By Ethan Benedicto
Residents gathered in numbers outside Bunjil Place on Tuesday, 18 March around 6pm, the same time when the Casey Council meeting was held online.
People’s reaction to them being ‘barred’ from attending centred around disappointment and frustration, and sharing these sentiments with each other.
Roughly 100 people were in attendance, with a total of 11 police officers, alongside three security guards on the premises.
Meanwhile, motions were passed during the meeting, with promises of a comprehensive review of the conditions of local laws, as well as applications and fees around it.
There were also roughly 100 public questions that were asked and answered during the meeting, with only six that were unanswered due to governance rules.
Other motions moved included the Growing Suburbs Fund and GAIC, where six projects were earmarked; it was, in addition, acknowledged that there were facility and infrastructure needs in the city.
For public question time, infrastructure issues were rife, as were discussions around planning decisions, local laws, the waste transfer station, governance and transparency, as well as the naming of Guru Nanak Lake.
Outside Bunjil Place, Jai, who posted about the council removing vehicles from his home, had attended, adamant that he, alongside his family and others, had a right to attend the meeting.
Jai (right), Hampton Park resident and owner of a project car which he posted online that was being towed by Casey council, alongside father-in-law Geoff (left), attended the silent protest. Both were adamant that the residents needed to be allowed into the meeting, that the councillors were the people’s representatives and not the “bureaucrats“. (Ethan Benedicto: 466630)
Hundreds gathered recently at Bunjil Place to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Guest speaker for the event was Jo Stanley, whose vibrancy and heartfelt wisdom encouraged attendees to find their inner strength to push boundaries and open doors for their community.
Guests were also treated to a panel session of distinguished women in business.
Kabinga Mazaba and Dr Annette Rome spoke about reclaiming their life for themselves, as well as those closest to them and finding life’s purpose despite the reality of harsh inequities.
Guests walked away with a shared sense of purpose, inspired to take steps in the creation of a more equitable community.
We are excited to announce the commencement of our Climate Action Living Lab.
The following organisations have been chosen to partner with us over the next 12 months to trial innovative solutions for climate action: Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub; Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne; Federation University; Equoia;
Western Port Catchment Landcare Network; and Mornington Peninsula and Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation.
To find out more about the trials, scan the QR code or visit our website.
The purpose of Council Meetings is to provide community members with the opportunity to understand local government decision making.
Your Councillors meet once a month at the Council Meetings to set their policies, adopt corporate plans and budgets, and make other decisions.
Each meeting follows a formal process and set agenda. The agenda can be viewed on Council’s website four days before the meeting. The agenda and the Governance Rules assist to keep the meeting on time so the Councillors can discuss issues and projects fairly and openly.
Before the Council Meeting, Councillors review Council Reports and are briefed by Council Officers so they have all the important information they need to make informed and unbiased decisions.
Join us in celebrating community contributors through our awards program that recognises many outstanding individuals and groups.
Visit our website or scan the QR code to see who has made the 2025 finalist list!
Having your question answered at the Council Meeting
Submit your question via Council’s website before the meeting. You must attend the meeting in person to have your question answered publicly. If you can’t attend the meeting, your answer will be emailed to you.
All the questions and answers will also be available in the Council Meeting minutes, which are published on Council’s website the Friday following the Council Meeting.
Once your question is answered there isn’t the opportunity to make any further comments or ask further questions. This helps ensure everyone gets a fair chance to have their question thoroughly answered.
Scan the QR code to learn more and submit a question.
Provide feedback on a number of consultations currently open on our community engagement platform, Casey Conversations.
• Ackland Park Reserve redevelopment project: the reserve in Narre Warren North is closed until mid-June for redevelopment works.
• Berwick Springs Wetland dog-friendly park: we are seeking feedback on the elements required at this new dog-friendly park in Narre Warren South.
• Cranbourne Hub: tell us what you think about the concept design for the proposed Cranbourne Hub at 1-3 Lyall Street, Cranbourne.
• Raisell Reserve Playground concept design: share your thoughts on the draft concept design and help shape the future upgrade of the Cranbourne West playground.
Head to the Casey Conversations website to find out more or scan the QR code.
By Ethan Benedicto
Despite the 18 March Casey Council meeting being held online, more than 100 hundred people still attended the outside plaza at Bunjil Place, demanding that their voices be heard.
It was a silent and calm protest, with people speaking to one another, sharing their frustrations and expressing them to the centre’s security.
There was no erratic behaviour, no shouting, and a different atmosphere to the previous meeting, as the gathering was filled with mutual understanding and a joint dedication to express their distaste with the council.
Victoria Police were also present, where at the beginning, six officers were evenly spaced out, half monitoring the crowd, and the others on the opposite side monitoring from a distance.
The City of Casey’s mayor, Stefan Koomen, reiterated during the meeting it was decided to be held online through the advice of VicPol, a decision that was not made lightly adding that “we want to host our council meetings in person”.
“The key message was that it was a public meeting, it was open for residents to view online.
“Unfortunately we weren’t able to have a gallery, but we were able to conduct our business.
“I hope the residents can say that we’ve made significant decisions and we have addressed someone the long-standing concerns that people have had on historical issues before we were elected,” he said.
Koomen added that the council remains steadfast in working towards establishing themselves as a transparent and accountable body, taking into account the lack of representation over the last five years.
“I think it’s all about the actions that we’re taking and we hope the residents see and understand that we’re working in their best interests to make these decisions.
“If we didn’t have the meeting online, and it wasn’t able to go through because of disruptions, then we wouldn’t have been able to make the motions that we did,” he said.
Significant strides were made during the first
By Cam Lucadou-Wells
A severely-drunk man who fatally stabbed and bludgeoned his co-resident at a Endeavour Hills boarding home has been jailed up to 22 years.
Jamefil Wal, 40, had been drinking red wine on the night he “brutally murdered” his friend and neighbour in “shocking” circumstances, Supreme Court judge James Elliott said in sentencing on 18 March.
“By your vicious assault ... through multiple acts of aggression, you have brutally taken the life of a friend with the use of weapons.”
The two ‘friends’, neighbours and refugees were known to get loud when drinking together and would accuse each other of stealing from each other.
actions of the meeting, with a comprehensive review underway for local laws, and other factors surrounding it.
There were also motions moved regarding infrastructure and funding, specifically relevant to the Growing Suburbs Fund and GAIC, and six local projects.
Details around capital works delays were also shared, where $24 million of works were delayed for the first half of the financial year.
Back at Bunjil, the expression of frustration to the security was met with a level of understanding, where a middle ground was met when one guard remarked that they “are not the people’s enemy”.
Other major media outlets were present, with 9News and 7News cameramen and journalists directed by facility staff to film outside the premises, as it was considered private property and
permits were needed.
The Star News journalist who attended the protest was told the same.
Jai, the Hampton Park resident whose online post went viral after his mum found council officers removing his project car from their premises was also in attendance.
Speaking on the March meeting being online, he said he felt “angry, very angry”.
“Considering we were here during the last meeting and nothing was answered or resolved, we’re very angry that we’re not able to be there in person.
“So this is why we’re here today, to make sure our voices are heard,” he said.
Casey Council previously told Star News that no vehicles were removed from the Hampton Park property and that officers did not enter the premises.
According to Jai however, three cars, including his, were removed from their premises, and in order to do so, one would need to enter it.
The family claimed then that the three unregistered vehicles were towed away on the day without notice.
It was revealed, however, that the family first heard from the council in October 2024 regarding unregistered vehicles in their backyard, as well as shipping containers; to which the family said they moved the cars right away.
According to a statement provided by Casey Council, the family was storing their unregistered vehicles on the neighbouring property.
After three months of unfruitful communication, the council sent out a formal notice that provided details of the vehicles that were impounded and how they could be released.
Nevertheless, Jai felt that the family had been swept under the rug, with father-in-law, Geoff, adding that he is “concerned” with the online meeting.
“It shows a complete lack of character, you’re supposed to support the people, and the people have questions and you’ve just locked up the doors and you’ve got police everywhere,” he said.
Minutes before 6pm, three additional police officers arrived, and by around 6.15pm, there were a total of 11 police officers.
The protest remained quiet, serving more of a stand-in to cause public disturbance and spread awareness of their concerns, as compared to a replication of the February meeting’s development.
Geoff added that for the April meeting, he would “like to be there in person”, a sentiment which he was sure others resonated with.
“I’d like the councillors to actually listen and answer the questions properly rather than beating around the bush.
“We’d like questions to be answered, we’d like these issues (local law) to be resolved, and we’d like to be heard,” he said.
Geoff’s sentiments were widespread, with many hoping to see an in-person meeting, one that allows residents to speak their minds, in April.
On the night of 25-26 February 2023, Wal variously armed himself with a timber picket and a hammer, yelled threats and repeatedly struck the victim’s door.
“Where’s my money? Give me my money, I kill you,” Wal allegedly said.
About 1.49am, the victim left his room.
Wal approached him and attacked him with a hammer to his stomach and head.
During a struggle, the victim fell to the floor with Wal on top of him.
While holding a hammer, Wal produced a knife and stabbed the victim four times to the chest, and then further to the head and body.
As the victim lay motionless, Wal struck him several more times with the hammer.
Justice Elliott noted several residents walked past the victim but didn’t check on him
that morning.
Nearly eight hours after the attack, the home’s caretaker checked for signs of life and called emergency services.
Paramedics pronounced the then-40-yearold victim dead at the scene. An autopsy report stated that he’d died from multiple stab wounds.
Wal was arrested by police in his room.
Born in South Sudan, Wal had “survived the atrocities of a brutal civil war” as well as seven years in a refugee camp in Egypt, Justice Elliott noted.
Wal arrived in Australia as a young adult. He lacked family support, had no long-term employment, suffered a traumatic brain injury during an assault, abused alcohol and drugs and developed a 13-year criminal history of
violence and drug offences.
