Geelong Indy - 14th March 2025

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House of dreams

Geelong Cats skipper Patrick Dangerfield, vice-captain Tom Stewart, goal-kicking machine Jeremy Cameron and three-time AFLW best and fairest winner Amy McDonald got a first-hand perspective of how the auction of a Mount Duneed house will help sick kids.

A Juno home by Henley at Villawood Properties’ award-winning Armstrong Mount Duneed estate will go to a no-reserve auction on April 18 and it is hoped to raise more than $1 million for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal.

The four Cats stars toured the home on Wednesday along with some awesome youngsters who have been helped by the Royal Children’s Hospital.

 See page 7 for the full story.

Patrick Dangerfield, Amy McDonald and Tom Stewart (rear), Scarlett, Tommy and Jeremy Cameron (middle), Alex, Sandrine, Emily and Scarlett (front). (Ivan Kemp) 465139_08

Urgent care clinic pledge

A new Medicare Urgent Care Clinic will open in Torquay if Labor is re-elected at the next federal election.

Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler announced on Tuesday, March 11, that the new clinic would provide urgent care for the region.

Mr Butler said the Torquay facility was one of 33 proposed fully bulk billing general practitioner (GP) practices in the Bellarine, Surf Coast and Geelong regions.

“There is clearly a strong case for the clinic to be in Torquay, which is at the centre of the Surf Coast with a growing population,” he said.

“Our strengthening Medicare agenda rests on three key pillars: more bulk billing, more doctors and more urgent care clinics.

“They’re designed to take the pressure off hospital emergency departments and provide people with convenient and high-quality hospital care for emergencies that are not life-threatening.

“Geelong is the closest hospital for the Surf CoastandBellarinecommunity...andweneed to ensure that many Australians live within a reasonable block of distance from a Medicare urgent care clinic.”

Mr Butler said there would also be an additional 306,600 bulk billed visits for the region and a further 4.9 million statewide if the Albanese Labor government was re-elected.

Member for Corangamite Libby Coker said the centre would allow for more free GP visits and bulk billing across Geelong, the Bellarine and Surf Coast.

“We want every Australian to know they only need their Medicare card, not their credit card, to receive the healthcare they need,” she said.

“Fifty-five GP practices across our region willgetsupporttogofullybulkbilling,getting more in Medicare payments than they lose in charging patients out-of-pocket.

“This is an amazing announcement. This means that people in Torquay, Armstrong Creek, and the broader Surf Coast will have an emergency care clinic.

“It means that instead of coming into Geelong’s emergency clinic and potentially waiting hours, you can go to your local clinic instead. It is free and open seven days a week with extended hours.”

The current federal government’s proposed investmentwouldseektosupportGPpractices across the region to bulk bill and achieve a better financial position.

The investment also aimed to save families money on GP visits in Geelong, potentially saving a family with young children around $209 to $220 a year.

An older family with two parents and two young adult children could save around $366 to $374 a year, and a retiree couple could save $224 to $425 a year in out-of-pocket costs.

Aquatic centre on track for 2027

The next phase of the North Bellarine Aquatic Centre is set to go forward with $40 million in funding secured from the federal and state governments.

The Victorian and Australian governments have each committed $20 million to the project, with the City of Greater Geelong contributing up to $300,000.

Stage One of the aquatic centre, which included an eight-lane 50m outdoor pool, all abilities change facilities, kiosk, car park, electric vehicle charging station and lawn areas, was completed in late 2023.

Stage Two will see the addition of a 25m

indoor pool, warm water pool, health and wellness facilities, cafe and a Changing Places changeroom.

While the funding split for the new developments was announced last year, the project control group gave the final approval of the design recently, locking in Stage Two.

Federal Member for Corangamite Libby CokersaidthiswasaproudmomentforNorth Bellarine communities.

“It brings us one step closer to providing localswiththefacilitiesthey’velongadvocated for,” Ms Coker said.

“The project will ensure that our

community, no matter their age or ability, has access to first-class swimming, fitness, rehabilitation and learn-to-swim services right on their doorstep.”

“It’s all about creating a space that serves everyone, whether you’re a young family, an older resident, or someone with a disability.

“Thesenewindoorfacilitieswillsupportthe well-being of our community for many years to come.”

Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant said the expansion would be a major boost for the community.

“The community has advocated for an

Regatta competition will be fierce

Thousands of girls will row the Barwon River this weekend for the return of the Head of Schoolgirls’ (HoSG) Regatta.

Bob Morrell Reserve will host the three-day regatta from March 14 to 16, featuring students from different year levels competing in 1500-metre or 1000-metre races.

HoSG Regatta president Alison Henricus said she loved the “real sense of excitement” from the students during the regatta, which was celebrating 41 years of schoolgirl rowing.

“When we look at where the regatta came from when it first commenced in 1985, it was a very small event with just a handful of schools

that got together,” she said.

“To see how it’s grown from there to the numbers we have today, which is around 2031 athletes competing this weekend from over 40 different schools, is really significant.”

Ms Henricus said the regatta was “very inclusive” and helped inspire young girls to participate in rowing and many other sports.

“Statisticsshowusthatparticipationratesfor girls in sport as they move through their teen years can decline, but this regatta showcases what girls can do and be a part of,” she said.

“It is a sport that supports them being active acrossarangeofactivities.You’llfindthatmost

girls that row do a lot of other sports as well, and any sort of activity is great for their overall wellbeing.”

During the regatta, a section of Barrabool Road from Quarry Close to High Street, Belmont will be closed to Eastbound traffic from7amto6pmonSaturdayandfrom6.30am to 5.30pm on Sunday.

Barwon Terrace, west of Moorabool Street, will also be closed from Latrobe Boulevard to Moorabool Street from 6am to 6pm over the event’s three days.

indoor pool for many years, and Stage Two of this project will provide just that; an Aquatic Centre that our community can be proud of, with a vast range of facilities to fill the gap within the Bellarine Peninsula.”

Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj said the council was thrilled to see the funding secured.

“Once complete, Stage Two of NBAC will offer world-class facilities that will become a central hub in the community for years to come,” Mayor Kontelj said.

Stage Two is scheduled for completion in late 2027.

Accessing early learning services will become easier in Geelong with a new kindergarten coming to Armstrong Creek.

The new three-room modular kindergarten will be built at Bloinkes Community Centre to deliver up to 178 kinder spaces thanks to a state government Building Blocks Capacity Building Grant.

Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney said the investment was “fantastic news for Armstrong Creek families” by providing high-quality early learning closer to home.

“It’s about setting our kids up for success,bothintheclassroomandinlife, while supporting local families and the broader community,” she said.

“This new kinder will provide much-needed places for our growing community, giving local kids the best starttotheireducationinasafe,modern, and nurturing environment.”

The grant formed part of the state government’s $14 billion Best Start, Best Life reforms to transform early childhood education to help children thrive, save families money, and support parents and carers to return to work or study.

Minister for Children Lizzie Blandthorn said the grant would also help provide play spaces, car parking, landscaping, and a maternal and child health room.

“We’re delivering Free Kinder and unprecedented investment in early childhood services across Victoria to make sure our kids and their families can access the best kindergarten and childcare services,” she said.

The Building Blocks program follows the state government’s investment in building and expanding kindergartens across the state.

KT Wiz returns in 2026 to showcase Korean baseball skills

The local economy enjoyed a boost over January and February thanks to an extended visit by Korean premier league baseball team KT Wiz.

The Korean Baseball League side recently departed the region after a six-week training camp in Geelong and a match against the Melbourne Aces at Melbourne Park in late February.

The visit included 85 players and staff, injecting $1.6 to the local economy and supporting 75 local jobs.

KT Wiz players enjoyed catering from restaurant Anju Modern Korean Fusion for the duration of their stay and took advantage of


The Korean players also met the community at an open day at Geelong Baseball Centre in Waurn Ponds, while the team has invested in upgrades to the centre.

The City of Greater Geelong announced this week the side would be returning in 2026 for another training camp and three matches.

Greater Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj said the elite team was welcome any time.

“It was terrific connecting KT Wiz with our local baseball clubs and showing them everything our beautiful region has to offer,”

Mayor Kontelj said.

“The team generated a lot of excitement

within our large baseball community, as well as the broader community.

“We look forward to hosting the players, coaches and support staff in 2026 and thank them for investing in the Geelong Baseball Centre and our region.”

Economic Development portfolio chair Councillor Trent Sullivan said the summer camp benefited our baseball community, facilities and local economy.

“This visit has strengthened our ongoing relationship with South Korea, showcased our region on the international stage and led to important improvements to our baseball facilities,” he said.

KT Wiz players put young local baseballers through their
Geelong Grammar School Girls Senior First VIII - Lucia Church, Zoe Reed, Miranda Worswick, Audrey Semjaniv, Madison Sonego, Manon Pirenc, Chloe Fitzgerald, Lily James and Sacha Laidlaw on the Barwon River. (Ivan Kemp) 464229_02

Aqueduct failure is unavoidable

Acentury-oldGeelongiconofengineeringwill soonceasetoexistafterextensiveinvestigations into its conservation concluded its collapse was unavoidable.

The Barwon River Ovoid Sewer Aqueduct, constructed between 1912 and 1915, runs from Barwon Water’s Asset Solutions head office in Breakwater across the Barwon River, terminating on private property.

The 756m-long, 53m-tall concrete and steel structure has been falling apart for the last 20 years, with falling concrete posing a serious danger and contractors refusing to continue maintenance since the early 90s.

After years of investigations, Barwon Water announced on Wednesday (March 12) the aqueduct could not be safely maintained and its structural failure was unavoidable.

ManagingdirectorShaunCummingsaidthe decision had been several years in the making.

“We have explored all avenues, with a range of experts,” Mr Cumming said.

“Unfortunately, there is no safe way to complete conservation works on the aqueduct, with any option for propping unable to prevent the eventual failing of the structure.”

Added to the Victorian Heritage Register in 1991 for its architectural, historical, scientific and aesthetic significance, the aqueduct was decommissioned a year later when a new sewer

Award feeds dedication

Prue Drever has won the Monica Hayes Award for her dedication to a Portarlington food relief charity during an International Women’s Day (IWD) event.

The Monica Hayes Award recognised women making a difference in the community and honoured the life of feminist, activist and community leader Monica Hayes, who died from motor neurone disease in 2016.

Ms Drever is president of Food Assist 3223 and received the award during Northern Bellarine’s 10th IWD celebration on March 6. She said it was “really lovely” to win the award as Ms Hayes was a “force to be reckoned with”. “I feel really honoured as Monica Hayes was anincrediblyactivewoman.Shewaswellahead ofhertimeandherworkinthecommunitywas really well known and very well received,” she said.

Ms Drever said she felt the award also represented the skills of the food relief service team that helped provide an accessible and responsive service for the community.

“Our food relief program has been going for 10 years, and we help between about 70 to 80 people a week by providing essential food relief to people on the North Bellarine,” she said.

“When I was accepting the award, I said that it felt like I was receiving it on behalf of the team. It’s very humbling, and I prefer not to be in the spotlight; I prefer it to be about the food bank.

“There’s a lot more people that are feeling the pinch, so we provide somewhere they can come to and where they won’t feel judged, they just feel welcomed and we’re really happy to see them.”

pipeline was built under the river.

The land surrounding the deteriorating structure has been closed to the public since 1995.

The aqueduct’s existing Heritage Victoria permit allows for four of its 14 spans to be removed, with the remaining 10 to be conserved and maintained.

However, Barwon Water intends to develop a new Heritage Interpretation Plan (HIP) and apply for a permit allowing almost all of the structure to be deconstructed.

Mr Cumming said Barwon Water would work collaboratively with the Community ReferenceGroup,abodyformedfromheritage, environmental and cultural stakeholders in

2021, to develop the HIP, as well as seeking input from the broader community through public engagement.

The plan will also support the work being done in partnership between Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and Barwon Water to rehabilitate a 66-hectare stretch of the river plain known as Porronggitj Karrong, or ‘place of the Brolga’.

“Community and worker safety is our top priority, and this new way forward removes many ongoing risks that the deteriorating structure poses to the public,” Mr Cumming said.

“This is the safest remaining option that also provides the best heritage outcome.”

Food Assist 3223 president Prue Drever received the Monica Hayes Award. (Ivan Kemp)

Libs commit to Grovedale courts

Liberal candidate for the seat of Corangamite Darcy Dunstan has pledged nearly $1 million for the upgrade of Grovedale netball courts if Peter Dutton wins the federal election.

Since the end of last season, Grovedale Football Netball Club has been unable to use its netball courts after they were decommissioned on safety grounds.

Mr Dunstan announced on Thursday (March 6) a successful Dutton government would foot the bill for $898,000 of the

$948,000 worth of upgrades required to get the courts up to code.

Mr Dunstan said the funding would deliver safe, compliant netball courts so that Grovedale’s young girls and women could once more play and train on their home courts.

“With more than 400 netball players, the club plays a vital role in keeping kids and adults active and engaged in sport,” Mr Dunstan said.

Boat-load of family fun

Boating enthusiasts, thrill seekers, and people who love the marine lifestyle can enjoy a new boat event along Geelong’s waterfront this weekend.

Boating Industry Association of Victoria (BIAV) will host the inaugural Geelong Boat Show at Royal Geelong Yacht Club on Saturday March 15 from 10am to 6pm and Sunday March 16 from 10am to 4pm.

BIAV chief executive Steve Walker said there would be “a great array of boats on display” during the free “boating lifestyle” event.

“I’m looking forward to new people like young families who rock up and look around to get a sense that boats and boating lifestyles for them,” he said.

“If you’re a diehard boater, there’ll be something there for you, but the event also targets more outdoor and lifestyle-inclined people.

“The event displays boats and boating lifestyle on the waterfront at Geelong, so it takes in that precinct around the Royal

Geelong Yacht Club.

“There’s a really strong boating culture in Geelong and the Bellarine, and that continues around Corio Bay down to the boating precinct next to the Geelong Grammar School (Corio Campus).”

Offshore Superboat Championships will occur alongside the show in Corio Bay for round three of this year’s competition.

People will also have a chance to meet Geelong’s Coat Guard and participate in many boat and water-themed activities over the weekend.

Visit for more information and free tickets for the Geelong Boat Show.

Geelong Boat Show is coming to the waterfront for the first time this weekend. (Supplied)

“But without safe and compliant courts, our local netballers have been left without a home. This funding will fix that and secure the future of netball in Grovedale.

“For too long, this vital project has been ignored by a local member asleep at the wheel.

“When we invest in local sport, we’re investing in stronger communities, healthier families and better outcomes for everyone — from kids playing their first game to senior players and volunteers who give so much to

their club.”

Grovedale Football Netball Club netball president Kelly McCarthy welcomed the funding commitment.

“It’s been six years of effort and uncertainty since our courts were decommissioned, so getting this funding means we can get back to our home courts and be confident of our future,” Ms McCarthy said.

“Thanks to Darcy for listening and for fighting for this important project.”

Cats players tour house of hope

A spectacular two-storey home at Mount Duneed will go to a no-reserve auction to raise money for the Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal.

The auction is expected to raise more than $1 million and four Geelong Cats stars toured the home on Wednesday.

Skipper Patrick Dangerfield, vice-captain Tom Stewart, goal-kicking machine Jeremy Cameron and three-time AFLW best and fairest winner Amy McDonald got a first-hand perspective of how the money can help sick kids.

The spectacular 48sq Juno home by Henley at Villawood Properties’ award-winning Armstrong Mount Duneed estate will go to a no-reserve auction on April 18.

Among the kids lending their weight to the effort were heart patient Scarlett Dickson, 12, who underwent three open-heart surgeries in her first six months and another at four. The odds of survival were stacked 90 per cent against her.

Alex Luburic, at seven, battles complex health issues, some virtually unpronounceable, causing tumours on her nerves. She visits the hospital every month, undergoing an MRI every three, to check the status of her NF1, or neurofibromatosis type1.

“Thanks to medication she gets from the RCH, her tumour is shrinking,” says mum Maria.

“I can see first-hand where money goes and how it helps families like mine.

“We are lucky to have this hospital in our back yard. The care Alex has received has been amazing, I don’t know how to thank the RCH enough.” Emily Cooke, last year’s Face of the Good Friday Appeal, was delighted to join the fray once again promoting the appeal. She’s been admitted to the RCH more

than 40 times with a rare brain tumour but keeps on keeping on, and enjoys all kinds of sport – even underwater hockey.

