Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 1 ST PublicationsR A Special Edition of the STAR Shopper Brought to you courtesy of the many advertisers throughout this publication. Thank you for supporting them. Got a BIG To-Do List? 2022 Check out this special section for ideas, inspiration and local services to bring out the best in your home this fall! Fall IMPROVEMENTHOME GUIDE • New Construction • Remodel • Restoration • Landscaping • DIY Projects • Design WHAT’S INSIDE: Keeping Your Home Listing Ready....pg. 3 Furnace Maintenance............................pg. 6 Fall Decorating.........................................pg. 9 Ready Your Garden for Fall.................pg.14 Tree Care Tutorial..................................pg. 21 Air Exchangers.......................................pg. 25 House Plants - Seasonal Transitionpg. 28 Conversational Seating......................pg. 33 PLUS . . . Products & Services from our Area Businesses!

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2 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition Call Hughes Real Estate & Auction today! 320-815-0460HughesRealEstate.net Agents in Benson, Montevideo, Granite Falls & Brooten • Online Land Auctions • Farmland Sales • Residential Real Estate • Land Appraisals • Members of MLS, Realtors, and RLI It’s a MARKET!SELLER’S Brian Niehoff - Outside Sales Marty Andrade - Outside Sales John Hale - Drafting and Estimates Brian Ferris - General Manager 105 East First Ave, Osakis, MN 320-859-2814 Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Sales | InstallationService HEATINGHEATING COOLINGBlair’s HEATING & AC LLC Blair Weiers • 320-491-0316 • blairhvac@outlook.com HEATING, AIR VENTILATION,CONDITIONING,CUSTOMTIN 10723 County 95, Sauk Centre SALES & SERVICE - ALL MAKES & MODELS Residential, Farm, New Construction, Remodel Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, In oor Heat, Air Exchangers, Boilers, Unit Heaters NG S ManufacturedintheUSA FALL StreamingEnjoyingPumpkinFAVES:spice,friends,movies. 888.99.ARVIG | arvig.com As the weather turns cooler, cuddle up with friends for movies! Up to 1 Gig* of internet and Managed WiFi eliminate buffering. Call or click to upgrade or order. *Based on Arvig service area; some restrictions apply. ©Arvig 2022 320-429-6200 | kristykorganics.com 651 Lincoln Loop, Sauk Centre

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As clients declutter, Sunderman said, she asks them to look at each space and think about what can be taken out of the room to make it look bigger. Things like Curio cabinets in the corners and chairs/couches in bedrooms should be packed up and stored, she said. Decorative items and books on shelves should be cleaned up and tidied, creating visual space on each shelf.
READY | continued page 4
Sheena Sunderman, Central MN Realty

“The first and easiest thing to do is simply declutter,” she said. “Think of it in terms of starting to pack up. Start by going through things you’re not going to use on a daily basis and get those things boxed up and out of the house.”The goal of decluttering, she said, is to create the most open and simplified, yet cozy space possible so those touring can envision themselves in the home.
Preparing a house for showings has stirred panic and frenzy into many a home seller, but a local realtor said it doesn’t have to be that way.Sheena Sunderman, of Central MN Realty, said she works hard with clients up front so they don’t have to fret every time they get a call for a showing.

How to keep your home listing ready
taking down personal photos has long been a recommendation of realtors, Sunderman takes it a step further and said it’s a way for sellers to protect their families. Detailed pictures of the home get uploaded to the web and they contain images of personal photographs and items, putting the faces of family members out to the public, she said.
Create an inviting front porch with a simple rug, sign element and well-cared for plants.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 3 Schmeez Concrete Brick & Stoneand Call Scott Schmiesing for details | | 320.241.3805320.241.3805 Beautify your insidehomeandout!! NowFloors!EpoxyDoing SCHMEEZ Concrete • Driveways • Sidewalks•Patios • Garage Floors • Brick • Stone • AggregateExposed•ColoredConcrete

* Add a little cozy décor to the front entry, pick up the shoes and clutter and put them in the closet, out of sight.

“If it looks too busy, it’s hard to see the potential of the space.”
BEDROOM: Pillows and throw blanket add cozy elements to this bedroom while the complimentary whites keep the focus and color palette simple.
* Ideally, remove pets from the home and take their bowls, litter box, etc. with you. Store pet foods in an airtight container to reduce potential smells. If an animal must be left at home, be sure it is crated so guests don’t interact with your pet.
* Wipe down the countertops and put any lingering dishes into the dishwasher.
* Invest in a few sets of inexpensive towels and use them only for showings. Put out the hand towel and if there’s a towel bar in the room, hang a set of neatly-folded towels on the bar.
Here are some simple tips for quick clean-ups before a showing:
* Remove cobwebs and bug debris from your front porch or outdoor steps to have a visually clean space.
4 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition
| from page 3
* Smells are very important. Consider running an essential oil diffuser with a light scent. Open the windows if possible. Avoid artificial scents and air fresheners as people can be sensitive to them.
“A coffee maker is ok, but baskets of paper, cutting boards, a lot of times kitchens can get very cluttered,” she said. “Remove everything, it’s just going to make the kitchen look bigger and show off all the counter spaces.”First impressions, she said, are important so clean up the foyer and entryway, ridding it of shoes and bags. Adding a simple plant and a throw rug to the front entrance can create a welcoming first look. Remember, two to three people will be coming into the space at a time so it’s important to keep it open and airy.
“You want that first impression to really grab them,” Sunderman said.
KIDS’ AREA: Keep kids' areas tidy by using baskets or place extra toys in closets or in cabinets.

Decluttering, she said, is about creating visual breathing room. That means simple things like removing all the magnets from a refrigerator and wiping down the face. It also means clearing kitchen countertops – one of the top clutter crutches.
TOYS: The kids’ toys are stashed away in decorative baskets underneath artfully placed décor. Pair down each shelving unit in the home to provide visual breathing room and a focus on the aesthetics of the room.
* Grab some cute baskets and have them on hand to run through the house and bunch together all the toys and/or clutter.
Sheena Sunderman
BATHROOM: Clean off countertops, wipe down surfaces, close the toilet lid and put out fresh towels to keep the bathroom looking its best.

