Hermitage High School Class of 1966 - Thoughts!

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HERMITAGE HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1966 – 50th Reunion Classmate Comments

100 Panthers from the class of 1966 submitted their thoughts, memories and greetings in the weeks before the Reunion. We hope you will enjoy them and will be prompted to connect with an old friend often over the next 50 years! YOUR TOP FIVE FAVORITE THINGS (and how many times you mentioned them)

Retired (49) Grandchildren (46) Family (29) Friends (25) Wonderful Memories (10)

HERMITAGE HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1966 – 50th Reunion Classmate Comments

Carolyn "Chris" Allen

After 40+ years, I retired 2 years ago as an Elementary / Special Education Teacher. I am now in a reflective and traveling mode; just returned from an awesome trip to Israel in December 2015. Even though I did not have children of my own, I hope that my years of teaching children has been pleasing to the Lord and that I have fulfilled one of God's purposes for my life. My Mom and Dad have passed in the last few years but I am blessed to still have my six siblings and all of my nieces and nephews. There is a cute video of my life on my Facebook. One of my colleagues put it together to show at my retirement party. (FB Carolyn Chris Allen) In closing, let me add a little tidbit to my information. Through Facebook I have reconnected with an old boyfriend who went to Hermitage '67 - Steve Buckingham from the original Centaurs. We try to get together whenever we are both in Richmond.

Ernest Courtney Andrews

I've Been Retired From Education For 12 Years Due To Health Concerns Which Also Keep Me From Joining In The Reunion: Doris Has Been Retired For 2 Years From Social Services: We'Ve Been Married 42 Years And Find Rural Living To Be Most Agreeable With A Whole House Generator: We Have Super Helpers Farming, Raising Stock And Keeping The Acreage In Good Shape: We Continue Working In Our Home Church Of 44 Years: We Were Spared Any Serious Harm Or Damages When The Tornado Went Through Here Several Weeks Ago: We Continue To Pray For And Help Our Neighbors As Best We Can: May God'S Daily Blessings Of Peace, Love, Hope And Joy Rest Upon Each Of You And Yours In All Seasons Of Life'S Journey Home: Most Sincerely, Courtney Attending HHS Was Truly A 'Happy Days' Experience Which Blessed Us All: I Wish All School Age Folks Had The Joy And Security We Lived:

Richard Barner

I too will use this format to inform all that I will not be able to attend this reunion. Wife is having heath issues. Thanks a bunch to the reunion committee. You all are doing a great job.

Carolyn Bass (Armentrout) Sorry that I will not be able to attend the reunion; we will be out of the country in May. Best wishes to all! Many thanks to the Reunion Committee.

Melvin “Ted� Bliss

Retired from IBM, Retired from Capital One Financial, Retired from Northrop Grumman Corp. Divorced and remarried Volunteer Fire Fighter for 20 years 20 years active duty/national guard/reserves NRA pistol instructor American Legion District Adjutant

Bron Bradshaw

I spent most of my adult life in Philadelphia. I graduated from Temple University, but spent my career in Philly at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. Hospitals are centers of drama, and you work with many extraordinary people. I loved the Friday Pep Rallies, and the crazy skits our classmates did.

Richard Broughton

* Graduated University of Richmond 1970 * Large portion of employment in Sales and Sales Management * Career shift to Business Management in 1999 resulted in 100% travel...amassed tons of hotel points and airline miles * Married in 1998 to love of my life *5 Grandchildren Favorite school stories include Ben Wilson's "wild man" hunt in the wilds of Glen Allan, locking Martha Brinson out of Mock Congress, the Hot Dog section in the Senior Bleachers at the Friday Pep Rallies And many more

Sanford Bryant

Its hard to believe its been 50 years..and I can not believe that Ron and the Centars are still around...wow...Hi to all my friends..I really should have graduated in 65...but I liked it so much I stayed an extra year...So I have friends from two years of graduation.. Met my true love that was a sophomore.at hermitage..but she broke my heart and I just stayed single...probably the best thing for me... I took my first cruise in oct...what a blast..will do it again...but overall life has been good to me.I was lucky to retire at 55...I enjoy flying remote control airplanes..I just enjoy life and the way it turned out...I had my claim to fame as one of 3 guys that rode motorcycles to school..Had picture in the annual..and the Knights was a real treat for me..We had fun causing trouble to the key club and all the other clubs...just good old fun.Putting spoons in the home eck. pies...You know who you are...Its funny but I have used that class knowledge more than most..Tought me to cook. and typing with Miss Shoemaker...wow..what a gal.All the guys were in love.....Computers and typing are the thing now...I miss those days sometimes.. Wished I had asked out more of those pretty girls, you know who you are too.....just too scared... Take care to all...

Marie “Liz� Burton (Plunkett)

Spent some time finishing my nursing degree and worked in various medical roles before retiring. These days I knit, paint, and work on our house in Louisa. I also spend time with family, children, and grand children.

Linda Call (Sarvay) Enjoying everyday pleasures of life, shopping, meeting friends for lunch and dinner, going to the movies, decorating my new downsized retirement home located right down the street from the Glen Allen Cultural Art Center. Life has been good. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion and catching up on things.

Janice Carter (Reagan)

College, UofR Graduate School, Univ of Tenn., educational psychology Educational missionary, Presbyterian Church 197275;1979-89; Japan Married, 1984; adopted 4 yr old boy, 2 wk old girl in Japan Lived in Southern Pines, NC 25 years; raising kids, volunteering in schools, part time work in independent bookshop, local newspaper Moved back to Richmond Feb, 2014. Taking care of 94 yr old mother and my husband. Mostly enjoying Ginter Gardens and photography

Richard Sydney "Syd" Chapman We are a family of 3, Syd, Linda and Kali (granddaughter). We love to sail, fish, travel and always have a "work in progress" project!

Lora Charles (Strube)

I stay busy between my part time job and playing with my 4 grandsons. My husband Roger died January 2015 after a year and a half illness. I'm learning how to live alone and manage a home as well as a yard. I have surprised myself with what I have accomplished on my own. Although, I do get help from my children and grandsons. I have wonderful support from family and friends and enjoy socializing with both. I frequently visit my old neighborhood and just love the feel of the Bryant Park/Lakeside area.

Dr. Sharon F. Clark Successful and fulfilling career as an Attorney and Law Professor. I have had the good fortune to be able to travel the world extensively and experience all types of cultures, music, sports and people. Some of my favorite times include visiting Stonehenge, touring Great Britain, living in Italy, visiting most European countries and partaking all of the fine wines and beers that these countries had to offer. My love for sports allowed me to experience Wimbledon, the French Open, three US Opens, two World Series, a SuperBowl and many other sporting venues.

