December 4 - 10, 2021
308-247-2135 • Morrill, NE • •
2016 chevrolet hevrolet 1 Ton crew cab ab 4x4 lTZ
6.6l TurBO DieSel DuAlly Fully equippeD
2014 Toyota oyota Tacoma acoma 4x4 TrD
One Owner
2013 Buick enclave AwD cX
The ‘People’ have chosen
2008 chevrolet hevrolet Suburban 4x4 lTZ
- Story on page 3 -
Fully equippeD
2008 Buick lucerne cXS
Chrissy Metz, Sterling K. Brown and Justin Hartley star in six-time nominee “This Is Us”
nicely equippeD
2004 chevrolet hevrolet Tahoe 4x4 Z71
nicely equippeD
Crossroads Coop appreciates your business
and is proud to continue to serve the Nebraska Panhandle! With locations in Gering, Mitchell, Bridgeport, Torrington, and Lyman and over 80 years of combined experience, we are here to support your grain handling needs!
WE ARE PROUD TO BE Farmer Friendly, Farmer Owned, Farmer Strong Serving the Nebraska Panhandle ongoing 110 years. A Community worth supporting.
Office Locations Gering Manager: Shain Shimic Merchandiser: Lex Carlson — 308.436.3646 Lyman Merchandiser: Mike Gibson — 308.787.1665 Sidney Merchandisers: Kyle Foster — 308.254.4230
Other Receiving Locations Mitchell, Bridgeport, Lisco, Dalton, Gurley, Potter, Lorenzo