Dunfermline City Conference Agenda
27th June 2023
A unique opportunity to collaborate with partners on creating a clear and strong vision for the future of the City of Dunfermline.
This will be a highly participative day involving stakeholders, community representatives and business leaders from across the City of Dunfermline community. The event will include presentations, workshops, exhibitions and networking opportunities.
Morning Session
Time Item
8:00am Welcome & Registration
9:00am Introduction & Objectives
Peter Duncan, Managing Director, Message Matters
Opening Remarks
Councillor Altany Craik, Spokesperson for Finance & Strategic Planning, Fife Council
The Journey So Far, Opportunity Awaits: An overview of Fife Council’s work around the City.
Facilitated Discussion
9:30am Ask not what your City can do for you, but what can you do for your City.
Gordon Mole, Head of Business & Employability, Fife Council
Peter Duncan
David Cook, CEO, Dunfermline Athletic Football Club
Gillian Taylor, CEO, Carnegie Dunfermline Trust
Heather Stuart (CEO) and Michelle Sweeney (Director of Creative Development), ONFife
Donald Mackenzie, Chair, Dunfermline & West Fife Local Tourist Association (DWFLTA)
Facilitated Discussion
10:30am Refreshment Break
Peter Duncan
Time Item
11:00am “Ask not what your City can do for you, but what can you do for your City
Reverend MaryAnn Rennie, Minister, Abbey Church of Dunfermline
Anne-Marie O’Reilly, District Visitor and Community Manager, Historic Environment Scotland

Neil Mackie, Kingsgate Centre Manager
Two Video Blogs: “A Lived Experience of Inclusion.” “The Hopes & Expectations of Youth”
Facilitated Discussion
An Introduction into Afternoon Workshop Sessions
12:00pm Lunch & Networking Opportunity
Peter Duncan
Afternoon Session
Time Item
1:00pm The scope for Dunfermline as a “Smart” City
Facilitated Discussion
1:30pm Workshops - (Please choose 2 sessions)
Workshop 1 – Why Tourism, Culture and Events are important for Dunfermline’s economic growth
Peter Griffiths, City Strategist, BABLE Smart Cities
Peter Duncan
Hilary Roberts (Tourism Manager, Fife Council)
Caroline Warburton (Destination Development Director: Central and North East, VisitScotland)
Workshop 2 - Why City Centre businesses matter & what they contribute to the City.
Workshop 3 – Why a healthy, active, and inclusive city is important.
Workshop 4 – Why enhancing and sustaining our beautiful city for future generations and liveability is important.
Workshop 5 – Why strong, empowered, and connected communities matter.
2:00pm Workshops – Session 2
2:45pm Refreshment Break
3:00pm The Next Steps - Where does it all fit in?
Neil Mackie Kingsgate Centre Manager
Jacquie Stringer Locality Planning Coordinator, Health and Social Care Partnership
Kevin O’Kane Greenspace Partnership Officer, Fife Council and Jean Hall-Muir Greenspace SCIO Member
Lindsay Gilfillan (Community Wealth Building & AntiPoverty Manager, Fife Council)
Shirley Melville (Team Manager Community Development, Fife Council).
Closing Remarks
3:20pm Final Round-Up
3:30pm End of Conference
Paul Vaughan, Head of Communities and Neighbourhoods, Fife Council
Councillor James Calder, Convenor, City of Dunfermline Area Committee
Peter Duncan
Please note event will take place at the Glen Pavilion, Dunfermline between 9am and 3:30pm. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is essential. Registration closes on Friday 16th June 2023.