The community gathered at Cardinia Life to celebrate the 90th birthday of local legend, Pat Harmon, on March 19. Full story on page 5
By Afraa Kori
Cardinia Shire Council is facing a growing financial shortfall, as its latest report reveals a $7.8 million deficit, forecasted to be $3.5 million higher than budget by June 2025.
This deficit is driven by changes in the phasing of the capital works program resulting in lower staff capitalisation, and increased material and service costs due to the reclassification of Crown Land expenses from capital work in progress to operating expenses.
Additionally, this forecasted position high-
Cr Casey Thompson believes the most important matter in the financial report is the adjusted underlying result, noting a $7.8 million deficit, which $3.5 million “unfavourable to the adopted budget”.
lights the significant impact of non-monetary contributions and capital grants, which are excluded from the underlying deficit.
Cr Casey acknowledged that the report might give the impression that the Council has “excess money,” noting that “the word surplus gets thrown around a little bit in this report.”But he clarified that much of it is tied up in grants and developer contributions.
Cr Nickell also pointed out that while the Council appears well-funded with $154 million in cash, $110 million is already allocated, leaving only $44 million available, and this figure is shrinking.
He warns that if growth costs continue to outpace funding, ratepayers and services may be impacted.
Continued page 2
Coaches will replace trains on the Gippsland Line over 10 days in late-March, for works to prepare the line’s new signalling system.
Replacement coaches will operate between Bairnsdale, Traralgon and East Pakenham from Friday, 21 March to Friday, 28 March.
Gippsland passengers will use a Metro Trains service for connection to the Melbourne CBD or suburban stations along the Pakenham Line.
On Saturday, 29 and Sunday, 30 March, coaches will replace trains between Southern Cross, Traralgon and Bairnsdale.
Passengers should also be aware of service changes along sections of the Pakenham Line over this final weekend, due to Metro Tunnel works.
Passengers are asked to allow up to 60 minutes extra for the journey by coach, and to plan ahead using the temporary coach timetables available on the V/Line website.
Weekend coach services will not stop at Flinders Street, Richmond, Clayton and Berwick stations. Passengers wishing to use these stations should switch to a metropolitan service on the Pakenham Line.
During the 10 days of works, crews will carry out signalling construction work, including cabling works and installing trackside signalling equipment between Drouin and Traralgon.
The Gippsland Line Upgrade has delivered improved stations, a new bridge over the Avon River in Stratford, the ability for moden VLocity trains to travel to Bairnsdale, and is updating the line’s ageing infrastructure to ensure trains can safely run more often.
Passengers are encouraged to visit ptv.vic. gov.au/disruptions for more information and to plan their journey.
Real-time traffic conditions are available at traffic.transport.vic.gov.au. The latest public transport information and network status is available at ptv.vic.gov.au or in the PTV mobile app.
From page 1
“That cash available figure is dropping so the bucket is getting smaller. In fact, it has to be topped up by borrowing,” he said.
“In terms of sustainability, I’ve got substantial concerns if the costs of growth continue to not be fully funded by state, federal and developers. It will fall on ratepayers and it will fall on services that we’re able to provide to ratepayers.”
Meanwhile the finance team has managed the budget well, despite economic challenges.
“I would just thank the officers as well for the diligent work in pulling this report together and the briefings that they’ve provided to us,” Cr Nickell said.
“Also, the diligence of Council staff in sticking so remarkably close to budget, given the complexity of the operation and the huge variety of services and Capital Works provided to
the community by the Council.”
Cr Collin Ross emphasized the importance of transparency and community engagement in the financial report.
“A lot of people in the community in the past, have come and met with our finance people to discuss some of the items in here when they had a concern or something to add.”
“This is a really important document that comes forward every quarter. It gives you an up-to-date measure on how we’re going at the time. If there’s something you have an interest in, bring it up and we’ll try and answer your questions.”
The officer’s recommendation was unanimously approved by the Council.
By Mikayla Van Loon
A local news title has been caught up in an Independent versus Coalition transparency argument after a complaint was filed against the publisher for not disclosing its funders.
Gazette News, publisher of digital news outlet The Eastern Melburnian and The Gippsland Monitor among three others, was the subject of an Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) complaint filed by Victorian Senator Jane Hume last Tuesday, 11 March.
The Liberal Senator claimed the news outlet was backed by Climate 200, the leading supporter of many of the independent candidates running for seats in the Federal election, telling Guardian Australia it was a “highly sophisticated domestic disinformation campaign”.
Addressing the National Press Club on Wednesday 12 March, Climate 200 founder Simon Holmes à Court denied links to Gazette News.
“I don’t know a lot about Gazette. There’s no connection between Climate 200 and Gazette,” he said.
“I have met the founder of it before and I knew she was starting a business (it) sounds like a really interesting development in media.”
Gazette News founder and chief executive officer Anna Saulwick also denied “ties to any political group”, stating it was an independent news organisation.
“We don’t accept any funding from political organisations, and our editorial decisions are made entirely independently of our funders,” she said.
Ms Saulwick told Guardian Australia that the publication’s three major backers included Matt Doran, James Taylor and Mark Rawson.
AEC disclosures show that Mr Doran donated $100,000 to Climate 200 in the 2021-22 financial year and a further $128,800 in 2023-24.
Mr Taylor also donated $91,539 directly to independent ACT Senator David Pocock in the 2022-23 financial year, and the same amount the following year, alongside a $50,000 donation to Climate 200.
Ms Saulwick said with “relatively few philanthropists” in such a small country as Australia, she was pleased to have the backing of “people whose values align with our mission”.
The Gazette’s outlets covering eastern Melbourne, Gippsland and the Western region of
Victoria, as well as New South Wales’ mid north coast and Sydney’s north shore, have not shied away from providing coverage of these regions’ independent candidates nor providing critical commentary of the Coalition’s nuclear policy.
A Gazette News report last week investigated the fallout of a potential nuclear leak in the Latrobe Valley. The only political voice in that story is Casey Independent candidate Claire Ferres Miles, who is backed by Climate 200.
But the pre-election coverage was also dotted with articles on other candidates from various political backgrounds.
Star Mail contacted Senator Hume’s office for comment but was supplied comments from an interview between ABC Radio Sydney Mornings host Hamish MacDonald and Senator James Pa-
terson from Wednesday 12 March.
“When the Teals ran at the last election, they promised they would do politics differently. They said integrity was one of their top priorities and that they would fight for transparency,” the shadow home affairs minister told the ABC.
“And yet, it now emerges that Teal donors are funding pro-Teal fake newspapers covering the geographic areas which just happened to be seats the Teals are targeting at the next election.”
Senator Paterson said the Coalition had written to the AEC asking them to investigate what they believed “constitutes electoral expenditure”.
“If it is electoral expenditure, as in otherwise, it’s motivated to influence the outcome of an election, it needs to be declared, and it hasn’t been declared, and it is not being transparently
disclosed to the electorate. Voters have a right to know,” he said.
Calling the Teal candidate coverage “uniformly positive”, Senator Paterson questioned the coincidence of the Liberal, National and Labor MPs coverage being “more critical”.