Bornwithaorticstenosis,apotentiallyfatal condition where the aortic valve narrows

abnormally, Tommy had his first open heart surgery within 48 hours of his birth. A few hours later, he suffered a cardiac arrest and on day 15, he underwent a second life-saving operation.

The auction will be held Good Friday, 18 April, at 19 Electric Crescent, Mount Duneed.Agiantfamilystreetpartywithfood stalls, kids’ rides, music and entertainment is expected to draw up to 1000 people.

Funeral Planning

Left: Amy McDonald with Emily and Scarlett. Right: Scarlett and Jeremy Cameron give a thumbs up after some handball practice (top); Tom Stewart signs Tommy’s new jumper. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 465139

CBD revitalisation ideas

Central Geelong’s key players and decision makers came together on Tuesday to provide insights and ideas that will shape the future of our CBD.

The Central Geelong Revitalisation Forum brought together decision-makers from all walks of life who will play a vital role in redeveloping our city’s heart.

We heard from more than 80 participants including developers, investors, landowners, town planners, representatives from advocacy groups and government agencies, and politicians from all three tiers of government.

With state government setting an ambitious housing target of almost 130,000 new homes to be built in Greater Geelong by 2051, we need to get more people living in the CBD.

State government’s Central Geelong Framework Plan outlines a vision for our CBD to be home to 16,000 people by 2050 – compared to roughly 2500 today – and support 60,000 jobs, up from approximately 24,000.

But currently 16 approved developments, which would create more than 1200 new dwellings in central Geelong, are not under construction.

The purpose of the forum was to identify the barriers holding back these and other developments in our CBD.

The forum featured a panel of prominent developers who provided invaluable insights into the challenges they face in balancing commercial viability with great design.

Among the issues raised were the Moorabool Street bus interchange, parking,

transport connections, land and property taxes,planningcontrols,safetyandanti-social behaviour and a lack of attractions to make people want to live in Geelong’s CBD.

The forum explored grand ideas and solutions like trackless trams, driver-less busses, vertical schools and cruise ship infrastructure.

And the majority of participants supported our vision for a mixed residential-commercial redevelopment of the Market Square precinct, which would transform the culture of our CBD.

I look forward to meeting with one of Market Square’s owners, Phil Wong, in a few weeks to discuss how we can move this vision forward.

But the Market Square redevelopment and other key developments are not going to happen overnight.

We also needed to look at potential quick wins for our CBD.

Can we beautify patches of un-used ‘dead space’ to enhance our CBD streetscapes?

Can we introduce a weekly outdoor market and other initiatives to boost trade?

Can we find ways to activate the first floor of some buildings in our CBD that are not being fully utilised?

Can we reduce working from home to get more people into the CBD?

Can we implement a special economic zone with tax and rates exemptions, and be more flexible with planning controls, to help get developments off the ground?

The future of central Geelong is exciting, especially with the impending completion of the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre.

This project will be a shot in the arm for our city, with the potential to draw hundreds of thousands of people to the CBD.

But we need to develop a holistic and comprehensive vision for central Geelong, to motivate people to live in our CBD and ensure those that visit want to come back.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj. (Supplied)

Running for $10,000

Athletes across the country will come to North Geelong to compete for over $10,000 in prize money on Sunday.

Victorian Athletic League will host the free Geelong Gift Athletic event on March 16 at the Western Oval along 66-76 Church Street.

President Matthew McDonough said the event was usually based along the Geelong Waterfront but had moved to the new location to accommodate more athletes.

“We’ve got over 850 entries for this year’s Geelong Gift, and we’ve got events from 70 metres up to 1600 metres, so quite a big spread of events,” he said.

“We have some of Australia’s best sprinters that have entered the race, so we’re looking forward to seeing that and some local athletes competing too.

“Hopefully the Geelong community can get down and watch the event and we can get

many people there as possible, and this will be something big at Geelong’s Western Oval for the first time.”

MrMcDonoughsaidathleteswouldcompete across 16 different races, from 70 to 1600 metres, throughout the day and encouraged people to come to the event.

“First thing in the morning we have a kid’s race where any kids can come along and sign uponthedayindifferentagegroupsandthey’ll be running for vouchers and some giveaways,” he said.

“Then we get into our Victorian athletic junior competitions, and we’ve got Under18’s and Under14’s.

“The feature event is the men’s and women’s Geelong gift over 120 meters, and they’ll have heats from in the afternoon with the finals at about 6.30 pm.”

Works to boost participation

Torquay’s Spring Creek Recreation Reserve will soon be more female-friendly, with designsforthechangeroomsandpublictoilets redevelopment underway.

An architect has been appointed for the project to provide a gender-neutral shower and toilet cubicles and upgrade the pavilion’s toilets to include accessible and unisex spaces.

Surf Coast Shire councillor Liz Pattison said theimprovedfacilitieswouldaccommodateall football and cricket players better.

“With more females and juniors taking part insportslikecricketandfooty,it’ssoimportant that clubs have fit for purpose facilities that are welcoming and accessible for all,” she said.

“We want to do all we can to encourage participation and to find solutions to the obstacles to commencing and continuing with sport, which is what this upgrade is all about.”

Torquay Tigers women’s senior football player Kahliah Zois said the upgrade would create a safer environment for players of all


Cr Eddy Kontelj, Cr Melissa Cadwell and Cr Elise Wilkinson with winners Noor Al-Assafi, Azadeh Doosti, and Teagan Mitchell.


Last week, we took the opportunity to recognise and celebrate the extraordinary contribution of women* to Greater Geelong with our Women in Community Life Awards.

The annual awards, held around International Women’s Day, first began in 2016.

In addition to the award presentations, this year's event featured a panel discussion about the 2025 International Women's Day theme, March Foward.

This year, we recognised 22 nominations across three categories and we’d like to congratulate this year’s award recipients.

In Leadership and Advocacy, Teagan Mitchell, for Human Rights, Noor Al-Assafi and for Strengthening Healthy Communities, Azadeh Doosti.

We thank all nominees for contributing to our community and for sharing their inspirational stories with us.

To read more about this year’s award recipients, scan the QR code or visit WICLAwards2

*Also refers to cis and trans women and gender non-binary people.


Planning Committee meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Committee will be held at the Council Conference and Reception Centre, City Hall, 57 Little Malop Street, Geelong on Thursday 27 March at 5.30pm.

Item to be discussed is:

›Planning Permit Application PP-33-2024

- Use and Development of Land to Keep and Breed up to 5 Small Domestic Animals (Dogs) at 36 Kanyanya Avenue, Clifton Springs.

For more information, scan the QR code or visit PlanningCommittee2

Domestic Animal Management Plan


We’d like to hear from you about the role domestic pets play in our broader community, as part of the development of our next Domestic Animal Management Plan. We want to hear from everyone who enjoys our public spaces. Walkers, park lovers, cyclists, dog lovers, cat lovers, runners, wildlife warriors, animal workers … the lot.

Your feedback helps us accurately identify animal-related issues, benefits, topics the community needs more education on, and how we can better serve you.

Scan the QR code or visit to have your say by 5.00pm on Sunday 20 April.

If you are travelling in the areas listed below, scan the QR code or visit for detailed information regarding changed traffic conditions. Emergency access will be maintained during events.

IRONMAN 70.3 Geelong

›Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March.

›Various times and areas.

›Tow away zones include Ritchie Boulevard and upper Eastern Beach Road.

›Major road closures will include Portarlington Road - Curlewis bound. Bus routes/times will be affected.

Geelong Cats vs Fremantle, GMHBA Stadium

›Saturday 15 March.

›Various road closures.

›Full road closure will affect Moorabool Street, between Park Crescent, South Geelong and Kilgour Street, Geelong.

A Day on the Green – Fat Boy Slim

›Saturday 22 March.

›Speed reduction on the Princes Highway, Anglesea Road, Pettavel Road and Reservoir Road.

›Full road closure will affect:

›Reservoir Road, between Anglesea Road and Cape Otway Road.

›Cape Otway Road and Drayton Road between the Princes Highway and Reservoir Road.

genders and promote inclusion for everyone in sports.

“At the moment I don’t think half of us would shower in the change rooms after the game. So, we’re looking forward to a safer, equal, more comfortable environment for all,” she said.

Works on the reserve’s upgraded facilities are expected to begin later this year and be completed early next year once designs are finalised, and the project is tendered.

Federal Member for Corangamite Libby Coker said the project was a “step forward” for the region and would be an “awesome outcome” for Surf Coast sport clubs.

“Byprovidingmodernandsuitablefacilities, we are helping to break down barriers and encourage more people, especially women and girls, to participate in sports,” she said.

The project received $700,000 from the federal government and a $75,000 grant from the AFL’s Australian Football Facilities Fund.

Torquay Tigers women’s senior cricket captain Ali Villani, Member for Corangamite Libby Coker, women’s senior football player Kahliah Zois and councillor Liz Pattison. (Supplied)
Men and women will compete against each other in North Geelong this Sunday. (jamesonsphotography)

Looking back on 50 years

Deakin University is celebrating five decades of education, research and community engagement with new exhibitions coming to Geelong and Waurn Ponds.

Deakin’s vice-chancellor, Professor Iain Martin, will officially open the 1974 to Now: Deakin at 50 exhibition program at 4pm on March 19 at the university’s Geelong Waterfront Gallery.

University librarian Hero Macdonald said the program celebrated Deakin’s 50th anniversary through rotating exhibitions focusedonachievementsineducation,research and community impact.

“We hope that as visitors explore the exhibitions, they’ll also share their own experiences, memories, and perspectives, helping us uncover new stories,” they said.

“The series offers a meaningful reflection on Deakin’s legacy, celebrating how the university has evolved while inspiring a forward-looking vision for its future.

“From Deakin’s founding in 1974 to the present, these exhibitions highlight the significant people, values, achievements, and innovations that have shaped Deakin’s unique identity.

“Each exhibition features carefully curated artefacts, imagery, and stories drawn directly from our university archives, inviting visitors on an engaging journey through five decades of our incredible history.”

Sport centre to start in April

The Victorian government announced this week the head contractor for the region’s newest sporting facility.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence announced on Monday that FairbrotherPtyLtdhadwonthecontract to build the Armstrong Creek Sports Centre, with construction due to begin in April.

The new facility will include four indoor multi-sport courts, cafe and car parking with electric vehicle charging spaces.

A civic plaza will feature outdoor areas for basketball, skating and table tennis and a large, landscaped lawn for community events.

Fairbrother has delivered a number of local projects in recent years, including the Poa Banyul Community Hub in Mount Duneed in 2023 and Geelong College Junior School in 2020.

The program will feature three new exhibitions drawn from materials in Deakin’s archives to provide historical context and personal stories at Deakin’s Waterfront and Waurn Ponds campuses.

Bridging the Distance: Deakin’s Leadership in Distance Education will be held at the WaterfrontfromMay1toMay11andatWaurn Ponds from May 26 to July 9.

The project is part of the Geelong Sports Package, expected to cost about $250 million, with the federal government pitching in $6 million for the Armstrong Creek Sports Centre.

Theprojectisscheduledforcompletion in late 2026.

Beyond our Walls: Deakin’s Community Impact will open at Waurn Ponds from March 20 to April 30 and at the Waterfront from August 25 to October 5.

Shaping the Future: Deakin’s Legacy of Research will come to the Waterfront from June 10 to July 20 and Waurn Ponds from July 28 to September 7.

Coeliac Awareness Week

Black Sheep in Geelong

Restaurant and Bar.

Located in the heart of the National Wool Museum Geelong, let the team at Black Sheep tell you a tale while you indulge in all that the Geelong region has to offer.

Gin is their thing and they love talking about it over modern European-style plates to suit all tastes and dietaries.

Using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients, the extensive menu is built to share and has an extensive selection of gluten free and gluten free optional dishes. All but one dish on the current menu is GF or GFO. Or if you’d prefer, indulge in their Feed Me menu selected by

their talented chefs which can also be made GF too.

Pair your feast with something unexpected from the Black Sheep Chamber of Gin collection - a unique collaboration featuring the finest local gin distilleries from across the Geelong, Surf Coast, Bellarine and Victorian region. Or perhaps you’d prefer their extensive selection of boutique spirits, craft beers, wine and freshly shaken cocktails.

Reservations are highly recommended. To book, simply head to

1974 to Now: Deakin at 50 will take people through Deakin University’s history (Deakin Archives)

Coeliac Awareness Week

Game changer for gluten-free dining in Geelong

Fortoolong,Geelong’sgluten-freecommunity has struggled to find a restaurant where they can dine with confidence.

That struggle is now over, as Emerge Steakhouse proudly announces its full accreditation with Coeliac Australia.

This milestone makes Emerge the first and only fully accredited gluten-free steakhouse in Geelong, setting a new standard for safe, high-quality dining for people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance.

Coeliac disease affects approximately one in 70 Australians, yet many remain undiagnosed. For those who live with it, even the slightest trace of gluten can trigger serious health issues. Despite the growing demand for gluten-free options, dining out often comes with risk and anxiety. Cross-contamination in kitchens, unclear ingredient sourcing, and inconsistent preparation methods have long been challenges for those needing a truly gluten-free meal. With its new accreditation, Emerge Steakhouse eliminates those concerns, offering a safe and welcoming space where gluten-free means 100 percent safe.

What Coeliac Australia accreditation means

Achieving Coeliac Australia accreditation is no small feat. It requires restaurants to meet strict food safety standards, including thorough kitchen protocols, staff training, and ingredient sourcing to ensure zero crosscontamination. Every meal served at Emerge Steakhouse is prepared in a controlled environment, giving customers peace of mind that their food is truly gluten-free.

“Our goal has always been to offer the best steak in Geelong, and now we can say with confidence that we’re doing it in a way that is completely safe for our coeliac and gluten-free diners,” says the team at Emerge

Steakhouse. “This accreditation isn’t just a badge – it’s a commitment to safety, quality, and inclusivity.”

Why this matters for Geelong

The demand for safe, gluten-free dining options is on the rise, not just for those with coeliac disease but also for the thousands who choosegluten-freedietsforhealthandlifestyle reasons. Until now, Geelong residents have had to travel to Melbourne or rely on limited local options to find a truly safe gluten-free meal.

Emerge Steakhouse is changing that. With its Coeliac Australia accreditation, the restaurant is filling a major gap in the local

dining scene, giving the Geelong community a much-needed venue where gluten-free diners can eat with confidence.

“Being able to go out to dinner without worrying about cross-contamination is life-changing for coeliacs,” says a local patron.

“Emerge is setting a new benchmark, and I hope more restaurants in Geelong follow their lead.”

More than just a steakhouse

While its prime cuts and flame-grilled steaks remain at the heart of the menu, Emerge Steakhouse offers a diverse selection of dishes to cater to all tastes. From gluten-free sides and sauces to decadent desserts, the menu

ensures that everyone, whether coeliac or not, can enjoy a top-tier dining experience.

With this new accreditation, Emerge Steakhouse is not just serving meals – it’s changing lives. By offering a fully coeliac-safe dining experience, the restaurant is leading the way in making Geelong a more inclusive food destination.

So, whether you’re a steak lover, a gluten-free diner, or simply someone who enjoys high-quality food in a welcoming atmosphere, Emerge Steakhouse is ready to serve you – safely and deliciously.

Emerge Steakhouse – where Geelong’s gluten-free community can finally dine with confidence.

Emerge Steakhouse proudly announces its full accreditation with Coeliac Australia. (Pictures: Supplied)

Show pays homage to Status Quo

Fans of iconic UK rock band Status Quo are in for a treat when four of Australia’s premier musicians bring their tribute to the band to Geelong.

Including singer/guitarist Pete Robinson (Electric Mary, Russell Morris Band), bassist JamesMorley(TheAngels,TheChoirboys)and Queen Orchestrated members Eddy Santacreu (guitar) and David Kirby (drums), 12 Gold Bars covers Status Quo’s 1980 album of the same name as well as later hits, B sides and other rarities.

StatusQuohavebeenactiveformorethan60 yearssinceforminginLondonin1962andhold the record for the most chart hits in the UKmore than 60 - including Rockin’ All Over the World, Whatever You Want and Down Down.

While their early music tended toward psychedelic pop sounds, Status Quo adopted a hard rock/boogie style that became more polished as time went on.

Robinson, who takes on the musical role of Status Quo founder and still-active band leader Francis Rossi, said the band was one of his biggest influences growing up as a budding guitarist.

“I got a guitar on my eighth birthday and I just never really put it down,” Robinson said.

“I think the first album I ever heard was the Status Quo album called Quo. And I was just hooked, I listened to that and just went wow, this incredible.