I will not be able to attend the Reunion due to a family commitment. I will be with you in spirit! After graduation from HHS in 1966, I attended the University of Richmond and the University of Richmond School of Law. I spent seven years as a Supervisory Tax Attorney with the IRS, many years practicing law in law firms, and over twenty-five teaching law in the University and Law School setting. My areas of practice expertise include Tax Law, Estate Planning and Administration, Labor and Employment Law and Discrimination Law. I enjoyed every minute of my career!! In my spare time I enjoyed mentoring young students, working with local Abuse and Domestic Violence groups and serving on the local School Board. My most important role in my life though has been as Mother and Grandmother. I always said that when I grew up I wanted to be a Mother and Grandmother. Happily I have achieved this dream.

Reynolds “Rocky” Cowardin, III

Enjoy fishing the Chesapeake Bay, Rappahanock River and its tributaries. Plan to retire soon and move back to the bay area. Richmond is too far inland for me!

Naomi Cox (Corcoran)

I went to Bryan College in Tennessee and lived in Iowa for a short time. I was a medical transcriptionist for 10 years and now an administrative assistant for 17 years. I have been married 47 years have 2 sons and 4 grandchildren. My husband and I have travelled with our youngest son to all 50 states, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

Michael “Mike” Crawley I spent the past 30yrs in the petroleum industry working for bp/Catrol and Shell Oil. We relocated when the assignment required, but our hearts remained in Virginia. I remain active in the industry as a Key Account Manager for PetroChoice Holdings, LLC., however, retirement is just around the corner! Anne and I have three grandsons (aged 17,15,12). Our daughter April teaches school and our son Jay lives in Ackworth, Ga. with his wife Maggie. We recently moved to The Hollows in Hanover County where we will spend many relaxing hours watching the grass grow...

Stony Creery

2 years at Lynchburg College. 2 years at VCU. No degree, but I learned how to learn. I still go to seminars and keep up with any changes in our ever changing industry

Rev. Ted David Retired after 43 years of ministry ... Never bored for even a moment as I do a little consultant work in Leadership Development ... Love the laid-back, relaxed beach life style ... come visit some time, we're always here

Graduate school then raising a family ... A full career with lots of good memories ... Just an ordinary guy doing ordinary things and lovin' it!

Cutler Dawson

I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1970 and served in the Navy for 34 years. I was the Commanding Officer of four ships, commanded a Carrier Group, and the Second Fleet. I retired as a Vice Admiral. Debbie and I have been married 35 years and have lived in Long Beach, CA, San Diego, Japan, Norfolk, Mayport, FL, and currently reside in Alexandria, VA. I retired in 2004 and became the CEO of Navy Federal Credit Union. Debbie and I travel often on business to visit branches around the world as well as to credit union conferences, and to visit our children, and our new granddaughter. I enjoy golf, weightlifting, snow skiing, and water skiing.

Patsy Dawson (Williams) I worked at DMV after graduating. I got married in 1970(after 46 years still married to same guy). We have two boys. We moved to Spring, Texas in 1981, after living two years in NC. I worked 20 years at Our Lady of the Lake University. I retired May 31, 2015. We have three granddaughters. Bailey is 13 years old, Bella is 6 and Beatrice is 5. It is like having twins. Twin jet engines when they are together. No snow here, so I can walk every day.

Patricia Dellamonica

Stayed in Richmond. Have 3 grandchildren. Married 48 years come July.

Jeanna Depew (Mitchell)

Went to Smithdeal Massey Bus.College 1965-1967. Moved to Atlanta in 1973 & returned in 1985. Got my GED down there @ GA Tech. I've always been an office Admn for various types of business. Divorced in 1990. Been in a couple of long-term relationships, but am over that now. LOL! Moved in with youngest daughter/son-in-law in Dec, 2015. We are gonna build a suite for me on their house, out here in Louisa. God's country! I was always a bit of a clown. Also a matchmaker. I remember spending hours calling back-n-forth between couples, trying to save their relationship. Not naming names, but you know who you are. Does anyone remember cotillion lessons @ Rhett Riddle's house? That was fun. Also went to a lot of Fri nite dances at Optimist Club with Dwight & Brenda Gregory. After that it was a place over on Wilkinson Rd (rec center). That's where I met a lot of kids from other schools...but that's another story. LOL !

Wayne Duke

3 wonderful grandsons, 2 step-grandchildren, and 2 step-great-grandchildren. Love being retired and the manager of my own time even though it has taken some time to get adjusted.

Ray Edwards (’65)

Did not graduate with your class of 1966 but was in the class of 1965. Have become close to many of your classmates and love the inter-action with HHS Panthers of the past. I worked my Senior year and only went to school for a couple of classes which prevented me from seeing a lot of your class. Love the website and wanted to keep up with the Reunion and meet new Panthers. Became the Manager of the football team after getting hurt in the 10th grade. Loved school but not the studies. Got my job at the Federal Reserve Bank thru the VOT Program before my Senior year and worked each day after my 3 classes at HHS. Did not miss a HHS Football game for over 7 years.

Shirley Elam (Machalica)

In the last school reunion directory it said that I lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma for 32 years with my first marriage. Well, I did live in Tulsa for 32 years and now in Mineral for 13 years. I have only been married once. May will be 45 years that Steve and I have been married. So blessed. We have had 3 major incidents since the last reunion. Steve almost torn his thumb off in 2011, he split open the top of his foot with an ax in 2012, made it through 2013 with no mishaps and in January, 2014 he fell on the ice and shattered his hip. He is still recovering from that but, thank the Lord I have been healthy and able to take care of him through all of it. The Lord is so good. Since moving to Va. I can all summer. I have a good size garden and love having all the veggies I want during the summer months. I love yard work and being outside. I have to really be careful now, though because I had melanoma 8 years ago. We are on the go a lot because of our busy lifestyle. The Lord is so good to us. I loved the pep rallys on friday before the football games. I love football and went to the football games from 1958 until I married in 1971 and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I loved being with my friends at school and loved school.

Diane Enos (Wingo) I'm retired from VCU Health Systems (MCV). We have one child and two grandchildren. Our granddaughter is a senior at Hermitage High School and is currently ranked 5th in her class. She will be the third generation graduating from Hermitage in our family. Go Panthers!

Jane Evans (ODonohue)

Not retired, baby sitting grandchildren, riding my horse,

Bonnie Ferguson (Anderson)

Rick and I stay involved in our work to stay active! Rick is retired from a home furnishing sales career. He now works for Henrico County Schools. I continue to teach and wonder every year if I will retire. Every year I answer my own question. I love my job working with children. Our daughter died in 2003 and our son died in 2014. Our grandson, Houston, will graduate this year from high school and attend East Carolina University in the fall. Education fills my maternal instincts and presents an avenue for creativity and performance. I have mentored many students who graduated in both music and theater performance. Recently a student stopped by my office to announce she was accepted in New York University. I received the Paul R. Cramer Award for excellence in education when I attended. This is the top award presented by NYU. Rick and I enjoy cruising to our vacation of choice. This year we will go to Puerto Rico and several other islands in the Easter Caribbean.

