Lasting Impressions

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Lasting Impressions DESIGN PROJECT | LETTERPRESS PRINTING | FOUR WEEKS | MARCH-APRIL 2012 STUDENT Deeksha Kumar PGDPD Graphic Design’10 Semester 4 | S1001105 National Institute of Design GUIDE Tarun Deep Girdher

Me, checking prints for errors

TOOLS The Machine- FAG Typefaces Typecases Spacing Material Composing Stick Printing Inks Furniture Leads The Stone Linoleum Sheet Linoleum Tools-6 Wooden Mount Variety of Paper Metal Rack

The letterpress machine I worked on- FAG Control 405


was introduced to letterpress printing in a course at NID on Print Production, where it caught my curiousity and subsequently I ended up choosing it for the four weeks long Design Project. It all began by reading about letterpress, how it was invented by Gutenberg and how it evolved over time to become one of the most exclusive forms of printing. It came to my knowledge that it was going through its revival during the 21st century and I took it upon me to explore further. The thought then was to try and add to it something fresh, but by using basic hand driven techniques and tools and rejecting the digital media completely. I believed that this project would help me learn and understand

the basics of printing and provide aid in contribution towards it in the long run. After an introduction to the machine and the various tools, Sirish bhai taught me the process of letterpress printing beginning with a few chosen lines of type. Thereafter, I chose to create artworks for cards and posters using type and illustration. I used linoleum sheets for creating different forms and illustrations, as linoleum served the main idea of the handmade. Ultimately, I came up with six different artworks. A culmination of both– hand set type and hand cut linoleum, was the final artwork for this project, while going through mutiple experiments with the tools and facilities I had access to. Lasting Impressions • Introduction


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