Ms Saulwick said the Gazette ensured all candidates are given coverage across its platforms.
“Our coverage includes all candidates in a race, ensuring that the public has access to balanced and comprehensive election reporting, not just coverage of major parties or frontrunners,” she told Star News.
“We think this is a strength, and an important contribution to the media landscape.”
This is the second time in the last month Senator Hume has questioned the integrity of the independent movement, after she questioned AEC Acting Commissioner Jeff Pope in Senate Estimates on Monday 24 February.
She claimed that four companies linked to Teal candidates were not correctly registered as electoral vehicles and were accepting donations without being added to the transparency register. Mr Pope confirmed the AEC had started to look into it.
“Not only has the AEC said that these candidates may be subject to significant fines if they are found to be in contravention of the Act, but donors may also be subject to penalties,” Mr Pope said.
Weighing in on the discussion, Nationals leader David Littleproud called Gazette News “the Teals’ ‘fake online news site’”.
“Regional media outlets and newspapers are the backbone of our regional communities,” Mr Littleproud said.
“A key funder of Gazette News falsely claims the outlet provides journalism to communities where local news has ‘declined or disappeared’. This just happens to be in their target seats.”
But Ms Saulwick retorted, stating that “there will always be politicians who don’t like scrutiny and are willing to make false claims to damage those who scrutinise them”.
“Two thirds of Aussie media is owned by just four entities, and local and independent news outlets are disappearing or downsizing everywhere you look.
“We believe that expanding access to independent reporting is critical, and we want to contribute to media diversity in Australia by offering digital news, by locals and for locals.”
By Mikayla Van Loon
Revelations that a digital news publication might have affiliate links with Climate 200 has brought about a reminder of the necessity of truly independent news particularly in regional areas.
Country Press Australia, the largest association of independent newspapers, president Andrew Schreyer has echoed calls from politicians for the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) to conduct a swift but thorough investigation into Gazette News.
The publisher was this week the subject of an AEC complaint first lodged by Coalition party members, led by Victorian Senator Jane Hume, after two key funders of the social enterprise news outlet were identified as having also donated to the Climate 200 independent candidate movement.
Mr Schreyer said the ease in which news websites could be established posed a risk to the integrity of journalism.
“It’s all too easy now to set up a ‘news’ website that publishes political propaganda dressed up as journalism and amplified through social media campaigns,” he said.
“Such sites are a threat to the integrity of our political advertising regulations and to the public trust in truly independent news publishers who are reporting objectively and holding the powerful to account.”
Gazette News’ philosophy on its website states it is “stepping in where local news has diminished or hasn’t made the leap to digital”.
Mr Schreyer said to the more than 240-strong membership publications within the CPA, the claim that local news had declined or disap-
Country Press Australia president Andrew Schreyer has welcomed the Australian Electoral Commission’s look at digital news publication Gazette News. (Supplied)
peared was misleading and wrong.
Concerns were also raised through the membership that the level of trust readers had for local papers was being compromised following the recent emergence of a number of online publications produced by Gazette News in areas where existing publications had built trust.
These include Star News Group’s Pakenham Gazette and Star Mail, with The Gippsland Monitor and The Eastern Melburnian setting up a digital presence in these regions.
“Most of our Country Press Australia member newspapers have news websites and a history dating back well over 100 years. In addition, many local radio and television services across rural and regional Australia have a proud history of supporting and serving local communities,” Mr Schreyer said.
“Independently owned place based public interest journalism providers such as our member newspapers work hard to earn the respect and trust of the communities they serve.”
Nationals Leader David Littleproud has been outspoken and critical of what he has said is just “the Teal movement creating their own newspaper” as a way to “propagate and to promote” their agenda.
“I’ve got no problems, they’ve got every right to be able to do this. We’ve got a free society, free speech. But you should be upfront and you should declare it,” Mr Littleproud said in an interview with 2CC host Stephen Cenatiempo.
“You shouldn’t mask it by saying this is an independent paper. It actually tears away at what our journalistic integrity in this country should be.”
Both Gazette News and Climate 200 have denied the alignment, and therefore, any external influence in publication’s content.
But Mr Littleproud said for regional news outlets who “are on their knees”, this undermines their role and their ability to stay afloat.
“There are still papers going. And I can tell you the papers that have contacted my office about this, they’re really concerned. They’re fighting (for) revenue as it is at the moment. They’re struggling to keep their journalists on,” he said.
“They are a source of truth we should trust and we should protect the Fourth Estate even though it mightn’t be convenient for politicians from time to time. But it is an important part of our democratic process.
“And if we don’t have an independent process on that and protecting that by political
parties, using their millions to come in and to muscle them out, then we’re going to be a poorer society and a poorer democracy for it. So I’m just saying to the Teal movement, you lectured us before the last election about integrity, but just understand you are coming to regional areas.
“You are destroying journalism for your own political gain without declaring it. You’ve got every right to run a paper but declare it as a political movement rather than masking it.”
Mr Schreyer thanked Mr Littleproud for his strong representation and advocacy of local, rural and regional newspapers.
As members of the Australian Press Council, Mr Schreyer said CPA publications are required to abide by a code of ethics that stresses the importance of fairness and balance in their reporting, and for journalists to not be influenced by outside influences or organisations.
“The revelation that Gazette News online publications are funded by top teal donors damages the reputation of independent regional, rural and local mastheads,” he said.
“Consumers of content produced by Gazette News publications need to be made aware of their funding sources and view their content through that lens.
“Balanced, independent and professionally produced public interest journalism such as that produced by our members is the democratic infrastructure that holds communities together.”
Mr Schreyer is also the general manager of the Warragul and Drouin Gazette.
The AEC investigation and review will decide if funding should have been disclosed.
By Afraa Kori
With the support of the community and volunteers, the 2025 Pakenham and District Agriculture and Horticulture Show was a resounding success.
Pakenham Show vice president David Farrelly said he had never seen such a large turnout and was amazed by the community’s support for the 114th show.
The show featured rural excellence, marvelous art and craft displays, iconic events and competitions, multi-cultural demonstrations along with new and returning attractions for people of all ages.
Some of the cultural events that took place included a variety of multicultural dance exhibitions, African drumming, art workshops, and activities, along with multicultural resource information.
Many took part in the dog high jump, gumboot throw, paper plane, whistling, and hobby horse relay competitions.
With a focus on showcasing local agriculture and horticulture, the show provided the local community with the opportunity to showcase their produce and skills while competing against other like-minded people.
Wil Thomas, the son of Star News publisher Paul Thomas, keeps attending because of “nostalgia” — his family has a long history in the area.
He appreciates the effort people put into their submissions and enjoys seeing how much Pakenham has grown while still maintaining a strong community spirit.
“My parents lived out here until my grandpa passed away, so I’ve been coming here forever,” he said.
“It’s really cool to see all the hard work that everyone’s put into all of their submissions this year.
“Pakenham has changed since I first came here… it’s amazing to see everyone showing up and keep getting in touch and going to shows.”
Visitors saw the finest goats, sheep, dogs, and poultry at this year’s show. There was a range of animals for people to touch and hold on the day, including baby animals. Visitors also had the chance to see Gemma Giraffe and Eesha Elephant and enjoy a camel ride!