“To hear guitars played like that was just insane, I thought, I’ve got to do this. It was life-changing. Even now when I play these songs it still takes me back to that time, of having a tennis racquet and miming to the songs and jumping round the house.”

When Morley mentioned to Robinson early last year that he was thinking about putting

School music fest rocks on again

After a highly successful inaugural event last year, the Geelong Evening Music Fest returns in 2025.

Organised by a partnership of five local government schools, the event will be held at Matthew Flinder Girls (MFG) Secondary College’s Helen Fraser campus from 4pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday, March 26.

Featuring more than 100 musicians from MFG, Bannockburn P-12, Belmont High, Geelong High and Oberon College, the festival will include rock, jazz, soul and classical music from 20 bands across three stages.

MFG head of music John Kingma said last year’s event had succeeded in its twin purposes of fostering the local school music community and inspiring students to give music their all.

“Theoverallideaisit’sabigcommunityevent where all these kids get together, play music, meetkidsfromotherschools,andalltheparents gettocomeandwatch…thepurposeistobring people together and give kids an opportunity to perform in a real world context,,” he said.

“The kids get some inspiration, performance experience,theymakenewfriendsandtheysee that music exists beyond the classroom.

“Last year was a really great community event, and it’s already become an important item on the school calendar even though it’s just the second year.”

The free event is open to all, with a sausage sizzle and cold drinks available, as well a mini-marketandbakesaleandplentyofgrassy space for picnic rugs and camping chairs.

Mr Kingma invited all members of the Geelong community to enjoy the festival.

“Everyone’s welcome, it’s a free event and it’s a lot of fun,” he said.

Matt Hewson

together a Status Quo show - “I’m looking for a Francis Rossi” - Robinson jumped at the chance.

“Thechemistryonstageisgreat,weallgeton really well, and it’s the whole Status Quo show -legswidesapart,thedenimandallthatsortof stuff,” he said.

“We do the songs as close as we possibly can to what you would expect a Status Quo song to sound like, and people have gone away very happy, so we think we’re doing the right thing.”

The12GoldBars-CelebrationofStatusQuo show is at the Wool Exchange on Saturday, March 22. Visit for tickets.

Big band is flying high

From the humble beginning of five musicians catching up in a room to playing packed out gigs across the state, Surf Coast Big Band (SCBB) have had a whirlwind year.

Formed in early 2024, the band slowly gatheredmomentum,fillingouttheranks and building toward a hugely successful first performance at Blackman’s Brewery in September last year.

Since then the big band has played markets, country clubs and jazz festivals, often receiving standing ovations from sell-out crowds and received important funding from Surf Coast Shire and Torquay Community Enterprise Inc to buy sheet music and sound production equipment.

SCBB secretary Chas McPhail, who plays alto saxophone, said from the very first show the band had been overwhelmed by the support it received.

“The first gig at Blackman’s was fabulous, it was packed; there were people lined up out the front door to buy their drinks, it went down really well,” McPhail said.

“We’ve had people say what good memories out band has bright to them… its a good feeling for us in the band that we get so much positive feedback, how much enjoyment we give people.”

The 18-piece band performs this weekend in Anglesea Bowling Club, featuring three vocalists and with “hopefully a bit of room there to have a dance”, McPhail said.

“We’ll be playing some really great tunes, it’s quite varied, from the 30s and 40s to the 70s and 80s and more recent ones,” he said.

The show kicks off at 7.30pm on Saturday, March 15. Latin American food by La Caseta.will be available from 6pm. Visit events/landing/1331138 for tickets or email for information on playing with the band.

Tokyo’s loudest band will entertain audiences at Jerkfest

Cult Japanese rockers Guitar Wolf are one of three international acts gracing the stage at Jerkfest this month.

March 22 will mark the 10th edition of the local music festival, which has run every year except 2020 since 2015.

This year’s Jerkfest will feature the event’s largest ever lineup of 25 bands, including The UV Race, The Frowning Clouds, Marbled Eye (USA), David Chesworth & Bill McDonald, Dom Sensitive (SA) and Bananagun.

But Guitar Wolf, returning to Australian shores for the first time since 2023, might just

deliver the most memorable spectacle of the lot.

The Tokyo trio has amassed a dedicated underground following across the world on the back of its outrageous and energetic performances.

During the band’s first Australian tour in the late 90s, frontman Seiji rode on stage at The Tote in Melbourne on a motorcycle and starred in their own horror-comedy film Wild Zero, which will also screen in Melbourne during their 12-show tour of the country and has a sequel in the works.

Influenced by acts such as the original punk Link Wray, the Ramones, the Cramps and Joan Jett, Seiji has called their brand of rock ‘jet rock’n’roll’.

“I love jet plane, I love noisy music, too,” Seiji explained in 2012.

“Many records… have no big sounds. So easy to listen to. I hate that! So… I add jet sounds.“

Jerkfest #10 is at the Barwon Club from noon on Saturday, March 22. Visit for tickets and more information.

Japan’s Guitar Wolf bring their unique style of rock to Jerkfest #10. (Shinz)
MFG music students Ella Carty, Maddie Lindsay, Heidi Nixon, Electra Wilde, Xenna Sheedy, Anita Ivanic and Piper Needham. (Ivan Kemp) 464840_02

Healthcare collaboration is working to bridge the gap HERE TO SUPPORT

In the healthcare landscape, collaboration stands as a cornerstone for achieving remarkable outcomes.

When professionals unite their expertise and resources, they can accomplish far more than they ever could alone.

This fundamental principle is at the core of the dynamic partnership between Crossing The Gap and Barwon Occupational Therapy (OT).

These two esteemed organisations have joinedforcestoprovidecomprehensivesupport and services to their community, with a particular focus on mental health, paediatrics, senior health, and the disability sector.

Kristy from Crossing The Gap provides her insight on the partnership.

“We support each other, promoting each other’s businesses,” she said.“We found that by working together, we can go a lot further.

“I have had the privilege of working closely with Anna, the director of Barwon OT, for a good seven years. I first met Anna when working for another organisation; she not only trained my staff but continues to provide invaluable training to my team today.

“When I ventured out on my own, Anna and Gwen helped me establish my company and have stood by my side every day since.”

Barwon OT

Barwon OT is renowned for its diverse team of passionatealliedhealthprofessionalsdedicated to making a difference in the lives of their clients and communities.

They strongly believe in matching participants with the right OT, social worker, psychologist, or therapy assistant to ensure personalised and effective care.

Furthermore, Barwon OT offers its clients the option to complete appointments in their

comfortable consulting rooms, to attend group of staff training in its multipurpose training hub, or to trial equipment in the impressive sensory gym, providing a range of versatile environments for therapy and development.

The option to complete appointments in the clinic provides participants with important cost savings options for therapist time and travel.

One of the standout features of Barwon OT is its provision of behaviour support, led by experienced allied health professionals.

This aspect of their services underscores their commitment to holistic care, addressing not only the physical but also the behavioural and emotional well-being of their clients, carers, and communities.

Barwon OT offers flexible treatment options, working collaboratively with families, carers, and other health professionals.

Its advanced practice areas, such as sensory modulation, highlight its commitment to remaining at the forefront of the field.

To learn more about Barwon OT visit www. or call 5200 2684.

Crossing The Gap

Crossing The Gap is a beacon of educational excellence, dedicated to empowering students with diverse learning needs.

Its specialisation in supporting students with Specific Learning Differences (SLD) is underscored by a strong emphasis on school

readiness. What sets Crossing The Gap apart is its unwavering commitment to working alongside Allied Health professionals.

This approach ensures that each student receivespersonalisedattention,tailoredtotheir unique learning style, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

Collaboration is at the heart of Crossing The Gap’s ethos. It prioritises partnerships with parents, carers, and schoolteachers, recognising that a united front leads to the best outcomes for students.

This collaborative approach extends beyond the classroom, with resources available to support students’ learning at home and at school.

Crossing The Gap ensures that each child has access to the tools and support they need to succeed, empowering them to reach their full potential.

To learn more about Crossing The Gap and its transformative approach to education, visit or call Kristy today on 0493 057 276.

Crossing The Gap and Barwon OT share a vision of empowering individuals and families to reach their full potential.

By pooling their expertise and resources, they have created a robust network of support thatextendsacrosstheBarwonregion,covering areas like Geelong, Golden Plains, Colac, Surf Coast, Bellarine Peninsula, and more.

The partnership between Crossing The Gap and Barwon OT epitomises the power of collaboration in healthcare.

Together, they are bridging gaps and providing holistic, client-centered care to their community.Theirsharedvaluesofcompassion, professionalism, and innovation make them a formidable team, dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those they serve.

Kristy from Crossing the Gap and Anna from Barwon Occupational Therapy form a dynamic partnership. (Supplied)

Airshow promises economic lift

The Avalon Airshow will showcase Geelong’s defence, aerospace and aviation industry to key international organisations and decision makers.

City of Greater Geelong and Deakin University will team up to present a trade stand at the nation’s largest international aviation and aerospace industry exposition from March 25 to 28.

GeelongisoneofAustralia’sfastest-growing regions, leading Australia in Gross Regional Product and job growth over the five years to 2023.

The region is fast becoming a key hub for defence, aerospace and aviation-related activities, leveraging more than $200 billion in government spending, advanced manufacturing, research capabilities, and strategic infrastructure to support industry growth.

Partnering with Geelong-based organisations Air Radiators, KPMG, Avalon Airport, GMS Composites, The Gordon TAFE and RAPP Australia, the trade stand will facilitate conversations, networking and promote their defence, aerospace and

Dig deep to help appeal

Geelong’s biggest local charity fundraiser is about to kick off for another year.

Community foundation Give Where You Live’s Give Geelong Appeal begins today, running for a week until Friday, March 21.

The Give Geelong Appeal raises funds to support the foundation’s mission of helping those experiencing homelessness, families struggling to buy groceries and people facing long-term unemployment.

Give Where You Live Foundation chief executive Zac Lewis said together the people of Geelong could make a difference to those who need it most in our community.

“As the cost of living continues to rise, we’re seeing that the need in our community is also increasing,” Mr Lewis said.

“The foundation’s latest Food For Thought research report showed that 90 per cent of Geelong food relief agencies had experienced service demand growth. Additionally, national data shows that residents in our region experienced significantly higher levels

of food insecurity compared to the Victorian average.

“Supporting the Give Geelong Appeal will support the foundation’s work to create a fairer community for those that need it most here in Geelong.”

Local businesses Auswide Plumbing & Civil and Hanlon Industries are getting behind the Give Geelong Appeal as matching giving partners, partnering to double donations of up to $15,000.

The appeal starts today with Footy Gear Friday, with the Give Geelong Breakfast on next Friday, March 21 at the GMHBA Stadium’s President’s Room.

“Your donation to the Give Geelong Appeal will have a local impact,” Mr Lewis said.

“It will support people in our community facing long-term unemployment, help people facing homelessness and support families struggling to put food on the table.”

Visit to make a donation or be a part of appeal activities.


What is your connection to Geelong?

I moved to Geelong with my family when I was about 16. We lived in Melbourne and the United Kingdom for a little bit. We’ve been in Geelong for the longest time since we moved from Zimbabwe.

We originally moved from Zimbabwe, where I was born, to Melbourne, from Melbourne to the UK, and then back to Australia, where we made our home in Geelong.

What do you like about living in Geelong?

I love that it’s quiet and peaceful, and there’s a very nice community in Geelong.

Is there anything that you would change about where you live?

I don’t believe there is anything I would change, as Geelong is always making changes. I think it’s also pretty great that there is not too much change.

Where’s your favourite place to spend time?

I like going down to Torquay. It’s a nice place to go with my friends, and I sometimes walk after work or university.

What is something that people might not know about you?

I like to read a lot, and I read a bit of everything, including fiction, nonfiction, biographies, and psychology books.

What led you to get involved in genU’s Allied Health Graduate Program?

The Allied Health program is a great stepping-stone into other careers, and it’s great to train and learn for a much more extended period of time.

You also get extra support while you’re out of university, and there are not a lot of

aviation capability.

Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj OAM said thousands of people working in defence, government, aerospace and aviation-related activities were set to attend the trade show.

“We are thrilled to showcase Greater Geelong’s defence industry capability on the world stage,” he said.

“The team will be promoting the competitive advantages our region offers with the aim of facilitating positive economic, employment and educational outcomes for local organisations and institutions.”

Cr Trent Sullivan, Economic Development portfolio chair said the joint trade stand was the perfect platform to highlight our strengths to key decision makers from across the globe.

“Avalon 2025 will reinforce our region’s reputation as a strong advanced manufacturing and innovation hub,” he said.

“Thisworld-classeventattractsinternational industry and government delegations to the region, providing long-lasting economic benefits while showcasing all that Greater Geelong has to offer.

Geelong’s Ruvimbo Sinamai recently completed genU’s Allied Health Graduate Program, which allowed her to grow on her support work experience.

Jena Carr spoke with the 22-year-old about what she loves about living, studying and working in Geelong.

areas that will give you that experience, comfortability, or help for a year out of university.

Sometimes, people feel slightly stressed, so this is a great way for students to get involved

in the workforce.

It’s a great way to find out what you are into. The genU team has been very supportive, which is amazing, and they rally around you as much as they can.

What are you hoping to do with yourself in the future? I’d love to keep working with genU and want to be a clinical psychologist; I don’t know if that will be at genU or elsewhere.

Jess Harding and Elly Hanlon from Hanlon Industries with Give Where You Live’s Kristi Clapinski. (Supplied)
(Ivan Kemp)

Discover the Life Without Barriers home care difference

Whether you are beginning to think about getting home care services or are unsure if your current services are meeting your needs, Life Without Barriers can help.

Life Without Barriers is expanding its home care services in the Geelong region and wants to make getting the support you need at home as easy as possible.

As a not-for-profit provider, our purpose is to partner with people to change lives for the better. For those looking for aged care support athome,thatmeanswe’rededicatedtohelping you live your best life, with care designed for your unique needs.

We understand the importance of maintaining your independence and are here to help you with things that are getting harder, while empowering you to keep doing those activities that are meaningful to you.

To help you find the right care for your needs, we’re offering a free, no obligation Home Care Service Check.

Life Without Barriers’ regional operations manager for the Geelong region Claire Slocombe said the Home Care Service Check is a chance to talk about what care you’d like to receive and what you may be eligible for through government-funded supports.

“Wherever you are in your home care journey, we can support you to get the care you need,” Claire says.

“If you’re just getting started, we can step you through the My Aged Care process or if you are currently receiving care from another provider we can chat through your current services and how we may be able to help.

“We can also answer any questions you have about the types of support services you may be eligible to receive. Services can include support around the home – including cleaning,assistancewithmealpreparationand laundry, home and garden maintenance, and

equipment to keep you safe at home – through to services to help you look and feel your best such as help to get ready; companionship,

including assistance with shopping and doing the things you love; allied health support, and nursing care.” To

At Life Without Barriers, we believe you should live life on your terms. As a not-for-profit aged care provider, we put relationships first – with dedicated care partners listening and adapting to your needs as they change.

Our trusted, personalised services are delivered right here in Geelong, with support that’s as unique as you are. While we are a national provider, our local teams are deeply embedded in the community, ensuring that our support is tailored to your region.

Phone: 1800 792 359 Web:

why we

Life Without Barriers understands the importance of maintaining your independence and are here to help you with things that are getting harder.
(Pictures: Supplied)


What issues matter most this Federal Election in suburban Australia?

As one of the largest publishers of independent community news in Victoria, Star News Group is conducting this simple survey to gauge community sentiment around the forthcoming federal election.

Please take 5 minutes to have your say and be part of this important conversation. The results of the survey will help us gauge the appetite of readers toward the forthcoming Federal Election and we will share results with our readers.

You can either fill in the survey below and email in or complete the survey online (Simply scan the QR code below)

1. What do you see as the single most important issue in the upcoming federal election?

2. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Extremely Important" to you:

Electricity Prices

Climate Change Policies

Inflation (Cost of Living)

Health Services

Immigration and border control

National roads and rail infrastructure

Water infrastructure

Broadband interenet access

Please specify:

3. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Least Important" to you:

Electricity Prices

Climate Change Policies

Inflation (Cost of Living)

Health Services

Immigration and border control

National roads and rail infrastructure

Water infrastructure

Broadband interenet access

Please specify:

4. Which is more important to you?

Cheapest electricity possible

Reducing carbon emissions

5. Do you support nuclear energy in Australia?

Yes No

6. Would you support a nuclear plant in your local area?

Yes No

7. Where would you most like to see a local increase in federal funding, and why?

Local hospitals

8. Regarding immigration policy, do you believe the next government should:

Increase immigration

Reduce Immigration

Keep it about the same

9. At this point are you more likely to vote for:

A major party (Labor or Coalition)

A minor party

An independent

10. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how significant do you think the influence of social media is on public discourse and political decisionmaking in Australia?

