The hard truth, according to Noosa Councillor Amelia Lorentson, is that last week could have ended in tragedy.
“Thanks to the heroic efforts of our professional lifeguards and the teams supporting them, we dodged a bullet,“ she said.
Cr Lorentson has highlighted the incredible rescues and named the heroes involved to remind the community how fortunate they are to have such highly skilled and selfless professionals keeping the local beaches safe.
“One message was loud and clear when I spoke with the rescuers—it was a team effort,“ she said.
“They didn’t think about the risks; they just acted. But each of them agreed: last week could have been devastating. Those rescued were lucky; they had angels looking over them in the form of our finest watermen and women.“
She also highlighted the vital role the career lifeguards play in keeping their beaches safe.
“They know these waters better than anyone, navigating conditions and challenges most of us can’t imagine,“ Cr Lorentson said. These highly skilled and competent individuals don’t just patrol—they face life-ordeath emergencies like resuscitations, heart attacks, and ocean rescues.
Continued page 3
Thankstotheexceptionaleffortsofourlifeguards, our volunteers, emergency services, our local council, the preparedness of residents and the largely skirting around Noosa of ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred we have largely escaped unscathed with little more than the eroded cliffs of eastern beaches leaving a mark of its visit.
Noosa State Emergency Service (SES) local controller Warren Kuskopf said there was not one call to them for assistance as the the cyclone threatened Noosa last weekend.
Instead, Noosa SES crews opted to help out our near neighbours with some in Hervey Bay and others on the Sunshine Coast.
Mayor Frank Wilkie commended the efforts of residents, community groups, council staff and partner agencies in preparing for the potential impacts of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
“We’ve been extremely fortunate and our community has done a fantastic job in being wellinformed and prepared,” Cr Wilkie said.
Cr Wilkie said the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) was prepared and learned much from the exercise.
“This cyclone tested our processes in the newly built Local Disaster Coordination Centre and was a good opportunity for the three levels of government to coordinate resources plus communications to, and from, the community.”
In October 2024, Cr Wilkie stood with Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli to jointly
launch Get Ready week. Five months later, both councils worked together to respond to TC Alfred.
“As the newly appointed LDMG chair, I can say the cooperation, support and effort between all agencies was extremely professional.
“That outward-facing, community focus was reflected through three levels of government during daily meetings with the District Disaster and Queensland Disaster Management Groups.
Continued page 5
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By Julie Schomberg, UniSC
As Tropical Cyclone Alfred whipped up sea foam along the coastline from South East Queensland to northern New South Wales, a UniSC microbiologist warned these “bacteria smoothies” may have more harmful pathogens than a sewage treatment plant.
University of the Sunshine Coast Associate Professor Ipek Kurtböke was horrified to see footage of people playing in thick, sticky sea foam on the Gold Coast.
Her message was clear to people – and their pet dogs: stay out of it if you don’t want to risk harming your health.
Research published by Dr Kurtböke with PhD student Luke Wright (2023 paper and 2021 paper) found that the majority of bacteria isolated from sea foam sampled on the Sunshine Coast contained pathogens closely related to those found in sewage treatment plants across the world.
“It harbours bacteria that is far riskier to public health than previously thought,” she said.
Thirty-two strains of Nocardiae, a group of bacteria known to cause human and animal infections in skin, lungs and the central nervous system, were isolated from the near-shore sea foam.
The public needs to be warned. Even after this cyclone is over, our beaches will carry the pathogen,” said Dr Kurtböke, an internationally renowned environmental microbiologist invited
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E: brett.greene@NoosaToday.com.au
Jacqueline Trewin Account Manager
by several countries late last year to present talks on natural marine pollution.
“The public health risk relates to exposure to aerosols generated by the foam as well as direct contact through a wound. To stay safe, do not swim or play in the foam, or breathe near it.”
The findings also revealed the presence of antibiotic-resistant species among the isolates.
She said Nocardiae were usually found in foaming events at sewage treatment plants, where they thrived in excess oil and grease.
“While these natural bacteria are commonly found in soil, water and decaying vegetation, they are opportunistic pathogens and can cause serious disease such as nocardiosis in people and animals with weakened immune systems,” she said.
The PhD research of Luke Wright was co-supervised by UniSC Associate Professor Mohammad Katouli, an expert in antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Dr Kurtböke, who is president of the World Federation of Culture Collections, was sought by foreign media and professional organisations in 2021 to provide expertise on the biggest ever outbreak of sea foam in the Marmara Sea, which threatened industry as well as the environment.
She recently edited the book Actinomycetes in Marine and Extreme Environments to communicate the importance of finding novel antibiotic producing actinomycetes in extreme and marine environments in the light of molecular advances.
E: jacqueline.trewin@NoosaToday.com.au
Karen Friend Media Sales Support
E: karen.friend@NoosaToday.com.au
It was an extraordinary week as Noosa prepared and waited for TC Alfred but it had other plans as it danced around us creating havoc to the north and south. We were lucky this time.
It’s now five years since the Covid pandemic began but a new report by the Australian Human Rights Commission found the effects of it are still being felt today.
The report, titled Collateral Damage, found the pandemic response saved lives but that governments did not adequately consider or protect people’s human rights when implementing response measures.
It found people from all walks of life were adversely affected, with people from marginalised backgrounds or in at-risk situations seeing their harms compounded.
Based on the personal stories of more than 5,000 Australians, a national survey, community consultations and stories shared on an online portal the report was co-authored by Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay.
“In our research, we heard devastating stories of severe economic hardship, families unable to say goodbye to loved ones, women trapped in violent households, and communities left isolated due to blanket policies that failed to consider local realities. These experiences should never be ignored or repeated,” she said.
The report recommends future emergency responses are guided by seven principles which include holding human rights as a priority, consulting with all communities and balancing risk with compassion.
How communities navigate the impacts of TC Alfred and previous natural disasters will be next on the agenda of the Australian Human Rights Commission.
- Margaret Maccoll
From page 1
During Cyclone Alfred, their extraordinary skills and unmatched knowledge of the sea were tested to their limits. Despite their incredible feats, they remain humble, often working under the radar. The lifeguards and rescuers do not seek recognition, yet their actions this past week deserve acknowledgment and recognition.
Cyclone Alfred brought treacherous surf, relentless rips, and dangerous conditions. Here are the extraordinary stories of that week: Saving up to 100 lives in deadly surf (2 March) Lifeguards Thomas Cervi, Jake McKellar, Parish Watts, and Timmy Mulder, with a combined 60 years of experience, performed one of the most gruelling rescue operations ever witnessed. From 11am to 6pm, these professionals fought relentless four-metre waves, 10-wave sets, and powerful E/NE swells to pull up to 100 surfers from deadly rips. They worked tirelessly to ensure every individual safely returned to shore. Without their heroics, it’s estimated that at least 10 lives would have been lost that day. Their endurance, skill, and determination turned a potential disaster into a miracle.
A heroic rescue of teenage swimmers (7 March)
Off-duty lifeguards Max Pettigrove and Thomas Cervi answered an urgent call at Sunshine Beach, supported by Rowan Simpson (Noosa Lifeguard Supervisor), Timmy Mulder, Guy Ely, and Emergency Response Group (ERG) volunteer lifesavers John Reeves, Russell Quinn, David James, and Joe Cirello. Critical assistance came from the Police, QAS, people on the headland, and Lifeflight Rescue 511. Together, they executed a rescue under harrowing conditions. Two teenage boys had been swept 400 meters out to sea from Sunshine Beach to Hell’s Gate. The rescuers achieved the nearly impossible in the fading light and amidst towering waves. One boy managed to swim back to Alexandria Bay thanks to having fins, while the other was stranded far out to sea.
Guided by those on the headland, Max Pettigrove
and Thomas Cervi navigated the treacherous waters on a jet ski and brought the boy safely back to shore. This heroic rescue is a testament to the extraordinary skills, bravery, and teamwork of everyone involved.
Rescuing three stranded at sea
When a jet ski carrying three passengers broke down far from Noosa North Shore, lifeguards Timmy Mulder, Heidi Price, and Ned Westera, along with the Noosa Coastguards, acted swiftly despite the cyclonic waters. Timmy and Heidi ferried two passengers to safety on their jet ski,
while the Coastguards rescued the third. Timmy and Ned went back out to sea and remained on standby until the Coastguard arrived, ensuring a coordinated and safe rescue. Their actions were crucial in saving the lives of those stranded, with all rescuers risking their safety in the treacherous conditions. Special recognition goes to the Noosa Coastguards, whose specialized jet boat, capable of navigating hazardous bars, played a vital role in this lifesaving mission.
These rescues were not routine—they were acts of true bravery. Professional lifeguards Max Pettigrove, Thomas Cervi, Timmy Mulder, Jake
McKellar, Heidi Price, Ned Westera, Parish Watts, Rowan Simpson, Guy Ely, ERG Volunteer lifesavers John Reeves, Russell Quinn, David James, Joe Cirello, and the Noosa Coastguards risked their lives to save strangers. Their actions define the essence of courage—not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something else, or someone else, is more important than fear.
“Thank you for your sacrifice and unwavering commitment. You are the reason so many people made it home safely last week. Your courage and bravery deserve our deepest respect and gratitude,“ Cr Lorentson said.
Coolum and North Shore Care volunteers have worked prior to Cyclone Alfred’s arrival and as sand dunes have been eroded along Sunshine Coast eastern beaches to safeguard turtle nests by moving them from low lying positions to higher locations.
Organisation president Leigh Warneminde said about 10-15 nests which were all the nests remaining for the season, had been relocated, some more than once.
After a beach walker noticed turtle eggs had become exposed by erosion of a sand dune at Peregian Beach last Thursday the group was contacted and members raced to the site to relocate the nest, that one for a second time.
Leigh said the safety of their volunteers was paramount, with the nests relocated at low tide to make sure everybody was safe.
The coast had witnessed a larger than normal nesting season with about 42 nests along the Sunshine Coast and Noosa beaches.
Fortunately more than half had already run before the cyclone threatened but some remain at Yaroomba, Coolum, Sunrise and Sunshine beaches, she said.
Leigh has urged people walking the beaches to pick up rubbish including plastics that has been washed up on the beaches to assist the hatchlings on their path to the ocean.
Hatchlings making their way from the nest
By Abbey Cannan
Local snake catcher Luke Huntley has been busy relocating snakes that have found their way inside homes while retreating from the recent wet weather.
Autumn has well and truly arrived with rain, cyclones and flooding. So what does this all mean for the snakes?
“Snakes, as you may expect, aren’t too keen on the rain and like being dry and warm,“ Luke said.
“Some snakes like Keel-backs and Red Bellies hunt in and around freshwater all the time, however, when there’s wet weather, they need to stay dry as well.
“Snakes will often come up and inside to keep dry and pretty much all the calls I’m getting are snakes that have found their way inside houses to stay dry.
“Carpet pythons are also a very big fan of inside roofs when it rains. One in every three houses at some point has a python in their roof in Queensland.“
Luke said there’s a few things community members can do to deter snakes.
“Keeping your property clear of debris and piles of rubbish will absolutely help make your property less appealing to snakes,“ he said.
“Doors and windows closed will keep them out. It’s pretty simple stuff but it helps heaps.“
He said if you come across a snake outside, move your pets and kids inside and give it some space to move on.
“If it’s inside - don’t panic! Keep pets and people well away from it. If it’s in a room, close the door and wedge a towel under the door so it can’t get out. If not, keep an eye on it and give me a call.
“I’m here 24/7 if you need me, questions concerns or if you need a reptile relocated call 0499 920 290.“
“If you’re not comfortable or prefer if it was moved, then of course give me a call,“ Luke said.
From page 1
“For us, it was a very valuable exercise and impressive to see the community respond by taking precautions.
“We’re grateful to those in the community who were out shoveling sand into sandbags, the welfare agencies who helped the vulnerable and our council crews that continually delivered sand and removed potential debris in the lead up to the event.“
Mr Kuskopf said early preparation may have contributed to the lack of assistance required during the event.
Noosa Council provided more than 500 tonnes of sand over the past week to locations across the shire for sand bags.
Mr Kuskopf praised the response from Noosa residents who came to fill about 30,000 sand bags to prevent flooding at homes and businesses and the local SES volunteers who had stood up to offer assistance.
Last week SES volunteers and others completed more than 120 jobs sandbagging houses for vulnerable people and a couple of roof repairs before the wind increased, he said.
“Nearly 30 volunteers helped on Friday before the event has happened,“ Mr Kuskopf said.
“We’ve had members from Rural Fire Service, particularly from Black Mountain and from Fire and Emergency Rescue.
Mr Kuskopf said all emergency services workers were in communication with each other and on standby. We had nearly 50 SES members sitting, waiting, ready to help.“
Council opened Noosa Leisure Centre as a Refuge Evacuation Centre for people with nowhere else to go and Tewantin-Noosa Lions Club members responded immediately to serve food.
About 10 people spent Friday night at the centre with council staff operating the facility and Queensland Police and Queensland Ambulance officers supporting them.
Among them were James from Brisbane and overseas travellers Noureddine and Gwen who were very thankful for a safe and comfortable stay with showers and “perfect“ food. “It was very nice, thank you,“ Noureddine said.
Council’s waste contractor Cleanaway also stepped up during the event, servicing commercial businesses over the weekend to maintain their operations and manage waste volumes.
“They also secured additional drivers and trucks for catch-up bin collections from Monday 10 March, which was a great result for our community and much appreciated. They’ve certainly gone over and above in difficult circumstances,” Cr Wilkie said.
Residents have been urged to stay off coastal dunes that have been weakened and eroded by the cyclone and may be susceptible to collapse, putting people at risk.
Mr Kuskopf urged people to hold on to their sandbags after the cyclone event, saying they would keep for a year and could be used again in a future event if stored under cover. Alternatively the sand can be put to use for top dressing lawns or returned to Council at the water tanker refilling
Council requests people not dump the sand on the beaches as it contains clay, which can stain and muddy the dunes.
As Noosa can count itself lucky Cr Wilkie said: “Our thoughts are with those residents in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, Moreton Bay and south-east Queensland who face many weeks of clean up.”
By Erle Levey
There can be few things in life more enjoyable than gathering for a meal that combines good, healthy and fair food from local farmers and producers.
On Monday evening 24 March, Slow Food Noosa will welcome guests to the annual Snail of Approval dinner in the Park and Cove Restaurant at Peppers Resort Noosa.
The evening is to honour those producers recognised by Slow Food Noosa as sharing the philosophy of good, healthy and fair food for all.
A trade display highlighting what is produced in Noosa and surrounds will provide an informative entree to this year’s awards night and threecourse dinner.
It will also give guests the chance to talk with producers and farmers about what they do and why it is important to choose good food.
Park and Cove executive chef Andrew Wilcox is putting together an enticing three-course dinner utilising local produce.
Slow Food Noosa patron and celebrity chef Matt Golinski is to host the evening and include comment from the producers.
Guests will have the enjoyment and satisfaction of supporting and tasting good, local food in a wonderful environment.
At the same time there will be some exceotional prizes to be won including a weekend country retreat courtesy of Dave and Julie Moffatt of Mary Valley Yuzu.
The importance of good, healthy and fair food in contributing to overall wellness and a strong community are the philosophies being presented by Slow Food Noosa for more than 20 years.
As the most active convivium in the worldwide movement found in more than 150 countries, Slow Food Noosa encourages education and awareness of these principles through a variety of events throughout the year.
Snail of Approval certification is awarded to farmers, producers, artisans and restauranteurs who meet production levels in line with Slow Food that include sustainability, low food miles and fairness. Through an emphasis on local, Slow Food also aims to build strong communities in which producers and consumers come together for the cel-
By Arthur Gorrie
Win or lose, Casey Iddon is an unusual candidate, as he announces his plans to run for federal office in the safe LNP seat of Wide Bay.
For him, his election debut, as an Independent, is not about winning or losing. It is about something much more important than that. It is all about sending a message to Canberra from what he says is the often-forgotten electorate of Wide Bay.
“Help!“ would be a reasonable summary of the message he wants to get through to whichever party wins Government at the election, expected to be announced soon.
“Since the 1970s it has been the safest seat in the country, safe for the LNP.
“Labor doesn’t believe it can win. The LNP doesn’t believe it can lose.
“So nothing happens,“ he said this week.
“Government’s don’t invest in safe seats, they invest in battlegrounds.
“It’s not fair, but that’s the way the politics of government is set up,“ he said. He says government spending should be audited to ensure it is about needs rather than votes.
Although closely linked to the ALP, he says he was discouraged by the top-down campaign management that he experienced in his efforts to become the party’s endorsed candidate.
He says he was motivated to break the mould and run as an Independent by his own experience of inadequate health services in Maryborough and Hervey Bay, something he says is mirrored in Gympie.
“Health is really under-invested in this area,“ he told Gympie Today. The experience which got him moving in a different direction was a health crisis his wife experienced, when she needed an urgent operation.
“They couldn’t do it in Maryborough, so she was shifted to Hervey Bay, which is also struggling to keep up with demand.
“It’s the same in Gympie, where Gympie Hos-
Candidate with a message, Casey Iddon. (464626)
pital is basically a satellite hospital for the Sunshine Coast University Hospital.
“When older people are sent to SCUH they are away from their support groups, family and friends.
“That can delay their recovery and they spend longer in hospital.
“We’re the fastest growing (in population) electorate in regional Queensland and we are the oldest, with an average age of 49.
“A lot of people say a vote for me will go to Labor because of my Labor connection.
“But that’s not true. I’m not printing a howto-vote card. People can give their preferences to anyone they like.
“And that is where their vote will probably end up.
“But every vote for me is a message to Canberra,“ he said.
Mr Iddon says he is also inspired by state Independent for Noosa, Sandra Bolton.
“Politicians get an allowance which they tend to use for newsletters and raising their profile, but Sandy donates a lot of hers to community groups in her electorate.“
“The people of Wide Bay tend to vote overwhelmingly conservative, and they shouldn’t be punished for that.
He paraphrases one of the characters in the Rocky and Creed movies: “It’s not about winning.
The Tewantin Noosa Lions Club is always ready to help the community and is now looking for help itself in the form of passionate volunteers to join their team.
During TC Alfred, the club was activated by Noosa Council to provide support at the Evacuation Refuge Centre.
“We were proud to serve over 200 hot meals, offering a moment of comfort during a challenging time,” the club’s Bryan Arber said.
“At the Tewantin Noosa Lions Club, we believe in strengthening and supporting our community. Each year, we contribute around $40,000 back into the local area, funding vital projects that make a tangible impact.”
Here’s how you can help us make a difference:
• Disaster Relief: Be a part of the team that provides crucial support during emergencies, just like we did during Cyclone Alfred.
• Health Initiatives: Support vital Cancer research and Diabetes awareness programs.
• Humanitarian Aid: Contribute to projects that address hunger and provide aid to those in need.
• Sight Programs: Help us support initiatives that prevent blindness and improve vision for those in our community.
• Youth Programs: Work with local schools and youth organizations to empower the next generation. Why Join?
• Make a Real Impact: See the direct results of your efforts in your own community.
• Forge Lasting Friendships: Be part of a welcoming and supportive team.
• Use Your Skills: Your unique talents and skills are needed and valued! Whether you’re a great organizer, a skilled communicator, or simply have a passion for helping others, we have a place for you.
• Give Back: Contribute to causes you care about and make a difference in the lives of others.
• Contact Michael on 0414727346 to learn more about how you can get involved and check them out of Facebook.
By Abbey Cannan
to spark important conversations on men’s mental health and start changing lives.
TRIBE: Making Men’s Groups Meaningful will be screened at North Shore Community Centre on Saturday 29 March from 5.30pm.
Thanks to the support of Yariet Peers and the team at Community Bank Marcoola, audiences will enjoy pies from the Maleny Pie Guy and beers from Your Mates Brewing Co. BraveBlokes.TV founder JD said, “After three decades of working in different forms of men’s work, one thing stood out - blokes are great at fixing stuff, but don’t like being fixed or told how to fix themselves.“
The hottest year on record - 2024. National/ world-wide uncontrolled bushfires and fatal floods reported as 1 in 100 year events. Just asking if the world is on track for annual climate change events?
Margaret Wilkie, Peregian Beach
While Cyclone Alfred was a threat to Australian communities, Americanisation of our politics threatens more widespread damage.
Several of our political leaders are being tempted to sip from the cesspool of American politics while our Clive is gulping it down with Trumpet of Patriots.
Why would we blindly mimic American billionaire politics with collateral damage to its citizens and friends abroad?
Instead, we need to inoculate ourselves from the slow-burn effect of a world made safe for autocracy rather than democracy.
Winston Churchill said America can always be counted on to do the right thing after it has tried all other possibilities.
This was during the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The current gang of American politicians and oligarchs are not in FDR’s class and are trying all the possibilities they can get away with by brutal underhand deal-making even with the democracies’ traditional enemies while they penalise traditional allies.
Our politicians should not blindly kowtow to this bullying and irresponsibly sell out the Australian people to private American interests by seeking to implement their billionaire self-serving policies.
Garry Reynolds, Peregian Springs
“What does work though, is men hearing ourselves in other men. In working on ourselves or seeking more meaning in our lives, blokes respond well to a challenge, and that works best when it is in a non-judgemental, safe environment with other blokes just like us, and it’s then a challenge by choice.
“That’s where men’s groups come into the picture, and the focus of this documentary being on the life-saving work of men’s groups in our community.“
With four out of five suicides being men, it’s clear that too many blokes are struggling, losing their way, their will, or, tragically, their lives.
That’s where JD and Lincoln step in.
Their mission isn’t just about keeping men alive, it’s about seeing them thrive.
By creating films that resonate, challenge, and inspire, they’re showing that masculinity isn’t the problem, it’s the key to the solution when shaped with meaning, connection, and purpose.
JD said, “Whist we interviewed each of the men’s groups individually, and each group had its own unique approach, there were consistent themes that emerged around how men support men, how we as a community can get upstream or ahead of the high male suicide rates, and how men deep down, want connection, need mates in their lives, and need to feel they are part of a ’tribe’.“
The upcoming screening of TRIBE is more than just a film night; it’s an opportunity for you to connect with the local men’s groups and blokes from the documentary, reflect on how to meet
men where they are at, and take steps together toward a stronger community.
This is a conversation for all members of the community, including women. Everyone is invited to attend in support of the men in their lives, their families, and the broader community.
• Event details: Marcoola Community Documentary Screening - TRIBE: Making Mens Groups Meaningful
• Enjoy pies from the Maleny Pie Guy and beers from Your Mates Brewing Co (thanks to Community Bank Marcoola)
• Venue: North Shore Community Centre, 701 David Low Way
• Date: Saturday, 29 March
• Times: Doors open 5:30 pm | Screening 6:30 pm
• Book your ticket now at braveblokes.tv/tribe
Over a few Saturdays in late February and early March conversations buzzed and innovative ideas for Noosa’s transport future were sparked.
The events facilitated by ZEN Inc brought together community members in Noosaville and Cooroy to discuss priorities and strategies to reduce car usage and transport emissions in the Noosa Shire.
Attendees agreed on the importance of active transport solutions and improved public transport systems, aiming to create greater connectivity across the Shire, as well as a more sustainable and eco-friendly future for the region. Advocacy and behaviour change through awareness and demonstration were the key strategies identified.
There was a clear demand for improved walking and cycling paths which include shade trees and safely separated bicycle, walking and car lanes. Raised kerbs or barriers between roads and bike paths increase both riders’ safety and confidence. Demonstration pop-up paths, as done in cities around the world, could be a starting point to create excitement about what is possible and help allay safety concerns.
The workshops also identified that safety is better ensured if we can manage car speeds and provide safe road crossings. Quick win solutions such as installing the electronic ‘happy face’ signs to indicate high crossing areas and educating the community on road safety were suggested.
To address traffic congestion, attendees proposed better designated park and ride facilities –coupled with paid parking and EV chargers to encourage tourists to use buses to reach popular destinations. A locals’ pass was suggested, allowing residents to access parking spots and
prioritising parking for workers to ensure their safety and convenience.
Drawing inspiration from Canberra’s system, the workshop suggested bicycle racks on buses. This would enable cyclists to move safely between population centres. Improved bus routing and expanded train services would also
give better connectivity.
Expanding on-demand transport services was another discussion point with the suggestion Noosa join other shires in South-East Queensland that have Translink on-demand buses. Charging a reasonable fee for on-demand services and offering concessions for pension-
ers and medical visits were proposed to fund the service and ensure its sustainability.
Behaviour change was discussed at length. Participants were keen to set up an interactive online portal for sharing ideas from other towns and cities, as well as identifying what is working and what needs improvement here in Noosa.
A demonstration project could, for instance, initially engage with one school community to promote walking or cycling school buses, and safe and shady paths. As one former teacher explained: “Build it and they will come! If you have a safe, shady success story in one school that shows it can be done others will be inspired. Only then can you expect the culture to change.”
Another popular suggestion was for Noosa Council and the community to adopt the United Nations’ World Car Free Day on 22nd September each year. This initiative could focus awareness raising activities, promote walking and cycling, reduce road congestion, and showcase people’s personal stories.
Funding reallocation was also a hot topic. Charging tourists for parking in certain areas or introducing a congestion tax were both suggested, with the revenue used by council to develop active transport infrastructure. This approach aims to balance the impact of tourism with sustainable transport goals.