Recently introduced to the show program, the giant pumpkin, the latte art and vegetable competitions attracted enormous interest and participation.
The Parklea Pakenham and District Agriculture and Horticulture Show has a proud history of celebration among the community and offers families the chance to get together and enjoy the achievements of the region and have some fun.
Cardinia Mayor Jack Kowazarik said it was a special day on the Pakenham calendar.
“I’ve had a great time at the show, the weather has been amazing. I’ve been impressed with the number of stalls and it’s great to see so many families having fun.”
“Congratulations to the organisers, stall holders and volunteers and everyone who was involved in making today happen.”
By Afraa Kori
The community gathered at Cardinia Life to celebrate the 90th birthday of local legend, Pat Harmon, on March 19.
Turning 90 marks one of Pat’s greatest achievements, celebrating a life rich with experiences and achievements.
“It’s a surprise to be recognised as one of the older people,” she said.
“It’s nice to be seen. I just love it here. It could be better or worse. But I like being here to see that so much. My family means everything to me.”
“I’ve still got two great friends that I’ve known since we were three years old. We can talk like
we’re still five. Old friends are precious, and I’m never ashamed or unwilling to accept that kind of friendship as I get older. Many old friends pass away, and you can’t replace them, but you always need to find a good company.”
Pat is a dedicated community member, involved in several clubs like an in-wheel club, probus, a book club, and a sewing group that makes items for people overseas.
She is highly respected by those around her, particularly in her class and within her family, where she’s seen as an inspiring figure.
Pat’s favorite memory at Cardinia Life is participating in the Strong Movers class, a fun and social group where members exercise, chat, and
laugh together.
This class is part of Cardinia Life’s active aging programs, designed to improve strength, flexibility, fitness, and mobility for older adults
She attends fitness classes three days a week, regardless of the weather or any challenges. In fact, exercise has played a vital role in helping Pat, particularly in overcoming grief after the loss of her husband.
Cardinia Life, head of fitness, programs and committee engagement, John Lemiere said Pat said sets an example of discipline, showing both older and younger generations the importance of prioritizing fitness.
“Pat is one of the most incredible people you can meet. Her ability to keep on keeping on to be structured and also disciplined in her values, is something that’s unmatched,” he said.
“So, the ability to train at 90 years old or at 89 to 90, it’s just something to watch and it’s something to be inspired by.
“She just gets younger over the years. Nothing fazes her, you give her an exercise and she dominates.
“People gravitate towards her because of who she is, what she does and the beautiful smile that she presents. She not only loves coming here, but we love her coming here too!”
As part of Victoria’s Big Build, we’re easing congestion by building better roads in Melbourne’s south east.
Road disruptions: Closed roads, ramps and roundabouts
Racecourse Road, Pakenham 8pm to 5am, until 21 March
Bald Hill Road, Pakenham Until mid 2025
8pm to 5am, 25 to 28 March
Kenilworth Avenue, Beaconsfield
McGregor Road, Pakenham
7am 20 March to 9am 24 March
7pm to 5am, 23 to 27 March
Princes Freeway, Berwick 8pm to 5am, 23 to 24 March
8pm to 5am, 25 to 26 March
Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road, Pakenham 30 March
Between Webster Way and Racecourse Road
Officer-bound between O'Sullivan Street and Racecourse Road
Between Webster Way and Racecourse Road
Between Soldiers Road and Station Street
Between Princes Freeway and Southeast Boulevard
Citybound at Clyde Road
Warragul-bound at Clyde Road
Healesville-Koo Wee Rup, Racecourse and Bald Hill roads roundabout
Police are investigating a suspicious fire in Endeavour Hills in the early morning of Tuesday 18 March.
Emergency services including Fire Rescue Victoria responded to reports of two shops on fire at a shopping centre on Heatherton Road between 12.40am to 12.45am.
No one was inside either of the premises at the time of the fire.
The fire caused significant damage to the two shops.
A crime scene was established and an arson chemist was set to attend the scene on Tuesday morning.
A FRV spokesperson said firefighters assisted by CFA arrived within seven minutes to find a 15 x 15 metre structure involving two shops on fire. Crews, wearing breathing apparatus, worked swiftly to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading to neighbouring premises.
A ladder platform appliance was also used in the firefight.
No injuries were reported.
A community advice was issued for a building fire and smoke in the area.
This incident was deemed Under Control at 1.34am.
Power and gas companies also attended.
The council was notified and a building inspector requested to attend in the morning.
The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fire remains ongoing.
Anyone who has CCTV, dashcam footage or any other information that could assist police with their enquiries is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
By Violet Li
Casey Council is going to undertake a comprehensive review of its controversial Local Law, and fees for the private land use permits and their applications will be suspended during the review.
At the Casey Council Meeting on Tuesday 18 March, an alternative motion was unanimously passed to undertake a comprehensive review of the Casey Community Local Law 2023 and suspend fees for Local Law Private Land Use applications and permits during the review.
The motion also requested a detailed report from council officers for the council meeting next month.
The report was required to include a detailed timetable to undertake the review that ensures all members of the community could express their views and scope for the review incorporating all relevant matters to be considered.
The relevant matters included private land use permit fees and charges, benchmarking and comparisons with other local government local laws, including fees and charges, legal parameters the Council is required to follow, guidelines and protocols for the application and enforcement of local laws, and balancing property owners use and enjoyment of their land while protecting community amenity and safety.
The alternative motion was raised by Deputy Mayor Cr Melinda Ambros and seconded by Cr Shane Taylor.
The original motion by council officers had a less clearly defined direction towards what to do next regarding Casey’s Local Law. It stated that Council “might look to consider options to provide clarity on the intent and implementation of the Local Law 2023, including additional explanatory notes within the Local Law 2023, undertake a review of permit fees and the application process; or undertake a partial or full review of the Local Law 2023”, according to the meeting’s agenda.
Deputy Mayor Cr Ambros said it was an alternative motion that would shape the future of the city.
Conversations were rife about local law, and the disappointment with the council meeting, as more officers began to trickle in when the crowd grew larger in the minutes before 6pm, during the silent protest on Tuesday 18 March. (Ethan Benedicto: 466630)
She acknowledged the concerns shared among residents and believed the issue needed to have a responsible and respectful debate.
Cr Taylor acknowledged the good intention of the Local Law but said residents expressed concerns with the level of enforcement, especially on private property.
“That’s not the kind of council I want. It risks eroding trust and causing unnecessary angst in our community,” he said.
“I see this motion as a chance to take a step back, take a careful look, and make sure we’re getting it right.”
Cr Kim Ross noted that one of the important considerations for the review would be to ensure the laws are written and communicated in a way that is easy for all residents to understand.
“This includes the use of appropriate explanatory notes and also that it’s very clearly communi-
cated on the council website,” she said.
“Aside from the communication, I encourage all residents to be involved in the process. You asked for it.
“As fellow residents, we hear you, we support you, but it’s up to you now to be involved.”
Cr Michelle Crowther said Local Law needed to focus on the impact of the amenity, rather than just numbers.