1 2 3 4 5 Why?

11. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about global security currently?

1 2 3 4 5 Why?

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about housing affordability in your region? 1 2 3 4 5

13. In your opinion, how important is improved national road and transport infrastructure in your region? 1 2 3 4 5

14. What specific infrastructure projects do you believe should be prioritised in your region?

15. Are there any other local or regional issues that you feel are not getting enough attention in the federal election campaign? Please share your thoughts.

Local national highways

Local infrastructure project Defence


Once completed, please scan or photograph your completed survey and email to:

16. What age group do you fall into? 0-25 26-40 41-60 61-75 Over 76

First Name: Last Name: Daytime Contact Phone No:

The Guide


10, Saturday, 7.30pm

Network 10 has seen the potential in loving this Foxtel favourite, bringing the first season, filmed in 2017, to free-to-air TV. The show sees real estate whiz Andrew Winter and interior designer Neale Whitaker (both pictured) meet couples at odds over what to do with a house that no longer fits their lives. While Winter is all for listing properties so the homeowners can move to a place more suited to their needs, Whitaker believes in finding potential by renovating their current home, so it can once again be a place that they love to live in. Tonight, mum-of-three Natalie wants to swap her cluttered Coburg North home for a life in Queensland, but husband Matt thinks Melbourne is a better fit for their daughters.


This serendipitous crime-solving series finds ex-detective Jack (Bryan Brown) and widowed English nurse Joan (Greta Scacchi, pictured with Brown) back on the road for its second season. This time, the travelling companions are on the hunt for answers about Jack’s past, hoping to clear his name and remove a dark cloud hanging over his career. As they travel through the picturesque landscapes of Queensland together, solving mysteries from town to town, the pair’s relationship is also put to the test. Tonight’s premiere brings them into the orbit of brothers Doug (Martin Sacks) and Ellory (Gary Sweet), at war over their family farm. Debra Lawrence is a force to be reckoned with as Anna, a woman from Jack’s past.

Friday, March 14

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News

Mornings. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30

The Pacific. (R) 11.00 The Newsreader. (Madl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miriam

Margolyes In New Zealand. (Ml, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R)

4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)




Good food, great company and quality chats around the kitchen bench – this easygoing and friendly format keeps it simple. As MasterChefwinner Adam Liaw begins his eighth season in the CookUpkitchen tonight, it’s clearly a recipe for success. Sarah McLeod and Guy Sebastian (both pictured with Liaw, centre) are his first guests, sharing their favourite weeknight dishes while telling Liaw about their songwriting processes and how they eat on tour. Liaw’s opening act is a tasty stir-fry utilising wood ear mushrooms, capsicum and egg; which is followed by the episode’s headliners: Sebastian makes his mum’s mango curry, while McLeod shares her go-to dinner: chilli, tuna and tomato farfalle pasta.

SBS Viceland, Tuesday, 8.30pm

A popular concept in Europe, the “citybreak” – a short holiday spent in a nearby metropolis – doesn’t net quite the same immediate cultural change for us Aussies, who could easily spend a 48-hour round trip entirely in transit. Luckily, TravelManhost Joe Lycett and his little black book of comedians are here to whizz around these destinations for us in just two days. The 13th season begins tonight in Malaga, on Spain’s Costa Del Sol, with Irish keyboard aficionado David O’Doherty (pictured, right, with Lycett). Armed with all the sunscreen they can carry, the funnymen visit the city’s oldest chip shop, imbibe at an old haunt of Pablo Picasso’s and put O’Doherty’s sea legs to the test.

SEVEN (6, 7)

NINE (8, 9)

TEN (5, 10)

5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.20 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 9.50 Food Markets. (R) 10.50 Our Coast. (PG, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Hungry For More: Spain. (PG, R) 4.35 Jeopardy! 4.55 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.25 Mastermind Aust. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R) 2.00 Suits L.A. (Ma, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Dying For A Crown. (2022, Madv) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.00[MELB]TippingPointAustralia.(PG, R) 5.30 WIN News. 6.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. (PGas) 7.00 Frugal Foodie. (R) 7.30 Farm To Fork. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Gardening Australia.

8.30 Under The Vines. Daisy and Louis try to steal William’s thunder.

9.20 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) A satirical news program.

9.50 Hard Quiz. (PGa, R)

10.20 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R)

10.50 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG, R)

11.35 ABC Late News. 11.55 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 12.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)

6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Gardening Australia Junior. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 BTN Newsbreak. 8.30 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.55 Robot Wars. 9.55 Merlin. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 James May: Our Man In Italy. (M) 8.30 Tony Robinson’s Marvellous Machines: Mechanical Menagerie. (Ma, R) 9.25 Mysteries Of The Ancient Dead: Qin Shi Tomb, Soma, Chinchorro. (PG)

10.20 SBS World News Late. 10.50 A Body That Works. (Premiere, Ma) 11.50 Sisi. (MA15+ds, R) 12.45 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 6. 2.45 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (PGaw, R) 3.50 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour Scandinavia Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. A lead-up to the Friday night AFL match.

7.30 Football. AFL. Round 1. Hawthorn v Essendon. From the MCG.

10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.15 GetOn Extra. A look at the weekend’s best racing.

11.45 Suits L.A. (Ma, R) Ted and Kevin deal with a bombshell.

12.45 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R) Sketch comedy series.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 David Attenborough’s Mammals: Heat. (PG) Presented by Sir David Attenborough.

8.40 MOVIE: Four Weddings And A Funeral. (1994, Mls, R) A bachelor who is often called on to be the best man at friends’ weddings meets his ideal partner at a reception. Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell.

11.05 MOVIE: The Big Sick. (2017, Mls, R) 1.15 9Honey Hacks. (R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Fish Forever. (PGl, R)

Australian Survivor. (PGal, R)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton chats with celebrities. 9.50 Tom Gleeson: Lighten Up. (Mls, R) Stand-up comedy by Tom Gleeson. 11.00 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather.

11.25 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.20 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)

PEACH (52, 11)
Food, Monday, 7pm
ABC TV, Sunday, 7.30pm

Saturday, March 15

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 Rage Charts. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 1.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 2.00 Under The Vines. (R)

2.45 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R)

3.40 The Role Of A Lifetime. (PGns, R) 4.30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies. (Final, PG, R) 5.30 Landline. (R)

6.00 Australian Story: Hooked – Dave Hughes. (R) A profile of comedian Dave Hughes.

6.30 Back Roads: Wheelbarrow Way, QLD. (PG, R) Joe O’Brien heads to Far North Queensland.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) Neville investigates a crypto-related death.

8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) DCI Vera Stanhope finds herself drawn into a mystery that brings her closer to her estranged family than she would like when a woman’s body is found in the grounds of her family’s home.

10.00 The Newsreader. (Final, Ml, R) Dale and Helen turn to each other for support.

11.00 Unforgotten. (Final, Mal, R) A second victim is linked to the case. 11.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

6am Morning Programs. 10.00 The World From Above. (PG, R) 11.00 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Surf Life Saving. Surf Life Saving Interstates. Highlights. 4.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Men. Highlights. 4.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 4.35 Light Years: Olive Cotton. (R) 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator.

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Wonders Of Europe: The Pantheon Of Rome. Looks at the Pantheon of Rome. 8.30 Blenheim: The People Behind The Palace. (Premiere) Apprentice George, who is opening the Palace, helps Kate and the team remove a pigeon before the coaches of visitors arrive. 9.25 Ray Martin: The Last Goodbye. (PGa, R) Ray Martin begins planning his own funeral. 10.25 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Forvie To Peterhead. (PG, R) 11.25 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 7. 1.25 All Those Things We Never Said. (Ml, R) 2.40 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R) 3.35 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6am WorldWatch.


SEVEN (6, 7)

6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Coolmore Classic and Peter Young Stakes. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A baby-faced bandit goes on the run.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A passenger has two extra passports in his bag. 7.30 MOVIE: RED. (2010, Mlv, R) A retired CIA agent is attacked by a hit squad. Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker. 9.45 MOVIE: Atomic Blonde. (2017, MA15+lsv, R) An MI6 agent is sent to Berlin to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of operatives. Charlize Theron, James McAvoy. 12.05 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 1. Highlights. 1.05 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 It’s Academic. (R) 5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)

NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Destination WA. 12.30 My Way. (PG, R) 1.00 Let’s Eat With George. 1.30 Hybrid Horizons. 2.00 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R) 2.30 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R) 3.30 David Attenborough’s Mammals.

6.00 9News Saturday. 7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Space Invaders. (PG)

The team helps a woman.

8.30 MOVIE: San Andreas. (2015, Mlv, R)

A rescue helicopter pilot searches for his daughter following a massive earthquake. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario.

10.45 MOVIE: Volcano. (1997, Mv, R) A volcano threatens Los Angeles. Tommy Lee Jones.

12.40 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R)

1.30 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R)

2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG)

2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R)

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG, R)

TEN (5, 10)


7MATE (64, 73) 6am Morning Programs. 1.35pm Africa’s Underwater Wonders. 2.25 Nula. 2.55 Dig Deeper. 3.55 Nganampa Anwernekenhe. 4.20 Black As. 4.30 Strait To The Plate. 5.00 Spirit Talker. 5.30 The Last Land: Gespe’gewa’gi. 6.00 Shiny One. 6.10 Black As. 6.20 News. 6.30 The Other Side. 7.20 Black As. 7.30 The American Buffalo. 8.30 MOVIE: Lady In The Water. (2006) 10.30 Late Programs.

9GO! (82, 93) 6am Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 8.10 Mary And The Witch’s Flower. (2017, PG) 10.00 The Lighthorsemen. (1987, M) 12.10pm Healing. (2014, M) 2.20 On The Waterfront. (1954, PG) 4.20 Viceroy’s House. (2017, PG) 6.20 A Room With A View. (1985, PG) 8.30 Mystic River. (2003, MA15+) 11.10 Shame. (2011, MA15+) 1am The Last Samurai. (2003, MA15+) 3.50 Late Programs.

Sunday, March 16

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Wknd Brekky. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Monty Don’s Adriatic Gardens. (Final, R) 3.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (PG, R) 4.15 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 5.05 A Dog’s World With Tony Armstrong. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.05 The Autistic Gardener. (R) 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.30 PBS Washington Week. 12.55 Swan Football. (R) 1.00 Cycling. ProVelo Super League. Round 5. 4.00 Yachting. Vendee Globe. Highlights. 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Women. Highlights. 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator. (PG) 6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Sunday Footy Feast. (Premiere) 2.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. Pre-game coverage of the match. 3.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Melbourne v GWS Giants.

6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Darby And Joan. (Return, PGa) Jack and Joan encounter two warring brothers.

8.20 Unforgotten. (Return, Madl) When a spine is dredged out of Whitney Marsh, a new case begins for Jess and Sunny’s team.

9.05 Boat Story. (Premiere, MA15+alv) When two strangers discover a haul of cocaine on a washed-up boat, luck soon turns to misfortune.

10.05 MOVIE: The Turning. (2013, MA15+al, R) Colin Friels.

1.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.00 Ask The Doctor. (PG, R) 3.30 Outback Ringer. (PG, R) 4.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)


7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. 8.00 Horrible Histories. 8.30

Off The Boat. 9.10 Abbott Elementary. 9.55

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Ancient Greece By Train: Cyclades To Turkey. (PG) Professor Alice Roberts tours ancient sites.

8.25 Alhambra: At The Crossroads Of Cultures. Looks at the city of Alhambra in Granada.

9.30 King Tut: Allies And Enemies. (PGa, R) A look at the mysteries of Tutankhamun’s life.

10.30 Death In The Tower: King Richard. (Mav, R)

11.30 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 1.30 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 8. From France. 3.30 Love Your Garden. (PGal, R) 4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.10 The Hunters: Rentakill. (M) Adam Shand and Steve van Aperen examine notorious underworld hit man Christopher Dale Flannery.

9.40 Ivan Milat: Buried Secrets. (MA15+av, R) Takes a look at evidence that Ivan Milat may have been responsible for more murders.

11.40 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 2. Highlights.

12.10 The Bay. (Malv, R)

1.10 Harry’s Practice. (R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 9News Sunday.

7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) The fallout from partner swap continues.

8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.

9.40 Footy Furnace. (Mlv) Tom Morris, Jimmy Bartel and James Hird recap the highs and lows from the latest round of football.

10.40 9News Late.

11.10 See No Evil: The Wrong Woman. (MA15+av)

12.05 The First 48. (Ma) 1.00 Destination WA. (PG) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Drive TV: Drive Car Of The Year. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Mark Coles Smith. 7.30 Love It Or List It Australia. A couple disagree on whether to leave Coburg North.

8.30 Gogglebox Australia. (R) A diverse range of people open their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows, with the help of special, locked-off cameras which capture every unpredictable moment. 9.30 Matlock. (PGadl, R) Olympia and Julian clash while representing opposing parties. Matty manipulates the firm’s security system for personal gain. 10.30 Elsbeth. (PGv, R) Elsbeth investigates an app CEO. 11.30 FBI. (Mv, R) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.

6.00 The Sunday Project. Joins panellists for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.00 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor. 8.30 Matlock. (PGad) An important class-action lawsuit leads the team to investigate a sorority. Matty brings Alfie with her to work. 9.30 FBI. (Masv) The team races to find a human trafficking victim after their sting operation goes sideways. Maggie makes a connection with a 911 operator. 11.30 The Sunday Project.

WorldWatch. 9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 The Movie Show. 12.10pm Figure Skating. ISU Grand Prix. Internationaux de France. H’lights. 1.45 Fringes. 2.45 Jeopardy! 4.50 WorldWatch. 5.20 PBS Washington Week. 5.45 Domino Masters. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 7.35 Abandoned Americana. 8.30 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 10.10 WWE Legends. 11.45 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 10.30 DVine Living. 11.00 I Escaped To The Country. Noon Escape To The Country. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 3.30 Better Homes. 4.30 I Escaped To The Country. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Vera. 10.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 In Touch. 8.00 Beyond Today. 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 Turning Point. 9.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Getaway. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1pm MOVIE: West Of Zanzibar. (1954) 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 2. Parramatta Eels v Wests Tigers. 6.00 Dad’s Army. 6.30 M*A*S*H.

10.20 Merlin. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.15pm MOVIE: Combat Wombat. (2020, PG) 3.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 4.00 Young Sheldon. 5.30 MOVIE: The LEGO Ninjago Movie. (2017, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Shazam! Fury Of The Gods. (2023, M) 10.00 MOVIE: Fast Five. (2011, M) 12.30am Gotham. 1.30 Arrow. 2.30 Young Sheldon. 3.00

Monday, March 17

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Vera. (Ma, R) 11.30 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli. (PGl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Landline. (R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (PG, R) 3.00 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30. Presented by Sarah Ferguson.

8.00 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program.

9.00 Media Watch. (PG) Linton Besser takes a look at the latest issues affecting media consumers.

9.20 Q+A. Public affairs program featuring Patricia Karvelas and a panel looking the big issues affecting Australians.

10.20 Planet America. (R)

10.55 ABC Late News.

11.10 The Business. (R)

11.25 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R)

11.55 Grand Designs. (R)

12.45 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)

1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6am Morning Programs. 12.10 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News Weekend. 1.30 Al Jazeera News Hour. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 Primitive Medium. (R) 3.40 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Secrets Of The Lost Liners. (PGav, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Lisbon With Michael Portillo: Lisbon 1. (Premiere, PGv) Michael Portillo journeys to Lisbon.

8.25 Dan Snow’s Greatest Discoveries: Machu Picchu. (PGav) Dan Snow explores the lost city of the Inca, which was rediscovered and rescued from the jungle in the early 20th century.

9.20 24 Hours In Emergency: Say You’ll Be There. (Ma) Three pedestrians are rushed to Queens Medical Centre after a car mounts the pavement.

10.15 SBS World News Late.

10.45 Syndrome E. (Malv)

11.45 The Night Manager. (Malsv, R) 1.55 Elizabeth. (PGa, R) 3.40 Ancient Invisible Cities. (PG, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6am Morning Programs. 9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 Soccer. Major League. Atlanta United FC v Inter Miami. 12.30pm WorldWatch. 1.00 The Movie Show. 1.35 Devoured. 2.30 Over The Black Dot. 3.30 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 News. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 Myths: The Greatest Mysteries Of Humanity. 10.40 Late Programs.

