2025 Albany Resource Guide

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Albany Resource Guide

City Information

Parks and Recreation

Community Events

Business Information

wordfrom our mayor A

Greetings from the City of Albany and myself. I look forward to serving you for another term as mayor and thank you for your support in the November election.

Our city had another major staffing change during the past year. Police Chief Ozzy Carbahal retired officially July 8, 2024. Taking his place is our new chief, Matt Gannon. Matt has been with our police department since February 2015 and was also the school resource officer, helping and gaining the respect of hundreds of students and faculty through the years. Albany is fortunate to have Matt as our chief and his department working with him. They are: Officer Derrick Bjork, Officer Joanna Bigler-school resource officer, Theo-therapy dog, Officer Bryce Slone, Officer Seth Adams, Heather Cruz-police administration assistant. They are here to make Albany a safe place to live and work.

again, this is a county project on their timeline. We will keep the community and especially property owners and businesses along this corridor informed as soon the county lets us know when things will start.

Our 2024 capital improvements consisted mainly of resurfacing over 3.3 miles of city streets in various parts of town, includingHighlands Drive, Burberry Way, Cranberry Street, Deerberry Circle, Stonebrook Drive including Ninth, 10th and 13th streets, Shamrock Lane, Golf View Drive, Sunset Court, Park Court, Green Street, Country Court and Sand Lake Road. Final lifts of asphalt were also completed on Forest Avenue and First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth streets from our 2023 project. Thank you again for your patience throughout any of these projects.

Our planned 2025 Capital Improvements will be working with Stearns County as they reconstruct County Road 157 from the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Eighth Street (four-way stop) to Freeport. There will be tree removal, curb and gutter, storm sewer, new sidewalk, and some buried utility work done within the city limits with this project. We applied for and received an Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant for $285,000 to help offset some costs within the city. Once

The Friends of North Park are still busy with Improvements within the park. A new shelter/ pavilion has been constructed on the north end near the softball field and dirt work has started on the future splash pad, directly south of the shelter with hopes of installation this spring. Water and sewer lines have been buried, new trails are being constructed, some new playground areas have been installed, BMX bike trails are installed, existing buildings are being updated and a much larger parking area has been constructed to accommodate the future use of these new amenities. To date, all of these improvements have been done at little or no cost to the city. Funds have been raised and donations have been made to cover these costs. Once again, thank you to the Friends of North Park.

Speaking of improvements! The clubhouse at the Albany Golf Course has been completely remodeled. Newly expanded pro shop, bar and restaurant, handicap elevator, seating areas for indoor and outdoor dining and a completely new kitchen to serve everyone. Remember, the golf course, driving range and Greenside Grill and Lounge are open to the public. You do not need to be a member of the golf course to enjoy these amenities and the views are wonderful.

Again, please support local businesses. Enjoy everything Albany has to offer. Please contact city hall at 320-845-4244 with any questions. Contact myself or any council member with questions or concerns. Info can be found at www.ci.albany.mn.us.

Wishing everyone good health and happiness in 2025.

Please be sure to visit the website for the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce (www.albanymnchamber.com) or the City of Albany (www.ci.albany.mn.us) for more details.

Albany is located in Stearns County, 20 miles west of St. Cloud and 80 miles northwest of Minneapolis-St. Paul on Interstate 94, with direct access to State Highway 238, which originates in Albany. The closest airport is St. Cloud Regional Airport - visit www. stcloudairport.com.

Whether you are moving into the area, stopping for a short time on your way through or are in the area for a vacation, we are sure that you will find many activities to enjoy, including the beautiful Lake Wobegon Trail. You will receive a warm welcome from the citizens of Albany. More and more families are making the City of Albany their “small town” home. Albany’s population is 2,780.*

* Source: MN State Demographer 2020 Estimate

44, 45, 47


City of Albany

Park Board

Sonya Hoffarth, Chairman

Chad Rothstein | Kenny Hinnenkamp

Economic Development Authority

Tom Kasner

Rick Christensen

John R. Harlander

Bill Scepaniak

Nathan Ronning

Planning Commission

Bill Scepaniak

Allison Dudek

Nathan Ronning

Joe Wedel

Craig Magnus


Gary Winkels, Clerk/Administrator

Albany City Council

Tom Kasner, Mayor ............................ tkasner@ci.albany.mn.us

Alan Amdahl, Councilor ................... aamdahl@ci.albany.mn.us

John R. Harlander, Councilor .......... jharlander@ci.albany.mn.us

Bruce Winter, Councilor ................... bwinter@ci.albany.mn.us

Charlene Ohmann, Councilor ........ cohmann@ci.albany.mn.us

Other Financial Services (public)

City of Albany.................................................................320-845-4244

Tax Increment Financing, Tax Abatement, Financial Package Preparation


The City of Albany is a Plan A Statutory City. Regular council meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of each month. The City of Albany functions under the direction of the following:

A. Planning Commission

B. Park Board

C. Albany Economic Development Authority


The City of Albany is located in the central portion of the State of Minnesota. Its average elevation is 1,190 feet above sea level and is gently rolling terrain. Excellent productive soils and an abundant groundwater supply can be found in the City of Albany.


400 Railroad Ave., PO Box 370 | Albany, MN 56307 www.ci.albany.mn.us | gwinkels@ci.albany.mn.us

Albany’s Public Utilities


: Xcel Energy provides uninterrupted commercial and residential service and has a substation in Albany. Electric rates are available upon request at 800-895-4999. Stearns Electric Association supplies a small portion of the city’s electrical power. Call 800-962-0655.

