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Avon Police Department
Avon Police Department Avon Police Department
A word from the Police Chief...
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the City of Avon with its great neighborhoods and small-town, friendly atmosphere. The Avon Police Department currently employs three full-time police offi cers, fi ve part-time police offi cers and a full-time administrative support and records employee. The police department also has a K9 program with full time employee K9 Maverick. The department also employs unlicensed uniformed beach patrol offi cers during the summer to work on the Avon Beach.
Currently, the police department has two fully equipped police vehicles, which include the latest technology in computers and insquad video cameras. Two fully equipped bicycles are also available to be used during the summer months by both the patrol staff and the police reserves. During winter months, the police department staff has a fully equipped snowmobile for use as well.
New in 2021, the Avon Police Department sent Offi cer Chad Klocker to training which certifi ed him as an instructor in Less Lethal Munitions. The Avon Police Department is currently in the process of purchasing equipment to equip both squad cars with several diff erent less lethal options.
The primary goal of the Avon Police Department is to provide for the security of persons and property within the community. This is accomplished through providing police services dedicated to the protection of life and property, apprehension of off enders, service to citizens and providing services that are unbiased, fair, respectful and judicious. In respect of the dignity of all individuals and through public knowledge and confi dence, professional and capable assistance is available in times of emergency or need.
The non-emergency Avon Police Department phone number is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The police department also has a Facebook page where information can be found on many diff erent topics.
Again, welcome to the City of Avon. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Avon Police Department
Offi ce located at: 140 Stratford Street East Phone: (320) 356-7575 Email: avonpolice@cityofavonmn.com @AvonMNPoliceDepartment
Chief Corey F. Nellis Serving the City of Avon since 2002
2022 Full-Time Staff :
Chief Corey F. Nellis – corey.n@cityofavonmn.com Offi cer Chad Klocker – chad.k@cityofavonmn.com K9 Offi cer Landon Gudim – landon.g@cityofavonmn.com Administrative Support/Records - Kati Jansky – kati.j@cityofavonmn.com K9 Maverick
2022 Part-Time Police Staff :
Offi cer Richard Etshokin Offi cer Brendan Mooney Offi cer Casey Jansky Offi cer Jason Falconer Offi cer Jason Luethmers
K9 Maverick wearing his Body Armor Donated by Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. www.vik9s.org/
(Left to right) Sam Beech DVM, Jennifer Revermann DVM,
Wendy Womack DVM, and Neal Womack DVM. 320-845-6930 • 800-495-6930 551 Railroad Ave., Albany