SEVEN (6, 7)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean must decide whether to give Levi a real shot.

7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie. 8.40 9-1-1: Lone Star. (Return, M)

A heist on an armoured truck sparks a Texas Ranger investigation led by Carlos. Owen deals with Robert’s death.

9.40 Suits L.A. (M) Ted and Erica take on Samantha to save Lester’s movie, but the battle may hurt his murder trial.

10.40 The Agenda Setters. (R) An expert panel tackles the biggest AFL topics.

11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGa)

12.10 Miniseries: Hatton Garden. (Ml, R)

2.30 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls, R) 1.45 Innovation Nation. 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.00[MELB]TippingPointAustralia.(PG) 5.30 WIN News.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The couples visit each other’s home towns. 9.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) A team of footy experts tackles the AFL’s big issues and controversies.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 The Life And Murder Of Nicole Brown Simpson. (Ma) The trial of the century becomes a media spectacle.

11.30 First On Scene. (Ma)

12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.00 Hello SA. (PG)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)

4.30 A Current Affair. (R)

5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

9GEM (81, 92)

TEN (5, 10)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor. 8.40 Sam Pang Tonight. (Premiere, Mals) Presented by Sam Pang. 9.40 Anne Edmonds: Why Is My Bag All Wet? (Mls, R) Comedian Anne Edmonds makes a long-awaited return to the stage after becoming a mother. 11.10 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.35 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.

7TWO (62, 72) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 The Crystal Maze. 9.25 Street Science. 9.50 Merlin. 10.35 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Pretty Little Liars. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 3.00 The Golden Girls. 3.30 The Nanny. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30

6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 Indian Country Today News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Africa’s Underwater Wonders. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 Living Black. 9.00 Precious Leader Woman. 9.55 MOVIE: Last Cab To Darwin. (2015, M) 12.05am Late Programs. NITV (34)

Tuesday, March 18

6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 Better Homes. 1pm DVine Living. 1.30 The Great Australian Doorstep. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 Inspector Morse. 10.50 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Rainbow Country. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 1.50 Attenborough’s Wonder Of Song. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Pink String And Sealing Wax. (1945, PG) 5.20 Your Garden Made Perfect. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Mrs Sidhu Investigates. (Premiere) 10.40 Late Programs.

7MATE (64, 73)

9GO! (82, 93) 6am The Natural. Continued. (1984, PG) 7.30 Selkie. (2000, PG) 9.10 Viceroy’s House. (2017, PG) 11.10 Gloria Bell. (2018, M) 1.05pm So Damn Easy Going. (2022, M, Swedish) 2.45 A Room With A View. (1985, PG) 4.55 Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. (2009, PG) 6.35 Widows’ Peak. (1994, PG) 8.30 Michael Collins. (1996, MA15+) 11.00 Nowhere Special. (2020, M) 12.50am Late Programs.

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6am Morning Programs. 1pm Night Thunder. Austn Nationals. H’lights. 2.00 Supercars C’ship. Melbourne Supersprint. H’lights. 3.00 Supercars C’ship. Melbourne Supersprint. H’lights. 4.00 Storage Wars: Barry’s Best Buys. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 The Agenda Setters. 8.00 Outback Opal Hunters. 9.00 Adventure Gold Diggers. 10.00 Late Programs.

3.15 Late Programs.

(6, 7)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 11.00 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) 11.30 Space 22. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Call The Midwife. (PG, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 10.05 Food Markets. (PGa, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Ml, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 The Weekly Football Wrap. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

8.30 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan) A look at the topics worrying today’s teens.

9.20 The School That Tried To End Racism. (PG, R) Presented by Marc Fennell. 10.20 The ABC Of. (Ml, R)

10.50 ABC Late News.

11.05 The Business. (R) 11.20 Four Corners. (R) 12.05 Media Watch. (PG, R) 12.25 Q+A. (R) 1.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 2.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 3.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

4.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.55 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: St Bees To Maryport. (PGa, R) 8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi. 9.30 Dateline: Britain’s Woke History Wars. Looks at the legacy of the British empire. 10.00 SBS World News Late.

10.30 Guillaume’s Paris. (R) 11.00 Prisoner. (MA15+av) 12.10 Illegals. (Malv, R) 2.10 Elizabeth: Into The Storm. (PGa, R) 3.05 Philip: Prince, Husband, Father. (PG, R) 4.00 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean and Levi are in hot pursuit.

7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.40 The Hunting Party. (M)

9.40 The Irrational. (Mav) Renee seeks Alec’s help after she has a dream containing details about a murder that actually happened.

10.40 The Agenda Setters. (R) An expert panel tackles the biggest AFL topics.

11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGals)

12.10 The Great Diamond Heist. (PGa, R)

1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (Mls, R) 1.30 Getaway. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon.

Tipping Point Australia. (PG)


6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The homestays continue. 9.00 Scrublands. (Premiere, MA15+lv) One year after a horrific mass shooting, a journalist arrives in a remote country town to write an anniversary piece.

10.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) Footy experts tackle the AFL’s big issues. 11.00 9News Late.

11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R) 12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.05 Next Stop. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Building Ideas. (PG) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor. 9.00 NCIS. (Mv) The NCIS probes a navy lieutenant’s

Wednesday, March 19

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

SEVEN (6, 7)

NINE (8, 9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.45 Q+A. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (PG, R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) Presented by Tom Gleeson.

8.30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG) A satirical news program.

9.00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (Final, PG, R) Presented by Guy Montgomery.

9.45 Planet America. A look at American politics.

10.15 You Can’t Ask That. (Ms, R)

10.45 ABC Late News.

11.00 The Business. (R)

11.20 Gold Diggers. (Mlsv, R)

12.15 Grand Designs. (R) 1.05 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

3.15 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Abbott Elementary. 9.25 Doctor Who. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

NITV (34)

6am Morning Programs. 9.05 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (PG, R) 10.05 Food Markets. (PGad, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Mal, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Marc Fennell.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Australia: An Unofficial History. (Mals) Continues to look at Australia’s history.

8.40 The Jury: Murder Trial UK. (Mal) The prosecution and defence give their closing speeches and the juries retire to decide their verdicts. 9.35 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+av) Mayne adopts a different approach towards authority. Stirling manages to find a creative way to cope.

10.40 SBS World News Late.

11.10 Blackwater. (MA15+as)

12.20 My Brilliant Friend. (Mn, R)

3.30 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R)

4.30 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

(31) 6am

6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Waabiny Time. 3.25 Little J And Big Cuz. 3.35 Spartakus. 4.05 Cities Of Gold. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 The 77 Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Arctic Secrets. 7.30 Home, Land & Sea. 8.30 MOVIE: 8 Seconds. (1994, M) 10.30 Waiting For Harry. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R)

3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Dean and Levi are against the clock.

7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG, R) Hosted by Lee Mack.

8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.

9.30 Unfiltered. (Ma) Hamish McLachlan sits down with key football stars and personalities to reveal their stories.

10.00 Live At The Chapel: Birds Of Tokyo. (M) Birds Of Tokyo take to the stage.

11.00 Autopsy USA: Frank Sinatra. (Ma) A look at the death of Frank Sinatra. 12.00 Covert Affairs. (Mv, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

7TWO (62, 72) SBS

TEN (5, 10)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (Mls, R) 1.30 My Way. 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.00[MELB]TippingPointAustralia.(PG) 5.30 WIN News.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The second last dinner party takes place. 9.00 Scrublands. (MA15+lv) Martin’s investigation leads to revelations that draw him deeper into the secrets of Riversend.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 Wild Cards. (Mv) Max and Ellis find investigate an agent’s murder.

11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)

12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.05 My Way. (R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)

4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Gogglebox Australia. Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 8.30 Elsbeth. (Mav) After learning the DOJ investigation is close to an indictment, Elsbeth and Captain Wagner join forces to expose the real criminal. 9.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv) When a high-value bioweapons expert is murdered in a secure facility on Hawai’i, NCIS and the NCIS elite team join forces. 10.30 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.55 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am WorldWatch.

10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.30 Hudson & Rex. 1.20 Syria Prison Break. 2.15 Cryptoland. 3.15 The Weekly Football Wrap. 3.45 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 MOVIE: In Bruges. (2008) 10.30 MOVIE: Joyride. (2022, M) 12.15am Late Programs.


6am TBA. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Air Crash Inv. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To

6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.45 Lewis. 10.45 Late Programs. 6am Seaway. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 1.50 Explore. 1.55 Shakespeare And Hathaway. 2.55 Antiques Roadshow. 3.25 MOVIE: Mr Denning Drives North. (1951, PG) 5.20 Your Garden Made Perfect. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow.

7MATE (64, 73) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)

9GO! (82, 93) 6am

Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. Continued. (2009, PG) 6.40 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 8.35 Hamlet. (1948, PG) 11.30 Nowhere Special. (2020, M) 1.15pm As Needed. (2018, M, Italian) 3.00 Widows’ Peak. (1994, PG) 4.55 The Man Who Invented Christmas. (2017, PG) 6.50 All At Sea. (2010, PG) 8.30 There Will Be Blood. (2007, M) 11.20 Late Programs.

Storage Wars:

4.00 Storage Wars: Barry’s Best Buys. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 The Force: Behind The Line. 9.30 World’s Wildest Police Videos. 10.30 World’s Scariest Police Chases. 11.30 Late Programs.



5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Rush Hour 2. (2001, M) 10.30 Seinfeld. 11.30 The O.C. 12.30am Love Island UK. 1.30 Life After Lockup.

Thursday, March 20

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Back Roads. (PG, R) 11.10 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan, R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Miniseries: Best Interests. (Mdl, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (Final, PG, R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 10.00 Food Markets. (R) 11.00 Dream Of Italy. (PGa, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30.

8.00 Back Roads: Bibbulmun Track, WA. (Final, PG) Rae Johnston explores WA’s Bibbulmun Track.

8.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (Final, PG) Sue Perkins reaches her last stop, Istanbul. 9.15 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) Presented by Kevin McCloud. 10.05 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan, R)

10.55 ABC Late News. 11.10 The Business. (R) 11.25 Darby And Joan. (PGa, R) 12.15 Grand Designs. (Ml, R) 1.00 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Finding Your Roots: Mean Streets. (PG) Hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr.

8.30 Super Ships: A Revolution At Sea. Looks at how almost every year, cruise lines launch liners with characteristics that surpass their previous.

9.35 Boiling Point. (Mal) Carly receives bad news.

10.45 SBS World News Late. 11.15 Breaking Point. (Premiere, MA15+a) 12.05 Blackport. (Mls, R) 2.45 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PGa, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

(6, 7)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 MOVIE: Within These Walls. (2020, Mav) Jen Landon. 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Football. AFL. Round 2. Carlton v Hawthorn.

10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.00 Kick Ons. Kane Cornes, Josh Jenkins and Jason Richardson debate the hottest topics and a preview of the upcoming matches.

11.30 The Disappearance Of Gabby Petito. (Mav, R) An exploration of the case of Gabby Petito. 12.45 Damnation. (MA15+asv) Bessie discovers the plans for Holden.

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.

5.00 Sunrise Early News.

5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00

6.00 Deal Or No

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 3. Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers. 9.55 Thursday Night Knock Off. Post-match NRL news and analysis.

10.40 9News Late.

11.10 Outback Opal Hunters. (PGl, R) The Opal Whisperers gamble on a new claim.

12.05 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.00 Next Stop.

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

See icons of the Viking Age

Viking guests can enjoy a captivating voyage of discovery circumnavigating the Baltic Sea and sailing through the homelands of the Vikings. This opportunity to explore the deep-rooted cultural ties of Scandinavia, calling at iconic capitals in Norway, Sweden and Denmark is a must do holiday reserved for the true lovers of travel.

Sail the picturesque Aland Islands, an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Immerse yourself in the customs, traditions and fascinating history of the Baltic states, home to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the old town of Tallinn and the historic centre of Riga.

This very special twenty-two-day cruise has seventeen guided tours across eight countries from Copenhagen to Bergen and is set to become an iconic journey.

Viking recently announced ten new Ocean Itineraries for 2026 and 2027 including the Scandinavian Discovery, enjoying eight days between Oslo and Stockholm with six guided tours and four countries. It is so affordable at only $7,395 per person.

Discover the allure of Scandinavia, from stunning fjords to bustling cities. Call at the UNESCO World Heritage City of Karlskrona and get a glimpse into Sweden’s maritime legacy. Visit Copenhagen and immerse yourself in Danish cultural and gastronomic delights.Delveintonatureinthelesser-known Aland Islands, an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Enjoy an overnight stay in Stockholm, allowing you to explore more of its Viking legacy and historic treasures.

Also new is the 2027 Baltic Discovery for eight days between Stockholm and Copenhagen with five guided tours and visiting six countries for only $7.195.

Discover a myriad of cultures as you circumnavigate the Baltic Sea. Explore the UNESCO-listed cities of Tallinn and Riga, medieval gems of the Hanseatic League. Call at Klaipeda, Lithuania’s historic port city on the Curonian coast, and immerse yourself in its contemporary art and cultural treasures. Overnight in Copenhagen to experience more of the “City of Spires” and indulge in the many eateries that celebrate its trending Nordic cuisine.

Guestsareliningupforthenew2027Nordic Wonders adventure; eight days from Bergen to Oslo with six guided tours and stopping at two countries.

Discover the dramatic coastlines of Norway and Denmark and explore Scandinavia’s natural treasures. Be immersed in stunning vistas and journey through scenic landscapes along majestic fjords and winding mountain passes. Be captivated by charming cities

and experience firsthand why the Danes are consideredamongtheworld’shappiestpeople.

The fifteen day Scandinavia and Baltic Capitals cruise travels between Oslo and Copenhagen with ten guided tours across eight countries!

Trace the shores of the Baltic Sea to discover magnificent fjords and bustling cities. Call at UNESCO-listed cities and get a glimpse into the area’s medieval past in the old towns of Tallinn and Riga, and Karlskrona’s historic port. Witness the natural splendour of the Aland Islands, an archipelago of more than 6,500 isles. With overnights in the vibrant capitalsofSwedenandDenmark,delvedeeper into the region’s rich heritage and Viking legacy.

Another new cruise for 2027 is the Scenic Scandinavia and Baltic Jewels tour for fifteen days between Bergen and Stockholm with twelve guided tours and four countries.

Delve into the maritime heritage of Scandinavia and trace the dramatic coastlines of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Witness stunning natural landscapes sailing amid pristine fjords and the Aland Islands; an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Explore more of Oslo and Stockholm with overnight stays, to fully experience two of Europe’s capitals.

Sample New Nordic Cuisine and stroll around historic towns and spend time mingling with friendly locals.

Jenny and Phil Morup of Western Australia have enjoyed five river cruises, six ocean


They said, “We particularly enjoy scenic cruises in cooler climates. It is for this reason we enjoy sailing around Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Alaska and Canada.“

“Cruising is a relaxing and carefree way to see the world. Once we have unpacked, we just

sit back and enjoy the service provided by the friendly and obliging Viking staff.“

It’s time to discover the pristine Viking Homelands with a wealth of stunning cruises to suit your tastes and needs.

For further information please visit www. or phone 138 747.

Visit Drottningholm Palace, Sweden’s best-preserved royal palace near Stockholm. Sailing through Eidfjord in Norway on a Viking
Explore the stunning Copenhagen waterfront with Viking. Karlskrona in Sweden is a historic naval base and a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Visit Akershus Fortress and discover Oslo’s history.
Discover the medieval past of colourful wooden buildings, cobblestone streets, and rich maritime heritage in Bryggen, Bergen in Norway.

Iceland - the land of fire and ice

DISCOVER Iceland’s majestic shores and experience the breathtaking beauty and wealthofwildlifethisislandhastoofferaboard aVikingcruise.

Take an epic journey into nature to discover this stunning country enjoying a once in a lifetime experience with as much or as little excitement as guests can manage!

As visitors explore magical Iceland, they have the chance to encounter unparalleled natural beauty, witness cascading waterfalls amid pristine fjord landscapes and observe the wealth of wildlife, from puffins to whales, the gentle giants of the sea.

About forty two percent, or twelve to fifteen species of the world’s known whale species call these waters home.

Aneight-daycruiseaboardVikingleavesand returnstoReykjavík,theworld’snorthernmost capital city yet captures the distinctive feel of a fishing village.

