WITH Cyclone Alfred destined to make its mark, the auction of 9 Waterside Court in Noosa Waters, was postponed to a few days later.
What a propitious decision, with the sun showing off the avant-garde design by an international award-winning architect, the long sapphire blue waterway, as well as the north-facing terrace - a true oasis of calm, with luminescent circular solar heated pool and spa taking centre stage.
Tom Offermann Real Estate marketing agents Rebekah Offermann and Luke Chen had scheduled the auction for the Saturday, 8 March, but made the decision to shift it to midweek when, in true Noosa fashion, the sun was shining.
The four-bedroom, three-bathroom residence naturally attracted a myriad of well-qualified buyers Australia-wide during the marketing campaign, and on auction day there was serious interest from local residents and excited property hunters.
However, three registered bidders took it in turn to battle it out, then it stalled with negotiations between buyers and sellers taking a little more time.
The patient crowd eventually dissipated, the agents emerged to an empty room with only sellers, agents, plus one with bidder on the phone.
The property was declared sold; the buyers were thrilled to secure their forever home; and the hunt is on to find more properties to offer those who missed out.
The price is confidential but it is a new Waterside Court record.
A quintessential beach house which is so peaceful and quiet abutting the national park is ideal as a full-time residence or holiday home.
A five-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-car

A four-bedroom, four-bathroom, two-car house, pool, tennis court, on 0.67ha at 391 Sunrise Rd, Doonan, is for sale by expressions of interest. (464048)
house with pool at 30 Whale Dve, Sunshine Beach, goes to auction Saturday, 29 March, at 1pm.
Marketed by Rebekah Offermann and Nic Hunter of Tom Offermann Real Estate, it offers bush walks from the back door or be in the surf at A-Bay or Sunshine Beach within 10 to 15 minutes.
“Interest has been from far and wide,’’ Rebekah said, “with people loving the bright and sunny vibes from every room, the north-facing verandah and pool area, and the lovely sea breezes that it welcomes.’’
Poised at the end of an acclaimed street, it was nature-inspired - specifically a prized sand dune on a high point in northern Sunshine Beach, with green hillsides and views of the Noosa National Park northside, and of the ocean to the south.
With an impressive sense of arrival, the invitation to go upstairs is undeniable. Beautiful honey-hued timber floors for the multiple indoor living spaces.

A four-bedroom, four-bathroom, two-car house, pool, tennis court, on 0.67ha at 391 Sunrise Rd, Doonan, is for sale by expressions of interest. (464048)
Expansive layered terraces the width of the house and more are on both levels.
The white, C-shaped, granite-topped cabinetry kitchen includes an island breakfast bar with curved fluted timber sides, and which flows into the dining and living areas.
The premier bedroom suite comes with roomy walk-in robe and ensuite, with adjoining bedroom or perhaps office. There is a shared terrace to enjoy whale watching during the season or hear waves breaking on the foreshore.
On the ground level are three carpeted bedrooms, a bathroom with spa bath, and a leisure space. Like two of the bedrooms, it accesses an undercover terrace.
Splash around in the pool; star gaze from the sun terrace; birdwatch from the daybed; and listen as waves gently lap the shore of A-Bay.
“You are totally surrounded by the sight and sounds of nature,” Rebekah said. “It provides never-ending options for exploration and enjoyment.’’

In an elevated positioned at Doonan, a fourbedroom, four-bathroom home on 0.67ha stands as a testament to European inspired elegance.
The house, at 391 Sunrise Rd, includes flood-lit tennis court and infinity-edge swimming pool.
Marketed by David Conolly and Luke Skinner of Century 21 Conolly Hay Noosa, it is for sale by expressions of interest.
A living experience that blends elegance with nature, the house includes thoughtfully designed bathrooms and ensuites to create a sanctuary of comfort and sophistication.
The architecture combines natural materials, lending a timeless beauty to the facade while seamlessly integrating with the lush surroundings.
With sweeping panoramic views of Laguna Bay, Sunrise Beach, Castaways, and Coolum, there is a visual connection to the vibrant coastal landscape.
Tom Offermann Real Estate marketing agents Rebekah Offermann and Luke Chen at 9 Waterside Court Noosa Waters. (464048)
A four-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-car waterfront house with pool, jetty, at 9 Waterside Ct, Noosa Waters, has sold at auction.(459974)
A four-bedroom, four-bathroom, two-car house, pool, tennis court, on 0.67ha at 391 Sunrise Rd, Doonan, is for sale by expressions of interest. (464048)

A three-bedroom, two-bathroom, twocar apartment, pool, at 1/20 James St, Noosaville, is for sale at offers from $3.0m. (464048)

A three-bedroom, two-bathroom, twocar apartment, pool, at 1/20 James St, Noosaville, is for sale at offers from $3.0m. (464048)

Inside, high ceilings and timber floors add warmth and openness, while Miele appliances highlight the villa’s commitment to quality.
The infinity pool provides breathtaking views, while the private, championship-size tennis court is LED floodlit, and has a viewing pavilion.
Additional amenities include a wine cellar, steam room, and professionally-designed gym.
There is a 14.4kW solar system, 9.6kW battery storage and an electric car charger installed.
With a commanding presence less than 100 metres to the Noosa River, a three-bedroom, two-bathroom Noosaville apartment is attracting strong interest from interstate as well as local.
Dean McLure of McLure Prestige is marketing the Asoon apartment with pool at 1/20 James St at offers from $3.0m.
One of five in the complex that in many ways
pool at