Ed Ford

PR-man x 3: 1. Computer PRogrammer/Mathematician for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Pentagon, NASA, etc.) 2. Baptist PReacher 3. College Mathematics PRofessor Recently, (nearly) "scratch" golfer!

Carolyn Frazier (Guthrie)

Retired from public workplace when first child arrived. Then I began my real life's work. Tutored in the homeschool community for decades. We still live on a farm but have retired the cows, horses, goats & chickens! I am a Master Gardener with Hanover County and love playing in the dirt. I have nine (9) grandchildren and three (3) great grandies. We travel when we can find the time. Alaska twice; Prince Edward Island; & Isreal - our favorites so far. Life is good!

Genny Gachignard (Casenave)

3 grand daughters. **** Masters' degree in law in 1970. Air France flight attendant for 3 years. House wife for 15 years. Then back to work as a secretary. Private secretary of Antony's mayor. Retired since 2006. In 2006 walked two months on the road of Santiago de Compostela (with backpack). 2007-2009 : world tour with our camper van (www.casenavenroute.com) 2010 : in Turkey with our camper van 2011 : in Iceland with our camper van Now, we are grand parents full time ! Our daughters live in the same town . I was an exchanged student (AFS) at HHS in 1965/66. I was staying with the League's family. I had lost contacts with Margaret, my american sister, but we could reconnect in 2013.. I went to visit her in Houston and she came to Paris. And that is not the end of the story but just a beginning! The year I spent in Richmond was wonderful and very rich. I know it was a privilege for me to be with you all attending HHS. So sorry I won' t be able to come to the reunion in May, but would love to skype during that evening if possible.

Derrick (Rick) George, Sr.

I have had a wonderful life. I retired in 2010 and Anne and I have done some traveling together. We have also taken several trips with our two grandsons Parker and Mason. We all go to Emerald Isle for a week in the summer. I volunteer four days a week at Tuckahoe Elementary School (trying to further my education!). I love to work in my yard. I served in the Marine Corps 68-70. I served on Okinawa and in Vietnam. I returned home on a Navy ship all the way across the Pacific Ocean!

We didn' have a lot of money when I was growing up so I couldn't do much of anything. I collected soda bottles and returned them for 5 cents a piece to save money for a Gant shirt! I wanted a stripe but when I had $7.00 I couldn't wait and bought a solid yellow. I wore it so much I had the collar turned around when it wore out! I went squirrel and rabbit hunting and mostly hung out around my neighborhood. I loved my days at Hermitage and like the rest of my life I wouldn't trade them for anything!

Patricia Golden (Moore)

After graduating from Longwood in 1970, I moved to California with my husband who was in the USMC. I started my Clinical Laboratory internship at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, CA. In 1972 we moved to Wisconsin where I completed my internship at St. Catherine's Hospital in Kenosha, WI. We moved back to Southern California in 1977. Shanon was raised in Southern California but went to Northern California for college and settled in Central Coast area. I moved to Central Coast California after retiring in 2009. I worked 35+ years as a Clinical Microbiologist and Laboratory administrator. In 2012 I ran and was elected to the Hollister School District Board and re-elected in 2014 for a 4 year term. It's been another education all together. I have fond memories of some of the teachers from high school but I didn't reach my stride until college. In high school, I loved attending football and basketball games with my sister and friends. I must have learned quite a bit because I recall many facts from school when playing trivia games. The most useful skill I learned was the keyboard. I hated timed writings but I've used and still use the keyboard for writing most everything.

Kenneth “Kenny� Grubbs

U.S. Air Force from '66 to '70. Mortgage and real estate businesses for 45 yrs now. Still working part time doing both and enjoying it more! We live in Beaverdam, Va. on a small farm with animals and all the good stuff that God provides. Tracy, my oldest, is an IT tech with Verizon and lives in Houston, TX., and Chris, the next oldest, is a sous-chef at a private country club in Rockaway, NJ., and Sarah, our youngest of 12 yrs, is at home with us in the country and homeschooled. She is a bright star and a gift from God in 2003! Becky, my lovely wife, and I have been married 25 yrs this May, 2016, and pray for at least another 25 yrs, and more, to come! I pray for our classmates that they will be forever safe and protected, with good health and prosperity!

Sue Halsey (Cox)

Enjoying a good, healthy life with Buddy, family and our 3 beautiful miniature dachshunds. I worked as an Executive Secretary for several decades, volunteer with the Miss America Organization for over 40 years teaching young ladies interview skills, and we are volunteers on the Wine for Cures committee. He continues to work full time for at least 5 more years. I worked in the school office in the afternoons running a mimeograph machine for teachers printing tests for students. Remember the smell of the ink? Also remember using carbon paper! I won the speed typing champ - 132 words a minute with only 1 space error!

Marjorie Harvey (Merritt)

Started working at C&P Telephone, bought a house in Glen Allen. Met Dean at Verizon, cancer surgery in 1997, married in 1998 at 49 years of age. Retired from Verizon after 36 years. Started a trucking business with husband. Currently renting the old home place on Lucas Road. Married 18 years, cancer survivor 19 years.

Lawrence Heath, III

Have two great granddaughters---- Shelby Smith-- living in Astoria New York perusing acting career . Graduated from CNU Sydney Smith--Studying for Dental Hygiene Degree at VCU--2nd year . I'm retired but still working for Fox Insurance on Lakeside Ave and still have my General Contractors license for small jobs. Many of our classmates have become customers-thank you . Married to the greatest gal in the world for 49 years-Nancy Spain -class of 65 from Henrico H S Hobbies-too darn many-old trucks-fishing-hunting-old pinball machines-pool- and fast cars ! The first day of school, Soph. year, Miss Kelly saw me at Roy's Big Burger at lunch time . The next morning , over the loud speaker " Lawrence Heath please report to Miss Kelly's office." I didn't know who she was or where her office was , but I found it. She asked me about going to Roy's and I fessed-up .She asked me if knew the rules about leaving school grounds etc, Well she said "well young man, anytime you get the urge to go to Roy's, you will stop by my office first. you will take this fifty-five cents in this cup , and bring me back two hot dogs with mustard and onions." Every time I went I did as I was told. I wonder who she caught there in 1967 ?

Harold “Hal� Hedley, Jr.

We celebrated our 30th year in Siesta Key, FL. Luan and I look forward to our 46th anniversary this summer. Our 4 children are doing great: Hal III, CEO Ronald McDonald House, Louisville, KY, Heather, registered nurse in ICU, Tim, 2014 World Special Olympics Powerlifting Champion, Maggie, high school basketball coach and assistant AD, Tampa, and 2016 Florida 4A Coach of the Year. Luan and I also enjoy our 4 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter! Hal, President of Children's Guardian Fund for 12th Judicial Circuit for children court ordered to foster care due to maltreatment, Vice Chair CASL homes, which provides over 200 homes for person with disabilities, Special Olympics Coach of the year 2011,, CEO of Team Florida Gulf Coast Olympic Weightlifting.

