Geelong Indy - 21st March 2025

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Footy is back.

Safe At Home in Geelong Cats attack as footy kicks off

A state-first trial has come to Geelong to help women and children experiencing family violence to safely stay at home and in their community.

The Safe At Home initiative was launched on Friday, March 14, featuring a $6 million state government investment to protect victim-survivors from violence.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence

Natalie Hutchins said the initiative was about strengthening safety and allowing women to stay at home.

“It’ll support up to 54 families here in the Geelong and Barwon regions and they’ll be able to access this support for up to two

years,” she said. “We know that one of the biggest contributing factors for women and homelessness is family violence, and so being able to keep women at home in a safe environment is so important.

“We will be assessing how this program is going and how successful it’s been, because we knowthatthisisablueprintforustoruntrials in other regions in the future to support more women to stay at home.”

The three-year trial will include the perpetrator being removed from the home and given support to change their behaviour, while the families are provided with specialist support in housing, employment, child and cultural support if required.


currently living in Werribee with plans to move to Geelong and the lived experience advisor for the Safe At Home program.

“I was in the relationship for 25 years and we were originally in New Zealand before moving to Australia when my kids were five and seven years old,” Ms Connell said. “When the kids got older, the violence became more noticeable... So, after fleeing the violence and familyhome,Ihadnochoicebuthomelessness and lived in a car for what seemed like an eternity while I also battled cancer.

“I’m very hopeful that the Safe At Home approach will mean many other people experiencing violence will not go through the same traumatic events that me and my children did.”

Geelong took on Fremantle in round one of the new AFL season in front of a relatively modest crowd of 25,372 at GMHBA Stadium on Saturday. The Cats ran away with the game after a 10-goal final term to win by 78 points on a hot day.

Bailey Smith starred in his first outing as a Cat while Jeremy Cameron got his season off to a flyer with four goals. It’s shaping up as another year to get excited about for Cats fans.

Geelong ventures down the highway to Marvel Stadium for its round two clash against St Kilda tomorrow night before heading up to Brisbane for round three and then hosting Melbourne at GMHBA Stadium on April 4.

Pictured are Ash Lancaster with his daughters Ivy, Harper and Elle before the game.

 See page 29 for more Ivan Kemp pictures.

Meli acting chief executive Bernadette McCartney said the initiative would help provide an early intervention approach for the whole family.

“The strength of the model is that it’s not only for the victims of violence, so the women and children who are kept in a home that are supported, but it’s also for the person using violence,” she said.

“However, sometimes people will make the decision to return to the home, and that’s where we are dependent on the police and the court system to enact those legal orders if they’re in place.” Visit for more information or to get in contact with the initiative’s team.


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CBD forum produces ‘outcomes’

Local politicians, developers, investors, community groups, government agencies and land owners gathered last week to discuss the direction of Geelong’s central business district in the months and years to come.

Held on Tuesday, March 11 and convened by the City of Greater Geelong, the Central Geelong Revitalisation Forum brought together a wide range of stakeholders in the search for ideas, insights and possible solutions for the city’s ailing CBD.

Among the key issues discussed at the forum were the creation of a Special Economic Zone, activating ‘dead spaces’, buses and transport connections, public safety and the redevelopment of Market Square.

Greater Geelong mayor Stretch Kontelj ran his 2024 election campaign on ‘making the CBD great again’.

He said revitalising the heart of Geelong was a top priority.

“Making our CBD great motivated me to run for council and I’m determined to lead a united vision to transform the heart of our city,” Mayor Kontelj said.

“Council and I don’t have all the answers, which is why I convened this forum, and everyone in the room had invaluable insights and ideas to contribute.“

The forum comes at a time of great opportunity, with completion of the Nyaal Banyul Geelong Convention and Event Centre

little more than a year away.

However, Central Geelong faces both new challenges and old; to name just two, the local hospitality and nightlife industry is yet to recover post-pandemic, and the near-empty Market Square remains an albatross around the city’s neck.

Ramsey Property Group director and forum panel chair Samantha Ramsey said the discussion had created real outcomes.

“Every city faces challenges,” Ms Ramsey said. “I was thrilled to be involved in the CBD Revitalisation Forum, which brought together key stakeholders that allowed for meaningful discussion and provided genuine actionable and tangible suggestions to address the


The southern hemisphere’s premier airshow and aerospace and defence expo is ready for takeoff.

The biannual Avalon Australian International Airshow returns to Geelong this week,showcasingmilitaryandcivilianaircraft, aerobatic displays and the newest innovations in aviation technology.

With three-and-a-half trade days and three days of public displays, the airshow will transform Avalon into an aviation Mecca from Tuesday March 25 to Sunday March 30.

airshow flies into town

challenges we face in Geelong CBD to enhance this beautiful city.”

The event was emceed by Local Government News Roundup podcast host and forum Chris Eddy.

Mr Eddy said the event promoted a lively discussion.

“It was a pleasure to be involved as emcee for the forum,” Mr Eddy said.

“There was terrific engagement in the room, and boundless enthusiasm and passion to capitalise on opportunities for Victoria’s second largest city.”

The City is now working to collate the results of the forum and prioritise what steps to take moving forward.

Sparking an energy booklet

A Geelong and Bellarine climate group will release a new book and hold an informative event to improve energy use and conservation.

Parents for Climate will officially launch its Energy Conservation and RenewableEnergyforChildren’sHealthy Futures booklet on Friday, March 21, at Woodlands House Childcare in Ocean Grove.

The booklet features play-based activities, real-world case studies and practical guidance to empower young children to understand the importance of clean energy and reducing waste.

Parents for Climate development director Laura Grufas said providing more education about energy saving and support for transitioning to clean energy was important.

“This is more than a book launch. It’s about showing what’s possible when early learning centres embrace clean energy solutions,” she said.

“Many families are feeling the pressure of rising costs, but small changes like sealing drafts, switching to energy-efficient appliances, or advocating for better energy policies can make a huge difference.”

The climate advocate group will also host a Smarter Homes, Cleaner Energy community event with Goodbye Gas from 3.30pm on March 30 at the Ocean Grove Pavilion.

The 2023 edition of the event was a huge success,drawingmorethan80,000membersof the public through the turnstiles from Friday to Saturday, but traffic jams created hours-long waits for some.

In response, the airshow announced it had revamped its transport and parking systems to improve the visitor experience this year, including a park-and-ride shuttle bus option.

Chief executive of organisers AMDA Foundation Justin Giddings said the “sheer scale” of the event meant it couldn’t go ahead without great support from the community.

This year’s attractions include the Friday night flying demonstration Night Alight, performances by the Royal Australian Air Force’s F35A Lightning II and F/A-18F Super Hornet, Matt Hall Racing’s high performance aviation unit and fan favourites the military working dogs.

“We are indebted to the Victorian state government and the City of Greater Geelong for their long-term support of this event, and the teamwork that makes it successful,” Mr Giddings said.

“With exhilarating flying displays, interactive experiences, and the chance to get up close and personal with aircraft on the ground, we look forward to welcoming visitors from across Australia and the world to one of the world’s great airshows.

“We are proud of the Avalon Australian International Airshow, and Geelong should be too.”

Goodbye Gas’ Ben Russell said smarter energy choices were good for the environment and economy across the region.

“As we help Bellarine families take the next step toward smarter energy choices, we want to empower more households to explore what’s possible,” he said.

Thefreeeventwillhelpfamiliesexplore ways to improve energy efficiency, cut bills, and transition away from gas. Visit cleaner_energy_20250330 to reserve a spot.

Water storages on the decrease following a dry summer

Geelong’s water storages entered March at a six-yearlow,whilestoragesinColacandApollo Bay are as dry as they’ve been at this time of year since 2016.

Amid ongoing dry conditions, which has driven consumption up more than 10 per cent above average, Barwon Water is encouraging customers to use water wisely.

“It has been an extremely dry period, with low inflows to our storages and high demand,”

managing director Shaun Cumming said.

“While our ongoing investments in alternative water sources and water efficiency initiatives are increasing the resilience of our system, we’d like customers to consider how they could use water wisely. There are simple measures people can take that each save a little, but if we all do them together can save us a significant amount.”

For some of Barwon Water’s key catchments,

10ofthelast12monthshaveseenbelowaverage rainfall. This has led to Geelong’s storages, which are contained in six reservoirs along the upper Barwon and Moorabool rivers, falling to below half full.

They entered March at 47 per cent, which is about 28 percentage points lower than at the same time last year.

The percentage drop is similar in Colac, which finished summer under 60 per cent for

the first time in almost a decade. The nine-year low is replicated in Apollo Bay, which has just experienced its third driest summer period in the past 50 years. Storages have fallen under 50 per cent capacity, having last year ended February at 99.5 per cent full. Residential demand accounts for 73 per cent of water use across the Barwon Water region, meaning household changes can have a significant impact.

Matt Hewson
Left: The Skycats wing walking display. Below: A Hercules aircraft and crowd, and right, F/A-18F Super Hornet in the air.
(Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 322448

Financial incentives for kindergarten teachers and educators.

Giving Victorian children the best start means more qualified teachers and educators are needed across the state.

Get up to $50,000* on top of your salary for positions at a priority service.

Relocation support is also available.

Search for a position with a financial incentive through the Early Childhood Jobs website at

Nominate an excellent business

Nominations for Geelong’s most prestigious business awards are now open.

The Geelong Business Excellence Awards (GBEA), established in 1986 and managed by the Geelong Chamber of Commerce, are now accepting nominations for outstanding businesses, leaders and young entrepreneurs.

Running from early May through to the presentation event on Thursday, October 30, the business awards process involves a series of information sessions, business coaching and mentoring,areviewserviceandinterviewsand

site visits for finalists throughout the year.

Chamber chief executive Jeremy Crawford said the awards were an important part of Geelong’s business calendar.

“The awards are really significant for us because it’s both celebratory and an opportunity for businesses to go through a program where they can learn and understand more about their own business,” Mr Crawford said.

“We get really positive feedback from businesses, whether they are nominated, they’re shortlisted, they win or they don’t win. Part of that is the feedback the program

A safe way to party on

Geelong’s newest queer event is ready to rock in a celebration of good times, inclusion and community.

The Coast is Queer dance party is set to light up everyone’s favourite caravan bar Captain, located at the rear of cocktail joint There There, on Sunday, March 30.

Providing a safe space where all members of theLGBTIQA+communityandalliescanenjoy an afternoon of dancing and entertainment from 3pm to 10pm, the Coast is Queer will feature four DJs spinning tunes and drag kings and queens circulating through the crowd.

Event organiser Lavina Harte said the event was all about people feeling safe to be who they wanted to be.

“I’vebeentoCaptainonnightsoutingeneral and it’s an environment where you walk in and just feel accepted,” Ms Harte said.

“I’m a bit older, hitting 40 this year, and sometimes I’m in there dancing along with 20

year olds and it just doesn’t matter. You’re all there for one purpose, which is to have a good time, so that’s why I chose this space.”

Ms Harte was inspired to run the event after moving to Geelong four years ago and noticing a lack of similar events for the queer community.

“There’s been a lot of progress in terms of acceptance, so I thought it was time,” she said.

“I was born in WA, a small town country gal, and I moved to Melbourne in 2011. I used to havethesekindsofeventsinMelbourneI couldgotoandbearoundlike-minded people, and that helped me a lot.

“So this is just bringing a part of Melbourne and its queer culture to Geelong.”

Visit for tickets and more information.

provides to businesses.

“There’s an expert judging panel that provides information to the participants, and what they’re doing is also reviewed by their peers. One of the great benefits of the design of our program is that you can go through all of the process, not win and still feel like there’s a lot of value there.

“Wehavesomanybusinesseswhoenterevery single year. Sometimes they win, sometimes they don’t, but what they get out of it, the connections they make, is really valuable.”

Mr Crawford, who has overseen the last two GBEA programs since stepping into the

Chamber’stopjob,saidthe2024programsawa “marked increase in the quality” of nominated businesses,submissionsandindividualleaders.

“We’re really looking forward to seeing what pans out in 2025,” he said.

“A lot of that is on the strength of nominations, so the more businesses and leaderswecanuncover,themorepeoplewecan engage with and have as part of the program.”

Anyone can nominate, including businesses themselves, with the online nomination process taking less than 60 seconds.

Visit to nominate a business, leader or young entrepreneur.

AsaresidentofArmstrong Green,yourhomeextends beyondyourfrontdoor.The resort-styleclubhouseoffers luxuriousamenities,ensuring residentsenjoyanenviable retirementlifestyle.Callour SalesSpecialiststodayto arrangeatourofthevillage.

The Coast is Queer organiser Lavina Harte. (Ivan Kemp) 466203_07

March On to honour our veterans

Geelong will host a March On Challenge Walk in Geelong to honour the courage and sacrifice of veterans and their families.

Veteran charity Soldier On will bring the eventtoGeelong’sforeshoreonTuesday,March 25, from 7pm to 8pm, with the walk starting and finishing at Eastern Beach Playground.

Chief executive Paul Singer said the event was part of a national campaign occurring this month to raise awareness and funds for veterans and their families’ mental health.

“We are looking to encourage participants to walk 96 kilometres, or if they’re particularly keen 192 kilometres, throughout the month of March,” he said.

“We’re looking to bring people together in the community and, in doing so, champion the work of Soldier On in supporting our veterans and their families.

“The current circumstances and challenges that some veterans and their family members experience require a bit of support in life after service, and that’s fundamental to what this event is about.

“Some veterans can transition from their service life and time in uniform successfully, but there’s also a unique nature of military service which takes its toll on the individual serving and their families.”

MrSingersaidheencouragedthecommunity toattendtheeventand“bepartofaveryspecial moment”.

“We create these sorts of opportunities to bring the community together to bring veterans and their families together,” he said.

“The walk is a commitment to say that we’ve got your back and will be here to support you

Grove beach even more accessible

Enjoying Ocean Grove Beach has never been easier for people with mobility challenges now Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club (OGSLSC) has an accessible beach wheelchair for public use.

Provided by the City of Greater Geelong to OGSLSC, the new MobiChair is free to use by communitymembersandvisitorstothebeach.

The chair allows users of all ages to move easily from the car park to the beach and into the water, with large armrests that also serve as flotation devices.

It is the third MobiChair provided to local beaches by the City, with existing chairs at Eastern Beach public pool and the Indented Head Boat Club, but the first to be made available in the region at an ocean beach.

The MobiChair is part of a bigger push to increase accessibility at Ocean Grove Beach.

A sealed ramp provides easier access to the beach, while construction on a Changing Places facility with a tracking hoist and accessible bathroom, delivered in partnership by the Victorian government and Barwon Coast Committee of Management, began in late February.

Connewarre Ward councillor Elise Wilkinson said it was wonderful the City’s partnership with OGSLSC could provide the MobiChair to the community.

“Thepartnershipandthisinitiativeisasmall but meaningful step that enables our beaches to be more accessible and inclusive for all residents and visitors,” Cr Wilkinson said.

“It’s been such a great collaboration, including life jackets donated by the Ocean Grove Disabled Surfers Association, and accessible toilets managed by Barwon Coast Committee of Management Inc.”

OGSLSC vice president of Operations Bruce Honey said the club was pleased to be able to give people the chance to experience the beach and the water who would otherwise find it difficult.

“Everyone that lives locally and all the members of the surf club love the beach, the atmosphere and getting into the water,” Mr Honey said.

“So the MobiChair helps those who historicallyhaven’tbeenabletogetdowntothe beach or access the sand and the water. It gives them the opportunity to do what we take for

granted every day.

“It’s a good way for us to share our love for the water and beach and sand with those who historically haven’t been able to.

“The thanks (from the public) for supplying the chair and enabling it has been overwhelming. Everyone who has used the chair has absolutely loved it.”

in your career and life beyond service to thrive.

“Many of us can certainly connect, either directly or indirectly, with a story of someone who has served and acknowledge the unique nature of that service.

“Itissocriticallyimportanttoenableveterans and their families to continue to have a really strong sense of purpose, knowing that they’re beingsurroundedbyasupportivecommunity.”

Visit landing/1359355 for more information and to register for the March On Challenge Walk in Geelong.

CFA to issue burn-off farm permits

Geelong farmers could better manage large-scale farming operations with the Country Fire Authority (CFA) preparing to issue some Schedule 13 private burn-off permits.

The CFA will provide permits on a risk-based approach with several conditions that landowners must comply with when undertaking burning activity.

District 15 assistant chief fire officer LachlanRedmansaidprivateburn-offs were important to farming practices and that people should inform nearby residents of any burning activities.

“Any burning-off activity should always have someone in attendance, with enough water resources to monitor, contain and extinguish the burn safely and effectively,” he said.

