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Sauk Rapids Herald | Saturday, February uary 20, 2021
Foley seniors use FFA as springboard for future
Corn, soybean markets surge Demand for U.S. commodities is good sign for growers BY NATASHA BARBER | STAFF WRITER
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Th Thriving hriving agriculture group off ffers practical pr knowledge BY JAKOB KOUNKEL | STAFF WRITER
FOLEY – When Spencer Beauchamp and Luke Gadacz set out o to join the Foley FFA chapter, they were young, inspired inspi and eager to learn about the different things the agricultural-based organization could teach them. Now, as Foley High School seniors and elder o the chapter, they both tout their time in FFA members of resourceful, practical and educational experience as a resou that will serve s them going forward as future farmers. “Jus “Just learning all the skills that we did was really important,” Gadacz said. “It’ll help us with farming importa later iin our lives.” FFA page 2C PHOTOS BY JAKOB KOUNKEL
Foley senior FFA member Luke Gadacz works with soil in the classroom of Al Stemper, teacher and FFA adviser, Feb. 11 at Foley High School in Foley. Gadacz is on the soils and land preservation team.
Spreaders •
(Above) Se Seniors of the Foley FFA chapter – Krystena Sopkowiak (front, from left), Lexi Olson, Danyel Brambrink, Gina Popp, Kaylee Jurek, and Megan Blank; (back, from left) Spencer Beauchamp, Luke Gadacz, Joey Gadacz, Michael Mi Gadacz and Alex Vait – stand in the shop where they learn FFA related material Feb. 11 at Foley High School in Foley. Many of them are looking to get into agriculture related fields. Not pictured are Jayden Baker, Bak Tyler Brambrink, Haley Evenson, Spencer Garcia, Leighton Lei Hackett, Michael Moulzolf, Davin Novak, Hun Hunter Olson, Ryan Schefers, Hunter Schrader, Alex Szfranski and Rayann Young. Riley Swanson, Swans
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SAUK RAPIDS – If growers said, “Set it and forget it,” after the 2020 harvest, it might be time to take a look at corn and soybean markets. If not for now, for later. The prices of corn and soybean have jumped from one year ago. Corn hovers around $5 per bushel and soybean has breached $13. “Cash prices were probably about $3.30, so we’re close to $2 higher for corn,” said Nathan Hulinsky of the 12-month price difference. “It’s a really substantial increase.” Hulinsky is a University of Minnesota Extension Educator specializing in ag business management. He said Minnesota growers have not seen this high of corn and soybean prices since the 2012-13 season when the country’s Corn Belt suffered a major drought and ethanol production was on the rise. At that time, grain demand exceeded supply. So, what is contributing to this year’s surge? Hulinsky said one of the greatest influences is China. The country is buying a large amount of grain from the United States. In late January, China made the second-largest daily purchase of corn in U.S. history. One reason for China’s uptick in imports is likely the Phase One agreement signed Jan. 15, 2020. Under the pact, China agreed to purchase an additional $52 billion of U.S. agricultural commodities over a 2017 baseline for the period of 2020 and 2021. “It was a substantial increase,” Hulinsky said. “They’re not quite to that goal, but these purchases are putting them closer.”
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