The workshop concluded with a call for dynamic leadership from the council and community organisations. Participants stressed the importance of advocacy in driving change, drawing inspiration from national and global successful stories like those in Paris.
If you would like to join with ZEN to take forward these ideas contact them on info@zeroemissionsnoosa.com
By Dr Kris Rallah-Baker, Your Local Eye Doctor
Hello and welcome to Sunshine Coast Ophthalmologists, or, SCO as we are more commonly known as.
We understand that eye appointments and procedures are scary to most, and over the years
the team and I have worked hard to create a space that is welcoming, where our patients feel calm, assured and informed whilst always offering exceptional ophthalmic care to our patients in our purpose-built clinic in Noosa, Queensland. Our clinic is equipped with modern state-
of-the-art equipment and our friendly and approachable staff will provide you with quality and timely service.
We are locals who are dedicated to the community and our patients.
See you soon.
To reserve an appointment, please call (07) 5470 2400. For more information, visit sconoosa. com.au/
Find Sunshine Coast Ophthalmologists at Suite 304, 90 Goodchap Street, Noosaville, QLD 4566.
Clinics in: Noosa, Birtinya, Caboolture, Bundaberg
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Treatment is available today.
When the threat of severe weather looms, staying connected can make all the difference.
With power outages a real possibility during storms and the unexpected arrival of a cyclone, having access to vital information is crucial.
Understanding this, Community Bank Tewantin-Noosa, Cooroy, and Marcoola took proactive steps to support our local community by distributing wind-up radios - practical devices designed to keep residents informed when it matters most.
Natural disasters can be unpredictable, and power outages are often a concern. We wanted to provide a practical solution to ensure that our community members could stay informed, even in the event of electricity loss. These radios not only offer access to crucial weather updates and emergency broadcasts but also serve as a backup power source for mobile phones, helping people stay in touch with loved ones and emergency services when it matters most.
Of course, we had limited stock - because let’s be honest, no one expects a cyclone in our part of the world. But when it became clear that preparation was key, we handed out as many as we could, making sure as many community members as possible had an extra layer of security during uncertain times.
Our thoughts are also with the many people across Queensland and njorthern New South Wales who have suffered during this time. We acknowledge the hardships faced by those affected and stand in solidarity with all communities working towards recovery.
As we reflect on this initiative, we hope that these radios helped many residents stay safe and prepared. We are proud to serve a community that looks out for one another, and we remain dedicated to doing everything we can to support our local communities. So, if you value a bank that truly puts community first, why not choose a bank that reinvests in the place you call home? When you bank with us, you’re not just bankingyou’re contributing to a stronger, safer, and more connected community.
you are passionate about what you do, it shows. ERLE LEVEY revisits Avocado Tree Farm at Amamoor to see what organic farmers John and Julia Tidy have been putting their energies into.
When you passionately believe that the product you’re growing is good for the market and great for people, then it cannot help but show through in everything you do.
When you meet Amamoor organic avocado farmer John Tidy you walk away completely taken by his enthusiasm.
John, together with his wife Julia, are always willing to get their hands dirty to maintain the integrity they bring to all aspects of their business.
It is this infectious passion that sets people apart. You sense it in whatever they do.
For John and Julia that includes being passionate about the community in which they live, and proactive in highlighting what the Mary Valley has to offer.
They are also committed to organic farming.
It wasn’t until they came to the Mary Valley more than 20 years ago that John and Julia learned about avocado growing.
With a cattle and sheep background, John thought avocado growing would be a bit easier than working with stock.
Not long afterwards he developed a keen interest in healthy food and sustainable farming.
The decision to go organic was very easy, John said, after having seen the effects of chemicals on soil, on the health of people and on the the environment.
I first visited John and Julia’s place four years ago. We were in the middle of a drought and the Covid pandemic was impacting health as well as business.
How things have changed in that time. The region has seen flooding and fairly consistent rainfall.
The result is lush fields and heavy cropping of fruit in orchards.
We have not used any chemicals on our farm since 2006. I’m passionate about leaving this place 100 times better than when I came.’’
Yet John and Julia have moved to further diversify their interests and add to the economic foundation of their orchard by encouraging people to experience rural life.
Meet Henry and Claudine - two self-contained cabins set on the upper slopes of Avocado
The cabins, built and part-designed by local tradesman Gordon Maudsley, are to encourage guests to appreciate life on a regenerative, certified organic farm in the most picturesque of settings.
The Mary Valley rolls out in front of you, with the Noosa hinterland mountains Cooroora and Cooran as a backdrop.
As well as avocados on the farm there are some mangoes that are in season.
“They saw early pollination and were flowering June,’’ John said. “Often you think despite this they will not set properly.
“This time last year was so dry we only had half the normal crop.’’
John and Julia bought the property in 2003 and since then have added a further 30 acres to make 80 acres.
He likes to remind people about the value of food ... and how it gets from the farm to the plate.
“It’s an amazing valley when you look at what can be grown here.
“I’ve planted new avocado trees and 400 eucalypts on the hill as part of Landcare’s philosophy.
“We have not used any chemicals on our farm since 2006. I’m passionate about leaving this place 100 times better than when I came.’’
It will be April when the avocados come into season.
John admits to making a few mistakes when he started with avocados - such as planting the trees 2m apart when they should have been 5m.
Yet you learn from that and it hasn’t dulled his passion for the level of care of the land and produce, and his belief in organics.
John is determined to present a product that is of nutritional quality and value to the market, and to the community. That means you work hard and get your hands dirty to maintain that integrity and value.
They had two varieties of avocados at the start but now have five, and they come into season at different times through the year.
“There were 300 to start with,’’ John said, “and we planted another 900 for the 80 acres.
“Fuentes are the green, shiny ones and are different from any other variety. You can tell them by the way you can twist the leaves and they have a lemon-myrtle smell.
“Then there are shepard, pinkerton, haas, then wurz. Seventy percent are haas.
“Most people finish picking in November so we finish off with wurz in December-January. That way we are benefitting from having a fruit at Christmas time.
“Supermarkets like them because of the colour and rough skin. People cannot see as many imperfections.
“One avocado can be touched up to 200 times at a supermarket. That is a bit overwhelming.
“The greatest tragedy is that supermarkets are notorious for rejecting imperfect fruit.
“There is nothing wrong with the quality, simply the look.’’
The question, John asks, is why as a nation do we not pay more respect to our farmers, our producers and the regional areas such as the Mary Valley.
“The gap between city and country has grown wider again, despite what Covid showed us. The understanding of what is needed to get food from farm to plate.
“It doesn’t make sense in regional areas where farmers and mothers are among the most important jobs. Mothers raise our children and farmers feed them.
“Service industries have been so ignored.’’ For Julia, the avocado is the most wonderful fruit. They don’t all ripen at the same time so fruit can be taken to market as needed.
“Unlike mangoes that just ripen and drop, we pick to order basically.
“They only ripen when they come off the tree. John does the picking.
“The different varieties ripen at different times. We use stock for grazing among the trees, and hire workers in to help with pruning or mulching.’’
Farm visits have been instigated to help educate on organic farming. It’s also a way to promote the Mary Valley.
Other farm-related operations nearby include Kandanga Farm Store, Forage Farms. Mary Valley Yuzu, Woollahra Homestead, Bunya Grove Produce and Farmstay, just to name a few.
John has a simple philosophy that guides him on the property as well as in life.
“Plant a tree and you will nurture it. If someone else does, you can appreciate it.
“I’ve changed the way I think about farming. I’ve moved from chemical spray and synthetic fertiliser in the pursuit of a healthier way of life ... healthier soil, healthier environment, healthier people.’’
John uses biodynamic methods that focus on nurturing the soil - soil that is rich in microbes, organisms, nutrients and trace elements.
The result, he said, was robust trees more resistant to pests and disease.
Non-chemical liquid fertiliser is put through the irrigation system while mulching helps with weed control.
There is a group of fellow organic growers in the region, stretching from Cootharaba and Cooloola to Dagun and Gilldora.
John attributes Tim and Amber Scott at Kandanga Farm Store as having been the catalyst for his organic farming journey, and the way they have been encouraging growers in area.
John is still planting the hills in trees for timber, native animals and wildlife.
He is passionate about cover crops and mi-
crobes, to improve the soil health.
“That’s my passion. It’s so important to renourish the soil.’’
That brings us to their latest project - the two cabins, Henry and Claudine.
They are a consistent cash-flow for the year,’’ Julia said, “to allow us to diversify from avocados.’’
After talking about it for a long time and levelling a site, the time to act became right.
“A tiny home became available on a farm,’’ John said. “Gordon checked it and said it was right for what we needed.
“It was just a sketch in my brain then Gordon made it happen.’’
The cabins are popular with couples mainly, but a family can be accommodated.
They have been furnished in a rural, rustic style to suit the setting.
“We did not want anything to detract from the view,’’ Julie said, “... it’s 180-degrees of the Mary Valley.
“The fresh air and natural light - whether sunrise or moonrise. People can sit out at the fire pits and enjoy what’s around them.
“If people want air-conditioning and all the mod-cons then they best try somewhere else.’’
Julie, who comes from a teaching background, said The Avocado Tree Farm cabins were showing great potential with bookings.
There have been wedding parties that have stayed .... even a proposal.
The cabins provide an off-grid experience - a way to disconnect from the world and reconnect with nature.
Fitted out with sustainability in mind, the cabins feature solar panels, eco-friendly products and recycled timber.
bedroom configurations.
More than 120 species of birds call Amamoor home - from eagles soaring overhead to stubble quails tumbling over each other to feed on grass seeds around the houses.
On clear mornings you can follow the progress of hot air balloons as they float across the sky. Watch the Mary Valley Rattler steam train make its way through the landscape. Go for a walk to the top of the range for a 360-degree view.
If you do that walk, and take in the view at sun-
rise, you cannot help but feel inspired. It’s as if you are on top of the world.
Someone who knows John Tidy and his outlook, describes him so well: Resilient, irrepressible, kind, giving ... giving of time, giving of knowledge, giving of spirit.
That’s John Tidy. He does things from a kind heart.
His message is simple: Buy local - support farmers and local businesses.
Inside, is a stocked kitchenette and different
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Over 76
10, Saturday, 7.30pm
Network 10 has seen the potential in loving this Foxtel favourite, bringing the first season, filmed in 2017, to free-to-air TV. The show sees real estate whiz Andrew Winter and interior designer Neale Whitaker (both pictured) meet couples at odds over what to do with a house that no longer fits their lives. While Winter is all for listing properties so the homeowners can move to a place more suited to their needs, Whitaker believes in finding potential by renovating their current home, so it can once again be a place that they love to live in. Tonight, mum-of-three Natalie wants to swap her cluttered Coburg North home for a life in Queensland, but husband Matt thinks Melbourne is a better fit for their daughters.
ABC TV, Sunday, 7.30pm
This serendipitous crime-solving series finds ex-detective Jack (Bryan Brown) and widowed English nurse Joan (Greta Scacchi, pictured with Brown) back on the road for its second season. This time, the travelling companions are on the hunt for answers about Jack’s past, hoping to clear his name and remove a dark cloud hanging over his career. As they travel through the picturesque landscapes of Queensland together, solving mysteries from town to town, the pair’s relationship is also put to the test. Tonight’s premiere brings them into the orbit of brothers Doug (Martin Sacks) and Ellory (Gary Sweet), at war over their family farm. Debra Lawrence is a force to be reckoned with as Anna, a woman from Jack’s past.
SBS Food, Monday, 7pm
Good food, great company and quality chats around the kitchen bench – this easygoing and friendly format keeps it simple. As MasterChefwinner Adam Liaw begins his eighth season in the CookUpkitchen tonight, it’s clearly a recipe for success. Sarah McLeod and Guy Sebastian (both pictured with Liaw, centre) are his first guests, sharing their favourite weeknight dishes while telling Liaw about their songwriting processes and how they eat on tour. Liaw’s opening act is a tasty stir-fry utilising wood ear mushrooms, capsicum and egg; which is followed by the episode’s headliners: Sebastian makes his mum’s mango curry, while McLeod shares her go-to dinner: chilli, tuna and tomato farfalle pasta.
SBS Viceland, Tuesday, 8.30pm
A popular concept in Europe, the “citybreak” – a short holiday spent in a nearby metropolis – doesn’t net quite the same immediate cultural change for us Aussies, who could easily spend a 48-hour round trip entirely in transit. Luckily, TravelManhost Joe Lycett and his little black book of comedians are here to whizz around these destinations for us in just two days. The 13th season begins tonight in Malaga, on Spain’s Costa Del Sol, with Irish keyboard aficionado David O’Doherty (pictured, right, with Lycett). Armed with all the sunscreen they can carry, the funnymen visit the city’s oldest chip shop, imbibe at an old haunt of Pablo Picasso’s and put O’Doherty’s sea legs to the test.
ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7)
6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News
Mornings. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30
The Pacific. (R) 11.00 The Newsreader. (Madl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miriam
Margolyes In New Zealand. (Ml, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (R) 2.55 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
NINE (8, 9)
TEN (5, 1)
5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.20 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 9.50 Food Markets. (R) 10.50 Our Coast. (PG, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Hungry For More: Spain. (PG, R) 4.35 Jeopardy! 4.55 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.25 Mastermind Aust. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R) 2.00 Suits L.A. (Ma, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Dying For A Crown. (2022, Madv) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.30 WIN News. 6.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. (PGas) 7.00 Frugal Foodie. (R) 7.30
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Gardening Australia.
8.30 Under The Vines. Daisy and Louis try to steal William’s thunder.
9.20 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) A satirical news program.
9.50 Hard Quiz. (PGa, R)
10.20 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R)
10.50 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (PG, R)
11.35 ABC Late News. 11.55 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 12.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.30 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 James May: Our Man In Italy. (M) 8.30 Tony Robinson’s Marvellous Machines: Mechanical Menagerie. (Ma, R) 9.25 Mysteries Of The Ancient Dead: Qin Shi Tomb, Soma, Chinchorro. (PG)
10.20 SBS World News Late. 10.50 A Body That Works. (Premiere, Ma) 11.50 Sisi. (MA15+ds, R) 12.45 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 6. 2.45 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (PGaw, R) 3.50 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour Scandinavia Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Johanna Griggs meets up with Annie Smithers.
8.30 MOVIE: The Green Mile. (1999, MA15+av, R) An elderly man recalls his time as a prison guard where he befriended a man with an unusual gift. Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, David Morse.
12.10 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R)
1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 5.00 NBC Today.
7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes And Gardens. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 2.30 Sydney Weekender. 3.00 DVine Living. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Bargain
6.00 9News.
7.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 2. Penrith Panthers v Sydney Roosters.
8.55 Golden Point. A wrap-up of the Penrith Panthers versus Sydney Roosters match, with news and analysis.
9.45 MOVIE: Tango & Cash. (1989, Mlv, R)
Two rival Los Angeles detectives serve time in jail after being framed by an underworld crime boss. Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell.
11.40 The First 48: Dead Stop/ Uninvited. (Malv, R)
12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Fish Forever. (PGl, R)
9GEM (81, 92)
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.
6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton chats with celebrities.
9.50 Tom Gleeson: Lighten Up. (Mls, R) Stand-up comedy by Tom Gleeson. 11.00 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.25 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.20 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R)
ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7)
6.00 Rage Charts. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News
At Noon. 12.30 Death In Paradise. (PG, R) 1.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 2.00 Under The Vines. (R) 2.45 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 3.40 The Role Of A Lifetime. (PGns, R) 4.30 Muster Dogs: Collies And Kelpies. (Final, PG, R) 5.30 Landline. (R)
6.00 Australian Story: Hooked
– Dave Hughes. (R) A profile of comedian Dave Hughes.
6.30 Back Roads: Wheelbarrow Way, QLD. (PG, R) Joe O’Brien heads to Far North Queensland.
7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.
7.30 Death In Paradise. (PG) Neville investigates a crypto-related death.
8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) DCI Vera Stanhope finds herself drawn into a mystery that brings her closer to her estranged family than she would like when a woman’s body is found in the grounds of her family’s home.
10.00 The Newsreader. (Final, Ml, R) Dale and Helen turn to each other for support.
11.00 Unforgotten. (Final, Mal, R) A second victim is linked to the case. 11.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 The World From Above. (PG, R) 11.00 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Surf Life Saving. Surf Life Saving Interstates. Highlights. 4.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Men. Highlights. 4.30 Plat Du Tour. (R) 4.35 Light Years: Olive Cotton. (R) 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator. 6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) Highlights from the past week. 11.30 Horse Racing. Coolmore Classic and Peter Young Stakes. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Creek To Coast. A look at the latest in outdoor activities.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 The Wonders Of Europe: The Pantheon Of Rome. Looks at the Pantheon of Rome.
8.30 Blenheim: The People Behind The Palace. (Premiere) Apprentice George, who is opening the Palace, helps Kate and the team remove a pigeon before the coaches of visitors arrive.
9.25 Ray Martin: The Last Goodbye. (PGa, R) Ray Martin begins planning his own funeral.
10.25 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Forvie To Peterhead. (PG, R) 11.25 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 7. 1.25 All Those Things We Never Said. (Ml, R) 2.40 Love Your Garden. (PGa, R) 3.35 Babies: Their Wonderful World. (R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am WorldWatch.
6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A passenger has two extra passports in his bag.
7.30 MOVIE: RED. (2010, Mlv, R) A retired CIA agent is attacked by a hit squad. Bruce Willis, Mary-Louise Parker.
9.45 MOVIE: Atomic Blonde. (2017, MA15+lsv, R) An MI6 agent is sent to Berlin to investigate the murder of a fellow agent and recover a missing list of operatives. Charlize Theron, James McAvoy.
12.05 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 1. Highlights.
1.05 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R)
2.00 To Be Advised.
4.00 It’s Academic. (R)
5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)
10.00 The Movie Show. Noon Searching For Masculinity. 1.10 My 3D Printed Ghost Gun. 1.40 Beyond Oak Island. 2.30 Ten Year Old Tom. 3.00 Celebrity Mastermind. 4.05 News. 4.10 WorldWatch. 6.05 Our Law. 6.40 Engineering Tomorrow. (Premiere) 7.35 Impossible Engineering. 8.30 Fatboy Slim: Right Here Right Now. 10.10 Hudson & Rex. 11.50 Late Programs. 6am Shopping. 8.30 Better Homes. 10.00 Medical Emergency. 10.30 GetOn
Shaolin Soccer. (2001, PG, Cantonese) 8.10 Mary And The Witch’s Flower. (2017, PG) 10.00 The Lighthorsemen. (1987, M) 12.10pm Healing. (2014, M) 2.20 On The Waterfront. (1954, PG) 4.20 Viceroy’s House. (2017, PG) 6.20 A Room With A View. (1985, PG) 8.30 Mystic River. (2003, MA15+) 11.10 Shame. (2011, MA15+) 1am The Last Samurai. (2003, MA15+) 3.50 Late Programs.
6am Morning Programs. Noon The 4WD Adventure Show. 12.30 Timbersports. 1.00 Blokesworld. 1.30 Cool Cars & Bikes. 2.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 3.00 Motor Racing. National Drag Racing Championship. Round 2. New Year Nitro. 4.00 Carnage. 5.00 Football. AFL. Round 1. Sydney v Brisbane Lions. 8.00 Storage Wars. 8.30 MOVIE: Total Recall. (1990, MA15+) 10.55 Late Programs.
6.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Destination WA. 12.30 My Way. (PG, R) 1.00 Let’s Eat
6.00 9News Saturday.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Space Invaders. (PG) The team helps a woman.
8.30 MOVIE: San Andreas. (2015, Mlv, R)
A rescue helicopter pilot searches for his daughter following a massive earthquake. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario.
10.45 MOVIE: Volcano. (1997, Mv, R) A volcano threatens Los Angeles. Tommy Lee Jones. 12.40 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R)
1.30 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R)
2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG)
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop. (R)
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG, R)
6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGdl, R) A surfer is treated for a spinal injury. 6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Mark Coles Smith. 7.30 Love It Or List It Australia. A couple disagree on whether to leave Coburg North.
8.30 Gogglebox Australia. (R) TV fanatics open up their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows. 9.30 Matlock. (PGadl, R) Olympia and Julian clash while representing opposing parties. Matty manipulates the firm’s security system for personal gain. 10.30 Elsbeth. (PGv, R) Elsbeth investigates an app CEO. 11.30 FBI. (Mv, R) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.
Racing. FIA World Endurance C’ship. Qatar 1812 km. H’lights. 2.15 Inside The Superbrands. 3.15 Ben Fogle: Starting Up Starting Over. 4.15 Young Sheldon. 5.45 MOVIE: Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. (2009) 7.30 MOVIE: Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian. (2009, PG) 9.40 MOVIE: The Beverly Hillbillies. (1993) 11.40 Late Programs.
(R) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Monty Don’s Adriatic Gardens. (Final, R) 3.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (PG, R) 4.15 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 5.05 A Dog’s World With Tony Armstrong. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.05 The Autistic Gardener. (R) 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Ageless Gardens. (R) 12.00 Cycling. ProVelo Super League. Round 5. 3.30 PBS Washington Week. 3.55 Swan Football. (R) 4.00 Yachting. Vendee Globe. Highlights. 5.00 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Strade Bianche Women. Highlights. 5.30 Hitler: Decoding A Dictator. (PG)
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 Darby And Joan. (Return, PGa) Jack and Joan encounter two warring brothers.
8.20 Unforgotten. (Return, Madl) When a spine is dredged out of Whitney Marsh, a new case begins for Jess and Sunny’s team.
9.05 Boat Story. (Premiere, MA15+alv) When two strangers discover a haul of cocaine on a washed-up boat, luck soon turns to misfortune.
10.05 MOVIE: The Turning. (2013, MA15+al, R) Colin Friels.
1.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.00 Ask The Doctor. (PG, R) 3.30 Outback Ringer. (PG, R) 4.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Ancient Greece By Train: Cyclades To Turkey. (PG) Professor Alice Roberts tours ancient sites.
8.25 Alhambra: At The Crossroads Of Cultures. Looks at the city of Alhambra in Granada.
9.30 King Tut: Allies And Enemies. (PGa, R) A look at the mysteries of Tutankhamun’s life.
10.30 Death In The Tower: King Richard. (Mav, R)
11.30 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 1.30 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Paris-Nice Race. Stage 8. From France. 3.30 Love Your Garden. (PGal, R) 4.25 Bamay. (R) 4.55 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Small Business Secrets. 10.00 The Movie Show. 12.10pm Figure Skating. ISU Grand Prix. Internationaux de France. H’lights. 1.45 Fringes. 2.45 Jeopardy! 4.50 WorldWatch. 5.20 PBS Washington Week. 5.45 Domino Masters. 6.40 Abandoned Engineering. 7.35 Abandoned Americana. 8.30 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 10.10 WWE Legends. 11.45 Late Programs.
6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer. (R) 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Weekender. Takes a look at a variety of leisure options.
6.00 Seven News.
7.00 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie. 8.10 The Hunters: Rentakill. (M) Adam Shand and Steve van Aperen examine notorious underworld hit man Christopher Dale Flannery.
9.40 Ivan Milat: Buried Secrets. (MA15+av, R) Takes a look at evidence that Ivan Milat may have been responsible for more murders.
11.40 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship. Round 2. Melbourne Supersprint. Day 2. Highlights. 12.10 The Bay. (Malv, R) 1.10 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 To Be Advised.
3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
7TWO (72)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 10.30 DVine Living. 11.00 I Escaped To The Country. Noon Escape To The Country. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 3.30 Better Homes. 4.30 I Escaped To The Country. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Vera. 10.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 11.30 Late Programs.
6.00 Hello SA. (PG,
6.00 9News Sunday.
7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) The fallout from partner swap continues.
8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.
9.40 9News Late.
10.10 See No Evil: The Wrong Woman. (MA15+av) Detectives uncover a tangled murder plot.
11.10 The First 48: Cruel Intentions. (Ma)
12.00 World’s Greatest Transportation Marvels. (PG, R)
1.00 Destination WA. (PG)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Drive TV: Drive Car Of The Year. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 The Sunday Project. Joins panellists for a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics.
7.00 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor.
8.30 Matlock. (PGad) An important class-action lawsuit leads the team to investigate a sorority. Matty brings Alfie with her to work.
9.30 FBI. (Masv) The team races to find a human trafficking victim after their sting operation goes sideways. Maggie makes a connection with a 911 operator. 11.30 The Sunday Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6am Children’s Programs. 5.40pm Kiri And Lou. 5.45 Tish Tash. 5.50 Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Moominvalley. 8.00 Horrible Histories. 8.30 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.10 Abbott Elementary. 9.55 Speechless. 10.20 Merlin. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.15pm MOVIE: Combat Wombat. (2020, PG) 3.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 4.00 Young Sheldon. 5.30 MOVIE: The LEGO Ninjago Movie. (2017, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Shazam! Fury Of The Gods. (2023, M) 10.00 MOVIE: Fast Five. (2011,
TODAY Friday, 14 March, 2025
6am Morning Programs. 7.00 Leading The Way. 7.30 In Touch. 8.00 Beyond Today. 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 Turning Point. 9.30 TV Shop. 10.00 AFL Sunday Footy Show. Noon Getaway. 12.30 Avengers. 1.30 Dad’s Army. 2.00 MOVIE: West Of Zanzibar. (1954) 4.00 MOVIE: What Did You Do In The War, Daddy? (1966, PG) 6.30 M*A*S*H. 8.30 MOVIE: The Fugitive. (1993, M) 11.10 Late Programs.