GARBAGE: Residential garbage pickup is available through West Central Sanitation. Garbage pickup is on Monday and recycling is every other Monday. Call for more information at 800-246-7630.


GAS: CenterPoint Energy provides uninterrupted commercial and residential gas service. Natural gas rates are available upon request at 800-245-2377.


: At Albany Fiber Communications it’s all in your connection — bundle telephone, long distance, high speed internet, digital TV and nationwide cellular services to save time and money. Many options to fit your needs; convenient, nearby service and support and cutting-edge services, available from one local cooperative. Learn about available services at www.albanytel.com or call 320-845-2101.

WATER : Albany’s municipal water system consists of a 250,000-gallon elevated water storage tank. The potable water hardness is 410 parts per million (29 grains hardness). The water treatment plant is currently capable of treating 2 million gallons of water per day and can be expanded to treat 4 million gallons per day as the city’s demand for water increases. Current water rates and billing information are available upon request at 320-8454244.


: Albany’s municipal wastewater collector and treatment system consists of fourcell, 88-acre wastewater stabilization ponds. The system provides sanitary treatment with chemical addition for phosphorus removal. The wastewater system has the capacity to accommodate new “wet” commercial and industrial users. Current wastewater rates are available upon request at 320-845-4244.

Albany Mutual Insurance Company

Police &


Albany Responders


231 Fourth St., Albany, MN 56307 Fire Hall: 320-845-4040 • Emergency: 911

The Albany Fire Department was established in 1893 to protect the Albany area. The original 16-member department battled fires with a horse-drawn fire apparatus, hand pumps and pails of water. Although their equipment and methods seem crude in today’s time, the original members were just as brave and dedicated as modern-day firefighters.

Over the years and into the 21st century, the Albany Fire Department has evolved with updated equipment, excellent training and additional personnel. The Albany Fire Department has a full team of volunteer firefighters, which protect the city and township of Albany and a portion of Farming and Krain townships.

The Albany Fire Department has 25 trained volunteers who respond to fires, medical situations, car accidents and many other emergencies. They are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


400 Railroad Ave, Albany, MN 56307 320-845-2200

Emergency: 911

The Albany Police Department is committed to active partnerships with the community in order to protect life and property and enhance the safety and quality of life in the community we serve.

The Albany Police Department strives to maintain the highest standard of excellence utilizing training and technology to create a safe environment for those who live in and visit Albany.

The Albany Police Department is comprised of six full-time officers.

If you have an emergency, please call 911. If you have a general question or a non-emergency call, please call 320-845-2200.

Office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Kristy Peternell - PRESIDENT Stearns Bank kristy.peternell@stearnsbank.com | 320-845-2151

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Albanycc@albanytel.com | 320-845-7777

Aaron Smith - TREASURER AMS Tax & Accounting Solutions asmith@amstas.com | 320-557-0047

Lynn Brutger - BOARD MEMBER

Magnifi Finanical lynn.brutger@mymagnifi.org | 320-845-4784

Cassie Novak - BOARD MEMBER

Community Education Director Albany Area Schools - ISD 745 cnovak@district745.org | 320-845-5072

Cory Klemmer - BOARD MEMBER

Sanitation Supervisor at Kerry cory.klemmer@kerry.com

Kelly Kasner - BOARD MEMBER TANI Division kelly@tanidivision.com | 320-845-4733

Welcome to Albany, a community full of wonderful people and businesses. As a chamber, we are proud to serve the needs of our members by providing education, advocacy, networking and community events. Community events give our members the opportunity to come together to engage while promoting their business at the same time. We encourage and welcome all new and existing businesses in the area to partner with the chamber. We are better together!  When we support local, we continue to grow and create more opportunities for our residents. Albany is a great place to live, work and raise a family. It’s a place I proudly call home.

Kristy Peternell, president

Kelly KasnerLynn Brutger
Cassie Novak Aaron SmithCory Klemmer

A LOCAL Company

Community Services

HOUSING: Albany has approximately 1,108 occupied households and a variety of apartment buildings. This diversity provides housing for varied incomes and family sizes. Many housing sites are still available in Golf Vistas, Highland Addition, Sterling Heights, Trails Edge and Whispering Oaks.

LIBRARY: Albany Public Library, located at 400 Railroad Ave., is a 3,000-square-foot spacious building. It is one of 32 libraries that make up the Great River Regional Library. With your free library card, you can check out books, videos, compact discs, audio books and popular magazines. Using the various reference resources, your questions will be answered, plus a public internet station is available for your use. Daily deliveries bring requested items to patrons within days, and children’s programs are presented several times a year. More information on page 38.

NEWSPAPERS: The Star Post is Albany’s official weekly newspaper. The city also has daily delivery of the St. Cloud Times, Star Tribune, USA Today and Pioneer Press. The Star Shopper, Hometown News and Dairyland Peach are also delivered weekly.

POST OFFICE: Albany has a first-class post office. The Albany Post Office has all mail services available, with express mail overnight delivery to most major market cities and first class mail overnight delivery to Minneapolis-St. Paul. It is located at 141 Railroad Ave.

RADIO: KASM 1150 AM is a privately owned radio station. KASM has been serving Central Minnesota since 1950 and provides the area with news, weather, farm reports, sports, community information and music that includes polka, country and sounds from the big band era. KASM’s signal extends to the North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Canadian borders. KASM’s sister station is KDDG 105.5 FM and plays your favorite oldies.