The country is lauded as one of the cleanest and most civilized committed to finding the perfect balance between day-to-day living and harnessing its natural resources with eco-friendly practices.

For those who favour equine pursuits, there is nowhere more exciting to explore on horseback than the volcanic landscape of the Hafnarfjörður while riding a purebred Icelandic horse.

Icelandic horses are direct descendants of their Viking ancestors; these sturdy animals areknownfortheirsure-footednessandacalm and friendly disposition.

Guides take riders across the lava fields of Mt. Helgafell and the Kaldarsel area, or to Lake Hvaleyrarvatn.

The beauty of this rugged region, where ever-changing lava formations contrast with green meadows as the Bláfjöll Mountains loom in the distance is a joy to witness.

Guestscanwatchjetsofsteameruptingfrom the ground and learn about the ongoing efforts to reforest the region and trot through this idyllic countryside.

For those curious travellers, Viking offers guests the opportunity to head underground to explore the interior of a glacier during an all-day excursion to a manmade ice cave.

The journey to the breathtaking Langjökull Glacier, the second-largest glacier in Iceland; coveringmorethan361sqmi,itsthickicesheet measures 1,900 feet at its deepest point is again a high point for travellers.

The guide leads the excursion descending almost 100 feet below the surface through a carved-out ice tunnel, to witness the ice

transform from white to rich blue.

It is a chance to learn about glaciology and theeffectsofclimatechangeontheglaciersand marvel at the unique subterranean scenery.

This excursion also includes a visit to the powerful hot springs at Deildartunguhver, photo stops at the picturesque waterfalls of Hraunfoss and Barnafoss, and a delicious lunch at a local restaurant.

Those who love to explore thermal pools can enjoy the warmth of a rejuvenating oceanside geothermal lagoon during a visit to the Sky Lagoon.

This offers a chance to unwind and enjoy breathtaking views of the North Atlantic while exploring the spa or partaking in the Ritual, a unique seven-step experience.

Begin with an immune system-stimulating dip in the cold plunge, then visit the sauna, letting the heat open pores, remove toxins and cleanse the skin. Slowly stroll through the cold fog-mist space, balancing out the heat of the sauna, breathing deeply and refreshing the senses. Guests are then invited to apply the lagoon’s signature body scrub to exfoliate the skin before entering the steam sauna to maximize its healing benefits.

For those with energy and an abundance of curiosity take the opportunity to cycle through stunning scenery and explore the vast fjord by

bicycle Navigate the streets of Isafjördur, past classic Icelandic homes and scenes of local life.

Cycle alongside the fjord and marvel at the steep walls of the mountains that cloister this area.EnjoyaglimpseofIceland’squintessential tundra landscape and a beautiful waterfall into the Tungudalur valley before a stop at a local brewery for a refreshment and a small snack.

Water lovers will have the chance to paddle through calm waters to discover the area’s natural beauty by kayak. This region has earned its reputation as the kayaking centre of Iceland. Experience the nature and the beauty of the surroundings and a delight for nature fans and birdwatchers is the opportunity to witness some of Iceland’s wildlife up close or for a chance to watch the seals as their heads bob playfully in the water.

UnwindinthehotwatersofLakeUrridavatn during a rejuvenating visit to the Vök Baths in a private setting. Centuries ago, the residents who lived around the lake discovered that certain spots, known as vöks, or ice-free holes, refused to ice over during the Arctic winters due to underground geothermal activity.

Viking guests can relax in one of the two lakeshorepoolswhilesippingherbalteabrewed from pure spring water. Here enjoy the steam bath and cold tunnel equipped with an inside mist shower.

For those who enjoy exploring with a bit of excitement make time to discover the desolate beauty of Heimaey’s volcanic terrain during an ATV ride.

Navigate the two-person ATV across the volcanic bedrock past the rusting remains of the fishing trawler Pelagus and enjoy the stunning views and the brutal power of nature around Eldfell.

For a different pace enjoy a narrated ride by e-scooter through scenic landscapes to a puffincolony.Thee-scootersareequippedwith front and rear brakes and feature a single seat providing a leisurely ride in total comfort.

At the end of each cruise guests have the chance to either end their cruise or join one of the Viking extensions which means more days and more to discover.

With extension packages travellers can enjoy additional days to explore the disembarkation city or see a new destination altogether with a choice of exciting cities.

To really explore Iceland and view the behind-the-scenesactivitywithexpertguides, access to many locations not available to all travellers, join Viking for a truly immersive experience that brings you closer to this magnificent country and all her splendour.

To learn more about Viking’s cruises, please visit or phone 138 747.

Soak in the mineral-rich waters of Iceland’s fabled Blue Lagoon.
Onboard all Viking ships a curated library for the region guests are visiting, will satisfy the most curious
Onboard all Viking cruises guests enjoy the Nordic Spa as part of their fare.



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Kangaroo Island, also known as Karta (Island of the Dead), is Australia’s third largest island, boasting soaring cliffs, dense bushland, towering sand dunes and wetlands.

Your holiday includes

Full-Board River Cruise

3 night Murray River cruise on board

PS Murray Princess with all meals and sightseeing

7 Nights | August 2025 - March 2026 | Prices fr $3,899pp

Discover some of the treasures of South Australia before you embark on an unforgettable cruise along the marvellous Murray River.

Your adventure begins in Adelaide, the City of Churches and one of the world’s most liveable cities. A full day tour takes you to South Australia’s premium wine region, where you’ll sample some of the Barossa Valley’s finest wines. You’ll then take a ferry to Kangaroo Island, offering nature-based activities, and encounters with koalas, birds of prey, and kangaroos.

You’ll then embark on the PS Murray Princess for an unforgettable three-night cruise along the beautiful Murray River. Wind through the serene waters between Walker Flat and Murray Bridge as you drink in the spectacular riverlands, admiring the views of the ever-changing flora and fauna. Highlights include close encounters with river birdlife, captivating nature walks, and indulging in delicious regional flavours.

Visiting: Mannum, Murray Bridge, Piggy Flat, Adelaide

Hotel Stays

3 nights four-star hotel stay in Adelaide at the Crowne Plaza Adelaide with breakfast

Embark the PS Murray Princess for a unique cruise experience along the Murray River. Embrace the character and charm of yesteryear as you savour your elegant surroundings.

1 night four-star hotel stay in Kangaroo Island at the Mercure Kangaroo Island Lodge with breakfast, lunch and dinner

Fully Escorted Tours

Full day Barossa Valley tour with lunch, wine tastings and more

2 day Kangaroo Island tour and more

All Flights, Taxes & Transfers

Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, Mannum, Murray Bridge, Piggy Flat, Adelaide

Apple Fair celebrates its 27th year

The apple of Ocean Grove Primary School’s eye is back for another year, bringing fruit-themed entertainment and food to the community.

The Apple Fair will be held on the school’s oval from 11am to 4pm on Sunday March 16 for its 27th year and second year since it returned in 2023 from COVID-19 lockdowns.

Apple Fair committee convenor Adele Smith said the fair was one of the school’s major fundraisers, with all money raised going towards a new playground.

“ThereasonbehindtheAppleFairisthatthe schoolgrounds used to be an apple orchard,” she said.

“We have a 40-year-old playground at the school that needs replacing, so we’ll be replacing one part of that with the funds raised from the fair.

“It (the event’s 27th year) feels like a great achievement, especially for a group of parent volunteers who run the committee... and this time we’re hoping it’s bigger and better.”

Ms Smith said she loved seeing the enjoyment on people’s faces during the fair and was grateful for the support from the community.

“I love that the kids love it... They’re proud of their school and having grandma, grandpa, cousins, family and friends come to the

school,” she said.

“We’ve also created a low-waste reusable plate system where we’ve got our own plates, bowls, cups, and an army of dishwashers during the event.

“Last time we held the fair, we raised just over $30,000 and we’re hoping to do so again to cover the playground. We also wanted to bring it back for community engagement.”

Entryintothefairisbyagoldcoindonation, with many activities, rides, entertainment, stalls, drinks, food, and a silent auction available throughout the day.


Teenage gangs

As the former boss of the Panthers teenage gang, I can shine some historical light on the current gang problem. Aged between 12 and 15, and in distinctive garb to distinguish us from rival gangs, we were not afraid to flash our knives. After meeting at night to hone our skills, we would swagger off for drinks at a local venue. Occasionally news of our deeds would appear in the newspapers, adding to our notoriety.

But – we hurt nobody. We were Boy Scouts and the Panthers were an Otway Foresters Scout Troop Patrol, akin to hundreds all over our city and the world. We learnt valuable skills including knotting, signalling and first aid, respect for others and obedience to our superiors, and engaged in all manner of activities, including camping, playing Bristol Bulldog, and building bridges and towers with ropes and poles. We competed with other troops in field days, marched in public parades and did good deeds. Our knives were tools for cutting stuff, using them as weapons

was unheard of.

Today, Scouting is invisible, its activities completely missing from our newspapers and television screens. Old mates still get together (you never stop being a Scout), but many troops have closed or combined, mine being one. Fortunately my old troop’s Rover Crew (for young adults, and named after its legendary founder, Harold ’Boss’ Hurst), survives, and will celebrate Otway’s Centenary on Sunday June 22 at the Guild Hall, Myer Street, Geelong.

Perhaps if Scouting was widely publicised and supported, it would appeal to youngsters that currently seek excitement and acceptance through crime, and surely vandalism, car thefts, burglaries, assaults and other crimes would diminish.

Oh, the drinks were milkshakes or spiders, imbibed at Geelong’s Savoia Cafe in Moorabool St, 70 years ago.

Peter Mackinlay, Geelong

Watch world’s best compete

Geelong will host the world’s top triathletes to the region when the Ironman 70.3 series kicks off here on March 23.

The 18-race series includes events in the US, France, England, Italy and GermanyandculminateswiththeWorld Championships in Spain in November.

More than 60 of the best male and female triathletes will compete in the event,includingBelgianworldchampion Jelle Geens, who is now based in Australia.

Inadditiontothepros,morethan1400 agegroupathleteswilltakeonthe114km event.

Melbourne professional triathlete Grace Thek has raced here for the last seven years, finishing on the podium every time and winning in 2023.

“I love that Geelong is the race opener for the Ironman Pro Series and we can highlight this great race in Australia,” Thek said.

“It was exciting to be part of six of the Pro Series races last year and I love that these races bring great competition. I have no doubt there will be a cracking lineup this year in Geelong.

Thek said for her, Geelong was “the place where it all started” with her first professional race win in 2018.

“There is a sense of nostalgia but also me not wanting to break the streak,” she said. “I love racing in Australia, and being from Melbourne, this is the closest Ironman 70.3 to home. Given I’m on the road for so much of the year, it is special toraceinfrontoffamilyandfriends,and alongside the local tri community.

“The Geelong community is always so welcoming, and it makes for a great weekend away.”

Visit for more information.

Reconsider Jan 26 stance

Surf Coast Shire Council’s decision to abandon Australia Day celebrations in favour of a Pilk Purriyn sunrise truth-telling event is yet another example of local government failing to represent the entire community. While acknowledging history is important, replacing a national day of unity with an event that focuses solely on one perspective risks creating further division.

Australia Day is about bringing people together to celebrate our shared story, which includes both the struggles and achievements of all Australians. It is a day when new citizens proudly take the oath, communities come together, and we reflect on how far we’ve come as a nation. Dismissing these celebrations does not promote reconciliation - it alienates those who value the day as an opportunity for unity.

Rather than replacing Australia Day, councils should focus on making it more inclusive. There is room for truth-telling

and reflection without discarding a day that remains significant to millions of Australians. I urge Surf Coast Shire to reconsider its approach and ensure that all voices in the community are heard - not just a select few.

Melissa Korostin, Armstrong Creek


GeelongIndependentwelcomes letters to the editor as well as comments and story tips on our website and Facebook page. Letters should be on local topics and may be edited for clarity or brevity.

Post: 1/47 Pakington St, Geelong West, 3218



Isla, Kaia, Charlie (aka Pip), Will, Frankie and Lenny at Ocean Grove Primary School. (Ivan Kemp) 463685_06
Grace Thek on track in Geelong. (Supplied)


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Geelong Independent Community Calendar, 1/47 Pakington Street, Geelong West, 3218, or email to Deadline for copy and announcements is 5pm Tuesday.

Ballroom dance

Leopold Hall, Leopold Hall, 805-809 Bellarine Highway, Saturday March 15, 7.30-11pm, $10 includes supper, music Ben.

 0400 500 402

Chess clubs

Ocean Grove, Tuesdays at 1.30pm at 101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove; Portarlington, Mondays at 9.30am, Parks Hall, 87 Newcombe Street, Portarlington; and St Leonards, Thursdays at 9.30am, unit 2 1375-1377 Murradoc Road (on Blanche Street), St Leonards.

 Ralph, 0431 458 100 (Ocean Grove), Rob, 5259 2290 (Portarlington), Lyn, 5292 2162 (St Leonards)

Geelong Scout Heritage Centre

Meets third Sunday of the month, 56 Russell Street, Newtown, 10am-3pm.

 0419 591 432, or

Dancer’s Club Geelong Ballroom dance weekly, Leopold Hall

7.30-10.30pm. Admission $8 includes supper. Old time, New Vogue and Latin. CDs by Puff and Damian.

 Russ, 5250 1937

Life Activities Club [Geelong Inc] Arvo tea dance every Thursday, Belmont Pavilion, 2-4pm, $5 entry.

 Val, 5251 3529

Belmont Combined Probus

First Monday of the month, 9.30am, Geelong RSL Function Room, 50 Barwon Heads Road. New members and visitors welcome

 Sue, 0409 945 011, or

Barwon Valley Belmont Probus

First Thursday of the month, 10am, Waurn Ponds Hotel.

 Membership officer, 0407 333 263, or


Badminton: Corio Leisuretime Centre, Mondays 12.30-2.30pm. Beginners welcome.

Netball: YMCA Riversdale Road, Monday & Wednesday mornings, Thursday nights. Walking-netball also played. Umpire training available.

 Maureen, 0429 397 015

Arts National Geelong Welcomes guests and members to monthly lecture series. Details of lecture topics, lecturers and venues at:


Live music

Country Heartbeat Allstars every Friday 7-10pm, White Eagle House Polish Club, Fellmongers Road Breakwater. Walkups welcome. Proceeds to Sunny Days Rescue & Rehab. Entry $10.

 Dawn, 0417 148 493

GROW Australia

Community organisation offering practical steps and peer support to help recover and maintain mental health through free face to face and online groups. Mondays 7pm, 195 Ormond Road, East Geelong, Fridays 12.45pm, Vines Road Community Centre, Hamlyn Heights, Zoom group 7pm Tuesdays.

, or 1800 558 268

Grovedale Seniors

Indoor bowls Monday 1-3pm; gentle exercise Tuesday 9-9.45am; cards (Euchre) Tuesday 1-3pm; bingo Thursday 1-3pm.

Tennis open day

At Western Heights Uniting Tennis Club, 31 Douglass St, Saturday March 22, 3.30pm-6pm. Kids jumping castle, face painting, free sausage and ice cream. Come along and try a hit of tennis.

Grovedale Community Hub, 45 Heyers Road.

 Julie, 0419 549 521

Laughter Club Geelong Saturdays 9am, Eastern Beach in front of the swimming enclosure. 30-minutes free laughter yoga done standing or seated.

 0418 521 265

Drysdale Day VIEW

Fourth Friday of each month at Portarlington Golf Club for lunch.

 Margaret, 0431 636 090

Geelong Day VIEW

First Monday monthly from 11am at Shell Club, 76 Purnell Road, Corio.


Leopold VIEW

Second Tuesday of each month at Leopold Sportsmans’ Club at 10.30am.

 leopold.viewclub@gmail com

Geelong Evening VIEW

Third Monday of the month, 6pm at Waurn Ponds Hotel.

 Von, 0414 930 259, or

Lions Club International

Enjoy meeting great people and help out your community at the same time. Clubs all over greater Geelong - see which one is right for you.

 Les, 0428 466 446

Grovedale Marshall Probus

Second Thursday of the month,10am at The Grovedale Hub, 45 Heyers Road, Grovedale.

 Anne, 0425 356 973


Group chess lessons at Geelong West. Suitable for beginners who have a reasonably firm understanding of the game rules. Kids and adults welcome.

 Isaac, or 0406 199 457


Drysdale Bowling & Croquet Club, Clifton Springs Road, Tuesdays from 10am for training, bring a friend.

