Herald Sauk Centre
Appeal backfires
Kellen re-sentenced, faces 20 years in prison
ST. CLOUD – A Sauk
Centre man will have an extended stay in prison after appealing a sentence in an initially settled case.
Ryan Timothy Kellen, 30, was sentenced to 20 years in prison Feb. 15 after a jury convicted Kellen of all seven felony counts stemming from a domestic assault and standoff with law enforcement Jan. 12, 2020. The sentence nearly doubles Kellen’s prison time.
According to the criminal complaint, during a nearly eight-hour standoff with law enforcement in the city of Sauk Centre Jan. 12, 2020, Kellen fired a handgun from his home at a SWAT vehicle that contained five police officers; the bullet hit the vehicle frame on the driver’s side. In an initial statement, Kellen told law enforcement he did not intentionally shoot the weapon and that the gun went off when we was attempting to display it for law enforcement in a window.
Following that incident, Kellen was charged with seven felony counts – two for domestic
Kellen page 4
FFA Week Celebrating
Soup is served
Volunteering in the Holy Family kitchen
Since the launch of Holy Family’s Springfest 27 years ago, a highlight has been the homemade wild rice soup served in fresh bread bowls. Since 2017, Mary Klimek, Janelle Borgmann and Melanie Peters have played important roles in the soup bowl process.
Klimek heads the soup-making team, Borgmann leads the bread bowl-baking group and Peters oversees the kitchen shifts on the day of Springfest when soup is served. All three teams have perfected a smooth operation.
First up is Klimek and her group of about 10 fellow volunteers, who gather in the Holy Family kitchen on the Thursday before Springfest.
The volunteers on this team vary from year to year. “I’ll call a bunch of people each year and ask if they can come make soup that day,” Klimek said. “We gather at noon and are usually wrapping up by 6 p.m.”
The amount of soup made has increased in recent years because of popularity but also because of adding presale/pickup orders during the
Springfest page 4
Safe, sound
Grabmeier leads resident out of burning
Sauk Centre Police Department footage taken from officer Eric Grabmeier’s body camera shortly after 1 a.m. Feb. 19 shows how speed and clear thinking are needed during a house fire.
In the footage, Grabmeier enters the home of Dave and Catherine Dahle on the 700 block of Fifth Street South in Sauk Centre. Thick smoke can be seen in the glow of Grabmeier’s flashlight, and his coughing can be heard.
The footage also shows Grabmeier passing by flames, and he asks his partner, Branton Stowell, to grab him a fire extinguisher. As he makes his way closer to a stairway, Catherine can be heard saying she cannot see.
It was the Dahles’ 14-year-old grandson, James, who alerted his grandparents and the authorities to the fire. He was staying with the cou-
Students of Holy Family School rush to get on the school bus on
Centre and the surrounding areas with reduced visibility
cancelled both days.
21 in
$1.50 OBITUARY The newspaper of today is the history of tomorrow. ST R Publications Scan me to start or renew your subscription! Jane Martin | WWW.STAR-PUB.COM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023 Boys Basketball Page 8 NUMBER 39 • VOLUME 156
Grabmeier page 4
FFA Week page 2
(Front) Emily Peters; (middle, from left) Eric Isenbart, Noah Christen, Rylan Pallow, Mitchell Christen, Lanna Walter, Haddie Walter and Katie Gregory; (back, from left) Alex Goerdt, Simon Marthaler, Tyler Meyer and Austin Marthaler gather around the calf on Feb. 21 at Sauk Centre High School. The Sauk Centre FFA has contests and dress up days each day this week to celebrate National FFA week.
Volunteers Melanie Peters (from left), Mary Klimek and Janelle Borgmann, lead the teams that make and serve soup bowls for Holy Family’s Springfest. Klimek heads the soup-making team, Borgmann leads the bread bowlbaking group and Peters oversees the kitchen shifts for Holy Family’s Springfest.
Sauk Centre. A strong snow storm is set to hit Sauk
and heavy snowfall Wednesday night through Thursday. School was
Ryan Timothy Kellen
Officer Eric Grabmeier
• Sauk Centre Township Notice of Annual Meeting and Election - pg. 7 • Melrose Township Notice of Annual Meeting and Election - pg. 6 • Assumed Name - Payroll Services of Minnesota - pg. 7 • Raymond Township Board of Audit Meeting - pg. 7 • Raymond Township Notice of Annual Meeting and Election - pg. 7 • Raymond Township Notice of Reorganization Meeting - pg. 7 • Probate Notice - Hagfors - pg. 6 • Kandota Township Notice of Public Accuracy Testing - pg. 7 • Birchdale Township Notice of Public Accuracy Testing - pg. 7 • Getty Township Notice of Annual Meeting and Election - pg. 7 • Ashley Township Notice of Annual Meeting and Election - pg. 7 • Sauk Centre Township Notice to Residents - pg. 7 • MN Limited Liability Company - Red Ravin Nail Co. LLC - pg. 6 • City of Sauk Centre Notice of Public Hearing Code Amendments - pg. 7 PUBLIC NOTICES
Rose Marian Jordan
Jeremiah and Shannon Jordan of Belgrade, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Rose Marian Jordan, at 8:32 p.m., Feb. 10, 2023, at CentraCare-Sauk Centre Hospital.
She weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces and measured 19 inches long.
Grandparents are Peter and Annmarie Jordan and John Gregory, both of Sauk Centre and Christy Gregory of Avon.
Great-grandparents are Margaret Jordan of Howard
Aurora Anne Meyer
Rebecca and Jeremy Meyer, of Sauk Centre, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Aurora Anne Meyer, at 9:35 p.m., Feb. 12, 2023, at CentraCare-Melrose Hospital in Melrose.
She weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and measured 19 inches long.
Big brother Jonah, 3, welcomed her home.
Grandparents are Nicki and Hambone Hammond, of New Munich; Stan and Bridget Hasbrook, of Paynesville; and Tom and Linda Meyer of Grey
Rethinking the school schedule
SCHS to remain with five-period day for now
Rose Marian Jordan Lake, Roberta Lent of Baxter, Phyllis Stewart of Benson and Clifford Sockness of Oakdale.
Sauk Centre High School is looking into moving away from their five-period day, but changing the school day to seven periods does not appear to be a viable option.
Aurora Anne Meyer Eagle.
Great-grandparents are Norma and David Amiot, of Sauk Centre.
During the Sauk Centre Public Schools board’s Feb. 21 regular meeting, SCHS principal Sheila Flatau updated the board on the school’s registration and scheduling plans. In her report, she mentioned how the school had transitioned to a five-period day with 70-minute periods when their system became unified; the transition required compromise, and although it has been about a decade since the change was implemented, some dissatisfaction has remained.
“There is angst with the five-period day,” Flatau said. “It’s very unique, a five-period day on a four-quarter schedule; I don’t know of another system that has it … We’ve explored a lot of different schedules along the way.”
One of those schedules SCHS has considered was the seven-period day with about 45-minute periods, similar to the schedule utilized by Melrose Area Public Schools. The
classes had fewer instructional minutes and are more budget-friendly while offering more elective choices.
However, the potential pitfalls of the schedule outweigh the advantages. For instance, the 70-minute period allows for more time for homework support instead of just lecture; additionally, in order to support a seven-period day, the school would have to hire eight more staff members. Students would also be expected to manage an extended class list.
“I have friends in Melrose who I’ve asked about the seven-period day,” said student representative Hailey Hokanson. “They’ve said pretty much the same thing: They always have more homework than I would have because I only have five classes to worry about. They also complain they have a full semester of gym class, where it’s only a quarter for us.”
SCHS is already laying out the 2023-24 school year schedule under the five-period day model. SCPS board member John Rasmussen, participating remotely, expressed his continued dissatisfaction with the five-period day and his desire to look into a different system.
In other school board news:
– In his food service update, Tyson Simmon with A’viands reported that this school year has been the first year since 2020 where school meals have not been free of charge, but a bill is moving through state legislature that would provide meals at no cost to stu-
FFA Week from front
dents; Governor Tim Walz has already indicated he will sign the bill if it reaches him.
– The SCPS Kid Connection will soon be opening registration for summer 2023, prioritizing the families who have previously utilized their services. The program already has an extensive waitlist.
– Activities director Scott Bergman highlighted the progress of the school’s robotics club, who have been working on their competition robot since January; the task their robot must complete this year involves picking up a 13-inch road cone and an 8-inch beach ball, placing the cone on a peg and the ball on a shelf. Their regional competition will be March 9-11 in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
– As of the meeting, the SCPS 2022-23 schedule had one snow day and one e-learning day left. If the school ends up needing more days off than are allotted, they will not be made up at the end of the year because of the renovation construction schedule. The construction materials for the project are expected to arrive on April 27.
– Approved the hiring of elementary paraprofessionals Leah Thielen and Tina Schwieters and secondary paraprofessional Melissa Miller.
– Approved the resignation of elementary paraprofessionals Christine Schmitz and Brenda Stone and secondary paraprofessionals Leslie Juarez Valencia.
– Approved the retirement of elementary paraprofessional
Str eeter Streeter
Spencer Marthaler
Parents name: Jean and Todd Marthaler
Accomplishment: Is a senior diver on the Melrose-Sauk Centre Fusion Swim and Dive Team.