“Obviously, one unregistered vehicle in the front of a yard in Clyde North has a bigger impact than maybe five unregistered cars in a 10-acre property in Devon Meadows,” she said.
Cr Jennifer Dizon said she agreed with many in her community that some provisions regarding Local Law might be too restrictive or heavyhanded.
“Our goal, in my view, should be to have local laws that are fair and reflective of our communi-
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ty’s needs,” she said.
Mayor Stefan Koomen said the key part of the review is to ensure residents have their voices heard through the right forum.
“I think, for me, some of the real key elements that need to be reviewed, particularly around the fees,” he said.
Casey Residents & Ratepayers Association (CRRA) vice president Anthony Tassone said they welcomed the resolution adopted by the council.
“We need to get the balance right in helping maintain public safety and amenities for residents without inappropriately restricting what residents can reasonably do on their own private land,“ he said.
“The CRRA stands ready to work with the council to help ensure the community’s voice is properly heard.”
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*Pricing based on availability. Subject to change.
By Sahar Foladi
Casey residents and outside the area all gathered to celebrate the Ramadan Meena Bazaar held on Friday 14 March.
The event was held by Galsum Foladi from Mannat’s Collection in Hallam, a one-stop event for the community to get their shopping done before Eid towards the end of March.
“We always try to have something for all age
groups, women, girls and children, everyone had a lot of fun at the event.
“The event was great, it was a chance for the community to gather, socialise, shop, break their fast, enjoy and we were all so pleased to see all that.”
It consisted of traditional dresses for women and children, jewelleries, bags, henna, face painting, lolly bags, toys, street food, variety of sweets and snacks.
Participants were able to break their fast at the event and some came down afterwards with their friends and families.
There was a turnout of more than 400 people at the event.
The annual event is in its fifth year running with their Chand Raat event scheduled for Saturday 29 March in Dandenong on the night of Eid that will mark the end of the fasting month.
Energy Safe Victoria has issued an urgent safety warning to consumers who have purchased table lamps from Cranbourne retailer Panda Mart.
Energy Safe CEO Leanne Hughson said compliance officers had found exposed wires on the lamps which if touched while the light was on, could cause an electric shock or death by electrocution.
“We are calling on everyone who has bought a table lamp at the Panda Mart store in Cranbourne to stop using it immediately,” she said.
“I cannot emphasise how important this is. These lamps are potentially deadly.”
It is believed that hundreds of people may have bought the table lamps since Panda Mart opened on 27 February this year.
Some of the lamps had covers over wiring that could be easily removed, while others had exposed wires and access to live parts, Energy Safe Victoria(ESV) said.
Energy Safe compliance officers carried out an inspection at Panda Mart on 12 March. ESV said they also found unsafe study desks with socket outlets which also have the potential to expose live parts.
Panda Mart has indicated that they will stop the sale of the table lamps immediately and remove the socket outlets from the desks.
All household mains-operated electrical products sold in Victoria should carry the regulatory compliance mark.
This mark indicates that the product meets safety standards.
By Ethan Benedicto
The Narre Warren North time capsule, with over 35 containers of documents, items and memorabilia from the year 2000, was pulled from the ground on Saturday, 15 March.
Unearthing 25 years of history is a feat that not many can say they’ve done, but with the 2000s Narre Warren North community having that foresight, the residents had more than a few things to look forward to.
The Narre Warren North Community Association’s president, Michael Allday, said that the whole day has been “fantastic”.
“The excitement has been building up for the last 12 months, I suppose, since when this first happened in 2000, it was massive.
“We downsized it to make it an eventful day, but there’s history here now, and I think everybody’s enjoyed the day and are looking forward to the event in 27 years’ time,” he said.
In 27 years, the Narre Warren North Primary School will be celebrating its 175th anniversary, something that the association felt would be a fitting tribute to the area’s history if the next batch was also opened then.
The event kicked off at 11am, when an excavator dug under the placard and revealed a roughly two-and-a-half-metre deep hole, chock-full of containers; it was then that the excitement grew.
There were over 150 people in attendance, with many having a direct relation to the items that were buried years ago.
To Allday, that’s what it was all about.
“Those people, they might not be here these days, but their memories are, which is what we’re celebrating here and what Narre Warren North was back then,” he said.
“It’s still a country town; it’s grown a little bit, but it’s still celebrated very well. The community is strong, very strong, and we’re always happy to help each other out when we can.”
Once the containers were excavated, they were moved, one by one, into the Narre Warren North Hall.
Inside, empty tables were set up, and representatives of the group, people or persons the containers were from, took to unveiling their contents.
It didn’t take long for the hall to become an impromptu museum, with items such as letters, old yearbooks, pictures, memorandums, and memorabilia open for display.
The City of Casey’s councillors were also in attendance, with Mayor Stefan Koomen, Deputy Mayor Melinda Ambros, and Grevillea Ward Councillor Dave Perry mingling with the crowd.
Perry said that “it’s amazing that the community has managed to keep this and have their calendar open for it”.
“The lady who I was speaking with earlier, she was my old neighbour’s daughter, he passed away 10 years ago and I had no idea he put a container in,” he said.
The man Perry spoke of was Colin Baxter, a local historian and aficionado, as well as a revered wheat-weaving artist.
The container, which his daughter Vicki had opened, held items such as weaved wheat figures, letters, and other documents related to Colin’s life.
Koomen said that it was “so good” to see so many people turning up.
“People who were here 25 years ago putting these buckets in, and then also the next generation who are putting their buckets in now, it’s great to
see,” he said.
“It’s all about the community and that sense of identity, bringing people together, I love it.
“It’s going to be great to look back today on what was happening 27 years ago; it gives that connection to the past, and you see it here, connecting generations,” he said.
Unfortunately, some containers had moisture damage, and even paper items that were ziploc-ed had been stained.
Nevertheless, this did little to discourage onlookers and representatives, as it only added to the novelty of their history.
For Ambros, being present had a more sentimental value, as she realised that one of the containers was home to pieces of her primary school years.
“We gathered to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and soon leave a legacy for those who willstandinourplace27yearsfromnow,”shesaid.
“On a personal note, it’s incredible to see pieces of my own history here, the school I attended, the sample student diary I once used and the school yearbook filled with familiar names.”
Local state members were also present, with South-Eastern Metropolitan members Michael Galea and Ann-Marie Hermans eagerly moving from one table to another.
In addition to Baxter’s pieces, there were containers from the CFA, the local Uniting Church, and the former Narre Warren Station Primary School, which closed in 2001 and relocated to Hillsmeade Primary.
Some pieces came from closer to the city, with a container dedicated to MONSU and the Monash University Student Union, which held flyers, magazines, and other letters from 25 years ago.
Angela a former teacher of Narre Warren Station Primary, alongside Liezle, a parent of a student who went there, both said that “the experience is astounding”.
“We recognised the name of a child that she (Angela) taught all that time ago, and it just came flooding back,” they said.
“Time capsules really are amazing, but just to recognisethechild,that’sveryencouragingandit’s really a great thing.”