 0428 740 591

Barefoot bowls

Bareena Bowling Club, Newtown, Friday twilight starting 6pm. $15 covers bowls and BBQ. Drinks at Crackerjack bar prices.

 Wendy, 0401 221 061

Community kitchen

Do you enjoy cooking or want to learn

cooking and budgeting skills with a small group of like-minded people in your community? Are you interested in volunteering to facilitate a Community Kitchen?



Ocean Grove Senior Citizens 101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove Weekly

Tuesday: snooker 1pm, chess, indoor bowls 1.15pm. Wednesday: bingo 1.15pm, ukulele class 2pm, guitar jam session 4pm.

Thursday: snooker 1pm, cards 500, social afternoons 1.15pm. Friday: art classes 9am.


CWA 1st & 3rd Monday 2.30pm

 Kareen, 0419 246 346, or Janis, 5255 4585


Inhouse Movies 3rd Wednesday 1.30pm.

 Dianne, 5255 1372

Hamlyn Heights Probus

Second Thursday of the month, 10am, Geelong Cement Bowls Club, 200 McCurdy Road, Herne Hill.

 Noel, 0425 706 339

Geelong Central Probus Third Friday of the month, 9.45am, Geelong RSL.


Newcomb Probus

Third Wednesday of each month, 10am, East Geelong Uniting Church, corner Boundary and Ormond Roads.

 Gary, 0407 320 735

Polish language for kids

Fortnightly Polish language classes for kids aged 7-11 at one of Geelong’s libraries.

 Dorota, 5224 1105

Rostrum meets

Geelong Rostrum Public Speaking Club Inc meets each Monday.

 Andrew, 0408 369 446, or Jan, 0407 296 958

Highton Seniors

Carpet bowls, bingo, cards, taichi, line dancing, mahjong. Community Centre, 84 Barrabool Road, Highton.

 Elma, 0411 065 524

Adfas Geelong

Art lectures each month, morning and evening, Newcomb Hall, Wilsons Road.

, or

Music for preschoolers

Mainly Music is a music and movement program for babies to preschoolers at

St Albans-St Andrews Uniting Church, 276 Wilsons Road, Whittington, Tuesdays 10am during school terms.

 Rhonda, 0437 241 345


Wanted: card sharp partners to play the game of Bolivia on Thursday evenings. For venue email Ingrid.


Geelong Historical Society Inc. Guest speaker first Wednesday of each month, 7.30pm, Virginia Todd Hall, 9 Clarence Street, Geelong West. AGM April 2.

 Harry, 0473 807 944,or


Geelong Philatelic Society Inc meets 7pm first Saturday of the month at Virginia Todd Community Hall, 9-15 Clarence Street, Geelong West and 1pm third Monday of the month at Belmont Library, 163 High Street, Belmont.

 Julie, 0438 270 549

Scrabble club

Christ Church hall, corner Moorabool and McKillop Streets, 1pm Saturdays. Beginners to experts welcome.

 Pauline, 0429 829 773, or John, 0434 142 282


Scrabble, chess, board games or cards. Thursdays 2-4.30pm, All Saints’ Parish Hall, Newtown. Afternoon tea provided.  Dinah, 0418 547 753

Book club

Leopold CAE book club meets second Tuesday of each month 6.30pm.

 Shirley, 0488 055 969

Sing Australia Geelong Choir Wednesdays 7.30-9.30pm at Senior Citizens Centre, 52 Thomson Street, Belmont. No auditions needed.

 Mary, 0419 278 456

Mindfulness & meditation U3A 9.30am and 12.30pm Wednesdays, Cobbin Farm, Grove Road, Grovedale.  Jean, 5264 7484

Geelong Breakfast Lions

Morning club for those who want to help others, first Tuesday of each month at 8am, Eastern Hub (formerly Karingal) in East Geelong. Dinner somewhere in Geelong each month to suit members.


Ocean Grove Seniors

Play 500 every Thursday at 1.15pm. Cost $20 annually and coffee included. 102 The Terrace, Ocean Grove.

 Lyn, 5256 2540

Scribes Writers Group

South Barwon Community Centre, Mondays 9.30am-noon. Welcoming new members who wish to refine their skills.

, or 5243 8388

Mr Perfect

Monthly free bbq for men of all ages to get together over a BBQ for a chat. Norlane Community Centre first Sunday each month except January, 10.30am-12.30pm.

 0430 022 446, or

Ballroom dancing

Belmont Park Pavilion, Thursdays 2-4pm.  Val, 5251 3529

Out and about

Early autumn this year feels more like summer and Independent photographer Ivan Kemp took the opportunity to head to the Geelong waterfront on Tuesday to see who was out and about.

1/ Chantelle Palazzo and Robert Speir with their son Grayson. 2/ Julie Baker and Lacey. 3/ Sasha Mason and her her son Lennox. 4/ Bec Dalle Nogare and Leah Lafranchi. 5/ Michael McGregor and his daughter Audrey. 6/ Michael and Linda Bone and Jill and Ted Zavri. 7/ William Marshall (NSW) and his sister Victoria Blake (NZ). They met for the
time yesterday. 8/ Cartier Spiteri. 9/ Ellese. 10/ Weiying Gong. 11/ Ben Walton and Laura Cleeman. 12/ Finn, Grace, Ned and Oscar. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 464615

letters or more can you list? The

must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural nouns ending in “s”.

Eureka Rebellion occur?

10 White nougat is made by combining egg whites, sugar, nuts and what other ingredient?

The Suzuki Vitara has run its race

The Suzuki Vitara occupies a special place in Australian off-road folklore.

It used to be able to go anywhere the big 4x4s like Patrol and Land Cruiser could go – it laughed in the face of danger.

But this all changed with the arrival of the fourth and current generation of Vitara that no longer sits on a ladder chassis and is no longer a real off-roader.

In fact, it shares a chassis with the S-Cross model which is about as soft as they come, with front or all-wheel drive variants.

Still, Vitara remains the third best-selling model in a five model range of vehicles.


There’s three grades from which to choose:

Vitara 1.6 2WD, priced from $29,990, Vitara Turbo 1.4 2WD from $36,490 and Vitara Turbo ALLGRIP, from $40,490 – all plus on-road costs.

As you can see ALLGRIP adds a hefty $4000 premium to the price of the car.

Metallic paint is an extra $695 and two-tone with a different coloured roof is another $1295.

If you had struck while the iron was hot, you could have got 10 per cent off the driveway price before the end of January.

It doesn’t hurt to ask.

The entry grade is powered by a 1.6-litre naturally aspirated four cylinder petrol engine, while the turbo gets a punchier, 1.4-litre turbocharged unit that produces 20 percent more power and 40 percent more torque.

The latter is the more significant of these numbers.

The cabin is decked out in a leather and suede combo trim stitched in an interesting tyre tread pattern, along with a leather-clad steering wheel and single zone climate control air.

Standard kit includes keyless entry and start, tilt and reach adjust steering wheel, 17-inch alloys, rear view camera, LED DRLs, auto LED headlights, auto wipers, adaptive cruise control and a panoramic sunroof.

Vitara is covered by a five-year, unlimited kilometre warranty with capped-price servicing and roadside assistance for the first five years.

Service is due every 12 months or 10,000km.


Infotainment consists of an aftermarket 9.0-inch touchscreen, with Bluetooth, wired Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, AM/FM radio and six-speaker audio.

Missing is DAB+ digital radio.


Vitara remains unrated by ANCAP, but comes with seven airbags including a driver’s knee bag plus a rear-view camera.

The turbo adds Adaptive cruise control, Autonomous emergency braking (AEB),

Blind-spot monitoring, Lane departure warning, Rear cross-traffic alert and Weaving Alert.

Two Isofix and three tether style child seat anchor points are provided.


The 1.6-litre naturally aspirated engine in the entry model produces 86kW at 6000 revs and 156Nm of torque from 4400 revs.

The turbocharged 1.4-litre engine in our test vehicle, however, produces 103kW of power at 5500 revs and 220Nm of torque from 1500-4000 revs.

Drive is through a six-speed auto to all four wheels when required.


Vitara is starting to show its age.

Although it sits in the budget buy category, the cabin and instrumentation looks and feels dated.

But older drivers may well be drawn to the dated dash layout with its buttons and gauges, althoughtheywon’tfindthecheaphardplastics attractive.

Rear legroom is okay thanks to scooped out seatbacks in front, but that’s not saying much.

It’s still pretty tight and lacks air outlets, or really anything for back seat passengers.

Cargo capacity with the rear set in use is 375 litres, with a hidden area under the floor which in turn hides a space saver spare.

Vitara is 4175mm long, with just 185mm of ground clearance and this model weighs in at 1260kg.

It’s a no brainer. We’d take the turbo every time.


Looks: 7

Performance: 7

Safety: 6

Thirst: 8

Practicality: 7.5

Comfort: 7

Tech: 7

Value: 7.5

Overall: 7.1

Fuel consumption is a claimed 6.2L/100km and it takes standard 91 RON unleaded.

Small engines aren’t necessarily bad, or even relatively low power output, depending on what they are being asked to push or pull.

The turbo addresses this problem.

It’s an easy, fun car to drive, but lacks refinement.

The six-speed auto sometimes feels like an old four-speed the way it carries on, changing down and roaring dramatically to life if you punch the accelerator.

Also, and this has been well documented, reefing the transmission selector back for drive will see manual mode selected and the engine max out before you’ve figured out what is going on. It becomes tiresome.

Suspension is Mac strut at the front with a basic, torsion beam rear setup, and it rides on 17 inch alloys with 215/55 profile rubber.

The car sits flat, feels taught and has a firmish ride, and can be driven enthusiastically with confidence. In fact, the suspension is excellent on backroads.

Steering is sharp and accurate and the brakes are confident.

But the Continental tyres are a bit of a disappointment as they lack grip.

The analogue clock between the air vents is a classy touch, but we’d swap it for a digital speedo.

Why do so many car companies regard this as not necessary?

You do however get some other totally irrelevant information cycling through the trip computer, including graphs for power and torque.

The infotainment system is well laid out and easy to use, but lacks digital radio and the navigation could do with speed camera warnings.

There’s one USB and one 12 volt socket in the lower centre console, with another 12 volt socket in the luggage area.

Rated at 6.2L/100km, with a 47-litre fuel tank, we were getting 7.0L/100km after 507km of mixed driving.It takes 95 premium unleaded.

Summing up

It’s not surprising to learn Vitara is in runout. It’s even older than the Mitsubishi ASX and that’s saying something.

Time has caught up with the Vitara which simply no longer offers enough of anything for the price.

Time has caught up with the Vitara which simply no longer offers enough of anything for the price. (Pictures: Supplied)

Finals beckon

On a warm day for cricket, Independent photographer Ivan Kemp covered the North Geelong vs St Peters clash and the Barrabool vs Queenscliff game. Finals begin this weekend.

Lewis Citroen drives to cover.
Lachie Kidd hits another boundary on his way to 86 off 42 deliveries.
Above: Lachlan Brown took 1 for 41 off 8 overs. Left: Queenscliff veteran Toby Smith (60 runs off 61 deliveries) drives to mid-off.
Bailey Sykes took two wickets for North Geelong.
James Stokes turns this ball to square leg, and right, Tom Webster hits out for St Peters. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 463981
Left: The North Geelong team walks off together after dismissing St Peters for 61. Centre: Tom Mathieson puts everything into this delivery. Right: Lochie Philp gets behind this delivery.
Brad McMaster hits this delivery through square leg.

Grovers win

Midweek title

Ocean Grove defeated Torquay in the Geelong Bowls Region Midweek Division 1 grand final and Independent photographer Ivan Kemp was there to see it all unfold at Belmont on Tuesday.

Paul French steps into his bowl.
Midweek Pennant Division 1 premiers Ocean Grove.
Midweek Pennant Division 2 premiers Ocean Grove.
Left: Timothy Jenkinson leads off for Torquay. Above: Thomas Warren concentrates on his line.
Alan Drury skipped his team to a 27 to 13 shot win.
Joe Issell in action.
Left to right: Bashia Speed plays the backhand; Robert Grubb watches his line closely; Jen Le Cerf leads the way for Ocean Grove; Karen Harrington plays the forehand. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 463977
Maddie Jacobs leads the way for Ocean Grove.

All eyes on the big bowls prize

Ocean Grove will be out to claim the double thisweekendafterwinningtheGeelongBowls Region Midweek Division 1 premiership on Tuesday.

The elation of winning the midweek title againstTorquay,62to50,wasshort-livedwith the Grovers now preparing to meet Highton in the Saturday Premier Division grand final, which will be played on Sunday.

HightondefeatedOceanGroveinlastyear’s grand final, by one shot while Grove won the previous year.

There’s something about these two sides. They keep meeting each other in grand finals.

Ocean Grove bowls coordinator and star player Tyson Cromie said both sides were experienced and thrived on playing at this time of year.

“I just think we’re both high quality teams and it probably sounds a bit silly, but the fact that we’re both getting back here means

both teams know how to win and stand up in the pressure moments compared to some other clubs that might lack a little bit of experience.

“On paper, at the start of the year, you probably look at both teams and say they’re probably both favourites to get back to the grand final again, and it’s sort of worked out and that’s how it’s unfolded as the season’s going on.”

Ocean Grove won the round 4 encounter, but Highton won in round 11 before the Grovers took a direct path to the grand final with a nine-shot semi-final win.

Cromie said last year’s defeat by the barest of margins still hurt.

“There’s a lot in our team that are looking for redemption for last year,” he said.

“We had a couple of chances to win the game and unfortunately for us, last year didn’t go our way.”

Highton won through to the decider with a resounding preliminary final win


Sunday March 16, 1pm

Premier Division

Ocean Grove vs Highton at Belmont Bowls Club

Division 1

Ocean Grove vs Lara at Belmont Bowls Club

Saturday March 15, 1pm

Division 2: Ocean Grove vs Leopold at

Geelong Eastern Park

Division 3: Drysdale vs Anglesea at Geelong Cement

Division 4: Highton vs Point Lonsdale at Geelong Cement

against Torquay.

Division 5: Portarlington vs Norlane at Bareena

Division 6: Bell Post Hill vs Ocean Grove at Geelong Eastern Park

Division 7: Leopold vs Highton at Geelong

Division 8: St Leonards vs Portarlington at Bareena

Division 9: Highton vs Ocean Grove at Geelong

Division 10: Drysdale vs Clifton Springs at City of Geelong

Division 11: Eastern Park vs Highton at City of Geelong

Division 12: Torquay vs Geelong RSL at City of Geelong

Scott McLachlan had a 22-shot win on his rink while David Priddle and Chris Ball also had wins.

This team will relish the chance to put more silverware into the trophy cabinet.

Barwon Heads claim A Grade flag

Barwon Heads won a pulsating and high-standard Geelong Cricket Association A Grade grand final at South Barwon Reserve on Sunday March 9 to claim its maiden women’s title.

The Seagulls were switched on from the first ball against a gallant Geelong City and won by 22 runs in temperatures around the mid-30s.

Skipper Steph Theodore had no hesitation in having first use of the Lawn Addicts Oval wicket with Alana Sproule and Jane Burch ensuring early wickets didn’t fall.

However, two wickets to rising star Erin Moloney soon had the game back in City’s favour.

Mikaela Monahan and Theodore then steadied the innings with a 68-run stand.

Monahan was Moloney’s third scalp, but not before making a superb 42 from 59 balls while Theodore was superbly caught by Moloney at deep square leg for 42 from 52.

The Seagulls finished with 6/148 with Jessica Johnson playing her role with an unbeaten 15 from 13 deliveries while Bianca Summers took 2/19 from five tidy overs.

City kept on pace with the run chase with good contributions from Lily Foster (20), Roseanne Cox (30 from 34) and young gun

Poppy Agg (15).

But it was Australian Test cap number 128 Theodore who wrestled the game back for the Gulls with her seamers. She took 2/14 from six immaculate overs while Sproule grabbed 2/17 from six.

It was the Heads’ fielding that shone through with four run outs.

Sproule conceded just two runs from the penultimate over and City needed an almost impossible 27 from the final over to tie the game, which would have given it victory due to a higher ladder position.

But Theodore gave away only five runs and the Heads were celebrating their maiden title while the Sharks could hold their heads high for a magnificent season as minor premiers.

BELL PARK triumphed in B Grade, making 112 and bowling out Newtown & Chilwell for 103. It was a bowlers’ game with Taliesin Platt taking 4/12 for the Two Blues and Bianca Duff making 43 not out. But it was the Dragons’ Louise Darbyshire, Emily Bradley (three wickets each) and Jordy Taylor (two) who steered the team home after good knocks from Kristen Long (29) and Jackii Hutchison (27).