What do you enjoy most about being on the swim team? There’s a lot to enjoy on this team. I think most of all I love the winning mentality and the supportive atmosphere.
What has been the highlight of your diving year so far? Having a personal record and placing top three in the conference felt really great this year. What other activities are you involved in at school? I’m an avid student section supporter, and hurdler for the track team.
Why do you feel it’s important to be involved in school activities? School activities are a great way to meet people, push yourself, and have fun. I think these are all parts of school activities that makes them worth all of the hard work.
What is your favorite Streeter tradition? Just this year, I learned the swim team team-chant and it’s a really fun way to end swim meets.
How do you try to make a difference at school? As a senior, I try to be nice to everybody. It seems like sometimes doing a small thing for someone goes a long way.
What teacher has impacted your education the most? While there’s tons of great teachers, I’d like to give Mr. Ross a shoutout here. As a history teacher, he teaches about the past, yet he always keeps us up to date on present events too. I think that’s really cool since every moment is a moment in history. He really goes above and beyond to prepare information about current events each and every day that I wouldn’t know about without him.
What is something you’ve learned in class recently? Mr. Ellens has been teaching us all about the body on every level in human biology. He’s made learning a lot of information easy because he’s really knowledgeable in his field and intelligent enough to make it understandable for his students.
Therese McGree-Deem.
– Approved the medical leave of secondary social studies teacher Spencer Carpenter, who will be finishing the school year before his leave.
– Approved the SCPS 2023-24 school year calendar and the three-year achievement and integration plan.
– Approved the building bond resolution for issuing general obligation bonds in the amount of $1,480,000.
– Approved the following donations: for the Margaret Shelby Theatre audio-visual system, $2,000 from Paul and Bonnie Ranjenovich, $1,000 from Patrick and Brenda Jennissen, $7,800 from the Artify Sauk Centre Fund, $1,000 from Tim and Stacey Kampsen, $2,500 from Felling Trailers, $3,500 from John Wiese Ford and $100 from Doug Kampsen; for robotics, $3,000 from Felling Trailers, $1,000 from Paul and Bonnie Radjenovich and $1,000 from Patrick and Brenda Jennissen; $5,000 from the Sauk Centre Conservation Club for archery; $7,000 from the Sauk Centre Area Community Foundation for the socio-emotional learning initiative curriculum and books; $2,200 from the SCACF for the community education pickleball upgrade; $3,000 from the SCACF for the Fifth and Sixth Grade Streets to Success; and $200 from the Sauk Centre Lions for the Renaissance Program. The next school board regular meeting will be Monday, March 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the SCPS Media Center.
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Page 2 | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD NEWS S aluting great accomplishments in the Saluting great in the S auk Centre High S chool Sauk Centre School
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PHOTOS TIFFANY KLAPHAKE Students compete in ag Olympics that took place as part of National FFA week on Feb. 21 at Sauk Centre High school. This was one of the many challenges put on by the Sauk Centre FFA to celebrate National FFA week.
(Right) Seniors Kate McKeown and Eli Fletcher are the winners of the Ag Olympics competition on Feb. 21 held at the Sauk Centre High School. They each received an FFA T-shirt as their prize.
(Right) Lanna Walter and Mitchell Christen announce the names of the lucky individuals who will get to kiss the calf on Feb. 21 at Sauk Centre High School. One student from each grade and two teachers were voted by the student body to kiss the calf.
Safety in 2022
County attorney, police chief give annual reports
Sauk Centre still holds safety as a priority, and the county has taken note.
During the Sauk Centre City Council’s regular meeting Feb. 15 at Sauk Centre City Hall, Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall started her report with news that Ryan Kellen had just been sentenced to 20 years in prison that afternoon; Kellen was arrested in Sauk Centre on Jan. 12, 2020, for shooting at a police vehicle during a barricaded suspect incident. “I want to compliment you on how well the Sauk Centre Police Department handled that situation,” Kendall said. “Right from the beginning, knowing that, as they came to the call, it was going to be bad, and calling for reinforcements, they worked extremely well with all the other agencies.”
According to Kendall, the number of participants admitted to the county’s juvenile diversion program in 2022 was 99. This represents a decrease from previous years, which Kendall attributed to an uptick in other criminal activity and some juvenile criminals not getting caught. Additionally, while Sauk Centre’s total prosecutions have decreased – down from 179 in 2021 to 164 in 2022 –the total prosecutions in St. Cloud are on the rise; the area used to have one or two homicides per year, but after 2020, that number has gone up and stayed at about five homicides per year.
After Kendall’s presentation, SCPD chief Bryon Friedrichs gave his department’s 2022 report. DWIs have decreased to 20, the lowest point in recent years, and there were no incidents of underage drinking and driving incidents either. Traffic accidents saw a slight increase from 82 in 2021 to 89 in 2022.
Thefts have also been on a steady decline, down from 107 in 2019 to 71 in 2022; there was a sharp increase in burglaries, up from four in 2021 to 18 in 2022, but Friedrichs partially attributed that to one burglary incident in a building that housed several businesses.
Controlled substance charges have held fairly steady; paraphernalia and marijuana possession incidents have decreased, down from 24 marijuana and 12 paraphernalia counts in 2019 to nine marijuana and 11 paraphernalia counts in 2022.
In the miscellaneous service calls and proactive contacts, Friedrichs noted how harassment and hit-and-run incidents had each doubled over the last year: 26 harassments and 15 hit-and-runs in 2021 to 53 harassments and 30 hit-and-runs in 2022.
However, the total offenses declined from 8,809 in 2021 to 8,879 in 2022. Citizen contacts decreased from 329 in 2021 to 188 in 2022, but Friedrichs mentioned the department’s updated system tends to file such contacts under other headings such as business assist.
In other council
news: – Public Works supervisor Ben Clink reported the roof of the Sauk Centre Civic Arena had developed a leak in the recent thaw, and steaming the roof’s drains to open them helped
alleviate the problem. City administrator Vicki Willer later mentioned funding options were being researched for the roof’s repair, the estimated cost of which is about $500,000; the state and charitable organizations are being contacted, and while the state plan does not have funds allocated for such purposes, it might still become a possibility. The roof is 30 years old and past its usable life, and the city may consider selling the building to someone interested in managing it.
– According to the city’s recent community survey to gauge public opinion on a replacement for the Sinclair Lewis Park fountain statue, 43.73% of respondents wanted a painted fiberglass replica, 22.03% wanted a bronze replica and 34.24% wanted something new and different. Once the city finalizes costs for the painted replica – while also considering the new and different option – the purchase will come before the council for final approval.
– In their project to repair Sauk Centre City Hall’s front steps, the city has been considering heat-
ing the steps so they won’t have to be salted in the winter or need snowmelt. However, as adding the heat would add an estimated $25,000 to the project, the city is more inclined to leave out that option.
– Sauk Centre mayor Warren Stone reported Sauk Centre Public Utilities is keeping an eye on recently proposed state legislation that would forbid power purchases from non-green states.
– The Park Board is recommending the following improvements to the city’s trail system: Construct a trail from Sixth Street into Brown’s Park, pave the trail from East River Circle to East River Boulevard, reclaim and pave the Wobegon Trail spur along Park Road to the main Wobegon Trail and reclaim and pave the skate park and basketball court west of near Sinclair Lewis Campground. Updated bid specifications are in progress and will be brought to the council before final approval.
– The city issued five building permits in January, a total value of $354,034.
– Approved the following protective covenant to the Authors Addition residential plat: No dwelling shall be constructed within 300 feet of an existing
dwelling with the same plan, exterior treatments or color as viewed from the public street. Instead of adding an additional covenant mandating a primary dwelling construction withing two years of a lot’s purchase, the city is exploring adding an incentive plan to encourage earlier building.
– Approved the re-appointment of Don Leonard to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board. His five-year term was set to expire March 31.
– Approved a variance to the Felling property on Hickman Drive to build a single-family dwelling 26 feet from the right of way where 30 feet is required.
– Approved the appointment of Sheryl Braun as a driver and first responder for the Sauk Centre Ambulance Service.
– Approved a one-day liquor license permit and an offsite gambling permit for the Sauk Centre Youth Hockey Association and their beer and wine event March 25 at the Sauk Centre Civic Arena.
– Approved a gambling permit for the Sauk Centre Rotary Club for a June 28 raffle at the Sinclair Lewis Park Bandshell. The next city council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, at Sauk Centre City Hall.
Friends of the Library Meeting: Thursday, Feb. 23, 4 p.m. in the library basement. Anyone interested is invited to attend.
Stearns DFL: Feb. 25, 11 a.m. hosting a conversation on “How can rural Minnesotans welcome their Latino neighbors?” at MexCal Restaurant in Sauk Centre.
Relay for Life Event: Friday, June 16, 4 p.m. to midnight at the Stearns County Fairgrounds.
Pins and Needles Quilters Monthly Meeting: Second Tuesday of the Month, 7-9 p.m. at the Sauk Centre Senior Center, 321 4th St. N. Our goal is to promote the art of quilt making at all skill levels by discussion, lessons, and show and tell of your projects at our meetings. We welcome new members. Catholic in Recovery/All Addictions Anonymous (CIR/AAA): held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday each month at 1 p.m. starting in Feb. 2023. Located at Centre for Christ.