Jerry Hendrick, Jr.

I went to the University of Virginia in 1967' majored in Commerce, graduating in 1970then went to Washington and Lee Law school and graduated in 1973. I practiced law in small firm in Richmond and Chesterfield from 1973-1989. in 1989, I was appointed to the Chesterfield/Colonial Heights juvenile and Domestic Relations Court bench, presumably because my high school record indicated I had a first hand knowledge of delinquency. I loved the work.. it had a high emotional content, but I liked the challenges nit was great to see a young person with problems begin to set their life right. In my last ten years in the bench, I was part of a team that established a juvenile Drug Court. this was a therapeutic court for addicted young people. I required therapy weekly court meeting, therapy for them and their familyandvwork.

For many reasons, I loved loved my work. sometime in my fifties, I discovered I had coronary Artery Disease, althoughI had never had a heart attack or any symptoms of such. I got serious about my health, and did all the right things. I saw a cardiologist, lost weight, and exercised. bicycling was my exercise, and Intypically rode my bike50-60 mile a week.n At least twice a year I would do a century: 100 miles in a day. I thought I was doing great:good health, good marriage, great wife and children, one grandchild and a second on the way, a retirement to look forward to, etc. in 2009, a test indicated I should have bypass surgery. While I was fearful, I thought it might help my biking(maybe I could climb hills like Lance). while waiting for surgery, I suffered a massive right brain stroke, maybe because of the blood thinner they had used in the testing. I think it was just bad luck. anyway, after two brain surgeries and nine weeks in the hospital, I was reduced to a new two wheeler-a wheelchair! it was very difficult, but I returned to work in about a year. I loved being back, but decided in the Fall of 2011 that it was time to hang up my robe. I retired in April of 2012. Julie and I now live in Albemarle, practically in the shadow of Thomas Jefferson's mountain. our two boys, and four grandchildren, live close by. our daughter lives in San Francisco with her husband. I read, play with my grandchildren, and reminisce about the pas, like I'm sure all of us do this age. I feel lucky to have had the friends I had at HHS. my parents are both gone. my mother died in 1997,and my dad died two years ago. I miss them both, but am am grateful for them. I encountered many ethical issues in my legal career, but found I knew the correct path to take from working at Jerry's Shoe Service.

Terry Hoffmann (Bellamah)

We have four grandchildren.

Conrad Hogue

Work, travel, retire, enjoy life with family.

Judy Horning (Mendoza)

What a class- "1966", what a school, what a principal, what school spirit, and what memories, both sad and wonderful. God continues to have a plan for each of us. May we seek His will and His face each day while sharing the good news with all those in our circle of influence. John 3:16 Kindest personal regards, Judith (Judy Horning)

William “Bill� Irby, Jr.

After Hermitage came VCU and a move to Atlanta where I met the Ginger. We married in 1976. I had a "change of perspective" becoming a Christian in 1975. After marriage we moved around the country for school and preaching. About 26 years ago we came to Athens in north Alabama and have settled in there. Both our boys are married and we have one grandchild, the suberb beyond words, Lucy. Lots of interesting memories. Some terrific teachers like Sallie Bass for Latin. One formative experience after the other.

Raymond Bruce James

I attended the Medical College of Virginia where I received my Associate in Science degree in Radiologic Technology in 1969. I received my BS degree in Biology from VCU in 1972 and my Masters in Adult Education from VCU in 1974. I started teaching Radiography (Radiologic Technology) in 1972 and spent 43 years as a teacher and Program Director for both hospital- and community college-based Radiography programs. I started two Radiography Programs in North Carolina, one in Wilmington and one in Hickory. I have been active and held office in the Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists, the Tidewater District Society of Radiologic Technologists and the North Carolina Society of Radiologic Technologists. I married Harriet Hawks (class of 1967) in 1968 and have been married to my best friend for 48 years. I retired from the North Carolina Community College System in 2013 and we now live half the year in Hickory, NC and half the year at Snowshoe, WV. We are avid skiers and volunteers for Snowshoe and love to travel and camp. Our two wonderful children live in Roanoke and Baltimore. We have four grandchildren. We love retirement.

Nancy Jones (Midgett) I am very excited to see all my classmates and to reestablish old friendships. It's hard to believe 50 years have gone by. The first 20 took their time...the last 30 have flown by. I am a wife, mother and grandmother. Both of my children, Amy and Bradley, have 2 children--a boy and girl each. Amy lives about 1 hour away. Bradley lives in Boise, ID. My husband, Ed, and I enjoy every minute we can share with our grandchildren. I continue to work as an interior designer and am now an Associate Designer at our Baltimore design firm. My hobbies are photography, reading and travel. My exercise is swimming. Ed contends the cheerleader is still in me. I love sports. I'm always clapping and encouraging my Maryland Basketball, Baltimore Orioles, and Ravens! GO O'S!

John Kennedy, Jr.

After high school I attended the University of Virginia, graduating in June, 1970. I then moved to St. Paul, Mn. to attend William Mitchell College of Law, a night law school. I worked during the day at Jardine, Logan and O'Brien(an insurance defense firm) as a law clerk/investigator, graduated in 1974, and stayed there my entire career. I retired from JLO in September, 2013.I met the love of my life, Stephanie, in 1971, and we married on 6/17/72. We have 3 children who have blessed us with 8 grandchildren. We moved to southern NM when I retired(it's much warmer here in the winter than MN.). Stephanie and I like to travel, and I enjoy turkey hunting, fishing, golf, and a good book. Stephanie even has me going to yoga twice a week. The In Memory list is too long, and many wonderful people are gone but not forgotten. I will miss the 50th, because Stephanie and I will be in Israel. But I will be thinking of all of my classmates, and hope and pray that you all have a wonderful time together in celebration. Each and every one of you hold a special place in my heart, and I remain ever proud to be part of the class of 1966, HHS.

Dudley Lewis, Jr.

Retired in 2010 from the University of Southern California (USC) after serving 25 years of service in Medical Oncology. For the past six (6) years have been enjoying my retirement with family and friends in Richmond, Virginia and still able to physically travel each year fulfilling my bucket list!!

Thomas Link

Substitute teaching, Old tractors, Garden, Honeybees Irish Whiskey

Nancy Luck (Hubbard)

We maintain a second home on the Rappahannock River in Middlesex County. We travel some, but spend a lot of our time maintaining our homes and participating in local government, volunteer organizations and historic/preservation societies. I belong to a Garden Club, enjoy antiquing and needlepoint. We are fortunate to have our two children and four grandchildren living in the Richmond area and see them often. Life has been very good !