TELEVISION: TV from Albany Fiber Communications is all digital with over 155 channels and multiple package options. Visit www.afcomm.net or call 320845-2101. Cable service is provided by Spectrum 855-757-7328, serving Albany and the surrounding area.

Albany City Map

Community Organizations

Albany Food Shelf

The Albany Food Shelf is located in the Albany Community Senior Center at 741 Lake Ave. and is run by volunteers. Hours are the first Thursday from 9-10 a.m. and the third Thursday from 5:30–6:30 p.m. Other times by appointment only, call 320-291-6623. Donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 521, Albany, MN, 56307 or placed in collection areas in the back of Seven Dolors Church or Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. If you have any questions about receiving help or if you would like to volunteer, please call Edna Goebel at 320-291-6623.

Albany Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 30 meetings are the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the American Legion in the basement. Contact person in Albany is Scoutmaster Jason Roehrl at 320-249-0813.

Albany Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts is a program for all boys and girls in the first through fifth grade. Albany Cub Scouts Pack 32 den meetings are held the first Sunday of the month, some meetings at 4 p.m. at Holy Family School and a pack meeting the third Sunday each month.

Albany Girl Scouts

The Albany Girl Scouts are open to girls in grades K-12. Troops meet at different times, usually up to three times per month. Please contact Tanya Rothstein at 320-309-9164 or tanya. girlscouts24@gmail.com for more information.

Albany Heritage Society

The Albany Heritage Society has a book regarding the history of Albany. The books are available for purchase at the Albany Administrative Building or call John Kloos at 651-260-6077 or Shirley Bauer at 320-845-4533.

Albany Jaycees

Ashley Clapp, president

The Albany Jaycees have played an active role in the community for many years. The meetings are the third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at Schiffler's Liquor in St. Anthony. Contact Ashley Clapp at 320-492-2848.

Albany Lions Club

Mike Frericks, president; Randy Klasen, vice president

The Albany Lions Club meets every second and fourth Monday of the month at Shady’s Hometown Tavern. The board of directors meets at 6 p.m. with a meal following at 6:30 p.m. The meeting for the general members begins at 7 p.m. Those interested in joining the club may contact a current member.

Community Organizations

Albany Women of Today

The Albany Women of Today is a community service organization that welcomes anyone to join its membership. For members over 18, men are welcome. The meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 7:15 p.m. A Google link will also be provided if you cannot attend in person. Contact Tanya Rothstein at 845-2099 or 320-309-9164, or email tanya. womenoftoday@gmail.com.

American Legion Auxiliary

The Auxiliary meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Legion (except for the months of January, February, June, July and August). Contact Beatrice Schmidt at 320363-8619 for more information.

American Legion Post 482

Members of American Legion Post 482 meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. The facility is open to the public for meetings. Call Ray Fuchs at 320-845-2743.

Athletic Booster Club

The Albany Booster Club is organized to promote and enhance sports for the Albany school district. To become a member contact Scott Buntje, Albany Area Schools Activities Director at 320-845-5040 or email sbuntje@district745.org. For more information, visit www.district745.org, click on the activities tab and then athletic information.

Catholic Charities Senior Dining-Albany

Located at Pondview Estates, 334 Golfview Drive. Meals are served Monday - Friday beginning at 11:15, and home-delivered meals are provided for the communities of Albany, Avon, Belgrade, Brooten, Cold Spring, Elrosa, Freeport, Holdingford, New Munich, Meire Grove, Richmond, Paynesville, Greenwald, Melrose, Sauk Centre, St. Joseph, St. Martin and St. Rosa. For seniors 60 years and older who meet program criteria. Partially funded under contract with the Central Minnesota Council on Aging as part of the Older Americans Act, and administered by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud. Volunteer opportunities are always available for all of the route areas. For more information, call 320-845-4070, email at albanysrdining@ccstcloud.org, call St. Cloud office at 320-229-4584 or visit the website at ccstcloud. org.


Community Organizations

4-H Clubs

Minnesota 4-H is the largest youth development program in the state, serving over 40,000 young people every year. It offers out-of-school, hands-on learning opportunities across Minnesota for youth in kindergarten through one-year post-high school. Stearns County offers several opportunities for involvement in 4-H groups and clubs. Call the Stearns County Extension Office at 320-255-6169 for more information.

Knights of Columbus

Father Pierz Council

Serving the parishes of St. Anthony, St. Benedict, St. Martin and Seven Dolors. For more information, contact James Welle at 320-845-2597. The Knights aim to help the churches they serve and welcome both new members and those transferring from other Knights councils.


Assumption Community

Faith in Action

Assumption Community, as part of a caring effort throughout Stearns County, is providing services for our elderly neighbors. They provide friendly home visits, minor home repair/modification, respite care for caregivers, caregiver support through one-on-one coaching, housekeeping chores, transportation, shopping and running errands. These sustaining services provide those living in the rural communities of Stearns County with more opportunities to stay in their own home or apartment. If you are in need of any of these services, contact Ashley at 320-348-2322. They would love to talk with you about how they might be able to help. They make every effort to fill all need requests. Because they are built on the concept of being a “neighbor helping neighbor” program, they are always in need of volunteers throughout rural communities of Stearns County.

Senior Citizens

The Albany Area Senior Citizens meet monthly on the first Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Albany Area Community Senior Center. The purpose of the meeting is to keep senior citizens active and knowledgeable of programs that affect them. Speakers are invited to present information to let seniors know what is available to help them and how to access the help needed. Socializing is enjoyed by playing cards and bingo. Lunch is prepared and served by a group of members each month. You are invited to attend meetings. President Shirley Bauer can be contacted at 320-845-4533.