KITCHEN: A clean, uncluttered countertop is the start to showing off one of a home’s best features. Take care to remove all magnets and paperwork from the refrigerator to provide a clean look.

* Vacuum and sweep.
While she said doing small home projects, like replacing missing or dead light bulbs, tightening a wobbly door knob or touching up paint are important, she doesn’t see the need for large-scale home remodeling projects especially with today’s market. The little details make all the difference, she said.
ENTRY WAY: This foyer provides a simple, yet decorative, place to remove shoes and the simplistic décor provides an open and airy space while giving the first glimpse into the home.

“While these things are important, I never want my sellers to get overly stressed or overthink them,” Sunderman said. “We want to make it as stress-free and as least complicated as possible. Do some simple steps but don’t feel like you have to go overboard and get stressed out about it.”
* People aren’t expecting picture-perfect closets so use those spaces to put things out of sight and reduce the visual clutter in a room.
* Wipe down the bathrooms, storing toiletries out of sight in an easy-to-grab basket. Countertops should be clear, the shower curtain should be closed, but know potential buyers will definitely check behind the curtain so keep it clean. Close the toilet lid.
* Make the beds and pick up clothes from the floor and put them in a hamper. Add simple throw pillows to the top of the bed and a throw at the bottom to cozy up the space.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 5 Create your dream home with better terms. Finance your home remodel with Central Minnesota’s leading mortgage lender. Our knowledgeable and friendly lenders will guide you through a second mortgage loan or new construction loan with very competitive rates and closing costs. APPLY ONLINE: MYMAGNIFI.ORG The domed style is strong enough to keep out snow, debris and critters, yet easy to remove for safe escape! Three widths to fit your egress well: 42” 50” 67” 36” Projection See more at polybuiltinc.com or find them in stock at Bonanza Valley Lumber in Brooten, MN POLYBUILT,320.291.3532INC. ESCAPABLE EGRESS WINDOW WELL COVERS! It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the styles and options. When it’s time to make an update to your home’s lighting, let us help you transform your space into one you’ll never want to leave! makey a let usoh 2750 County Road 74 Saint Cloud, MN, 320-229-935356301 We specialize in custom replaces from the best manufacturers! Home Lighting www.mnlighting.com

Apprentice Dan Walz cleans a flame sensor on a furnace.
* Check the condensation drain on any energy-efficient furnace. The drain typically is a plastic pipe that runs off the furnace and over to the floor drain or pump system. Typically, this condensation drain collects dust bunnies and pet hair that can, over time, plug the drain. Often times, homeowners may even have a rug over the top of the condensation drain and fail to check it regularly. The water draining from the tube is acidic and can cause corrosion on the furnace so it’s important to be sure the tubing isn’t leaking or backing up.
* Be sure to check and change the furnace filter often. Most manufacturers recommend changing the furnace filter every three months. If the furnace is running hard during extremely cold months, Hommerding recommends checking it even monthly. The MERV rating is important on furnace filters and it’s important, he said, to get one that has a rating recommended for that particular furnace. If the filter has too high of a rating for the equipment, it can reduce air flow to the furnace.

As summer wanes and the chill of fall takes hold, furnaces provide the comfort of the season here in Minnesota. Furnaces should be maintained and inspected by a professional at least every couple of years, if not every year.
* Check the thermostat batteries and be sure to change them out every couple of years. While some thermostats may have a low battery indicator, others will not. With older thermostats it’s important to make sure they’re level to get the most accurate reading, if the thermostat gets bumped it could cause temperature swings within the house.

Keith Hommerding does the final ProPress fitting connection on a hydronic heating system installation.

* Check the exhaust vents and intake vents. During the summer birds and bees like to find a home in the vents. These vents are typically made of PVC pipe and come out through a sidewall but can be located on the roof and may not be accessible for checking easily. If the vents are visible, clean areas of debris.
simple tips for maintaining your furnace:

A professional can not only check for carbon monoxide leaks, but will check the blowers to see they’re working properly, keeping the furnace at good operating temperature. Operating temperature becomes important because it can throw off the efficiency of the furnace.Most furnaces in the industry now come with a 10-year warranty on parts, Hommerding said. So, a well-maintained furnace, that’s in a dry environment, can last 20 to 25 years.
“We pull the burners, look at them and clean them, vacuuming out the burner box” said Keith Hommerding of Hommerding Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. “Most equipment has some sort of flame sensor we clean and maintain and, if there’s an issue, we put a combustion analyzer on it and make sure it’s working Hommerding,efficiently.”theHoldingford Fire Chief, said professionals also check the heat exchangers for carbon monoxide. As chief, he makes sure each home is also equipped with carbon monoxide detectors.“They’re inexpensive and another line of protection,” he said.
Furnace Maintenance
His team gets a few calls a year from people who’ve had an alarm go off or there have been some signs or symptoms of illness in the family and people are calling to make sure they don’t have a Typically,problem.hesaid, the source of carbon monoxide is the heat exchanger on a furnace or boiler or blocked vents, or vents that vent back into the house instead of going out through the roof on older models.“The biggest, deadliest thing is the carbon monoxide concern,” Hommerding said. “You hate to scare people but it’s sad when you read about it in the paper and it’s something that’s easily prevented with maintenance and detection equipment.”
6 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition FURNACE | continued page 7
Keith Hommerding, of Hommerding Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning performs a combustion analyzer test on a furnace.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 7 18508 County Rd 130, Paynesville, MN 56362 • 320-243-7815 • www.borklumber.com NEW CONSTRUCTION • REROOF • REMODELING • SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS • SHEDS • LAKE HOMES • INSULATION Fall project list? WE’RE HERE TO HELP give us a call! LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Commercial | Agriculture | Residential Albany Country Floral & Gifts 401 Railroad Avenue • Albany, MN • 320-845-4776 Ourteamcreativewillhelpyou! Always something new!ing Find your fall decorhomehere Set the thermostat where you want for a more comfortable home. The Ultimate Wood Heat. Classic Edge HDX models are U.S. EPA Certified on qualified models & installation I-94 Classics 329 E. Co. Rd. 173, Melrose, MN 56352 ShopCell320-256-4439248-1163256-3623 *US Internal Revenue Code Sec. 25(D) effective Jan. 1, 2021, for heating a residence. For more details visit CentralBoiler.com. Information provided here as a convenience and may not be relied upon as substitute for professional tax advice. Consult a tax professional with any questions. **EPA cord wood Hydronic Heater list 1-28-2022 • Highest Efficiency Certified by EPA** • Peace of Mind - Keep the fire outside and eliminate the dangers associated with indoor wood heating. • Save Money - Wood is a renewable, inexpensive and often free energy source. • Durability - Long-lasting, stainless steel firebox. CentralBoiler.com 21-0101 Outdoor Wood Furnace VIDEO: How It ExploreCentralBoiler.comWorks>>HowitWorks Checking the furnace filter is a regular part of maintenance.furnace *Check cold air returns and air vents to make sure they’re not blocked by furniture or clothing. Furniture on legs allows for air movement but furniture that goes all the way to the floor can block the air flow in the house and have a big impact. It’s best to place large furniture items a few inches away from the wall to allow for the best air flow. This allows the furnace to run at its optimal temperature. Restricting the air flow to a furnace can make it run hotter than it should and is hard on the equipment, shortening its life span. FURNACE | from page 6 PHOTOS BY SARAH COLBURN