The next batch of containers has not yet been placed, with the Association and Allday saying that time was needed for the families and people related to the containers to savour the moments.
Despite having no specific date, the new capsule is expected to come in the next few weeks.
By Violet Li
Hampton Park Uniting Church held its fifth annual art exhibition last weekend, and the coordinator said this year was the best out of all.
The exhibition, named Art, Culture, and Diversity, was held on Saturday 15 March, with an opening night on the day before.
Coordinator Lyn Mcbain said the opening night had seen a turnout of 90 people and the vibe was fantastic.
“We always have a proper opening. We had the Cook Islanders come and sing. We had a gazebo at the front, and the Cook Islanders sang and were very welcoming in their own language, which is what I wanted, singing in their language with their ukuleles,” she recalled.
“They were fantastic. They had great food and wine.
“We sold quite a bit of art, so that’s really good for the artists as well.”
The exhibition presented about 90 art pieces to the audience and gathered the works of about 50 local artists.
Local artist Donna won The People’s Choice Award.
On Friday, 7 March, Officer Lifestyle Estate hosted an exciting bowls and pickleball competition, an event that not only highlighted these popular sports but also served as a fantastic opportunity for residents to connect and engage with one another.
The sun shone brightly over the estate as friends and neighbours gathered to enjoy a day filled with camaraderie, competition, and community spirit.
Residents and participants showcased their skills on the greens and courts, with the friendly rivalry bringing out both competitive spirits and laughter. As everyone mingled, new friendships were made, and conversations flowed, fostering a sense of belonging within our wonderful over 50s community.
A big congratulations is in order for the Berwick Bowling Club, who triumphed in the competition!
The day was a resounding success, showcasing the vibrant lifestyle and strong community bonds at Officer Lifestyle Estate.
By Ethan Benedicto
While the celebrations around International Women’s Day have recently passed, its message of marching forward remains strong, especially in the City of Casey.
Jo Stanley, renowned TV presenter and comedian, shared insights into her journey on Wednesday, 5 March, in an event that was attended by over 100 people eager to show their solidarity.
The City of Casey’s councillors in attendance included Mayor Stefan Koomen, Michelle Crowther, and Deputy Mayor Melinda Ambros, who also took to the stage to share her story.
Once the pleasantries and the commotion settled, Ambros said that she took time to connect with the people, where she “understands her role as a leader, but I’ve always been more of a community person”.
“So I was there, explaining how special that occasion was and how amazing it was to be able to celebrate it.
“We celebrated it a bit earlier, but what we wanted people to take away was that it’s not just one event that should be celebrated, but consistently, and in any way people see fit,” she said. Ambros delved into her family, their history as immigrants and how they settled in the country.
Being a first-generation Australian, she touched on being a daughter, wife, and a mother; Ambros, having married young, acknowledged that challenges were rife, and despite the hardships, it was an experience that she cherished.
“I said to the crowd that I dedicated over a decade raising my children, and in that way it shaped me in ways that I could have never imagined,” she said.
“There are certain points in time of your life, my life, that I wanted to speak on, and I wanted to set that tine by explaining more on who I was and who I am in the community.”
Having spent 12 years of her life as the family’s caretaker, Ambros said it was something that “drove me as an individual, and I’m proud of that”.
It was some time before Ambros returned to the workforce, and when the decision finally came, she recalled her husband encouraging her to take that step.
There was a lot of reflection, however, on what it took for her to get to where she is, and when it came to understanding what it meant to be a mother but also being a person altogether.
“I thought I understood what it meant to be a mother before, but I really didn’t know what it would be like,” she said.
“I worked before the kids came, and I didn’t know, I wasn’t aware of what family was after kids, but it’s been amazing.
“I can’t thank (my experience) enough for the growth that I’ve had, but now, my husband and I have literally swapped roles; he’s now the primary caretaker of the family.”
Ambros, after speaking about her family, talked about her time and the “hours dedicated”
to mentoring and guiding youth throughout her experiences.
For 2025, she’s looking to lead the senior women’s team at a local soccer club, and with her husband as the assistant coach, Ambros is looking to embark on a joint adventure.
She then spoke on her career, touching on her time as an assistant director who led HR systems, a time that emphasised the importance of people interaction that plays a strong part in her current role.
“I really just wanted to reflect on what International Women’s Day meant, that it was a time to recognise the strength, the resilience and achievements of all women in all walks of life,” she said.
“For it to serve as a reminder that no one’s story is the same, and all of us have something different to tell.
“I wanted everyone to see that with determination, sacrifice and support that women can build, lead an inspire, that it’s not just having that leadership role, and we can all play a part.”
In addition to Stanley, other special guests included Kabinga Mazaba, a best-selling author who is also an accredited development coach and a noted public speaker.
Dr Annete Rome, the principal of St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar and a former neurophysiologist, was also in attendance.
Representatives from not-for-profit Women Making It Work were also present, with chairperson Khatija Halabi leading the panellists during the event.
After the presentations, it saw the presenters, including Ambros, mingling with the crowd, with people speaking to one another and sharing their own experiences.
“It was nice to hear you know, we could give examples of what we grew up with and what people’s journeys were, and are,” she said.
“Everyone could see that there has been developments, and it comes from those people, those leaders, teachers, that are supporting them; once more a reminder how significant everyone’s role is in this space.”
The events after provided ample time and opportunity for participants to network with one another, with organisations such as the mentioned St Margaret’s Berwick Grammar present, but also Chisholm TAFE and Westfield Fountain Gate in the mix.
Ambros, like many who were present during the day, hopes to nourish the message behind International Women’s Day as something that everyone carries around them, always and forever.
By Afraa Kori
The Berwick Central Combined Probus Club marked its 20th anniversary with a special celebration on Tuesday, March 18.
The gathering brought together 90 current members, reflecting on two decades of friendship, community, and shared experiences. A display of club photos and a video showcasing past activities and members served as a nostalgic tribute to the club’s rich history.
Berwick Central Combined Probus, retiring resident, Kim Greig said 20 years of Probus is a significant milestone in any community club’s life.
“It was a wonderful morning enjoyed by all who attended.Where we celebrated the meaning of Probus being friendship, fellowship and fun,” she said.
“Highlights were the chatter, laughter and cutting of our cake at morning tea .It was a lovely way to celebrate a very special milestone.”
The milestone celebration coincided with the club’s 20th Annual General Meeting, followed by a luncheon at the Old Cheese Factory in Berwick. March also marks the end of the Probus year, which runs from April to March.
The Berwick Central Combined Probus Club continues to be a vibrant and welcoming community, offering activities that foster fellowship, friendship, and fun. Anyone is welcome to join the club.
Colour Run
Have Hope is hosting a Colour Fun Run Day on Saturday 12 April at IYU Recreation Reserve, Henry Road, Pakenham.
• Gates open at 9am, event starts at 10am. Tickets are $5, kids enter free. Colour fun tshirts are $20.
Compost Giveaways
Each household using council owned Food and Garden Waste service is eligible for 2x 25 litre bags of compost.
This giveback is open now until Friday 27 June or while stocks last.
