Middle Eastern Investors Look To The Caribbean

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THE STAR Businessweek APRIL 6, 2019


in this edition of

Middle Eastern Investors Look To The Caribbean By Catherine Morris, STAR Businessweek Correspondent

SBW THE STAR Businessweek

Appealing to the Crowd: Public Sector Crowdfunding in the Caribbean It’s often said about a citizen’s relationship with government, that ‘nothing in life is certain except death and taxes’. Page 3

The Caribbean has always attracted international investors keen to park their wealth offshore, but the source of those capital inflows has been subject to change as the global economy fluctuates. Governments in the Middle East, especially the United Arab Emirates (UAE), are increasingly looking to the region as a way to diversify their portfolios, protect their funds and secure influence. For the Caribbean, partnering with Arab States can bring much-needed investment in infrastructure, training and technology. Continued on page 4

Small and medium-sized enterprises are playing a vital role in expanding trade ties between the UAE and Caribbean region, according to the heads of chambers of commerce who spoke at the inaugural UAE-Caribbean Cooperation Forum in Dubai last November

The State of Water Scarcity in the Caribbean and Beyond Today nations exist in a difficult environment within the international community, one where nationalism and the apparent threat of conflict between leading countries are higher than they have been in decades. Pages 7

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