8 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition EstimatesMillworkDoorsInterior/ExteriorFREEExperienced painters for residential and commercial christine.smith0827@gmail.comprojects320-293-2821 Energy costs continue to rise.... it’s time to take action! Up to 40% of a home’s energy loss escapes through the attic. Adding insulation is the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency. 826 County Rd. 13, Melrose, MN 56352 | Phone: 320-256-4275 www.lakehenryimplement.com Check Out Our CompleteEquipment Line! With Simplicity quality and durability, the Regent does more than provide you with the essentials. These lawn tractors offer reliable Briggs & Stratton® Engines, rugged mower decks and Stopcomfort-enhancingoptionalrearsuspension.intofindoutmore!REGENT LAWN TRACTOR Master contourstheofyourlawn 23661 Hwy. 4 , Lake Henry, MN (320) 243-7411 supportEquipmentyoucanrelyonandyoucantrust. CONSTRUCTIONLLC License #BC681129 License #BC681129 • Siding • Windows/Doors • Roo ng • Drywall • Additions & More We are a local company! WAYNE HEGG • 320.493.6250 WARNING: Polaris® off-road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, must be at least 12 years old. All riders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protective clothing. Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped). Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding andalcohol/drugs don’t mix. All riders should take a safety training course. Call 800-342-3764 for additional information. Check local laws before riding on trails. Purchaser must qualify for promotion ©2022 Polaris Inc. Just 20 Min. From Little Falls Or St. Cloud On Cty. Rd 17 See dealer for details. HOLDINGFORD polaris.com www.jimssnowmobileandmarine.com WORKING AS HARD AS YOU DO 2022 Polaris Ranger Financing Available 320-746-2165

While summer around the house is airy and open, fall, she said, is more about creating a warm and quiet atmosphere. Candles are lit and people return to canning smells and pumpkins.
A mix of grasses, mums and wooden pumpkins create a large visual display outside Albany Country Floral & Gifts. When creating a vignette outside, be sure to group larger pieces together or the display will look too small for the environment.

“It’s food for us to take time and reset, slow down,” she said.
of Albany Country Floral & Gifts is already prepped for fall. Pumpkins and burnt-colored florals abound and inspirations for home decorating infuse the space.

Signs, faux pumpkins and other fall décor provide a festive atmosphere both indoors and out.

Bringing Fall
Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 9 HOME FALL | continued page 10

Incorporating those inspirations into styles for the home provides a welcoming comfort for family and friends. As the home entertaining season ramps up, there are some ways to bring that feeling indoors and “Itout.seems to lift people’s spirits even when they drive by your home,” said Kitty Eickhoff, owner of Albany Country Floral & Gifts. “With the negativity and dreariness, that somebody took the time to make their house welcoming…that’s a nice feeling to have.”

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• Fall flowers don’t do well in the 80-degree weather and need to be protected, bring things like mums, zinnias and kale out of the sun and indoors on hot days. These plants, Eickhoff said, are meant for 60-degree weather and will likely need to be watered twice a day when it’s hot.

• As the season continues, Eickhoff said, some of those arrangements can transition through to Thanksgiving as coppers and golds are added to the browns and ivories. Then as winter comes, some of those same embellishments can be used and spruce tips added along with lights and more golds, rich reds or silvers to create a festive look for the coming season. In the beginning, before arrangements freeze, spruce tips must be watered to prevent them from drying out. Once they freeze, she said, they’ll last the whole season.
• When planning a get-together outdoors or planning décor for a front porch, she said, to go big because there’s so much space to compete with. Outdoor décor can begin with corn stalks, hay bales or an old antique chair as a focal point. Then, tie in seasonal florals and add in sculptural interest. Tie the look together with a wreath in the same color palette.
FALL | from page 10

Ferns that once hung from the porch now grace the entry steps to this home. When paired with a pumpkin, fall floral, a vintage milk jug and a deep red wicker chair, these items provide the perfect color combination and mix of textures for fall.
Kitty Eickhoff, owner of Albany Country Floral & Gifts, brings a little bit of fall indoors with a table centerpiece and runner.
• For a front porch, she said, it’s easy to transition summer hanging ferns into the mix and add in fall blooming plants, pumpkins, coleus and crotons. Twigs, grasses and taller elements can also be added to the mix.

• To provide an elegant look use white pumpkins on the table or even opt to paint some of them. Today’s trend, she said, is pumpkins with a sage green, blue or white hue.

• Birch branches, she said, are on-trend and can be used indoors or outdoors and put inside a pot or tall vase, or cut shorter to make an entry table version.
• Terra cotta pots are also an economical way to add some life to an indoor or outdoor display. The pots are relatively inexpensive and can easily be spraypainted in various colors and whites or golds will transition into winter time.

• If guests are coming for a sit-down dinner plan décor they can see over or under for the dinner table. Keep arrangements low or above their line of vision to encourage and allow for conversation.

