THE STAR Businessweek JULY 14, 2018
Fair Farming How Fairtrade is helping revive Saint Lucia’s beleaguered banana industry Bananas were one of the first tropical fruits exported to European markets; now they can be found in every grocery store around the world. But it’s been a long journey for the world’s best loved fruit and its farmers - particularly in the Windward Islands where producers have had to battle shifting global trade alliances, natural disasters and rising costs. By Catherine Morris, STAR Businessweek Correspondent Continued on page 4
Mauritius ‘miracle’ puts Australia in the shade Mauritius has not rested on its laurels, with its desire to attract foreign businesses, particularly in the financial services sector, evidenced by its standing at 25th, out of 190 countries, in the World Bank’s 2018 Doing Business report, enough to place it highest in Africa. Pages 3 & 7
Negativity about immigration falls sharply in Brexit Britain British voters have the most positive views about immigrants since at least 2011, with negativity about immigration falling sharply since 2015, according to a leading survey. Page 8