“Farmers should create a fire break no less than five metres wide around the perimeter of the area set to be burned and ensure it is clear of all flammable material.

“While some permits are being issued, residents must still be aware that the Fire Danger Period is still in place, and no burning off will occur unless people have received permission.

“Should we see fire danger elevated due to a change in weather, wind and temperature, the issuing of the Schedule13permitswillbewithdrawn, revoked or suspended based on their status.”

Burn-offs are not allowed on Total Fire Ban days, and landowners are urged to check the weather forecast for thedayoftheburnandremainvigilant on the days after it is conducted.

Visit for more information or to apply for a Schedule 13 permit.

Push on in March to end period poverty across the region

Demand for period products continues to rise, and the Geelong community is urged to donate what they can during March.

Share the Dignity Drive will continue to occur throughout the month to collect period products and incontinence aids that will be donated to charities to distribute.

Leopold volunteer Deborah Gould said the idea that someone could be working and unable to purchase period products was shocking.

“The fact that there was even period poverty in Australia was complete news to me. I was so shocked and surprised at the beginning that there was such a thing, it was a bit of an

eye opener,” she said.

“The places that we drop them off to serve varied communities. You’ve got people who are escaping domestic violence or working or having some income but are still struggling.

“You’ve also got young teenagers who are just starting off and may not get the support at home, and middle-aged or older women who can’t afford to buy products.”

Ms Gould said there was currently a big call for tampons, which was “always greatly appreciated”, with all products donated in Geelong going towards people within the community.

“Every packet of pads and tampons helps...

If one family in five donated something, it would make such a huge difference,” she said.

“Eight charities are listed in this drive, but there’s usually about 15, but we’ve got a demand for 2000 products that the charities have asked for and that is the bare minimum.”

Share the Dignity is a national charity working to end period poverty and is celebrating 10 years helping people this year.

Donations will continue to be accepted in pink collection boxes outside Woolworths Supermarkets during March or visit to donate online.

Share the Dignity Drive Leopold volunteer Deborah Gould. (Ivan Kemp) 466719_02
Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club VP Bruce Honey and president Lyndie Freestone with Cr Elise Wilkinson.

Karaaf Wetlands record changes

Stormwater monitoring of Torquay’s Karaaf Wetlands has found positive and negative changes to the area’s vegetation.

The second year of the wetland’s environmental monitoring found a regeneration of saltmarsh shrubs in many sites, particularly in areas where dieback due to stormwater flow was less extreme.

No further dieback was observed, but more areas were identified to be impacted by stormwater, including increased brackish, freshwater vegetation and Typha grass.

Surf Coast Shire deputy mayor Libby Stapleton said the monitoring aimed to reduce the volume and impact of stormwater flow in

the wetlands.

“This baseline monitoring is critical to deepening our understanding of the dynamics of the Karaaf Wetlands ecology and the

Mokin on the Bellarine

A ‘cheerful little car’ event will roll through Geelong and Queenscliff this weekend to celebrate the history of Mokes.

Moke Owners Association of Victoria will host Mokin’ Vic25 on the Bellarine Peninsula from Friday March 21 to Monday March 24, featuring meet-ups, a Show and Shine, and driving trips across the region.

Organising committee member Graeme Deller said up to 150 cars would be displayed duringthefreeShowandShineeventonMarch 22 from 9am to 1pm at Queenscliff’s Lower Princess Park.

Mr Deller has owned his 1980 red Moke for close to eight years and said there would be something for everyone over the weekend.

“They’re a cheerful little car to drive and they’re just fun... You get the feeling that you’re on the open road, it’s like a motorbike on four wheels in a way,” he said.

“They’re known for being around the beach, townships and everything like that. Originally, they were designed for the military but never took off as they didn’t have ground clearance.

“When I was a young fellow, we were driving backfromPortarlingtonwithmyfatherandwe saw this Moke sitting in the paddock for sale, but I was too young to get my licence at that stage.

“I’ve always wanted one ever since and the time came along when the children left home and I’ve needed a passion, so I got one that was partially done up and finished it off.”

Visit for more information and full event details.

historic and current impacts of stormwater flows,” she said. “Findings will help inform our careful steps forward and measure progress, as wecontinueworkingalongsideallstakeholders

including Barwon Water and The Sands Estate community.”

The federal government allocated $1.9 million through the Urban Rivers and Catchments Program across three years to help improve the Karaaf’s health.

The allocation will support a stormwater diversion project to reduce stormwater flows from north Torquay to the wetlands, with a consultant engaged to start detailed designs of the project.

The construction will begin later this year and include installing a pump system from the Esplanade Wetland to an existing drainage network at the mouth of Deep Creek.

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Karaaf Wetlands February 2025. (Supplied)
Graeme Deller with his red 1980 Moke. (Ivan Kemp) 465626_01

Connewarre gets a roundabout

A busy Connewarre intersection will get a new roundabout as work begins to help make the roads safer and keep drivers on the move.

The major upgrade would involve constructingaroundaboutattheintersection of Barwon Heads Road, Blackrock Road and Staceys Road, along with new safety barriers.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety

Melissa Horne said Barwon Heads Road

was one of the region’s busiest tourist routes as it connected Geelong to the Bellarine Peninsula.

“We’re investing in this key infrastructure upgrade to ensure everyone can safely and quickly get to where they need to go,” she said.

“Whether it’s fixing local country roads or upgrading dangerous intersections, we’re getting on with making sure people have

Bridge to a new career

Chelsea Coulson’s experience as a lifeguard led her to pursue a career as a paramedic and now she finds herself in Geelong.

Chelsea is one of Barwon South West’s newest graduate paramedics and her Ambulance Victoria (AV) career took off after she began AV’s Graduate Bridging Paramedic (GBP) program late last year.

It’s a 16-month program which sees GBPs spend six months working and completing learning tasks under direct supervision on a Medium Acuity Transport Service (MATS) vehicle, before transitioning to work on an emergency vehicle.

Reflecting on her path to AV, Chelsea said she was inspired to pursue a career as a first responder after becoming involved with her local lifesaving club in Williamstown.

“Volunteering there was my first exposure to first aid and community engagement,” she said.

“This quickly sparked my interest, so I continued to gain experience by working as a lifeguard at both local recreation centres and beaches.

“My experience from a young age in this area really reinforced my passion to become a paramedicbecauseI’vealwayswantedacareer that has a positive impact on the community, and as a paramedic you assist people in their greatest moments of need.”

Now into her graduate position at AV, Chelsea said she’s loving every moment.

“Geelong is such a great area and I’m very fortunate to begin my career here,” she said.

“I’ve really enjoyed my first few months on road and feel like I’ve settled in quite well. A real highlight for me has been meeting all the other fantastic paramedics in the region.”

roads they can rely on.”

The roundabout would improve sight lines and allow people to find an appropriate gap to cross the intersection, with works on the project expected to take up to 10 months to complete.

“This new roundabout will make this intersection safer and simpler for the people who use it every day whether they’re walking, riding or driving,” Member for Bellarine

Alison Marchant said.

Works will include the installation of left and right turning lanes into the Barwon Heads airport, the implementation of an 80km/h speed limit, and upgraded line marking, signage and street lighting. Dedicated on-road bicycle lanes will also be installed on Barwon Heads Road, and new pedestrian paths and parking areas will be added to Staceys Road.

Chelsea Coulson is one of Barwon South West’s newest graduate paramedics. (Supplied)


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Take our federal election survey

With a federal election due by mid-May, we want to know what issues matter most to voters across greater Geelong and the Surf Coast.

Voters will head to the polls to have their say on the next federal government by May 17.

While Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is yet to reveal when the election will be head, the constitutional requirement that there must be a minimum of 33 days between writs being issued by the governor-general, which dissolves parliament after the prime minister calls the election, and polling day, means the vote will take place sometime in April or May.

As one of the largest publishers of independent regional news in Victoria, Star News is conducting a survey to gauge community sentiment around the election.

The results of the survey will help us gauge the appetite for readers toward the federal election.

We will share the results of the survey with our readers.

The survey, which can be completed online or in print, includes 16 questions and will take about five minutes to complete.

The Independent wants to know what our

readers consider to be the most important issue in their area that the next federal government needs to address.

We also want to know how important issues such as electricity prices, climate change policies, inflation and cost of living, health services, immigration and border control, national road and rail infrastructure, water infrastructure and broadband internet access are to you.

The survey also features questions about nuclear energy in Australia and reducing carbon emissions.

Readers are also being asked to consider where they would most like to see a local increase in federal funding and why, the specific infrastructure projects they want funded locally, and issues in their backyard that they feel federal politicians are not paying enough attention to.

The Independent also wants to gauge readers’ concerns about issues such as global security, housing affordability and the influence of social media on public discourse and political decision-making in Australia.

To complete the survey, visit geelongindy.

Grins galore following scarecrow competition

Leopold aged care residents took first place in a Bellarine scarecrow competition with a giant pink and purple Cheshire Cat.

Kensington Grange residents won the sixth annual Flying Brick Scarecrow Competition for their scarecrow inspired by Alice in Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat.

Lifestyle coordinator Alana O’Keefe said the residentswere“thrilled”towinthecompetition and felt proud of the finished product.

“We were overwhelmed with joy when we werenotifiedofthecompetitionwin,especially because of the effort that the residents put in,” she said.

“We talked about what a scarecrow was for and its purpose, which was to frighten away birds. So, what are birds more scared of than cats?

“The residents have loved every part of the process. If they were not gluing wool, they were

Polite Mammals are ready to entertain local children! GET READY FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT

With school holidays almost here, are you looking for some new and fun entertainment?

Our Potato Shed venue in Drysdale brings you Polite Mammals, a totally wild, neovaudevillian variety show the whole family can enjoy. Join the cast to celebrate animals of all kinds: real, imaginary, sparkly, stinky, polite and rude! One show only on Wednesday 9 April from 11.00am-12.00pm.

Fancy a Wild Night Pyjama Party or an Animal Plushies workshop? Join us at our National Wool Museum for these and other exciting and creative activities in April.

To book events and for a full list of what’s on, scan the QR code or visit SchoolHolidays2

For young people aged 12-25, we have a variety of free programs, all held in supportive and safe spaces across Geelong. Follow GeelongYouth on Facebook and Instagram for more information.


Domestic Animal Management Plan 2026-29

We’d like to hear from you about the role domestic pets play in our broader community, as part of the development of our next Domestic Animal Management Plan.

We want to hear from everyone who enjoys our public spaces. Walkers, park lovers, cyclists, dog lovers, cat lovers, runners, wildlife warriors, animal workers … the lot.

Your feedback helps us accurately identify animal-related issues, benefits, topics the community needs more education on, and how we can better serve you.

Scan the QR code or visit to have your say by 5.00pm on Sunday 20 April.

knitting or doing something else. Everyone playedadifferentpart,butallworkedtogether.”

Ms O’Keefe said the residents put a lot of thought into making sure the scarecrow met thecompetition’scriteriaofweird,wacky,scary and pretty.

“The base was made from wire, shade cloth andpoolnoodles,whichtheresidentsthreaded wire through the pool noodle to mold them into shapes,” she said.

“When you stand in front of it, it’s got a sensor in its ear, and it will meow, but it’s not just any meow; it’s the meows from all the residents, and it’s pretty frightening.

“We’vebeenworkingonitsinceJanuary,and it took about seven weeks. We just had to chip away a little bit every day and in the last two weeks we just really smashed it out.”

If you collected or registered through the online form to receive a 2025 Geelong calendar, we’d love to hear your feedback. Share your thoughts on the design, content, images, and distribution.

Scan the QR code or visit to have your say by 5.00pm on Friday 28 March.

Council meeting

The next Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 25 March at the Council Conference and Reception Centre, City Hall, 57 Little Malop Street, Geelong at 6.00pm (doors open 5.45pm).

Reports for consideration include:

›Ocean Grove Sporting Infrastructure Plan 2025.

›Amendment C444ggee - Southeast Lara Residential Growth Area and Amendment C453ggee - Lara Business Park. ›Proposed Road Discontinuance and Transfer of unmade road adjoining 137-167 Cox Road, Norlane.

For full details of the agenda, and to watch the Council meeting visit Council Meetings2

Questions and submissions must be provided in writing by 12.00pm on Monday 24 March via the web page above.

Planning Committee meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held at the Council Conference and Reception Centre, City Hall, 57 Little Malop Street, Geelong on Thursday 27 March at 6.00pm. Item to be discussed is:

›Planning Permit Application PP-33-2024

- Use and Development of Land to Keep and Breed up to 5 Small Domestic Animals (Dogs) at 36 Kanyanya Avenue, Clifton Springs.

For more information, scan the QR code or visit PlanningCommittee2


If you are travelling in the areas listed below, scan the QR code or visit for detailed information regarding changed traffic conditions and fireworks. Emergency access will be maintained.

IRONMAN 70.3 Geelong

›Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March.

›Various times and areas.

›Tow away zones include Ritchie Boulevard and upper Eastern Beach Road.

›Major road closures will include Portarlington Road - Curlewis bound. Bus routes/times will be affected.

Avalon Australian International Airshow

›Friday 28 to Sunday 30 March.

›Changed traffic conditions will be implemented along sections of Hicks Street, Lara; McIntyre Road, Lara; Princes Highway, Lara; Point Wilson Road, Point Wilson; Beach Road, Point Wilson; Pousties Road, Avalon; Dandos Road, Avalon; Avalon Road, Avalon; Old Melbourne Road, Lara and Plantation Road, Corio. Motorists should expect traffic delays in and around these areas.

›The Melbourne Park and Ride will be available from Point Wilson Road and Little River Road.

›The Geelong Park and Ride will be available at Sutcliffe Reserve.

›A Friday Night Alight Fireworks show and the wall of fire display will run on Friday 28 March between approximately 8.15pm to 8.30pm. Pet owners please ensure animals are safe and secure during the fireworks display.

2025 Geelong Calendar engagement
2025 Geelong Calendar cover by Louise Edebone
Leopold aged care residents won the Flying Brick Scarecrow Competition with their giant Cheshire Cat. (Supplied)

Seagulls to play in 2025 Exhibition is a dream

A free exhibition will take flight in Curlewis to celebrate the power of dreams and explore the beauty of aspirations, freedom and transformation.

Artisans of Australia Gallery will host Feathered Dreams from March 26 to April 21, withtheexhibitionofficiallyopeningonMarch 28 from 6pm.

Artist Cherie Budd said the exhibition was about birds and colour, symbolising the journey of letting dreams soar.

“The best bit for me when I’m doing a print is when I just peel that paper back when I’ve done that print and it’s either worked or it hasn’t,” she said. “I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with birds because of all their beautiful and bright coloured feathers as a very colourful person myself.

“I am also going to have some photos up that mybrother,whoisaphotographer,hastakenof birds... So, there will be some photos of things fromwhichI’vedrawnmyinspirationtodomy artwork.

“I hope people get the same joy as I do when I look at something and that it makes them realise things don’t always have to be what you think they are, and you need to be just whoever you are.”

Ms Budd said the exhibition inspired people toreflectontheirdreamswhilecapturingbirds’ movements, linking them to the human form.

Artworks featured in the collection will include intricately carved, hand-inked and painted lino prints and three-dimensional sculptures.

North Shore and AFL Barwon have reached an agreement, ensuring the club can participate in the 2025 GFL season.

In an update released on Wednesday this week, AFL Barwon stated after a “collaborative effort to resolve concerns”, the peak body was satisfied North Shore could field senior and reserve football teams “at an acceptable level of competitiveness. As of today, the total number of eligible senior player registrations on the PlayHQ database exceeds50members,”thestatementread.

“NorthShorehasassuredAFLBarwon that all listed registrations represent activeplayerswhowillbeparticipatingin the upcoming season and that additional registrations are expected in coming days once clearances are finalised.”

On Monday night the North Shore committee resolved to commit to the 2025 season, with the club’s first match in Colac on April 12.

North Shore president Maryian Szponar said “plans were in motion” to put in place pathways for new talent and boost junior development.

“Following months of consultation, planning, and hard conversations, North Shoreisproudtoconfirmitscommitment to fielding two senior football teams in the 2025 season,” Ms Szponar said.

“We’re prepared to open the doors, work hand-in-hand with AFL Barwon and welcome check-ins throughout the season from the outside for people (to) see the struggles, but it’s also what happens on the inside that matters and makes the difference.”

Jena Carr
Cherie Budd with a piece of artwork from her Feathered Dreams exhibition. (Ivan Kemp) 466430_02

Creatives hit the art trail

Artists across the Bellarine are getting out their brushes and art materials as the North Bellarine Arts Trail returns for another year.

Twenty-nine venues will open their doors to the public for people to explore different artworks and creative pieces during Bellarine Peninsula Arts Committee’s free event on March 29 and 30.