• Dinner tables can be adorned with spooky décor for a Halloween theme or, a sophisticated fall look. Albany Country Floral & Gifts hollows out pumpkins and builds arrangements right inside. Or, Eickhoff said, use tiny pumpkins and put them on each place setting, add a small pick to use them as place cards.
FALL | continued page 11 FALL | from page 9
• To spread a little of the season throughout the home, consider a front door wreath to set the stage for what’s to come inside, then consider a dining room table centerpiece and perhaps an ivory runner on a sideboard to provide a little warmth and another option for decorating. Fill an antique bowl with pinecones and tiny pumpkins and add a little potpourri for a seasonal smell.

• Pumpkins are temperature sensitive once they come off the vine and need to be brought out of the sun on hot days in order for them to last. To help preserve a pumpkin, cover it in floor polish to help seal it.
FALL | continued page 13
12 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition * Call for free estimates for maintenance recommendations. Clip this ad out and give to salesman after you’ve received your estimate for a 10% discount * 320-212-3627 MIDWEST ASPHALT MAINTENANCE LLC BELGRADE midwestasphaltmaint@gmail.com • Crack Sealing • Air Injection Patching • Sealcoating • Striping • Pothole Repair NEED SHINGLES? NEED SOMEONE TO INSTALL? We can help with both. Give us a call! 520 12th Street South • Sauk Centre, MN 320-352-2255 • Fax: 320-352-6288 LUMBER CO. www.steinerlumbercompany.com 320-845-6464 | www.austinincorporated.com Septic Pumping and Maintenance Serving Todd, Pope & Stearns Counties

Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 13 FALL | from page 11 This fall wreath makes the perfect complement to any front door and can last from early September through Thanksgiving, welcoming friends and family. BASED IN GLENWOOD & MORRIS, MN JCRileyConstruction.com NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL! ACCEPTING JOBS FOR 2023! We will be completing asphalt paving in your area during the 2023 construction season. 320-634-1965 OR EMAIL GGRAVES@JCRILEYC ONSTRUCTIO N.COM

• Plant spring bulbs the second week of September through mid-November before the ground freezes. Tulips, daffodils, Crocus and Hyacinth, among others, can all be planted in the fall. Be sure to avoid planting in areas of low grading. Bulbs can be protected from deer and squirrels by laying chicken wire over the top until they begin to root in the spring.
getting the right balance of PH in the soil can mean the difference between plants struggling and plants that provide beautiful blooms throughout the season. Just as important, is the amount of sunlight the plant receives and the amount of moisture.

• Mulch the beds between May and June or between October and November. Mulch helps with weed suppression and prevents erosion.
emerge.•Ifyour garden bed is struggling with diseases be sure to completely remove all debris from the diseased plant and cut it back completely for a fresh start in the spring. Don’t compost diseased debris because the spores can continue to grow in the compost.

This maple tree shows splitting. Wrapping the base of a tree in commercial tree wrap to the first couple branches can prevent splitting.

True gardeners, she said, can begin a lot of journaling on what flowers and vegetables thrived and which ones, perhaps, need a different spot in the garden.
can move and divide plants up until mid to late September, but giving them more time to establish roots is critical to them surviving the winter, she said. Many gardeners, she said, choose to map out where plants are in the fall, taking photos of flower gardens and note needed changes for the spring.
“Each plant has its own happy home area, when you are purchasing or obtaining those plants you kind of have to do some research,” Sadowski
She doesn’t recommend amending the soil until spring because applications tend to run off or evaporate during the winter. But,
• There are two options for bed prep for winter. Either cut back plants in November as they go dormant, or leave them because they give native pollinators and insects a place to live over winter. March and April are also months where perennials can be cut back. If leaving plants for pollinators they can be cut back after things have warmed and the insects
“Now is the time to do your soil testing, do it every three to five years,” she said.
Beans are near their final picking, before they will be pulled and added to the nearby compost. ALL PHOTOS
As fall leaves begin to tumble across the flowers of summer, it’s time to prep those garden beds for the inevitable winter months ahead.Now is just kind of the time to start planning for next year and what went well this year,” said Quincy Sadowski, educator with University of Minnesota Extension.
Tips before the snow falls:
14 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special
• To decrease weeds and pests for next season be sure to pull up all the weeds and annuals, and perennials that aren’t staying and compost them. Choose a sunny day to help prevent soil compaction and the spread of soil borne diseases.


Fall Home Guide Special Edition | September 23, 2022 • 15 GARDENMAINTENANCE from page 14

• Sometimes, if a plant area gets too crowded and overgrown, that plant won’t put energy into blooming, some need to be dead-headed to provide more blooms and some need to be divided to give them more breathing room. Plants have different timelines for dividing them. This guide can help:
•weeksable•identifythey•struggledetables•shreddeding•vegetables•dryyear.of•mowingof•growing-guides/dividing-perennials.https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-AfinallawnmowingcanhappeninlateOctoberwhenthegrowththelawnslowsandbecomesdormant.Theextensionrecommendsthelawntotwoinchestopreventsnowmoldinthespring.Fallisagreattimetocleangardentoolsandcontainers.Becausealotdiseasesaresoilborne,it’simportanttostarttheseasonrightnextCleantoolswith70percentrubbingalcoholandkeeptheminaspottopreventrusting.Pulloutlawnornamentsandtomatocagesandlabelsorstakesforandplantsandcleanthosewithrubbingalcoholaswell.Onceeverythingispulledupinaveggiegarden,removeanylinger-plantdebrisand/orstonesandrakethesurface,coverinalayerofleaves.Keepagardenjournalandmakenoteofwhichvarietiesofveg-didwell,whatyouenjoyedcookingwithandwhichvarietieswithpestmanagement.Keepaflowergardenjournalandmapoutyourperennialsincaseneedsplittinginthespring.Takephotosinthefallsoyoucanthelocationofthingsbeforetheypopthroughthesoil.TheUniversityofMinnesotaExtensionhassoiltestingkitsavail-forpickupinitsoffices.Typically,inthefall,ittakestwotothreetogetbackresults.Besuretoprotectyoungtreesandshrubsbeforethehardfrostofwinter.Wrappingthebaseofatreeincom-mercialtreewraptothefirstcouplebranchescanpreventsunscald,wherethebarkcanheatupandthefreeze,causingsplit-ting.Findmoreinformationhere:https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/protect-ing-trees-and-shrubs-winter#sunscald-1263860. 320-845-2747 Conveniently located next to I-94 We Televisions!ElectronicsGarbageHandle 7 94 FOR CLEANTHINGSALLUP Buying all metals! As fall harvest quickly approaches, these pumpkins await picking. Crowded and overgrown tomato plants do not produce well. Give them more breathing room and they will produce a higher yield with better quality tomatoes. • Sensitive plants and shrubs and plants or evergreens close to the street that may be exposed to winter salts, can be wrapped in burlap sacks to preserve them. Potato, pepper and jalapeño plants sit at the edge of this garden ready to be composted. Once composting is done, tools such as the shovel pictured will be cleaned with rubbing alcohol in preparation for next year’s planting season.