A three-bedroom, two-bathroom, two-car apartment, pool, at 1/20 James St,
is for sale at offers from $3.0m. (464048)

set the tone for the area, Dean said interest in the apartment was from Sydney and Melbourne especially.
Yet locals were looking as well - downsizers, and those upgrading their position. However, the Noosa River precinct lifestyle was also attracting them away from the busier areas, Dean said.
This recently-renovated Paul Cloutdesigned apartment offers a perfect blend of sophistication and convenience.
The thoughtfully designed open-plan layout invites a relaxed lifestyle, with the dining and kitchen areas flowing out to a private outdoor entertaining space with saltwater pool.
All bedrooms are upstairs, the main complete with an ensuite, a spa bath and a walk-in robe.
Downstairs, a study nook provides a functional and quiet workspace.
There is dual-zone air-conditioning, electric blinds, and intercom system.
The property features a two-car garage, along with an additional auxiliary park to store a boat or jet ski.
The Asoon Noosa listing for Dean McLure comes fresh on the heels of a sale prior to auction in February of a five-bedroom, threebathroom house in Noosa Waters.
The waterfront house with pool and jetty at 13 The Promontory sold to South Australian interests for $7.2m.
Multiple offers were involved in the negotiations, Dean said.
With north-facing position and designed by Paul Clout, the property sold in 2022 for $6.4m.
FRIDAY, 21 March
Noosa Heads
• 28 The Quarterdeck: 3bed, 2bath, 2car

house, 1pm, Nic Hunter 0421
785 512 Adam Offermann 0475 804 467 Tom Offermann Real Estate.
• 551 Sunrise Rd: 2bed, 2bath, 2car house on 2023sq m, 12pm, Damon Gore 0401 115 816 Connie Gore 0429 432 199 Countryside Realty Noosa
SATURDAY, 22 March
Noosa Heads
• 31 Witta Ccl: 5bed, 6bath, 2car waterfront house, pool, jetty, 11am, Gillian McCauley 0467 600 009 Shane McCauley 0403 646 930 Richardson & Wrench Noosa
• 18 Palm Grove Cres: 4bed, 2bath, 2car house, pool, shed, on 1032sq m, 11am, Anita Nichols 0434 236 110 Laguna Real Estate.
A five-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-car house with pool at 30 Whale Dve, Sunshine Beach, goes to auction Saturday, 29 March, at 1pm. (464048)
A five-bedroom,
30 Whale Dve, Sunshine Beach, goes to auction Saturday, 29 March, at 1pm. (464048)
A five-bedroom, three-bathroom, two-car house with pool at 30 Whale Dve, Sunshine Beach, goes to auction Saturday, 29 March, at 1pm. (464048)

ThepopularityandmagnetismofNoosaHillis undeniable,andforgood reason,especiallythose lookingforinvestmentgold.Seeingisbelievingas you look overnature’splaygroundwithLakeWeybaandits waterwaysfrontand centre,whilstsweepingin excess of90-degreestotheright,istheNoosaRiver. Enjoyanenviablelifestylewithdramaticsunsets and coolbreezesonhotsummernights,allfromthe
comfortof yoursizeablesouthwest-facingterrace. Coalescingwithoutdoorsisthe carpeted,white-bright openplanliving/diningareawithvaultedceiling,plus kitchenwithqualityappliancesforcreatingculinary delights.
Auction Friday21March1pm View Friday12.30pm

Agent NicHunter 0421785512 nic@offermann.com.au
Agent AdamOffermann 0475804467 adam@offermann.com.au

Imaginetheutopiandreamof adelightfulbeachhouse bordered by asqueaky white-sandpathandtheNoosa National Park,directaccess to SunshineBeachvia tworainforest-shadedboardwalks,andfromdoor to theshoreofAlexandriaBayinthe world-recognised NoosaSurfingReserve,hitthe wavesin12minutes. Serendipitousmoments -theaspirationofmany yetrarely availableinthiswhite-hotprizedlocation.
Poisedattheendofanacclaimed street,itwasnature -specificallya prizedsandduneona highpointin northernSunshineBeach,withverdanthillsidesand spectacularviewsoftheNoosaNational Parknorthside, andsouthside,theCoralSea.Whereveryoulookthe residencepromises –anddelivers–much.
Auction Saturday29March1pm
View Saturday& Wednesday10.00-10.30

Agent RebekahOffermann 0413044241 rebekah@offermann.com.au
Agent NicHunter 0421785512 rebekah@offermann.com.au

TallowResidencesmarks the final releaseinthe covetedSettler’s Cove,andwithconstructionnow enteringits final weeks,there’s anarrow windowof opportunitytosecureyourbrand-newapartment. The firstresidentsare settomoveinbymid-late May 2025,withonlythreeofthe twenty-twoluxury apartments available.The remarkablepopularityofthis final residentialofferingunderscoresitsdesirability,
showcasinga trulyuniqueopportunity thatbeautifully blends centralNoosa convenience withtranquil bushlandserenity. Nestledamidstconservation bushland,this exceptionalcollectionoftwenty-two apartments redefinesluxuryliving. A 3 B 2 C 2 D
Price from$3.8M

Agent RebekahOffermann 0413044241 rebekah@offermann.com.au
Agent AdamOffermann 0475804467 adam@offermann.com.au

Designed to embracebothrelaxationandentertaining, thehome flowseffortlesslybetweenlight-filled interiorsandinvitingoutdoorspaces.Acentral lappoolandlushgardenscreateaprivateretreat, whileopen-planlivingareas capturetheessenceof modern coastalliving.Upstairs,themastersuite isa sanctuarywithoceanviews, aluxuriousensuite,anda spaciousdressing room.Thoughtfullydesignedspaces
throughoutthehomeprovidebothfunctionality and flexibility, cateringtoevery stageoffamilylife. Whethergatheringwithlovedonesorenjoyingquiet momentsbythesea,thishomeoffersalifestyleof effortlesssophistication.Beautifullycraftedandideally positioned,itis arareopportunitytoexperience coastalluxuryatits finest.
Price $2.95M
Saturday 10.00-10.30
Agent DamienStyring 0409685211 damienstyring@offermann.com.au