DivorceCare: support for those going through a separation and/ or divorce, meeting every Thursday for 13 weeks at 6 p.m. beginning Thursday, Feb. 23. Located at Centre for Christ.
GriefShare: Offering support for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Meeting every Tuesday for 13 weeks at 6 p.m. beginning Feb. 21. Located at Centre for Christ.
Little Sauk Legion Auxiliary Unit 417 Meeting: Second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Little Sauk Legion. New members welcome! Mental Health Support Group: Fridays from 2-4 p.m. at the Palmer House. We welcome anyone who suffers with mental health issues. Any questions, please contact Richard at 320-260-4233.
Sauk Centre History Museum and Research Center: Museum hours are Sunday and Monday - closed, Tuesday 1-5 p.m., Wednesday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday 1-5 p.m., Friday noon to 4 p.m. Located in the Sinclair Lewis Library building at 430 Main Street. Any questions, please call 320-351-8777.
Mental Health Crisis Line: 320-253-5555 or 800-635-8008. Crisis Response Team for Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright counties.
AA Meetings: Thursdays, 11 a.m. at United Church of Christ in Sauk Centre. For more information, call 320-429-1620. AA and Al-Anon 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays in Sauk Centre at United Church of Christ. Back to Basic Meeting, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Tutti Fruitti in Sauk Centre. For more information, call 218-240-1076. Wednesdays Big Book Meeting at 7 p.m., Civic Center, Melrose. For more information, call 320-241-3909. NA Meetings: Mondays, 7 p.m. at River of Life Church, Sauk Centre and Fridays at 11 a.m. at Eagle’s Healing Nest Chapel, Sauk Centre.
Alzheimer’s Support Group: The support group for people caring for someone with memory loss holds monthly meetings every fourth Thursday of the month from 10-11:30 a.m. at Alternative Senior Care, 418 10th St. S, Sauk Centre. For more information, call 320-352-3350.
Join Us in Worship
ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CATHOLIC CHURCH 541 Martin Ave. | PO Box 69 320-254-8218 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
STS. PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 302 State St. 320-254-8218 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
BROOTEN ST. DONATUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 301 Eastern Ave. 320-254-8218 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
WEST UNION ST. ALEXIUS CATHOLIC CHURCH 11 Oak St. S 320-352-2563 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 304 Sinclair Lewis Ave. 320-352-2196 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 304 Elm St. S 320-352-3623
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 504 Elm St. S 320-352-2827 saukcentreumc.org
ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Ash St. and 7th St. 320-352-2196 parishesontheprairie.org/parishes
If you would like parishioners to see your church here, please contact Robin at 320-351-7837
flcsauk.com FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 124 4th St. N 320-352-5356 faithbc.org FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 620 5th St. S 320-352-2030 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 316 Maple St. 320-352-3447 www.facebook.com/ zionlutheransaukcentre H41-R B
1180 Sinclair Lewis Avenue • Sauk Centre, MN Office: 320-351-4100 • Fax: 320-351-4115 Plumbing Installation • Custom Sheet Metal • New Construction & Remodeling Cell: 320-290-0160 Lic. #MR057710 AIR CONDITIONING CENTRAL&HEATING SERVICE, INC. email: centralheating@arvig.net SH3-tfn-MT David Weber 215 East Main Street • Melrose, MN 56352 • 320-256-3623 Full Service Automotive We Service All Brands of Chainsaws Chain Sales & Sharpening We Carry Efco • Chain Saws • Trimmers • Mowers • Pole Saws Melrose Mainstreet Repair, Inc. Call Today! PH1-tfnB-MT Benton County News/ Sauk Rapids Herald Second place government and public affairs reporting (weekly paper of a circulation of 3,001 to 7,000) Sauk Centre Herald First place advertising excellence (weekly paper of a circulation of 1,501 to 3,000) Sauk Rapids Herald First place special section First place typography and design Second place sports reporting (weekly paper of a circulation of 3,001 to 7,000) Natasha Barber Third place photo story, Sauk Rapids Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 3,001 to 7,000) Cheyenne Carlson Second place design portfolio, Sauk Centre Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 1,501 to 3,000) Tom Fenton First place sports feature, Sauk Rapids Herald Second place news photo, Sauk Rapids Herald Second place business story, Sauk Rapids Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 3,001 to 7,000) Diane Leukam Third place columnist, Sauk Centre Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 1,501 to 3,000) ST R T RPublication The Sauk Centre Herald is a Congratulations to our award-winning staff Star Publications garnered 17 awards from the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest. The awards banquet took place Jan. 26 at the annual convention in Brooklyn Park and featured 3,453 professional entries. Ben Sonnek Sports reporter Evan Michealson Herald Sauk Centre Ben Sonnek & Jennifer Coyne Second place photo story, Sauk Centre Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 1,501 to 3,000) Amanda Thooft Second place best advertisement, Sauk Centre Herald Second place institutional advertisement, Sauk Centre Herald Second place self-promotion or house ad, Sauk Centre Herald (weekly paper of a circulation of 1,501 to 3,000) Designer Cheyenne Carlson Designer Amanda Thooft
from front
COVID-19 pandemic years.
“We had Springfest in 2020, but then in 2021 and 2022, you could only preorder soup online,” Klimek said. “This will be our first year back, but we are still doing preorders.”
Prior to the pandemic, Klimek and her team would make 11 batches of soup. Each batch contains a gallon of milk and a gallon of water, plus all of the other ingredients. Since 2021, they have been making 18 batches, as they will again this year.
The process for making all that soup must be completed by using only four large pots because the kitchen only has four burners available. Each batch begins by adding the milk and water to a pot and warming it to a boil.
“Then we make the roux,” Klimek said.
Roux is a thickening agent that also adds subtle flavor when added to soups. Klimek’s team makes it in separate pans by simmering together and reducing butter and flour.
“After that we add 8 cups of cheese plus wild rice, potatoes, onions and bacon,” Klimek said.
The Holy Family kitchen staff prepares the potatoes, bacon and wild rice the day before so that it is ready to be added to the soup by Klimek’s team. Whoever is stirring a soup pot keeps track of what has been added already so that they do not miss or double up on any ingredients.
“I have four people stirring pots constantly so that the soup doesn’t scorch,” Klimek said. “They know if they’ve had the onions yet or the potatoes or the bacon or the cheese.”
Those stirring pots use long spoons and get quite a workout. Once the soup is ready, another workout be-
Kellen from front
assault and five for first degree assault-use of deadly force against a peace officer. He originally waived his right to a trial and entered a guilty plea; however, prior to his first sentencing hearing he attempted to withdraw his plea, citing
Grabmeier from front
ple and up late that night when he smelled smoke coming from the basement.
Records show emergency crews were dispatched just after 1 a.m.
Grabmeier and Stowell were the first to arrive on the scene within two minutes after the 911 call was made. Although smoke was already seeping out of the facia and other parts of the house, the weather that night made it hard to see, so knowing which house was on fire was not immediately obvious.
“It was pretty foggy, so it was hard to distinguish at first what was smoke and what was fog,” Grabmeier said.
Dave and James told him which house was theirs. Then, Dave headed back toward the
gins. “You need to have muscles to pour the soup into the buckets from the pot after it’s done being stirred,” Klimek said. “We dump it into five-gallon buckets. One person pours while another shields the flowing soup from splattering.”
After this year’s Springfest, Klimek will give up her role. She and her husband, John, have one son at Holy Family, Jordan, who will graduate from the school this year as a sixth grader. Their other child, Zach, is a junior and an alumnus of Holy Family. Klimek has already found two people to take her place as soup team leaders next year. She said she will miss having a child in the school.
“I might have to adopt one,” Klimek said. “They are just so caring about the children at Holy Family. The kids definitely get that one-on-one attention. I just want to give back to the teachers.”
After years of soup duty, Klimek still loves the soup.
“It’s amazing,” she said. “It is so good.” When Klimek and her team are done, the soup is kept refrigerated until Springfest on Sunday.
The day before Springfest is when Janelle Borgmann’s bread bowl-making team takes over. They want the bread bowls to be fresh.
Borgmann and her first shift of 10 to 12 volunteers arrive at 7:30 to form the bread bowls from frozen dough, which is supplied by Coborn’s and set out on Friday. By Saturday morning, it is thawed and ready to go.
“A lot of the volunteers return year after year,” Borgmann said. “We kind of dust the cobwebs off and remember, ‘Oh yeah, that’s how we do it.’”
The first shift does the forming of the dough into bowls.
“We break up the loaves into four sections,” Borgmann
his attorneys and he were unaware that Minnesota statute did not allow sentencing recommendations to be reduced in convictions of assault on peace officers.
The withdrawal request was denied, and Kellen was convicted of one count of felony domestic assault and two counts of first-degree assault. He was sentenced to serve all three penalties over the course of 11 years.
house, aiming to go back in. When Grabmeier stopped him, Dave said Catherine was in the house.
“That’s when instinct kicks in,” Grabmeier said. “You don’t have time for anything once you know somebody is in trouble and can’t get out themselves. You just go for it and try to help them out.”
