March 2012
To Ban or Not to Ban? By Kelli Henderhan
Safe on Campus By Sarah Huff
Staying safe is important to everyone on campus. It was brought to my attention that some students are questioning their safety because of the car theft this semester. If there is ever a question about the campus, generally answers can be found on the school’s website. The School employs a Chief of Security along with three full-time and 24 part-time security personnel; all are active or retired police officers. You can visit Security in room S104 or call: (330) 704-2582 to make a report or ask any questions. Here are some ways to keep yourself safe while on campus: Report when a light isn’t working, inside or outside the building. Avoid being alone at night by parking close to friends in a well-lit area. Take advantage of Stark State’s free shuttle service to minimize walking time to and from classes. When walking to your vehicle, have your keys in hand and ready to go. Keep your vehicle locked at all times, with valuables out of sight, if possible either covered up or locked in the trunk. Stark State College now has an app for smart phones available with the Emergency numbers programmed right on the home screen, along with other information about the college.
Walking down the corridor of computer labs on any college campus gives one a good glimpse into the social construct of the average student. On many screens can be found that now infamous blue and white title bar:
A number of students are playing games, listening to music or cruising their friends’ pages; others are chatting, but does all this hinder students’ studying? After all, planting a digital garden or “liking” photos isn't going to help that grade in Comp II. How do I know this? I've been one of those students. I've sat down at a computer with every intention of getting some studying and homework done, only to sign onto Facebook for a minute and there goes an hour. We've become amazingly talented at wasting our time, time that we often lament we have a lack of. So, should Facebook be banned from college computer labs in an effort to help cultivate students’ attention to their studies, or will our attention simply drift somewhere else just as time consuming? Give us your thoughts.
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