Steppingintothis stunningly renovatedapartment, you areimmediatelyenvelopedin asenseofsophisticated allure.Seeminglysuspendedabove anivorysand beachandsparklingturquoisewaters,thespace offers breathtaking270-degreepanoramicviewsoftheNoosa Riverandbeyond.Picturebeingon‘your’wraparound terrace,bedazzlingseascapesacrosstheNoosaRiver to theNorthShoreandbeyond to theColouredSands.
Eyessouthalongthepark-fringedNoosavilleforeshore which stretches to theEverglades.Beyondis Mount Cooroy.Gull’s eyeviewsoftheazurewaterwaysaround NoosaHeads,rivermouthandnationalparksare on theright.Comeinside.Thereisanairofimmediate sophisticationwitha largeartworkofbrightred poppies,abreezy overlay witha restrainedpalette
Price $5.49M
Saturday 11.00-11.30
Agent JulieBengtsson 0418980247 julie@offermann.com.au

Marvelatthepostcard-perfectviewofsun-splashed clear waterwaysandforeshores stretchinginfront of youtotheNoosaSpitandNoosaNorthShoreto beyond. Ascene-stealinglocation too,embracing awaterfrontdottedwith swayingpalms,bobbing pleasurecraft ontheNoosaRiver,pelicansandospreys glidingabove.Overlookingtheprivateresidentsonlywhitesandbeach,jettiesandpool to thenorth,
terracesthen sweeppanoramicallyeastovertheriver andtreetopstoNoosaHillandbeyond to theNoosa Nationalpark,then to thesouth,wrappingthefreshly sophisticatedapartmentwith270-degreeamazing views.Whethersundowners,barbeques,languishing on asunlounge,drinkinginthoseviews -whateverthe reasonorseason,lifedoesn’tgetmuchbetter.
Price $3.4M
View Saturday 10.00-10.30
Agent Eliza Coppin 0423726639 eliza@offfermann.com.au

MEANDERING avenues fringed with fragrant gardenia hedges, gracious stands of foxtail palms, shiny leafed tropical magnolias and manicured gardens, are just the entree to what is regarded as one of the best golf-based residential communities in the country. Easy to see why.
Note the quiet Ridges precinct, lush lawn, heliconias and palms beside the driveway, impressive secure gatehouse, and pebbled walkway. Open the massive custom timber front door topped by a half dome window, into the foyer. Be instantly besotted by the gallery-style grand hallway with northern light seemingly dancing across the grand pool area and streaming in via picture windows before interconnecting with endless sandy-hued flooring, in the voluminous high-ceilinged living and dining spaces.
Look beyond, push aside the blinds and glass doors. Taking kudos for the salubrious wide views of a verdant landscape, pathway to the clubhouse as well as the 7th fairway of the lush internationally-rated course, is the southside terrace. Double eagle before lunch anyone?
Turn around, push away the doors which disappear in a seamless fashion to the expansive undercover alfresco terrace on the other side, with its lengthy outdoor kitchen.
Impressive is an understatement. Admire how the north-facing terrace abuts the oversized Mediterranean-inspired courtyard with pots of evergreen shrubs, stands of golden cane palms and the piece de resistance - a glistening mosaic-edged pool with gentle steps.
With so much space indoors and out, this residence is a magnet for serious entertainers, and the near-new designer kitchen will suit all culinary super stars including caterers. It’s U-shaped with white stone-topped cabinetry including island bench, abutting custom sideboard/servery, plus all the latest high-end appliances and accoutrements from fridges to multi-hob gas cooktop.
Sweet dreams are guaranteed in all of the generous four bedrooms. Upstairs has beautiful polished jarrah flooring, and the premier suite retreat, with day bed, has views over golf course. There’s also a walk-in robe and sizeable ensuite with a deluxe spa bath, marble-topped cabinetry and to complement - large marble-framed mirrors. Two bedrooms commensurate in size have built-in robes and ensuites styled as per the premier.
Downstairs are two bedrooms. One with a walk-in robe and ensuite could be an alternative to the upstairs premier suite; and the fifth with cabinetry could be a study or bedroom, has a
terrace opening to the front garden.
In-between is a capacious media/leisure space with television, projector screen, and latest sound system with built in surround sound speakers which connect to Wi-Fi. These are also installed in the main living area.
“The luminous, light-filled residence really tugs at the heart strings with sophistication, individuality and indoor-outdoor close connectivity to the terraces, pool and the pathway to the fairway,” comments Tom Offermann Real Estate marketing agent Eliza Coppin. “And with only one neighbour and position sitting high on The Ridge, it is totally private and truly captivating.
“The location in the spectacular exclusive gated estate with prestigious residences and myriad dog-friendly walkways, is a short buggy ride to the clubhouse at Noosa Springs Golf & Spa. “The Graham Papworth-designed 5-star championship course has pockets of rainforest, is surrounded by Lake Weyba, the spring-fed lakes of Noosa Springs and the Noosa National Park with its abundance of flora and fauna including koalas and kangaroos.”
Insider Intel:
• Land Area: 866m2
• Interior Area: 398m2
• Exterior Area: 110m2
• Pool/Main Terrace: 9.4mx6m northwardfacing mosaic-edged w sun terrace & outdoor shower/3.3mx8.7 undercover terrace w auto insect screen wall; black granite-topped outdoor kitchen w sink, Beefeater BBQ & Vintec fridge; leisure & dining outdoor furniture
• About: gatehouse-style entry; wide/high custom timber pivot door; pastel-tiled foyer, gallery-like hallway & living; dble height ceilings; upstairs jarrah flooring & stair treads; plantation shutters; glass brick features ducted aircon/fans; laundry room w Samsung washer/dryer & Westinghouse fridge; 2-Car garage w epoxy flooring, storage & designated buggy bay
• Living/Dining/Media: wall of foldaway doors disappear to alfresco terrace; blinds & walls of glass open of living & dining on sth side to reveal terrace, gardens, golf course pathway & 7th fairway; Denon sound system controlled by Wi-Fi___33/phone; Panasonic TV; carpeted media room w custom cabinetry; Sony large screen TV; projector screen; Bowers & Wilkins Surround Sound speakers; Denon sound system
• Kitchen: as-new U-shaped white stonetopped 2-pac cabinetry incl 2m island bench & abutting custom cabinetry/serving/sideboard; Fisher & Paykel 3-door fridge; Vintec wine fridge; Bosch oven; Blanco 5-hob gas