Committee member and artist Karen Coulson said the trail was a “real community event” with many venues open across the region from Wallington to St Leonards.

Ms Coulson said she will also showcase her work with Bayview Artists at venue 22 during the trail including pieces made with resin, acrylic paints and mixed media.

“We generally work on our own, so it’s good to be able to see what others are doing and creating,” she said.

“There’s a lot of opportunities for people to get information, so they can come in, have a wander and talk to the artists.

“We also have music this year, so we’re in partnership with the National Celtic Festival, and we’ll have roving musicians at six of our venues.

“I love being around like-minded people for the weekend and it provides an opportunity forartiststoshowcasetheirworkwhomaynot have had that opportunity.”

The arts trail was launched in 2016 and focused initially on Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove, Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff before it was expanded into the northern areas in 2019.

The North Bellarine Arts Trail is a not-for-profit event celebrating its sixth year. Visit for more information.

CFA gets horse out of danger

Local firefighters rescued a horse from a water-filled pit last week.

Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteers responded to a call for rescue from a Moolap address on Monday, March 10.

When they arrived, they discovered a 380kghorsetrappedinadeepmechanical pit. The pit, inside a shed which the horse had managed to access, was filled nearly to the top with water.

CFA and Fire Rescue Victoria crews on the scene began by draining the water, then attempted to guide the horse up a wooden ramp. However, the tight confines of the pit meant the ramp was too steep for the horse to walk up.

The CFA’s Large Animal Rescue unit based at Arthurs Creek, one of only two Victorian CFA brigades that specialises in rescuing larger animals, was subsequently called to assist.

The horse was eventually rescued after firefighters built an earth ramp by which the horse could escape the pit.

After the four hour rescue was completed the animal was stressed but deemed healthy.

Commander Gavin Fitzgerald said the incident showed the wide range of skills CFA volunteers have.

“This incident highlights that while yes we are firefighters, we are really problem solvers,“ he said. “We are faced with situations, and we have to work out the best way to handle them. There were mostly young people out on this job too and they all did a great job.”

Feel the Bee Gees fever at Geelong Arts Centre

Some tribute artists are a natural fit for the musicians they emulate, told that they look and sound like a particular performer for years before they begin playing them on stage.

Not Michael Clift, who takes the role of Barry Gibb as frontman of the world renowned Australian Bee Gees show.

Formed in Melbourne in 1996, the award-winning tribute act has clocked up more than 4000 shows over 14 years during its residency at the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

But according to Clift, when the band began he “hadn’t quite figured out” how to sing and perform like the legendary Gibb.

“It was more like, bite off more than you can chew, and chew like hell,” he said. “I had short hair, I was clean-shaven… and I really didn’t have a falsetto, which is a key part to Barry’s stuff, especially the stuff from the 70s. So I was the antithesis of a Barry Gibb type of singer.

“But we fell in love with the idea of doing the show and we all had our roles to play. So it was up to me to figure out how to do it.

“It wasn’t so much we were born to do it, more like we thought it was a fantastic concept and enjoyed the music, and then we made ourselves fit the roles.”

In the mid-90s Clift and band were pursuing their dreams of being an original “quirky pop rock band”. However, shortly after financially committing to an album, grunge swept across the music scene.

“Iremember,wewereinthestudiorecording, and our producer was like, we’re pretty much screwed,” Clift said. “All our money was put intooursecondalbumandNirvanacamefrom nowhere, and what we were recording wasn’t ‘it’. Every record company in Australia was looking for flannelette shirt copies of Nirvana and we knew we’d done our dash.”

Inspired by the rise of other tribute shows during that time, Clift had the idea to start a Bee Gees band, and once the idea took hold he couldn’t let go. The rest, as they say, is history.

The Australian Bee Gees show is at Geelong Arts Centre on Thursday, April 3. Matt Hewson

Lyster Opera brings Mozart to Geelong and the Bellarine

Bellarine and Geelong audiences will have the chance to broaden their opera experience when Melbourne-based company Lyster Opera brings one of Mozart’s hidden gems to the Potato Shed in Drysdale.

While not as well-known to the general public as Mozart’s other operas such as The Magic Flute, The Marriage of Figaro or Don Giovanni, Abduction from the Seraglio (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) is still one of Amadeus’ most popular and highly respected works Lyster Opera, established in 2018 by

bass-baritone and historian Jamie Moffat, continues the work of William Saurin Lyster, an Irish-born entrepreneur who brought opera tonewaudiencesinAustraliaduringthe1800s.

A registered charity, Lyster Opera brings togetherestablishedoperastarsandrisingstars to perform throughout regional Australia as well as Melbourne.

The Drysdale stop is one of seven shows in Victoria, and Moffat explained he selected Abduction from the Seraglio because, based on his experience, regional audiences are particularly open to exploring lesser-known

operas. “I embarked on the journey of recreatingtheoriginalLysterCompany’smodel of touring small country towns and presenting grand operas because I truly believe that opera should be for everyone,” Moffat said.

“Our company’s mission is to make opera accessible to all, at a price everyone can afford. The enjoyment of great music should never be limited by where you live.”

French pianist Kevin Tamanini, who has worked with Opera Australia and Melbourne Opera since his arrival to Australia in 2022, features as musical director.

Lyster Opera enjoyed a successful performance of Rossini’s The Italian Girl in Algiers at the Potato Shed in 2024. MoffatsaidtheDrysdalevenuewas“perfect” for the company.

“We were so overwhelmed by the reception we received at The Potato Shed on our last tour, thatwereallyhopetobeabletoincludeitinour regular rotation,” he said.

Abduction from the Seraglio is at the Potato Shed on Saturday, April 5. Visit lysteropera. or call the Potato Shed box office on 5251 1998 for tickets or more information.

The Australian Bee Gees Show comes to the GAC this April. (Supplied)
Susan Jefford and Bellarine Peninsula Arts Committee’s Renae Chapman preparing for the North Bellarine Arts Trail. (Ivan Kemp) 466632_02
‘‘ So here’s me, a bloody school teacher in Ocean Grove, and I thought, do I have the right to write a song through their eyes ’’ - Vin Healy

Songs and stories of the Anzacs

Ocean Grove educator Vin Healy will spend this Anzac Day in Villers-Bretonneux, where he will perform his songs about the Australian men and women who fought for France’s freedom. He spoke to Matt Hewson about the importance of keeping history alive through music and storytelling.

When Vin Healy, then the director of learning for primary years at Kardinia International College, was asked in 2008 to perform at the school’s Anzac Day ceremony, he quickly accepted.

The youngest of 10 children growing up in Norlane, Vin had a healthy respect for both his father, who had served in the Second World War, and his mother, who had raised the kids by herself while her husband was overseas fighting.

For the school’s event, Vin struggled to find an appropriate tune, eventually settling on an Eric Bogle song, No Man’s Land.

“Afterwards I stopped and thought about it; (Bogle’s) music was for a different era, for a different time,” Vin said.

“So I decided to write some more songs that were (initially) primary school orientated… some songs that kids could relate to about real people, the real stories and real unlikely heroes that I described.

“And when I did some research and found out some things the lyrics actually came quite easily.

“One of the first songs I wrote was about the school in Villers-Bretonneux, which was rebuilt by kids in Melbourne through a thing called a penny drive. The kids at Middle Park Primary School raised money to rebuild the school in the 1920s.”

Vin will visit the school, now called École Victoria, when he visits the small French town of Villers-Bretonneux in April to perform his songs about the efforts of the Anzacs in France and around the world for Anzac Day. Less than 100km from the Belgian border in northern France, Villers-Bretonneux holds its own Anzac Day services each year to remember the thousands of Australians who died defending the town from the invading Germans during WWI.

ThetownisalsohometotheSirJohnMonash Centre (SJMC), a modern museum dedicated to telling the story of Australians who served on the Western Front in their own words.

The centre sits on the grounds of the Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, adjacent to the Australian National Memorial.

Vin will perform at SJMC on April 23, ahead of his tribute concert at the Villers-Bretonneux Covered Market on Anzac Day itself.

In 2017, Vin’s music was featured in the documentary Never Forget Australia, which tells the stories of how the connection between Australia and Viller-Bretonneux was forged in the fires of war.

“I had sent a song through to Guillaume Cornet, who’s the head teacher of École Victoria, and they were using it (in the school),” Vin said. “So when Alan McGirvan and Vicki Bennett, the producers of Never Forget Australia, were there filming this documentary they said to Guillaume it was a shame there wasn’t an Australian song.

“And Guillaume said, well, there’s a teacher in Australia called Vin Healy who has written some songs, you might want to contact him.

“They used three or four songs in the doco, including the Unknown Soldier, which is probably the most powerful song I’ve written. It was used so beautifully in the documentary, I was so proud that song was used in that.

“And I’ve been told that they’re going to use sections of that documentary before the dawn service (this year at Villers-Bretonneux), as people arrive before the dawn service starts, so I’m really hoping that song is going to be used there too.”

Vin’s performances in France this April will feature his newly released song, Sister Ella Tucker, which tells the story of a 28-year-old Australian nurse on the HS Gascon during the entire Gallipoli campaign.

“There’s not much written about the nurses at all, so I just thought this would be a great lens to maybe write something about,” he said.

When Sister Tucker and her story came to Vin’s attention, he reached out to artist Sue Macleod-Beere, who was a finalist in the 2021 Gallipoli Art Prize for her portrait of the nurse.

Sue connected Vin with Sister Tucker’s family, who supplied him with the text from her wartime journal.

“I was reading through it and I thought, this is just so powerful, the way she’s written it,”

Vin said.

“Foraveryeducatedperson,therewashardly any punctuation through it. You can actually see her writing this stuff down between the carnage of what was happening in Gallipoli.

“So what I wanted to do in this song was to contrast her with a young backpacker; one that lived that experience, and then the young

person going back a hundred years later and paying their respects.”

Vin has always played guitar and sung - “I was that school teacher in the 80s who brought his guitar into the room, singing with the kids” - and while he has performed at weddings, funerals and other events for decades it has never been a financial pursuit.

“It’s funny, because I suppose part of this process is I’m hoping I can reach a wider audience, but the important thing for me is not so much how many people hear my music, but who, who you can actually touch with your stories and your songwriting,” he said.

While performing a dawn ceremony prior to the pandemic, Vin noticed the hundreds of Vietnam vets who were affected by his music.

Feeling inspired to write a song for those vets, he began researching the Battle of Long Tan.

“Long Tan was a rubber plantation, and during the battle these monsoonal rains came through - it must have been horrendous - and I wrote the song through the eyes of one of the (Australian soldiers),” Vin said.

“So here’s me, a bloody school teacher in Ocean Grove, and I thought, do I have the right to write a song through their eyes about what they saw? So I sent a letter and the song to David Sabben.

“He actually got back to me, and we’ve connected four or five times since. He’s an amazing man in his late 70s now, highly articulate,andhewrotethisbeautifulfeedback.

“His line to me was, ‘Thank you, this song will be the balm to all those who cannot readjust to the lives they now find themselves in. I hope they find peace in their lives.’

“I just thought, well, that’s the reason to keep writing songs, no matter if it’s only touching a small audience. It’s the ones who it does reach that are most important.”

Ocean Grove singer/songwriter Vin Healy will perform in France this Anzac Day.
(Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 465655

A new clinical pilates destination for rehabilitation

Geelong Clinical Pilates is thrilled to introduce our new Allied Health Clinic and Reformer Pilates Studio in Belmont, Geelong.

We specialise in a tailored approach to women’s health through reformer pilates and resistance-based rehabilitation programs.

Our clinic is led by two passionate exercise physiologists, Kelsey Long and Sophie Nicholson, both of whom have a wealth of experience and a special interest in women’s health.

At GCP, we are dedicated to helping women recover, strengthen, and achieve their fitness goals in a nurturing and supportive environment. We offer specialised support for chronic disease management, pelvic floor health, prenatal exercise, postpartum recovery, menopause and chronic pain management.

At GCP, we understand that women face unique health challenges at different stages of life, whether it’s improving general health and fitness, training for a specific sport or activity, pregnancy, postpartum recovery, post-surgery (eg hysterectomy, laparoscopy), hormonal changes or age-related conditions like osteoporosis.

Common women’s health conditions we assist to manage are endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and breast cancer recovery. Our specialised services cater to the rehabilitation needs of women, helping them regain strength, improve body confidence, and enhance overall well-being.

Clinical pilates is a safe, low-impact form of exercise that improves strength. flexibility, and coordination. Our services are guided by accredited exercise physiologists who work closely with clients to develop individualised programs tailored to their specific rehabilitation needs.

Whether you are looking to recover from an injury, improve your strength, or address

specific women’s health concerns, GCP is here to support you.

Our purpose-built studio is fully equipped with pilates reformers and a cadillac, and our team is ready to guide you through a program that helps you feel stronger, more flexible, and more confident in your body. We have chosen a limited number of reformers in our studio to ensure our professionals can supervise each client closely, provide hands-on corrections and ensure exercises are safe and effective. At studios with large class sizes this practice isn’t always prioritised. Our services are tailored

ensuring that clients receive the most effective and personalised care possible. Ready to take the first step toward improved health and well-being? Contact us at Geelong ClinicalPilatestobookyourinitialconsultation. To commence clinical pilates an initial assessment with our exercise physiologists is required. Our team will guide you with class options and prepare your program to help you achieveyourgoals.Wealsoofferreformeropen classes; general fitness classes open to anyone to book – an assessment is not required prior. Our open classes are smaller than your average

pilates studio and are great to jump into for a challenge and to work up a good pilates sweat. DuringMarch,ourclinicisacollectionpoint for Share the Dignity, an organisation striving to end period poverty by supplying period products to women and girls experiencing homelessness, domestic violence or hardship. Donate period products by dropping by our clinic’s donation box.

Visit or call 0409 617 207 to learn more about our services and schedule.

Geelong Clinical Pilates: your new destination for rehabilitation and wellness in Belmont. (Pictures: Supplied)

Focus on Education

Tips to help your primary school aged child learn to read

Helping your primary school child learn to read is an essential and rewarding journey that sets the foundation for their academic success and lifelong love for learning. As a parent or caregiver, you play a crucial role in fostering their reading skills and nurturing a positive reading environment. Here are some effective strategies to supportyourchild’sreadingdevelopment:

1. ReadTogether:Setasideregulartimetoread with your child. Choose age-appropriate books that interest them, and take turns reading aloud. Encourage them to ask questions and discuss the story, characters, and plot to enhance comprehension.

2. Create a Reading Space: Designate a cozy reading corner in your home where your child can retreat to explore books independently. Make it inviting with comfortable seating, good lighting, and a collection of books at their level.

3. Be a Role Model: Demonstrate your own love for reading by letting your child see you reading books, magazines, or newspapersregularly.Childrenoftenmimic the behavior of their parents or caregivers, so your enthusiasm for reading will be contagious.

4. Phonics Practice: Phonics is a fundamental aspect of learning to read. Teach your child letter sounds and the relationship between letters and their corresponding sounds. Use fun games and activities to reinforce phonetic skills.

5. Sight Words: Introduce sight words, which are frequently used words that may not always follow phonetic rules. Make flashcards and use them in sentences to help your child memorize and recognize these words quickly.

6. Reading Aloud: Continue reading aloud

to your child, even as they become more proficient readers. Listening to more advanced books enhances their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

7. Word Games: Engage in word games like Scrabble, Boggle, or word puzzles that make learning enjoyable and interactive.

8. Library Visits: Take regular trips to the libraryandallowyourchildtochoosebooks that intrigue them. This fosters a sense of ownership and excitement about reading.

9. Encourage Writing: Reading and writing go hand in hand. Encourage your child to write stories, letters, or a journal. This practice reinforces their reading skills while stimulating their creativity.

10.BePatientandPositive:Learningtoreadcan bechallenging,andeverychildprogressesat their own pace. Celebrate their efforts, and avoid putting too much pressure on them. Create a positive and supportive learning environment.

11.Use Technology Wisely: Utilise educational apps and online resources that are designed to promote reading skills. However, monitor their screen time and ensure it doesn’t replace real books and face-to-face interactions.

12.Celebrate Progress: Praise your child’s achievements and milestones. Acknowledge their improvements and make them feel proud of their reading accomplishments. Remember, every child is unique, so tailor your approach to suit their individual needs andinterests.Bymakingreadingenjoyableand fostering a love for books, you are nurturing a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives.Patience,consistency,andencouragement will go a long way in helping your primary school child become a confident and proficient reader.

A unique, fun and memorable way to celebrate 100 days of school and Year 6 Graduation

Memories are on the cards

In an era where digital interactions often overshadow tangible keepsakes, Cards in the Yard offers a refreshing return to personalised mementos that celebrate individual journeys and collective milestones.

