care and attention, from faculty and staff to the Third Form. Busy in the library, Mr. Mandes was right in the center of things. But he had another dimension, which gave depth to his personal concern. Mr. Mandes knew what it was like to be an outsider, for he had often felt left out. And he had a discerning eye for the student who felt lonely, or unpreppy, or poor, or who was worried about family problems, or who felt out of it, who were sure that they just didn't fit. Mr. Mandes helped them, quietly and unobtrusively. He never spoke of it; he just gave loving, practical help. This was daily living of his deep Christian faith. This had been a fine year, overall, for Mr. Mandes. His family and friends have said that they cannot recall him being happier. (Oh, we had witnessed explosions over the Dress Code, or behavior in the library, but those were his volatile Italian temper responding to what he perceived to be deliberate rule breaking. He responded because he cared deeply about this community; he expected high standards of behavior.) We heard, in his last Chapel talk, that he had come through his years as an outsider to a personal equilibrium. An adaptation of an earlier Chapel talk had just been published in a national magazine for schoolchildren. The massive task of computerizing the library was successfully completed, and he was involved in planning a complete renovation and expansion of the present library. He was happy, in the midst of the people and the places and the


books that the loved. The suddenness of his death was a shock to all of us; we were unprepared. But death was not a stranger to Mr. Mandes. More than 20 years ago he had suffered a massive heart attack. Six years ago he was disabled for months after a large blood clot had been removed from his leg and his vascular system reconstructed; this was the result of a fall down these Chapel stairs. Many of you will remember that last year he had further trouble with his leg. He had experienced several close encounters with death, and had thought deeply about it. He would frequently stop by my classroom, often bringing me yet more new books to read, and we would talk. Sometimes, in the last year, we talked about life and death. He was not afraid to die; he had nearly been there. What worried him was the prospect of a long, slow debilitating decline—first a wheelchair, then helpless and bedridden. I can hear him saying, "Oh, Nan, if I had a choice, I would choose to die suddenly and quickly." He also talked about life after death. Mr. Mandes believed, as Christians do, in the resurrection—that this present life will be followed by new life; for death is not the end, it is the gateway. And what of ourselves? There is a phrase in the Prayer Book: "We have left undone that which we ought to have done, and we have done that which we ought not to have done." None of us had the chance to say good-bye; to apologize for cruel words or grudges held; to thank him for those countless kindnesses, small and great; to tell him that we valued his friendship and loved him. We can do that now, in our prayers. God forgives us just as he forgave Mr. Mandes. "God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." In God's times, boundaries disappear; in the communion of the Saints, in a mysterious way, we share joy, happiness, love, salvation, with those who have gone before us. "For now we know only in part, then we will know fully, even as we have been fully known." Mr. Mandes was not perfect, but he was a saint. A St. Andrew's School saint, and one of the saints of God, free now to see God face to face. Alleluia. Amen. — Nan Mein, remarks for Memorial Service, May 24,1995

St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995 35

acuity News

Meet Our New Faculty



vid sports fan MICHAEL W. HYDE is our new history teacher and head football coach (assistant coach, baseball and basketball, too). Hyde, a Wilmington native, was the 1986 first-team All-State quarterback at Tower Hill School. He then earned his B.A. in history from Williams College in 1991. At Williams, he played varsity baseball and was elected co-captain and earned All-New England honors his senior year. He also started as a defensive back on the varsity football team for three seasons (the last two in which the team finished undefeated). Before joining SAS, Hyde worked at the Delbarton School, where he taught history and coached varsity football and baseball.


Three years ago ALICE RYAN came out of official retirement as registrar and french teacher to establish the St. Andrew's archives. With meticulous care and longstanding knowledge of the School, Ryan took drawers, closets and piles of "stuff" and organized them into a historic collection of artifacts that will be available to future generations of St. Andreans. Now neatly cataloged, she is truly retiring and

Philadelphia native JOHN M. LIEB attended the Haverford School and Williams College before joining our mathematics department. At Williams, Lieb combined a history major with a rediscovered love of mathematics and he graduated cum laude in 1995. He was also a wide receiver for the third undefeated football team in Williams7 history and a captain of the baseball team. Lieb will help coach our football and baseball teams. In his spare time, he enjoys running, cycling and tackling crossword puzzles.

plans to pursue her many interests such as travel, bridge, her alma mater Wellsley College (she is president of its Delaware alumnae chapter), the IUAW, and various church and community groups.