A forensic psychiatrist stated Wal at the time of the murder was in an “actively psychotic state” and severely intoxicated.
Justice Elliott said Wal’s moral culpability was reduced due to his schizophrenia and major neurocognitive disorder as well as his mixed-substance use disorder from ongoing use of alcohol, cannabis and meth.
On the other hand, Wal’s rehabilitation prospects were “guarded”, particularly given his lack of insight into his disorders and his intent to continue excessive drinking in the future. He was likely to be deported after his jail term, the judge noted.
Wal was jailed for 22 years, with a non-parole period of 16 years. His term includes 751 days in pre-sentence detention.
By Ethan Benedicto
Following the most recent burglaries at a Berwick milkbar, alongside the development of Tougher Bail Laws, the development on tackling crime has escalated, with the Victorian government announcing a ban on machetes.
The State’s premier, Jacinta Allan MP and the minister for police, Anthony Carbines, joined the acting chief commissioner of Victoria Police Rick Nugent on Thursday, 13 November, to announce the country’s first-ever machete ban.
This announcement was accompanied by an expansion of knife-search powers, with the chief commissioner having the power to declare a location a designated search area for up to six months instead of 12 hours.
On Tuesday, 18 March, the Liberals moved two amendments to Allan’s ‘belated’ machete laws.
Titled, Terrorism (Community Protection) And Control Of Weapons Amendment Bill, the Liberals and Nationals are seeking to bring forward the classification of machetes as prohibited weapons by three months, instead of six.
The ban itself will prohibit the sale or possession of machetes, and the items will be classified as prohibited weapons from 1 September onward, as per the initial release by the State Government.
Premier Allan said that “machetes are destroying lives so we will destroy machetes”.
“The places we meet can’t become the places we fear, I am listening and I am acting, with Australia’s toughest bail laws and Australia’s first machete ban,” she said.
However, the Liberal Nationals aren’t entirely content with the development, with a press conference on the same Thursday between David Southwick MP and James Newbury MP shunning the ban as “too late”.
Southwick began by saying that it was 471 days ago that the Liberals “tried to introduce a ban on machetes”, but the reason that this development has only recently occurred is that Allan is “worried about her leadership”.
“This should have been done 471 days ago, not now. Let’s think about all the crimes that have happened in Victoria in the 471 days, this should have been done then.
“The Liberal Nationals have had four attempts to try and get a ban on machetes. Jacinta Allan has ignored them. Even last week, we tried to introduce an amendment to the bill, and again it was ignored,” he said.
Ever since Allan became premier in late September 2023, the Opposition said it has made banning machetes and curbing knife crime a key focus, with current Opposition leader and Berwick MP Brad Battin introducing the ‘Control of Weapons Amendment (Machetes) Bill 2023’ in the Legislative Assembly.
This proposition on 28 November 2023
sought to amend the Control of Weapons Act 1990, with the same current decision, to ban machetes by reclassifying them from controlled weapons to prohibited weapons.
Battin said then that the bill he proposed is not only “very important”, but “is genuinely a bill that lives count on”.
“We have seen too often in our community machetes being used as weapons in areas that they should not be.
“We cannot afford to delay this. We cannot afford for the government, who oppose every single idea from the opposition as a bad idea, to then themselves start talking about it in the future,” he said then.
Southwick has been delivering the same message, pushing for changes especially around tougher and harsher penalties for knife-related crime.
In the six months before the ban kicks in, it was stated that the state government will consult with relevant industries on the definition of machetes being cutting-edge knives with a blade more than 20 cm.
Likewise, between 1 September and 30 No-
vember 2025 will serve as an amnesty period, where people will be able to safely dispose of their knives without committing a crime.
Safe bin locations will be provided, which are likely to include an outdoor area at select police stations.
The Minister for Police Anthony Carbines said that “this is Australia’s first machete ban, and we agree with police that it must be done once and done right”.
“We’ll always give police what they need to keep Victorians safe - we’ll build on the extra powers we’ve already given them and help them search for more weapons,” he said.
However, shadow treasurer James Newbury said that every Victorian should be worried since the ban will not “fix the crime crisis in Victoria”.
“What we know now is that the government has announced the package but not explained how they’re going to pay for it.
“We know that the government can’t fix this crisis, and they certainly haven’t got a plan to fund it,” he said.
‘Ban now’
Calls are growing for an immediate ban on machetes after a 24-year-old Clyde man died after allegedly being stabbed at Marriott Waters shopping centre in Lyndhurst on Friday night (14 March).
Homicide Squad detectives say there were reports of a group of up to 10 males who cornered the victim in the car park about 8.30pm.
The man was taken to hospital with serious injuries where he later died.
All other parties had fled the scene, police say.
Police are said to be investigating an alleged link with a stolen white Hyundai Kona used in a Boronia supermarket robbery by a group of hooded, machete-wielding males hours earlier.
With “profound sadness”, the man’s family posted on Facebook that he was an “extraordinary individual whose kindness, generosity, and infectious sense of humour brought light and joy to the lives of many”.
“We will forever treasure the memories we created with him.”
The tragedy came a day after the State Government proposed a ban on the sale of machetes from September, along with “tougher” bail laws for youths accused of serious crimes.
Premier Jacinta Allan said on 13 March that “machetes are destroying lives so we will destroy machetes”.
“The places we meet can’t become the places we fear, I am listening and I am acting, with Austraia’s toughest bail laws and Australia’s first machete ban.”
On 16 March, Opposition leader Brad Battin called for the machete ban to be introduced immediately. “Delaying the implementation to prohibit machetes will only result in more home invasions, more carjackings and sadly, more murders.
“Victorians are tired of a ‘too little too late’ Premier who only acts when the state is at breaking point.”
Prior to the ban, the government will consult with relevant industries on the definition of machetes being cutting-edge knives with a blade more than 20 cm.
An amnesty period would apply between 1 September and 30 November, where people will be able to safely dispose of their knives without committing a crime.
By Violet Li
Casey Council is going to undertake a comprehensive review of its controversial Local Law, and fees for the private land use permits and their applications will be suspended during the review.
At the Casey Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 March, an alternative motion was unanimously passed to undertake a comprehensive review of the Casey Community Local Law 2023 and suspend fees for Local Law Private Land Use applications and permits during the review.
The motion also requested a detailed report from council officers for the council meeting next month.
The report was required to include a detailed timetable to undertake the review that ensures all members of the community could express their views and scope for the review incorporating all relevant matters to be considered.
The relevant matters included private land use permit fees and charges, benchmarking and comparisons with other local government local laws, including fees and charges, legal parameters the Council is required to follow, guide-
lines and protocols for the application and enforcement of local laws, and balancing property owners use and enjoyment of their land while protecting community amenity and safety.
The alternative motion was raised by Deputy Mayor Cr Melinda Ambros and seconded by Cr Shane Taylor.
The original motion by council officers had a less clearly defined direction towards what to do next regarding Casey’s Local Law. It stated that Council “might look to consider options to provide clarity on the intent and implementation of the Local Law 2023, including additional explanatory notes within the Local Law 2023, undertake a review of permit fees and the application process; or undertake a partial or full review of the Local Law 2023”, according to the meeting’s agenda.
Deputy Mayor Cr Ambros said it was an alternative motion that would shape the future of the city.
She acknowledged the concerns shared among residents and believed the issue needed to have a responsible and respectful debate.
Cr Taylor acknowledged the good intention of the Local Law but said residents expressed
concerns with the level of enforcement, especially on private property.
“That’s not the kind of council I want. It risks eroding trust and causing unnecessary angst in our community,” he said.
“I see this motion as a chance to take a step back, take a careful look, and make sure we’re getting it right.”
Cr Kim Ross noted that one of the important considerations for the review would be to ensure the laws are written and communicated in a way that is easy for all residents to understand.
“This includes the use of appropriate explanatory notes and also that it’s very clearly communicated on the council website,” she said.
“Aside from the communication, I encourage all residents to be involved in the process. You asked for it.
“As fellow residents, we hear you, we support you, but it’s up to you now to be involved.”
Cr Michelle Crowther said Local Law needed to focus on the impact of the amenity, rather than just numbers.
“Obviously, one unregistered vehicle in the front of a yard in Clyde North has a bigger impact than maybe five unregistered cars in a 10-
acre property in Devon Meadows,” she said.
Cr Jennifer Dizon said she agreed with many in her community that some provisions regarding Local Law might be too restrictive or heavy-handed.
“Our goal, in my view, should be to have local laws that are fair and reflective of our community’s needs,” she said.
Mayor Stefan Koomen said the key part of the review is to ensure residents have their voices heard through the right forum.
“I think, for me, some of the real key elements that need to be reviewed, particularly around the fees,” he said.
Casey Residents & Ratepayers Association (CRRA) vice president Anthony Tassone said they welcomed the resolution adopted by the council.
“We need to get the balance right in helping maintain public safety and amenities for residents without inappropriately restricting what residents can reasonably do on their own private land,“ he said.
“The CRRA stands ready to work with the council to help ensure the community’s voice is properly heard.”
Police are investigating a suspicious fire in Endeavour Hills in the early morning of Tuesday 18 March.
Emergency services including Fire Rescue Victoria responded to reports of two shops on fire at a shopping centre on Heatherton Road between 12.40am to 12.45am.
No one was inside either of the premises at the time of the fire.
The fire caused significant damage to the two shops.
A crime scene was established and an ar-
son chemist was set to attend the scene on Tuesday morning.
A FRV spokesperson said firefighters assisted by CFA arrived within seven minutes to find a 15 x 15 metre structure involving two shops on fire.
Crews, wearing breathing apparatus, worked swiftly to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to neighbouring premises.
A ladder platform appliance was also used in the firefight. No injuries were reported.
A community advice was issued for a building fire and smoke in the area.
This incident was deemed Under Control at 1.34am. Power and gas companies also attended. The council was notified and a building inspector requested to attend in the morning. The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fire remains ongoing.