FoundedbyMichaelPanckridge,aseasoned teacher and children’s author with a lifelong passionforcardcollecting,thisGeelong-based company specialises in crafting custom trading cards for schools, sports clubs, and communities.

One standout offering is the Year Level Graduation cards, designed to provide students and their families with lasting memories of their academic cohorts. Each card features a student’s image on the front, whilethereversesidehighlights10descriptive words that encapsulate their unique qualities, fosteringasenseofindividualrecognitionand pride.

Another innovative product is the 100 Days of School cards, which commemorate this educational milestone by showcasing both

current and ‘olden’ days dressed-up images of students. The backs of these cards cleverly transform into jigsaw pieces, which, when assembled, create a fun group photo of the entire class, reinforcing unity and shared experiences.

The process of creating these custom cards is both straightforward and collaborative. It begins with nominating an individual or team to oversee the project, followed by decisions regarding the classes or teams to be featured. Schools and clubs then provide their colours, logos, and selected photographs. Once all information is submitted through the order form, Cards in the Yard handles the design and production, ensuring a seamless experience from concept to delivery. By blending traditional card-collecting enthusiasm with modern customisation, CardsintheYardnotonlypreservescherished memories but also strengthens community bonds, making each card a treasured keepsake for years to come.

Focus on Education

GBC is there at every stage of the educational journey

Geelong Baptist College (GBC) is a unique independent college with an open enrolment policy.

Families are invited to meet the principals and tour the grounds year-round. Enrolments for the 2025 academic year are well underway and we invite students to join a vibrant community that is committed to academic excellence,personaldevelopmentandspiritual growth. GBC offers classes from Foundation to Year 12.

Established in 2002, GBC is a young and vibrant school, located in a lovely semi-rural setting, only 10km from the centre of Geelong. The school has six college buses, which service most of Geelong and surrounding areas such as Point Cook. The school is established on Christian values and consists of a small, close-knit community where parents, students and teachers work together assisting students to pursue academic excellence.

GBC’s dedicated team of educators are passionate about inspiring a love for learning and equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. With small class sizes and personalised attention, they create an atmosphere where students feel valued, supported, and challenged to reach their full potential. From the classroom to the sports field, from the stage to community service projects, students are encouraged to pursue their interests, challenge themselves, and make a positive impact in the world around them.

GBC also offers a semester-long program which caters to the needs of Year 9 students in developing their whole person. In the first term, the focus of the program is to ‘unpack’ who they are as individuals discussing topics such as trust, personality types, resilience

and growth mindset, team building, healthy relationships, values, purpose and destiny, self-esteem, goal setting and physical challenges. In the second term, the program focuses on ‘Making a Difference’ where students are challenged to make a difference in their local community. The topics covered

during this experience are community, creative thinking, being an Entrepreneur and the ‘Docs and Teens’ program. Students attend camps,andpartakeinentrepreneurialprojects along with a myriad of physical activities.

Whether you’re entering primary school, transitioning to secondary education, or

seeking a supportive environment for your senior years, Geelong Baptist College offers a range of programs tailored to meet the needs of students at every stage of their educational journey. We invite families to discover the difference a Geelong Baptist College education can make in the lives of their children.


What issues matter most this Federal Election in suburban Australia?

As one of the largest publishers of independent community news in Victoria, Star News Group is conducting this simple survey to gauge community sentiment around the forthcoming federal election.

Please take 5 minutes to have your say and be part of this important conversation. The results of the survey will help us gauge the appetite of readers toward the forthcoming Federal Election and we will share results with our readers.

You can either fill in the survey below and email in or complete the survey online (Simply scan the QR code below)

1. What do you see as the single most important issue in the upcoming federal election?

2. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Extremely Important" to you:

Electricity Prices

Climate Change Policies

Inflation (Cost of Living)

Health Services

Immigration and border control

National roads and rail infrastructure

Water infrastructure

Broadband interenet access

Please specify:

3. Please select the top 5 of the following issues that are "Least Important" to you:

Electricity Prices

Climate Change Policies

Inflation (Cost of Living)

Health Services

Immigration and border control

National roads and rail infrastructure

Water infrastructure

Broadband interenet access

Please specify:

4. Which is more important to you?

Cheapest electricity possible

Reducing carbon emissions

5. Do you support nuclear energy in Australia?

Yes No

6. Would you support a nuclear plant in your local area?

Yes No

7. Where would you most like to see a local increase in federal funding, and why?

Local hospitals

8. Regarding immigration policy, do you believe the next government should:

Increase immigration

Reduce Immigration

Keep it about the same

9. At this point are you more likely to vote for:

A major party (Labor or Coalition)

A minor party

An independent

10. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how significant do you think the influence of social media is on public discourse and political decisionmaking in Australia?

1 2 3 4 5 Why?

11. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about global security currently?

1 2 3 4 5 Why?

12. On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 the highest), how concerned are you about housing affordability in your region? 1 2 3 4 5

13. In your opinion, how important is improved national road and transport infrastructure in your region? 1 2 3 4 5

14. What specific infrastructure projects do you believe should be prioritised in your region?

15. Are there any other local or regional issues that you feel are not getting enough attention in the federal election campaign? Please share your thoughts.

Local national highways

Local infrastructure project Defence


Once completed, please scan or photograph your completed survey and email to:

16. What age group do you fall into? 0-25 26-40 41-60 61-75 Over 76

First Name: Last Name: Daytime Contact Phone No:

The Guide

ABC Family, Friday, 7.05pm

Propagating a love of plants and nature in the next generation, Australia’s favourite green thumbs get their hands dirty with all manner of family-friendly activities in this spirited spin-off. Tonight, Costa Georgiadis tracks down some peace and quiet with junior hosts Yeshi Jehru and Romeo Angelkovski (both pictured with Georgiadis). The trio take time out in a local reserve, drawing inspiration from the tranquil waters and tall timbers before bringing what they’ve learnt home to create a mindful garden of their own. Wind chimes, a calming pebble swirl and a place to practice the age-old Chinese movement of Qigong are all on the agenda for this wholesome project. It’s a perfect wind-down before the kids’ bedtime.


ABC Family, Saturday, 7.30pm

While the wizardry of Hogwarts and the Harry Potter films might not be real, the show-stopping movie magic that brought the enchanted school’s iconic feasts to life is within reach of us mere Muggles. There’s bubbling cauldrons, gravity-defying desserts and meticulously crafted optical illusions galore in this spellbinding baking competition hosted by James and Oliver Phelps (aka the Weasley twins, both pictured). Over six episodes, with plenty of cameos from the films’ stars, pairs of pastry chefs and cake artists put their skills to the test. In tonight’s premiere, the nine teams make an entrance using Floo Powder, before creating a dessert that captures their love for Harry Potter.

Friday, March 21

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News

Mornings. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 The Pacific. (R) 11.00 The Newsreader. (Final, Ml, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Unforgotten. (Madl, R) 2.00 Grand Designs Australia. (PG, R) 3.00 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Gardening Australia.

8.30 Under The Vines. (PG) Daisy and Louis must spend the night together. 9.20 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R) A satirical news program.

9.50 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

10.15 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R)

10.45 Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (NZ) (Final, PG, R)

11.35 ABC Late News. 11.50 Grand Designs. (R) 12.40 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.25 Rage New Music. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 Rage. (PG)

Junior. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Teen Titans Go! 8.00 Scooby-Doo And Guess Who? 8.25 BTN Newsbreak. 8.30 Mythbusters “There’s Your Problem!”. 8.55 Robot Wars. 9.55 Merlin. 10.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

6am Morning Programs. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 Urban Conversion. (R) 10.00 Food Markets. (PGaw, R) 11.05 Dream Of Italy. (R) 11.35 Soccer. 2026 FIFA World Cup CONMEBOL Qualifier. Brazil v Colombia. 1.45 Taekwondo. (R) 1.50 Haka Warriors 2023. (R) 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 Nula. 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 James May: Our Man In Italy. (Ml) 8.30 Tony Robinson’s Marvellous Machines: Green Machines. (PG, R) A look at innovative green machines. 9.20 Mysteries Of The Ancient Dead: Maya, Khonkho Wankane, Xiongnu. (PG) Looks at the sacrificial altar of El Castillo. 10.15 SBS World News Late. 10.45 A Body That Works. (Mals) 11.45 Sisi. (Masv, R) 1.35 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (MA15+a, R) 4.45 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SEVEN (6, 7)


Journalist Marlee Silva (pictured) is a proud GamilaroiDunghutti woman, sports commentator and self-confessed rugby league “tragic”.

In a new, intimate documentary, she is on a mission to decode how we can make our nation safer for women by using the power of sport – in particular rugby league – to drive positive social change.

“When I think about having ‘skin in the game’, it’s not just my skin as an individual or my family, but who we are as a community,” Silva says of the film’s title. Marlee is the daughter of league great Rod “Rocket” Silva and has grown up living and breathing all things NRL. She believes rugby league can transform lives – and also highlight some ugly truths of modern society, especially when it comes to violence against women. Silva talks to some of the game’s biggest names – including master coach Phil Gould, superstar Nicho Hynes, NRL Chairman Peter V’landys and NRLW player Lavinia Gould –to work out what the sport she loves can do to be part of the solution.

NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 Better Homes And Gardens. (R) 2.00 Suits L.A. (Mav, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. A lead-up to the Friday night AFL match. 7.30 Football. AFL. Round 2. Western Bulldogs v Collingwood. From the MCG. 10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.15 GetOn Extra. A look at the weekend’s best racing.

11.45 Suits L.A. (Ma, R) Ted and Erica try to save Lester’s movie.

12.45 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGa, R) Sketch comedy series.

2.00 Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.

MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 7.35 Fresh Fairytales. 7.50 Bushwhacked! 8.15 Motown Magic. 8.40 Spartakus. 9.40 The World According To Grandpa. 9.50 Chums. 10.00 Arctic Secrets. 10.50 News. 11.00 Going Places.

(64, 73) SBS

9-1-1: LONE STAR Seven, Monday, 8.30pm

Starring Rob Lowe (pictured), this series follows the action-packed lives of emergency service members in Texas. Its fifth and final season is set a year after the dramatic conclusion to season four and sees Carlos (Rafael Silva) and TK (Ronen Rubenstein) approaching their first wedding anniversary as Carlos settles into his new role as a Texas Ranger, while other comings and goings lead to movements at the station. Tonight’s episode, “Trainwrecks”, sees the team race into action when a train derailment causes multiple injuries. Meanwhile, Tommy (Gina Torres) makes a bold move in her relationship with Trevor (D.B. Woodside), and Marjan (Natacha Karam) and Paul (Brian Michael Smith) compete for the open position.

TEN (5, 10)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Killer Vacation. (2018, Mav) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.00[MELB]TippingPointAustralia.(PG, R) 5.30 WIN News.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 David Attenborough’s Mammals: Forest. (PG) A look at the forests which mammals call home.

8.40 MOVIE: Wedding Crashers. (2005, Mls, R) Two womanisers begin to see the error of their ways when one of them falls in love. Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn.

11.05 MOVIE: Love You Like That. (2021, Mls, R) Mitchell Hope.

12.50 Let’s Eat With George. (R)

1.20 Talking Honey.

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Postcards. (PG, R)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news.

7.30 Sam Pang Tonight. (Mals, R) Presented by Sam Pang. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Mdlsv, R) Celebrity guests include Dakota Johnson, Sterling K Brown, Domhnall Gleeson and Colman Domingo. 10.50 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 11.15 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 12.10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R)

10 PEACH (52, 11)

Saturday, March 22

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 Rage Charts. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News

At Noon. 12.30 Death In Paradise. (PG, R)

1.25 Darby And Joan. (PGa, R) 2.15 Under The Vines. (PG, R) 2.55 Extraordinary Escapes. (PG, R) 3.45 The Role Of A Lifetime. (Final, PGan, R) 4.35 The Platypus Guardian. (PG, R) 5.30 Great Expectations: Karta The OrangUtan’s Story. (PG, R)

6.00 Landline. (R) Hosted by Pip Courtney.

6.30 Back Roads: Bibbulmun Track, WA. (PG, R) Rae Johnston explores WA’s Bibbulmun Track.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Death In Paradise. (Ma) Marlon receives a mysterious phone call from his fatally-wounded former boss.

8.30 Vera. (Ma, R) Vera investigates the apparent suicide of a well-known TV personality who has recently fallen from grace. The victim had been attending a reunion with friends, a ritual they had repeated for more than 40 years.

10.00 Unforgotten. (Madl, R) A new case begins for Jess and Sunny’s team.

10.50 Boat Story. (MA15+alv, R) Two strangers discover cocaine on a boat.

11.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) Music video clips.

6am Morning Programs. 7.30 France 24 English News. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 Accidental Renovators. (Premiere) 10.10 Destination Flavour. (R) 10.20 Soccer. 2026 FIFA World Cup CONMEBOL Qualifier. Uruguay v Argentina. 12.30 BBC News At Ten. 1.00 Motor Racing. Hi-Tec Oils Race Tasmania. Day 1. 5.00 ABC World News Tonight. 5.30 War Miners: Covert Mission Beneath Arras.

6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Wonders Of Europe: The Mont Saint-Michel. (PG) Looks at the Mont Saint-Michel. 8.30 Blenheim: The People Behind The Palace. Head shepherd Shaun monitors 1500 lambs due to be born. Most sheep lamb in the field without problems, but on a 4am round, Shaun has to intervene in a difficult birth.

9.25 Ray Martin: The Last Goodbye. (PGa, R) Ray Martin continues to plan his own funeral, taking a look into the rituals around the send-off itself.

10.25 Cycling. UCI World Tour. Milan-San Remo. 3.30 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG, R)

4.35 Bamay. (R) 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6am WorldWatch.

SEVEN (6, 7)

6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Golden Slipper Day and William Reid Stakes Day. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (R) A passenger has a run-in with the law.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG, R) A passenger’s suitcase with an unusual lining sets alarm bells ringing.

7.30 MOVIE: Gladiator. (2000, Mav, R) A successful Roman general seeks revenge after he is betrayed and his family is murdered by the emperor’s heir. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen.

10.40 MOVIE: The Pope’s Exorcist. (2023, MA15+hv) The Pope’s chief exorcist investigates a boy’s possession and uncovers a centuries-old conspiracy. Russell Crowe, Daniel Zovatto.

12.55 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGalv, R) Sketch comedy series.

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 It’s Academic. (R) Hosted by Simon Reeve.

5.00 My Greek Odyssey. (PG, R)

NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Surfing Australia TV. 12.30 My Way. (R) 1.00 Let’s Eat With George. 1.30 Hybrid Horizons. 2.00 The Pet Rescuers.

6.00 9News Saturday.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Space Invaders. (PG) The team helps a woman declutter her home.

8.30 MOVIE: Muriel’s Wedding. (1994, Mls, R) A young woman, who dreams of marriage, leaves her small town to find romance in the big city. Toni Collette, Bill Hunter, Rachel Griffiths.

10.40 MOVIE: Red Dog: True Blue. (2016, PGals, R) A man recounts the story of his dog. Bryan Brown.

12.20 Bondi Vet. (PGm, R)

1.10 Pointless. (PG, R)

2.00 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG)

2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R)

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG, R)

TEN (5, 10)

NITV (34)

Wizards Of Baking. (Premiere) 8.50 Fresh Off The Boat. 9.30 Speechless. 9.55 Officially Amazing Goes Bunkers. 10.25 Dragon Ball Super. 10.45 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am MOVIE: Barbie And Stacie

6am Morning Programs. 2.10pm Nula. 2.40 MOVIE: Hostile. (2022, PG) 4.20 Haka Warriors 2023. 4.30 Tradition On A Plate. 5.00 Spirit Talker. 5.30 The Last Land: Gespe’gewa’gi. 6.00 No Ordinary Black: Mudskipper. 6.10 Carpool Koorioke. 6.20 News. 6.30 The Other Side. 7.20 Just Another Day In Indulkana. 7.30 The American Buffalo. 8.30 MOVIE: 2001: A Space Odyssey. (1968) 11.00 Late Programs.

(82, 93) 6am The Man Who Brought Down The White House. Continued. (2017,

Sunday, March 23

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PGa, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. (R) 2.30 Monty Don’s French Gardens. (R) 3.30 Sue Perkins’ Big Adventure: Paris To Istanbul. (Final, PG, R) 4.15 Extraordinary Escapes: Christmas Special. (R) 5.05 A Dog’s World With Tony Armstrong. (R) 6.00 DW English News. 6.30 Al Jazeera News. 7.30 France 24 English News. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 Accidental Renovators. (PG) 10.00 FIFA World Cup Classic Matches. 11.30 Motor Racing. ProMX Championships. Round 1. 1.00 Cycling. ProVelo Super League. Round 6. 4.00 Beach Volleyball. Australian Beach Volleyball Tour. Men’s and women’s championships.

