BREAKING NEWS! 2019 Nebraska Press Association Better Newspaper Contest Winners
28 Pages
Thursday, June 25, 2020
News Photo of the Year
Kearney Hub By: Erika Pritchard Title: Yanney Heritage Park Flooded
Editorial of the Year
Rhoades Family Print Weekly Class C Award
Advertisement of the Year
Rhoades Family Print Weekly Class D Award
North Platte Telegraph By: Todd von Kampen Title: On Iron Eagle, Listen to the River
Blair Washington Co. Enterprise By: Lynette Hansen & Nicole Robinson Title: City of Blair Celebrates 150th
Rhoades Family Print Weekly Class A Award 1st Place: Gering Courier 2nd Place: Arlington Citizen 3rd Place: Morrill Voice News of Western Nebraska
Rhoades Family Print Weekly Class B Award
1st Place: North Bend Eagle 2nd Place: Ord Quiz 3rd Place: Bloomfield Knox Co. News Monitor
1st Place: Orchard Antelope Co. News 2nd Place: Aurora News-Register 3rd Place: West Point News
Feature Photo of the Year
1st Place: Blair Washington Co. Pilot-Tribune 2nd Place: Hickman Voice News (TIE) 2nd Place: Blair Washington Co. Enterprise (TIE) 3rd Place: Bellevue Leader
Edgecombe Family Digital Weekly Class B Award 1st Place: Elgin Review 2nd Place: Bloomfield Knox Co. News Monitor (TIE) 2nd Place: North Bend Eagle (TIE) 2nd Place: Ord Quiz (TIE)
Edgecombe Family Digital Weekly Class C Award 1st Place: Hartington Cedar Co. News 2nd Place: Orchard Antelope Co. News 3rd Place: Aurora News-Register
Arlington Citizen By: Grant Egger Title: A Crowning Moment
Sports Photo of the Year Loral Johnson Sweepstakes Print – Weekly
First Place: Orchard Antelope Co. News Second Place: Blair Washington Co. Pilot-Tribune Third Place: Aurora News-Register
Print Sweepstakes-Daily
First Place: Kearney Hub Second Place: Grand Island Independent Third Place: Norfolk Daily News
Edgecombe Family Digital Sweepstakes-Weekly First Place: Hartington Cedar Co. News Second Place: Orchard Antelope Co. News Third Place: Elgin Review
Edgecombe Family Digital Sweepstakes-Daily First Place: Scottsbluff Star-Herald Second Place: Grand Island Independent Third Place: Kearney Hub
Norfolk Daily News By: Jake Wragge Title: EV Stuns No. 1 Nebraska Press Association Acknowledgements: NPA President: Terrie Baker, Grand Island Independent ONEpress President: Nathan Arneal, North Bend Eagle Executive Director: Dennis DeRossett, Lincoln Video Show designer, co-narrator, imaging: Mark Cramer, Omaha Video Show co-narrator: Tess Cramer, Omaha NPA/ONEpress staff, judging coordination, text preparation, proofreading: Carolyn Bowman
Contest Committee: Mike Konz, Chair, Kearney Hub Terrie Baker, Grand Island Independent Tory Duncan, Sutton Clay Co. News Michael Wendorff, Callaway Courier Jim Dickerson, Albion News Dennis Morgan, Elgin Review Amy Johnson, Springview Herald Willis Mahannah, West Point News Nathan Arneal, North Bend Eagle Carolyn Bowman, NPA/ONEpress Convention Committee: Terrie Baker, Grand Island Independent
Amy Johnson, Springview Herald Chris Rhoades, Blair Enterprise Publishing Carrie Colburn, York News-Times Gerri Peterson, Mullen Hooker Co. Tribune Peggy Year, Hartington Cedar Co. News Susan Watson, NPA/ONEPress Dennis DeRossett, Executive Director, NPA/ONEPress Design and printing: Scottsbluff Star-Herald generously donated the work to design and print the Better Newspaper Contest Publication.
We would like to thank the Illinois Press Association for judging our Better Newspaper Contest for 2019.
Omaha World-Herald Awards Service to Agriculture
Daily: Grand Island Independent Class A: Arlington Citizen Class B: No Winner Class C: Aurora News-Register Class D: Hickman Voice News
Community Service
Daily: No Winner Class A: North Bend Eagle Class B: Tekamah Burt Co. Plaindealer Class C: Aurora News-Register Class D: Orchard/Neligh Antelope Co. News Tribute: Although the Omaha World-Herald and the Lincoln Journal Star are not eligible for the Better Newspaper Contest, NPA would like to recognize the two newspapers. NPA praises the two newspapers for their longtime, quality journalism and fine service to the association.