Albany Sportsmen’s Club

The Albany Sportsmen’s Club, which is open to the public, provides trap and skeet shooting, five stand and youth programs. The club is open from April through September – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. until dusk and Sundays from noon to 2 p.m. It is located 3 miles north of the City of Albany on Highway 238. Call 320-845-4271 for more information.

Stearns County Area Horticultural Society

The Stearns County Area Horticultural Society meets the second Monday of the month (unless the date falls on a holiday), except during the summer months when garden tours take place. Meetings are at 7 p.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 840 Lake Ave. Contact Beth Thelen for more information: beth.thelen@ live.com or 320-845-4681.

Stearns County Pioneer Club

The Stearns County Pioneer Club has an elected board of directors. The annual Pioneer Days show is in September and is located a mile north of Albany between Highway 238 and County Road 10. The Pioneer Club meets the third Monday of the month. Call Greg Fuchs at 320-250-7025 for more information.

Community Events


TBD — Albany City Wide Spring Clean Up

May 2-3 — City Wide Garage Sales

May 6 — First Day of Men's League

May 23 — Mixed/Couples Night


TBD — Albany City Wide Spring Clean Up

June 6-7 — 2 Person Best Ball

June 13 — Mixed/Couple's Night

June 15 — Parent/child Open

June 16 — Holy Family School Scramble

June 28 — 6-6-6 Tournament


July 12 — ABCD Tournament

July 18 — Mixed/Couples Night

July 21 — One Person Scramble

July 25 — INDY Tournament

July 27 — Divorce Open

fun fun



August 1— 24th Annual Car Show

August 2 — Heritage Day

August 9-10 — Club Championship

August 10 — Seven Dolors Church Bazaar

August 11 — Albany/Avon Fire Department Tournament

August 15 —Mixed/Couple's Night

August 18 — Two Rivers Enterprise

August 24 — Two Person Scramble


September 2 — Mens league Fall Scramble

September 4 — Avon Lions Tournament

September 6 — Ice Cold Memorial Tournament

Sept. 11-14 — Albany Pioneer Days at Albany Pioneer Grounds

September 13 — St. Martin Open

September 27 — Superintendent's Revenge


October 4 — Rookies Tournament

October 31 — Trunk or Treat


December 5 — Santa Dayat Albany Pioneer Grounds

note Please

Event dates are subject to change according to state regulations at the time of the event. Please check with group/facility as the time approaches for any updated dates, times, locations, etc.

These events, plus many more, can always be found on the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce’s website, www.albanymnchamber. org. Any questions about events happening throughout Albany can be emailed to albanycc@albanytel.com, or call the chamber office at 320-845-7777.

Heritage Day

Celebrating Albany

The event will be kicked off Friday night with Albany Chrysler Center’s 24th Annual Car Show from 4-8 p.m. Aug. 1. It features antique cars, concessions, music, burnouts and more. For more information, visit their website at www. albanychryslercenter.net.

Heritage Day will be Saturday, Aug. 2, on Railroad Avenue in Albany. From sunup to sundown, there will be something for everyone. There are many events planned throughout the day, including a youth baseball tournament, 5K run, 1K run for kids, tractor pedal pull for kids and beer garden as well as childrens activities, food, games, gambling and the grand parade at 7 p.m. The parade is followed by music provided by DiamondBack and topped off with fantastic fireworks, sponsored by the Albany Jaycees and the Albany Lions Club. Don’t miss your chance to help Albany celebrate!

Seven Dolors Church Bazaar

Sunday, Aug. 10 is the annual Seven Dolors Church Bazaar. There will be a polka Mass at 10:30 a.m. with live music, dinner, a raffle and much more. Visit www.hohcatholic.org.

Albany Pioneer Days

This event is the second weekend after Labor Day each September. The event is located a mile north of Albany between Highway 238 and County Road 10. The show started in 1975 and is put on by the Stearns County Pioneer Club, Inc. This nonprofit organization has approximately 550 members.

The show draws exhibitors, musicians and vendors from not only all over the state, but from states as far away as New York as well as other countries.

The show is a re-enactment of the life the pioneers lived. Old-tyme activities include threshing and lumber sawing as well as a blacksmith shop, general store, printing press, lath mill, country school, working water wheel, Corliss engine, rope-making machine and model railroad museum. Over 500 gas engines and more than 400 tractors are on display. The Ladies Building features quilting, rug braiding and weaving, sewing,

wool spinning and making lace and tatting. Each year the show features a particular brand of equipment that played a part in American heritage. There is also a flea market and a tractor parade Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as a tractor pull Friday. Old-time, bluegrass and country music is played all three days. We also have karaoke Friday and Saturday nights. Catholic and ecumenical church services are Saturday evening and Sunday morning in the old Arban Church.

The club invites anyone interested in preserving antique equipment (and demonstrating how it was used) to join. Mail questions to the Pioneer Club, P.O. Box 482, Albany, MN 56307 or go to www.albanypioneerdays.com for more information.

The City of Albany was incorporated in 1890, but not without a struggle. The first petition to incorporate, signed by 33 residents of the proposed area of incorporation, was presented to the Stearns County Board of Commissioners Nov. 30, 1888. The county board issued a notice calling for an election on the issue at the District 59 schoolhouse the following January.

History Albany’s

The Great Northern and Soo Line railroads once bounded the city but have since been removed and the right-of-way now is utilized for pedestrian (hiking/biking) travel. One of the lines running from Avon through Albany to Sauk Centre is now a paved bike, hike and snowmobile trail called the Lake Wobegon Trail. The water plant was installed in 1902 and electricity in 1909. Beautiful Pine and Pelican lakes are about four miles northeast of Albany.