After entering the home and hearing Catherine’s voice coming from the upper level, Grabmeier’s body camera footage shows him ascending the stairs, asking if Catherine can see his flashlight. She lets him know she can.
Next, with smoke so thick it is difficult to see what is happening in the footage, Grabmeier finds Catherine and gives her instructions.
“Grab my back, around my neck,” he said.
At that point, the video ends. However, the rescue continued.
said. “Each loaf is enough to make four bread bowls.”
The technique involves stretching each section into what Borgmann refers to as a little pocket with air in it. The sides are tucked underneath. The team makes around 550 bowls to be baked.
“We place the bread bowls on pans in the teachers’ lounge right next to the kitchen, and we crank up the heat, so they rise pretty quickly,” Borgmann said. “By the time the second shift comes in at 10:00 a.m., many of the bowls are risen enough that we can start baking.”
The next group, also around 10 to 12 people, completes the process by taking the unbaked bread bowls back into the kitchen and baking them. Using five ovens in the school’s kitchen, the team keeps rotating pans in and out until all the bread bowls are baked.
“When they come out of the oven, we put butter on the top and let them cool,” Borgmann said.
The bread bowls are covered and wait for morning.
“Making the bread bowls has been a lot of fun,” Borgmann said. “We have a great group, and people seem to really like them, so it’s a fun way to give back. Another benefit is it’s a great way to meet other parents at HFS.”
Like Klimek, Borgmann said she sees the importance of supporting Holy Family through her service. She and her husband, Tim, have two children in the school – Carter in sixth grade and Brynn in fourth grade. Their daughter Peyton, an eighth grader, attended the school as well.
“The teachers and the staff – you can’t say enough good things about them,” Borgmann said. “They are wonderful.”
On the morning of Springfest, Melanie Peters and her team take over the kitchen.
Kellen appealed the decision, asking again to withdraw his guilty plea, and the Minnesota Court of Appeals granted his request.
A trial took place Nov. 28, 2022, to Dec. 1, 2022, and a jury convicted Kellen of all seven felonies.
Judge Mary B. Mahler, of the 7th Judicial District, imposed two consecutive 120-month imprisonment sentences for two of the
Grabmeier was able to safely carry Catherine down the stairs and out of the house. He then returned with the fire extinguisher.
“I put out the visible flames I could see next to the staircase,” Grabmeier said. “I didn’t know (the fire) went all the way down through the ventilation system.”
When firefighters and ambulance crew members arrived, the Dahles were taken to CentraCare Hospital in Sauk Centre where Catherine stayed the night to be treated for smoke inhalation. Grabmeier and Stowell were treated at the scene. The fire department put out the fire.
First signs point to a dryer in the basement being the source of the blaze. Everyone, including the Dahles’ pets, made it out safely.
“The challenging part was locating where Catherine was in a three-story house,” Grabmeier said. “I was so happy to hear her voice because I knew she was alive, and I could go to her and take her out of the fire.”
After Grabmeier was cleared by medical personnel, he got back to work, giving information to other emergency crew members, gathering information for a report and directing emergency vehicles and traffic. He was on the second
“I get there about 6:15,” Peters said. “I’m there the whole day, and we have different shifts of volunteers throughout the day. There are some who come right away in the morning to help me get stuff started.”
That involves putting all the soup into electric roasters. Eight or more roasters are used just for soup while others are used for roast beef and hotdogs that her group also sets up. The team needs to get the soup heated so that they are ready to offer soup bowls by 10:30.
“We are doing it more like a meal this year,” Peters said.
They will have soup bowls, roast beef sandwiches and hotdogs as the main-portion choices for meals along with sides of chips, desserts and beverages.
When people buy soup during the event, the soup is ladled into bread bowls. Preordered soup comes in a container with the bread bowl separate for assembly at home so that the bread doesn’t get soggy. All preorders must be picked up before 9:30 a.m. the morning of Springfest.
Like Klimek and Borgmann, Peters said she appreciates the chance to give back to Holy Family and was willing to step up when asked to take her leadership role in the kitchen. Holy Family has been important to her and her husband, Jeff, as well as their four children.
“Both my husband and I went there, and it’s where our children have gone.”
Their youngest, Avery, is still at Holy Family, where she is in third grade.
“It’s a big fundraiser for the school,” Peters said. “It’s a good thing to help them out.”
This year’s Springfest will take place on Sunday, March 5. To find out more, visit the event website at http://bidpal.net/hfsspringfest2023.
first-degree assault charges. The remaining charges will run concurrent to that period. Kellen was given credit for just over three years of time already served. He is slated to serve the remainder of his sentence at Minnesota Correction Facility in St. Cloud.
Kellen’s case was prosecuted by Stearns County Attorney Janelle P. Kendall.
of his three-in-a-row, 12-hour night shifts, each running from 3 p.m. until 3 a.m.
Although the Dahles declined to comment to media, according to a page set up on their behalf at a fundraising website, they are staying in a hotel for now because their home is unlivable. The page also reports that the Dahles’ granddaughters, Ana and Scarlett, dropped off flowers for Grabmeier as well as Catherine Monday.
The Dahles’ daughter, Rachel Lawinger, is James’ mom. She wrote about Grabmeier on the website.
“A brave officer, who was on scene first, went inside to carry (my mom) out,” Lawinger said. “The news showed body cam footage, and I was in awe watching that on the news. He is a hero.”
Grabmeier, who has been a police officer since 2007, said he does not think of himself as a hero. He is simply glad he could help.
“We all have opportunities where we find ourselves at the right place at the right time,” Grabmeier said. “Either you act one way or you act another way. In this case, due to the circumstances, it’s getting publicized more, but (in police work) emergency situations happen all the time.”
Monday, Feb. 13 00:56 hrs – Parking violation on 600 block of Ash St S 01:03 hrs – Parking violation on 200 block of 6th St S 01:20 hrs – Parking violation on 700 block of Hickman Dr 01:29 hrs – Parking violation on 600 block of Walnut St 01:48 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Morningview Ln 02:09 hrs – Parking violation on 5th St N 09:46 hrs – Human services referral on 100 block of Oak St S 12:06 hrs – Child abuse on 1100 block of Fairlane Dr 12:06 hrs – Medical emergency on 500 block of Sinclair Lewis Ave 14:13 hrs – Human services referral on 400 block of Maple St 14:17 hrs – Human services referral on 200 block of Maple St 17:34 hrs – Harassment on 300 block of Pendergast St 18:41 hrs – Agency assist on 100 block of Rose Park SW 19:56 hrs – Lift assist on 100 block of Oak St S 20:59 hrs – Welfare check on 100 block of Main St S 21:17 hrs – Park patrol on 300 block of 1st St N 1 extra patrol request, 1 citizen contact, 1 school patrol 5 traffic stops – verbal warnings issued Tuesday, Feb. 14 00:16 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Elm St S 00:22 hrs – Parking violation on 600 block of Getty St 00:29 hrs – Parking violation on 1800 block of 2nd St S 00:31 hrs – Parking violation on 700 block of 8th St S 00:40 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Pine St S 00:50 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Sinclair Lewis Ave 01:08 hrs – Parking violation on 1200 block of Timberlane Dr 08:29 hrs – Hazard on Main St S/Sinclair Lewis Ave 12:00 hrs – Canine assist on 300 block of Hwy 71 12:33 hrs – Problem with juvenile on 900 block of State Rd 13:16 hrs – Canine assist on 900 block of State Rd 17:35 hrs – Panic alarm on 1000 block of Centre St 2 extra patrol requests, 3 school patrols 4 traffic stops – 1 window tint citation issued Wednesday, Feb. 15 00:55 hrs – Parking violation on 500 block of 2nd St S 01:08 hrs – Suspicious vehicle on 800 block of Centre St 04:02 hrs – Medical emergency on 500 block of Main St N 09:56 hrs – Fraud on 300 block of Oak St S 10:14 hrs – DARE at Holy Family School 10:16 hrs – Stalled vehicle on 4th St S/Ash St 12:41 hrs – DARE at Holy Family School 14:03 hrs – Paper service at Sinclair Lewis Park 14:37 hrs – Accident on 200 block of 12th St S 20:23 hrs – Agency assist on 39000 block of Saukdale Circle 22:02 hrs – Agency assist on 800 block of Co Rd 13 SW 3 extra patrol requests, 1 door check, 2 school patrols 8 traffic stops – 2 no MN driver’s license, 1 driving after suspension and 1 speed citations issued Thursday, Feb. 16 00:05 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Birch St S 00:54 hrs – Domestic on 500 block of Grove Lake St 08:56 hrs – Medical emergency on 1200 block of Getty St 08:59 hrs – DARE on 900 block of State Rd 09:42 hrs – Matter of information on 1200 block of Getty St 10:10 hrs – Unwanted person on 300 block of 12th St S 16:33 hrs – Suspicious person on 200 block of 12th St S 17:44 hrs – Problem with juvenile on 900 block of Main St S 22:20 hrs – Alarm on 200 block of Main St S 22:20 hrs – Alarm on 200 block of Main St S 4 extra patrol requests, 2 door checks, 2 school patrols 7 traffic stops –1 use of wireless device citation issued Friday, Feb. 17 00:00 hrs – Parking violation on 000 block of Main St S 00:11 hrs – Parking violation on 600 block of 5th St N 00:24 hrs – Parking violation on 500 block of 8th St S 01:38 hrs – Parking violation on 600 block of Walnut St 08:43 hrs – Personal assist on 300 block of Oak