• Compost collection: Compost can be collected from CEC Nursery Coalition Nursery at Deep Creek Reserve, 62 Cameron Way, Pakenham on Fridays from 9am-12pm (midday) or the last Saturday of each month 9am- 12pm (midday).
Pakenham Arthritis Self-Help Group
Are you living with arthritis and looking for a supportive community?
Join the Pakenham Arthritis Self-Help Group (PASH) and discover the benefits of water and chair aerobics.
The group offers a safe and welcoming space to connect with others who understand your challenges.
Together the group learns strategies to manage pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall quality of life.
Warm water exercises are held at Cardinia Life from 8:15 am to 9:15 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays plus afternoon sessions at 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm on Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
Chair exercises are held at the Pakenham Hall in the Supper Room and run from 10:30 am to 11:15 am on Mondays and Thursdays.
• For additional information contact bernadette. lilley56@gmail or Mobile at 0411 098 519 Cranbourne Senior Citizens
Not a member? Doesn’t matter, come along and join the fun.
Weekly activities include line dancing from 10am to noon on Mondays, new vogue and old time dancing from 1pm to 3.30pm on Tuesdays, carpet bowls from 11.30am to 2.30pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays and bingo from 11am to 2pm on Thursdays.
• For all enquiries or bookings, contact Marilyn on 0432 107 590.
Line dancing
The Berwick Senior Citizens Centre is hosting line dancing sessions from 10am to noon every Tuesday at 112 High Street in Berwick. First session is free, with a small fee for future classes.
Morning tea or coffee included.
Inner Wheel Club of Berwick
The Inner Wheel Club (IW) Berwick is a ladies international friendship club which raises funds to support local charities and other worthwhile causes.
They have a dinner meeting on the first Monday of the month and enjoy a range of activities including guest speakers, morning teas, book club and craft afternoons.
• For more information, visit their Facebook page or contact iiw.au.berwick@gmail.com Berwick Springs VIEW Club
Affiliated with The Smith Family, the Berwick Springs VIEW Club is a not-for-profit organisation, with the aim to fundraise to support Learning for Life students.
The club currently supports 10 students of varying ages with their education expenses.
The club meets on the first Monday of each month in the Berwick Springs Hotel function room from 11.15am, where members enjoy a lunch and then host a guest speaker.
Throughout the year, the club has a couple of special fundraisers, as well as casual morning tea and lunch for interested ladies.
The club is always looking for new members in all age groups.
• For more information, contact Shirley on 0438 191 759 or email berwicksprings.viewclub@ gmail.com
Probus Club of Pakenham East
The Probus Club of East Pakenham is encouraging new members to join the Club.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Cardinia Club, 71 Racecourse Road, Pakenham, commencing at 10.30am.
A short meeting is followed by morning tea and the opportunity to get to know members prior to the introduction of the guest speaker.
Various activities are held throughout the month.
• For more information, phone president Gary on 0428 255 178 or contact secretary Dorothy
on probuspakenhameast@gmail.com
Did you know that U3A Casey now has 471 members and operates out of multiple venues across the Casey area?
It offers 65 different classes, ranging from exercise/movement/dance groups to literature, crafts, music, discussion groups and more.
Membership from July to December is $30 with no further costs.
• If you want to keep both your mind and body active after retirement, then visit u3acasey.org.
Yoga and meditation
Run by Heartfulness Yoga and Meditation, the sessions are conducted in a community environment to promote wellness.
Heartfulness is a simple and subtle practice of meditation which aims to connect all participants with the light and love in their hearts.
All are welcome to come and experience yoga and meditation on Sundays at Bunjil Place starting from 8.30am.
No previous experience is required.
Bring your own yoga mat.
Gold coin donation welcome.
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club
Are you new newly retired, or new to the area, or just wanting to enjoy your freedom as a senior or expand your social life?
Casey Cardinia Life Activities Club can offer you stimulating activities and friendship.
The club hosts weekly social activities with dance to low-key in-line dancing if you want to tap your feet, great music, a chat, then afternoon tea. Day, short and long trips away via coach, a weekly morning coffee club, monthly Saturday country pub lunches, monthly Tuesday dine-outs, a weekly walking group, a weekly table tennis group, seasonal daytime musical theatre outings, entertainment function days and more.
Anyone interested can visit on Thursdays at 2pm for socialising and low-key dancing at Brentwood Park Neighbourhood House at 21A Bemersyde Drive or join the club for a coffee and a chat every Wednesday from 10am at the new François cafe in front of Myer in Fountain Gate.
• For more information, contact enquiry officer Gloria on 0468 363 616.
Cardinia Diabetic Awareness Group
The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at the Pakenham Uniting Church meeting room at 10am.
The group would love to see people who have diabetes or live with someone who has diabetes attend or join.
The meeting consists of a short meeting and then a guest speaker dealing with diabetes.
• For more information, contact Lyn on 0149 116 972 or lestep12@people.net.au
By Ethan Benedicto
The motion to seek support from the State Government’s Growing Suburb Fund was passed unanimously during Casey Council’s Tuesday, 18 March meeting.
According to the agenda and corroborated by the manager of city and asset planning, Keri New during the meeting, it is a $5 million fund for which councils can make applications.
“It’s a competitive grants program and it helps growth areas… (and) support growing communities,” she said.
Three projects were highlighted, the Hallam Community Learning Centre (HCLC), Courte-
nay Ave and Hoystead Ave Reserve District Playground Redevelopment, and Doveton Neighbourhood Learning Centre Renewal (DNLC).
“The combined value of these projects is $3 million and council would be seeking $1.5 million in funds through the program… and seek endorsement to submit the application,” New said.
Cr Gary Rowe first moved the motion, which was then seconded by Cr Lynette Pereira, who said that as the representative of River Gum Ward, she is “pleased to see this being included for applications”.
The topic itself was brief, with councillors not contesting the motion.
The HCLC upgrade will see upgrades to the
kitchen to accommodate the range of multicultural groups who take part in the centre’s activities.
As stated in the agenda, the upgraded kitchen will ‘provide larger circulation and preparation space with multiple cooking hubs, (and) provide a welcoming facility that is inclusive of group cultural practice’.
Another upgrade is looking to improve disabled accessibility through tactile indicators and compliant doorways.
The project's estimated cost is $660,000, evenly split between the GSF and the council.
Courtenay Ave and Hoystead Ave Reserve Playground’s upgrade will see a full redevelop-
ment with new playground equipment, BBQ facilities and a BMX track upgrade.
The estimated cost for this project is $1.5 million, split evenly at $750,000 between the GSF and the council.
As for the DNLC, there will be upgrades to address accessibility and compliance issues, which include ramps and doorways, an issue highlighted due to its 17 years of age.
Therefore,interiorupgradeswillalsobeincluded, with renovations for modernisation and sustainability improvements such as degasification.
The estimated cost for this was listed as $926,000, split evenly between the GSF and council at $463,000.
By Ethan Benedicto
When their Cranbourne headquarters burned down in 2023, the Casey Cardinia Salvation Army had no place to call home, until now.
A new centre in Clyde North recently opened, serving as a temporary home for the Salvos until the repairs are completed in their original home.