It was not an accident that the commercial development on Railroad Avenue (the main street) was almost confined to one side of the street. The railroad designed it that way, the objective always being to receive revenue from people who used the rails. The land within the 300-foot railroad right of way was not for sale, only for lease. Businesses allowed to lease the land from the railroad were those who shipped by rail — livestock, grain, general merchandise, farm implements, automobiles and so on. Retail merchants and service businesses hesitated to build on the railroad right of way with only a 30-day lease, so they built on the north side of Railroad Avenue.

Two Rivers Settlement in 1862

John Schwinghammer Jr. laid the first claim in Two Rivers Settlement. The Obermiller and Platz families followed one year later. A halfway house was in Albany during the mid1860s to accommodate pioneer travelers and traders on the Red River Trail. Seven Dolors parish was organized and a log church was built in 1868. This church also served as a school. Isador Obermiller served as first postmaster in 1870 with the coming of the Great Northern Railroad north of Albany. The settlement was relocated in 1872 and named Albany.

A monument was erected on County Road 54, a 1/2 mile east of Albany, in 1982 by the Stearns County Historical Society.

(from top left) Dennis Bechtold DVM & Sam Beech DVM (from bottom left) Wendy Womack DVM, Neal Womack DVM, Colleen Kutzler DVM & Jennifer Revermann DVM

Saint Anthony


24326 Trobec St Albany, MN 56307

Sundays @ 8:00am

Saint Martin


119 Maine St | PO Box 290 St. Martin, MN 56376

Sundays @ 10:00am

Saint Benedict


212 1st St SW | PO Box 98 Avon, MN 56310

Sundays @ 8:00am

Seven Dolors


151 2nd St S | PO Box 277 Albany, MN 56307

Saturdays @ 5pm

Sundays @ 10:00am

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church - ELCA

840 Lake Ave., P.O. Box 670, Albany, MN 56307


Pastor Anthony Christoffels | oursaviors@albanytel.com www.oursaviorslutheranalbany.org

Service Times

• Sundays – 9 a.m. worship in-person or 1 p.m. on KASM

• 10:15 a.m. Connect: Fellowship and education

St. Anthony

24326 Trobec St. Albany, MN 56307 stanthony@ hohcatholic.org


Service Times Sundays at 8 a.m. & Wednesdays at 8 a.m.

• The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday of the month.

• Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. Generations in faith together with 5:15 p.m. meal and 6 p.m. activities

Immanuel Lutheran Church

23845 County Road 40, Albany, MN 56307


Pastor David Steege

Service Time Sundays – 9:30 a.m.

If no answer at church and you need immediate assistance, call Don Barchenger at 320-845-4717

Worship Area Churches

Seven Dolors

PO Box 277 151 Second St. S., Albany, MN 56307

sevendolors@ hohcatholic.org


Service Times Mondays & Fridays at 7:30a.m. Saturdays at 5 p.m. & Sundays at 10 a.m.

St. Benedict

PO Box 98 212 First St. SW, Avon, MN 56310 stbenedict@ hohcatholic.org 320-250-5618

Service Times Sundays at 8 a.m. Tuesday – Thursdays at 8 a.m.

St. Martin

PO Box 290 119 Main St., St. Martin, MN 56376 stmartin@hohcatholic.org 320-548-3550

Service Times Sundays at 10 a.m. Thursdays at 8 a.m.

arks Recreation Recreation

North Park

North Park is the city’s largest park, approximately 58 acres, located on the north side of the city. The park provides a wide variety of recreational resources, including tennis, pickleball, disc golf, volleyball and basketball courts, skate board ramps, picnic shelters, playground equipment, hike/ bike trails and a softball field. Running water, electricity, and bathrooms are in the Jaycee Shelter may be reserved for various events. To reserve the Jaycee or Lions Park shelter located in North Park, call 320-845-4244. No camping is allowed in the park.


Albany Bowling Center....320-845-4732

CAMPING (no camping in Albany)

Cedar Lake Memorial Park, Upsala ....................................320-573-2983

El Rancho Mañana, Richmond .............................320-597-2740


Albany Golf Club ................320-845-2505


Albany American Legion Park is located at 400 Railroad Ave. next to the Albany City Hall. Since the shelter is so near to the Lake Wobegon Trail, it is often used as a resting area by trail users.

A public 18-hole golf course located adjacent to Interstate 94, a block from the main street in Albany. Many water hazards provide challenges for the golfer attempting to shoot even par and a Toptracer driving range. There is a full bar and restaurant at Greenside Grille.


LIONS PARK is located along Sixth Street and abuts the North Lake. Amenities include a baseball field, basketball court, picnic shelter and warming house for ice skaters during winter months.

COUNTRY ESTATES PARK includes a baseball field, volleyball court, playground equipment and picnic shelter.




Baymont Inn & Suites ...320-200-9819 Lucy’s Loft .........................320-291-5543

PARK includes a baseball field, playground equipment and picnic shelter with running water and sewer.


PARK includes playground equipment and is located adjacent to the Lake Wobegon Trail.

Trail Wobegon

The Lake Wobegon Trail measures 62 miles in Stearns County. The Stearns County segment of the Lake Wobegon Trail extends from the Stearns/Todd County line to St. Joseph and from Albany to the Morrison/Stearns County line. There is an additional eight miles of the Lake Wobegon Trail in Todd County.