A PAIR of 48s from Janet Lister and Noelle Taylor allowed Anglesea to chase down

Drysdale’s6/116withthelossofjustonewicket in the C Grade decider. Rachel McCue took three wickets while Laura Sheehan was superb for the Hawks with 50 retired.

EAST BELMONT took the honours in D Grade with Michelle Marcola (30 retired) and ChrisWalker(27retired)thestarswhileCarrie Anderson (30 retired) did all she could for Thomson.

ST JOSEPH’S won the E Grade Central flag, defeating Murgheboluc. Mallory Keane (32 retired) had a good game while Olive Cruden conceded just 12 runs from her four overs, Anna Withers took 1/14 from four and Clio Cameron took 1/16 from four.

ARMSTRONG CREEK proved too good in EGradeEastwithawinagainstBarwonHeads. ThetwoCaitlins-LamontandBurnett-setthe scene with miserly spells and Alyce Lockwood and Erin Lang each retired with 30 and 32 respectively. Mia Perry (2/15) and Sharon Briggs(30retired)wereterrificfortheSeagulls.

NORTH GEELONG claimed the E Grade North premiership against Little River. Haylee Wray (29 and 1/12 from four overs) and Layne Harvey (25 not out and 1/9 from four overs) were the stars of the show.

Justin Flynn

Cobras pair break records

Corey Walter and Harrisyn Wingrave created Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association history on the weekend with a 363-run partnership for Collendina in A2 Grade.

The Cobras’ score of 7/559 was the highest ever team total in A Grade, easily surpassing Barrabool’s 6/423 in 2015-16. The partnership was the highest ever for the fifth wicket Walter made 210 from 282 deliveries while 17-year-old Wingrave smacked 208 from 146, which included 22 fours and 11 sixes.

Walter is one of the BPCA’s best ever players, but Wingrave was coming off his maiden senior century only weeks before and now has a double ton to his name.

“It’s a great reward for Haz because he’s been working really hard at training and went back to the twos to try and get some runs and he did that by making a hundred a couple of weeks beforehand,” Walter said of his young teammate.

“And to come out and just hit the ball as cleanly as he did was unbelievable to behonest.He’sgotareallygoodeye.And I think he’s starting to realise that once you give yourself a bit of time and get a feel for the conditions and the bowling, he can do some damage. I think after 50 balls, he might have only been 20 runs or so on Saturday. To get to 100, I think he probably scored his next 80 off about 40.”

Walter said the partnership unfolded very quickly.

“It’s all a bit of a blur really,” he said.

“While we’re out there, it seemed to just go really quick and I don’t think he (Wingrave) realised what was happening at the time, and to be fair, I probably don’t think it as well. Going from 100 to 200 seemed like it happened in 10 or 15 minutes. It probably still hasn’t quite sunk in I suppose, but it definitely won’t happen for me again that’s for sure.”

A Grade premiers Barwon Heads. (BHCC)
Corey Walter and Harrisyn Wingrave each made double centuries for Collendina. (Ivan Kemp) 464274_08

Forward fills big shoes

Shannon Neale is determined to put his own slant on a Geelong key forward post as he emerges from the shadow of club great Tom Hawkins.

Neale, a 200cm target, played 15 games in a breakout campaign last year, kicking 23 goals to help steer the Cats to a preliminary final.

But the 22-year-old never really felt like he owned his spot as teammate and mentor Hawkins fought to overcome a troublesome foot injury in a bid to return for the finals.

Now, with triple-premiership hero Hawkins retired, Neale has the chance to make his own mark on the forward-line.

It starts with the Cats’ first match of the season, against Fremantle at GMHBA Stadium on Saturday.

“There’s an opportunity there for me to take it and I’m excited to run out there on Saturday against Freo,” Neale said.

“Meand’Hawk’aredifferentplayersinterms of what we bring, strengths and weaknesses.

“But I’m definitely excited to make it my own and play in a forward-line that is just as exciting, respectfully, without him.

“WhenhegotinjuredIfeltlikeIhadtocome in and play his role, whereas this pre-season has been good to build my own role and build

a forward-line around the talent that we have there now, and not someone who might be injured.”

Neale will feature alongside mobile key forward and four-time All-Australian Jeremy Cameron in a Geelong attack that boasts plenty of weapons despite 796-goal champion Hawkins’ departure.

Tyson Stengle, Ollie Henry and Brad Close allbooted25ormoremajorslastseasonbehind leading goal-kicker Cameron (64).

Oliver Dempsey, Gryan Miers and Shaun

Mannagh are also scoring threats, and off-season acquisition Jack Martin presents a fresh option.

Neale,whohasplayed20seniorgamesfor24 goalsoverthreeseasons,insistsheisstilltrying to earn the respect of his teammates.

“I’ve only played a handful of games and I’ve still got a long way to go,” Neale said.

“I’mlookingtobuildtheconnectionwithmy teammates on the field as well as off the field. It’s something I’ll continued to work on.

“I still haven’t played a full season, so I’m looking to bring continuity into this year and have an impact and be a good teammate.

“The ultimate goal is to win some games, which would be great.”

Neale kicked two goals in an important interstate win over Fremantle when the teams last met - in round 23 last year.

He expects a tough battle with Dockers key defenders Alex Pearce and Brennan Cox on Saturday.

“I’ve got a clear focus on how I can approach those guys but I think it’s got to happen from a whole team perspective - not just me,” Neale said. “They’re a really good outfit but we’re up for the challenge.”

Neale is out of contract at the end of the season but is “comfortable” in Geelong and expects a new deal to be done.

Thirteen-year-old Mila Siskovski has two go-kart podium finishes under her belt. (Supplied)

Mila races towards checkered flag

A teenager is making waves in Geelong’s go-karting community following two consecutive podium finishes.

Mila Siskovski, 13, from Point Cook, achieved a second-place finish on March 2, just after she placed third on her grandfather’s 70th birthday at the Geelong Go-Kart Club (GKC).

Mila said she was excited to have two podium finishes under her belt while following inherfather’sandgrandfather’sfootsteps,both of whom have experience in racing.

She races under kart number 21, a tribute to her grandfather, who competed in motorsport hillclimbing under the same

number in the 1960s.

“It feels really good to finish third on my grandpa’s birthday and second a couple of weeks ago because it was my first two podiums so far,” Mila said.

“Ilovego-karting...andwhenI’mnotracing, I think about go-karting. Otherwise, I will watch F1 (Formula 1 Racing) or hang out with my friends.

“I love everything about go-karting, like the competition, speed, and adrenaline... I also really like the Geelong GKC track, and I like everyone there and the people.”

Mila’s dad, Danny Siskovski, said his

Grovedale’s Joel Kopanica serves alongside Jarrod Bateup. Receiving is Lara’s Ben Griffin and Richard Blanco. (Supplied)

Close tussle in Section 5


Halfway through the Tennis Geelong Triples season, some teams have begun to emerge as favourites. In Section 5, however, all teams are still in the mix, which was evident in the clash between Lara and Grovedale’s Backhanded Compliments.

The Grovedale squad are making their return to the competition this yearafterhavingabreakforallof2024, while Lara’s Ben Griffin and Richard Blanco have been strengthened from last season’s wooden spoon Section 5 squad with the full-time addition of young Louis Smith. Both teams were 2-1, both having lost in round 1 and having one bye each.

Coming into the match, Grovedale had a strong record in doubles sets, where Lara had made their mark in singles. The first two sets continued this trend, with Grovedale’s top two of Matt Francis and Jarrod Bateup taking the number 1 doubles set 6-1, while Lara’s Blanco claimed a 6-2 victory over Joel Kopanica. The remaining sets became closer, as Francis and Kopanica won a 6-5 set over Smith and Blanco, while Lara’s Griffin had a 6-4 triumph over Bateup.

The match was level on sets and gamesgoingintothenumber1singles and 3 doubles. At 4-3, Grovedale’s Francis appeared to be on the verge of taking the first singles rubber of the year over Lara’s Smith, who was 8-0 across juniors, seniors, and night competitions in 2025.

Smith showed the advantage of his match-play and tightened the screws to win the last three games, taking the set 6-4. Number 3 doubles was a battle all the way through, but Grovedale’s Kopanica and Bateup had a stronger tiebreaker to take the set 6-5. It was not enough however, as Lara claimed a one-game advantage, taking the match 3-3 29-28.

daughter’s love for racing started when she visited a go-kart track and finished first among over 20 drivers, some as old as 40.

Her debut led Mila’s family to invest in a second-hand go-kart and enrol her in club-level racing at GKC, where she competes in the Junior Light category.

“It’s great seeing her confidence skyrocket with each race,” Mr Siskovski said.

“She absolutely loved the thrill of it (racing) from that very first race. She got off the track with a huge smile and asked if she could do it seriously.”

The other Section 5 match pitted first-place Coco Bewares against the fifth-place Highton Flyers. The Flyers were without some of their regulars, but found a couple of timely fill-ins that performed strongly, and claimed a 5-1 upset win. Coco Bewares’ only set win came at number 1 singles, where Keir McHarg won a tiebreaker over Devon Hassall.

The loss puts Coco Bewares into third place at 17 points, just behind Lara and Grovedale with 20 and 18 points apiece. Highton moved into fourth place, ahead of Grovedale’s Bogsy and Blokes, who had the bye.

Geelong player Shannon Neale doing up a shoe lace for one of his Auskickers. (Ivan Kemp) 328058_12

Barwon Heads leapfrog Anglesea

Barwon Heads leapfrogged Anglesea on the Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association A1 grade ladder and will host a semi-final this weekend.

The Seagulls successfully defended 220 against Jan Juc while Anglesea was unable to chase down Drysdale’s 199.

The loss meant Jan Juc missed out on finals with Barrabool sneaking in on percentage even though it lost to Queenscliff. Armstrong Creek won the minor premiership with a comfortable win against relegation-bound Ocean Grove.

Jan Juc needed to win and at times it looked like it would. Jack Taylor made a polished 70, but the Sharks needed one of Nick Hyden (28), Alex Rowden (25) and Peter Buszard (23) to go on.

Leg-spinnerDanDonaldsonputinabigshift and netted 4/59 from 23.3 overs while seamer Harry Hyland snared two top-order wickets as the Sharks were dismissed for 199.


Saturday March 15 &

Sunday March 16, 1pm start

A1 Grade

• Armstrong Creek vs Barrabool at Armstrong Creek East Sports Precinct

• Barwon Heads vs Anglesea at RT Fuller Oval, Barwon Heads

A2 Grade

• Wallington vs Portarlington at Oakdene Oval

• Inverleigh vs Collendina at Inverleigh Recreation Reserve

Drysdale seamer David Sykes added to his four late wickets last week to snare a five-for on his 52nd birthday. The left-armer took 5/39 from 18.4 overs to have Anglesea all out for 113. At one stage the Seas were 6/16, but Jaron Lengyel (36) and Victor Morrow (35) put some respectability to the scoreboard. Blake Dobbin made a miraculous recovery from injury to snare four wickets for the Hawks.

Queenscliff had no trouble passing Barrabool’s 209. Toby Smith made 60 and Lochie Philp 54 while Lachie Kidd smashed 86 from just 42 deliveries when time was called with the innings at 6/264. James Fisher took four wickets for the Bulls.

Armstrong Creek claimed the minor premiership and sent Ocean Grove packing down to A2 Grade. The Titans took 45 overs to reach their target of 149 with opener Chris

Marsiglio (50) and Ben Norgrove (35 not out) getting runs.

In A2 Grade, Corey Walter and Harrisyn Wingravesetallsortsofrecordswitha363-run partnership as Collendina amassed 7/559 against St Leonards (see story on page 34).

Wallington defeated Newcomb outright to claim the minor premiership. Shane Healy (60) provided resistance in the second innings, but theWallabieswouldhavebeenpleasedwiththe wickets being shared around in both innings.

Portarlington won the battle for fourth place againstSurfCoast.Chasing260forafinalsspot, the Suns were well served by Richard Dawes, who made a fine 82, but the Demons had too many runs on the board with Tom Stewart (4/35) and Matthew Long (3/39) bowling well. Winchelsea put up a brave fight against Inverleigh, falling 12 runs short of the victory target of 211. Shane Murdoch (67) made runs while left-armer Danny Midolo took 5/54 for the Kookaburras.

Highton turns up the heat securing a finals berth

Highton grabbed the final spot in the Geelong Cricket Association Division 1 top four with a superb run chase against St Joseph’s.

The Heat will front up against Grovedale for an elimination final this weekend after chasing down Joeys’ 230 all out.

Highton’s deep batting line-up compiled 6/232 with Jack Cook (65) and Zac Wills (49) contributing.

At 6/197, Errol Burns (16 not out) joined Tejas Gupta (26 not out off 24 balls). The pair combined for an unbroken 35-run stand to see the Heat safely home and into the finals.

Andrew Vine capped off a great game for St Joseph’s, taking three wickets to go with his day one 76.

Grovedale fine tuned for its elimination final with a big win against East Belmont.

The Tigers made light work of the small total of 107 and batted all day for 6/321 with twin centuries to Jack Wrigglesworth (121 not out from 129 deliveries) and Jordan Moran (102 off 113).

A six-wicket haul from Lachie Sperling helped Newtown & Chilwell win the minor premiership and defeat South Barwon.

Sperling took 6/46 from 25 overs while Nick Burke grabbed three wickets with South Barwon all out for 199 in reply to the Two Blues’ 248.

Harry Hauenstein made a nice 68 for South Barwon.

St Peters was unable to climb into fourth spot, being well beaten by North Geelong.

Needing 296 for victory and any shot at fourth place, St Peters was bowled out for 61 with Magpies’ left-armer Tom Mathieson taking 5/17, paceman Dale Kerr 3/26 and spinner Bailey Sykes 2/10.

The Saints were asked to follow on, but made it safely to 1/32 when stumps were pulled.

Division 2

A century to Lara’s Rob Sodomaco was a highlightfromDivision2.Sodomacomade102 for the unbeaten minor premiers in a good win against Torquay.

Leopold’s Jake Le Maistre took 5/23 in his side’s win against Geelong West.

Bell Park defeated Bell Post Hill to claim fourth spot with Nikhil Deep Pottabathini getting a well-compiled 66.

Jason (3/38) and Daniel (3/47) Grozdanovski were instrumental in Murgheboluc’s win against Geelong City despite a fine 65 from Byron Taylor.

Division 3



Grace made 179 not out on day one and then took 8/106 from 31.4 overs to give the Devils a win against Thomson despite 102 from Seb Dew.

A five-wicket haul to Jake Dubbeldam allowed Alexander Thomson to bowl Bannockburn out for 164, a 222-run win.

Manifold Heights finished the season with a four-wicket win against Modewarre with Matthew Pratt (6/18 and 48) player of the match.

Blayke Sadler took 5/10 from 11 overs as Marshall overpowered Waurn Ponds Deakin. The two sides will meet in an elimination final this week.

Division 4

Sam Giles (89) and Hayden Spiller (69) spearheaded Lethbridge in a warm up for the elimination final against Newcomb & District.

A typically hard-hitting 55 from 39 balls from Andrew Spengler gave Little River the minorpremiershipandawinagainstStAlbans Breakwater.

A big game from Harli Givvens (52 from 28 balls and 3/39) and four wickets to Joel Hart ensured Meredith got the points against Teesdale.

Justin Flynn


Saturday March 15 & Sunday March 16

Division 1, 11am start

• Newtown & Chilwell vs North Geelong at Queens Park Reserve, Highton

• Grovedale vs Highton at Burdoo Reserve, Grovedale

Division 2, 11am start

• Lara vs Murgheboluc at Bisinella Oval, Lara

• Bell Park vs Torquay at Hamlyn Park

Division 3, 11.45am start

• Thomson vs Alexander Thomson at Thomson Recreation Reserve

• Marshall vs Waurn Ponds Deakin at Lawn Addicts Oval, South Barwon Reserve

Division 4, 11.15am start

• Little River vs Meredith at Little River Reserve

• Lethbridge vs Newcomb & District at Lethbridge Recreation Reserve

Queenscliff’s Toby Smith is run out by a direct hit from Lachlan Brown, and left, Lochie Philp drives.
(Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 463981
Left: St Peters’ Mitchell Ford is bowled by North Geelong’s Tom Mathieson. Right: Brad McMaster is hit by this delivery. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 463979
superb all-round game from Corio skipper Anthony Grace dominated play in Division

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