Captain Katie Ryan, the commanding officer for the chairty in Casey and Cardina, said that having a designated place to gather and meet is “very exciting”.
“This is great because we’ve been working from multiple buildings, but now we can be under one roof.
“The other exciting thing is for the church space, and during the week, we can redevelop initiatives that serve the community.
“We’re really excited that we have this space now and to be able to do that again,” she said.
On Sunday, 16 March, members of the charity gathered at the new space to scope the area, familiarising themselves with the amenities as well as the facilities for them to use.
The charity’s previous home near Casey Grammar Seconday School caught fire after what local FRV responders coined as an accident.
At that time, a group of seven workers quickly escaped the fire, with the flames damaging much of the church area and its ceiling and roof.
Now, being the first tenants in the space in Clyde North, Katie, alongside Lieutenant Colonel Denis Lorimer, are keen to once more host their programs.
“I find it really exciting that we now have a facility we can call our own,” Denis said.
“So therefore, we can also operate all the programs that the Salvation Army are so well known for.
“We’ve got our doorways program, our activities for the youth and other young people, church activities, a whole lot can be encompassed with this new building.”
Katie, Denis, and the other members are keen for another chapter, where after the church service on Sunday, 23 March, all community services will commence once more the Monday after.
For Katie, having a place where members and those they support can gather means that their work can be effectively carried out.
“By making it centralised, it makes it very accessible for everyone, but also those for people in
Quarterly Community Report. (FILE)
By Violet Li
Casey Council was met with $24 million capital works project delays in the first half of this financial year, according to its latest Quarterly Community Report.
The council’s annual budget for 24-25 financial year estimated delivery of $60 million in capital works projects in the first half of the year, which accounted for 43 per cent of the entire annual budget.
However, the latest financial statement revealed the actual delivery of only $40 million in capital works projects, which took up 29 per cent of the entire annual budget.
The variances are due to the project delays regarding building improvements, fixtures, fittings, furniture, computers and telecommunications, footpaths and cycleways, recreational, leisure, and community facilities, parks, open space, streetscapes, and other infrastructures. The council’s statements did not specify specific projects.
When inquired about the specific project delays, City of Casey Manager City and Asset Planning Keri New said there had been delays in some areas of the program, and Council had implemented appropriate mitigations, including improved project forecasting and
seeking external procurement support where required.
“These mitigations will see the Council deliver a successful Capital Works Program this financial year,” she said.
“Any project not completed will be carried forward for completion into the next financial year.”
Computers and telecommunications were the projects that experienced the biggest budget variance in the first half of the year, where 93 per cent of the budget was not delivered. Council allocated $21 million, while only $1.5 million was delivered.
Footpaths and cycleways were also hit with a significant amount of budget variance, with 40 per cent of the allocated cash not being delivered.
Casey Council recorded a surplus of $232 million, exceeding the budget by 5 per cent with $10.8 million.
Expenses, arriving at a total of $232 million in the first six months, were 0.1 per cent over budget, primarily due to timing differences in external Contracts, other expenditures, and employee costs.
Revenue, a sum of $464 million, was 2.4 per cent above budget mainly due to the early receipt of operating grants.
wheelchairs, walkers and so on, it’s just an amazing facility,” she said.
“Because the idea of the Salvation Army is that it’s a holistic space for everyone, so when people walk through the door, we just don’t want to give them good, we want to be looking at how we can help them as an individual to flourish.”
To Denis, being able to foster that sense of love and belonging is something that “keeps us going”.
“The fact that people are discovering news ways of life, because they’ve come to us when we’ve given assistance, it’s amazing,” he said. The charity is looking to stay at Clyde North for the next two to three years, giving ample time for the repairs to be done at their Holland Drive base. In the meantime, all are keen to move forward, and with the center officially opening soon, the excitement only keeps growing.
Southside Racing Pakenham
Date: Saturday 5th April
RSVP by 22 March 2025
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By Justin Schwarze
Pakenham Warriors Youth League Men have well and truly made themselves heard, putting the league on notice by absolutely shredding their first two opponents to open season 2025.
On season-opener day, Pakenham made the long trek up to Bendigo to face the Braves.
A dominant defensive performance followed, as the visitors forced Bendigo into an egregious 31 turnovers.
Mason Fraser was electric, knocking down nine of his 15 shots on his way to a game-high 27 points.
Other Warriors players in double figures were Jye Horne, Cooper Lanting and Aaron and Ethan Small.
The final scoreline was a dominant 102-62 result on the road, a statement win to begin their campaign.
However, there was not much time to celebrate or even digest the performance, as it was straight on the road for a 2pm game the following day at Cardinia Life.
At the Warriors’ season launch, Pakenham welcomed Melbourne University for the Black Angels’ first game.
One word can be used to describe the defensive pressure implemented by head coach Bra-
den Venning’s men; suffocating.
There was absolutely no room to move for Melbourne Uni, with the hosts repeatedly getting into the passing lanes and stripping drives, turning it into points on the other end.
At the end of the first, Pakenham led 31-18.
Venning instructed his players to execute a full-court press, making life increasingly difficult on the Black Angels ball handlers.
This forced Melbourne Uni to operate their sets late into the shot clock, and the scoring dried up.
The visitors couldn’t match the energy or intensity, still struggling to take care of the basketball.
At the other end, captain Kaleb Beveridge absolutely punished single coverage, navigating his way to a first half double-double of 13 points and 11 boards.
The Warriors were nearly doubling the visitors on the scoreboard at the half, with the margin ballooning to 57-29.
The third period was more of the same, but Lanting inserted himself into the game.
He was a spark plug off the bench, adding an ultra-efficient 27 points, going 9/13 from the field and 4/5 from deep.
Despite logging 426 kilometres the day before
By Justin Schwarze
Adjusting to Youth League Championship is going to be an ongoing challenge for the Pakenham Warriors Women as they fell in both double-header fixtures over the weekend.
Pakenham’s first taste of the new league was away against the Waverley Falcons on Saturday.
In a competitive game, the Warriors found themselves in front at half time, 38-34.
Taleesha O’Kane had a standout performance, notching a double-double of 14 points and 10 rebounds.
However, the Falcons came out strong in the second half, led by Anika Stehbens’ 27 points.
A big third frame saw the hosts outscore Pakenham 15-26, taking a lead into the final period.
A steady fourth ensured Waverley its first victory of 2025 by a score of 66-79.
The Warriors had a quick chance for redemption with a matchup against Kilsyth at Cardinia Life the next day.
The hosts fell behind for most of their home opener, never gaining the lead after trailing 1724 at quarter time.
Both teams shot poorly from deep on the afternoon, with Pakenham just 4/19 for the game. With the score at 51-66 at the final change, the Cobras looked to be running away with it.
Stella O’Loughlin had other ideas though, exploding in the final term with a barrage of threes paired with some nice finishes through contact.
Her massive fourth quickly shaved the margin and the Warriors were within four with plenty of time to play.
However, Pakenham then struggled to counter Kilsyth’s hand-off actions, leading to easy baskets.
Timely offensive rebounds and put-backs for the Cobras fended off the comeback attempt, but it was an encouraging and promising showing from the hosts.