6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Darby And Joan. (PGa) Jack and Joan investigate a suspicious nurse.

8.15 Unforgotten. (Mals) The Bishop Street team investigates Gerry Cooper’s life and criminal record and make contact with his widow.

9.05 Boat Story. (MA15+av) Janet and Samuel try to find a buyer for the stolen drugs, which proves to be tricky.

10.05 MOVIE: Irresistible. (2006, Malsv, R) A woman stalks her husband’s colleague. Susan Sarandon. 11.45 You Can’t Ask That. (Mal, R)

12.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

2.55 Rage Closer. (R) 3.00 Ask The Doctor. (PG, R) 3.30 Outback Ringer. (PG, R) 4.00 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)

6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Supertato. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The

6.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. (PG)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Ancient Greece By Train: Ephasus To Troy. Alice Roberts visits the city of Ephasus. 8.30 Skin In The Game. (Ma) Presented by Marlee Silva. 9.40 King Tut: Allies And Enemies. (PGa, R) A continued look at the mysteries of Tutankhamun’s life. 10.40 Franklin. (MA15+l, R)

12.25 The Burnt Half. (Mal, R) 1.50 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (R) 2.20 How To Get Fit Fast. (R) 4.10 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PGaw, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.


Jeopardy! 11.35 Fashionista. 11.55

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Australian Idol. (PG) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.40 7NEWS Spotlight. (Return) A profile of the 17-year-old Aussie sprinter Gout Gout, who is on track to become the fastest man alive.

9.40 The Hunters: Mr Cruel. (Mav, R) Journalist Adam Shand and ex-detective Steve van Aperen reexamine the case of Mr Cruel.

11.10 Autopsy USA: Dean Martin. (Mal) A look at the death of Dean Martin. 12.10 The Bay. (Mal, R) 1.10 Travel Oz. (PG, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 9News Sunday.

7.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls) The couples have a big decision to make.

8.40 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians.

9.40 Footy Furnace. (Mlv) Tom Morris, Jimmy Bartel and James Hird recap the highs and lows from the latest round of the AFL.

10.40 9News Late. 11.10 See No Evil: Not A Social Person. (Mav)

The First 48. (Ma)

Destination WA.

TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

Story Of. 12.25pm Cook Up Bitesize. 12.30 PBS Washington Week. 12.55 Athletics. World Indoor C’ships. Morning. 5.00 WorldWatch. 5.30 Domino Masters. 6.25 Abandoned Engineering. 7.20 Abandoned Americana. 8.15 The UnXplained With William Shatner. 9.55 Video Killed The Radio Star. 10.25 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 10.30 DVine Living. 11.00 I Escaped To The Country. Noon Escape To The Country. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Cities Of The Underworld. 3.30 Better Homes. 4.30 I Escaped To The Country. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Vera. 10.30 Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 8.30 The Incredible Journey. 9.00 Turning Point. 9.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Getaway. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1pm MOVIE: Return To Paradise. (1953, PG) 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 3. Parramatta Eels v Canterbury Bulldogs. 6.00 Dad’s Army. 6.30 M*A*S*H. 8.30 MOVIE: London Has Fallen. (2016,

Programs. 1pm Innovation Nation. 1.05 MOVIE: The Man In The Moon. (1991, PG) 3.05 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 4.05 Young Sheldon. 5.30 MOVIE: Goosebumps. (2015, PG)

6.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Mark Coles Smith. 7.30 Love It Or List It Australia. A couple’s house is too small. 8.30 Gogglebox Australia. (R) A diverse range of people open their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows, with the help of special, locked-off cameras which capture every unpredictable moment. 9.30 Matlock. (PGad, R) An important class-action lawsuit leads the team to investigate a sorority. Matty brings Alfie with her to work. 10.30 Elsbeth. (Mav, R) Elsbeth and Captain Wagner join forces. 11.30 FBI. (Masv, R) 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) 5.00 Hour Of Power.

6.00 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news.

Monday, March 24

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Vera. (PGa, R) 11.30 Creative Types With Virginia Trioli. (PGl, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Landline. (R) 2.00 Grand Designs Australia. (R) 3.00 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.30 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30. Presented by Sarah Ferguson. 8.00 Australian Story. Presented by Leigh Sales.

8.30 Four Corners. Investigative journalism program exposing scandals, firing debate and confronting taboos.

9.15 Media Watch. (PG) Presented by Linton Besser.

9.35 Q+A. Presented by Patricia Karvelas.

10.35 ABC Late News.

10.50 The Business. (R)

11.10 Planet America. (R)

11.40 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG, R)

12.10 Grand Designs Revisited. (R)

1.00 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30

7.30. (R)

SEVEN (6, 7)

6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. (PGa, R) 11.10 Dream Of Italy. (Ml, R) 12.10 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News Weekend. 1.30 Al Jazeera News Hour. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (PGa, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PG, R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.45 Surveillance Oz. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (Return)

6.30 SBS World News.

7.35 Lisbon With Michael Portillo: Lisbon 2. (PG) Michael Portillo journeys to Lisbon.

8.25 Dan Snow’s Greatest Discoveries: Atlantis. Dan Snow travels to Greece to discover if there is any truth to the tale of Atlantis, a glorious super-city that disappeared beneath the waves.

9.20 24 Hours In Emergency: The Last Roll Of The Dice. (Ma) A 58-yearold is rushed to Queen’s Medical Centre. 10.15 SBS World News Late.

10.45 Syndrome E. (Malv)

11.50 The Night Manager. (Mals, R)

2.05 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG, R) 3.10 How To Get Fit Fast. (PGn, R) 4.05 Bamay. (R) 4.40 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

2.55 Wine Lovers’ Guide. 3.25 WorldWatch. 5.40 The Fast History Of. 6.05 Mysteries From Above. 7.00 Jeopardy! 7.25 News. 7.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.25 Myths: The Greatest Mysteries

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG)

Roo questions Eliza’s past.

7.30 Australian Idol. (PG) Hosted by Ricki-Lee Coulter and Scott Tweedie.

8.30 9-1-1: Lone Star. (Ma)

The 126 race into action when a train derailment causes multiple injuries.

9.30 The Agenda Setters. (R) A team of trusted and respected footy voices tackles the biggest topics in the AFL world.

10.30 Suits L.A. (M, R)

11.30 St. Denis Medical. (PGal)

12.00 We Interrupt This Broadcast. (PGas, R)

1.00 Harry’s Practice. (R)

1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R)

2.00 To Be Advised. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (PGls, R) 1.45 My Way. (R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Ml)

The couples face a new challenge.

9.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) A team of footy experts tackles the AFL’s big issues and controversies.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 The Prison Confessions Of Gypsy-Rose Blanchard. (MA15+av) Gypsy-Rose Blanchard tells her story.

11.30 First On Scene. (Ma)

12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.00 Hello SA. (PG)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

Extreme Railway Journeys. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 Inspector Morse. 10.50 Late Programs. 6am

Antiques Roadshow. 3.25 MOVIE: It Shouldn’t Happen To A Vet. (1976) 5.20 Your Garden Made Perfect. (Final) 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Mrs Sidhu Investigates.

TEN (5, 10)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor.

8.45 Sam Pang Tonight. (Mals) A weekly tonight show hosted by Sam Pang, featuring a monologue roasting the news of the week. 9.45 10’s Late News. Comprehensive coverage of local, national and international news, as well as the latest sport and weather. 10.10 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 11.10 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 12.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.

7MATE (64, 73) 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.05 Cities Of Gold. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 Indian Country Today News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Arctic Secrets. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 Living Black. 9.00 Bring Her Home. 10.00 MOVIE: Vacant Possession. (1994, M) 11.50 Late Programs. NITV (34)

Tuesday, March 25

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 2.30 Motor Racing. Night Thunder. Krikke Boys Shootout. H’lights. 3.30 Storage Wars: NY. 4.00 Mountain Men. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 The Agenda Setters. 8.00 Outback Opal Hunters. 9.00 Adventure Gold Diggers. 10.00 Tougher In Alaska. 11.00 Late Programs.

9GO! (82, 93) 6am Morning Programs. 8.45 Nights In Rodanthe. (2008, PG) 10.35 Partly Cloudy With Sunny Spells. (2015, M, Italian) 12.25pm Silver Linings Playbook. (2012, M) 2.40 The Movie Show. 3.15 Romeo And Juliet. (2013, PG) 5.30 Remi Nobody’s Boy. (2018, PG, French) 7.30 20,000 Species Of Bees. (2023, M, Spanish) 9.50 Let The River Flow. (2023, M, Norwegian) 12.10am Late Programs.

Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: In Time. (2011, M) 10.40 Seinfeld. 11.40

(6, 7)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Aust Story. (R) 10.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 11.00 The Weekly. (PGs, R) 11.30 Space 22. (PGa, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Call The Midwife. (PGa, R) 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 2.55 Nigella’s Cook, Eat, Repeat. (R) 3.25 Grand Designs Revisited. (PG, R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.00 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 Destination Flavour. (R) 9.20 Urban Conversion. (R) 9.50 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. (PG, R) 11.00 Dream Of Italy. (R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Saving Lives At Sea. (Ma, R) 3.00 The Weekly Football Wrap. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 DNA Family Secrets. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.10 Surveillance Oz: Dashcam. (PG, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.25 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Budget 2025: The Treasurer’s Speech.

8.00 Budget 2025: A 7.30 Special. Sarah Ferguson analyses the budget.

8.30 Insiders: Budget Night Special. David Speers looks at this year’s budget.

9.30 The School That Tried To End Racism. (Final, PG, R) Presented by Marc Fennell.

10.30 The ABC Of. (PG, R) 11.05 ABC Late News.

11.20 The Business: Budget Special. (R) 11.45 Four Corners. (R) 12.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 12.50 Q+A. (R) 1.55 Parliament Question Time. 2.55 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 Poh’s Kitchen. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Whitby To Robin Hood’s Bay. (R) 8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi. 9.30 Dateline: Lebanon – War, Peace And Hezbollah. Looks at the consequences of the war in Lebanon. 10.00 SBS World News Late.

10.30 Guillaume’s Paris. (PGl, R) 11.00 Prisoner. (MA15+av) 12.10 Illegals. (MA15+v, R) 2.15 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG, R) 3.20 How To Get Fit Fast. (PG, R) 4.15 Bamay. (R) 4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Levi is concerned for Mackenzie.

7.30 The Americas: The Atlantic Coast. (Premiere, PG) A look at the natural beauty of the Americas.

8.30 The Hunting Party. (M) An escaped serial killer from the Pit decides to adopt another inmate’s style of killing.

9.30 The Agenda Setters. (R) A team of trusted and respected footy voices tackles the biggest topics in the AFL world.

10.30 The Irrational. (Mav, R)

11.30 St. Denis Medical. (PGals)

12.00 MOVIE: Cruel Instruction. (2022, MA15+adsv, R)

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise Early News.

5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (Ml, R) 1.30 Getaway. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon.


6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Ml) A memorable couple face the end.

9.00 Scrublands. (MA15+lv) The pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together but Martin’s excitement is short-lived.

10.00 Footy Classified. (Ml) Footy experts tackle the AFL’s big issues.

11.00 9News Late.

11.30 The Equalizer. (Mv, R)

12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.05 Next Stop. (PGaw)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Building Ideas. (PG)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer.

The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Australian Survivor. (PGl) A group of 24 Australian castaways battles it out on the beaches of Samoa to become the sole survivor. 9.00


Wednesday, March 26


ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 10.45 Q+A. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.35 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.00 Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.30 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.35 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 7.30. Presented by Sarah Ferguson. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) Presented by Tom Gleeson.

8.30 The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (PG) A satirical news program exposing the humorous, absurd and downright hypocritical.

9.00 Melbourne Comedy Festival Gala. Charity performance on behalf of Oxfam Australia, hosted by Mel Buttle. 11.00 ABC Late News.

11.15 The Business. (R)

11.35 Aunty Donna’s Coffee Cafe. (Mls, R)

12.30 Parliament Question Time. 1.30 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) 2.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 3.05 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

3.35 Parkinson In Australia. (PGa, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

SEVEN (6, 7)

6am Morning Programs. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 Destination Flavour. (R) 9.10 Urban Conversion. (R) 9.40 Earth’s Sacred Wonders. (PGa, R) 10.50 Soccer. 2026 FIFA World Cup CONMEBOL Qualifier. Argentina v Brazil. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.05 Every Family Has A Secret. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 MOVIE: Fallen Angels Murder Club: Friends To Die For. (2022, Mav) Toni Braxton. 3.00 Beat The Chasers UK. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. Presented by Marc Fennell.

6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Alone Australia. (Return, Ml)

Ten survivalists are dropped into the West Coast Ranges of Tasmania to survive in the wild.

9.40 Rogue Heroes. (MA15+)

The SAS receives a visit from two senior generals. Stirling prepares to make another escape attempt.

10.50 SBS World News Late. 11.20 Blackwater. (MA15+ans)

The police show up at the commune. 12.30 My Brilliant Friend. (Malv, R) 3.55 Earth’s Natural Wonders: Surviving Against The Odds. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) Mackenzie comes clean.

7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG) Lee Mack hosts a game show where contestants must answer increasingly obscure questions.

8.30 The Front Bar. (Ml) Hosts Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher take a lighter look at all things AFL.

9.30 Unfiltered. (PGal) Hamish McLachlan sits down with key football stars and personalities to reveal their stories.

10.00 Arj Barker: Comes Clean. (Mls, R) A performance by Arj Barker. 11.10 Autopsy USA: Andy Griffith. (Ma) A look at the 2012 death of Andy Griffith.

12.10 Covert Affairs. (Mv, R)

2.30 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today.

5.00 Sunrise Early News.

5.30 Sunrise.


6am Morning Programs. 10.30 Lion Dancers: The Crane And The Lion. 10.50 Soccer. 2026 FIFA World Cup CONMEBOL Qualifier. Chile v Ecuador. 1pm WorldWatch. 1.30 The Movie Show. 3.10 The Weekly Football Wrap. 3.40 News. 3.50 WorldWatch. 5.45 The Fast History Of. 6.10 Mysteries From Above. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.30 News. 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 MOVIE: Michael Collins. (1996, MA15+) 10.55 Late Programs. 6am TBA. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Medical Emergency. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 Escape To The Country. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Air Crash Inv. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better


6.30 Bargain



NINE (8, 9)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. (Ml, R) 1.30 My Way. 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 5.00[MELB]TippingPointAustralia.(PG) 5.30 WIN News.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 Married At First Sight. (Ml) It’s the last group get-together before the final vows.

9.00 Scrublands. (MA15+lv) Martin comes face-to-face with the true mastermind and all the answers about who Byron Swift was are revealed.

10.00 9News Late.

10.30 Wild Cards. (Mav) Max quizzes Ellis on his personal life.

11.30 The Equalizer. (Madv, R)

12.15 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

1.05 My Way. (R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

2.30 Global Shop. (R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa)

4.30 A Current Affair. (R)

5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

TEN (5, 10)

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 The Dog House Australia. (PGa) Narrated by Mark Coles Smith. 8.30 Elsbeth. (PGlsv) Elsbeth and the team investigate when an unlikable fashion photographer is murdered in the middle of a fashion show. 9.30 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Final, Mv) The team must track down a mysterious terrorist group before they can strike again. 10.25 10’s Late News. Coverage of news, sport and weather. 10.50 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news. 11.55 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.

NITV (34)

6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Chatham Islanders. 2.00 The Casketeers. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Jarjums. 3.25 Little J And Big Cuz. 3.35 Spartakus. 4.05 Cities Of Gold. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Harlem Globetrotters. 5.25 Black As. 5.30 The 77 Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 The Big Dry. 7.30 Home, Land & Sea. 8.30 MOVIE: Along Came A Spider. (2001, MA15+) 10.20 Nganampa Anwernekenhe. 10.50 Late Programs.

7MATE (64, 73) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)

Morning Programs. 8.15 Remi Nobody’s Boy. (2018, PG, French) 10.15 Let The River Flow. (2023, M, Norwegian) 12.30pm 20,000 Species Of Bees. (2023, M, Spanish) 2.50 Petite Maman. (2021, PG, French) 4.10 Love And Friendship. (2016, PG) 5.50 Rabbit-Proof Fence. (2002, PG) 7.30 My Salinger Year. (2020, M) 9.25 Girls Will Be Girls. (2024, M, Hindi) 11.35 Late Programs.