16 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition 320-260-6977 • mikebreth@yahoo.com 40807 State Hwy 238 - Albany, MN 56307 • Pole Sheds • Roofs • Remodels No Project is Too Big or Too Small! GeradsJeffMikeOwnerBreth Lic.# BC639950 HoffDeanarth•Decks•Concrete•Windows • Siding • NewConstruction SAUKSTORECENTREONLY 1050 Centre 320-352-5261Street TOOLS BUY SOME All corded and battery powered tools are Sale valid from Sept. 24 - Oct. 3, 2021 BE COOL AND 10% off WWW.FLEETSUPPLYMN.COM 1

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“I always recommend keeping an eye on your trees,” said Katie Drewitz, Extension educator for Stearns, Benton and Morrison counties. “Maintenance pruning is recommended except in times of drought.”

To prune trees, the University of Minnesota Extension offers a number of tips and resources. Pruning, according to the tree maintenance materials from the office, is done to remove diseased, broken or dead branches. Any downward-growing branches should be removed as should one of any two limbs that cross or entangle with another.
Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 21

Depending on the type of tree, lack of pruning, especially when it comes to fastgrowing trees like some of the newer maples on the market, can lead to branch rub which can lead to disease and insect issues. In addition, fast-growing trees can have issues with branch strength which can lead to large branch loss down the road.

made, according to their materials. "Thinning" cuts remove entire branches at the branch collar and are usually the recommended type of cut. Then, there are “heading” cuts that remove only part of a branch and encourage vegetation growth below the cut and are not as common.Extension also recommends taking care to prune trees for shape without cutting back the leader. As the tree grows, lower branches can be removed gradually to “raise the crown.” Multiple leaders can be removed on evergreens and other trees where a single leader is desired, the Extension website said.
As preparations for fall begin, there are a few things for Minnesotans to think about when it comes to tree care.

Mulch is layered at the base of this newly planted tree. A light layer of mulch with no piling around the trunk provides a polished look to a healthy tree.
Tree Care Tutorial
TREE CARE | continued 22
While younger and smaller trees can be pruned by do-it-yourselfers, Extension


Limbs that are bigger than the diameter of the trunk of the tree should be removed as should suckers coming up from the roots or low on the trunk of the tree and vigorous-growing verticalPruningbranches.cuts,according to Extension, should be made close to the branch collar at the base of the limb. There are two kinds of cuts that can be
2022 Fall IMPROVEMENTHOME GUIDE Sara and Pat will make choosing a home loan simple & easy! 423 Main Street South • Sauk Centre, MN 320-352-5771 • www.firststatebanksc.com STATE BANK “We’re here to help!” SaraNMLS#774882Wolbeck Consumer/Mortgage Loan Officer PatNMLS#747265Arnzen Consumer/Mortgage Loan Officer Remodeling?Remodeling?RefiPurchasing,nancingor

The single most important way to maintain tree health upon planting is to properly water the new tree. Oftentimes, a tree may require more water than one would think. To find guidelines for proper watering go to:
• Spruce, fir and Douglas Firs can be pruned at any time but it’s best to prune them in late winter before growth begins. Some spring pruning is not harmful.
• Though pines seldom need pruning, if you want to promote more dense growth, remove up to two-thirds of the length of newly expanded candles and don’t prune back farther than the current year’s growth.
“By choosing trees that aren’t already abundant in your space, you are less likely to lose an entire neighborhood of trees if disease or insects move in,” she said.
TREE CARE | from page 21 TREE CARE | continued page 23
Clad in safety equipment, a man prepares to prune a tree limb. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS SCHNEPF, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, BUGWOOD.ORG
The first thing Drewitz recommends is considering the mature height and width of any tree. She encourages landowners to assess the area for power lines, buildings including homes, and driveways and fences, all of which can impede the growth of the tree.
Proper tree planting is key to creating a healthy tree that requires little maintenance from the start.
• Pines only put on a single flush of tip growth each spring, so prune before these new needles become mature. Removing terminal buds will take away new growing points for that branch and eventually will leave dead stubs.
• To avoid oak wilt, do not prune oaks from April to October.

Pruning equipment lays at the ready as crews determine their next move. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS SCHNEPF, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, BUGWOOD.ORG
recommends leaving the pruning of large trees to qualified tree care professionals. Pruning and trimming large trees requires the use of proper equipment as well as advanced safety measures.