Anyone who has CCTV, dashcam footage or any other information that could assist police with their enquiries is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Oak Tree Hill is a well-established retirement community with beautiful gardens, located in Glen Waverley.
Set on 15 hectares, it’s close to parklands, Monash Aquatic Centre, Waverley Private Hospital, and Glen Waverley Bowls Club. Enjoy nearby shopping at The Glen, cafes, and
By Ethan Benedicto
Fire, anvils, coal, and the sound of hammers beating, seemingly echoes of what felt like days gone, yet remains a practice that flourishes in the Berwick Men’s Shed.
Keith, a member of over 20 years and 93 years young, had spent much of his life working with his hands, but found a certain speciality in the forge.
On 17 March, Monday morning, he put that experience to use and decided to test the mettle of some local councillors. “I used to work with the big stuff, naval stuff you know? But I was also lucky that I got to spend some time on the anvil, and I worked that trade for about 20 years,” Keith said.
“Some peers and I started a small group in Bundoora, the Australian Blacksmiths Association, and it’s gained some strength since. But my favourite part is that with any tool-making, it’s all artistic, and I like doing artistic stuff.”
The City of Casey’s mayor, Stefan Koomen, alongside deputy mayor Melinda Ambros, and councillors Scott Dowling, Kim Ross, Anthony Walter and Gary Rowe were in attendance, each taking a turn at making a nail to call their own.
The process was simple, yet was something that required finesse, consistency, accuracy and balance.
Keith first showed the councillors the ropes, bringing a rectangular iron rod to heat amongst fire and coal, before it was shaped on the anvil by a hammer.
Dowlingsaidthatbeingpresentandabletotake part is more than just fun, but also educational.
“We’re making some nails, and this is just for them to be able to show us how to make something the old blacksmith’s way,” he said.
“It’s a lost art, so it’s really good to find a place where people still have the skills to put it together.”
Dowling was eager to get started, starting the train of other councillors who were looking to hammer their identity into their nail.
Maury, the president of the Berwick Men’s Shed, said that being able to showcase the art of making something as small as a nail, and the efforts that go behind it, is always a fun time.
As his fourth year as president, Maury recalled that the Shed has always had “good committees and communities over the years”.
“The people who walk through the door, you find that a lot of them are lovely, nice old people who come from all walks of life. There are a number of things that come into play, but we give everybody a fair go, and if someone wants to learn something, we’ll show them how to do it,” he said.
After Dowling, the councillors each took turns at the anvil, all led and catered to by Keith, who was eager and willing to show others his craft.
The councillors were also taken on a tour of the shed, where they were introduced and demonstrated the workings of different machines and projects of other members. Ultimately, the councillors understood that being able to feel the heat of the forge, working it, and bask in the presence of machinery was an experience that not many would know, but something they encouraged others to be aware of, and perhaps even try.
Star News, as part of Star News Group, is running an online survey to show what truly matters to local residents in the lead up to the Federal Election.
As an outer Melbourne growth corridor, the South East has its own priorities and concerns that should be heard by candidates vying for political office.
We will then share the results and highlight the issues that matter most to ensure they are not ignored in Canberra.
Star News urges all readers to take part by completing the survey online, or if they prefer, write answers in the printed survey, snap a photo, and email it to federalsurvey@ starnewsgroup.com.au
The full survey can be completed in print towards the back of this edition. To complete the online survey, scan the QR
same page.
By Violet Li
Casey Council was met with $24 million capital works project delays in the first half of this financial year, according to its latest Quarterly Community Report.
The council’s annual budget for 24-25 financial year estimated delivery of $60 million in capital works projects in the first half of the year, which accounted for 43 per cent of the entire annual budget.
However, the latest financial statement revealed the actual delivery of only $40 million in capital works projects, which took up 29 per cent of the entire annual budget.
The variances are due to the project delays regarding building improvements, fixtures, fittings, furniture, computers and telecommunications, footpaths and cycleways, recreational, leisure, and community facilities, parks, open space, streetscapes, and other infrastructures.
The council’s statements did not specify specific projects.
When inquired about the specific project delays, City of Casey Manager City and Asset Planning Keri New said there had been delays in some areas of the program, and Council had implemented appropriate mitigations, including im-
proved project forecasting and seeking external procurement support where required.
“These mitigations will see the Council deliver a successful Capital Works Program this financial year,” she said.
“Any project not completed will be carried forward for completion into the next financial year.”
Computers and telecommunications were the projects that experienced the biggest budget variance in the first half of the year, where 93 per cent of the budget was not delivered. Council allocated $21 million, while only $1.5 million was delivered.
Footpaths and cycleways were also hit with a significant amount of budget variance, with 40 per cent of the allocated cash not being delivered.
Casey Council recorded a surplus of $232 million, exceeding the budget by 5 per cent with $10.8 million.
Expenses, arriving at a total of $232 million in the first six months, were 0.1 per cent over budget, primarily due to timing differences in external Contracts, other expenditures, and employee costs.
Revenue, a sum of $464 million, was 2.4 per cent above budget mainly due to the early receipt of operating grants.
By Violet Li
City of Casey has advocated for lobbying regulations on councillors in its submission to the proposed State Government Lobbying Reform.
Casey’s submission responded to a series of questions on councillor compliance with restrictions, whether all lobbying directed at councillors should be reportable, and who should be required to disclose lobbying activity.
In the consultation paper, the State Government is mulling introducing new lobbying legislation focused on the currently unregulated local government level to align with other jurisdictions.
Casey Council states that it would welcome new reforms to support changing the lobbying restrictions for councillors and address the lobbying risks that were identified as part of IBAC’s Operation Sandon Special Report. Imposing success fee bans and cooling-off periods on councillors are the restrictions Council believe would prevent post-service employment conflicts and ensure decisions are made in the public interest.
Furthermore, Council seeks a clearer definition of a lobbyist as well as further detail on how councillors can distinguish the difference between lobbying activities and general
By Violet Li
Hampton Park Uniting Church held its fifth annual art exhibition last weekend, and the coordinator said this year was the best out of all.
The exhibition, named Art, Culture, and Diversity, was held on Saturday 15 March, with an opening night on the day before.
Coordinator Lyn Mcbain said the opening night had seen a turnout of 90 people and the vibe was fantastic.
“We always have a proper opening. We had the Cook Islanders come and sing. We had a
gazebo at the front, and the Cook Islanders sang and were very welcoming in their own language, which is what I wanted, singing in their language with their ukuleles,” she recalled.
“They were fantastic. They had great food and wine.
“We sold quite a bit of art, so that’s really good for the artists as well.”
The exhibition presented about 90 art pieces to the audience and gathered the works of about 50 local artists.
Local artist Donna won The People’s Choice Award.
speaking interactions with members of the community.
Casey’s submission also emphasises that all lobbying activity directed at local government Councillors should be reportable.
“Full disclosure would enable greater transparency and allow the public to scrutinise interactions that could influence decision-making,” Casey mayor Cr Stefan Koomen said
“However, if a full disclosure is seen as too much, at the very least, any lobbying that involves money or tries to affect policy decisions and planning should be reported.”
Council states ideally both lobbyists and councillors should be required to disclose certain information about lobbying activities.
“Lobbyists should disclose the purpose, nature, and outcomes of their lobbying efforts, as well as any financial incentives provided,” the submission proposes.
“Councillors, on the other hand, should report all meetings, communications, and any potential conflicts of interest either through the COI process or another process (ie Lobbying/Lobbyist Register).”
According to Engage Victoria, an engagement report on the proposed Lobbying Reform will be out in April this year.
Casey and Greater Dandenong has been declared by police as the state’s epicentre for number plate thefts.
Vehicle owners have been advised to garage their cars and install anti-theft number plate screws after Casey topped the state with 1987 reported thefts in the 12 months up to September 2024. Hume ranks second (1408), followed closely by Greater Dandenong (1374). Local hotspots where vehicles are being targeted include areas surrounding:
■ Attenborough Street and Cheltenham Road, Dandenong
■ Kidds Road and Power Road, Doveton
■ Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre
■ Fountain Gate Shopping Centre
■ McGregor Road and Main Street, Pakenham
More than half of all thefts from vehicles across Greater Dandenong, Casey and Cardinia relate to stolen licence plates.
Only 22 per cent of stolen registration plates are recovered.
“Stolen number plates are attached to other vehicles – many of which are stolen – to help offenders fly under the radar and commit further crimes including aggravated burglaries, arson attacks, drug trafficking and petrol drive-offs,” Casey Local Area Commander Inspector Stu Richards said.
Several recent arrests include:
■ A set of number plates were allegedly taken from a vehicle in Eumemmerring in July last year and were placed on a different vehicle that was used in several petrol drive offs. A week later, the vehicle was involved in a serious collision in Somerville. The driver – a 26-year-old man from Rosebud – was hospitalized and later charged with theft of number plates, handling stolen goods, and petrol theft.
■ In January, a 41-year-old Pakenham man was arrested following an alleged suspect loitering incident in Beaconsfield. He was also allegedly found in possession of drugs. Following enquiries, it will be alleged his fingerprints linked
him to three thefts of number plates. He was charged and bailed.
■ In December, a 21-year-old woman from Beaconsfield was arrested over a spate of alleged car thefts and thefts from cars, as well as handling stolen goods in the Beaconsfield, Officer and Pakenham areas. It will be alleged she stole parcels in the lead up to Christmas. She was accused of committing 22 offences, including aggravated burglary, car theft, and twelve counts of handling stolen goods, including number plates. She was released on intent to summons. Police advise residents to place their cars in garages where possible, and to use anti-theft screws. “Parking in a secure area such a garage would be an ideal scenario, however, we understand that not every resident or visitor to the area is able to do so,” Insp Richards said.
“Having to replace your plates is not only an inconvenience, it’s also costly. Especially if you keep receiving tolls or fines once they’re in the hands of criminals.
“That’s why we encourage vehicle owners to use anti-theft screws to deter thieves in the first instance. These screws are available freeof-charge at your local police station.”