Geraldine “Geri� Lynch (Oliver)

Retired in 2002 after 32 years at Reynolds Metals Company. I've been fortunate to travel to Israel, Egypt, England, Hawaii, the Carribbean and many other places within our wonderful USA. I've been blessed with a grandson and have kept him since he was a baby while Beth works. Best "job" I've wever had! My years at HHS were just the best. Special teachers like Mrs Jolly, Miss Brinson, Miss Ernest and many others help create special memories. Clubs, friends, football & basketball games and dances made the years so much fun!

Rosalind Marable (Snively)

lived in Florida for 6 years Texas for 8 years Moved back to Va in 1996

Denny McCaughan, Jr. I attended The University of North Carolina - Wilmington (UNC by the sea) and graduated in 1970. In 1972 I started my career with Campbell Soup Company. That started in Wilmington, NC in 1972. We were transferred to Raleigh, NC in 1976; to New Orleans, LA in 1979; to Medford, NJ in 1983; to Memphis, TN in 1986 then to Cincinnati, OH in 1994 where it culminated in 2013. Since graduation I have spent most of my time working and raising children. Our daughter was our "bonus baby". She did her best to keep us young and contemporary and tried to empty the bank account. It is remarkable how times and values have changed. We were very "preppy" in high school. We wore Gant shirts, preferably from Eljo's Menswear, regimental stripe ties and polished penny loafers. We belonged to clubs like the Hi-Y and Epsilon Pi Sigma Fraternity. Some of our classmates were lucky enough to have muscle cars like the Ford Falcon Sprint or a Pontiac GTO (present company not included). We had great pep rallies for our athletic teams and took our girl friends to football games on Friday nights. When I reflect back, those were good times 50-years ago.

Jerry McDowell

graduated u of richmond 1970- married 47 years- retired from the st paul companies- spend most of winter in florida to escape the snow/cold

Christine McKay (Gove)

We're spending our time between the river and in Richmond doing our volunteer jobs.

Janet McKinney (Wood)

Two weeks after graduation I started working at DMV until I retired in 2004 boy can I tell you some story about my career with the state. I had the honor to serve on several committee assignments from the Governor Office. One example mail in

Driver's Licenses Renewal and a major project when DMV took over all the weighing stations in Virginia. I have travel to Rome, Switzerland, Paris, Reno, Spain and Hawaii and most of the USA. Never was blessed with children, but I have two great stepchildren, three 1/2 grandson (one is due in August) and my little babies Tammy and Scooter (my cats). I started my own business name Design on a Dime which lasted a few years...gave it up because it was interfering with my traveling time. I am involved in Out of the Darkness walks for the prevention of Suicide. Lost my husband, two nephews and a dear friend....something you will never get over or understand. Currently I keep my grandson, take care of my sister with Alzheimer's, bowling, little golf, gardening, workout(sometimes) and traveling most of my time. I have been blessed with a loving, fun and caring family and friends. Most of the summer when I'm not traveling laying poolside or on the beach.

Jeff McWhirter

Four years in Navy and 45 years working for South Central Bell/Bellsouth/AT&T

Joel Meitz

Attended Holmes Theological Seminary. received a Bachelor of Theology degree. Have been the pastor of five churches. presently serving as an interim pastor for a small church in Poquoson, Va. Involved in Boy Scouts, have been to Philmont Scout Reservation, served in varied positions on the Unit, District and Council levels. Have had the priveledge to be a Wood Badge Scoutmaster. Worked at Automated Technology Inc. for 28 years and will retire at the end of December. I am blessed.

Kenneth Melton, Sr.

Worked in the Banking field for 6 years, then moved to Fredericksburg Va. to jump into the Real Estate Field. Now retired and moving to Myrtle Beach S. C. this month.

Gil Miles

President, Realistar, Commercial Real Estate 43 yrs in the business Also, Virginia Real Estate and Development, Inc. 202B England Street, Ashland, VA 23005 gil.vared@gmail.com 804-672-1200 Giving back: Founder and President of Wine for Cures WineForCures.org “Wine For Cures, a 501c3, is an all-volunteer cancer awareness and cancer research fundraising organization whose mission is to cure cancer employing the cultural, entertainment and health values in wine to accelerate our exciting events and memorable occasions.�

At Hermitage, sports, dances and too damn much fun; just sitting on the hallway heat register looking for the next goodtime opportunity. Randolph- Macon College, UVA, VCU and a little time at Yale Educated in various places and "learned how to learn". Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Deltaville, Virginia, 46th year of membership US Coast Guard 100 Ton Masters Licenses for Oceans Navigation Sail/Power Chesapeake Bay and Ocean Sailboat Racing for 50+ yrs and still at it, today!

Linda Miller (Jennings) Associate at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield for 45 years. Currently provide administrative support to the President. Plan to retire in 2016 to spend more time with family, friends and Lulu. Took a cruise to Alaska in 2015...beautiful. I highly recommend it. I have been blessed.

Joseph Mitchell

US Marine Corps 1966-1970, VCU BS Biology 1974, Arizona State Univ MS Zoology 1976, Univ Tennessee PhD Ecology 1982. Taught biology and environmental classes part-time at VCU, Univ, Richmond, Randolph Macon College 1980-1999. Self-employed ecological consultant, endangered species research, editor 1982-present. Written over 400 scientific publications and 6 books so far. Moved to Florida in late 2007 with third wife; love our 6 acres in the country. Never had a permanent full-time job - did it my way. :) I lived in the wood shop. Won first place in state competition in wood-turning and design in 1965. Ran cross country, but always came in last. I thought I was going to be a furniture craftsman when I graduated, but events during military service changed my life. I made my other hobby my life's work - research on snakes and other reptiles. The "then" photo was taken in late 1965 by a newspaper reporter showing my two hobbies, including the pair of lamps that won state competition. The photo led to my first part-time job.

Ricky Moore

Retired in 2009 from Stock Car Products, Inc. Underwent a double lung transplant at UVA Hospital on November 5th, 2012 Scores of great memories at HHS including the pursuit of many lady Panthers! So many fun times with my buddies including Syd Chapman,Curtis Isbell, Ronnie Toombs, Tommy Garner, Ronnie Jones, Yogi Schlenk, Nate Schlenk and others. Probably didn't realize it then but they were the BEST times of our lives!!!

Nancy Morgan (Quinn) Raising Children, Working, Volunteering, and enjoying being Grandma!

Carolyn Morton (Hawk)

5 grand children 18, 14, 10, 10, and 9

Judy Mundy (Murphy)

Traveled the U.S. with my Husbands Government/Military Civil Service job. I also worked for the Air Force along the way. He retired in 1989 and I started my business in 1990 going to Gem & Mineral Shows selling Gems, Minerals, Handmade jewelry & Beadwork. We also travel alot across the U. S., Canada and Mexico when we have time. We live 30 miles from the Mexican border/Palomas Mexico so we go there quite often for lunch and unique shopping items Hope everyone has a great time and renew old ties with friends. I am sorry to see so many classmates have passed.