Additionally, she encourages people to consider a tree that brings bio-diversity to their yard or neighborhood.
Here are some basic tips for pruning when it comes time to get your trees back in shape: According to Extension, pruning in late winter, before spring growth starts, is best. This pruning timeframe not only makes it easier to see what needs to be pruned before leaves emerge, it also leaves wounds in the bark exposed for the shortest period of time before new growth begins and seals any damage to the bark.
Small pruning jobs can be done by homeowners, while larger tasks should be left to the professionals. PHOTO COURTESY OF CHRIS SCHNEPF, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, BUGWOOD.ORG
While correctly pruning trees early on in their life can prevent a majority of problems, it’s also important to understand exactly when a tree should be pruned. Pruning timelines, tips on proper pruning methods and tools can be found at the University of Minnesota Extension website at: treesumn.edu/natural-resources-news/avoid-pruning-drought-stressed-shrubsgrowing-guides/pruning-trees-and-shrubshttps://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-Keepinmind,adroughtyearcanimpactwhenandhowtreesandshouldbepruned.Getallthedetailshere:https://extension.
Page 22 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition
• Prune apple trees, including flowering crabapples, mountain ash, hawthorns and shrub cotoneasters in late winter (February to early April).•Some trees have free-flowing sap that “bleeds” after late winter or early spring pruning. Though this bleeding causes little harm, according to the Extension service, it still may be a source of concern. To prevent bleeding, prune these trees after their leaves are fully expanded in late spring or early summer and never remove more than one-quarter of the live foliage. These trees include all maples including boxelder, butternut, walnut, birch and its relatives, ironwood and Blue Beech.
Timeline tips from the University of Minnesota Extension:
• With a few exceptions, according to the Extension service, evergreens require little pruning.
Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 23 SPECIALISTS IN MANY SERVICE AREAS 320-243-3644 | vossplumbing.com | 316 Business 23 E., Paynesville • Radon Testing & Mitigation • Plumbing • Heating & A/C • Comfort Club Maintenance Program • Water Treatment Systems • Water Softeners • Reverse Osmosis & Distillers • Iron Filters #107252 RMT - NRPP Certified | #107251 RT - #58961PM New RoomRemodelConstructionAdditions & much more! ThisAbove:Maple tree shows signs of ORGSERVICE,USDAJOSEPHCOURTESYthelimbARight:BUGWOOD.ORGFORESTL.COURTESYdrought.OFROBERTANDERSON,USDASERVICE,freshlyprunedtreerecoversunderchillofwinter.OFOBRIEN,FORESTBUGWOOD. BUCK TRE S VI E TIM ROGGENBUCK 700 West Queen Street Osakis, MN 56360 Phone: 320-859-5957 Cell: 320-808-4242 FREE ESTIMATES Tree Trimming, Removal and Stumping

Page 24 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition 226 12th St. • Sauk Centre, MN • 320-352-0309 No matter your project, we have the product! We have the PERFECT color! STATE AGENCY 423 Main St. So • Sauk Centre, MN • 320-352-7200 www.firststateagencysc.com We believe you should have it all –great coverage and extraordinary service. You can trust us to make you our priority. Trust in Tomorrow. ® Contact us today. TRUST US TO PROTECT IT ALL “Trust in Tomorrow.” and “Grinnell Mutual” are registered trademarks of Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company. © Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Company, 2022. 111 Co Rd 10 • P.O. Box 476 • Albany, MN AgriculturalCommercialwww.jtelectricservice.com56307ResidentialTrenchingUndergroundWork Serving you for over 40 years office: 320-845-4789 JT JT ELECTRIC SERVICE E L E C T R I C A L C O N T R A C T O R »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Occasional Sales & Rental Suite 320-291-5543 | 541 Railroad Ave, Albany, MN 56307 Home Decor Repurpose » Refresh » Rehome OPEN: Thursday | 9 to 5 Friday | 9 to 5 Saturday | 9 to 3 New, Used and Vintage Too! One of a kind finds »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»H »»»»» » »»»D »»»»»»»» » »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» »» » BOUTIQUE + OVERNIGHT STAYS

• Wipe off the interior of the air exchanger with a soft cloth, removing cob webs, pet hair and dust.
Damon Poepping, of Kleinschmidt Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, removes the heat recovery core from an air exchanger. Jaime Kleinschmidt said air exchangers are an important part of any modern home’s HVAC system. While the maintenance on them is simple, he said it should not be ignored. ALL PHOTOS SUBMITTED
Damon Poepping of Kleinschmidt Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, removes the filters from an air exchanger for cleaning.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 25
“The exchanger lets your house basically breathe,” he said. “It exchanges air from the inside to the outside. It’s built so it moves the air around.”Without it, windows can fog over with condensation and mold can form inside the home. Windows that fog over suddenly, or windows where water is running down the pane, signal there could be a problem with the exchanger and the issue should be addressed promptly so it doesn’t cause larger issues in the home, he said.
• Check the vents on the outside of the house. Vents often get plugged with grass clippings, dust and dirt and a reduction in air flow can be hard on the exchanger’s motors. An HVAC professional can provide guidance on the location of any vents connected to the exchanger.

“Ask an HVAC (professional) when they’re there, how they work and what you should be doing.”This crucial piece of equipment doesn’t require a ton of maintenance but shouldn’t simply be ignored. Exchangers were invented in the late 1990s as new homes became more efficient and air tight with Tyvek wrap and energy-efficient windows.
Here are some simple tips for keeping the mysterious box running:
Many older homes, with more gaps and cracks, may not be built tight enough to require the use of an air exchanger.
Air exchangers, they lurk in the basement of homes across the Midwest and they’re one of the most often ignored pieces of in-home technology.“Don’tbe afraid of them,” said Jamie Kleinschmidt of Kleinschmidt Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. “They’re there to help your house stay in good shape.”
Jamie Kleinschmidt
Most clients, he said, don’t even know what the air exchanger does, they just know it’s a box hanging in the basement.
Air Exchangers
“The exchanger lets your house basically breathe. It exchanges air from the inside to the outside. It’s built so it moves the air around.”
• Have the air exchanger checked over at the same time as a furnace tune-up. Don’t be afraid to ask an HVAC professional about maintaining the air exchanger. They can provide guidance on appropriate settings.

AIR EXCHANGERS | continued page 26
• There are filters inside the exchanger that need to be cleaned at a minimum every six •months.Generally, exchangers have a removable core that can be taken out and washed with warm, soapy water. Once clean and dry, the core can be put back in place.
Page 26 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition 25
Air exchangers are a critical component to maintaining the proper humidity and exchange of fresh air inside today’s more efficient and air-tight homes.

• Exchangers have circuit boards and motors that can go out. If the exchanger begins making noise, or condensation appears suddenly on the windows, it’s a warning sign that something isn’t working properly. Call a professional to troubleshoot the system.

• Some air exchangers have control modules, others have a thermostat depending on the style. The settings adjust the humidity in the home, the fan speed and how the exchanger runs. There may also be indicator lights on when to change or clean the filter.