cooktop; Panasonic convection oven; Blanco integrated dishwasher; picture window to 7th green
• Bedrooms: 4 + 4 ensuites; upstairs premier suite retreat w day bed & views over golf course; WIR + sizeable ensuite w luxe spa bath, marble-topped 2-basin cabinetry; large marble-framed mirrors; 2 bedrooms w BIRs & ensuites styled as previous; downstairs 2 bedrooms, 1 w ensuite & WIR; 5th w cabinetry & terrace; powder room opposite
• Inventory: details of partial inclusions available
• Exterior: borders ridge/one neighbour; pebbled walkway/driveway w hedges, pots, palms & heliconias; solar system 6.6kW/16 x 390w JA solar panels & 5kw SMA inverter
• About Noosa Springs: 24hr gated security; pet friendly; residents-only pools; pathway to course & Lake Weyba
• Location: Noosa Springs Golf & Spa Resort are located between Noosa National Park & Lake Weyba, 3kms to Hastings Street & Noosa Main Beach; 6,180m par 72 championship course designed by Graham Papworth
Address: 547/61 Noosa Springs Drive, NOOSA HEADS
Description: 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 garage
Inspect: Saturday & Wednesday 11.00-11.30am
Auction: Saturday 5th April 1pm
Contact: Eliza Coppin 0423 726 639, TOM OFFERMANN REAL ESTATE

IF you yearn for the moment of waking each day to the sound of white- capped waves rolling onto the beach, the feeling of sand between your toes in a minute, surfing the ultimate breaks, and walking the water’s edge with kids this is a rare serendipitous find. There’s a sense of mystique, looking from the street at the lush tropical front garden featuring pots of tree ferns, and statement pandanus astride rocky garden beds to the white walled entry. Open the door to a welcoming expansive deck with pots of colour and white louvres on the north and south wall of the guest wing.
Look beyond. This quintessential contemporary beach house exudes barefoot luxury and draws on its strength of character, like a confident embrace. With lofty ceilings, stack back bifold doors inviting salty breezes, sunlight splicing through walls of louvres and shadow dancing across concrete tiles, in oh so wide living spaces which spill seamlessly out to the lawn and garden, also yonder to the coastal native fringed beach pathway.
With a colour palette and whimsical aesthetic mimicking the beachside location, the residence provides maximum cross ventilation during summer, while also having the ability with the NE orientation to bring warmth from the sun in the cooler months.
It was cleverly designed by award-winning Nettleton Tribe Architects, has privacy, minimal maintenance and considered living spaces and accommodation for holidaying family members, who love to run along the cleared beach track with surf boards ready to bust a few waves. With short term letting approval it an ideal holiday holiday and it could be income producing. The home opens up in a seamless fashion for alfresco entertaining on the lawn, with herb garden nearby, is the white galley style kitchen with island breakfast bar, walk in pantry and all the necessary accoutrements an entertainer would love.
There are four bedrooms. Upstairs in the carpeted premier suite, hear waves breaking on the foreshore from bed and breathe in fresh salty summer breezes thanks to the picture window and plantation shutters.
When it comes to excellence in a leisure, pleasure and dream time space, this one has it in spades. It has timber look flooring, a black, red and white albeit fun penguin aesthetic, a wall of white louvers, two large, custom -built bunk beds, built-in robes, hideaway television and space left for armchairs and tables.
The bathroom area has mushroom hued tiles, built-in robe and white single basin cabinetry.
On the ground floor, the north side of forecourt has been specially designed as two guest suites with a two-way bathroom, and both have built-in robes. There’s a powder room opposite, also internal access to the two- car garage, storeroom and tool shed.
The short term letting approval guarantees a rental income, use the property when you wish and enjoy a rental income stream when you are

not there. The best of both worlds.
“There’s no denying this property is a rare albeit serendipitous find,” comment Tom Offermann Real Estate agents Tim McSweeney and Tracy Russell.
“After 36 years, it’s time for the baton to be passed on, for another family to enjoy the immediate exuberance and relaxed holiday-every day vibe, from every aspect. It is very private and is perfectly positioned. Simply walk only a minute via the sandy nature reserve to beautiful Peregian Beach with its popular surf breaks and leash-free doggy areas.
Alternatively take a leisurely 1.5kms walk along the pristine beach to the trendy Peregian Village Square for coffee. This location simply has it all. And more”.
Facts & Features:
• House Area: 318m2
• Land Area: 513m2
• Architect: award-winning Nettleton Tribe