There isn’t another Noosa. It’s position and natural environment have seen this wonderful part of Australia’s eastern coastline become highly sought and valued.
To see the full moon rise over Laguna Bay virtually assures that you will return… to live or to visit again.
To live, to work and to play here has been the stepping stones of my life.
For many years I have been lucky enough to be immersed in the community and be fully engaged in one of the most vibrant property markets you can imagine.
As a result I work with many real estate agents and get to see some remarkable propertieseither as property writer or working with architects, designers and builders.
The Noosa property market is now regarded as being balanced between providing a fair environment for both buyers and sellers.
There are some amazing houses across all areas and price points.
From the waterfront of Noosa Sound and Noosa Waters, to the beachfront and hinterland.
Stand for a moment in any of the main streets and look around at the quality of our built environment.
There is everything here - from shopping and services, community organisations and cultural events, schools and sporting, and the glorious wilderness of the national parks and state forests. What stands out is the love and respect residents have for Noosa and its natural appeal.
When you think about it, why would you live anywhere else?
Turn the page to meet some of our local real estate agents.
--- By Erle Levey ---
Tom leads a dedicated team of 24 skilled agents, all with a proven track record of delivering exceptional results. What sets them apart is their collaborative approach to achieving higher prices and faster sales. When you list with Tom Offerman Real Estate, the entire team, including Tom, personally inspects your property and works together to secure the best possible outcome. Their success is also driven by strong connections, an extensive buyer database, and prominent exposure through their prime office locations at Noosa Sound and Hastings Street. Whether it’s a luxury home or a cozy cottage, every property benefits from their expertise and top-tier marketing strategies that have made Tom Offerman Real Estate the number one choice on the Sunshine Coast. If you’re thinking of selling, they’re the team to call.
0412 711 888 (07) 5449 2500 www.offermann.com.au tom@offermann.com.au
For Zoe, real estate is more than a transaction—it’s an emotional journey filled with change, nostalgia, and growth for both sellers and buyers. Having been on both sides herself, she understands this deeply and approaches every interaction with empathy, care, and genuine connection.
Zoe’s negotiation skills and real estate expertise ensure sellers get the best deal possible. However, it’s her warmth and holistic approach that truly set her apart, offering clients a life-changing experience that goes beyond the sale. As one happy vendor said, “We know a good real estate agent when we see one. And Zoe is the best!”
Her approach is built on honesty, attention to detail, expert communication, and strong sales and marketing skills. Her positivity and passion for real estate always shine through.
Zoe’s other love is the ocean—whether catching sunrise waves or ending the day with a swim, it’s her happy place. After touring Australia, her family settled on the Sunshine Coast, living footsteps from the beach and fulfilling a lifelong dream.
For Zoe, success is seeing her two daughters happy and proud—a true source of fulfillment.
0428 329 291 (07) 5449 2500
www.offermann.com.au zoe@offermann.com.au
Julie is a very experienced Real Estate Agent and has been with Tom Offermann Real Estate for two decades. She loves meeting people and given her knowledge of the area, it’s easy to sell the lifestyle and beauty of Noosa.
‘I treat the sale of any vendor’s property just like my own. The sellers are number one and I am highly motivated to do the best job possible. It’s an honour and privilege to be given this opportunity and I am obligated to negotiate the absolute best result’. Julie understands the importance of working in a team environment especially when everyone is so enthusiastic and inspiring. I’m often asked if it is a lonely industry, but not here. As a team, including administration, IT and our In-House Media Team we support each other and celebrate achievements. Tom’s guidance, encouragement and attention to detail is of course paramount to the success of the Agency and the Agents.
With decades of experience and ongoing skills development, Luke stays sharp. He knows that patience and level-headedness are crucial, particularly in negotiations. Behind his eversmiling, easy-going demeanour is a fierce competitive spirit. He thrives in environments with smart leadership that fosters hard work while discouraging arrogance and complacency.
Vivacious Eliza Coppin, raised on the Sunshine Coast, starts her day with high energy—taking her kids to the beach, paddling in the shallows, and soaking in the fresh, salty air surrounded by Noosa’s natural beauty.
Before finding family bliss, Eliza pursued a dream role in Melbourne with a leading airline. She later honed her exceptional communication skills as an emergency 000 call-taker and police/SES radio dispatcher. Managing emergency responses taught her to ask the right questions, listen actively, and stay calm under pressure.
Returning to Noosa to raise her family, Eliza brought her talents to Tom Offermann Real Estate. Her passion for making a difference in the industry is evident through her organisational skills, attention to detail, and dedication to delivering structured marketing campaigns.
Eliza thrives on the excitement of a Tom Offermann Real Estate auction, describing the experience as an “adrenaline rush.” She loves seeing the sparkle in buyers’ eyes as they imagine calling Noosa home, bringing her warmth and professionalism to every step of the journey.
live this dream every day—and how true that turned out to be.”
Nic’s days start early—whether it’s a swim at Noosa Main Beach, a walk through Noosa National Park, or cycling along Noosa River with his kids, his energy is always at full throttle. With an effusive personality, Nic is patient yet tenacious, known for sharp negotiation skills, lateral thinking, and total dedication to his clients. He believes they are as exclusive as the properties he presents.
Nic thrives on sharing market knowledge, listening to clients’ needs, and delivering clear strategies through open communication. His focus is on matching buyers and sellers locally and globally, always aiming to exceed expectations and achieve the best market prices.
He’s a strong advocate for auctions, finding them rewarding when a well-orchestrated marketing plan—often leveraging Tom Offermann Real Estate’s vast database—leads to premium sales.
Admiring principal Tom Offermann’s leadership, Nic has contributed significantly to the company’s success, earning top-selling agent status multiple times.
Since making Noosa home in 2001, Nic’s love for the idyllic lifestyle and safe, natural environment has only grown. For him, there’s no better place to do business and raise a family.
0421 785 512 (07) 5449 2500 www.offermann.com.au
Chris’ clients often comment on his enthusiasm, professionalism, and his genuine and engaging approach. As much as anything though, his clients appreciate the results Chris achieves.
His 15 years of experience in property marketing and sales includes managing a national property marketing business before joining the Offermann team in 2019.
Chris’ demonstrated track record of outstanding sales results, from entry-level investments to some of Noosa’s most impressive prestige homes, is thanks to his passion for Noosa property and the instinct and skills required to employ savvy marketing strategies and negotiate tenaciously.
His dedication to perfecting every facet of the job is immediately apparent – to optimise every part of the process, and ensure no stone is left unturned in working to achieve the strongest sale result.
When not in the office, you’ll find Chris paddling the Noosa River or enjoying glorious Main Beach with his family.
“For my wife and I, raising a family in this community genuinely feels like living the dream. After growing up in Noosa myself, seeing our children enjoying the same lifestyle and natural environment is very special.”
Chris Miller
0412 894 542
(07) 5449 2500
www.offermann.com.au chris@offermann.com.au
Beau Lamshed’s honesty, consistency, and determination quickly earned him a spot on the Courier Mail/Sunshine Coast Daily’s Rising Leaders in Real Estate list—just six months into his career change. With a background in healthcare, community development, and business, his success feels natural. A former peer described him as a “specialist in human nature,” highlighting Beau’s people-first approach, a valued trait in the industry.
When Beau started in real estate, a friend joked, “Be good enough that one day Tom Offermann asks you to come onboard!” Today, the Brisbane kid pinches himself, grateful for the opportunity to learn from a master businessman like Tom and refine his real estate skills.
Beau is hands-on in every transaction, from managing buyers to maintaining clear communication with sellers. He drives marketing strategies, ensuring each property is perfectly positioned for maximum exposure through the agency’s 30-year-strong database. His professionalism, transparency, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction set him apart.
Outside of work, Beau, his wife Debbie, and their three energetic boys love life in Noosaville. They spend weekends kayaking, cycling, and exploring the hinterland. When time allows, Beau indulges his passion for composing music on his white grand piano.
0402 699 303 (07) 5449 2500 www.offermann.com.au beau@offermann.com.au
Erica’s daily routine is a blend of health, family, community, and service, fueling her drive to achieve and repeat.
Born in Seattle to a family of successful realtors, real estate has always been in her blood. With a Bachelor of Business and Marketing, Erica moved to Australia in 2005, where after 14 years in Sydney’s prestigious real estate market and co-founding My First Gym with her husband, Dan, the natural beauty of Noosa drew them in.
Now with Tom Offermann Real Estate, Erica helps clients realise their dream lifestyle or investment in Noosa. She values the agency’s collaborative approach, which maximises results through constant learning, digital marketing, and staying updated on market trends.
Erica’s focus is on building trust with clients, through her strong work ethic, attention to detail, and clear communication. For Erica, it’s about creating long-term relationships and turning property transactions into clients for life.
Outside of work, Erica’s active in the community, volunteering at her kids’ school, fundraising for Ovarian Cancer, and participating in fitness events and Noosa Run Group races. She’s truly unstoppable!
Erica Newton
exceptional service, clear communication, and skilled negotiations. His expertise in finance and acquisitions, combined with Tom Offermann Real Estate’s streamlined systems, ensures success in every transaction.
In 2024, Adam surpassed $58 million in property sales, becoming Noosa’s highest-transacting new agent by
for the Noosa Triathlon—often sharing the best of Noosa with friends.
Rebekah Offermann reflects fondly on childhood memories growing up in Noosa. With the beach and Noosa National Park at her doorstep, days were filled with bike rides to the surf or rowing and sailing on the Noosa River. Her later travels provided a fuller appreciation of how privileged the Noosa lifestyle really is.
With a business degree in advertising and public relations under her belt, Rebekah began her career with international ad agencies, focusing on luxury property developments.
Armed with leading-edge marketing skills, together with a finely tuned real estate acumen inspired by her father’s leadership and vision, Rebekah’s annual sales now exceed $100,000,000. As one of Queensland’s top agents she insists “It is not about numbers, it’s about people and making sure they get the best price for their real estate.”
Rebekah’s tenacity and thoroughness ensure every day in paradise is a success, connecting the dots between happy clients and beautiful properties, and doing everything she can to make her clients’ lifestyle dreams come true.
0413 044 241
(07) 5449 2500
Brisbane-born Clare brings infectious enthusiasm, a zest for life, and a wealth of experience to real estate. A devoted mother and licensed agent, she began her career with Harvey Norman as an executive assistant at HQ. After buying her first property in 2003, Clare moved to Noosa Heads, where her passion for real estate led her to build rental portfolios across Mackay, Brisbane, and the Sunshine Coast.
Her experience as a property and business owner, along with firsthand knowledge of transitions like downsizing and relocating, inspired Clare to shift to residential sales. She offers clients a genuine, empathetic service, combining her expertise with a matchmaker’s touch—there’s nothing she loves more than seeing buyers find “the one.”
Clare considers Tom Offermann a mentor, admiring his work ethic and the energy he brings to the 20+ team. She is calm, patient, and approachable, nurturing strong relationships with every client.
When not working, Clare enjoys F45 workouts, cheering on her boys at soccer, tending to her chickens, and paddleboarding around Noosa River—always with family at the heart of everything she does.
0402 903 733 (07) 5449 2500
Every day is exciting for Tracy, as she thrives on creating opportunities and giving 100%. “If I’m not moving forward and achieving goals, I feel deflated,” she says.
Having moved to Noosa over 30 years ago, Tracy loves real estate and strives to go beyond a standard transaction, focusing on integrity and transparency. She is dedicated to achieving the best possible price for her clients and presents every property as if it were her own.
Tracy has won multiple Rate my Agent awards, the most recent being honored as 2025 Agent of the Year for Peregian Beach, following previous wins for Peregian Beach 2024 and Marcus Beach for 2018, 2021 & 2022. She values the referrals she receives, considering them a reward for exceptional and consistent service.
The natural beauty of Noosa and its peaceful environment are what keep Tracy here. She enjoys walking along the beach, exploring the national park, and being involved in local activities with her family. For Tracy, there’s no better place to live or work.
0413 319 879 (07) 5449 2500 www.offermann.com.au tracy@offermann.com.au
his wife Clare, also a fully licensed real estate agent, Patrick established a respected residential property management company in Mackay, Brisbane, and Noosa Heads. The move to Tom Offermann Real Estate was a natural progression, aligning his expertise with a renowned brand. Patrick is a skilled communicator who collaborates
I started selling in 1995 and one could say my real estate career had a wobbly start,” a determined Eric recalled. “For two years on numerous occasions, I whined about quitting the job many times and nearly succumbed. And remember there was no Internet, no mobile phones and working hours were much longer and 6-7 days was a norm.
Fast forward more than 25 years, Eric’s hard work paid off.
“My clients, many of whom have become dear friends, now form a solid part of my database and network. From buying and selling humble brick and tile homes to prestige, luxurious and highend homes designed by renowned architects and owned by sports stars and CEOs, all clients want the same qualities in a real estate agent - integrity and honesty. Without them there’s no longevity in the business.
property as an honor, offering integrity, communication, and a supportive approach to sales.
Jesse believes patience, perseverance, attention to detail, and exceeding expectations are key to success. His commitment has earned him a spot among the top performers at Tom Offermann Real Estate, the Sunshine Coast’s leading agency.
Working alongside a team of powerhouse agents, Jesse provides clients access to one of Noosa’s largest active buyer databases, thanks to the agency’s collaborative culture.
With a track record in negotiating everything from budget investments to luxury homes, Jesse’s ability to execute tailored, strategic marketing campaigns delivers exceptional results. His relaxed style doesn’t hinder his ability to close deals successfully.
“Every morning, I feel lucky to call Noosa home,” says Jesse, who appreciates the lifestyle after years with the Royal Australian Navy. He’s proud to work with Noosa’s most recognised real estate brand, helping clients move into the next chapter of their lives.
With nearly two decades of experience, Damien’s commitment to integrity, care, and excelling in all market conditions has earned him the trust of Noosa locals. From navigating the GFC to Covid, his reputation has been built on consistent client service.
A key piece of his success was joining Tom Offermann Real Estate, a nationally recognised brand with strong local roots. “Tom’s leadership and calm presence resonate with me,” says Damien, admiring Tom’s community involvement and the agency’s highly skilled team.
Damien understands that selling a property is one of life’s biggest decisions, often involving much-loved family homes or investment properties. His empathetic, approachable style ensures that clients receive attention, care, and expert guidance from planning through to sale. Damien works closely with marketing colleagues to maximise each property’s value, especially when it comes to auction day.
A dedicated early riser, Damien supports his daughter Sienna’s training, enjoys beach walks with his dog, and keeps a close watch on the local real estate market. Outside of work, he’s an active community member, a coach, and a proud AFL fan.
He says, “Noosa’s lifestyle is unmatched, and I’m grateful to call it home.”
Peter’s strong work ethic and attention to detail were instilled at a young age, with multiple part-time jobs and helping in the family business. These traits led to a successful career in aviation, spanning two decades and several countries.
Starting as an Aircraft Technician with the Royal New Zealand Air Force, Peter quickly moved to major airlines like Qantas and Boeing. But after moving to Noosa in 2012, Peter decided to shift focus for a better worklife balance. He left aviation and pursued real estate, building on his passion for property and his experience from the family business and years of investment.
A chance meeting with Tom Offermann opened the door to a successful real estate career. Peter’s commitment to hard work, listening to clients, and achieving successful outcomes has earned him a solid reputation built on patience, honesty, integrity, and a touch of humor.
Outside work, Peter enjoys early walks with his dog, surfing, mountain biking, and fishing with his family. He loves Noosa’s natural beauty, saying, “It really is an amazing place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Peter TeWhata
0423 972 034 (07) 5449 2500
Roark’s success in real estate comes from his dedication to vendors, his belief in Noosa’s long-term potential, and his enthusiasm for auctions where multiple buyers compete openly for properties. With a background in marketing and hospitality, including owning restaurants, Roark excels in people skills, negotiation, and attention to detail. His passion for local real estate led him to Tom Offermann, who became his mentor. “Tom’s name is synonymous with high-end real estate,” Roark says, recalling his upbringing on Hastings Street and membership at the Noosa Heads Surf Life Saving Club. “He’s a great negotiator and always available for strategy discussions.”
Roark values Tom’s leadership, work ethic, and the competitive team environment at Tom Offermann Real Estate, which plays a big part in his success. Being part of Noosa’s leading agency gives Roark the edge over competitors, making it exciting and rewarding to help buyers and sellers achieve outstanding results.
0437 447 804
(07) 5449 2500 www.offermann.com.au roark@offermann.com.au
With deep roots in Noosa, Tiffany Wilson is a true local expert specialising in real estate across Noosa Heads, Noosaville, and Sunshine Beach. Her extensive knowledge of the region’s properties and lifestyle, combined with a proven track record, makes her a trusted choice for clients. Tiffany has achieved multiple $10M+ sales and recently sold Queensland’s highest residential sale in 2024 at $30M. Her tailored, professional service and comprehensive market knowledge consistently deliver results.
Known for her marketing expertise, attention to detail, and clear communication, Tiffany ensures every client’s goals are met. Whether buying, selling, or simply staying informed, Tiffany and the Tom Offermann team are ready to assist.
For Tiffany, real estate is about people, not just properties. She builds lasting relationships based on trust and consistently exceeds expectations, with many clients returning for her exceptional service.
Tiffany Wilson
0468 922 519 (07) 5449 2500
With a calm and professional demeanor, Cameron’s positive, low-pressure approach and expertise in negotiation have earned him a reputation for keeping deals on track. He values teamwork, working with the Tom Offermann Real Estate team for 15 years to achieve the best possible outcomes for clients.
Specialising in
With 22 years of real estate success in Noosa Shire, Roger Omdahl has built a reputation that speaks for itself, but don’t just take his word for it. His clients consistently praise his strategic approach, marketing expertise, and negotiation finesse that deliver top-dollar results. See just 2 of his 38, 5-Star reviews!
“Extremely professional and honest with exceptional communication and attention to detail. We couldn’t have hoped for a better experience for our sale, given we felt the tide had turned on the property market. I believe we received a record price and to say we were over the moon with our result is an understatement. Roger was so thorough, communicated with us right through the process, and honestly it was a very good experience for us, given how stressful it can be. We cannot thank Roger enough and Laguna Real Estate, what an exceptional business. Thank you!” – Seller
“Roger helped me with both the purchase and sale of my property. On both occasions he was extremely helpful as it was my first time dealing with purchasing and selling a property. He had unlimited patience with me and was always willing to take time and explain things to me clearly when I didn’t quite understand the legal jargon. Roger is a gentleman and an ultimate professional and I would recommend him highly to anyone looking for someone to handle their property.” – Seller If you’re looking for an agent with experience, integrity, energy and a proven track record, give Roger a call today.
As a seasoned professional Ruth has over 30 years’ experience in administration spanning creative and corporate industries. In 2017 she discovered an unwavering passion for real estate and embarked on a journey to immerse herself in every facet of the industry, from administration to property management and sales.
Ruth’s diverse experience has cultivated a robust foundation, seamlessly transitioning her into the realm of sales. Her profound love for the Noosa hinterland, coupled with her deep-rooted local insights, is an invaluable asset for her clients. She genuinely loves the community in which she lives and finds true fulfillment in helping people.
Leveraging her extensive knowledge and passion for real estate to achieve brilliant results. Ruth’s expertise promises an exceptional journey for those buying or selling properties in the region.
Kess Prior exemplifies an unwavering dedication to her clients’ best interests. Her primary goal is to secure the highest possible price for their properties, going above and beyond to achieve outstanding results. However, what truly sets Kess apart is her commitment to conducting business with strong ethics, empathy and providing exceptional service. She understands that buying or selling a home can be an emotional journey and she approaches each task with a genuine understanding and compassion for her clients’ needs. With Kess, clients can expect a seamless and personalised experience, backed by her expertise, integrity and dedication to achieving optimal outcomes.
For a discussion about your real estate needs, give Kess a call today.
• 2021 REB top 50 Agents in
I developed a unique perspective that allows me to effectively connect with clients from all cultural backgrounds. I am committed to providing customised solutions to meet your specific needs, whether you are a Vendor, Investor, or Buyer.
As the Director of a well-regarded Noosa agency, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional, personalised service and client support. When you work with me, you can expect a level of service that goes well beyond the transaction.
As a skilled negotiator, my goal is to secure the best possible outcomes for my clients, ensuring that your real estate experience is as seamless and stress-free as possible. If you would like to know more about how I can assist you with your real estate needs please feel free to get in touch, I’d be happy to chat.
and commitment to excellence make him a standout real estate agent, and I would not hesitate to recommend Alexander to anyone looking to buy or sell property”.
Robyn Kildey is a highly experienced real estate professional with over 40 years in sales, including 25 years in the real estate industry. Her career began in a bustling, Inner West Sydney Agency, where she quickly established herself as one of the top agents, winning the prestigious “Most Successful Agent” award in the First National Group.
In 2003, Robyn moved to the Noosa Hinterland, where she was involved in founding Countryside Realty Noosa. The agency was built on the principle of raising ethical standards in real estate. Over the years, Robyn’s dedication to exceptional client service, ethical practices, and maintaining high standards has propelled the agency to success. Over the last 22 years, Countryside Realty Noosa has become one of the longest-standing and most successful real estate offices in Cooroy, Noosa Hinterland. Under Robyn’s leadership, Countryside Realty Noosa has grown into a leading agency, with a team of several experienced sales agents, a property management team, and skilled admin staff. The agency’s reputation for collaboration, excellence, and customer service is well-established, serving buyers, sellers, renters, and landlords with the highest level of care and professionalism.
Robyn is known for her ability to match buyers with the perfect properties, drawing on her extensive sales background. She takes great joy in mentoring and coaching her team, guiding them to achieve superb results. Her hands-on leadership and genuine enjoyment in seeing her team’s success have been key to Countryside Realty’s continued growth and reputation as a trusted name in the Noosa Hinterland.
0414 425 350 www.countrysidenoosa.com.au robyn@countrysidenoosa.com.au
Connie Gore is the Business Development Manager and Sales Associate at Countryside Realty Noosa, where she plays a key role in building strong client relationships, conducting thorough market research, and offering expert guidance to property owners.
With over 20 years of experience across various sectors, including business development in State and Local Governments as well as the real estate industry, Connie brings a wealth of expertise to her role.
Her broad skill set spans sales, accounting, marketing, project management, research, policy development, and community consultation.
Her proactive approach and keen understanding of property investment strategies make her a highly valued team member in both the sales and rental teams at Countryside Realty Noosa.
Whether you’re leasing, buying or selling, you can trust that Connie will work tirelessly to ensure your goals are achieved and your experience is smooth and stress-free. Please feel free to reach out to Connie for a chat, she looks forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals.
Connie Gore
As a leader in the Noosa Hinterland market, Sales Consultant Stacey Hitch, is a trusted name within local property circles, where she is often the go-to agent for buyers and sellers in Cooroy and right across the region. Over the last decade, Stacey has established herself as one of the area’s most highly regarded agents, building and sustaining long term client relationships, who continue to refer her services to their family and friends.
Stacey is an award-winning agent and has been a key member of the Countryside Realty Noosa team, contributing to the ongoing success of this award-winning boutique agency, with proven results in her sales history and ability to connect buyers and sellers.
Stacey is a personable, quick-thinking, and an engaging communicator; she is honest and transparent with her clients, has genuine empathy for their individual circumstances, and a skilled negotiator who can work on their behalf to secure the optimum outcome. As an agent, Stacey’s core strengths, to continue growing her business are based around professionalism, market intelligence, proven experience, and integrity.
429 499
With five years of experience in the real estate industry, Matt Rutley has built a reputation for delivering exceptional service and results. Originally from Brisbane, Matt moved to rural NSW and embraced the country lifestyle. Now, as a dedicated real estate professional, he thrives in helping people find their ideal property.
Matt’s passion for real estate stems from the everchanging nature of the market and the challenges each new transaction brings. Matt is committed to guiding his clients through every step of the process, his hands-on approach and commitment to his clients ensure that no matter the obstacle, he is always ready to tackle it head-on.
When Matt isn’t helping clients with their real estate needs, you’ll find him out enjoying the local lifestyle – whether it’s exploring the hinterland, fishing, or camping. His deep connection to the area and the people who live here allows him to provide valuable insights to buyers and sellers alike.
ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7)
6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Vera. (Ma, R) 11.30 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli. (PGl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Landline. (R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (PG, R) 3.00 Nigella At My Table. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 12.10 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News Weekend. 1.30 Al Jazeera News Hour. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 Primitive Medium. (R) 3.40 Plat Du Tour. (R) 3.45 The Cook Up. (R) 4.15 Secrets Of The Lost Liners. (PGav, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 Lisbon With Michael Portillo: Lisbon 1. (Premiere, PGv) Michael Portillo journeys to Lisbon.
Media Watch. (PG) Linton Besser takes a look at the latest issues affecting media consumers.
9.20 Q+A. Public affairs program featuring Patricia Karvelas and a panel looking the big issues affecting Australians.
10.20 Planet America. (R)
10.55 ABC Late News.
11.10 The Business. (R)
11.25 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R)
11.55 Grand Designs. (R)
12.45 Long Lost Family. (PG, R)
1.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
8.25 Dan Snow’s Greatest Discoveries: Machu Picchu. (PGav)
Dan Snow explores the lost city of the Inca, which was rediscovered and rescued from the jungle in the early 20th century.
