Stark Voices Students Speaking Out Spring 2014 Issue
Stark State College Exams run between May 6th and May 12th Table of Contents Page 2
Meet the Staff Letter from the Editor
Page 3
Physical Library
Page 4
Unusual Enrollment Career Development
Page 5
Pell Grant Scams Spring Fling
Page 6
Scheduling Advice (Jump from the front)
Page 2
Choice of Electives
Page 8
Noise Courtesy Writing Center
Stark Voices
Josh Carter
Nicholas Biecker Catherine Lawson
Brennan Dunlap
Nicole Herrera Elizabeth Modarelli
Produced By:
The Stark State College of Technology English Department
Photo by Brennan Dunlap
Stark State College of Technology welcomes incoming students. Summer classes begin June 2.
How a Sock Works and Scheduling Advice By Josh Carter
magine waiting to put your clothes on each morning until someone explained how they worked. “You’re going to have trouble putting your socks on like that.” “That’s not where your shirt goes!” “Don’t you think you might want to wear your hat on your head instead of your shoulder?” Now what if you had to make an appointment with the clothing advisor to get this advice? “I’m sorry, I already have a 7:15 appointment with your brother,
but I can fit you in at 6 a.m. How does that work for you?” What if when you showed up for this appointment, you came completely unprepared? “Pants? Yea, I think I have a pair. Let me ask my mom— she kept all my old high school stuff.” Sounds silly right? Yet each semester, students do much the same when it comes to scheduling classes. The scheduling of classes plays an obvious and significant role in the success of a student’s time at college. Failure to get in the correct classes at the right time can delay a student’s progression within their chosen major and ultimately their graduation, increase expense, and create a lot of headaches and frustration. Here is some advice on scheduling based on my experiences at Stark State College of Technology. See Scheduling Advice On Page 6.