Thursday, March 27

ABC TV (2) SBS (3)

Kangaroo. 8.00

(31) 6am Children’s Programs. 5.50pm Paddington. 6.05 PJ Masks Power Heroes. 6.15 Bluey. 6.25 Octonauts: Above And Beyond. 6.35 Hey Duggee. 6.40 Ben And Holly. 6.55 Rocket Club. 7.05 Odd Squad. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 Little Lunch. 8.05 Operation Ouch! 8.35 BTN Newsbreak. 8.40 Abbott Elementary. 9.25 Doctor Who. 11.20 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Pretty Little Liars. 2.00 The Golden Girls. 2.30 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 I Dream Of Jeannie. 6.00 The Golden Girls. 6.30 The Nanny. 7.30 Seinfeld. 8.30 MOVIE: Rush Hour 3. (2007, M) 10.20 Seinfeld. 11.20 The O.C. 12.20am Love

Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 1.50 Shakespeare And Hathaway. 2.50 Antiques Roadshow. 3.20 MOVIE: The Lady With A Lamp. (1951) 5.30 Yorkshire Auction House.

Late Programs. 6am Seaway. 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries. 7.30 Skippy The

6am Morning Programs. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Pawn Stars. 1.00 Outback Truckers. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator. 3.30 Storage Wars: NY. 4.00 Mountain Men. 5.00 American Resto. 5.30 Storage Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 The Force: Behind The Line. 9.30 World’s Wildest Police Videos. 10.30 World’s Scariest Police Chases. 11.30 Late Programs.

9GO! (82, 93) 6am


6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Poh’s Kitchen. (R) 10.30 Back Roads. (R) 11.05 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miniseries: Best Interests. (Ml, R) 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.00 Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.30 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) 4.15 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 5.05 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 DD India News Hour. 9.00 Urban Conversion. (R) 10.00 Food Markets. (R) 11.00 Oman From Above. 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight. 12.55 PBS News. 1.55 Alone Australia. (Ml, R) 3.00 Where Are You Really From? (PGa, R) 3.30 The Cook Up. (R) 4.00 Every Family Has A Secret. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Budget 2025: Opposition Reply.

8.00 7.30. Presented by Sarah Ferguson.

8.30 Grand Designs: 25 Years And Counting. (Ml) Celebrates GrandDesigns 25th anniversary.

9.25 Grand Designs Revisited. (PG, R) Presented by Kevin McCloud.

10.10 A Bite To Eat With Alice. (R) 10.40 ABC Late News.

10.55 The Business. (R)

11.10 Darby And Joan. (PGa, R)

11.55 Grand Designs Revisited. (R) 12.45 Parliament Question Time. 1.45 Long Lost Family. (PG, R) 2.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

3.40 Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R) 4.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 5.30 7.30. (R)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News.

7.30 Finding Your Roots: In The Blood. (PGa) Hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr. 8.30 Celine Dion: A Star Is Born. Looks at the life of Celine Dion, from Quebec to international star, and traces the singer’s career.

9.35 Virdee. (Premiere) Follows a cop as he struggles with abandonment.

10.40 SBS World News Late.

11.10 Breaking Point. (Masv) 12.00 Blinded. (MA15+a, R) 1.45 Elizabeth. (PGa, R)

3.25 Hugh’s Wild West. (R) 4.20 Bamay. (R)

4.50 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

SEVEN (6, 7)

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 Seven’s National News At Noon. 1.00 MOVIE: Fallen Angels Murder Club: Heroes And Felons. (2022, Mav) Toni Braxton. 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News.

7.00 Football. AFL. Round 3. Essendon v Port Adelaide.

10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews taking a look back at all the action from the game.

11.00 Kick Ons. Kane Cornes, Josh Jenkins and Jason Richardson debate the hottest topics and preview the upcoming AFL matches.

11.30 The Disappearance Of Gabby Petito. (Malv, R) An exploration of the case of Gabby Petito.

12.45 Damnation. (MA15+asv) Seth and the farmers take on the Black Legion.

2.00 To Be Advised.

4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs.

5.00 Sunrise Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

TEN (5,

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG)


Tipping Point Australia. (PG)


WIN News.

6.00 9News.

7.00 A Current Affair.

7.30 RBT. (Ml, R) Follows the activities of police units.

8.30 Emergency. (Mm, R) Doctor Scott Taylor fears a tradie has life-altering neck damage after a ladder fall.

9.30 A+E After Dark. (Mlm) Looks behind the scenes at three UK hospitals.

10.30 My Feet Are Killing Me. (Mam)

11.20 9News Late.

11.50 Tipping Point. (PG, R)

12.40 Pointless. (PG, R)

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.

Seaway. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 1.50 Explore. 1.55 Yes Minister. 3.05 Antiques Roadshow. 3.35

6.00 Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news. 7.30 Gogglebox Australia. Opinionated viewers discuss TV shows. 8.30 Taskmaster Australia. (Return, Mls) Comedy game show featuring comedians performing a series of tricky tasks. Hosted by Tom Gleeson. 9.40 Law & Order: SVU. (Mad, R) A cryptic message sends the team on a new track to find Maddie Flynn.

New Viking Vesta launches

In exciting news for travellers, Viking have announced the launch of their twelfth ocean vessel, the stunning Viking Vesta where guests are offered a superb inclusive experience.

Viking ocean ships are designed as upscale hotels, with identical sister ships engineered at a scale that allows direct access into most ports where larger ships cannot dock.

The state-of-the-art ships feature understated elegance, modern Scandinavian design, are 227.2 metres long with 465 verandah staterooms and carry only 998 guests.

The fleet is known for their award-winning service with more than 450 Swiss-trained, English-speaking crew onboard to look after passenger’s needs.

The smaller guest numbers allow for a much easier embarkation and debarkation process, less and quicker tendering and access to more ports with the ability to dock in the heart of small towns.

Guests enjoy an included excursion in every port and onboard port talks, lectures, demonstrations and performances.

Each ship has one hundred per cent balcony staterooms, full promenade deck, large outdoor deck space, two level explorers lounge with two-hundred-and-seventy-degree viewing, eight dining venues and more al fresco options than any other ship.

Viking ships boast delightful light design with use of natural materials offering minimalist, modern and elegant features and all include Nordic spa facilities which must be seen to be believed.

The cruise itineraries are designed to provide everything guests need without opening their wallet including on board meals and beverages including wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner; specialty coffee, tea and bottled water; unlimited wi-fi; all onboard gratuities, port charges and taxes, use of the LivNordic Spa, self-serve laundries and twenty-four-hour room service.

Viking ships traverse the world’s oceans from Scandinavia and Northern Europe to the Mediterranean, the Americas and the Caribbean, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

The ships destinations are in high demand and with Viking ships originating from Scandinavia, the Vesta offers a genuine insight into the origins and hidden corners of this spectacular region.

The Viking Vesta sails guests through the stunning Viking Homelands and through Iceland’s Majestic Landscapes; it explores ancient Adriatic treasures and the Amalfi Coast, Africa and Iberia; Iconic Mediterranean treasures; and a Greek Odyssey to name just a few.

Why not embark on a twenty-nine-day Scandinavia and the British Isles cruise from London to Stockholm which includes twentytwo tours, eleven countries $500 shipboard credit and free companion flights (conditions apply) sound?

Or a sixteen-day Iconic Western Mediterranean round trip from Barcelona sailing to Malta, Morocco and the Mediterranean with nine included tours, visiting seven countries for only $12,695?

Guests will jump at the chance to experience the new Jewels of the Mediterranean cruise with a roundtrip from Rome visiting five countries over fifteen days with ten tours included for only $10,995!

For Iceland lovers, take a fifteen-day Iceland, British Isles and Iberia cruise from Reykjavik to Barcelona visiting five countries and offering eight tours for only $10,195 per person. What an extraordinarily perfect way to explore cities such as Liverpool, Lisbon and Granada with time to immerse in their distinctive cultures.

Stopping at Dublin, Ireland’s UNESCO City of Literature and famed as the birthplace of many of Ireland’s finest writers as well as most famous landmarks and historic buildings.

Australians have a kinship with Ireland and this cruise offers guests a chance to taste Ire-

land’s famous ruby-black nectar and discover its origin on a visit to Dublin’s Guinness Storehouse.

Also visit Dublin’s oldest university, renowned for its notable alumni, and see the BookofKellsinitslibrary;Enjoyaperformance of Irish folk music with a brief introduction to the intricacies of Irish dancing; be immersed in a cooking demonstration by Catherine Fulvio, a highly acclaimed TV chef and food writer at Ballyknocken House and Cookery School and discover how flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, butter, cream and eggs can create the perfect teatime delicacy, scones.

Discover the ‘water of life’ at Jameson Distillery where guests can savour the smooth aroma of John Jameson’s Irish whiskey and compare selected Irish whiskeys against varieties of Scotch and Bourbon.

For architecture fans admire the natural splendour of the ‘Garden of Ireland’ with a panoramic excursion through the manicured beauty of Powerscourt House and Gardens, a lavish estate set against the backdrop of the Wicklow Mountains

For history buffs, travel to Glendalough, nestled in a tranquil mountain valley for a tour of the surviving ruins of a 6th-century monastic settlement.

It is all there, on every cruise with Viking,

there is something for everyone and guests can enjoy as little or as much as they desire.

Viking’s purpose-built ships offer a wide variety of staterooms for selection from Veranda Staterooms to the abundance of extra perks and amenities in the Explorer Suites; all beautifully designed and spacious and all offering superb comfort and privacy.

Each Viking cruise is destination focused, culturally enriching, carefully curated and that is why people choose to travel with Viking over other cruise lines again and again.

Cruising with Viking is a different experience, everything the company do is focused on making guests time aboard and onshore truly memorable and they have reinvented cruising.

Don’t hesitate to book a trip before 31 March to receive free companion flight offers and $500 shipboard credit per stateroom, saving even more money on your dream holiday. (conditions apply) For further information please visit or phone 138 747.

Viking Vesta

Only 998 guests

Length: 784 feet

Beam: 101 feet

Class: small ships

Year built: 2025

Viking welcome new ocean cruise ship Viking Vesta to its fleet.
With more than 450 Swiss-trained, English-speaking staff on each ocean ship, guests can relax and enjoy their holiday.
With eight eating venues and the stunning Explorers Lounge guests can relax between shore excursions in style.



7-night river cruise from Amsterdam to Basel 2 nights Amsterdam pre cruise 2 nights Zurich post cruise 22 November - 3 December 2025 | AmaVenita

From $8495 per person

Book and deposit of $1000 per person by Friday 28 March

Nov 22AmsterdamArrival in Amsterdam and hotel check in

Nov 23AmsterdamVisit to Christmas market

Nov 24AmsterdamZaanse Schans Visit EMBARKATION

Nov 25AmsterdamCanal cruise Scenic cruising

Nov 26Cologne

Nov 27Rhine Gorge

Cologne walking tour and Kölsch beer tasting OR Cologne Cathedral Architecture tour OR Cologne bike tour

Castles along the Rhine scenic cruising Gondola ride with Christmas market OR Vineyard hike OR Guided bike tour of the Rheingau

Rudesheim Siegfried’s Mechanical Instrument Cabinet OR Rüdesheimer Coffee

Nov 28Ludwigshafen

Nov 29Strasbourg

Nov 30Basel

Romantic Heidelberg tour and Christmas markets OR Medieval Speyer and Christmas markets

The Gem of Alsace tour with Christmas markets OR Strasbourg bike tour

City of Art tour with Christmas market OR Lucerne Full-Day Tour with Christmas market OR Three Countries bike tour

Half-day Lucerne excursion with Christmas markets

Dec 1Basel DISEMBARKATION Transfer to Zurich

Dec 2ZurichVisit Christmas market

Dec 3ZurichFarewell and departure


» 7-night river cruise in elegantly appointed accommodations

» Fine dining on board in multiple venues

» Unlimited wine, beer and soft drinks with lunch and dinner

» Smallgroupguidedshoreexcursionswithavarietyofchoices,including exclusive Special Interest, hiking and biking tours

» Professionally trained Wellness Host leading wellness activities

» Live local entertainment

» Unlimited complimentary Wi-Fi access


To make your reservation contact: The Departure Lounge Travel and Cruise 03 9769 5722 | terms and conditions apply


Join us on our exclusive, fully hosted 2025 European Christmas market tour for an immersive, worry-free experience. As your personal hosts, we’ll be with you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth trip and offering personalised attention. Enjoy a welcome reception, a farewell dinner, and a close-knit, friendly atmosphere. The tour features a twonight stay in vibrant Amsterdam before the Christmas markets cruise, and two nights in picturesque Zurich afterward. With experienced hosts, you can relax and savour Europe’s festive markets,knowingeverydetailishandled.

Rhine Gorge, Germany

Don’t miss out—this



Roundtrip Barcelona, Spain


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Regatta draws thousands

Independent photographer Ivan Kemp was at the Barwon River on Saturday for the Head of the Schoolgirls Regatta.

Loreto win their quarter final in the quad sculls.
Sarah Merrigan, Joe Giudice, Olivia Giudice, George Tannous and Tahli Hilton.
Lazaros and Christina Kafasis and Elena Patikkis had premium seats.
An elated Eliza Jenkins from Kardinia College after winning her quarter final in the senior division 1 single sculls.
Samantha Cole with her daughter Wendy and mother in law Holly Cole.
Jonathan and Jinny Crilly and Jen and Grant Henderson. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 465176
Top left: Dave Capon, Monique Crundall and Kate Woodward. Top right: Jonathan Hutchings and Katrina Lehman. Above left: Shaun Kamler, Emily During and Winnie Whitehead. Above right: Kathryn and Paul Marsh with their daughter Lucy.
Loreto team after their quarter final win.


The Geelong Independent looks back through the pages of our archives

17 years ago

March 20, 2008

Aboriginal artefacts will delay housing developments around Geelong and add thousands to the cost of new homes, according toadeveloper.

Newstatelawsmeangreenfielddevelopment sites must be checked for Aboriginal heritage valuebeforebuildingworkscanproceed.

11 years ago

March 21, 2014

Prime Minister Tony Abbott must clarify the futureofGeelong’sNDISheadquarters-andits 300jobs-inthefaceofgrowingconcernsabout itscost,accordingtothefederalopposition.

Anxiety about the centre’s future has escalated in the wake of the Federal Government’s budgetary review and former Treasury secretary Ken Henry labelling the national disability insurance scheme unaffordable.

6 years ago

March 22, 2019

Geelongcrimehasdropped11percentinayear despitea900percentspikeinblackmail.

Police recorded 20,849 offences in Geelongduring 2018, down nine per cent on 22,962 in2017, according to data Crime StatisticsAgencyreleasedyesterday.

1 year ago

March 22, 2024

New and returning athletes will race along Geelong’swaterfrontthisweekendforIronman 70.3.

More than 1600 athletes will participate in a 1.9km swim, 90km bike ride and 21.1km run in and around Geelong before finishing at SteampacketGardensonSunday,March24.

no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


1 Even-tempered (7)

5 Herbaceous plant (7)

9 Dividing screen (9)

10 Wanderer (5)

11 Contributes (6)

12 Heavenly (8)

14 Soldiers (6)

15 Average (4)

19 Sporting side (4)

20 Oral (6)

24 Rapturous (8)

25 Limited (6)

27 Size (5)

28 Conglomeration of fabric scraps (9)

29 Stableman (7)

30 Depict (7)

1 Verve (6)

2 Unready, green (6)

3 Irritated skin bubbles (8)

4 Arrange (4)

5 Mild cranial trauma (10)

6 Custodian (6)

7 Plant yielding fragrant oil (8)

8 Having impaired vision (arch) (8)

13 Devotee (10)

16 Intensity (8)

17 Masters of music (8)

18 Decode (8)

21 Friends character, – Green (6)

22 Diligence (6)

23 Every seven days (6)

26 Pace (4)

1 Diamonds are made up of what chemical element?

2 Name the famous English poem in which a bird says 'Nevermore'.

3 Do piranhas live in freshwater or saltwater?

4 Which 2003 film starring Tobey Maguire (pictured) is loosely based on the life of a champion racehorse? 5 The Wrath of Cortex is a video game in which franchise? 6 What is a zither?

7 As of 2025, which country most recently gained independence?

8 What type of art is Banksy best known for?

9 In which US state was the fast food chain Taco Bell founded?

10 The Limousin is a breed of which farm animal?


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Geelong Independent Community Calendar, 1/47 Pakington Street, Geelong West, 3218, or email to Deadline for copy and announcements is 5pm Tuesday.

Bellarine Historical Society Inc.

Sunday March 30, 2pm, Remembering the Edina, talk and short film Steamship Travel on the Bellarine, Courthouse Museum, 11 High Street, Drysdale. Refreshments from 1.30pm.

 Ann, 0407 234 541

Tennis open day

At Western Heights Uniting Tennis Club, 31 Douglass Street, Saturday March 22, 3.30-6pm. Kids jumping castle, face painting, free sausage and ice cream. Come along and try a hit of tennis.

