THE STAR Businessweek MAY 18, 2019
in this edition of
Chastanet Government Allocates $20 Million For Local Sports By Catherine Morris, STAR Businessweek Correspondent
Cutting crime, improving health and education, boosting the economy and swelling national pride — the benefits of a well-structured national sports strategy can ripple through all sectors of society. That’s why sports development was one of the big ticket items on this year’s budget, with Prime Minister Allen Chastanet declaring a EC$ 20.6mn windfall for sports facilities, events, education and training.
SBW THE STAR Businessweek
Public Housing and Unplanned Communities In 2019 many Caribbean nations are seeing strong growth in their economies. This is unquestionably a good thing overall, but presents new problems. Page 3
Continued on page 4
Low income housing in Cresslands
Caribbean Law: The Privy Council v. The Caribbean Court of Justice In recent years the Caribbean has seen a number of high profile cases find a final resolution far from home in the UK’s Privy Council (PC). However, with the rise in the past two decades of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) as an alternative to the PC, there’s renewed debate about the appropriateness of a Londonbased court having the final say on Caribbean legal matters. Page 7