FallFall thetCelebrateCelebrateheSeasonSeason

• Air exchangers should be balanced by a technician to make sure they’re pulling in the same amount of air as they’re pushing out. There are dampers that open and close to adjust the air flows and it’s important to get the right exchange to keep the house as healthy as possible.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 27 Thermo-Fit custom replacement windows availablefrom: LOGODEALER ttwindows.com Your satisfaction is reflected in everything we do. Openuptoa smarterwindow. is re flect ent DEALER NAME 123 Main 123-456-7890Street,Anytown•dealer.com Thermo-Fit® custom replacement windows from Thermo-Tech® are the right fit to add beauty and comfort to any home. Superior performance. Low maintenance. Long-lasting beauty. Easy installation. It all adds up to a smarter window. 102 1st Ave. SW., Long Prairie, MN 320-732-6641• www.LongPrairieLumber.com LONG PRAIRIE LUMBER 550 Meeker Ave. East P.O. BOX 217 Eden Valley, MN 55329 WHAT WE DO At Schlangen’s, we create kitchen, bath, and specialty cabinetry with style. Westyle.specialize in residential and light commercial cabinetry.We specialize We custom make your cabinets in any wood species of your choice. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the cabinetry that Schlangen’s Custom Cabinets can provide for your home.can for Whether you are looking for a simple elegant replace mantel or an elaborate entertainment center for your family room, youfamily will nd attention to detail in every piece that we make. 320.453.2718 | WWW.SCHLANGENSCABINETS.COM CHLANGEN’S USTOM ABINETS,Inc.SC 2510SBroadwaySt|Alexandria,MN 320-762-8645 Visitourupdated showroom!

There are a few steps to helping plants make a successful transition:


Once temps during the day begin hovering around 60 to 65 and drop lower at night, it’s time for the plants to make the march inside.

Thoroughly examine the plant for pest – sit might be necessary to use a magnifying glass. Look for bugs, eggs, tiny holes and webbing as well as honeydew, a shiny, sticky substance that aphids secrete. Especially look at discolored leaves and other signs the plant has been lived on.

Those house plants that have been flourishing outside for the summer can continue their lives indoors for winter but only with early planning.
Tips for successful seasonal transition

“You want to allow those plants to have some time (indoors) before you turn your heaters on,” said Quincy Sadowski, with the University of Minnesota Extension. “Putting really high heat on them shocks them.”
When bringing outdoor plants indoors, be sure to provide them with plenty of natural light as they get used to their new environment. Also modify plant care; plants won’t need as much water once they’re out of the elements. ALL PHOTOS BY SARAH COLBURN

Highway 23 & Lake Ave • Spicer, MN | 320-796-2178 • 1-800-992-8866 greenlakenurseryofspicer.com | Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 11-4 At Green Lake Nursery located in Spicer, we are transitioning into fall! We have everything you need to complete those landscaping projects. Fall is a great time to plant trees and shrubs and Green Lake Nursery has a wide selection to choose from. Stop in and check out all of the fall colors with colorful mums, fall home decor and fresh flowers. Build a beautiful garden wi Green Lake Nursery in Spicer! We’re transitioninginto fall Stop in or call to plan and schedule your spring landscape project!

“Most house plants are tropical and they don’t like to get chilly,” Sadowski said.

Helping house plants shift to ind r living

Page 28 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition

HOUSE PLANTS | continued page 29


• If bugs are present, remove them or pick them off. Then wash the plant with water and gently wipe away any residues with a paper towel. Be sure to change out the paper toweling between plants so bugs don’t spread to other plant life.
HOUSE PLANTS | continued page 30
• If there are areas of debris that won’t come off, use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. For extreme infestations, there are insecticide treatments available. Look for a product that contains the active ingredient Pyrethrins, the spray works directly on bugs but can require multiple treatments. Additionally, there are other insecticidal soaps available that contain potassium fatty acids. This product can also be used as a direct contact application. Be sure to read labels to avoid burning houseplants.
HOUSE PLANTS | from page 28
Leave the critters and bugs outside as you bring your plants in. Be sure to repot your plants with fresh soil before bringing them indoors.
Tropical plants can live all season long in Minnesota when cared for properly. Bring them inside before the temperatures drop and allow them to acclimate before turning on the furnace for fall.

Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 29 When you’re ready to start your next Home Improvement project, give Matt a call! He’s ready to help you plan for a new deck, siding, windows, doors, shingles, and more. 305 W Hwy 212, Danube | 320-826-2512 Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm | Saturday: 8:00 am to Noon • Fasteners • Plumbing • Housewares • Paint • Electrical • Lawn/Garden • Keys • Lumber • Janitorial
“This is especially important if you have other plants inside that didn’t get their summer vacation, you don’t want anything to spread to them,” Sadowski said.

• Be sure to pull the plant out of its pot to make sure there are no mice or other surprises inside the pot.
• As the plant is transferred to a fresh, clean pot, wash the roots and look for any signs of decay. If any stems are looking sad, or leaves have had insect activity, pull or trim those off
• Soil-borne diseases can also impact plants. Place the plant into a clean container with fresh soil before bringing in indoors.
• Be aware that some plants may not handle the move outdoors and back inside. It’s important to be aware that sometimes a bug infestation may go too far and the best thing to do is compost the plant.

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bringing plants back inside for fall, be sure to inspect the leaves for signs of bugs and clean them off.
the care for any plant that’s been brought indoors. The plant has adapted to outdoor, summer conditions and may not need as much water now that it’s indoors.
• Quarantine any plants that have been outdoors, keeping them far away from others in the home. Monitor the plants for signs of stress and keep the plants separated for about two •weeks.Adjust
• Plants newly brought indoors may experience leaf drop with the decreased levels of natural light. Be sure to place them in areas where they’ll get plenty of light, or use an artificial light to supplement.

• Some plants, like native perennials, require dormancy and require a cold season – it’s part of their life cycle. Annuals, like petunias, can be brought inside to over winter.
HOUSE PLANTS | from page 29
Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 31 James Kracht, Sales 320-760-1681 james@tricountyfoam.com320-852-7050 We Can Fix & Raise Most: Raising Concrete With Eco-Rise Polyurethane Foam:® JohnsonCole INSTALL NEW REPAIR OLD Owner/LeadSuperiorInstallerGutters,SeamlessLLC. 320-460-0205 ckjohnson20@hotmail.com Osakis MN Gutter Guards / Screen available Call estimate!fortodayan

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• Creating a rectangle or circle shape around a room element like a coffee table is a good way to start.

• If the focus of the room is the television, build around it, but take care to make sure each seat plays with the others and not just the television or the element of conversation will be lost in the room.