9.20 24 Hours In Emergency: Say You’ll Be There. (Ma) Three pedestrians are rushed to Queens Medical Centre after a car mounts the pavement.
10.15 SBS World News Late.
10.45 Syndrome E. (Malv)
11.45 The Night Manager. (Malsv, R)
1.55 Elizabeth. (PGa, R) 3.40 Ancient Invisible Cities. (PG, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
1.00 Movie Show. 1.35 Devoured. 2.30 Over The Black Dot. 3.30 WorldWatch. 5.45 Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 News. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats.
6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 Indian Country Today News.
(2015, M) 12.05am Late Programs.
6am The Natural. Continued. (1984, PG) 7.30 Selkie. (2000, PG) 9.10 Viceroy’s House. (2017, PG) 11.10 Gloria Bell. (2018, M) 1.05pm So Damn Easy Going. (2022, M, Swedish) 2.45 A Room With A View. (1985, PG) 4.55 Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. (2009, PG) 6.35 Widows’ Peak. (1994, PG) 8.30 Michael Collins. (1996, MA15+) 11.00 Nowhere Special. (2020, M) 12.50am Late Programs.
6.00 Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean must decide whether to give Levi a real shot.
7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.
8.40 9-1-1: Lone Star. (Return, M)
A heist on an armoured truck sparks a Texas Ranger investigation led by Carlos. Owen deals with Robert’s death.
9.40 Suits L.A. (M) Ted and Erica take on Samantha to save Lester’s movie, but the battle may hurt his murder trial.
10.40 The Agenda Setters. An expert panel tackles the biggest AFL topics.
11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGa)
12.10 Miniseries: Hatton Garden. (Ml, R)
2.30 To Be Advised.
4.00 NBC Today.
5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.
2.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 Inspector
7MATE (74)
6am Morning Programs. 1pm Night Thunder. Austn Nationals. H’lights. 2.00 Supercars C’ship. Melbourne Supersprint. H’lights. 3.00 Supercars C’ship. Melbourne Supersprint. H’lights. 4.00 Storage Wars: Barry’s Best Buys. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 8.00 Outback Opal Hunters. 9.00 Adventure Gold Diggers. 10.00 Late Programs.
TV (2)
(7) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 11.00 The Weekly
Food Markets. (PGa, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Ml, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 The Weekly Football Wrap. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: St Bees To Maryport. (PGa, R) 8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi.
The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan) A look at the topics worrying today’s teens. 9.20 The School That Tried To End Racism. (PG, R) Presented by Marc Fennell.
The ABC Of. (Ml, R) 10.50 ABC Late News. 11.05 The Business. (R) 11.20 Four Corners. (R) 12.05 Media Watch. (PG, R) 12.25 Q+A. (R) 1.25 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 2.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 3.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
4.10 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.55 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
9.30 Dateline: Britain’s Woke History Wars. Looks at the legacy of the British empire. 10.00 SBS World News Late. 10.30 Guillaume’s Paris. (R) 11.00 Prisoner. (MA15+av) 12.10 Illegals. (Malv, R) 2.10 Elizabeth: Into The Storm. (PGa, R) 3.05 Philip: Prince, Husband, Father. (PG, R) 4.00 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4.
6.00 Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Dean and Levi are in hot pursuit. 7.30 Australian Idol. (PGl) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.
8.40 The Hunting Party. (M)
9.40 The Irrational. (Mav) Renee seeks Alec’s help after she has a dream containing details about a murder that actually happened.
10.40 The Agenda Setters.
11.40 St. Denis Medical. (PGals)
12.10 The Great Diamond Heist. (PGa, R)
1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R)
2.00 To Be Advised.
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 9News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls)
The couples visit each other’s home towns.
9.00 100% Footy. (M) Features the latest rugby league news, with exclusive insights from an expert panel.
10.00 9News Late.
10.30 The Life And Murder Of Nicole Brown Simpson. (Ma) The trial of the century becomes a media spectacle.
11.30 First On Scene. (Ma)
12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.00 Hello SA. (PG)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Pink String And Sealing Wax. (1945, PG) 5.20 Your Garden Made Perfect. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Mrs Sidhu Investigates. (Premiere) 10.40 Late
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor.
8.40 Sam Pang Tonight. (Premiere, Mals) Presented by Sam Pang. 9.40 Anne Edmonds: Why Is My Bag All Wet? (Mls, R) Comedian Anne Edmonds makes a long-awaited return to the stage after becoming a mother. 11.10 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.35 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.35 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6.00 9News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The homestays continue. 9.00 Scrublands. (Premiere, MA15+lv) One year after a horrific mass shooting, a journalist arrives in a remote country town to write an anniversary piece.
10.00 9News Late.
10.30 Wild Cards. (Mv)
11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 Next Stop.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Building Ideas. (PG) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor. 9.00 NCIS. (Mv) The NCIS probes a navy lieutenant’s death at a blood bank. McGee seeks team support for his twins’ school fundraiser. 10.50 10’s
ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (5, 1)
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Australian Idol. (PGl, R)
NINE (8, 9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.45 Q+A. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (PG, R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.05 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (PG, R) 10.05 Food Markets. (PGad, R) 11.05 Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip. (Mal, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 7.30.
8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) Presented by Tom Gleeson.
8.30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG) A satirical news program.
9.00 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (Final, PG, R) Presented by Guy Montgomery.
9.45 Planet America. A look at American politics.
10.15 You Can’t Ask That. (Ms, R)
10.45 ABC Late News.
11.00 The Business. (R)
11.20 Gold Diggers. (Mlsv, R)
12.15 Grand Designs. (R) 1.05 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
3.15 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Marc Fennell.
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Australia: An Unofficial History. (Mals) Continues to look at Australia’s history.
8.40 The Jury: Murder Trial UK. (Mal) The prosecution and defence give their closing speeches and the juries retire to decide their verdicts.
9.35 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+av) Mayne adopts a different approach towards authority. Stirling manages to find a creative way to cope.
10.40 SBS World News Late.
11.10 Blackwater. (MA15+as)
12.20 My Brilliant Friend. (Mn, R)
3.30 Ancient Invisible Cities. (R)
4.30 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Dean and Levi are against the clock.
7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG, R) Hosted by Lee Mack.
8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.
9.30 Unfiltered. (Ma) Hamish McLachlan sits down with key football stars and personalities to reveal their stories.
10.00 Live At The Chapel: Birds Of Tokyo. (M) Birds Of Tokyo take to the stage.
11.00 Autopsy USA: Frank Sinatra. (Ma)
12.00 Covert Affairs. (Mv, R)
2.00 To Be Advised.
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 9News.
7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Married At First Sight. (Mls) The second last dinner party takes place.
9.00 Scrublands. (MA15+lv) Martin’s investigation leads to revelations that draw him deeper into the secrets of Riversend.
10.00 Freddy And The Eighth. (Ml) Hosted by Brad Fittler, Danika Mason and Andrew Johns.
11.00 9News Late.
11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)
12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.05 My Way. (R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)
4.30 A Current Affair. (R)
5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Gogglebox Australia. Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 8.30 Elsbeth. (Mav) After learning the DOJ investigation is close to an indictment, Elsbeth and Captain Wagner join forces to expose the real criminal. 9.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv) When a high-value bioweapons expert is murdered in a secure facility on Hawai’i, NCIS and the NCIS elite team join forces. 10.30 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.55 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.
12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6am WorldWatch.
10.00 The Movie Show. Noon WorldWatch. 12.30 Hudson & Rex. 1.20 Syria Prison Break. 2.15 Cryptoland. 3.15 The Weekly Football Wrap. 3.45 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 MOVIE: In Bruges. (2008) 10.30 MOVIE: Joyride. (2022, M) 12.15am Late Programs.
Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Abbott Elementary. 9.25 Doctor Who. 11.00 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs.
6am TBA. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Air Crash Inv. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.45 Lewis. 10.45 Late Programs. 6am Seaway. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 1.50 Explore. 1.55 Shakespeare And Hathaway. 2.55 Antiques Roadshow. 3.25 MOVIE: Mr Denning Drives North. (1951, PG) 5.20 Your Garden Made Perfect. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow.
NITV (34)
7MATE (74) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Waabiny Time. 3.25 Little J And Big Cuz. 3.35 Spartakus. 4.05 Cities Of Gold. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 The 77 Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Arctic Secrets. 7.30 Home, Land & Sea. 8.30 MOVIE: 8 Seconds. (1994, M) 10.30 Waiting For Harry. 11.30 Late Programs.
ABC TV (2)
9GO! (82, 93) 6am
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. Continued. (2009, PG) 6.40 Another Mother’s Son. (2017, PG) 8.35 Hamlet. (1948, PG) 11.30 Nowhere Special. (2020, M) 1.15pm As Needed. (2018, M, Italian) 3.00 Widows’ Peak. (1994, PG) 4.55 The Man Who Invented Christmas. (2017, PG) 6.50 All At Sea. (2010, PG) 8.30 There Will Be Blood. (2007, M) 11.20 Late Programs.
Morning Programs. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Pawn Stars. 1.00 Outback Truckers. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator. 3.30 Storage Wars: NY. 4.00 Storage Wars: Barry’s Best Buys. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 The Force: Behind The Line. 9.30 World’s Wildest Police Videos. 10.30 World’s Scariest Police Chases. 11.30 Late Programs.
Pretty Little Liars. 2.00 The Golden Girls. 2.30 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Rush Hour 2. (2001, M) 10.30 Seinfeld. 11.30 The O.C. 12.30am Love Island UK. 1.30 Life After Lockup. 2.30 The Nanny. 3.30 Beyblade X. 4.00
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Back Roads. (PG, R) 11.10 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan, R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Miniseries: Best Interests. (Mdl, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Transformations. (Final, PG, R) 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Designing Paradise With Bill Bensley. (R) 10.00 Food Markets. (R) 11.00 Dream Of Italy. (PGa, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 MOVIE: Within These Walls. (2020, Mav) Jen Landon. 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.
6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
7.00 ABC News.
7.30 7.30.
8.00 Back Roads: Bibbulmun Track, WA. (Final, PG) Rae Johnston explores WA’s Bibbulmun Track.
8.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (Final, PG) Sue Perkins reaches her last stop, Istanbul. 9.15 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) Presented by Kevin McCloud.
10.05 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan, R)
10.55 ABC Late News. 11.10 The Business. (R) 11.25 Darby And Joan. (PGa, R) 12.15 Grand Designs. (Ml, R) 1.00 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Finding Your Roots: Mean Streets. (PG) Hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr.
8.30 Super Ships: A Revolution At Sea. Looks at how almost every year, cruise lines launch liners with characteristics that surpass their previous.
9.35 Boiling Point. (Mal) Carly receives bad news.
10.45 SBS World News Late.
11.15 Breaking Point. (Premiere, MA15+a)
12.05 Blackport. (Mls, R) 2.45 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PGa, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6.00 Seven Local News.
6.30 Seven News.
7.00 Home And Away. (PGav) Cash breaks up a brawl.
7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. (PG) Hosted by Graeme Hall.
8.30 Britain’s Got Talent. (PGa) Auditions begin as weird, wacky and wonderful acts compete in front of celebrity judges.
9.45 The Amazing Race. (PG) Hosted by Phil Keoghan. 11.15 The Disappearance Of Gabby Petito. (Mav, R)
12.30 Damnation. (MA15+asv)
1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R)
2.00 To Be Advised.
4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News.
5.30 Sunrise.
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (Mls, R) 1.30 Mr Mayor. (PGs, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG)
6.00 9News.
7.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 3. Melbourne Storm v Penrith Panthers.
8.55 Thursday Night Knock Off. Post-match NRL news and analysis of the Melbourne Storm versus Penrith Panthers clash.
9.40 9News Late.
10.10 Outback Opal Hunters. (PGl, R) The Opal Whisperers gamble on a new claim.
11.10 The First 48: The Invader. (Ma, R)
12.05 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.00 Next Stop.
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. The hosts and guest panellists take a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics. 7.00 Soccer. AFC 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier. Third round. Australia v Indonesia. 9.30 Matlock. (PGad, R) An important class-action lawsuit leads the team to investigate a sorority. Matty brings Alfie with her to work. 10.30 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.55 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
Viking guests can enjoy a captivating voyage of discovery circumnavigating the Baltic Sea and sailing through the homelands of the Vikings.
This opportunity to explore the deep-rooted cultural ties of Scandinavia, calling at iconic capitals in Norway, Sweden and Denmark is a must do holiday reserved for the true lovers of travel.
Sail the picturesque Aland Islands, an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Immerse yourself in the customs, traditions and fascinating history of the Baltic states, home to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the old town of Tallinn and the historic centre of Riga.
This very special twenty-two-day cruise has seventeen guided tours across eight countries from Copenhagen to Bergen and is set to become an iconic journey.
Viking recently announced ten new Ocean Itineraries for 2026 and 2027 including the Scandinavian Discovery, enjoying eight days between Oslo and Stockholm with six guided tours and four countries. It is so affordable at only $7,395 per person.
Discover the allure of Scandinavia, from stunning fjords to bustling cities. Call at the UNESCO World Heritage City of Karlskrona and get a glimpse into Sweden’s maritime legacy. Visit Copenhagen and immerse yourself in Danish cultural and gastronomic delights. Delve into nature in the lesser-known Aland Islands, an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Enjoy an overnight stay in Stockholm, allowing you to explore more of its Viking legacy and historic treasures.
Also new is the 2027 Baltic Discovery for eight days between Stockholm and Copenhagen with five guided tours and visiting six countries for only $7.195.
Discover a myriad of cultures as you circumnavigate the Baltic Sea. Explore the UNESCO-listed cities of Tallinn and Riga, medieval gemsoftheHanseaticLeague.CallatKlaipeda, Lithuania’s historic port city on the Curonian coast, and immerse yourself in its contemporary art and cultural treasures. Overnight in Copenhagen to experience more of the “City of Spires” and indulge in the many eateries that celebrate its trending Nordic cuisine.
Guests are lining up for the new 2027 Nordic Wonders adventure; eight days from Bergen to Oslo with six guided tours and stopping at two countries.
Discover the dramatic coastlines of Norway and Denmark and explore Scandinavia’s natural treasures. Be immersed in stunning vistas and journey through scenic landscapes along majestic fjords and winding mountain passes. Be captivated by charming cities and experience firsthand why the Danes are considered among the world’s happiest people.
The fifteen day Scandinavia and Baltic Capitals cruise travels between Oslo and Copenhagen with ten guided tours across eight countries!
Trace the shores of the Baltic Sea to discover magnificent fjords and bustling cities. Call at UNESCO-listed cities and get a glimpse into the area’s medieval past in the old towns of Tallinn and Riga, and Karlskrona’s historic port. Witness the natural splendour of the Aland Islands, an archipelago of more than 6,500 isles. With overnights in the vibrant capitals of Sweden and Denmark, delve deeper into the region’s rich heritage and Viking legacy.
Another new cruise for 2027 is the Scenic Scandinavia and Baltic Jewels tour for fifteen days between Bergen and Stockholm with twelve guided tours and four countries.
Delve into the maritime heritage of Scandinavia and trace the dramatic coastlines of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Witness stunning natural landscapes sailing amid pristine fjords and the Aland Islands; an archipelago of 6,700 isles. Explore more of Oslo and Stockholm with overnight stays, to fully experience two of Europe’s capitals. Sample New Nordic Cuisine and stroll around historic towns and spend time mingling with friendly locals.
Jenny and Phil Morup of Western Australia have enjoyed five river cruises, six ocean cruises and one expedition cruise with Viking.
They said, “We particularly enjoy scenic
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“Cruising is a relaxing and carefree way to see the world. Once we have unpacked, we just sit back and enjoy the service provided by the
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It’s time to discover the pristine Viking Homelands with a wealth of stunning cruises to suit your tastes and needs.
For further information please visit www. viking.com or phone 138 747.
Discover Iceland’s majestic shores and experience the breathtaking beauty and wealth of wildlife this island has to offer aboard a Viking cruise.
Take an epic journey into nature to discover this stunning country enjoying a once in a lifetime experience with as much or as little excitement as guests can manage!
As visitors explore magical Iceland, they have the chance to encounter unparalleled natural beauty, witness cascading waterfalls amid pristine fjord landscapes and observe the wealth of wildlife, from puffins to whales, the gentle giants of the sea.
About forty two percent, or twelve to fifteen species of the world’s known whale species call these waters home.
An eight-day cruise aboard Viking leaves and returns to Reykjavík, the world’s northernmost capital city yet captures the distinctive feel of a fishing village.
The country is lauded as one of the cleanest and most civilized committed to finding the perfect balance between day-to-day living and harnessing its natural resources with ecofriendly practices.
For those who favour equine pursuits, there is nowhere more exciting to explore on horseback than the volcanic landscape of the Hafnarfjörður while riding a purebred Icelandic horse.
Icelandic horses are direct descendants of their Viking ancestors; these sturdy animals are known for their sure-footedness and a calm and friendly disposition.
Guides take riders across the lava fields of Mt. Helgafell and the Kaldarsel area, or to Lake Hvaleyrarvatn.
The beauty of this rugged region, where ever-changing lava formations contrast with green meadows as the Bláfjöll Mountains loom in the distance is a joy to witness.
Guests can watch jets of steam erupting from the ground and learn about the ongoing efforts to reforest the region and trot through this idyllic countryside.
For those curious travellers, Viking offers guests the opportunity to head underground to explore the interior of a glacier during an all-day excursion to a manmade ice cave.
The journey to the breathtaking Langjökull Glacier, the second-largest glacier in Iceland; covering more than 361 sq mi, its thick ice sheet measures 1,900 feet at its deepest point is again a high point for travellers.
The guide leads the excursion descending almost 100 feet below the surface through a carved-out ice tunnel, to witness the ice transform from white to rich blue.
It is a chance to learn about glaciology and
the effects of climate change on the glaciers and marvel at the unique subterranean scenery.
This excursion also includes a visit to the powerful hot springs at Deildartunguhver, photo stops at the picturesque waterfalls of Hraunfoss and Barnafoss, and a delicious lunch at a local restaurant.
Those who love to explore thermal pools can enjoy the warmth of a rejuvenating oceanside geothermal lagoon during a visit to the Sky Lagoon.
This offers a chance to unwind and enjoy breathtaking views of the North Atlantic while exploring the spa or partaking in the Ritual, a unique seven-step experience.
Begin with an immune system-stimulating dip in the cold plunge, then visit the sauna, letting the heat open pores, remove toxins and cleanse the skin. Slowly stroll through the cold fog-mist space, balancing out the heat of the sauna, breathing deeply and refreshing the senses. Guests are then invited to apply the lagoon’s signature body scrub to exfoliate the skin before entering the steam sauna to maximize its healing benefits.
For those with energy and an abundance of curiosity take the opportunity to cycle through stunning scenery and explore the vast fjord by bicycle Navigate the streets of Isafjördur, past classic Icelandic homes and scenes of local life.
Cycle alongside the fjord and marvel at the steep walls of the mountains that cloister this area. Enjoy a glimpse of Iceland’s quintessential tundra landscape and a beautiful waterfall into the Tungudalur valley before a stop at a local brewery for a refreshment and a small snack.
Water lovers will have the chance to paddle through calm waters to discover the area’s natural beauty by kayak. This region has earned its reputation as the kayaking centre of Iceland. Experience the nature and the beauty of the surroundings and a delight for nature fans and birdwatchers is the opportunity to witness some of Iceland’s wildlife up close or for a chance to watch the seals as their heads bob playfully in the water.
Unwind in the hot waters of Lake Urridavatn during a rejuvenating visit to the Vök Baths in a private setting. Centuries ago, the residents who lived around the lake discovered that certain spots, known as vöks, or ice-free holes, refused to ice over during the Arctic winters due to underground geothermal activity.
Viking guests can relax in one of the two lakeshore pools while sipping herbal tea brewed from pure spring water. Here enjoy the steam bath and cold tunnel equipped with an inside mist shower.
For those who enjoy exploring with a bit of excitement make time to discover the desolate
beauty of Heimaey’s volcanic terrain during an ATV ride.
Navigate the two-person ATV across the volcanic bedrock past the rusting remains of the fishing trawler Pelagus and enjoy the stunning views and the brutal power of nature around Eldfell.
For a different pace enjoy a narrated ride by e-scooter through scenic landscapes to a puffin colony. The e-scooters are equipped with front and rear brakes and feature a single seat providing a leisurely ride in total comfort.
At the end of each cruise guests have the chance to either end their cruise or join one of the Viking extensions which means more days and more to discover.
With extension packages travellers can enjoy additional days to explore the disembarkation city or see a new destination altogether with a choice of exciting cities.
To really explore Iceland and view the behind-the-scenes activity with expert guides, access to many locations not available to all travellers, join Viking for a truly immersive experience that brings you closer to this magnificent country and all her splendour.
To learn more about Viking’s cruises, please visit www.viking.com or phone 138 747.
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Discover some of the treasures of South Australia before you embark on an unforgettable cruise along the marvellous Murray River.
Your adventure begins in Adelaide, the City of Churches and one of the world’s most liveable cities. A full day tour takes you to South Australia’s premium wine region, where you’ll sample some of the Barossa Valley’s finest wines. You’ll then take a ferry to Kangaroo Island, offering nature-based activities, and encounters with koalas, birds of prey, and kangaroos.
You’ll then embark on the PS Murray Princess for an unforgettable three-night cruise along the beautiful Murray River. Wind through the serene waters between Walker Flat and Murray Bridge as you drink in the spectacular riverlands, admiring the views of the ever-changing flora and fauna. Highlights include close encounters with river birdlife, captivating nature walks, and indulging in delicious regional flavours.
Visiting: Mannum, Murray Bridge, Piggy Flat, Adelaide Hotel Stays
3 nights four-star hotel stay in Adelaide at the Crowne Plaza Adelaide with breakfast
Embark the PS Murray Princess for a unique cruise experience along the Murray River. Embrace the character and charm of yesteryear as you savour your elegant surroundings.
1 night four-star hotel stay in Kangaroo Island at the Mercure Kangaroo Island Lodge with breakfast, lunch and dinner
Fully Escorted Tours
Full day Barossa Valley tour with lunch, wine tastings and more
2 day Kangaroo Island tour and more
All Flights, Taxes & Transfers
Former Queensland Supreme Court Judge and the only non-Indigenous committee member of the now defunct Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry Roslyn Atkinson spoke about the Inquiry at the Noosa First Nations Allies (NFNA) AGM this month, as Noosa Today’s Margie Maccoll reports.
The Inquiry was begun on 1 July 2024 and shut down in November upon the change of government at the last state election.
Ms Atkinson joined fellow special guests First Nations Action Network founder and executive director Stephen Mam and former Yes23 Queensland coordinator and First Nations justice director at GetUP! Jason Field who co-hosted the event with NFNA Chair Sharon Wright.
Ms Atkinson told the group growing up in Kingaroy and going to a school with Aboriginal families had exposed her firsthand to the racism they had to deal with, which had a strong effect on her as a child and set her on a path to devote her life to justice and dealing with injustice.
As an adult she became a teacher, an actor and a mother before doing a law degree, becoming a barrister, the first president of the anti-discrimination tribunal in Queensland and a judge for 20 years on the Queensland Supreme Court.
Ms Atkinson was one of five members appointed to the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry, set out under the Path to Treaty Act 2023, with barrister and chair Joshua Creamer, judicial registrar to the Federal Court of Australia Ivan Ingram, activist for Aboriginal rights Cheryl Buchanan and former Torres Strait Regional Authority CEO Vonda Malone.
Sections of the Act provided that the Inquiry had to act independently and in the public interest, having particular regard to the interests of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Island peoples and provided a guide to the inquiry with the following functions:
• to conduct inquiries into and document the individual, familial, cultural and societal impacts and effects of colonisation on Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples by holding truth telling sessions, truth telling hearings and inviting persons to bring documents and other things to the inquiry.
• to conduct research into and promote community awareness and understanding of the impacts and effects of colonisation on Aboriginal peoples, Aboriginal law and Aboriginal tradition and Torres Strait Islander law and custom and the general public shared understanding of history of Queensland to provide advice and make recommendations to the Minister in accordance with our terms of reference, Ms Atkinson said.
What is truth telling and why is it important?
“Truth telling is an accurate and inclusive account of Queensland’s history,“ Ms Atkinson said. “It recognises the contributions of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Queensland history and records their experiences of colonisation in our state. It allows us to reflect on Queensland’s history and see the facts of the impacts of colonisation. This means exploring laws and practices and policies and looking at the affects these had and continue to have on Aboriginal peoples. Truth telling is important because it shares many perspectives. It was envisaged that truth telling would complete the picture of Queensland’s history as we build together an inclusive future for all Queenslanders and that truth would allow Queenslanders to heal and move forward with respect.“
Ms Atkinson said all Inquiry members shared Joshua Creamer’s vision as set out in his introduction to its first and only report.
“He said the inquiry had a role to strengthen the relationship between non-Indigenous and Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to foster reconciliation and a deeper respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, history and experiences that transcend generations,“ she said. “The Inquiry was about unity and reconciling to a unified Queensland based on a shared understanding of a full and complete history of Queensland.“
What did they achieve?
“We commenced consultations in preparation for the first community truth telling sessions and hearings,“ Ms Atkinson said. “Consultation was critical to doing the job properly.
“We met with Queensland State Archives and identified over 200,000 items and 4000 visible artefacts held by the archives relevant to the inquiries’ terms of reference.