If the Lake Wobegon Trail is connected with Morrison County’s Soo Line Trail and the Central Lakes Trail, which meets the Lake Wobegon Trail in Osakis, it becomes the longest paved rail trail in the country — over 120 miles long.

The trail is open to bicycling, snowmobiling without studs, walking and rollerblading. The trail was built on two abandoned railroad corridors — the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and the Soo Line.

Legion Park Shelter

Legion Park Shelter is located along Railroad Avenue. This small park provides a great place for employees working in the downtown area to enjoy a relaxing lunch beneath the picnic shelter. The Albany American Legion erected monuments including flag displays in the park, honoring those who have served in the United States Armed Forces, especially those who have given their lives. The park is used for activities involving the Lake Wobegon Trail, Memorial Day Services, Community Education, Concerts in the Park and the annual Heritage Day Celebration.

Albany Public Library


Monday: Noon to 7 p.m.

Tuesday: Noon to 8 p.m.

Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Thursday: Noon to 6 p.m.

Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m

Albany Public Library

400 Railroad Ave., PO Box 519 Albany, MN 56307 320-356-5987 | www.griver.org

The Albany branch of Great River Regional Library carries books on almost every subject, magazines, entertainment and how-to DVDs, music CDs, eAudiobooks, eBooks, computers, internet access, programs and so much more.

RIGOROUS CURRICULUM: The Albany Area School District has an ongoing curriculum review process to ensure a well-designed and delivered curriculum, one that will prepare students for future success. Fortyfive college credits are available through high school course offerings. The district uses both block classes and half-block classes to meet the needs of middle school and high school students.

STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES: Elementary and secondary schools offer a variety of opportunities through clubs and organizations. Currently, over 80% of high school students participate in fine arts, academic, and/or athletic extra-curricular activities.

EXPERIENCED STAFF: Highly-skilled teaching professionals and support staff provide an environment of trust, respect and security. Together we work to provide students the best education available.

LIFELONG LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: The Albany Area Community Education program offers a variety of adult and youth recreation and enrichment opportunities. Kids Company, a school-age childcare program, serves over 225 students in PreK-5. The Early Childhood program serves children from birth to age 5 and their families. It provides support, information and resources to assist parents in their efforts to raise healthier, happier children and prepare them for kindergarten.

Albany Area Community Education also offers free one-on-one help with English Language Assistance (English as a Second Language, or ESL), citizenship, reading, math, computer skills, GED, college preparation and job skills training through the Adult Basic Education program.

PARTNERSHIPS: Last year, the Albany Area School District awarded over $75,000 in scholarships to the graduating class of 2024 on behalf of local civic organizations, businesses and individuals. The district also collaborates with the College of St. Benedict, St. John’s University and St. Cloud State University in the areas of student teaching, internships, recreation and activities involving cultural awareness and diversity. The school district is fortunate to have strong community support and cooperation with our local businesses, churches, Avon CAPS, Albany Elementary/ ELC and Middle School PTOs, Women of Today, Lions Club, Jaycees, Chambers of Commerce, Albany Area Booster Club and the Albany Area Education Foundation.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: The Albany Area School District has a long tradition of exceptionally strong community support. After a successful referendum in August 2022, the district is renovated the Albany Hospital into the Albany Area Early Learning Center. They welcomed its first classes to the ELC in fall 2024.

Albany Area Education

Holy Family School

Since 1886, Holy Family School has been offering a faith-filled environment with high academic standards. Serving students in preschool through fifth grade, Holy Family School is an excellent place for everyone to thrive in a Christ-centered atmosphere as we help each child reach his or her full potential.

Our staff is dedicated to providing a strong academic program while helping students to grow socially, emotionally and spiritually. We have 1:1 iPad and Chromebook ratios that help develop technology skills. Holy Family School is supported by the Harvest of Hope community and other local area parishes. Christians of all faith denominations are invited to attend Holy Family School.

West Central Education District

West Central Eduation District is a service organization created to support our member school districts, Albany, Melrose, Paynesville and Sauk Centre. WCED operates three programs, to meet unique student needs, while also providing support within our member districts. To learn more about WCED, visit our website. For more information, call

In addition, visiting specialists offer obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics and podiatry. A new facility was built in 2019.

The physicians are board certified in family medicine and offer primary care for all ages. They are Libby Brever, MD; Nathan Brever, MD; and Brittany Nagel, DO. They are joined by advanced practice providers Amanda Green, PA-C; Easton Popma, PA-C and Heidi Madden APRN, CNP. The clinic provides a team-based care model where patients are a part of a team with skilled health professionals who work together to deliver more personalized, coordinated care and accessibility. The clinic hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Family medicine physicians and advanced practice providers also see patients with urgent care needs on Saturday from 8-11 a.m. Physician Assistant William Green, provides urgent care for all ages Monday through Thursday from 11a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Some symptoms appropriate for urgent care include upper respiratory infection, urinary tract infections, minor burns, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, acute sprains and strains.

A certified diabetes educator and dietician works with patients as needed to create a personalized wellness plan that educates, motivates and empowers the patient with diabetes. It is designed to help patients find the tools they need to make positive changes in their behavior and lifestyles.

Physical therapy is offered Monday through Friday in conjunction with therapists from St. Cloud Hospital’s Rehabilitation Services.