St 09:06 hrs – Agency assist on I-94/Todd Co Line 13:43 hrs – Civil matter on 000 block of Anjo Dr 15:55 hrs – Medical emergency on 200 block of 12th St S 16:11 hrs – Welfare check on 1200 block of Getty St 16:30 hrs – Alarm on 800 block of 12th St S 17:52 hrs – Suspicious person on 40000 block of Hwy 71 18:08 hrs – Business assist on 200 block of 12th St S 19:18 hrs – Medical emergency on 1200 block of Getty St 19:19 hrs – Special detail on 900 block of State Rd 21:32 hrs – Driving complaint on 1100 block of Main St S 22:57 hrs – Agency assist on Main St N/1st St N 23:16 hrs – Alarm on 800 block of 12th St S 23:30 hrs – Agency assist on 3rd St N/Ash St N 2 citizen contacts, 1 door check, 2 school patrols 3 traffic stops – verbal warnings issued Saturday, Feb. 18 00:29 hrs – Parking violation on 300 block of Morningview Ln 00:47 hrs – Parking violation on 800 block of Birch St S 01:08 hrs – Parking violation on 100 block of Cedar St 01:17 hrs – Parking violation on 1800 block of 2nd St S 02:53 hrs – Agency assist on 13000 block of Basswood Dr 08:59 hrs – Canine assist on 300 block of Hwy 71 09:52 hrs – Alarm on 800 block of 12th St S 10:27 hrs – Special detail on 800 block of Centre St 11:04 hrs – Medical emergency on 200 block of 12th St S 13:18 hrs – Medical emergency on 600 block of Main St N 16:04 hrs – Suspicious activity on 200 block of Walnut St 17:24 hrs – Theft on 200 block of 12th St S 20:23 hrs – Unwanted person on 200 block of 12th St S 2 extra patrol requests, 1 citizen contact, 2 door checks 15 traffic stops – 1 driving after revocation, 1 window tint and 1 no proof of insurance citations issued Sunday, Feb. 19 00:05 hrs – Verbal dispute on 500 block of Sinclair Lewis Ave 01:08 hrs – Building fire on 700 block of 5th St S 05:13 hrs – Lift assist on 1200 block of Getty St 14:46 hrs – Theft on 200 block of 12th St S 17:35 hrs – Verbal dispute on 300 block of Sinclair Lewis Ave 20:35 hrs – Alarm on 200 block of Main St S 20:48 hrs – Medical emergency on 1200 block of Getty St 1 extra patrol request, 2 citizen contacts 8 traffic stops – 1 speed and 1 driving after revocation citations issued Citizens Alliance Bank seeks applicants for the following positions: Credit Control Supervisor - All Locations Customer Service Representative - Clara City Credit Analyst - Clara City, Howard Lake Loan Administrator Clerk - Clara City Workflow Expert - Clara City Correspondent Banker - All Locations Seasonal Banking Assistant - All Locations Operations Lead - Clara City Loan Portfolio Officer - Clara City Compliance Manager 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Sauk Centre
through our ages
Saturday morning was filled with laughter mixed with a little “bullstein,” as the Hunstiger men would put it. My husband had some of his uncles and cousins up for their annual sausage making weekend. This is three days of laughter, love and a little bit of work. Listening to their banter got me thinking about the evolution of friendship throughout our lifetimes.
Most learn their first relationships from their families; however, as we grow, our spectrum broadens to include friendships with people outside our immediate family. We meet new people at daycare, preschool, kindergarten, and it spirals from there. What we require of a friend and who we put our focus on evolves too.
In my early years, I clung to my immediate family. I was an extremely shy child, and it certainly showed. My friend circle could be counted on one hand. Honestly, this hasn’t changed much. I still only have a handful of really good friends, but they are truly the best.
In elementary, junior high and high school, I remember thinking I really should have more friends. This feeling was amplified when I entered college. I saw groups with so many people, all of whom appeared to be best friends, and
it felt like I was the only one who didn’t truly fit in. I realize now that everyone—well, most everyone—felt that way.
As an adult, I have come to appreciate unconditional love and friendship. I value people who are real. People who know they aren’t perfect and don’t pretend to be. People who don’t expect you to be perfect either. There are going to be times in life where you don’t do the right or proper thing. Owning your choices for all they are is important.
I’ve not always been the best daughter, wife, mother or friend; however, I’ve grown as a person through the love, understanding and truly unconditional friendships the good Lord has provided me. Times have not always been easy when myself or people I was close to made choices we couldn’t come back from. However, even from those friendships that are no more, I have grown as an imperfect person.
Like the laughter that filled my Saturday morning, life is full of sunshine just waiting to poke out of the clouds if we let it. Life’s choices often cloud the true meaning to life. When we work to clear out the “bullstein” and actively add more sunlight to our day, life turns out to be a beautiful gift.
Foreign frenzy
About six months ago, I had the privilege of meeting four amazing Europeans. These girls are spending the entirety of the school year away from home while attending Sauk Centre High School, which is crazy to me. I don’t think I would ever have the courage to make the decision to spend a year away from everything I’ve ever known, only to find out that I would be placed in a small, rural town in Minnesota. Since it’s impossible for everyone in town to get to know each of these girls personally, here is my inside scoop on everything there is to know about Lisa, Sophia, Martina and Sixtine.
Lisa is from Austria and is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. I immediately got to know her when she joined the tennis team. One of my favorite things about Lisa is how well she catches on to my sarcasm. Every time I would crack a sarcastic comment or joke, she would immediately follow with a clever response, something I didn’t initially expect from her. She is such an amazing person and has fit into Sauk perfectly.
Sophia was first introduced to me as “The German” which quickly changed once she moved into the school. She ended up transferring to Sauk from a different school a few weeks into the year and immediately clicked with everyone. It seems like she is always smiling while wanting to learn or do something. She’s great at listening and picking up on little things, especially details that make me laugh every time she says them. Sophia finds her way into the best situations and knows how to lighten up any space.
One of my favorite nicknames for Martina is “The Crazy Italian” because it explains her perfectly in just three words. She can eat an entire pizza in less than five minutes and her favorite phrase is “I’m so tired.” Her personality is all over the place and full of enthusiasm. Every time I see her, she talks nonstop and makes me laugh every time. My proudest moment was when Martina told me the Alfredo I made her was the best she’s ever had.
Last but certainly not least is my Belgian, Sixtine. Nicknamed Sixt, she is one of my best friends and always will be, even after she’s back home. She understands my humor and sarcasm more than anyone I’ve ever met and shares my obsession with chocolate. She’s my partner in crime while being extremely personable and conversational. I’m not sure what life was like before I met her because we are constantly texting or talking. Every time she talks about how much time she has left here, I shush her because I don’t want to think about a time where I don’t get to see her every day.
Getting to grow friendships with these four girls has been the perfect addition to my senior year. I’ve loved comparing our cultural differences while laughing over the different ways we say phrases in our accents. Foreign exchange students are such a great way to open high schoolers eyes to what is happening on the other side of the world, and I’m extremely grateful that I get to spend the school year with them. The memories I’ve made with these four girls will be forever cherished and laughed about for years to come.
Biblical humanity of infants
By Eileen Theisen, Sauk Centre
Please ponder before having an abortion:
King James Bible, Luke 1:41: “And it came to pass that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost…” Catholic Bible, Luke 1:41: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit…”
Farewell By
Victor Hook, Sauk Centre
Over the last seven years, I have written letters to the editor a number of times. Most have dealt with social ills of one kind or another. All had one thing in common: They dealt with the inclusion or exclusion of God, Jehovah. This letter will be no different as it also includes God, the God of the Holy Bible. Almost eight years ago, God blessed us, my wife and me, by allowing us to follow our daughter, son-inlaw and granddaughters here from Kansas. He is now blessing us again by moving us back to my beloved home state, Kansas. In our time here in Sauk Centre, I have told many people, “I live in Minnesota, but I am a Kansan.”
I have made many good friends in my time here whom I will miss. The summers have been great, too, compared to those back home – the winters, not so much. Minnesota politics also have been discouraging; maybe that’s just a trend nationwide. I want to thank the kids on the school sports teams who have provided us with many evenings of entertainment, a number of whom I now count as friends.
As I conclude my last letter, I want to share my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with you. He wants to be yours as well. You have to do nothing to gain Him as your friend but believe He is the Son of God, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin, and now sits at the right hand of God His father. Going to church, being baptized, giving money or anything else you can think of will not increase your chances of His friendship, or as is said in some churches, being saved. You don’t have to take my word for it. Get a Bible and turn to the book of Romans. Look at Romans 3:23; 6:23; and 10:9-13. Let God tell you.