• Short Term Letting Approval: Can be income producing.
• About: forecourt/beach pavilion w pots of colour & white louvres on north and south wall of guest wing; living w louvres cross ventilation; concrete tiles; custom cabinetry; nautical effects, palette &. aesthetic mimic beachside location: wall of bifold doors ‘disappears’ opening to lawn terrace & gardens; similarly, off kitchen to garden incl vegie/herbs + tropical flowing plants/shrubs; 1 minute to beach along cleared track surrounded by native vegetation; 4 bedrooms; upstairs carpeted premier w picture window & plantation shutters; 2 lower walls w custom cabinetry; large leisure/ bedroom spaces w black/white/red/fun aesthetic; timber look flooring, white louvers; 2 x large purpose-built bunk beds; hideaway TV. bathroom w mushroom hued mosaic tiles, BIR, white single basin cabinetry: ground floor nth
Address: 56 Lorikeet Drive, PEREGIAN BEACH Description: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: $6.95M Inspect: Contact Agent
Contact: Tracy Russell 0413 319 879, Tim McSweeney 0411 122 331, TOM OFFERMANN REAL ESTATE
side of forecourt designed as 2 guest suites 2 w BIRs, two-way bathroom powder room opposite. internal 2-car garage access, storeroom & tool shed.
• Kitchen: Galley style cabinetry incl 2m island breakfast bar; walk-in pantry; Smeg oven/cooktop, Asko dishwasher, Kelvinator fridge; laundry w storage aplenty is adjacent
• Exterior: front w acacias, bromeliads, lawn w rocky garden beds & pots of tree ferns + pandanus framing entry to forecourt; beachside - lawn terrace & gardens incl vegie/herbs + tropical flowing plants/shrubs; cleared track along nature reserve to beach
• Location: close to central hub of Peregian Beach Village; myriad cafes, boutiques & supermarkets, surrounding parklands beside Peregian Beach & patrolled area, Peregian Beach Hotel & IGA; close to transport links, essential services + public & private schools

- Gated access for privacy and security, secure 3 car parking
Auction On-Site 22nd March 11am Open Wednesday 12-12:30pm

19 Fairway Drive, Tewantin
77 Shorehaven Drive, Noosa Waters
4 bed | 2 bath | 2 car
| 3 bath | 2 car
- 50 characters
- North-facing with stunning waterfront views
- 50 characters
- 21.5-meter water frontage on a 743 m² block
- Terraced waterfront area perfect for entertaining
- 50 characters
- Private jetty with direct water access
- 50 characters
- Elegant polished timber flooring
- 50 characters
- 50 characters
- Expansive high ceilings throughout the home
Price Guide $4,825,000
Open Saturday 12:15 - 12:45pm
Open Saturday 9:30 - 10:00am

Amanda Balding 088 788
Brad Schultz 0493 063 023
Proudly Richardson&Wrench Noosa | 07 5447 4499

Brad Schultz 0493 063 023
23 Hastings Street, Noosa
19/89 Eumundi Road, Noosaville
2 bed | 2 bath | 1 car

- A single-storey layout with an open plan kitchen and dining
- Easy-care outdoor area enhancing the laid-back aesthetic
- Just minutes from all the attractions of Gympie Terrace
- Split air-conditioning system
- Moderin living with on-trend finishes and fixtures
- Ideal for young families, couples or downsizers
Open Saturday 1:00 - 1:30pm

Amanda Balding 0408 088 788
Proudly Richardson&Wrench Noosa | 07 5447 4499
23 Hastings Street, Noosa

YOU will find this stunning two-storey, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, family home within a quiet enclave of Noosa Heads surrounded by picturesque parks and the Noosa Springs golf course. Luxurious yet laid-back living awaits the lucky new owners with a generous two-storey layout, an effortless indoor-outdoor connection and a dream entertaining area that embraces the sparkling in-ground swimming pool.
The open-plan kitchen, dining and lounge room is light-filled and comfortable with on-trend flooring, crisp neutral colour tones and banks of sliding glass doors to the covered deck. A suite of quality stainless steel appliances await the eager cook in the gourmet kitchen alongside a good-size pantry, sweeping countertops and a window backsplash that draws in soft natural light.
From here, you can move freely to the outdoors whether you’re easing into the day with a morning coffee or hosting guests and dining alfresco long into the night. This really is the iconic Noosa lifestyle most people only dare to dream of.
A main-level powder room and laundry offer convenience and there’s also a dedicated study that could work as a media room, depending on your family’s needs.

Address: 3 Hollyhock Crescent, NOOSA HEADS Description: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: $1.85 Million Inspect: Saturday 22 March, 10:30 am–11:00am
Contact: Amanda Balding – 0408 088 788, RICHARDSON AND WRENCH NOOSA

This premier offer includes an exquisite designer furniture package, turning the blank canvas of your new home into a masterpiece of elegance and comfort. Each piece in the collection has been handpicked to complement the exquisite design of Bottlebrush Terraces, ensuring that every detail resonates with sophistication and style. The furniture seamlessly aligns with the modern architectural features of the terraces, promising a lifestyle of unparalleled refinement from day one.

Moreover, adding a touch of freedom and flair to the experience, the first buyer will also receive a Vespa. This iconic mode of transportation is not just a stylish accessory but a gateway to exploring the vibrant surroundings of Bottlebrush Terraces.
Effortlessly zip through the streets and soak up the thriving local culture and amenities, all while enjoying the exceptional lifestyle that comes with calling Bottlebrush Terraces home.

Positioned in the serene locale of Doonan, this home stands as a testament to European inspired elegance, offering an exquisite living experience that marries luxury with nature’s splendor. This four-bedroom residence, thoughtfully crafted bathrooms and ensuite’s, is a sanctuary of comfort and sophistication. The architecture is defined by its use of natural materials, which lends a timeless beauty to its façade and seamlessly blends into the lush surroundings.