Artist and resident potter LEE LEAL with Maria De Los Angeles Cabrera at his opening exhibit during a Cinco de Mayo Celebration in Wilmington.

36 St. Andrew's Magazine FALL 1995

After graduating from St. Andrew's cum laude in 1989, ADAM R. STEGEMAN attended Williams College, where he was a member of the school's ski patrol and majored in applied mathematics. Now he returns to his roots at SAS as a mathematics and computer science teacher, as well as Director of Computer Services. He will also be coaching soccer and tennis. During his free time, he likes traveling and hiking with his Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Prilla. New head nurse HELEN M. WOLF served as our assistant nurse for the past two years. Before coming to SAS, she cared for patients at the Medical Center of Delaware, working in the women's ER and serving as a childbirth/ parenting educator and nurse preceptor responsible for staff continuing education. Wolf graduated from the University of Delaware with a B.S.N. and she is working towards her master's in nursing of women and children. She sings in her church choir, serves on its vestry, and enjoys gardening, camping and fishing with husband Charlie and their children: Dan '96, Stephen and Sarah.




Calendar of Events F A L L T E R M '95

W I N T E R T E R M '95-96

S P R I N G T E R M '96

First Faculty Meeting August 28 (Mon.)

Students Return by 6 PM November 26 (Sun.)

Spring Camps Return by 2 PM March 20 (Wed.)

Athletic Camps by Invitation Football, Soccer, Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Volleyball August 29 (Tue.)

V & VI Form College Boards December 2 (Sat.)

Students Return by 6 PM March 24 (Sun.)

Service of Lessons & Carols December 10 (Sun., 5 PM)

Long Weekend April 25-28 (Th. noon - Sun. 6 PM)

Christmas Vacation Begins December 15 (Fri. at noon)

V Form College Boards May 4 (Sat.)

Athletic Practices Begin at 2 PM January 2 (Tue.)

Advanced Placement Exams May 6-17 (Mon. - Fri.)

Students Return by 6 PM January 2 (Tue.)

Trustee Meetings May 10-11 (Fri. -Sat.)

Long Weekend February 1-4 (Th. noon - Sun. 6 PM)

Arts Weekend May 11-12(50*. -Sun.)

VI Form Arrives by 6 PM August 31 (Th.) All Students Arrive September 3 (Sun. 11 AM - 3 PM) Trustee Weekend - Homecoming September 22-23 (Fri. - Sat.) Long Weekend October 5-8 (Th. noon - Sun. 6 PM) Parent's Weekend - Theatre Prod. October 21-22 (Sat. -Sun.) School Testing Day October 24 (Tue.) VI Form College Boards November 4 (Sat.) Fall Term Examinations November 15-18 (Wed. - Sat.) Fall Term Ends at Noon November 18 (Sat.)

Trustee Meetings February 16-17 (Fri. - Sat.)

Dance Weekend May 25-26 (Sat. - Sun.) Commencement - May 30 (Thur.)

Winter Theatre Production February 16-17 (Fri. - Sat.) Winter Term Ends at Noon March 1 (Fri.) Optional College Boards (V Form) March 23 (Sat.)

FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (302) 378-9511 OR FAX (302) 378-7120.

V Form College Boards June 1 (Sat.) Final Examinations June 3-7 (Mon. - Fri.) Spring Term Ends at Noon June 7 (Fri.; Reunion Weekend June 14-16 (Fri. -Sun.)


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ABOVE: Kate Harrington '96, David Smith '96, Nicky Eraser '96 and Brian Wright '96 watch the procession. BELOW: Graduates Ryan Doherty and Josh Tayloe.

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