The screws deter thieves by making it difficult to remove number plates in a hurry. They can be removed with brute force, but it often damages the plate and renders it unusable, police say.
Police and Casey Neighbourhood Watch are conducting Safe Plate days to provide more information on safeguarding number plates.
Noel Tinio, rear from left, Leading Senior Constable Craig Davis, Dawn Vernon (Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch) and Senior Constable Nancy
front from left, Richard
Bagayao at a recent Safe Plate event in Dandenong South. (Gary Sissons: 374886)
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By Ethan Benedicto
The Narre Warren North time capsule, with over 35 containers of documents, items and memorabilia from the year 2000, was pulled from the ground on Saturday, 15 March.
Unearthing 25 years of history is a feat that not many can say they’ve done, but with the 2000s Narre Warren North community having that foresight, the residents had more than a few things to look forward to.
The Narre Warren North Community Association’s president, Michael Allday, said that the whole day has been “fantastic”.
“The excitement has been building up for the last 12 months, I suppose, since when this first happened in 2000, it was massive.
“We downsized it to make it an eventful day, but there’s history here now, and I think everybody’s enjoyed the day and are looking forward to the event in 27 years’ time,” he said.
In 27 years, the Narre Warren North Primary School will be celebrating its 175th anniversary, something that the association felt would be a fitting tribute to the area’s history if the next batch was also opened then.
The event kicked off at 11am, when an excavator dug under the placard and revealed a roughly two-and-a-half-metre deep hole, chock-full of containers; it was then that the excitement grew.
There were over 150 people in attendance, with many having a direct relation to the items that were buried years ago.
To Allday, that’s what it was all about.
“Those people, they might not be here these days, but their memories are, which is what we’re celebrating here and what Narre Warren North was back then,” he said.
“It’s still a country town; it’s grown a little bit, but it’s still celebrated very well. The community is strong, very strong, and we’re always happy to help each other out when we can.”
Once the containers were excavated, they
were moved, one by one, into the Narre Warren North Hall.
Inside, empty tables were set up, and representatives of the group, people or persons the containers were from, took to unveiling their contents.
It didn’t take long for the hall to become an impromptu museum, with items such as letters, old yearbooks, pictures, memorandums, and memorabilia open for display.
The City of Casey’s councillors were also in attendance, with Mayor Stefan Koomen, Deputy Mayor Melinda Ambros, and Grevillea Ward Councillor Dave Perry mingling with the crowd.
Perry said that “it’s amazing that the community has managed to keep this and have their calendar open for it”.
“The lady who I was speaking with earlier, she was my old neighbour’s daughter, he passed away 10 years ago and I had no idea he put a container in,” he said.
The man Perry spoke of was Colin Baxter, a local historian and aficionado, as well as a revered wheat-weaving artist.
The container, which his daughter Vicki had opened, held items such as weaved wheat figures, letters, and other documents related to Colin’s life.
Koomen said that it was “so good” to see so many people turning up.
“People who were here 25 years ago putting these buckets in, and then also the next generation who are putting their buckets in now, it’s great to see,” he said.
“It’s all about the community and that sense of identity, bringing people together, I love it.
“It’s going to be great to look back today on what was happening 27 years ago; it gives that connection to the past, and you see it here, connecting generations,” he said.
Unfortunately, some containers had moisture damage, and even paper items that were ziploc-ed had been stained.
Nevertheless, this did little to discourage on-
By Ethan Benedicto
A celebration of colour, unity, and triumph over good and evil was met with cheery smiles and laughter as the Holi Festival descended on Narre Warren.
On Friday, 14 March, the children of Apple Blossoms Early Learning in Narre Warren embraced the festivities of the Hindu celebration with the utmost glee, running from one corner of the playground to the next and dousing one another in paint and coloured powder.
Annika Wasmuth, the educational leader at the centre, said that taking part in festivities such as Holi and its innate celebratory acts of enjoyment and colour, enrich children with a sense of inclusivity and awareness of other cultures through play.
“Everything you do is important, especially at this age,” she said.
“Everything around the children in the world impacts them so much, and I think putting out messages from the festival of forgiveness and coming together is important.”
She added that children understand these sentiments, the meanings of things and messages behind celebrations.
lookers and representatives, as it only added to the novelty of their history.
For Ambros, being present had a more sentimental value, as she realised that one of the containers was home to pieces of her primary school years.
“We gathered to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and soon leave a legacy for those who will stand in our place 27 years from now,” she said.
“On a personal note, it’s incredible to see pieces of my own history here, the school I attended, the sample student diary I once used and the school yearbook filled with familiar names.”
Local state members were also present, with South-Eastern Metropolitan members Michael Galea and Ann-Marie Hermans eagerly moving from one table to another.
In addition to Baxter’s pieces, there were containers from the CFA, the local Uniting Church, and the former Narre Warren Station Primary School, which closed in 2001 and relocated to Hillsmeade Primary.
Some pieces came from closer to the city, with a container dedicated to MONSU and the Monash University Student Union, which held flyers, magazines, and other letters from 25 years ago.
Angela a former teacher of Narre Warren Station Primary, alongside Liezle, a parent of a student who went there, both said that “the experience is astounding”.
“We recognised the name of a child that she (Angela) taught all that time ago, and it just came flooding back,” they said.
“Time capsules really are amazing, but just to recognise the child, that’s very encouraging and it’s really a great thing.”
The next batch of containers has not yet been placed, with the Association and Allday saying that time was needed for the families and people related to the containers to savour the moments.
Despite having no specific date, the new capsule is expected to come in the next few weeks.
Alongside other educators, the entire centre gathered beforehand to speak about the Holi Festival, where the educators began by putting paint on their faces, with the children following suit.
“They began to do it too, and they said happy Holi, and everybody says it back to you, and you keep doing it to each other,” Annika said.
“After that, we began the colour run, and look, this is something we’ve done for years, and I think it’s almost everyone’s favourite event to do.”
The children spent much of their energy chasing after one another, taking frequent pitstops at educators such as Annika to boost their speed by being doused in even more colour.
Mel, one of the other educators, said that despite the event being an annual practice, it’s still “beautiful”.
“We’ve got many educators here who can bring their own culture and adding colour.
“It’s the joy, really, it’s the whole coming together and seeing the laughter and, of course, colour,” she said.
Shivali, also an educator, said that it makes her happy to see the children being so intertwined with each other and the festival itself.
Recalling her life in India, she said that when the kids are laughing, they are also “learning how to understand each other and how to respect each other’s culture”.
“This is the best part for me, when they’re enjoying those other cultures as well,” she said.
While the children’s energy eventually waned from their marathon sprints across the school’s grounds, few expressed the want to remove the colour, with many donning their new look with big smiles.
By The Better Health Content Team
Hearing loss among elderly individuals is a prevalent and significant health concern worldwide.
Approximately one-third of people over 60 years oldexperiencesomeformofhearingimpairment, with this figure increasing to nearly half of those over 75 and more than 80% of those over 85. This condition, known as presbycusis or age-related hearing loss, is characterised by a gradual decline in hearing ability, often affecting high-pitched sounds first. Symptoms include difficulty hearing softer voices, such as those of women or children, and challenges in understanding speech in noisy environments. The impact of untreated hearing loss on elderly individuals is profound, leading to decreased quality of life, social isolation, depression, and cognitive decline.
The causes of age-related hearing loss are multifaceted, involving changes in the inner ear structures, blood flow, nerve function, and how the brain processes sound. Factors such as diabetes, poor circulation, exposure to loud noises, and certain medications can exacerbate this condition. Given its widespread nature, addressing hearing loss in the elderly is crucial. Solutions involve both prevention and intervention strategies.
Prevention includes avoiding loud noises, managing chronic conditions like diabetes, and limiting exposure to ototoxic medications. Early
detection through regular hearing screenings is essential for effective management. Once identified, interventions such as hearing aids, assistive devices, and speech therapy can significantly improve communication and quality of life.
Hearing aids are a common solution for managingage-relatedhearingloss.Thesedevicesamplify sound to help individuals better understand speech and environmental noises.
Assistive technologies like telephone amplifiers and television captioning systems can also enhance communication. For severe cases, cochlear implants may be recommended.
Additionally, learning sign language or lip
reading can be beneficial for those with profound hearing loss. Counseling and support are vital components of care, helping individuals cope with the emotional and social impacts of hearing loss. By addressing hearing loss effectively, elderly individuals can maintain social connections, engage in community activities, and reduce the risk of associated mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
World Hearing Day, celebrated on 3 March, highlights the importance of addressing hearing health globally. This initiative by the World Health Organization aims to raise awareness about hearing loss and promote ear and hear-
ing care. It emphasises the need for early intervention and support for those affected by hearing loss, particularly in older populations. By advocating for better hearing care practices and encouraging governments to invest in hearing services, World Hearing Day plays a crucial role in improving the lives of millions worldwide. The theme for recent years has focused on changing mindsets and empowering individuals to prioritize ear and hearing care, underscoring the importance of awareness and action in preventing and managing hearing loss.
In conclusion, hearing loss among elderly individualsisasignificanthealthissuethatrequires attention and action. Through a combination of prevention strategies, early detection, and appropriate interventions, it is possible to mitigate the impacts of hearing loss and improve the quality of life for older adults. As the global population ages, the importance of addressing hearing health will only continue to grow, making initiatives like World Hearing Day increasingly vital for raising awareness and promoting better hearing care practices worldwide. By empowering communities and individuals to prioritize hearing health, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to the necessary resources to address this critical health concern.
Speak to us for more information, call (03) 97029300 or book online at https://betterhealthfamilyclinic.com.au.
Australians are largely unaware that common health issues such as hearing loss are risk factors for dementia.
That’s the finding of a nationwide survey on attitudes towards the condition released by Dementia Australia.
The survey conducted by iPsos found that many Australians remained unaware that proactive steps can help reduce dementia risk.