Showcasing sweeping panoramic views of Laguna Bay, Sunrise Beach, Castaways and the distant silhouette of Coolum, affording a visual connection to the vibrant coastal landscape with Noosa and Hastings Street only a 15 min drive away.
ï Infinity pool, magnesium system and auto fill
ï Championship size tennis court, LED floodlit, viewing pavilion
ï Steam room / Scandinavian technology
ï Gym / professionally designed
ï Solar system (14.4kW) plus battery storage (9.6kW)
ï Electric car charger installed
Closing Date 21st March
Contact Agent FOR PRIVATE VIEWINGS 391 Sunrise Road, Doonan
David Conolly 0438 259 956 Luke Skinner 0480 564 839
BLENDING waterfront luxury with contemporary elegance, this stunning singlelevel Noosa Waters residence embodies a lifestyle of sophistication and tranquility. Reimagined by Luxify Designs, every detail has been meticulously crafted to create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. Positioned in an exclusive cul-de-sac, this waterfront masterpiece offers a rare opportunity to embrace the ultimate Noosa lifestyle.
Illuminated in natural light, the openplan living spaces feature soaring ceilings, engineered oak floors, and brushed gold pendant lighting. Floor to ceiling glass doors frame breathtaking canal views, effortlessly extending the living area onto a spectacular alfresco space. At the heart of the home, the chef’s kitchen combines beauty with function, boasting premium Miele appliances, a butler’s pantry, and stone bench tops illuminated by Velux skylights.
Designed for both relaxation and entertaining, the outdoor living experience is nothing short of extraordinary. A vaulted alfresco ceiling provides shade for long summer lunches, while a striking stone-clad fireplace adds warmth on cooler evenings. Unwind by the sparkling resort-style pool, lounge with a book by the water’s edge, or set off from your private jetty to explore the canals. Every element of this home has been considered to offer an effortless, low-maintenance lifestyle.
The home offers four spacious bedrooms, each with custom cabinetry and premium finishes. The master suite is a true sanctuary, where morning views of the water greet you from bed. A generous dressing area leads into a luxurious ensuite, complete with brushed brass fixtures, rain shower, and floor to ceiling tiles. Throughout the home, every bathroom reflects the same level of refined craftsmanship and attention to detail.
• Private 18m water frontage with breathtaking
180° canal views
• Exclusive jetty with composite decking and recessed lighting
• Seamless indoor-outdoor living with bi-fold doors and alfresco integration
• Gourmet kitchen with Miele appliances, butler’s pantry & brass Zip tap
• Grand master suite with terrace access, walkin robe & motorised blinds
• Spa-inspired ensuite with marble features, rain shower & heated towel rails
• Multiple living zones including a cocktail bar, study nook & fireplace
• Resort-style alfresco with vaulted ceilings, built-in cooking station & bar fridge
• Luxury pool with floating concrete steps & ambient lighting
• Smart home features with 6-zone ducted air, sensor lighting & Ring camera
Modern conveniences ensure ease and comfort at every turn. A Daikin six-zone ducted air conditioning system allows personalised climate control, while mood and sensor lighting create an inviting ambiance. The property is securely fenced with a gated entrance and intercom system, offering both privacy and peace of mind.
This turn-key masterpiece is just a short stroll from Noosa’s vibrant Riverside precinct, where boutique shopping, gourmet dining, and cosmopolitan cafes await. The world-famous Hastings Street, golden beaches, and scenic coastal walks are only a six-minute drive away, while the prestigious Noosa Springs Golf Course is within easy reach.
13 Topsails Place, Noosa Waters, is more than a home, it is a retreat, a sanctuary, and a celebration of modern waterfront living. Secure your slice of paradise and experience the pinnacle of Noosa’s exclusive lifestyle.
For more information contact Dean McLure on 0499 270 691.


11.30AM -12.00PM518Black Mountain Road 222 OffersOver$1,050,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370 Boreen Point
Sunday23rdMarch 1.00PM -1.30PM6108/5MorwongDrive 22 2$2,350,000 TomOffermann RealEstate0412894542
11.00AM -11.30AM20UranganSt 222 O/O$845,000 Cons.Laguna RealEstate0412043880
Wednesday26thMarch 10.00AM -10.30AM1/6WyandraStree
1.00PM -1.30PM 181MaryRiver Road 325 OffersConsideredHinternoosa0415111 370
Thursday20thMarch 12.00PM -12.30PM5/265GympieTerrace3 21
10.00AM -10.30AM51 ForestRidgeDrive 422 OffersOver$1,799,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
11.00AM -11.30AM 2JocelynDrive 422 OffersOver$2,200,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
12.00PM -12.30PM21MonomeetClose 322 OffersOver$1,999,000 Hinternoosa0404344399
12.00PM -12.30PM
12.00PM -12.30PM31WittaCircle 562 AuctionOn-Site22ndMarch 11amRichardson &Wrench Noosa54474499 12.30PM -1.00PM28TheQuarterdeck3 22 Auction TomOffermann RealEstate0475804467 Saturday22ndMarch
9.00AM -9.30AM232/61NoosaSpringsDrive
-10.15AM237/61NoosaSpringsDrive 32.5 2Offersabove$2.35MconsideredHarcourts
9.00AM -9.30AM 11WhistlerWay3 22 OffersOver$1,100,000 Hinternoosa0415111 370
10.15AM -10.45AM87Pioneer
10.00AM -10.30AM36WoodlarkRise5
10.00AM -10.30AM36WoodlarkRise5
9.00AM -9.30AM7/14RayStreet 211
-10.30AM30WhaleDrive 532
-10.30AM6/43DukeStreet 221
9.30AM -10.00AM 19 FairwayDr 422 $1,249,000 Richardson &Wrench Noosa54474499
10.00AM -10.45AM4/2-10BlakesleyStreet 321 O/O$2,200,000 ConsLaguna RealEstate0428711163 10.30AM -11.00AM 18 PalmGroveCrescent 421 AuctionOnSiteLaguna RealEstate0434236 110
11.30AM -12.00PM 16 LivingstoneStreet 422 $1,699,500Richardson &Wrench Noosa54474499
2.30PM -3.00PM35StevensStreet 422 OffersConsideredHinternoosa0415111