Women’s reproductive Rights
By Martin Primus, Sauk Centre
We heard this statement a lot during the last election cycle. With the supreme courts’ reversal of Roe vs Wade this last summer, a certain political party maximized that statement to win control over our state. To vote against them was a vote against Women’s Reproductive rights. The problem is that, that innocuous sounding phrase is a cover for abortion on demand up to the moment of birth. All the woman must do is claim that the innocent child she is carrying is a hindrance to her forward mobility in life. And there is truth to that statement. A live child takes a lot more time and energy than a dead child. A good example of this is the life’s work of Barbera Lee, the soon to be senate Candidate for California’s Senator Feinstein’s senate seat. At an early age, she went to Mexico to have a back-alley abortion to get rid of a child that would have gotten in her way. She is now one of the most powerful politicians in California. She is living the American dream to its fullest. All it took was a sacrifice on the altar of self. Wealth and power are hers. The question that begs to be asked is who really benefits from an aborted child. The answer to that would be to follow the money. Is it inconsequential that during this last election cycle that pro-abortion candidates across the board seem to end with almost four times the money to spend on their campaigns. Where did this money come from? Much of it from big business that has any number of women employees that are giving them 110% in the efforts of profitability. What happens if that woman happens to get in the family way? There are medical expenses, time off for doctor appointments, maternity leave, childcare, and the list goes on. She is now divided. She is no longer capable of giving 110% of herself to the company. Better for the company if that child disappears. You say nonsense! Just check out the number of companies that are paying for across state line abortions. What of the rapist or deadbeat boyfriend? A quick trip to the alter of self for the women, and he is off the hook for any responsibility for his actions. All DNA evidence is soon flushed down the toilet.
Life Hacks
By Missy Traeger
How to use common, everyday items to help with household problems!
If you have gum stuck in your carpet, put a sandwich bag with ice cubes on top of the gum for about a half hour. When the gum is frozen, break it apart and pull it out of the carpet.
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Subscription Rates: Stearns, Todd, Douglas, Pope & Morrison Counties, $53.00. Elsewhere in Minnesota, $60.00. Out of Minnesota, $63.00.
ISSN: Print: 2831-980X
Monday. Exceptions are obituaries and reports of weekend events, which have a deadline of 10 a.m. Tuesday. The deadline for advertisements in the Herald is noon on Tuesday, in the Shopper noon on Wednesday and Classy Canary noon on Thursday.
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The views expressed by our columnists are the opinions and thoughts of the author and do not reflect the opinions and views of newspaper staff and ownership. Camaraderie
Kayla’s Korner by Kayla Hunstiger
Hok’s View by Hailey Hokanson
Jane Martin
Jane Martin, age 89 of Sauk Centre, passed away surrounded by her family on Sunday, Feb. 19, 2023, at Sauk Centre Care Center in Sauk Centre.
Visitation will be held Friday, Feb. 24, 2023, from 4 to 7 p.m. and one hour prior to the service at the church.
A funeral service will be held on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023, at 11 a.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Sauk Centre with Rev. Marty Porter officiating. A private burial will follow the service at Greenwood Cemetery in Sauk Centre. There will be a meal and time for fellowship immediately following the service at the Lynx Golf Course Clubhouse in Sauk Centre. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Jane Martin was born April 1, 1933, in Minatare, Nebraska, to Christ and Katherine (Traut) Gorr. She was the youngest of five. She married Alex Martin on Jan. 19, 1952, in Winthrop. Alex
Jane Martin
and Jane owned a mink ranch in Arlington until they moved to Sauk Centre in 1969. They owned the Sportsmen Bar, Sears and Martin’s Jewelry. Jane worked the remainder of her career as an insurance agent with MSI, American Family Insurance and finally with Phil Polipnick at his agency. Through the years, Jane made many friends and valued the relationships she built throughout her life. She was honored to be named the Sinclair Lewis Grand Marshal in 2017. Her greatest joy was spending time with her family. Jane’s devotion to her faith was
100 years ago • Feb. 22, 1923
evident by the way she lived her life. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”
Proverbs 3:5-6. These are God’s words that Jane used as guidance as she faced challenges in the past several years. She continued praying for her family and friends when she could no longer minister to them physically. She taught many, young and old, to pray for God’s will to be done. Although our hearts are now broken, we know where she is, and in whose arms she is resting. She loves Jesus and Jesus loves her; this I know!
Survivors include her children, Vickey (Jim) Trierweiler of Sauk Centre, Laura (Doug) Isaacson of St. Cloud, Kris (Bryon) Friedrichs of Sauk Centre; grandchildren, Marty (Leah) Trierweiler, Tia (Joe) Kafka, Grant (Erin) Bayer and Whitney Friedrichs; great-grandchildren, Gavin and Aiden Kafka, Alex and Nolan Trierweiler and Carlee and Reed Bayer; sisters-in-law,
“Main Street” dramatization returning to Minneapolis
The Bainbridge Stock Company, generally recognized as one of the country’s strongest dramatic organizations, will repeat “Main Street” at the Schubert Theatre in Minneapolis all next week. They produced it several weeks ago and are putting it on again for those who missed the first showing. Sauk Centre folks have proven themselves interested in Sinclair Lewis’ famous novel, and any local citizens in Minneapolis at the time of the showing will find an enjoyable evening of witnessing the dramatization of this popular book by a Sauk Centre native.
50 years ago • Feb. 22, 1973
Firemen’s Ball held, doctor wins snowmobile racing trophy
The Sauk Centre Fire Department recently held their 19th Annual Sauk Centre Firemen’s Ball, with dinner catered by Elizabeth Rooney and Loretta Wiener of Padua. The role of women in firefighting received formal recognition at the ball this year; whether the ladies will be content with serving coffee and lunch while the men climb the ladders remains for the future to decide.
Riding a Ski-Doo, Dr. Tom Horel of Sauk Centre took first place honors in the Stock D Viking Arrowwood Snowmobile Race on Sunday in Alexandria. He was one of the 250 entries from all over the upper Midwest, and he competed in the Stock D race with 20 other drivers. Horel has been taking many racing firsts, the most recent one being at Rhinelander, Wisconsin, in the Stock D Hodag Sprints.
Thank you
The family of Anna Mae Haskamp would like to thank you for the kindness shown to us with cards, memorials and flowers. Thanks also to the clergy, musicians, luncheon committee and the staff at CentraCare Center and PattonSchad for your kindness to our mother. All was appreciated. H-8-1P
Thank you
Senior fishing, boating, pontoon rides thanks the Community Connections Organization for their generous donations, as well as the Sauk Centre Seniors donation. These valuable contributions will be utilized to provide recreational events for the senior population which they enjoy immensely. It will facilitate a pontoon trailer purchase.
Thank you Both, Bruce Rindahl - President H-8-1B
Thank you
Senior fishing, boating, pontoon rides thanks the Community Foundation Organization for their generous donation to support our summer time recreational programming for our senior population which they enjoy immensely. This donation is so important in facilitating the funding needed to continue to provide these fun activities.
Thank you, Bruce Rindahl - President H-8-1B
ARTICLE 2 - REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT(S), IF ANY AT THAT OFFICE: Shelby R Lemmerman, 46 21st Ave N, St. Cloud, MN 56303 USA.
ARTICLE 4 - ORGANIZERS: Shelby R Lemmerman, 46 21st Ave N, St. Cloud, MN 56303 USA
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.
/s/Shelby R Lemmerman 11/02/2022 H-8-2P
Darlene Martin of Blackduck and Reini Martin of Belgrade, Montana; and many nieces and nephews she adored.
Those waiting in heaven to greet her include her husband of 48 years, Alex Martin; parents; grandchildren, Beau and Abraham Bayer; brothers and sisters, Albert Gorr, Alvina Nelsen, Dorothy Sorbe and Dale Gorr; brothers and sisters-in-law; and her dear puppy of 18 years, Fritzie Lassie.
Serving as casket bearers will be Grandma Jane’s grandchildren and their spouses. Honorary bearers will be her great-grandchildren.
The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to Sheila Karasch and to all of the staff at the Care Center for loving and caring for our mom. Words can never express how grateful we are for each and every one of you.
Arrangements were made with Patton-Schad Funeral and Cremation Services of Sauk Centre. H-8-1B
25 years ago • Feb. 24, 1998
Historical society considers new home in library
The Sauk Centre Historical Society may soon be relocating to the basement of the Bryant Library in Sauk Centre. The Library Board agreed last Thursday to lease three spaces in the library’s lowest level for $1; the center space could serve as a reception area, while the rooms on opposite ends of the reception area could serve as a storage and workspace on one side and a display area on the other. In return, the historical society would pay for costs incurred in remodeling the basement. Now, the society waits for the Sauk Centre City Council to approve or deny this plan. If approved, the society has a mid-1999 target for their opening date in their new home.
10 years ago • Feb. 21, 2013
Eagle Scout project to focus on child safety
At this Saturday’s PTA Family Fun Day, Sauk Centre High School junior Chris Maher will have a booth about child safety as part of his Eagle Scout project. He came up with the idea after watching TV reports about child kidnappings, and he wants to help in any way he could. Maher’s booth will include informational pamphlets on child safety, also focusing on child identification; he will be handing out whistles for children and providing fingerprinting and hair sampling for identification purposes.
Estate of Stephanie Lynn Hagfors, Decedent.