Susan Mullens (Aigner) Retired from Henrico County Finance Dept. after 31 years of service in Aug. of 2014. Ovarian cancer survivor of two years. Because my daughter's career requires frequent moves, I have had the opportunity to visit a lot of the United States. Two years ago, we did a road trip down the west coast, then cut across in California to New Mexico. I fulfilled two bucket list wishes in seeing the big Redwood forest trees and the Grand Canyon. Still waiting to see Hawaii. Loving retirement and thankful for every single day! I was always proud to be a Hermitage panther. I remember I always looked forward to the Friday pep rallies. We had such a great school spirit and also loved going to the football games!

Lindon Niedermayer 1) Served in 4 years in US Navy, aboard Air Craft Carrier- America, made two world cruises and ended as an E-5 2nd class, naval intelligence. 2) Worked for United VA Bank, Crestar Bank- 15 years as Assistant Vice President- in Properties Section 3) Received Associates Degree in Business Mgmt from J, Sargeant Reynolds and attended University of Richmond 4) Received Apprenticeship completions as Cabinet Maker, Furniture Refinishing and Upholstery 5) Started Classic Reproductions- Upholstery/Woodworking as worked for Furniture Company as Service Tech 6) Retired Dec. 2014 from Furn. company and still carried on my Bussiness

Nancy Pitts (Pettigrew)

Jack and I married in June of 1970. We moved to Texas for a brief time, then returned to Richmond where we have lived ever since. We have two children, Shearer and John. Our daughter, Shearer, is married to Tommy Pusser and they live in Richmond with their two children, Jack 14, and Skyler 12. Our son, John, lives and works in Richmond, as well. Jack worked for Philip Morris and began an engraving business upon retirement. He is a private pilot and has built an experimental airplane, and along with his son-in-law and grandson, built a small racing boat. We have a cottage on the Rappahannock which the entire family enjoys. After graduation I nursed in Texas and then continued nursing in Richmond

until our children were born. I was a “stay at home Mom” while our children were young, and worked part-time at our church, First Baptist, in the Children’s Ministry. In 1988 I was ordained a deacon. I returned to nursing in 1987 working primarily in Women’s and Neonatal nursing, In 2012 I retired to support the care of my parents who moved into the Health Center at Lakewood Manor. Dad and Mom had remained active with a strong love for life. Dad died at 99 in 2013; Mom died at 97 in 2015. Prior to their deaths, we lost my sister, Kaye, to breast CA in 2005. Retirement allows lots of time for family, friends, biking, yoga, gardening, reading and traveling. In 2010, Jack and I toured Alaska and had a great time. Jack rented a plane and we flew over amazing landscape and glaciers. Fantastic! In 2011, Shearer and I traveled to Israel, returning again in 2014 with Shearer and her family. This was an incredible trip, especially seeing it through the eyes of our grandchildren. This summer all seven of us will be traveling to Hawaii…..family fun time! We have been truly blessed.

John Plunkett

After a long and rewarding career that crossed multiple industries and several disciplines I wrapped up with a tour of duty in Nashville, TN, and retired for the third and hopefully last time. I've now returned to our home in Louisa where we spend our time keeping the house - built in 1875 - up, doing some gardening, and some community and church service. We have caregiver responsibilities for an elderly parent that keep us pretty much tied up for now. We also enjoy spending time with our children and the four grandchildren, especially during holidays.

Clyde Poole USMC; Chowan College; Union Electrician(Local 666) 25 years +; Now Retired Married Eileen in November, 1999 on the Island of Maui Hawaii. Pic is from trip to Aruba.

Dorothy Powell

Left Pocahontas Foods in 2001 after 21 years. Since I didn't win the lottery, I went to work in 2005 as a parts driver for AC Delco distributor. That led to driving for Pence, Whitten Bros., & Sheehy Nissan. Have been enjoying my leisure time since July 2015.

Nellie Ragan (Colbert)

I worked when I needed to but stayed home to raise my sons when possible. From my three sons I was blessed with 5 grandchildren - 4 girls & 1 boy. And from them I have 1 great granddaughter , 2 great grandsons. We have an RN, a Susie homemaker newlywed whose husband is in the USCG, a race car driver & a Rodeo cowgirl. And they all dear hunt & 1 duck hunter.Diversity for sure with our grandkids.

Our family motto is MAKING MEMORIES. My faith & my family are the most important things in my life but I do like to travel. Family vacations have been so awesome and cruising with my youngest son & wife has taken me places I never thought I would go. I am still close friends with several of my BFF's from high school which is so awesome! Life has been good to me. One of my best high school memories : Loved sneaking off for lunch down to the Laurel Drug store with Sandy Bartrug and trying to survive Ms Kelly's class with Pat Berry (Barrett).

Thomas “Tommy” Ramsey

After graduating from Hermitage, I enrolled as a fulltime student at Richmond Professional Institute. I graduated 4 years later with a BS Degree in Business Management from Virginia Commonwealth University (formerly Richmond Professional Institute). Following active duty in the U. S. Army Reserve, I started my working years and worked until I retired in 2010. For about 34 years I managed retail petroleum distribution plants. About 26 of those years was with Southern States Cooperative. I also had a few years in industrial sales and production management.

John Ransone, Jr.

My house that I built with friends and my own hands burned down Jan 17, 2014. I am now building my new house with many of the same friends (Ben Wilson) and my own hands. I retired for teaching in 2014 after 35 years at Fork Union Military Academy. I then coached pole vaulting at Woodberry Forest School for one year. Since the last reunion, along with some friends, we completely remodeled my great grandmother"s house which was started in 1820 (back part) and finished in 1847 (front part). My neighbor has planted 3 acres of wine grapes on my farm and is learning to make some fairly good wine. I am studying electronics and slowly learning Spanish to be better able to talk to my Latino friends. Due to planing a beach trip several months ago, I will not be at the Saturday night major event, but I will be at the Friday night get together. I hope to see a good number of my (our) ole classmates and friends! The Johnny Reb Cannon that Tony Day and I had locked in a locker in front of Mrs Ranson's English classroom. One of the industrial arts teachers had me open it when they were looking for some lost/stolen(?) yearbooks our senior year (?). I u locked it and he opened it. The cannon fell downward, pointing at his face with a stuffed Yogi Bear ready to light the cannon with a long wooden kitchen match

William “Bill” Rice I've spent the majority of working career as an aircraft jet engine mechanic & aircraft inspector. I spent 16 years as an industrial maintenance technician in a plastic injection molding plant. I served in the U.S. Army during Desert Shield & Desert Storm. I was awarded the Bronze Star. I retired (more like quit work) 7 years ago. Bobbie and I bought 50 acres in Lunenburg County and built our home here. I am now a gentleman farmer and Bobbie is a lady gardener.