Last year, the Lancet Commission identified 14 modifiable risk factors which, if addressed effectively, could reduce dementia incidence globally by 45 per cent.
The risk factors include smoking, obesity and physical inactivity as well as factors such as high cholesterol, depression and hearing loss.
“In fact, people with mild-severe hearing loss are two to five times as likely to develop dementia than those with normal hearing,” said Dementia Australia chief executive Professor Tanya Buchanan.
The link between hearing loss and dementia is much clearer for younger onset dementiasuffererPeter,whohasalsolivedwithan
incurable hearing disorder for the past two decades.
“If we can get the message out there, to help people identify small changes they can make in their every day – we might just save a life,” said Peter who’s now focused on living with dementia as well as possible.
“I’m trying to live life to the full – playing golf, spending time with my family and friends, and getting out into the world,” he said.
Following the survey results, Dementia Australia is urgently calling on the federal government to fund a national discussion about brain health and dementia prevention.
Professor Buchanan said dementia was a chronic condition that could impact anyone, just like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
“It’s a chronic condition which must be treated with the same health investment as other major chronic conditions, Professor Buchanan said.
To find out more about the modifiable risk factors for dementia, visit: dementia.org.au/ brain-health/reducing-your-risk-dementia
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Viking ocean ships are designed as upscale hotels, with identical sister ships engineered at a scale that allows direct access into most ports where larger ships cannot dock.
The state-of-the-art ships feature understated elegance, modern Scandinavian design, are 227.2 metres long with 465 verandah staterooms and carry only 998 guests.
The fleet is known for their award-winning service with more than 450 Swiss-trained, Englishspeaking crew onboard to look after passenger’s needs.
The smaller guest numbers allow for a much easier embarkation and debarkation process, less and quicker tendering and access to more ports with the ability to dock in the heart of small towns.
Guests enjoy an included excursion in every port and onboard port talks, lectures, demonstrations and performances.
Each ship has one hundred per cent balcony staterooms, full promenade deck, large outdoor deck space, two level explorers lounge with twohundred-and-seventy-degree viewing, eight dining venues and more al fresco options than any other ship.
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By Ethan Benedicto
Celebrating education has always been an important part of Victoria, as such is the case with Crest Education’s new senior learning precinct in Clyde North.
While the two new buildings have been operational in the last few months, Tuesday 18 March marked the official opening, with Senator of Victoria Jess Walsh also in attendance.
She added that work on the development projects was delivered with the support of the Federal Government, with the funding of $2.3 million through the Capital Grants Program.
CREST, which stands for the centres for research, education, service and transformation, is the combination of four districts; Hillcrest Christian College, Rivercrest Christian College, Ayr Hill Equestrian Centre and an environmental reserve.
According to CREST’s executive principal, Brendan Kelly, he, alongside staff and students, is “really excited” to officially launch the building.
“It’s just wonderful to have a vision come together in this way, and to be able to have our senior secondary students in a facility that is designed for their needs and prepare them for that next step,” he said.
The two facilities are modern, boasting sharp outer edges with a sleek and clean interior.
Christian College, Clyde North, get the best possible education.”
Alongside the new learning centre, there is also a wellbeing service hub, an outdoor learning courtyard, and an expansion to the middle years building.
Guests to the event were greeted by an orchestra curated by the school, and played by students, playing melodies that accompanied pleasantries.
Elvis Jemmanot, an architect and part of the broader architecture team who designed the building said that it was ecstatic seeing the project come to life.
“It’s wonderful to see the students flourish, and it’s a vision that the school had, that we translated,” he said.
By Ethan Benedicto
Councillors during the Tuesday, 18 March meeting unanimously passed the endorsement and submission of three projects to the Growth Areas Infrastructure (GAIC) Fund.
These three projects included the Greaves Road Shared User Path, the Berwick-Cranbourne Road and Clyde-Five Ways Road Roundabout Shared User Path, and the Ballarto Road Footpath.
Manager of city and asset planning, Keri New started the conversation by saying that “all of these projects would support improved connectivity in these rapidly growing communities”.
They have a combined value of $1.2 million, and the council is seeking to match the funding of $636,350 from the program.
The motion was well met, with a number of councillors speaking out in support of the initiative.
Cr Dave Perry was the first mover, who later added that despite the projects not being in his ward, “it’s a really important thing to be building across Casey”.
Cr Shane Taylor, who seconded the motion, also spoke, saying that he “fully supported” it.
Cr Michelle Crowther added that as the representative of the Cranbourne Gardens Ward, she would like to “show support” to the project in her catchment.
“There are a lot of challenges where we’ve for rural roads, but around it is becoming suburbia, this is one of them,” she said.
Mayor Stefan Koomen was the last to speak on the motion, touching on the “common theme” of shared user paths and active transport.
He also added that being Mayor and travelling across Casey, it became clearer that there was a strong connection between the two factors.
“Roads are a big part of it, but I’ve spoken to a lot of families who, particularly in our growth areas, want to have that ability to walk to places,” he said.
It was there that Senator Walsh gave her speech, addressing the importance of essential study spaces when it comes to education.
“It really is great to see this extraordinary learning area (and) I know these facilities are going to make a real difference to the school, the teachers, students and to the wider community,” she said.
“The Australian Government is committed to providing all schools with appropriate funding so that all students, including those in Hillcrest
The first building, the senior learning centre, featured two floors, with a smaller auditorium on the eastern side from the entrance, and ample open and study spaces for students.
“It’s that combination for me that’s really strong, and even watching these students play their music here, it’s amazing.”
Senator Walsh also added that the new facilities would benefit the current students, as well as many others who will follow in future years.
“The teacher, staff and students at Hillcrest Christian College have built a strong and positive school community and these new facilities will further enhance our local educational opportunities,” Walsh said.
“Our government strongly believes in providing the best possible resources so that local students can realise their potential and develop the skills they need.”
By Ethan Benedicto
The motion to seek support from the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund was passed unanimously during Casey Council’s Tuesday, 18 March meeting.
According to the agenda and corroborated by the manager of city and asset planning, Keri New during the meeting, it is a $5 million fund for which councils can make applications.
“It’s a competitive grants program and it helps growth areas… (and) support growing communities,” she said.
Three projects were highlighted, the Hallam Community Learning Centre (HCLC), Courtenay Ave and Hoystead Ave Reserve District Playground Redevelopment, and Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre Renewal (DNLC).
“The combined value of these projects is $3 million and council would be seeking $1.5
million in funds through the program… and seek endorsement to submit the application,” New said.
Cr Gary Rowe first moved the motion, which was then seconded by Cr Lynette Pereira, who said that as the representative of River Gum Ward, she is “pleased to see this being included for applications”.
The topic itself was brief, with councillors not contesting the motion.
The HCLC upgrade will see upgrades to the kitchen to accommodate the range of multicultural groups who take part in the centre’s activities.
As stated in the agenda, the upgraded kitchen will ‘provide larger circulation and preparation space with multiple cooking hubs, (and) provide a welcoming facility that is inclusive of group cultural practice’.
Another upgrade is looking to improve disabled accessibility through tactile indicators
and compliant doorways.
The project’s estimated cost is $660,000, evenly split between the GSF and the council.
Courtenay Ave and Hoystead Ave Reserve Playground’s upgrade will see a full redevelopment with new playground equipment, BBQ facilities and a BMX track upgrade.
The estimated cost for this project is $1.5 million, split evenly at $750,000 between the GSF and the council.
As for the DNLC, there will be upgrades to address accessibility and compliance issues, which include ramps and doorways, an issue highlighted due to its 17 years of age.
Therefore, interior upgrades will also be included, with renovations for modernisation and sustainability improvements such as degasification.
The estimated cost for this was listed as $926,000, split evenly between the GSF and council at $463,000.
“So I’m hoping that we’ll be successful in these applications and it’s an important part of improving our accessibility in our community.”
With his full support behind the motion, it was passed with all 12 councillors in favour.
Specifically speaking, the Greaves Road Shared User path in Akoonah Ward will see 650 metres of said shared path between Liara Boulevard and Domain Drive.
This includes a safer walking and cycling route along a 70km/h road.
The estimated cost is $493,350, split evenly between the council and GAIC at $246,675.
As for the Berwick-Cranbourne Road and Clyde-Five Ways Roundabout’s shared user path, this too, will see 800 metres of a shared path network around the roundabout, also improving cyclist and pedestrian safety.
This, however, requires private land consent for a small section of the roundabout.
The estimated cost of this is $614,900, split evenly between the council and GAIC at $307,450.
The Ballarto Road Footpath in Cranbourne Gardens will see a 1.5-metre-wide footpath connecting Houlder Avenue and Riverwood Drive, featuring a safer pedestrian alternative on Ballarto Road.
The estimated cost for this project is $164,450 and will be split evenly between the council and GAIC at $82,225.
By Ethan Benedicto
While the celebrations around International Women’s Day have recently passed, its message of marching forward remains strong, especially in the City of Casey.
Jo Stanley, renowned TV presenter and comedian, shared insights into her journey on Wednesday, 5 March, in an event that was attended by over 100 people eager to show their solidarity.
The City of Casey’s councillors in attendance included Mayor Stefan Koomen, Michelle Crowther, and Deputy Mayor Melinda Ambros, who also took to the stage to share her story.
Once the pleasantries and the commotion settled, Ambros said that she took time to connect with the people, where she “understands her role as a leader, but I’ve always been more of a community person”.
“So I was there, explaining how special that occasion was and how amazing it was to be able to celebrate it.
“We celebrated it a bit earlier, but what we wanted people to take away was that it’s not just one event that should be celebrated, but consistently, and in any way people see fit,” she said.
Ambros delved into her family, their history as immigrants and how they settled in the country.
Being a first-generation Australian, she touched on being a daughter, wife, and a mother;
Ambros, having married young, acknowledged that challenges were rife, and despite the hardships, it was an experience that she cherished.