SEATING | continued page 34
Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 33

• Remember that multiple conversation areas can sit in one space. A large deck for example, could be home to an outdoor dining area as well as a relaxation area. A generous family room may have a conversation area by the built-in bar and another by the television with a third for a game-table area.
• Begin with the basics. A rug can set the tone for a conversation area and delineate its borders. Whether the focus is outdoor seating or indoors, a rug can define an area and provide a warmth to the space, but also the start of a potential color palette.

• Choose furniture pieces that play nicely together. When it comes to pairings, there’s a multitude of choices. Pairings could look like two matching couches facing one another with chairs set side-by-side on one end. Or, it could look like a couch flanked by accent chairs or facing accent chairs. Or, a room could be design solely with chair groupings, with all chairs facing one another. No matter the seating arrangement, the seats should be placed where people can make direct eye contact around and across the room.
When setting up a room for conversation, take into account its focal points, like a television or fireplace. Being cognizant of these things while also facing chairs toward one another is important. PHOTOS BY SARAH COLBURN

Conversational SEATING


• Find or create a focal point in the room and build around it. If the room has a fireplace, make that the stand-out element and build the seating around the fireplace. If the focus is a wall of picture windows, play off the lightness in the space and arrange furniture with a view to the outdoors.

When it comes to home decorating, creating conversational seating spaces is one of the key elements to good design. While furniture groupings encourage people to come together to share in conversation and hospitality, mis-placed furniture or the wrong furniture all together can throw off a space and make it less than inviting.

• Accent chairs and couches don’t have to be finished in the same fabric. To add interest, consider furniture pieces that tout similar colors, textures and finishes to tie the space together. Repeating various colors or elements throughout makes it feel cohesive.

SEATING | continued page
Page 34 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition

to place

so it speaks to the other pieces in the room, grouping them together and allowing for eye contact. Repeating textures and colors tie a space together while plants and small décor items provide a finished look.

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SEATING | from page 33

• Consider convenience. Any good get together involves food and drink so give family members and guests an easy way to enjoy their goodies. This is a place where creativity counts, think about adding in different wood and metal elements, look for tables with legs that allow an airiness to show through the room. Not all the tables have to match, but again should have some elements that tie them together so look for similar woods or metals in slightly different shapes or styles. Add in tables between chair sets or at the ends of couches to provide a good resting spot for food and drink when entertaining.
For comfortable conversation, be sure furniture
• While humans like to have their own bubble of space for optimal comfort, the seating should be arranged so the pieces aren’t too far apart. Each seat should speak to the other, creating a visual grouping with no seat floating out in the room on its own. People naturally clump together or stand in a circle when out in public so create that same feeling in your living area.

plants. Live ones. Plants are a great way to soften a room and add in life and interest.

SEATING | from page 34 300 Main St., Cold Spring, MN • (320) 685-8651 Monday – Friday: 8:00AM to 6:30PM Sat.: 8:00AM to 3:00PM Sunday: Closed COLD SPRING CO-OP & COUNTRY STORE Stop by and check out our great selection of home and lawn decor. NOW 25% looking for new home decor? • Thermotech Windows • Fabral Steel • Edco Steel Siding CONTACT ELROSA LUMBER COMPANY FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS... ELROSA LUMBER COMPANY P.O. Box 140 • Elrosa, MN • 320-697-5591 FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS GetForReadyFall! JD X590 #90014335 - $7,250 Bobcat 742B #90011703-Bobcat$10,900S205 #90014405- $25,900 Toro HDX2000 #90014351- $10,900 NH L225 #90014386- $34,900 Toro 3280D #90014355- $7,900 Grey1-800-955-6051Eagle,MN56336 Kutter Insurance Agency “For All Your Insurance Needs!” Michael W. Kutter MN License # IN-22558 Ben B. Ettle MN License # IN-40286154 • AUTOS • HOMES • COMMERCIAL • FARMS • HEALTH • BOATS/ATVs

• Now that the shape of the space is complete, look for opportunities to soften the room. Adding in layers of lighting is one of the biggest ways to create drama and ambiance that draws people in and welcomes them. Bathing a room in various kinds of light, from brighter overhead lights, to moody lamp lighting, creates a warmth and ambiance. Place multiple lamps throughout the room so the light can play across the
Fall Home Guide Special Edition • September 23, 2022 - page 35

• Add in décor. Decorative elements like coffee table books, lanterns and sculptures can add elements to a room and give people something to talk about. Again, these elements should have characteristics that tie them together throughout the space. Adding in pops of a similar color can create a palette throughout the room without it becoming overly cluttered.

Once the tire eaters show up it’s too late to apply crack sealer, or the seal coat at that point. The only solution to pot holes is to have them patched with hot asphalt, luckily, we offer that service as well.


Not only does seal coating make your driveway or parking lot look nearly new, it actually serves a few purposes! By seal coating every 3-5 years it helps lock in the asphalt sealer and prevents erosion from the sun, rain, snow and salt.

The is and snow way!

end of summer
is on its


Page 36 • September 23, 2022 | Fall Home Guide Special Edition Simply Surfacing is an asphalt maintenance company dedicated to reduce the carbon footprint of new asphalt being paved, this is done by preserving what is already in use by applying the industry’s top leading maintenance products. Kircher OWNER Sauk MinnesotaCentre, Call (320) 429-1553

Crack sealing helps keep the water out from under the asphalt, once the water does make its way under the asphalt after a few years of rain, frost and erosion is when a pot hole starts to “mark its territory” the ground below becomes soft or washed out causing the tire eating roller coaster in your asphalt.

Call Simply Surfacing today for a free quote on getting your asphalt sealed to help protect it from further weathering. Simply Surfacing offers the following services for residential and commercial asphalt. NOW SCHEDULING FOR SPRING 2023! PRICES FOR THE $0.20Hot$0.10LiquidSERVICESFOLLOWINGSealCoating-$0.18CentsaSqFtRubberizedCrackSealing-$0.75CentsperlinearfootHotAsphaltPatching$3-$7perSqFtLineStriping.75-$1.50perlinearfootParkingLotSweeping/Cleaning$0.10-$0.50perSqFt • Crack Sealing • Seal Coating • Hot Asphalt Patching • Line Striping • Parking Lot Sweeping / Cleaning f f t tti h lt l d t h l F OR 202 3 !