It is Ordered and Notice is given that on March 17, 2023, at 8:45 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at 815 Courthouse Square, Saint Cloud, Minnesota for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Heidi J. Herda, whose address is 11316 Tilbury Lane North, Champlin, MN 55316, as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with
the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate.
Notice is also given that, (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. BY THE COURT
Dated: 02/03/2023
/s/ Nathaniel D. Welte Judge of District Court
Dated: 02/03/2023
/s/ George Lock Court Administrator
Attorney for Petitioner
Leslie A. Anderson Leslie A. Anderson, Ltd. Suite 270, 11660 Theatre Drive North Champlin, MN 55316 Attorney License No: 0180403
Telephone: (763) 201-0230
FAX: (763) 549-0518
Email: laa@laalegal.com
Notice is hereby given to qualified voters that the Annual Township Election and Meeting will be held at the Town Hall, 41248 County Road 13, Melrose MN on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The election polls will be open from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the purpose of electing:
-One Supervisor, seat 3, for the term of 3 years
-One Town Clerk for the term of 2 years
The Annual Meeting will begin at 8:15 p.m. after the polls close.
The Board of Canvass will convene following the Annual Meeting to certify the official election results.
In the event of inclement weather, the election and Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at the above time and location.
The Town Hall will be open on Saturday, March 11, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for absentee voting.
Cecilia Tylutki Melrose Township Clerk 320-256-7173 PH-7-2B
Page 6 | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD This Week’s Puzzle Solutions: SPONSORED BY: CROSSWORD SUDOKU BREAK Sales Manager Office: 320-352-6577 • Cell: 320-291-9899 Fax: 320-352-5647 missy@saukherald.com MISSY TRAEGER 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Herald ADVERTISE IN THE CALL OBITUARIES/NEWS
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Wild need scorers, and bad
When the Minnesota Wild took down the Nashville Predators 4-3 Feb. 19, it was the first time the team had won in regulation in over a month.
That is an alarming, simply unbelievable streak of play, and there are many reasons why the team has faltered throughout February, but the overarching reason for the Wild’s disappointing results has been its lack of scoring.
Drevlow’s determined effort carries Sauk Centre to conference championship
BY EVAN MICHEALSON Everything Sports with Evan
Yes, Minnesota has Kirill Kaprizov, who has tallied over 100 goals over the past three seasons and possesses a skillset unlike almost any other in the entire league. But outside of him, the pickings have been slim; before Brandon Duhaime’s goal in the aforementioned Nashville win, no Wild skater had found the back of the net without No. 97 on the ice in seven games. Yes, seven full games of shutout hockey on non-Kaprizov shifts.
The Wild desperately miss Kevin Fiala, who recorded 85 points in a full 82-game clip a season ago. Minnesota traded Fiala to the Los Angeles Kings in the offseason for a first-round pick and Gophers defenseman Brock Faber. It was a move with cap space and long-term decision making in mind, but with only Joel Eriksson Ek and Mats Zuccarello having reached the 20-goal mark outside of Kaprizov, the Wild clearly need to find goals.
The 2023 NHL trade deadline is one such possibility.
Minnesota has been attached to several big names in the trade rumor windmill ahead of the deadline, but the biggest by far is Chicago Blackhawks winger and future NHL Hall of Famer Patrick Kane. Kane’s goal has taken a hit in recent years – the 34-year-old has accumulated only 12 goals in 52 games – but five of those have come in the last two contests, and Kane still is on pace for a 64-point season.
However, I don’t think trading for someone far outside of his prime is a good idea, much less for a team that could either be buyers or sellers at the trade deadline. More likely, Minnesota should aim to find value for its underwhelming players on larger contracts, like Jordan Greenway and Matt Dumba. Acquiring Brock Boeser, a far-younger player than Kane, from the Vancouver Canucks, makes sense, as does getting Tyler Bertuzzi from the Detroit Red Wings. Both have scoring ability who could slot right in and provide depth.
In any case, the Wild have to address their scoring struggles fast, or they could very well find themselves outside the playoff picture.
Even as the Sauk Centre Streeters boys’ basketball team possessed a 19-4 lead to begin their game against the Montevideo Thunder Hawks Feb. 20, head coach Kevin Kuefler knew a blowout win would likely not be in the cards.
Montevideo all season long has proved they could compete against high-caliber squads, and not only that; everything Sauk Centre has earned up until this point has been achieved with sweat and tears.
As such, after Montevideo pulled to within three in the final minutes, the Streeters used late buckets from Jay Neubert and Ethan Riley and a pair of free throws from Andrew Drevlow to grab a 58-48 victory at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre. With the enormous win, Sauk Centre clinched their first West Central Conference championship since 2015.
“Our conference is really tough,” Kuefler said. “There’s a lot of parity throughout it with five teams with almost the same record. The No. 1 thing I’ve been impressed with is our defense. We’ve been connected as a unit and playing well all year.”
Team defense extended beyond contesting the shot. After Montevideo misses, the Streeters constantly swooped in for rebounds, with five Sauk Centre players – Neubert, Riley, Drevlow, Damian Ahrens and Matthew Warring – totaling at least six boards as the Streeters won the rebounding battle by 11.
“It was a group effort of multiple guys boxing out,’’ Kuefler said. “That’s how it has to be. It can’t just be one guy.”
Oftentimes, the Streeters turned rebounds into points. Neubert and Drevlow tallied 19 of the team’s first 24 points in building a 19-4 lead at one point. The latter was in particular excellent, going 4-for-8 from the field and a clutch 9 of 10 from the free-throw line.
“I thought he played one
We are searching for a
Thankfully, several positive possessions in the closing moments were enough to send the Streeters to 16-7 overall and 11-2 in the conference.
The team’s game versus Osakis, pending weather cancellations, will be held at 5:45 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, at Osakis High School in Osakis.
MONT 22 26 48 SC 34 24 58
Neubert 23 points (8R, 4A), Drevlow 18 (6R), Warring 6 (6R, 3A), Ahrens 6 (6R), Ashton Trisko 3, Riley 2 (6R) and Corey McCoy 0 (4R). Maple River 70, Sauk Centre 53
The Streeters stayed competitive with the Maple River Eagles, the fifth-ranked program in Class AA, for much of the game, but the Eagles used a 35-10 run to close out a dominant 70-53 triumph Feb. 18 at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre.
Neubert paced the maroon and white with 23 points and six steals, while Drevlow drilled a pair of 3-pointers. Sauk Centre led 13-8 at one point and trailed by only three points at halftime.
MR 35 35 70 SC 32 21 53
Neubert 23 (3R, 6S), Drevlow 12 (3R), Carter Ziemer 5, Warring 4 (6R), Chad Herickhoff, Riley 2 (3R), Troy Hansen 2, Ahrens 1 and McCoy 1. New London-Spicer 65, Sauk Centre 56
After Montevideo closed to within six, Warring and Ahrens each knocked down a 3-pointer to send Sauk Centre into the half with energy.
“Damian got free right at the end of the shot clock, so that was a big basket,” Kuefler said. “On the other end, he took a charge on the next possession. He made two plays that
could have been overshadowed that helped us calm down.”
Senior Matthew Warring hands the ball off to Andrew Drevlow during the first half of their game against Montevideo Feb. 20 in Sauk Centre. Sauk Centre won the game by 10 points and clinched first place in the West Central Conference. of the best games of his entire career,” Kuefler said. “He just played very confident, and you want the guy playing confident to go to the free-throw line.”
The Streeters re-established their double-digit scoring advantage in the second half, including a 47-34 lead, but Montevideo once more stormed back to make the contest close.
“We had to go zone to avoid foul trouble and they did a good job of figuring out the zone and hitting shots,” Kuefler said. “We were also missing inside shots that were shots we should make.”
A cold shooting night and a high-scoring second half led the New London-Spicer Wildcats to a 65-56 win over the Streeters Feb. 16 at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre.
Leading the team in points and assists was Neubert at 26 and 7, respectively, while McCoy added four points and six rebounds off the bench. NLS 29 36 65 SC 23 33 56
Neubert 29 (7A), Drevlow 13 (7R), Warring 7 (6R), McCoy 4 (6R), Riley 2 (5R), Trisko 1 (3R) and Ahrens 0 (4R).
Basketball standings rounding into shape Sauk Centre girls, boys fight for seeding
SAUK CENTRE- Both the boys and girls basketball varsity programs in Sauk Centre have put together winning seasons and have positioned themselves for a shot at a high seed in Section 6AA.
Section 6AA girls’ basketball rankings
The Section 6AA girls’ basketball standings are fairly static at the top. The Albany Huskies, who are the back-to-
back section champions, sit at 23-1 overall with a 149.5 ranking in the QRF, which determines playoff seeding. This is not only the top mark in the section, but also the sixth-highest value in Class AA. Following behind them is the Holdingford Huskers in the midst of one of their best seasons in school history at 20-3 and 128.9 in the QRF, with the Streeters sitting in third at 16-8
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and 114.6.
While the margin to catch Holdingford is large with one game to play, it should be noted the 19-6 Pine City Dragons are just 3.2 QRF points behind Sauk Centre, creating a fun battle for the third seed ahead of the end of the regular season.