I enjoy 1000 yd. target shooting, hunting crows during the day (in season of course) and coyotes at night. If life got any better I don't think I could stand it. We are in great health and are able to do pretty much whatever we want. We wish this for all our classmates. I earned my degree in Information Systems Technology in 2000 (Magna Cum Laude). Studied for F.A.A. Airframe & Powerplant License 1979 Honor Graduate, U.S. Army NCO Academy 1992 U.S. Air Force jet engine school (two of them) and several gas turbine engine schools (Lycoming, Allison, General Electric). The untimely death of our son T.W. has been our greatest sorrow.

Rhett Riddle

Carolyn and I are enjoying our 3 grandsons -ages 9,8,5. We have a second home in Deltaville and spend many hours there during spring, summer and fall enjoying the Chesapeake Bay. Being semi-retired we enjoy traveling, music, dancing, and being with friends.

Kay Robinson (Robertson) Like the majority of my classmates, I have had a happy and memorable journey through life . . . married to the same man for 45 years and have had only two jobs in my 47 years, both working as an assistant to a Dean. Hobbies are expansive: collecting antiques; traveling; needlework; writing. One of my favorite collections is my vast amount of Victorian hat pins and vintage hats. My husband collects and restores 1955 Ford 100 trucks --- great amount of difference in the amount of room his takes compared to mine :). I don't have a favorite story as it is too hard to remember back that far :). It has been wonderful reconnecting with classmates over these past couple of months.

Phil Rohrbach

Retired as a Tax Partner with Ernst & Young in 2009 (mostly in NYC, Philadelphia, Washington and Richmond) and, upon retirement joined the faculty of the Robins School of Business at the University of Richmond. Teach in both the graduate and undergraduate programs. Having an incredible time "giving back" and helping launch the next generation of business leaders after a great career at EY. From early May to the end of August, when I actually am "retired" Camilla and I spend our time on Stove Point enjoying boating and golf (which we still score by the number of trees we hit!). We love to travel, last summer doing a transatlantic crossing on the QM2 and then spending June in the U.K. and back on the QM2 for two weeks in the Caribbean over the holidays. We've been blessed with good health and a desire to keep going and growing! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

Francis “Frankie” Ropelewski (Snyder) B.S. in Mathematics, Virginia Tech, 1970 Graduate work in Statistics, Texas A & M University M.A. in Jewish Studies, Hebrew College (Boston), 2000 Sometimes, your dream career takes a while to materialize. Nine years ago, once my 2 children were grown and on their own, I moved to Jerusalem – an absolutely amazing ancient historical city. After 2 weeks of volunteering at an archaeological site, I was hired. My math background and love of geometry have landed me a “niche specialty” in analyzing the opus sectile floors from King Herod the Great’s building projects. These floors were created from geometrically-shaped tiles of polychromatic local and imported stones. I am now a published archaeologist and have had a display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Visit http://independent.academia.edu/FrankieSnyder to see a sample of the work I do. I make frequent visits to the Miami area to visit my daughter Jennifer, her husband Joel and my grandson Miles; to Kitchener, ONT, to visit my son Jeffrey and his wife Sarah; and to Richmond to visit my siblings.

Jim Royall

It was interesting thinking about what to say here. Fifty years is a lot of territory to cover and a lot of things I could list just aren't very important in the overall scheme of things. I'm going to focus on the present and sprinkle in a little history to put everything in perspective. I've had what I consider a charmed life. I married a wonderful country girl from Powhatan 43 years ago and we are still going strong. Liz is my wife, best friend and lover. We're both healthy and going strong. We have one daughter, two grandchildren and a terrific son-in-law. The two boys are 7 and 10 years old. There is a downside, though. My son-in-law is Australian and the whole family lives in Melbourne, AU. We visit them when we can and they visit us sometimes. We only see each other (except electronically) about once a year. They're coming here in June but it's getting harder for them to take the boys out of school since their school yearround. This may be their last US visit for a long while. The trip takes about 30 hours door-to-door and it isn't cheap! We have been living in Virginia Beach since I retired about 11 years ago. We also have a home in Norfolk and we actually live in both of them. We like being at the beach but not necessarily all the time. It's a good environment for my outdoor lifestyle. I've been an avid cyclist for over 40 years and I raced bikes and did triathlons for many years.

Now I just ride bikes, play golf and do some volunteer/civic work. We're members of Cypress Point CC in Virginia Beach and my wife is involved in several things there. Our next move may be to Australia. If we don't completely move, we hope to own a home there in the near future. The seasons there are just the opposite of the US and it would be nice to spend half our year in each place. Just to fill in the big time gap, I did have a job. I was fortunate to get into Information Technology back when it was called “data processing”. I had a great 30-year career at Philip Morris in Richmond and New York. They offered full retirement at 50 years of age. I took it and then worked as an independent consultant. I had contracts at different times with Bank of America, Capital One and Markel Corporation. We eventually moved to the Beach and I stopped working shortly afterward. I'm really looking forward to reconnecting with old friends and classmates at the reunion.

Brenda Sandridge (Hobbs)

Still a working hairdresser as long as my health holds out. Danny and I will celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary in June. We downsized from our log home we built to an adult community near the Crossings resort area 7 years ago. our oldest grandson is a 2nd year student at George Mason University, and next fall he will be joined by his sister. They are both on the Mason track team. Her twin brother will attend JMU. We also have two grandchildren who will graduate from Hermitage in 2017 & 2019. Then we have the two youngest granddaughters (3&8), Glen Allen students. We've been fortunate to have our family nearby. We still own a Harley, but we haven't ridden as much lately. We are hoping to take a trip out west next year. Danny and I both serve as Deacons at North Run Baptist Church, where we were married. I still enjoy gardening and crafts, even though arthritis limits what I can do.

Barbara Saunders (Melton)

Hmmm, can I remember back as far as 1966? You bet, as Hermitage years were some of the best. Well, went to Madison College (all-female back then; no big old football program!), worked for several Richmond businesses as secretary/assistant, got married in 1970, quit work to raise babies, active in church singing and teaching/accompanying childrens/youth choirs, annual family & friends beach weeks (still), got back into the business world when the boys were in middle school, divorced, and fortunately landed a job in UofR Admissions then in awesome Music Dept. About 10 years ago, moved from the "trendy West Endy" back to Lakeside near Bryan Park and love LOVE it. Retired in 2013 & have enjoyed life with family, friends, and grandkids ever since! H.S. memories? Oh yeah. PEP RALLIES and football & basketball games. Go, Panthers! BOO, Freeman and Highland Springs! The dances and the music. Ms Jolly's English class, incredible-fun choir & Madrigal group under Miss Thompson & Miss Conaway, musical productions & rehearsals, Regional choir, All-State Choir weekend in Charlottesville my senior year, and firm/sensible leadership of us all under principal Paul Watson. Comparing our school years with the education leadership and student discipline issues currently faced, we were truly blessed back in the 60's, were we not!

