[Type text] April 2011
What Do You Want To Know? By Brenda Dembraski-Marsh Help! I’m going to flunk out of my math class if I don’t get some help. What can I do?
50th Anniversary Alumni Reunion By Lori Frase Pictures of the past were displayed all around the Atrium on tables, sorted by decade. Old classmates hugged each other as they reminisced about days gone by. Anna Ehert remembers when she worked at the switchboard before transferring to the Business Office as the secretary to Dave Johnson from 1986 to 2000. Melanie from the retail marketing class of 1986 found some old pictures of herself and friends on one of the many tables. She enjoyed looking at how much things have changed and grown at the college in the years since she graduated. All the alumni and friends enjoyed light refreshments and anniversary cake before being taken on tours of the new buildings by current staff members. An estimated 500 people passed through the college doors during the open house, more than 300 of them former students.
Get to the Math Learning Center as soon as you possibly can. Located in room E206, the center offers tutoring at all levels, including algebra and statistics. Not all tutors can help in all classes, so not all subjects are available at all times, but tutors are always available for College Math, Introduction to Algebra, and College Algebra. All other classes need to check the schedule which is available on the Stark State website at http://www.starkstate.edu/mlc Computers are also available for your use. You can go there to get help with a specific problem or just to work on your homework. The Learning Center’s hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more information, you can contact Aaron McClure, Instructor/Coordinator of the Math Learning Center, at ext. 4032 or room E206a.
In This Issue
Cake Commemorating Stark State’s 50th Anniversary
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An Open Forum
Did you see that Flash?
Phi Theta Kappa
A Brief Analysis of SB5
Spring Fling