Austrian Club Geelong Alpine music by Alpen Musikanten, Sunday March 23, noon-5pm, 240 Plantation Road, Corio. Schnitzels and strudels available.

 Karl, 0412 205 714

Ballroom dance

Leopold Hall, Leopold Hall, 805-809 Bellarine Highway, Saturday March 22, 7.30-11pm, $10 includes supper, music Charles. Special theme: wear bright colours.

 0419 463 306

Kids’ church Group lessons for children aged three to six years; 7-10 years; and 10+ years at St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall, 171a Latrobe Terrace, Geelong, first Sunday of the month during school term, 10.30-11.30am.

 Suzie, 0402 963 855, or Althea, 0403 005 449

Geelong Dragon Boat Club Paddle at Barwon River. Training Wednesdays 5pm, Saturdays 9am. Free one-month trial.


Zonta Club of Geelong

Meets monthly for dinner first Wednesday of the month between February and December at 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start. RSVP essential.

 or

Geelong Prostate Support Group Meets last Friday of the month (except December), 10am-noon, Belmont Park Pavilion, 162 Barrabool Road, Belmont.

 Bill, 0414 524 155, or


St Paul’s Choir rehearses Wednesdays 7.45-8.45pm and 9.30am Sunday for 10.30am service. Choral scholarships available. Occasional choir for those unable to make commitment to main choir.

 Dr Terry Norman, 0411 875 033, or

Geelong ballroom dancing Saturdays 7.30-10.15pm, corner Bayview Parade and Carey Street, Hamlyn Heights. Entry: $10. BYO drinks and a plate. Afternoon tea dance, Wednesdays 2-4pm. Teaching segment for a new dance 1.30-2pm.

 5278 9740, or

Corio Bay Lions Club Meetings

First and third Thursday of each month at 6.30pm.


Alcoholics (and other addicts) For Christ 12 Steps Group Meets Thursdays 7.30pm at Belmont-Highton Baptist Church, 43 Mt Pleasant Road, Belmont.

 0420 910 763

Geelong Sports & Game Fishing

Meets first and third Monday of the month at Belmont Park Pavilion, 7.30pm.

 John, 0409 234 307

Belmont Seniors

Players wanted to play 500 each Monday 12.30pm. Belmont Senior Centre, 52 Thomson Street, Belmont.

 5241 1776

Geelong Vietnam Veterans

Coffee and a chat at 31 Mt Pleasant Road, Belmont. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-3pm. Fortnightly lunch at various locations. Meetings second Monday of each month.

 Gary, 0400 862 727

Welcome mat

Belmont Uniting Church every Friday 10am-1pm. Games, lunch and friendship.

 Fay, 0409 361 414


Older Men New Ideas men’s friendly informal chat group, South Barwon Community Centre, 33 Mt Pleasant Road, Belmont, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 10.30am.

 Allan, 0409 665 608

Lara Community Market

Run by Rotary Club of Lara District every second Sunday of the month at Lara RSL from 9am to 1pm.

Geelong Amateur Radio Club

Storrer Street Clubhouse, Geelong, Wednesdays 1.30-4pm and Fridays at 6.30pm.

 Robert, 0438 409 979, or

Geelong’s Soroptimist International Service club for women and girls, every second Tuesday of the month from 6pm at Belmont RSL.

 0455 835 691, or

Combined Probus Belmont Central The Combined Probus Club of Belmont Central meets at 10am on the second Wednesday of each month at Waurn Ponds Hotel. Visitors welcome.

 Secretary, 0417 555 547

Geelong Anglers Club

Meets fourth Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm, 9 Yuille Street, Geelong West. Monthly fishing competitions.

 Brian, 0417 190 092, or Ian, 0470 114 787

Drysdale CWA

Every second Tuesday at 1pm and crafts every fourth Tuesday at 11.30am of each

Dragons Abreast Geelong Dragon boating for breast cancer survivors, Saturdays 12.30pm, Geelong Canoe Club, Marnock Road, Highton. Free come and try.

 Traci, 0417 301 226, or Facebook

Dragons Abreast Geelong - Juggernauts

Geelong Harmony Chorus Women’s four-part harmony singing. All ages encouraged. Rehearsals Mondays 6.45pm at Herne Hill.

, or 0406 666 737

Geelong Welsh Ladies Choir

Small ladies choir who require no knowledge of the Welsh language. Meet Wednesdays 7pm at St Luke’s, Highton to help each other sing in Welsh and English.  0413 406 433, or

Chess clubs

month at Drysdale RSL Club.

 Jenny, 0452 258 333

Scottish dancing

GOG Scottish Country Dance classes 7.30pm Tuesdays at Leopold Hill Hall, $5. No partner needed.

 Vicki, 0412 762 983, or Barbara, 0419 511 781

Geelong Scottish Dance Highland dance classes for all ages Wednesday from 4pm and Saturday from 10am at Western Heights Uniting Church Hall, St Herne Hill.

 Christine, 0468 311 788, or


Tuesdays 1-3pm, great grocery prizes plus $50 jackpot books $2.50. Belmont Seniors Centre, 52 Thomson Street, Belmont.

 Frank, 5241 1776

First steps in music Babies, toddlers and preschoolers welcome with parent/carer. Thursdays Northern Bay College, Tallis, and Fridays at Northern Bay College, Peacock. Free if living in 3214 postcode, bookings essential.



Music and art playgroup where babies, toddlers and preschoolers learn together with their parent/carer. Wednesdays St Thomas Aquinas Primary School, Norlane. Free if living in 3214 postcode, bookings essential.


Grovedale East Ladies Probus Fourth Monday of each month, 9.30am, Belmont RSL.

 Sally Nelson, 0402 450 610

Belmont Central Combined Probus Second Wednesday of each month, 10am, Waurn Ponds Hotel.

 0417 555 547

Waurn Ponds Combined Probus Fourth Wednesday of the month, 10am. Maximum 100 members.


Lions Club of Geelong Meets 1st & 3rd Monday of each month. Contact below for venues and times.

 or 0408 599 962

Ocean Grove, Tuesdays at 1.30pm at 101 The Terrace, Ocean Grove; Portarlington, Mondays at 9.30am, Parks Hall, 87 Newcombe Street, Portarlington; and St Leonards, Thursdays at 9.30am, unit 2 1375-1377 Murradoc Road (on Blanche Street), St Leonards.

 Ralph, 0431 458 100 (Ocean Grove), Rob, 5259 2290 (Portarlington), Lyn, 5292 2162 (St Leonards)

Geelong Scout Heritage Centre Meets third Sunday of the month, 56 Russell Street, Newtown, 10am-3pm.  0419 591 432, geelong.heritage@

Dancer’s Club Geelong Ballroom dance weekly, Leopold Hall 7.30-10.30pm. Admission $8 includes supper. Old time, New Vogue and Latin. CDs by Puff and Damian.

 Russ, 5250 1937

Life Activities Club [Geelong Inc] Arvo tea dance every Thursday, Belmont Pavilion, 2-4pm, $5 entry.

 Val, 5251 3529

Belmont Combined Probus First Monday of the month, 9.30am, Geelong RSL Function Room, 50 Barwon Heads Road. New members and visitors welcome

 Sue, 0409 945 011, or

Barwon Valley Belmont Probus First Thursday of the month, 10am, Waurn Ponds Hotel.

 Membership officer, 0407 333 263, or


Badminton: Corio Leisuretime Centre, Mondays 12.30-2.30pm. Beginners welcome.

Netball: YMCA Riversdale Road, Monday & Wednesday mornings, Thursday nights. Walking-netball also played. Umpire training available.

 Maureen, 0429 397 015

Arts National Geelong Welcomes guests and members to monthly lecture series. Details of lecture topics, lecturers and venues at:


Live music

Country Heartbeat Allstars every Friday 7-10pm, White Eagle House Polish Club, Fellmongers Road Breakwater. Walkups welcome. Proceeds to Sunny Days Rescue & Rehab. Entry $10.

 Dawn, 0417 148 493

Out and about at the Cattery

1/ Ash Lancaster with daughters Ivy, Harper and Elle. 2/ Kristen Hinchcliffe and daughter Eliza. 3/ Jane Cornebie with her children Milla and Albie. 4/ Maria and Ubaldo D’Antino with their daughter Christina and her son Noah. 5/ Xavier Hoyne, Oscar Denny, Half Cat, Lila Collinson, Clawdia, Madi Hammond and Jasmine King. 6/ Sophie Atkinson with sons Will and Oliver. 7/ Zahria Vernieux and Indanah Kartawa. 8/ Brenton Bartlett and Glenn Swann. 9/ Michael Thompson and son Remi. 10/ Meg Parsons and Jeff Gibbons. 11/ Claire Abson with son James and granddaughter Zara. 12/ The Itchy Feet Pep band. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 464676
Footy’s back and the Cats thrashed Fremantle at GMHBA Stadium on Saturday. Independent photographer Ivan Kemp ventured to the Cattery before the game to see who was braving the hot conditions to see the game.

Nissan X-Trail passes the road test

Petrol/electric powered vehicles have been around for nearly a quarter of a century when Honda and Toyota launched their Insight and Prius models respectively.

Over the years more hybrids have arrived to the stage where now almost every brand has a variety of them. Indeed, most Toyota passenger vehicles are only available as hybrids.

Along the way batteries and electric motors have evolved while the price surcharges have made them much more affordable than the early models.

Although Nissan was an early adopter of fully-electric cars, mainly the Leaf hatchback, it didn’t offer hybrids until 2023 when the Qashqai and X-Trail e-Power variants were added.

There is a significant difference between the conventional petrol/electric powertrains of other hybrids and that of the e-Power models. Where others use the battery-powered motor to drive the car at low speeds before switching over to their relatively large petrol engines, the e-Power operates in reverse where two large motors always drive the wheels and are constantly being charged by a smaller engine.

It’s a bit like an electric car with a range extender, minus the capacity to store the power generated. Because the engine is always running it sounds like a petrol car but drives like an EV.

It delivers responsive performance thanks to the fact the electric motor powers the wheels, providing EV-like instant, linear and smooth throttle response. The power for the electric motor is generated by a turbocharged 1.3-litre three-cylinder advanced variable compression turbocharged petrol engine.

Our test car was the X-Trail hybrid or, to give it its full name, the X-Trail e-Power e-4orce with the latter tag describing the all-wheel drive system that controls torque and braking for each wheel individually.

The X-Trail hybrid comes in three variants, ST-L, Ti and Ti-L, priced at $50,765, $55,465 and $58,465 respectively plus on-road costs.


The fourth-generation X-Trail follows the distinctly Nissan angular design direction, sharing several sharp lines with the Pathfinder and Qashqai. Only a revised V-Motion grille and badging distinguish the e-Power hybrids from the petrol variants.

Lighting is up to present-day standards with auto LED headlamps, LED tail-lights, daytime running lights and fog lights.

ST-L rides on 18-inch alloys wheels, Ti and Ti-L have 19-inch alloys as standard while Ti-L gets the option of 20-inch alloys.

Depending on variant, there are 13 colours from which to choose. Only one, red, is standard; all others are cost options including a number of two-tone.


All X-Trail hybrids are five-seaters with the two extra rear seats only available with the petrol variants.

Inside,thesurroundingsareablendofquality craftsmanship and materials highlighting comfort and convenience all round. Comfort is covered by 10-way power-adjustable (and heated) front seats, three-zone climate control, six-speaker audio (with digital radio), leather-accented trim and a leather-trimmed steering wheel.

Specialattentionhasbeenpaidtoergonomics and tactile feel of the switchgear and buttons used in the cabin to lend them a high-quality feel.

A two-tier centre console provides plenty of space to stash items, with a charge pad in more expensive models for mobile devices. Move to the back and the first thing you notice is the rear door opening to 85 degrees, which makes it easier to get in and out. The rear seats (split 40/20/40) can slide forward for more boot space, or back for maximum passenger room.

Withallseatsupright,cargospaceis575litres and to around 2000 litres. A power tailgate eases loading. Note that these dimensions are to the roofline rather than the normal seat height.

There’s no spare wheel of any sort, only a puncture repair kit.

The centre console has a floating design, with room for large items in a rubberised section underneath. A shift-by-wire gear selector is compact and user-friendly. Also on hand are buttons for EV and e-Pedal modes, as well as a rotary dial to access drive and terrain systems.


The entry level X-Trail hybrid ST-L comes with an 8.0-inch touchscreen, with Bluetooth, AM/FM and DAB+ digital radio, wired Apple CarPlay and Android Auto and six-speaker audio (but no navigation).

TiandTi-Lgetalarger12.3-inchtouchscreen with satellite navigation, and wireless charging.

There are four USB ports: USB-A and USB-C in the front and charge only USB-A and USB-C in the back, with 12-volt outlets in the front and luggage area.

There’s also a 10.8-inch head-up windscreen display and 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster, with customisation of information clearly and easily accessible.

Smartphone integration has been upgraded withwirelesssmartphonechargingandwireless Apple CarPlay for seamless connectivity, along with additional USB-A and USB-C charge ports for keeping smartphones and tablets topped up.


As mentioned, the e-Power system uses motors at the front and rear. Outputs are 150 kW and 330 Nm at the front and 100 kW/195 Nm at the rear for a combined 157kW.

The 2.1 kWh electric motor delivers power directly to the wheels, using energy stored in the battery pack.


Looks: 8/10

Performance: 8/10

Safety: 8/10

Thirst: 7.5/10

Practicality: 7/10

Comfort: 8/10

Tech: 8/10

Value: 7/10

The e-Power with e-4orce system consists of a high-output 2.1 kWh battery together with a power generator, inverter and twin electric motors – 150k W for the front and 100kW for the rear (with a combined system output of 157 kW).

The turbocharged 1.5-litre three-cylinder charges the battery pack or the electric motor, the petrol engine and so eliminates the need for an EV charger.

Like most SUVs it operates predominantly in two-wheel drive most of the time with drive to the front-wheels through a single-speed reduction gear.

Towing capacity for the e-Power models is rated at 1650 kg, compared to 2000 kg for petrol versions.


The X-Trail hybrids earn a five-star ANCAP rating under 2021 test conditions and added information and testing.

Active safety is covered by forward autonomous emergency braking (pedestrian and cyclist), adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning and ProPilot lane keeping, traffic sign recognition, rear cross-traffic alert, driver attention alert, and reverse autonomous emergency braking (pedestrian).

In Ti and Ti-L variants, pedestrians close to the vehicle are alerted by an external audible warning when it is in almost silent EV mode. Seven airbags include a centre airbag between front seat occupants.


Aswithallvehiclesthatstartoffwithanelectric motor the Nissan X-Trail e-Power delivers smooth and almost instant acceleration off the mark. Add excellent noise cancelling measures within the cabin, it’s almost silent.

When called on for more power, the petrol engine and generator chime in with a non-too unpleasant hum, keeping the battery pack charged and, if needed, directly powering the

electric motor.

EV or e-Pedal controls are instigated by means of buttons on the centre console. EV is what it says – no petrol engine input here – and can be operated for a short distance.

Ontest,pressingtheEVbuttonwasanswered byamessagesayingthebatterywasnotcharged enough to sustain electric-only operation.

The e-Pedal had no such impediment, leaving the accelerator to apply the brakes automatically when the foot was lifted off, calling on the regenerating capacity to slow the car almost to a halt.

A drive and terrain mode selector offers five different modes: Auto, Eco, Sport, Snow and Off-Road.

With a 55-litre tank, fuel consumption is a claimed 6.1L/100km using premium 95 unleaded and it generates 139g/km of CO2. Nissan claims combined urban/highway fuel consumption of 6.1 litres per 100 kilometres using 95 RON fuel. The test car recorded 5.7 litres per 100 kilometres in urban driving where the battery is dominant but jumped up to 7.1 L/100km on a motorway due to the extra engine usage.


The X-Trail hybrid is an outstanding long-distance cruiser with the benefits of an electric vehicle but without any range stress. The instant response delivers fast and safe acceleration to make overtaking or merging onto a motorway easier.

In its performance it does lean more to the full electric vehicle rather than the hybrid SUV. However, there’s the added running cost of buying petrol.

Thepremiumpurchasepriceoverpetrol-only models is covered somewhat by the increased Ti/Ti-L equipment

As of 1 February 2025 all new Nissan vehicles come with a 10-year, 300,000km standard warranty but with the stipulation that all servicing is carried out at dealerships.

The X-Trail hybrid is an outstanding long-distance cruiser with the benefits of an electric vehicle but without any range stress. (Pictures: Supplied)

Semi-finals for local cricketers

It was semi-finals time for local cricket. Ivan Kemp went to Burwood Reserve for the GCA Division 1 game between Grovedale and Highton and Justin Flynn went to RT Fuller Oval, Barwon Heads to see the Heads take on Anglesea in the BPCA A1 Grade clash.