“Because First Nations peoples were covered by the Act there is very careful documentation of what happened to them. It’s really quite extraordinary.
“We held a ceremonial hearing attended by over 2000 people in person and online. We held our first truth telling hearing in Meanjin where we heard evidence from seven participants who shared evidence with their lived experience, experience of their families and the research work.
“We held a truth telling session with government representatives with submissions received from 14 government entities and oral testimony from six directors general and the Queensland police commissioner.
“We invited over 430 community organisations to provide submissions in preparation for planned truth telling sessions over the coming months.
“We held community events, met with elders, community leaders, businesses and community groups and government representatives to raise awareness about the inquiry’s work. We raised awareness about the inquiry’s work and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island culture through our website which is still there and I invite people to look at it.
“We welcomed 12,000 visitors to the social media site and received almost 1000 media mentions reaching an audience of nearly 30 million people. We were very aware that in telling their story in a sessional hearing people were likely to experience stress and psychological trauma so it was not just a question of sitting down and listening to someone’s story but it was important to provide wrap-around support before, during and after a person’s testimony so it could be a healing process for them and their families and community.
“By giving the wider community an experience to listen to their experiences we could heal together as a community by recognising what had happened in the past and how the trauma of that history reverberates to the current day. Guidelines were developed by the inquiry to ensure the work of the inquiry was culturally responsive, trauma aware and healing informed. The witnesses who gave evidence, it was moving, informative, extraordinary to be part of.
You can still watch their evidence online and I urge you to do so.“
What happened to the planned three year Inquiry.
“The inquiry was unceremoniously shut down upon the change of government. It was done, frankly, showing no respect to the chair, members or staff which was incredibly disappointing. We had done solid work and the anticipation of the healing that was going to be done was very high
in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander view. In essence the lack of respect was shown to all First Nations peoples in Queensland and in doing so the government squandered the opportunity to trust and respect which is necessary,“ Ms Atkinson said.
So where to from here.
“For First Nations peoples life continues as it always has, the struggle doesn’t stop, the need for recognition cannot stop,“ Ms Atkinson said.
“Unfortunately as I discovered from my colleagues lack of respect is not uncommon. That for me was perhaps the most hurtful thing. Being treated with such disrespect was a bit of a surprise to me. For my First Nations colleagues it is not surprising, they’re used to it. That is disgusting. That is really the essence of it, I think.
“For we who are allies what should we do? We show friendship, we show respect. We should attend Naidoc events. We should listen and show difference and respect. Just remember we live in a nation with the oldest living culture in the world and that is an enormous sense of pride and we have treated the people from that culture disgracefully in the past and that continues today and that is a source of shame.“
Jason Field said after working on an inquiry many years ago that had it’s own truth telling process he had an appreciation of the process and the sense it could deliver of achieving some sort of justice.
“I admire and think these processes are important,“ he said. “It can raise expectation and can be deflating but they are critically important because that’s what people need in order to heal and that must take precedence over everything.“
Stephen Mam said government needed to address what happens now.
He said after the state election Minjerribah held a truth telling run by the community and elders and a session was run by Cherbourg.
“Listening to these hard stories, what struck me was First Nations peoples had never had the opportunity to share these stories, not in this way,“ he said. “We’ve been told not to share these stories, that it was shameful, that it wasn’t of interest, that it wasn’t going to get us anywhere, that if we wanted to be accepted and maintain our relationships with people and positions of power and influence we would have to compromise who we are and our identity. “There is more to be told and as much as it is the non-indigenous community being able to listen and understand, we also need to understand First Nations peoples need to find a way in which they are comfortable in expressing themselves because it’s not easy. Nobody wants to have their story in the public and then not be heard or even worse, misinterpreted.
“I think there’s a lot of work to be done in understanding how we communicate with each other.“
Mr Mam encouraged people to look at the Truth telling and healing Inquiry website.
Two world classical music premiers and three world-class soloists: Warwick Adeney (violin and viola), Janet Brewer (piano) and Sacha GibbsMcPhee (clarinet) are set to ‘rock’ Cooroy and Noosa when Noosa Orchestra & Ensembles present: Old, New, Timeless.
Rising composer and Noosa Orchestra vcellist Imogen Ferdinando is set to debut her original composition, Stormbird, which musically depicts the rise and fall of a typical Coast storm. Stormbird was commissioned by Noosa Orchestra.
In a daring move, conductor Antoni Bonetti has taken the bone-chilling cello part from Beethoven’s Triple Concerto and handed it to internationally acclaimed local clarinettist Sacha Gibbs-McPhee, founder of Noosa Chamber Music.
“Sacha is a technically and musically brilliant clarinettist always looking for a challenge,” Bonetti said.
“So I arranged the vcello part to be excellently played on the bass clarinet. Traditionally the bass clarinet is an accompanying instrument, but my arrangement and Sacha’s playing will change that thinking.”
Gibbs-McPhee describes Beethoven’s concerto as “bold, noble and powerful”.
The orchestra begins by establishing a lively, grand mood, then the three soloists – violin (Warwick Adeney), clarinet (Sacha Gibbs-McPhee), piano (Janet Brewer) – join the orchestra with the violin and clarinet initially sharing the melody, while the piano plays a more supportive musical role.
“Audience members are probably aware of the necessity to take breaths occasionally when play-
ing a wind instrument, but this is only the beginning of the difficulties that lie within the score,”
Gibbs-McPhee said.
“Doubtless, such an alteration has never been tried before. All the more reason to enjoy the spectacle.”
Former concertmaster Queensland Symphony Orchestra, (violinist) Warwick Adeney said, “I have a big soft spot for Beethoven’s Triple Concerto; I find it both exciting and beautiful, and the interplay of the solo parts is exquisite.”
Janet Brewer, a talented pianist and soloist (since 2005) with Brisbane’s Pacific Chamber Players, said, “For me, there is a very regal nature
and deep spirituality in Beethoven’s music. I enjoy bringing these aspects the audience as well as working with such special musicians as Warwick Adeney and Sacha Gibbs-McPhee… the audience will enjoy the energy and musical interaction between us and the orchestra”.
The audience will also delight in German composer Max Bruch’s (1838-1920) Concerto for Violin and Clarinet, played by Adeney on viola and Gibbs-McPhee on clarinet.
“The double concerto is among the composer’s most tender and calming works,” GibbsMcPhee said.
“Rather than competing, the two soloists
gently dovetail and interweave through lush melodies. There are no flourishes for the sake of virtuosity alone, but rather bursts of passion and elegance that gently flow along with the ensemble.” Noosa Orchestra will round off the concert with a flourish: Phillip Lord’s Celtic Suite (Glenorchy Fair, Tartan), music which is inspired by Scottish highland dance.
Event details
• What: Noosa Orchestra & Ensembles presents: Old, New, Timeless with soloists Warwick Adeney, Janet Brewer and Sacha Gibbs-McPhee
• When: 2.30pm Saturday 22 March (Cooroy) & 2.30pm Sunday 23 March 23 (Noosaville)
• Where: Cooroy Memorial Hall | Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Hall (Noosaville)
• Tickets: Adults $40 | Students (18+) $15 | school age $10 trybooking.com (plus booking fee) or $45 at the door (cash only).
• Tickets on sale now trybooking.com
Blending storytelling, song, and live music, GRIT explores the resilience of six fictional characters, all living in the same regional town “somewhere“ in Queensland. After a statewide tour, this show will arrive this month in the Noosa Hinterland before touring to Brisbane.
Drawing inspiration from real-life stories, GRIT has emerged from months of research, creative development, and rehearsals. More than 30 interviews were conducted with artists, mothers, doctors, engineers, farmers, veterans, pensioners - people from all walks of life who have faced adversity. Their reflections on courage and perseverance have shaped this original and uplifting theatre experience.
Perseverance Street Theatre Company chief executive officer Sharon Hogan said: “Our obsession with resilience and tenacity in our region really took hold in 2022 - perhaps influenced by the record-breaking destructive floods. We wanted to understand what gives people the strength to rise again, and that’s where the idea for GRIT was born.”
Founded in Gympie, Perseverance Street Theatre Company is dedicated to creating new Australian performances, championing regional voices, and fostering opportunities for young and emerging artists. The production features
a talented cast of five, including actor, Fletcher Colfs, who will take on the challenge of playing all six characters. Acclaimed jazz vocalist Sarah Briggs-Harvey will bring her rich musical expertise to the stage. Having transitioned from teaching and performing internationally, Sarah has collaborated with Perseverance Street to develop the production’s unique blend of heartfelt storytelling and music.
“This ‘ground-up’ approach to theatre has resulted in a production filled with truly moving and authentic stories,” Sarah said. “I’m so proud to be a part of GRIT.”
Playwright Sofia Abbey, a UniSC drama graduate and Honours student in Creative Writing, emphasised the play’s deeper purpose.
“GRIT is about connection - it reminds us that we are not alone in this unpredictable and often chaotic human experience. It invites us to listen, understand, and celebrate different perspectives,” she said.
GRIT is more than just a performance - it’s a celebration of the strength found in community, music, and storytelling.
GRIT will be performed at Cooran Memorial Hall on Sunday 23 March at 2pm. Tickets at Humanitix at events.humanitix.com/ copy-of-grit-the-stories-the-music-the-town
Discover the diversity of gardening in Qld’s best backyard!
19th and 20th of April
Wondai Sportsground and Lions Pavilion, Bunya Highway, Wondai. Saturday 8am – 4:30pm. Sunday 8am – 1pm.
Admission: $5.00 per day or $8.00 for a 2 day pass. Kids under 15 free.
Concession for groups of 10 or more, $4.00 per person pre-paid.
Free Parking. Disabled parking. Bus drop off and parking. Free plant transport and cloakroom for easy collection. ATM on site. NO DOGS please. TICKETS are at the gate. CASH ONLY.
Quality stalls with a huge variety covering all things gardening including plants, fertilisers, pots, ornaments, garden art, tools, specialty plants, locally made honey, wine and so much more.
Fully catered with plenty of food and drink stalls and covered seating areas. Wondai District Garden Club Horticultural Show and Hanging Basket competition
Official opening is Saturday 10:30am and Guest Speakers start at 9am.
Secretary: Jodi Biltoft 0413 115 495 Email: info@wondaigardenexpo.com
By Jim Fagan
Ever thought you would like to try painting, writing, ceramics, embroidery, quilting, or other creative arts, then Noosa Arts and Crafts President, Jan Bentley and her 400 or so members are getting ready to welcome you and show their work.
Right now, they are organising their Open Day at Wallace House on the weekend of March 22 and 23 and Jan said it was the first of several events planned for this year.
She joined the association in 2002 and has been president for six of those years and says she feels “proud when I see the talent we have and artworks we have on display and for sale.
“We have demonstrations by groups like pastels and embroidery and if our visitors feel like trying their hand at pottery then we have set aside
an area with supplies of recycled clay. Our ceramics group is thriving - it now has 90 members.
“Another highlight will be portrait drawing by our life art artists and it is just amazing what the people in our book and paper-making group can do. Our cafe will be open for tea/coffee and cake too”
Jan said: “The House is open from 9am to 3pm each day and the group members will have their works-in-progress to show you. Our Wattle Studio shop will be open but the focus of the weekend is mainly for information to let Noosa people know what we have to offer.”
She added: “Don’t wait for inspiration. You’ll find it here in Wallace House.”
Noosa Arts & Crafts Association president Jan Bentley.
Country Music welcomes guest artists The Sloan Family Band to the ACMA concert on Sunday 16 March.
It’s great to see a family performing together and entertaining the public. They won the award for the best band at the Australian National Busking Championships last year.
You’ll also enjoy popular country music and other upbeat, crowd-pleasing favourites from local artists backed by a great house band. See you at the Hall of Fame, 24 Steggalls Road, 12 noon start. Raffle and door prizes, byo lunch, free tea and coffee. Entry $10, members $8.
Enquiries 0437 191004.
Yandina Country Music are a not-forprofit organisation and the proceeds will go towards the upkeep of the hall.
From $60.00
premiere vocal group, Oriana Choir, presents The Piano Men, A dynamic concert dedicated to the iconic music of Elton John and Billy Joel. Sat 29 March 7.30pm
5 April 1.30 & 7.30pm
From $20.00
Two inspiring exhibitions, Colour Hum and Narawi - Waves of the Sea, are set to run from 27 March until 8 May at the Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre.
A solo show Colour Hum by local artist Sophia Cameron and a touring exhibition Narawi - Waves of the Sea from the Birrunga Gallery will open in the front spaces of the gallery.
Sophia Cameron said, “Painting and creating allows me the opportunity to explore and express my interest in human nature, especially people’s inner strength, kindness, resilience and humour.“
“The Sunshine Coast has been a magnet for me since I discovered it as a teenager.
From singing and bush care to service clubs and art, there is a wide variety of groups in Noosa.
March Forward is the theme of this year’s Queensland Women’s Shed Week. A Trivia night will be held on Saturday 15 March from 5.30pm at the Cooroy Memorial Hall. All funds raised will go towards connection costs for our new shed. $15 per person with tables of 8 encouraged. Tickets can be purchased at trybooking.com/CYIKX. All enquiries noosawshed@gmail.com
Open House - March 22 & 23
Wallace House will be open to visitors from 9am to 3pm each day. Visitors are invited to come and meet our members and explore all the arts and crafts we cover in this creative space. Our cafe will be open for light refreshments.
Crochet workshop with Janelle Turley: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings, 9.30-11.30am Portraits in colour pencil with Jan Lawnikanis: Saturday & Sunday 29 and 30 March, 9am to 4pm Urban Landscapes with Lizzie Connor - weekend April 12-13, 9am to 4pm Noosa Shire Arts & Crafts Association is a centre for creativity, learning & friendship. New members welcome. Visit our Gift Shop. Disabled-friendly access. Tel: 07 5474 1211; Visit noosaartsandcrafts.org.au
The Tewantin Noosa Branch welcomes new members and everyone is welcome to our weekly social craft and hobbies group, the DIY Divas, held each Thursday, 9 to 11am. Work on your own project, learn new skills and enjoy the company of likeminded women. Gold coin donation includes morning tea. Please call Robyn on 0428 385 747 for enquiries. The March monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 March at 5pm at the QCWA Hall, 123 Poinciana Ave Tewantin, next to the Post Office.
The next meeting of the Tewantin Noosa Garden Club, which is the AGM will be held on Monday 10 March, at the Anglican Church, 17 William Street Tewantin, at 1pm. Guest Speaker, plant sales, raffles competition table, afternoon tea and friendship. Guests welcome. For more information contact Len 0417604889.
Join the Roving Restorers Noosa Chapter, at Pinbarren, using best practice techniques to remove environmental weeds at 8.30am on Friday 21 March. Please contact Noosa Landcare Project Officer – Ered - ered.fox@noosalandcare.org for further details.
Join the Friend’s guides for the free monthly guided walk to be held on Sunday, 6 April from 8.309.30am. The theme this month is “Talking about Tall Trees“. Meet at the main shelter near the entrance. Wear weather appropriate shoes and attire. Well behaved dogs on a lead are welcome. Stay tuned to the Friends Facebook page for any weather-related updates. All future guided walks will be on the first Sunday of every month at the same time until November. For further information please contact Linda on 0427570022. CAN LAUGH
“This body of work is a celebration of memorable moments and experiences enjoyed in this region, expressed in vivid and pulsing colour combinations to reflect its unique and special hum.“
The Butter Box begins its events program with an innovative workshop program and exhibition The Presentation of Art, while the members gallery reopens with a new collection of artists.
These new and vibrant exhibitions officially open on Saturday 29 March from 4-6pm and everyone is welcome.
For more information, visit butterfactoryartscentre.com.au
We are a small group who meet once a month. We started some years ago as a Breast Cancer Support Group, but over the years we have people who came with other forms of cancer for support, so if you would like to come and have a chat with us we would love to say hello. We meet the first Friday of the month at the CWA Hall, Tewantin 10am to 12noon. Next meeting: 7 March. Phone Val: 0422 997 781 or 0427 868 163.
The Guilded Lilies meet on the last Saturday of every month at the Masonic Hall, Moorindal St, Tewantin, 9am-3pm. Come along, meet new friends, learn new skills, enjoy the company of like minded people. All crafts welcome. Phone Angela 0408068148
Ever wanted to get involved in the theatre world? Here’s your chance! Noosa Arts Theatre are looking for volunteers to join our fantastic team. There’s many ways you can assist, front of house crew, welcoming patrons to our shows, helping backstage with props or perhaps you have some building skills to create our sets. Lots of fun to be had so give us a call on 5449 9343 or check noosaartstheatre.org.au or email us info@noosaartstheatre.org.au
Phone us about our new men’s mental health support group. You may be interested as a bloke who would like a private chat about your wellbeing? Or you have a friend in need? We (SMS) are an all-male group, typically outdoor type retirees. If you are interested as a volunteer, we are particularly looking for men living in the regional towns such as Cooroy, Pomona, Eumundi. Phone Mike, Al, or Peter on 0423 317 375.
If you’ve had a fulfilling career and are interested in ’Giving Back’ to the community, join us at Noosa Marina, Cafe VinCino. We meet every Thursday at 7:30am for about an hour or so, and breakfast. We are a group of around 24 people who live in and around Noosa. We raise funds and support organizations that assist people in our community. Our current major project, in partnership with the Salvation Army’s ‘First Response Team,’ is helping the homeless transition from sleeping in their cars to leading a normal life. Come and have a chat with us.
Tewantin Noosa National Seniors Group meetings are held at Tewantin Noosa RSL Club on third Thursdayofthemonth.Doorsopenat10ammorning tea is offered before meeting starts at 10.30am with a variety of guest speakers each month. We offer outings, social gatherings, information sharing and friendship. New members and visitors are welcome. Please contact Jenny Clarke (secretary) on 0414 804 988 for more information.
We are a small and friendly group of adults who like talking and/or listening to discussions about books, authors, illustrators, characters and word choices. There is no prescribed reading that you have to do (that’s the twist!). Just bring along any book that you have read, or are currently reading, to discuss informally. All book genres are wel-
come. Everyone is welcome. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at the tables inside Cooroy Library 1pm – 2ish. Completely free. Email contact is bookclubwithatwist@hotmail.com
Probus Clubs are designed for fun and friendship in retirement. If you are retired (or nearly) and are open to making new friends through a variety of activities, then Noosa has several Probus clubs.
Interested in joining us but not sure? You are welcome at our ‘Drinks by the River’ 4pm on the last Saturday of the month. Look for our flag opposite Zachary’s on Gympie Tce or email/phone secretary and attend a club meeting to check us out. These are 9.30am on the first Monday of the month, at the Noosa Golf Club. Website https:// noosacombinedprobus.yolasite.com/ ; email cnp.secretary@gmail.com or Kathy 0416 155428. TEWANTIN NOOSA PROBUS CLUB
We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Tewantin-Noosa RSL Club at 10am for morning coffee, a chat, an entertaining guest speaker followed by a short meeting in which we make plans for the coming month. This includes lunches out, river walks, theatre/cinema outings, future getaways and more. We offer a warm welcome, please contact Christine on 5442 7397 for more information.
The Probus Club of Noosa River offers fun and friendship as well as many activities including Craft, Book Club, Canasta, Dominoes, Golf, Mahjong, Coffee mornings, Lunch and Dinner outings, Scrabble, Creative writing, Ukulele, Wine appreciation, Theatre outings, Walking groups and Travel. The club meets at Noosa Lawns Club, 65 Hilton Terrace, Tewantin on the first Monday of each month at 9am. Phone 0410 687 639.
Noosa Probus 2010 is a great club for retired men and women who love going on bus trips, having coffee, lunches, dinners, weekly walks, yoga, theatre, garden outings and more. Meetings are held at Lawns (Tewantin Noosa Bowls Club) 65 Hilton Tce, Tewantin on the second Tuesday of the month at 9am. Enquiries Win 0481 397 272.
The Noosa Community Gardens are buzzing with activity. Our Members all love working on our organic garden beds, tending to our edible vegetables and fruits. Club Gardening Hours are Fridays 7.30-10am, then we stay for a cuppa and a chat. For more info, call Rhonda on 0416 054 650
We are a friendly, vibrant choir, singing beautiful, joyful, easy to learn songs from around the world in a relaxed atmosphere. All levels of ability accepted and no auditions. We would especially like to welcome some Male singers as well. Join us Tuesdays 4-5.30pm at the CWA hall, Eumundi. Call Joan for more information on 0419 517 869 BRING YOUR VOICE TO NOOSA CHORALE
Noosa Chorale is recruiting new singers to enjoy the fun and challenge of making fantastic music
together. Singers with the Chorale have a privileged opportunity to develop their singing skills under the direction of talented conductor/maestro Kim Kirkman, and to perform on stage in three major concerts each year with instrumental accompaniment by exceptional musicians. In May this year, we will perform “The Armed Man“, an inspiring modern work by Karl Jenkins who has been described as the world’s greatest living composer. No auditions are required, nor is the ability to read music although this is an advantage. Rehearsals are held each Monday from 7-9pm at The J Theatre. For more information, see “sing with us” at noosachorale.org.au or email noosachorale@gmail.com
We are a small but very active group and would love to welcome new members. If you would like more information please email us noosaheadslions@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook.
Join NoosaCare’s volunteer team and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our residents. NoosaCare is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation with two locations: Carramar in Tewantin and Kabara in Cooroy. Our volunteers help enhance residents’ lives by assisting with activities and providing companionship. What you’ll do: Chat or play games with residents; Assist with recreational activities and events; Offer companionship and emotional support. We’re looking for caring, empathetic individuals with a desire to help. No experience is needed, and we provide a free police check. Email hr@noosacare. com.au to learn more and apply.
Weekly roster for Tewantin- Noosa Meals on Wheels beginning Monday 17 March
Monday Drivers: Tony, Rhonda, Jim B, Maria and James, Elsa, Lorraine, Jason, Robyn, Sharyn W
Kitchen: Janet, John, Denise
Tuesday Drivers: Bruce, Paul H, Tania and Friends, Driver needed for D Run, Driver needed for E Run, Barani and Peter, Paul C, Simone, Deidre Kitchen: Chris, Ann, Lisa
Wednesday Drivers: John H, Darryl, Driver needed for C Run, Kevin, Elsa, Kath, Simone, John and Helen, Paul S Kitchen: Denise, Chris, John, Jerry
Thursday Drivers: Antje, Alison, Margaret and Jim S, Sue, Julie, Margo and Jim, Driver needed for G Run, Ian, Julie L, Darryl, Sharon and Mal Kitchen: Donal, Claire, Vicki, Sharon, Michael
You can also check the roster on mealsonwheels-tewantin-noosa.org.au
If you are unavailable or can do an extra run, please phone the kitchen on 54497659.
We are looking for drivers and kitchen volunteers.
Last month a team of ten well-seasoned footballers (soccer), comprising of both current and former Cooroora United Football Club players combined with a few Coolum Beach Walking Football players, travelled down the Bruce Highway to take part in the prestigious Redlands Coast 7s competition.
The squad, playing as the ‘Old Cooroovians’, boasted an eclectic blend of five English players, three Scots, one American, and one Aussie, all participating in the Over 55s division.
Despite not playing together regularly, the Old Cooroovians put in a surprisingly impressive performance on the first day, securing two wins and one loss, which saw them sitting third on the tournament ladder. Spirits were high going into the second day, but with tired legs and a few sleepdeprived players, maintaining their winning form proved challenging.
However, it turned out to be a day where expectations exceeded ability, and the team could only manage a draw and two losses. But, despite this, they still had done enough to secure a place in the Plate Final.
In a nail-biting final, the Old Cooroovians bat-
tled valiantly but couldn’t find the net, even after the extra time of extra time, leading to a tense penalty shootout.
Unfortunately, they fell just short, finishing as runners-up in the Plate competition. While missing out on the silverware was disappointing, the team’s performance exceeded expectations, and they walked away with their heads held high.
More importantly, the players had a fantastic time, filled with plenty of laughs and a few wellearned drinks to ease the disappointment.
The Old Cooroovians would like to thank Cooroora United Football Club for providing the playing kit and training facilities and Coolum Beach Walking Football Club for the loan of marquees to keep us cool and lending an alternate ’away’ strip.
With more Masters’ tournaments on the horizon, the legend of the Old Cooroovians continues to grow. If you’re interested in dusting off your boots and reliving your glory days by playing over- 55 or over-60 football then get in touch with Donald at cooroovian@gmail.com
Noosa athlete Aydon-Lee Ovseev has firmly established himself as a rising star in the Australian Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) community having just won the Open weight under 15 Australian Open Title held annually in Byron Bay.
At just 14 years old, Aydon-Lee has demonstrated exceptional dedication and skill, training up to 12 sessions weekly in BJJ, Judo and until recently, Platinum swim squad at the Noosa Aquatic Centre.
Previously reported by this masthead, in August 2023, his relentless commitment culminated in a gold medal at the Australian Junior Jiu-Jitsu Championships (AJJC) in Melbourne, where he triumphed in the 13-year-old, Yellow-Belt Open Weight division.
Realising the ever growing standards in one of Australia’s fastest growing combat sports, Aydon-Lee has doubled down on his training regime to also include three personalised sessions of strength training with Matt from Adapt Noosa, located in the Cross-fit 4566 building in Noosaville.
Continuing his pursuit of excellence, Aydon-Lee is set to compete in the Brazilian Nationals in Sao Paulo, Brazil in June.