THE magnetism of north-facing Noosa Main Beach, the glistening azure Laguna Bay plus urbane Hastings Street’s myriad boutiques, bars and beachside cafes, all a mere 500-metres away, is undeniable. Similarly on the doorstep is nature in all its glory - the nearby Hollindale Track to Laguna Lookout, and more specifically the lush Noosa National Park spilling out before your eyes from the undercover terraces.
This sure-fire investment opportunity in a popular and highly desirable location is the ultimate dream come true.
The front entry terrace, partially fringed by heliconias opens to reveal polished timber treads, sandstone-hued flooring, and a chic contemporary aesthetic. Admire the numerous hallmarks of architect John Mainwaring such as lofty corrugated ceilings in the generous living spaces, complemented by an entire wall featuring timber framed panes of translucent corrugation and louvres, cleverly designed to capture abundant filtered northerly light.
Note how the monochromatic palette mimics the great outdoors, with slate grey fabric on the extra lengthy modular sofa and ottoman, the timber coffee table and television console, timber dining table with fabric covered chairs, and all zhuzh-up with splashes of colour in a comfy armchair, ottoman, artworks and cushions.
Numerous louvres and slide-away doors off the open plan area are used effectively to coalesce with the long wide undercover terrace on the south-west side. A large glasstopped table and rattan chairs suggests many entertaining options from romantic dinners to
quiet moments recharging life’s batteries. So easy when you’re seemingly perched in the canopy of verdant rainforest plantings including palms, listening to choruses of birdsong and the trickling freshwater creek below.
Experience some of those sights and sounds from the U-shaped kitchen with pastel cream stone-topped two-pac cabinetry, including pantry and semi-island breakfast bar, high-end appliances, as well as every accoutrement needed to whip up even a fancy feast.
The slumber zone is on the lower level. The carpeted premier king bedroom is adorned with coral artworks by the Designer Boys, has a walk-in robe and the ensuite has luxe stone topped timber cabinetry. The twin second bedroom, also carpeted has a built-in robe and an ensuite. Both have access to the undercover terrace where luxuriating on the lounges is of course encouraged.
There is a fully equipped laundry nearby, also a store and a door leads to a multi-purpose undercover terrace.
“Take the plunge for unmissable good times with this beautiful oh-so-private villa-style apartment in the front row of the rainforest,” comments Tom Offerman Real Estate agent Chris Miller. “It defines design excellence naturally on every level.”
“Located in the exclusive tightly-held Tree Top Villas, a complex of 17, it is a short stroll to Hastings Street, simply brimming with designer fashion boutiques, beach and street-side alfresco cafes, plus there is the Noosa Heads Surf Club, and the sheltered and safe Noosa Main Beach, also the Spit at The Woods’ end of
Hastings Street.
“Along the boardwalk is First Point, the 477-hectare Noosa National Park and the world-famous Surfing Reserve, all a boon to joggers, walkers, nature lovers and of course surfers. Nearby is the walking track to Laguna Lookout with its stunning sunsets and breathtaking views across the ocean to the Glasshouse Mountains. What are you waiting for?
Facts & Features:
• Villa Area: 245m2
• Terraces: upper level 8.8mx3.1m undercover off living & dining, 8.8mx3.1m lower-level undercover off bedrooms
• About: terrace w heliconias to front entrance from lane & 2 car garage; 3-levels; sandstonehued flooring & timber treads; fans/aircon; contemporary aesthetic & monochromatic palette mimic outdoors; corrugated ceilings & feature wall w timber framed panes of translucent corrugation & louvres w NE aspect; doors/louvres to terrace w SW outlook over & into rainforest incl freshwater creek; carpeted living w slate grey modular sofa & ottoman; splashes of colour w armchair & ottoman, cushions & large artworks; timber coffee table & console w Smart TV; timber dining table w 6 fabric covered chairs; tall doors open to terraces w glass-topped dining table & 6 rattan chairs
• Lower level - 2 carpeted bedrooms; premier king w Designer Boys coral artworks, WIR, stone topped timber cabinetry in ensuite & access to terrace w lounges; twin w terrace access, BIR & ensuite; laundry w Samsung
washer & Fisher & Paykel dryer; store nearby; undercover terrace & drying area
• Kitchen: U-shape w pastel cream stonetopped 2-pac cabinetry incl pantry & semiisland breakfast bar w 4 stools; stone-tiled splashback; LG fridge; Fisher & Paykel dish drawer; Smeg 4-hob gas cooktop & convec/ micro oven; powder room nearby
• Inventory: fully inclusive to cater for high-end holiday market
• Peppers Noosa Tree Top Villas: complex of 17; located in exclusive area near Hollindale Track w direct access to Laguna Lookout & Noosa National Park; short walk to Peppers Noosa Reception, Park & Cove Restaurant & Stephanie’s Ocean Spa
• Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas: architect John Mainwaring; eco-conscious sustainability resort w solar energy & rainwater irrigation; facilities incl buggy service to and from Hastings Street; Park & Cove Restaurant presents fine food in a relaxing environment; Stephanie’s Ocean Spa; heated lagoon pool; 25m lap pool; gymnasium/steam room; one of the region’s largest conference centres incl theatrette, private boardrooms, pre-function terrace & conference facility; 24 hour onsite management/reception + concierge
• Location: exclusive tightly-held Tree Top Villas, nearby Hollindale Track to the Laguna Lookout; 300m walk to Hastings Street, Noosa Main Beach & Noosa National Park & worldfamous Surfing Reserve; Eumundi - 22km; Sunshine Coast Airport - 30km; Australia Zoo - 70km; Brisbane International & Domestic Airports - 137km
Address: 6108/5 Morwong Drive, NOOSA HEADS Description: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: $2.35M Inspect: Sunday 23 March, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Contact: Chris Miller 0412 894 542, TOM OFFERMANN REAL ESTATE
WELCOME to laidback Boreen Point with its enviable village lifestyle and bounded by pristine Lake Cootharaba on 3 sides: ideal for sailing, wind surfing, SUP, fishing or simply relaxing.
Do you feel yourself being called to enjoy your chosen water sports, just meander along the sandy shores or explore nature’s wonderland in the local UNESCO Biosphere Reserve?
And you will be just 15 minutes drive from all amenities and professional services at the vibrant Tewantin Shopping Village, the Noosa Marina with restaurants, cafes and weekend markets, the RSL, hotel and entertainment venues. Or venture a little further to the internationally famous attractions along the Noosaville river foreshore and Noosa Heads Hastings Street, Main Beach and Noosa National Park.
Key property benefits you’ll love;
• Centrally located – stroll to all 3 lake foreshores
• This highest area attracts cooling lake breezes
• Easy access to ideal sailing etc on Lake Cootharaba and Sailing Club
• Your choice of boat ramps nearby; access

