TV Week June 1, 2019

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tvweek June 1 - 7, 2019

Friday June 7, 2019 7:00 pm

Celebrate Nebraska Wildflower week with a Wildflower Walk. Uncover many of the area flowers in bloom and discover key characteristics for identifying them. Please bring water and hiking shoes for this 1 mile long hike.

Hit the road - Story on page 3 Ashleigh Cummings stars in “NOS4A2”

210615 Hwy 71 Gering, NE 308-436-3777 Open 10 am – 5 pm Daily


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2019 KZ-Spree Connect C241BHK

22019 019 KZ-Spree KZ-Spree C Co Connect onne necctt C C261RL 22661RL

2020 KZ-Spree Connect C231RBKSE

2020 KZ-Spree Connect C291RL

Rear Bunk House, 29’ Travel Trailer, Outside Kitchen, 15,000 BTU AC, 39” LED TV, Front Queen Bed, Sleeps 8, Climate Pkg., Electric Tongue Jack, Electric OUR PRICE Awning, ½ Ton Towable, MSRP $36,423.50

Rearr LLi Living ivingg R iv iving ivi Ro Room, oom,, 31 oo 331’ 1’ Tra 1’ Travel aavvel ve TTr ve Trailer, railer rra rai aaiiler leer e, B Bumper umper ump um mpeerr Mou mp M Mount ount nt Gri Grill Grill, ll 15,000 000 000 0 BT BTU B TU A AC AC, C,, 39 C 39” 99”” LLE LED ED TTV, V, 10 V, 10 CF CF Refrigerator, R Ref eefrig r era ri erator ator t , 50 to 50 Amp Amp Service, vic vice, icee,, Fireplace, ic FFire Fi Fir irrreeepl p acccee, e, Climate Cllim im mate ate ttee Pkg., Pkg Pk P gg.,..,, OUR O OU UR PRICE PRIC PR IC CE Solar aarr Panel Panel & Backup Back ackup kup up Camera Cam C amera erra ra Pre.,, ½ Ton Ton on Towable Towable Tow abble ab abl MSRP RP $40,337.00 $400 3337 3337 00 00

Rear Bathroom, 27’ Travel Trailer, Outside Kitchen, 15,000 BTU AC, Sleeps 6, Queen Bed, 17’ Power Awning, Lots of Storage. ½ Ton Towable OUR PRICE MSRP $35,347.55

Rear Living Room, 33’ Travel Trailer, Sleeps 6, Tri-fold Hide-a-Bed, 50 Amp Service, 2 AC Units, Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs, Theater Seating w/Heat & OUR PRICE Massage, Fireplace, LED TV, 10 CF Refrigerator, 20’ Electric Awning, Flip-up Steps, MSRP $46,783.70












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