This international platform offers him an opportunity to showcase his talents on a global stage.
Beyond the mats, Aydon-Lee maintains an active presence on social media, sharing his journey and achievements with a growing audience.
His dedication serves as an inspiration to young athletes in Noosa and beyond, exemplifying the heights that can be reached with passion, perseverance and discipline.
No athlete walks the walk alone, and
This dedicated team have nurtured AydonLee from a small, shy, eight year old to the formidable open weight champion you see today.
Gracie Barra Noosa also has a diverse group of training partners Aydon-Lee works with on a daily basis, allowing him to develop his own unique BJJ style and ’game’ without the risk of injury, as all egos are checked in at the door before entering the mats.
As Aydon-Lee prepares for his upcoming international challenge, the Noosa community eagerly anticipates his continued success and stands proudly behind their local champion.
The event would like to thank athletes, stakeholders, partners and volunteers for their continued support of the Mooloolaba Triathlon.
From sport to dancing or walks, there’s plenty of ways to get active in Noosa.
Coastal Rowing Noosa would like to welcome new members to our club. Experienced, novice or learn-to-row all catered for in a friendly and fit group of all ages. Boats are wide and stable for both flat and wave rowing. Currently early morning rows on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday but times and days are flexible according to demand. Come and try! Call Ann on 0432 141 308 or visit the website coastalrowingnoosa.com.au
Dance lessons are on Sundays at 12.30pm at the Tewantin Masonic Hall, Moorindil Street. We start by teaching basic dance steps, then Waltz, old time, New Vogue, Ballroom Dances and a little Latin. We run through to 5pm. Lots of fun and dancing, including a 20 minute tea/coffee break to socialise. (Only $10) Hope to see you there. Singles or couples, welcome. Just rock up or phone Andrew 0429 829 328. For more info, please visit andrewsclassdance.com
Thinking of joining us? We offer Come & Try sessions on the 1st Sunday of each month at the club’s attractive grounds in Seashell Place, Noosa Waters. Be at the club by 8.15am, when our experienced trainers will help you understand what this strategic game is all about. Email our secretary to book a session, or to arrange an alternative time. noosa@croquetqld.org
We are a friendly group of ladies who keep fit every Thursday at 10am at the Masonic Hall on Moorindil Street in Tewantin. Our class lasts for an hour and coffee afterwards at the Marina is an optional extra. We are currently welcoming new participants. $10 per class. For more details call/ text Nicki on 0421 751614.
With a focus on fun and social interaction rather
than competition, it is a great way to stay active, energized and meet some new friends. The aim of fast walking (rather than running) is to keep it safe and injury free for all. If you thought your netball days were over, then think again. No team required, just come along and play. Registration $37, then $5 each week you attend. Wednesdays 6-7.30pm. Noosa Netball courts, McKinnon Drive, Tewantin. Call 0407 480125 for more info or email noosanetball@gmail.com See you there.
Noosa Masters swim all year round at the Noosa Aquatic Centre, 6 Girraween Ct, Sunshine Beach. Our goals are fitness, fun and friendship. Anyone 18 and over is welcome to join the club so come and give us a try. The club meets on Thursday mornings and Sunday mornings 7.30-9am.for coached squads. We then convene for coffee and a chat afterwards. For more information check our website at noosamastersswimming.com.au/ or email noosamastersswimming@outlook.com
Modern Jive is a great modern dance style that is heaps of fun, and is easy to learn. Come and dance to the modern music that you hear at parties, weddings and nightclubs. New and current dancers welcome! Venue: Freemason’s Hall, 30 Moorindil Street, Tewantin. Classes every Tuesday night, 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start. Contact Warren 0402 092 563 or visit LeStepSunshineCoast.com.au
If you are looking for a low-impact, therapeutic exercise that can improve fitness, coordination and confidence, then lawn bowls is the sport for you. The Cooroy Community Bowls Club, located at Your Mates Bowls Pub, 5 Opal Street, Cooroy, offers bowls every Tuesday afternoon at 12noon and Saturday morning at 8.30am. There is no need to book, simply turn up. For further information contact Maureen (club president) on 0419 588 661.
Increase strength, flexibility, energy and wellbeing. Dance exercises and stretching. Learn new dance moves and routines to inspired music. Jazz and Latin style dance keeps the body moving, mind agile, memory working and spirit lifted. Tuesdays 8.30-10am in Tewantin. Phone Margaret for details on 0425 269 988.
Join us every Friday morning from 7.30-9am for a revitalising walk along the Noosa River. Designed for active professionals and individuals seeking growth in personal, professional, and mental well-being, our sessions are led by a diverse team of coaches and therapists. Start with brief introductions, then pair up to exchange insights as you walk. The morning concludes with a 10-minute engaging talk from a member, all while enjoying coffee from O-Boats. For more information, visit Facebook page: Walk With Wisdom.
We are a warm, welcoming, inclusive, friendly bunch who love to dance. With five classes offered each week together with absolute beginner workshops also starting periodically each term, there is something for everyone. Classes are held in Tewantin and Noosaville and taught by Sue who is a passionate teacher with over 30 years experience. Take an average day, build in some dance and realise the positive and rewarding results from a little music, a few Boot Scoot’n steps and encouraging vibes. Visit sunnycoasterslinedancing.com.au or phone Sue on 0408 337 262.
Mature ladies, if you’re not as fit as you used to be and you want to get back into moving your body in the great outdoors, then this might just be your answer. Accountability and achievability with a healthy active lifestyle plan customised just for you. Vitality, mobility, stability and longevity are a few of the benefits of building strength and improving flexibility with an easy active fitness plan.
Please call Donna on 0419 373 319.
Fit tennis players required for singles and doubles play during the week and weekends. Squash and tennis players needed Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Call Karen on 0412 485 411.
Noosa Indoor Carpet Bowls Club would love to welcome new members to join us each Friday morning at the Leisure Centre in Wallace Drive, Noosaville. No experience necessary and lots of fun to be had. Play starts at 9am till 11am. Please contact Pam 0407 493 402.
You’re invited to come and try sessions, first one free. Experience traditional and modern, easy and moderate dances from countries around the world, on Fridays from 10-11.45am at the Catholic Parish Hall, Moorindil Street, Tewantin. We are a welcoming group providing physical and social well-being through world dance. Phone Philippa on 0417 780 016 or just come along. Wear comfortable shoes.
Life begins when you discover pickleball. Make new friends, play indoor or outdoor, and its a sport for all ages eight to 88. Noosa Pickleball Club is hosting beginner lessons, and sessions for all skill levels. Find out more by emailing info@ noosapickleballclub.com
Classes for adults based on ballet. Improve your posture, tone and tighten your muscles with this total mind and body conditional workout while enjoying classical music. Classes are on Mondays - Ballet Intermediate 9-10.30am, Pointe 10.45-11.15am, Beginners Ballet 11.30-12.30am; Wednesday - Ballet Intermediate 9-10.30am; Friday - FitBarre Conditioning 9-10am (All Levels) at Performing Arts Factory, 3/6-8 Rene St, Noosaville. Phone Angelika on 0488 088 633.
By Abbey Cannan
Paralympic gold medallist Callum Simpson was named Sports Star of the Year 2024 at the Sunshine Coast Sports 54th Annual Awards on Wednesday night.
The awards night, hosted at Altitude Nine, Sunshine Coast City Hall, was attended by some of the most influential figures in local sport.
The event was made even more special with Olympic gold medallist Duncan Armstrong OLY OAM presenting the highly anticipated Sports Star of the Year award.
“I think the results speak for themselves,” Duncan said, while speaking to Noosa Today on the Sports Star of the Year selection.
“When you look at Callum’s unbelievable rise and then his execution and fantastic results in Paris, you know, Callum is going to be a great personality here on the Sunshine Coast. He’s still very young. So he’s got a lot of Olympics to go, Los Angeles, and our own Olympic games in 2032. So I think it’s a great choice.”
Duncan said it takes a lot of hard choices to reach the level of success these athletes are at.
“It takes a lot of early morning alarms and a lot of dedication. It takes a lot of work to get through setbacks with injuries, losses, and things like that,”
he said.
“And what you’re seeing with athletes like Callum, and so many people in the categories for these awards, you’re seeing people who can really be resilient and persevere and dream big. Because it takes really big dreams to be able to get out of bed early in the morning, do all the hard work, but also fail forward. So that when you do fail, you just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get going again.”
Duncan said sports can sometimes be quite devastating for athletes.
“You can miss teams, you can miss out on gold medals, you can miss finals, and things like that,” he said.
“So when you’re looking at Callum, you’re looking at someone who’s overcome a great deal. Not just physically, but mentally as well with these challenges. So you know you’re seeing a really hard worker who has made some tough choices to be where he is.”
Recognising the region’s outstanding athletes, coaches, officials, teams, volunteers, and sporting events, these prestigious awards continue to honour the rich sporting legacy of the Sunshine Coast, from grassroots development to world-class achievements.
With a history dating back to 1968, the awards have seen legendary athletes such as Pat Rafter,
By Julian Pitts
Plenty happening at Tigerland and whilst Cyclone Alfred put pay to our Senior Men’s practise game last weekend, the Noosa boys are pumped to be heading down the Bruce Highway this Saturday to take on 2024 premiers Morningside.
Their last serious hit out prior to their round one clash on March 29 against Wilston Grange in Brisbane.
Speaking to leadership group member and crowd favourite Mav Pettigrove he mentioned that ‘the boys are all super fit and ready to go.
The pre-season has been really solid and we think if we can keep our best team on the paddock we can compete with anyone. Super excited to test ourselves against the defending Premiers on Saturday’
Our Senior Women are relishing the coaching methods of Darren ‘Rocket’ McConnon and have their own practice match schedule coming up.
The Women play Nth Shore at home on March 22 and then Caloundra at home also on March 29.
Both games will have our Under 17 girls play as a prelude which is exciting as Matty Cook takes the 2025 reins of our 17 girls!
A fantastic golf day once again with a massive thank you to Tony and Michael Jedynak and Bart Jaques for again running the event!
And what about the 2024 Premiership Cup coming to the Tiger clubrooms putting co club founder and Sunshine Coast football legend Len Daddow in his element.
Noosa’s founding father and 30 year Brisbane Bears/Lions member couldn’t wait
Tigers co-founder Len Daddow with the 2024 Premiership Cup. (Supplied)
to hold the Premiership Cup as it does the rounds of Queensland!
See you down at training on Thursday night. Isn’t it great to have footy back? Go Tigers!
Lisa Curry-Kenny, Grant Kenny, Ian Baker-Finch, and Tate McDermott take home honours before launching onto national and international stages.
On Wednesday 12 March, another incredible group of winners joined this esteemed list, marking a new chapter in Sunshine Coast sporting history.
And the winners are:
• Sports Star of the Year 2024: Callum Simpson, Swimming
• Athlete of the Year - Masters 2024: Todd Grace, Ocean Paddling
• Athlete of the Year - Open 2024: Peyton Craig, Athletics
• Athlete of the Year - Next Gen 2024: Rhett Baker, Athletics
• Athlete of the Year - Disability 2024: Callum Simpson, Swimming
• Official of the Year 2024: Bridie Kean, Wheelchair Basketball
• Volunteer of the Year 2024: Sharon Hill, Wheelchair Basketball
• Team of the Year 2024: Brendan Mallyon, Athletics
• Coach of the Year 2024: Cali Unite, Calisthenics
• Inclusivity Award 2024: Sunshine Coast Archery Club, Archery
Each award recipient has demonstrated dedication, passion, and perseverance, inspiring the next generation of athletes and reinforcing the strength of grassroots sport across the region.
Each category winner received $250 and a trophy. The Sports Start of the Year received a special trophy and additional $250 in recognition of their achievement.
Sunshine Coast Sports Board Member Charlie Hemming praised the winners and finalists.
“The Sunshine Coast Sports Awards are more than just accolades; they represent the passion and resilience that drive our sporting community,” Charlie said.
“Every nominee, finalist, and winner has made a profound impact, whether on the field, in the pool, on the court, in our ocean or behind the scenes.
“Congratulations to all our 2024 winners - your achievements are a testament to the strength of sport in our region.”
These awards serve as a reminder of the power of sport in bringing communities together, inspiring young athletes, and showcasing the world-class talent nurtured right here on the Sunshine Coast.
After the bye of Round 1 in FQPL3, Noosa Lions Senior Men’s team got their season underway on the first day of Autumn, with a thumping 10-1 victory over Baringa.
Two goals each for Taichi Takaishi, Mitchell Bridge and Jack Williams were supplemented by a fine strike from Nick Cookman, a deft finish from the hard-working Oli Williams and goals from substitutes Harry Magee and Will Graham.
A new season in many ways, with club stalwart, Michael Williams stepping up into the Coach’s role alongside Matt Digwood with support from Matt Upton and Craig Thompson.
Digwood coached the Under 23’s last season and as the club’s Technical Director, has firsthand knowledge of the depth of talent in the youth ranks at Noosa. Pre-season victories against an Ipswich team and Brighton FC in the Kappa Cup had highlighted the coaching team’s focus on a quick passing game, which was evident throughout this emphatic victory, albeit against a weakened opposition.
Cyclone Alfred off the coast added to the wind strength at Girraween, but the slick passing and movement of the Noosa team literally blew Baringa away in a dominant first half performance. The home side going into the break 5-1 in front, though disappointed that they had conceded to Baringa’s solitary attack.
Captain, Luke Becconsall, led by example with his energy and commitment to every tackle, whilst Ollie Blackmore pulled the strings in central midfield, as Baringa struggled to cope with the pace and movement of the Noosa forward line led by Oli Williams.
Takaishi ‘T’ opened the scoring in the seventh minute with a smart finish from a cross by rightback, Lachlan Kusabs.
Mitch Bridge headed home from a Blackmore corner in the 21st minute and scored a second header in the 67th minute. ‘T’s second goal was a clinical finish at the near post following a flowing move across the pitch, with Nick Cookman’s long range strike being the pick of the goals, as he timed his connection to another Blackmore corner to perfection.
“The boys have been training well and today was a solid performance for our first league game,” Michael Williams said, who was also delighted that despite making five substitutions the team never lost their shape or intensity and scored three goals in the last twenty minutes.
The Under 23’s were pegged back to a 5-3 win by a gutsy Baringa team, having led 4-0 on the hour mark, with Jacob Abbott grabbing a brace, his second ensuring victory in the 90th minute.
The Noosa Lions FC Women and Under 23 Women’s teams both lost to Woombye.
It’s actually the road trip launch of an ambitious video awareness campaign called “Rescue, Rehab, Re-home” but according to surfing dogs pioneer Chris De Aboitiz, Rama’s appearance with Chris and his pack at this weekend’s opening day of the Noosa Festival of Surfing will be a farewell tour for the faithful hound who has been the star of Chris’s dog surfing exhibitions and behavioural Pack Mates program.
Says Chris: “Rama is the second generation of my pack, and he took dog surfing to the next level with jumping on my shoulders, and he always answered to Lani, who was the first generation. He was my second dog teacher and now he is the grumpy old man who free ranges the paddock and knows where every food bowl is. He’s been an incredible friend and teacher, and that’s why we’re honouring him.”
Chris, Rama and the rest of the Pack Mates will be at Main Beach, Noosa on Saturday, 15 March from 3pm for the festival’s 14th annual VetShopAustralia Surfing Dog Championships, which will be Rama’s last public appearance with the Pack Mates after nearly a decade of service and surfing, since Chris found him at Red Collar Rescue near Bundaberg. Rama was Red Collar’s 113th recue dog to be re-homed, joining the pack at Chris’s holiday park and dog behavioural centre The Summit at Agnes Water on Queensland’s Discovery Coast, the first of a succession of rescue dogs to do so ever since.
The four-part video series Chris calls “Triple R” has already made a splash, with its first episode telling the Rama story attracting nearly 6000 views in 24 hours. Subsequent episodes portray a day in the life of the pack at The Summit, the rehoming of Koa and Molly, two more rescue dogs from Red Collar Rescue who have been nurtured at The Summit, and a look at the underlying philosophy of “Rescue, Rehab, Re-home”.
Meanwhile, with Rama transitioning to retirement, Jarrah is the new leader of the pack. Says Chris: “He’s strong, thinks he’s invincible, the new buck on the block. He can’t wait to jump on a surfboard and never thinks before he acts. He’s absolutely fearless and just as loyal, and he always wants to be by your side.”
Check out the Triple R clip on Instagram at @ packmatestraining
What was it all about, Alfie?
Fortunately, at least as far is Noosa is concerned, not much. While so many communities to the south got smashed by TC Alfred, we had a wet weekend and more than a week of great surf preceding it. Not to take a frightening near miss lightly, but we dodged the bullet so let’s rejoice in the waves we had, courtesy of our own amazing shutterbug Fenna De King, who captured the very best of what the points had to offer over so many good days, and Amber Cowley, who shot maybe the most-posted pic of the swell, when veteran charger Damian Coulter took a very rare fall at The Bluff. Falling Man went viral very quickly.
See more of Fenna’s incredible output at @ fennadeking on Insta.
It’s surf fest time!
Over the many years when I directed the surf festival, a great swell the week before or the week after was always my worst nightmare. Certainly that was the way it was looking when the
points fired up as March began, but it seems like the current crew might have won a reprieve in the nick of time, with a steady flow of east swell developing, at least for the latter part of the event.
In the meantime, the beach bar will be crank-
ing from this afternoon (Friday 14) and the surfing dogs, paddle out and opening festivities tomorrow. Great times in store for surfers of all ages, but I do wish the organisers would throw a bone at the old blokes and recognise the fact that some of us like to surf gentlemen’s hours, and reckon we’ve earned the right. My first round heat hits the water first up at 6.40am, for pity’s sake! Help me out, dawn patrollers, is it even light then? If you’re a competitor see the full draw now published on liveheats.com
In early March this season volunteers (working under the guidance of chairman Steve and wife Niki Mawby) nine surf clubs came together at Noosa’s Main Beach to deliver the second annual Joint Seahorse Nipper Program (an adaptive nipper program) with clubs from all up the Queensland coast. These included, Port Douglas, Ellis Beach, Sunshine Beach, Peregian Beach, Alexandra Headlands, Mooloolaba, Dicky Beach, North Burleigh and Noosa.
This resulted in a collaboration of 70 surf lifesavers, assisting 50 participants under the supervision of 100 parents and carers. The ownership of this program, belongs to the people in the surf lifesaving movement and is an annual event: and in some cases, could be conducted on various beaches.
Starting in the 2013 season, this unique program had clubbies from all over asking the question. “Just who the hell are these Seahorse Nippers?”Nowsome13yearson,itisnotjustasuccess on some local beaches (some working under their own name) but its popularity has been such, that National Council, (lifesavings governing body) has taken the unexpected step of having a “Special events program,” included in the biggest carnival of the year - The National Championships of the Surf Lifesaving Association of Australia.
And now, we take the opportunity to give our supporters the chance to read a full report on the running of a Seahorse Nipper Program: a good look at the very positive- “other side of the coin.
“The final day of the season was to be a good indicator of just what a great success for lifesaving and our community, the Seahorse Nippers has been.
Being a big full-on day, it began with Noosa Patrol captain Jenny Glassock meeting with Water Safety Officer Steve Freckelton to assess and discuss conditions.
Surf conditions created by a peak hightide and cyclone Alfred, this year were challenging, and a decision was made early, to expand beach activities and restrict water access, to a waste deep wade routine, with a maximum group size of 10 in the water at any time: all groups to be strictly supervised. Following this Lorna Garden, Nikki Mawby, Lucia Neeley and Jo Power, arrived to finalise attendances and fine tune leaders, before registration and volunteer briefing was given.
Following this Big Peter Williams and his team known as the Bus Boys, co-ordinated car parking and bus transfers for volunteers and families attending on the day: their job being to assist participants on and off busses at all locations. Lots of smiles and jokes shared with bus drivers on their return to their cars, was a good indication as to the success of the day.
A big thank you to the Sunshine Beach Surf Club for the loan of their bus, and to the staff of the Noosa Shire Council (Larry, Amelia, Clint, Hayley and Andrea) who assisted in making the beach accessible: as well as access for the Lions and Noosa J car park, for all Seahorse Programs.
Also, a big vote of thanks goes to the Noosa Surf Club Office team for their communication skills, with families and volunteers: also, their skills in preparing the smooth running of the programs: Renee, Sheridan, Justine, Sharon, Anna and Tanya. A big well done goes to the key players who have been in attendance year after year: Donald Mc Kill, Steve Freckleton, Peter Williams, Jo Power and Sunshine Beach Surf Club CTO, John Reeves. However, the overall success of these programs, is also the result of the loyalty and devotion to the Seahorse kids by many others, just too many to name. We see them, we acknowledge them, and we salute them.
On occasions such as this, at days end the same problem always arises. Just how are we going to entice Seahorse Nippers out of the water, when they are having a ball: simple. Get volunteers, Colleen Kneale, Sandy Warren and Felicity O’Brien, to expertly whip up 150 banana smoothies: all in the day’s fun.
Regarding the presentation of the certificates, trophies and gifts to all visiting participants, this pleasant happening was given to Councillor, Noosa Heads clubbie, and Seahorse program volunteer Amelia Lorentson. Founding Patron, Dawn Fraser sent her apologies, as she was still recovering from recent injuries. To this great lady we extend our heart felt wishers for a full recovery. As always, a major factor in a program such as this is generous financial support from various sponsors, many of whom are ever present. Tewantin Noosa Lions Club, the Burleigh Lions Club, North Burleigh SLSC, Noosa Heads Supporters Club, Surf Club Restaurant as well as Darren, Sue Jo and team at RACV, who donate rooms at subsidised rates: thus, hosting visiting families and helpers with their great hospitality and customer service. Without these people, where would we be?
‘’We are inspired to continue developing a positive culture of inclusiveness in surf lifesaving throughout the network with other surf lifesaving clubs. Delivering lifesaving programs within our community, that have a positive impact on the lives of families living with circumstances and physical restrictions, that limit their ability to learn beach and ocean skills, is of the utmost importance.’’
In a letter of gratitude from Judy and Candice Green, regarding all aspects of the event their comments are well noted. Thank you to Debbie Hazlewood (10 years in the Nipper movement and now program co-ordinator) and her team for an amazing weekend away with the Seahorse Nippers. She is good, with not only the kids, but also the parents and carers: that was especially the case, regarding emails and text updates, which even continued during the event.
Yet another vote of thanks to those unsung heroes, the sponsors. They bought normality, luxury and a little getaway from the norm to families who really need things to brighten their day. RACV was
a stunning place to stay accommodation, location, great food, swimming pool and surroundings.
Big welcome on the Saturday from all involved: thoroughly enjoying the activities on the beach as well as in the water. Most impressive was the amount of help and safety measures that were evident during the event: also the lunch, put on by the surf club, the thoughtful gesture of bringing up the beach wheel chairs and the supplying of the Seahorse Nipper Rashies. All gratefully appreciated.
Judy went on to thank North Burleigh SLSC, for continuing their Seahorse Nipper Programs.
“Candice had the best time: she was excited before and really enjoyed her little holiday. The affordable accommodation, which was big enough to house a carer as well, enabled me to take a break, which I did. These memories will stay in our hearts, and we hope that we can look forward to something similar next year.”
The attendance figures, plus the support of National Council, (adding the beach events at the National Titles for Nippers in need) tell us that support is spreading and consolidated. Add to this, the attitude of th local sponors in recent times, shows that the long endless hours put in by Steve and Niki Mawby have not been in vain. So, to the Mawbys the Red and Yellow army, and everyone involved we say congratulations.
Rugby League
Recent bad weather put stop to all football codes. However, from Noosa Pirates the news is now good. On Friday night and Saturday morning seven grading games for juniors will be conducted at Pirates Park. Until TC Alfie interfered, training sessions at Pirate Park have been well attended by all grades. After last season’s good efforts, plus the signing of several new well-respected players, it is all stations go.
THERE’S never a bad time to buy good real estate. It’s a saying I’ve heard from leading agents and it surfaced again this week.
Noosa finds itself in a relatively protected part of Australia’s east coast
We have felt the effects of cyclonic weather in the past and always come out of it stronger.
Four cyclones have impacted Queensland, south of Bundaberg to the border in almost 60 years.
Cyclone Dinah struck in January 1967, causing significant coastal erosion at Noosa Main Beach.
In 1974 Cyclone Wanda exposed parts of Noosa Sound to the ocean, which led to the Noosa Spit being created.
Then Cyclone David in 1976 caused some flooding.
So Cyclone Alfred swinging by last weekend saw changes to the way we operatedparticularly in regard to schools, shops, transport and homes open for inspection.
Acting prudently were Tom Offermann Real Estate agents Nic Hunter and Adam Offermann who, after long consultations with the sellers at 28 The Quarterdeck, Noosa Heads, postponed the auction to Friday, 21 March, at 1pm.
The three-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house was to go to the market on Saturday, 8 March, but the change was made in the client’s best interests.
The property is positioned above Noosa Junction, and within walking distance to Hastings St as well as Main Beach.
From here, there are glorious views of Noosa River and Lake Weyba, as well as the hinterland.
The feel of the living upstairs with the deck is appealing to interested parties, while the south-west terrace is mostly under cover, and the open-plan living and dining area comes with vaulted ceiling.