Mother of Mercy

Senio r Living Senior Living

230 Church Ave P.O. Box 676

Albany, MN 56307

Located just off Interstate 94 next to golf course and Seven Dolors Catholic Church


• Rapid Recovery • Nursing Home • Affordable Senior Housing • Assisted Living Apartments • Enhanced Assisted Living • Memory Care

For more information about Mother of Mercy Senior Living or for a tour of the campus, call 320-845-2195

Mother of Mercy Nursing Home: Residents can participate in activities and dining while overlooking the scenic public golf course and the Church of Seven Dolors in Albany. Rehabilitative services such as physical, occupational and speech therapy as well as round-the-clock licensed nursing staff are provided to residents in need of short-stay care, long-term care or memory care.

Vibrant senior living, graced by the Spirit of care

Mother of Mercy Apartments: Overlooking the Albany Golf Course, Fairway Ridge offers an exceptional carefree, maintenance-free lifestyle with the assurance of assisted living. Grace Court Enhanced Assisted Living is for individuals who need higher levels of assisted living with around-the-clock personal care staff. Residents have the freedom to live in a residential setting as needs increase.

Grace Court and Tranquility Place: Close the gap between assisted living and skilled nursing care. Each person enjoys a private apartment with all rooms surrounding a central living area, where residents can gather to enjoy activities and meals together as a family.

Memory Lane Memory Care: Our memory care community has secured exits and is designed to look and feel like home. The private apartments open to a central living area and dining room. Spouses who wish to live with their loved one are welcome with double room options. Specially-trained staff help residents participate in daily life. Positive staff interaction rejoices in the abilities and moments of connection.

Pondview Estates: Nestledin the golf course residential neighborhood of Albany is Pondview Estates, a beautiful, income-qualified senior living community. A two-story lobby atrium welcomes residents home to a bright and airy apartment, complete with a full kitchen and bath, and an emergency call system. Outside are raised gardens, walking paths and a large front porch to enjoy summer breezes.


Ag Resource Consulting Inc.

Page .........................................9


131 Fifth St. Albany, MN 56307

Custom Waste Irrigation


Mitchell-Przybilla Auction Company

Page .........................................48


18909 County Road 54 Albany, MN 56307



The Store of St. Anna

Page .........................................21


37215 County Road 9 Avon, MN 56310 See Us on Facebook

Albany Police Department

320-845-2200 (911)

400 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307


Page .........................................30

Lyle: 320-248-2611

Wayne: 320-293-7130 PO Box 24

Albany, MN 56307

MN Tarp & Liner


Page .........................................6

3011 Seventh St. S. Waite Park, MN 56387 www.MNtarp.com


Albany Chrysler Center Page .........................................28


34650 225th Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanychrysler.com

Joel Schneider Service Inc.


The Woodshop of Avon

Page .........................................49


1452 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.thewoodshopofavon.com


Albany Senior Community Center Page .........................................4


Hanson Paving

Page .........................................26


3636 Quail Road NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.hansonpaving.com


Mother of Mercy

Senior Living Pondview Estates

Page .........................................47

320-845-2195 • 320-845-2969

230 Church Ave. & 334 Golf View Drive Albany, MN 56307 www.motherofmercymn.org


Willenbring, Dahl, Wocken & Zimmerman, PLLC

Page .........................................42



571 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.willenbring.com

Page .........................................22


701 Railroad Ave. P.O. Box 537 Albany, MN 56307 www.joelschneiderservice.com

Straightline Auto Glass

Page .........................................38


220 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307

Zarns Oil-Marathon

Page .........................................4


140 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307


Eric’s Barber & Style

Page .........................................14

Eric Ruch


741 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307

Avon Community Church Page .........................................32


204 Avon Ave. N. Avon, MN 56310

Harvest of Hope

Page .........................................32

320-845-2705 sevendolars@hohcatholic.org www.hohcatholic.org

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Page .........................................32

320-845-2405 840 Lake Ave. Albany, MN 56307 OurSaviorsLutheranAlbany.org


Albany City Hall


400 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.ci.albany.mn.us

Albany Fire Department

320-845-4040 (911) 231 Fourth St. Albany, MN 56307


320-845-2025 (Rentals) 741 Lake Ave. Albany, MN 56307


Albany Ready Mix Page .........................................27


20504 330th St. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanyreadymix.com

Breth Construction and Concrete, LLC Page .........................................39


40807 State Highway 238 Albany, MN 56307 mikebreth@yahoo.com Lic.# BC639950

Blattner Energy

Page .........................................13


392 County Road 50 Avon, MN 56310 www.blattnercompany.com

Hennen Lumber

Page .........................................29 888-294-8686


204 Main St. E. Freeport, MN 56331 www.hennenlumber.com

Lumber One Avon Page .........................................38


P.O. Box 7

101 Second St. NW Avon, MN 56310 www.lumber-one.com

Business Directory

Tani Division + Interstate Monuments

Page .........................................5


34658 225th Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.tanidivision.com



Haalnat Enterprise

Page .........................................21

Personal Delivery Service


PO Box 123 Albany, MN 56307


Austin’s Cleaning Service and Carpet


Montessori on Main

Page .........................................41


200 First St. SW Avon, MN 56310



JT Electric


A&W Restaurant

Page .........................................28


121 Eighth St. Albany, MN 56307

The Mill Page .........................................9


730 Church Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.themillalbanymn.com


Page .........................................16



Sauk Centre, MN 56378


Albany Area Schools ISD 745


30 Forest Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.district745.org

Albany Holy Family School

Page .........................................41


160 Second St. Albany, MN 56307


Avon Hills Folk School

Page .........................................42


31335 Kalla Lake Road Avon, MN 56310 www.avonhillsfolkschool.org

Page .........................................14


111 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307



Kotzer Excavating, Inc.