Left: Mick Thornton made 36 for Anglesea. Right: Umpires Daniel Mair and Craig D’Arcy discuss the weather situation.
Will Huby guides the ball behind point while Barwon Heads’ keeper Matteo Surace is waiting.
Dan Donaldson took three wickets for the Heads, and right, Nathan McCoach bowled 28 overs for Highton.
Rob Smith batted superbly for Grovedale.
Chris Young bowled economically to take 1 wicket for 47 off 23 overs.
Corey Paull makes his ground.
Errol Burns took 2 wickets for 71 runs off 22 overs.
Corey Paull made a superb century for Grovedale.
Darcy Hewitt took a wicket for Barwon Heads.

Glory for the Grovers

Ocean Grove defeated Highton 81 to 64 at Belmont on Sunday in the Geelong Bowls Region Premier Division grand final. Independent photographer Ivan Kemp was there to see it all unfold.

Ocean Grove celebrates the Premier Division win.
The winning Lara Division 1 team.
Tyson Cromie led his rink to a 22 to 14 shot win.
Matt Flapper led his rink to a 23 to 16 shot win, and Dallan Klemke winces as he checks his line.
Scott McLachlan follows his bowl into the rink.
Robert Priddle leads the way for Highton.
Hayley O’Reilly in action for Ocean Grove.
Left to right: Dan Priddle runs after his bowl; Owen Clark rides this bowl home; Chris Burrell leads off for Ocean Grove; Jayden Plowman leads the way for Highton. (Pictures: Ivan Kemp) 464678

The battle is on for promotion

Inverleigh or Wallington will be playing in the Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association’s A1 Grade competition next season, but not both.

The two teams meet this weekend in the A2 Grade grand final and appear evenly matched with the winner to be promoted to A1 Grade.

Wallington defeated a gallant Portarlington in the semi-final while Inverleigh defeated Collendina.

Wallington made 9/230 batting first, but was 6/119 when the game could have swung either way after opener Henry McIntosh made a valuable 54.

James Sood made a lively 31 from 44 balls, Dane Wise-Graham was 58 not out at stumps and Billy Gravett dug in for his 33.

“There’s no way Dane and Billy are number seven and eight batters, but it’s just the way we have lined it up,” Wallington captain-coach Matt Sampson-Barnes said.

“On another day, the top order would have hadabitofabetterrun,butitwasreallypleasing. I think we were six for 100 or something at the break. So just to knuckle down and grind it out was really good.”

When rain intervened on day two, it eventually left Port with just 24 overs to make the 231 runs required to advance to the final. Port needed the win due to finishing fourth on the ladder. A draw was enough for Wallington.

The Demons gave it a real crack, finishing all out for 178.

“I knew it was going to be a really tough game - every time we play those guys, it’s always really close,” Sampson-Barnes said.

“Theyareareallygoodside.Wewereactually in a situation where we couldn’t bowl three of our bowlers because it was that wet. So we ended up having to put on our slower bowlers and protect the boundaries with them needing 10 and over, or whatever it was.”

Sampson-Barnes was one of those slower

Sampson-Barnes said Inverleigh presented a massive challenge.

“They’re a really good team,” he said.

“I don’t really see them as having any weaknesses at all. I think it’s going to be a really tough game. Especially playing at a neutral ground as well. It’s always exciting and offers challenges, but I’m expecting a really tough game.”

Inverleigh captain-coach Henry Collins was equally complimentary about his opponent.

“I think Wallington’s strength is that they’re just a really well-rounded team,” he said.

“They’ve scored a lot of runs, but then they’ve still got some quite challenging bowlers to try and get away as well. They’ve made a whole heap of runs throughout the year and then they’ve been more than handy with the ball as well, so it should be a good challenge.”

Inverleigh dismissed Collendina, a side that

Prelim finals victory and heartbreak


Donna Schoenmaekers

It was preliminary final week for Tennis Geelong’s Senior Pennant with all grades in knockout matches and hopes of making next week’s grand finals. Players were fresh after last week’s break for Labour Day weekend, although it was a day for the home teams, with only one breaking the trend.

In the Men’s sections Grovedale won their first four sets against Highton (M1), while Surfcoast Bellbrae will face Bannockburn (M2) after posting wins against Hamlyn Park (5-1) and Highton (4-2).

Fyans Park took the first set against Drysdale (M3), and despite winning 29 games for the day, didn’t manage to win another set with Drysdale taking the win 5-1.

In the Mixed sections, it came down to the final set for Moriac Blue and Grovedale Yellow (X1), but Moriac prevailed in a tie-break to win 4-2 by one game. Clifton Springs matched sets with Moolap Gold (X2), also winners by one, but three sets all. Moolap’s luck didn’t improve against Newcomb (X3), with three tie breaks and at 7-5 the match was neck and neck, but Newcomb prevailed 4-2. It was a club battle for Western Heights

Uniting with Red and Blue teams facing off in Section 4. Both teams had posted a win during theseason,butBluesteppedupandtooktheday 5-1. Teesdale (X5) had the best win accounting for Highton 6-0, while Grovedale’s Black and Yellow teams battled for the remaining place next week. In a tight encounter Yellow got over the line.

Section 6 went with the ladder with Surfcoast Bellbrae and Wandana Heights posting wins

made a record 569 the week before, for just 109 in the semi-final.

“Our bowling is definitely our biggest strong suit and I’ve probably said that for the entirety of the season so it’s great that we have been performing so well and it’s good that we’ve got pretty much a full cartel,” Collins said.

“I think we’ve had a few people out every single game for just about for the whole year so it’s good that we’re at full strength at the right time.”

The Kookaburras took their time in chasing down Collendina’s small total in a sign that the top and middle orders were prepared to be in it for the long haul. Will Collins (14 off 41 deliveries), Lachie Platt (61 not out from 152) and Will Stoney (22 from 123) dug in.

“It was really mature batting from Platty and from Stoney,” Collins said.

“Platty is probably the heart and soul of Inverleigh Cricket Club so to see him doing well at this time of year is great.”


There was a mix of junior semi and prelim finals this week and with matches in total, there was plenty of action across the region. There were six club vs club battles, with Grovedale in three of them.

While Black defeated Yellow three rubbers to love in Premier A, both singles went to the super tie-break. Black defeated White in Premier A, while Yellow in fourth upset minor premiers Black in Boys 2.

St Mary’s Green had a good win over Blue 5-1 (Boys 13), Ocean Grove’s Blue got over White 6-0 (Girls 5) and Barwon Heads Blue were victors over White 4-2 (Green Ball 3).

There were few upsets, however, Surfcoast Jan Juc ousted Ocean Grove 4-2 (B3), Inverleigh posted a 5-1 win over Point Lonsdale (GB2), Grovedale got up in Boys 9 against All Saints (4-2) and Boys 4 against Wandana Heights (5-1), while Wandana’s Premier B got the win over Hamlyn Park.

over Leopold (4-2) and Sutherland’s Creek (5-1).

In the Open sections, Wandana Heights posted the one upset for the week, overcoming Newcomb (O1) three rubbers to one, with both doubles rubbers going to a super tie-break, both the way of the Heights.

Barwon Heads also posted a 3-1 win over Moolap Black in Section 2, again two rubbers going to a super tie-break, but the Heads winning both singles.

Highton’s day improved with wins in Section 3 and 6 over Ocean Grove and Section 4 in a clean sweep over Moolap Gold. Grovedale posted their third win for the day against Surfcoast Jan Juc (O5), and after a slow start were eventual winners 4-0.

Section 7 had two semi-finals where minor premiers Wandana Heights proved too strong for Ocean Grove 3-1 while in the other final Barwon

Heads, after dropping the first two rubbers, pulled off a massive comeback with David Reid battling through to win the reverse singles 7-5, 6-3whileShaunTaylorandPaulCreatiwonthe doubles, managing it in two sets 6-2, 7-6. These straight sets wins coupled with the first doubles going to a super tie-break, meant that at the end of the day, the Heads prevailed 2-5-38 to 2-3-37.

There were a mammoth 12 matches that were three sets all, and decided on games, including six of the eight girls finals. Geelong Lawn Green (G1), Ocean Grove Sand (G2), Drysdale (G3), Wandana Heights (G4 and G6) and Highton (G5) all made their respective grand finals and will fight on next week, along with Western Heights Uniting (B2), Highton (B3), Hamlyn Park Green (B6), Bannockburn (B7) and Highton White (GB1).

Special mention goes to Geelong Lawn and Surfcoast Jan Juc in Boys 5, who were tied at three sets 28 games, sending the match to a seventh set, where Oliver Evans and Tahnee Sarim won the match for Lawn.

Geelong Lawn were also victorious in Boys 6, Boys 8 and Boys 9, Highton in Boys 4 and Boys 8.

Ocean Grove would have hoped for better with four of their 12 finalist teams (PremA, B1, B10, G5) winning through this week, however, with strong performances by the winners, their hopes will be high.

Other winners include Surfcoast Jan Juc (B7), Western Heights Uniting (B10), Bannockburn (B11), St Mary’s (B11), Point Lonsdale (B12 and GB4, Grovedale (B13), Inverleigh (G6) and Lara (GB5).

SS3X Moolap and Newcomb: Felicia Johnston, Rob Allsop, Bec Reinert, Cooper Walter, Cameron Dempster, Alison Steele, Marc Patrick, Stacey Jensen, Justin Whitworth. Absent: Julia Augello, Liz Phillips.
SS6X Sutherlands Creek: Alfonsous Rowe, Katie Rowe, Nicole Rowe, Thomas Kelly. Absent: William Rowe, Melinda Bate, Cailin Bate.
bowlers and he took 4/35 from six overs while Aaron Toole clubbed 63 from 44 for Port.

Titans and Gulls face off in final

Armstrong Creek and Barwon Heads will face off in the Bellarine Peninsula Cricket Association A1 Grade final after both sides struggled at times in their respective semi-finals, but found ways to win as good teams do.

Armstrong Creek will contest its first ever decider while the Seagulls are laden with grand final experience.

“It’s been a couple of years in the making for us since coming up to A1 after we won the A2, and the president keeps reminding us that’s the only one the club hasn’t won,” Titans’ captain-coach Daniel Maclean said.

“It was really rewarding to at least get there now and we’re a 50/50 chance.”

Maclean said his club has a lot of respect for its nearest neighbour.

“There is a lot of respect for Barwon Heads withwhattheydoasateamandaclub,”hesaid.

“They’re a great cricket side and Dan Donaldson does a great job as captain and they’re a really good fielding side. They will bowl a fair bit of spin at us, which we’ll have to navigate our way through.”

Such has been the success of Armstrong Creek’s top order this season, the middle and lower orders haven’t had to do much.

Ben Norgrove (58) batted well, but at 5/84 against a Barrabool outfit with nothing to lose, things were looking unsteady.

Adam Trevean (20), keeper Aaron Morgan (20) and Maclean himself (50) got the total to 211.

Barrabool responded to be all out for 122 albeit with reduced overs due to the rain.

Maclean took 4/43 while brother Jack snared 5/36. New-ball pair Clay Mulgrew and Jason Robertson kept things tight at the start of the innings, which drew praise from their skipper.


“We wanted to give myself and Jack a chance in case the ball got wet and a little bit stuffed up

and we managed to keep it pretty dry and the ball was moving around a fair bit. It was quite good as a bowler that bowls about 70km/h like myself, so a little bit through the air is a good thing.”

Barwon Heads captain-coach Daniel Donaldson said Armstrong Creek deserved to be in the last game of the season.

“Armstrong Creek have been up there the last couple of seasons and I know that they lost last year’s semi-final, but they’ve been the best side all season,” he said.

“They deserve a crack in the final.”

The reigning premiers defeated last season’s runners-up Anglesea in the semi in an absorbing tussle.

The Seagulls made 211 batting first and Donaldson said he would have taken that at the start of play.

“We said at the start of the day that 180 was par given the outfield was a bit slow,” he said.

“(But) given where we were at three for 150 off around 40 overs, we were pretty hopeful thatwewouldactuallygetasubstantialamount more than what we ended on. But credit to Anglesea - they got themselves back in the

BPCA Grand Finals

Saturday March 22 and Sunday March 23, 1pm start. Reserve day March 29.

A1 Grade

Armstrong Creek vs Barwon Heads at Collendina Recreation Reserve.

A2 Grade

Wallington vs Inverleigh at RT Fuller Oval, Barwon Heads.

B1 Grade

Barwon Heads vs Jan Juc at Ceres Recreation Reserve.

C1 Grade

Inverleigh vs Collendina at Drysdale Recreation Reserve.

C2 Grade

Barwon Heads vs Armstrong Creek at Queenscliff Recreation Reserve.

Saturday March 22

D Grade (Saturday March 22)

Wallington vs Winchelsea at Ray Menzies Oval, Ocean Grove.

game with some good fielding.”

At one stage the Heads were 3/145, but slumped to 7/163.

“That partnership between Harry Hyland (10) and Matteo (Surace, 27), and they did it the week before against Jan Juc, was really good,” Donaldson said.

With rain causing several interruptions on day two, Anglesea batted well and at one stage looked headed for victory.

ButteenagesensationAngusMackiestepped in to take six wickets with his leg-spinners to turn the game and have the Seas out for 172.

“He’s taken some clutch wickets at clutch times this season,” Donaldson said.

“With a wet ball in those circumstances where I think the match was probably skewed towards Anglesea, to come in and do that as a 15-year-old is just a testament to him.”

Elation as Tigers roar into GCA Div 1 prelim

Withfourseparateplayersscoringcenturiesin the past two games, Grovedale captain-coach Jordan Moran said his team is playing well at the right time of the season.

Moran and Jack Wrigglesworth both made hundreds in the final home and away round while young star Corey Paull and Michael McNeel made centuries in the Tigers’ semi-final win against Highton.

“Things are hopefully starting to click at the right end with three games now of 300 plus,” Moran said.

“Thingscouldhavebeencompletelydifferent though. Rob Smith (73 from 80 deliveries) was dropped twice quite early, third ball of the day, so to go run a ball 70 that he got definitely put us ahead of the game and then Corey (Paull) and Mick (McNeel) just batted outstandingly.”

Needing only a draw to progress to the preliminary final, Grovedale went to stumps on day one with a huge score and with the prospect of rain on day two, the match was effectively over.

Luke Guest (43 not out) and Rohan Smith (20 not out) then put on an unbeaten 57-run last-wicket stand to push the score up to 9/437.

“It’s something that I suppose we’re trying to get better at is lower order runs,” Moran said.

“I think at one stage we lost four for eleven before they came together, so to push to get to 400 was great. And then to go on even further was terrific.”

With overs reduced on Sunday due to rain and a draw of no use, Highton had no choice but to go for the runs and was bowled out for 132 with Tyson Windus (67) playing well and Sam Coutts and Clinton Ford each snaring

Preliminary Finals

Saturday March 22 and Sunday

March 23, 11am start

Division 1

Newtown & Chilwell vs Grovedale at Queens Park Reserve, Highton. Winner to play North Geelong.

Division 2

Murgheboluc vs Bell Park at King Lloyd Recreation Reserve, Newtown. Winner to play Lara.

Saturday March 22 and Sunday

March 23, 11.45am start

Division 3

Alexander Thomson vs Marshall at Highton Reserve. Winner to play Thomson.

Saturday March 22, 11.15am start

Division 4

Little River vs Lethbridge at Little River Recreation Reserve. Winner to play Meredith.

three wickets.

Grovedale now takes on Newtown & Chilwell in the preliminary final.

“They finished first on the ladder and have been a very consistent side all year,” Moran said.

“They have a very, very strong batting line-up and lots of variety with the ball as well. They’ve got left arm, right arm mediums,

some good spinners. So they’re an all-round package and we’re going to have to be at our best to overcome them.”

North Geelong booked a spot in the grand final with a gamble that paid off.

Needing to win to avoid a preliminary final, the Magpies declared at 9/281 after 74 overs with left-handed opener Ned Cooper making a fine 106 and Layton McCann hitting 78.

Newtown & Chilwell then lost four wickets late on day one and with rain around on Sunday couldn’t hang on for a draw, being all out for 137 with Tyson Windus getting 66. Paceman Dale Kerr took 4/47 from 27 overs while Connor Hangan (3/22) and Alistair McCann (2/12) played their roles.
Justin Flynn
Rob Smith celebrates his half-century with Corey Paull, who would go on to make 112 for Grovedale. (Ivan Kemp) 464675_24
Barwon Heads captain-coach Daniel Donaldson during the semi-final. (Justin Flynn) 464679_22

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