A four-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house on 1.97ha with creek, shed, at 2/32 Eumundi Range Rd, Eumundi, has settled after selling at auction in late November. (442468)
A leased 108sq m commercial property on two titles at 1 & 2/33 Hastings St, Noosa Heads, is under negotiation in excess of $6.8m after auction on Friday, 28 February. (455991)
With living areas on each level, there is the option for dual living or a leisure zone downstairs.
There are two bedrooms on this levelone opens to the terrace; a bathroom has a bathtub/shower; plus, separate toilet. The adjoining laundry has access to a drying area, there’s storage under the stairs, and a two-car garage.
Interests have been across the board - locals as well as interstate.
There has been phenomenal interest in a luxury waterfront property on Witta Ccle at Noosa Heads in the lead-up to auction.
The five-bedroom, six-bathroom, two-car waterfront house with pool and jetty at 31 Witta Circle, is being marketed by Gillian McCauley and Shane McCauley of Richardson & Wrench Noosa.
It goes to auction Saturday, 22, at 11am.
Early response has been from interstate and locals alike, Gillian said, with registered interest for bidding.
The main interest has been investment yet also those naturally wanting to move in permanently.
“The main appeal is obviously the location, looking to the bushland across the water.
“The fact it is short-term, holiday-let approved is also driving interest.
“People love the floorpan - the downstairs living is quite open, with the bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom off each.
“There is a powder room downstairs, and an outdoor shower for after the pool or the beach.’’
The property comes with a private beach, jetty, and wet-edge pool.
Indoor-outdoor living architectural design
A leased 108sq m commercial property on two titles at 1 & 2/33 Hastings St, Noosa Heads, is under negotiation in excess of $6.8m after auction on Friday, 28 February. (455991)
ensures seamless integration of indoor comfort with outdoor leisure.
There are river views from every angle. Spacious living areas with high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling glass.
The main bedroom suite features a standing balcony overlooking the river.
As well as a chef’s kitchen there is an expansive bar with seating and a stand-alone area.
Split system air-conditioning is fitted throughout and there is gated access.
It was an absorbing afternoon in Noosa Heads on Friday, 28 February, as two prime commercial properties were put to auction .
One was a retail outlet in the heart of Hastings Street. The other was professional officers at a prominent address in Noosaville.
Marketed by Colliers International and Niche Properties, there was activating on both properties.
The retail outlet at 1 & 2 / 33 Hastings Street, came with a five-by-five year lease to international fashion brand Rodd and Gunn.
The 108sq m holding was one of five in the complex and offered about 10.5m frontage to Hastings St.
Auctioneer Gordon Macdonald described it as “a generational holding … one that is seldom offered.’’
It saw active bidding from $5.8m until passed in at $6.8 million with negotiations continuing with the preferred buyer.
The two-level professional offices at 35 James Street, Noosaville, attracted competitive bidding from four parties in the room on the phone, including international interest.
Positioned on a 690sq m corner of James and Mary in the heart of Noosaville‘s
A four-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house on 1.97ha with creek, shed, at 2/32 Eumundi Range Rd, Eumundi, has settled after selling at auction in late November. (442468)
A three-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house at 28 The Quarterdeck, Noosa Heads, will now go to auction Friday, 21 March, at 1pm. (459974)
commercial centre, it offered a nett lettable area of 174sq m and 40m street frontage.
Fully leased to established dental practice and corporately owned orthodontist, there were 10 on-site car parks.
Bidding started at $2 million and reached $2.6m, leaving two bidders to battle it out - one in the room and one on the phone.
After 37 bids the property was sold under the hammer for $2.96million to the phone bidder from Southern Queensland.
Collier‘s Nick Dowling said commercial property in Noosa, particularly Noosa Heads, was extremely tight at present and offering extremely good returns.
This can be seen in context with the shakeup in the industry at the outset of Covid where a lot of investors took the opportunity to improve their position to main street frontage.
The same can be said of Noosaville which has increased dramatically over the years.
“The key about Noosa is it’s so tight,’’ Nick Dowling said. “We have a finite supply so we tend to get at a premium - the same as the residential property market.
“It’s about the rents we get the, the yields we get.
“Some people sold as Covid was coming in and others took advantage of that. It was an interesting period.
“Two really good clean assets were presented today.
“The inquiry across the properties offered recently has been exceptional - international as well as local.
“Hasting Street is the key. Noosaville has really come.
“There is simply not enough stock around. Position is the key.’’
A two-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house with pool on 2023sq m at 551 Sunrise Rd, Tinbeerwah, goes to auction Friday, 22 March, at 12pm. (462733)
A renovated four-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house, pool, shed, at 18 Palm Grove Cres, Tewantin, goes to auction 11am, Saturday, 22 March. (462733)
A gateway property to Eumundi has settled after auction in late November.
Sam Walker and James Rigby of Walker and Rigby said the four-bedroom, two-bathroom, twocar house on 1.97ha at 2/32 Eumundi Range Rd has gone to Gold Coast buyers.
There was interest at auction but the property was passed in, and subsequently achieved $1.450m.
First time offered to market in 21 years, the property with the distinctive red gate comprises sub-tropical gardens and cleared acreage.
There are mature trees, a natural stream and dam with water lilies.
As well as the ranch-style residence there is a double garage that has been converted into accommodation with a separate kitchen, and a separate two-bay Colorbond shed of with an additional 25sq m awning,
The buyers, originally northern New South Wales, wanted to get a tree change from the Gold Coast, and was impressed by the streetscaping taking place in Eumundi.
A two-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house with pool on 2023sq m at 551 Sunrise Rd, Tinbeerwah, goes to auction Friday, 22 March, at 12pm. (462733)
A renovated four-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car house, pool, shed, at 18 Palm Grove Cres, Tewantin, goes to auction 11am, Saturday, 22 March. (462733)
“The new owners are excited to get their builder started on large renovations,’’ James said.
“The seller’s siblings are both thrilled with the sale but also sad to see family home sold.’’
A renovated four-bedroom, two-bathroom, twocar house, pool, shed, at 18 Palm Grove Cres, Tewantin, goes to auction 11am, Saturday, 22 March.
The home, with multiple living and dining areas, is being marketed by Anita Nichols of Laguna Real Estate.
This large, single-level family home offers the highly desirable coastal lifestyle as it is surrounded with lush tropical gardens on 1032sq m.
The rear of the home provides a stunning entertaining area with a large, 85,000 litre
Bionizer chlorine-free, freshwater pool, cabana and a fire pit.
The expansive main bedroom suite opens out through sliding doors to the rear alfresco area, overlooking the gardens and pool.
There is a renovated ensuite with a large walk-in shower and high ceilings, offering great separation from the other three bedrooms and creating a fabulous parents retreat.
A five-bedroom, six-bathroom, two-car waterfront house with pool and jetty at 31 Witta Circle, Noosa Heads, goes to auction Saturday, 22 March, at 11am. (459979)
Bedrooms two, three and four are serviced by the newly-renovated bathroom and separate WC.
The high ceilings, VJ panelling and doors give a luxe, beachy feel with soft natural light filtering through the sheer window dressings.
The kitchen comes with loads of storage and a beautiful pool outlook.
There’s a 3m by 5m shed and a lock-up garage.
It needs work ... or knocking down and starting again. Yet the result will surely be worth it.
Damon Gore and Connie Gore of Countryside Realty Noosa are taking a two-bedroom, twobathroom house with pool on 2023sq m at Tinbeerwah to auction Friday, 21 March, at 12pm.
The house, in an elevated position in what is a highly desirable hinterland road, has sweeping views of Noosa.
Built in the 1970s, it does not meet current building standards. The pool is sound but has no compliance certification.
What it does have is breathtaking sunrises and cooling breezes.
It provides a opportunity for both investors
and homebuilders, whether as a skilled tradesperson or as someone looking to build a dream home. Early interest has been local but also interstate.
The two-storey home, features two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open-plan kitchen and living area upstairs.
On the lower level is a separate living area and kitchen that opens to the pool and gardens.
The property offers undercover parking for two cars.
SATURDAY, 15 March
Noosa Heads
• 6/4 Quamby Place: 3bed, 2bath, 1car waterfront apartment, 1pm, Jesse Stowers 0414 367 282 Tom Offermann Real Estate Noosa Heads
• 1/53 Noosa Pde: 3bed, 2bath, 1car townhome, 3pm, Jill Goode 0418 714 653 Tom Offermann Real Estate
Sunrise Beach
• 1 Woodlark Rise: 5bed, 5bath, 2car house, pool, 12pm, Peter TeWhata 0423 972 034 Erica Newton 0410 603 519 Tom Offermann Real Estate
Imaginepostcard perfectpanoramasoftheNoosa Riverdailyfromthisspacious,Northernorientated apartmentintheprestigiouswaterfront complex ‘NoosaQuays’.Presentinganidealblank canvasin aprimeposition awaiting acosmeticupdate from itssoon to benewowners.Offeringanunmatched lifestyleopportunityintheheartofNoosaHeadswith generoussinglelevellivingandelevatoraccess,whilst
beingwalkingdistancefromboutique stores,culinary delightsandiconicHastingsStreet.As youstepinto theapartment, your eyeswillimmediatelybedrawn to elevatedviewsacrossthe resort’sprivatebeach to the riverandtheNoosaSpit.Allowing cooloceanbreezes to flow through,theopenplanlivingareatakesfull advantageofthebeautifulaspectwithwall-to-wallglass slidingdoors leadingtothenorthfacingterrace.
Auction Saturday 15 March1pm
View Saturday 12.30pm
Agent JesseStowers 0414367282 jesse@offermann.com.au
Holiday heavenissurely anorth-eastfacing,sunsplashed townhomein apopularboutique complex, mere minutestoNoosa MainBeachfor aswimin theazurewaterofLagunaBay, afew more alongthe boardwalk to theNoosaNational Parkor stopfor coffeeinHastingsStreettothe Woodsendand take poochfor asplashatthedoggybeach.Allthisand moreaddup to anot-to-bemissed red-hotinvestment
opportunity. Luredbyaffordability?ThisistheONE!A securegatefromtheside street opensintothepaved and veryprivateterrace.Whetherenjoyingbarbeques withfriends, relaxingwhilstsprawledona sunlounge underanumbrellaafter aday atthebeach,ora swimin thepoolalsoaccessedfromtheterrace,thegoodlifeis allaround,anditdoesn’tgetmuchbetter.
Auction Saturday 15 March3pm View Saturday 2.30pm
Agent JillGoode 0418714653 jill@offermann.com.au
NestledinNoosaSprings,thisluxuriousresidence offersaseamlessblendofeleganceandtranquility Manicuredgardens,grandlivingspaces,and adesigner kitchensetthe stagefor refinedliving.Thenorth-facing terraceleads to aMediterranean-inspired courtyard with amosaic-edgedpool,whilethesouthsideterrace overlooksthe7thfairway
Fourspaciousbedroomsand study,includingapremier suitewithgolfcourseviews,ensurecomfort.A stateof-the-artmedia roomenhancesentertainment. Positionedinan exclusivegatedestate nearNoosa SpringsGolf &Spa,thishomeepitomisessophistication, privacy,andseamlessindoor-outdoorliving.
Auction Saturday 5April1pm
View Saturday &Wednesday11.00-11.30
Agent Eliza Coppin 0423726639 eliza@offermann.com.au
ThepopularityandmagnetismofNoosaHillis undeniable,andforgood reason,especiallythose lookingforinvestmentgold.Seeingisbelievingas you look overnature’splaygroundwithLakeWeybaandits waterwaysfrontand centre,whilstsweepingin excess of90-degreestotheright,istheNoosaRiver. Enjoyanenviablelifestylewithdramaticsunsets and coolbreezesonhotsummernights,allfromthe
comfortof yoursizeablesouthwest-facingterrace. Coalescingwithoutdoorsisthe carpeted,white-bright openplanliving/diningareawithvaultedceiling,plus kitchenwithqualityappliancesforcreatingculinary delights.
Agent NicHunter 0421785512 nic@offermann.com.au
Agent AdamOffermann 0475804467 adam@offermann.com.au
Cossettedinthe exclusive enclave ofHideaway Island,minutesfromsophisticatedHastingsStreet,is CasaLuca, anew beaconofformidablequalityand avantgardemodernistdesignbyPaulClout.Itisa tributetothelocationandthenaturalenvironment,yet itperfectlydistilssophisticationandsimplicity beyond expectations.Aptlynamed,itis atotalimmersion fromintimate areasof reprieve,tosuddenlya
seamless coalescencewithoutdoors,suchas adazzling luminescentpoolwithday bedandspa,shimmering mosaictiled waterfeaturewalland expansivelimestone terrace.Themagnetismoftheabsolutewaterfront terracewitha jetty perchedon atranquil,deep-water expansivereachofthewaterways,focusesonthegood lifealfrescoforanyreasonand everyseason.
Price $19.5M View
Saturday 11.00-11.30
Agent NicHunter 0421785512 nic@offermann.com.au
Admirethelush streetscapeofprized-for-good reason Witta Circleandthenear-new pristinewhiteand sandstone walledfaçadewhichimmediately exudes aluxury coastalvibe.Thethought-provokingideaof seducingescapes to a‘salty’lifestylemere-minutes to Noosa MainBeachandHastingsStreet, comestomind. Insideit continues to scaletheheightsofdelectability with4m coffered ceilingsinmultiple over-size,
strikinglysophisticatedalbeit casualspaces,soft monochromaticpalette,liberaluseof stoneandglazed wallsdisappearing torevealundoubtedlynirvanafor entertainingand relaxingpoolside.
Adding to itsinvestment cachet is aprivateapartmentstylewing,pluseverythingelsehasbeen takencareof, sojustbringtoothbrush,sunscreen,fundamentalsand thefamily.
Price $9.2M
Saturday 12.00-12.30
Agent Roark Walsh 0437447804 roark@offermann.com.au
IMAGINE the utopian dream of a delightful beach house bordered by a squeaky white-sand path and the Noosa National Park, direct access to Sunshine Beach via two rainforest-shaded boardwalks, and from door to the shore of Alexandria Bay in the world-recognised Noosa Surfing Reserve, hit the waves in 12 minutes. Serendipitous moments - the aspiration of many yet rarely available in this white-hot prized location.
Poised at the end of an acclaimed street, it was nature - specifically a prized sand dune on a high point in northern Sunshine Beach, with verdant hillsides and spectacular views of the Noosa National Park northside, and southside, the Coral Sea.
With sunlight splicing through the street-level walkway and tantalising glimpses of the national park wherever you look creating an impressive sense of arrival, this is a residence that promises – and delivers – much.
Inside, admire the pastel terracotta tiles before white-bright natural light in the void is the invitation to upstairs where it appears to shadowdance over the beautiful honey-hued timber floors. The beach aesthetic is complemented by sink-into cool white linen-covered sofas and armchairs while, pale timber albeit natural shades of the dining room table, chairs, pendants and accessories including artworks, suggest every day is holiday bliss.
With effortless connection from multiple practical and generous living spaces indoors, to layered expansive terraces the width of the house and much more on both levels, entertaining, whatever the reason or season, remains so relevant.
Those with a penchant for culinary creations will appreciate the C-shape granite-topped white cabinetry kitchen including island breakfast bar with curved fluted timber sides, (and of course all the necessary appliances and accoutrements), which flows effortlessly into the dining and living areas. A wall of glass doors disappear and indoors coalesces with the expansive undercover terrace with leisure furniture for all occasions from dining and lounging, to bubbles and laughter as the sun sets over the tree silhouetted ridge-line. And the kookaburras join in!
When it comes to slumber zones and more awe-inspiring moments, plaudits go first to the premier suite retreat with roomy walk-in robe and ensuite, on the upper-level with adjoining bedroom or perhaps office. Also, a shared terrace to enjoy a morning cuppa watching the orange dawn light over the Coral Sea, whales breaching during the season or hear waves breaking on the Sunshine Beach foreshore.
On the ground level are three carpeted bedrooms, a bathroom with spa bath, and a
Address: 30 Whale Drive, SUNSHINE BEACH
leisure space which as per two of the bedrooms accesses an undercover terrace, the width of the residence. And there’s more! Splash around in the luminescent pool; star gaze from the sun terrace; birdwatch from the daybed; and listen as waves gently lap the shore of A-Bay.
It’s not just the views of nature that inspire happiness in this sentinel of sunshine, it’s so peaceful you can hear the sound of finch’s wingtips splashing on the surface of the pool, when they gather in the late afternoon.
“Whether it’s sand between your toes at the beach, exploring sandy trails through the national park, you are totally surrounded by the sight and sounds of nature,” comment Tom Offermann Real Estate marketing agents Rebekah Offermann and Nic Hunter. “It provides never ending options for exploration and enjoyment, and being far enough away from relentless salt spray, the residence is very low maintenance.
“When the rain falls, a seasonal perched lake 50m away fills with a chorus of native frogs and their bassline is added to by the wistful call of the pheasant coucal and the laser-like zap of the whipbird.
“For those seeking the barefoot luxury of a beach house albeit a private, safe, secure sanctuary seemingly perched high amongst the trees of Noosa National Park, with endless never-to-be-interrupted views, this is undoubtedly investment gold.”
Inside Intel:
• Land Area: 735m2
• Internal: 287m2
• External: 78m2
• Pool/Terraces: 6mx5m/5 merbau timber terraces incl property width nth facing & undercover on 2 levels; poolside & off main bedroom
• Kitchen: C-shape granite-topped white 2-pac cabinetry incl 2m island breakfast bar w fluted & curved white timber sides; Bosch dishwasher; Euromaid oven & gas cooktop; Westinghouse fridge
• Bedrooms: 5 w ocean, forest or garden views; premier suite retreat w timber flooring; aircon & roomy WIR; ensuite w dble basin cabinetry; adjoining bedroom/office; both access terrace w ocean views; 3 carpeted bedrooms ground level; 2 w BIRs & leisure space open to undercover & sun terrace, lawn & pool; 3rd w ensuite; bathroom w lengthy timber single white basintopped 2-pac cabinetry; VJ walls; spa bath
• Exterior: Solar 6kw, 24 panels, 5kw inverter, perfect due nth; white sand walkway into National park through gate
• Location: walk to Sunshine Beach, Alexandria Bay, Granite Bay, Tea Tree; Noosa Heads & Hastings Street via Hells Gates; popular restaurants, cafes, bars & boutiques at the Sunshine Beach village are nearby + Sunshine Beach Surf Club & patrolled beach
Description: 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 cars, 1 pool
Inspect: Saturday & Wednesday 10.00-10.30 Auction: Saturday 29 March 1pm
Contact: Nic Hunter 0421 785 512 and Rebekah Offermann 0413 044 241, TOM OFFERMANN REAL ESTATE
THIS immaculate family home has been extensively renovated and presents as new with a fresh coastal design, pristine finishes, separate home office with garden courtyard, and potential for dual living, all positioned in a quiet, leafy crescent with space to entertain and room to grow.
Light-filled and spacious, the home has an ideal layout for modern family living. The open plan lounge and dining area has beautiful flooring and a crisp white interior that welcomes you in like a warm summer breeze. Centrally located, the sophisticated kitchen has quality appliances, stone benchtops, pendant lighting and an island bench with room for seating.
Large gatherings are easy as the living area extends to both the front terrace and the fulllength verandah where you can enjoy tranquil garden views. Three bedrooms with built-in robes, a laundry, and a contemporary bathroom complete this level.
Offering plenty of grassed space for the kids to play on, the backyard has established trees and manicured gardens. With garage and carport parking, there is more than enough room for the boat, caravan, and multiple cars. At the back of the carport, there is a separate home office with its own courtyard providing a quiet space to work from home.
On the ground level, the fourth bedroom has a private ensuite and kitchenette. As it also has separate exterior access, this level could be utilised as a dual living space, main bedroom, teenager’s retreat, accommodation for extended family, or another living area according to your needs.
Positioned at the end of a lovely cul-de-sac, you can enjoy the peace and serenity of the neighbourhood while shops, cafes, schools, and award-winning beaches are just a short drive away. All the hard work has been done and now this home is awaiting its new forever family.
Address: 19 Val Crescent, NOOSAVILLE Description: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: $1.585M Inspect: Saturday 15 March, 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Contact: Damien Styring 0409 685 211, TOM OFFERMANN REAL ESTATE
Witta Circle, Noosa Heads 5 bed | 6 bath | 2 car
- Short- term letting approved
- Gated access for privacy and security, secure 3 car parking
Auction On-Site 22nd March 11am Open Wednesday 12-12:30pm
WHETHER you’re searching for a smart investment or a new, low maintenance home, this modern 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom townhouse is sure to impress. Located in the highly desirable ‘Caprice’ complex in Peregian Springs, Townhouse 82 is a perfect blend of comfort and convenience.
Downstairs there are two outdoor areas. A private courtyard off the dining room and a covered tiled patio off the lounge room. The open plan design allows lots of natural light and breezes.
Upstairs, the spacious main bedroom overlooks the complex grounds and features an ensuite and walk-in robe. Two additional doublesized bedrooms and a main bathroom with a bathtub complete the layout. Air conditioning in both the living areas and the main bedroom ensures year-round comfort.
Other highlights include a double remote lock-up garage, stone benchtops, hidden pantry, built-in robes, ceiling fans in all bedrooms, a separate laundry and ample storage.
Residents and their guests have access to a 20-meter swimming pool, spa, and BBQ facilities, offering the perfect combination of relaxation and lifestyle with none of the hassle.
Living at ‘Caprice’ you are only minutes away from supermarkets, golf clubs, schools, parks and walking/cycle tracks. Nearby Peregian Village offers boutique shopping, dining and patrolled swimming beaches. Noosa, Eumundi markets, and Sunshine Coast Airport are all easily accessible so you can fully embrace the very best this region has to offer.
Peregian Springs is one of the Sunshine Coast’s most sought-after suburbs. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the lifestyle and call this lovely townhouse home.
Address: 82 ‘Caprice’ 15 Dunes Court, PEREGIAN SPRINGS Description: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: $840,000
Contact: Brad Schultz 0493 063 023, RICHARDSON AND WRENCH NOOSA
Kids of the Noosa Shire, colour in our SOLD sticker for your chance to win!
1. Your artwork featured on all Reed & Co. SOLD signboards for four weeks.
2. A giant 5kg chocolate Easter Bunny from the Noosa Chocolate Factory.
3. A $200 voucher for the whole family at Gusto Riverfront Restaurant.
Good Luck & Happy Easter! Let your creativity flow and colour in our SOLD circle Fill in your details & upload your artwork
The WINNER will be announced on Thursday, 10th April 2025!
| Exceptional ground-floor residences with soaring ceilings, expansive living spaces, and superior finishes.
| Luxurious interiors including stunning tiled flooring throughout living areas.
| Designer kitchen with dual Miele ovens, integrated fridge/freezer butler’s pantry and extensive storage.
| The master suite features a luxurious ensuite, walk-in robe with stunning views.
| Two generous balconies enhance the indoor-outdoor lifestyle.
| World-class amenities including a lap pool, heated spa, gymnasium and a beautifully designed undercover entertaining area.
| Advanced technology & security with stateof-the-art security system.
| Just 800m to Noosa Junction – access to restaurants, cafés, medical services & retail, 1,400m to Hastings Street & Noosa National Parkand a 7-minute drive to Noosa Springs Golf & Country Club BY NEGOTIATION
open 15th March 11.45Am - 12.15pm
“Alex is the best agent we have ever used.”
T & M Hall, Noosa Waters
“The most positive interaction we’ve experienced in over 20 real estate deals to date.”
R & L Broadley, Tewantin
“Best in Noosa! This is the second time we have enegaged Alex to sell a house for us. If you want an agent that goes above and beyond to get the results, Alex is your lady! Alex is the perfect combination of professional, personable, knowledgeable and experienced. We highly recommend Alex as your agent!”
K& M Schnidrig, Noosaville
“Alex was always a pleasure to deal with and is literally a breath of fresh air compared to other Noosa agents we dealt with. We have no hesitation in recommending Alex.”
K & M Foster, Noosaville
“Completely exceeded our expectations. Sold within a week, again. This is the second house that Alex has sold for us for near asking price within a week. We would not consider using another agent.” I Pratt, Noosa Heads
“We’ve bought and sold 10 properties over the last 23 years and Alex Harris is by far the best agent we have ever used.
A & C McKenzie, Noosa Heads
“Without doubt, Alex is the most professional, hard- working, motivated and honest agent that we have ever met.”
B & P Newbert, Noosa Heads
Where vibrant urban living meets the tranquillity of the Noosa National Park and pristine beaches: Your private sanctuary within the Noosa Junction precinct, Noosa Heads. An exclusive opportunity to call Noosa Heads home in one of 3 bespoke terrace homes situated at the Noosa Junction shops, on the doorstep of the Noosa National Park and just a 15 minute stroll into Hastings Street and Noosa main beach.
Surrounded by coastal greenery, from private pools to elevated rooftop decks, these terrace homes have been designed for living. Flowing open plan layouts and accessible by your own private lift, the terrace homes provide a level of luxury synonymous with Noosa Heads living. Indulge yourself with a holiday lifestyle: Coffee at the Junction; explore the Noosa National Park; Surf or swim at Noosa Main Beach; shopping and dining on Hastings Street. All within walking distance.
Positioned in the serene locale of Doonan, this home stands as a testament to European inspired elegance, offering an exquisite living experience that marries luxury with nature’s splendor. This four-bedroom residence, thoughtfully crafted bathrooms and ensuite’s, is a sanctuary of comfort and sophistication. The architecture is defined by its use of natural materials, which lends a timeless beauty to its façade and seamlessly blends into the lush surroundings.
