THE STAR Businessweek APRIL 20, 2019
It’s Budget season in the Caribbean: how does St Lucia’s measure up? By Catherine Morris, STAR Businessweek Correspondent
Prime Minister Allen Chastanet unveiled his 2019/2020 budget this week, listing his government’s priorities as infrastructure, agriculture, sport, health and education but acknowledging that Saint Lucia is “lagging behind” its Eastern Caribbean neighbours.
in this edition of
SBW THE STAR Businessweek
Threats to Commercial Fishing in the Caribbean The Caribbean family has always had a complex relationship with the seas that surround its nations; the story of fishing in the region is reflective of this. Page 3
Continued on page 4
Airbnb’s Future Up In The Air? Airbnb is one of the glittering apps of the disruption era; a leader among a field of players like Uber, Kindle and Spotify that launched with the promise to shake up industries and revolutionise the way we use them. Certainly, Airbnb has made a splash in the Caribbean. Page 5
Left to right: Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness, Saint Lucia’s Prime Minister, Allen Chastanet and Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley