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Parks and Recreation

Parks & Parks & recreation recreation

Avon has the only public beach in the area. The beach is close to the Lake Wobegon Trail. Amenities include a sand beach, picnic tables and swimming raft, and restrooms are open to the public daily until 10:00 p.m. A project named “Back the Beach” aims to make the Avon beach a family-oriented place and keep it that way so that everyone who utilizes it feels comfortable and has an enjoyable experience. It involves patrolling of the beach by unlicensed uniformed beach patrol offi cers who have the authority to enforce the Avon beach ordinances, which include enforcement of no alcohol, no smoking, no glass, etc. as posted by signs and stated in the ordinance.
For more information about the Lakers, visit cityofavonmn.com, then select “Parks and Recreation” tab.
CAMPING Cedar Lake Memorial Park, Upsala 320-573-2983 or email: cedarlake@sytekcom.com. El Rancho Manana, Richmond 320-597-2740.
GOLF Albany Golf Club is a public 18-hole golf course located adjacent to Interstate 94, a block from Main Street in Albany. Many water hazards provide challenges for the golfer attempting to shoot even par. Check out their new Toptracer driving range. Visit www.albanygolfcourse.com for membership rates, green fees and other activities off ered to the public, or call the Pro Shop at 320-845-2505.
LAKES Located within Avon are three Spunk Lakes which feature a public beach and public water accesses. Five other lakes are nearby, each providing plentiful opportunities for fi shing, swimming, boating and just plain old relaxing. Stearns County also off ers information on lakes and parks around Avon. For more information, please visit www.co.stearns.mn.us and search for Upper Spunk Lake. You may also visit the “Lakefi nder” website, www.mnlakes.org for information such as lake sizes, depths, types of fi sh, etc.
PARKS The Avon area boasts a number of beautiful parks including our Wobegon Trailhead Park. Avon has been fortunate to have active community groups and generous donors, which have provided funding and volunteer services for the development and upkeep of our many parks and facilities. • Avon Estates Park is located at the center of the Avon
Estates development, west of Avon on County Road 54. It off ers playground equipment and a picnic shelter. • Avon Lions Park is located at 140 Dolphin Ave. NE.
Amenities include: softball park, playground equipment, an enclosed shelter and outdoor picnic shelter. To rent the shelter, please call 320-356-7922. • Central Park is located at 305 Avon Ave. S. and off ers playground equipment, a softball fi eld and tennis courts. • Ochotto Park is located at 3 Angelfi sh Avenue and includes skating and hockey rinks with warming house, playground equipment, fi shing dock and boat landing. • Stratford Park is located at 999 Hamlet Dr. S. with two softball fi elds, basketball court and playground equipment. • Suncrest Park has playground equipment and is located at 515 5th St. N.W. • Wobegon Trailhead Park is located at 108 Second St. NE and off ers a picnic shelter, restrooms, lookout tower, map of the City of Avon and, of course, the Lake Wobegon Trail.


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