“I said to the crowd that I dedicated over a decade raising my children, and in that way it shaped me in ways that I could have never imagined,” she said.
“There are certain points in time of your life, my life, that I wanted to speak on, and I wanted to set that tine by explaining more on who I was and who I am in the community.”
Having spent 12 years of her life as the family’s caretaker, Ambros said it was something that “drove me as an individual, and I’m proud of that”.
It was some time before Ambros returned to the workforce, and when the decision finally came, she recalled her husband encouraging her to take that step.
There was a lot of reflection, however, on what it took for her to get to where she is, and when it came to understanding what it meant to be a mother but also being a person altogether.
“I thought I understood what it meant to be a mother before, but I really didn’t know what it would be like,” she said.
“I worked before the kids came, and I didn’t know, I wasn’t aware of what family was after kids, but it’s been amazing.
“I can’t thank (my experience) enough for the growth that I’ve had, but now, my husband and I
have literally swapped roles; he’s now the primary caretaker of the family.”
Ambros, after speaking about her family, talked about her time and the “hours dedicated” to mentoring and guiding youth throughout her experiences.
For 2025, she’s looking to lead the senior women’s team at a local soccer club, and with her husband as the assistant coach, Ambros is looking to embark on a joint adventure.
She then spoke on her career, touching on her time as an assistant director who led HR systems, a time that emphasised the importance of people interaction that plays a strong part in her current role.
“I really just wanted to reflect on what International Women’s Day meant, that it was a time to recognise the strength, the resilience and achievements of all women in all walks of life,” she said.
“For it to serve as a reminder that no one’s story is the same, and all of us have something different to tell.
“I wanted everyone to see that with determination, sacrifice and support that women can build, lead an inspire, that it’s not just having that leadership role, and we can all play a part.”
In addition to Stanley, other special guests included Kabinga Mazaba, a best-selling author who is also an accredited development coach and
a noted public speaker.
Dr Annete Rome, the principal of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar and a former neurophysiologist, was also in attendance.
Representatives from not-for-profit Women Making It Work were also present, with chairperson Khatija Halabi leading the panellists during the event.
After the presentations, it saw the presenters, including Ambros, mingling with the crowd, with people speaking to one another and sharing their own experiences.
“It was nice to hear you know, we could give examples of what we grew up with and what people’s journeys were, and are,” she said.
“Everyone could see that there has been developments, and it comes from those people, those leaders, teachers, that are supporting them; once more a reminder how significant everyone’s role is in this space.”
The events after provided ample time and opportunity for participants to network with one another, with organisations such as the mentioned St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar present, but also Chisholm TAFE and Westfield Fountain Gate in the mix.
Ambros, like many who were present during the day, hopes to nourish the message behind International Women’s Day as something that everyone carries around them, always and forever.
By Sahar Foladi
Casey residents and outside the area all gathered to celebrate the Ramadan Meena Bazaar held on Friday 14 March.
The event was held by Galsum Foladi from Mannat’s Collection in Hallam, a one-stop event for the community to get their shopping done before Eid towards the end of March.
“The event was great, it was a chance for the community to gather, socialise, shop, break their fast, enjoy and we were all so pleased to see all that.”
It consisted of traditional dresses for women and children, jewelleries, bags, henna, face painting, lolly bags, toys, street food, variety of sweets and snacks.
“We always try to have something for all age groups, women, girls and children, everyone had a lot of fun at the event.
Participants were able to break their fast at the event and some came down afterwards with their friends and families.
There was a turnout of more than 400 people at the event.
The annual event is in its fifth year running with their Chand Raat event scheduled for Saturday 29 March in Dandenong on the night of Eid that will mark the end of the fasting month.
The Berwick campus of Federation University launched a student-led pathology clinic on Thursday, 13 March, effectively bridging the gap for accessible services for the local community.
It offers a range of low-cost essential services, including paediatric screenings at preschools and primary schools, assessment and treatment for youth aged 4 to 16 years old, addressing issues such as pronunciation or articulation, early literacy skills and language skills.
The Federation Speech Pathology Clinic was established in response to the growing need for speech pathology services in the area, with the wait time for public health services ranging from six to eight months, or even more, for interventions.
In certain areas, services have ceased altogether, particularly in chronic health, paediatric screening, and aged care.
Master of speech pathology graduate, Brid-
get Millar, said that as someone who grew up in a regional community and required intensive speech pathology intervention, she “understoof the barriers to access, but also the impact services can have on individuals and their families”.
“Studying at Federation with a small cohort fostered a close relationship with both my peers and staff who were dedicated, passionate, and supportive throughout my studies and beyond,” she said.
While Millar studied in the Ballarat campus and now works as a speech pathologist in Wollongong, she is one of the many signs of growth in the field, with a new 150-strong cohort totalling 300 students across the university’s Berwick, Mt Helen and Gippsland campuses and online.
The Speech Pathology Workforce Analysis report in 2023 highlighted that speech pathology services in Australia are not meeting de-
mand, resulting in delayed or inaccessible care for many patients.
The Berwick campus launch is only the beginning, however, with the university planning to spearhead the movement in their other campuses.
Federation University head of discipline in speech pathology and the institute of health and wellbeing, professor Chryssie Heine, said that they are “delighted to be launching” the student-led clinic.
“This initiative represents a significant milestone in our commitment to providing handson learning experiences for our students whilst offering essential speech pathology services to those in need.
“Our students are eager to apply their knowledge and skills in the clinic, making a positive impact on the lives of our community members.
“We look forward to seeing the clinic thrive
and grow, fostering a spirit of partnership and collaboration,” she said.
With relevance to the students heading the services mentioned above, they will be supervised in sessions by qualified speech pathologists and university staff.
In addition, there will also be group communication skills sessions for adults with aphasia or traumatic brain injury, as well as onsite services at schools and kinders.
Looking at the broader scope, the university has partnered with public and private health services in southeast Melbourne and the wider Gippsland area to form an advisory group to assess local speech pathology needs.
It will also ensure that the clinic provides necessary services and develops best practice referral pathways and relationships with interested clinicians to support their health service and caseloads.
By Ethan Benedicto
When their Cranbourne headquarters burned down in 2023, the Casey Cardinia Salvation Army had no place to call home, until now.
A new centre in Clyde North recently opened, serving as a temporary home for the Salvos until the repairs are completed in their original home.
Captain Katie Ryan, the commanding officer for the chairty in Casey and Cardina, said that having a designated place to gather and meet is “very exciting”.
“This is great because we’ve been working from multiple buildings, but now we can be under one roof.
“The other exciting thing is for the church space, and during the week, we can redevelop initiatives that serve the community.
“We’re really excited that we have this space now and to be able to do that again,” she said.
On Sunday, 16 March, members of the charity gathered at the new space to scope the area, familiarising themselves with the amenities as well as the facilities for them to use.
The charity’s previous home near Casey Grammar Seconday School caught fire after what local FRV responders coined as an accident.
At that time, a group of seven workers quick-
ly escaped the fire, with the flames damaging much of the church area and its ceiling and roof.
Now, being the first tenants in the space in Clyde North, Katie, alongside Lieutenant Colonel Denis Lorimer, are keen to once more host their programs.
“I find it really exciting that we now have a facility we can call our own,” Denis said.
“So therefore, we can also operate all the programs that the Salvation Army are so well known for.
“We’ve got our doorways program, our activities for the youth and other young people, church activities, a whole lot can be encompassed with this new building.”
Katie, Denis, and the other members are
keen for another chapter, where after the church service on Sunday, 23 March, all community services will commence once more the Monday after.
For Katie, having a place where members and those they support can gather means that their work can be effectively carried out.
“By making it centralised, it makes it very accessible for everyone, but also those for people in wheelchairs, walkers and so on, it’s just an amazing facility,” she said.
“Because the idea of the Salvation Army is that it’s a holistic space for everyone, so when people walk through the door, we just don’t want to give them good, we want to be looking at how we can help them as an individual to flourish.”
To Denis, being able to foster that sense of love and belonging is something that “keeps us going”.
“The fact that people are discovering news ways of life, because they’ve come to us when we’ve given assistance, it’s amazing,” he said.
The charity is looking to stay at Clyde North for the next two to three years, giving ample time for the repairs to be done at their Holland Drive base.
In the meantime, all are keen to move forward, and with the center officially opening soon, the excitement only keeps growing.
Energy Safe Victoria has issued an urgent safety warning to consumers who have purchased table lamps from Cranbourne retailer Panda Mart.
Energy Safe CEO Leanne Hughson said compliance officers had found exposed wires on the lamps which if touched while the light was on, could cause an electric shock or death by electrocution.
“We are calling on everyone who has bought a table lamp at the Panda Mart store in Cranbourne to stop using it immediately,” she said.
“I cannot emphasise how important this is. These lamps are potentially deadly.”
It is believed that hundreds of people may have bought the table lamps since Panda Mart
Some of the lamps had covers over wiring that could be easily removed, while others had exposed wires and access to live parts, Energy Safe Victoria(ESV) said.
Energy Safe compliance officers carried out an inspection at Panda Mart on 12 March. ESV said they also found unsafe study desks with socket outlets which also have the potential to expose live parts.
Panda Mart has indicated that they will stop the sale of the table lamps immediately and remove the socket outlets from the desks. All household mains-operated electrical products sold in Victoria should carry the regulatory compliance mark.
This mark indicates that the product meets safety standards.
As one of the largest publishers of independent community news in Victoria, Star News Group is conducting this simple survey to gauge community sentiment around the forthcoming federal election.
Please take 5 minutes to have your say and be part of this important conversation. The results of the survey will help us gauge the appetite of readers toward the forthcoming Federal Election and we will share results with our readers.
