Page 8B | SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2022| SAUK RAPIDS HERALD BENTON AG Savings good through October 28, 2022. Financing options available with approved credit through John Deere Financial. Some restrictions apply; see your local Midwest Machinery for details. Prices and monthly payments include installation and setup, but do not include sales tax. Financing offers may require a financing fee. 4.9% for 60 Months 25 hp EFI Engine With 48" Deck $6699 Payment $126/mo Z545R Zero Turn Lawn Mower mmcjd.com BUY NOW FOR THE BEST SELECTION GREAT MOWING SEASON DEALS SAUK RAPIDS 1035 35th Ave NE • 320-252-2010 COMPACT TRACTOR SPECIAL OFFER $0 Down , 0% Financing for 60 on all compact utility tractors E ST SELECTIO N /mo 4.9% for 60 Months 21.5 hp Kawasaki With 42" Deck $3288 S220 Select Series Lawn Tractor Payment $85.49/mo 4.9% for 60 Months 24 hp Kawasaki With Autoconnect54"Deck $13,999 X730 Signature Series Garden Tractor Payment $264 /mo BA33-1B-BL Adults s- $20 0 ($17 7 Advance) ) Children n $9 9 ($7 7 Advance) ) 3 & under r Free e Advance Tickets Sold at Heidelberger’s Rock Creek Café, Rock Creek Livestock Market, Frandsen Bank & Trust -Braham & Pine City, Larry’s LP Webster WI, Voyageur Bottle Shop Pine City, MN Equipment -Isanti BA33_1B_BL Co-op Creamery 320.968.7864 16623 Ironwood RD NE, Oak Park, MN Store h o ur s M F 8 to 5 & S at 8 to 12hours: M-F 8 to 5 Sat 8 to 12 BA33-1B-RB We handle twine-sisal & plastic for small square balers, net wrap - 48, 51, 64 inch film for inline & individual bale wrappers. We also carry silage sheeting/covers & silage bags OA K PA R KOAK PARK Old Stock 51 x9840 Net Wrap A v a i l a b l e f o r $ 2 0 5Available for $205 Come get yours before they are gone! AUGUST SPECIAL! We can design them all! Please 320-352-6577callorstopin 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN Let’s Talk! stomer’sNumbe returned Received Thank You! QTYDESC TIONPRICEAMOCASHC.O.D.C GEO Mike Schafer e-mail: mike.s@dairystar.com DAIRY ST R Posters | Signs | Envelopes Flyers | Business Cards Forms | Brochures So Much More Help Wanted ASAPWanted ASAP Truck Driving, Applicator, Plant Work SEASONAL, COMPETITIVE PAY Job Description: Hours may vary due to weather, Expect long hours 5-6 days each week. Need to be on time each day and willing to work hard. Contact Duane at Mille Lacs Soil Service 320-294-5511 STOP IN AND PICK UP APPLICATION BA2-tfnB-BL M I L L E L A C S S O I L S E R V I C EMILLE LACS SOIL SERVICE 14451 430TH ST. • BERTHA, MN 56437 218-924-4522 HARMS MFG., INC. www.harmsmfg.com Best Prices Around. Best Quality Around. Big Bale Dump Racks Tandem Bale Racks 12’-62’ Land Rollers • Big Sq. & Big Rd Bales • Heavy Duty • 10’x24’ Bed • Big Sq. & Big Rd Bales • Heavy Duty • 10’x24’ Bed • Keeps moisture in the soil • Enables better germination BA-24-1-B-JW