Council jetty
• Easy stroll to the idyllic country style Apollonian Hotel (a nostalgic slice of history relocated to its present site)
• 3 minute drive to Elanda Point modern restaurant, micro-brewery, glamping.
Home with clever, flexible design features:
• 2 separate self-contained sections divided by a breezeway
• Single level building - all under one steel roof
• Each section consists of a very large bedroom, full kitchen (filtered water), bathroom, open plan living / dining space, patio
• Both sections excellently presented, updated throughout, professionally painted internally and externally
• Modern fans, toilets, taps etc
• Rear section airconditioned
• Heavy duty “Ultrasafe” marine grade stainless steel security doors; fully screened
• Individual discreet entry to both sections
• Lake views if you build a second level.
Outdoor bliss:
• Picturesque entertaining zone, low maintenance gardens
• Fully fenced private zone at the rear of the allotment
• Native trees and bird bath attracts gently singing birdlife.
Access to unique natural attractions:
• The local UNESCO Biosphere Reserve - home to 60 different ecosystems, approx 1365 species of plants, 700 species of native animals (49 are internationally significant) and 44% of Australia’s birdlife diversity
• 3 minute drive to Elanda Point Habitat Noosa Everglades Eco Camp - glamping sites, unique local tours
• Great Sandy National Park, genuine everglades and Harry’s Hut
• Noosa Trail network through the area’s most beautiful environment
• Noosa River is the only system with its entire catchment protected in National Park. There is so much comfortable lifestyle on offer here – your early inspection will not disappoint.
Address: 20 Urangan Street, BOREEN POINT Description: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 garage Price: Offers Over $845,000 Considered Inspect: Saturday 11-11.30am
Contact: Roger Omdahl 0412 043 880, LAGUNA REAL ESTATE
HIGHLY coveted ground level apartment with sublime north facing views across sweeping green lawn direct to Noosa River and the estuary.
Uber spacious open plan living and streamlined, sparkling white modern kitchen that inspires the desire to create delicious meals for the family and impress and entertain numerous friends.
Two bedrooms open to a large courtyard, offering easy maintenance for retirement living with the flexibility for guest stayovers. The main suite enjoys a peaceful seclusion and features a walk-through dressing room, ensuite and private courtyard. The family bathroom is generous sized, there is a convenient powder room and the laundry is separate.
Wander out to the expansive undercover patio for your morning coffee and to hear the songs of the early day bird life, or relax with an aperitif as you admire the glorious sunsets. Or sit at the water’s edge and simply appreciate the calming effects of nature.
This lovely apartment represents an enviable lifestyle choice. From its waterfront location you can launch the tinnie and motor to the North Shore or Gympie Terrace for a change of pace, fish off the boardwalk, catch crabs in the

crabpot, or cool off in the free form pool and spa.
The property also includes undercover and substantial visitor parking, additional storage and gated security. Ducted airconditioning for comfort, cool tiles in the living areas and soft carpet in the bedrooms. Two communal BBQs under cover when you want the freshness of the outdoors. Body Corp fees are reasonable.
Put the car away, walk to the local supermarket and all the amenities of Tewantin Village. Visit the Marina for dining, coffee, yoga, shops and live music in the bar. Catch the bus to Hastings Street and Main Beach.
You’ll simply love the unbeatable location! Visit Warren at the Open Home or call for your personal inspection.

Address: 4/2-10 Blakesley Street, TEWANTIN Description: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage Price: Offers Over $2,200,000 Considered Inspect: Saturday 10-10.45am
Contact: Warren Evans 0428 711 163, LAGUNA REAL ESTATE

FamilyHomeIn APrivate TropicalOasis
•Singlelevel,renovated family home seton1032m2oftropicalgardens
•StunningentertainingareawithBionizerpool,cabanaand BBQ
•Parents retreatofmasterand sumptuousensuite openstopatio
•Great separationfrom 3additional bedroomsand main bathroom
•Homechefs willlove theimpressive kitchenwithbeautifulpoolview
•Bonus of alarge shed(3 x5m) forworkshopequipmentand toys
•Immaculate conditionandsituatedina quiet street,close to schoolsand golfclub

AnitaNichols 0434236110