You can either fill in the survey below and email in or complete the survey online (Simply scan the QR code below)
1. What do you see as the single most important issue in the upcoming federal election?
8. Regarding immigration policy, do you believe the next government should:
Increase immigration
Reduce Immigration
Keep it about the same
9. At this point are you more likely to vote for:
2. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Extremely Important" to you:
Electricity Prices
Climate Change Policies
Inflation (Cost of Living)
Health Services
Immigration and border control
National roads and rail infrastructure
Water infrastructure
Broadband interenet access
Please specify:
3. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Least Important" to you:
Electricity Prices Climate Change Policies
Inflation (Cost of Living)
Health Services
Immigration and border control
National roads and rail infrastructure
Water infrastructure
Broadband interenet access
Please specify:
4. Which is more important to you? Cheapest electricity possible Reducing carbon emissions
5. Do you support nuclear energy in Australia?
Yes No
6. Would you support a nuclear plant in your local area? Yes No
7. Where would you most like to see a local increase in federal funding, and why?
Local hospitals Local national highways
Local infrastructure project Defence
Once completed, please scan or photograph your completed survey and email to:
A major party (Labor or Coalition)
A minor party
An independent
10. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how significant do you think the influence of social media is on public discourse and political decisionmaking in Australia?
1 2 3 4 5 Why?
11. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about global security currently? 1 2 3 4 5 Why?
12. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about housing affordability in your region?
1 2 3 4 5
13. In your opinion, how important is improved national road and transport infrastructure in your region? 1 2 3 4 5
14. What specific infrastructure projects do you believe should be prioritised in your region?
15. Are there any other local or regional issues that you feel are not getting enough attention in the federal election campaign? Please share your thoughts.
16. What age group do you fall into?
First Name: Last Name: Daytime Contact Phone No:
Cranbourne Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Inc
Autumn Plant Sale
Plant sale dates: Saturday and Sunday 22 and 23 March, 2025 Times: 10am – 4pm on both days
Location: Royal Botanic Garden Victoria – Cranbourne (Cnr Ballarto Road and Botanic Drive, Cranbourne)
The plant sale will be held at the northern end of the Australian Garden. Parking and entry is available nearby (look for the large red banners).
A large variety of Australian native plants will be available. A plant list will be available on our website approximately a week before the sale. EFTPOS is available.
Coastal Communities Festival
Live Music, Market Stalls, Giant Atomic Drop Slide, Face Painter, Sausage Sizzle, Devonshire Tea, Coffee Van, Coastal Villages Art Group display, kids show bags, and so much more.
Make your own toy boat using recycled material and bring it along to race on the Pond.
Sponsored by Warneet Blind Bight CFA, Lions Club of Tooradin, Country Women’s Club of Pearcedale and the Warneet Motor Yacht Club.
• Where: Blind Bight Foreshore. Anchorage Drive. Blind Bight.
• When: Saturday 29 March. 11am to 3pm. Cranbourne Senior Citizens Club
Saturday Indoor Market - 5th April - 8am-2pm. Large variety of stalls.
Stall holder enquiries welcome, $10 per table, places are limited so don’t miss out book early for 2025 dates 5th April and 6th December.
Cranbourne Senior Citizens Club meets weekly for a range of different events, including bus trips, community days, games, coffee and chat, bingo, dancing and carpet bowls.
Not a member? Doesn’t matter, come along and join the fun.
Weekly activity times - Line Dancing Mon.10am12pm, New Vogue and Old Time Dance Tue. 1pm3:30pm, Carpet Bowls Wed. & Sat. 11:30am2:30pm, Bingo Thur. 11am-2pm.
• For all enquiries or bookings contact Marilyn mobile 0432 107 590.
• Find us on facebook https://www.facebook.
Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre
Fridays from 7 March - 10-12:30 - Hazaragi Computers for Work - Learn digital skills for the workplace in Hazaragi from a native speaking computer skills teacher - Free during term 1
Every Monday - 9.30-11am - during school termsCome and sew tote bags - For sewists who want to meet new friends and practice their sewing skills making tote bags - we supply the sewing machines and fabric - Free
Every Friday - 11am-2pm - Thee Coffee Table - Welcoming women’s community group - Free Volunteers are welcome to come and help to maintain our community garden
All the above are held at Merinda Park Learning and Community Centre, 141 - 147 Endeavour Drive, Cranbourne North 3977
• For more information and bookings call - 5996 9056
We also have: Fridays 9.30am-11.30am during school termsConversational English Classes at Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre - Come along to practice and improve your English skills in a relaxed environment comfortable, casual classes with a friendly, patient tutor - $5 per class.
• Call 03 5996 9056 to enrol in Conversational English or come along to Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre during class times. The Cranbourne Park Community Hub is conveniently located in Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre, in the space behind Target, next to Pacific Smiles Dental and opposite Centre Management, and the nearest entrance is next to Australia Post.
U3A Cranbourne
A community group for people aged 50 and over to pursue a variety of activities and interests. We are at 20 - 22 Bowen Street, Cranbourne.
Line Dancing and ballroom dancing are run offsite. Supported by Casey Council we are a not-for-profit organisation with a membership fee of $50 per year which entitles you to join as many classes as you wish.
Members have the opportunity to learn, share and socialise. The variety is endless from table tennis to Italian, cardmaking, art, sewing, quilling, knitting, singing and ukelele and guitar classes.
Our gardening group started this week with a lovely meeting to share ideas and encourage each other. We are keen to start planting out some tubs and containers next week with herbs and vegetables.
• Wish us luck! Check out all our courses at our website www.u3acranbourne.org.au or phone 0493 991 919 for more information.
AWCC Tai Chi
Join us for a free trial class in Wudang Martial Arts, featuring Adult Tai Chi or Teen Kung Fu. Limited spots available—first come, first served! Trial classes will be held on Sunday, April 6th, 2025, from 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (Teen Kung Fu) and 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Adult Tai Chi) at Timbarra Community Centre, 26 Parkhill Drive, Berwick. To register your interest, please call 0467-597-080 or email ad@awcc.com.au.
Narre Warren Senior Citizens Centre
If you are over 55 years, newly retired or new to the City of Casey and looking forward for something to do, come and join us. The Narre Warren Senior Citizens Centre is a friendly seniors Club and we can offer you many activities. Our main Club Day is on Wednesdays from 9:30am to 3:00pm.
On the first Wednesday of the month we enjoy socialising with our many members and, on the next three (3) Wednesdays we have live entertainment wherein you can do some dancing or line dancing and if you wish, with an afternoon cup of tea and biscuits. We also hold weekly activities on other days during the week which include the Garden Group, Indoor Carpet Bowls, Table Tennis, Line Dancing, Gentle Exercises and friendly Card Games.
• We are located at 192-196 Centre Road near the Narre Warren Station. Phone us on 9783 7112 or on Mobile 0426 736 467 or you can email us at: narrewarrenseniors@gmail.com for more information
Berwick Bridge Club
Berwick Bridge Club is looking for new members. There are two free beginner’s courses.
One starts on Monday night, 24 February, from 7 to 9pm and the second is on Friday morning, 28 February, from 10am to 12pm. Both courses run for eight weeks.
Lessons are run at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House, 21A Bemersyde Drive, Berwick. No partner is required.
• To reserve your place please phone Maree on 9702 2348.
Blind Bight Community Centre
Craft gift making for adults from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Tuesdays. Join in the craft gift making class and bring along your own craft to complete. A variety of techniques and skills are shared including mosaics, macrame, sewing and painting at $3 per class. Playgroup from 10.30am to noon on Wednesdays. The program provides fun play activities and craft for children at $5 per family. Free knit and crochet from noon to 2pm on Wednesdays.
Line dancing from 1pm to 2pm on Wednesdays. All ages, and abilities welcome at $10 per class.
• For more information and for bookings, visit www.blindbightcommunitycentre.com.au
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club
Are you new newly retired, or new to the area, or just wanting to enjoy your freedom as a senior or expand your social life?
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club can offer you stimulating activities and friendship.
The club hosts weekly social activities with dance to low-key in-line dancing if you want to tap your feet, great music, a chat, and then afternoon tea. Day, short and long trips away via coach, a weekly morning coffee club, monthly Saturday country pub lunches, monthly Tuesday dine-outs, a weekly walking group, a weekly table tennis group, seasonal daytime musical theatre outings, entertainment function days and more.
Anyone interested can visit on Thursdays at 2pm for socialising and low-key dancing at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House at 21A Bemersyde Drive or join the club for a coffee and a chat every Wednesday from 10am at the new François cafe in front of Myer in Fountain Gate.
• For more information, contact enquiry officer Gloria on 0468 363 616.
Combined Probus Club of Narre
The club welcomes men and women to join for fun and interesting activities.
The club hosts bowling, armchair travel, book clubs, walk and talk, happy snappers and cards.
• For enquiries, contact Heather at hsims14@ gmail.com
By Jonty Ralphsmith
Casey coach Taylor Whitford has stressed the importance of connecting with the region as a new era beckons for the Demons in 2025.
Having lost a bevy of experience through the departures of former skipper Mitch White, and midfielders Roan Steele and Campbell Hustwaite, Casey is set to use several locals.
Ellinbank League 2024 leading goalkicker Patrick Ireland, 2024 Haileybury College captain Mitch Kirkwood-Scott, Rowville Sports Academy alumni Olly Green, Gippslanders Riley Baldi, Jenson Garnham and Chance Doultree and Eastern League emerging prospect Tyson Sruk are among the recruits.
Nar Nar Goon’s Paddy Cross and Tooradin utility Jesse Craven, who spent time training with WAFL club Peel in the preseason, are other locals set for increased responsibility.
Noble Park defender Wardell Lual, Box Hill recruit Lachie Bryce and Cranbourne rebounder Andrew Green are also on Casey’s list.
“Casey geographically sits in the middle of lots of regions - we don’t want people driving past our club to play for other clubs,” Whitford said.
“Having locals come to our club and not going to other clubs is important to us.
“We wanted to get lots of guys who can play multiple positions and are local talents.”
Whitford in particular earmarked Cross, promoted to the leadership group for 2025, for a big year.
“Injuries have held him back, (so) this sum-
mer has been about getting him ready for the year and putting enough work into him physically,” Whitford said.