O’Loughlin finished with 22 points, supported by skipper Chelsea Schreuder with 11 of her own and Kailey Neave with 13 points and nine rebounds.
The Warriors will search for their maiden Championship win when they travel to face Frankston in round 2 on Sunday.
and on the second-leg of a double-header, Pakenham’s defence was just as stifling in the second half.
When the final buzzer was sounded, the Warriors had forced an unbelievable 40 Black Angels turnovers.
A 36-point final frame from the hosts left the final scoreline at 120-66.
Pakenham enjoyed a number of contributors, with Jake Meagher, Horne, Beveridge, Lanting, Fraser and Aaron Small all in double digits.
“One of the goals we set at the start of the year was to be the number one rated defence again,” Venning said.
“It’s good to see all the work we’ve been doing come to fruition over a weekend like that to create 71 turnovers.
“That’s 71 extra possessions for us, we put a heavy weight on defence because even if our offensive game isn’t on point if we’re stopping teams from scoring we’re in with a shot to win every game.
“We make sure we give up good shots for great shots, we move the ball and we find the best shot for each other.
“We learned a lot from our grand final loss last year, we took stock and we reviewed and we installed some things that will stand us in good
stead going up and competing at higher levels.” Fraser was one of the standouts for the weekend, going 8/16 from deep in the two games.
With some players out, he took the opportunity of being inserted into the starting lineup.
“I’m really proud of him,” Venning said of Fraser.
“To see him step up and step into a starting role with people out of the squad, it’s really good to see him have results like that.
“He’s really letting the game come to him, and the guys are finding him in the right spots, he’s not forcing anything, he’s just playing the right way.”
Beveridge was at his usual best against Melbourne Uni, finishing with 19 points and 15 rebounds.
He supplied the Warriors with energy and leadership, with two big dunks exciting the home crowd.
“He plays the game the right way, he’s happy to do all the little things for us and we find him,” Venning said.
“He’s going to log a lot of minutes in games where he really needs to but he’s also really happy to let others shine when the moment comes, so he’s a fantastic guy to be coaching and he really makes my job easier as a coach.”
By David Nagel
Vulnerability to weather is cricket’s one huge weakness and it was exposed once again as persistent rain on Sunday brought a halt to semi-final action in the CCCA Premier Division.
Just three weeks after an ‘Extreme’ Fire Danger Rating saw an abandonment of play in round 13; players were made to sit idle once again as the force of mother nature had its say.
The final washup - pardon the pun - is that Cardinia will now host Tooradin in a mouth-watering conclusion to the 2024/25 season.
The Bulls (0/29) were in a dominant position against Pakenham (133) at Gunton Oval as stumps were pulled on day one after Matt Welsh (5/22 off 14) and Yohan Arumadura (3/18 off 11) knocked the stuffing out of the Lions’ batting order.
Things started well for Pakenham, with skipper Jack Anning (8) taking six from the first over of the match; including a glorious punch behind point for four.
The Lions were keeping their heads above water at 0/22 off seven, although star opener Chris Smith (16) was clearly hampered with his running between the wickets after returning from a bursitis injury in his knee.
The Bulls struck their first blow of the match in the eighth over, with Anning caught behind the wicket by Bradey Welsh off the bowling of Josh Browne (1/17 off 9).
The Lions were 1/24 off the first block of 10, but the Bulls made serious inroads in the second phase of the match.
Browne continued to bowl tidily from the Ballarto Road end, while the inclusion of Arumadura proved a masterstroke from Bulls’ skipper Mark Cooper.
Arumadura first claimed the massive wicket of Smith; enticing him down the wicket and hitting into the safe hands of John Nooy at a halfway-back mid-on.
Just two overs later, Zac Chaplin (0) decided to aggressively sweep the seventh ball of his innings and paid the consequences; hitting straight to Josh Grogan behind square.
The Lions lost 2/7 in the second block of 10 as the Bulls began to take a stranglehold on the match.
Things soon got worse for the visitors when Dom Paynter (8) emulated Smith’s dismissal almost to a tee; hitting Arumadura to an appreciative Nooy at mid-on.
The Lions first four dismissals had all come via loose shots that didn’t need to be played.
Country Week stalwart Jason Williams (60) and the free-scoring Nick Sadler (15) then gave the Lions their best period of the match, putting on a 49-run stand in 15 overs for the fifth wicket.
The Lions were 4/91 - half way through their allotted 80 overs - but things soon fell apart in a hurry.
Matt Welsh bowled beautifully from the Ballarto Road end; claiming the first of his five wickets in the fourth over of his spell when Sadler
flicked one in the air to Trishane De Silva behind square leg.
Skipper Cooper (1/22 off 16) had joined the fray by now, playing a wonderful support role for the dangerous Welsh.
The pair would bowl 29 overs in tandem; with Welsh taking all of his wickets during a bowling partnership that claimed 5/50 at 1.73 runs per over.
Welsh added Rob Elston (1) to his hit list, caught behind the stumps by brother Bradey; who took a sharp chance standing up close to the wicket.
Sendhil Naidu (6) and Marcus Martini (0)
were then both clean bowled - driving and playing-and-missing respectively - before Williams finally succumbed to Welsh after 173 balls at the crease.
The number-three was the only player to really dig deep for the cause; with his wafting flick to Grogan at mid-on the complete juxtaposition to the remainder of his innings.
Cooper then took a well-deserved first wicket, enticing James Close (5) to dance down the wicket and hit straight to Arumadura in the covers.
The Lions had wasted 15 overs of batting time; losing their last six wickets for 40 runs.
Alex (13 not out) and John Nooy (15 not out) then survived the remaining 12 overs to stumps; the Bulls cruising to 0/29 at the close of play. Cooper was proud of his team’s performance, with the threat of rain on Sunday having the potential to take their collective minds off the job at hand.
“We went through different scenarios about what it might look like over the two days; two days, not one day,” Cooper explained of the Bulls’ focus.
“It was about what we can do and what we’re in control of and trying to implement that on Saturday and then reassessing things for Sunday.
“There were definitely those building blocks at the start to make sure we focussed on a 160over game and doing our part on that first day.
“We executed well and stuck to the plans that were set.”
Despite not having the chance to rectify things on day two, this completed a poor finish to the season for Pakenham; bowled out for 96 and 133 against Tooradin and the Bulls respectively.
They won just two of their last seven completed matches for the season.
Smith (518 runs) and Paynter (483) were the main contributors with the bat, while off-spinner Williams (21 wickets) and promising young-leggie Jordan Seers (19) did most damage with the ball.
The Lions just don’t possess the fire-power to take early wickets; with a damaging fast-bowler sure to be at the top of their shopping list in the off-season.
As for Cardinia, well the Bulls now have an unblemished record since 11 January as they look to claim their fifth top-flight premiership since the turn of the century.
Cooper piloted the Bulls to premierships in 2006/07 and 2008/09 and will look to add a remarkable ninth title as captain-coach across eight different clubs.
The Bulls should go in confident after a thumping win over Tooradin in round 11, with Matt Welsh the latest to be hitting form at precisely the right time of year.