Stark Voices February 2011 Edition

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February 2011

What Do You Want To Know? By Brenda Dembraski-Marsh

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Readers of Stark Voices: Your newspaper is going through a change. This transformation is symbolized by the change in name from The Student Informer to Stark Voices, and as this new name suggests, it is a change which in large part depends on you, the students. Instead of a paper which, directed by its advisors, informs students of what we think they should know, we hope to create a paper in which the students tell us what they want to know. We want to create a paper which is a dialogue, rather than a monologue. So while some articles will be about upcoming events of which you may be unaware, or of various clubs that you might not know about, other parts of the paper will be shaped primarily by our readers. Nowhere is this truer than in the new “What do you want to know?” section, where we write about things that real students ask us. Is there something about Stark State that you want to know more about, or that confuses you? Or maybe you heard something and want to know if it‟s true. Ask us. If we don‟t know, we‟ll try to find out for you and write the answer for all to see in the next issue. As with any dialogue, however, this can only work with your participation. Otherwise, we can only speculate about what you might want to know. So if you have any comments, suggestions, questions, or even criticisms, about Stark State or about this paper, please let us know at Because ultimately, this isn‟t our paper; it‟s your paper. The Stark Voices. Sincerely, Ian Cain, Stark Voices Editor

What is the Stark State College Digital Library and where is it? The SSC Digital Library is a collection of information and services available to the faculty, staff and students. It is located in B123, across from Silk Auditorium, although you don‟t have to go to the physical room to get help. You can call (330) 494-6170, ext. 4141, or you can reach a librarian through online chat. The current hours of operation for Spring 2011 are: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m.-noon, but are subject to change. The Virtual Library hours for online chat are: Sunday 3-9 p.m. This is your corner. We want to answer your questions and make your time at Stark State College enjoyable. If you have a question or concern that you would like to see answered in Stark Voices, please comment on the web page, or email us at:

In This Issue What Do You Want To Know?


Meet the Staff


Center for Support


Recycling Month


A Meeting with the President


8th Annual Polar Bear Jump


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