“He’s talented and tough and got interest last
year from an AFL point-of-view.
“It’s about getting him on the field as often as possible because we’re better with him out there.”
The Demons have also welcomed in former AFL trio Riley Bonner, Mitch Hardie and local lad Deakyn Smith, with Smith to succeed White as skipper in 2025.
Hardie, Smith and Baldi will all play prominent roles in the midfield, alongside youngsters Kai Windsor - the brother of Melbourne’s Caleb - and potentially Craven.
There are a total of 15 new VFL-listed faces in 2025 and many of the incumbents played sparsely if at all in 2024, which has put an increased importance on the basics in preseason.
The fruits of the hard work were on show in a trio of practice matches, against North VFL, Sandringham and Coburg, which showcased different phases of Casey’s game.
“It’s been refreshing and exciting to take it back to basics of building rapport,” Whitford said.
“I’ve been really excited with the exuberance a young group gives and they’re all starting from a base level with expectations and understanding, given not many played too many with us last year so there has been a collective buy-in to the way we want to play.”
Casey’s season gets underway against North VFL on Sunday morning at Casey Fields, with back-to-back Saturday night fixtures in round 11 and 12 against Collingwood and Essendon broadcast in prime-time on Channel 7 among the fixture highlights.
By Jonty Ralphsmith
Box Hill captain Cal Porter headlines the 20 local names with VFL contracts for the 2025 season.
The tough heart-and-soul 26-year-old Hawk from Officer is one of the most respected characters in the VFL and is capable of serving multiple roles for his side, and has been credited for playing a major role in the development of young talent.
Porter represented the Victorian squad in the representative clash against South Australia in 2024 during Gather Round and appears wellplaced to earn another Big V guernsey.
Another local to keep an eye on is Sam Toner, who narrowly missed out on being selected at the AFL Draft in 2024 following 50 goals in 12 games for Narre Warren and an impressive cameo for Dandenong Stingrays.
One of the brightest talents in the Outer East Football Netball League, Toner has earned a contract with Richmond’s VFL side, and had a fine preseason, which included assimilating comfortably into Richmond AFL match simulation.
The speedy medium forward has added size to his raw frame and looks set to put himself in contention for the midseason draft.
His cousin Jack will look to build on an excellent year at Williamstown, where he played 19 games and was named in the best eight times, establishing a defined role for himself within the team.
Eastern League side Beaconsfield has three players on Frankston’s VFL list - Harrison Coe, Denver Lund and Kade De La Rue.
Key-position player Coe made his state league debut last season after a torrid injury run; Lund is in his first year on both Beaconsfield’s and Frankston’s list, while clean half forward De La Rue crosses from North’s VFL list.
Also at the Dolphins are Warragul Industrials pair Noah Gown and Tyson Milne and long-time Cranbourne local and Williamstown recruit Corey Ellison, who booted 22 goals for the Seagulls last year.
Meanwhile, the hard working Matt Nelson will be looking to build on a solid 2024 where he played some strong footy for Noble Park and got five VFL games for Frankston under his belt. His Bulls teammate Jacob Noble has also won a contract at the Dolphins after a promising 2024 at local level.
After being a regular for the Dandenong Stingrays in 2023, the strong bodied defender also trained at Frankston last preseason without winning a contract.
Warragul trio Liam Serong (Coburg), Will Hayes (Carlton VFL) and Lane Ward (Box Hill) will be looking to build on 2024 where they played 12, four and one state league games respectively.
Energetic Drouin small forward and 2023
Gippsland Power captain Seb Amoroso is another who will be looking to take the next step after three VFL games in 2024, while Cora Lynn’s high-
Coach: Taylor Whitford
• Captain: Deakyn Smith
• Home Ground: Casey Fields
Notable Recruits: Deakyn Smith, Riley Baldi, Riley Bonner
• Notable departures: Mitch White, Campbell Hustwaite, Roan Steele, Ned Moodie, Harvey Neocleous
2024 result: 17th (5-13)
SQUAD LIST: Riley Baldi (Moe), Jack Behnk (St. Bede’s Mentone), Riley Bonner (Cheltenham), Lachlan Bryce (Frankston YCW), Jesse Craven (Tooradin), Paddy Cross (Nar Nar Goon), Chance Doultree (Red Hill), Tyler Edwards (Rowville), Jack Ferraro (St. Bedes Mentone), Tom Freeman (Mt Eliza), Jenson Garnham (Leongatha), Jarrod Gatt (Pines), Roy George (Fitzroy Stars), Andrew Green (Cranbourne), Ollie Green (Parkdale Vultures), Max Gregory (Frankston YCW), Patrick Ireland (Leongatha), Mitch Kirkwood-Scott (Old Haileybury), Brayden Laplanche (Montrose), Caleb Lewis (Dingley), Wardell Lual (Noble Park), Charlie Peters (South Belgrave), Max Roney (Cheltenham), Kobe Shipp (Beaconsfield), Deakyn Smith (Thomastown), Tyson Sruk (Rowville), Kai Windsor (South Belgrave), Noah Yze (Old Melburnians); 2025 FIXTURE: NM (h), GC (h), Gee (a), GWS (h), Ric (h), bye, Foo (a), Sou (h), NB (a), Syd (a), Col (a), Ess (h), bye, GC (a), Cob (h), Wer (a), Car (h), San (h) bye, BL (a), Box (h)
By Jonty Ralphsmith
Former West Coast Eagles midfielder Jai Culley’s Supplemental Selection Period (SSP) signing with Melbourne was a big coup for the Casey Demons according to the club’s coach.
The Dandenong Stingrays graduate was taken by the Eagles with pick 1 in the 2022 midseason draft, but was delisted last year after an injury-interrupted two-and-a-half seasons which yielded 12 games.
The 22-year-old signed with Casey for the 2025 season, but was signed in preseason by a Melbourne side which lost players to injury.
“It was fantastic,” Whitford said of the signing.
“He’s a local product so that was appealing for us but he’s also talented, so we wanted to work to get him back onto a list as soon as possible.
“He came in and was unreal - he bought into everything our program offered and did plenty of training with the AFL group and his form was outstanding.
“It shows that you can train with us and get an opportunity on an AFL list - so hopefully we get some more this year.”
Culley is currently sidelined with foot soreness and is set to spend the next three to five weeks on the sidelines, before pushing for selection, having shown his ability at AFL level during his time at the Eagles.
ly-skilled and hard working Luke Ryan has a contract at Northern Bullants.
Casey, meanwhile, have Nar Nar Goon’s Paddy Cross, Tooradin workhorse Jesse Craven, Cranbourne halfback Andrew Green, Noble Park excitement machine Wardell Lual and Beaconsfield interceptor Kobe Shipp.
By Blair Burns
If the qualifying final was anything to go by, this clash between Buckley Ridges and Hallam Kalora Park promises to be a must-watch contest as the best two sides battle it out this weekend at Arch Brown Reserve in the DDCA Turf 1 grand final.
A combined 809 runs were scored in the game a couple of weeks back as the Bucks did enough to defend their total of 414 and advance to the grand final, while the Hawks have posted huge recent scores of 395 and 359.
Buckley Ridges has held the wood over Hallam Kalora Park this season defeating them three times but the Hawks won’t be deterred and will be looking to cause an upset.
The Bucks are still making up for lost time after they lost consecutive grand finals against Springvale South in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons.
Now they are looking to win consecutive grand finals, only this time it will not be against their arch-rivals, after the Bloods were knocked out last weekend.
Bucks’captainJaysonHobbssaiditwasagreat opportunity for his side to stamp their authority on the competition and go back-to-back.
“We’re very excited to get another opportunity, we’ve been there the last few years and missed out on the first couple, but we got the job done last year,” he said.
“We’ve definitely been driven and hungry to get back there and win it again, and we’ve been really consistent this year.”
It is difficult to split the two sides on paper as they finished first and second with just two points separating them, and the batting firepower builds it up to be a high-scoring affair.
Damith Perera (712 runs at 54.77) and Mahela Udawatte (612 runs at 51) will be the keys to success for the Hawks while Ben Wright (520 runs at 52) will look to lead the way for the Bucks.
In saying that, three of the top four wicket-takers in the competition will also be taking the field in this contest as Hallam Kalora Park’s William Whyte (36 wickets at 17.64) and Lauchlan Gregson (29 wickets at 17.79) and Buckley Ridges’ Ishan Jayarathna (35 wickets at 15.14) will all be challenging the batters.
Hobbs was pleased with his side’s consistency this season, but more so with the even spread of contributors throughout the year.
“Wedon’trelyonanyone,alloftheplayerscan contribute or perform on any given day,” he said.
Despite having the wood over them this season, Hobbs said recent encounters mean “bugger
all” when you get to the grand final.
“This year we’ve played them a couple times and beaten them in a one-dayer and a two-dayer during the season, but that means nothing now,” he said.
“This week is totally different and they’re an incredibly worthy side who’ve had a great season and it will be a good challenge.”
Hobbs said he was following last weekend’s match closely to see if they would take on the Bloods for a fourth year or have a fresh challenge.
“Each team would’ve been worthy of a spot
in the grand final but Hallam finished second on the ladder and had put up a massive chase for Springy,” he said.
Ben Wright ... 520 at 52
Roshane Silva ... 468 at 66.86
Ishan Jayarathna ... 321 at 45.86
Ishan Jayarathna ... 35 at 15.14
Hussain Ali ... 18 at 26.22
Sanka Dinesh ... 12 at 32.33
with a new rock on the weekend.
Damith Perera ... 712 at 54.77
Mahela Udawatte ... 612 at 51
Leigh Booth ... 482 at 37.08
E French c: K Gwynne, b: A Bajwa..........................................62
M Gardner c: J Tonna, b: A Bajwa 8
T De Silva c: J Tonna, b: N Kumar ...........................................30 A Akmeemana c: N Kumar, b: A Bajwa