The combined events performance award is given to the athlete who’s performances has increased their overall points over the course of the year. As many of you will know , combined events aren't for the faint hearted ...at the lower end , those competitions consist of taking part in no less than 5 track and field events over the course of a single day , and up to ten events over a weekend ... The physical challenge of competing nonstop for several hours is only met by the mental toughness that isnecessary to deal with the highs and lows that invariably come with taking part in multis , so that to pb in one or two events is one thing but each multi eventer is also aways looking to increase their overall points pb . With this in mind this award is presented to the multi eventer who over the course of the last 12 months has had the best overall points increase . Having worked really hard to improve in all areas and with an upswing of 579 points over the last year.
This award goes to the athlete who has shown commitment to the values of NAAC and the wider community. Their performances on and off the track are an inspiration to fellow athletes and they wholeheartedly deserve this award.
Ben has excelled over the past 12 months representing Scotland at both School level and National level.
In the summer he competed at both U17 & U20 coming away with medals. Whilst competing at schools international in Belfast he finished 3rd In 400m hurdles. He broke the Scottish 400m hurdle record that has stood for 26 years. Truly deserving winner.
This award is given to the athlete that has shown great commitment to the group, and has improved their fitness along the way. Gillian has turned up for almost every jog group session and several Senior sessions in the last year. Gillian’s dedication has paid off, demonstrating a huge improvement in running, and PBs with each race. The group really appreciates Gillian’s quick wit and humour that keeps us all laughing as we run!
Notably for the massive improvement in Sarah’s performance and race times since joining the club. She comes to club sessions whenever she can and always with a smile. This year she smashed her 10k pb and went on to run her first half and first full marathon finishing in sub 4hours. She's always up for trying new things and always makes time to enjoy her running too.
Archie so focused in training, pushing himself to his limit to achieve a sub 3 hr marathon in Blackpool which is an outstanding achievement. He then went onto take himself out his comfort zone and run his first fell race at goatfell in May.
Something for a bit of fun (actual quote!).
He set a new challenge and completed his first ultra, in 5hrs 26 secs. Since he joined the club he has continued to improve and set himself new challenges.
SARAH LUCASThe Neil Kyle Memorial trophy is awarded to the winner of the annual Senior’s 10 mile round Cumbrae handicap road race.
The event itself includes a handicap where each runner declares their honest estimate for their best time to do the 10 miles. At the end of the race, each runner’s actual race time is subtracted from their estimated time. The individual who is “most under” is the winner.
This type of race gives everyone in the group an equal chance no matter their current fitness levels or talent.
We dedicate this day to our dearly departed friend Neil Kyle. A man who originates from Millport. Naturally this was always going to be the race destination! In life, he was a core and valued member of the NAAC Seniors.
He bravely battled cancer before eventually succumbing to it in July 2020
This award is in memory of Stephen McCormick our club secretary who passed away after a short illness. Stephen introduced the 2k race at our annual Festival of Running and this is a fitting tribute to him and his hard work for our club. The winner of this award is the first NAAC athlete to finish the 2k race.
These awards are decided by their performances and results across all Ayrshire Harrier competitions, with athletes from all Ayrshire Clubs competing. The athlete with the most points are crowned the Ayrshire Harriers Champion. The overall Athlete of the year is nominated by their club and the reasons behind the nomination is presented to the Ayrshire Harriers to vote upon.
The Bill Simpson award is in honour of our founder Bill Simpson. This award is presented to a volunteer that has gone above and beyond in their efforts for both our athletes and our club. This year’s recipient is no different.
Craig is a constant at the club, he not only give up many, many hours of his free time coaching at the track but also behind the scenes and at competitions too.
Craig has gone to exceptional levels for our club, he is a real team player, being our team manager and pulling on that club vest to compete when needed, he is an inspiration to not only our athletes but our fellow volunteers.