After Pine City, there is a drop-off in QRF-rated quality, with the Milaca Wolves in fifth at 98.6. Rounding out the section is Kimball Area Cubs, 96.8; Royalton, 92.2; Foley, 92.1; Spectrum, 88.1; Eden Valley-Watkins, 76.9; Cathedral, 66.2; Osakis, 65.8; Rush City, 56.0; Melrose, 44.6; and Mora, 40.1.
Section 6AA boys’ basketball rankings
With three games to play, the West Central Conference-winning Sauk Centre Streeters can push themselves farther up the Section 6AA ladder.
Currently sitting in sixth place with a 16-7 record and a 99.9 QRF ranking, the Streeters face two teams either higher or adjacent to them in the standings: Osakis, who is fourth at 107.0, and Melrose, who is seventh at 99.6. Winning both of these games could lead to a seed jump, as Sauk Centre is trailing fifth-seeded Cathedral by less than seven QRF points.
Like the girls’ side, Albany is leading the way at the top of the leaderboard, boasting a 22-1 record and an astounding fourth-ranked QRF score of 154.9. Immediately after the Huskies at No. 2 and No. 3 is Mora’s 112.8 and Milaca’s 107.8, respectively.
The rest of the Section 6AA breakdown is as follows: reigning state champion Annandale, 95.9; Spectrum, 80.2; Pine City, 69.3; Foley, 68.0; Rush City, 62.6; Royalton, 61.6; Kimball Area, 51.5; Holdingford, 47.7; and Maple Lake, 30.8.
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SC defeated Montevideo 58-48
SC JV defeated Montevideo 25-19
SC C squad defeated Montevideo 37-19
SC lost to Maple River 70-53
SC JV defeated Maple River 67-61
SC C squad defeated Maple River 47-31
SC lost to New London-Spicer 65-56
SC JV defeated New London-Spicer 49-24
SC C squad defeated New London-Spicer 37-29
SC 8th grade team lost to Melrose 22-20
SC 8th grade team defeated Melrose 37-31
SC 7th grade team defeated Melrose 32-27
SC 7th grade team defeated Melrose 45-29
SC defeated Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta 58-34
SC JV defeated Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta 48-38
SC C squad defeated Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta 33-23
PC defeated Breckenridge-Wahpeton 6-3
PC JV defeated Breckenridge-Wahpeton 7-2
SC-Melrose Defenders lost to Park Rapids 44-33 at Section 8AA Tournament in Perham
Key free-throw shooting down the stretch helped the Sauk Centre girls basketball team overcome Melrose 60-54 on Feb. 19. Sauk Centre trailed 13-9 after the first quarter but outscored Dutchmen 17-8 in the second quarter to take a five-point halftime lead; Kim Moberg came off the bench and connected eight of 10 free throws late in the game as
Sauk Centre held Melrose by six points.
Quote of the week
Sauk Centre boys’ basketball senior Carter Ziemer on the team clinching their first West Central Conference title since 2015: “I believe our team chemistry really bonded us together and helped us win games. We will hope to play at our best throughout the playoffs and make a deep run.”
MIDMNSPORTS gives you up-to-date information on all the Melrose and Sauk Centre high school athletics. Go to MIDMNSPORTS.COM
MIDMNSPORTS has the live stream of the next game, watch your favorite team “live” with Mark Knoblauch on MIDMNSPORTS.
Facebook.com/Midmnsports @MidMNSports
Ready for the current
Melrose-Sauk Centre Fusion to compete in Section 5A meet
After sending seven individuals to the Minnesota State High School League Class A Boys Swim and Dive Meet last spring, the Melrose-Sauk Centre Fusion entered the 2022-23 with eyes on sustaining that level of success.
So, when the team begins the postseason with the Section 5A competition Feb. 24 at Cougar Pool at the University of Minnesota-Morris in Morris, the team should do well individually and as a team.
With a chance for several new personal and team standards to be set, the Sauk Centre Herald interviewed swimmers and divers from the Fusion ahead of the section meet.
The Fusion set the bar high in March, but this winter has seen the team’s core of swimmers, from distinguished multi-year veterans to up-and-coming middle schoolers, achieve high-scoring results for Melrose-Sauk Centre. It is part of a next-man-up mentality; last year was not going to be the peak.
“You lose one guy here and another there, but you always have new ones coming in,” said Sevrin Anderson, who scored a firstplace finish in the 100-yard breaststroke event at the Western Regional Championships Feb. 9. “There’s going to be someone there to pick up where you left off.”
Having strong leaders in and out of the pool helps. Melrose senior Adam Wil-
werding has repeatedly set new marks in the 100 backstroke while also finding wins in the 100 freestyle, Sauk Centre junior Jacob Robischon is a versatile swimmer competing primarily in the 200 individual medley and 100 butterfly races and Anderson is a breaststroke specialist with a penchant for consistent times. All three made state last season and also race on several winning relays. Continued results have come from taking an important step forward as exemplary teammates and leaders.
“When I was younger, I wanted to stick to my own grade, but once I got to ninth grade and later, I started to talk to more of the seniors and it was a good experience,” said Robischon, a junior who won the 200IM and 100 butterfly at the aforementioned WRC meet. “I’m trying to share that experience with younger swimmers.”
A strong comradery has served as a cog for promising performances in the pool, no matter the event. Grant Eveslage is the anchor of a mightily successful 200 medley relay and also performs well in freestyle events, Thatcher Van Beck and Nolan Fleischhacker have headed M-SC’s freestyle efforts, and depth options such as Alex Wilwerding, Isaiah Zink and Hunter Leslie have contributed to different stroke competitions. With a high level of confidence also comes determination.
“Every single time I finish a race, I look up at the times and think about where I was last year and last meet and see if I was getting there and improving as much as I did last year,” Anderson said. “As you get better, it gets harder to improve.”
Even with improvement being difficult, the Fusion are determined to try. Those who have made the section cut will look for their best times yet, with their slew of proven swimmers vying for another shot at state meet glory.
“Adam, Jacob and Andrue Stalboerger all set records this year,” said James Schreiner, co-head coach. “But I think any of them want the highlight of their season to be those records. They are striving for more. The records are great recognition for how hard they work, but what they really are good for is stepping stones.”
Along with a strong swimming foundation, the Fusion diving corps is attracting attention and setting marks for other competitors.
“Anytime you can have good group of divers, it helps,” said Nathan Meyer, co-head coach. “For boys, it is a strong group.”
The three-member diving corps – ninth graders Stalboerger and Zaron Olmschenk and senior Spencer Marthaler – came to
diving at different times. They have all progressed this year. Stalboerger recently set the six-dive record for the Fusion.
“I have been diving since seventh grade, so this is my third year,” Stalboerger said. “I have always loved doing flips on my trampoline, and I knew you did flips in diving, so I was eager to join.”
Stalboerger has converted that love into doing somersaults and twists when coming off the diving board. He has consistently executed them well in competition.
“My favorite dive would have to be a back somersault, two-and-a-half twists,” he said. “This dive is really just a backflip, but the entire time you are just twisting. I have always loved twisters, especially back twisters.”
Olmschenk, too, started diving two years ago. It was not an instant match of interests.
“My coach asked me if I wanted to try out diving which led me to falling in love with it – slowly,” he said. “My teammates have kept me in diving by encouraging me every time I was about to do a dive and the kindness and fun they bring to diving.”
Unlike his fellow divers, Marthaler came to the sport late. He briefly swam as a seventh grader before other athletic pursuits took his attention away, but he returned to the pool as an upperclassman because of familial ties.
“My sister Tori joined diving this year and it was fun to talk to her about that and see how she was doing in it,” he said. “We’re a tight family, so I joined too.”
Helping the Fusion divers master their dives and achieve their goals is diving instructor Mady Brinkman. A former Lady Dutchmen high school diver and gymnast, she won the women’s NCAA Division II 3-meter diving championship last year. From the start, she noted a trait which has helped the corps succeed.
“They come in with a good attitude and that helps a lot,” she said. “They are willing to listen to anything and everything. Any crazy idea I throw at them, they’re like ‘OK. Sure.’”
The trio each will have 11 dives at the Section 5A meet, with the top four divers advancing to state. While the pressure of such a situation would faze many, the Fusion diving corps are mentally vigilant. All have learned they will likely get the dive wrong before getting it right.
“You have to have a willingness to try some things because sometimes, you will smack,” Coach Meyer said. “You will smack on your back or on your face. You have to be willing to do that, get back up and try it again. That’s part of the attitude you need.”
Page 10 | THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2023 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD Brought to you by: DQ Grill & Chill, Sauk Centre 1171 S. Main Street, Sauk Centre, MN
Senior guard Carter Ziemer puts up a jumper during the second half of Sauk Centre’s home game against Maple River Feb. 18. Ziemer scored five points but the Streeters fell to the fifth ranked Eagles 70-53.
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Sauk Centre will have eight swimmers and divers (front, from left) Hunter Leslie, Sevrin Anderson, Jacob Robischon and Zaron Olmschenk; (back, from left) Zander Olmschenk, Rayden Weber, Parker Sorenson and Spencer Marthaler that will compete in the section swimming and dive meet Feb. 24-25 at the University of Minnesota-Morris. From seventh-grade Leslie to senior Marthaler, the Fusion have found success in every class.