Showcasing sweeping panoramic views of Laguna Bay, Sunrise Beach, Castaways and the distant silhouette of Coolum, affording a visual connection to the vibrant coastal landscape with Noosa and Hastings Street only a 15 min drive away.
ï Infinity pool, magnesium system and auto fill
ï Championship size tennis court, LED floodlit, viewing pavilion
ï Steam room / Scandinavian technology
ï Gym / professionally designed
ï Solar system (14.4kW) plus battery storage (9.6kW)
ï Electric car charger installed
Closing Date 21st March
Contact Agent FOR PRIVATE VIEWINGS 391 Sunrise Road, Doonan
David Conolly
THIS luxury penthouse apartment presents an exquisite blend of elegance and modernity, embodying contemporary design features that elevate living to an art form. This stunning residence is thoughtfully designed, exuding sophistication and style at every turn. The open-plan living space seamlessly integrates the kitchen, dining, and living areas, enhancing the sense of spaciousness and flow. High-end finishes and fixtures adorn the interiors, from premium flooring to sleek, custom cabinetry that offers a tasteful yet functional aesthetic.
The master bedroom is a true sanctuary, featuring an expansive walk-in robe that provides ample storage with a refined touch. The ensuite bathroom, a marvel of modern design, boasts state-of-the-art fixtures with sleek lines and an indulgent spa-like ambiance, ensuring a luxurious retreat within your own home. The attention to detail in the lighting design creates an atmosphere of warmth and tranquility, while large windows frame breathtaking views stretching from Coolum Beach to Sunshine Beach, melding the beauty of the interior with the stunning natural landscape beyond.
The penthouse also offers three dedicated car parks, a rare luxury that complements the convenience and sophistication of modern living. With all modern conveniences at hand, this beautifully designed dwelling places you quite literally on top of the world, where luxury meets lifestyle in an unparalleled fashion.
• Builder MOSAIC Constructions & Development (Drift)
• Architect OGE Group
• Resort pool set in sub-tropical native gardens (Communal)
• Sun deck and lounge (Communal)
• Bike storage (Communal)
• Private storage unit.
• VIP Lounge
601/63 Coolum Tce, COOLUM
David Conolly
Nestled in the highly sought-after "Asoon" complex, comprising only five residences, this recently renovated Paul Clout-designed apartment offers a perfect blend of sophistication and convenience. The thoughtfully designed open-plan layout invites a relaxed lifestyle, with the dining and kitchen areas flowing out to a private outdoor entertaining space, ensuring privacy and tranquility. With an extra space to store your boat and situated on a quiet street just steps from the vibrant Noosa River, making it ideal for those seeking a holiday retreat or a turnkey home.
Offers from $3M Sale
Open Home
Saturday 15th March
10:00am - 10:30am
Wednesday 19th March 12:00pm - 12:30pm
PICTURE exclusive Banyan Estate, Admire the tall entrance gates opening to reveal a dramatic circular driveway sculpted by nature’s best verdant offerings, centrepiece Poinciana, botanical style gardens with grand wide arboured 150yr old Moreton Bay fig, mature mango trees and tropical magnolias.
Stealing the limelight in the pebbled forecourt fringed by box hedging is a gracious Queenslander-inspired residence, almost encircled by verandah and undoubtedly luxury everything, a fitting homage to Australia’s cultural past.
Open the white timber glass paned door to a sense of alluring elegance with lofty vaulted ceilings, VJ and dado features, French doors opening from most rooms, also running the width of the substantial living room, inviting brilliant natural light to shadow dance over beautiful blackbutt flooring. Note the woodburning fireplace, custom cabinetry, dedicated dining area, west wing lounge, plentiful plantation shutters, wispy sheers and grand kitchen which is commensurate in size and functionality to everything about the Estate.
There are three extra-long stone-topped benches including centre island, walk-n pantry with storage aplenty and top-end appliances any wannabe Jamie Oliver would adore, also the added advantage of an outdoor kitchen on the expansive terrace exemplifying absolute magnetism of the great outdoors.
What a spectacular sight. Below is the luminescent mosaic tiled pool, separate spa plus pool house with sun terrace, steam room, sauna and gym.
Look beyond to the meandering fresh water Six Mile Creek with platypus habitats, which borders the easy 4.3ha estate. Abutting are four paddocks, an arena, horse shelters and water troughs, designed for equestrian pursuits. There are two lily-covered dams. The larger known as party central - not surprising given it has a jetty, camp kitchen, fire pit, and a 100m zipline … just for fun!
There are four bedrooms in the main residence. The east wing premier suite retreat may be accessed off the hallway or a private entry from the verandah, walkway and carport. It’s carpeted, has a two-way walk-in robe ensuite bathroom with stone and double basin-topped timber cabinetry, drencher shower and freestanding oval bath tub looking out to Bunya pines, pool and dams. Nearby is the fourth bedroom whilst in the south wing are two bedrooms with ensuites.
On the south-east side of the lush landholding with endless skies and a backdrop encompassing the majestic natural asset of Mount Cooroy, are numerous additional attributes. The newly renovated guest cottage is fully self-contained, similarly the near new Tiny House with loft bedroom.
Within the three-bay stable is a tack room and wash bay and the barn/garage has a mezzanine, extra-high ceiling and roller door.
Creative cooks will delight in the manicured gardens especially the shade house with above ground garden beds, numerous fruits including passionfruit, lychees, pawpaw, mango and citrus, as well as fresh eggs from the chicken coop with fenced yard.
“Relish the thought of semi-rural splendour, and so much more, in this tightly held prestige pocket of Cooroy Mountain,” extols Tom Offermann Real Estate agent Cameron Urquhart.
“Banyan Estate offers the finest of hinterland living, without sacrificing access to the many attractions in the Noosa region shire. Noosa Main Beach is only a 25-minute away, it’s 15-minutes to Gympie Terrace for cafe aficionados, also the Noosa River for boating and fishing, and 7-scenic minutes to vibrant Cooroy with major amenities and services, or maybe cycle, horse ride or walk throughout the hinterland Noosa Trail Network. Facts & Features:
• Land Area: 4.3ha/10.6ac
• House Internal: 300m2
• House External: 221m2 incl verandah & 4.7mx5.6m main alfresco
• Pool+: 3.2mx15m aqua mosaic tiles, sep spa & outdoor shower; new pool house w sun terrace, steam room/shower, sauna, gym/ recreation w powder room
• About: built 1997; entry foyer w wide white timber framed glass paned door; 3.6m raked ceilings; blackbutt floors; VJ panelling & dado features; most rooms access verandah via French doors; plantation shutters & wispy sheers; aircon/BigAss fans; laundry w cat door; security cameras linked to phones; undercroft storage & office; living - multiple;
main w column-style wood burner; custom cabinetry; study/leisure space; lounge off dedicated dining; 4 b/rooms - premier off hall + private entry off verandah; carpeted; WIR; ensuite w bath; 2-basin-topped timber cabinetry; 4th b/room w BIRs; sth wing 2 b/rooms w VJ panelled BIRs, 1 w bay window; ensuites w burnished concrete tiles; 1 w bath
• Kitchen: stone-topped white 2-pac benches incl 2.2m island + 4m & 3m either side; WIP; Electrolux 900 oven & 5xgas hobs; Miele d/ washer; outdoor kitchen w BBQ, sink & fridge
• Property: borders Six Mile Creek w platypus; 2 dams 1 w 100m zipline, jetty, camp kitchen & fire pit; 4xpaddocks w shelter & water troughs; arena suit show jumpers; barn/garage w 4.6m ceiling, roller door & mezzanine; 3-bay stable/storage w tack room, wash bay & concrete floor; guest cottage w studio/living, ensuite, aircon/fans, kitchenette w cooktop,
Address: 405 Cooroy Mountain Road, COOROY MOUNTAIN Description: 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 8 garage Price: $6.25M
Contact: Cameron Urquhart 0411 757 570 and Julie Bengtsson 0418 980 247, TOM OFFERMANN
micro/convec, fridge + servery window to terrace; Tiny House 2022 w terrace; loft b/room; living, kitchen, bathroom/laundry w washer
• Exterior: circular driveway Poinciana centre; lawns/gardens w 150yr old Moreton Bay fig; mangos; magnolias; hedges; fruits incl passionfruit, lychees, pawpaw, citrus; shade house w above ground veg beds & irrigation; coop w yard; 90,000L tanks; new septic; bore water via Puretec filtration system; new solar 13.5 kW
• Birds/Fauna: platypus, peacocks, magpies, rosellas, whistler ducks, wood ducks, swamp hens, herons, bush turkeys +
• Location: 7 mins drive from Cooroy township; 14 mins Eumundi; 20 mins Noosa River & Gympie Terrace; 25 mins Hasting Street, Noosa Main Beach; 35 mins Sunshine Coast Airport
If you have been thinking about selling, now might be the right time for you. We are currently working with the below buyers who are eager to purchase.
First home owners looking for: To enter the market. Budget: Up to $1m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Young family from Peregian Beach looking for: Tree change to move somewhere with more space and privacy. Budget: $1 - $1.5m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Elderly man from Victoria looking for: Dual living to house himself and his daughter. Budget: $1.5 - $1.7m Areas: Noosa Hinterland
Empty nesters looking for: House on a big block, 700m² plus. Budget: $900,000 - $1.2m Areas: Cooroy
Discover the full list of eager buyers ready to purchase by simply scanning the QR code.
2.30PM -3.00PM518Black Mountain Road 222 OffersOver$1,050,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370 Boreen Point
11.00AM -11.30AM20UranganStreet 222 O/O$845,000 Cons. RogerOmdahl0412043880 ColesCreek Saturday15thMarch
4.00PM -4.30PM830ColesCreek Road 333 OffersOver$1,295,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370 CoolumBeach Friday14thMarch
11.00AM -11.30AM 13 Palm Avenue4 22 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0428329291 Saturday15thMarch
8.30AM -9.00AM 13 Palm Avenue4 22 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0428329291
10.30AM -11.00AM601/63CoolumTerrace3 23 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0438259956 Cooroibah
10.30AM -11.00AM 4MorningGloryDrive 432 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0413582670 Cooroy
12.00PM -12.30PM67StrakerDrive 422 OffersOver$1,100,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370 1.00PM -1.30PM 181MaryRiver Road 325 OffersConsideredHinternoosa0415111 370 Doonan
10.00AM -10.30AM 156ValleyDrive 454 PRICEGUIDE$5,400,000Reed &Co.EstateAgents0409446955 11.00AM -11.30AM373to375Sunrise Road 32 -OffersOver$2,150,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
12.00PM -12.30PM51 ForestRidgeDrive 422 OffersOver$1,799,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
10.00AM -10.30AM 2JocelynDrive 422 OffersOver$2,200,000 Hinternoosa0404344399 1.15PM -1.45PM21MonomeetClose 322 OffersOver$1,999,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
9.30AM -10.00AM 12 IronbarkCourt 422 OffersOver$1,299,000 Hinternoosa0407730987
9.30AM -10.00AM 17 MahoganyDrive 322 $1,895,000 TomOffermann RealEstate0413319 879
10.00AM -10.30AM 3DelormeStreet 432 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0438259956
9.00AM -9.30AM20WaranaStreet 423 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0413582670
9.00AM -9.30AM520/61NoosaSpringsDrive 53.5 2PresentoffersCirca$10MHarcourts PropertyCentreNoosa0415558656
9.00AM -9.30AM 3DelormeStreet 432 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0438259956
9.00AM -9.30AM 3NAIRANAREST4 32 FOR SALEMcLurePrestige0499270691
9.30AM -10.00AM21EugarieStreet 422 BUYERSGUIDE$2,095,000Reed &Co.EstateAgents0438695505
10.00AM -10.30AM232/61NoosaSpringsDrive 32 2BYNEGOTIATIONHarcourts PropertyCentreNoosa0415558656
10.00AM -10.30AM1/6WyandraStreet 32.5 2$2,490,000 TheMcLureGroup0400084975
10.30AM -11.00AM 1611/3LakeviewRise 322 BUYERSGUIDE$2,575,000Reed &Co.EstateAgents0438695505
10.45AM -11.15AM237/61NoosaSpringsDrive 32.5 2Offersabove$2.35MCons.Harcourts PropertyCentreNoosa0415558656
11.00AM -11.30AM515/61NoosaSpringsDrive 44 2$6,750,000 Laguna RealEstate0434236 110
11.00AM -11.30AM547/61NoosaSpringsDrive 43 2Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0423726639
11.00AM -11.30AM2/6WyandraStreet 32.5 2$2,490,000 TheMcLureGroup0400084975 11.45AM -12.15PM5/12SerenityClose3 2.52
RealEstate0475804467 1.00PM -1.30PM 9WildAppleCourt3 32 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0413582670 2.30PM -3.00PM1/53Noosa Parade 32 1Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0418714 653
Wednesday19thMarch 10.00AM -10.30AM1/6WyandraStreet 32.5 2$2,490,000 TheMcLureGroup0400084975 11.00AM -11.30AM547/61NoosaSpringsDrive 43 2Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0423726639 11.00AM -11.30AM2/6WyandraStreet 32.5 2$2,490,000 TheMcLureGroup0400084975 1.00PM -1.30PM28TheQuarterdeck3
Thursday13thMarch 4.30PM -5.00PM61/185-187GympieTerrace2 1+ 1O/O$880,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0412043880
12.00PM -12.30PM 19/173-175GympieTerrace 32 2$1,250,000 Laguna RealEstate0407379893
Saturday15thMarch 9.30AM -10.00AM61/185-187GympieTerrace2 1+ 1O/O$880,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0412043880 10.00AM -10.30AM2/4NOLASTREET 32 2AUCTIONMcLure Prestige0499270691 10.00AM -10.30AM1/219Weyba Road 33 1$1,500,000
&Co.EstateAgents0433641 158 11.00AM -11.30AM 15 LIMOSA CIRCUIT 42 2GUIDE$2.1M -$2.3MMcLure Prestige0419806468 11.00AM -11.30AM5/112-114 HiltonTerrace3 21 O/O$1,600,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0407379893 11.30AM -12.00PM 4NannygaiStreet 43 2BUYERSGUIDE$1,995,000 Reed &Co.EstateAgents0438695505
2GUIDE$2.25M -$2.35MMcLure Prestige0499270691 12.00PM -12.30PM 10 JacksoniaPl5 22 $1,590,000 TheMcLureGroup0400084975 12.00PM -12.30PM 19ValCrescent 42 2$1,585,000 TomOffermann RealEstate0409685211 12.30PM -1.00PM20/27MunnaCrescent 21 1$850,000 Laguna RealEstate0434236 110 1.30PM-2.00PM4/40-42 JamesStreet 32 1BUYERSGUIDE$1,350,000 Reed &Co.EstateAgents0438695505
12.00PM -12.30PM 19/173-175GympieTerrace 32 2$1,250,000 Laguna RealEstate0407379893
Wednesday19thMarch 11.00AM -11.30AM20/27MunnaCrescent 21 1$850,000 Laguna RealEstate0434236 110 12.00PM -12.30PM1/20 JAMES STREET 32 2OFFERSFROM$3MMcLure Prestige0499270691
12.00PM -12.30PM5/265GympieTerrace3 21 $1,900,000 Laguna RealEstate0407379893 4.30PM -5.00PM61/185-187GympieTerrace2 1+ 1O/O$880,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0412043880
10.00AM -10.30AM23MermaidQuay4 32 ByNegotiationNoosaEstateAgents0412585494 10.00AM -10.30AM73 Saltwater Avenue 32 2AUCTIONFRIDAY 28THMARCH 12PM Reed &Co.EstateAgents0433641 158 11.00AM -11.30AM27SEAMOUNTQUAY5 42 AUCTIONMcLurePrestige0499270691 11.00AM -11.30AM91ShorehavenDrive4 32 CONTACTAGENTReed &Co.EstateAgents0409446955 11.45AM -12.15PM40 SeamountQuay5 32 PRESENTALLOFFERSReed &Co.EstateAgents0409446955 12.00PM -12.30PM 13TOPSAILSPLACE 43 2AUCTIONMcLure Prestige0499270691 1.00PM -1.30PM 2TOPSAILSPLACE 43 2FOR SALEMcLure Prestige0499270691
9.00AM -9.30AM 11WhistleWay3 22 OffersOver$1,100,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370
10.30AM -11.00AM87Pioneer Road 625 OffersOver$1,195,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370 SunriseBeach
5.00PM -5.30PM 1WoodlarkRise5 52 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0423972034 Saturday15thMarch
10.00AM -10.30AM36WoodlarkRise5 32 $3,100,000
TomOffermann RealEstate0409685211
10.00AM -10.30AM 19 CorsairCrescent5 40 $2,650,000TomOffermann RealEstate0423972034
11.30AM -12.00PM 1WoodlarkRise5 52 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0423972034 SunshineBeach
9.00AM -9.30AM 8WILDFLOWER STREET 432 AUCTIONMcLure Prestige0499270691
9.30AM -10.00AM 3McAnallyDrive 43 4ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0417624059
10.00AM -10.30AM2/13NebulaStreet 321 $1,695,000
TomOffermann RealEstate0409685211
10.00AM -10.30AM6/43DukeStreet 221 $2,150,000 TomOffermann RealEstate0468922519
10.00AM -10.30AM2/3 Parkedge Road 322 BUYERSGUIDE$2,600,000Reed &Co.EstateAgents0409446955
11.00AM -11.30AM2/18DouglasStreet 333 BUYERSGUIDE$4,500,000 Reed &Co.EstateAgents0407 194146
11.00AM -11.30AM3/47ElandaSt3 21 ContactAgentCentury21ConollyHayGroup0456636443
12.00PM -12.30PM 12/6DouglasStreet 22 1ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0413582670
12.00PM -12.30PM1/4 ParkCrescent 211 $1,580,000 TomOffermann RealEstate0468922519
2.00PM -2.30PM7/14RayStreet 211 ByNegotiationCentury21ConollyHayGroup0413582670
5.00PM -5.30PM 8WILDFLOWER STREET 432 AUCTIONMcLure Prestige0499270691 Tewantin
1.00PM -1.30PM 18 PalmGroveCrescent 421 AuctionOnSiteLaguna RealEstate0434236 110
10.00AM -10.30AM 18 PalmGroveCrescent 421 AuctionOnSiteLaguna RealEstate0434236 110
10.00AM -10.45AM4/2-10BlakesleyStreet 321 O/O$2,200,000 ConsLaguna RealEstate0428711163
10.30AM -11.00AM 9CicadaClose 411 O/O$895,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0411328488
12.30PM -1.00PM 5LakeStreet 212 PRICEGUIDE$2,000,000 Reed &Co.EstateAgents0409446955
10.00AM -10.30AM 18 PalmGroveCrescent 421 AuctionOnSiteLaguna RealEstate0434236 110 Yandina
9.30AM -10.00AM35StevensStreet 422 OffersConsideredHinternoosa0415111 370
10.50AM -11.20AM 9SunshineGrovePlace4 22 MotivatedVendors-SubmitOffersLaguna RealEstate0421283951
Saturday15thMarch 12.00PM -12.30PM31WittaCircle5 62 AuctionOn-Site22ndMarch11amRichardson &WrenchNoosa54474499 1.00PM -1.30PM6/4QuambyPlace3 21 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0414367282 3.00PM -3.30PM1/53Noosa Parade 32 1Auction
Friday21stMarch 12.00PM -12.30PM31WittaCircle5 62 AuctionOn-Site22ndMarch11amRichardson &WrenchNoosa54474499 1.00PM -1.30PM28TheQuarterdeck3 22 Auction TomOffermann
322 262m2
Tucked away in the heart of Noosaville, just steps from the vibrant hub of Weyba Road, Villa Sul Lago is a rare find—a modern, singlelevel villa that offers effortless luxury, ultimate privacy, and your very own pool. With an unbeatable location next to the acclaimed Sum Yung Guys restaurant and an easy stroll to local shops, this is a home that delivers on both lifestyle and convenience.
KATHY WISE 0407 968 300
•Singlelevel,renovated family home seton1032m2oftropicalgardens
•Stunning entertainingareawithBionizerpool,cabanaand BBQ
•Parents retreatofmasterand sumptuousensuite openstopatio
•Great separationfrom 3additional bedroomsand main bathroom
•Homechefs willlove theimpressive kitchenwithbeautifulpoolview
•Spaciouslivinganddining areas;highceilings,VJpanellinganddoors
•Bonus of alarge shed(3 x5m) forworkshopequipmentand toys
•Situatedina quiet street,close to schoolsand golfclub. Inimmaculate condition,not athing to do!
AuctionOnSite Sat22March11am VIEW
Fri1-1.30pm;Sat& Wed1010.30am; 4
AnitaNichols 0434236110
WELCOME to this beautifully designed 3-bedroom security gated cul de sac townhouse located at 11/4 Riverstone Court, Tewantin. This stunning property features two generous sized bathrooms, a convenient ground floor powder room, separate laundry, and the garage has large attic storage.
Providing ample space and storage room for you and your family with the perfect blend of comfort and style in a peaceful setting.
The spacious living area is filled with natural light creating an inviting atmosphere for relaxation and entertainment. The two private courtyards and alfresco area offer an attractive alternative to enjoy casual dining, drinks and morning coffee. The contemporary kitchen is equipped with quality appliances, ceiling fan and plenty of storage, making it a chef’s delight.
Situated in a desirable location, this townhouse offers easy access to local shops, schools, beautiful parks, Noosa River, the Noosa Yacht Club, Noosa Marina, Noosa Lawns Club, Noosa Library, Noosa Leisure Centre, Noosa Hospital, the boat ramp and public transport.
What we love about this property:
• Open plan living spaces extend to private and tranquil courtyards both front and rear, rear with a fan, sun cover area, well established easy care privacy trees, irrigation system and water feature
• Well equipped kitchen boasting state of the art
V-ZUG combi-steam oven, also with a fan
• Upper level comprising all three bedrooms with A/C, fans, built-ins, master with ensuite
• Easy care bamboo flooring enhances the lower level living areas; convenient powder room
• Oversized single lockup garage with loads of storage room, plus a staircase ladder through to further attic storage/room
• Beautifully landscaped gardens throughout the complex; salt water pool
• Very quiet location, overlooking manicured forest.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make this tightly held charming Riverstone Court property your new home. Schedule a viewing today and experience the lifestyle this location has to offer.
Address: 11/4 Riverstone Court, Tewantin, TEWANTIN
Contact: Leigh Vercoe 0456 110 383 or Chris Forde 0411 328 488, LAGUNA REAL ESTATE
RENOVATION alert! Some kindness and creativity will make this property a great investment for the rental market, or move your family in and gradually restore to its vintage charm.
Positioned close to schools, shopping centres and transport, an immediate inspection is encouraged.
Sure to impress, this split-level home is positioned on a generous 658sqm allotment with four generous bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large kitchen for easy meals prep and an upstairs living providing separation and convenience.
Downstairs has a brilliant covered entertaining area overlooking the large inground pool and grassed area, perfect for the kids to enjoy while the adults relax.
The home also includes ceiling fans and reverse cycle air conditioning, making comfortable living all year round.
Fully fenced, this impressive property has a standout feature of direct access to the adjacent park with playground. Plus, there is only one neighbour next door, ensuring a sense of quiet and privacy.
Only 400 metres to the local shopping centre, 900 metres to school and the train station, making commuting a breeze - you could just about leave the car in the garage indefinitely!
This property is perfectly positioned with Brisbane City a 30 minute drive, Bribie Island 45 minutes and the Sunshine Coast only an hour,
providing easy access to all the attractions this part of Queensland has to offer.
Whether you’re looking to renovate and modernise or simply enjoy the space and location, this home is packed with loads of potential. Don’t miss your chance to secure this great property in the heart of Strathpine!
Address: 10 Hedge Street, STRATHPINE Description: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage
Contact: Craig Taylor 0421 283 951, LAGUNA REAL ESTATE
3 A 2 B 1 C D
•Rarelyavailable,ground floor,overlookingparklandwithwaterglimpses
•North facing terracefromlivingarea;masterwithviewsand ensuite
•Two additionalspaciousbedroomsand main bathroom
•Relax poolside surroundedbycalming, abundant tropicallandscaping
•Pet friendly, small residential complex,lowbodycorporate fees
•Directaccess to thewatersofthe NoosaRiver forkayaking, fishing
•Perfectly positionedwithin walkingdistancetoNoosaYacht Club
•Excitingnewresidential developments nearby create potential for excellent capitalgrowth, asmartinvestment forthe future
O/O$1,600,000Considered VIEW Sat11-11.30am
Melanie butcher 0407379893
2 A 1 B 1 C D
•Beautifully renovatedand furnishedinvestmentproperty
•Designerkitchen,freshmodern bathroom,new flooring
•Topfloorin“Clearwater” complex, stunningpoolviews
•Lushtropicalgardens,professional onsite management
•100metres to thevibrancyofGympieTerrace bars,cafes,restaurants
•Threeminutedrive to Noosa’sMainBeachandHastingsStreet
•Strongholiday incomeinanimpressive capitalgrowthlocation
•Unbeatablecombinationofinvestment andlifestyle-own your sliceof Noosaparadise!
OffersOver$750,000Considered VIEW Sat10-10.30am
Melaniebutcher 0407379893