Paul “Doug” Sculthorpe, Jr. (6) Grandchildren.....the oldest is 12 and the youngest is 3.

Nancy Sinclair (Maupin) Retired from 45 Years Of hospital nursing, and 20 Of Army active/reserve duty.... but loving the best role of my life.… "Nana" !! Both of our kids remained in town, so we often get to enjoy Kye, (born in September ’14) and Ava Grace (born in April ’15) Looking forward to reminiscing with old HHS Panthers and to remember why "Always Remember Algebra Class" as written in my 1966 yearbook. A big “Thank You” to the Reunion Committee!

Faye Smith (Gunn)

Wow 50 years have flown by so fast, wishing each classmate happy retirement and with God's blessing good health.

Eleanor Stancil (Tuck)

We have two grandchildren, born 2013 and 2014. I taught French in Chesterfield County, Loudoun County, and back in Chesterfield before retiring to enjoy life as a grandparent. I love hiking and highly recommend the Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Hiking Club (ODATC).

Susan Steele (Williford)

Graduated from University of VA School of Nursing, then became an army nurse, married an army officer, lived in Texas, DC, Germany and Georgia before retiring from the service, returned to Mechanicsville where I have lived for the past 28 years and worked as an elementary school nurse in Hanover Co. for the past 20 years; have 7 grandchildren in Northern VA, NC, and SC; have enjoyed crafting, scrapbooking, my church activities and singing in the choir at Derbyshire Baptist Church, reading, my 5 cats, and especially my grandchildren! Enjoy traveling to the Southwest, especially Santa Fe, NM, my father's hometown. Am hoping in a year or two to move to Greenville, SC, to be near my son, daughter-in-law, and their 4 children. Loved my high school years and have very fond memories!

Rebecca “Becky� Stevens (Pugh)

I graduated from Radford College in 1971. Married Spence in 1969 and followed him around the US for 6 years while he served in the Navy Dental Corp. We settled in northern Virginia where he practiced dentistry for 40 years. I worked with him in his practice, raised our 2 kids, traveled, and volunteered. We retired last year and have enjoyed the freedom to visit our grandkids, travel, play tennis and some golf.

Donald Tate

Working and living

Carolyn Thomas (Gratton) I retired and closed my engineering consultant business a number of years ago. In 2008 I was in the US for a 3 month visit to friends and family. Dave and I have done some traveling within New Zealand, but we are limited in the amount of time we can be away from the farm. For the last couple of years, I have been limited in what I can do - problems with my ability to focus my eyes. Have had to give up quilting completely, but fortunately can still see a computer screen and read (if the print is large enough).

I have been working on family histories for myself, my husband and several friends. Enjoy the puzzle of trying to find people who moved around. Enjoy babysitting my 15 month old honorary granddaughter Sylvia-Joy. She is a very adventurous and fearless kid and keeps me on my toes.

Sidna Turnbull (Gragnani)

I am retired from SunTrust Mortgage Marketing and spend my days with family and friends. I play Pickleball, walk and hike, as well as play cards with friends. I also love to read and sew. In the community, I am on the board of Change the World RVA, a non-profit that works with students in the Richmond area who are homeless or in unstable living situations. In addition, I support First Book, a non-profit that provides new books to children in need. As for family, Joe and I have one young grandson in Richmond, Freddie, and three young grandsons in Atlanta, Houston, Henry, and Emmett. Another Richmond grandchild is due in August. Maybe another boy! My husband, Joe, is retired from the Federal Reserve Bank and his mother, Anna, lives with us. Anna is in her 104th year and is a true blessing to our family. As for blessings, celebrating our 50th reunion is just as exciting as it is special. Congratulations to the Class of 66! After high school, I took business courses and landed a great job with State Planters Bank. Between raising my two children and working part time jobs, life kept me busy. I returned to banking for a 17 year stint with SunTrust Mortgage Marketing, where I retired in 2010.

Paula Uhrinek (Boyle)

Graduated from MCV with a BS in Occupational Therapy. Received a fellowship from VCU and graduated with an M.Ed. in Special Education. For 37 years I worked for several school systems as a therapist, teacher and homebound teacher. I retired from King and Queen County Schools. I am enjoying time with my family and granddaughters. Allen and I celebrated our 45 th. anniversary on Easter. I enjoy traveling with various members of the family.

Wayne Vaughan

Worked for General Electric for 18 years at the plant on Staples Mill Road, position Production Control. Also worked for GD Package Machinery on Southlake Boulevard on south side for 19 years.

Delores Vawter (Terry)

Since graduating I have earned multiple degrees, retired as a school psychologist and am now traveling the world.

Bobbie Wallace (Rice)

I was asked to join the state board of examiners for hairdressers in 2008. I had to decline this opportunity since I was moving to Kenbridge, Va. They require you to be local to the Richmond area. Davis Beauty School - 1965 to 1966

Tom Walton

After studying economics at MIT, I came to NC STATE to do graduate work in economics. I took a short career detour preparing for Christian work at Southeastern Seminary and Wheaton College. I met my wife Vaughan at Wheaton where she was a fellow student and the teaching assistant for a course on children in the home. It took me several years to convince her to marry me in 1977. Marrying Vaughan and becoming a Christian were my best two life decisions. It took us between 1983 and 1996 to to have our four children. We have no grandchildren yet. I finally settled down vocationally with a job as an economist with the EPA in 1979. I retired in January after 37 years and am looking for part time work teaching economics or in web development.

Ben Wilson

I have been retired for 7 years, following a back surgery in West Virginia. We moved to Arizona in 2008, in order to eliminate winters. In Arizona, we are civilized, we keep winter up in the mountains. We can play tennis every day.

Margaret “Peggy� Wood

I completed my undergraduate degree in art education from JMU and graduate degree from VCU. Started teaching art in Petersburg and retired from Chesterfield County. Married and divorced, no children. I've been actively involved with the Virginia Art Education Association and currently serve as their Executive Secretary. I continue to work supervising student teachers in art education at VCU. I'll come back to this one....

Diane Zaun (Woolwine)

Besides teaching and raising my children, I took care of my first husband who was sick for many years. Also, served in several church ministries. I remarried in 2003 and have retired so we spend a lot of time with family, traveling, and serving in our present ministry work. We go to a lot of dance performances for our granddaughter and lacrosse games for our grandsons who are all teenagers now and live in town, a real blessing. Three of our children live in Roanoke and one son is in Charleston SC and one is in Miami, having recently moved from CA and Boston before that. We have been overseas several times...to Philippines, Vietnam, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Italy, Greece and Turkey. Also we cruised to the Caribbean and took many trips throughout the U.S. The ministry that I have served for the last nine years is Kairos Prison Ministry, Int. It's a very powerful, spiritual retreat for those in prison, and another part of the ministry is Kairos Outside which is for female family and friends of the incarcerated. We have guests from all parts of Virginia.

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