Page .........................................10



Albany Home Bakery

Page .........................................23


531 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307

Avon Cabin Cafe

Page .........................................2


105 Avon Ave. S Avon, MN 56310 www.avoncabincafe.com

Miller-Carlin Funeral Home Page .........................................44

21745 340th St. Albany, MN 56307


Lange Trenching, Inc.

Page .........................................15


32906 County Road 50 Avon, MN 56310 www.langetrenchinginc.com


Black Financial Services

Page .........................................13

320-356-9031 www.blackfinancialservices.com

Magnifi Financial

Page .........................................28


641 Raidroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.mymagnifi.org

Oakmont Capital Services, LLC

Page .........................................20


1321 Shamrock Lane Suite 1 Albany, MN 56307 www.oakmontfinance.com


Page .........................................35


441 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.barbacoaam.com

Greenside Grille Page .........................................19


500 Church Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanygolfcourse.com

Pelican Lake Ballroom Page .........................................26 320-845-2831 18419 County Road 154 Avon, MN 56310

Teal’s Liquor & Market Page .........................................48

Market: 320-845-4120

122 Eighth St. Albany, MN 56307 www.tealsmarket.com



1000 Shamrock Lane Albany, MN 56307


300 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.millercarlin.com


Albany Recycling Center Page .........................................31


34737 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307

Waste Management Page .........................................5 www.wm.com

West Central Sanitation Page .........................................14 1-800-246-7630 www.wcsanitation.com


Iron Horse Trading Company Page .........................................42


201 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.ironhorsetradingco.com


Advantage 1 Insurance Agency Page .........................................21


140 Fifth St. Albany, MN 56307 www.advantageoneins.com

Albany Mutual Insurance Company

Page .........................................10


141 Fifth St. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanymutual.com

American Family Insurance

Page .........................................22


161 Fourth Street Albany, MN 56307 www.amfam.com/agents/ minnesota/albany/kaitlinwolf

Kremer Insurance

Page .........................................9

300 Avon Ave. S Avon, MN 56310 kremerins@albanytel.com


Albany Laundry

Page .........................................44

341 Seventh St. S. Albany, MN 56307


Albany Family Dentistry

Page .........................................29


360 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanyfamilydentist.com


Albany Clinic

Page .........................................46



Gilk Services

Page .........................................48

320-597-3200 Richmond, MN 56368 www.gilkplumbing.com


Albany Golf Club

Page .........................................19


500 Church Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.albanygolfcourse.com

Backwoods Outdoors

Page .........................................49



Back to Rhythm Massage

Page .........................................5


160 13th St. Albany, MN 56307

Cold Spring Co-op + Country Store Page .........................................16

North Risk PartnersApollo Division

Page .........................................16


601 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.northriskpartners.com

Insurance Avenues

Page .........................................55




108 Avon Ave. N. Avon, MN 56310


Evenson Decker, P.A.

Page .........................................5


1011 Second St. N. Suite 201 St. Cloud, MN 56302 www.evensondeckerlaw.com


Ehlinger Lawn Service

Page .........................................56


info@ehlingerlawn.com www.ehlingerlawn.com

30 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.centracare.com


Star Publications

The Star Post Page .........................................50


561 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.thestarpost.com


Lake Wobegon

Trail Gallery Page .........................................28


431 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.lakewobegontrailgallery.com Like us on Facebook

Rule Creative

Page .........................................22


361 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.rulecreativeco.com

42011 State Highway 238 Freeport, MN 56331 www.backwoodsoutdoorsllc.com


Complete Coverage Rental

Page .........................................42


8274 Delta Circle St. Joseph, MN 56374 completecoveragerental.com

General Rental of Albany Page .........................................42


750 County Road 41 Albany, MN 56307


Albany Floral Shop & Gifts

Page .........................................4


401 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307

AMPS, Inc.

Page .........................................22


105 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307 www.ampsrs.com


300 Main St. Cold Spring, MN 56320

MAC’S Fleet Supply

Page .........................................46


1241 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307

Mondloch Hardware Hank Page .........................................39


125 Main St. St. Martin, MN 56376


Austin Incorporated Page .........................................12 Septic Services


36058 State Hightway 238 Albany, MN 56307


Everything Signs Page .........................................12


500 Main St. Holdingford, MN 56340 www.everythingsigns.com

Redline Apparel, LLC

Page .........................................31


33695 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307

Sign Design

Page .........................................48


522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378


A&D Storage, LLC

Page .........................................38


34901 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307


Community Technology Center

Page .........................................45


Ramler Trucking

Page .........................................32


400 13th St. Albany, MN 56307 www.ramlertrucking.com

We Haul For You

Page .........................................14

320-250-2855 Doug Legatt www.WeHaulForYou.com

360 Railroad Ave. Suite 2 Albany, MN 56307 www.mnctc.com


Main Street Smoke Shop Page .........................................46


201 Main St. S. Suite 3 Sauk Centre, MN 56378


Brenny Transportation, Inc. & Specialized, Inc. Page .........................................8 320-363-6999

8505 Ridgewood Road St. Joseph, MN 56374 brennytruck.com


Albany Mutual Telephone Company Page .........................................36


131 Sixth St. Albany, MN 56307 www.AFComm.net


Lake Country Veterinary Service Page .........................................31


551 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.lakecountryvetservice. com


Culligan Water of Central MN

Page .........................................23


625 Lincoln Loop Sauk Centre, MN 56378 www.culliganh2o.com


Weed Control

Mosquito Control

Lawn Mowing


Seasonal Clean-Up




Parking Lot Sweeping

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